THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBOItG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE OOLDMBIAK. II I, (I O 31 H II U 11 (I, pit 111 AY, JILT u, 1ST.-. ltnll llond Tlmo TaMe. LACKAWANNA & IlLOOMSIlUlltl ItAlL ItOAU KOMII, SOUTH. Accommodation Train....... 6.45 A.M. T.36 A. M. Mull Train T.M A. M r.i 8 1'. M Express Train 1.4(1 1. M. 1I.MA. M 4 6.BI 1', M. CATAWISSA ItAUi llOAt). north, isorrit Accommodation Trnln 0,2s A. M. 7,ao l M. ltegular Kvpress 3,M 1'. M. 11,33 A. M. Through cars on Express train cither lo New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between Catawissa and Wllllamsport. Mr. 11. 1.. Myrfis, collector Tor tho Colt-wit ah, will wait upon tlidsu Indebted to thtsofilco tor tlio pur poseof receiving tho amounts duo. Wo trust tint those Indebted will bo prepared to pay what they own when ho calls, but It not, they will again bo called upon. II will scarcely bo demanded ot us to orter an apology tor making collections but for tho satisfaction ot thoso desiring It wo will Just say that M wo havo to pay cash for every thing as wo go our ptirso Is not long or deep enough to hold out unless It is replenished with somo degrco of promptness. An nlamilancc of rain tlio past week. No more legal holidays until Thanksgiving. Clrnin fiehls on Ihc south-side hills aro being harvested. Nearly every farm wagon coming to town is laden with cherries. New potatoes, pea-", beans, beet, Ac, nro all the rago for dinner just now. llcechcr is sixty-two years of ago and ho looks like sixty, too, the papers pay. Tlio hanks and n majority of tho stores In Illoomsbiirg were closed on Monday lust. During tlio pat month Chief of Police Wood ward undo -1 arrests for drunkenness ahd 0 on warrant. Tlio "glorious Fourth" is over for 1S75. Now save up your spare "chink" for the next year. Dr. J. C. Ilulter and L. N. Moycr, of lllooms burg, together with their wives, drove from lh!n placo to Unrrisbrrg a few d.iys since fur a pleas ure trip. Nobody cares to purchase properly in a coun try where tho fences are covered over with ad vertisements of "aguo cure," "remedies for rheu matism," "liver pilU," &a "Tho lopo ferry now in use at Danville, wo are Informed, will soon be removed to Catawissa, which will ho a improvement on the one now in use at Hie latter place. Correspondents niu-t bear with us. It has bn too sweltering hot for well fattened and caw-luring editors to pour over manuscripts with a view to criticism nod necessary corric tion. o Nearly all the country papers in the Slate omit an issue on the week of the llh of .Inly, by which they patriotically make from thirty to fifty dollars! The Woom-bur; papers are a rare exception. Tlio cutting down of Market street where it is cros-ed by fith Avenue has made a Igrcat im provement in the appearance of the residmces in the locality. When completed the improve ment will he still more decided, Messrs. A. V. Ilitchler and Win. Kilter, of Wilkes-ll.irre, were in Wonm-burg catling on their many frie.ids on Tuesday last. These gen tlemen look very heaity and repoit a big time in W.-K. on la-t Mondav the olh. Milton Charles will sell I lie household goods and oilier fixtures of the Turks hotel at auction on the 1 Itii iiist. It is Imped the building will be speedily torn down and the '-(reel graded to the Normal buildings. This will be a very great improvement to the town. On Friday or Saturday la-t, cither while pass ing from Eycr's (Jrove to Jcrscytown, or from the former place to Wa-hingtonville, Mrs. II. J. .lohn-on, of liver's drove, losta roll of money amounting to $17"). The finder will receive a reward of $1") by rittirning it to the owner. Whilst hitching up the express team of Moy cr Itiotbeison la-t 1'rid.iy morning, preparato ry lo making their Catawissa trip, the horses be came frightened and ran out of the wagon shed, running over Mr. Win. Coll'maii and hinting him considerably. No other damago was done except ii slight break lo the wagon. Many farmers' good wives who make good butter do not exactly relish the idea of selling it at twenty cents a pound, but if the same dames had been oU'ered that sum twenty years ago fur their butter they would have hesitated to contract lest the prolleror bo deemed insane. Times have (hanged and so have pric(S. One of the huge plats glass windows in Mr. David Lnwenberg's store was broken lat Tues day evening by a young biy who was swinging on the rope u-ed to hoist the awning. lie caught huld of tho rope and swung out over the pave ment, and as ho Hew back toward the building lie ciiino in contact with the glass, breaking it in more than a dozen, Tlio gla-s co-t $0, Kev. Dr. McCron will preach in tho Luther an cliiireh, ISIoouisbiirg, on .Sunday the 13th, at which time there will be an election for pastor. A general invitation is extended to the public. Dr. MeCrou is one) of the ablc-t clergymen in the country, and we understand has signified bis willingness to accept a call to the church of this town, which will no doubt bo unanimously ex tended. Tho address of Mrs. Walker, printed on tho first page, Is well worthy of attention. It rea sons concisely and intelligently upon a subject as to which there may hu much reform without riik of useless expeiiment or injury lo anybody. The course of female education suggested would no doubt bo of eminent advantage, intellectual ly us well as practically. If any body wants this weather hotter than "n. is let him try a bake oven. If that don't suit pfiliaps there is but ono other experiment to try. Hut the delightful showers and hot sun will bring blessings in tho way of increased veg etation, and if peoplo are careful they will suller no Injury from the heat. He careful of animals in uso and give them plenty of fresh clear water at frequent intervals, Half a day is too long for hard working horse's to wait In hot weather, If it can possibly be avoided. Mr. John Laycock, proprietor of tlio Central Hotel, met with rather a serious accident on last Thursday, lie was in the tloroof C. C. Kob bins, walking about In the rear cud, where it was quite dark, and stepped Into the entrance lo tho cellar that Is usually covered by a trap dour, but just then happened lo bu open. Mr. Lay cock sustained several biulscs.whleli havo con fined him tu Ids room ever since1. It is tu he hoped ho will bo upon ihe streets again hi a few (lays. Certain facts wero demonstrated the other day by an eminent professor of this town, to wit i that a butcher' spring .wiigon, with short body and closed top, Is not a good Intitiit ioti upon which lo haul long scanning; that It Is not well under such circumstances to extend the load pirtly over the horse's back, that lo Jerk a lino suddenly fiom under Iho lull of a homo may produce violent results, nud tint it Is sonietlmcs for the best that fliialo lieis thoiild break. We havo not heard thu piofesor .lecture on the sul ject but wo witnessed tlio demonstrations, whlel Wiro'condiicttd In nclcarly Illustrative manner. Mr, Andrew Wolcott. of Northumberland, whilst adjusting tho breaks on a freight train, at Kuperl, last Monday, was suddenly thrown to tho ground. Tho engine was Immediately df latched from tho train and dispatched lo llloom burg for a physician but beforo his arrival at 'Kupert tho unfortunate, man had died, having broken his neck by tho fall. Somebody tried to get lip n mlniatitro Tllton Kessio Turner raso at n point on Market street, Illoomsbiirg, on Tuesday night. I he neighbor hood was nroused by fcmlnino scrccchc3 of n terrific character, which, however, quickly sub sided on tlio approach of outsiders. Wo can not stoop to giving particulars and have not cared to Inquire whether It was a caso of wild Imagination or one Induced by excess In the 110 of grasshopper juice. Lovers of scandal can in quire for themselves, If interested, In scandal quarters. Attached to the notico of tho death of a child of scarlet fever, published In a contemporary Is the following significant warning. "In consC' quenco of tlio nature of thciliscaso the funeral scp vice will bo pilvate, and, therefore, hour and place are not given" This evidenco of good senso and of feeling for others on tlio part of ihe be, rcaved parents Bliould entitle them to tho Increas' cd lovo of their friends, diseases are being continually spread by contact at funerals simply from the fact that Invitations nre extend ed to the services to old and young without In timatiou being given as to the cause of death. A careless and next lo inexcusablo runaway occurred in tho west Court House alley on Mon day. A wagon was lop loaded with tho roof and other debris of an old building, and then n small boy perched on top of it lo drive down n descending grade. The horse becamo frightened and ran, but the lad preserved his coolness and kept him in the best course, making the turn In Main street quite scientifically but loo rapidly for the light load, which rolled oil) carrying the hoy with it. He instantly jumped up, and crawling out from the debris, exclaimed : "I'm not burl," as cooly as though it had been a common and voluntary occurrence. Wo ad miied the self-possessisn and courage of the lad, somewhat more than the discretion of the men who placed him in danger rather than ri"k it themselves. ni.ooMsiitnto school?. The board of Directors of Illoomsbiirg district met on the 2d inst., and selected the following Teachers, viz: J'ith tlral Scltnol Konm No. 1. Ocorgoli. Wilbur, Principal; Miss Agnes Uuckingham, Assistant. .Koom No. 'J. C, 11. Welliver, Principal; Miss Martha J. lidgar, As-i-tant. Koom No. 3. Jo-eph Garrison, Principal ; lid win Witman, Assistant. Koom No. I. Miss Florence Wirt, Principal; Mi-s Lena Fanlds, Assistant. Third trat k'rhool Prof. I. Ii. S'clioonover, Principal; Mrs. I. Ii. Heiioonover, Assistant. Koom No. 'J. Miss Amelia Armstrong, Prin cipal ; Miss Hattio Vander.-liee, Assistant. Koom No. !i. M, M, (icnsel, Principal ; Miss M. M. Unangsl, Assistant. Koom No. 1. Mrs. F. Ii. (lebler, Principal ; Miss Kale 1 lower, Assistant. Welsh Hill II. W. Uuckingham, Teacher. celeiiiiatiuN ot- tiii: rouimi. The -lib of July was not formally celebrated in lilnonisburg. On Saturday and Monday nu merous pie nic parlies were out, and the weather being for the mo-t put favorable', they enjoyed themselves unusiinlly well. On Monday morn ing (lie Silver Cornet Hand, followed by a large number of per.-ons (u hundred or more) dressed in what were supposed to bo Indian co-tumes, left Ihe depot for Wilkes-I! irre where they gave a tableaux of William Peim treating with Ihe Indians, (cheating them,) A. C. Smith, lisq., personating Penn. eare informed they had a good lime of it. Aside from a di-play of fire works by a gentleman on 5th street, there was untiling done in the evening by way of giving vent to an exuberance of patriotism. Catawissa celebrated on Saturday, under the ui-pices of the Sons of America, although the business places were not closed until Monday, that being by law Ihe legal holiday. After in dulging in a parade on Saturdav, composed of the Calawi.ssa I'.rass Hand, Ihe several secret or ders of the place anil other citizens, a grand pic nie was held near Iho paper mill where several addresses were delivered and a sumptuous din ner pai taken of which was prepared by the fair ladies of the town, making it in all a very picas- ant affair. About -I o'clock Monday morning, the Hand paraded around the town serenading, ind occasionally the firing of cannon helped to aroii-e the slumberer and reminded him that thepatriotism had not all been spent on Satur day. A huge number of people from the coun try were in town on Monday, although no par ticular demonstration was had. In tho evening an out-door "hop" was to have been given by the Hand on the bank of the river, w here a suit able platform had been creeled for tho occasion, and where ice cream, cakes and oilier refresh ments were to have been served up, hut owing to n very heavy shower, the large crowd was dis persed ere they had an opportunity to "trip the light fantastic toe." Thus ended ihe "glorious Fourth" in Catawi-sa. At Orangeville the day was celebrated willi considerable spirit. About HI o'clock tho order of Old Fellows proceeded to Megirgcll's woods, when-, after organization and somo line singing aci'uinpauied by liiu-io, the oration of the day was pronounced by Ilcrvoy Ii. Smith, V.., of Iilooiii-burg, to a large audience. The Festival for the benefit of the Methodist chinch was then pirtakcn of. Much ta-te and commendable skill were exhibited in gelling up tho Fe.-tival. Is was largely and generously patronized and yielded considerable profit to tho purpose of the projectors, and gave the fullest satisfaction to those who partook of it. Kevs, Creever and liritlaiu delivered eloquent addresses in the af ternoon. In tho evening tho ladies of the Moth-odl-t church gave an lee cream festival, which was abo well patronized. Later, the youngsters had a hop at Snyder's hotel, which of course was not under tho patrouago of our Methodist friends, hut added largely to Iho enjoyments of tlio day. The day was celebrated in Kenton on Satur day tlio 3d, by a Union .Sunday School picnic in Master's (irovo on the bank of Fishingcreek, Five Sunday Schools united in tlio celebration two from Kenton, two from Jackson ami one fiom Stillwater. Tho procession was formed in front of the M. Ii. Church at about 11 o'clock, a, in., ami inareneii, aueiiueii ny martial music, and with banners and National Hags, to the grove. Tho inciting was called to order by W. H. Smith, lisq., and after a few- remarks was opened by prayer by Kev. Mr. Sipe. Tlio Dec laration of Independence was then read by .Mr. Fritz. Then followed a short address by Ii. ii. Orvls, lisq., when there was a short adjournment for dinner. Tho dinner, of which each school brought an abundant supply of a superior pialily, was discussed with a relish by both old and young. In tho afternoon addresses were de livered by Mr, C, ,S, Long nud Mr. Keiiscotcr. The proceedings wero Interspersed with martial uiiislu and were concluded by singing several appropriate pieces. At tho conclusion it was de termined by unanimous vote to meet ntthosauiu place for n similar pie nie on the lth of July 187l). Tho wholo passed oil' pleasantly, without anything to mar the pleasure of iho occasion, and all prevent seemed greatly to enjoy Ihciu selves. Aside fiom pic nlos and Sunday school turn outs wo have no infoiuialiou of celebrations at oilier points in tin renmty, TIiojo at Wilkes- Kirre and New t'olanihiis. Luzeriio county, at traded the attention and concurrence of many people of this county, and no doubt prevented local celebrations at soiuu towns that have not held them, Princeton, New Jersey, has discovered a way to get rlil of tho great nuisance, (amps, Tho Mayor Issued a liollco requesting tho citizens to cease giving money, food or clothing to tho class named, lie stated In addition that arrangements had been mado to givo nil applicants a meal or lodging provided they would work for It; If they refused to work then Iho meal or lodging was refused, Tho result was Princeton was soon clear of tramps, showing conclusively that work and the tramp cannot get along together. ALUMNI OHATION AT DICKINSON. Tho alumni oration nt Dickinson Seminary, Willlamsport, delivered by Col. 0. 0. Jackson, of Ilerwick, has rccicved unusual commciida lion. Tho Gaxtk&llutlctln gives tho following bnefskctcli! "The Alumni oraton was delivered by Col C. G. Jackson, of Ilerwick. This gentleman at once secured ihc attention of his audience, which ho held until tho close. His remarks were terse, original and spicy, and wero frequently rccicved with roars of laughter, ills speech bristled with humorous and original points, and was superior to that of many professionals. Mr. Jackson is a member of tho class of 18M, At the close of his address ho very feelingly alluded to the tad f.tto of his classmate, limery Poisll, who was acclden- tly drowned while bathing In the river on the day ho was to have graduated, He also referred lo Iho dcalli of General Wellington 11. lint, another classmate, who had more recently been called home, after winning golden laurels on many hard fought battlo fields of tho rebellion. The speaker had assisted In paying tho last Bad rites lo hsl honored classmate and friend. This address was probably one of the best, in all rcpects, tint has ever been listened to with in tho walls of old Dickinson. Mr. Jaekon was highly complimented by a host of admiring fricndi, who surrounded him nt the close of ex- iMMr.Nii: Adveiitisino. A. T. Stewart it- Co., of New York-, advertised lo the extent of ?S50.000 l.vt year, nearly ono per cent of the tolal amount of their sales. Mr. Stewart, tho head of the firm, is regarded as one of tho shrewdest men in tlio United States, and his method of doing business is universally conceded to bo par ticcllmee, tho standard for merchants to follow. And yet there are hundreds of mer chants and tradesmen who would bold up their hands in horror if it were proposed to them to inve-t a fraction of ono per cent, in advertising. They cannot bo persuaded that what Mr, Stew art finds profitable they would also, if they would but try it. It needs a little pluck, but, unfortunately for most mediocre business men, they lack that essential ingredient to success. Advertise and grow wealthy, is a inolto that tho mo-t prosperous business men have followed to their greatest advantage. Go thou and do like wise. lint A. T. Stewart advertises in tho pipers that are read and circulated among Iho people from whom he expects to draw his custom. Ho is not so foolish as to advertise in a paper that ho knows has but a small or limited circulation among the people whose custom ho solicits, or that is not generally read ; nor does he adver tise in directories, on business cards, or sheets printed for gratuitous circulation, or in any other absurd way. As he himself announces he advertises only in tlio papers of the largest cir culation in the localities from which he expects to obtain trade. All other advertising is dis carded by him as utterly worthless. COI.V.MIll.V COUNTY TitEASUKY. Insinuations having been made that John Snyder, li-q., County Treasurer, or his Deputy, was using county funds for private purposes, we present the following statement, which will be verified on oath if necessary, showing that Ihc Treasurer lias not only paid out all the funds that he has received, but that his Deputy has actually advanced Iho countv tho sum of :i92.ilj. Keeeints and di-lmr-cmcnts hv the Treasurer of Columbia county from January 1st to June III), 1S-): 1)1(. lo cash from collectors, county tax, Sfi.Mlj.fifi :ii.:!2 i,fii;ooii I'J-VOU udo.oa !II.UO S.L'o :;i.m 'Jd,o7 LllKtiT o.i!0 (log tax, To ain't, on hand at la-t settlement, Tavern Iiccu-es collected, " Liquor store licences eoliietcil, " Kiting liou-e licenses collected, " Store licenes collected, " Fees on same', " liedcniptioii in baud, " Matting, lamps, i(v., sold, " To Montour co., on jury trial, " Note discounted, " Plank sold, lax on laud ri turned, 1 l.tKI " Cash advanced by W. Krickbaum, .'I'J-J.o'i SU.U01.S.S at. I!y County orders paid, it;o.'j5 m.29 1 150.08 i.Goruo 118.75 217.00 80.00 sa-j.oti Nicep orders paid, " Hills paid on account and vouch- e rs on hand, " Cash on band, " Tavern licenses paid to State Treasii rcr, " Liq. license paid toSlateTrcas., " I' II " " " " Store' " " " " ain't. last settlement on account, SU.20l.8S WM. KKICKHAUM, 1'or.IOIIN SNYDIiii, Tick. The foregoing statement is required by law to bo furnished to the county Commissioners, but its publication is not enjoined. It is voluntarily published now by the ollicers concerned to vin dicate thcm-elves from unjust asper-ion. In this connection it may as well bo stated that last Spring, the board of Kevenue Com missioners al HarrUbiirg fixed Iho Slate tax for this county at an enormously high figure, but by ihe cllbrts of Win. Krickbaiini, lisq., the amount was reduced nearly four thousand dol lars, and that much money saved to tho people of Columbia county, which would come diie'ctly ou t of the county taxes. So much for efficient ollicers. iir.oo.Msnnti! and its nohmal school. The Harrisburg 1'ntrwl sent a reporter to the recent Normal school commencement at this place. Holhus gives hIslinpresionsof Illooms biirg and of tlio School, in his introductory: Among the educational enterprisesof this nat urally be-autiful town is tho State Normal School of the sixth district, located on nil eminence which commands a lino view of the magnifi cent mountain, river and valley scenery for which this portion of (lie great State of Penn sylvania is so remarkable'. From the elevated site, undulating fields -vavlng with golden grain or beautiful in other proluets, inlerspeiscd with woodland, regale tho eye in all directions. The romantic and beautiful North Hranih of tho Susquehanna also stretches out beforo the en raptured vision, as do many other objects o' genuine attraction. In a word Hloonisburg Is one of tho garden spots of the Keystone and her State Noinial School oneoflts model institutions. It is not only so hi locatioiibut in (he educational good the school has accomplished nud is accom plishing. The buildings ono used for school purposes proper and tho other for chapped ex cicUcs mid accommodating boaulcrs willi meals and sleeping rooms were built In ISliS at an ex" penseof over $11)0,000. 1 hey are located in n leu acre Inclouro and tlio Immediate surround ings nro of the most beautiful descriptoii just such a place as school students heartily enjoy and appreciate. In 1SC9 Iho school was re organized by Iho Stale supeilutendcnt ns one of the Normal schools of tlio St-ite'. l or the hrt few years the euteipiMng and energetic trustees of tho institution weio beset with dillieiiltles which sometimes seemed Irreparable, but they surmounted all the obstacles interposed to the financial and educational pro-pcrity ol'lheliislitu lion, and to-day the school Lnotonly intellectu ally sound but iho debt which was' necessarily Incurred by Iho purchasing of the land and the irecllon of Iho necessary buildings Is gradually being extinguished. After years of patient search a faculty bus been obtained which pos sesses both Iho intellectual and administrative capacity so essential to Iho success of enterprises of thts character, Prof, Qrlsvold,tho principal, Is eminently qualified for tho position which ho has ndorncd tho past twoyearsandlsnbly assist ed by a talented and skillful corps of tcachcrs) who command tho uniform esteem of tho pupils. Tho State, trustees and faculty havo abundant reason for gratification at tho splendid pondltlon of tho school. NoTlcn. Tho Wyoming Insuranco Company having discontinued business has had Its out standing policies rc-lnsurcd in tho "Commer cial Union A-siiranco Company" of London, which has a capital of Jo.000.000, ono of the oldest and strongest In tho cnuntry. All notices of loss occurring after 12 o'clock, M. of July 1st, mnt bo sent to Messrs. AllcgorKros., Iiquit ablo Kullding, New York city or to' Freas llrown, Agent, Illoomsbiirg, Pa. Arrow, Anchor, Arlington and Troy Fine Shirts nt McKiniiey's. Ladies' llcadv-mado Linen Suits at cost, to close, nt Clark & Wolf's. Kusscl has just received a fresh supply of Apples, llananas, Oranges, Lemons, Pino Ap ples, Ac. Examine his stock. Clark & Wolf aro now odering great bar pains in all kinds of goods in order to re duce stock. Headquarters for Hoots and Shoes Custom work n specialty at li. M. Knorr's, Just received, n fresh invoice of latest styles Children's Summer Suits at I). Yocum's. Also Men's and Hoys' Clothing, all of which ho is selling cheap. Pewter Sand for salo at KusailL'B. Ladle, Clark & Wolf havo now n full line of Neck Tics and Hibbons nt very low prices. Custom work a specialty at McKiniiey's. Fly-nets, Fly-sheets, liar-bobs, Lip-robes, Duters, Whips, Trunks, Cabbas, &o., for salo at C. S. Furinan s. Kargains in Dress Goods at Clark & Wolfs. Tobacco and Confectioneries, wholcsalo and retail bv M. M. Kusscl. A full stock of all kinds of Domestic Dry Goods at Clark e: Wolf's, at tho lowest prices. A new Cabinet Iimpiro Sewing Machine, n beautiful article of furniture, for sale very cheap if called for soon nt Cad man's. Go tn Ktrs.sin.i.'sj for your Groceries. IIo sells for cash and will not bo undersold. Hoots and Shoes cheap for cash only at li. M. Knorr's. A full stock of Ladies Shoes, very cheap, at Clark & Wolfs. FAnMnns,Arn:s no:;. Ki-ssnr, takes Hotter, liggs, Lard and Produce in exchango for goods. A new lot of Hmnburir lidgings, fcc., nt Clark oi Wolf's. Gent's Serge Opera Hoots at li. M. Knorr's. Granulated Sugar for sale nt Kusski.'h. Sash ltlhhons from 25 cts. upwards, at Clark & Wolfs. Piolcction toe Shoes never wear out. Fur sale at McKiniiey's, Genuine Mason Fruit Jars for sale at M. M. Kiis-el's, Heriianis nud Grenadines very cheap, at Clark (c Wolf's. Oat Meal for sale at Kusscl's. Call and try it. Kid Gloves at Clark & Wolf's. Norwich celebrated Fine Shoe nt McKiniiey's, Fans at Clark ec Wolfs. Men's Hiitton (tailors, hand-made equal lo Hurt's shoes, at Knorr's. A full stock of nil kinds of Notions nt Clark- ci Wolfs. If you want a first class Faim Wagon, If you want a Platform Pleasure Wagon, If you want mi liliptic Spring Wagon, If you want a Pleasure Wagon, If you want your Wagon put in good trim, If yon want repairs done irood with short notice', tlo to J. K. Fats. A full slock of White Goods, both plain and striped, at Clark & Wolfs. Cheese! Cbee-e! Cheese! Fine assortment of Cheese at KiKsd's. , ill II .!. H'F ... I II I l.l'lll J, Hit. r-,w- the Allegheny 11-Mi-e, No. 812 ami SI 1 Mar H'l... 1 1I. 11. ..1. .,,!,:., Linn nt ket street; Having nccii recently renovaicii. Prico only 52 per day. . A. Kmc, March l!),'7u-ly Proprietor. Mcichants goins to tlio city will do well lo call on W. If. HtJ.N-n:n, who is engaged with tho old and reliable firm of Yt:A(ii:it it lti:i!Ki:s-s,i(icK, for Hats, Caps, Straw UooiKito. 2o7 North Third street, Phila delphia. March ll),7fl-3ni COAL. COAL Old lMahlislii'il Coal Yard. C. W. Ni:.U, it lino., "Wholesale it Kctail Dealers in all sizes of the best qualities ol Kcd and White Ash Coal, nt tho very lowest market rates. Haveicoustantly on hand largo slocks of Domestic, Cupola, Iflacksniith's Anthracite, Ititiiuiiuoiis, nud Limeburner's Coal. Kspocial attention given to the prepara tion of coal beforo leaving our yards, Grain and Lumber taken in exchange for coal. Coal delivered tn any part of tho town nt short notice. Orders felt nt I. W. McICelvy's store, or at our ollice, will receive prompt at tention. Ollico mid Yards at William Neal it Sons' Furnace, Fast Hloonisburg. Your patronage respectfully solicited. COAL. 7 tf 251 COAL If you want a good Hani, if you want cheap and good Tea, If you want Colli-u Java or Kio, If you want good Gunned Fruit, If you want tlio best Mackerel, If you want Sugar for tho least money, It' you want the best Syrups in town, If you want good Cigars, If you want good Tobacco. If you want anything in tho Grocery and Provision line, go to Kussi:i,i,'sj, Main street. tf-25 TOWN AND COUNTRY. Sex rises i o'clock sti mluutes-bcts 7 o'clock si inluiites, -o Moov sets lliSO o'clock . ni. o (ioi.ii Is now quoted at a premium of aliout US tn oilier wonts green backs me about li) percent, Klow par. . o Hunk deeds, on Parchment and linen paper, com rami and for Administrators', i:eeutorauiiUTruslees, for salo cheap at tlio lo runuN ofilce. o Have j on a cough, cold, pain In tliocticsl, or brim cliltuv In fact, haojuu tho premonitory tjmp toius ot the "Insatiate archer," consumption 1 Know that ilell. fls nthand In Wlstar's liaUimof wild I'herry. M cents and ft a bollle, largo bottled mm h the cheaper. o Sciienck's Ski Wkkii Tosic In iho ntmospheio expeitenced here diiilngthu summer mouths, tlio lethargy produced by Iho heat takes away thu desire for wholesome food, mid frequently iiersplralliuis ie duco bodily energy, particularly those sulleilng from the effects ct deblllatlug ilucases, In order to ke'epa naliiral h?allh(ul ncthltyof Iho s)Meiii, wo must lesoit tu artificial means, l'or lh!spurpu.o sicncncK's M'n eeu Tome is cry ciicctuul. A few dusi a will create on appetite and tivoafreshvu-ur lo luo enervated Iwdy. 1 or djspepsta, It Is Invalua ble. .Many eminent plij slcl.uis u doubted w heth- er dj spepsla can be isriuanently cured by the drmrs which are gem rail) eniplojed for thai purpose. Tho Sea WeeM Tonte In its nature Is totally illlterenl fiom such dri'k's. It conf&liisi nocoireisltemliieraU or mills ; Intact Itusslalsthe regular operatluiis e( lialilie, uud supplies her ilellcicneles, The toiile In pts nature so mucin cscmblcs tho gastric Jutco that It Isalmoit Identical with thatlluld. The gastilo julcols the natural solum which, Inn healthy con dition of Iho body, cans-s tho food Ubo UU' t.'ili ami when this Julco Is not excieted In biinkictil quantities, Indigestion, with allllsdlstiessliigssmii loins, follows, iho t-'ca Weed Tonic peifiriim the duty of the giu.tilc Juice when the latter Is dellclent bcheuek'u Sea Weiel Toulo bold by all Drugtkts. K. 1. Kt'NKKt.'S MTTKU WINK 01 IKON. Tho great success and delight ot the peoplo. In fact, nothing of tho kind has ever been offered to tlio American peoplo which has so quickly found Its way Into their Rood favor and hearty approval ns 13. F, Kunkel's Hitter Wlno of Iron. It docs nil It proposes, and thus gives universal satisfaction. HtSRuaran toed to euro tho worst cases ot dyspcpMi or Indi gestion, kidney or liver dlscaso, weakness, nertous iicss, constipation, acidity ot tho stomach, AO. Oct tho genuine. Only sold In II bottles. Depot and Oftlce, J-9 North Ninth St., Philadelphia. Ask for Kunklo's, and take no other. Hold by all drugitists., lirsrsrsu. Dtsrsi'sii. 13. 1'. Kunkel's Hitter Wlno of Iron, a suro euro for this disease, it has been prescribed dally for ninny years in tho practice of cmlnont phjslclans with un paralleled success, fj inptoms aro loss of appetite wind and rising food, dryness In mouth, headache, dizziness, sleeplessness Mid low spirits, (let tho genuine. Not sold In bulk, only in il bottles, sm North Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Soldby all drug gists. Ask for 11. r. Kunklo's Hitter Wlno of Iron and take, no other. 251 Tapk Worm. 159 llntlrely removed with purely cgetablo medicine, passing from tlio system nllvo. No feo unless tho head passes. Coino and refer lo patients treated. Dr. 13. F. Kunklc, No. t North Ninth St., Philadel phia. Advice f rco. Seat, lin and stomach Worms also removed, neier falls, l'or removing nil kinds but,Tapo Worm, the piedlcliio can ho had of jour drug gist. Ask far Kunkel's Worm syrup. Price tl. l'or Tapo Worm, tho patient must corns on and h&vo It removed. o A M.OO HOOK FOIl 11.60. Tho Poopto's Common Senso Medical Adttscr, In plain Kngllsh, or itedlctno Stinplltlcd: lly It. V. Pierce, JI. 1)., counsclor-ln-cldef of tlio Hoard ot Phy sicians and Surgeons, nt tho World's Dispensary, Ilurfalo, N. Y. 'nie above work-a book with wood engravings and colored plates, and well and strong ly bound will l,o sent, rost, paid, to any address, for one dollnrnnd llft ceats-ms.klng tho cheapest book CTcr offer'! to tho American People, other books treating ot i tncjtlc medicine, ot ltko slzo and stylo of Madia, s.nd not nearly as well Illustrated, with no colored plates, and somo ot them containing no prescriptions and making known no means ot bclf curo fur the diseases which they discuss, bell for from three dollars and a halt to mo dollars. Wero Dr. licrcu's w ork not published by tho author, print ed mid buund with lit own machinery, mid were It sold through agents, as oilier like works aro, tho prlcoot It w ould have to bo not Imri than four dol lars, l'or when tlio publisher pays tho author a fatr price for his production, then adds a profit to his In vestment largo enough to satisfy himself and com pensate him, not only for his labor, but also fur the risk of pecunlaiy which he assumes in taklug the chances of the enterprise proving n success, and when tho State, County and canvassing agent has each received Ids proilt, they have added to tho ox peusobt n book, that originally cost about J 1.15, bo much that the people have lo pay not less than I l.eo for It. 'Iho Pcoplo'H Medical Advertiser, on the con trary, Is placed within Uio pecuniary reach of all classes' by thu author, who adopts tho planof tho (Ir.uigers, dispensing with middle men and giving the benellt eif their profits lo the people, offering his book at a price little costcf publica tion. '1 hat those desiring tho book may run no risk ot luslng tLelr money In sending It through tho malls, the author advertises thai money addressed to him at HufTalo, N. v., aiivl Inclosed In registered letters, may be nt ids risk ot loss. Tho author's large eorresponienco with the peoplo upon medical matters, w ldeh v o are credibly Informed, freiiuentl exceeds three hundrud letters a day, und requires several trained uud skillful medical nssltauts and short-hand importers to enable lilni to entertain and answer thorn, as well m Ids largo dally dealings Willi dlseasoat tho World's Dispensary, appear to have peeullaily iittcd him for willing thu Works, by rendering hhn very familiar with tho every day medical needs ot the people, lie endeavors In this Work to answer all thu numerous questions relating to health and disease that have been addressed tu htm by tho peoplo from all parts uf tho land, and hence 11 contains Important Infurmatloii fur thojoungaud old, male and female, single and married, nowhere else to bu found. At the must prevalent diseases cf both sexes are alio plainly and fully cunsldered and means of self-cure made known. I'ntlko other works on Domestic Medicine, It Includes tho subjects of Hlulogy, Cerebral lirj biology, Hygiene, Tempera ments, Marriage itcproduciluii, etc., all of which are Heated In all original audliiterestlag manner. It is n compendium ot Anatomical, Physiological and Medical sc'.eiwe, and embodies the latest disco vcilcs In each depaitmeut, o I'll t: cosriDEXcn wni.i, ii..ii3i. Although Iho wuild has be.n seeking spccllles for disease forminy centui les tew Indeed havo been found. Pruiulnent among these few Is Hosteller's Stomach Hitters, which j ears ago received tlio en durscinenl of the medical profession, and was hailed by press nud public as tlio great renov ant unJ pre venllveef thea,'e. And with good rinson, slme to tho weakened .stomach It glv es strength, to the lur id liver activity, to tho disunions! bowels le-gularl- ly.nndto theslnken nervous sj stem llriniicss and t Jiie. Tn !er Its benignant liillueiici- healthful vigor returns to the debilitated and wasted tram", the llui-ei I muscles beiomes compact, the wan aspect uf 111 health Is replaced by a luuk of (hi-ertiiliu-is, the mind OMscs tu despond, and llesh Is developed upon the atli-ini ited frame. There Is no exaggeration III this stab meut. ltlsas tineas that the sjstemls s'lbj.-et lo dbc.ibe. Weie proofs required lo sub stantiate the reality uf the cuinprcheuslio cfTeets of tlio Hitters, there 1 rohably nul In existence a medicine In favur uf which such a Inassot euneiureiil tesllinony, from the must respectable sources, could be adduced. Hut Ihe ellloaey of the nation's allira tlveand Invlguraiit has lx-en a luatterof universal know ledge too lung lo i.eed any suehcurroburatlun, ihe fail that It has the largestsates ltithoso por tions uf ihc Noiih and south Amcilea I'unlliients, Mexico, and the West indies, In which atmospheric Inilueiices to health exists proves what coiilldenci' Is felt In Its remedial and protective vir tues. In localities where fevers of an Intermittent type prevail, especially, It has coin'o tu bo regarded as an Indispensable necessity.'KG school dihtkict, roit Xj the jear cudln'.'.Iiuic, ls;,i: ..I, V. III'UI'.I.IIII'I lUlllttUt, lilt. To amount of duplicate fur 1S7I... S9,73l i (it. Hy amount of exonerations and lly amount paid Treasurer s,4:.r. 4 1 aoau-iueiiis t n-j ' a percent. ( cllecl Inn on f v- Wl ill S,77fi 30 Amount duo District Vis 11 JAMUsi K. r.YHIi, Treasurer. Dlt. To amount fruin former Treasur er I,SI3 St To amount from former collector, s.i.ia ni " oi Mute appropriation, " for rent old ncid.-my . " borrowed fium H. !'. Xarr f. ou r,oo no To amount boirowed from 1'reas Hrowit To amount raised onbuiidfiom C. W. Miller To amount for uld stuv cs 41)11 0) to oo f i;m us cit. Hv nmouutof ord'rs iedeoiiied...flS.SM BO i rciaur.-r s commissluu i u.i is, rjo n.i Amount In ha-ad 0 1! Auditors liavln? examined Wis Ihe undci-sUned, the vouchors nud slali incui presented lo us, hv the Ireastirer of lUouiusbiirg school lUsirict, iinu i no same e nrecl. Wltliesb our llntilK W. KKICKIIAI M,! T i- iiii-i'iiv itt.ntiira I. w. ,IX(I. K.dltOlY. J Hloomsbiirg, Juno si, ".vst M3NDBJ!SHOrITS Ol'POSU'KTHll lilNTKAI. 1IOT13I. Has a eomplelo stock uf pure and tellable Ditrrts, MiiniiiNKs (iiii:micai.s, dvi;s, acids, SOAPS, SODA, SODA ASH, PAINTS, OIL'S, lil.ASS, PUTTY, VAlt.MSIUW AND A IX PAINii'ltS RUPPI.IIN, SPONfHIS, IIKL'SII i:s, pi:itrt'Mi:nv,.vc., AT VERY LOWrillOKS. Country Produce taken tu exchange for Dings, Medicine's, Djes, Sx. OENTlUliSsj STORE. Have a carefully w-lecled stuck of chutco TIIAS COliT.i:, SfOAII, SPICKS, SOAP, PJCKI.llS, H.U'tTS, liSII, HAMS, CANNTD lillii'H, VlKllITAIILllS AND OTHP.ll PINT llliOCHI!. I US, POKEIUX AND l)0Mi:STI() Fruits, 2sTuls and Confuctionarics, ull at iho lowest possible prices. :-'"l3iiutry Produc taken In exchange. jm llloomshurg, March 19, isjs-y A TTOKNKY'S I1L NKS. Common ami t Judcineiit Honels. In-.t iirlnti il ml fur saliiut the Coit'xiiuN Ollli-e. All kinds of Attorney's blanks iiwiii mi'.vu mini, vi j'liuivu euviuvi. THU POPULAR CASH ST0IU5 OF W.P.JONES ScCO., AND THEIR DARO AI1STS. HEUKAN1KS Wo 1..1T0 a very cliolco stock of tliosn very destrablo goods, plain and siripeil nt is, so, 4.1, cs (o 75 cents per yard. Tho nbovo goods nro fully 113 per cent, lower than Inst car's prices. W. !. JONK1 & CO. Cntaw Issa, Pa. "TTIIITK 0001)9 KverytliliiR desirable in . V Pintles from is to r,o cents per yard, victoria Ijiw ns Is, sn to 40 cents per yard, Ijvco stripes as, 4n, and M. cents iier yard, plain and checked Nalusooks, French Tucking, c. W. P. .TON13M ,t CO. Catawissa, P.I. MIUKKtSir TOWKLIN'O, Krencli floods and ,1. White Mntalassn Cloth tor ladlef mid children's Cloaks, saccpies, Ac. floods not to bo had elsowhcro. WhltoFrcucuMeilno. W. P. JONT.S (10. Cutaw Issa, Pab "YyillTK QUILTO, Extra LarKo Honey . T comb Lai wltti fringe, still better ones Lis, 2.W ami a.7.1, very ilnest iy frlngo on threo sides M.'. These prices all worthy of your atten tion. w.r.joNnsAco. Catawissa, Pa. fi OODS FOK MOUKN'IXO Wo pay great T attention to this branch of our business. You will nlways find our stock full and complete In Dress floods, lllack Trench Merinos, Ilia U Cashmere, Al pacas. Ac. lllack I'rapo Veils from li'.uo to 4.iv, HlacK silk Veils from upwards, lllack Kid and .-Ilk Woven. Mourning Handkerchiefs, Collarsand Cuffs, lllack Jpvvclery, AC, lllack Thlbbet shawls, single at J3.2.1, 3,75, 4.5U In CM. Double ihlblM t Shawls f7.oa, lo.oo to our prices on these goods aro tho very lowest und tho iiuallty tho highest, W. P. .10X13 Jfc CO. CatavvLsa, Pa. ri HEAT m-I)UCTlON',SWo liave m.ulo errcat ri-dtiettoiis In slum Is nn,t iitp(i,ir,iu tn close them uut. Mcu l-dijiIs nt'il iiml-A-v i--nM ti- jard. W. P. joxns ,t co. Catawissa, Pa. "lOKSKTS 12 J Corsets nt 50. different stvles and prices, "scents, ft.iio, 1.5.1, 1.50to2.25. Miul.nne l'oy's, 1 as. Corsets, extra large sizes up to.U inches. l no eeieuraieu uouuieu stccicu Ono 00 tcni. v-urset a marvel oi cuenpnoss. w, p..ioni:s ,V CO. Catawissa, Pa EIMIOXS, NECKTIES AND KUCIIES, . largo assortment Neckties, every color, nt 15, i -, :uv, and Mi cent to each. Hue-lies, 4, 5, H) to as cents Job lol collars nil linen, r, cents. W. P. .HINTS .V CO. Catawissa, Pa. "WWIt THE I'ENNIES-Clnrk's A IV e'oats' best Spool Cotton 0 cents, sktit I raid s cents, sp,d s.ik o, s and 13 cents, best Needles 8 cents per paper. W. P. .10NKS k CO. Cataw Issa, Pa. ') EMEMKEIt, that wo keep .i full lino of the .1 1, best brands nf Muslins, Prints, 'lickings, nnd sell them at bottom prices. W. P. JONT.S ,t CO. Cutaw issa, I'a. QI'ACi: WILL NOT I'EKMITus tocontlnue J but we want every ono to bear these facts In ic liiemberance. 1st. That we sell thebe-t irunlltvot everything. Sit. That wo pay the cash forourgo'uds and make all discounts, ail. We sell only for cash mid guarantee the lowest prices. Call and see for j uurself the gre'.it advantages to be obtained at Till: POli'l.Alt CASH Sl'OItll 01' V. P. JOiXES & CO. Corner Main ami Third Streets, Catawissv, Pa. A. OH EAT STRIDE I i'ji iJSidOvdi' Old .llctliods found to tc l'a n lly, or ohjfction alile, discarded! A XKW AND VASTLY ADVANTAGEOUS l'LAX lir.K'CP.Y ADOPTED I!Y la. At their Works in Blooinshurg, l'nimerlv Hloomsbuter Iron and Manufacturlnir cuinpnu) ), w here will bo kept constantly on hand a 1.111' .i-ssoi inn in ui White and lied Anthracite POlt DOMESTIC PtitPOSKS, AND CUI'ULO, HLACKtSMITII AND K1TUMIX- OU.S COAL, nt prices to suit Hie trade. All Coal specially pre pared before leav lug Hie Yard. Also Plows and Threshing Headlines, and all kinds ot Casting and Machine Work. 11I:P1IIIN(1 nromnllv nttendi-d to. Thev would lespectfully solicit the Patronage uf the Public. it. .vi. a, j, i. i.we-iv.Miii, Jan. s, '15 ly Hluomsburg, Pa, GRAND OPENING ! EL I AS MI3NDI3NHALL HAVING resumcil the business of Merchan dising at Ids old istorc, on m:ai.v theet, uloomsiiukg, NEVH Till! FOIIkS HOTEL, Desires to call tho attention of his l'rlends and tho ublic generauy,o nis NKW. li'LI. AND VAHIED STOCK OF GOODS, JUST OPENED, And solicits asharo of public patrouago HIS STOCK CONSISTS OP DHY (iOOD.S, niiocintius, . qui:i:nsvaiii:. WOOD13NVAlt!3, WII.I.OWWAltU, HOOTS & .SllOI'.sl, llAHUWAltK, n.Ot,'lt AND PEED. In connection with hu stock ot Mcrcnandtso he constantly keeps on hand In his yard. AFIH.I.STOCKOI' Dressed aud Uaflressei Liliei AND SIllNHI.llS 01' HIS M ANUl'AOTUlti:. Dill Lumber nittdo a spcciulity. CAM, AND SEI1. Oct.3,ViT3-tf. AuniToit's xotici:. EirVIKOFCIOTnOIITIlVFISIIEIt, IiECEASEI), fit ttu' Ornfiau' (illrt uf (tumhiti (iuntit. Tlie undersigned, Auditor to dlstilbute tlio fund In Hie hands of sj iv'citiT J, I'ov, Adinliilsirator of said estate, wilt attend tu tlio dimes of disappointment at Uio siieilll s omce, In lilnonisburg, ou'l uesilay, Jlllv 20ttl. Is75. at 111 o'eluek. u. in . when und wIiitii nil liersous having claims ngalnst Uio saldestaluaru I eiiulrod lo present lliubamo U-torutliu Audllnrorl uoueoanou u oiu coining in for a snuro or said runu. Dloomiburg, Juno ictli, IMO.-lt, Vll-lUlil Willi', Auditor, LAYTON HUNYO.y. HARDWARE STORE. LAY'J'ON KUNTON, & CO., BLOOMSBOKO. 1A. keeps constantly on lmnel n Full nnd Complete Stock of HEAVY .A-ISTO SI-I3E3IjF DrHE-A.E.XD'WA-K.H, which ro will soli to tho Public nt Prices so Low ns to defy competition. OUII STOCK CONSISTS IN PAHT OF IRON, NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS and PUTTY, MECHANICS TOOLS AND AQRIOULTUEAL IMPLEMENTS of nil Grades nnd Latest Improvements, BLACKSMITHS BELLOWS, ANVILS, SLEDGES, and HAMMERS. Burden's Horso and Mulo lioc3; Horso Nails, &o, PATENT WII13ELS, OLD'S AND WARNER'S PATENTS. Spokes, Heavy and Light, Carriage Mallebcls, Axles, Springs, Gum and Oil Cloths, Valentines Varnishes, Spirits Turpentine, nnd n general Stock of WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKERS GOODS, Bui'lding Materials, such ns DUNCANNON NAILS, Lewis' Lead, Best COlors, Pure Oils, etc., as low as they can bo bought in tho county. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE FOB YOURSELF. LAYTON EUNYON & CO Mnr19,1st5-tf. NEW HARDWARE STORE! SUCOKSSOllS TO i. F. W1DEMAX & CO., ?; Giinlcts, aouges, Tweezers, I'licM, jlflrwB'r wl'iitu and Kctllw, Puns ami Krier.-, jLAll Uiiiigs fur nil sorta of buyer.''. "JP Wo have nlso added to our Stock PATENT WHEELS & SPOKES, WHEELBARROWS GLASS, PUTTY, GKRIIDSTOIfcTES, ScC. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE In nil its llranches, Carefully Selected and Purchased low for Cash giving in Advantages for Selling which can not be excelled by any other Hardware Store in the Cbuntry. GIVE US A CALL AMD SEE FOR YOURSELF. Wo GUA11AKTEK both in PRICK and QUALITY of our Good. The Largest Store in the Country. M.,m,iv;-y J- SCHUYLER & SON, Bloomslrarg, Pa. IE 3VrT InT C3- Q ZENT TllO ltUMINlllON SEWISO MA CHINE liaa sprung rarlilly into favor as pos,scfcslnB tUebest com- bisatiox ot good (Hialltles, namely; Uflit runnlnif.Smootli, Kolsclcss, ltapl'l, Durable, wlUi rerfect Lock htltcli. It Is a Miuttlo Machine, with Autninatlc Drop fecU. Deslfe-a beautiful ana construction tlio very bet t. OOOD AGENTS WANTED. ADlMUiSti, Reiuiiton Sevingc ituANc:n ornci:s of itnanxcrox co.-ipa.mi:s. K. ltomiiifjloii & Sonx, ItcuiliiKliiii Sewinj; M. Co., ltemiiigtuu Ag'l Co., 1 1 LION, X. Y. Mays, '75-!m A ITUc, IM. rOKTL'XK IX IT. Kvirv family Imivm it. ...... i... .i.i..,s ! c J0 VTrlc "0OK AG1C.NTS wanted to fell "The Peo ples I'oir.mon sense Jieuicai nuv eruser," ny n. lrrin. M. II. The most ready telllii'j lionl; out. i:cluslvelerrJtory and liberal teims. Address the .vutiwrat nuuaiu, , AGENTS WAHTED. Men or women, it a w eel:. Vniof f uriilfhed.llusliien pleaa- imt ami uonoramo " nw i A 10 naco circular and v alualilo lres im pii'tal rant. Dou t d 1'. Jl. ItEEP.Slll 8T.,EW vor.K. WlIKItKVl'.li IT HAS IlKKX TltlKl) J. URUB E B A has estalilished itself as a perfect regulator and btiro reuieily for ituonlers of the svstem arising from tin nruiK'r action of tlie Liver and llovvels, IT is NOT A l'livsic, but, by sttmulatlng tho fc cretlvo organs, gently and sr.idu.ill removes all lm- purmes, nuu regulates ine eiuirewsicui. IT IS NOT A DOCTOHUD III ii'Ells, but Is a which assists digestion, and thus stimulates tlio ni ni.nti. r,ir fouil nceessiirv tu Invhrurato tho weakuess nr Inaci Iv o organs, and gives fctiougtli to all hu vital rorees . IT CATlllIES ITS OWN ItECOMYtr.XDATION-. as tlio largo and rapidly Increasing sales testify, l'rlco lino Dollar a bottle. Ask jour druggist for It. JOHN SI'ON, 1IOI.1.0WAY & Co., l'hil.idelphl.i, l'a. Wholc salo Agents, 4vv. Coughs C'oliliv llron chills Sore Throat, In lluenza, Croup, Whoop, ing Cough, Hoarseness Liver Complaint, Pains or Soreness in 'iho Chest or Side, Weeding at the Lung'', andeveiy affection of tno Throat, Lungs and Chest, ares- eed ll cured bv tho usu of liu, istvk's1Hijvioi' Vv'ii.u CiiEimv, wlilelidoes not dry up a cough and leave tlw caiiso belilnd, as Is tlio case w lth most remedies, tint loosens , cleanses Iho lungs aud allajs irrlta ton, tints removing tlio causo ot tho complaint. Consumption can be cured by a timely resort to thts btandard remedy, as Is proved by hundreds ot testimonials It has received. Nouo gcuulno unless signed "LIU'TIS" on tho w rapper, to rents and II a tmttlo largo bottles much tho c)io.ier. Hirrn w., Proprietors, Uoslon, Mass. bold by doJleM gen erally. Jaii.W, I5-1y CI. VI? HON. A Isoto dated on or about Juno ,l7r, was given bymo tu lllram Karns. I hereby caution every person not to puri base tlu baine, as I have not received value for It, und will uut pay It unless coinptlled by law. 1IA11MAN CItAWl'OltD. Elshlngcreek, July 1, l 15 it I , . vir tnilTf! m' f,irU..ln,.l,no.. i i I I ";," .u. Mll v..vj. ... i.iv mm CI1AI1L133 V. llt'NYOK. Keep on Hand tho LARGEST STOCK HEAVY SHELF HARDWARE In tho County. ltc-jisaTOs Ko. 1 Machine for family use, in tt.o tuikd yeiu OF ITS EXISTENCE, h.1S met Wltll a more it.u-in iNciiEAb'E of katio OF SALES THAN XXV JIACUINE ON THE 1IAUKET.. RKiiiXGTON No. 2 Machine for MASCFACTrmsa and totally uso (ready for delivery only tlace June, 1ST4), for range, perfec tion, and variety of wort, 13 wllhoutarlval In famllyor WORKSHOP. S SUNT ID 2TO!?l OIBCULAK Macliiue Cngany, Dion, 1 Y. S'l A; s3 1'.roailvvny.'Ncw Vork, Anns, laillson Miuare, New York, Scvvinir Machines, i hleaKo, 3T Mato St., hevving Machines and Aims. Huston, 332 WiishliiKton St., sevvlnir Mai'lilncs. Clnrlniiatl, 1!I Wcht 4tli St., sewinj; Miichlims. t'tlra, liw (ienesee, St., ScvvIhl' Miuhliics. Atlanta, (la., DeUlvu s orora lloiisc, MailettaStrekt, Sewinir Mndilius, Wnshlnctdii, 1), c.,t.2t S('VciitliSt.,selni:Maililiics. liulsvllle. Ky., West .IeHers.011 St .Sevvlnj; Machined, l'lilladclpla. bio I'henmit sirctt, Sevvlngllaihlnes. St. liiits, WW N, fourth Street, " ' Hitioll, HU Wooilvviuil Avi inie, " " Inilluiiupulls til Market Strict, " " Ualtlmore, 47 N. Charles Street, " ' FOIl SALE! Valuable Town Property and Farm at Private Sale! rpillv, unilerslgncil, one of tlio Kxccutors nf L (lEOIidi: WIIAVElt. deceased, offers at irlvato sale, tlio following vuluable property, to wit: U.NK TWQ-STOUY PRICK DWELLING ' HOUiSK, with out-bullrtliigs and lot attnelied, sltuatfd'on Main street, Hluomsburg, l'a. 'llils house Is bullablo lor two f.iiullles. AIXi ono two-story frame dwelling house, with out-buildings, frame stable and good lot nttaclud. 'I his property Is opposite the residence of the law Dr. Yost. ALSO, ono tvvo-btory franio dwelling house with stublo, (mt-bulldliigs uud lot attached bltuated on Hock street, Hloonisburg, l'a. ALSO, six vacant lots situated on Fourth Street, ALSO, a valuablo farm situated one-half mile tfom tho town ot M'Evveusvlllc, l'a, bald furm contains W acres of laud, l'or terms of salo apply to (lEOlilllJ V. COIlVELL, Executor, Tob. 15, '75-010, Ulooinbburg, I'a. PUBLIC SALE OF VALVAI1L13 REAL ESTATE! BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court ot Columbia county, Iho undersigned, Admin, tsirator ot Solomon lltiss, lute of flshlngerei k town, ship, In said county, deceased, wilt expose tu l ublto bale on tho pi dulses, on SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1875, At 10 o'clock, a. m tlio following valuable real estate, to wit ; A certain lot of ground sltuatu In l'lshlngcreek township, iKiuiided ou I lie north hv John Wi nner, on tlio east by William ltolilus und Ellas Header, on Iho south and west by lillain lAJiiderbach, containing TWO AGUES, on which nro erected a ono nnd-a-lmlt story framo house, n framo btable, a good well of waur and sumo fruit trees, Tho laud Is In u good statu of cul tivation, Also, at thosaino llmo and place, c III bo sold a lol of Ikiics, barrels, Li-Uio uud a lot ot house hold furnttuie, THIIMS til' HAI.E.-fine-fourtli ot Iho purrlmto money to liu ,'ald ul tho stilklHg down of the proiHT ty, nud tho leuiututug IhrceHoiirllis In one vcur thereafter. JOHN WENNLIt, June n-tt. AduilnUlrsUor, jKLLKH & HAltTLKY, Jobbers of Notions, Hosiery, Fancy Qocdo, &c, Correiru Dulldltig, Main Stnel, tclovv Market, ULOOMSllUItU, il&rch So, 167-iu I'A. lr-sf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers