D THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Agricultural. Oaiiiwm for Horsih. I'mctlcil ox jicrloncn liiw tloiiionstrnteil beyond it doubt that horacH nro benofllt'd by Ilbi rnl root fmllup. Tlic notion of this kind of diet upon tho animal U to ltcop hW dlgf9tlvo organs In a licnlthful con dition. Thoro aro thoso who do not ltesltnto to assert that a bushel of carrots h cnual to two bushels of oats for a horse. Now, while- my own oxpcrlenco has fully sntlsflod mo of tho great value Of carrots for horso food and especially for tho patient Hvory btablo horses, that aro kept on dry food tho whole year round, 1 am not prepared to plnco qulto as high anoattmato upon their valuo ih that. That they do pos3oss extraordinary medical qualities, nono who have tried them will deny. An ex porlpnco of not a fow yoars has satisfied ino that carrots fed to horses during tho winter, and especially after tho first of January, havo a most beneficial effect upon thuui. Thoy act, when not fed In oxceuslvo quantities, as a mild aperient, and appear to havo tho doilrablo effect of admirably fitting, tho ftnlmals for tho hard work of spriug. I am now speak' ing of my farm horses. For livery stablo keepers thoy would, It nppoars to mo possess a double value. Horses kept tho year round In largo cites, and especially livery stablo horses, rarely got a mouth of creeu food. Dry hay and grain, without grass is their yearly and dally food. I can very well imagine how grateful to tho poor beasts an occasional feed of roots must be, and how strongly humanity appeals for them. As carrots can bo grown as cheap as corn, nnd yield Ave times as many bushels per acre, I can not concelvo of any good reason why they should not form a part of livery stable provender. Farm Journal, Increase tlic Manure Heap, A prize essay of tho Illinois Agricul tural Society for 1871, by It. Giddlngs details tho cheapest and most practical plan of increasing too farm manure pile, and saving Its elements from waste, and which should bo ndopted by every farmer. Ills plan Is simply to savo evey pailii'1 of tho animal excrements, liqui 1 a 1! solid, with all Its fertilizing el' iir ti i In fact, freo from wast by w I 'll evaporation, or flro-faiipr. To do t'.; -, Irj fills a stall, or largo bin, in his ittble during dry weather, with pulverized clay road scrapings, or com: mon soil. "With this ho covers tho iloor of oa h stall throo inchos deep, nnd then plae-i'j tho litter fortho animals bedding on it. By this mean3, all tho urlno will bo absorbed, nnd its wealth of nltrogon saved ; and such is tho absorbing pow er of dried earth, that ono threo-inch flooring will not bo so thoroughly satu rated in a long timo as to need replac ing. Ho says that his oxperment re quired but onodargo bin of pulverized earth to absorb'tho urlno often or twelvo cattlo during tho stabling season, and that two men with a team filled tho bin in ono day. Dried clay was applied also to tho pig pen and hon roost, with tho satno ammonia-saving results, and if applied to tho privy or earth closet, which is now being adopted, a great manurial as well as sanitary result would follow. Tho inducements for tho uso of dry earth aro: 1. That it requires no ap paratus or cash outlay. 2. That the liquid manure of cattlo is worth more than tho solid and is usually lost, but under this practice, all is retained. 3. Tho- dry earth retains within It all the value, of which usually one-half or one third is lost by fermentations, leaching, or evaporation. 4. It gives much larg er bulk of manure, each load of which is of double tho valuo of ordinary farm yard manure. C. That ono ton of satura ted earth .is of more value than tho samo weight of oveu fresh saved dung. C. That the aggregate amount of plant food thus saved from tho stalls is fully doublo, and in much better condition for use. Oiling Axles. Much is lost for want of attention to wagon axles. They should be examined about onco a week, if in constant use, and properly oiled. Lard Is not suitable, for It peno tratcs through the hub and loosens the spokes. "Wo know of nothing better than castor oil, and a rancid articlo, which can bo had at cheap rates at the apothecary's, is just as good for this purpose as tho best. A small quantity, applied upon tho bearings of tho axle, is just as gooU ns to oil tho whole sur face. If tho oiling is neglected, there is raiWi friction, which has to bo over come by tho increased exertion of tho team. The boxes and axlc3 both wear away more rapidly and there is soon n t- I of a new wheel and axle. A good wh djvjk will greatly facilitate the oil ing process. With this implement ono man can oil tho wheels of an ox-wagon us rapidly as two without It. Ameri can Agriculturist. Longevity op Varmerb. In a lato address before tho Farmers' Club, of Princoton, Mas?., Dr. Nathan Allen sild that according to tho registration report of deaths in Massachusetts, pub lished now for about thirty years, and preserved with more accuracy and com pleteness than anywhere clso in tho country, tho greatest longevity is found to obtain in agricultural life. In tho ton different occupations as given In tho theso reports, tho cultivators of tho earth stand, a3 a class, at tho head, reaching, on an average, the ago of nearly C5 years, whilo that of tho next class, merchants, is only about -19 years ; that ormecnanlcsorall kinds, about-18 years, and that of shoemakers about 44 years. Thus thoro Is an advantage of about 1C years on tho sldo of farmers as compar cd with merchants, and thoy reach an avorago ago but Httlo short of tho tlireo score years and ten allotted by tho Psalmist for human life. Manure Is Jlko monoy. Tho more you havo, tho easier it Is to make moro. iou cannot grow a big crop of man golds without thorough cultivation, and a heavy dressing of manure. Hut when you havo gjt tho mangolds tho land Is not only In a splendid condition for future crops, but tho consumption of tho mangolds, besides being of great boneflt to stock, leaves a splendid lot of rich manure, wo can ralsotustns good mangolds horo as thoy can in Eng landin fact, rather better, as our hot ter climato matures them moro perfect ly, und renders them moro nutritious. Wo can easily grow twenty-flvo tons por acre, and as tho manure from a ton of mangolds Is wortli $1 07, wo hnvo left from each ncro of mangolds, besides tho leaves, manure worth StlQ 76. Young Folks. Tlic J'lirtiicrsliip of Shi. A king onco engaged two watchmen to tako caro of ills orchard. Ono was blind, and tho other lame. Still they answered tho purpose very well; for their mere prcsonco was qulto sufllclent to keep depredators at a distance. who evening 1110 iiimo wiucumau was sitting I11 thoorchnrd, when Ills eyes fell upon n bunch of grapes, tho first nnd on ly rlpo ones In tho wholo place. "Aro you not very thirsty ?" said ho to his blind companion, who was walking up nnd down, feollng his way with a stick, "Would you not Hko a bunch of fine, juicy grapes i" "Yes," was tho blind man's reply; "but you know wo canuot pick them. I am blind and cannot sec. You are lamn and cannot walk." "True," said tho lamo man j "still wo caugetntthoin. Tako mo on your back; I can guide you, and you can carry 1110 to tho grapes." iVuu so iney stolo 1110 precious iruit and atolt. Now, tho next day the klug wont In to tho orchard to gather tills very clus ter of grapes : for ho had already observ ed It as fit for tho tablo. It had vanish ed, and ho at onoj taxed tho watchmon with tho theft. "How cm my lord, tho king, ncauso mo of such a thing?" exclaimed tho lamo man, "Hero I must sit all tho days of my life, without moving a slugto Inch ; for atn I not lamo?" "And how can my lord, tho king, nccuso 1110 of such a thing, when I am blind?" njkeu tho other, "now can tho heart long after, or tho hands rpach, that which tho ovo can not behold ?" Tho king answered not a word. But ho ordered ills servants to placo tho lamo man on tho back of tho blind man, and ho condemned them to punishment J ust as If thoy had been ono man. So it Is with tho soul and body of man. Tho soul cannot sin without tho body, nor tho body without.tho soul. Dut tho sin of both is tho sin of each; and it will not avail in tho groat day of Judgmontto shirk tho responsibility, as did tho lamo and tho blind watchmen. Body and soul will bo Judged as one. How a Horse Helped his Neighbor. Not long since I visitod a frond, who lives on a flno farm in a plo.ts.iut town In Southern Now Hampshire. Whilo there ono ovenlng, wo ro lo to tho vil lago to attend a mcoting.ancl on our way back my friond told mo tho follow ing anecdote about the noblo horso ho was driving; and I thought it was worth repeating to tho young readers of tho Columbian. A raw years ago, this horso was kept during tho autumn, in a field clow by the farm-house, and in nn adjoining p.isturo 11 flock of sheep was also kept. Ono day, whilo my friend was talk ing with a gentleman by tho roadside, tho horso canto running toward him front tho lower part of tho field, next to tho sheep pasture, and, putting his head over tho wall near him, whinnied, as if to attract attention. Ho took, however, no special notice of this; nnd presently ho turned and ran back to tho lower sido of tho Held. But very soon ho was ngaln seen rapidly approaching, and on reaching his master, ho again spoko to him, as horses usually speak. It was observed mat tiio iiorso was acting in a very unusual manner ; but still no steps wore taken yet to ascertain tho causo of tho running back nnd forth. So tho pony again wheeled nnd gallop ed away onco more toward tho sheep pasture. And now, very soon, for tho third time, is ho seen swiftly return ing. It seems that tho Intelligent creature, having failed in two attompts to secure tho help ho was seeking, determined to try elsewhere this timo ; nnd so, Instead of going to his master, ho went to tho farra-houso, that stood near by, and putting his head through nn open win dow In tho kitchen, ha again whinnied. My friend's wife, who it seems had noticed tho strnngo restlessness of tho animal, now felt quito sure there must bo somo troublo in the Held or pasture, and that tho horso was trying to tell them of tills, that they might go to tho rescue So sho went out where tho horso was. It seemed pleased that it had attracted attention at last, and, trotting on beforo tho lady, it led her down to tho pasture, and putting its head over tho fenco, seemed to say: "Look, look I" Tho lady did look, and there sho discovered that a savago dog had caught a sheep, ami was holding it by tho throat, in spito of all tho poor creature's efforts to escape. On boing discovered, tho dog let go Ills hold, and springing ovor tho fenco into tho Hold, lied, hotly pursued by the enraged horso, who would gladly havo trampled him beneath his feet. Tho poorshecp was not much injured, and so tho horso had saved his neigh bor's lift. I hopo my young readers will always try to help those whom thoy soe in troublo, and that thoy will bo as per soverlng in thoir efforts to do good as was this noblo animal. A OlENTiiEiiAN. "You sco I am a gentleman !" said Will Thompson, "I will not tako an insult." And tho Httlo fellow strutted up and down in a rago. Ho had been throwing stones at Peter Jones, and ho thought that his anger proved him a gentlomau. "If you waut to bo a gentleman, I should think you would baa gontlo boy first," said his teacher. "Gontlo men do not throw stones at their neigh bors. Puter Jones did not throw stones at you, and I think ho Is much moro likely to pnwon gentleman." "Ilut bo's got patches on ills knees," said Will. "Dad pantaloons don't keep a boy irora neing a gontleman," said tho teacher, "butabad temper does. "Now William, If you want to bo a gontlo nan you must bo rr gentle boy." iv ikiio limner on tno teacher met Httlo Peter Joties. Somo stones had lilt him, and ho was hurt by them. "Well, Peter, what's tho matter be tween you nnd Will this morning V" asked tho teacher. "I was throwing a ball at one of tho boys In play, sir, and It missod him and hit Will Thompson's dog." "Why did you not throw back V" "Because, sir, my mother says that to bo a gontlo man I must bo a gentlo boy. and I thought it was best to keep out of ins way till no cooled olra Httlo." Tim teacher walked on, after praising Poter's conduct, but kept tho boys In ills mind, and ho lived to sco "Will Thompson a rowdy, and Peter Jones a gentleman, loved and respected by all. Ilomembor a gontlo boy makes a gen tlcraan. The Little Ibtcs. Pntont Modiciuos. AN APPEAL To Debllltntod Persons, ro iwnenucj. To Suirorcn from Liver Complaint, To thoso liavliv no Appotlto, To thoso with Broken Down Consti tutions. To Nervous people, To Children Wasting Away, To nny with Habilitated Dlgosllvo Organs, Or suffering with any of thcollowlng Symptoms, which indicate Disordered Liver or Stomach, such ns Con stipation, Inward 11104, Fulness or IIIimhI to the Head, Acid Hy of the Stomach, Nnuson, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Hour Krinc'tiillnns.HliiltliiKor Klut torlngnt the Fltnf the stomach, Swim ming ot tho llend, llurrlod nml Dlillciilt IlriMithliu, Fluttering nl tho llo-irt, Choking or Sutiocntiug Sensations whon In n Lying Pus turo, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Woo beforo tho '(Ight.Fovornnd dull pain In tho head, Detlelcueynf Perspiration. Yellowness or tho Hkln anil Eye, Vnln In tho Hide, I trick, Chest, Mmih, it, Sudden Filiation or Heat, Hunting In tho Flosli, Const unt Imagining of Evil, nml great Depression of Spirits. HOOFLAND'ti GERMAN BITTERS. A Bitters without vlcohol or Spirits of nny kind, Is ilhTerent from nil others. It Is composod of tho pure Juices, or 1'idil 1'rlnclple of Hoots, Jlcrbi, nml Jlarlu, (or lis medicinally termed Extracts,) tho worthlossnr Inert portions of tho Inured tents not being used. Tuereforo la ono llotllo of this Hitters tnero is contained ns much medicinal virtue ns will bo found In Bover.il gallons of or dinary mixtures. Tho Hoots, Ac, used hi this llllteis nre grown In Germany, their vltnl prin ciples extracted in that country by n sclentltlo Chemist, and forwarded to tho manufactory In Hits cltv, wnere taoynro compounded and hot tied, Containing no spirituous Ingredients, this Hitters Is freo from tho objections urgod against nil others! no desire for stimulants can do In duced from their use, thov ciunot mako drunk nrds, nnd cannot under any ctrcumstancos, havo nny but a bcncllslnl eil'oct. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, Was coniDOundcd lor Ihoso not Inclined to oxtromo hitlers, nnd Is Intended for uso In oises when somo nlcohnllo stimulant Is roqilrod In connection with tho Tonlo pl-opertlot 01 tho Bit ters. Each bottlo of tho Tonlo contains ono bot tle of tun Hitters, combine t with pure- SANTA CRUX. HUM, nnd flavored In micu a manner that tho oxtrcine bitterness or tho hitters Isovercome. forming ft preparation highly ngrceablo nnd pleasant to tho palate, nml coiiuiluiug the medi cinal virtues of tno Hitters. Tho prlco or tho Tonlo Is J1.S0 per llottlo which many persons think too high. They must take Into considera tion that the stimulant used Is guaranteed to l or n puro quality. A poor nrtlelo could bo fur nished nt a cheaper prtco.butlsit not better to uy n lltlli) more mill h.ivo a goj l article? A medi cinal prep iratlon Mi-nild contain nona bat tho best Ingredients; im I they whooxpeet to obtain u cheap compound, and ba btmotltlei by It will raostccrlaluly be elicited. HOOFLAND'S HERMAN III ITERS, on HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, WITH HOOFLVND'S VODOPIFiLLlN TILL,, WILL CURE YOU. They nro tho Greatest 15 I. o o d r U It I F I E II 8 Known to tho Modlcal world, nnd will eradi cate) diseases arising lromltupuro blo3d. Debility or tho lilgestlvo Organs, nrdlsoasod Elver, In u shorter timo than any other known remedies. Tho wholo HUPUEME COUNT of Pennsylvania SriAK FOB THESE ItCMEDIrUS. Who wo tld ask for more Distillled nad Stronger Testimony ? Hon. GKOltan W. Woodwabd, former Chief Jim Ike 0 Vie fliiprcme Court of Vennsylmnta, a present Jf.'itcr of Congress from Pennsylvania writes: Philadelphia, March 16th, 1307. I And "Hoolland'H German Hitters" Is a good tonic, userul In diseases ol tho digestive organs, and of great bcnetlt In cases or debility and want of action in tho system. Yours truly UEOROK W. WOOUWAHD. Hon. Jamed Thomson, Chief Justice of the Supreme Oiwri of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, April 23, 1S07. I consider "Iloofland's German liltters'' a val uable medlclno In oaso of attacks ot Indigestion or Dyspepsia, I can certify this from my expe rience of it. Yours, with respect, jAMr.s THOMSON, lion, George Hharswood, Justice of the Supreme Court of l'eruxsylvanla. Philadelphia, Juno 1, 1S43. I hnvo lound by csperlenoothafllooflanu's German Hitters" is a very cood tonic, relieving dyspeptic symptoms almost directly. UEOllUK I31IAK3WOOU, Hon. Visa. V. Itogora, Mayor of the City of lluffalo . y. v. Mayor's Olllce, BuUulo, Jnno S2, 1S69. I havo usoil "HooUiinds German Bitters and Tonic" in my family during tho p.ist year, nud can recommend them as an excellent tonic. Im parting touo nnd vigor to tho system, Thoir uso has been productive of decidedly hencllolal effects. Wit, 1'. lloaKiis. Hon, James M. Wood, Kc-iljyor of Wiltlamsport Pa. I tako great plnasuro'ln recommending " Hoof land'H German Tonlo M to any ouo who may bo aulicted with Dyspepsia. I had the Dyspepsia so badly It was Impossible to keep my lood In my stomach. and 1 becamo so woalc as not to ho able towalic linlf amilo. Two bottles of Tonloeffoctcd a perfect cure, Jame3 M. Wood, UnMEMBEIt THAT IIOOI'EA'ND'S GEItMAN IIITTEUS, AND HOOFLAND'S QEUJIAN TONIC Will Curo every caso of M AltAS M U S, Or Wasllug away of the Body. ItEilKilttEIl THAT HOOFLAND'S GEIIMAN REMEDIES Aro tho mcdlclueij you require to purify tho Blood, oxcllo the lornld I.iver la healthy nptlnn. and to enable you to pass.safely thro igh uuy iiurusuiiia or exposure. Dlt. HOOFLAND'S ODOPIIYLL I N Substitute for Mercup.y Piles. two pillh a dosb. She most Powerful, Yet Innocent, Vegetable Oathartio known. It la uot necessary to tako a haudfullof theso Pills to produce tho desired otlect; two of them net iiu okly nud powerfully, cleansing the Liver, Stomach and lljwels of all Impurities. Tho urineiiHo ingreuicnt is t'ouopnyuui, or mo A Ico holto Extract of Maudrake, which U by many times more powerful, acting and searching tlnui the Mandraue Itself. Its peculiar action Is upon the Liver, cleaning It speedily from all obstruo- Imnu wtlli nil r.n.aa nl Mo......, ..... , rrom'tha Injurious results attached to the uso of lust mineral. For all diseases In which tho uso of a cathnrtlo Is Indicated, theso pills will Klvo entire satisfac tion iu every case, Thoy NEVER FAIL. in eases oi i.iver complaint, uyspepsia nud oxtremo costlveness. Dr. IlouUuiiirs Germuu Hitters or Tonic should bo used it. connection with tho Pills. Tho tonlo ctTect of tho Hitters or Tonlo builds up thosystem, Thollltters or Tonlo purities tho Illood, strengthens tho Nerves, imo ulatus the Liver, and gives strength, energy uud vlnor. Keep your Bowels active with tho Pills, and tone up tho system with Hitters or Tonlo, nud no disease can retain tho hold, or oven assuli Recollect that it in nn. imnrr.A wrvsi m-rr. MAN Itomodles thai aiosouulvcrsullyused nud lilHbly recommended : and do not allow the DrUilulSt to Induct) vim ti. rub,) nnvt him. flint Im may bay is last as good, because no makes a Autoe jkuiutnura win do sent uy oxpress to nny locality, upon application to the PRINCI PAL OFFICE, at tho GEItMAN MEDICINE Sl'OHE. oai Arch St., Philadelphia. t"Jiv""r- VII 18. ,11. UVAXS, Proprietor. Thesa Eotnedles aro for tale by Druggists orekeepert, and Medicine Dealers every wh Miacollnncoua. I W. NILK3, MUSIC W A IU'1 BOOMS A general Miorlmcnt ot MIMICAL MEUOItAHDmiJ .UVAYB ON 11 AND. VIOLINS, CONCERTINAS, FLAUOLKTiJ, FIFES, DllUMK, HARMONIUAB, M. VIOLIN STRINGS OF THE BEST QUALITY THE LATEST SHEET 5IUSIO. PIANO AND ORGAN SrOJLS ALL BTYLta AND PRtCLH. A IlKTTKIt ASSORTMENT OP ORGANS THAN CAN 1IU rOC.Nl) isi.3i:tvni:ni:. THE TEMPLE ANGKL10 ORGAN WHICH II VI THE SWElsriHr TONE-THAT CAN HE FOUND IN A REiil) ORUAN. 3Cail and examine b.'foro purchasing il-e-where. Wareroom Main Street, below .Market, i.jtputnu turcu s lurumiru wareruuni'., oiitmus burg, Pa. iiug.i)',71-ly HEAD QUARTERS FOIt BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, IS AT E. M. KNORR'S CHEAPEST A D BEST Tlic County Affords AT CASH PRICES LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES THIS FALL, Come an! Examine Before Purchasing Elsewhere. E. M. KNORU, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Septembers lS"l-tf. A. J. EVANS. READY MADE AND CUSTOM CLOTHING. HE IL3 THE FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES AND EMPLOYS THE It V S T IV o n ft M V. Ti. For cood Ills and rtromiitnu.s In lH'Ini; nnhrs Iheio Is tho pluco to go. Ills i-oods are selected wltli earn nml hU fn. torn work will compare favorably with tho best cirorls of the fashtouuble city Dealer. HE JCEEP.S A LAROE STOCK OF HOYS' AND (JIIlLl)l'E.VS ClOTHI.VU AND cjcsts' rimxssaiiSG goou3, At AstonlshliiKlv Low Price. Dloomsburg, Hept. ), IMMI JOHN Q. JACOBY'S BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY! DERWICK, PENN'A. Tho tinderslenod would resnectftillv Inform tho Cltliens or llerwlck, and vicinity, that ho iiua uivuu u uumeeiiuoery uiiu uauery iu ODD FELLOWS' HALL. llerwlck. PO.. Where he is lrennril t rnrtilnh 1.11 amua ui PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS ORANGES, LEMONS, RAISINS Ac, do., Ac, Ac. BY WHOLESALE AND UETAIL. Auiolll! tho assortment win hn rn.i r-romn Nuts, English Walnuts, Peauuts, Almonds, Fil berts. HK. APPleS. COCOa NllM. .telllt-u nf -t!tnt-. ent kinds, Mustard, Catsup, Plcldos, Chooolate, Canned Fruit of all kinds, doru SUich, Egg Ilia cult, Hoda Cracliore, Oyster Crackers, Choese, Soap, Writing Paper, Agreement Papers, En- FISH AND OYfjTEItS, Allll lirOdtlCfl of llll kllldM. Vrr,h Itr-tnl nn Cukia everv day, jco Crtmu lu Bwison, Vour , . , ,, , JOIING.JACODY. llerwlck, Jan 171 tv AOEHTSf 7tttl f:r j Twelyo Years tss Wild Indians .Plains, The remarbftblo fnlvcnturs of tho lamous f i4 tJ mm jf W AlVUIIJIb HhlUUC lilt 1tu.l Utrlsio Tti.HMn ...-4.. ..r is i. . llatrl-reuUtb Scapes nmiTi'rrlble Uoutta with tluiiM of the hubltH niut nuix-rhtitlons of Unit tin nil Hnui ihn tl.n n.i.i nrn.i (j.. 'r...-,.. Wnrihln, dc. New, Frefch and ropnlar. l'rlcu IJIUI. It 111 lb 1 i.x l. 11. el i . ...i.I. ilprful laplUity, Aaentn aro inakluK from $.V)to flW per week. Choice fleU! yet vacant, Bcnaat ouco lortsainple chanters, IllnstruttonH aud par- tlpularu In a it ii tutu a nit n.. . it. i.7. J Jan?77Mf. Chestuut St., l'hllo. Mificollaneoua. 8. It. MILLER A HON, linen rnmnvml llielr Mlnrn In lllo room formerly occupied by JlBiuteuhall.ou Malnstrcet,l)loonis- burg, miriy oppoilto the Kpisaop.ii uuurou wherolliey nroiletermlnoiltosellonnstnmlernto terms ns on be procured cUo where. Tiller slooK eomprlMM LADIES' IJIUCSB (100 DH ot the onoloeat styles nnd InVMl (Mhlone, together Wllti nlnips ixeortmetil of Dry Uotxlo and Urn- oerlee, ootuistlnR or the rouo i'inr i rueiw Usrpete, Oil Cloths, (MM, CMl3treK, Mltawljl, Fmstuii, BUM, WHlto Ocorti Unm., Hoop ,klrlt, Metlliis, Hrrtlowijaru CoUarwuri CllHeiMWiro, Hurdwar llonts iiBdHhOet, ' v ' lists n I i;p ttodp N'Mc, UmbfolliMt, XitKbin-OlMset, -ebnoev, 0"8eo, ja.rs, Tom, Ktoe, Allspice, Wlttltor, Clnnauioii, Nulraeas AND 3SOTIO&8 GENERALLY. Iu snort, everjUlliJS usually kept lu eonmr; oral, to whloh tUoy' Invito the attention of the pautu geuerally, 'rnehlghPBt prl'-ewlll be pmi! for oonulrj pro luce In exchange for Roods, 8. H. MfLLKRASON. Rloumoburi! oct 1171 .f jTEW STOCK OF OLOTiriNQ. Ifrcsn urrlTal nl TALL AND WIXTJSU (300BS DAVID LOWENIISRO lnviti intention to hlsstooU of CHEAPANDrABHIONAIlLKCl.OTIIINO. nt his store ou Main Street, InBlilvo's bloc!;, ouo door West o V. -, .liirr s more, llioomshurg, P.i., where no Has Just received from New Yorl: imd Phlla lolphla a full assortment of MEN AND HOYS' CLOTH1NO, . including tho most fashionable, durable mid handsome nitran (iooiw, consisting of IlOX.HACi:, ROCa.aUM.ANDOIL-ClLOTII COATS AND PANTS, of all torts, sizes nud colon. Ho has also repltn Ished his nlrcndy InrKu stock or KALL AND WINTER HIIAV.'LH, Bi'RIl'EU, I-'iaUISED, AND PLAIN VESTS SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS IIAIIDKKUIIIIIEFS.'GLOVER. SUSPENDERS, AND PANCY ART1CLF1- no nus constantly on oauu a urgo auu pen-be cctcd assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, which ho Is prepared lo mairo to order Into any kind of clothlns, on very bhorl notice, nnd In the best manner. All his cluthlug Is made to wear, nud most of It Is of homo manufacture. COLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, olevery description, line and choap. Ills en- ct fewelry Is uotsurpaa.scd lu thLslpl.icc, Cull uud oianilno hlsi;eucral assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELRY, AC. octI3'7i DAVID I.OWENI1ERO. :j-;va.i.: i;C:-d i.u; mo " '. I!-! cd Ml eve- y p'cktigc, tlierc '.'I'nltii; .:: n-c.,1 p eparaticn, co:.jjpicitlly L :;v3i( i.cr, iT.rscnjnr. iv Iti.f a c-rhrii riiro for Scrofula, ', ph. lit In n'l it. I'-TiiiR, Itlicutiu . i, Ll.'ui .:-.t irei, Liver Com .'.I. t und ull diaearra of tho ,Juod. i'l ,!o more t .mil t.'ian ten liuttlci d !w l.yrt'p iif iSartiupsrilla. V!i; j-;3;r.,ic::;o pjiviioians !..,-ou cl l ttl.il" . i .tlieirnrr.clira r'K l!:'ipitt I'ir.o yi"ir3 and f. tely !e do--o it nn riluLla AllcratUo j.i,.J liJuoJ 'un.'i.r. n?.. T. f. VC .: of CtUlmcie. '.T.J ). i i.iv, " l.'.i. It. w i 'i. - t.r. o. : rxv, " w.: (.' J. .'.i...-mi .s'kliolasvlllc, j'.'L. 3!cCAr.THA, CoIuraU.1. S. (. I-.:'.. .',. J. NOSLLS, r-dgccomlj, N. C. I r.z: :.7D :.::z?cr.D by t. U. t',T."N. I!t CCN3, Pali P.lvcr, '. Vi !"(, J-l-.nn, JMrli. , 1- V, ..i i ... s.aa, vl'.io. I 1' V I,, 1 . ( .' .. :! ... I u I '., ' " 'loi.il l!!e, Va, . A.'i'I,. 0. JI. . A".w..,, Jlurflccw lure, Ten, j frirppnroi ;.lntnl!-r nf anyc.v. i ...1 li '. i i.i j,-l.i:.. ii tij tlm I 'lu'iol !'.. ..'.ilii. 'i'utlio MeJir.i c-ti .'j.i .' ...tl ui'j.ii il.iiltro A l'luid l'- --i' tjiiii'iri.irl , iv tln-y Ji.no ever ini-J in l. o t o i-.oei, t el iliciifcd i:lni.ll mi.'. t. t:.....'.i. t-l v.-o Bny try Ujsi nil, r... I J.i.i . Ill Lo rci.ti.rt I to I.CM.l.l Rmo l.ill-, li r .' 1 1 y c'.l rmralsts, ; ri. J t, l.U 1 . .- Li'tt.e. Aildrc-J ALiTi.MOKE PIANOS. We resneclfullv rail tho nttentlon of Lho-e dehlrlui; to purchase our miiho of I'lnnos. We uro BtiHtieu that we cfltx Klvn hatlbf.ictlon In overy c-ibe. Our workmen Hicllllul and experieu ceil andaru under tho personal Huperlntendenco ol the members ol our linn. Wu use omy the hest leiisuued tlmlier, and tho material lu i'ii rai is urMi cms, inir i-ianod wuuout oxeepiiou have tlie oiitent ncmlle!! iirrimeineiit tliroueti. out, wiilcii In tho nplulon of the inotl eompe- lem uut'eH id nronouiieeii viiiuaii n. liv iniH mi. provemetit n l'nino Ih made more durable nud 1 Keepu ine iu le longer, wo ciiiiiu lor our liistru lueuttt that they are necond to noun, uud thf-y comhliiu all ttiu esienllul eleuieuls that eoiibtf. tutu Huperior worumnusiup. wo will give u written guarantee Tor live ears. Mr. 1 i.siiAD I-'kuiuan, luemb'i of ourllrin, will visit IllouiiisiHiri; lour limes nycnr to re. tialr uud utluiul to liuilUL! nf alt l'liiiion. in tlie uliaenco ol Mr. FitciUAN, Mr. 1. 1C. MH.I.EU will attend to our hUHljiosH in liloomsburi: uud 1b- uiiinorueii 10 ree 'ivu aim Honeu oiuerK, Wo can ulve the very best references, UAllllI.K & CO. llalllmore, M. 1. I. K. MiLi.cn, Denier iu I'lanos, Urijaus und Mt'lodcoiiH live octave anil live stop organs nt tho heal multe, sold ut SI lu. Terms easy, Juno z A OENTS WANTKI) FOH XX A VKIIY HUl'UUIOIt HOOK, "BOW IN THE CLOUD." Kdlted by ItT, lir.v. WM. I1AC0N BTKVKNB, 1). P.. U I,. I). It Is full of the richest nnd rareilthoiiKhtx.tin. Iiddlni! the porfouj t'oiivrnuiit I lomlseK of our (hid, Huptrhly lllustratidnudhouml luiuiedt fcU'iis of sure ehunnee. It is 11 Hon iiuinuK hoolts. Eton's lleraUl, It Ismie of tl e most eltcnnl hniilis ever Iswcd from Iho Auicritan press Wutchmun unit Italic lor. 7 This Is n book of kurpasslnsi hetmty, A'. J". Oi servtr. a lovi:lv book jo 11 a holiday wit, Knrlclied with SDeziiulsllo eems of roelry, Klrsl-cliiss Ati'iilsnruiiiiikliiK Slum S.fpir day. Tlcelow. Teriim extra. I-Vir fire ulars address, IIUIIBAIU) 1I110S,, I'uhllsherH. ilco'8 71-tf 7SI Hiiusom hl I'hlln. YALUATJLK l'ltOl'EKTY FOU HALK Tho uudtrsliiiied wlshlni; lo rcllro from husl. Hess now oilers at prlvnlo u1h his entire proper t y situ iliil lu Ornniieville, eoubistlnof lioim Iiiilf luterest In the well known FOUNDKY AND AOIUCULTUHAIi M'OUKS, locclhor wllh tho Knglne, Lnthes nnd other Ma rhlncry helouiiliiK lo thu same, also tho entile block now 011 liiind, loeclht-r wllh ri vnluahle pair of horses, mid Ihu wnitnus, sleils, HnniiKS. Ac. nlso IiIMomii lolsoiiMhleh U Heeled nKixnl (ruiiiu dm lllny, nUo, tuenly,llo acres, known lis the Dr. U.tt proprrly nbuut ten of which aro clenred, the balance timbered, Prices reasonable. I'ossosslou (liven nt nny Hull) lo suit purchasers. Apply to ur address, WILLIAM HClIUyi.EH. oct, 6,71-tf. Oraugevllle, Columbia LIS eiiv ,.L fij;".' n Drugs mid Ohemicalu. 'fcJIK OAUMK AJNU Oh X tONrtUMIHlON. ihe pTimnry canw ot Uotuinmptloti li dornngo mentofllMnlttfoiliVoorkiiiiifi. mlidoratiKuinfut iiiimu i'B iniiiiom uuiiuimi aim tifini (111 1)11 IO u (V HMtliniltillOM 1 IlieiUl Hint tit Ki!HM lifwhlnh tiu mmtiiicMt ot tho food It i-onvuilttd Into nmod.tuHi int'uco imo mo miiidt or tno hotly, IVrioim with dtnetlon tliti luipfttnd, havJiiK the Rjlglitvnt piedlspusuion lo puliimiiury dli t'(wo,tu H llioy tiuo fold, will uo ory lUbioto have L'onsutnptloii of I ho 1 iiigi In hoiihmiI Us lonun; una lliold thai ltwinoo iuih).hIUIo to ctuu uuy ot CoiiftitmpUuii wJltiout first ro MorlhKU Rood dlKtmttoii nud he itllty alinllit lltlli, auu iviy iiibi i (ting iu uu I1UI1U11 lUiUtfllllO the Mtniiutcliahd bowi'lHiroinnllilt'si jmi'd nnifii ami Hi line, wnKli i oiuIiik theao nrtiUM to inat ini'j (-Huiui puuunu im-ir luneiiont, mill then roiiM up iind ichtoro thu ilvcr ton lu-ultliv Hclloji. Tor this pmpofiu luu Hiint nui be fit remedy M Helii-m k'h Mati'iriike l'HW. Tlioo I'll Is eU-nii tno Ntoiuueh und Uuwt-lN of nil tho tluutlitmt mui'ldd tdlino tint n ou lining illneiifo Hnddtiua m tho wuoio nysini, luoy will clear out the liver oi nil dlBenned bltu Unit hat ucculu uhitvd there, ntut luu.iu li up to u row and liciilitiy m tiun, by which n mural and healthy bile li tee io It U. 'ILf hliiiiineij, bowelt,(mdlleruri tliusclwtni -d b til" um or hcheueK'n MaiidiM ie IMIimi but thoto U'Iluiuh lu luu a torn el i ait - ot aeid, theorem im torpid nud ttu anpune pour la tlie liutveiH 1 1 Iticii li urn wcuU, taut teiuirlat! ktienijili uinl Mippuru HI) lu u lutluuii llku Ihl 4 uiutHcliubeit'H f-eiueoit 'luul'j prove to bo the MiyHl uluuultj Ivutudj eut diM'OVeredi It mnlkrtltue, una Its uho will ucuir.ulKe nil uxcein ot uuid, iuhUiuk Hui fitum.u'U fcwcia uud Iroidi ; It will give ju'rihuiu'iil tone to UiW linpurt.uit or gnu, HutUluate u kooiI, liturty wppetae.aua pie )iilo thu rfdeiulor ihu llifit procesiof u good ill Kimilob, uud utnnutel m.itto KooJt no.iUhy. living btoude Alter iiiii pieiMialory tioatuitui, what leiiintns to cure luoti cich of Ujusump ttoa It (im boo and prriiitvriug iwu of aio.ieaeii'rt Puiiuu.uc Mj ritp. ihu I'ti liuuulc Syrup noiiriiiie-i Hits hi tui!i, paulU'8 tho ulood, atid U luttdlly no Mib.dinto IIil uiiciiKtliuu, and tla'iieo d lit rib utid to ilk iDsuhsuU lunr, 'i'ucio il rlpuusail inorbtd liiulu in, v. netlur tu I lie t ji ia ol abtet..8 ei or lutMtteteri, una toeu aBifUs xniaro to vxpui iilUliodistaHLd )u:itb.rt in thy I rm ut'lrfji-x-pt-ctorAlluii, wbtn oia'o it tipena, il Ih then, by iliu uU'ai Jualuit; und. puuij ing piopcrilfH of em ncl:'M ftilibonle Hiiup(itml n l ulcer. ami utiViLbJAUie la-rflfd up wjuud, and iay I'aUttiillH tmd. The e-.HPuti!i! thing to bo done lu e.irlhg Con sumption )K to :ut up a gondapi'lite uud a good dleatloii, ho that inu ioJ will gf v In jaiti and gt Mrong. 'If aperHon hai dim ustd Iuhk'. aeiivlty or u lives thotp, the ealiy oatinot heal, the timttercnnnot ilpen.-o Inngat the mj'8 teni In below par. What in nwchai j m curo ii a new order oi thiug., u goo L pp.ttte, it goal nuirllloii, the body to grow la uVli i'id gut tut; then utur in helpid, IUm CitvllU-H will hud, thu unit tor wtll ilpeu and lie thrown all' In igo -pituillrltH, mill t ho pfi'sou re- tin sirenlli. i lilt it l he t u it ad only plu'i to imoo ( 'otiHanip lion, uinl it a pertoii It ery in I, it (tie limns aio not t ut o idy t't'sl loved, oi t.vtui 11 ono luny it im tlrely U'liu-, It theic hi mm ;li vitality leit lu tho nt bu i to la il u)i( thi-relt hoi'e. 1 have seen many peifr'UiHcu-o,! uttti only one sound tutu;, livt- and ei.l' hu luiuuil old ugo. Tlitrt is what Hclii'iii-lt's .we ilel-ic; w .11 do to Cine Ciuisamptlon, Tiiuy will rluitu o.u. me tom-i -n, sweeten and Mit"i!tlnu It, gfi uii.ikm1 digct t ton, and gtvuNuMiie ttiealtt nice hiie nee as to eimr me ayntim or an tno uischm iuati mine lUUttfi. wlmti'ver Ibo lorin ni.iv b. It U iuipoitant that wlilio uMng Hclunck's MedlelneN, earo hlamld he iixereitid not to t alio rum; uet'p uiiioorH iu eoio auu (UiuiiwuuiLTj avoid night air, and taU" out-door t'.urclo only In a ueuial anil vai m minvliluo. I wish it Ulitlm tly understood that when I rec nmmt'LiI a ta1h'tit lo be ear. ml laiegird to ik- niifi'ijui, wnuo uiu; my jieuieiuet, i uo so tor a upeelal na.s.ui, A man who hut but p.vitmlly iv tvred Irom tho elt' eltoTn bid fold ii far moro liable to a lid.iose tlninoiio who ti.it Oppii nniii-.u ly rured and it 1 precisely tho h une iu tvnird toConsumplton, Ho lot o; at the luugt mo not perftcily lieal it, Jti.t m lon It theio iintument (hinder of a lull n iurn of tho discic Jiciicnlt is in i i mi Mii'iiuoii'oy iMUiiiiu punuouary pa tU'Ut.t nualnst exposing tlieuiM'lvet to an almot pht'ie that it u-itucolul ami jiUasaui. Coullim il Co'.sumptlvft' Iiums ate a mats ol s'rtt, which tho luat clruiu ot -iimoplii'r. will tu lUuif. The gr.iml Mueietof m muvcsh Willi my MedtclutH e.iusNlt tu my ublliiv tosibhu'ln It.uamatlon lutu-ad ot ptowiUlfM It, us m niv nl tim l.ieulty do, mi i.iJLund luui; I'.mnot, with Mtietv to the i-.nlt'iitf bj uvpusi-il to t lie oil in i; bias Hot Wmti'irr Hih I'ldlltii-t wu.tls ot Sprum or Autumn, 11 tmould bu eaiutully .slni'lUt'd iiom all Irritating lnlluenci-s. the utmo t eattilou Khuuld oe otivei vtd lu Hut partii.ul.ir, uh wltboitl It a mire under aliuott au eiicitmstaiici's Is uu lmpusibhlty. Hie i)i'iioii should be kept una wholcaomea.ul nutritious ttit t, and all tho Aledinlne.s eiiuiinue i until iliu ho ly hat iedorudto it thu lialiual UU, unity ol lhMi aud tstroutith. I was niiirir i-urud by tnls treatment of tho worMlklhd of c'ouiiiuptpiut dn.1 hnvo ilvoJ to betlatatul l.eaity theso many .mmih, with ouo lung mostly mum. I bavoeured thoustials hlueo ami tiy m.oi have been euied by mistreat ment whom 1 liauueei m'uu. ' About ibu birsi ol Ut-tober I expect to tako po-hct-lonof my new building, at mo Nor t heat L'oiii'-r ol hixth uti I Aiuli Mieets, wnero i Hh.il be ple-isul to ytvo advlco to atl who may require FulliUrecMont aceompmyall my Hemcilles, so th.it u pL-i'Min lu any part ol thu woild cm bu nudity curtd by a .strict observoicool thoHiiuo. .1, II. HUIIK.nCU', M. 1). rhlladuiplii. Johnson, Ilollaway A Ciw.Ien, iOl Areh street riiiladelphla, wholesale amenta, tuovl7'71-Jy. Dr. WA7.Sr" ' YINECtAI ' ', Hcartoetlmony tMVlr o ui uurauvo i,u-xia. L'GfjWHAT ARE THEY? 'z ufd FANCY "DRIPJK.. lima c7 for wuin, Wlilblicy, Trowf SnlrliH t.tul Itefilho l.lr.tiora doctored, cplcctl asdnrcct iucd to vlcaictto taEto, canc(lMTon!cp,"''Arpctl-cr:-," "rbcstorcrc," tlitt ked tto tippler ca to dranliunncsij s.aa ruIu,butc.rofttrno Medicine, Kictlo frqptliastlvo Uootstnd llcrbacf California, freo from nil Alcoliellc btlniulnntse TLcy era tha (j:si:at ieloud ruuiriKu nna a mpu 1VIN(3 rillNCIPIii: a perfect Ilonorator aad laMoratorcf t:nEystcc:,carrrlcs otr allpolecaoua i-a;iiT and rcciorlns tUo tlood to n l.calthy cosCltlo" I.opcrtoa caniaa tticso ti'.lcra tccorCirj to Cm. tlcn end remain I023 uacll, t-iUO wlllbo l,cnforca lnmrat)IocfArt,'. n' '1 :'.3 tonc3 cro not Coctrojed ty inlncra cIbou cr c'.!;(.r ucans.tndOa ,itil3rcart3Vit;j ''mdtUo i j.at of repair I'livlnllaininutcry nnd Chronlo ItUcuiim t'.MU uud Clout. ISytpeptrln, vv ludlL'eMlaij, Ulliai, Iitailtteut uud Imcrniltltnl rovJm DKi r.tuu oV ia lllo oil, LHer, Ulilnejhi cud UKu'.tici', Ucto Illtuiu l.ao Kx.i r. cit rncccc: i.:'. buth Illsccsea cro cacrcd ly VHIntcd nicod, wlile'jlBtfcr.criUl rroLUCdty Cera2c-n.c-t ; .- J)lc(rilvo0ictiu3. iLi-ri'tiA on lXEiursTiox, i-J r.-:..,l. iuia-i ouUc.'i:, Co;tl:BiUm;LBof tl.j -t, 131-z.u L-;r : ,t'.-i.t,3 tf t.ta ttciacji, L-ai...t-Ut:.- -..i, ao. z .-UkI.e, Pclpltatlsa c: tlitllcu'.t, I. r.c:!tnt t:.j Lu-c-"'. I'tmlatl.o . 13 of ti j l.'.d i.ya, rlU a l.unilivd otcr 1 'I'nlul i . j : ..j.rcl'.- c'.t-i.tfcscf Eicitri-.i'. '.u t:.oi3U,ujcUr.udrtliuu:a'.3 tor j 1.; w sd V j .:, r!iicU rcailtr tlioni cl nncQuaUol L:cai.v,i-i cic-":c:aj tUolloodcf aUinpcritlcs, rnJ iu ;v..rV.'Az r.c. nrd vigor to tho vrhola cyet:m. lm !:-::; ::'Iri:A?iS. Erc?tlonft, Tetter, Suit ; . 1 ,..;.u,fio,:,;.;i.j l.c.ruuuktJ.Colle.rcr I. . . tc..K.-:iccd,Ecro ryeg,Erycli- ., Icui.j, iJ.3ccloru.oyaof tuoEUla.lIumcra 1 . ii t.iOLUia.of wuutccrtvma creature, : :z Uur-lly lvisij) anil carried out cf taoryotcmina .'...-M :jly t.-j'-soof theso DIttcrs, Ono bottlo li -Bill c-ico v. Ill con iuco Co no:s lacrcdclgua of atlr c::ruth 0 cCcct. Cltci.co llio Vitiated Ulood wucnever you find its I::.pui.i:;j burctlns throayi ttio cUln Inriicplos. Trop tlun3 cr Ceres f clcanso It Tvhcn yoa Cad It obstructed t.ad eIouIeL la tl.J veins cleans 0 It when It la foul, tad your fccliass wllHcll youwbca, Hccp tao blood X cro and tho l.caUh cf tho t ystcm will follow. riX TAl'XUad other W0U.1IS, larltlnsin th fjttcrjcf so raaay thoneands, aro effectually destroy cd aud removed. Tor foil directions, read carefully tliQ circular around each bcttlo, printed In four lan tningcs-Eufjl.ih.Gcruiaa, Trcncli w.d Bpanlsh, J.WALKCr., Tropriotor. R. II.lIcDONAU) & C0. nrnuts und Ccn. Agents, Can Tranclfco, Cal -id 5JonJSlComiui-:c3 Ctreit, Iew York. ,U-fcOU 13V ALL UUUUQIST3 AND DEAIXWL 2870-1: 'I'n nny person rroduclPi! nny Mi Heine show. Inir h.ill ns in.my living, nermiitieni cures us Int. I'Tll.f'U'H VFOKTAIILB lllllHMATlr HKMKllV.- fitil tmutrilty onlu. A ple.isant .Mei'lclno. free trom Injurious di iiks. Wnrriiulnl, umier niith, to haVHpernmnenlly en redllili. every 11)0 pnl lents rented 111 the ni,t ten yearn. (en tesilmoiiy.) It Is thoselentlllc pri'-crlpllon of 1'iofrssor Jus. 1. Filler, M. I ,11 Braduata nf the University ul I'ennsylvanl.i A. 1. IsiS. now one of I'lilhidcl ). hlu's oldest 1 eeulur physli inns, uud I'rulessor ot llii tnUtry and Toxic lov, who has uinde N'euinlirla, Ciimuluuud inllammatory Itlicimm linn tho spicliilily of his entire prolessloual lllo n Inct viiuelii'd for by the tlitunliiri's aecom. pauyluueitch bohle,olinaTiy prominent renown cd phsctu ns, eleruyuien,nrdollier testimonials 'fupn net biillerers Iruiu polsouous (juack nos truiiis and useless expendlliuu of money, u leg-il slgniilKUiiriiutee.sliitlnitexai't utimberor borles wiirriiiiled to cure, will bu forwarded grutl. lo any suilercr sendlnij by Inter a full df scrlptnu of ulUictlou, Iu cam nt failure lo cure, muouit paid positively refunded, Medlclno sent any. where by express, collect on delivery. Allllcte.1 invllisltowrlto loru'lvlcuj nil lurorinntloii unu medical advlco sent hy letter frails. Principal olllce, bouth l'ourlh Muel, Vhllndelphla, i'u. Tho llemedy Is sold or obtained by Diut'Elsls. inarl!l'71-Iv o B jf ss y ' Er:' u km w "1 : a TTTrV TT? VflT VTT T! tii Minjccllanooufi, CONTINENTAL. Lifo Xnauvance Company. OF 2!KV YOItK. 1 of Policies Ia3 43,600. $5,500,000. TSSURSnll tho now form of l'ollclo X'ind prosenls ns tavorahld Itnns ns nny com IMiiy lu the Untied Htulos, The romp my will mako temporary loans on Us policies. Thlrly d ies' Krnco nllnwod on each piymcnt, nnd thu policy huld ood ilurlnii that time. All our pDlk'lei nru Incontestable for tho usnnl cause. l'liiicles Issued hy this company aro uon-for-Icllur. No rxtm charges made for travelling permits, l'.illcv holders shnrs in tho nunnal prollts o tho comp'iny, nnd have n voico In tho elections und in inurement or tho company. No policy or medical fee clmrirod. lU.si'lIs t.AWUKNt'K, l'res't. V. II. WYNKOOP, VicoFrcs't, J. I'. It'iciKl'.i, Secret irv, a. C, CttANDLKi:, Jr., Actuary. Gsntral OSlcs of North-Easteru Peuu'a. "CoLmiBiAjf" Building BLOOMSBURG, PA. LUDWIG & BROCKWAY, - General ALenls: Jan. 5.lsri!-tr. ' pATIJNT ISSftfC- iJ-.S'CBWl - l'M &t. .Mr NSKsr .T?- - tF? . W ARION PIANO. The onlv perfect Instrument lu tho World, I' Is urtpoi'ift-tf In Ulchness, Power, Ilrllltanry nnc Durability. Kpi-cial terms to Teachers. Markei luvors lo C'l'-ryyiucn, Send lor Illustrated Arloi l'nmplilet. P. W. FOSTK1S Oeneral ARent, mar 1U'71 U'.J Mauch Chumi, va. QAHIUAQE MANUFACTORY, Illoomsbnrg, l'n. M. C. BLOAN & BUOTHEi; Hnvo on hand and for sale at tho most roasona bio rates n nplcudld stock of CAUiiiAaES, buggies, and every description of Wnuons both VLAIN AND FANCY warranted to he made of the best and most dur able materials, nud hy tho most experienced workmen. All work sent out from tno cstab llshmcut will ho found tobonf tho highest class undKiiretoulve perlcct satisfaction. They have also a tluo assortment of H I. Il I G II S of all the newest and most lashlotuihlo styles welland cuiefully mudo and oftho best muter luls. An Inspection or their work Is iihIkiI ns it i believed that nono superior can ho found In tin country. Jan 171 Hail Roads. 7 AOICAWAjNA and blooms lJ llllltd ItAIhltOAI) On and elt jr. Nov. 1.7, 1871, P.issenger Trains wll iuq us follows : Oolng North, Arrive Airlvo doing Soutl Leave Leavt u, in. ... 9.M ... S.1S p. m. p.m. n. m I. 11 1.15 lo.di II. 62 2.11 10.3.-, 1131 2.33 11.00 12.211 2.10 li.10 3.CS ll.'M 3.51 ll.U 3.57 10.10 4.27 Keranton . VilUstou... Kingston 1 t. o.,,; W.ll.irroC'rs 8-JU Plymouth H.li Kiiicksiiinuy..., llerwlck llloom D.'invilto Couneetlon made alNr;inum uy tno iu.iun.rn tral i rorUreat Bend, Illimhamlou, Albuuyaud all points Noi Ih, liist uud West. D. T. BOUND, Sup t. NOItTIIEIlN CENTRAL RAII On and after Nov. 12th 1871, TraluB will leave Hu.snunv as follows : NOUTIIWAIID. 12.3) p.m. II ill v to Wllllamsport, Klmlra, Canan il.ilKiiii, Itnchester, llnll.ilo, Suspension Bridge and N. Falls, till p. si Iluirilo, N. falls, Ac. (J.30 p. M., ll.tllv, (except Sundays) for Wllllam sport und Brio, 4.85 i'. M Dallv (except Snndnvsl for K'rnlr" Bnir.ilo and Nla-j.inv Fall", via. Krlo railroad Irom Uliuir i. TKA1XH SOUTIIWAUD. 1,17 A.M. Dallv for Ilultlmorf, WashltiKton and lMilUdelphla. 10.05 A. M. Dally (oxcopt Hundavs) for Baltlmor V.'.vshlntou 1 illadi'-tihli. 1 41 p. st. D illv (except Muudays) lor Baltimore. Philadelphia, .to. KD, S. YOUNG, General Passenger Agent Alfhk I. Fisi:. Gen'l. Sup't. gHORTEST ROUTE EASTWARD. Banvillo, Hazletou & Wilkesl)arre RE. I V INTER A II RANQKMhNTS. EAHTWAHD. i.i:ave. a, m. Hunbtiry H.2H ' 1 ; 11 V 1 1 lo 7.H2 Cntnwls&a 7.2S 1 liuzlctuu 'JUS . 1'. M, Ilelhlehem, 1 U 12.10 l'hllailelphla !., 2.15 Hnr.lclou, 1,-4 12.3.5 New York. Jji 3 50 1 WKSrWABD. LEAVE. Hi 1 New York. tU iKustou, f I'hlln J llethleh'm. Hazletou. I'atawlssa. Duvlllu. riuiibury. Thonflerno-iii train connectsat Hunbury wun Iliu f, II, 4.3,5 p. in. train koIub West! urrlycs at WillUinsporU.3i); I,oi'klIaveu7.Sip.m.,aud with tho Northern Central 4.5U p, m.. moving Bouth, leachlug lliirrlshurg 7.00 p. in., unit llalllmore 10.41 p. m and also with the Hunbury and Lew Islowu Itallroad, . Comlcriiible uud hnndsome C5oachC8)n this ii 6 w ro uti J, HEllVEV KAHi:,Hurertutendent. yVKEJrSliVSVt ffT)TlT,Tw?rrltarS. CHOICE FAII1Y GROCERIES DOWN IN PKIOE j. zz. ra a i z a - s, Corner Main and Centre His., HLooMSBurta. A new stock of Fresh Goods Just opened nt MAIZE'H. Tcun, VatTccH, Sukihn, HYItUrH nud MOI.ASSKS. CIIKK-sK, MEATS. HAW, KIHH. He. VEGETABLES, ifKUMETICALLY Staled (looils. JELLIES nnd I'UFHHItVlCH, I'lCKI.CT. FOIIEION nud DOMESTIOFUUITH. An Elegant Assortment OF QUBBNSWARB Constnnllv on hand. Also WOOD, WILLOW iuiU ULAB3WAHE of every variety, , Al 1 my coods are of tho first aualltv anil at ox. 1 tremely low prices, 1 decJi'fl.tf J. II, MAIZE. Patent Modicinorj. H ENRY T. llELMUOLD't. 0 O JI 1' O U N 1) F Ii U I II KXTItACT OATAWnA Cl It A 1' E PILLS. Compoiif ill lxrttnuUl liztract Ilhubarb ami llutd tract Oitawba Grape Oil iLIVEll COMPLAINTS, JAUNDICE, HL IpUS AFFECTIONS. SICK OH NKIlVoU HEADACHE. C03TIVKNKS3, Etc. VUltliM VEOETAIILE, CONTAINING NO MEUCUIIV MINEllAW Oil DELUrEHIOUS DltUGS These Pills aro the ln.'mL i1ell.,,i r.,n ... ptirgatlvo, superseding castor oil, salts, ,,,.,. uesla. eta. Thero Is nothing moro ncceptnble to tho stomach. They glvo tone, nud causo nelthci ...unui. uor griping pains. They nro composeu if ItioAnest inrtredirnt: Afli... f....tn..u, them, sueu uu mvigorallou of Iho entire system takes plnco ns tontmenr inlrnculoos tn tn . and euorvalod, whether arising from impnt iK..v.o Ui unease, u, x; iicimbolii's Compound 'lulil ExtruclCatnwhaGriinn phi. n. - eoatoJ, from tho fact that sugar-coated Plus do u..vi..i,. ,,uui puss m rougniuesiomBchwllhou dissolving. conseoiinntlv n nn, nuan..,... . sired cfTocL THE OATAWI1A GllAVE FILLS t...B 1'imwiui in lasiounu ouor, do not necesnl. tato their being sugar-conies'. 1'IUCE FIKrv CENTS I'EH I10X. " UENltY T. IIELilll OLD 'iS'. ltlOlthY CONCKNTKATKD t'OUrODNl) FLUID EXTUACT HAIWAI'AIlir.I.A Will radically extirmlnato Irora tho system icrofuln, Syphilis, Fever Soros, Ulcers, Soro Kyo lore Legs, aoro Mouth, lleAU( Brouchltl iUa Diseases, Bait Ithcunv, nnkcrs, nuuulnn Irani tho Ear, White Swellings, Tumors, Can ccrousAnecllons,Nodes,Illckets.GlnndarSwol -M...siuiiin nusn, xeucr, liumors ol u vimi-,, vuroiue iincumaiism, Dyspepsia, und n llscaso that has been established In tho systo lor years, Ilclnir prepared EXPItl'.mr.v r.,nii,.,i. plaints, Its IlLOOD-VUltlFYINU proprieties ar ,euier mm any otner preparation ol Sarsapa rllla. It gives tho COMPLEXION n cloar nn Ueallhy color nnd restores tho patient to a stalo ol HEALTH nnd 1'UltlrY. For Purifying tho Hlood, removing nil Chronic Constitutional Dis enses arising from nn Impuro stnto of thu blood ..im uiuouiy reiiauionnucnectual known reme dy for the curo of Vutns and Swellings of the Uouo3, Ulcerations of tho Throat and Leg Blotches, l'lmplcs on tno Face, Erysipelas nn .ill scaly Eruptions of tho Skin, nud Ileatuiryin tho Complexion. Price, JlOOpor llottlo. HENRY T. IIELMROLD'S CONCENT HATKD FL USD EXTRA GTEVCI1 U, 'THE OKEAT DIUIIETIC, has cured overy enso of Diabetes in which It Im oeon given, Irritation of tho neck of thoBladde and lufl.immatlon oftho Kidneys, Ulceration o tho Kidneys uud Bludder, ltetcutlon of Urlno Dlseasesor the Prostate Gland.Stouo lu tho Iliad dcr, Calculs, Gravel, llrlckdust DeiKislt, and Mucous or Milky Discharges, uud for Enfeebled mil Delicate Coustltutloiis or boih Soxos, atten led with the following symptoms s Iudlsposl Ion to Exertion, lossol l'ower. loss of Memory Ullllctilty of. Breathing, Weak Nerves, Treni Jllng, Horror of Disease, Wukemlness, Dlmues .if Vision, Vuln lu tho lis-ck. Hot Hands, Flush. Ing of tho Body, Dryness ol tho Hkln, Eruption in tho Face, Pallid Countenance, Unlvcrui Lassltudo of tho Muscular System, etc. Used by persons irom tno ngcH of eighteen lo twenty-five, uud from thlrly-Ilvo to tllty-Uvo oi In tho decline or change of lifoj after confine ment or labor pains j hed-wetting iu children. Helmbold's Extruct liuchu Is Dlurotlo nud lilood-l'urlfylug, nnd cures all diseases arising rrom Hnblta of Dissipation, uud Excesses and Imprudences In Lire, Impurities of tho Illood etc., superseding Copabla In allectlons for which It Is used, nnd Syphilltlo AUi-ctlons-ln theso diseases used lu connection wllh HELMBOLD'S HOSE WASH. LADIES. In many afreet ions pecullnr to ladles, the Ei tract liuchu Is unequalled byauy other remedy as is Chlorosis or ltetcutlou. Irregularity, i'aiu fulness or Suppression of Customary Evacua tions, Ulcernted or Schlrrus State of the Uterus Leucorrhceu or Whites.Sterlllty, nuil for all com plaints Incident to tho sex, whether arising from Indiscretion or Habits of Dissipation. It Is pro scribed extensively by tho most eminent physl lans and Mldwives for Eulceblednud Delicate Constitutions, of both sexes nnd all iigos (atten ded with any of the above diseases or symptoms II. T. HELMBOLD'S EXTUACT 1IUCHU CUUE3 DISEASES AHISINO FUOM IMI'HU- DENCE, HABITS OF DISSIPATION, ETC., lu nil their stages, ut Httlo expense, little or no change In diet, no Inconvenience, and uu ex posuro. It causes n frequent desire, uud gives strength to Urlnato, thereby removing Obstruc tions, Preventing nud Curing Strictures of the Uretha, Allnylng Fain und Inflammation, sr frequent In this class of diseases, and expelling all Poisonous matter. TJiousnuds who hnvo boon tho victims of In competent persons, and who havo raid heavy fees to bo cured lu a Hhort time, havo found they havo been deceived, and that the "Velson" has, by the uso of "powerful astringents," been dried up lu tho system, to break out lu a more aggra vated form, nnd perhaps ufter Marriage. Uso HELMBOLD'S EXTUACT I1UCHU for all Allectlons nud Diseases of tho Urluary Organs,, whethor exlstlug lu Male or Female, from what ever causo originating, nud no matter of how long standing. I'UICE ONE DOLLAK AND FIFTY CENTS TEH DOTTLE. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S IM PROVED ROSE WASH cannot ho surpassed as a FACE WASII.aml wt! bo fouua tho only speciflo remedy lu overy species of CUTANEOUS AFFECTION. It spee dily eradicates PIMFLE-J, SPOTS, SCOHUUTIO DIlYNiisS.INDUUATIONSof thu CUTANEOUS MEMBHANE, etc., dispels HEDNESS nnd IN CIPIENT INFLAMATION, HIVES, HASH MOTII PATCHES. DRYNESS OF SCALP OH SKIN, FHOSTBITES, and all purposes lor which SALVES or OINTMENTS nro used; restores the skin to n state of purity nud softness, and In sures continued healthy nctlon to tho tissue o Its vessels, on which depend tho agreeable clear ness nud vivacity ol complexion so much sought aud admired. Ilut however valuable hi remedy tor existing defects of tho skin, II. T Helmbold's Hose Wash has Ions sustained Its principle claim to uubounded patronage, by possessing qualities which render it u TOiLET APPENDAGE of tho most Huperlntlvo nud Congenial character, combining tn an elegant formula those prominent roquUlts, SAFETY and EFFICACY the luvurlable accompaniment ol Its useas a l'reservutlve and Refresher of the Complexion. Ills nu excellent Lotion tor dis eases of a Syphilltlo Nultue, and us an injection lor diseases of tnj Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used lu connection with the EXTRACTS UUCHU.SAHSAPAltlLLA.iiod CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS, In such diseases ui rocommenJed, cannot be surpassed. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER DOTTLE. Full and explicit directions accompany the medicines. Evidence of the most responsible and reliable character furulsbed on application, with hun dreds of thousands of living witnesses, nud up. ward of 30,0)0 unsolicited certificates nud roc-om-meudatory letters, mauy of which are from the highest sourees, Including eminent Physicians Clergymen, Statesmen, etc. The proprietor h uever resorted to their publication In tho news papers; ho does not do this from the fact tha his articles rank ns Standard Preparations, audi do not need to be proppod up by certificates, Henry T. Helmbolil'N Gouulut" I'rcpurtitlous. Delivered to any address, be cure from ohser vatlon. Established upwards of twenty years. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Address letters for In. formation, In confidence to HENRY T, HELM BOLD, Druggist and Chemist Only Depots I II, T, HELMBOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse, No, Oil Broadway, New York, or to H.T, llELMUOLD'B Medical Depot, 104 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITERS. HENRVT, HELMBOLD'S TAKE NU OTHER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers