THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Sfhc apolumbiau. BLOOISBUHa, Vi .A, Friday, Feb. W, 1872. Ilypocrlsj-. Wo lmvo novor licon cntliuMasttc be Hovers hi tliolionoaly of tho ileslro for reform ns set forth In Reimbllcnn news papers or proclaimed by tho orators- of tlmt parly, becnuso tho notions of tho purty woro totally al vnrlanco with thulr expressed opinions. Ilonco, wo nro not tit nil surprised lit tho recent course of tho New York Timet, n paper which acquired u reputation for honesty and btnccrlty In Its attacks on tho Tain many frauds, mid which aided to n great extent in tho ovorthrow of that argatileitlon. In tho recent lnvestlgn tlousuf Iho Custom llouso abuses, tho Timet has persistently defended tho corrupt officials, and misrepresented tho Democratic Senators of tho Com mlttee, who have brought to light tho outrageous corruption which prevails among Federal oflkodioldors. When Democratic thlovcs wero to bo do- nounced and Democratic peculations ox posed, Iho Times was foremost In tho van of tho reformers, but when tho Administration Is assailed for tho rot tenness of Its officials, tho Times has only excuses or palliations to offer. In view of theso facts, wo nro Irre sistlbly led to tho belief that In its vlg orotn articles against Tammany, tho 3mcs was actuated by no higher mo tives than personal piquo or disappoint ment (perhaps nn unpaid bill), or by moro political partisanship. To oxposo fraud when committed by thoso differ Ing from you politically, Is perhaps de serving of Uttlo commendation, but to uphold abuses and defend scoundrols who may happen to voto with you, Is to do that which is worthy of tho scorn and contempt of all truo men. A Xeiv Kind of Fraud. To tho rascally ingenuity of Radical politicians there Is no end, but tho or dluary channels do not soem to bo sufll clent for them, und wo aro treated to quite now system of deception. Mr, 1'etrlUin offered n resolution in th State Senato last week, setting fortli that a certain measure relating to legal proceedings by and against railroad corporations, hd received tho Govern or's signature and became a law, nl though "said bill was not considered or passed by either the Scnato orllouso o Representatives, and that tho records relating thereto wero falsely and fraud ulently made nnd entered." The Patriot says that Governor Geary was fully informed that tho bill had never been passed, and yet two weeks after tho adjournment of the Leglsla ture, affixed his official signature und tho bill becamo a law. This seems al most too monstrous for belief, wero wi not put Into possession, dally, of facts revealing an equally rotten stato affairs both in Stale and Federal mat ters. It has been said that tho Leglsla. turo is controlled by tho great railway corporations, but this latest fraud would seem to indicate that thoy manage tho Governor ns well. Wo hope tho subject may bo fully investigated, and tho per pctrators of this outrage brought to view and punished. Let tho Senato do its duly, and clear its skirts from com plicity. Still They Couic. A bill was recently rushed through tho House of Representatives In Wash ington, involving tho expenditure of 532,500,000, without debato and without tho attention of tho House being called to it, or any voto being taken upon It. Mr. Gnrflcld, a strong Radical, in a speech on tho subject said that one fourth of this sum would go into tho pockots of "sharpers and rascals." $8,000,000 of the public money will thus be stolen, nnd yet this party of which Mr. Garfield is n bright and shining light, will not raisoits voice to prevent tho outrage- How long do the pcoplo intend to endure this shamelul nnd eameless plundering? Mr. Boutweli, has so much confi dence In his "discretion" above tho law mado and provided, that ho Is not sat isfied to bo simply whitewashed ho wants to bo gilded too. Ho nsks Con gross to give him in tho future n dis cretionary margin 6f $10,000,000 to per- fect tho negotiation of his bonds. This Fecret servleo fund is only ono hundred Umo3 n3 much as that allowed to the President. Will Congress then Bhow ono hundred times ns much confidence In noutwell's discretion as It has in ffranlV? Tin: following figures will bo found lo afford useful and popular study : "lVn.'lon frauds SS,0OO,00O per OEnum." (Mr. Garfield.) l'onslou frauds during Oram's lncum- one-fourth of tile whole." (Re port of Civil Service Commission.) Average nnuual revenue S5on,coo,MXi Average annual stealage IM.O'o.oOu Bieuinuo uurtng Grant's incumbency 8;5.100.0CO 10" 309,000.000 Theso nro Radical figures, and do not inciuao tiio Custom-house frauds of Loot & Co., nor the straw bids of Mr, Creswell. The country will boastounded at tho revelation mado In tho World Almanac for 1872 of the renl financial condition of tho Southern States In which tho carpet-baggers have been in power, Tho debt of Alabama has been Increased Innfowyears from 7,015.000 to $52. 7(31,017; that of Georgia from $2,070,. 7.-u to isiViUU.GOU; that of tho sparsely Kouieu state o: i-ioriaa from $370,017 to $10,707,587; nnd In ten Southern States tho cntiroincrcaso has been $215 . 210,125-and yet thero Is Ilttlo of valu'o to snow ror this enormous wasto of raonoy. Tho bulk of It has gono into tho pockets of tho Radical thloves who aro now clamoring for moro bayonet law in tho South. Tho Now York Sun says: Tho most remnrkablo feature of our politics to day Is tho continuous abandonment of Grant bya great bodyof honest Repub llcans at Washington and elsowhere, who havo hitherto zealously favored his ambition. They cannot stand tho revelations of corruption and robbery that nro appearing against him In tho Now York Custom House, tho Chicago Custom House, tho Now Orleans Cus torn House, nnd everywhere else. It begins onco moro to seem to bo Impos sible that ho should bo nomlnnted by tho Republican National Convention. LEGISLATURE. In tho Senate on Wednesday of last eck among n largo number of reports from committees, wero tho following : Mr.Whltc, from tho committee on tho Judiciary general, ns committed, scnato bill No. 210, entitled an act for tho relief of persons lately holding tho ofllco of county treasurer in tho several counties of this commonwealth. Mr. Weakley, Judiciary general, with negatlvo recommendation, senato bill No. 210, entitled nn net to amend an net nllowlng parties lit Interest to bo wit nesses, approved 15th day of April, A. D, 18G0. Mr. Filch, Judiciary goncral, for print ing and recommittal, Scnato bill No. 147, entitled an act to cnablo tho courts to appoint women iuspectorc. Mr. Pctrlkln introduced tho following csolutlons: WumiKAH, By tho records of tho sen ato und house of representatives it Is mado lo appear' that scnato bill No 2212 of tho scnato of 1871, entitled an act relating to legal proceedings by or against corporations, was considered and passed by tho scnato and houso of representatives ; Ind wherers, l'rlvato investigation having been mado lu relation to tho alleged passngo of said bill, it has been ascertained that said bill was not con sidered or passed by cither tho scnato or houso of representatives, and that records relating thereto wero falsely and fraudulently mado and entered ; And ivhaicas, A bill entitled an net to repeal an act, entitled au act relating to legal proceedings by or against corpora tions, approved Juno 19, A. D. 1871, has been read in placo and referred to tho commltteoon judiciary goncral ; there fore; Jlesolced, That said committeo ho In structed to inqulro into tho truth of tho foregoing allegations with power to soud for persons and papers If necessary, and mako report of tho samo to the scn ato. Tho following bills woro acted on: an act authorizing township ofilcors to rcgulato tho storago of guupower and other cxploslvo materials in their townships. Passed. An net to provldo room3 for conven tions of school directors, and to fix tho salaries of county superintendents. De bated and postponed for tho present. In tho Houso n larso number of bills wero reported: tho bill divorcing Math! as Kindt nnd Tauinr his wife was rccon sldered and passed. Tho governor's veto of n bill repeal ing that portion of tho Pennsylvania lightning rod company as authorizes tbem to take risks ou losses by light nlng, where they havo;crccted rods, was sustained by u unanimous vote. Tlio governor's veto of bill repealing tho act of 1SC9, rclativo to contingent interest was sustained by 58 to 19. Ad- journed. In thoSenatoon Thursday of last week the bill regulating studies in tlio public schools was reported negatively. Mr. Davis presented tho petition of citizsns contesting the seat of II. W. Gray as Senator from tho fourth district. After much discussion a Committeo was up pointed to report on Monday. In tho houso tho following Houso bill was passed : An act to provldo for a triennial enumeration of tbo children of school ago In tho commonwealth. In the Senato on Friday last among tho reports wero Senato bill securing to married women their scparato earnings, with an amendment requiring them to filo their intention to embrace tho law before the Court Common Pleas ; Houso bill preventing tho salo of liquors ou election day, with an amendment con fining the prohibition to tho hours of voting ; Mr. Weakley, authorizing tho Court of Cumberland county to open thojudg ment in the caso of Paul Schceppe, convicted of murder iu tho first degree, and to grant a new trial. In tho Houso among tho bills report ed favorably were tho following : Tho Houso bill requiring tho reports of Prison Inspectors, Sheriffs, Prothono tories and ClerkB of Criminal Courts to bo hereafter presented to tho Board of Public Charities instead of tho Secretary of tho Commonwealth. Also, requiring Overseers of tho Poor to keep their records in a manner to bo designated by tho board. Also, requiring tho approval of tho board beforo any prison or almshouso can bo erected. Tho Houso bill, providing thut in caso of tho deatli of an Auditor General or Surveyor General between tho dates of their election and tho nssuming of ofllco, a now Auditor or Surveyor General shnll bo chosen at tho next elec tion. In tho Scuato on Monday, n rrmjorlty of tho Judiciary Committeo reported that tho Senato had no Jurisdiction in thocasoof McClunm. Gray. A minori ty report, taking opposite ground, was presented by Mr. Wallace Tho resolu tion reported by tho majority was lost by a tie vote, aud tho Senato, without any final action, adjourned until this morning. Tho majority held that as tho potitlon had not been presented to tho Sonnto within ten days nfter its organization, no action could bo had. Iu opposition to this ridiculous Interpretation of tho law, Mr. Buckalow contended that thero must bo a now Houso and Senato every year, and as tho Senator from thoFourth District was elected to fill n vacancy commencing this year, tho Idea of so construing tho law as to eond Mr. Mc Cluro to tho next Leglslatura was an absurdity. Tho law uf 1830 limiting petitions to ten days after organization was intended to cover all cases nt tho opening of tho session. Cases which oroso subsequently during tho session naturally fell back upon tho common law, which guarantees tho right of petition nt nny time. If tho majority report nnd resolution wero ndoptcd tho fact would bo plain to all that it was dono for party expediency, and In dis regard of constitutional rights. Iu tho Scnato tho discussion of tho Gray-McCluro contested eloctlon was continued. Tho bill extending tho timo for drawing committees In contested cases from llvo to eight days was passed. In tho House passed a substltuto for tho Senato bill. CONGRESS. In tlm Sonato on Wednesday of last week tho only Important thing doub was tho Introduction of a resolution calling upon tho Committeo of Investi gation and Retrenchment to inqulro whether any United States Senator has received money, under coyer of counsel fees or otherwise, from tho Tronsury of I tho United States In vlolntlon of law. Tho Amnesty bill wns taken up. In tho Houso, nfter tho introduction ofsovcrnl bills, Mr. Poreo's Educational bill was taken up and tho Houso pro ceeded to voto on tho eoveral ninond monts, but without coming to n direct voto on tho bill Itself. Tho dobnto on tho Amnesty bill was continued in tho Houate on Thursday of last week; nothing else of Importance was done. Tho bill so lnti;r ponding In tho Houso todevolotho proccols from tho sales of public lands to educational purposes In tho Stales was shorn yesterday of its centralization features, restricted prin cipally In its benefits to tho 1111 torn to sections, and deprived of Its compulsory mixed-school system, It now goes to tho Honnte, where It will doubtless ro main forovcr. Iu tho Sonnto on Friday last, nfter disposing of some minor business, Mr. Edmunds's resolution asking tho Presi dent to communlcato nny Information In his possession in roforenco to tlio alleged Intention of Great Britain to repudiate tho treaty of Washington, was taken up nnd debntcd until tho expiration of tho morning hour, whon it went over without dcclslvo action Mr. Sumner's Supplementary Civil Rights bill camo up, and nfter somo debato was adopted by a voto of 28 to Vlco-Prcsldent Colfax giving; tho deciding voto in favor of it. Several amendments relating to tho Ku-Klux wero offered and ndoptcd. Tho Amnesty bill nsfimendod was then put on its final passage nnd lost, tho voto standing 33 ayes to 19 nays, which was lc83 than tho two-third voto required,!) innko It n law. In tho Houso after trauwctlug con slderablb miscellaneous business, the Arkansas coutestod election case was takon up, and tho report of tho commit too that Boloi, tho contestant, was on titled to tho seat, instead of Edwards tho sittlnar member, was adontod. The Committeo on Appropriations finished tho Army Appropriation bill. It ap proprlates over $29,000,000. Nothing of public was dono in either Houso. Iu tho Somite, on Monday, bills were introduced by Mr. Carpenter to punish contempt of tho U. S. Courts In certain cases, and by Mr. Wilson to placo color ed soldiers on nu equality with white in tho matter of bounties nnd ponslons Mr. Sumner Introduced n resolution for tho appointment of ti solect eomm ittco to Investigato sales of ordnanco store mado by our Government during tho war between Franco nnd Germany, Tho resolution went over. In tho Houso nmong tho numerous bills nnd resolutions introduced was ono instructing tho Joint Commltteoon tho Library to inquire into tho prac ticability and feasibility of an interna tioual copyright law. A lcsolution was also introduced to allow Mesdames Hooker, Gordon, and Stanton tho right to bo heard beforo tho bar of tho Houso, Which was refused by a voto of 80 to 95. NEWS Stato Soaator Henry S. Evaus dicdnt West Chester, ou Friday night last. He represented tho fifth district. His death will render a special election u ccessory . Mr. Evans was tho editor of tho West Cheater Village Ileconl, which paper ho had owned nnd published for thirty soven years. Mayor Hall was iudicted last S.ttur day.ln Now York, with Win. M. Tweed and Peter B. Sweeney for frauds on tho city. Tho trial is set down for tho 19th Inst. Joseph F. Marcer, tho defaulting City Treasurer of Philadelphia has been sentenced to pay a lino of $300,000 and undergo an imprisonment of four years and nine months In the Eastern Peni tentiary. John O'Connor, a clerk lu tho pay master's ofllco of tho Dalawaro, Lacka wanna, and Western Railroad Company In Scranton, Pa., has absconded with $10,000 or moro of tho company's fuuds. Tho Methodist Episcopal Church edi fice, in Kingston was burned on Satur day. The loss Is $5,000 abovo tho amount of insurance. The firo originated in tho sexton's rootnfc News from Rio Janeiro, by way o Lisbon, records a fearful massacro of foreigners in tho town of Grandil, in tho Argentino States, resulting from nn outbreak of fanaticism. Tho Gauchos, excltod to frenzy by n fanatic named Saluuc, suddenly attackct tho tho for eign residents, and beforo tho authori ties could prevent Slaughtered thirty six persons. Thons3asslns woro attack ed by tho troops, and sixteen of them wero shot and twenty-four taken pris oners. Ex-U. S. Sonator Jnmes W Grimes died nt Burlington Iowa on io 7th inst. IIo was in tho Senate fu welvo years, nnd wns ono of tho seven Repub licans who voted against theconvk-tiou of Audrow Johnson on tho Impeach ment trial. Another frightful railroad i.ccident occurred near Alton Ills., ou Wednes day of last weok iu which four persons wero burned to death and numbers badly injured. Tho Most Reverend Martin John Spalding, D. D., Archbishop of Balti moro and Roman Catholic Prlmato of tho United States, died at, his residenco in Baltimore, on Wednesday of last week, nged sixty-two years. Twenty persons woro moro or lesslu Jured by an accident on tho Missouri Pacific Railroad, not far from Jefforson City, Friday morning. Within a radlu3 of fifteen miles of Sioux City, Iowa, eight persons aro known to lmvo bcon frozen to death during tho recent snow-storm. A flrooccurrod in Scranton on Satur In which a young girl nnd a boy woro burned to death. Tho flames spread so rapidly as to prevent their escape. Thodangor of war between tho United States aud England over the Alabama claims does not seem Imminent. Tho newspapers of England havo adopted it moro moderato tono and both Govern ments nro tranquil. Tho payment of conditional claims is tlio causo of tho excitement. Another Ilttlo "Irregularity" has turned up in tho Third Auditor's office in Washington. $35,000, Is tho sum nnd Ehlo tho man's name. Two members of tho Philadelphia ComraonCouncll.Henrylluhnand Win, S. Allon havo beon ousted by a decision of thcSupromo Court of tho Stato. Tho Earl of Mayo, Goveror Goneral of India was recoutly nssassonatod by a Mahometan convict In tho Andaman Islands. liCgMalloii for Ccntrnlln. Tho following Important local net has been passed by tho Houso nnd will probably pass In tho Senate: AN ACT. To vnlldalo tho lulling of certain bonds ami script liy tho borough or Centrnlta, in tho county ofColuuibla, nnd tonuthorlte tho town council oi snui iiorouRU 10 levy o special tax lor me pay montof tho same. Whereas i It becamo nccossary for tho burgess and council of tho borough of Ccntrnlln, in tho county of Columbia, to repair tno streets or saiu norougii which wero In nn almost linnasslblu condition und unsafe for travel and injurious to tuo property oi tuo lnnauitauts; And whereas: Tho burccss nnd coun cil of said borough havo repaired tho rouils for mo purposo or protecting property m saiu uorougn, nnu navo Issued borough script, or bonds of Bald borough, for tho purposo of .pitying for tho repairing of said roads: Ami whereas; Also doubts havo nrlson as to tho authority of said borough to issuo script or bonds or to lovy taxes for tlio payment of tho samo and thoy rofuso to pay until tho samo shall bo legalized by law : Thoreforo : section l. jseu enuciea. a-c. huh all tho acts of tho burgess and council of tlio borougu or uontraiia in repairing said roads for tho protection of property lu saiu borougu nnu in issuing uorougn Bcript or bonds to pay for tho repairing oi saiu roans, nsBct mrtii in mo loreuo- ing proamoio, aim an oiucr proceedings rclativo thereto, bo and tlio sauio nro hereby mndo valid, und the said bnrgess unu council aro nerouy atunorizeu anu shall lovy a special tax of ten mills on tho assessed valuo of tho property of said borough in, addition to tlio five mills now allowed by law, to contiuuo for throo years from tho pas3airo of this act, without reduction, for tho purposo of paying tho borough script or bonds. Section 2. That no borough orders, script, or bonds shall bo received by tho collector In payment of taxes, but must bo lawful money of tho United States, and any collector violating tho provisions of this section shall not be exonerated ou tlio settlement 'of his accounts nnd shnll bo fined not exceed ing ono thousand dollars, nor less than llvo hundred, to bo collected as other debts aro collectable at law ; said lino to bo used by tho burgess and council for tho paymont of script or bonds of said borough. New Advertisements. A1 UDlTOIt'S NOTICE. KdTATK OF ANDIIUW LAUISII, DECEASED. Tho undersigned, Auditor nppolntcd by Uia Orphans' Court of Columbia County lo dibtrl the runds in the bauds or tho executors or An drew Lartsh, lalo or said cou ity, decerned, w 111 proceed to the dlscharo of thu dmlo f hu appointment ou KllIDAlf, tbo 15th day of MaUuii A. D. 1872. nt len o-cloilc a. m., ut tho uitlco or tho Hhcrlli; lu tlio Court llouso in uloom-.tmrtf, when and where nil persons Inter ested may ntteiii IT they tlilulc proper. W. Wllli',.Auditor. Feb. 11,1372-11 pUULIO SALE OP VALUABLE UEL ESTATE. Byvlrluo of authority nnd order of tho Or phuus' Court of Columbia County, the under sigued, administrator or tho uHato tff John Yen2cr. Jr.. ilerimspf!. will p,in.n tn kitlo l,v milt. llo vendue, on thepremlsosntouoo'clocklu tbo uueruuun, un SATURDAY, J1AUCU 0, lb72, tho following described real estate: Hltuato in tho township of Locust, near Iho vitiligo of Ulnbtown, bounded by lauds of Jacob Hllue. lands ul Mayberry Unydur.Uinljl M jrrls und William llujhes, con turning T11IHTY-F1VE ACHES more or less, with the nppurtenmces. WELLINGTON YKAOKll Administrator. TEI1M3 OF SALE. Ten por cent, of tno one fourthof tho purchase money to uo paid nt tho Htrlltlng down of the property ; tho one-fourth less the ten per cont. nttlio conUrmatlon of salo nnd the remaining ihred-foiirihs lu onoyoir thereafter, with Interest from confirmation utsl. It. Feb. 10,1872 U Clerk. pUIJIilC SALE VALUABLE PERSONAL ritol'EKTY. Tho subscriber will oiror for salo at his resi denco in Main township, Columbia county, on THURSDAY, MAHC1I 11, 1172, " nl u u ci.)ck iu tho forenoon, the ollowla par - j.iupuibj, iaj wii; FOUK GOOD YOUNO .MULE. THREE DRAFT IIOR3ES. ONE PACINGI HOUSE, (can go In three minutes), live sots tug har ness, two i-et lead harness seven palrof liy nets, one pstr or Wilson patent lly netx und oar bobs, ono double set ol Ueht harness, one t.lnt-lo ditto. two saddles aud two riding bridles und u lot of other harness, two big road wagons, ono low ONE TWO-lIOnSB IKON AXI.B WAU0X, nearly new, ono powder wagon bed, ono largo bine wagon bed, ono coal bed, two u.iir of box: sleds, with boxes nearly now, ono fancy sleigh, ouosulkey.o lo light spring w igon, wucelbar iowd, log uhalus, rough locks, ropo nnd tackle, ono youns Durham cow and calr. ona common cow, one pair or Chester whlto breeding hogs, a lot or chickens, forks, rkes, bhovels, hoes, picks, ono cross out saw. Item nnd bno hives. robes, blankets, desk, bureaus, table, and u lot W.T.BHUMAN. Maine twp., Fob. 0, 1871. no5'2-tl LIC SALE VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. Tbo subscribers will oner for sale la ltnslc horn, at the residence of Jacob Hnrrls, do ceased, lata of Hemlock township, Columbia county, on THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1472, at 9 o'o ock u. m., tho following personal prop erty, to wit: ' ' THREE HORSES, ono cuw nud calf, ono brood sow, one lot of snoats: 1,0 o bushels corn oars: MO bushels pota toes; .10) bushels oats: 10) bushels wheal; 21 bu shcls lye; 20 tons 'I linothy hay; ono Evcelsior reaper, ono threshlug machine, two two-liorso wagons, one thivo-horsn ivagou, one truck wa gon, one boggv, "no nil key, two ileds ono hay press, threo wlud inlll, one grain cl t 111. nuu sor ghum mill and ovnpor.itlng paus complete, two horfco hay lorks, ouo itost noting machine, one stnnglo mill, nuu bet blacksmith tools, two new corn i-iows, single and ciounio harness, cultiva tors, plows, harrows, Elcelslur hay rake. THIIEE DOODLE-J1AHKEI.ED SHOT GU.-iH, (new.) two single barreled shot guns; 25 acres of wheal in the ground; six ucres of ryu lu tho ground, together with many other articles too unraeroas to mention. Tr.HSts will lw mado known on thodiy of ."U MMO DIITUUIIIIUO UITCU UY WILLIAM UAltltld, J .,,, , nnd ( Adm'.s. of JAS. A. HARRIS. JJacou lUnms.dec'd JAC011HIIELHART, Auctioneer. Hnckhorn, Feb. 10. 1872-ts QTATEMENT OK THE FINANCES KJ Oi- THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA. From January 1, 1871 to January 1, 1872. V(nVP, '-OWENllERO, Esq., Treasurer of Co luinbla county, in account with said oaunty. v wut.ijr uutpuSCS, lor 1SJ, 1871. . Jun, J o ain't outstanding for 1S70 &a. SU.C01 89 .. rn"iuitornreporior'7U x.17 8i juno county tax ass d. for '71 22,027 3J TO TAX ON SEATRD AND UNSEATED LAND UblUiinEiJ, Names, Districts. M. Downs, J. llarrlger, A. Colluy, J. Hlno. Denver " W Uenton 3.01 Cemralla 1.10 .18 , Ul . 1.09 . so 2.G) l.() Wltchey, i.m 1,10 v, a r-w ..uvri'-u,nynShani n L. M. O. 4 1. Co. ' 18,31 D. LcnUian. 00 tw t9 K.McMnnamon " (J. J. Hover, Locust 11.11. Angle, Mllllln D. Helnbuch, iontour I.. Hlmons I'lne J. Wltchey, It. Crtek J. Wutts, u. Wood li 5", 20 1.2,1 1.W 11 w 7 . 30 . 40 . .9.48 0.27 LIS 3.01 M Making a total of MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. T?'.'!,c.rt And "'"Jacob Ilechtel. Cjl - lortor Madison, l-td. To Thomas Adams, p. 0. llrlar Creek . A !'. 03!?r: woljulng sold him. " O. H. P. Kitchen, P. 0. Berwick lor keeping David Buyder In Count.- Jail. To Thomas Adams. 1'. O. llrlar Croon. rN.-MI'ler, additional Tax, Mala, 1870. " Wm, Neal, webldng sold him. " Thomas Adams, 1'. o. llrlar Creek. Hit 91 32) H 41 00 SI M SO 42 35 1 41 73 39 00 42 ' Philip Kraraer.chsndeller soldlold one) 15 09 ".-J.1.- Vhe, old plunk Horn Yoho brldgo ultllln. 1 00 To Thomas Adams, P. O llrlar Creek. 410.1 ' W. li. Knt'N "rotate" Jury fees. so 00 a .luu.ujr .tuuiHs.cusb uae county, com. case 01 his. " To J K. flharpless, old plank, " Jos, Mccormick, cost duo county, con. ease of his. " To John Culp, U7I ft. plank from Bliatrer's bridge. TiiBaiuuel Hhairer, plank from ShallVr'H brldgu. To ain't, for assesilng dog tax and for blanks. To um'i for assessing mllltla fine aud mauaglug fund, To ain't in exoess of stato ciuota. " JohUSon HajimIv lrt,j.t (-ji,vt,l,.,,.i 7 78 1 01 s 0) 7 50 1 00 190 09 100 O) 22 40 231 II 231 41 151 37 02 21 Thomas 1 Hlittbimer trajtconyiiguam. " Amos Wlckersharu " " " from Registered 'luxes. Helmhold loli, 8 CI (Irani! total J 13,787 l en. david r.owKvnrcno, nig . treasurer of l.UI.U.MlllA 1, lly nmount outslntidliiR I axe ami commission una exonerations nuowcu collectors uunon ins year. 1WI. 1S70. Co. Co. Co. Co. Oil. Co. ex. 21 HI K 21 II WI due, com, com, 2S IM 59 03 tl 7(1 219 27 ca OJ .10 71 71 .11 III 4H 4(1 (IT 27 IM Heaver it ill 15 19 H 21 V3 frl 41 17 3 71 CO 51 21 OI 101 ill 5 IS l- OS 1.-, 77 21 72 23 111 II 2i 8 -3 5 31 H 1H 13 81 8 07 U 01 iieninn Ilerwlclc... SE9 2S IS (I) lltoom K7(l 81 fiS7 3i I. creek. Catawlmn, Centralis.. fi7 pi r,n oj 2.V) r.i Cen ro aw 01 (VMiynRham 800 ti 77 f,9 .1 Oi 2 CI 12 SI II fi) li II 2 10 ro I' Creel:.... ......if . t?i r.-. rraHklln... tl, Wood.,. 2J 71 410 70 181 13 Ell M 111 I i!2 in I mi 49 1.1 15 -i 41 4.1 44 111 211 19 fil 70 .11 41 !!9 t.H il l 51 13 19 70 11 11 21 Hemlock... Jackson II SI l.ocusl , Madlsou Main Millllu a n (17 III 73 Mt. L'leasant Montour 13 01 UnuiKC 670 10 4 i' i at v si I'UH , It. Creok 119 71 not Kcoit lilt fij is in 3 3J H. J .oar ; (0,733 52 SIS J 49 tUl 11 (1,10.1 W 5511 13 Tho following Is nmonut duo for 1S09 nnd li ro- viouh yeum, iu wii i 1819 Ccntrnlln township county duo, S121.I2. The following Is commission nnd exoneration nnowcu lor isojanu previous years! 1M9. Co. rom's, Co. exon's. 8,11 so s 2 in .17 IU 11 09 61 W 19 82 Pinnkllu, iteuinu, Hemlock, 1S0S. Conynsham, 1S0D. Madison, Totals duo JUl U 81 79 31 27 sill oo 117 S3 139 45 RECAPITULATION. (!o. due. 0,730 32 Co. com. $ 12 41 1,10.1 M 211 00 Co. or. S2I2 11 S14 1.1 139 41 S'J15 73 1871. 1S70. 1S1AI Sc, 121 12 0,831 ill SI2) 09 Hi- ain't tax oulstnndlnir In nil. S' III " " coiiimlsslon nllowcd In nil, 1.A20 fl " " exonerations 015 71 " " county orders redeemed. of 1171. 22.S78 ft) ' 1870.' 28 00 " " " " ' " 1S09. 4 Ul " " " " " " 1S0S. 1 00 " " county orders rcdomupd previ ous tn then. 3 (O lly nm't'rrW".rommlsslonou(822.C77 7J1 907 11 " halanco duo nnd paid over. 2,073 01 835787 00 DAVID I.OWnNllEllO. TR13AH.. OF COLU.M 1IIA COUNTY IN ACCT. WITH DOli TAN FUR 1871. DR. To nm't outstnuding ntsrttlrment. ' isscsscd for 1871. " " dueTreuMircr. S 477 28 1,518 50 S.'J 21 09 CR. 1871 1S70. " Redemption of V. It, Conyiighnm, Dog Dog Dog Dog 'Dog due, com. ex. coin. ex. Heaver S S3 18SOM 32 78 S960 llenton' 19 51 1 O) i VI Berwick CO nioom ,. 13 00 ." 70 r, :o II. Creek 23 W 3 30 1 60 CstnwUsu.... 3 43 5 (0 Centrnliu.... 23 00 SI 13 on Contre 0 00 3 07 4 50 Conyngbam 4 00 It r.) 47 12 no F. Creek 23 OJ 2 (V) 3 III 2 00 Fanklln.... 2 S) 3 00 I 9J 4 00 O. Wood 51 50 Hemlock..... 18 a) 3 do 3 19 2 50 Jacltkon 2 30 50 Locust 51 00 5 12 0 50 Madison n 03 4 oo Maine 12 (0 2 W Mllllln 3 7.1 1 60 .1 7 S 3 50 Mt. Pleasant .11 ro 2 50 '2 0(1 Montour 2(1 50 2 02 0 00 Orange 50 00 1 50 2 25 .1 00 Pino 2 11 II 00 1 89 I 50 K. Creek 1 oi 1 10 Hcott 1(1 09 3 0J H. Loaf 21 59 2 73 3 60 S107 0) $22 92 49 50 Sli 31 0 0 AMOUNT DUE 0F1S59. Centrnlla S3 CO Commission nnd exoneration r.llowe I for 1'iTJ nun previous years to wit : 1EC9. Com. Ex-. 1 05 7 SU Hemlock, ISM. Conynghaiu, 1 5.1 Tils 8 5) slow RECAPITULATION. Doe due, 407 00 Ex. 49 50 8,1 00 10 09 151 5 1871. 1H70. 1868-CO. 8 0) 3115 00 $7171 Ilv nm't tax outstanding. " " iluuTreos. by auditors report " " " oiMcrs of 187i redeemed. " IS70 " 1S6J " I ' commission allowed collector!. " " exoner.itlons " " " " paid assessors, blanks Ac. " " Tieusuroi'H commission. fill 00 J9I 61 671 Ul 7SJ -10 91 00 71 71 151 f,0 109 00 70 s; 52,122 99 COMMISSIONERS EXPENSES FOR 1S71. MISCELLANEOUS PAYMENTS. Paid (!. fl. Ilsrkley, Teachers' County lu stltute. 1871. 3 29 j 70 Paid C. H. Furman, 21 straps for (lies pro thonotory's olllce. PnldHharpless & Hannan, 2 gals, varnish Court House fence, Pdld if. a Hower, bill rendered. " ( has. Foster hauling coal ashes &c. from Court House. Paid LvoO'tilng InsurancoCo., Insnraucu on Cnuit House und Jail. , Paid N.J. Hendersholl, glass ie. law li brary. Paid Freezo and Buckalow, in tax oiscs, Cnnyngtinm. raid Levi (Vn trlght et. al. work stato road 11. Creelc. W. II. Ent.Prothonotory bill lor cost and fees. Paid W m. M. Quick, bumping ston3 Court Homo alley. 1 00 10 17 TURN TO SESSIONS. Tald Jurors during tbo year. . uiisiiiuiBi- returns in sessions. " Tipstaves and court crier " Fireman U K Werts, Feb. torin. " C. It. Hnusoi, Xco. lriu. Jury commissioners expenses. " Anrou Smith, Sheriff, serving Jury noyces. W.2C9 19 COSTd IN COMMONWEALTH CASES Paid Com. vs. Creasy nnd Khaller, 3 13 78 " " JohnT. Hcrbeit, 23 111 " " itlchanl fulmar, 21 71 " " William Strausser 28 8i " " Calvin Jonos, 29 42 " " - llradv t o " Mnry Jt'Mahon lo CI ' " Jonn Gunning 9 62 " " Ebeuy Cook a f'J " " A. W. liiton (i) 07 " " J. M.Masnti 271 " " .'"'in and U. P. Grott, 13 0s " Thomas M'Graw et. nl. 10 CO " " Patrick Gara 41 18 " " Lewis Kautiiei 8 70 " " A. C. Itubb 7 81 " " Wnlk-rnud Hngenbuch 48 SO " " Hllns Powell 10 Hi " " l'icrco White, 2.1 20 " " Cndmau it Tlugley ii 70 " " Michael M'Mnliou 3 2 ' " Sarah Hhlvelj 20 aidman n Glrton 1 17 Oeorgo Snyder SKI 41 AMD ROAD HOAJD AND BRIDGE VIEWhilS DAMAGES. PaldThos. Davis, Benton, township, " Michael Watts, Oreenwoo,! - ' ' Gideon Michael, llriarcreelc " " Henry Doak, " " Wm. DoLong, Oraugb " " Zebnlon Ronblns, Hemlock " " Elizabeth Wldman, ' Abraham Hartmau, Ben un" " J. F. Plahlor.OatawUsa " " George Hughes ' " E. lirelblebls, Mt. Plasini " " .1. K ll.tharpless. Bloom " " John Wnnlcli Mt i'leasant ' " Reuben Wlison, Madison " ' .I.II.Vandersllco.Mt.Ploa'nt " " Wm.McKelvy, Bloom " Wjn. ikeler, Flsblugcieeu " " ). A, Jacoby, Bloom " " Sundry persons road Abridge vlowj i 10 00 61) 00 lull Ol 21.1 (10 5 00 173 00 10O 00 11 Ui 250 00 430 00 H i 09 3.6IU (Ml 30 00 ill 00 7a 00 25 Ol 20 (XI 10W (0 177 09 (8,157 00 COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE AND COURT J1UU31., Paid County Auditors 5 7100 !'. M,-,!'.EyerlyaudlUironpublIoaoconts3il 01 William O, Quick, Commissioner 19i 00 , ,, " , " " Expenses holding appeals n- Paid Cyrus Itobblns, Commissioner SJ 00 ., , ,, " , " " Exiienscs hnldlnc nnpcals 25 co PuU II, J, lleeder. CommWiionor 312 00 holding nppoals Expenses r-ld William Hhafler. (Vimtnisslotwr 31 u .X"1- Krlckbaum, Clerk 610 CO w,"-IU,rl,hy'ons,Oom,8.Beal Ac. II 81 J. H.MuUo.Jdoz. broo!iis,Court Jlouso 1 80 Isaiah lloieubuch, repairing, paint l"Y,,r ntlngCouit Housotrougbi 0 7.1 Paid C. W. coal 01 40 ii . V.' A,'cr. painting tc, window blinds. Court Room ' 59 00 l-l'jfhomnsOe.ldls, repairs Proth'y. nfflco a 50 Itobblns it Tuylor two vault winduws, Prothonotarys' Ulllco 83 00 Paid Peu-r Jruts.ct ul. bill worknni ma terlsl, Prothonotarys' OIUco Ao. 65 61 Pnldlsulah lluiieubuch. renulrlnc stoves. Court llou.ii ' raid Joiupn Di'oker, work al Court Houso yard and Jail. Paid Samuel NeyharJ, taking lovel Court Housu cellar. Paid A.M. Rupert. stove renair O&'i 0 00 1 59 :l 31 AV-2y.:7'"-wouulug.'to.1windowbllnd' 3 60 " H. 11. Miller A Son, luiup,oll, au .Court T.10,m,a",'.""JU"B- 31 r' 'l .r;.i "-. 1'feor.e, Att'y,, toUiminUsIoners 75 00 " Mrs.E. Overdurf, nt. nl. cleaning Court, House. 29 00 12,18) 82 COUNTY JAIL AND PRISON HEU.UIBITIONS. l'tt.l! Abraham Buyder. pump repair, lull $ 100 ', l'eter Jones, repairs ubout Jail. 8 dl ' llendershott a Mutoa, cuai. 19 00 material, fti,?itti """"("s i, "ui iriJuir uuu 1 09 171 02 11 7J 50 CO 230 73 81 13 4 50 ."Oil 01 CONSTABLES' HE SS, 15.1 II i Sl S3 219 0-7 20 a 18 00 71 62 I'M Mm. llowman & Halter, cleaning nmt uiiltoHnihlnK. . jo s l'aldd. W. Neal&Hro.,C0Al. , 19 71 D.inloi Miller, pilnt . tmlnllng H 18 " B.H. Thomas, ronalrnrluckq. 14 MJ " J, '. lliiltor, medical Mil, prMonnra. U " H. II. Miller Hon, bill liy rthorlir. 2 07 " l'eter Jones, eU nl, work nnd mnteral 0 . lall hunk". . 15 39 Paid William Krlckbaum, bedding for Jail . . lull rendered. . .. 10 CO PaM AnrnnHmtUi, Sheriff, nl follows) Hoarding .mines nur, Mitmvs. i " lutnck tiara, 8d days. 4100 " Wm. Hirusser,31da-8, 19 Wi ' Mnrtlu CollliauSdays, a hi " Harvey Lnmlicrsnn, 10 days. 8 00 " Charles lUlpntt, 2 days. It" " (IporiM Hnvder, l2Hiiiys. (1101 " ilavs. 47 no " (lldeon institute, 13 days, JW " John llredlieudor, 1 day. ' ' ciHrles Iliin.ird, 13 days. 7 to ' Tornllnv l,ps. 4 li) " huudrlcs.nboitti.ill. 10 00 (US 71 PRINT1NU. SrATIONERY AND POSrACli:. linl.l 11ii,tln.(. rinnlntt. tirlnt!-lt.. 8 73 60 " II L. Ilfcllciibach, " 511 75 " li, A. Hockley, postage nnd stnmps, 0 00 ii .itl,mitri- 1,1 ilirT.iriint. nrs!,,i. for Court Home. 29 83 050 08 INQUISITIONS. lii!,! r (i fnniln-.' nt A T,nv.l. (ioll. ynuhnin. $10 87 Paid C. O. Murphy, body of 11, Lovcll. Con ynitlinm, ... 10 87 PaldC G. Murphy, body of Walter W ynll Couyiighain. ... H .Ini, mu l.'i.fili. bndv nf Thomas Mur- PIU-. . ... 12 30 PnldJ. J. Ilrowcr, bodyof John Lohrmati, . 111,1,1,1,. II 87 Paid J.J. Hrnwer body of Ed, Mulritnnim. 27 01 tM EO BRIDGES, BUILDING AND REPAIRS. I'nl.l Weaver .t- Ifrllrlnotnl 13-20 tonsclndcr dnublo bridge, Bloom. . . . $293 43 lui,l .Tnlm llniiiiliis iilnrlncr rtnilir. doubln brlilge, Illnom, 25 CO Paid Evan Jones, placing cinder, doublo nnuse, minim. 11 v Paid James Masters, repair near Masters' Little Flshlugcrcck. ' 2 01 Paid II. G,Oit,clndBr,below Illoom.. lions. 21 3) KenjnniMi uoie, rep'urnenr uoie-s Mini 10 vu llmiinl Ilownmn. tilunk rpnnlr bcluw lllnnm. 1 00 Paid J udah Boonc.wc chin: clndcr.brldze. nioom. . si Paldsnmucl Mcllcnry,rcpalr;at I'attorsou uinngo. 1 ci Paid John Emory, repair Plnocreclt.Flsh- Ingcrrelc towushl)) 1 05 Paid S. C. Search, 119 feet nf plauU.rino cteck, Hsnlngcreck mwnshlp. 1 SO Paid John Ditcher, icpair near Eitcr Pur- nace. 8 90 Paid W. A. Kile, repair nt Kliublo mill brldw. 21 01 Paid Peter Swank, extending wing walls, Beaver lirldgo, 19 09 Paid J. W. l.clc, 500 foot plaut nt Kck's Bridge, II rlarcrcek. '1(0 Tald Wm. Holmes icpair 1cnPii Ilrl lge. !?) 00 " W.K. Hosier, repair Puiccreiilt, Fish- lnccrcck lownshln. 1 02 Paid John Poller, repair nt Ellllwater, Flslilngcreek. 1 Tald Snuiiie) Htemei-,repalrat Barton nnd t-hutler bridges. 9 00 Paid Samuel Btcttlcr repair ntRok brldgo Bloom. 7 CO Paid Joseph .7. Fry, repair nt Barton nnd HiinnVr bridges. s 00 Paid samnol siclilcr repair nt Bloom and Mt. Pleasant. .1 CO Paid Isaao Kllngaman, repair Beaver brldgo nbutment, 10 09 Paid John 11. Yohe.repalr nt Yoho's mill, Mllllln, 10 10 Paid Peter Bcnlcr, repair Hnntliigcreck, rWllilBcrek. 172 10 Pit id IVier llciiler, repalrnear Forks.Flsh- liiKcreck. 21 09 Paid D. II. Cole, 1239 feet plank at Cole'a mill, Ilantnu, 22 00 Paid I, IC. Mveppcnhtser O)0 ft., onl: planlt Yohe'K mill. 22 50 Paid John u'mtincnt rcpilr near It. Wilson 48 10 PaldJ W, Keller, icpair nt Light Stree t brldcp. 50 Paid Wilson Wanlch repair near Shaffer, Bloom. 2 CO Paid John Mordan nbutment repair 111. Henry. 31 to Paid s. I). ICUner, 17 foot plnnS, Mlllvlllo bridge. ' 2 CO Paid James (Julck, smith bill brldgo? nt Bloom. 19 01 Paid John Rlchart.repilr Holirsburgli-Ulgo il II ' John Hhutiiaii,rt-iHlr,t'Npy KloiiHbrldgo C9 li9 " Arcnlbald Patterson, icpair l'atteraou' Orange. 3 81 Paid S. II. Johnson, abutment rcpalr.Slab- town brldgo. 27 25 Paul Thomas Geddis, measuring new brldgo at .1. E. Sands. 1 50 Paid Jnsorh Mlioemt.ker lepalr at Shoe maker's bridge, Piue. 13 53 Pal,' James Conner, rebuilding bridge, Westcnck niur llenton. 107 03 Paid Daniel llelwlg,,repalrut mouth Catuwissa creek. ,9 93 Pa il Clinton Cole, repair at E. Colo Sugar- loar. 7 (0 PaM Jacob Kostenbaudar dco'd. bridge contract. Franklin. 1381 60 Paid George (llil, wood work, brldgo con tract neurj. E. Sands. 771 CO Paid Wm. Kyer, 270 ', or, stone, near J, E. Hands. 727 01 Paid AlcxandcrHess. brldgocoutract.uear Jas. Hess, dco'd, JacKsoii. 491 09 Paid Cllulou Cole, bildia contract Suirar- loaf, 9S9 00 r.ildclluton Colo, additional length and work 011 said bridge, 311 00 Paid Thomas Hnrtiuan, et. al., repair nt libeller's Furnaco bridge. 8 'K02 511 PENITENTIARY AND ASYLUM. rail E. H, Penitentiary HiirpoitliiR con- VlClS 11)1 ld,u. Paid lVnnsvlvnnl;i S. L. Asylum log Calharluo suit. 5231 71 keep- ASSES-SOUS' PAY Ue.wcr, Allen Mann, s 21 09 Benton. J. 11 Kceler. 20 00 Berwick, Alexander in. :H u-i llinom, Urol. Sharpl-s. at no llrlaro-cek. i.. J. Adiitus. 21 23 Catawlssii, (1. W.Abbott. 2.1 (Ml Central!.!, Daniel Lciillinu. 21 60 Centre, II, .1. Iilutterlck. 21 ftl Con iiKlMiii, Peter l.uby. 10 Flshlnucret k, J. c. Ruimin. 1 00 l-raakllu. Wm.Teiile, 13 Greenwood W. H II in :s, 22 09 llemloclt. II. II. M'llri le. Jaclison. Jnhn L. Muss, Locit, J.diii Km, 1ml, I. .Miidtsoii, I. II Mills. Maine, William T, shaman. JIHII, ii. A. W. iless. MonUiur, Noah MaiiMir Mt. Pleasant, Malhliu Gllbeit. orange, p. m Mcsargell. Pine, Joseph Shouinnltcr Itoarlnuorcclr, Franklin Yocuiu. Scott, H. H Brown. Huiiarluaf, J. n. iicst. Pala nsscssors ou scptcnulul cuumentlou IS7H. r, oo I'll n I 21 75 ri 21 50 II '25 IS 00 21 (0 1.1 ft) It 21 51 18 10 S3 59 Paid (iera. Ilower., assessar.7.ocust 1870, 33 50 rant uroiz.t; Sltarpless, triennial nsfcessor Bloom, Is7(). 72 03 laid aiox. iiiompson, triennial imtsior, B(-rwIck,.ls7,i, Paid William Gjodmin,asslstant assessor Coiiyiiglinm.1670. l'ald assessors, for registering votes and clerk lor transcribing names for tbo year. 29 1) '2 CO 317 00 103150 ELEOriON EXPENSES. Paid Sundry persons holding elections. $151 27 FOX AND WILD CAT SCALP.i Paid sundry persons during year. J51 TAX REFUNDED. Tax icfunded to townships. ' " to Hemlock Collector of 1100, S22! (0 22 BLANK BOOKS. For Prothonotarv. Uo order nud Com- ml.'iiontr,' olllce during year, J!S1 21 RECAPITULATION. Miscellaneous expsnsos. S 031 01 Courts. Jorors' pay. Constables' lctitrn tl sessions. 3,209 09 Costs In (Tonitniiiwonlth cises. 491 4 Road and brlditu viewers t ro id damages G 137 00 L'O'iiinissinueiH- niuco ami i;nuri. House -j.iu-f n. tliuniyjnll and prison reniilsitlons. P8 71 Priming, stationery und Postage. bid us Inquisitions. 00 M Undue!, Building and Repairs 0,3H2 m Pri-dtentisrv and Asvlum 121 01 AHsessors' pay, 1.051 5i Election expenses. 451 '7 Fox ami wl il cat Hcalps. 53 00 Blank books. 181 21 Tax lei undid. 231 Deduct lax retunded, And amount mid lor keenlnj 231 77 822,878 60 Cuthiirliiu Hull, whlci Is ro fuuded to county by Brlar ereek. S1C9 30 Gives Minact'inl exneuses dur ing year. 401 07 401 07 522,471 4.1 SIIEKP ORDERS IS3UUD. Bcavrr, BhiiUiii. Brlaicrecu. Itloooi. Calnwlssn. Centre, Fishlntcreek. Gieenwood. Itom'ock, Jackiou. S 15 m 22) 5) iii 51 58 Oil ,'li (M 139 73 21 (HI 31 on f il (rt 13 75 I.oemt. I MadLson. Main. .Mt. Pleasant, Mou tour. Orange, PI ni Hcott. Sug.irIoaf, 12 fO 10 01 8 (O 93 fit) u oo II oo 40 f.(l 111 85 152 00 Tolul, 31,3)3 33 STATEMENT OF DOG TAX. Orders unn tld for 1W 3 il Hi 3 " ' 1809 21 51 " " " 1S70 112 50 " " . ' li71 7f7 35 3 839 33 Amount over paid do w 129 21 121121 Total debt. 1,219 50 Amount outstanding tax, 411 O) ProbablB Com. Ex. oir. 7.5 09 311 0(1 Excels of diimago over raid fund. 8 VI'J 60 The stutemeut nbnve shows ti" localities lu which iho most d.imigu was sustained. A few dogs can do much harm and why pursoiis hesl tutu to kill a kill shi dog is 11 iiii y. Wu urge upon all good citizens, tno nenetu and necessity of the sheep lntoreUiitid that tho hiint tn duo uiecutlun nil olToiHlars ol tlio !nw-Dof Law. COUNTY FINANCES. Due from collectors. 5 0,851 01 Proiuiidii dun's, in 0 itlector'H Taxei l:tn at Avallablo tax 1I1111 Hold collectors, 0,1111 1)1 Add ninonin lu hands of Treasurer. '2,873 ttl I'nlal assets. S.S23 57 From this wo might iledint. 1,09) 00 For brlilgo coiuinctlu uicusltowuslilii entered Into In 1871, nud which Is ubuut rompleied, Dintel stlno, ooutractor. Real uvullablo fund then Is 17,213 57 Tho county lias no debts, substantially. Tlio orders uiuull paid that woro Issued In IS7I. 67 per conl. uf the county expHiism, thin year lmvo been fur road diunngn nud bridge building nud repairs. 1 1 ml tho brldgo contracted for In Ixicust township, been paid it would huvu tukcli 03 per cent, of all mouey for tbee two lu m. 1.1.,,.A miufda tr0tit 111 renslr tml I Justice dmuands new ones to, bo unlit whero iiublloncedr.xi'tlres. County brl'tjei formal- vldiiallis, merely, nro no nsioiniiv nsneu nnd by vlewcis grained J mai, u mum, - tto'nd dninnio Is becoming qitlto nnl cit, t;;Wo II, Ink ll,n! vlnu-i-rSBOIIielllnl'S OolC nt IllO WTOIIg kldo of llio picture til n'tsltillieiii. , . . , Wo tho iindcrslgiicd Auditors of ( ohiinb a county, being duly elcclol In ndju-t nnd f ottlo Ihonccouiitsof ihoTreisurcr nnd Commissi 11 IIIU IICCiilillli. 111 1110 111-niiii:. w .,,..1..., rrsoft'iihiinliln county do hen by certify llui wn mcim 1110 nine in 1110 ro"u-i'i ; inlssloners. In llloonnlmrg and carerully exam ined the Hccounls nud vouchers of tho mi 10 from 1110 nrst nny or jn iunry. a. j. iom, "y llrstdaynf January, 1872 nud (lnd thm correct 1.. ,1. r...,..r.l,. . m,A, , inula nfnl Wfl (llld ft bftl- nuco due Cnliinibtii count' ,011 county 'tax, twenty six untuned nnu seveniy iunm uiiinim inm n,.. ly. tnrco ccnls ($:0M 01.1 ironi David Lowciinerg, treasurer of sn-d county nnd a lininncp duo llio Trcnstirri mi nog ins oi lour imuiii-.i iomi 11I110 collars nnu twenty-onarcntsjt l.1 21) nnd ft ttintt iint'ii linnli tfftnt. ..n.. i,,inii tu Air tn tliM 1 ui hi) u. The nuovo b.ihinco all raid over to Mr. Wm. Lumon tTroas- llll'l CILUKl . 1-.t f tllveti nmlor nur uaiias ui (.cutiuu u.. m January, A. D. 1S;2. ..,.,., , (Vlllnly DANIEL LEE. Auditors. DAVID LOWENIIEIIO, THKAS UUElt of Columbia county. In account, wiiii iim Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for tho year A, I)., 1871. Dll 1S71. To nm't of Stato quoin for Columbia comity for IS, 1. lis nxru uy revenuu board, including Ji mllltnx. ! Tax 011 Bank Stock, To nm't assessed nnd roturnod. for 1870 , Same In account Willi Millers License, To nm't collected In 1S71. Samo In account with E. Houso License, To nm't collected In 1971. Same In account with liquor storo nud tavern license, Tonin'tcallcctoJ in 1371. Samo lu account with retailers license, To ain't collected lnlS7l. " " duo from 1870. 2,001 31 115 00 II) 50 2S0 00 (133 00 1,333 10 CR. Br nm't duo settlement Jnu. 1871. Stato receipts, "treasurer." " " commission allowed c 'Hectors, " " commission nllowcd treasurer. 70 01 1.81)9 01 1(11 27 19 03 By nm't Stnto Tre-isurer's receipts. " commission nllowcd collection, ii ii " Tiensurer. By nm't Klatn Treasurer receipts. " corainlsslou allowed Treasurer. By ain't SiatoTieasurcr rccolpls. eoiuiulsslounllowed'irpasiircr. ti,. nm'l riv-pr inld In 1870. 211 ftl 11 25 2 II ,0 15' ?, 7 o 2'11 00 11 0 10 007 15 " bill o irensiucr.i itrciiim. 'i commission nllowcd treasurer. 47 ii,. nm'l Htntn Treasurer's rfcelnts. 1.201 02 -- liriuiern ii!vvi,i,iu.-i i-.u.iiw " jomiuLssloii allowed '1 icasurcr. 32 Ml 63 55 SUM 17 in !,. ii,i,i,,ru!ii,.l. Auditors ill Columbia county. In tho Statu of Pennsylvania, do hereby nn.m,V ilml M-., 111M ill. Ihn (!,llirt House. Ill tlloomsiiurg, on llio nrsnniy in jiiiiiiui.i , .1. IS72, niul did proi-eed toiinn (lid sciiioniiu nupisi tho several accounts abovo nitnuoneu, as re- lo the several quired 01 us uy law, utsiurHuiy acts of assembly and supi lempnts thereto nc cording to tho best ot our J udginent and ability. in testimony whereof we Ko luriunln fct our hands this 2d day of January, A. I) , 1872. U.J. CAMl'llKLL, 1 DANIEL LEE, Coiiiiiy Auditors, 1 nilV'lin WANTKD-For our new. Booit. All lOTHE I1RIOIIT HIDE OF NEW vTiiiu- itv ,1 mi v Miskionarv. 209 Ensravlncs. Ag-ntssellDudav. E. U, TRE VT, Pdblls her, 8ki Broadway, JN, Y. nlwl rtiMTU IU Vll TlllMllliril l 1 ' ' Hv ii.,i,llnr . ).') CENTS w ni'n. ImWht. e-ilnr nf tves and lliilr. you will re plvnl,i,inrii 11111II. ncorrpct nlcLtiro of VOUr roiuro husband or wife, with iinmii nnd dnio of marriage. Address W. FOX, P. O. Drawer, No. 21 l'ultniivllle, N. Y. nl-4w FREE TO AGENTS. bound canvassing book of tbo Vintnliitn-nvrr3nn Illustrations. Willi nOolll- prchcn-lvoCVelopcdlaexplanatory 01 tho Scrip tures, in i;xrii,isii anu winaia. 11 1-lw WM. KLIN 1' & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. PROFITABLE EMPLOYMEHT. Wo desire lo euKiigo 11 few moro Agents lo sell the World Renowned Improved lluckeyo;,Sew lug Machine, nt a liberal salary or on Comnilss. loll. A liorstinud wngou given u Agems. run 1'nrtlcuiars furnished on iippllcallon. Address V. A. HMNIIERSON & CO . General Airents. Clove! m.l, Ohio, is St. Louis, Mo. nl-lw 5V. VJ, i30OfiEWAhDIi.!!cridt. tt.o Dnmrittor of Dr t 1 :i Cutiurli licracil)- tor 11 1 .i ' j ( olt in limit," Ciitar, I 0;n(l.whic!lliceanuuti I Mild by Drngglsts nt to tutiurli licracily for in a cf E not c:j. 0 Ctl AQIIN'TS WANTKD KOIt TIIK Ii!IKOK JAMES PISK. a unmnl, in Mlstnrv of Ids life and exnlolts from A Pedlar Boy tn n Klngaiiioiig Financiers. Ills .rlumphsniid f.illuris. How ho lived nnd how ho died. Illustrated. Price bv mall, r,, rents Terms Ulxral Addle s, v.'.M. FLINT it Co,. I'hlladclphln, pa. in iw .-,00 more ArmiM Wniitol nt Once I For llio most rnriplrlo,rrlittTli mill sjilcnilUllit l((.u;r(II(i( iiisn.ry in ,(rTT-( . rir nnd iM".'iiiTTrvnrv"T CHICAGO its JJltv&riiUCJlIUiN To which Is lidded 11 thrilling account of several ot tho greatest tiros the world has known; In cluding Iho Into Forest, Fires of Wisconsin and Mieht ,1111. A bonh ofdeenest Interest aud sell- I lug with wondcrlnl rnpldlly. l'or extra tetius and beit book, uddi'Lss, HUBBARD BROJ. ul-lw Publishers, 7-1 sausom St.,Phlla. "100 CHOICE SELECTIONS. No. 4." Is now ready with Its precious s'nro or good things for Public and Pallor Bondings, being a happy blending of Eloquence, Humor, Senti ment, Pathos and liurhsnun. llnl'orm In Btyle with the preceding numbers, which lmvo won llm tmlil! mid tlm crv is "MORE!" Cloth tiouud, 73 cents; piper,:!! I'ents, or I copies lor 81. Also, "Excelsior Dialogues," revised ed., prlcn 81,'2". Ask jour bookseller for them, or Ki'Ull prlcotol'. MARKET! (K cu 7U2 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa. U4-1W AG EN I S WANTED. Tho'o ellliig other books cm sell these by thousands. AGENTS WANTED FOR BEING nn EXPOSE of tbo SECRET RITES and MYhl'Ell H ill MORMON ISM. With n full nnd aiitlicntlo history nf Polygamy, by J. II, BEADLE, Editor ot tho Salt Luke Re porter, Agents nro meeting Willi unprecodentod sua cess, one renorls lS'lsubscriberslu four davs. 1111- othei7t lu two days Send fjr Circulars and see what the pioss s ivs of tbo worn, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, i'a. nl-iw Mm A new lloulc of AhlUlnu Valuo nnd Hently Halo, l'resiaent O. (J, Flunoy, ofOhcrllu (O.)olleo, writes : "i no luacuinu oi uh.h w nt biioum no come inuttprs in general knowledge, I believe few will object to iliU book except those who ure rHDUKeo uy it, nnu wno, inereiore, iimm iieeti ji ;uny uou oiesa nuiu it mm nt i.iumui uuuior.; ntiiipiu riiCH a un eireuiurs heiit nee. is, i VUNT, inibllbUor. M Murray Wt., N, Y. n4-4w WRJiLS' QARBOIjIO tablets ThehoTnbletHpreHenttho AelU In Combination wiin oiner einrieut reineoit, in n popular lonu lnrllui Cur nf iillTIIKOATnnd I.UNU DUeaseN. IIOAHSIjNEHS nnU UIX'KUATION ot the tliront nro Immediately relieved and MatementH are constantly helns Hent to the proprietor of relief in ca'-es of throat dllllculllea of yearn htnudlng. u 1 'l'lW lion looueceiveuuy wonnietw JA U 1 lUll l:nltutlon. Uet only Wells' Curijitlle'liibluts, l'rlco 23 cents per Uox. JOHN ti.KEI.LOUti.m Piatt HL.N.Y. Keud for Clr- culur, tiolo Agent for tho U. H. nblw JURUEEBA. It In not n ldiihlc It la not what Is popularly called a Htllem, nor In It Intended ns such. It Is a Hontli American plunt that has been used ror many yearn by tbo medical faculty of thoso couuirics whii wonueriui eiucncy ns a i-oweriui Alterative nnd Unequaled l'urlller of tlio lllnod und Is u euro and 1'erfeet Remedy forulllllbeaiies in tuo I.IVER ANU BI'LEEN, ENLARGE XI KNT OR uissniuuriuNOfiNi'iiSTiNrcH urinarv, UTERINE, Oil Alll'tlMINAI. ORGANS. l'OVERTVORA WANT Ob' IlLOlll). 1NTKRMUTENT OR REMIT. TEN i' FEVERS, INli'LAMMA TION Ol'' THE EIVKlt. nitoi'sy. Hi.uaoisu CIRCULATION 01-' THE1II.OOU All. HUHSSIM.TU MOltH. JAUNDICE. RCROFUI.A, ilYRPEl'SIA, AGUE AND r- EVER. Olt THEIR CON-COM-MITANTd. , Dr. Wolk' Extraot of Jurubolm 1 ottered to thu publioiisaKrent luvloriiioraiid remedy for nil Impurities of the blood, or tor (irgunlo wenljuesa with their uttoudunt evils, ror ItiuroregoluitcmnplaluiH .lI'KDIIUItl Is eonlldenlly reeommeuded to every family ns n lioutieliold remedy, und nhould bo freely Iiikcu In all derangements nf the bysteni. It Klves henllh, vltor and tono lo all the vital forces, add anliuatesiiud fortlllesoll weulc und lyiuphatla temperainenls, JOHN IJ. KEI.I.OGU, IS I'hitt Ht., New York. Holu Ascnt lor the Unlled HIiiIch. rrlco tl por Ilottle. bend for Circular, ul-lw WANTED AGENTS, 680 to S'lUO per month, hy scllliir; Groat FORTUNES ! AMI JlOW TIIKV WEttR MADKi OR TIIK 8TI!IJ(1 ULBS ANIiTKIUUPIH (IF OUK hklk-jiadeMkn, liy J. H, MeCubo, Jr. lly forty einluenloxaiiiples, It teaches how to succeed In lire, aud utlhu biituo lime benellt manklud, l'or particulars, notices of the prebs aud extra terms, addre&s. us-lw GEO. MACLEAN, I'ubllaher, Htladera. baancoduo 1110 mninaiunii ;y 1110 iiemuii-. 1 w n- 1 mi- i- ii vi win of three hnndrednnd tw-clvod .Hum nndwvcn y U Y II I' 1 1 11 II U U U 11 U II 1. sccniM'iits. (JH277.) And wo lurthersny that a, npoii 1111 examination (if tho nccounls of tbo .jpW3f!rf5v . If yon wnnt tho most sat. 1 reasnrer. David Lownnberg, En., wo llNd that ftflj ,JLB4 ML slaclorr. best lUtins , in n limner nnu ujrruui iA,m.r-viiLLrniijA rww A MftVTir In M1 nnr S)O0 enl, Comblt.nlloii Tunnel, ilnttnn Itnfo cutler, and other nrtlcles. HAt-o Novm.Tr Co t.Tr Co., Hneo, fie, HAUI3 ClIn-NOU FOtl AQKNTrl. AGENTS, wo wilt navvoil 910 rcr wasIj i.. cash, II yon will engajo with its at onrn. kv, erytnlng turnlshcd nnd oxpensos tun, dross, F, A. ELLS A CO.,C'narl'i'te, Mich, nu iV drt ( TiSYCIIOLOGIO Fascination or Soul Charmlm I 409 Minos lir llerlinrt tfuinlltnll. It. A. It.iu, K tiso this nnwer f which nit nnssesslnt will. liiui nllon, Spiritualism, sorcorlos, liHinonolmy and it iiiiiuiiim uiuvr iiuucrn, 1 rifro liy 111 111 . . lu cloth 1 pnper covers Jl.iO. Copy free tnnmui.' only, tl,u EVANS, ,01X1 inoiiiiuv easily madn, Addresrf v Pub, 41 li 8lh Street Philadelphia I'a, THOMSON'S WOULD-HENO WNEU PATENT Iho chospest Onset fur lit leal value, you liavo iirr worn, buy THOMSON'S OENt'INI! PATENT (1L0V1:-F1TT1N(J. No Corset lifts ever ntinln, rd surlin reputation, Hincr lu this or nny other conn, try. As now made lulenaiii nud fullness of bust IT CANNOT BE M PROVED. V.verv Corset, Is stamped with tho namoTltnM 1 BON nnd tho trade luntk.u crown. Kept by nil 'tlrst-class dealers. TllUMtSUH, LAfilillUM S CO., Solo Owners of I'almiLs, Ii0-4w S91 Broadway, New Yotlr, AOKNTS WANTED. MAltK TWAIN'S NEW HOOK 1 "ROUGHING IT," IS 1VEADY roll CANVASSEItS. It Is ft companion volume to " I N N O O E NTS A 11 H O A I)," of which 100,000 Copies ttavn n 1 ion ilv been ordered, nud Is still one nt llin best selling books out. Don't wnsto' tln'o 011 bonks no or.o wnnls, bin lako 0110 people will stop you In tbo streets tn siilxcilbo for "Tlurnls n lliuo to laugh," nnd nil who read this book will see clearly that tlun- hnscoinn, Apply nt onco ior lerruory, circu. I lars. and Terms. Address ' DPFFIELD AS1IMEAD, Pnbllslier dccI2' 71 1 Sansoiu Street, Phlladi I Iplil.i AGENTS Wan run. Agents ninkoinoio money at work for us than at nnvthliig olso. Busf. uess light ami perniaueiii. i-nrticunrs irec. u. HTtsso.v a Co., 'ine trf 1'uliltshers, Portland, Maine. niSTOUY OF Tlio Great Fires In CHICAGO nnd tbo WEST by Rev. E. .1. Oi on. si-Kru, 1). 1)., ofClilcigo. Only complete history 1 Tml Sv.i. nai'f.u 7.1 ..tinriivltipn. 11 INMI,i I iTlce mrjuaciiis 11.11110 111 at uayn. i-rouiH 1 Ki, to sutlerers. Atiii.vT." wati;ii, II, s 1 uoonsi'EElia CO.. 37 rarkllow. New You;. r.rx TTHjfDT A titb iTciTTia A TTrsTi nn COLUMBIA FIRE INSURANCE CO I KicKua AaU D1UE01OUS. S. Piitwilhii, Pres't hoiit.ciiank. Wm. Patton, Jah. SciiitoLtiEi:. J. S. t-TKINE M. M. STlllt KLKll, 11. wri-soN.vico.i-res't. HFiin'TTiiOMAH.Treos. J. F. FlltlKAUFr.cec'v. J. B. Raciiman. Uf.O. 11(1(11, K. it. i. iiin.s, For Insurance or Agencies, Ad Iresi J. F. FRUEAUFF, Sec', Columbia, Pa. nu OPIUM EATERS ! iiuur auuunie wiuiun ruic, no pam or in cotivf niuucp. Hviit on rcclpt nf SJ.i'U. H. O AUMHTUONO, JI. D.IIt ullnt; IiiHlUutiou, Jicr r iun Bprlngs, Altcli, A SURE CURE for this distressing inmnliilii Is now made known lu n treatlso(of is 0ct.1v pagesi 011 l oreign nun isiiuvh iiernai 1'rcii.ini Hons, published by Dr. O. Piti:M'S Huow.v, The prescri)tlon was discovered by him lu such a providential manner that bo cannot consclcu llouslv refuse to mako It known, us It has enrm everybody who has used It for Fl tn, never havlnj; fulled In a single case. Tho lugrcdlents may lie obtalued fiom any druggist. A copy sent.ireot all applicants hy mall. Address Dit. O. I'HP.Lt's nuu wis, ii uranu Htrcci, Jersey city, N. J. NEW SEEDS AND PLANTS Sent liy Mntl or Kxprcs. OUR SEED A PLANT CATALOGUES FOR W. Numbering 173 pages, nnd conlalnl ng IWO COLORED rii-flTJEO, Each worth twlco tho cost of Catalogues, martu lo all applicants on receipt of 25 cents. Siedsinan, 35 Cortlandt Street, N. V UIUGaS & HIIOTHKK'S Catalogue of Elower and Veetalile to Jl J D a. A Nil SUMMER FLOAVERING BULIH, FOR If,. Now icady. Consisllngof over 110 )iages,on ron. tinted paper, with llliwanlsof 1 0 separate ruli and Six iieiiutlltilColoied 1'latcsl t'ovt-r, a hiuu ttltll design, lu colors. Tho rldhesl Calalei;li' ever published. Hend2.etH for copy, not oue-h-ii 1110 vaiiiu m mu colored )iaies. in ineirjl oriln I niiiouiiiing 10 no! less tnau si, tno price ul 1 nl. loiiie. '2.3c.. will bo refunded In seeds. New cus. turners placed ou Hit) samo loot wllhnlil. iiec to old ciisioiuers. (tusiitp or seeds, size of pack ets, prices and premiums mrcred inako It to u,i advautugu of all lo purchaso seeds of us, Srt. Catalogue for extrnnrdliiaty liidticeidents, You will miss It If von do not scoourCa'n locuo before 01 del lug Seeds. hither ol our two clirnmos for 1672, slzo ldx'.'l one a llowcr plate of Unlbous Plants, onsisiit.j or Lilies, ac thu oilier of Annual, Blcunlal aui Perennial Plants, gtinrintctd thu MOST ISI.EGaNT I.'LOIIAI. CIIHOMOS ever Issued lu this country. A superb parlor or nament; mailed, post-paid, on itcelpt of 7ri also Iree, 011 conditions sj ecllled In Catalogut' Address UHIGGS & UHOTIIKH. latallMicil 1815. R iCHESTER.NE'.V ORK WANTED, ACTIVE AOENW ioeli tin. Kinkle and Loa Man iir.ielur Ing Co'h Iniprov. d j t-w Family biiv lug Mnchlue, "VICTOR" Cenornl Ofllea fur I'cniisvlvimlii, Ww .Tir.-if r0JU17 CIIEt.TNUTST.,T'JIII.At J. lu KKHCiL'fcUN, MunuKtir PltUFITAJiliK BUSIiK.S!S Will 1 Riven oan rr two pei sons, of either t m In IlLociisiiuiui uiul iitlJolnluK towns, by wr ldi they may reullzo Horn to fcRWJ a year, hut llttlrj Inferterenro with onMnnry nnpuimlion 111 KUlllHK ilU.',l!.IIUl.U Ali'l IWXli.! dl Kill merit UIlil unliTh.ll iikp If tlm i lmlit tlrtiM is Uevoteil h much liuycr fcum may ho realized. Circulars free uivim! i-diiiM'nn, iut nf nrtii-It-A niul (i mmiKslon nllon oil. T. S. COOIC & cO iiououen. j. WHITNEY'S NEATH TOOT HAItNE-iS HOAi' i-NTFSV m . SI EAM lihl'-INEO. SSffiSf? TTOIls, lilacks l'oll-dies udH(ta xtSifXr. 1 at tlioHiino tlino. l'u up In law Sif--tr3,,na "nn" o-acs, also In 1 lobar.. 3 KSiaJ Has been In nso lor years aud glvn " lierlcctsatlsfactlou. Send btniup fut our WAVEttl.Y. Address O. V. WHITNEV uu. lu Mills bu. Iloslon ,JH:ii. i i i, ANNOUNCEMENT! THE ULOOMsnURG LITERARY INHTITlTr AND STATE NOUMAIj SCHOOL will open on MONDAY, JANUARY 8th, 1872, under tho entire control of tho BOARD OF TRUSTEES. They have selected as Principal or tho lusi -tutiou ClIAItLKS 0. 1IAKKLEY, n Benllenian whose nnallfloatlons have beta fully tested nnd proved lu the NINE YEAlf In which ho hns bad chnreo of the tchnols nf tlif County ns superintendent ; nnd Ihev nkle. and havou rUht todcinaud lor him nnd the Iiinl tntlon, tbo eon fldencii nnd support of our men "Itliiens, and of the frlendsor thenitorprikeiiutl of education everywhere, In polntor comfort convenience and beauty of liulldlints mill mi loundlliKs, iioichnol lu tboSlatosurpasbes tltl and wo aro determined It shall not bo second In the klutl. .quality nud thcruUKhness of Its dim'' pllne nnd culture, CALENDAR. Tho winter session of (welvo wcc-lts wIUcoi.i iticuce on Monday, January Otli, 1872, nud closo MARCH 2Sth. The Hprlnts scislon of (welve wcclis will bejut MONDAY, APRIL Snr, and closo JUNE 23th. EXPENSES: Tuition nmt llnnrtltntr. Incluillrif. xi-nblilni. atltl heat, for thu tension of twelve weens, td ('. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT Tuition for day mi nils, oiib ilnllnr nr Witlf In Iho model bchool, in mi lllty m eiglity ocul It 11 la are navable. nnn lit If in nnvnnrtt und tln- other half nl tho middle of the sehhlon. J. (J, KlttOK.K, U u, ltUPKHT, JUSTICE'S BLANKS. We now have on hn ml n laruo neatly prlnleJ niisortuienl of JUSTICE'S and CONaTAHLLS ULANKH, to which wo Invito the attention of tiete officers. nr nirn Tl f m m T IT il n n n n n n
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers