V THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Miscellaneous. TUB UAIMOAI). TlirnuRli thn mould anil through tho clay Through the corn and thmngti the. clay, Hy tin' malum ot the Into, O'er thn river, through the Urnke, On no hln wlthseroooh and roar, P.!.ishliiffi ftuMngi Crashing I dMhlnifl Over tho ridges, gullies, crlilgw, Uy tho bubbling rill nnd mill, Highways, liy way, hollow, hill .lumping, bumptng, rocking, ronrtni;, like torty thousand giants tnoringt O'er thn aqueduct anil bog. On Tie dy wllh eeaaclei Jog i En-ry Instant Rometntnjf new, Eu Vj moment lust to v luvr ; Now a tavern, now a iteejile, Kow n crowd ot fmiilng people, Now a hollow, now a rliigo, Now a crowivmy, now n brl4ge. 0 .-limbic, stumble, rumble, tumble, Vivtttnsr, (retting In a stow I tluuch and steeple, gnplng paoplo, (i'llek m thought are lost to 1w, JJVerj thins that ej e can survey Turns hurly-burly, topsy-turvy, Glimpse ot lonely hut and mansion Glimpse oi ocean's nldo expansion, Glimpse ot founaty and ot forge, Gllmpso ot plain and mountain gorgo D.vdi along! slash alone I llash along I t)n ! on with a Jump, and a bump, ami roll, Hies tho (liB-nend to its doatlnetl goal. London Malt. All itch for ofllcca docs not nUvnys load to a niclio in tho temple of fame. This is litimorotii remark. Cnn you tell mo when n blacksmith raises n row in the alphabet ? It is when he makes a poko r and shovo . Warm weather helps one to be good. That is, you don't caro whether your neighbor hua a big wood pllo or a small one. A young lady, being aked by a rich old uacncior, "it not yourself, who would you rather bo?" replied, Sweetly and modestly, "lours truly." A Minnesota paper mado a young poetess say : "Oh, for a heart full of sweet year lings i" Tho poetess wroto to tho editor, declaring that she wroto "yearnings I" A wag, seeing a door nearly off its hinges, in which condition it had been somo time, observed, that when it had fallen and killed somo ono it would probably be hung. A man who30 appearance indicated that ho was staggering from the excessivo weight of a'brick in his hat, being asked if he' was a Son of Temperance, replied: "Uic-no-no-no relation, not the lcat." A subscriber writes to an editor in tho west "I don't want your paper any longer." To which tho editor replies, "I wouldn't mako it any longer if you did ; its present length suits mo very well. The report of a wedding in Kentucky con cluded in this wise: "Tho brido was far frdm being handsome, but her father threw in a span of horses and seven mules and tho bridegroom was satisfied." A cynical old bachelor predicts that in couplo of months Sheridan will hear, "You may be lieutenant general of tho United States, Philip, but that doesn't signify that you can run this establishment." When are stockings like dead men ? When they are meu-ded ; or, perhaps, when their eolca aro departed ; or, again, when they aro all-in-holos ; or, when they are in toe-toe or, when they aro past healing j or, when they aro no longer ou their last legs. "And now, Mr?. Sullivan," said tho court sel, "will you be kind enough to tell the jury whether your husband was in tho habit of striking you with impunity." "Ho was sir, now and thin, but ho struck mo oftener wid his fisht." lilifkius was down in Chicago tho other day when he received a letter from his young wile, saying to him that "on this lovely spring morning a bird is singing in my heart, and old Jllif. just looked wild a mill uto and then took a freight line for home, muttering to lmnelf, "Them's Ucecher's sentiments; old man, keep yer cyo peeled." A near-sighted lioston man was lately riding in a street car, when a lady opposite bowed to him. lie returned tho bow, raised Ins hat, smiled sweetly, and was just won dering who she was, when she caino over and whispered in his ear, "Oh I I'll fix you for this, old man I" Then ho knew it was his wife. High board fences dividing neighbor yards should always be garnished witi knot holo or two. When a woman wants to ascertain what is going on in tho next yard, it is so much more satisfactory nnd less hazardous to peep through a knot holo than to climb upon an old barrel to look over tho fence. Georgo Washington would havo stood no cllanco of being nominated as tempurauco candidate had ho lived in this era. On the 4th of July, 1779, in issuing an order for tho proper celebration of that day, by tho firing of thirteen guns, he made tho following sug' gestion as part of his official order, to wit : "I wish wo had it in our power to distrib uto a portion of rum to tho soldiers to exhil arato their spirits upon tho occasion, but unfortunately our stock is too scanty to per mit." "I am, dear sir, your most obedjent servant. ur.o. WASHINGTON." Why Tiiev Wknt to War. A certain king sent to another king, taying: "Send mo a bluo pig with a black tail, or else " The other replied : "I havo not got one, and if I had" On this weighty causo they went to war, After they had exhausted their armies nnd resources, and laid waste, their , kingdoms they began to wish to mako peace; but bo- fore this could bo done, it was necessary that tho insulting languago that led to troublo should bo explained. "What could you mean," asked tho second king of tho first, "by taying: 'Send mo bluo pig with a black tail, or else ?' " "Why," said tho other, "I meant a bluo pig with a black tall, or else somo other color. Hut what could you meau by .saying 'I havo not got one, nnd if I had?' " "Why, of course, if I had I should hav tent it." Tho explanation was satisfactory, and peace was accordingly concluded, Tho story of tho two kings ought to servo as a lesson to U3 nil. Most of tho quartcls between individuals aro quits as foolish as tho war of tho bluo pig with a black tail. To keep cabbage from cracking break tho roots, by pulling It up slightly. This will check its rapid growth for a week or ten days, nud stop tho heads from splitting. Af ter it takes root again it will grow tiio more rapidly, and wo aro told tho lieadsoltcn grow again us Jargo. Tills remedy to provent cab bage from cracking is not generally known, ind wo hopo it may prove of value, Scotch Oakk. Ono pound of brown su gar, ono pound of flour, a half pound of but ter, two eggs, cinnamon, Koll very thin, "Sponging" on Newspapers. Kvery man thinks a newspaper fair gnme. tf a society or any body of men get up a concert or a ball, or other form of entertain ment, tho object of which is to put money into their pockets, or If tho proceeds arc to be devoted to charltablo purpoo., to add to their own ttlorillcation, theybecomo very in dignant If tho proprietors of n newspaper do not assist them by a serios of gratuitous nil- ertlsemenls for several weeks beforo tho event takes place. Thco gentlemen should remember that literary men, in this practi cal age, work for money ns well as for f.imo principally tho former, however ; and the business manager of .t newspaper, if ho wish es to keep on the safe side of tho ledger, con ducts his chargo on the saino principle as the lead of any other business establishment. IVoplc who tiro getting up a ball would feel chary of asking a present of n pair of gloves from any merchant on that account, yet ask ing and expecting to receive ngrntuiloiw ad vertisement is a similar demand. Tho edi tor of tho Mnltiorn Journal states tho ca?o very plainly when ho says : "Wo long ago adopted tho plan of charging our regular reading notice prico for nil editorial an nouncement of entertainments to which an admission fee is affixed. Wo mako no ex ception to this rule, In the way of news topico, wo freely and gladly insert sketches of all entertainments after they havo become matters of history. It is only tho prelimi nary work, looking to tho drawing out of increased nalronago from tho public, for which wo expect compensation." The lloails Again. there are evil liilliicnccs to which our roads aro subjected, which aro too great to bo borno without making the very horses weak which aro compelled by ciuol man to travel them, In the fill, winter and spring, tho raiu and frost alternately cither cover with mud or clods tiio surface of tho roads so as to make travelling painful and toil somo and when all tho possible evil has been done by nature, and the roads have be como dry and smooth again so as to make tho poor horses frisk gaily along, around tho corner comes an evil genius with a band of familiar spirits who begin to toss hugo rocks on the road bed and throw great clods of hardened mud on the smooth road mi til you again wish these men in the spirit land and tho poor horse mourns his hard lot and croans under his heavy load. Thus it goes year after year and traveling is a weary burden on men and horses and tho cost of so doing is a serious matter to all who aro so unfortunate as to be able to be about. Necks aro broken, horses aro lamed, wagons aro crushed and still we jog along doing tho samo work yearly because our fathers did thus. If tho roads wcro as smooth as a parlor floor or gravel walk, this would not be so, And to have this,is easier than to mako them rough. It would be an easy matter to liar row and roll down with a heavy roller all dirt thrown upon tho roadbed and pick off all those stone and put them where they will do most good finely brdken and covered with cround enotich to pack them. Will not a hint to the wise bo sufficient? Ex. The following resolution, upon the death of an honored citizen of Pcnningtonvillc, ii this State, were drawn up by tho Itev. Wil liam W. Grimes, colored, and ordered to be printed iu tho Village Record, of West ClicS' tor: Whereas, it has pleased Almighty God in His all-wise Providence, to remove by death from our midst Ilrother hewis A. Clark aon, a trustee,,a steward and Superintendent of Zion A. 51. E. church and Sunday school in tho -lGth year of his age. On Sunday af ternoon, May 9th, 1875, after ho had closed tho school and started for home, John Mil ner ran out of his hnuso with a double bar reled shot gun in his hand, crossed the grave yard, and when Brother Clarkson was abou fifty yards from the church, he(Milner) shot Clarkson in tho legs, from tho effects of which he fell to sleep in Christ, May 12th about half past nino o'clock. And, in whoso demise wo deplore, but submit to tho tlispo sition of Providence, who doeth all things well. t Proverbs. Mako yourself all honey and the flics will como and cat you up. Mens' years and their faults are always moro than they are willling to own. Men's sins "and debts aro moro thau they take them to be. Men toil and take pains, in order to live easily at last. Mother-in-law and daughthcr-in-law aro a tempest and hail storm. Many havo too much, but nobody half enough. Mako slow answer to a hasty question. Many men's estates como in tho door nud go out at the chimney. Men live one-half of tho year with art and deceit, nnd tho other half witli deceit aud art. Many things grow in tho garden whicli wcro never sown there. Many ventures mako a full freight. March wind and May suu make clothes whito and maids dun. Success of Turkeys as Potato Hug Destroyers. Dr. W, J. llofl'man, of this city, who has just returned from Lehigh county, says that along tho Jordan creek, in South Whitehall aud Lowhill townships tho farmers, to a great extent, got rid of tho potato bugs which wcro quito numerous, by driving flock of turkeys into tho potato fields. Tho tur keys soon find tho larvm on tho under bldo of tho leaves and tho beetles too if there aro any -and they will go to tho fields every day until tho pests aro completely cleaned out. Tho beetle or fully formed potato bug. lays its eggs on tho under side of tho leaf, and it is the larval or grub that destroys tho plants. After a time, tho unwinged larvn becomes a winged bectlo and files away to deposit its eggs elsewhere. Tho turkeys de vour tho larvie, lnrgo and small, while chick ens do not seo them, as they generally pick their food from tho ground. A few broods of youii' turkeys nt this season will den tho bugs from a largo patch iu two days, Jlcadinij Gazette, Tho joys, tho sorrows, and tho trials of yesterday all aro past, Wo havo tilled an other pago In our lifo book, and hasten on perhaps, alas I only to blot tho next with tears of regret for tho deficiencies ot us prcuecos or. Jltlt wnat wo nave written is uueiiang able, "whether it bo good or whether It bo ovllj its effects will continue into eternity, and will determine- our status in tho futuro world. Then, while wo still havo tho pen of lifo within our hold, should wo not uso It to record noblo deeds, kindly words and thoughts, that our remaining yo-tordays may bo pleasant readings for tho future. If you havo been picking or handling acid fruit aud havo stained your hands, wash them iu clear water, wlpo them lightly, und whllo they aro yet moist strike a match and shut your hands around it no as to catch tho miioko and tho slain will disappear. An exchnnge says : "Matrimony makes a man kco double." Old Iilougher says whisky will do the Biuae thing awl becides, it Is much cheaper, ' PUBLIC REPORT 01' A- tlinvo not eiilovod imod health forscti'rnl loam last, icthno nut nlUmcd Itto Interfere Willi my iinr. Mverv one hi-lniielntr to the Inhurliur class Knows tho Incomeiili-iu'o ot being obliged tu labor ivhen tho body, from d"hllllv, almost refuses to per- inn ltnihlllv task. 1 never was a believer In dosliur null mnitlcMnps t In but. having heard tho Vkuktink KiKonot su nigniy. was iinennincii 10 try it, mm mil luifpr fnirrpt-Mi.it. ili-tcrmlnAtlon. As n tnnto (which eieryono needs nt sumo time) It surpasses anything 1 ever heard of. It liHltror.uea thu whole YAiem; n is u itmii tici'iinr mm puuui-i in uiu timi.1. Thorn nre tnntivrif tnv nciitinlnt.inccs who have taken It, nnd nil unite In prnlsoot Its satisfacto ry elTeet. Hspcclnltv among the aged class of people, II, Im parls to them the ono thing most useful In old ago idghts as well ns the body. ( mo aged lady, who has li'en sintering through life from scrofula, nnd bos lieen suffering through Ufa from Its effects, having rien many reiiiouies twin no iinumuiu rhh, mn mineral hv friends to try tho Vkciktinc After tak ing n few bottles, sho obtained such great relief that she expressed a wish for her sight, thai she might be oblo to look upon tho man who Ind sent her such n blessing. Yours respectfully, ll. I . 11, lllMiur., I oucu viuct-r, stimuli u, Hoston, Mass.. .May , lsll. HEAOTBLT PRAYER. hr. l'Aft., Aug. Si, lsiil. 11. 11. Stv.vfvj. ro. i lv.ir sir 1 should be wanllnglngratltuile.lt 1 failed to neknowledge what I tin Vkuktink has dono for in". 1 was attacked about clot en months slneu with bronscbllls, which settled Into consumption. 1 bad night sweats and fever chills s was distressed for breath, and frecpienlly spit blood; was emaciated, very weak, nnd so low that my trlendj thought my case hopeless. I WaS IllltJSlU t, IIUIK" II llldl "I IHU 'I'lMl.fti which, under Iho provldeiico of (lod, lias cured me. That ho may bless the use ot our medicine toothers, n3ho lias to me, ami in-inus uivuio grace may in tend you, 1 the heartfelt praj or nh our admlilng, humble sen nnt, HIiKmAMIN l'liTTINdll.l.. 1'. S. Mine Is but one among tho many cures your medldno has effected In this p:aco. 11. 1". MAKE IT PUBLIC HotTit llosios, Feb. o.lsTI, It 11 Rrrvrva. l'4il. ' Dear Mr. 1 havo heard from very many smircesof tho great successor 'i:oetink In cases of scrofula, rheumatism, kidney complaint, catnnh.nnd other diseases ot kindred nature. 1 mako no hesitation In saving that I know Vkoktinf. to bo tho most reliable .-..tnoiU rnr entjirrh nnd ireneral debility. .My wife has been troifliled w 1th catarrh for many years, anil ni limes ery nam. iu uin ihuiuukhh tried eery Mippo.-.ed reni"dy that mo could bear of, niwi ivitn .ill tun sim lias for several years been grad- uallV growing worse, una uiu uiaeiuugu uum uiu l.pn,1 ,ia ovi.pusUn mill nnVtMVe. .sho was In this condition when she commenced to take Veiibtink; 1 ciiiiiu see mat sue was uiipruwiig on iim M'pmiii iinttlo. she continued taking Vkok- tiip until kIhi li.nl used from tweho to lltteeu bot tles 1 am now nappy in lniorining yuu mm uu-juu-lie (It you choose In mako It public) that sho Is en tirely cured, and Vkuktink accomplished tho cure after nothing elso would, llenco 1 feel Instilled In saving that Veiibtink Is the nioit reliable remedy, and would ndU.ie nil Mulcting humanity to try It, for I believed It to bo a good, noncM, veguiame meu lelne. and I shall not hesitate to lecominend It. I am, sc., respectfully, I., o. CAltinai,, Veoetise acts directly upon tho causes of tbeso complaints. It Invigorates and strengthens tiio wholo system, nets upon ir.c secretive organs, miajs Inllammatlon, cleanses, nnd cures ulceration, cures constipation, ana regiuiues uiu uunuia. HAS ENT1UELY CURED ME. Boston, October, lSTo. Jin. Stevens: n..a,'KirMi iifinciitpr. after bavtiurn severoat tnck of whooping cough, was If ft In a feeble stato of health, llelng advised by a fi lend she tried bob- tine, and ntlcr using a lew noiucs was tuny leoiui ed to health. ii,imi.pnn n rrri't. sufferer from rheumatism. have taken several initios of the Vkuktink for this complaint, and am happy to say it has entirely cured inc. I have recommended tho Vruktinc to others, with tho samo good results. Ills a great cleanser and nurltler of tho blood : It Is pleasant to take ; and can cueeiiuuj ii-iniiiiii' linn-. JAMIIS moiwi:, set Athens Street. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers xivarvwutjiu. TEW STOCK OF CLOTIUXO. AND Gentlemen's Dress Goods DAVID I.OWENliEIta ; Invites attention to hi largo and elegant stock ol Cheap and Moiial ClotMi at his store on MAIN STllUnT, IN THE NEW 11L0CK, BLOOMSlJUliQ, I'A., whero ho ha3 Just received from Now York and Phil adelphia a full assortment of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashionable, durablo and nanasomo DRESS CONSISTING OF 110X SACK' FROCK, GUM AKD OIL CLOTH COATS AND PANTS OP ALL SORTS SIZES AND COLOltS, no has also replenished his already largo stock of CLOTHS AND CASSI5IISHES, FIQUnED AND PLAIN VESTS, STllII'ED, SIIIItTS, CIIAVATS SOCKS, COLLARS, IIANDKEHCIIIEI-'S, GLOVES, SUSPENDEUS, AND AliTIOIES. FANCY Ho has constantly on hand a largo and well select ed assortment of Cloths and Veutings, which ho Is prepared to mako to order Into any kind of cloUdng, on very ehort notice, and In tho best manner. All his clothing Is mado to wear and most ot It is of homo manufacture. GO.iI) WATOHIiS AND JEWELBY OF EV-EUV DESCHIITION, FINE AND CHEAP, HIS CASE OF JEWELltV IS NOT SURPASSED IN THIS PLACE. CALL AND EXAJHNIJ HIS GENERAL ASSORT MENT OF Clothing, Watches, Jowl- ry, &c, DAVID LOWENIJEItG. uly 1,73-tf. "yAiNWitiaiiT & co., WHOLESALE WtOUKIW, N, K.'Corncr Second and Arch Htreeis,. PHIUDEIJ-ml, Dealers In TEAS, BVItUl'8, COFFEE, SUGAIl, MOLASSES hick, si-ices, maun boda, &c, &c. t v-Ordera will receive prompt attention. A TTOItNKY'S 1ILANKB. Common and f Judgment Honds, Just printed ind for nnloat iL.rrni iiuHiiu omen. All kinds of Attornev'a UtnkS Olthw kept on liana W piUttud to order, HEADQUARTERS V O It 111 Puinls, Oily, Gluss, Piilty, Drtigd, Siioe3, Patent Medi cines, &c, ite. mo y mi nnos "WOULD call the nttenllon their very largo nnd wcl goods which they olter nt tho nf tho luilille to selected slock of LOWEST MAItKHT HATES. soo boxes Window Glass alt sizes and qualities. Glass tor I'lcluro I-'ramos a specialty. IFhilo Lend, lied Lead, Uinbora, Litharge, Siennas, Greens JJliiea, lleds, Yellows, dry and in Oil. General Agents for MONTOUR SLrxTE PAINTS j LINSEED, OLIVE, WHALE, CASTOU, and other OIL VAPvNISri and JAPANS from tho best Mnnufactoiles. .Their stock of SPICES excels any In this section of tho Stato. Agents for Dr. BIOKLEY'S Family Medicines. General Depot of supplies for Dr. ,T. c. Aycr's POPULAR MEDICINES. Tho Prescription Department Is under tho chargo of competent Pharmaceutists. Physicians' Prescriptions CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED WITH DESPATCH. Colli Spartlii Sofa Water. The attention of country dealers, especially Is called to our btock of BOTTLED GOODS. SHOES, ALUM, C O ST C B If x H ATED LYE Patent and Proprietary Medicines Sit, Our wagon will contlnuo as formerly to maUelts usual tilps to supply cu t . OIL OF GLADNESS, a special Coiicdis, Colds, Croup, Earns, Tetter, Piles itc an Internal anil external rem y whose hcallnsrvlr tucs aro attested by thousands In this and adjoining counties Is manufactured by them nnd supplied to tho afflicted either directly or through their country dealers, Price 50 Cents Per Bottle, Nono genuine unless It bears tho trado marl: nnd namo ot Jloyer Pro's tuo words '-on ot madness" blown lu tho glass and tho signature of Jloyer tiro's on the wrapper. Apr.lT,Ti-iy Maulrf: How Lost How Restorefll TUST published a new edition of Dr. CUL V VKUU'KM.'S celebrated essay on tho radical euro (without medicine) of Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weakness, Inv otuntnry Sem inal weakness, lmpotency, Mental and phjslcal incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc,: also Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits Induced by self-Uidulgeneo orsoxtuai extravagance Plies, &c. JGQf-PWce, t'n r scaled envelope, only six cents. Tho celebrated author, In this admirable essay clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successfu practice, that tho alarming consequences of self. abuse may bo radically cured without tho dangerous uso of Internal medlclno or tho application ot tuo knlfo; pointing out a modoot euro at onco slmplo ccrtotn, and effectual, by means ot which every sut f ercr, no matter what his condll ion may bo, may cur himself cheaply palvately, anu rauicauy. nrThls Lecture should bo In tho hands of every youth and every man In tho laud. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, postpaid, ou i ecelpt of bix cents, or t o post stamps. Address tho Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE A; CO., W Ilowcry, New York, Post Ofllco lJox -l.sso. April in, '!5-y ArM. Y. KESTE11, lll.OOMSllUItd, 1'A. TTns removed lo Iron stieet,f.econd door above Iho J'l Iteloiined i-liiuch.wliciohowllllioploaK-dlnsoo all his old friends nnd new customers, and servo thcmvttlliballafactlou. Allvtorli wairauted. 15-v TO $20 per day. Agents wanted, All i KJ ciat classes of working peopled both bees, v oung nnd old, mako more money ut work for us.in iiicii ov u localities, during their naro moments, or all Iho time, than at any tiling else. Wu orfcr emp loj inetit that will pay handsomely for every hours vvoik. I-'uil partlculuis, terms, tjt.. bend us jour address at once. Don't delay, Now is tho time. Hunt look, tor woik or biiblness elsewhere, untlljouhave lenin ed what wo olter. (1. SriNbON iC'o., l'oitlaud, .Mnlno, Jan. Wjwy, "VTEW YOHK TIU11U S 1NO AMHIIH'AN NEW JI)Vr.HTlSlN(I.MElHU.M. D TiuniJNi:. "Tin-: li:ad- vsr.vi'iiu, uiLi nun Dally, iio a year, bend- tV-nt-l,' 4', Postage l-'reo to tho Hiibscilber, Specimen Copies and AduutlsliiK Hates Tree. Weekly, In i clubs of M or moro' only (I, postage paid. Address 'I nn 'I in. hum!, N. Y. Jan is it-ly. A flam DVEUT1SINCJ: Cheap i Hoods S.tcma lie All nei-bons who conocmnlnto making, con ic. I.I. ....Wti.ir...,u tnr tlui Ilim-rtlOII (ifUUt'ei- tlsemcnts, should bend SB cents to (leo. 1'. llow'! Co.. 41 I'm k How, New Yoik, for their I 'AMI ';' iiver 'iuuo nciwbuatiers nnd esllmales. showing Uiu 111 If 1 It I II U-IV.KI Vf-Illll t'U L1UII.) luiliminua iikt. Advertisements tuken for leadli Advertisements tuken for leading Papt-W states ntntiemendous reduction tiompn1' many Hollers' l ults. (JlTlllEUtOK. HUH. iu lu-.j, .CONFESSIONS OF A AICTIM. Published as a wnrnlngnnd tor tho benefit of J'o'iug ineniiud others who nutter from Nervous Debility, Ujss of Womanhood, etc., giving his rules ot belt cure, after undergoing much buttering nnd expense, und mailed Heo on leeclWng a post-paid dliected euveloiie. Addiess NiUiNitL JUviAiu. P. o, llux HI, ihuoklyn, N. Y. uly yis-Cm US1CAL. ftMUi Pennsylvania Normal Music Miool nt I l'reoburg. l'a., will commenco Its Hummer 'jtrniot bU weeks, AuBUSt 10th, 1S75. For circular, junoiiVt.' I'TecUir'. BLANK HOKTOAaiCS for sale tlicapottlio MbVUlU. OfllCO. A HEAVY STOCK, "Cheaper .than jSv3t S. 11, MILLER & SON Have Just deceived tho largest and licst supply ot CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS. They havo ever offered totnelr friends and cut- tumors, (jlotlis, Cassimores, ami gatinotts for MUX'S WEAR, Cloths, Alapacas, Merinos', for LA DIE'S WEAR, CALICOES, MUSLINS, UAMIJRIC3, mill every variety of Dry (looiU ilcslreil, Carpets, Mats, Ottomans, in great variety anil at the L 0 WES T OA SIf PUICE&. FAMILY GJIOOERIES, including all tiio varieties nf COl-TEKS, TEAS and SUdAKJl, COUNTRY PRODUCE, anil a general supply of articles useful for the tabic always on hand. CALL AND SB3. Country product) of all hinds taken in ex change for good-t at cash prices. Oct. 3iy-4-tf J. EVANS, 11IEADY MADE AND CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. in: HASTiin FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES, AND EMPLOYS THE BEST WOftKMEM For flood ntsand Promptness In filling orders there Is the place to go. 1113 goods aro selected with care and Ids CUS'i'UM WOltlv will compare favorably with tho best effort ot tho faohlonablo City Dealer. HE KEEPS A LAIIQE STOCK OF BOYS' & CHILDREN'S CLOTHIM AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS At Astonishingly Low Prices. A. J. EVANS. Julyl, 1R73 tf. BLOOMSBTJEG T. L. G5-UNTON, Proprietor. MAIN STIIEET, 1IEI.OW M.V11KET. Manufacturer of and Dealer in all kinds of MONUMENTAL MARBLE WOHKS Wo uso tho best AMEIIICAN and ITALIAN Marble, Ho has on hand nnd furnishes to order MONUMENTS, TOM US, HEADSTONES, UltNS, VASES, &c, Every variety of Mai bio cutting neatly executed at the lowest luai ket prices. A long practical e.vpeilenco nnd personal attention to business makes tho propi It-tor continent of giving satisfaction. All ordeis by mall promptly utteudeu io. i: u. uox rji. RS"X J!. Work dtlimedfrcc of chirre."3H Aug. 21, '7 l-ly. T. L. (JUNTON, Propi letor. 11013 E LIT 110 AN CABINET MAKER UNDERTAKER, Iron Street, between Main and Third Street) IlLOOMSIllTRG, PA. VLL kinds nt Fiirniliiro mado to nrder and broken furniture neatly repaired. The quality and in Icon ot his work vlll eoiiipare Willi nny ilia can fin tnudiiccd and ho icspccuully bollcltsit bharo of public patronage, Undertaking1 Will bo carefully and piumptly al tended to. When called upon duilngnuy hour of Iho day or idglitho will nt oii'ai respiiiitl nnd lay out tho dead. When female help lu such cases Is desired ho will furnish tho same. Ready Made Coffins both of WOOD and METALLIC WAKE always on hand. 1 lu Is nlso Iho tho solo pioprktor lu lllooms burg nud sui rounding tllsli lets for Taylor's Patent Corpse Preserver lly whlclincorpso may bo surely and carefully jircT Bt-rved In Uu fur nny desirable length of lime. Iho uso of tho Preserver may bo obluined from hlnint any time. Scurfs, shrouds, ff.ines nnd Mourning fur Doors fiirnlslied when lvqiifslcd, Also, HEAllsE and co.NVEyANUEij furnished t&f"JtaneMber lie is a Jlryular Undertalcr and thoiouiliti understands his businss, lie will not le uitdenold by am in Uloomtburu or in the county. KODEUT UOAN. Dec. 11, Tt-ly AN ACTUAL IlL'SINESS INSTITUTION AND TKLEQItAl'lIIO INhTlTUTE. For information call at. Ofllco, or bend tor Coixeqi Aiitchtuik. Juuosn,ly Ayor's Cathartic Pills, For tho relief and cure of all derange mcnts In tho fttom nch, llvcr, nnd bow. cla. They aro n mild aperient, nnd an excellent purgative, llelng purely vego. table, tliov contain ' nomfrciiryorinlno. ral whatever. Much ncrloiis sickness and fiincrlng Is prevent ed bv Ihclr tlmeltf uso,' nnd every family should havo tlicm on hand fur their protection nnd teller, when required. Long experienco has proved tliem to bo Iho unr est, surest, and bct of all llio J'fM with which tho innrlct abounds, lly their occasional use, tho blood Is purlllcd, tlio corriipllons of tho sys tem expelled, obstructions removed, nnd tho whole machinery of life restored to Its hcnllliy activity. Internal organs which become clogged and phiggUli mo cleansed by Avtr'n I'M, nnd fthmilatcil Into action. Thus Incipient disenso Is changed Into health, the value of which change, when reckoned on Iho vast multitudes who enjoy II, cnn hardly be computed. Their mgar coaling makes them pleasant to take, nnd preserves Ihclr virtues unimpaired for any length of time, to that they are over fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, tlicy aro mild, and oncrato without disturbance to tin) constitution, or diet, or occupation, Full directions nre given on Iho wrapper to each box, how In use them as a Family l'liytlc, and for tho following complaints, which tiicso 1'IUs rapidly cure: For Ijsieiisli or Iiitllgotloii,!.Utlrs. nr. Languor nnd l.os of Apiiellte.tlicy thoulil bo taken moderately to stlmufato the stom nch, and restore Its healthy tono and action. For I.lvpr :miiilulm and Its various symp toms, IIIIIoiik llcuiliiche, Nick II.-iul-uclic. Jttiimllrc or Jre'ii NiclitirM, Ions Colic aud IIIIIoiik Kowrs, they should bo Judiciously taken for each case, to rorrect the diseased action or rcmovo tho obstructions w hlt-li causo It. Fnr I.iniler- or Itliirrliipn, but ono mild dose Is generally required. Fnr Itlipiiniutltni. fJnnt, (Jrnrrl, Inl. tiltutlon or Iho llt-art, I'tlln 111 llm fclile, Hack and l.oim, they should be contln. uously taken, ns required, to cliango Iho diseased action of the system. Willi 6uch cliango tlioso complaints disappear. For Hioiist and Hroilcnl Nwrlllng, they slinuld bo taken In large nnd frequent doses to produco tho cllect of a drastic purgo. For Niiiprrsslon. a largo doso should bo taken, ns It produces tlio desired effect by sym pathy. As a TJInnei- PHf, talto ono or two 1'ltls to promoto digestion nnd relievo the Etomach. An occasional doso stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores tho nppctitc, nnd Invigorates tho ryetcm. Ilenco It Is often advantageous whero no KprimtA iler.-inirpmeTit exists. One who feels tolerably well, open finds that a doso of theso J'llls makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on tho dlgcstiva apparatus, mEPAKED BY Dr. J. C. AYZlt d CO., Vraettcal Chemists, zoirrzz, mass,, v. s. a. FOll SALE BY ALL D11UQOI3T8 EVEUYWUEBll. April 1WSJ-1 1S70. 1S75. THE COLUMBIAN Novvspapcr, tlio largest sheet pulilislicd in Coluinbiii county, neatly printed on New Typo, will contain all tlio current News of the Day, and a condensed account of LEGISLATIVE and CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS, with explanation and comments upon all important measures proposed in cither: I'OETJIY AND SONG, MISCELLANEOUS HEADING, AGIUCULTUItAL AND SCIENTIFIC SUIS.TECTS, Will also engross a largo proportion of its pi-illlinns. rl ho DOMESTIC CONCERNS OF COLUM1SIA COUNTY, Will receivo particular attention, and all local alliiirs proper for publication will be carefully laid beforo our readers. Till-: POLITICS OF THE STATE AND NATION Will receive constant attention, and tho character and oiiicial conduct of 1'UllLIC MEN "Will bo presented to our readers, from timo to time, in life-like, attitudo and with entire itistico and firinncss. No frauds shall bo committed upon tlio I'eoplo or Wrong dono thciu without full ex posure in the columns of the Columbian, COUNTY MATTERS. All oiiicial county advertisement appear in this paper, as will also intelligent synop sis of tho proceedings of tho Couits nnd tlio actions of the County Olliceis when of pub- lie interest. Tlio C01.UMMAN- already lias much tho largest circulation of any paper iu tho coun ty moro than tlio combined circulation of tho other papers--and is tlio only paper printed iu tho county that supports tlio prin ciples and time-honored usages of tho Dem ocratic parly. Its circulation and couscijucii usefulness may, how over, bo much extendo if its friends will uso their influeneo to stir further add to its Hit of subscribers. At additional patronage will bo rcruiitcd by im proving tho paper, by adding to its editorial nnd reportorial foico nud increasing tho ipiautlty of its read'tna matter. As an ADVERTISING MEDIUM Tho Columihan" is unnpproached iu this rjtirirtcr of tlio Stato, nnd our JOU11INO FACILITIES Aro superior to any other, Our friends aro invited to call at tho olQco whenovex thoy come to, liloomburg. flvdv Thittr-fonr Competitor StoInWSWHii.noEi,i;nuj RAIL R.OAD TIME TABLES P HILADKLl'IIA AND KICADINO KOAI) WINTI211 All RANG EM HNT. NOV. Illh, IsTI. T11A1NS I.EATK llfl'Kr.T AS 10I.I.0WS (SVUU V" KACEI'TFll For Now York, Philadelphia, Heading, l'ottbvlltc Tamaqua, A;c., ll,nn a. m For qatnvvlssn, ll.iw a. m. nnd 7,3H p. m. l-oi villl.imsport, o,2S a. in. and 4,00 p. m, TRAlNS.lOn IICrEUT I.EAVK AS 1 0U.OWS, (SUNDAY fX CEl'TKll.) Iavo New York, 9,00 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, 5,1S a. m. Leave Heading, 11,3 In. 111., J'ottsville, 12,10 p. m. and Tamaqua, 1,30 p. m. Leave Catawlssii, c,2i) a. in. nnd -l,no p. m. Leavo W llllanisporl, 9,20 n. 111. nnd C,oo p. m. Passengers to nnd from New York nnd Philadel phia go through w ttliout c hango of ears. J. E. WOOTEN, May 9, 1S74 tf. General Superintendent D KLAW'A UE, LACKAWANNA WESTERN HA1LHOAD. AND lu.ooMsnuna division. Tlmc-Tablo No. S9, Takes effect at 4:30 A. M TlIL'HsllAY, DECEMIIEIt 10, 1S74. NOKTH, bTATIOXS. Sernnton ltt-llev lie TaMortllle., . kaw.mna Plttston .. West Plltstou... Wv oiniiig M.dtliy Kingston Kingston.. ..l'I,v mouth. lunc.. Plymouth Avondalo Nanllcoke SOUTH, a.m. p 111, 11.111 III ID III C4 IS I 9 i in 2 2i! 2 S3 2 II 2 60 2 65 .111 li 8.1 li 41 111 17 n to 7 no III 25 10 29 111 81 7 o; 3 Id 1 in r,s 3 u 7 1 10 4: 3 1.' 7 2i 10 60 111 6 11 on 11 (15 11 (II 11 IS 11 32 11 Jti 11 63 12 .1 3 2') 3 25 3 31) 3 80 3 40 3 51) 4 (fi I 2) 1 23 4 30 4 45 7 85 7 i'l 7 6 7 6S 8 I' .Iltmlock'sciecl;. 8 1 . ..Wilckslilnny..... ....lllck's Ferry... ....Ucncli Haven... lientlek .... 8 35 8 fi 9 115 7 Oil llrtar t'reck ...Willow drove.... Lima llldge Espy ! ...Hloomsbiirg..,.. import Cnlawlssa llrldge. ..(Jhuk's Switch... Danville Chulasky Cameron .Noi'lhumbiil.ind. 12 f8 12 12 7 1 12 n -1 i'l 1 is 12 17 -l,f.li 7 25 12 2H tSflBi I 3S 12 32 .'.12 7 17 I ;.o 1 12 37 fi is r. 21 r, 811 7 K 12 42 12 45 1 K 1 11 1 11 1 3J S I 8 ( fi -IS 6 6S r, oj I! 2') 8 8 I s r. 9 20 p.m. p.m. 11. 111 DAVID T. Superintendent's Ofllco, Klngslon IKU'ND, Mlpl. March 5, Is, I, -iijoHTHEIiN CENTRAL RAILWAY Xl UO.Vll'.V.Nl. 1 On and after November 20111, 1573, trains w 111 icav SUNEUUY as follows: NOHTllWAliD. Erlo Mall 5.20 a. in., an lve Hlmlra 11.50 a. m " (.'annud.ilgua... 3.35 p.m. " HochoMcr 6.15 " Niagara tf.li) llcuovo accommodation 11.10 a. m. uiilvo Williams rort 1-2.65 p. in. Elmlra Mall 1.15 a. m., arrive Hlmlrn 10.20 a. 111. Uuffido Express 7,15 a. m. 111 1 1 u llurfalo s.60 a. 111. SOUTIIWAIID. Iliiffalo Express 2.611 0. m. ni rlvo llurrlsbiirg 1.50 n. " I'l.ilthnoie s,lo " ElmiraMail 11.15 a. 111., arrlvo Hiiiilsijiiig 1.50 p. m " Wiushlnglon 10.30 ' " HalthnoroC.30 " " Washington 8.30 1 HnrrUburg accoinmodallon s. id p. 111. anil 0 Han Is- bin ' 10.6011. m. nnlvo ll.illlinoro 2.25 a. 111, " Washli-.glon ii.13 Erio Mall 12.65 a. ni. an lve Ilanlsimrgs.ofia. m. " llalllinoi-os.li) " " Washington 10.35 " All daily except Sunday. D. M. HO YD, Jr., General Passenger Agent A. J. UASSATT, (leneral Manage! PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD l'liiluilt'l'ilita & Ki'ie II. II. Division. SUMMER TIME TAliLE. ON and after SUNDAY, MAY 23d, IK iho trains on Iho Philadelphia & Eilo 1! Kuad 1)H bun will run as follows : HViSTII-.lifl. FAST LINE leaves New York .... 9 25 a. Ill ....12.65 p. m .... 1.211 p. Ill ... 6.1 m p. m .. . 8.55 p, m ..111.20 11. m ...11.60 p. in " " riiiiaueipnia " " lkililmoro " " 11,111 lsbiu-g " nrr, nt Wllllamsport " " Lock lliveii " " ilellefonto EIIIEMAlLlcavcs New York . . R.2fi i). m l'lilladelphU Ilanislniig " " " VMlllainsipuit " " " Ick Haven " " " lteuovo " " nrr. at File ...,11.'j5 p. Ill ... 4.25 II. in ... 8.85 U. Ill , .. 9.45 n, 111 . .. 11.05 a, in 7.W p. m NfAOAItA EXPHESS leaves;Phlladelplila. . 7.40 a. m " " " lliilllinoie 7.35 a. in " " " HaiTlsburg. ...10.1 a, in ' " nrr, at vvuii.iiusicrt.. l.i.i p. m " " " Ick llavciu.s.ifip. m " " " Hcnovo 4.80 p, in ELJIIltA MAIL leaves Philadelphia " " " D.illhaiii'e " " " llanlsliiiig " " nir. at Wllllamspuit " " " Ik Haven s.m a. m . s !!l) 11. m 1.25 p. in MO p. ill . I.liup. HI EASTWAlll). PIUL'A KXl'HESM leaves Lock Haven.., " ' Wllll.imspiilt.. " " nnlvesnt llaiil.sbiiig.,,. " " " llallliiioin " " ' l'hlUdehilil.i.., " " " Now Voik DAY ESI'HESS leaves lleiiovo " " " U k Haven... " " " WIIU.llllKpOlt. " " nrr. at Ihiriisbiug. " " I'lill.iiklplil.i.. " " New Yoik " " " llallliuoio i:illi: MAIL leav os Erlo " " ' Heiiiivo '' " 1.01k lime " " " Wllll.iinspoil ' " arr. at ll-iiilsbiug 11 " " llaltlmoio ,., " 1'hll.iilt-liJhia,..: " " New York FAST LINE leaves Wllllamsport " " arr. ut lluiilsljiug " " " lialllmoK ' Philadelphia " " " Now Yoik , CIO n. in .. 7.65 11, 111 .11 45 II. Ill .. 11.15 II. li .. 3.35 1 1. m . li.lfi p, lu .. 9.10 a. Il . III.. 6 II. lu .11 35 II. II ., 8.IHI p, li .. 0.20 p. Ill .. tf.l.'ip. Ill .. 0.35 p, 111 .11.20 a, 111 . h.2'ip. Ill . 9.15 p. Ill 10.60 p, 111 . 2.25 II. Ill .. 7.85 a In 0.15 II, 111 ..10,111(1. ill .,12.85 a, 111 .. 3.66 11, III ,. 7.86U. Ill ., 7.35u,li .,10.26 11. lu Erlo Mall West, Niagara Exiuess West, Elmliu Mall WcH and Day ExpiensEast mako ilosueoniu-e-lion at Noilhumbeilaiid wllh I.. & II, It, It, Indus fur Wilkes. 11.1 no und M'liuilijii. Erlo Mall West, Niagara Express West nnd Elmlra Mall West makeiloso connection at WlllluiiiMiorl Willi N. I'. II. W. trains Norm. EiloMall East and West, Magara Expiess West, Fast Lino West und Day Expu-hu Eastiniiko close i-onuetllonat Uuk Haven wllh II, E. V, It, It., I ruins. Erlu Mull East und West connect at Kilo with trains on L. H. & M, H. II. n., m ciirry wllh o. o, A. V. II. II., ut Etiinoiluin with 11, N. Y. 4; 1'. It. It., aud at Drlitwood wllh A. V, it. 11, I'uilor Ours will run between l'hllndelphla and Wllllamsport on Niagara Express West, l ast Lino West, Philadelphia Express East and Day Ex pi ess East, bleeping Curs uu all night trulns. WM. A. 11ALDWIN, Jan, 8,'j6-tf aeneral Supt B LANK NOTEfi,with ttr without cxwujttlon v www hi vV vyivjwJ VWWi p.m. p.m. p.m. 12 2.1 s 3.1 1 is 12 2'l s .i 1 in 12 1 1 s 2.1 13 a 11 4.1 s is 1 M tl .111 sir. 1 in U 20 7 r.ii 1 11 11 iu 7 r.:i 1 in 11 to 7 4S 1 on 10 4.1 7 I'l 12 M S 2.1 7 85 12 45 8 17 7 3) 12 II 5 12 7 25 12 31! 8 05 7 10 12 30 8 (i0 7 15 12 211 7 40 7 IB 12 111 7 StI 0 50 12 111 7 Oil 0 85 11 411 0 67 0 2S 11 .19 6 15 R 211 11 31 8 82 0 13 11 ii C 27 I! fS 11 17 0 2(1 03 11 11 0 III! 5 53 11 112 5 ,'iS fl 41! 10 55 0 61 fi ID 111 49 5 41 5 31 111 43 5 41) 6 311 10 10 6 16 5 12 111 22 r. nt n (12 10 12 1 66 4 67 II) IN 4 3il I 40 9 fi 1 a.m. p.m. 11.111. SUI GENERIS. KPALMAMqil FJ ij MCnuiT'Ftl1ATr'l virnin w JM!) J'lii CABINET ORGANS. UHEQUALEDKONAPPROACIIED In crtpnrity ftnil cxMlonco by nny filhor. Awnnlol TIEEIBT1S0M an DIPLOMA OF HONOR at VIENNA, 1873; PARIS, 1867. nil I V Atnerlonn Organs cvrr nwnnIM any tnn UllL i ! K,lr,l,, t,p willed iTPHdit puch t'xinioriH imry iccllcna ni to commnml n Aa kiId tlicro. Allli AVC nwnrilcil liiRhent ivrriiiiiimn tit Tiiilm ALlI AlU trlajr.ipocitloin.ln AmcrlrniM.Mi-lln Kiiropc, (utof htindrctli thcro hnvn imt n jlx in all whero nny other tirtf.un Jmvo Uvn jirtftrml. DTCT I'cclaTcil liy Kininrnt Mulchiifl, In Itoth DLOl hlnlilho In li II lirU tilnl. Hco 'iliSriMONIAIj CIUt'Ur.An, with fplnlui.s tf moro thimOitnTliolimilHl (nt fm-). IIIOIOT on lm?Ini( t Mnvon & llamlln, ,l)n not lllulo I tnkn nny other. Vealan (ci T.Ahufii com MIFWONM or fieltvitl ifa'U'f Wil'inf, atl fm- thl rftwoi often try very hnrd to tfU atnnttttina the, IJCLAJ CTVI CO wUhmoat Imiwtniitlmprnvfi ntllY O I i LLQ menu rcr mmlo. 4rv Sold fin. I 4'oiiiliTlltilloit Stop. Miporh i:tucrc mm other Cunch nf tmw urlmtN, PIANO-HARP CABINET ORGANS qnisltc cumliinntlon of thpwo limlrumciit. CCV DAVMEHTO f)rcnn.iiinl,lfiircahsnr tAOl " AT (lltn I O. forinonlhlytircniniurly jiitinicntii; or rt-ntcil until rent pays fur the ornun. flATll flPlirC (""I Citciilnri, wllh fullpnritc LR I ALUUUtO llll,riif. AiWriMMAHOM.fi HAMLIN tllKIAN CO.. 151 Trcmnnt blncf, 1IOH. TO Si S3 Union Pqniue, MEW YOIUCi or 60 Si til Adaua bt,, CII1CAUO, MASON & HAMLIN A TS TIT WAY tin OtlTAINED AT WHOLESALE OH RETAIL or li. B. POWBJIJi, SCRANTOI'T, Pa. OfiiernI .ltfenf tifso for tho cclcliralctl CHICKERING PIANOS. ALSO, OF I. K. oMTLLiEK, liLOOMSIWllG, PA., Dealer in nlinvo Iiistriiineiitrt. Jlaieh l,'T5-y HO.LJ.fNS cS: 1LOLMLS No. 1, CenlloMre PliimliPrs Gas ami Steam Fitters JIANlTACTUl!l:i!S OP X I 3ST "W .A. IR. E, tlAl.VANI.ri) IKON COli.Nll i:, WINDOW CAPS, AWNINGS, Wiro TrclIi.-i'H, &c. Dealers in SIiivch, 1'inif! cs, l'uriiace.i, llaltinuirc JlealeiH, I.uw Down (.irate, MantoN, I'UMl'E, Weather prip, He, Also GAS FIXTURES nt the latest design. Speelal ntli-ntlnn linlil to ie pali'liiL' sew Iiik JI.iehlneH nf i-t er tlesei Inlhiii, Se.ilei, l.oeks, lull ll.iluillu:, Ht-i ritllli, Ae. I'llt.lte l.'i-sl-ileneeb llealetl liy Meant at UMu.il! cost iiIium) llul Air. fell. M, 'To- If. Ti,A'r('iii.KV's ini- , J ) I'liiM-il t'I'ti M licit M)OD I'l'.Ml' H the lie ; Kiinnkilifiil Hiuul.iiil nt 1 the market, liy luinular C MHllel, llm l.fht juinip ut Ctii' tlnjieast money. Allentli'ii la ln lleil In lllateliley'H Improved llrai U et, Hie Drop check Milte, which can 1 io t-. 11 In 1 raw 1 1 wllliuilt, distill hlntlie Johns, and Iho copper chandler which neer crncks, scales or rusls anil will last a lite time, fur Mile- h.v ilealeis anil the iinilo Kenenilly. In older mhu siiro lh.it you get lll.ilehley's l'unip, ho careful and see that It has my trado maikns ahote. If jouiioiiot knnwwhero to luiv, descilptlte ehciil.ira, togi-llier w It U tho name nnd address ot tho agent neartel J oil will uo furnished hy uihlicssliiir Willi slnmp, U1IAS (i. lll.ATL'lll.HY, Maiiur.ii tuiiT, MH, Commereo bt 1'lill.iUt-lpnl.i. roil 8AI.1I HY J. SCHUYLER ifv SON, Bloomsturg, Pa. .March r, 'fs-tmi CARPETS ! CARPETS ! ! S. H. MILLER 8c SON HAVE JUST HECKIVKD ami are nftcrinj; forsalo atverylow pilccs one of tho ht-sl in soiiinentsof CAlll'llTS eer oireied for sale ot the town of llloomslmn?. They aro all new and In the M-ry latest bit lea. Prices ary from ia cents to l.r.n per yard, Call and boo theui, Oct. S3, 14-tf. A Fortune For $1. Tho Wjointii!? Lottery draws on tho lMh .ind a 'h of each moiiili, nnd J-.'tiiyini) In fash Hills a paid In full, und no di-duelluiis. f npltnl (lilt. ), i'". K-coliil(!llt, j.Iiiiii; Tlllld, i2 ',111 li: follllll, fHV'11"! fifth, t-i.moj blAlli, t.()W) hesides TO.CT'J uniilltr elflH. . uiu ,im,i ni 1,1 u.t mi;, ,iiui t-wi, AUJMJt CO., Til Nassau hl'.,NKW uiik. .May 1 mm. OTICI-: is lieieli'y' kIvcii lliut llm liloomH" hlll-L' (Ins eoinnmiv will nut to si-rtli-n nine llln! lllldsh uu-lei-s tu Iho ritli-iiM nf lllumiishtllL' lor fli.Mi ulirlii Iho illsliiueu liom IIioHiitI dm-s not exceed Mi feet j excess uf M feet will Iiuthiiriri d at llm niloof wieentM ner foot until N-iilemlii-r Ibt 1M. f. W. II ll.Lllli, becretary. bept. 11, '71,-tt GLAZING AND PAPERING. "WM. V, liODlN'IC, Iron Ptroct liclnw sec 011U, Dlooiushuii,', l'a., Isprep.u1.1l todo ul Limn of 1'AJNTINO, (1LAZINO, nnd pil'Elt HANCUNCiS, In iho bebt btyles, at lauebt piiceB, and at shoit notice. g I'artles hay Inu such we'r todo wll bavo money hy t . work warrant j t0 Biv0 Ballsfactlon, Oidor WM. F. BODINE, Mar, 0, ti-jy; 'Of in k B mm tiiii uiu i;siraoruinnry win posnneiy urawou July islh, 10:5. t'aplliiKiliI, fiui,iiiiii heeond.J.Mi.i'ii'U Third i'ivwi f 0111 Hi ; si.n.'l smaller Kills, I he whole ninomillni: In t.mi.Hiu, whlili Is paid to ticket hnhlcis nt enth drunluir. Tldslnstlliitluii Is chailertd hj the LccWutiire, nnd cut li ihitulnir Is bupi-nlscd hy Iho I1.1.11I iilll l.f.rll l..u t . ..,,l..l ., II., ... .I.. .1,1 tint iilllil. hers sent liy mall in ticket holdeisiis soonns puh llshed. 'I li k-els for cither mo tl eat h, for IS. su lor fan. Aiteiilswiiiilcili llliislriited 'I lines sent litnlii i-tl-t litiiK- font. il, .li... lull ,. . 1 1. 11 .j '11, lulu 1.I1I1I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers