KATES 01 4 V u (piummim AND gloomafaivfl tmtmt IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNINO irtTiiiscor.DMntAN nuiLntnd jieahthk count iiousR) nLooitsnuna, ta., it CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, Torms-Two Dollars & Tear payaliio In advasse, JOB PRINTING OMUdoscrlpllons executed with neatness nml dispatch nt reasonable rntcB, Columbia Oountv Official Directory. I'reslilcntJudoc William Ki.wr.LL. Mla JU((KC-InAM DE11K, Isaao B M0N 1IDR, .... iVoMononrj,.tc-IUTi'oLrit ll.RtHni.cn. JltnUtrr t JtnorilrrV I lli A M sou l I . J ACO n Y. IHitrlrt t((oriifi-JASina.Hnvaoif, Jn, HhcrifT AA110N SMITH. Mineim! Ihaao Dbwitt. JVrtmwrr William 1.AM0K. Wmmumomrt I Vitus HoillllKI, II I It A It J, Itni.iiKii, William HiiArrr.u. tvmmftionrr' Clerk William KnicicUAVM, Auditors U. J. UAMP1IKLL, 1UNIKL LKE. CIIAI1LKH C'ONNHIl CoroMfr-UHAIlLRS O, MtTltf II Y. Jurji Commissioners Isaac .Meinour:, John Mo Anall. Cctiitri ftui'rrtntcvdmt-L1iAii.T& O. Hahki.ey lilacm I'tnr JtoriW-Illrcrtors, H. H. MII.LKH William Khami:u, lllnomsburg, nml Johnsoii I KK 1.1 II, OllCUWOOll, ClIAllLmlONNEll.SlC'y. Blooinsburg Official Direotory. Hlotvitlura Hanking Co. John A I'UKBTOM 1-riMiiiiti II. II. liiiivrz, cashier. Ihrtl Aillotinf VfniiJt-ciIAH. 11, PAXTON,Pres't , J. 1'. H'stij. Cashier. Cotutnhta County Mutual&aving Fitndand Tan As socintton R. II, Little, Prcs't., C, W. Millxb, Sic'j. Jllormiburp Itulldtng and Saving Mmd Ansorin Hon W m. PnAmcK, Prcs't., J, B. Roiiiron, Sec. JltoomsLurg Mutual hiving Ivnd Association' J. J. RnowKii, President, C. a.HAiiKLKV, Bcc'y, BlaomBburg Directory. 1)APEH 11AGH Just received nnd for uilc nt the Columiiian Olllce. DAv7iTT,OWENllintO. Merchant Tttllor.iUin Kt.,nlJovo American Houee. M. MOKUIH, Merchnnt Tailor corner of Cen tre and Mnin nt,, over Mlllcr'H ctorc, DRUGS, CHEMICALS. Ac. " E UTZ. Druiri'ltnndAnnthppiirr.Mnln Rl. . bolow the I'unl Ulflcc, CLOCKS, WATCUES, &C. tl J., oiv vauii. ueuiLT in l;iuckh, aiciien mm Jewelry, Mum fit., Just below tho American House. LOUIH BKltNII AKU, Watch nnd Cloelt maker near houthcant corner Main and Iron st. R, CATHOAHT, Watch nnd Clock Malicr.Mar. kct ktrect, below Main. UOOTS AND SHOES. f M. KNOItlt, Denier In llootn nnd K hoes, Intent "j, nml btnl btylcs, corner Main und Mnrltet htreeltt, In tho old Toat onice. D .VVID TIKTZ. Hoot nnd Hhoemalter, JInlnst. below llartmnn'a storo,went of Market. HKNRY KI.K1M, Manufacturer nnd dealer In Hoots and Hlioes, Urocerlca, etc., Main street, nht llloomBburi;. PIIOPESSIONAL. D It. II. C. 110WEK, Burgeon Ilontlst, Main st.( above the Court lloubo. D H. WM. M. UE11EU. Bnrceon nnd Tlivslelan. Ulllco over the Firht Kutluual liauk. CO. llARICLEY,Attorncy-at-Lnw. 0!!lce,M . ilnorln Exchange Ulock, near the "Exchange Hotel." 1 11. McKELVY, M. D.,8urReon nnd I'hyslclan J . north sldo Main at,, below Market, JC. RUTTER, M. D. Burgeon and Physician Market htreet, abuvo Main. 1 U. ROlliaON, Attorney. at-Law, OlUco Hart- tl. mau'a building, Main street. I-vlt. II, F. KINNEY, Burgeon Dcntt. Teeth UALl.lCll'U V 1LIIWMI uiu; .UU11 .In M.. marly on- osiio ipibcopui iuurcu, T R. EVANH. M, V., Surgeon nnd Physician, rj south sldo Main street, below Market. DR. A. li. TURNER, Physician nnd Burgeon, of fleo over Klclm's I) rim Store, lcsldenco one door below Rev. D. J. Wnller. MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS. l'ETERMAN, Millinery nnd Fancy Goods, !i, opposite Episcopal Chnrch,Maln st, M IKS UZZIE RAHKLKY, Milliner, Ilamaoy M 1HH M. DKRRICKBON, Millinery nnd Fancy uoous.aiaiusi., ueiow jiaruei. RH. JULIA A. & BADE UARKLEY. Ladlo" Cloaks and Dress I'atternj. southeast corner al n nnd Weststs. fllllE MISBEH IIARSIAN Millinery nnd Fancy X GiHids, Main St., below American llouse. HOTELS AND SALOONS. IWIIKB HOTKL, 1' of Main street. by T. Hent. Taylor, cast end MERCHANTS AND GROCERS. (1 C. MARR, Dry Goods and NotionB, eonth j west corner Main and Iron fits. 1.10X WE11R, Confectionery and llakery, ' wholesale nnd retail, Exchange Mock, (MIOWER, llatsand Caps, Roots andBhocs, Main st ubovo Court llouve. 7 11. MAIZE, Mammoth Grocery,- flno Gro . eerles, Krulls. Nuts Provision, &c, Main and Centre Streets. M'KELVY, NEAL & CO., dealers In Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Feed, Halt, Fish, Iron, Nails, etc.N. K. cor. Mnln and Markbt sts. Q II. MILLER & PON, dealers In Dry Goods, k). Groceries, QuccuHWiirc, Flour, Bait, Bhoes, Notions, etc. ,Malnst, MISCELLANEOUS. M. C1IRISTMAN. Baddle, Trunk A Harness maker, Hhlve's Illock Main Btreel. W. ROUlllNB.llquordealerseconddoorlrom 1 northwest corner Main nnd Iron sts. J. THORNTON, Wall Paper, Window Shades nnd fixtures, Kurort block. Main at. W. CORELL, Furnltmo Rooms, threo story brick, Main Htreet, west of Market st, ROHENBTOCK.Pliotogrnpher, over Robblni. ' & Eyer's Store, Malu st. H IH, Kl'HN. denlerln Meat, Tallow, etc., Chem- berllu's alley, rear of American House. SAMUEL JACORY, Marble and Ilrown Btone Works, East Uloomsburg.Rerwlck road. WM, RAI1U, dealer In furniture, trunks, cedei willow ware, near tho Forks Hotel. II. DIDLEMAN, Agent for Muuson's Copper Tubular Lightning Rod. 0, FOSTER, Glue Maker, and White and Fancy Tanner, Bcottown, NOTE 1100KB, and blank NOTES.wUh or with out exemption, fur sale al tbo Columiiiax Oince. Catawisaa. BP, DAI.LMAN, Merchant Tailor, Second St. , Robblns' Uulldlug, DR. J, K. ROIintNB. Burgeon and Physician Second St., below Main, rtlLllERT & KLINK, dry goods, groceries, and j general mercuanuise, iiaiu nireei JR. KI8TI.KH, "Oittawlssa House," North . Corner Main unu Second Streets, 1 KEILER. Rlllard Hnlonn. (Ivtl.TH. nnd Ira f I'rmt,., I, .onLn. H(nl..U. ' M, M. R ROUST, dealer In OeneralMorchnndlse ry tinnus, iiroeeries ftc, SUSQUEHANNA or Rrlck Hotel, B, bander I'roprictor, south-east corner Kosten Main and neconu isireei, w M. II. ADI10TT, Attorney at law, Main St. Light Street, II. F. OMAN s Co., Wlicelw rlghte, nrst dooi above School House, JOHN A.OMAN, Manufacturer ud dealer In tl llools and Shoes R. B;.'?NT' dealer in stoves and Tin ware lu nil lis branches. Fn r.R ENT. Miller, and dealer In all kinds oi (linln, 1' lour, t M-d, xe. All kinds of Grain purchased. Eopy. J DWERKHEWER, Boot and Shoe Store and "ia.1ll"ttctory. Shop on Main Street op posite the mam Mill. fll W. EDOAR. usqiieiuuina Planing Mill I nnd Box Manufacturing. Buck Horn. M U.&W.ll. H1IIIKMA1.-HI i EOOdi,grocelerles and eeuernl mirchandso VOLUME VI, ---NO 14. Orangovillo Directory, n II. HERRINO A IinoTIIKR.Carrcntcranud AJt uuuuers, Alain si,, ueiow t ine. BRICK HOTEL and refreshment ftnloon, by Rohr M'Hcnry cor.of Main nnd finest. DR. O. A.Mr.OARGEL.PhystclnnnndSnrgcon Main nt., next door to Good's Hotel, DAVID HERRING, FlournndarlstMill.nnd Dealer In grain, MlUStrcet. TAMEHli7lIARMAN,CaulnetMnkeT nnd Un O dortaker. Mnln Bt below 1'lne. SCHUYLER & CO., Iron fouuoers.Mnchlnlsts and Mnnufaclmers of plows. Mill St. (JAMUEL 811 ARPLISjS, Maker olth'o Hayhnrat O Uralu Cradle. Main St. WILLIAM DI2 LONG Bhoemakeramt manufac turer of llrlck, Mill BU.'wcbi of Pino Philadelphia Directory. Resiaiirant ana Dining Rooms. FRANK SMITH, Proprietor. PHILADELPHIA, N. II, The location Is central, the assistants attentive, and tho tablet supplied with tho best the market alford, fresh and well cooked. Give him n coll. J M. KEPIIEART, 0 WITH BARNES, BRO. & HERRON, HATS, CAIS, STRAW GOODS & FURS, No. CW Market Street, (Abovo Flflh,) rillLADELrillA, TAINWRIGUT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, K. E, Corner Second nnd Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA, Dealers In TEAS, SYRUl'S, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES rice, aricrs, n: CAnn soda, ac., jc. 9-Orders will recdvo prompt attention, may 10,07-tf. JJARVEY B. WALKER, MEA.R, SCHR'OPP & CO., larORTEES AKDJOIIHElta OF CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, No. 109 NORTH SECOND ST., PHILADELPHIA. S-Orlglnal assorted packages of Qneenswnro constantly on hand. Iercra-U. Businesa Cards. E. H. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offlco Conrt-IIouso Alley, below the CoLUM niAj? OOlce, Uloomsburg 1'a, c. B- BROCKWAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, iiLOOMsncna, pa. SOrt icE Court House Alley, In tho Co ldmuiam building. Jflul,'67. Q W. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offlco Court House Alley, below tho CoiUM iHAN Olllce. Uountles, llnck-l'ay nnd Pensions collected. llloomsburg Pa. sep.30'B7 JOHN M. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Onico with John G. Freeze, Ktq., Rrower's Rulldlng, Rlcomsburg. ROBERT F. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offlco Main Street below tho Conrt House. Blooinsburg Pcuu'u. B. FRANK ZARR ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELOO.MSI1UEO, PA. Oflleo with J. G. Frcez,llrowcr's Block. Can bo consulted In German or English. inch'"J'7. If QIIARLES C. LEIDY, OFFICE ON OAK STREET, MOUNT U ARM EL. KOHTIIUMDEIUAND COUSTY, PA. Collections nromnllv mndp. Convevnnclntr utaiiv tzocmoti ntu nil ntiior business couuccl- nl with liti nofehhlnn mrlullv attended to In Moutonr, NorlliumLtrland nnd Columbia coun- N EW STOVE AND TlJN SHOP. ISAIAH HAGENBUCH, Main Street ouo door above E. Merulenhnll'a -store. A large assortment of Stores. Heaters and Ranges constantly ou hand, and lor sale nt the luwecti rttiuH, Tinning in all Its branches carefully nttendedto, mil satisfaction fruaranteed. Tin work or nil kinds wholesalo and retail, a lal Is requested. Jaul'71 JLOOMSBURG ill A II It Ii U W O U K. S. MAIN HTIIKET, I1ELOW MAIIKET, BI.OUMSUURU. Pa; Monuments. Tombs. Headslnnen. .tr. Work ueiitly execuled. Orders by mall will ro'olvo special attention. N. II. Work delivered Ircoul Charge. T. J,, u U.VIU.l, l'ropriei r, octU'71-tf. P.O. Box fi. yE'j TERINARY. AUGUST FRIEND, late frcm Germany, oUers his aervlcs to ti n puuuo as n eolcuraU,u HORSE AND COW DOCTOR, and all other animals, for which Ills charges arm moderate. He ran always be found east side ot Berwick road, neaiS.H. Jacoby's Marble Yaid. Bloomsburg, May 12. 1871-ly. jgARGAJNS BARGAINS. QUICK SALES AND 8HAT.I, rp.OriTB, SAVE YOUR MONEY. Goto HENRY YOST, East Bloouisburg, Pa., for all kinds of tho best home uud city made FURNITURE. Prices reasonable nnd th bo- "ork done. Jan l'7-tf yULOAN WORKS, DANVILLE PA. WILLIAM H. LAW, Manufacturer of Wrought Iron Bridges, Boilers, Gasholders, Fireproof Buildings, Winugnt Iron ltoodng, RuoHug Frames, Flooring and Doors, Fnrm Gates and fencing, ulso Wrought Iron pip ing, stacks and all kinds of Smith Work, do. Repairs promptly attended to, N, H lirawltigs anrf Estluiutes supplied, ortil'71-ly. nkw vnitir. comr. and i.tvehpool. NLW AND UXIrPOWKKhD KTKAUHlIIPS. TIIKHIX I.AIUIIST IN Till! WOULD. OCEANIC, CELTIC, REPUBLIC ATLANTIC, BALTIC. ADRIATIC, tl.uu inns burden DAW) h. p. each. Balling from New York ou SATURDAYS, from Liveroool on THIIItHllAYH mill l'.,,L- ll,.rlu,r the day following. From tho White Star Dock, Vavonla Ferry. Jersey City. I'asst'uger RcvuniiHuuauous iror nil classes) uurlvnlled, combining SAFin-Y, BPEk.D. AND COMFORT, "" Saloons, atato-roora, smoking-room and batk rooms In midship section, where least motion is ieu. Durgeum auu sicwururssos accompany these steuiuers. RATEii-aloun,JflOgold. Slesrage, IMcurren. ev. '1 hosu whtblne to send for frfumlM imm ,ii Old Country can now obtain steerage prepaid certlrlciitea. t33 currency. Passeugers booked to or from all parts of America, raris, jiaiuuuri.ii, Norway, tiwedeu. Excursion tickets granted at lowest rates. Drafts from 1 unwards. Fur Inspection of plans anil other Information, ppjy to No. 19 Broadway, New York, Or 10 W. PEACOCK, JaulStf llleoinsbiirv, 'a. Miscollanoonn. JQENTISTItY. II. O. HOWKIt. T1F.NT1HT. Respectfully ofTcrs his professional services to the ladles andKsntlemcn of llloomsburznnd vl einiiy. no is prepnrcu loaiienu lo an tue van ous operations In tho line of his profession, nnd Is nrnvlded with the latest lmrirnvetl l'onrict.AtM silver and rubber base to look ns woll nstho naf. teeth wiucn win oo lnserieu on uoiu piatiu urnl teeth. Teeth extracted by nlltlio nowanJ mostapproved methodB, nnd all operations on thoteeil io teeth cnrofnlly and propeily attended to. Residence nnd oflleo n few doors fthnva thn Court House, samo side. moomsuurg, jan,i'7i-iy "JIHE GREAT MAGICAL II AIR r O It C 13 It t Will force a lieAllllrnt Rpf. rtf Wliltrr.lta nr ft,fl- taoho. Ill from two to threo mniitlift. on htiv nor. son over twelve years old. ltlsoneof Ilia best iireimriiunns 10 mnKe tno whisRcrs grow that over was known. Ono bottlo of it lssufllclent to produce a vefy strong beard. It. does not In any way slain or injure tlio skin Try It I It Is no liuinbiw. Prlcu .13 cents itr bottle. Bent by mull post paid, lo any address, on receipt ol price. Addicss WILLIAM C. WAGNER, sfYltMilUtYllJB, nus.t 71'Iy. AdniDB County, Pennn NS RANGE AGENCY. Vvnmlne. f:n.ix.i. i,ni,"i: 4 HUH IU jn,nni 4.VJ,iXl lylUU.tHtl l.OXJ.IKI It'lO.OUO Ktna Fulton N, Y, ' No'th Aiucr .e City inieruatioiiBl N.Y.... Niagara N.Y-. Merchants KprlngUeld r axmcrs- Dauvnie,.4.Y Alhntiv l-ltv 11)0.0(1(1 uanvil e. Horso Then iinimi Athllll If, N. Y... 1.UJ0.M0 uermania, N. Y SCO 000 FREAS BROWN, Aumt, tnsiSni-ly. BLooMBiinKi In. jlJINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE THE SIMPLEST. CHEAPEST AND 1IFST IN UiJEI HAS BUT ONE NEEDLE! A CHILD CAN RUN IT I Designed tspccinlly for tho ufc of families, and ndlisMhodciIrctokultfor tlio market, Will do cvciy ttltch of the knitting lu a stocking. widening and n arrowing as rendlly nsby hand. Am Fiiienilld for wcuslrds nnd fancy wolk, TAKING FIVE DH-FERENT i;irJl)H 1)1.' STl'ICIII Aio rry insy n matiBKe, and not llalilo In tct out of older. Ecry Family should have one. Wo want an Agtnt In every town to Introduce and sell Ihem.lovhnmwenirerthomostllU'ral Inducements-. Hcnd lorourtMirnlnri,i,fi Himt,,i. HtocklriL'. Addiiss. Illf.KI.EY KNITTING MACHINE CO., nov. lu.l-ly. u.uh,Mc. r C. HOWE R, has opened a Crst-elass BOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND IUR Sl'ORE. at the old stand on MntnStrect.Rloomsbnrs.nfcw doors above the Court House. His stock Iscom ponedof tho very latestand beststyles ever otler cd to the citizens of Columbia County. Ho can accoramodato tho public with the following goods at tho lowest rates. Men's heavy double soled Btoga boots, men's double nnd Blnglo tap soled men's ono boots and slioe,, nr nil m-min i.nB doublesoled boots nnd.shoes ofnll kinds, men's glove kid Balmoral shoes.men's, women's, boys'a anil misses' lasting gaiters, women's glove kid Polish very nue.womeu'sinorocco Balrvornlsaud calf shoes, women's very nne kid buttoned gait- s-.o, ,11 duui, uuui, ui mi ucncriimoas uom pec ged and sewed. He would also call ntlentlou lo his One assort ment of ats, CArs, runs and notions. which comprises all tho now nnd nopulai vnrl etlesat prlceswhlchcannotfalltosultnll. Thcso goods are ottered at tho lowest cash rates anil wm ne guarantceu to gtvo satislactlon. A all Is solicited before purchasing elsewhere as It la believed Dint better bargains are to bo found than at any other placo In the county. Jsu 1'71 ' THE ORANOEtlLLE MANUFAC TURING COMPANY. MANUFACIUllEItS Of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of tlio most Approved Patterns. Jolifilng-, a tic! CaulltirVM of all descriptions. DEALERS IN General Merchandise, Lumber, Ac., Ac. OR ANG EVILLE, PA. Wo would announce to tho public In general Hint wo have taken the well known AltIi-iiI tor. al W'orks of this place and shall makell our aim to mnnuiaciuro Mrst Class Agricultural Impln ments equal to any other mailers lu tlio Stale, such as TIircwIiiiiK aincliiiicij, Both Ievcr and Trend Power. I'lows of every IJcscriptloti, among which will bo tho celebrated KNOB MOUNTAIN HERO, acknowledged by all In be the best plowexlnnt lor the former. Vlso tho Champion, .Sterns' Satcnt and 1'Iic Montrose, ALSO, DOUBLE CORN PLOWS, Cultivators, Eron CiclltCN, and Castings of everv description. Wo shall uso nono but tho bu-t materials ami einplov nono out inrnpetent. and expi'Mleuced nunlikulcs ami our prices will e mipiue Uvorably with any other iminulaclur ers. l.'ountry Prodiu-e, Lumber, Oil Iron, taken lu exchuugo, Wo also Imvoii store lu oouneellou with our Agrleulturdl Works, wlier mav be found ii full assortment or MERCHANDISE which will IhisoIiI lit Miiull prullts. Ulvo us n cull noforii purcLaslug tlewhcro and wo guar antee SIlllHtSCtlOll WM. JOHNSON. W.H.SMITH, I'resldeut. becretary, !nirchft!7-ly. Hotels. MONTOUR HOUSE RUPERT. PA. WILLIAM BUTLER, Proprietor, This House having been put In thorough repilr If. now open for the reception of guests. No FnluB will bo spared to ensure she perfect oom ,rt nf thn tmvelera. Tno Proprietor solicits a share of public patronage. Tho bar will be stocked at nil llinos with nne liquors and clgard. jaui',1 pENTON HOTEL. V, F. PIATT, Proprietor, BENTON, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. wpll k'nown House havlm; been nut In taioroucli repair 1m now open lor tho leceptlon ol visitors. No pains have been bimreil to ensure ttuo perfect comfort of guests, The proprietor ulso runs a Stage from tho IloUd to Bloomsburg mid Intormeuiuie poiuis on luesuay, iiiursiuiy aud Saturday oi etcuwcea, usi " IJIHE ESPY HOTEL. E3rV, COL'UMDIA COUNTY', PA. The undersigned wonld Inform tho travelling public that ho lias taken the abovo named estab llsunient and thoroughly rcntted the same for llui perfect convenience of his guests. Ills larder ...in V..tw.ir,l will, tlmlinKt llie market altords. The choicest liquors, wines aud cigars always to ue .our.u m our. w,tuAM j.CTX1T. Fbih t'a THE NATION 2 ts Rulers and Institutions. IN ENGLISH AND GERMAN. Notliisii like It. Btrlkcs everybody as Just the book they need. It Is an Encyclopedia of the .nmni mImpIo nnaes lu It. uru ot them selves worth theprlieul lliobook, UitrbOOpagel ladles and geutlomen-firnvrs, teachers nnd ,1..,., tmsil- IT. r,ra in ,1 llt tlntlK. NinU.llMi. un.-."- . nrutlcr ultuf. htlm c tht lock amieartii, a. duty can be denied In lair terrllory. Writ" at nnru for Circular and Information. NI.W WORLD PUIILISHING CO., Cor. 7th anilMiir ketStreets.PUlladelpbla, loci. o,'7l-iy., TUSTIOE'S BLANKS. Wo now hav on lisnd a largo nratly printed 7,f lllsi'l'll?B'H and OONhTAl LI BLANKS, to which wo Invito tho ntlentlou of tueso ouiceis. BLOOMSBURG, PA., Poetical. Tlio Tower of Song. Thro' tho longalilcshcrclearvoteoroio anil ran j, Thrilling abovo ns to the vaulted root, Dying In fretted nidus far nloof; Ilorno on its wlngi our lanclcs heavenward sprang, Tholollorcron tho sunny morning leas Starts as nblrd sprlugs sudden nt Ids fecti Henrs tho fresh air nwalto to music sweet, And turning dazztcd cyci abovo him, sees Tlio brown wings riultcr.hears the rlppllnguoles, Till bird and strain both vanish in the blue; Then, from tho fnlr world, bathed lu llghtnnd dew, His silent prnlso up villi tho cadonco floits. And, through tho day's full liouis, hot, hard anil long, Tho magic of sweet iiounds lilli brain and licnrl, Haunting tho court, tho camp, tho strict, tho mart, With rare faint cchoci of remembered tohg. Miscellaneous. , a com?i:ssio. Most men would licsltnto nt tolling such n story of themselves. But I ntn convinced that It will nlTord n sugRcst ion or mercy toward such as do f.ul, nnd somo may ho turned nwny from tcmptii tlon by its recital. I had heen an under clerk in rt Inrgc cstrihllshinent for many years. Natu rally economical, ray saving had at tallied to such a rcspcctrtblo sum that I ventured upon married life, quite ns much as a refuse from tho monotony of my inexpensive stylo of living, as in obedlcnco to thoso yoirning3 of nature which it mnn is very foolish or very bad nut lo heed in duo Pcnson. Ll!;oinost men, however, advonttires of this kind arc not always followed by the comfort nnd ca'-p and banplness which depend upon money for their possession. In tho cotiiv-o of tlmo I camo (o rt'iicnt the underlnklng, for I was in debt, my fain lly had increased, whtlornylncoinolmd not kept paco with my expenses. My wlfo lacked tho courage to practico (lie, self-denial which would be consequent upon n retrenchment of our expenses. I was dally annoyed by duns. 1 had borrowed money in every available quarter, and a wall: in the public streets was literally denied to mo by tho fear of encountering some onn to whom I was Indebted for my housu expenses. Returning homo lute ono night, JaUod by n listlets stroll through tho town, I found tho junior member of tho Arm waiting for me. Tho house had received intelligence, nfter business hours, of a transaction eutcred Into on thciraccount which required tho immediate trans mission to an isolated inland town of several thousand dollars, together with certain papers and statements necessary to concludo tho affair. It wns too Im portant an affair to bo intrusted to the delay and uncertainty of tho mail at tho time. Upon a consultation of tlio Arm, I had been selected to perform ihn necessary two days' journey. I accept ed tho mission with alacrity, for tho reason, among others, that It would bo such a recreation as would divert my thoughts for a timo from tho perplex ities of my miserable condition. With tho usual foresight of tho firm, everything necessary to my prompt departuro had been prearranged. Tho needful papers and accounts, and tho Indispensable money requisitoto finish tho transactions, wero placed in my hands in an envelope addressed to tho gentleman who had acted ns agent of the concern lu tho matter. A letter of instruction was likewise enclosed. I remember well tho bright Septem ber morning on which I started on horseback and nlono on my jouruoy, of which I accomplished half tho first day, arriving at a farm-house, whoso occu pant unhesitatingly granted my petl Hon for a share for tho nlglit In its humble ho3pitality. Tho weather had grown colder a the evening camo on. and by the timo I had reached tho house 1 experienced a sen sible chill. I hail with mo a flask of liquor, and was furnished al my own request, at bed lime, with a small quan tity of hot water with which to com- lound a sort of punch, as an antidote to tho cold I apprehended having taken. I had removed tho packago of money from my pocket and laid iton tho tablo, with a vbw to putting It under my pil low before retiring. As it lay ou tho tablo tho address was uppermost, on tho left-hand upper corner was a memoran dum, "55,000 enclosed," I was stand ing with my back to tho door. Sue cei'dlng a low moments of eutiresllence, I heard a step behind me, and I almost think I felt a breath upon my face. Turning suddenly round, I beheld my host with tho hot wator I had called for In n tumbler in his hand. Ho was quite besido me, and his eyes rested, or I fan clcd it rested, on tho packago upon tho tablo. I must confess I was consider ably startled by this incident. My eon cern was not diminished by observing that ho had removed his shoes, and was standing as ho had como up In his stccking3. My first Impulse and act was to tako tho water out of his hand. Not being qulto ready to uso it, I put tho et-velopo of money on top of It, as tho most convenient thing to keep It hot. I did not turn tho superscription downward, becausn I feared it would betray thoHUSpiclon, which I now pos Itlvcly entertained, of evil intentions ou tho pirt of my entertainer, who had quitted tho room as noiselessly as ho had entered, I imaglnod a great many ways in which ho could havo become acquainted with tho causo of Ujy Jour ney, aud camo rapidly to tho conclu slon that my employers' funds wero in danger. That thoy wero nctually so bocatno oviUcnt boforo tho night had passed. I recalled tho man's counto nanco vividly to my recollection, ami examined from memory his features so as to makosomo estlmaloof the char actcr with which I had to deal. I'hys Ically ho was moro than my equal When I first ullclitcil nt tho house It struck mo I had seen him before, and after further and profound reflection, distinctly recalled hi in toiny mind as merchant who had dealt with our firm during my earlier connection with It and who had failed through thodlshon esty of friends whom ho had holped remembered him as having been spoko ' T FRIDAY, APRIL 5, of t3 being diguatcd with trado, ami having sought a homo in tho wilderness with his family, and literally earning a living by tho sweat of his brow, Thoro wero but two bed-rooms lu tho house, both on tlio samo floor, a pas Bago which commenced at tho head of tho stairs dividing them. Whllo tho thoughts which I'havo related wore passing through my mind, I hcard.vol cesln tho other bed-room, and quietly opened my door, which my host had carefully closed behind htm. Slauding out in tho passage, I could, distinguish a man's nnd a woman's voice. At first, their lahgtiago was unintelligible, but gradually ray car becamo accustomed R tho duty I had endeavored to put it to, nml I could distinguish that tho bur den of their talk was their domestic expenses, nud tho general current of their thoughts was tho difficulty of get ting through with certain undertakings which tlicy had in contemplation, or had commenced. It was evident that tho man was moro hopeful than tho wo man. My excited Imagination tit onco framed tho theory that tho troasuro In my possession was designed by them to solvo thin difficulty, and that tlio ro luctunt man was being urged on by tho 1033 scrupulous or braver woman. A sudden movement of ono of them toward tho door caused mo to retreat into my room. I heard tho holt of their door mnvul, and supposing it was but to unfasten it, I hurried hack to my apartment nnd caught at tho envelope, Intending to hasten It out of sight. In i my eagemrss to grasp it, it fell with tho wafcred sldo uppermost nrd opened! Tho wafers had been fo fur dissolved by tho heat and raolsturo as to split lu two, leaving one-half of each (thorn ! wero three) on tho flap and tho other I half of each on tho body of tho envoi ope. Meanwiillo thero was no sight or sound of an inroad into ray room, of which I hail seen it was Impossible to fasten tho door, savo by moving some of tho furniture ngalint it. I becamo convinced that as yet everything win safe, and yielding to a feeling .of curl osity I drew the money from the en closure nnd counted it over. There wero ten ono thousand dollar bills I I was astounded and for a timo forgot the fear that so recently harrasscd me. I looked at tho memorandum on tho back or the envelope. It was "$5,00O." Tho letter was before me. I read it over. It named fivo thousand as tho sum en closed. Thero was evidently an error. I counted it over again. Ten thous and was tho sura beforomo! AgalD and again I counted it. I had been used to handling largo sum3 of money, and counted largo amounts daily; but I actually found moro difficulty in arriv ing at tho actual nmount of tho bank bills beforo me, than I over beforo or since encountered In counting any sum how." ver largo or however numerous the notes. Finally, putting a chair against t ho door, I spread tho notes out singly on the little table, in a row, and counted them with my finger. Then made two rows of five notes each, and again count ed them. I finally, though slowly, bo camo satisfied I had in my possession double the amount of money I was ex pected to deliver to my employers' cnt. Temptation entered my soul. Fivo thousand dollars would rellovo mo of nil my debts. Hero It was within my grasp. I had but to seal up tho let ter by ro-wetting tho wafer, Inclosing but half tho money, and deliver it f-cal ed to the agent, and ray trust would bo to all appearances, faithfully discharged. Once the thought occurred that po:-sibly it might bo a trap set for mo by my cm ployers. But their confidence in mo as unbounded, and the suspicion was dismissed. I do not attempt to glazo over tho dishonesty of what I contem- lated ; but I had been so unceasingly orried nnd annoyed by domestic troubles arising from limited resources, and so persecuted by creditors, that I almost argued myself into thoeonvlc Hon that appropriating tho money was Imply authorized self defence. I would pay all my debts', get clear of tho world onco more, insist upon my wife's adopt ing my views of living, envo money, got Into business lor myself, nnd finally pay back tho sum I left tho envelope unfastened until morning, eo as to give myself that much moro tlmo before finally deciding upon an act which all ray arguments with myself had not mado entirely rcconcila blc. Arrived nt this conclusion, ray attention again turned to my host nnd his wife. I could hear his volco alono now. It had heen sounding along In a somewhat elovated tono for somo mo ments. I crept quietly to tho partition dividing their nparl ments from tho pa'sagu. Tho blight Autumn moon, which was on their side of tho house, shono through their window and tho spaces between tho shrunken planks of tho partition nnd out into tho p-ssage, and upon its floors In brilliant bars of light. It wns easy for mo to seo what was passiug within tho room. Man and wlfo wero kneeling at their bcdsldo In prayer. Tho man with uplifted head and closed eyes uttorlng an earnest sup plication, his wifo besido him, and ono arm passed nffectionately through ono or his, and her head resting against his shoulder. They wero kncollng at the sldo of tho bod onnoslto to me. nnd his faco was n nltilv vlslb e. Its ca in nnd pious expression was a sufficient rcbuko to my unju3t buspleions. 1 began to listen in time to hoar him cry: "Par- don, O morclful Father, not only for tho sins of Thy humble eervant nnd his household, but turn tho hearts of thoso who havo dono ovll unto him, who havo harbored unjust suspicions on him, Bless such, O Lord, nnd preservo them, In order that they may turn rrom tho error of their ways uud seek tho until of rlchlcousncs?." ins serious, eurnesmnu mnniy voice struck a chord In my heart, not only In sympathy with tho honeat and tender supplication that was pasilng from his Hps, but of contrition for tho wrong I had dono lain by my suspicious. I in. voluntarily compared him, wlmtover his good or bad deeds, at least an hum bio penitent boforo Ood, with tho wretch Iliad decided but a few moments ago to mako of myself, by misappropriating my employers' monoy, nnd still haunt 1872. J0L. ed, ltowovcr, by tho relief it could ob lain for me, would not qulto glvo way to tho feeling of repentance which wns knocking for admission at my breast. I had half decided to turn rtwoy and drlvo thcso better thoughts from my mind, when I obscrvcil something that was moving lu a small crib that was placed at tho sldo nnd toward tho foot of their bed. Its occutnnt, a grandchild, whoso parents, they had Informed mo, wero dead, awakened probably by its grand falhcr'a voice, roso up, looked around, and settled down upon its knees, nnd clasping its llttlo hands ns its grand fathcr'a wero clasped, nnd looking up ward out through tho window at tho moon, whoso bright light fell upon its darling face, began moving Its lips as If trying to repeat tho words. Nothing so Hko an angel over met my sight. Tho grandfather began tho Lord's Pray cj. Tho llttlo fellow seemed to havo this by heart. Ho repeated it word for word, his tiny, silvery volcb sounding In sweet accord, I could not turn nwny, nor any longer resist tho better emo tions which 1 had hitherto kept down. iV rush of repcntnnt feeling passed through tno with an effect that shook overy fibre. I fell on my knco3, and with tho tears streaming from my eyes, Joined in tho concluding words of tho prayer. I need not say. I changed my mind with regard to tho money. I passed a quiet night and roso early, hastened uway toward my Journey's end, so as to glvo myself tho least lime or oppor tunity for changing ray new formed resnlutlon. In hnndlng tho packago lo tho agent, I said to lilm, that as thero was money in it, it might ns well bo opened In my presence, to see that all was correct, &c. Ho of course dlscov- ered the error, and handed mo back tho tuiount that was over, with which I returned homo and delivered it up safe to tho proper owner in due time. It was fortunate for mo in every way that I pursued tho course I had adopted. It appeared that tho money had been obtained from tho bank after bank hours, in tho presence of tho teller, from ono of the officers. There was no loose money on hand of tho larger de nominations, but thero wore sheets of thousands and fivo hundreds signed by tho president and eauhicr. Either two shcetj wero picked up in mistake for one, or tno wrong batch of sheets was selected Irom that is, thousands wero selected instead of fivo hundred-'. The notes wero hurriedly clipped, strapped nnd endorsed "$5,000," without re counting, and so enveloped nnd handed over to mo. Tho bank had discovered tho error, and no doubt was entertained hut that tho missing money was with me. Whether 1 should havo had the faco to withstand the imputation, oven with tho appnreiitly undisputed con dition of tho envelope in my favor, is moro than I can say, but I doubt it. But tho notes, in pursuance of a pre caution still In use In some banks, wero payable to ono of tho clerks, and had not boon endorsed by him. I could not, therefore, havo used them, or if so, they could havo been traced back to me. I found, also, that tho numbers had been carefully ascertained of all I had taken with me, and thus another chance of detection existed. What an escape! Upon returning and entering tho counting-room I handed tho surplus back to my senior, with a fet ling somo what of pride, but mixed up with other eelings not easily desdribed. My precaution of having the money opened by tho agent in ray presence was highly commended, and tho probabll ity of his misappropriating tho undue amount as very llttlo personal know ledge of him was posses-'od by the firm was duly dlscus'cd. What was said on this point brought bhi3hrs to my cheeks. In courao of tune my soi.lor account ant was taken into tho firm. I wai put into his position, and with hi salary, I saved money, finally got into business on my own account, raid am now, ns you know, rich. 1 never forgot my farmer host and his grandchild j but at tho death of tho firmer I took charge of tho boy. Ho is now my partner, and tho husband of my daughter. Il.u'ou luncliaiisen in California. Tho following Is a very fair represen tation, somewhat enlarged, of tho "big talk" about tho agricultural produc tions of tho Pacific coast which ouo hears in thoso parts: "Two weeks ago I started on a visit to tho Yo Semlto Yalloy. I arrived at tho wharf a moment too Into to get on board, and Instead of waiting until next day, I determined to go immediately to Stockton on horseback. I accordingly crossed the bay loOaklond, or as It Is better known 'Llttlo Peddlington,' pro cured a horso and rodo over to tho Liv- crmoro valley, where I stayed all night Willi a rancner, who was Known in mu valley us "Clamps." They call him that becauso ho got rich by holding on to his money with a degreo of fortitude not universal in tho country. Astup per-tlmo approached 'Clamps' asked mo If I would Hko somo osaa. and now I preferred it, hard or sort, boiled or fried. I told him I would Hko somo eggs, nud that It would suit rao host to navo mem soic uoiieu. In n fdw moments thero camo Clumps nnd his wlfo, rolling an egg tho slzo nra flour barrel, which they boiled In n short time In it large cauldron, and then tot It up on end by madam's dial at tho tablo. A nolo was mado in tho top of tho6hell,atid tho egg was dipped out with long handled ladcls, 1 woa astonished nt tho slzo of tho egg, nud observed that his hens must bo cnor mously large. "By no means," ho ro plied. You will not bo so much stir nrised when I tell you that ono hen did not lay this egg nlono; it tooksovun or eight hens almost a week to lay It It was a Joint-stock production of tho chicks, but still it is butter than the in dividual responsibility plan," "At breakfast tho next morning wo had moro egg, nnd then I went on tho road to Stocktou. I reached Sail Jon I quin river nt noon, nnd wao ferried over I In an unlquo-looklng craft. Wlillo tho - i forrymnn was tugging silently nt his DEM. - VOL. XXXVI NO. 7. big ores, I inquired whether tho ferry wns profitable. "Doesn't scarcely pay for raisin' tho boat," ho replied, "Raising tho boat?" I replied, what do you moiui by raising tho boat?" "MUter," said he, resting for n whllo ouiils ore.", "you ban stronger in thcso parls, bean't you?" I replied that I had not been long In tho country. "Then," said he, pointing to tho shore, "this cro boat growed in that pumpkin patch over yonder." "Grown in that pumpkin patch!" I oxclalnied. "Grown in that pumpkin patch, on n pumpkin vine. Mister, this boat Isn pumpkin shell, cut in two. That patch is whoroit growed." "Where, over by that barn?." T in quired. That ain't no barn, ho answered :, 'unlets you chooso to call it so. That's n pumpkin too. But I mado a holo in the end on'tand let tho stock inside. nnd when tho wet seasons set In, why you see, I plug up tho hole and let cm Winter thero. They corno out awful fat in tho Spring. That big green look ing squash over yonder Ianhollcrln' out to llvoln.' "'Aro theso the growth of tho sea son?" linked, "'Wo don't havo no Bich difference hero on tho San Sonquln as growin' seasons and them others j things keep ou growin' nil tho tlmo till we pull 'em or they die.' is I was taking leave of tho ferry man he gnvo mo a pumpken seed, with tho remark that I might astonish tho folks in tho East with it; but before twenty-four hours had elapsed I camo near having a calmamlty by reason of it myself. "It was in this wise: After riding several hoars in tho sun I was so over come by drowsiness as to find itirapos iblo to keep in tho saddle, and dls mounting, lay down on tho ground, in tending to tako a short nap. I had tho pumpkin seed in ray vest pocket. Dur ing my slumbers it fell on tlio cround and I rolled over It. My great fatltruo caused me to oversleep myself, and I nwoko in the morning by being roughly iiurieti over tho ground in my prostrate position, with what seemed to be ropo nrouud ray body. I houled lustilv for help, and ray cries attracted tho atten tion or two men who where on their way to tho harvest-field. "On being relieved from my perilous position tho mystery became clear. Tho warmth of my body caused tho pump kin seed to sprout and begin growing, and ono of tho tendrils of tho now vino hadeolloi itself around ray body, drag ging rao along in its rapid growth a dis tance of moro than half a-niilo beforo I was awakened. My dejiycrera had a nam run to keep paco with me in the clutches of tho pumpkin vine, and fi nally arrested ray progress by cuttingit wuii tncir scytiio blades. Igavothcm tno vino for their reward, and wo count cd on it less than threo huudred young I poranuns, ranging from tho slzo of a hen's egg to a flour barrel. "Thero is but ono moro thing I will notice. Six years ago n f entleman re- sluing near Stockton planted a grape- ? .ii ii , " , ,yCnH th Spiritualists in Bangor. Maine, who building wascomplotely enfolded in tho havo been receiving communications branches of tho vine, and the gentleman from an acquaintance supposed to bo was fcurprised at seeing UU ilwellin" dead for somo timo, wero considerably starting from its foundations. Tho vine'l grew with wonderful vigor, nnd carried tho houio unharmed up to the height of sixty lectin tho nir, whoroit remained. The geutleman now reaches Iila front door by means of a winding staircase around tho trunk of tho grano-viue. und anybody who will tako tho trouble to go nuu see, win und ItjustasI havosald." Twenty I'lic. I found tho cherished face of Maria Ann wreathed in smiles, the other oven Ing.whcn I returned rrom ray nrduous daily toil. Iam engaged as standing man nt a saloon. So many candidates aro treating that tho saloou-keoner biros sixofustobo treated. Wo all drink itli every candidato that comes in. and u maucs uusinesi pretty brisk. ' bald my chosen one: "Joshua, I am tram you do not always find mo an an el in disposition.' Bald 1, "that's so hic-ray dear. I uon't seldom find you 'nangel In in anything." "Aud,"sho added, "you nro not nl ways tho most pleaant man In the world." I did not feel called on to renly, "Now," said she, "read that." Shohadcut an item frcm tho columus of eoinn tifinor u'hnrnln n ,ln,v,n.in.i ...i. tn- i,i K,.t i I,., i n,i- r i.Uus ouiue luipuMiuiu woman who, being troubled with a bad temper, counted twenty-flvo every tlmo aho got provoked, and thus became a sweet. nmlable.and dearly loved ornament or the houso or her delightrul husband. 1 SSwod nlfolf ""T? or m head would allow, and remarked, " m i Maria Ann paid no attention to me. uui umoiueu nor plan. Hho said that overy tlmo I got mad I should count si . . . ... twonty-flve, and overy tlmo bho got mad sho would count twenty-flvo. I askod her who bIio thought would pay our rent whllo wo sat aud counted twenty-flvo, over and over, all day long, Thou sho said I was always raising ob jections toher plans ror our mutual im provement, and I said I was not, and sho said 1 was enough lo try tho pa- tunco or a saint, and I said sho was too, and sho camo for me, und I told her to count nvontv.Uvn: hut . m rr.vi.nt oil about that, and Just tallied ouo in my left 0 0 Then I was going to remonstrate with tho poker, nnd she told mo to count tweuty-flvo, and I said I would not: T .11.1 ,.r . . ... ' uuiiuiu uc-iuiu biiu nau puueii more than hair ray hair out. Then alio made mo count twenty-flvo, over nnd over, untlll was oat of breath, and rolt real pleasant nnd good-natured. Sj wo went to supper. How, tho cat was curled un i i.oi. i ... r i, I LUflvu "I1 in my chair; but I did not boo It until I eat down; and I did not seo it then, but 1 was pretty suro It was thero. In IaCllKIlCU' It Was thorn nn wnll na TlHikUlUiUU iu juuva iuumi, mm ivui oj rlso up suddenly; but, as I gathered cd ns equivalent to n settlement in full Ono Inch, Uwtfve Unfa nr It malnlont In Nonpareil typo) ono or Iilsortlorw, $1.50 three lmorllons, M.W bpaci. IV, !U. Jjf. Cu. lr. Ono Inch 11 M ivm HiO tM 110.0 Twolnene ........", 6 00 VS. J. ,W Three Inchc -. 6,00 7,00 8,00 ll.flj MM Pour Inches . 7,(0 ll.uo 17,01 mm quarter column.., lu.ro 12,0) M,oo so.ro vn lUir rolnmti 1V00 18,00 30,lllJ KU.OO WI,fJ) Oae, colli tnu....ao,lJ M.00 ),' 00,01) 100.M Executor's or AdmlnlstrAtor's Notlcf, tflO Auditor's or Assignee's Notice, 120. Local notices, twenty cents a line. fords In Hie "Rnsiniwi Dlrectnrr" rolumtl, lioilwryonrforttie first lwo linen. and $l,uuor iwch additional lino, to Bprlng, alio brnndlshod tho tea pot nnd murmured! "Joshua, your lomper Is rising; count twenty-flvo or I'll broalc your head," and .that cat was drawing a map of tho Tenth Ward with hef clawsaround behind mo with tho streets and boundaries marked In my blood. I roso to explain, nnd said, "My dear, I "but alio caromed on my head with n woll shot tea-cup, nnd aprlnklod my fnco with a quart of hot tea, and I sat down nnd counted twenty five; but It killed tho cat. Tho old follow died hard, though. I could feel him settle as his nlno lives went out ono by one. A fow days' practlco of this rule, un- dor tho loving Instruction oi Maria Ann, enabled mo lo conquer my temper com pletely. Nobody can get rao mad now, and lam In n stito of porpctual calm, and I want to see the man who wrolo that story. I want to fit him for tho hands of no undertaker, and mako n demand for mourning goods nmong his friends. Tho'n I can dio happy count ing twctityfivo. Humorous. Mrs. Pftrtlnctou aavs that for n "nico llttlo cold collection." aho prefers "veal culverts." A Western editor, iccently ranrrled, slates editorially, ' Wo ore living at this moment under absolute despotism.' A St. Louis man has lost faith in tho doctors becauso Bhortly after being vac cinated ho was bitten by a mad dog. " Welcomo & Borry " is tho nnmo of a firm or physicians in a annne ota town. They havo llttlo patronage. n Iowa farmer inculcated early ris ing In n llttlo orphan bouud-boy by bet ting him on n hot stovo ror getting up late. ' Tho Chicago Post slates facts In this way: Gas was discovered in 1730, but it was nearly a century Inter ere Georgo Alfred Townseud was born. An Ohio editor insists that " monthly school retiorts must bo handed ia on .Wednesday of each week to insure their publication." Hamlet is believed to havo belonged to tho National Typographical Union. Ho killed Polonius because ho thought tho latter was a, " rat." Mr. Damm. of Now Orleans, inex cusably lost his will iust boforo ho died, and his heirs aro now using his namo in an emphatic manner. Thcv don't keen any whisky for salo in Greeley, Colorado, but they have a mediclno for rattlcsnako bites, which Is qulto as good, and it has n very ready sale. Apparently very llttlo was left or Mr. Teppln, or Detroit, just after ho tried to light a firo with kerosene, for tho pa pers say " The doctor thought ho could avcono arm nnu ouo eye." A Sunday school teacher "out West" upon inquiring or ono of his juvenilo pupils what he had learned during the" week, was electrified by the'-'answer that ho had "learned not to trump his partner's ace." An Illinois hen has laid an egg con taining a button in its centre. It is supposed tliatsho was incited thereto by hearing that tho "patent yokes" which irinkn shirts sot alwavs havo but- tons attached. A Connecticut boy swallowed threo marbles and Tour bullets recently, and bclnK somewhat of a bony structure, is ? ll'((,DnU "D?:,. " their babes and sucklings. buriuiMJu uy ma inipuiuiiuui; in muii wij. a fow days ago. Greeley's receipt for preserving Reach es cut in strips not less than fifteen inches long, spread them out on tho grass to bleach for threo days.and finally e')rIl)Il0 wltn cinnamon, and pi alI-'-'Bht Jara flUod with saw du3t anil pacis in Berch hns been down South. Ills inilueuco was great. A local paper cays - "A negro nnu two young muics were Urowncil in uio river yesteruay. Tho mules wero remarkably flno an!- ma s. ana cannot cnsny oo reniaccu.'' This evidence of a kind feeling is cheer ing. A few davs sinco tho Marshal at Mil waukee received a Telegram directlug him to nrreBt " a girl with a green dress Ion." Ho followed his too ceneral in structions by arresting twejity-two of U10m' nnu uicn um 1101 " "gui i mil. ono. LawverC. (entering tho office of his friend Dr. M., aud speaking in a hoarse whisper) " i vo got, sucn a com mis morning that I can't speak tho truth." Dr. M." Well, I'm glad that it's no thing that will interfere with your bus iness." Tho IMttsburerh Gazelle says: "Wo hnvo been reading tho rhymes in tho Tab o Talk' ol tlio Chlcaco j-.venina Post, nnd wo fear that paper Is about to ' pass In its checks ;' that is ir Mr. Popo was a prophet when ho wrote, ' They had no poet and they died.' " riio Mayor or St. Joseph, Mo., ro- i eeniiv uavu ticiu&mi uciiuua iu iwu uvu :, - ... . , . : i.i. , r nnnnvt.il film, and tho next morning tho Mayor round his own two dogs blaln, with his warrants or per mission to Kill inem pinneu io ineir dead bodies. Two men having arranged to light a SS" wiiprfitiion ono or tho parties sent h in - ,i..i n, ....,i.i I 11 nULU BllVlllU UIUI UNU UI lllUUl IIUUIU stand In Connecticut and tho other In I iini.jnithi,enirj orifi fiiinnr. nt-nr ma m a. Massachusetts, and shoot over his mis erable llttlo State. Tho latest dovelopmcnt ot Connecti cut ingenuity consists In training dogs to howl uocuirnany unuer ncignooring windows nnd to fetch homo tho boots and shoes thrown at them. It is said that thero aro several canines of such rogaclty that they will not leave until tney get properly nssorieu pairs. A f,ipetlou3 ccntlomau ot Williams burg, Mass., dining upon a tough fowl in a uosion noiei, iiskuu mu lumimuy whero tho fowl camo Irom. Sho replkd that it camofrom Williamsburg. "Im possible!" oxclaimeu uio gouiiemati, J 0nuVycnrs."i',,'t beL'" Incor,oratt'a I A irood inslnnco of sharp practice Is that of a man lu Ohio, who wns acquit ted of murder on a plea of Insanity. Ho had secured his; lawyers by giving them a uit rtgngo on his farm, but now repudiates tho mortgage, on tho ground that ho was insane when ho mado It, , . . . 1 1 i . 1 .. r 1 1 K,7 " K . ' 1T ,, . . A Isow, Iavca iP h,a9 ""'.crod a successful wuy of silencing tho clam, or!1 of his landlord. When that crasp Ing personago calls for tho payment o rent tho doctor quietly shown him
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers