BI-OOMSBOKG, PA. Pridny, J ainiary 8, 1875. S. S. Wolf, lVq., a Dauiorrntio member of tlio Irt-gislnttivo from Cenlro county, iliisl nt bis borne on the 1st Inst., of typhoid favor. The Griuul Duke Nicholas, Inspector roii crnl of tlio llusslan cu-ulry, oilers three prizes of f-1,000, fc2, 100, nmHl.tiOO respec tively for the best works "coinorning tlio history of military operations on ht.tsobnel:, tlio functions, attributes, growth, ifavtJori. mcnts, and mutations ol the cavaliers in n ages nnil all countries, niul the general and particular theories and practices of cavalry operations." The grand litiko invites for eigners to compete, and designates the 1st of January, 1877, as the hut day for receiving tlio works desired. Five United States district Judges have seen some good reasons for stepping down and out within the lost eighteen months. Sherman of Ohio, Dclehay of Kansas, Hio ry of Arkansas, Ilustcad of Alabama, and Durcll of Louisiana. These men wero appointed by a Republi can administration, and all charged with corruption. They thought the easiest way to get rid of their troubles was t) resign, which they were permitted to do. They furnish additional evidenco of the general corruption that prevails in official circles. There seems to much distress prevail ing among the laboring classes in Luzerne county, and other adjacent portions of the iron furnaces and foundries are either idle or working only on partial time, and this, together with the genrral depression ol trade, having reduced the consumption of coal, there is' very little doing at the collier ies in thia usually busy region. Thousands are in idleness without any means of obtain ing work, and the distress is very great. The Mayor of Scnintoii writes to a content porary that all the means of relief in that citv are exhausted, and he fears, as winter advances, that the mi tie ring will become ex tremc. "The State of Pennsylvania is in itself an interesting study. Its bosom holds all the anthracite and much of the bituminous coal found on the continent. Its hidden foun taifis produce a large portion of the oil now so essential to the comfort and industry of tlio world. Many of its hills are deposito ries of iron and other ores, which are utiliz ed in immense manufactories seen in every valley. Its forests supply the principal part of the lumber used in the great cities of the Atlantic seaboard. Its soil varies from the poorest. Its territory is washed by the tides the Atlantic, and the waters of the Lake Erie, and is drained into the Gulf of Mexico by rivers navigablo more than two thousand miles. Its boundaries completely separate New Kngland and New York from the Mis sissippi Valley ; and its entire area is dotted by scenes of more than ordinary historical intere-st. All these combinations add to the charm and interest of travel, and every American can find something in it instruct tive and gratifying." The Uellcfontc Republican can not whiten Massachusetts nor lift her from the position of the least patriotic and therefore least re spectable of American States; nor can its editor dignify King Calico with a black skin. Sandwich Islanders are represented to vary in'shado from olive to lemon, and tlio cross produced by a Massachusetts yan kce and a Sandwich Island wench would therefore scarcely be black; rather a blue clay mud, or something more offensive. Nor is tlio editor happier in his pronunciation of Knlakaua it is plainly Calico and can be nothing else, however arbitrary tho pronun ciation of proper names. He was named, as is usual with savages, from some circum stance attending his birth and Calico was eminently proper considering his reputed pa rentage and the promiscuous character of his mother's loves. The peculiar spelling was introduced'Only after the adventurers who control the Islands determined to make a king of him and does not bear the usual characteristic! of native Sandwich Island Federal Debt anil Finances. The increase of the Federal deW during the month of December amoied to $3.GoO. 0C7 88. Tho totnl debt, less cash in the Treasury, on December 1st., 1874, was two tho"jd one hundred and thirty-eight mil ifulCEJne hundred and thirty-eight thousand threo hundred and thirty-four dollars and fourteen cents. One hundred and thirty- nine millions would be a considerable debt to pay, but when two thousand millions is .deled to that tho peoplo may well shudder. Tho Federal Government has already guaranteed over sixty-four millions of Pacif ic railroad bonds, and paid more than twen- tv-four millions of interest on tlio same. Yet these cormorants are asking for sixty or seventy millions more and tho Republi can Congress will vote it to them if the members do not fear the peoplo too nfuch, Cartainly nothing but the Democratic victo ries last fall can prevent the additional ap propriation. Tho cash and assets in the Treasury at the above date wero a little over if 137,000, mo.t ly in gold, kept there to prevent the premi urn upon gold rising above what the govern ment chooses to make it. This latter object is effected by the government selling gold in indefinite quantities at a certain premium whenever the demand causes it to riso above that sum. The llutler Herald thinks a Kosident Clerk is of some use at Harrisbunr, and as serU that he has work of consequence to do In the summer, durinir tho recess. The ex perience of Col. Ziegler, tho editor of the Herald, in Clerkships of tho Legislature, has given him tills impression, but tlio experi inca of tho editor of the CoLUMMAN ill the Departments is that the Resident Clerk is a nuisance during rcces. People having bust ncs at tho Departments can have it attend od to properly by applying directly to them, and the shipping of documents, &o., can just as well bo attended to by those having charge of the public buildings and grounds, of whom there is now a small regiment. It did seem to the writer that tho main busi ness of the "Resident Clerk" during tho re cess was to obtain copies of laws from the Departments for correspondents and make "a nice thing of It" by adding tivo or ten dollars llleiral fees uuon each of them, and otherwiso pilfering'from tho people and the rjtate. During the session lie nas always been a sort of marshal of roosters and peddler of small fry votes. The large fortune ono of these e-eniusea has amassed in this business . d ought to bo evidence enough to tho editor of the UUtlcr Herald that wo assert only wnat is strictly true. We say, therefore, abolish the useless, exneusive and corrupt office. It wu m out-growth of Radical corruption and xtraragauce, aud It will be a libel upon their proftttloM of congmy If th Dtmgor&Uo Organization of I ho Ltzislatiuf. Tho Legislature of tliis State organized on Tui'Sdaylast. In tho Senate, Geo. II. Cutler, Republican, of Lne, was elected Speaker, aud Russel Mrrett, of Pittsburg, Republlc.ia , was elected Cicrk. A whole regiment of Republican nominees wero elected ts other offices. Tho vote In cacli case stood Repub lican 80; Democratic 18. Tho Republican inaiorlty refine to admit John P. Colllmn, Democratic Senator elect from S.'.!iitylk!ll, bec.UMii of nu allegation of bribery at the lato election. In the House, tho Democratic nominees wero clccteJ, by n vote of 103 to 8S, In tho preceding caucus tho voto for Speaker stood for Patterson, of Allegheny, 83; for Tnlicy, of Delaware, 18, and for Gnnster, of Lu zerne, 5. For Clerk the voto was a fallows: Adam oolever, of Lehigh H C3 13 lfi 11 3 u. .i. .McAteer, lluntingdoi 20 Robert McGowan, Philadelphia ..17 R. 11. Hrown, Clarion 1(5 U. 11. llrockway, Columbia f u. ...King, Schuylkill 2 . i . "tiroy, rinladelpliia 2 The other nominees are as follows, to wit Resident Clerk-Maj. Klbridge McConkcy, Harrisburg. Reading Clerk-Gco.l, Herbert, Mercer. Messago Clerk A. E. Kuhey, Crawford. Transcribing Clerks A. G. Do.wltt, North umberland, and George Fisher, Yule. Sergeant-at-Arms F. A. Reamish, Lu zerne, and four Assistants. Doorkeeper Kphraim Jonsi, Allegheny, and four Assistants. Messenger Theo. Snyder, lllalr, and three. Assistants. Superintcndant of Folding Room Jere miah Seitsinger, Schuylkill, and ten Assist ants. Postmaster Francis Ferris, llucks ; As sistant, J. R. Smith, Fayette. Tho rlpoakcr is highly .spoken of, and tho Clerk is well known to bo a competent and honorable man. Of thoso amongst tho other officers elected known to us, cither person ally or by reputation, Messrs. McConkcy, Kettering, of Westmoreland, Snyder of Illsir, Seward of Hradford, Streeter of Erie and Krebs of Clinton, are men of excellent character, competent and will prove worthy officers. The selection of lieainish, of Lu zerne, is not crcditablo to the party. The fortunate ones are mostly recognized Demo crats, but some among them are new recruits from tho other side who made their first ap pearance in the Democratic camp within a year or two. The number of officers is fixed by law of the-last Legislature, nnd the caucus seems to have determined to fill them all. Hut wo are free to say to our friends in the Legisla ture that if they want their p:irtyto triumph hereafter they must reduce this number fully one-half, and tho salaries of themselves and officers from one half to two-thirds or else the party must repudiate their own members of the Legislature who refuse to do this. Ono or the other alternative must bo adopted or future defeat must bo .accepted. The Democratic members cannot be blind to this fact, and they need not entertain tho vain idea that the people will overlook it. The Pittsburgh professions of, reform, so unanimously and solemnly made in conven tion, must be carried out. The .issue cannot be dodged. It is treason to bo unfaithful and suicide to procrastinate or attempt to excuse. If there ever was a timo when he "who dallies is a dastard and who doubts is damned" that time is now. Tlio Dem ocratic party lias no room for cowards and sneaks, and its representatives in the Legis lature have choice only between faithfulness to the Pittsburgh rcsolutionsand beingjustly branded aLjraitors. "Rally round the flag, boys," anabe faithful to the promises your party convention has made ! The Constitutional .Senatorial ((.uostion. Tho Harrisburg Patriot of the Gth instant contains an article purporting to bo an edi torial, in answer to tho constitutional ques tion that has lately been raised, concerning the eligibility of a member of the StatoJjoa islature to nn appointment as United Stiw- Scnator. Either the writer in the Patriot has not seen the pamphlet on that subject, and has attempted to answer it in tho dark, or he has totally failed to apprehend n single point contained in it. It is but natural that those who desiro Mr. WuUaUo bo apr"'"t- ed United SUHes Senator, JP"'J consider tho argument of that paraj-a'ct "detective in several particulars." Tho writer says, "In tho first placo uic United States Sen itor is not ajtfwtd, but he is elected by the repre sentatives of the people," and this simple contradiction is the solo argument on which lie relies to overturn the weight of extracts from the Constitutions of fourteen States, of the United States, nnd from tho Articles of Confederation, all of which 'show unques tionably that an election'by a State Legisla ture is an appointment. No one presumes to say that election and appointment are synony mous, but any one who has carefully exam ined the question cannot fail to say that an appointment is consummated by electing an individual to an office. Kteetion is more specifically employed to denote a choice by the people ; appointment is used where the power to chooso is placed in the hands of one or moro persons, i. e. representatives, by the people. It is precisely in thi sense that these words are employed in the several con stitutions, Ac, referred to. From this it would seem (hat some ono else, rather tlian tho writer of tho pamphlet, has "miscon ceived the meaning and spirit of the Consti tution." The Jttriot champion says "the provision of tlio Constitution which is quoted for the purpose of preventing the Legislature from electing Mr. Wallace to tho Henato of tho United Senate is in tho exact language of tho Constitution of 1S3S." Not quite I In that Constitution, after the words "any civil office under this Commonwealth," occurs tho following, "which shall have been cre ated, or tho emolument of which shall have been Increased during such term." This last clause is omitted in tho new, which makes quite another thing of it, Tho remainder of the editorial i of too trivial a character to deserve any attention, until tho Ust clauso is reached. The writer fixes tho point that a United States Ssnatorship is not held "under tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania" by asserting such as a fact. Will tho Legislature of tha Keystone Stato allow themselves to bo bamboozled by ar.y such whipped syllabub a this? Same- tiling more than mcro assertion or denial is necessary in the discussion of a question like this. Iet there bo fair argument and lull examination, nnd if it bo found that tho point raised by the "Uloomsburg publicist" bo well taken, then let tha fright precedent bo established, no matter whom It may dccaplUte. The argument to which tho JKitriot refers is published on the first page of tho Oolum MAN. The Pittsburg It announces that in con sequence of the modifications placed by the past office authofjtips upon certain sections of the new postal law concerning newspapers,! t will commence January 1st to pay the postr age ami furnUh The Weekly I'ost at tho old rates, viz t Two dollars a year, single copies. and in clubs of five or over, one dollar and fifty cenU, The Dally iW, nine dollar a THE COLUMBIAN AND Fresh Outrages Upon Louisiana I Poor, oppressed Louisiana is stilt under tho iron heel of military oppression at the expenso of all the people f tho United States! At the last election, tho Conserva tives, embracing nearly ail tho native white and best portion of the negro population, clectml tho Slate offieers and about two thirds of th L'gMaturc, notwithstanding tiiat United Slates troops wero so disposed throughout the Stat, with orders to nrrcst all tlio leading whiles that thousands of citizens abandoned tiieir homes and did not daro to attend the election, Hut in that State they havo a "returning board," ap pointed by tho Governor, who count nil tho votes nnd declaro who Is elected, having authority, or assuming it, to throw out voles whero negroes aro "intimidated," and to count voles not polled. This board is com posed of four carpet-baggers and ono native, but at the recent count tho latter retired in utter disgust. Tho board threw out Conser rativo votes enough in many districts to chango results, nnd admitted men in oth ers who had scarcely voles enough to show that they were candidates, to give the Radi cals a majority in each branch of tho Legis lature I That body met on the 4th inst.,and upon proceeding to organize it was ascer tained that enough Radicals were absent from the Houc to give the Conservatives a majority. A Speaker and Clerk were duly elected and assumed their duties, when tlio military appeared on the scene, armed sol diers took possession of tho Assembly room, and the General in command informed the Pker he was directed by Gov. Kell SS 'o'lavo a list of members prepared by him j-eail'.v n carpet-bagger who accompa nied the Genl by order of the Governor. Tho Speaker Molested, saving that the House was duly ol.-anized.'was tho solo judge of the qualification of its own mom hers, that it had its own difv Insulted offi cers, and that the personage npgnlutod by the Governor to read the list was u-itlirr a mmiilmF ...... n'.., ., ...1 n r..- . '. ...V..W... it.. tllivl, HIUI llll'l L1UI U liatl 1 no business there. Gen. Trobriand npolo. I gciicaity replied that ho was under tho or ders of a superior officer who had directed him to obey Gov. Kellogg's orders. The military then proceeded to force several members from their scats and drive them from tho hall. The clerk was also dispos sessed, and a carpet bagger not elected put in his place. The Conservative members then retired to another building, and the re maining Radicals under the protection of tho army, proceeded to organize a bogus Legislature. It afterwards transpired that Gen. Phil. Sheridan was in chief command of the troops tt New Orleans, the gentle manly commander, Gen. Emery, long sta tioned there, having been quietly supersed cd. As Phil, won most of his fame fighting defenceless peoplo and ii noted for cruelty and recklessness, ho is eminently a proper commander for occasion of outrage and trampling upon people's liberties. A portion of tlio Congressional committee of investiga tion was present during the proceedings. Sheridan coolly asks tho Piesident to de clare the white people of Lousiana, Missis sippi and Arkansas "banditti" and give him power to treat them accordingly I Is this a country of freedom? Have the peoplo rights that military satraps respect? An IMilor Killed by an Ex-Governor. On the 20th ult., Mr. ltyorly, tho business manager of the New Orleans Jlullelin, attack ed ox-Gov. Warmouth of Louisiana, on the street with a ciub. Tlio blows provin ' in effective, tho parties i linched and fell to the ground, Rycrly on top. Warmouth imme diately drew a knife from his pocket and in flicted four fatal stabs in Ryerly's body. Tin latter died in a few hours and Warmouth was arrested, but was soon released on the ground of acting in self defence. There had been no quarrel directly between these par- tic, but a duel was pending between War mouth and Mir. Jewell, the wiiting editor of the IluUctin. As a rule of action wo certainly do nr ap- rp(f?vc of killing newspaper publishers, but if ono man strikes another v"' a club, and loses his lifo in co--'T'encc thereof, we in-, sist that he l""sclf alone is to blame. The act is 'sonly a brutal but a murderous one, and wo know of no code of murals that re quires a man to bo battered nigh unto death or run the risk of being entirely disabled or killed before adopting even extreme modes of defence. The attacking party rarely de serves sympathy, and certainly not in this case, even though ho bo a printer and a Pennsylvania by birth. Monopoly vs. Labor. While that huge but elegant nunopoly, tho Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, and its illegitimate bantling, the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron company, aro slowly and surely raising the prices of coal to consumers, they have hau tily and dictatorially reduced tho prices of mining, nominally ten per cent but in reali ty much more. As a conscquonce the mi ners have struck, a result possibly if not probably desired by the monopolists. This country is fast coming to tho point whero either the people or monopolies vast aggregated capital must rule. The former cannot but by tho destruction of the latter, or in other words by limiting their power to the legitimate purpose of their creation. That purpose is only to enable a combina tion of individuals to prosecute such proper enterprises as cannot bo reached by unincor porated or personal energy the corporation in all cases to bo closely confined to a bingle pursuit and to be permitted to hold only cs tato enough to carry it ou. Wo do not pro pose in tho prcssnt article todiscustli9 sub ject but merely to call publiu attention to what is being dono by powerful corporations to crush the spirit aud absolutely control the great laboring interest of the country. Cash Politicians. The late elections have ended the labors of that class of politicians who "go for cash." Tho Democratic party must begin at once to end forever the business of those men who have lived so long on "tho cash" which they ask, demand, or tako for political service, Tho curse of the Radical party, or rather one of its curses, was tho gang of creatures it brought into lifo who whero known as al ways "going for tho cash." Votes, bills, leg islation, contracts were to be find for cajh, and these creatures wero the agent to buy or bell. Offices wero put up for eale and ho who had Use most money was most successful. "Put up your cash" was the demand made on every occasion to every applicant for office- from the man who applied for a police man's badgo to him who inked tho nomina tion for Governor, Judgo, or any other post of high publlo trust. Tho Democratic party must now put an end to this business. Let tho first question that is now asked of a candidate W, "did you put up your caslir ' and if it can bo shown that ho even propos ed to do it, defeat him on tho spot. Ifo greater good than this oould possibly come out qf th.e return of thq Peinocracy to f0"'. It would end the men a4 tho par ty lately known m "the Radical gang," i CunminuiaJtk. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA6uNTy7pA. (lovcrnor's Message. Wc nro Indebted to Gov. Hartranft for nu advance copy of tlio nuntial message, but havo room only for a very brief synopsis. The Stato debt Is stated at $2 1.508.(133 37, and cash balance In tho Treasury at if 1.031. 531 03. Thcro has boon a diminution of revenuo during the past year of over one million of dollars, which tho Governor says ii altogether to tlio benefit of large corpora tions. The establishment of Industrial schools nnd compulsory u location by tho State are urgently advocated. Ho commend the new Constitution in guarded terms, up peals for more candor in tho trcitiiunt ot public men, dovotei a chapter to banks, savins funds and trust cnmn.uilp. and d to prohibit them from receiving moro than six per cent interest and from paying Inter ot on deposits. Hundvocites the'substltu tlon of a poll tax instead of tax upon occu pations, trades, tti. A commendahlo chap ter on tho propogation of fish follow, and and nu act to nrcvent tho waiver of cxcmti- lion laws is urged. Various other subjects of minor importance aro treated of and tlio message iippripr'ilely winds up with an ap peal for Divine, assistance for himself and the Legislature. Co;uni:si re-assembled again on Tuesday. No business of importance lias as yet been transacted. The leading Issue now pending is the Senate finance bill. Having passed tlit body by a party vote thojsamo result sub stantially will no doubt follow in the House. The only relief tho passage of tho bill will afford or go id that it wilt do will be in tlio assurance such action will give that there is to be no m re Radical legislation ou tho subject. In fact tlio most decided act of public relief that this C ingress can adopt is to ad journ finally. If the peoplo were once as sured that it no longer existed, wo believe there would b; a general revival of business to a largo extent, as tiiero are no fears that a like mischievous body can ever exist again. Hut thero is no hope of getting rid of 'o concern before tho 4th of March, when it vM die a natural and inevitable death. Oerritt f,nth, of New York, tlio noted Abolitionist ot Wo,,,,, lays, is dead, having been stricken dt.v suddenly while on a visit to relatives. Fi,v men over done more injury to their country than he, and al though ho lias now pused ti1;u thB s3lMle 0f tho mischief he aid.vl si l.uge.k.ja perpetra ting, those ho loft bsliiuil him aiH niyrial yet unborn will feel the weight of tir.r;ev. oils load of debt and wring ho asistes3U materially in piling upon them. I'oreigii Nrvts. The Republic of Spain was verv suddenly wiped out last week, but in fact uo Republic ever existed there. A few leaders, without other than usurped authority, called their government a Republic, but never gave tho people a chance to rule, or to determine their formofgoverment, or to elect their rulers. But for a year or two past the gOTerninc'nt was called a Republic, ruled by aristocratic and titled grandees. Tlie-e waged war (lu ring the period of their authority against a part of the nation who recognized Don Car los as king. Ten days ago, the General com manding the army in Madrid, the capital, declared i favor of Don Alfonso, a boy of seventeen and son of the expelled Queen Is abella, as King. All the armies and states men of tlie "Republic" acquiesced, including even the brawling "patiiot" Cistcllar. It is also said a part of the Carlist army will join the forces of tlio new King. The govern ments of Europe will all recognize him, in cluding tho Pope of Rome, nnd the Carlist war will probably end. The Cuban govern ment has also acquiesced. The French fraud calling itself'. Repub lic, will sooner or later follw suit. There is no Republic there, iad tho government known by that -imo is only mi fibred to exist while th" 'vnl nionarchial interests hold (ipm'i other in abeyance. Js'o important news from other countries in Europe, unless it bo that several of tho countries have prohibited tho importation of American potatoes, for fear the bugs would come along with them. Pnoi'os::!) Nj:w Lkhjoii Law in- Ohio. An act lias been proposed in the Ohio Legis lature to repeal all acts restricting the trade in intoxicating liquors, nnd to create a now systtm, which, in brief, may lie stated as classi.ving all places wlioro intoxicatius drink i- sold in five classes, requiring them to register and to pay a tax necordini! to tb-ir class; thttax in villages to be one-half tho rate in citis: the tax running from $200 a year for plu-es of the tir,t class, where all liquors are hiM, to 110 fur nines of the fifth class, "forth, sale Of light malt liquor on draught, and sola vuter mixed with liquors," It furthermore provides fiues for selling drinks except at iegitered places, ami for bids sale to minors, or m credit, and makes sellers liable for danagw to the amount of $300 in any one case. Senator Lewis in a cuuci, 0f republican Senators attributed the ruin u' his party in the South to the bad character f some of its self constituted leaders aud to th iniquitous civil rights bill. His allusion toiU south ern leaders uould hardly have been -egirda 1 by Patterson, Spencer, Clayton, Cynover and tho rest of that gang as reflectng on them. In regard to tho proposed increae 0f tho regular army he declared that tho So th could only bo carried by the republican pi- ty under its present organization by scnd'uii down enough soldiers to keep the poople from voting. This seem to be precisely the view taken by tho carpet bag senators of tlto matter in asking for the increase of the army. KkIvimjc. . . It strikes us the Washburn are getting a little too niinicrou'. Hero is one, with the scriptural name of Iirael, wants to succeed Hamlin, of Maine, iu the Senate ; another, W. D. Wiuhburu, of Minnesota, thinks he could fill till seat of Senator Ramsey ; anoth er, O. C. Washburn, would liku to succeed Carpenter, of Wisconsin; while a fourth, E. It. Washburn, Minister to France, has his eye ou the Presidency. If those brothers could bo bought at their actual value, and sold at their own estimation, tlio uan who purchased nnd sold them would hi a ricli a Jones of Nevadai Krie Observer, Can it lie Possible '! It is no wonder the jiooplo of tha United States, those who work for a living, aro ex cited over this subsidy fraud iu Congress. Can it be possible that Congressmen have voted tho 1'aclflc Mail Steamship Company (i suMdy of TEN millions of dollar) t Yus, that is so, Tlio first grunt was live millions of dollars. Then thero was an uddltloual subsidy of live million dollars, making ten million of dollars of the people's money giv en to a corporation, No wonder wo have to pay taxes, tarill's, an 1 stamps. No wonder tea and sugar and coll'ee havo to be taxed. Tho poor man ha to pay for tho subsidies to tliesa insolvent corporations. Wo expect one day to see tlio peoplo riso up to defend thair rights. CummonviiaUh. Tha length of railways throughout the word will exceed two ml!on miles, and the capital invested in them In the last thir- ty yestrs Is about $4,000,000,000. Tun TntJTit Com t no Out. The ancient Spinner, ho of the fancy signature, come out now and produces figure which show tlio national debt to havo bee . decreased but little over a million last yen, although the Radical press reports a decrease of sovrrul millions every month 1 lVh loans woro'bciiiQ made all tho time, which kept tlio debt at about n stand-still. MARKET RttPORiVS. IILOOMSIIURO MARKHT. Wheat f r bushel 10 u " (.'urn 11 (Mts ' 1'lotir piy barrel CloVlTM'PlI ,,, Flaxseed , lliitur KWl Tn low , $ 1.41 .9 i .75 ..M S.O r.'j" 1..VI .SB .'in Potatoes 0,1 Hrlcd Apples 10 I Urns 13 Hides ,t shoulders 14 l.nrd per piiunil , u liny per ton 1MU UceswuA , ?ft Tltnntliyscccl 6.0 1 QUOTATIONS roil COAL. No. 4 on Wlmrf $ 4, no per Ton No.& " " S s.W " ' No. 0 " " f !,m " " lUackMnlth'.s Lump on wlmrf 4,Si) " " " liltumlnous " ( P.0D " " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. yvriiiiv i Tinn BAGS. Wlic paper Hour hairs Mild at the Coi.umiiian L ofllee arc lerj strontf ami In nil respirts stipe llor tlio best made print1 il hotli lur llticknhcat and heat Hour nud are xoM cheap lor cash. f. l. I.. Tcnsmt.!,T Hotel. n. r. flABDNKR' licsldcneo .Market 1st., 1st doorlielowuev.l). .1. Waller's. RS. TL'RXER, A GARDNER. onice OTer Klelm's Iirug Store. Jan. S, 'K-y Mloonisburg, la. NOTICE. rrillKbii.iiicss of Dr. J. O. RUTiT.R, being I ot Mich n character ns to render lilm unable to auend to tlio settlement and collection of his accounts, bs has therefore placed them luour hands. All those kiioTTinir tbemselus Indebtca to htm ulll call at once. ritUBZU ft KYKM.Y. Blijoniaburg, lice, si, 1S74. Jan. 8, ';s-4t 11 AMltOAI) KhKCTIOX. NOTIL'1; la hereby given to tlie stockiioiaers or IHlXliOCKSCRKKK &51UNCY UAlIiIlOAI) CO., nn election will bo held at tho homo of l'eterll. lllll.nt I.atrdsvlllf, bjcomliur county, Pa., on ilon d.iy, the 11th d.iv of January. A. 11., li"n, at 14 m. of said d.iv lor tho purpose, of electing a President utl Tweiie uirecrors lor me ensuius My order of thu rresUtent, C. A. liowcns, Ptc'y. W'M. llltlNflLi:, AUDITOR'S NOTICE. IN HIE MATTCK OK THE KSTATE Ol' KI.LKSSC11MICK DKCESSEll. The iindfrlcrnetl auditor appointed to distribute the motif y la the bauds of tlie admlut-trator to and Jirannir Un-fcelrsand leual representatives of the hal.1 l"ccsed nlllineet tlio pal ties at blsolllceln litooms bur,' on Tuesday, the 3oth day of January, A. 11., ls"5, nt lo o'clock, a. in. for the purpose ot his appoint ment. JSA.MUl.L. ll.M'Klt. Jan. 8, ,5-4t Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. I'TIIK mTAlB 01' WILLIAM BlTLEIl. nECKASEP. I lie une-r.iiuned appointed by tho orphans' Court if columbiunnty. auditor to make distribution of balance ot ssUWatc will attend to tho duties ot bis appointment atXs office In thu town of nioomslmrs on Saturday, thn vtn day or January, 187s, at id o'clock, a. m. All ptnons natlntrcl.ilms against said ostato nro required to attend or bo debarred from uuimu in loru Huure oi s.m(i (nnd. ... . CllALW O. HAItKLRY, Dec. 28, '74 iw. Auditor. A DM I NLSTR ATOR'S N(7tFuI KSTATH OP MARTHA UAHTMAv llWEASItn. uatrsof AdmtatslraUon on tlio e-.i w(. of Mrtba Jlartnmn IMo ofscott townsWp, L'uluiuxia count), ileceai-ed, have tKMti srraiih'd by Uie Heplsttr of bald county to Kmanuel llarlimn of Sbltksblniiy. All persons having (tslULS utr.ilxist the e-stato of lli de cedent ore requested to prcstct Uiotn frr selUeiacM and Uiosc Indebted to the estate to make psjniciil to uio uuHCUigtica aumuiisu-aNir uiiouut iM.iy. UMA.NUlll. HAItT-MAN. Jan 8,-lw' AflnUnbitrator, Sliltkslilnny, I.uzcruu county, l'a A UDITOR'S NOTICE. r COl L'JIBIA COCNTV. f S ! .tinoni; tlio records and proooodlnss of tho Court of oinmen Pleas, inter nlta. it is tbuscoiitalned: In the matter ot the money paid into court for iiw trlbutlon onions the claimants against tlie borough vi 1 entrain: s ml now. December 30. 1874. on niotton of A. I' Sptnney, Ksq., through John .w. Clark, the court ap pointed C. b. llrockway, j:si., auditor to uscLrtali wliat Judgments hot cxbtinr nro valid claims against tho said borotiffti, nnutho amount tberoof unpaid. a"J report to the court tho order In which tli. -41110 hhall bo paid out of money now tn covirt or Thleh may hereafter bo paid In. Threo weeks no tice of tho tlmonnu place or muslins before the aud itor to bo irlven by publication m two weekly new; papers ot the county. UY THE COi'ltl'. Certified from tho liccords. December 31, 1871. 11. FRANK ZAHR. Piothonotary. In pursuance ot the aboie orJer, tho under.-Uncd, auditor. tlll meet tho Parties lnteref led. for the imp poses .set forth in the order, athlsomcotn Mloums- ouix. ou raiuruay, .January 33ia, ist.s, jt 2 o'clock, p. in., at. which time and place l qoso nat inir Lianas can auuimji luov see proper. C. II. 11KOCKWAY, Jan. S, '74 it. Auditor. TiriDcnvs1 aitraisement5! f Iho follow lna nppr.Hsoments of real anil personal property set apart to wldons ot decedents uao uuen ineu iu 1110 oiucu oi uio ucKi.-ucr oi i-ui umbla county, under thu llules of Court, and will U presented for absolute lontlrmatton to thu orphans' court to be held In llloomsburi;, In and for salif eoun- ly.ou n oanostiay. inu .iu oi t eitruary. in, iiua conuimaiionsiLTU previously men, ui wnicn an per sons Interested in said esUitcs will tako notice: 1. Widow of William Uarner. late ot Jlodlson tmnshlp, deceased. WIiU'.t of Samtiol Kostonbauder. lata of Cata- wlssa township, deceased. 3. Widow of (looriro Kraasler. lato of Scott town. hlp, deceased. 4. Widow of Ilatld Coleman, lata of Fisulnereek township, licenced. HeerMer's fifflce. ) T. II. JlCOnY. Iiloomsbure:, Jan. sth, is7s.j hotlste r T)K01STIiR'S NOTICES. Jj Notice Is hereby given to all legatees, credit, or.s ami othrr persons intertf ted in thu i statcsof tho ing administration and guardian accounts have been filed In tho oftlce of tho ItegMcr of Columbia (oimty, and win bo presented for cunllrmatlou uml allow ance In tho Orphan's Court to bo held In blooms. res icemu ueet' uenis nn mini rs. m il 1110 10 low at f 'o'clock, p. m., of sa'tl day. ' ' 1. The tln-il n mount f.f . - ft rvtint tl lTlnnov. i-linrd. Ian of clurles 1.', McDowell, grandson and heir of jnaeinow jicwuwen, uie oi acoet Lowusnip.ueoeaseci, !. Tlio final account of I.e?l A. llldlav. ertiardlan of Clara n. I'refellag, a minor r lld ot UlLreiellusf, lato of Scott tonnMilp, deceased. s. Tho that and llual account of Moses natts, ad mtuHlralor of Kaiuh DavN. lata ! llrlarcieek town ship, deceased. 4, Thn second na3 final account of John staVy, eiecutor ot William llotblus, late ot Urcenwood iowiiuip, deceased. 0 '1 h- account of Nehemlah Kitchen, executor of lianifl KUclien. lato or lrlshlucrereelc townsliln do. c.M'.ad. 6. The account of Clinton Mendonball. adtiilnls- iraiorui reier juiner, laic oi i.ocust towniup, ue ceased. 7. The ncconnt of .lesso Mensch. cuardlan ot Clara Sldlrr, mlior child ot John bldler, lato ot Franklin towniuip, ueccaso.1. 8, Tho llnAl account of Samuel Kostonbauder guard laa of Clara Koituubauder, (now camp) as tiled y the administrators ot'sald guardian. 9, The first and nnal account ot Jacob Oerslnger, vcutorof Joan lirl.'br, Utoot Flohlusc reck tow a "n, cleceiiied. A Th" account nt ttenry lletler, executor of Peter "t'Vr, Ute ot MIIUlu tuiriiskln. deceased. H Hie account of Lafavctto Creasv and Henry 'hil'l, administrators of I'eti r II. Meaner, lato of ,..,! ck luwnsuip, uccoasoa, 1 Unit and partial artiuntof Isaac N. ltun yah, M'intoror l'risclllt .M.llunjan.lato of Madison lownslili'decoamd. IteglsiVflOftloe. W, II. JACOHT, moouniu Jan stn,lT4.f llc;-Ister Or lALUlBLM ESTATEI IN pursuance if m order of the Orphans' court ot Coluinbicunty, Pennsylvania, on Miliiriluy, Jiimtviy itoili, IV7S, at 10 o'clock, a. in.. lane K rlckbauni, i:ecutorof John Kllno, lato ot i vnsl.lp. In hM county, deceased, wlllexposo tosaloii public lenduo on tho premises, aeeitaln truelor of land containing 115 ACRI';SANI3rii.ICIlES, strlctrneasure, bounded by lands I'lboma (ilbbous, lieurgu Miller, Uinuel irist, JoelLsfer, M is Kains and llunuah 1.. Mine, said tract cq .insul nit his;. 'I Y-KJVK ACIIKS CI.IIAKKI! I.AM1 the balance Is well tlmberrtl with Wlillu ITue x WU v ak. 'I hero uro erected thereon 1 Dwelliua HoiKiS ami a Fran? Baiu Thero Is also a good Oaring Appls Or liarii.qii' iloiu ulher Fruit 'I roes on luu preiul. Cy TlUtMS OF SM.E.-m Ten per cent, of one-fourth ot tho purchase m,sy to bo paid ut thostilklug down of tho property,' u oue-fouith less tho tell js?r cent, at the conitrmali illisntuLR. nnd tlio ri;m.itiibi'r tlirLo-faiirth la OU or therealier, with Intcri tt from tho connrmaUov Hi. bl. Ijito the rstain ot said doccased, Mtu.tU) la thu towushlp ot Uuulon, the couuty aforesaid. KIltCUUAl'M. llenton, Jan. 8, l875-t3P Jxevutor. rpO AIrWIIOMlTATcONEItN." X Notloa is hereby ijlveu that tko llorw Wairon, i urrlago an ' rness, now In tha possesion U Au drow Kaietl Q utralla, Ulonifj to ins. . ijo. s ii. '. norujjt. A CBEAWBIDE! .1 I'll nnil 0er Olil WMhmH fiiiiiHl to he mtilly, r Ji,Jl';,,on utile. (11m lutein 101- A NEW AND VASTLY lVANTAaiCOlTS 1'I.AN UKR'iltY All'I'TED HY At thfir Works in looinsburg, tVnmnrl lllr,nn,cliiir.r trnn U (1 Malltlfaf t tiring company, wberi nil) bo kept Hantly on hand u Wlillc ami Itocl .israviillirat'llo ;ni, rou iioinsTio rt'iiroUi and CUl'UI.O, REAl'ICSMITII Aid) 11ITUMIN OUSCOAE, 1 ntprlcrsto Milt the trail. All Coil specially pro pared before lent lug tho Yard, Al) Plows and Threshing Machines, and all kinds of Casting nnd MachiivlW ork. lir.t'AllllXO promptly attended to) They wonld respectfully solielt the l'ntromjoot 1 1. '..'JV'T;. i m r u itli lv A Itll. Jan. s, '74-ly " ' liloeisburg, l'a. AEiYlBWAaWroW Providont Lifo & TrtUt Co., or iMtti.Aii:i.r-'ii Incorporated ltd month, 22el (iy, 1SC5. (lood ilsks of nnv class solicited. A ry reliable and popular coiniiany, nnd easv to Apply promptly by letter to the IIOM1'. OITTOX, l'lill.idol pulA. Hot. 13, '743in. I I) r I nnivrux n largo live, family pi"r. of sto- ' U I n s anil !fd reading. No social lnlsin. po t. niiiT imr iiertNanicnt4. Dnly 'cts. a year. Send 10 cents for iimcclinens before lou forgit It 1 Splendid Hap I'rcmluli. Agents wanted everywhere. Illg commissions H I 1 II. I.. Jl ASTINns, r,.is asuilisiuu iie-e-t, nunvi y Arcn Mrect, i nira.,t'.i. HAVE YOU TRIED JURU.B I A Ann you WEAK, NEHVOU3, OU DEItlEIT.yr.I) ? Are you so r.angut.t that any exertion requlrl moro ot an cllcrt than Jim feel capable; of making' Then try Jurubcba, the wonderful lonlo Ina In vlirorator, which acts so benellclally on the H utile orj'iiis as to Impart Mjor toall the vital furcct It IS no aiCOUOlIO ai'lCliCi, nmui mi.m.mi.,1.1 short time, onlvtolei Iho sulTe-cr fall ioa)ier depth of uilseiv, but it is a cgoULlo tonlo Whig dlrccllv on tlio lUi-r and spleen. It regulates lbs l.uwels, tpilets the nervefl raid Klies such e lieallh lone lo the whole K) Mem us to hooa nuke Invalid feel like a new person. . Its operation Is not violent, but Is cbanicterlzll by great gentleness; the palbntouwrleiiocsnosillni clunge', nu marked res'ill s, but L'radtullv his trofiles "1'old their t. lit s, like tho Arabs, . nd silently steal nway." I This 11 no licit and untiled discovery, butlhas been long ued x.-ltli wonderful remedial le.sultsliiid Is pronounced bv the highest medical author "the most pirn erf ill tonic and alteram e known. Ask your druggist for It. K sale bv JOANMTON, 1I01.1.0WAT li rhlladelphU, l'a. TITinTiTtKlft in!7C Now Iirass nrtKe UllMMM lUl iOfU sells lo diMllinU stores, etc. Prolltoble. We guarantee cuinas'bs success. Agenis iranicei. .situnss iiriu i .s, .-..r.. AlASN & CO., Si I N. Iteiwardsticct, llalllmore-,: Jan. 8, 78.-4w SO HPEt CBJSTT. COMMISSION TAII) BOOK AOHNTf On !T and most popular books by one f't Uw l-'ir est suhscrlptlun tlrms In tho country. J-i books n; Si) cents; wbis.ks for Jl.), ;u humbug. Sell or circulars and see. Addrosi, 1". o. Uox si llarf ford, Conn. rpnr. New York WEEKLY WITNESS, I LrlTlner News. Markets, stories. I'lelures. mil and l.le Editorials at ; ear, l'0-.tnge paid, lues leached ts.OOI circulation In thrct years, Seiulfor rree samiue copy. CIOXSTIIT KSII'MTMINT- At home Male nr'lV male, .io a week mirranted. No capital lequlreil, l'artlculans nnd valuable Pai'iplo suit free. Adihess, with u tent return stump, c. i:ov, wiillamsiiirg, '-pSYC'IIOMANCY or SULTE CIIAltM i l.Nu," l.'ow either sex may (o.sclnato and rain the luve and uuectlons of anv .crs-h thej choo-ehisl.inil-. 'mis simple, mental acquire ucnt ull can, free, by mail, for'.'.! cmls, toother Willi a Marrlagn (lulile, I'gypilan (iraiie, lireuns, Hints to Ladles. Wedding Night Shirt. ,u A lueer bunk. Address T. MLI.l il .t CO., Pubs. I'blUJ Maryland Eye and Ear Tnnlitutc or. N'ortli Charlos stn c, llalllmore, Md. OKOtKIK. lliai.l.M,, M. 1).. Lite 1'iofessor of Kjo andUarSurgerj In tlie Washington I'nUers. ty, htirgcon In i hargc; T he large handsome reMdtncc of tho late Chicles L'Aiiiioi.i. has be-n llttiduip with nil the Imple ments adopted In the latest Pohotrlsot Iluruo'.for tho special treatiiicnl or this class rt diseases. Ap ply by l. ucrto i.Lount; iiki i.ixii, M. n. furivun ln'bar,o. FQlt COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, And all Throat Disea363, USB WEILS' CARHOLIO TABLETS' I'Ur VV ONIA" IN IIEUE IlOXIJi. i TsriKis ,is .sirns: jumi cut. Sol4 by lirujglsts. S1JOHT l'O.Sii'ON,r..Mi:NT-l)AY iixi:ii-riLi, DlSlilllllilON. FlKST ChtANI) Gll-M' CONCKIII'. TT 3 ASS 4 AT AI.r.XANIllllA, VA. XVXAB.CZX 23, 1Q7S. list of aims. l (iranJ cash (iltt 1 (irund cash (lift 1 drain! cash din 10 Cash liltts, tiniioo each 1 Cash (lifts, BoO'leaeii W Cash (lifts, 1 ogi) I'jcli loo Cash (litis, fcoo each. ..,... 1 ooo cash (lifts, luu each 1 coo cash dins. s o ich . ,,i uio CM , . . . M 000 .... 'i'.Oil) . .. loo oo.i . . . ooo ,. foueio : . , fo Oifi ... 1UI10U0 ... f,u ono ... 400 OUO 3 ooo ca.ih (lifts, .0 each u 173 Cash Gifts, amounting to tl 000 000 Number of Tickets, 100 000. rmcr. or tickiitis. Whole Tlcketa Halves .Jlt . 10 Oil . coo . 2 ' Ii 100 00 Quarters l.lghthsor each Coupon. , wifcds lor Tho Monlneller Femalo Iluinan( Association, char tered by lliu Uvlslalur of Vlrglnl i and tho circuit Court of Orunirit Co . nrowwid bv a (irand (lift Con cert lo establish and endow a ''Homo for Ihe OM, llillrni, uml iii'siituto l.adli'S of Vlr.-lnln," at .Mont, tiellcr, tho former residence ot President James Madison. (loviNior's (mice, itiehiuonu, .liny 3, is,4. It affords me nleasiire to sav that 1 am well ac- iualnt'd with alirgo majority ot tho onicersof tho Mont poller l'emalo Ilumuni) Assuclatloii, who resldo Iu ll.u leiiilty of my home, nnd I attest their Intelli gence and their worth and high reputation as gen tleuii'ii, as well as the ptilillu coutldi nee, iniltn-neo and suint.uillul menus Mix rslli represerit'd among them. JsMKX l KIlMPllR. (lor. Virginia. Alexandria. Va., July 6, IS". I coiuinend them a.1 agents of honor mid Integrity, and fully en- tilled to the coullS"hCC of tli public. u. M. in (JHK.S, i . n. o iidgu unsi n lust, or a. I'urlln r references b !ieriiilsE.luii i Ills ilxcelluncv Ollbt-rt C. Walker, i:i-(Jovernor,ot Va.; lion, llobt. i:. Withers, I.leui.-(iov of Va., aud V, s. Senator ele t ; senators and members of ( 'digress from Va. Iltiulllai.ees fi r th bets maybe in'uliitu oxpuss prepaid, post-ofllce moiie) -older on Washington, I), C,, or by lleglstered leltcr. For full purl! ulars, teMtmonlals, ie send fur Cir cular, Addicss, llt)N,.lA.M;siniilioi'lt, I'res't M. I'. II. A., Alesiihdrli, Va. llelUMo agents wanted eicrj where, l)cc,a5,'74-4 AdENTS WANTED. At tlio rate this work Is now billing It will uttalu a solo ot 100.000 COPIES beforo.tho can ass Is complete, 1'resbUerlnu min isters without a charge, -or loose la III health "ho wish iu re lam n nv oji'ii-iur exereise, biuuetils, lay men. Illld Othtls who ilciill'ii In ol.tnln Iui-imlIva em. luiuitui in u most respoctaiiio oteuiuuvii, aro so- "TIIKlliaTOUYOK THE 1'HJWIIYTK- ltlAN CIIUHCU TIIUOUUiiOUT Tin: wonuv Ab-iaUtlfUl lJTLru octavo voliimn. lllnsfrnti.rl with stoel and wuod engravings, wldeheiery I'rosbvteiUu tautlly w 11 want to po,soss. Ai)llcatlons for exclu 1V8 tori Itory bliouia bo mude ut unou. Address, UK i ri V, bU.M' X CO., Dec. S3, '74-6m. 410 llroomo blreet, New Yort, nAlVVWIS.SAllANn. Vi OATAWlbSA. Pa.. Dec. 16. 1874. hlMlt baiilt. lll bo hold at their of the stockholders of tho CulawkM t tneir banking uouao tho second Tuusday ot Yi.T.w". .- nwi vu U1Q auuuuu 1UOSI1UJ Ol jauuw petween ths bourn ot lo a. m. and U fi'i 'n . ",1l ,n ,ll;CUOh 'or autctors to serve tor t.ra """AlL.r. COURT intOCLAMATKNI TimiKH, tlio Hon. WiM.iAMriii i I rresiiicnt Judgo of tho Court tn er Terminer and ( Jail Delivery, Court u ter Hcwlons of Hie I'euco and Court ol d l'tcrei nnd ()rl,llnl1, tvmrt In llin ofith .llldlcl trl"l. culntxispil nf lt,n pnnittl,inf Cnllltilh iVfd l nn tour, ami Iho Hons. Inu lir.itu afill.i c MositOK, Asioclato .lint'csof t'olutnbla tulJy, havo Issued thflr precept, bearltu ehto the 8i 1iJJ ol Hept., In tho year ot our Lord ohc hfi" and eight hundred nnd sevenly-ilTC, and toiw di rected for holding a court of Oyt and Tcnini and (lencr.ll (luarter Hosslons ot the IVaceV'Otil ot Conmion 1'lea.s and orphans' Court, In Il'.rtn burg, In the county ot Columbt.i, on the first Mon illy, being tho 1st day ot I'cbnur n 'it, t'O.ii tlnuo two weeks, Nott'olshorobyglien to tho Coroner, to tli .Iu tlccsof Uio Peace, and Ilia Constnbi "f f'tald county of Columbia, tlut tli'ybo th3ti it'l l I In tholr proper p'T.son nt louvioclc In tlio f-rei hot slid 411, day of September wltlt their recnr l-.h 'Ht lions and otli-r rcmcmbrati'eM, to do i'i"' fiW which to their unices npjvrlaln lo bo due Nud are bound by recognizance to pi" '" against the prisoners that nru or limy tie In ill I" of thoculdcotihtyof Columbia, lo bo then anl toproseculo tliem as shall bo Ju.-t. .lur" al aiiostcdtobopuncUt.illritlielrattcndancc..i( e I ly to their notices. Dated ut Uloomsburg l'i. 'I ' '' lot December in tlio jenr of cm ' r n I., s. Mtioiisand eight Iiutiilred and suc!' tr v- and In the nlnety-clglitli jear of u.e J penetenco of tho United States ot Amcrlc i Sheriff's onice, Uloomsburg, Nov il to .MiciiAt:!, (iiiovr.i Sill I ' i B virtue of sunilrv writs of Vcnililionl lis) pouiisand 1'lerl I'aclas Issued out of I lio couit ot e-emmon I 'lease of Columbia eouiily, and to mo di rected, will bo exposed to public saJo attlieCOLIll llolsh.m Uloomsburg, on Mnnday the 1st day of February, IST-'i, nt ono o'clock, p. m., tbo follow Ing described prop erty, to-wlt: Al that certain piece or p-ircel oflsnd slualcln n-dl niT Creek fruenftliln VnlnmMi ....tin V. I'l.i bounded on tlie north by lands of II. I'. Kdgar en 1'ie i. i.i uu vi i. i: i-.ugnr, on i-io south oy ;i'isoi .Tosi'ph Dlelcrlch aud l-tler Klelanil and uu 'he ca-l i - iii . I wenner, on which are c eeien a ALSO. All that certain piece orpari-l txna sltnatnla t.ii.i 1.H I.-R niivii-iiip, i out uoi e e-uuuii, eoioiii-i mlmdsnt llli l sr rennlnginn on tlie north, Mi Wcnnt-ronthernst, w r. 'Irtxli-r on thu west an Peter Kphlln on the otitli, cintalnlng so acres mori or less wht"-on nro a frame dwelling boaso a bai barn, wagon s'led and olh-r out b Hidings. Seled, taken Intocxee-utlon and to lusuldasl) liropertyot !'.ll.i;dMraud William K.lliUMrlJte tra I ing us & urothcr. ALSO, All thai crtiln real estate. situate In Ihelo-.inil.u ot Locust Coliunlila county, bounded by lands I (lenrgo Ituuttl on the licit t Ii, John Kline on 11,4 south, ileorge ue.iver on tho west, .nut f onthuiMst, cOntalnltij ono hundiv-.l a-re-s n t sele.1, taken into ccecultin and to bs soldi 1 t ,..ui. 1 ij ui itiitmui. ALSO, . All that real estate M!uate In the town of 1.1 . iiai'g, i i.iiuiiuia couutv, and Mnl- of l-ennsj 1 . 1 X biunluJ and dc.-cilbe.d as fallow, to wit: i 1 't u an auey, nona ovaioior sinion c. elb. M.iln street, south bj a lot ot CUhnrl sal I lot being Kcienty f 'i Iu front and ono h and el 'Ids feet ileen. Im the same inure 1 w'lereou arc- creeled .1 dnellln' house and1 d wiiu the npputtenaticcs. S' l7C 1, t IM'U In I'-.eCUtlliU iu.l to bo bull 1 -0 pripenr or 1:11 Jones, Adminlstrat ir, .Vc.,ot h Jones d'-cc.ised. A 1.(50, All tint home an 1 lot of 1 md sltuno nn Cell irl strcl in in ton n of lim i:nbur,', e-oiint) ot C .1-1 bli, l'a, rr jilting till) Id oils.,'.! Catharine '.re nijoining 101 or s.'nu i,-r on im nortn lint Mtcrso'l the so'lt'l. Wl..-re.lli Uerei'iedaliri frame home 111,1 out b illdlus, nun- ojcupl' Uf V. IIHl-U.lll',. . stked tikm lu eei-ultin and to bo sol I properly ol Samuel i.rov,. ALSO. That cei tain lot of ground la tut in Issa t bill Coluinblico'.uilj, bouud-d oa Iho lmrth bv mi ill tiua lla.ietun ami Mtlkcsiiarie rta llloii . ontd' tti bi land ot win. :.!cleliy, on the south bvayite ro.iu, aim eiu eae west ei; niei or sruu l-l-l.e in laming two seres moro or less, with Iho np,jun auees. I Seized, t ikon Into evecutlon and to be sold jolie pr.iperiyeiii.ini e.isui.-r wuu nuiiee luici ants. ALSO, Lot situate on Second slre-te.r Mill street town if Ks.-iy, Scott loiui-l.lii, eoliiinlili i whoiconaro ercctesl a planing mill and shop, , in i-ugiiic, inae-iiuiery A.C. ALSO, Iit sltnit" nn S'vnn l str"et 111 s.tld town, -ulli lug 111" af.uvs dd planing mill lot on the we--t. .it inu or j, ereiciiu on tn-i ea-t, an 1 .econu n I Hi. oa tnu sijiun, an. 1 west by an alley; whe-reur ... 1 I i JI, ericie.i a (livening ii.hi.i- and out ti'illdlngs. uo.vl cupled by l.e-ouard iVooil as tenant. AL(), Lot on S-cnnd street in said lown, bo.mdad 01 be Witness tho Honorable William Flwell rsiiulre no; h by hecond stn it, ai.'ltb by allej.e 1st b. iic.rjl-resl lent of our said cm in it lllot Sluire' ho Tinubly, i-t bv I. ant Tliomas creiellrg Jr.nlncteentli day of In ecinb-f A 1) eino ttiousaiid iMi-reua arc erecU-d a fen? dwelling huun- a-i,oiultlit hundred and seicnti.f j -r ' Ihousand buldlns, nuiv occupied b John llcivsouas teuiut .MICIIM'I Cl-ovru AL-'0, L't sttuate nnsecoad street In Mid town adJoln-vvTOTIr 'I.' 'ivi iipiuo n.'Sue'ond street on the north, oa-l by lMhen llaSI ,V,.'l,S' . vol In .Mrs. Mordi n. snulh hyan alley, wher -on ar1 ' 1 -""IA tot Ml.SS: cm led i fr.irui' tlvoM!nj,r Ujiw unit out ballhi; t'lliUMlii ThO-i. J;. FuwkTlL'U.tlit. lot nn Second fctivr t Jtih.iMtr.u'ii bounihil on tl noil, in sut'.r.U M11 et.cast iy i,it of il. t(. rt r!ta hoiin tiv nn Alley, wt'-i hyii.tot I. m vi'iin. uiiar- un uf curtt tl u fr.i'iM tuvclua l.uu'.e, a it nil tli; nui. wur-JliaUMj now ntvuiiKM a-i an oiiill', vf Jin 1 , UI .TiU'. ALSO, I.oto'1 K.iliMrcrt In said town, boundo 1 on) norttib) an .ill-y, ca-t by an alli-y, west by lou ks, iineieon is er.-eien .) uri'-n. (inoiu, hOUso uiw 01 cupled ty 1 lies, rt . LUgar. ALSO, Lot on the south sld t of Pennsylvania canai sild town, IiounJ-'d 011 tho natli by salt en. siuthhy the .Susquehanna by lot of Carson, wt by laud of nubbins: rthereoi) u-s tt- I'liuirain' iiiieiiiug o'Mio anuuue ouiiuiu. pled bv I'" J'u Ai'-SO, r J I.01 on nr.rlh of said canal, and west by astri SJiith aud eul by the l'i nmylTinl 1 canal, wlim am crc'-u-u .1 ir.iuio u.ieina- uouse and 01UJI lngs; now oceuple I by M. cuaistivk as tenant. A l0, , J Om other lot on south si le of Main street, 1-1.1 town wbeieeii are crecte I thtea dnellu g fces bo.ind-don 1 be north by Haiti street, on i3u-t by cauat stree-!, on tl.i aoiitu by an alley, Iho west bi lanl of David ll.irlm .11. I SelA 1. taken Into e.ti'i'ullo'i and to bo solrbo propctiy ot Thomas v . Ldgar. 1 ALhO, I All tilt eortdn red citato ll'late In f.nriit,i,. ship, (,l unbll co'iuty, buuuded by landi ohn i.iiii.- .let ot-itrs on uu norm, .jaeoo () aactv- itiiimIii isiiii 1111 t 1., 1 t .t 11. i.i'.".. I'll i...i. at I . Klin.-. lid otiiirs 01.11,, i.;,rtn,,l.,eor,Ktaa?,y. Ilugh"tunl i.tlieis on Ibt-Mi-Kh, John .Mlll.nd 1-ctcr filler on luu west, ; cinuiulug Iwuthr. d netei i.Dioor lissi vheroonuieereeteil tv. id uie lio'ies,yti b.'jus aad out bullulngs w.ehap purteniitce's. 1 .SL'ieiirf.ikeii uao 'ecuiu.nauu 10 uo fe'iinne pruiuiii.'i joua'iia i.aeuiiiail, f p. .1 'Wt. ALSO, All tlu of cataw erlaln 1. 'I of ground Utiuile In.f 'Wn afore- iildhouudei ij, in -ii county (i Columbia siuito id desi rib. d as lolloa nt . lcr ef a lut of Sar.ih I- . on Iteglunlit at tho the nui'Uleast si last sld uf Main sirivt, of thof nu of cat nv vi, Ui--i..'e by said lot north e dly two hun I d and t 1 feet to an alley, tboi -,iM nil it nil 11 "sen laij ou-iii inn ie"i if luis to a eorur oi u 10- now or uto 01 .10 (la (on theico b,l .aid lol 'oath Hi 1 iv h. 1 1 1 1 y tt lieu an 1 ten lei to (In uforos uu M du stivel bi tho same i alii c.i- uardly clriiv ti.-ofj ve or liss, lo liupbico of di'gluiiiug, on wldi 11), "da iianiJ oaii'iii eioL-ii 1 "ei a. siuro luuui.f.UlUg ALSO, All tlut 0 'tain lot of irrouiiil 11 1 orcaliivlsi In tin 1 Hint) at irunldbelu e-'lautn-iil. rod In 1 w g.-neial jil.m oft' ttwlssi iiuit'i red si .lecii (10.) boundO'l a Od us flll'j'.f ") Wit: '11 tne su.Kh nv Mnl 'own .aid towii.iu the cat bj abutlur loljl to tLt- sild J. I ilrobst, o tlio bona by in 1 u oa lUo west al by an a! y. wlin uio :iri)m e- selcod, ti I. lu iii.otlon uaid toon ..iv.. 1, of I'lUJI., u, ... Ui 'U USO, Alltbn-ofi 1 1 1 'cU'itlan bltuatolnl town, shin, Culiiuit, i-uiiut r-unsjn.inl.iai 1 ult) elesbrlbed ust llo-.u on. uf ihem U al a post at th i'.iiiwi 1 corn -rtf a tmctisir med on u mint 1 ( . eharluu iLg.v-r the'iieo by sa futliar 1 - l.uugonborgcr' 1 Tul! HI degrees, h iiv.-Jm . .11 sum no-niri 1 'il degress, mil i.'iciu, to a post .. e 0S lauilsur cjcv tlie u u.e . of Thomas I - .,nf, , u'Kiiia, ii- .oi 1 ruio'i uiiipobii or ahilsunejc! tn. name of luuVl .rlh 7s degrees, es ot Jessy uroot a red oak : t . Druoks, iiorlti tho placu ot bi allorfauce moi ll'.e ite'.re.. 1. (Willi it jiosb : I 1 l-i. ll' .1 Kiu I'OStl IJLKj l.,ljl ortlu. di grcc, iicsist.ii', i v m i.ti. a iu mj lint Je-w.ii iegn 1. a.t sj i,er( no 1....1 tiing cont.ilnliiK .r.yisnuj Andrew tlarl. Ilediiie '.uiiiie ,,rJa ii... ,yi. -illiu VU UlIUillLIQ onootlurof u-1 beglumg at a post luu sPi' corner otl bo a., ed,..-. iiboutrael.buriiHiir. nmi to sndrev 1 art, ti,"ueu by tuu wimu ,J( ." ... .luu.r ' I'l.k uuiiuii.reos. west Hi) )re-ini . , u pui thence by .u,...J oil warrant 10 ta. m.. 11 and Jacob itZ grecs. weal so J rbesb. -loues, thuncol bur. v.-j.'doii I'mjaiiilu 1.1 ock. 111. grcos, nasi va ri.hes t a piuo, inencoU ir. vi-jcil on 11 u ifcT Njcr,soui.'r.,.s. east isi s-io pevit's lo .1 1 lhounu 3 ,Ui? H-juJ un n warnit John B.irionlr.,uuri:ipeii e-.i-t iw rwrotich . uhlekor: Iheuoob Iv., '"ufJa iiinols nottifiu (,,lui, us imivuch 10 1'e Hicnei. by iiiooaioi'isii.,. gre" s, cast uu pi ues 10 .1 pu,l iho ,b, gla. nlnjcoulaliiliiL i niu-s inoiuortooim H.111.0 tract of fa liur t-jed un wurnuai f i fSoKr.datod Ai it i.t, ,,Ui, )m them, be'tbmlii ' ,ta p,rtt u, hoalt Vu ,l 1 ui iSi""- f. W '"".'JfWJ-fsrraii 'VKCIAIXSM lol Noier, norm 1 d'ei)s e,t VoWospY' a Jiluo 1 llieuci' bj 1, teiff( lie ajamlu l,i w e, J 1 to j I de. l'i In .mil ilus.lcr lu the 1101 wtu lluoui laud wa war rant John luiia. j , tti.-u. e by tlwSt degroois, eat a po tin Ida' . Ol begi'iiini,,. luu '4 ne ica i.ii or laud Hinvtii'e'd 1 l ,V l;yc;''-'iruct hi iiiwiie-i De-ner.ih . 11 tr. , jandi il ... . w arraiil lu liu'ium iu .21, '..ou ' V'estMo isi'civ, jus rnt, i'ifl dsgreis eastmiw e,J.- iJr.,s7 V"il slave od u11uw.1i .,1 . Uu. jt, 'li 1 gr.ios, out ttn- in 1 auiiuvod una wup.u dogrncs, MOit IKVWv suricvediiiiawamu .vss Coit Ulli 410 llt.'os mi', iruci ui luii'i suree t , jah iie-u J.ejr.flllnexo v-rty ot thj iMnvUU ft IW, .run. I "'mm UI ALSO. (utliat certain lot ot land being a lime qlmrry, Ii. in the township oi scow, i o uiiiiiiaciiuiii.i. , lundcd on th cast by quarry lol of MarpB n id . on ibe north by ljnd of Aaron llfinn, tfi t ho i, r another quarry lot of .lease n, Itloo, 151 tho i.t- in r. 1 t.t 1111111 nnd .lessf. w. Mirn li iii. itch an-erected a dwelling house, stable, onico ml titer "Ut buildings, I lino Kilns kc. ALSO, On,' "l'i- r 'I'mrry tl slfuw Inlhn name township. ,t,nn an te ori'.'ti iUiT lot, bound";! en the cast i.J sT'dD-mi d-si-rlU d lol, 01 thntiortli bvl.indnf ' vim lioon, on ttiiMtest by quarry lot Into of John t Afvtiwil. nnd on thi'iiniilliby lsndcf Anrou P, : on which nn- n dwelllnn house and out bullel 1 , .md Ihn-e llmu kilns, ' A LWO, .11 that certsln bt of land Mt'lato In Madison to i stun, Columbia county, buithd."l bv lands f 11 tit itt ur.'l clllier on tlie hiirtli. Valentino lllddle. uni on ilieeait. o. I-. Chrlsliln and William Kcbb 0 iuo Smith, Vulttitlnn Weiiier uml a ptbllc load ,.1 rno west, contulnlng ts acres morn or lesst 1 rwn rrecie.lfifraiii"'liM'llln'jluU'ie, n largo r 1. nnd vn bulldlngsi nltli th iitipurl"n.itices. ('jiod, taken Into i-wutl m nnd to be sold ns Iho iTty cf JiMse 1). Idee .md 1111 1111 It. Cot, AliC, d tint certiln re t' estate smut" In Heaver town .Columbia counti. bound-il nsfolloivsi K'gln- 1 ,(nt nsloni) In public mid. mence niongsaiu roan 1 1 111 si iieetrets, wot I'd purcnes 10 a posi i iiicnco 1 utid "t Wm. SmliU south w degrees, easnt I -liesloapot thence by l.ttidot .lesw.lolinsoii 'h 11 d'-grees, west n f,'.trcli"s to tlio place of bo- I alngicoiitalnlnittbre" a-rcj, moro or less, with I I appurtenances, Ir-d, takenvliito ctecitlen nnd lo bo sold ns 11 pcrly tf .lolui Hindi riltcs. AI.0, vll that certain price of land situate in lionrlng ek luTiishlp, rviitrnht 1 county l'a , Inunele'd 1U11I scrlbeilas follows, In Hi! on IU" norm by lands : .nidge l ux nnd oth-rs and William l.linllle, on tho st by lis county line, n;i the mth by lauds Into Isaac i cthsrt ainl rr. lb- m-t by lands of James . anseri'.iinlnethhti acres more or I si-lwd.iiken InlneM-' Utliiii mid lo bo sold as tho operlj ,f Jonathan lln-litn vn. ALSO, lllliil cerium pl.-e or pared of land slttialc In h-- bnro rti of lleml.'k cn'intr, of Cc.lurdbl.i r.i , oil rout st t t ot said ton'i. bcglnnlngnt the corner of, h"loto, .llllam Mllll.ims thence lit sair.o eighty el ton iley, thence along said alley, thirty LM elm-iif ir less to lot now onned by Joh""""! 1'invl) he Hieme t Ighl feet tn fri nt, utr" t afore, 'nld : t tin e by the same Hrei t thlrtr To ti't moro ci a tn-shirt brick Mure nnd ftwclilng house, with less 11 u.e pun 01 ncginning wnicn lire ernci' ia.iapti ricnunci. N-ld l.ike'n Into rteetltloii and to bo soldnstlio r.roperl( .f John 11. Jjcoiiy Sherlf lOmcf. !iriiAi:r, uitovnn. wcju-iijurg, aan. s.'ls tc. aiiorltf. 4 DMINMSTItATOIl'S NOTICE. " V nsriTS nr riiuir ur.?s, Prcr"Kn. rf Administration on the citato of Philip less hteiif Suarloaf to-.tiishlaCnlutntiU ccdcccns- I, bait' liven srnted bs the iegl.tter of ild county 10 Join Horn, of luridsoti Post ( fsulllvan 'ouiits I tnnslylranln. All pi-rsnns baling claims igalisi the estate of the decedent are re iuetill 1 1 present them for sftllcmenl, and thoso -ndrbiV to tho estate to nuke patinentto the im Urtljif J administrator w llhout dela,-. joiin 11011N, Artmlnlst rater, Dec s -tn' Bullltan ootmty, l'a. ,t"Tl'lTOUS NOTIf'i:. i V s , MR -STtTK)- MS11H KArfP, HFCKASEII, 'la 1 nprslneil, appointed by the Orplmns' (,'ourt I of (ilenblai'iiuntt. audttorto m-ikeUKirltjutli.n of 1 tola 10 in Ihe hands of Isaac K. Krlekliauni, admin tstnto of Mnrl.i Kauir, ilece.vcd, will attend 10 tlio , dut'-s f bis appointment Jl thu olHco of i:, 11. .1 U. , II. lilt -. In I!lii..uniuiru', on saturdny, tlie sad day of .i,m iry, lsTn, nt lu o'clock, a. tn, Allptrsons bin iu claims ngalnst sail estate are renntreii tn all ml r bo debarred from coming In for a 'hare of sail til 1. I!01ll:itl'l!. LIT I'l.JC. D-c. -., '74 -lw. Auditor. i UiUTOIfS NOTICE. 1 V. Tim ' ok hih movkv run into coi-iit 101. Ill TOWN- Itlll'TIOS- IMIISII TIIK llalMASTSjItiltSSTllIK lOKCO'.'VS-(IIIU. Hi -nil-r.lgri J sppi.lntcd auditor br tho Court of of i otn noii Pi-Ms 1 f Columbia lountt, to nscritidn itIi it nts now existing nro valid ilr.Uns I flgrflns said lunnshlp, nnd the amount thereof un iiiim,, id renurl Uie order and distribution, In wlileh tli- i nit shall be paid, oat of the money now In 1 r- tr r v Id -n mar l,"re,.rtcr be n.ild Into court. "HI J i' et forth- of nltendlng lo Ihe duties of tit ipnolnlnietii on Tliuia1av,.inniury 21 -t, A. P. l-rjj'bl o'clock, a. in ut his omcopi Catawni wliij' all parties lulerested are rcituei.led toatteiil tl , " l""v" ' . IV. II. AUIHIIT, 74-St. Auditor. 4 Vr iriCE Tf) HEIRS. OI.I MIIIA Cor.Nl'Y, SIS: ', fie Orphiti' Court of Columbia County lomallerof the tiarlltt(.n .in.t iin.,11.... r.r ,w e f mJ.' 'V.'i1" ,1 u,,"u"r-l-'to of Columbia coan- 1 ElUlheHi Wenner. wt.i.nv n..,.,. n- (iUbeth Zimmerman, unit 1., nil ,. 11... ..... !i rested: 1'"'"'"- You am hereby noiineii ilmi in hp.!...,. .1: . ' .' "u " 11,11 "t I'Cirs 01 sn d ne ''dent to aceert or n fuse thf.Mi.i..t .., i... ,...i.....i. .. rhof C.1I110 ITh the ttiim- el.m.M i,mi..,.iJ .... .. i.'..-,. wj .ue loun.iaiineu eo 00 anil npnear as I1Ornh.1n.4- Conrl U. h.. 1,,1. 1n nf t.i... ,....- IL f,lrte'i , iV ., ,,... V ' . ' '"""Si m 1 ' . .. "' i-'iioii. i.i 1 euruary, ncM, 'f J,1) " "I'1 aeei'Pt or rcfii'-o the estate at tuiuallun nut i.n.n. it 1,,. (, i,.;,..V; ' 7. . ir show win- t ho sain! should not bo sold ngu enbly to the act of Asrmli!v In nn. I. i.l..u ..,i..n.i rllllnl. I,..r.,..f II ' " is.iuuj.iw iwc. a, 74-ot. MitrllT. ut In the Orplmns' Court nf Cohtmbin County :?.,, '7 -V 1 ulpil!irllllI a'"' laliiatlonof tho deceased 'homas llarrN, Columbia county, To Mary Ilnrrls. widjw, Io-; h Hants, Margaret rT,',M :i7 ,j'1;,1'-y- K-nih lurnanl, 'Jhouia.s lurrls, and to all other persons Inter tied: inde.moVrr?',1",'1""''! ,ljut Urrhsos- Court ot ,t in I "' 11 ',r"ll'-,iron tin.' Ik (rs of said do "(li nt to acceptor re fuse the ,stnto at the rMuatlon LJii vtL"fe' w!l' ""' K-"m' should not he sold. fr f. ?,,m" 'I"' hy''y '"mmnnde.lto be and at ml in , 1, ''Rl'" ' ,,r at blooms. ir. In nnd for the said county, on the tlrst Mnndar f lebruary aeit, and then and there- accept ("r rt--1-0 the estue at the Tuluatlon put upoa it by tl r a-, made and pro ',id Vrn.t fall ..IT. 1 Ultuesj U.e Honorable! Vi llllam Klnpii rsnalro resilient of o-ir -ld ( ourt, at llloomshim. jvi-nij-iirsiu iynr Oee. mbcr, A. D one thousm tjht himdivd uitd k.m atj-tonr. L"ciu"aadi Doc. VI, 'il cw ilK'HAIILOHOVril. hl.enrr. vroricE to 111:1 us. ' 1.1 COI.CMIIIA COl NTV. SI: In the Orplun' Court of Columbia OmnUj ,'et,ui'"aofTjf'i,.l!i? "1'", vnlii.tlonof th, t, deceased ' ot ''"""Ucoun. To Haibl Ah, KII.-ji jnicnh Wi leii ld'to'iuVocr immmmm I'freforo jou am htu'e bv comm iii'loi "t,, le": ! i nioonis .Monday r. V. tt?Q and tUem nr, n7VV. ht huntoeKas 0o thoKand , I Hoe, itt, 'U-H, iilUlAELfjp.OVm!. I - MJerltT, U. M. KXOJtlt'S BOOTS SHOE STORE HLOOilSliL'JiG, PKNN'A. TUB LATEST AffU mUT, Evcity VAitiL-rv rou hoots 011,1 shoes of every stvie, Oalteis, .Slljijicr-s IsalraorjU, Just the thing for rridly gals. -"... u.i .-uoes nu- i,0)s aml men "t-ay iRjr,ts.topiitunlu-u Haluj weather Is about, If juugo to fish for trout. Lighter Hoots for llutday wear Or for a young mL ijuntlas.'tr ir il boot, nil,i ,ho-s to suit tho t?.le r' il ado to c rder, or ready made ; V Ihuslheii-oet-saongis ended. rge variety of Hoots ami' SHot for Va mid Wlutei 'J'nulo. New Goods. UAHOALVSI DAUOAIXSIII OUIt MOTTO. I'ioatN.n oicu . ttoreoihelWto I'atronaye uiomeJ a.Mmit, ,ruw.C SALE HAND BILL ''fllitetl ut thir) Oi15f-n loirrasTNo - ncK and tI O-ir UKAf-'OVA Lf.K TKHMHl is trait ramuuoi tfc sm-i i 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers