THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, The Columbian. Bloomsburg, FiiJay, Poo- 22, 1871, "'li Al advertisements for tho foruotim loeall. ,i,?,islbe endorsed liythiso Agcito, or they ulllrccelvolin BtUMIon. ' Ilnitrond Timo Table i,.UKAVANNA A l!MOMsmmU II. It. North. Hnnlli. 111 A.M. H:57j'.M. ttOTA.M. :'A11M, 6:131'. M. 19:21 A. M Mnii Accommodation ... t'eress. CATAWIf-HA It. It. FIIOM ItUrKltT BTATION OoluK North. doing Houtli. 4:u i . . lews t. m. Tun tilllorof tlio Columbian will sell UU liruiiilff!", on tho corner of Cuiitro Slicct nncl filli Avenue, Bloomsburg, nml rIvo posicsilou thereof nt nny timo nftcr Jittiunry 1st. Tho trorcrty Is In ullnfi'ccts n very ileslrablo ono mill will he sold on fivvornblo trrma. Cull ami kc. Jf. T. Connkh U authorized to trmil- net nny IjiHinc-s conncctcil with tho Columbian ofllco, If. itnv. I). J. Walleu will preach In (ho Presbyterian Church next S.ibbnth. A Vr.Ti'.itAN Stuaiout Our. Mont- comery county lmi a Democrat 05 yearn old, who Inw voted n straight ticket 71 yenrs. Ik you Intend to tnnko any ono a Christmas present look through tho Columbian ami Belect tho poison of whom your aro going to pureliiiKO tho article. As a trihuto to Mrs. Sarnh Mercy Wilson, (lately deceased) wlfo of Itov. Henry Wilson, tho frlcndsof Washing tonvillochargo have erected a neat mid substantial tombstone. Sonny Mrek, of tho liellofonto Watchman, says tho Itusslan Grand Duko has sub-cribed for his paper. Tho most senslblo thing "Ills Imperial Highness" lias ycl done In this coun try! Lkctokkh will bo delivered beforo tho Teachers' Instltulo next week on t ho evening of each day. Tlio public Is invited to attend. Every encourage ment should bo given tlieso Institutes ns every body Is interested in their sun cess. Hon. Wm.Cox Ellis died at Muncy on tlio 13th Inst., ngod 83 yearn. Ills wlfo died a few days previously. Mr. KI.LI3 was, at ono timo a member of Omgress and several times of tho leg islature. IIo was in Ills day a distin guished lawyer.n genial gentlc:iun,and died respected by all. This Columbia county Teachers' In- Etltuto will bo held In this place, in tho New Public School Dulldlng commune Ingon Monday, December "ith, ut 2 p. in., uiul closing Friday evening of tho sumo week. All friends f education nro Invited to attend. Efforts nro being matlo to mako it a most Interesting session." The lad who does tho ugrceablo to the Uloomsburg subscribers of tho Co lumbian conceits tliat ho lias f-orved them during tlio past jcar with un equalled faithfulness. IIo will pay his compliments to them on Now Year's dav, with an address prepared for him by tho Columbian's favorite poetess. Let those who havo hearts to feol pre pared to open them then 1 A Pleasant Suui-itisn. Itev. Mr. Alters, Principal of Catnwlssa Semi nary, received a surprise visit from his friends on Saturday afternoon last. Ills hoiiso was taken possession of whllo tho family wero absent, and a cordial reception mid n quantity of good things awaited their return. Tho surprise was complete and tho donation a handsome one. Tho students kindly prisentod him on Monday morning with a receipt for tho coal for tho winter. Wiiarcglnd to announce that Charles 0. li.ukloy, E-q., for nine years tlio county Superintendent of Common Schools, has been elected by tho Hoard of Trustees to bo Principal of the Uloomsburg Literary Institute) mid State Normal School. Tho school will therefore ro-opcu on Monday, January 8th, 1872, it Is believed with a perma neat organization ; and students will Uiul themselves in all respects comforta ble, nnd in tho hands of a competent Faculty, A cask of hmai.Ii rox is reported III Lilit Btrtet, So far there is none in lileiomsburg, though nearly nil tho largo towns around us aro nil'ecled by It. Vaccination Is every whero being resorted to, and this Is undoubtedly a proper mode of proceeding. Moykh Duos,, havo it "small pox preventive," which they sell for 10 cents, but us wo havo never tested It wo havo only a veibal nssuranco that It Is efficient. Cer tain It Is every precaution should bo ndopteil, and ono that can bo obtained for a dltno, If eflectivo, is bolter than to rceelvo a llko amount for every pox that might break out upon tho body If tho illseaso should bo contracted, If "an ounce of .prevention is worth a pound of cure," hero Is a chance for that sort of speculation on tho Investment of a capital of 10 cents. "l'ntcnt Outsiaei." Again. Wo lmvo heretofore expressed tho opinion that tho Insertion of adminis trator's notices, sales and other legal ad vertisements, In papers U9lng a "patent outside," was not a fulfilment of tho law requiring them to bo Inserted Inn luiimr printed or published In tho coun ty. Woobservo that a court sitting at Hancock, Maryland, has recently do elded tlio question In accordttiico with tho view wo maintained. The Hancock Conservative says : 'Tho court of this county, yesterday decided that advertisements required ny law 10 no puuiisuou in papers pun llshed'wlthtn tho county, werunot nub lished according to law when inserted In one, ono half of which was published otiioi tno Mtaio," This decision will compel us to quit tno "patent plan," or lose it largo pro. portion of tho comity printing, nud wo lmvo determined on tho former, and noxt week our paper will bo edited, priiiica ami pumisneu at iiomo. Tho only safo way, therefore, Is to publish all legal advertisements In pa' pcrs wholly printed In tho county whero tney aro Uatod, urn 1 Ilowr.u.t,o.,4iirnrknow,Brornironly irAlin lo iransacf tuty business .cttalulim to I.nlor Convention. OcncK oi' Tim Btath' IjAuoh Un. ion, ItAluusiimid, December IS, 1871. At n meeting of tho executlvo com inltlco held In tho city of Hnrrlsburg, December 7, 1871, tho following resolu tion was ndoptcdt Jlonlvctl, That tho president of tho Htntu labor union call a state nominal lug convention, to meet In tho city of Wllllamsport, on tho third Tuesday of January, 187:!, for tho purpose of nom inating stnto ollleers for tlio campaign of 1871!. Puiauant to tho.nbovo resolution, notlco U hereby given that n coiiven- tlon of tho Inbor reform party will ho held in tho city of Wlllluiiwiiorl. Tuts- day, January 10, 1873, nt ten o'clock a. in., for tho purposo of nominating Btnto oilleeis and tliu,trnusactlon of such other business as may properly como bclbro them. Knch senatorial and legislative) dis trict to bo entitled to as many delegates as they Iiavo members in tlio general ussembly of Pennsylvania. Dolegatos bhnll luvu their credentials Blgned by thu chairman and secretary of tho con vention of union appointing, and tlio endorsement of tlio member of tho na tional committee (John Blney). Dele gates coming from districts whero no convention has been hold will bo sub ject to tho nctlon of tho convention when organized. Wo would urgo the mombcrs of this organization to send as strong a delega tion to this convention ns possible, this being tho llrst general move In tho right direction that wo havo yet made. There Is no question as to our being me't'CAsfiil if wo hut mako up our mind) to work. John A. M', Prcs't S. L. U Ilurrisburg, Pa. Thomas 11. Oiikkvy, socretury, Wllllamsport, Pa. Cluaninq SrfiurACLi; (Jlassiis. It bccms scarcely needful to sny anything nbout so eimplu i thluu aa this, ntul yet many persona spoil their lensM raplilly by Incautlotn wiping. The composition of tlio glasa forlensos renders them softer tlian ordinary win dow glasi, nnd therefore It Is nccesj.iry to bo very cautious, that tho stuff, wherewith wo wlpo them, bo perfectly frco from anything that might (-.crutch the lenses. Silk, thou linen, then cot ton aro perhaps best, hut when cotton Is used, It should nut ho much worn, becauso tho electricity, excited by rub bing, will nttract multitudes of loose fibre from tho fabric, and will hold them fast upon the ghus, oven after the forcu of tho electricity is dissipated. Electricity draws tho fibres and the dust from the cotton fabric to tlio glass; adhesion will cause it to adhere to It In opposition to gravitation. Sonio caution Is also necessary not to contort and bend tho frames, their regular sliapo being just to essential ns our body is essential to tho t-oul. 'A. A "Steam Irishman." Tho Pennsylvania railroad comiunv havo been using for a number of yotus tasui muctiino lor grading nnu uiicning y ster.m. This contrivance is named. for short, tho "Steam Irishmnn," and the hlll-shles crumble beforo it at a tru ly wonderful rate. Tho machine ro- tumbles a small coal railway locomo tive. It Is propelled by steam nnd and placed on a temporary railroad, nnd hns two arms and a largo scoop shovel projecting in front of tho engine. wnen net, opposite a rising in tno ground and operated It levels und gath ers up tho earth, at the same timo de positing it on the dump ears, it is said tho "Irishman" can perform tho work of 100 men and will fill twelve ears per hour. The nrico of such n machine i? nearly $10,000. llarrisbunj Patriot. An Irish friend wittily remarks : "but bojabers, It can't vote!" Notici:. Having purchased tho Col umbian, I will take charge of It on tho first of January. I hereby desire to glvo notlco to subscribers living beyond the limits of Hits county, that their papers will bo stopped at that time un less prepaid. Thu difficulty of collect ing accounts aliroaU makes this course necessary. C. 15. UKOCICWAY. Hon. Ono. II. Williams, of Oregon, has been appointed Attorney General of tho United Slates, in tho placo of tho rebel General Akf.hman, resigned. MARRIAGES. LlT.SWOUl'H-SCOI'r Al tho M. i:. Parson ISO, til KKstjum Norllitimlierlalld eouutv. Novpnl Ik r JSth, liy Itev. J. Ffciirou Itrown, Hev. Jnlin Lilsuoriit mitt .urn, .mtrii!.inuui 01 uu.iwis.. I!i:it( Iho rekldctico of the bible's father, Dec. lltlr, lij II. n'. J. llotliou Alters A. M. ul CntawUsa rSemlnary. itos llell, ilntihler of Abel Tltotuas, Ki.(j , of 1 full 1' ul iiuce, iieji i.u.hwi.i MrOWKN-IIKMOTT-Ilcc. llth, In Illoomsliurg, oyiiev, m, minis, .-or. iieorgo w. iciiweii io Mis, Margaret J. Demott, both of (Jrciiwoo l Columbia county. DEATHS, Olll. -In Ituclc Horn, Dec. llth, Mrs, Cillurluo yjui, iiHUU 4 a ) tin is, u inuuiiit una iu uiij , oi Hcarllltlmi Arthur Maicetlu-i Ikt-ler, son or 7 months nud 'li Unj s. IKKLT U In Ucoiif, Iowa, Novimbtr27th,lS"J of Hciilllthm. Auiuudu Cuhlloll i lkekr. Dauiii- ter or J, itohlhun nud Lj Uht llielor, ued 5 ) rtt, 4 mouutit uuu k uny, Oo to thy peaceful r.'sts, For tbcu we iiuaI not weeji ; Blnco thcu ait now amoni; tho blcfct, No moro by &lu nud Borrow prmcd. MARKET REPORTS. Uluoiiisliurf; Market, Wheat per buihel Itvo " 51. 10 I 10 Ml COt tl " H n.its. ' ft! f lour per uarret uu C'loverse, d - 0 ul UlUMi'J 1 M Hutter Ill Kgss Tullow M la 1 uu 10 17 12 IU 111 UJ 1'utatoes M Ilrled Apples Hum Hides nud Bhoulders Lard per poumi Uuy per ton TitcUniiAT rmoiiiAb Annual llottcttcr' lulted Bliiles Almauacli for JWJ, for dlstrlbu tlon, fruttt, tlirotishout the United Htatos, nud nllclvlllzud countries of tho Western Hemls. pliere,wtl bo publUhcd about tho ilrstof Jan uary, lu the Kiiullsli, eiirmun, rrench, Norwo glau, Welsh, Hwedlsh, Holland, llohemlau nnd HpatiUh languages, nud nil who wish to under stand tho true philosophy of health should mid nud ponder lhovuluabluiui!gestlous It contains, In addition to nn ndmlrnblo modlcnl trcatl to un the causes, prevention und euro of n great vari ety of diseases, It embrnc-04 tl Urgo u mount of luformattou Interesting to tno merchant, tho mechanic, tlio minor, the f irmer, tho plantir, nnd professional man i nud the calculations havo been mado for such meridians nud latitudes ns aromobt suitable for u correct uud oiupreheu slvuNutlounl Calendar, Tito nature, usos, nud extraordinary sanitary, effects of llostcttcr's Htouiach II Ittern, tho staple tonlo and ulUsratlvoof more than half tho Chris tian world, nro fully bet rorlhtu Its pages, wldtli nro nlso lutersnersed with pictorial lllubtrntluus, valuablo rueles for tho household nud larm, humoroudauecdotes, nnd ultier llislructtvo nnd utiiUHlng reudlug nialter, original nud selected, Amuiig llio Aliuuals to npnear with tho opeulng oflhtiear, this will bo ouo of tho most usefur, nud imi I harfurtheuiUiw, 'llio proprietors, Messrs, llostetler & Hmltli,l'lttsliurglt, I'a., uu receipt of u 1 wo cent stump, wilt forward ucopy by mall to nny person who cannot procure ono lu his neighborhood. Tno Ittiters urn sold lu every city, town nud vlllago, uud nro extensive ly used throughout tho cuttro civilized world. LOCAL XOTlC&S. SMALL POX FIIKVENTIVE I'OH THE SMALL SUM OF TEN CENTS, AT MOYEIl HU03. n5I. l'Olt Iir.NT.A tioixt nnd convonlont filoro Homo, Rltnnto on comer of M tin mid Market direct, In llio (own of MinilnvlUe. l'oisesslou Riven April 1st, IS7Z. Apply to josiu'it mosi i:i,i.i:n, Mimiuviiie. I. W. IlAntMAN linsllrccn, Ilrotvii, Lend, Wlno nnd Illnck rrench Merinos forOOo to 11.21. U. I'. Maun lint a now lot of Child' .Mixes' nnd Ladles' HHOIiS cheap. I. W. HAnTMAK hns told W self of White Wnro stneo Inst Jnnnnry nnd expects to soil 10 mora beforo tho coming Jnminry. Who will ho tho next? l'rleo IJ.30, 13.73, 1 1.00 nud 8 1.U. C. O. MA tut 1ms. n lino lot of HATS nnd CAl'H Chcnpforcnsli. I, W. Haiitman H iieUlna all hti VANCr HIIAWLS at ft groat 'rMluclloti, 0 nnd soo them, TiiEplncotobuy OI.ASaWAUi; ami WHITU DlfJlIi;-! cbcnp M at I. W. lUftTMAM's. TilKgrcaleit Stock of Oooamn tlioCountr to bo Roltl lti December, January and 1'cbruiry, call at I. Haiitman's. Hi-tKNiiiti Ono and Two BuiiUhI aLKlOUHfor bale at Low A HoMNStat Orntigcvllle, at ery lowprlcci. hOW 4 UOlllNH. COALI COAIitl COALtll-JoMi JMIJugs Bays tho best timo to net a hen 1 when tlio hen ii rundy. Tho best timo to replenish your coal blti Is now, Tli prtco ts ns lowas It bos boon Tor a longtime. Cull upon J. J, Itonn IN1 at tho Co luiublAn lion Works, nnd order a supply. Ills bur,- swUch irom na'tbo.U & U. It. U, H finished. Look liPtn, John, I will tell you (but you must kii-p It n sterol; whero you cnu get n nice Christ mas precnt for your w Ifo chc.ip, nt T, W. HAitT aAN'a chenp lashstjre. rruvi.NS who hiivu become Ihorougltly chilled from nttv cnuio.miy havo their clrculntlon nt once restored by Inlcltix Into Iho slom.vch n te.i Hpootifnt or Joiinson'h AreoitVNn Liniment mlsod In n llttlo cold wntcr, well Mvrntencd. KvKttv farmer who owns AgoTl stock of horsei cnttln nnd sheep, nn t Intends to keep them through tho wittier, should net nt once ngood stock otHitmmiAN's Cavalhy Condition Tow- !:us. Ui.o dollars worth wilt savant Icustuhnlf ton of Lay. 'lur. pcoplo como from Krnnklln, Locust, Mud. bott, Hemlock, Centre, Ornuge, I'lshlngctcutt nnd nil (lie other townships In tho county to buy I. W. II MtTMAN's chenp Goods for cash. ftMimtsNew Family Hewlna Mueblt,os-ten dollars cuhhbulnnco lti monlhly lustnllraents J. A. lion in, Acont, IlIoonisbHru, Pn. no.M-tf Wtc would nihle nil that want gout Furn! tiro to tto (o(l. W.COltltKLL.Ite hns lust return ed from tho clly with n splendid nssorttuent of urultttro which ho will nell cheaper thnn ever for cattb or ri-udy pay. Ills motto Is qu 1 ek ales und small prollts. TUB blntemclits mndo by deali-rB In other mn. chines, that they sell New Htngcr Hcwlns Ma chines Is not true. The Klngtr Manufactory httpply no machines In Columbia county, except to their nutltoilzcd ngent, J. A. Hon in. no.S0-lf CL AUK & WOLF hnvo nn nsortineut of goods now Hint would bo n credit to nny town or store In IhoHlnto. Kvett their leujrjliy ndvtrtlscmeti t cnu ttot do Justlco to tho subject. It Is well worth tho tl mo to call and hie the uxids nnd hove cheap they can bo sold. Wintku Ib now fairly upou us, nn 1 tho tonus ara hastening to tho lumber woods In various parts of tho country. Our ndvl:o to every man who goes to tho wools, bo ciptalti, cook, tcims ter, ornnyolher man, Is to tnko nloug ngood stock ot Johnson's Anouvni: Linimknt nnd I'Aitso.N's I'onaATiVE nu.s. Many months of labor (In tho nzrpjfitc) may bot-avud I) Ibis pre caution. Had enough to look an I fvcl bid yours -tl f ; '.tut noexcuiofor havlni; your horHi look and feel badly, when for a Mnall mini you cm buy Hiiek- IDAN'H OAVAIJtY CONDITION roWDKUS, vllWll given In Brain two or thren tlnins a week, w 111 mako hi tn look and ftcl well. A tiPNEiiAL oRortnient ofHCUOOTi HOOKS and HTATlOXAUY.who'.esole mid retail nt A 1), Wnim's Book IStorc, orposlto tho Court House, Mlicellutieous books, jmrtinoiiuit's, fctei eocoplo pictures, Kflines, lcturohookN, blank books of 'nil kl tula, etc., etc. iiM-tf. ANKwaud elegant nssnrtmoutof fall andwln- ter poods has Just been received by MI. A. Hon, which they oner at very low prices. Also all nrllclcs usually kept lu u drygools si ere, Their friends nnd tho public are lurltrd to rail and examine them. iolm: livn.s. whoover hahituilly me any alcohol lu prepnratlonn as an ''appetizer" will bo likely to suiter from four ovlls, viz.: an overplus ol lond tn tho stomach, Impaired ability todlCht It, II. e ranRS cf dyspepsia, aim a doctor s bill, Dr. W'AI.KHl'S VEfJETA III.E VlNFflAK BlTTKIM tho lirot Teetotal Ilehloratlvo of thease, with out oer htlmulatltig tlio paid! o or Irritating tho stomach, imparts n healthful nppetlto, promotei digestion, regulates tho liver and bowels, pml flex tho blood, und thin, lusteadof entailing four evils, confers four Inestimable, btiif-nts. One oh tiii: Otukii is Huiik. Hero are two modlclnes-"Horiind't' OniMti IllttDr-t," und Ilood.uid'a (Icrm.iu Toalo." irycu aro lys peptlc,Ultlloiis,or all of them , ono of these pt er k'hs VeRttablo Specifies will. nsMiredly, effect a currt. If you art) lu doubt uhlch ono to take try t.ich alternatc-ly. Adopi thu ouo w hlch oper uU'Hinibt beneficially, Neither can luutnyoii, ToKHthly, It may bo best to (ako each lu turn, Ouoor thoolher, or loth, eiu be Riiarantced tn work a ptrlect euio. HolJ by all Irut!,U. To Tiiosk who ap.i; IJowki) Down by nervoui Dtbllity, and despair of ever rf cover lot the Ig or und in If u of inaiih xd wo tamest ly recoui mend I)u, WAi.KEit'ri L'alifounia Vinfuah Hitters. Before they have finished the first bottle , they will fccltho rthtoratlvo prlnciplo i woik lu ivtry porlbm of ihelr broken-down fcyBtims nnd hope will spring up In their heails, Noeaho of Dyspcp&u Jtllloufcnifcs, Intermltlcn l-'ever, KheumatUm, (Joutor kidney dlseabo, can rehUt this unequalled xcgeUhlo tonlo which 1 unpollutevl by any dlstllltd i.r fermented lUi uor, iiW-Hw. S' THAY COW. ramuintho nretuUes of thnKuhcrkhiT. rpdl lnuut Malnillo. atnnit the 1st of Noxeinhf-r. hlrav Cow formerly owned bv him. Tho Cow U ot a light brow n color, with whtto spots on her uuiy. J ue owner ih irqut-biru vu eumo jorwaru prove property, pay ehargew and talco her away UTKUU Will UV lllfl II ill uiitMiniHi Hi mw, UUlOia'H HHlMAN, Dec. 8, l71'3t H INK LKY KNITTING MACU INI' THU HIMPI.I.HT, CllKAPi:w ANI HOT I uhi:i has i ut oni: m:i:dlki a CIUI.U CAN HUN IT I Dislgnid (tl ccially for Iho use of families, nud Indies who detlro to knit for tho imirkit. Will do every stitch of tho knitting in n stocking, widening und narrowing ns rendlly ns by hand, Are splendid for worsttds nnd fancy work, I'AUiNii kivk iiihi:ui:nt kinds of sriTCHI Aro very easy to ninnnge, nnd not liable to ict out uf order, livery I' nmlly should liuvn nil... We wnuL un Audit In eierv touti to Introduce nnd sell thim.lowhouiwootlerlho must liberal iiiuureiiieuis. neuii lur our uireiiiur nnu niiinji hlockltiir. Address. i.rkrt.'t ...v i't,ri.ri(Ti ,i t ,.(,, l. i ,,l-,l,l.l Jlllllllt.U .'wiwit.- w., uov. li),', Unit, id JOHN Q. JACOIIY'H 1IAKKHY AND CON FKCTION EU Y 11EUWICK', l'KNN'A, Tit. uudorslgned would rcsncclfullv lntorm tho t'ltlrens of llerwlck, nnd lelnlty, that ho u.n ,,,i'i,vu t, vi'i.muuuu j uuu uattery lu ODD FALLOWS" HALL, llerwlck, Tn., whero he Is prepared to furnish all kinds of PLAIN ANH KANCV CANDIES, HtliNCII CANDII, KOUKIUN AND DOMESTIC FIIUITH OHANaW.LUMONB, ItAISINH &e &c, do., do, 11V WllOI.l'.HALli ANI1 UttTAlL. Among the ahsottrtient will bo fouud Crenm Nuts, Kligllsh Wuluuts, reautlts. Almonds, Fil berts, Figs, Apples, Cocoa Nuts, JellleH of tlltter eut Kinds, Mustiird. Catsup. Pickles, Chocolate, Canued Fruit ot ull kinds, Lorn Hlureh, Kgg Ills rult, Hodn Ctuckers, Oister Craekeis, Cheese, Moap, Writing I'npef, Agreement papers, En. velupos, VlBll AND OYSTKHB, And produco of all kinds Fresh Ureud nud Cakes every liny, Ire Clenm lu Heiuon, Vour patronage Is solicited. JOHNO.JA00UV. llerwlck, Jaulll-ty AHKNTSWANTKIMor it NEW 1IOOK, stories orTUAVKIi,Al)VlNTUKi:,.llC(ll(li,lf,, , I'y w.nriir ki, jiii.iiaiii'hi. nii.-iy iiiubi ii.iim Very Inriio pay. AUdre s lAH.UJUIIAN IIO CO., Hartford, CI. n50 HOOK lr A 1 1 V M'I't'wAaTrii for tub iiiuuiir sluts or AuIjLt 1 IJ nkw T'HiK.n Lihrsry of Informa tion permuting to Its Institutions nnd OMects of lntnrnst. llv u rltv MINStonnrv. Twn Ifntiilr, ,1 Knarnvlnxs. AxeMUssell Dnihiy. jttst Issued. H.1. T111"at, l'uhllslwr, fM Hron.twny, N, Y, 4w rlYCHOLoeilt) fbernnfloiiorHjiilClinrniliiK, Ik) imnos by I ItIkti iliitnllton, H. A. How to nso this power (which nil jrosscss) nt w III. Illvln nllon, HplrUunltstii, Horc rles. It, tnotinloy, nnd nlhousnnd iitltcr womteri. I'rlco by until f Inrlothl pnperrovers 11,'U. Copy frro to uurnlt frnft, s mhi mniittilrnsily insde. Ad.lrrssT. W. EVANW, I'llli.llw tltli Hlreot Ll'hjlndelphti Pn. tvr TUB GREAT ltKlpIiTO.!S,ffi ftotnesl fill a ittutt v.titiiiljiu mmk hum Aineiicrm ever jiuUllntiPd. 'i-it tloKnnt llliKlmllonn on steel nnu wuiw, viewf m ctiiff, uimum rivers, mountfttii, rlc.ftc. Includft ccntiiTtftXlJitlr w iu, lutn iif) inrifn I'M. '"f nn mi pern pnper. rlllcn liy JnmiH li. MiCul e. .Ir. ono volume. rim' ".'v. umiii tiuviii tsiin.ii o vi j "iim He ml forternn to Wir.MAM li. 11VANH A CO. t t tijiMw 7W KiiUHomHtrcet, riillAdelimm. HinAfJO DKSTIMIOTION. A lull and cninplito hlMory nt riilcnK", lur punt, ctttH and full ilDtftllfl of tho dUnster. bv (Ion. '. lfp(on and .1, W, Hlifnliau.cdltors nf Oiu ClilciiK'i JTtuune, nun nvtriirj ihiui'h, huh wi iiiliiiii' KitiM. 1 1. 1 tmw Trinity riip iirllvcrv. iVGUNTS WANTED outfit and clinlco i ivrriiurv. umuu i u i i&iiiiiLi lu.. or i iiiiiii 'tl. CUNDUKANGO. ittm4 i:i-.i.Nn a ihik Mnt.i loxtrnct. Hcrofula.Uloorl. I'ttltuonary l.'oiiiplujnts, Hnlt inu wunuuriui rerne'iiv lur luiicer. njixiiii'-. itnenui tini tl I unroiim ittono jMM'nes, is lire- turn i rritn lliftinnoiiin r-iitKliirnnim nitric. Horn .t.i.l-ii.idor. secaro.l liv itionsslstnttco of Iho uiiiiioniit-'s or iii'ib cotllliri I11S1IIU lliuil. .-uuv- ivo, proinpL mi i rerr'tin nneniiivu uw u.'.u., iiMtlor ttlwitvu. M..I.I L-nll I Irnf7(tsts. Ill ttltlt linlllcM. linvlnir nn Itiflm miip lintnp. Ifltllo Ilinrlt mi (iireciions. 'en1! l'r n circunir. uiwjhu .noorniory, o. wtccinr hi., x. .Klin vi:.iu, xvw vouiL ohsi:uvb:u tl per Annum, lucl tiding Year Book for h".'. MID.VIIV II. MOHHll, .lit., iv CO. 57 l'nrk How, New York. HAMPi.ii eoi'iii-i ritKE. UNI YE ll-SALISM Hond for freo eimplo copy of the UllHIflTIAN I' a til.'K ii ftrf. rl.iH4 u-ik1v Ifinrtinl. nuhlUll d by tho New Vork Hta'o I oneutlon of (Jul erHiilUtH,nud ciintalohu the Hermonsof Dr, i;. I.Chapin, ivrmi BJ.itti per ytnr, Auin i nu kher UlllllHlJAN LuAblilt,, JiM llroadway, ew Hint uuy. mr iir, llnlMlltlul.ll MAOA.l.NU Is or il yjJl) O ferid Iri'ii durum Ih ocorninB'jtnr to ovcry subscriber of Merty's Museum, tho To ledo Ulnde. romtroj's Dimocrnt, ilc, which Is nil evidence, of Its worth nnd populnrlly. llor nco tlrceley, Jamil I'tirlcn, Tnoolore Tlllon, (Inll llnmllton, lc, wrilo for eviry number. In lubblng, It oilers three llrst class periodicals for tho price of ono of them, A vntlcty of premi ms on cqunlly liberal terms. It Is nn nrlKluni, first-rUs m.tizazlno. Voltnno X b Kins with in, "J. Threo spteltnen oples nee. Addrees WOUII, Newlmrgh, h. V. St 3 V V '.. C FTA.l., ovnu om: iiusi)iii:i iA(ir.M. rlnlpd In Ten I'olorn. on Miitrb Tiulid l'nne. 'our Hundred llnirruvlPK t'f KIohits, 1'iuutH iul WviMHfole., wltli l)(Hfilpili)n,und Directions and I'latinrtriniiHInu Wnlki.rnrim. dardoii', Ac. 'llio hiituboiiiit ntul het Floral UulilB lu tho World. Alt for iVn Con ts, i thoso wUn think of buylnii.s.Hd. Not ft quarter tho cost. IkD.ouU sold ot M7L Address, JAMI-S VICK. Unchcfiter. N. Y, ETBRS Tho I'oc ,o, prlenSPc, 1ms 19 iileeen Vixal and InHr'l I' Music, wuith 81 lu Micet form. We. will m.ill two tnek Nts. for fine., lour r.r iK'c.or J.m, to Vec. '71, lor (remihir j-rleo i-lj Uound e'opi h jor ls7l, yllt sUIm MUSICAL niui v ti i no iiiKio is v VinVPin VHn Vrh'.tiian.Klnk.d.Hounnd. iUUlN l.lllJI etc. Addrem.l, I,. 'K l'KUH, 6'J ltrojuvvjy, i. r, u. lioxcui' s x v t: t o u it i.i r c I1Y rilOMPTTiY Urtl.NO WINCHESTER'S HYVOIMIOSI'HITKS, AChtinloalU euro ptenarailo.i of ' which U u innnt lmooitant oustltiiont oi Hie i -i jy, oxisiinji iareiy in i tie nratn, rr- (HisniMt'in nio i ui i iiou'tx, ii' h lilK U. HTllWAVn: oil DKKHTKN'CY OF TilK Mil.- a i vi mi Asm i ft, M'rAtNiso, which HTIiril.MMlilUAlI' UAUHIi Of tON'-tUMlTlON. MI'.HVOtH HKIIIUTY, l1 V- u,iiri iJiri-r.rnu, nuiiur uh, i;tc, Thu n'oiicr Itemedy forlhueirt.'ctinllroatiuout and cuio ot the abovo I ilst-nseM consists lu ro- Nlorln hi Ihit Iti.itn. Nervout Hnstetn. Liinm und It loo , their duo pioporf loii of I'lio-riionra, 1( Y L 0 I II O H I II I T K S is the niilv nip'iaratlon which accomolNhcs thl result and It Is an absuliilo euro for Hie Discaheb atiovo named. i 'incur, ww, iNroHMATmvunii apvick i- iii:b. H. ir.i.l ....lir i.i- I (I'lVI'lIIVTfH I'll Chemists, ?A John Sl N, Y., nud suM by all titlllKitiml nl . , WLix.ul. iivi'ilfArhX ;)-). I r .1 Mi mmtkamlUmts I'fiii'hiir. r;.;. t, ;., isosion. m.ih. fcold by ull iluvKl-1 .. nri! c tMitaUoni. iRAIN TILE & PIPE Tho Vorv Best in Use Mid! 1 1 nm Hurcil"r e fnv, Ihoioiuhly burned. Aroeni'n-iy rimsr rituur. Hon 1 for tlrcul us to C. W. ItOYNTON A TO.. Woo I'Tldg'), Sow Jeincy, riii r 1: iihr saw-hi'mmuh our unia so, Kiiitv (Irlnd. at !.. ' !ind SUO. Hl.ihion 1 '1 urnltnj TooN.ji.'i 1 Jjmtri WfuttAtiallAtz's, rtiiurcs j if junr t w ,"rtmlir,irif, .1 hum tn. I'u HH'Jltl; A't 1 .1 m . I'lune,; Harris hurir. 1M.. f r In- r r larof Mkmiii mtter. m Mtike-a Cnrnd'o 1 -r . 1 ' r t 1 buy. Nttwlhlix STit Atfcnt . pr ''lu p. r uut-k Wii; provo , )I)U. It it lotMi New al Hole-, pat. t find .till v I Mil. niDlt s f Hut lu-it lo nit. Ad iress w, ti.uitict 1 . U -17 lh"o id Aiy,Nuw Y01I;, OI,M' WANTl-.ri. AeiitH m.iai'iu iru money nt Morlc tor w than ut anvlhhi" tN , 1!iik. 11 lliht nml oerin inrn. Pari In iltrs free. (i. .k Co, Jiic Art Vii'iUhrr$, V itl.ind, aiaiuo. O in," A MO.1lIl llorsn tuiuMn'tl. I x tJi'triO penses paid. II. II. Mil AW,Allro 1, Me' 810 Irom 50 Cents. 11! Kuiiplei sent (t'ostasa'p1') Klf'v ,,nt, that retail pasllv for Tim 1) llar4. It. I. W-J Ij. corr, s, v. 01Ow A WI'.KK ( lU'it ClitapMiiUlloHswhu i I Miiplitmi In Iho win Id. AL't!UlsU,inlt(t. .1, rt. HAYIKtiroit KaiN.N.jlI UU 4w rplIIH IS NO llfMUinit uy sfiiitini: tto i;KMrt vtitu aijo.htdht.cilorof e-jrn and hulr, yuuwlllro ndvo hv redurn null, ui'orieat pluturo ot your ttiluru iiusiuiiu or wne, wnn nanio ana e:aiu ir marrtao. Add res W. r'OX I'. U. Dr.iwor, So, "I t-'ultonvlll-, S, V. nIS-lw PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT. Wo dt'slro to tnuayu a fw inoro Agents to sill tho World ltciiownfd IiupioNud HutUeyo how Iiil; Muehluo, at a llht-ial salary or ou ivnanihi Ion. A llorionud Waifou KHiuto Agunts. l'u 11 iMrtlcuiar nimisneu on HppiuMiion. Auuttrti w. As m .NWUi.Mi.N at tu.( uotttrai iVice'iits, flfce land, Ohio. AKt. KouU, Mo. ms-iw tVtlEXTS WAN'TIUl KOIl Til 15 only ltoll ihlo, Cotnple-tt; and Finely Jllnitui tod iiiMiorv oi Groat CONFLAGRATION Tho fastest selllnhoolc eer Uiiud. Actqulck lvand facouro extra teimi and cholco tleldi. Out- lit, Wren t-. 1IUIIUA1H) ittllii., pubIKhLrJ,7JI AUHNTH WANTIMI l'Olt TIIH IJISTOHY 0.1 THE JIWAll IN EUROPE U contains own- IV) lino rnctun nn: of Ihiltlo He ftifs anil liu'liltnit lu tho ar, and t-4 tnooiuy l-'ull. Authentic ami olllclal hloi) of thnturcut moll let. AL'fiiln nit inetllnir utth uuhlLT&dcut- ed hiUTCM'i helllnij; irom to IU roplcn tit-r day, UUU 11 14 pUOIINIlt'O. Ill IHIIll IMIIISIl I1IU1 llt'llllllll. i 1 IT'HIAV Inti-rlor hlntorkw aio hetiu edr- UiVU LIUil rulateJ, hcollmtlho ImkiIcjoii buy cuniuiiiH 15 J lino cnRtavlntti and biXl pai-M. Heud lorclrcularHund bvo our tcrni, und a lull diwrlpllon or tho work. Add rem. ijatio.n.Ii I'lMlMHHINO Cl., riill.i , I'a. ' nlvlw QlUVNaiOVILLK AOADKMY, 'Iho Winter Term of Huh luMdtitlou will ojicn TUUSUAY, OCTOUKIl it I ST. ML and rontlnuo eleven wooIih. Tuition from f.l.W totfit.ui. jiihirucutin gntu m an uio comuiou uiul hlirhi r hrainh(u. toizulheT with lit In, (tree Ic. 1 re net i and Hoi man. Hood boa id nm bo ohtulued at &Ui pi'ruceix.or 1001114 lurnUluul to thoso who wUh to hiisiid thuuuelvc-M, 1'nr further puiltruluiH addrt'i.M .1. H., I'llnclpil.or Hr.O. A. MKU.KUIII,l,Hi-mdary, Orannevlllo, Oi L'X, WWin. S OlIOOli JIOUSi: liK'lTINO. Healenl nroooHuli for bulldluj i eiol IIouho i f i near tho l width, by ho Kehool lu Miillln towuhlii. Columbia 1 1 r eh Id euro of John Mlelwel.'.M K-o 3 net In lenuth. will bo rtivlved Dlroe'toru o JlhUlu towiuhlp, tin) , of December, 1&71, and ou that day DireclorM. l'lun uud Kpoclilo illmn o )ituly hoKchool y,bo been ny uHiiuiK uu inu noeii uuy en niui l, Uy older of the Hoard, jACun UiioVKK, JH.VAUA NlKlW, Hterelary, i'i csldeut, Die. 8,lb71-3l, f JIK CAU8K AND CU11K OF X CONaUMITIOV ' i iio urmiiirv ni iifh ui i iiiiaiiiiiininn niifmnffo. ment of tho disesttvo ortii, '1 hU dcrnntremeut rouucnn op ii ci em, nmriiiou and aiinuaiio n iv nioilm lint Ion 1 mean that nroofM bvwhlpii tho nutrliDrnt ot tho food 1 converted Into Hood, and thenrei Into tho solid 1 of tho Imdy, 1'trson with dlgcRilon thin Imptlied, having tho itllKhteRt protllpoltlon to pulmonary dlv cftflft,or II they taho pold, will bo ve.y llahlo lo nave tiinumiunm ji inn juiuki iiiauinutM 1 1 n forms t and 1 bold Hint It will bo linpomlhlo to euro any ro of (Vinumptlnn wlthoul II mt ro fdorlnu a gooil d I net tun and healthy annlinlla Hon. ino very nrntinmt in uo itono m lociennso tho fttomnchand bdwcli irom nil dtCRiod niticu pod nil me, which H clogging thfe orgnni tn that they cannot ptrfrm Ihelr functions, nnd then roino up and ptoro tho liver ton healthy action. Tor IhH pnrpono tho nurft nud het remeuy in TscnencKH MuuornKo vmn. 'inenu nil clean tho Mtomnch and howeH of nil the dead nud morhtd rllmo that Neaulnedlfienno nnd decay In the wholo ityHtem, They will clear out tho 1 1 c r of all diseased bllo that linn nccutn mated mere, nun romio u up in n row nnu healthy nctlon, by which natural nnd healthy bllo la ncc re ted, Tho utomacb, boweli, nnd liver nro Ihuqclcnn nl by tho mo of Kcheoct's Mandrako l'lllnj hut thero reir.alQfi In tho utomach nn excess of acid, lhoorcnn it torpid and tho nppetlto poor. In iim titiwcli tho lacteal aro weak, and reouirlinz Rticnuth ntul KUpporl, It Ii In a condition llko lilH lliai. nnu iick a rcaweuu iuiiiu iJrwyvx uu Iho i.iont valuable remedy over dlscoverod, It U ntlinllnn. inul ha nn will liriitrfillr.o nil enrcni of ac'd, making tho utomacb nweet and freh t It Will KlX' prriUHlieui lOlio U nils inii'i'i mm m- Kan, nnd e rent on R(khI, hearty nppetlto, mid pre- nfiri-i llm hvuli'tn fur I hn flritL DniLi'Mtof ii ttood dl pcBtton, and ultimately make ;ood, hoallby, 11V1I1K UH'Oil. rtlicr IU in prt'lillllliuijr ii ritiuitiii, what rcninlnn to euro moul enses of Loiisump. Hon I the fice nud pernevcrlnmiso of Hotieick h I'ulmonlc H rup. '1 ho rnlmonlcHyrup tiourhhei tho Mntem, purillen tho blood, and in reatuty nh-sorlrt-d Into Iho circulation, nml thencoilMrlh utcd to tho dKenHcd lunn. Thero It ripen nil morbid matte tn, whet her In tho form oranscesa. en or tubercles, and then ushMh Nature to expel nil tho diseased milter, In tho form of licoex ..frirnthiii. u-hrti nnen It rllieus. It lit then. t)V (hoennt henlln nnd putlfylns propcrllei of ui..Vl,Kl;'iiliili,if.iiln Mi Mill. Hint, lilt U c.LTH nnd cnvltle aro healed up fcoitnJ, nud my rHtltntl en red. Mimptlon in in Rct up n Kooaappelll ami a Rood dlKeatlon.iso Hiat tho hody will (row In llesh and KCtfctron?. Jf n person banlmencd Jungy -acaMly or abRcesH thore,-lho cavity cannot heal, Iho matter canunt lonnai tho yM Urn Is b low par, What U ntcessary lo euro ih a inccv., nt anning w' ""7 now orucr ot ininsi, a noun un wuiu, k i nut rlllnn. Him l.orlv In ulOW lU lies I AUd HVl! then Nature Is helped, tho caltles will heal, thu mailer will Upen and bo thrown oirjn jga rpianiltli mil ino porwou rrKm irenui. 'i lila l tin. I Mm ntul niilv tilnil to I'll TO t'OTisiimn. Hon. and ITa peri-on H vny lunii- aru not entirely deslioyid,orfce n ii ono iutn ei Hrely Kone, If Ihero Is inoutfh vitality in tho f.lln.r nn I Ii urn 1 4 111 inn. sound lun,llvo and onioy llfo ton Kood old age. This Is wlmtHcheuek'nsMeHllelnt'iwilldotucuio l nnve ne-rn many pi'ihul'si-'uiiiu m "" nu cmsumtaiou. inoyw i e.e . ui u.oo :u, Hvntiii nod hltemrlhen It.lffet UhftKOrxl dlizev Hon. an I i;lvealuro tho nsHlslnneo the u cuds to clenr tlm h hloiu of all tho ellRtuso HiatH in tno Iuiikk, whHlevertholorm may be. It It Important that whllo using Hclicnck'n Midlcluef,eiuoihould bo extrciseoT not to take COM! Keep ln-uooiH in com nnu uauip ni-uiiivr avoid nlhtnlr.and lake outdoor exercheouly tn i trislinil uiul vi'ortli hiiitvhlnn. I wish ltdlstti.etlyunden.tood that when I reo ommciid a patient to bo earefut In regard to tnk luveold.uidlo UbhiR my Medicines, l do no r,,ra hpecial leavn. Amau who has but partially 10 covered liom tho ell. ctsof n bud cold Is fur moio llntitn to ii t fin iihp Miaiioiin who has hcen riii irn. 1 cured; and it Is prechtuly tho samo In icgard to Consumption, Ho Ioiik as tho lunjjs aro not perfecily hialid.Just mj long Is the to iHimlucnt danger of a lull rejurn of the dlieavo. Ilenco It Is that I mi strenuously eauiU'ii pulmonary pa tients against exposing themselves lo an uIiihm pheiu that Is not ueulal uud pleasant. Continu ed CouMiinjitlves' luiiB nro a mass or sores, which tho least chamio of atmosphere will In. tlnine. 'Iho srand secret of my success with my Mi'illcltirs roimists lit mv nhllltV to HUbtluo In llammatlou Instead of piovoklus It, as mmy of tho faculty do. An lniUmed lunij cannot, with safety to tho patient, bo exposed to tho bltliiR blasts of Winter or thu chlllim? winds orhprimr or Autumn. Itshmild bo caretully shielded liom till Irritating influence?. 'Iho utmost caution should bo observed In this particular, hb without ii a euro unuer ninum uuy circuiusi.iuces ih uu llt1l)OHlllllll-. 1 ho ptTvoii(hould bnkept on a wholesome and tiMtrllfiiiKt dirt uud all thu Medicines continue 1 until tho body has restored to it tho nntuial (ptauiuy or iiisn uii'i sireiimu. I WIV 1 1 1 p L 1 1 CL mi UV 11111 worst klhd ootuumptton, and havo lived to etlniatm lit any inexo many jcars.wnu ono uuu mostly tone, I havo cured thomauds slnci and very many havo been cured by tn o ti t u lint ii t I in lit Ucf r M I II. About tho Klrst of October I expecMo tnko posses ion or my new, ino .onueas Cnnif r nr HtTih nnJ Arch hlit-ets. whero I shat bo pleased toglvoadvlco to all wnomay require '..'nit llfuMlnnq nccnminnv nil mv RetnodltfE. mo ttiat ii in rsnn In nnv nart of Iho worhl cm be leauiiy eureii oy n sn iti iiumTviiiu mu j. ii. rjv.invjiv, i, i'. I'liuaueij inii Johnson, llolliw.iy & Cowden, Arch strtft nai NEW O Ii AT Dll V GOODS AND NOTIONS For Evcrv Podv. -:o:- t'AI.Ii AND MA Kl". YOUK OWN MKiii-;yriONS. S II A W hfi At l.iif-t Yoar'ri rricw. NO AOVANOK ON IMUNTO. Till': L.VlKiKST AND IIUST APSOIITMENT Ol' DltlS GOODS ! xST BLOOMShUPvG. IiUOWlOll'8 BLOCK, NHXT TO C'OUIIT HOUSE. Wfl now have tbftJtii(i.t assort ment of HI.ANIv TJIMHWoii hand au tor xnle that were ever kept lu llloomsburu. luito lo on best parchment iuii(u, miiiiiuuii jvi-'i', raui-iiiiir ntuiu Aiiiiiiiui iralor M l)nodiiniallliw kki puper (choan) Real Estate Sal&. 13 U IJ Ij I O H A h K V .V h UA11L M H I L' 1 T A t j:. In l.itriiinncflnfnti nrAftur tlnrtrnllrllll, IToiirt of tJoluinhlacounty, l'a,, tho underoUnnJ, &.vr illin of.Iohn It. 'ihoma, Margaret inotniMnim Cornelius tl. Thomas, minor etilldrou of .Iolm Thonmt, dr llloftmsbur, In mid county, will ex- pono iu pii'iiiu .iH', uu inu preiumoi, uu BATUHDAY, tho CTII HAY of JANHAHV, l;2. nt 10 o'clock n, m., tho Mlnwltig denrrltjej valu tiblo real tfct!vJc( to Milt All Hint eertiln UOT OF O IIOUN Of ultimo In Iho town of Illooimburg, lti aald eouu iy( wiiercupon is ereciuu u Timnn-HiouY imtcic mvnriMNo nour Htnbln, nnd nil other ncroMnry nuthdlMlutif, llflllUUCU Him 11 USC I IMOil m I01IOW.t I uu t-uu kuiiiii I'V Hccon'i or Maiuutrcct.on tho ran uy ti ioi oi Maritaret Applemnn, em Iho north by an alley, and on Iho Meitby nil nlley ndjolnlnit ei lot ot .Intnpit tr. Kver. h- ln hikIv.rIk feet nr thero- nboutn lu front upiin Kec mil Ktreet, and nbout nnreu aim ioutk i n feci in uepui, le. It. lLlNf.I.Mt. rifilr. TKItMH ril1 HAIil'. 1 iii m-r pent, nf the one. fourth or tho purchase money to bepMd on ntrlk lua down of iho propmiy ono-fourth, Usi tno ton ter cent, on the eoiillrmatlon t and luo ic iimlnlnlnir thrt'o-rotirlhs lu ouo soar thereafter with Interest irom tho c mflrmatlou. nl1. JUll 1I1U.MAH, lllojinsbutg, Dtc. 15, XS71-U Uuardlnm pUIJMOSAliH v a l- ir a n h v. n 1; a u l h t a t h . Ilrvlrtuo of nntljoiltv nnd order of tho Or phan'M t'ouit of C'olnmbU rounty, tho uuder hlntd Hxecutor of tho cslato uf John Morlclo, ue"eacu, mm oi iiciniocit lownMiip, uoiuinui.i county, w 111 cxposo to mlo nt public endue on i no rremiEcs, on MATUKUAY. JAKUAllY fiLIi. Ibil at lOft'eliicl: In the forenoon, tsl'ito, to wit: t'io following real h O T , A T O W N ultiiilu In llio town c f lluclc Horn, In slid eun ty, bounded on tho south euM by lot or M.O, Shoemaker nnd on tho north east by lot or t'lnn, Neyhart antl on Iho south weht by tho pujllu sttect of tsatd town. Where'on lt creeled a FllAMi: DWKMjIXO liousi:, with here sm nutbuildhiRH. ii . n. iumji.t:!!. ciettc. TKItMH (II H.Vl.i:. li ti lift' rntit. nf tlio O110 f'l'irtli vt th i purchuo money t i ho pah on trlicln ilnwn or tho proK'rtv-ouefoUith Ii m - ; y wiiu imey.1. ironi uio couunnaMoii. mm. (JKHUUK WlNNint. lli,0OMsnuiifJ, Dec. lV'bts, rruTfiTFo "s aITic VALUAULi; HKAIj iiir.vri: In tuirsunnco of nn order of tho Orrdians' Court of Columbia county, on Wndncfuliy Iho -Hiiuiv ui juuuiry, ai vi (i;iuL-it 111 urn hub- neion nf tho satd d iy. I'auiel Itnmbach, Hxecu tor of tlio t-f, into nf John Miller, of HrUiureek township I county, decsast'd, will expose 10 puonu saio on 1110 preium-js ui inuowiim valuable real entirulatuofsHlddecfd 1 t to wit: A eertilu incs 1 jo an t T Jt A 0 T O V Ii A N i)t sltunlo In tlio laid township of Crlnrciefk, bounded as follows t On tho north cast by hinds of Jes-to Hownmn, on llio south oist ny 11 put Ho road runnlns irom iMarkit Htreet In lltrwlck, 1 iiiiieunoiis s .uiu, on inosouiu wi'u ny uui 1111 1'nttlpr. .Ipnii l;uvinr.n nnd l'nuik Lvnns. and on the iiotlh by inud cf Willi v-i Hoj t e :i; iiminj ' NINiCTYTiVO (MU, strict mc isnie, where Hi nr o ec'fl a liAOlllng iiouve, n.irji 'ii hi o U'r imi'iiiii ninn. 11. II. ili.iui.ifc, lllootnsbuis, I) c 12, 1TI. '1 Kit MS Oh KAI.V. Till ter n lit. of OUO- fourth nf th Miie1ifiii unnev to btt Mid at the striking down of the property i orc-tonrtli hm mo ion pereeui ni inu coiiuromunu in Miuinuu thoremalnlnu three-fourths 111 onu j ear itierc ntler. with lntirest Irom confirmation, nim. i I AM hi HA M ISAUII, eU'C, 1 V71-1", Kxocutor. IC yALK YALUAnLi: hual itah:. Turuint to an cr Icr of tho Ornhin s' Co'irl of Coluiobl.i ountv. PtinuxvIvaulJ. wdl ho Fol I at nioomsbuig in haid county e BATUJU)AY I)E0UJ ruuiio vaie, mi ino piuuiisji iu i:iu nny 11 ut CCUHKUil.kl, 1S71 'I h1 following described rent esbitc.laleof Thw. . Ilonlirs. (lecej(il. to wit: A tot sltualo lu s-ilil town nf IllnmiHliuiv. tin 'J hlrd Htreet. tn I Hi it part of Uloomsburg, known usSeott (own, 1 unjoining mm 01 1 . 1. 1 inniiin mi i m- 1 tier ironuutf aooui w K" t im Mini iiiuuniirui, 1 nnl exienuim; aooui 'j leei i an ivuey, wnrt I ou tiro erected a laro TWO STORY ntAMU 1IOU.SK, I n I.aruoniahio, uol ho;; penandtdhcr ou ouiuiuKsngooa wen wwi iump,ano EXOELliKKT KUUIT. I Sale toco'ii!iinco nt Socio k. foitth orthu purctiMH money shiM I'" pii'iai .iitifiiiif .inu n of tli iruneiiv. tho iul- I Innrlli loi-i I ho It'll tlCI'd'Ht. Ill til COll llrill 'I I bill Iabiolute.aud ihoreinaloliuthreo'fourths In 1100 i tlierealtcr, with Interest from thocontlr- inauou inii . ... . . sMssioii 10 iicirn t n rn ipc nrsi unytn a pi 11, 1ST.'. JOHN llll'K, du, t, 71-is. ATiiint Binuiir nuniiic SALH v a u u a ii i r. u n .vf. us r a t t: In mmunnt il anordi-r of tho Orphans' C'ouit ot t'oluinbhi county, will lu etp-wod to publla 1 Kale by tho uud eihtssuud AdmlnlsMMtoriot Jnuiet 11 lOSS OCi'fM'iH", on inu iniii'ii" tii f-tiuiiti;ij . Hid :r)thd.iy ot JKei imr, I itYclnuk a. M.( of Kald d.iv, t'ie I illowlnH d-HCilbud rl.l i Ktnte, to iit: IVrtaln T It A OT O r LA N )t tdtuue inJaekson toA-nilp, suld roin,t,.inl H.ivhUou lowu-hlp, MtlUvau Countv, liojudol on tho nmth by l.indiol Unit, uud D.ivU, in tho o nl i iy land" til Uyer U. M h,ou Hid mmiI h and wiM. u 1 in 1 ol an I 111a ii-h ir I, ei n tyinln; 17 0 A C 11 i: S, I ire or If, hi i rei he.nn lmtrovtd I in i wu h it Hind, i Ka'V mill an t a h; vi.r. n'.vr.iii i- rrun-tK. tho rt-malndi r Njcood tlmh"r tin I a certain Inct nf Uu I itt: it i in J.en tD'i tou uhtp, ' otuiuhl.i c iioty, b mod d uu th norlh bv I m It ot I Iyer Mos, mi Hirnriv. by I ind-ti I' l.hj ih llow, on th' by J inds n m 1' liiL'kO.min. uu tho ust bv lan of II i mini. Hiiiilh und HiMiiHiinll, CONTAIN JNU ii'Z At.' IKS, Leiiu Improved land. Tr.iun oi- Hai.r.- Ti u ner rr t tt oiii'-fiuilli tf Ihti mirt'h isn niOiifv lo bo r iM mi the d,iv of Ifale.ouo fo'itthof thepurclri nuuey Icsstho ten p r ( ent. to bo paid o'l c-tllriu itlon ot tho .ili ; Iho baltiu'o lu ono jeari u realler with lu- U'1' mi thu smuio irom com Mii.ition niMi, I'i'fM Ks-iuu v ill i m u vmi on uio imm . nn. l'urehutrr puri'hiiMin to piv hr di-oi. und -.tump. I LU Ml Hi"i . JOlli: W. Klldl. Ail'iiluUtratsirs Central, Utc, lo, (cTl- s. HEAD QUARTERS l'Olt boots, mm AUD ww, IS T li.M.KNORR'S CHEAPEST AND BEST Tho County Allbrds AT CASH PRICES LOOK OUT FOR BARBAIHS IN BOOTS AUD SHOES THIS FALL, Coibg anil Exaiiifi Jicfoui PuiolmMiig EH'wlicK'. 15. 31. K K OKU, IIL00MhUlG, PA. wricmiici s iCTl-if. CLARK & WOLF'S COLUMN. bAllQE STOCK OK FALL GOODS WHICH AUK NOW IN bTOUK. TIIEY WILIi HV.l.h THEJI Low For Cash on PRODUCE. CLARK & WOLF HAVE CALL AND SEE, Ojniodito Brown's Hotel lib O O Al s u u n G. Wo rlTir a BILK COHLKD lOl'I.TN that sold al ll.W how nt ? 1.15 1 cr 3 ard. A rplemlld JAl'ANr.l'. RTIlU'i: t 31X0 nor 3 ard. A full Una of w,.U'i; to Sl.Tiper yard. A Ll'ACA from 3) cents Oi.rR.icent Alpaci can't I e bcat.tltrT.5 cent Alpaci pilino. And jou ltnow our W ct. Alpsct Is Ihe'.bcst in tno taruet tor tlio money. A Sixteen bono t'OUSET altTO cinis. Our (IO I.t't'1! bono ConsLT Is wmtli I uylnr. lilcachcd and te cli. unbleached MUHMN, u full AlTI.niOK A., at 1 1 cents by the holt, 13 cents by thf jmd, Tdi VMv Uibf. I. 'tii Alcrliiu Htp, J.'iilU H.ilmoral Ilu-ti lAuXUh lidlMKHnr, II' Untllra Iron IV.nn II oso r..t" ri.jXiii:i) hhitix-i cloth feri'oio- iiaNe at S'.HOpcrjard, IftTCi il How, Mi-rs onihnlf Ht-8P Hun lu fxtm Jilso MI-M'sKUilicel Iloso Mrn WolU-n on half Hoso SHIRTS AND DRAWERS I.nlli'-i VcsIh CuKllKun Ii'tdlrs (Moth Glovri ladlfH Dorllml Olnvus I.atllcs Unci: Gaimtlcls WOOL SCARFS, NUBIAS, HOODS. lluik O loves I.tullo-i Fur loi OIovcb Quit I'lir to Glovis Uttclc Qlovci nml Jllltut;!) I.adles Kill Gloves ti l-. Cloth Duck lluck I'ttlm Gloves Shawls of all Kinds. lUbiiom VclvPti'i'nH Ktnpreai Clolh Dret-H GootH Duntlcs Uoliftt Ulaok Siitln Vi'lvct lUttons lU'OVCT Cloth Cassimors and Flanens OILCI.OTlia 4-4,6-1 and $-4 u'idc 53.3 per sett. ' Our stock cf T1-M3, CO I ll'.lf', HI'ICIJ", Ac fi ll and at ll.o lowest flsmt. (li:rHitl( of JTOTlONSIs lultnm! rt'inflrt. l OO'IK i HIOl H, ii liill line, C I.A11K A. WOl.r ate cloolt'c out their "lock UIIAVi'Iil al I ii! twiil i rices, inary cf Ihcm co-1, Wocntlid no stock ot rUIW.nvir from irnfton, i ur riesenl stock Is large and nil nod wo olfir .Item from SiO) In 86 t'J per ii i. WATEU-ntOOf and 11,75, Cl.OAKI.Vli at Logal Notioen. A UJIINISTJIATOII'S NOTlbfiT JrVi(ffT'KA.?.?LC0?.'J.i'rn. . Thomas tl'Conncr, late "of tQtrnlH." loroieh JilllUMfAH O'caxHv.n (led 7l-Ct Administrator. A UMlNISTItATOH'S NOTK1E. -CrV.. r"rAT,K f wrr.LiNOTox it. tnt, nro'n. Ji Kn 1,18 of Hlonmsburg, Colnm 1 J. .i?i"i y,,I' 'll, lmvo Iwrn urmiiri if 1 iSli or.".al'1 """y,to l'elir Iim, nr.i.Snn i?'.rc'!' I'ersnm linvlnit rlnlms K J,L""'!? llio ilcwiuit nro 10 iimko thrin knnwn, nn.l innso Indetliei Ira make payment without delay. 1 fti i-;n I, iiovliTMt Ailmlnlstntir. TWECUTOIl'S NOTICE. 1i..t:,T.ATI, 0F "iniCKiiiurrrrt, Drt''i. c, .X lt'",le""l"'!"t,ryonllie('swtoor lre.lorlck Hliairer. Isto nl t ntro twp., UolumbU counir, SiS..;:.'laY? ,Km l?rniill by 1 ho Itrglsicr or snfit, '"Bnmuel Nfyhsrd, of Centra lowinliln, Ool linMs county, I'u. All persons havlliK clnlms nan nt tlio estnlo ore rrquosted to iiri-sent Ihoin lo tho Kiectttor In l.ltncIlldKP.Coliirabliicolinly, l a. Those Indebted lo the estate either on mile, liidgrueut.liiortitaiio or book account will make I'Dj ment to tlio l.xccutor without delay. I1QV177I-CW. Kicculor. ft mtTVIOli ilrnntn t i,uiiiioiiiitLuirt iuiiui',, ir-., USTATK OP KKnECCA IIITNUII hfo'IJ. l.'.t.Ml,,,'., '"I'.nliilslratloii on tho cstalo. of ,,,,c,tc"!!"nc ut? "' locust twn.. Columbia KimsCcr. ot said county to John A. ltltnr. ?u 1 ul." ralor. . All trsons haviuir claims !ir).tr,U,,!li '!' n0",'",1". lo.mako paymetit lo tho uu dersliucd, natilluUtlatols, wllliout delav. KnmfslUI'.o.uof ini-8w dVoliiIi'iratm. A UJUNiaTItATOU'S NOTICE. rSTATE OF JOHN KITCHEN, IlFO'Il. Tetters nr fiiltiilnl.lrnii,... r... ti.u ... John Kllchctl lato nr Hugarlonr twp., ColutnbU eounly tltc'd.. haeboen granted by tuoltelstcr of fcnld rrnni, to I. K. Ktlrlihaum, of llenlor twp. All twlsoi.s Invluz claims or dematnts iK.ilnst t'i. .lo.. e:it are requested to make iiietukiii' 1 tit tl.ose indetunl to ninlte uay ii'ei". . J. K. KIUt'KUAtlM. u-.s,,, Adiuiulstratjr. A DM I N 1ST It ATOHS NOTlCK. -CK MrAThOl- J A' Oil 1IAKHIH, UKC'n lit tlfmof Hdnuiiliiratlonon theciKiatooMacob Harris, hue ul Hemlock towuiMn. I'niumt.iu cimnl, iltc'd., h.ivB btfii Rraiittil by tho KottU- utoi hn ui rnuniy ui wiuiatn Harris or Harabure. Iierkw county. I'a., and Jamen A. HurrM of KUCkllliril. ( 'ol ll id lf L enntttf la All isumnnH haVllliC ChlllllM HalUMt tho PHlnlMnf IIim .tf.lrnt. are reiie-Mel to prcHrnt them for ntt ijment, nud those lndeh'od to tho eMato to nmke pay ment tnthouti-frmlKueHl, ftdmlnlslrator.x. with out delsty. WILLIAM HAIlHr. , ,. JAMh.S A. HAUIHrt, ilccS71-6w Adnitulstraton. A UDITOII'S KOTIOK. XV- rSTATK Of JAMES fl HIM Kfl, DrC I), Iho undorblcucd, appointed by Hut Orphint' (.'ourt of t'ohinihl.i county. Auditor todiHtrloule iuiiub iiiinouiiumoi i-eicr i-ni atinuntirnior. tfiaml nmoin tho heirs and legntecH ot Jaine eirtmosdeccaed, will moet the parties Interested for tho pmiMiHe of Ills nppolntment, at Mt ntllco In IJIoomaburir, on Haiurday, January lith, IJ" nt If o'elock n. m. All persom hivliu Claims ncalnst tho m!n In nrn rfiiilrl,1 or bo (orever dehirred lroui comliir In fir a part of said fund. o. H.-MIi.Li:ii uec. I371-HP. Andltot. A UDITOH'S NOTICi;. Xli. F-STATK OP AHKAHAM .MUSflnLMAN. HEC'n. 'Ihundertiigued appointed by tho Orphans' Court of Colutublacounty. Auditor to dlstrl mto funds In tbo 1. Knt, AdmtnlMra tor of Abraham MusselinAti deceased, will meet fie parties Interested for the purpose or hN ap poliitiuent,Athlsoillce In liloom&uurg,Haturday January 'Juth, 1S7-, nt 10 o'clock a. m. ot Raid day. All pcrhons having claims on mild PKtato, tue re quired to attend or bo forever debarred Irom coming Hi lorn part of said fund. declja-Ot AnJlloi, pUIJLIC OTJCK. VIiercn3, by thu JL llth hcction of the Act of iho OfmprnI Am. hcmbly ot tho Commonwealth of IVnmsyhaula, nppro ed May 21, A. 1). 1VT1, entitled "An act for iiiv proivciiuii iu mnuoii, ui.ick uas aim omer food 11 kIics newly Introduced, or to bo Introduc ed, Into the rltrs Htlnwaru ami Huvfiuthanna uuu unit inuuuiniH: lur uio proiecuuu uio oi closfN OKalnht unluwiul iishlny, and to prevent the lntrodnetlou of jtiedalory dshes Inio trout streams a id tor other germane purports;" it is iiuiiio uiu uuiy ui wiu ducihi cntrinj oi nit counties of said Ccnimonealth halnj Juris diction of tho ttinms theie'of, wlienevir they Khali dlscoer, or bo informed of the czImLuco tif.auy contrivance for tho catching of Dhh, tucli as aro commonly knowu ns lUh baskets, eel moIib, kiddles, biurdi or latclne ne-tn, or any either pel lnatiently tttmeau oi lakliui fish, in the iiuiuiootu beine, lo rUj ten Onj h notice in two HMspnpetsof their lesiiecHveeouiiHes, that thcald eoiiirlvnneca nro known to e-xlu, and aio dt eland common liuKoutes, and to order them to Let ellsiuautled by ihelr oiuieiM or man ni,eii. thmfnir, in eonfoimlty to mid net, I. AAHOIJ h. Mil II, bhtriU' of Columbia county, heuhy give Notlco to All Whom it May Concern. that (ho contrivances for tho taking of fihh in Mild act mentioned nro known to exKt In the .North lhanth on he Susquehanna rlvrr,nnd other Mreams within the county oi Columbia, that the that the ownciH ntul mmmrxiu ..r i.o.i .,.. ., niicesMe hereby lenulred to dhmnntlo nnd er- ,"u' nmiu wuiiiii nn uitjs nner Hie eauon neieol, under the penalty of liavii c .he tcme dljiuftntled and un.ueil, uh In wildiVct Is provided. AAliON HMirn. oneiiii oi Loiummn coubiy, ia. rjPOVN JIAP OF HLOOMSllURa. tt fAc Court cf Ouartre aviaaiis nt n.r.inn rountv: 1X the mtUtcr ut the twin vitip tf Illo m lurn, umtlr by lucmurt .Vwhcml and tubmuttd Ar cwitctitn u'ut aj'prouil to mid thurt NttTiciils ,'r.ur... J uiiurrttifiicti UOIUltllH Hot truvi-ottitihl h- tt.o sttlj Court to repnit the t nl. t rtl. n-a by rltl7cnsnKalusltui(lln l.vnr '. " .ctttts nf h'tUt niu,, ti-Kf-thtr lti liw i-l it.!.. i. tu i.vitiil lo nnv nmllt r Cvmt lntm il oi lu !,,!.. ii thereti), WiUnltrtiil ut ttif l curt lit t. M I. iiiinlii.i r.n Mnn.lnt ll. tutiitt. .1 Ni mLor, r-tcxlrno, at t, ti netiM If 1 1 . t. i'i , un nt n it tnj , to illf i linre the flu. tl. h i ' h - i,i niti.i, 1 1 , p t tthlch time i,iil njrft nllii . ii .it.ii,,i(it muj nlte'.iU It Ihi'V h.hII llilllK 11., i I 'tl, I hi' t niril. M. K. JACKSON. 1 rl.i i '!: Ciuimlssliiui'r. 'pil) IU:;i()HY OF COLUM1UA L ci.nnty in ,. Us oiKunlzitlnti In 1M3 loll -t. i mptli-it una i'iI'IfiI ti John 11. l'i!KK7.r. (inn yi.lllli.,.,1 IHMI.OSM U..S.I Litis 2 lull 1 llhrnrv. I 'si, lull ll'.iur.v SI., I, " lUulllllltm Willi lllll l (,r:v Mstlirv fit 11,a,.-ril. Inry (niitiii 1st Uu lllilu tli,.)ii,i,i lut'Cb' .-.loniour, un to iiiiiv ptv, s tho otmiiilziiiiM, l,v llsoilnlailliouilitlirles.llsiiiil irittiitls lull, a leitucl ot's. niui thu, n-it ,m i.r i .7..... Ai'hni.ti r mi l in Uti sins m,, i,lnlui,. ilatiMit tlitii u.ctlolnor llio luwnshipi un I ,or c.oaliK, inn) IIib ti tiltor i, it i,r tvlilcn tho were i..iiiiuuiiifii'i-M,iiri( i ut tli I'litllt.coiiiiiril.Illj Iho li.niKsofthiil,i cslili nt .lu,4,., Ui Astticlnte. !"if ''.D."';V:"'"1'1'"' 'iV-'1"1''"'. Hhnllls nnilUe tour Al rl" J 8 "r L""1 L'oluinbla niid Mon- ..ll.!I!)';"",lcr"n,?1,1''0!nt',,llrt!. Jinnvlllf.. Iter wlci, I iitiitrtssa nml the s iiiiil.rtoVn. rulipju rnlloiiii statistic. Tho l;-inovnl Uuchtlai hikI Hie Votoon It liy townshl,i". tiUlMI0"' HM rr. .,. iV ii i . i. ii . "V"!. iiiuiiiitiiij jioi tour, '. i.'Vf1 1 ' 'rl, ,n-''li's mr 1..1 niidll.n v. ,; I".' ,"'!? 1,1 ''h lOWIlSlllp. A M1J i.riii!i;lo till ot tho lncilitii l s of Cor.iii r.. . l'"u''l,.l''t'liseiillnu (Vilutnlii.t nm ii. IV. Wtltl Illll mill nrlnnu lr,..inn Kiiilcund I'lilcruloiUciniyiowushlps. THU WAK UKCOHD OF COIAJM 1UA AND JIONTOUU unties, coinrrlsitiutlie innstrr rail of all tho lonipiiilis uiul imtts of conip.tutrs ricrultij i irrtin, ino jo. or uio lliiiltiii nt. tlm liatllrs tiny MiriuncnciU lii.tiltii numerous Itetnsnr rutsotml inttti-st, Allstr.rnil tnndrnflwl ram. tlio linmrs nf the rniikcleiitlotis scrmile exMnpts mid tho i iiitiiicncy niott of, lC2nnd J it no iMi.1, liclus u compute snr rrcoril of the rebvlllou, ALSO 1 Hi: INV ftlOH OI' COI.I'MIIIA COUNTV, the trhilsoronr rtl7eus, tho uroit nrcumpiil of Jiiiltci Illnck m Mllltnry Cotiiinltsliins, end tlm opinion oflhe Unltedstsli'sSiipii.iiip Court. nu ill iniilni; them. Tiigrllivr with much other our. ions Important, and lntorrstlni; mutter. ( A. ci.AitK. of lil.ii iiisliuitr, Isauthor Izt'd to n-i't'lvo subseriptliuis tor the worlt : to he piuu tor nu utuvtry. nun. m,'71.3m 'i sanio pincc, ah persons hnrlui: claims nrtHiiiat the estate of the decedent nro cques 2d "7, ,,'ro. ;enl litem for se llemeut, and those Indlb le! to nilmlorrhra'Se '"0 '" ...... w...,... ... wricuiiHiiu . nnn,,. JTOHMAL S011OO1,. Tbo Institution here lofore known ns tlio JIADISOX ACADEMY, WILX, 1JE 01'f.NKfJ OM .UOXB.IY, OtTOHl'.It tttl, 1S71, A3 TUB WA VERLY NORMAL SCHOOL UNDEIl THU CHAItai; OP I'ltOP. II. 1). WALKER, A. M. THE t CHOOL WILL nE AT ONCE ORGANIZED AS A n o r a ii conoo'i, AND TUB COIUUSE OF STUDY of lis hevernl clase will r. riunoml lo the comse odotiloU hy tho Uoan) of I'Mncinuls of iheHtnle rsoiiuui fccnoomfii lYnnimuiui uuu ujjiroeu hy llioHIulu Aulliori'if. ,,,, , , , Iho uioloof t ticfi rlis will ho definitely flxctlj nml pui4U on tuti'iins thu hchool, Hill bo ex nmtucu, nmt i!nrtl In llu rlam vIiosp bIuiIIcm. ihey by their i-i ili'y uu rttlnlumeuu, nro nittd tit utfuitfl so whhlnjj, niui In ti t Judgicetitff llio I'rliir'r"! comimient, v 1U be allowetl tn pur uuon Hclt ct t'ouifao of htudy, I'kof. W'ALKrit, uiul luu uimtollon r.s nn lhi cuior, itro tfo welt known lo netil Biiy toninun. it ( luii from the llonril ot Truotttui vnpt clH)ly In l.ujtrno County, whtio lio J ma itnt twele imiH of his i"r(,(ti,f.kiiio) 'o. 1'or ptutiotiluTK rMi-triitK Hoarrt, Tuition. A0UreMlif rriiuijvil, nr t-icretury of TriiflitH, Vn erly, I.uJtrtio oonuty, Hct, tutu, Ibt l-t t H o lost new, pJCItKONS having Dccdu und Wort X taitN iccoiiWtl, lUifc In ihlv ttEtv, wit yto nwt cull m.iltre thtin uit, tor rtharttia rls.nod. W.H.JACOBT. JlLooMsuuitu, Nov. 9, 1871. llicord.r. (, I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers