I lJLOOiMSBUUQ, PA. Friday, Jul y 0, 187 0. Notice. At n meeting of tlio Democratic State Committee, In llnrrlsbtirg, March 4, 1875, the following resolution wai adopted, viz. : Thattho nott Democratic Stato Convention, for tho purposoot nominating candidate; for Oovpinor nnd fcbuo Troisuivr, bo held at tlio city of l-.rlo, on Wednesday, tho MU "lay of September, 1575, at noon. Tho Convention will consist of the usual number of delegates, viz: ono delegate, for each member of tho Senato mid Home of Kcproscntativcs. JOHN JIIIjLKU, Chairman. Yellow fever prevails In towns along the coast of Florida. Tlio Democrats of Maryland havo mini! iialcd John Leo Carroll, a great grand son of "Charles Carroll of Carrollton" for Governor of that folate. The temperance party havo put in tho field a full county ticket in Lu.crno county, nnd pledged themselves to tho support of llrown and l'cnnypackcr. It is supposed tho Ashland Havings hank will loso about $10,(1110 by its defaulting cashier. His whereabouts are still unknown. Tho stockholders, it is slated, will pay all Indebtedness. In Montour county there aro eight broth cm whoso aggregate height is forty-nine foel nine Indies nnd a half. D.uiphiu can beat that for high. A family of eight in East Hanover township average six feet and half. I'llriot. Duncan. Sherman & Co.. a heavy firm of New York brokers, have failed. Liabilities about six millions of dollars. This failure is second in importance only to that of Jay Cooko & Co. in September, 1874, and will no doubt drag down many other firms and in terests with it. Park, Democrat, was declared elected to tlio Legislature in Venango county last fall by amnjorityjof one. His election was contest ed in court by his opponent. After ntcui oils nnd expensive investigation tho court has decided Park elected by a majority of nine. They had a boat race on a small lake near Minueoua a few days ago. I'eter Her die, Senator Davis, and Editor Dealy of tho Philadelphia Chronicle, were tho champions. Ilerdic came out first nnd tho editor last. Tlio race was awarded to the hindmost, it having been ascertained that his boat had been blocked. Our readers wcro no doubt impressed by tho beauty of the introductory chapter of tho original allegory published by us last win ter, under tho titlo of "Angel Sleep and Angel Death." It is now continued and will bo for several issues. It will grow in inter est as it proceeds, and is of a class of read' ing that will commend itself to thinkers. Tho Federal Attorney General has given an opinion in tho famous Chorpening caso to the effect that tho Postmaster General is not authorized to pay any money on tho claim, that Chorpening may bring suit beforo tlio Court of Claims but that tho statute of limi tation intervenes, and that ho can only get the money from the Treasury by an act of Congress. The amount of tho claim is stat ed at fll5.010.C0. A number of Mormons aro now on trial for tho murder of a largo party of emigrants in 1857. Tho evidence against them appears to bo overwhelming. Tho murder was cold blooded and most shocking affair. Men, women and children wcro shot down in cold blood after surrendering. Of tho children those that wcro too young to tell tho talo were spared, and theso wero divided among tho Mormons. They probably do not now know their own origin. Lee, tho leader of tho murderers, now on trial, attempted to turn Statc8 evidence, and thus escape pun iahmcnt, but his tale was refujed. A party capable of holding to its princi pics, and of persistently resisting to tho ex tent of its ability tho encroachment of an unscrupulous governmental majority, mtox icated with power, and reckless of tiio public good, must command tho respect of man kind, even if it should err; but when obvi ously striving only for the right, and to fee euro to tho masses tho solid advantages of proper government, it impels the admiration even of many of its political opponents, This is tho position which tho Democratic party of tho United States now occupies. Ex, Isaac M. Singer, tho inventor of tho Singer sewing machine, died in London, on the 23d inst., aged 64 years. Although said to be the inventor, his machine was only an im provctnent upon tho Howe. Having failed in early life as an actor and theatrical man' ager, ho turned his attention to invention. His first effort resulted in the production of i a carving machine, which does not appear to have been n success. While visiting a me chanic's shop to contract for tho construction of this machine, his attention was called to certain defects in the Howe sewing machine, being constructed there, and ho at onco set to work to remedy them. In a week or two ho succeeded. As soon as his machines wero put in tho market, Howo brough suit against him for infringement. During the pendency of tho legal proceedings, it was discovered that it would bo shown on trial that the most important principle in tho sewing machine had been patented loug bo foro either Howo or Singer's invention, by gome obscure (perhaps dead) and unsuccess ful inventor. Howe, Singer and other pat entees and manufacturers of other machines then combined, dropped their suits, and over afterwards had an inserest in each other's machines and sales. Up to that time they had iiot acquired wide or general pop ularity. Singer commenced an energetic ttystcm of advertising, which acquainted tho public with their merits and brought them info general use. Tho profits of tho soveral patentees rolled up into millions, and it was hut recently that Mr. Singer gavo a newly married daughter u million of dollars as her marriage portion. For somo years past ho has been rosldimr in different European cities, his changed niodu of life consequent upon his largo fortuno having entailed bad health and finally brought early death upon him. In bono respects tho sewing machine has been of immense public advantage Tho great draw back upon it is that it has so largely added to tho extravagance of female attire, and given riso to Mich distorted forms of dreos as to excite general ridlculo and somo iliigust. The Stato Treasury. As n part of tho history of tho times wo lint tho opinion of tho Attorney (leneral of tho State, showing that tho Hadleats havo so legislated that tho Stato Treasurer Is no onger required to mako a monthly ulato- mentof tho condition of tho Sinking I'liuil :md where it isdepodtcd, as had formerly iceii rendered necessary by a wholesome and honest law, nnd that tho Auditor Octicra! Is ibuMUtely debarred by law from inquiring into ill Tho legislation to shield tho fund from examination was enacted at tho session of 1874, by the most corrupt and base LeyMa live body that ever assembled in thi Common- wealth, or in any other, unless, possibly, it is equaled or exceeded by somo of tlio negro' carpet-bag Legislatures of tho Southern States. Under tho existing laws, therefore, and by the connivance of Got; Jlartranft, over two millions of dollars of tho peoplo's money paid by hard taxation is locked up in tho brcceliM pocket of Mr. Hob. Mackcy, upon which ho may nnd no doubt docs draw interest to his personal advantage, whilo tho Stato bonds (which this money should promptly redeem) aro left to draw interest which must bo paid by tho people. Outrage is a mild term for this Kail leal buc caneering transaction it is a gross fraud upon tho people, perpetrated over tho signa ture of John Hartranft direct robbery 1 Is there no remedy ? Auditor General Temple is yet Commissioner of tho Sinking I'timl. When tho board again mccta (in a few davs now) let him demand that every lollar in tho Sinking Fund shall bo at once used in redeeming Stato bonds. Ho can make the demand let tlio twodtadical Com missioners refuso or neglect if they dare. Tliero will be timo between this and tho election to expoo them and to fix the prop- r responsibility upon Gov. Hartranft. Under these circumstances it is not at all singular that Treasurer Mackcy publishes monthly statements, over his alhdavit, that there aro millions in tho Sinking Fund, but only contemptible sums ranging from less than two to thirty dollars in the Stato Treas ury applicable to tho payment of current ex penses and appropriations. Hut why aretho millions kept in tlio Sinking Fund, if there, instead of redeeming interest-hearing bonds with them ? No earthly reason can be as signed for such action other than tho per sonal purpose or profit of tho Stato Treasur er I And it was to enable him, his partners nnd'his party, to profit by tlio interest on millions of the pcoplo s money that Ciov. Hartranft approved tho legislation dctai led by tho Attorney General 1 Spccio Payments, lirokors, anil Subsidized City Organs. The efforts of tho broker-subsidized city press to mako a political touch-stono out of the financial muddle are absurd and must ut terly fail. Hut for tho good sense and integ rity of tlio pcoplo theso metropolitan dicta torial broker-organs would havo produced repudiation long ago by their iusancdemauds. Every body is in favor of specie payments and resumption will be effected when honest and economical administration enables the government to receive greenbacks in pay ment of duties upon imports and to pay its current expenses in coin, or its equivalent, and not before. The idea of gold or silver circulating as currency whilo tho country is flooded with millions upon millions of irrc- dccmablo government notes, or notes secured by government bonds and not redeemable in cash, is simply an extremo absurdity. No matter what opinions any body' holds about the ability to resume, the propriety, or timo or manner of resumption, it is quito sure it cannot occur umil tho government passes into tho hands of honest and ccononi' ical agents, who will not permit tho expend! lure of ono dollar except for necessary pur poses, who will promptly and honestly collect all the revenue and apply it to its proper pur poses, and who will reduce Stato and Feder al expenditure fully one-half, and will h restrain municipal expenditure and taxation as to relieve tlio private citizen of tlio great burdens that now rest upon every one. Ai to a statesman's opinion whether spccio pay. mcnt can ho reached in 1S7!), or a year ear lier or somewhat later, affecting his party standing, it is sheer nonsense, scarcely less lacking in senso than that a mild contraction of non-interest bearing currency will effect or a prodigious expansion of bank issues will promote it. From Washington. Attorney General Picrrepouthas at length succeeded in compelling Judge Fisher, tho district attorney for tlio capital, and hisdepu ties, tovacato their offices. Tlio Itadicals call tills compulsion resignation making tlio form contradict the facts. Rascally practices and incompetency are tho principal causes, General Grant has long been trying to drive tlio Secretary of tho Interior, Colum bus Delano, into a resignation, without ex posing tho fact to tho public, but Delano "sticks," begging and cringing spaniel like and will scarcely go until literally kicked out Grant don't read Delano's letters and tho lat ter thoreforo resorts to telegraphic do, patches in tho papers to get his pleas beforo tlio President. Ilo is a low dog, too fawning to bo kicked with satisfaction. Secretary Hristow is literally filling tlio dockets of western Federal courts witli in dictmcnts against distillers, rectifiers and other dealers in whisky, and revenuo collec tors, assessors, guagcrs, deputies, clerks an other officials who conspired with thorn to defraud tho Kovemment Ho refuses all compromises and declares that tlio prosecu tions must bo carried on to tho end. If so. there will be a hopeful set of Itadicals in tl penitentiaries before tho next Presidential election A movement is on foot to invite tho cyan gelists Moody and Sankey to Washington A cood idace for evangelists to flourish if clootio has not too securo a hold. liViuli Law in Sullivan. Wo learn from tlio Sullivan county papers that a caso of lynching occurred at Onshore on Saturday night of hist week. H. S. Su dam, a merchant, was accused of making improper ndvanccs to young girls who visit ed his store, but ho was otherwise an inoffen sive man. He had been ordered to leavo tho nlaco by a notico pasted on tho door of his store, and verbally. On Saturday night ho was engaged until lato packing his goodi Whilo proceeding to tho hotel where he boarded, ho was knocked down, beaten and thrown into I.oyalsock creek. Tho water was not dcen enough to drown him. mid ills groans attracting; attention, ho was rescued Ho was still alive at last accounts, but could glvo little account of tho occurrence. Ho was from Hlnghainton, New York, and about 50 years of age, Tho lynchers aro wippo cd to bo known. ThoKrio Observer states that Mr, Ilawle, tho Uadical nominee for Stato Treasurer, confidentially assures Democrats that ho "not much of n Republican," That may bo, as ho was not known to bo n Republican at all until tho Treasury ring took him up as their candidate for Treasurer. When ho was n chain carrier on tlioSunbury and Erlo railroad ho was a Democrat, professedly at least. His Republicanism certainly dates sluco tho war. THE COLUMBIAN AND A "flood dovernor." Gov, Hartranft, his political supporters ay, inn mado a "good Governor." Let us seo what constitutes a "good Governor," ac cording to tho notion of theso Radical poli ticians. When Hartranft wis elected thcro was a oud cry about llin "Evan's loal." A large sum of money dun to tho Stato from tlio 'Vderal government had been collected and pocketed by an nppoiuteo of Governor Geary and his cimfeiloiiiles. What has Hartranft done towards tho recovery of this ill-gotten plunder? Poor Evans was hunted own to tho grave, hut thoso who used him as their tool aro Mill at largo enjoying in perfect security tho fruits of their consplra- So far as tho public havo any means of knowing, Gov. Hartranft has never troubled himself to make an effort to bring them to usticc. Tho loss to tho Slate by this one transaction is over two hundred thousand dollars. If Hartranft has made a "good Governor," hy is it that ho lias done nothing in behalf f tho peoplo in regard to tho management f tho Stato Treasury? Everybody who is conversant with tho affairs of Pennsylvania awaro that for many years rumors have been alloat of illegal transactions in the I'reatury Department. Tho sudden growth u wealth of nil who have been elected to the charge is widely known. Tho truth of icso reports is so well established that no person in tlio Stato pretends to deny them. riieso practices havo gono on and are going on daily right under tho nmo of tho Oovcni- Ilashoevcr tried to stop them? Has id ever sent a mcssngo to tho Legislature ailing its attention to them ? Has he ever roposcd an investigation, or used Ills power chief Executive to inquire into theso !ibues? In the Governor's last message ho very ap propriately referred to tho panic and the Bufferings of the people in consequence. We believe ho did, also, havo something to say iliout tho virtues of public and private econ omy. Precept is good, nut practice is belter. ho records will bear us out in the assertion that Gov. HartranlVs administration has been thcmo.it coity in the history of the Mate, and a largo sharo of tho extra expense is in that department of the Government which falls under his iniincdiato control. Whore is tho evidence that he has mado any earnest effort to reduce tho cost of governing the Stato to a figure corresponding with tho less ened ability of tho pcoplo to pay taxes ? His pretended sympathy with tlio misfortunes of is fellow citizens lias never taken tho shape f an offer to throw oil' a portion of his sal ary, which is nearly treble that of any pro- ious Governor. Serious as these indictments are, all three f them combined aro trifling as compared with Gov. Hartranft's cottrso rclativo to the new Constitution. The whole public are fa- liliar with tho looseness nnd corruption which prevailed in tho Legislature a few ears ago. They became so glaring and dious that tho people roso with ono accord and demanded their suppression. Tlio evil was cured as far as legal measures can effect thy the adoption of the new Constitution an instrument which coincided so fully with tho wishes of tlio people that they endorsed by a voto which amounted to practical unanimity. Where did Governor Hartranft tand in tho struggle which ended m tho adoption of tlio Constitution ? His personal acts and influence tho labors and influence f his creatures and political associates was against this great measure of reform, which the people wcro nearly a unit in favor of. The new Constitution lias dono much towards purifying tho atmosphere around Harrisburg, but no thanks to Gov. Hart ranft. A "good Governor!" Pshaw! In what espect, pray tell us? What great measure of reform has ho effected ? What rings has ho broken what corruption checked? What has lie dono towards bringing matters back to the economical standard of years ago ? Where is there a measure of his Administra tion that rises abovo tlio dead level of medi ocrity? Going into tho ollico under a heavy cloud, he has not dono quite as bad as lie might havo dono and (hat is about all that can bo said for him. Eric Observer. The gravo question now being discussed by tho sensational press of the cities is whether Gen. Grant's grand-son born July 11, can ever become President, as the Con stitution prohibits any but nativo born citi zens from being elected to that elevated po sition. The urchin in question was born in New Jersey but his father is a biibjcct of Great Hritam and his mother was sojourning temporarily in tho United .Stales. Wo do not think it necessary for tlio public i be much exercised about tho question just now. If city editorial brains can do nothing better than grind out flatulent diatribes about Gcu, Grant taking an airing at a pleasant sea shore, instead of roasting alivo among the musquitocs nnd malarious atmosphere- of Washington city, or getting off stupid wit about him being raised to tho not uncommon dignity of a grandfather, they would servo their readers by drying up. About here, at least, grand fathers aro a very common af fair and babies aro too plentiful for tiny to become subjects of interesting newspaper discussion. They aro all nlco little feuckcrs but too common to command remarkable public attention. Ex-Senator James A. liayard, of Dela ware, thinks "tliero is no question as worthy of the attention of tho public mind lu-day as tho question of corruption. It must-be met, and met speedily, too, if wo aro at all deter mined to preserve the institutions founded by our fathers." In regard to tho third term, tho Ex-Senator declares that everything de pends upon tlio fall elections of this year, "Should they go against tho administration," ho says, "you will hear no more of tho Third Term j but if they should go othcrwiso, take my word for it General Grant will lose no opportunity in drawing comfort from it, and you will seo him tho Republican candidate for tho Presidency next year. Russel Errett has been appointed chief or ganizer in this State. Wo notice that tho radical Stato and sub-commlttccs aro mado up almost exclusively of thoso who opposei tho adoption of tho new constitution. Tho peoplo of Pennsylvania should remember that these men have pledged themselves to cmasculata and destroy tho instrument at tlio first opportunity and restore tlio old re gimo of tho ring. If they would havo protec tion against this ring they must vote against it this m.J'itMiiry VW. Tiik Statu Sr.NATi:. Eleven Stato Senat ors go out this year, and tliero is also a va cancy in tho Clearfield district, caused by tlio resignation of Hon, Win. A. Wallace Of these twelve places tho Republicans held eight and the Democrats four. Democrats will beyond doubt bo elected to fill thoDcm ocrallc vacancies, and there is a strong pro-.- pect of electing u Democrat in tho Clarion district, to succeed Senator McClay, and ono in tlu) Cambria and Hlalr District, to succeed Senator Lemon. A gain of four mora districts will glvo tho control of tho Senate to tho Democrat. Jut, DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, Till: STATU TUEASUKY. Tho Andtlor Oenprn.il not AnllmrNr-ri to lie- . qui ro a Statement of tlio Sinking l'liiul. AiintTon OnNr.uAL'fl Omen. ItAiiuis- mind, Juno 20, 1875. lion, titmutl E. Dim mick, Attorney General rf Pennsylvania Dr.Aii Him Tho 10th section of mi act en titled an act supplementary to tho sctcrnl acts rclativo to tho Stato Treasurer ami to the commissioners of tho Hinklng fund, np- roved At.r 1.1. 1870. (seo P. h. n. 07) de- lares "that It shall ho tho duty of tho State Treasurer,o;i the first Monday vit every month, to mako a report to tho Auditor General, giving in detail the different sums which go to make up tlio grand total oi mo amount that day In tho Stato Treasury, includina the amount in the tinting fund as well as moneys not applicable to that fund, nnd giving too amount deposited with each banker, etc., which statement shall ho mado under oath or affirmation and shall bo recorded In a book opt for that purpose in tho Auditor Gener al's ofiico and shall bo open for inspection ot tlio Uoveriinr, Heads ol departments, members of the Legislature, or any citizen of tho State deslrinir to inspect tho same." Tho 8th section of an act supplementary to tho several acts t dating to tho Stato Treasu rer and to the commissioners of tho sinking fund, npproed May !', laid, (I'. L. JSi) rc- ptlres mat "tlio iatc Treasurer on inoyi 'intinrti day of each mouth shall render a statement of account to the Auditor General, giving in detail the amount on that day in the elate l reastirv, ccciurtve oj moneys ap- iroiiriittcd to the sintiny fund, the said state ment to givo names of hanks or persona with whom the nioiicysaro deposited, and to bo recorded and open for inspection as in the caso of the report required by act of April 13, 1S70. Tho act of 1S74 contains no re- icallng claiifo whatever, and tlio question winch 1 desire to submit to your considera tion is this: Docs tlto 8th section of tho act of 1874 repeal tho 10th section of tho act of 1870, or ought I to require from tlio Stato Treasurer on tho first Monday of every month a report of the moneys In the Treas ury, includinythc amount in the sintiny fund t Hy giving mo your opinion upon this point you will confer a favor on you rs very respect- lullv, .1. J'. Tr.Mi'l.r:, Aiidilor uenerai. Commonwealth or 1'i:.nnsyi.va.nia, Of ficii op Ati-oiinky tii:.s-i:iiAi,, IIAUKIS- ninui, July 10, 1875. To lion. .. F. 'leniplc, luililor General bin : In answer to your nquiry in regard to tlio duty of tint Stato freasiiier to make report to tho Auditor General of tho investment of moneys he- onging to tho sinking und, I respccttully uli in i L the following opinion : Section IV of articlo XI, of tho Constitu tion of 1838 created a sinking fund for the redemption of the public debt, did not namo the depositary of tlio fund, nor provide for statements of its amounts or tho places of ts deposit or ol the manner oy wlncli it was secured. Various acts ot Assembly prior to 13th April, 1870, provided that the Stato Treasurer. Auditor General and Secretary of tlio Commonwealth should reeeivo the reve nues designated therein and with them re deem tho evidences of Stato indebtedness. They wcro tho custodians of this portion of tho public money, and charged with the duty of making proper reports to tho Legis lature, and of keeping records for inspection. The act of 13th April, 1S70, changed their relationship to the fund. It directed tlio State Treasurer to give security to the. Com monwealth in the sum of 500.000, and re quired him to keep two ledgers, called re spectively tho "General Revenue Ledger" and tlio "sinning j-unu j.cugcr, ami "to causo all moneys received from revenues be longing to the sinking fund to bo credited on tho day of their receipt to the commissioners of the sinking fund, in tlio said sinking fund ledccr." and upon tho first business day of each month, to mako and deliver to tho commissioners ol the sinking lunda ccr- ificato under his hand and teal of ollicc. showing the balance duo them on b.iid sink- nir fund ledirer for tho preceding month. Tno commissioners of tlio sinking fund are still charged with tho duty of a faithful ap propriation ol the mud, ol Keeping public records ot the condition ot mat portion oi tho money of tho Commonwealth and of making reports to tho Legislature. They were no loncer tho recipients of tlio revenuo set asido for tho redemption of tlio State debt. TliCfC wero directed to bo paid into tho Stato Treasury. Iho 10th section of tho ict of 1870 provided inter alia that "it shall bo tho the duty of tlio Stato Treasurer on tho first Monday of each month, to make a report to tho Auditor General giving in de- ul the different sums which jro to mako up the grand total of tho amount on that day in the Stato Treasury, including the amount n tlio sinking lund,and giving tno amount leposited with each bank or other corpora tion, firm or individual, or in tho vault, giv ing tho name of Mich bank or other corpora tion, firm or individual," etc. liio present Constitution came next in order ot time, it provided lor tlio inviolability of tho sinking fund, directed that all moneys over and above tho necessary reserve should bo Used to pay tlio Stato debt cither directly or through the sinkine fund, and that they should never be invested in or loaned upon tlio t-ccurity oi .i.i i .1., ..I' .1.., 1T..!,.1 vuviuiiiu c.xccpi luu uuimi ui uiu uiuitu States or of thisState. Section lii of articlo IX. dec arcs that ' tho moneys held as neces sary reserve shall bo limited by law to tho amount lequireu lor current expenses, ami shall bo secured and kept as may ho provided by law. Monthly statements shall bo pub lished, showing tho amount of such moneys, where tho same are deposited, and how se cured." It is clear that these "monthly statements" embraco merely tho "necessary reserve," and do not extend to and liieiudo tho moneys bclonginc to tlio Kinking fund. On tho 0th of May, 1S74, tho Legislature passed an act entitled' an act supplementary to tho seveial acts relating to tho Stato Treasury and to tho commissioner of the sinking luiui," Aitiiougii tins act uicki repealing claiuo vet a comparison of it with tho act of ll!th April, 1870, will show that in many respects, which need not uo in stanced, tho earlier act is supplied and su perseded. It will, however, bo observed, that the act of 1870 designated tho "first Monday of every month" as tho timo when tho Stato Treasurer should mako his reports to the Auditor uenerai, hut that tho act ot 1874 mado a change in this respect, and di rected that tho report should be mado on tho "first business day of eaeli month." It is trim thcro can never bo a wide dillereuco in point of time between these periods, but it is eouallv tiuo that an alteration in tills respect was lntenucu by tno Legislature, a chango has also been mado by the General Assembly in tlio reports that tho State lieas iircr is compelled to mako to tno Auditor General. Tho act of 13th April, 1870, re quired that his report to yourself should in- elm o tho amount in no sinking num. ccc tiou eight of act of Utli -May, 1874, directed that his statement of account to yourself should be "exelusivo of moneys appropria ted to the sinking fund." This latter sec tion repeats, except in that respect, tho lan guage of tho act of 1870, and by tlio fullness mm extent oi tin provisions suunn unit u.s difference from the act of 1870 was inten tional and with tho purpose of introducing a new rule upon this subject, The 8th bec- .! P .1., ..... ..c sr.... , OS" 1 ,1. iiou ui iuu act ui iiJ, ion, uiuiuiuii:, iu peals, In my judgment, that portion of sec tion ten of act of 13th of April, 1870, which requires the Stato Treasurer to report to tho Auditor General tlio amount of money 111 the sinking fund and tlio method of Its in vestment. You aro therefore respectfully advised that, in my opinion, tlio Stato Treasurer is not compelled to mako such report to your self, and that you are nut authorised to re quire it. Very respectfully your obedient servant, Samuix E. Dimmick, Attorney Gcii'I. Tall SirriuiPi of hying In criticising an address just issued by Mr, Chairman lloyt of tho Republican Stato committee, tho Harrisburg J'alriol says "ho overstates tlio Stato debt in 1801 hy moro than thirteen millions of dollars, and ho ov erstates tho reduction accomplished by Rad ical fiiiaucicilng by five .millions of dollars. Mr. Hoytl Mr. Iloyt I this is n bail com mencement. Tlio Stato debt lu 1800 was on ly 37,,JGD18 17.50 and there was in tho sink Ing fund 10,981,000, which leaves a total 01-0,088,817.60. Where certainty is mi well assured and so easy of access it is best to bo accurate, An official address to three millions of pcoplo ought not to be disfigured by palpable misrepresentation. A tacit ad mission that tho truth Is to bo discarded at tho outset of a campaign is equivalent to an acknowledgment of deserved defeat." Tin: CAMi'AioN in oino Speci lii's of (lovcrnor Allen nnd (I. II. IViidleloii Gai.upomm, Ohio, July 21. Tho first meeting of tlio campaign was held hero to- lay. A number of speakers wcro present. Governor Allen said: Tlio Ik-publican party ts responsible for tho currency now in circulation. As It has been issued by that parly It dmin not now be come Republicans to call It "rag money" or to call lor contraction. They tiro clamoring now for speelo payments J but a plccoof gold or n plccu of metal docs not bceoino money until tho public authority lias stamped It as money nud dcclnred it to bo money. So tho government of tho United Stales, being a rovernmeiit ol good standing and sound ere llt, might just as well stamp a plcco of pn icr for money, nnd said paper Is then, to all Intents and purposes, cntiivalcnt to a silver dollar. If specie payments aro a cood tiling, tho Republicans arc responsible for their post ponement. They put them oil, hecausothey knew a presidential election would havo to occur before four years, and they knew if tltey undertook to lorco spccio payments bo foro that election, fhoy would bo utterly ru ined with tho American people. They knew that an attempt to force that act would spread bankruptcy and ruin throughout the land, l Hero is a great ileal ol money locked up, and not borrowed and put into use, for men havo the threat of tho specie payment act right beforo them, and will not borrow money worth only 80 cents on tho dollar, with tlio prospect of having to repay it in a year or two at tho rate of 100 cents on the lollar. That would have tho effect to break down every business man who borrows mon ey. Tlio resumption of specie payments by a retrospective act that would embrace all existing contracts would bo an outrnge, an infamy, and an absoluto impossibility short of a revolution. Mr. Pendleton discussed tho platform con- orally: upon tho financial plank ho said it had been misrepresented. It called for a currency equal to tho wants of trade, and that ho claimed, was n fitting measure for tho voliimo of currency. Every issue of gov ernment paper, whether legal tender or not,; every restricted banking system, has been an effort to mako and keep a currency equal, according to the judgment of tho govern ment, to the wants of the trade. So with every free banking system. Tlio Democrats do not favor a depreciated currency. Ho thought ho interpreted tiio opinion "of tho party and tho platform when ho declared they wero in favor of coin as tho basis of currency; that a paper currency should bo 1'onvcrtiblo into coin at par; that tho paity desire a return to spccio payments as speedi ly as tho interests of labor and business will permit; that wo would bo glad to return im mediately ll honor and good laith and jus tice would permit and it wero possible. Tlio Democratic party is not now, and nev er has been, in favor ol repudiation in any lorm. Wo do believe it our highest duty to fulfill all our country's obligations accord ing to tho spirit and letter of our promise. Wo are not now and never have been in fa vor of a volume ot currency, changing, fluc tuating according to tho whims of parties or the intcrevts of bankers or tho demands of reckless speculators; but sullicient for tho easy, active, economical and profitable inter change of commodities and as fixed and sta ble as tho nature of tho caso will allow, and so long as we must have a government pa per currency wo prefer greenbacks, which are sound and cheap and good, to tho na tional bank notes, which at tho outset cost the people six per cent and aro at last only redeemable in greenbacks, jiq conlessed there were defects and dangers in this coin basis system ; that the superstructure of pa per was larger than tho foundation of coin nnd that as the superstructure grows higher it grows wider and larger, lint ho would not discuss to-day tlio merits of various kinds of currency. The present necessities de mand relief that should bo promptly furnish ed. Ho repeated that he was a hard money man, that a return to spccio payments should bo kept steadily in view in legislation and action, and that wise statesmanship will seek the means of reconciling such return wan tlio true interests ol labor ami business and j ustico to the debtor. Resumption can not bo forced. It must bo tho proper out growth of surrounding healthy conditions or it will be neither beneficial nor permanent. When in Congress ho voted against tho le gal tender act, believing the law unconstitu tional and the policy unwise. As tlio poli cy had bceoino interwoven with our system of finance and trade ho would seek all the good ho could find in it. Ho would not abandon specie payments, hut he would not rush ruthlessly back to specie payments over tho prostration of all business and tho ruin of the debtor. Tho Democrats established the sub-treasury system, and tlio government, in lSlil, paid nothing but gold and silver. A Repub lican congress passed the bond act, tho legal tender act, and the national bank act; gold and silver ceased to circulate, and in 1S05 tho various issues of paper money had reach ed an enormous sum. Then commenced tho Republican system of finance contract tlio currency, and, if necessary to this end, in crcaso tho interest paying debt and con traction has been steadily going on. With the decrcaso in tho currency there has been a decline in tho prosperity and happiness of the country, until now wo aro confronted witli a condition of allairs which all feel too keenly to make description necessary. To-day tliero is more property for sale on execution by the sheriffs of Ohio Hum over before. Gold and paper stand to-day at a dillereuco of fourteen per cent ; a year ago tlio difference was ten per cent. Republi cans claim contraction as a remedy for these tilings. Congress has passed a law declar ing that resumption shall take place in Jan uary, 1870, and tip) treasury is preparing for this by buying gold and silver, Every dollar of gold purchased with bonds for tho redemption of greenbacks adds to the annu al interest. It is tho old story of funding a debt which pays no interest. Tlio Demo cratic party points to a middle path as tho way to safety. Abandon this policy of con traction, stop tinkering with tlio currency, stoi) this effort at forcing resumption, givo stahilhy for a time, givo business a moment to revive, promote industry and production, stimulato enterprise by the prospect of gain ; labor more and spend less. Tho great want of tlio country is an entire freedom for labor. a removal of every obstacle, tho presence of every aid. Now that nothing more i-i to bo accomplish ed by soliciting the aid of tlio prohibitionists tlio republican journals havo adopted asud- den conservatism ot sentiment as to tho en forcement of sumptuary laws which is in sin gular contrast with their tone beforo tlio tem- peranco Stato Ticket was nominated. Whilo the prohibitionists were willing to voto tlio republican ticket, on the hazardous chnnco of republican good faith in forwarding their views, temperance legislation was considered practicable, but now they will havo nono of it. Tho Lancaster Examiner holds forth in this extraordinary stylo toward its lato nl lies: Tlio personal right to drink or not to drink and what? has never been separated, by even tho shrewdest economists, moralists or statesmen, from tho identical right locator not to eat, and wdint? tho right to bcliovo or not to believe, and what? Until such sep aration bo made, until attack" upon tno per sonal rlidit to drink can ho mado without impairment of other personal rights, and without doing vlolenco to ourentiro personal liberty code, it is purely farcical to suppose that prohibition can bceoino tho basin of n siicci'Hslul movement. www Tho man w ho attempts to shoot a thousand vai-ils with il nnii.L'ini or to ride to the moon on u spider web. has as clear u notion of agents fur a purpose, and means for an end, as ho who hecks to prescrlbo what shall bo drum: by an act ol legislation. Tho fornildahlo character of tho prohibi tion movement this year hius proved an cyo opener for more than tho Lancaster Jicamln tr,J'atriot, During tho last year it cost $10,000 less to run tho wholo Legislature than it did any year for tho last ten, And this great saving was effected notwithstanding tho number of members to tho Legislature is dotiblo what It was under tho cxtravagaiico of uncon trolled Republican rule. If Mich a saving has been effected by a Democratic House what will it bo when tlioSemito also becomes Democratic? Gtttysburg Ciimiiler, Fncts Worth Ueniemlicrlng. Wo tako from tho Pali hi tho following In tercstlngand Important facts showing tho ex. travag.tnco of Radical rule In this Slate, to which tho attention of tax-payers Is Invited, The following is a list of expenses for 1873, when tho Radicals ruled tho entire roast: i'IitK nti.l asutslnnt t'Utks Trntin-ilhlnij cli-rks ; tiirjcciint.nt.nrms.iloorkcoper, and I"' wuirers " I 'an cis nnd folilfrs - itonliiilJcntexpoVsesV'VtnVnticry fuel, i.i- lmr, cts- Mlwllnneotis expenses iltirlritf recess clone to Hpe.iltcr Librarian ( lork lo Commutes of Wajs anil Mentis.... Postmaster Assistant Insl master sinvrlnteiutcntKOt rofit. rooms Marshal of rolumm Fireman, ciik'lnocr and jaullor Cliaplala . V!21.no J.SI5.W U.sT.i.tO l.-i,i.M.no Vi.VI.li0 S,B01.01 1,l6S.tlO 1,(HKI.U0 s,wi II l 63n.no 87.1.CKI MUD l,1f.-J.M esi.w ,KM. fs;,w,s.to Tor tho same expenses In 1874, as is shown by the Auditor General's report for that year, tho Stato paid $07,503.50. l'or tlio sanio expenses in 1875, the ac counts in the Auditor General's otlico show the Stale paid $45,531.73. Tlicso comparative expenditures were pub lished in order to acquaint the pcoplo of the State with tlio fact that notwithstanding tho increased number of tlio members of the lower branch of tho Legislature, thcro had been a decrease in running expenses of $40, 000 r.s compared with 1873, and $20,000 as compared with 1S74. The Harrisburg Tdeyraph, with a dishon esty and audacity which exceeds belief, at tempts to parry tlio effects of theso truthful figures by parading statements which cover the partial expenses of both houses but entirely omit tlio item of salaries paid to cm ployces. And it has succeeded in palming its figures off upon several Radical newspa pers. It will be observed that our statement is confined to those matters wherein tho Houso could institute economy. There aro other directions whero tho pruning knife will fall with still greater advantage to tho people of Pennsylvania, when tho Democratio House is reinforced with a Democratic Senate and Executive. In tlio last year of Democratic administration in this State $150,000 was appropriated to pay tho expenses of the Leg islaturc, Including "tlio pay and mileage of the members, clerks and officers, and the amount authorized hy law for stationery, newspapers and lights." In 1S73 Republi can rapacity had run thotst of legislation up to $389,820.23, and in 1874 it leached $435,092.S!! Tlio sum that in 1830 was suf ficient to pay members, clerks and ollicers, and furnish them witli stationery, newspa pcrs and lsgbts, in 18711 would hardly mora than pay clerk biro and stationery bills I If it wasn't for tho fact that somebody elso than murderers aro always sufferers, it wouldn't be a bad thing to havo hangings of such pcoplo every year. It is a rare thing to hear of a hanging tho subject of which does not express entire faitli in tho idea that he will bo carried straight away to the happy land. If thoso same fellows wcro allowed to die a natural death, it is moro than probable that not ouo in a score would strike out for tho golden shore with tho slightest hopes of reaching it. Tlio halter is a wonderful persuader to repentance. 1 1 brings its victims to contrition at once, and sends them off rejoicing. Whether this re- pentanco is genuine or assumed, wdio shall say? Somo havo faith in it, somo havo not A man who was about to bo flanged in Alabama sang, as he stood with tlio noose about his neck, "Oh, tlio bright angels are waiting for me." Whereupon tlio local edi tor fiendishly wrote, "And then tho angels stirred up tlio firo and looked brighter. That editor had not faith equal to grain of mustard seed. Ei: Excerpts and News items from Kxclianges, Was tliero ever a more outrageous assumption than the pesent position of the Stale Trea-tirc tiiat the people who pay their money into 111 Treasury shall not know where it is deposited With a constant surplus in the Treasury i over ono million dollars for twelve years, there is no credit to the Stale for a dollar of inter What greater right kis the Stale TieaMircr to appropriate interest accruing on moneys in the sinking fund than interest on the railroad bond belonging to the sanio fund? The Labor Reformers of Ohio will vote for Allen and Carey. Their organs advise lliem to do so, as no good for the country is to bo ex pected from tho Republican party, demoralized and played out as it is. Gov. Allen, of Ohio, in a letter to a gentleman of Louisiana, says: "We aro making the pre liminary fight in this Stato against most power ful combinations, hut we will triumph in Octo ber as we will in the Pieiduiitial race of next year." The last Congress, with a Republican majority of nearly two-thirds In each house, created om hundred and fifty new offices, ami appropriate over ono hundred and seventy-nine millions ci dollars. These figures seem almost incredible, yet they are strictly true. Could prodigality am: extravagance go further ? In Texas, tlio Legislature at its last session passed a license law forall trades or occupations which makes it a penal ofieiico for any one to pur sue any occupation, calling or profession, will out having first obtained a license. The object is partly for tho public protection and partly to raise a revenue. Gamblers, lottery agents, pro fessional politicians and pickpockets will havi reason to complain of this statute, or to resort to tho disguise of rcpectab!o occupations in order to covertly carry on their real ones. Tliero is no belter sign that the leaders of tli radical party aro verging upon despair tlia when tliey begin to remove their female clerk from ofiico at Washington. The Wyoming Democrat suggests to tliccrus.ul crs that Ihe best way lo diminish tbu eoiisuiiqi lion oi ueer is to invent a belter and eneapei drink. Can it be done? An unsuccessful candidate as ho walked awa fromo the last Republican State Convention cynically remarked, "Tho more I see of mm the heller I like dogs." liulcs oT Nomination. As Adopted by Ihe Convention, JKc. 2fl(A, 1870. I, Tho Annual County Convention shall lw held at Iho Court llouso lu Hloomsbuig, on tho becond Tuesday of August, at ono oelock, p. m., aud tho Helegatu flections shall bo held on tho Saturday be fore, nt tho plnco of holding tho general elections In tho several election districts, between tho hours of threu und seven o'clock lu tho afternoon, II, Tho repieseutntlon of districts In County Con vention bhall bo lu proportion lo tho Pcmocrntlo voto of each as cast at tho most recent election fur (lov crnor, but tho whole number of delegates shall not exceed bctcnty nor bo less than fifty-four, nnd no district shall bo allowed less than two nor moro than lourdelegutes. III, Until tho next election for Oovernor delegates shall bo allowed to districts iitn-n n ratio ot sixty vuters for u delegato, allowauce being mado for tho largest fractions of ratio, IV, Tho Standing Commltteo shall, whenever nec essary mako an apportionment of delegates to tho several dlstrlils under theso rules and publish II, with t'10 ruU's as amended, In Iho Democratic news papers of tho county, at l-'ast two wecksbeforo each annual contention. V, voters nt Delegato elections may glvo their votos to i smaller number of candidates than tho w holo number to bo elected, In tho manner protlded In Iho fourth section of tho lllooinsburg act of Ith of .March, IsTO, VI, Tho delegato eloctlons shall bo by ballot and fchall I ui held and conducted by a J udgu and clerk, to bo selected by tho Democrats In allendaucc, and tho saldofllcers shall keep a list of tok-rs and tally of votes counted, to bo sent by lliem to tho Contention w lib their certlllcato of tho result of tlio eloctton. VII, All cases ot disputes) boats la Convention bhall bo dlsposod of openly by a voto after hearing III respcctlt 0 claimants and their evidence. 1 . ... u .,lalrl.ld they represent. In caso of an nnsent "i may .Icrmto another. If ho fnlllo rto so Ms colleiwies in idtemlanco may substitute for Mm. In o her cose, tlio convention may nu iipinerei u .......v.. fromthoclllonsof tiioiiistriciuinueu.i.unu. IX Tlio voting In conventions shall lio open, ana any two membra may rcqulro tho yeas and nays on any quest ton i rending. ,. ,rv. i,v thoHtRtitllne Commute, tlio proceed- lugs ot which shall conform lo theso rules. A I. All comity nominations and all nppotntmrnM of'coatcreoa ami ot delegates to stato Conventions, shall bu mailo In County Conventions. XII. Tho stnnillng Comma too snan oiasn ,,i.P tr-m,, r,nrh election district, who shall bo locteil by tho pcoplo nt tho dclcgato elections, who Blinll cliouio their own chairman ! ami nnj mum theinMittUuoiiuiioriim.wiiei.caiiciiioKBuiei u, Chairman. " ,, , XIII. No member of tho Legislature nhall bo chosen by this comity no a Delegate to a Stato con entton during his term or omco. vii- irwi.niinii a innlority of all tho votes untimin.n necessary to a nomination, and no person named fchall bo peremptorily Btrtirk from Ihe list ot candidates until utter tho fourth voto, when tho lowest namo shall bo RtniCK on ana ach successive Voto until a nomination tunui fleeted. , XV. Del.-gnles Instructed by tlio voters who au- lectthem shall obey their Instructions lncomeu- tlon,aiidoU'SgUen by tliem in uoiauoum ...v.. Instructions shall bo disallowed by tho Convent Ion. All Instructions shall bo reported by tho election onlccrs.J This rule is repealed and suprlted by rulo Wlf. XVI. Conventions shall bo caneu louiwi iy Chairman of tho Standing Commtltce, oriniusnn unmiirpntnoMkr member thereof, who shall en tcrtalanmlimtbnoto motions for tho election ot a resident and two Secretaries for purposes oi iem nnr.lt-v nnrfint-1tlnn. vvti. No nersnu shall bo cltglblo to a nomination by a Convention who has opposed tho Democratic ticket at the next preceding election ; but this rulo shall apply oidy to cases ot opposition to tickets here after formed. XVIII. it shall bo n good caino or cnauengo nmlnst anv lwrson orrcruig 10 iouiuhuij ui-iugu"' Pieetinnthathohas voted against Democrat lo can- mantes nt l-'cderal or Ktato elections wiintn two years, or has opposed tho Democratio ticket at tho last nrecedlne election, or lias una-ii ur i.iko monev or other valuablothliig.ornny pecuniary advantage, 03 a consideration for his voto at such delegate election, or has corrupted or attempted to eormtit nnvtoter of tlio district with reference to tho samo i but this rulo shall apply only to causes ot challenge arising subsequent to Its nuopiion. XIX. If It shall bo in.ulo lo appear to tho satis, rneiinnot amalorlty ot a Comcntlon that any can didal beforo It for nomination to nny omco shall h.uo ottered or paid any money or valuable i lung, or mado any promise of money or aluab!o thing lo tnka effect lit future, as nn hidiieemont to any dcl cgato to voto for him; or tunny oilier person wnu uiu Mew of Inducing or securing Hie unesoi m-icgaio; or It tho samo shall bo done by any other lierson with the knoHledgo and approbation ot such can (Uil.ile. tho namo of sin-h candidate shall bo Im mediately struck from tho list of candidates ; or It such fact lw ascei tallied alter ins liominaiiou iu unj nniee iiTid before llin llnal adjournment, the nomi nation shalllM struck from tho ticket anil tno vacan cy supplied by a new nomination i and In either case such person shall bo lnellgliae to any iioiiiiii.muii oy a Com enlloii.or to election as a delegate.for a period of two years. XX. If any delegato shall reeeivo nny money or other valuable thing, or accept tno promise m mon ey or other valuable Ihlng. or nny pecuniary advan tage to bo paid, delhered or secured In future, eith er to himself or to nny other person fur him, from any candidate or oilier person forsueh candidate, as nn Inducement for ids vote, or under nny other pre text upon proof of tlio tact to tho satisfaction of a majority of tho Convention, such delegato shall bo forthwith expelled and shall not 1 received as a delegato to any future convention for a period of two years, and dining thai timo snauniso nu inengi blo for any party nomination. Cases arising under this ami tho next preceding rulo shall have pre eedence over nil other business In Contention until determined. XXI. Nono of these lilies shall Ik) altered or re scinded at a regular annual Cnmcnllnn, unless by voto of two thirds of all tho ilclegnles present. XXII. Candidates for nomination may bo voted for directly, nl Iho delegate elections, and shall re celvo delegato or district votes hi Convention In pro portion to their popular voto hi tlio several districts, upon tlio samo principle on which delegates aro electablo under the Mb rule. XXIII. No delegato to nny Convention hereafter shall bo entitled to a seat unless blseiedentlalsshow that ho Is luslruetcd for somo candidate fur tho va rious ofllces to bo Idled, as set out lu tho call for tho Contention. CANDIDATES. " We are authorised to announce tho follow ing candidates for tlio offices named, subject to Democratic rules : associate .iudoi:. O KO 110 13 SCOTT, Catawissa, ISAAC S. MOXROI3, Catawissa. viionioN'or.uiY, .u 1!. PRANK ZARR, lllooinsburg. ni:aisTi:it and ni:conii:it. W. 1L.TACOI1V, Itloomsburg, CYRUS ROISHIN'S, Kisliingcrcck, MORl)i:OAI .MILLARD, Centre, LI30XARI) KLINI3, Oreeuwood, v WU1T13 X. HOSTLER, l'ishingercek. Tr.i:A.suiii:i!. II. W. JIoRKYXOLDS, Hemlock, H. A. SWI31THXHISI3K, Centre. ISAIAH ItOWKR, Rcrwick, .I01IX LKGOOTT, Greenwood. COMMISSIOXr.il. DAVID S. III3LWIG, Locust, 1II3XRY OAItLK, Locust, SILAS W. MclIKXRY, Jackson, JOIIX 1IBRNJ3R, Locust, .1011X EXT, Scott. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DIVORCE NOTICE. runny K. Jenkins by her no.t friend William T. Slnunan vs. John S. Jenkins. In Hie Court ot Common Pleas of Cuhuntila county. Alias hiibpicua lu lit torco. To John S. Jenkins, Kcspondcnl : You will nleaso lako potlco that tlio Court lias or. dered publication lo bo made on yon to show eauso why a divorce, n tluculo matrimonii should not 1hi decreed In tlio nboto case. Writ rctiiiiKiblo on tho ursi .tionuay or sepieuiuer, A. u isjs. Personal sort leu hating failed because of your nb. senco. JllCHAr.b (lltoVuit. lllooinsburg, Aug. l.TSt blierim A Fortune For $1. Tho Wyoming Slnslo Number Lottery draws on t o l.'.th of each iiioiuh, nud tm.iHiu In cash Is paid In full lo ticket holders, Capital Piliolsu.iinii, second 1'rlo WO.OO0, Third 1'rlio f.'i.'oo. fourth, tir.oua, mm, ci".'"', riiii, f.iw.i, i-iu,clllll, Jl.u-J", J.llllll, fo.UiA', besides 00.220 smaller prUes. Tin: vintiiMi couniN'criov CVifcit'iiMtei ) Iittery draws on thusothof each month. Capital P1I.0 1V1.U11. Second l'rliu silium). Third, $20 mm, Fourth, tin.nn, be.siiles7750 smaller pnes, mo tuiuiu amounting m fnuxHS Paul oul ri'L'tilnr V nt each dniwlior. Tills Instltiiilnu Ui-li.ir. tered by bpccljl Act of iho U-glslnture, and super tlsed by tbu legal authorities at each drawing. 011I clal List of drawn numlx-rs sent by mall to ticket nomeis us siiuu us piuillMlcil, I ickcis ior i-iuier 1110 t each, six fur ts. 20 for $jo circulars sent free 10 uteri body, cualidnhig full particulars. Tickets sold up 10 uiu noiir or drawing. AM.L'N CO., 7'J Nassau St., Nkw Voiik, July 30,-3111 SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! rpiIE sulisciilicr idlers for salo Iho following iii-iuiiii-ii u-iii i-suiiu siiuuiu 111 jmmiouriowu Slilll. CulUlllbla count v. l'a.. onu niltn rrinu l-tituu lsii. threo miles from lllooinsburg and beten miles from j'.umuv , uuu iraci cumitimug 114 ACHES AND 30 PERCHES, adjoining lauds of Lewis Koth, heirs of Win. 0M llurloy, other lands described below, Andrews, Clark nod others, on which aro erected a tlood House, Darn and other out-bulldlngs, In good condition anu repair. Also ono other tract adjoining tho uboto do scribed tract. Wm. lioberts, Joserh Pry, Daniel Le van and others, containing 120 ACHES AND 121 PEItCIIES, Also ono tract of wood land containing POUTV ACItl.s, adjoining tho nbovo iiescrllied trai ls, U-wls Koth, John tt euter und William Huberts. 'Uiu above described properties will 1.0 boldhpu.ratolyasobotu desirllR'd, or Ihu whole lu 0110 tract If desired. It tho abot 0 property or uny pai t thereof bhall remain unsold until Thursday, September 9th, 1875, It will on that day bo put up nt publlohalo on tho Kuulses at 12 o'clock in. '1 ho abovo properties will bold on tho follow lug coiullltuns, cither ut private ur public balu Ten percent. ol Ihopuichaso monev in Iki paid nu tho day of bale, balanco of cno-lhlrU of tbu purchase money on tho llrst day of April A. D., 1S70, when possession will bu glten, Iho rimalu ing two-ihlrdsot thu purchase money tobobeciutd hy Iwnd nnd uioitcagu on Iho properly. ITU; Ttto-TIIIKlMfct iho puiihaso money bo sc. cured may, nt tho option of tho put chaser, remain liilhopiopertyfiouilhrcotublx tears. Inieieston bauiu to bo paid annually, W.M, NP.AL. Jamu K. IIveh, Auctioneer. Hloumsburg, July so, '76-ow SALE. A N Open lluggy, good ui new, will lio sold j.x. i ncap ior cusa. impure or W. II. l'OI'ST. jmy 10-iit,' in .- Agent at Depot, SALE. ON I', I lay 1 Sailer, Rood us new, l'or Palo hy (1. M. IIAKIUf. Tiill nrnililri.tiu Mm nt ' I ur address him at lfyiy, OUiy IO-4V" Via, All delegates init3t resiuo m uiu ,..- HSS0MITI0N OF IMRTNKRSIIIp. 7VTOTI013 IS 1IKREI1Y OIVION' TItT t 1 hntnlhls day withdrawn from the nrm horn under tlio firm nnmo of tsllAI-l i-n n,,!? TIT, in Iho town of Lspy, l'a., nnd tho fal.lnrm , hercbi dissolved. . , WILLIAM H1IA1TI It i:spy,ra.,.lii!ys.id,ls75. "4'J' A UhlTOR'S NOTICE. KsrATK oi' i'Stkti untiittART, i.atr or urivpK j I ., , ui.i-Jiiii. ..in s . , it.. In the Orphan's Omit of IMtmlna 0,u'y, Tho undersigned, Auditor to distribute tho tuna i. lln. immls of Allen Mann. Adln n itrmnr .,, Raid estate, will ntlcndto Iho appointment ntliu (7 lleo, In lllooinsburg. on Friday, August 27, is,,-,, o'clock, a. m , when anil whero nil persm,. imH claims ngalnst Iho said estntonro required to t.r, v ;J tho samo before tho Auditor, or bu debarnd hum comlug In tor n slmro ot snld fund. 1 C. W.JIlt.l.KIt, lilnft.nalmrr? .Till v Ilft.'TK.JI . 1. A UDITOlt'S NOTICE. A KflfATK OI' I'MHl It. WMSNKll, m ililM,. Jn the Orphanif Oiurt of Oitumbin Oitnty. ThA miit!rRli?ni'd. AudltM to iltstrlhufn ii, ..... in Iho hands ot Ijifayctto creasy and Itt-nry siinrrrr Administrator ot I'elcr II. tVennrr, late of In SI; creek tw 'p.. Columbia ci demise 1, will al tend lo t ,o duttesof hi appointment at Ids oniee, In likmni. burg, on Saturday, August S"lli,isTr,,nt, lu o'dc i; n. in., tvnrn mm ncru nn pcrs-uin jiatnig claims ugnlr.H Iho said estate uru lequlrod to pre ell? I ho samo beforo tho Auditor, or bo ileborn.il from coming In for n sharo ot said fund. wm lllooinsburg, July so, lSTi5.-4t. Auditor. 4 DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE 0f 11. t KOclAllT, HKCKlsKll. iters of Administration on tho ctM-. r,f Columbia, state of I'emnjivnida, detensc-l, i;,uo uecn graiucu 01 .s.uhul-i iiukiui, ui irerniwoil township, l'a., lo whom all persons Indebted tus.ua estatoiuo requested lo mako payment, and thoso hat 10'f claims or demands will mike known iim SaillU WII1UUIj UClllJ. OJUH I.I, IMfl,Ml-t jiuy u-ow .tnmuiMrnlor, riONYNOIIAM SCHOOL DISTRICT, i Mnriln 1'iirccll. Treasurer and Collector in nn. count w Ith con) tiglmm Tow nshlp School District fur UIU ,Clll I'lliiuiU until-, uiu. To amount of duplicate 110,1 30 TO iinseaieu lami ine.s roe, u. ... l.u'ii wi State appropriation S91M f 13,04 91 lit- unseated land tax returned for colli ct Ion t 9 0(50 lly errors and exonerations id lowed 81T 00 lly collector's com. nto per cent. -115 91 nmounioi uiasiuuuuiKuiucis nf '7.1 mid 00 lly Secretary's salary and sta tionery Ill IX) lly District Supcrlntcndcntssal- nry - lly amount Teachers' salaty. . . . ' fuel, contingencies and clean 12.1 00 i,74H O) 109 92 4.1 S5 0.VI ll 471 23 212 75 2,001 M 2'H 43 ing lly Insurance - jiancroii. a v o. ' Attoruev'sfees, cost and ex pense of lawsuit I)y books fiirnlturo nnd miscel laneous etpenso lly materials, labor, lepalrlng and painting lit- amount ot Treasurer's com . by balanco duo district.. J 12.11 97 We, tho undersigned, Auditors of Conynh.im township, for Iho year IST.t, havo earetiilly ouimlimi ii. ,1 sit inonnotu account, unu mm ii. eoiiiTLiLsauut furtb. M. I-'LANAdAV. Jiilj 10-st. untVAitn nn.iiiH AlllIIIOM. TIIK POPULAU CASH STOKM OP W.P.JONES &C0, HEUXANIES We have a very choice stock of these ery deslrablo goods, plain .ml siipicd at is, ail, 4.'., 05 to 75 cents per sard, 'lln nboto goods aro fully as per cent, lower than last j car's prices. W. P. .TONUS CO. Cataw lss.i, l'.i. "WrillTE HOODS Everything desirable in 1'Iipie.s fi uiii IS to l cents per yard Victoria lawns is, 2.1 In in cents per yard, liee !irli'S2.'i, 4i. and M. cents iior yard, plain and cheeked Nalnsoul;.-, l'reiich Tucking, rc. W. P. JON ins co. ralal.-.i. l'a. T HJRKISII TOWEL1NO, f-'mieh Oooils ami Cloaks, Saeipics, Arc. Hoods mil to ho had elsewlu n Whlto l'rcncli Mellno. W.P. .TONUS SCO. Catawissa, Pa, YITH1TE QUILTS, Extra Eargc Ifonev ciimh 1.2f Willi fringe, still belter ones "., 1.70, 2.2.1 and 2.70, tery lincst lif fringe on mm sides J.2.1. Theso prices all worthy uf your alt-u-ttun. W. P. .TONUS ,t CO. Cntawisaj, l'a. -OOIS I'OIl JlOITItN'INC!-We pay gnat T attention to this branch of our business, t"ii will nhvays ttnd our stock full and complete!! biis (iuods, black l-'rench Merinos, niivk cashmere. Al pacas Ac, black Crapo Veils from $2.oo lo 4.oo, ni.u i. silk Veils from fl.vr. upwards, niack Kid and Ok (doves. Mourning Handkerchiefs, Collarsniid UU) black Jeivelery, Ac., Illack Thlbbet Shawls, single m f.1.20, 3,70, 4..MI lo il.o i. Double Thlbbet shawls f7.un moo to l.i.eo. our prices un tlicso guotls aro me u-ri lowest and the, quality Iho highest. ! w. p. joni:s & co. Catawissa, l'a. r ItEAT IIEIHJCTIONS iVe have in.nle creat reductions in Shawls and Dresailooils Clli.su Clusii tliem out. Nlco goods nt2J unit as cents ur yaid. W. P. . JONKS A CO. catawissa, ra. r tonsETS-i2 Corscls at M, lillerent stvles anil pricm. r.eent.s. h.i'ki. i.2.i. l m to2.':.i. Jlad.uno I-'ov'h. 1 20. Tbu celi'braled iluiiblcd stielid Corsets, extra largo slcs up to S3 Inches. One ' cent Corat-t a marvel uf cheapness. W. l'.JOXKSSCO. Catawissa, l'a. TIIinONfs, NECKTIES AND lirC'IICS, LV largo assortment Neckties, ctery color, at i.i, 2.1, 37J.J and AoceniH tu Jl.inic.icli. Pitches, 4, 0, 10 lo 23 eenls, Jub lot collars all linen, oieuts. W. P. JON US. t CO. Catawissa, l'a. TSrATCII THE I'EN'NIES-C'Iark's & best Snout I 'fit tun r. cents. SMrt V Coats' Ilrald s eenls, Spuol silk 0, 8 and 12 cents, best Needles b icnls per paper. W, P. JONES S CO. Catawissa, l'a. T)KMKJ JLV best I hell t ln.-m ut MIlEli, that wohiep a full line of tin bniiidsuf VilsIIiih. Pilots. Tickings. jii-I ut bottom pilecs. W. P. JONHS ,C CO. Catutt Issa, l'a. QU'AC'E WILT, NOT I'EItMITus toconiin IJ ma tvo w tint etery onotobearlhesu facts In n memberiinee. everything. 2d. That wu pay tlio cash forourgooiH nud make nil discounts, lid. Wo bell only for c.li and guarantee tho lowest prices, call and see lur yourself tho great advantages to bo obtained at Tin: roruLAK cash stohk or W. P. JONES & CO. Corner Main ami Third Streets, Catawissa, I'l, A CHEAT STRIDE ! isi. mat. uu sen inuiiesi ipi.uuj irp ami Over mil MHIhhIn fbiiml tu iio limlly, or objection able, lls ai'ilcil! A NEW AND VASTLY ADVANTAGEOUS PLAN IIEH2I1Y ADOPTED HY G.M.&J.K.LOCKARD At their AVoi'l;s in Bloonislnirg, Formerly lllooinsburg Iron nnd Manufacturing company), whero will bo kept constantly uuhandu largo assortment ot Whilo ami IIcmI Ash Anthracite Coal, I'OIt DOMESTIC 1'UIU'OSr.S, AND CUl'ULO, 11LACKSMITII AND 1UTU.M1N OUS COAL, at prices to suit Iho trado. All Coal specially pre pared befuroleat Ing tho Yard. Also Plows and Threshing Machinos, and all khuU of Canting nnd Machine Work, ItnPAlIllNarrcmptly attended to. Tlcy wonUl rcepcctiuuy toiitiitno ratroLogo ut the l uuiu. Ik I (I. il, & J, K. J.OCKAIIP, Hlocnitturg, I'd. Jan. 8, 'Tt jy
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