tc (il-olumlrinu uLOOMsnuiia, pa. Friday, December 22, 1ST- Notice. Subscriber to tho .Columblun who pay tliclr iliie3 beforo Jiuumry 1st, will boclnrucil only two dollars per year. TIkhowIio delay payment till after that iliv-' will bo charged two dollars ami fif ty c it's After April 1, 1872, collection wilt lit' enforcoil itul then three dollars ner annum will bo demanded, On the Ul if J.viuiry, 1872, tho books of tho prwiMt publisher will bo placed In the lutiil-Mirc. w., Jn;., lor coi levtln-i Ho will bo directed to enforco coll, clon of nil accounts for Jon Won ninl AtiVKivriaittu Immediately after Fohrunry 1, 1872. Tim Press declares "Speaker Hlalno'a oririitit.itlnti of tho Commlttso of Wiiss n.iil Mentis In tho Interests of tho so culled revenue reform, has had a disastrous effect upon tho tariff." This is II protection of Pennsylvania ItitOP-isU UoveiiNoit Palmer, of initio!?, has sent an agent to Washington to rcmon strato with tho President upon tho con United usurpations, under color of mil Hary iiuthotlty, In that State. Even advanced tiro Butting alarmed at tho open way In which tho Admlnls tratlon Is claiming military Jurlsdlc tlon, upon every pretext that arises. A NEWSfAl'Kti correspondent inter viewed Oen. Lewis 1). Campbell, of Ohio, nt Washington, tho other day To tho question, "What effect will the Into ilnfeats havo on tho interests of the Democracy?" Gen. Campbell replied "Qood. Tlioy will securo Oram's re nomination beyond a doubt.' Ho can bo beaten ruoro easily than any fresh man tho ltepubllcins might otherwise havo united upon." And this position Is correct. John h. Srr.EL, a most worthy citi zen of Jlarrlsburg and Treasurer elect of Dauphin county, died on tho JGth Inst. "o nolo that tho Commissioners of Dauphlu county, who till tho vacan cy, havo tho manhood to declare that thoy will appoint no one who does not agreo to slmro tho profits of tho ofllco with Mr. Speel's family. Tho Illooms burg Itadlcal ring might study this ac tion with profit to their manhood if not to their pockets. 0 Oun Mr. Meucuh Is extonslvoly named in tho Radical papers for Gov ernor. It would perhaps surprlso our readers to tell them that tho brilliancy of Mr. Meecur's speeches in Congress attract Radical attention to him, as tliesi. havo boon mo3t oxpresslvo in their character, terso, comprehensive, exhausting, and always plain, to the point and eminently perspicuous In fact, tuado up wholly of tho words "yea" and "nay." llo must bo n dolt, indeed, who doss not appreciate the full raeaulng of such speeches I , Vrof. Wickeusiiam, Stato Superln, tendent of Common Schools, in nn ad dre;s to tho students on Wednesday morning last, warmly endorsed tho eo lection of Mr. Ciiabls Q. Bakklev ns Principal of tho Bloomsburg Normal School, promising him and Ithls hearty support j and reiterating his determina tion that tho School must and should succeed. Tho opening on tho 8th of January, 1872, will bo under now and moro favorablo uusplces than hereto fore, and wo trust bo tho beginning of a long and brilliant career. Now tho International Society has held its funeral procession in honor of tho deceased Communist loaders, it is hoped they will also bury nil purely European Issues, and see In tho working of American Democratic Institutions, tho best means of advancing popular rights, and tho surest defouso of liberty. To maintain these institutions from the encroachment of military despotism Is tho most urgont necessity of our day. For this lot all native born and adopted citizens unite, under tho Democratic banner. Tiik Grand Duko Alexis has given five thousand dollars for distribution among the poor of Now York, "wishing them to feel that a visit which has af forded so much plcnxuro to him has been tho occasion of some slight relief to thorn." Mr. Asplnwall has appro priated ono thousand dollars of tho money to tho Society for tho Relief of tho Dcstltuto Children of Seamen. Tho remaining four thousand dollars ho has placed at tho disposal of tho Society for tho Improvement of tho Condition of tho poor In Now York. The Sunbttry Democrat mistakes tho drift of tho Colllngs suggestion to abol ish Legislatures. Tho commission of flvo wero only to havo power to frame laws not to mako or pass them and tho wholo peoplo wero to vote on tho question of their adoption, How that could result In n Tom SiMtt ring wo f.dl to see, unless lie could mako u ring that would embnteoa majority of tho peoplo, Tho nppendngo to tho proposition, making It a misdemeanor for lucompo tent men to nccept ofllco nttd buljocl them to trial by Jury for tho offence, was, an important part of tho propo.i! tlon, nnd would opplyns well to wrong action In ofllco nsto wantof mental nud other qualification. Wo did not advo cate tho adoption of tho Ceilings propo sition but only stated it and remarked that it would bo n most effectual raodo of breaking up rings. On tho trial of In progrcssat Columbia, South Carolina, thojury is composed of two white men nnd ten negroes. If this Jury was fairly drawn tho colorfd clement must bo very strong In tho region of Columbia. It would Eeein very probable, under tho circumstances, that so many colored jurors might turn tho tcalcs of Justlco tho wrong way. Tho negroes, of courso, are very bitter toward tho ku-klux gentry, nnd may bo inclined to condemn on mere accusation, without duo regard to tho testimony, At all events, n half nnd half Jury would havo looked better tliuuono consisting of two white men nnd ten black ones. Tho plcturo has far too much thado In Philadelphia Day, Jlep. Ono of (ho defendants has been con victed by thisjury ho having challeng ed a negroo's vote I THE Tlifl Vice 1'rHilrnta Tho Binlrlcy genius who now ofllclatos as Vlco President has spont most of his tlmo for tho past year In writing letters to nasuro tho public that ho would ro ll to prtvato llfo at tho end of his term. As soon as tlionowspapors would got through with publishing and com. mentlng on ono oflbcso letters another would bo plunged upon tho public, tho samo old regrets would bo revamped, Ac., but finally tho papers got tlrodof this stuff and refused to givo It further attention, A now form was thoroforo adopted, and tho smlrky Vlco Pros! dent gravely announced that ha was notn candidate for President nnd f.ivor ed tho rennmlnatlon of Quant but woutd not object.lo his brother Hads opposing tho latter Idea, Of courso this was only to put himself in the way of receiving tho nomination should Quant bo thrown overboard. Hut that gooso laid no golden egg and was neither worth feeding or killing. His party would not tako tho hint, or If they did thoy would not tako tlio bate, Now Mr. Uoli'ax Is out with a letter statins that ho is not o candld.ito for ro election but will not decllno If again nominated 1 Who over supposed ho would? lie declluo nn olllcol Cor talnly no mau who over hoard of him would suspect such sacrifice to bo mado by Sciiuymju Colfax or any of tho land grabbing crow to which ho belongs. Oh, no! as long ns there nro public lands to steal, tho public will fed no apprehension that nny of tho thlovcs will loavo Washington If they can help It. A fiw go to tho penitentiary but nono decllno ofllco. If mien n refresh Ing Incident ns u Hidlcal declining nn olllco ho cm get should occur, wo would expect to sea tho sun obscured by the multitude of hats that would bo thrown Into tho stir! Afraid of Investigation I A proposition was rccontly mado in U. S. Senate, by Mr. TnUJiiiULL, of Illinois, tho nblest-Rcpubllcati member of that body, to appoint a committee to Investigate and. oxposa defalcations, frauds, cxotbltant salaries, useless ofll cers, Uc, 4c. Tho proposition was also supported by several other leading Re publican Senators, but was opposed by all those in the confidence of the admin istration I To keep up appearances nud stlflo Investigation, a eommltteo on re trenchmcut win appointed, but not ono of tho Republican Sona'nrs f ivomblo to Investigation waspLvod ttpm It, and only ono of Cm seven manili-jri Is a Democrat I This ac'ion is a palptb.'c confession of guilt! If ilio Itidlcil Senators had had confldctira In tho Integrity of tho ad ministration thoy would havo courted invcstUitli in, but knowing tho exist ence of gwierul corruption nnd robbery they il.uo not allow tho matter to bo looked Into I Tho action is proof that tho chuges mado by tho Democratic papers nro true, nud tho administra tion does not dare to put them to tho test 1 Will tho peoplo forever stut.iln theso thieves In ofllco? Will thoy go to fu ture olecllons nnd deliberately vote to contlntto nn admlnlUration iu power that refuses Investigation into open charges of fraud anil peculation? If they do thoy will deliberately vote to sustain men In stealing tho hard earned taxes that nro wrung from them I They will affirm tho proposition that it Is ooltcr to keep rogues than honest men in ofllco 1 Shall Wo Surrender I Wo aro again asked to surrender our party, to nominato or coalesce with somo so wiled Conservtitlvo Radical, forthosako of success. Somo tnon as pire to bo great generals want to lead tho Democratic party, and fight her battles by surrendering every tlmo tlio foo comes In sight. Thoy aro always expecting to find tho Radical "weasel asleep," and by somo masterly Btroko of foxlncss aro Just on tho vcrgo of stealing a march upon him or of laying somo wonderful powder plot into which tho Radical beast will unsuspectingly stop nnd die. Theso, nnd such ns these, nro smnrt men I They aro tho men, nfter Radicalism has swallowed nnd swallowed at tho negro until ho begins to get nauseous in their mouths, who begin to fear that ho will go down, nnd get in a great hurry to steal a march by swallowlug him first I In other words, their only idea of beating tho Radical party is to do a thing beforo tho Radi cal party can do It. They mako tho so called "new departure," and put tho milk and water and poor, sickly twad dle Into our platforms. Thoy dare not como out In a bold nud manly plain English platform and call "peculation" stealing! Thoy dare not boldly ralso tlio banner of opposition to corruption, bribe-taking nnd general plunder In every department of tho government; and to martial law and military usurps tlon for political onds, but prefer to coax their enemies into defeat. Theso gentlemon always talk much of policy. which Is a good thing, but thoy act as though policy always led to cowardlco and surrender. Thoy ulwnys talk about stooping to bo successful, nud nro nl ways willing to drop ou their knees. open their mouths nnd nut their hair ana lingers In tho nttltudoof radiating sprays or light whenover a Radical thief looks nt them. Tho Inst plain, outspoken Stato plat form wo havo had was In 1832, und that struck tho popular heart. It arraigned Radicalism, bearded, and fought, nnd bint It nt tho polls. Manhood, bold with virtue nud (ruth, Inspires nnd draws support- Ftunkeylsm hegots disgust, repels everybody, nnd always dies, If tho Democracy of America want success let them mako bold nnd defiant war upon gift-taking and ono man des potlsm, upon military arrests nnd mnr tlal law, exercised to shlr-ld robbers and olect Radicals. Lot thorn convmeo tho peoplo'tliat they nro In favor of honesty, purity, liberty, Industry, and law, and that thoy aro not afraid to light Its en- emles with all tho manhood of man, and If this will not bring success then let us at last not bo responsible for what may bcfaltho nation, Northumberland county Democrat, Amono tlio latest Jokes from Wash Inglon Is that ono of tho regulations which wilt bo recommended by tho Civil Servlco Commission, Is ono -providing that appointments shall bo mado with out legard to (ho politics of tho ap pointees, nnd that no political assess ments shall bo levied directly or Indi rectly on any officials In tho civil ser vlco, With bucIi a regulation adopted and enforced, tho Radical party could not stirvlvo a slnglo campaign. COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, Tlio Honiocratlo Policy. We ro Quito e1n,l lo cony tho followl tig uoblo words from the Lnncistor InteWgctiecr. We uiil Hint wiper Injimlco by cottblliifr II with some other Hint favored tlio "pnMlvo'pollcy," being mlMeilhy Its quotations frnm tbnt Intercut, but which It may claim wero divert nn now, Tho InUUtffcncfr tayst Homo Democratic politicians, appar ently greatly demoralized Vy tho fact that our party has been beaten this fall by smnll majorities in tho great States of Now York mid Pontisylviitiln, nro urging tho Dcmo' rary to promptly de clare that they will mako no Presiden tial nomination In the coming year, but will support the imiiilneo who may be presented by thu Uopublleiitu who nro unwilling to ettpport Grant for ro elec tion, Wo nro entirely utiablo to sco why tho Democracy should bo called upon to mako to complete i surrender. Our party Is numerically strongor In tho county than tho Republican party os was sliow.i by tho aggregate of tho popular voto fir tho members of tg present Congress. Tho total Democratic voto for Congressmen was 2,71I,8G0: while tho total Repnbllcnu voto was 2,63o,37t; a Democratic majority of GO, ISO. Moreover, wo havo n larger num ber of voles that wo can (? tatidy count uiirm than our opponents have. It Is trtto that wo nerd n small Increase of otrcngth In n few of tho Northern States, lo cnublu us to elect our candidate; but there is no reason to Mipposi that wo havo not an oxc.I- cut chance of securing such an Increase iu ng-iltut a parly which is foreordained to havo for Its standard bearer en weak and as.-allab!o a man ns Grant j n party ivlios ' corruptions aro ilnlly being titi covervd and whoso lawlesnets is (lis gttstlii all law-adldln men. Kvon though wj wero woakor than wo are, tho opposition to President Grant which hnsdaveloped Itself in thu Republican party, is not now such ns would warrant us iu miking a. surren der to it. Wo who live In ut Inorlty districts havo a wldo ovp?rlcnco o f tho result of thi-sa phu'iblo loiklng politi cal alliances with disaffected Republic nns. Thoy very generally fall of tuc cess; Indeed thoy always do, utile's tho defection In tho Republican ranks is very groat. OtherwlMj tho Republican votes that nro gained nro balanced by thoDamocratlc votes that uio lost. For it is a fact which politicians aro too apt to Ignore, that tho Democratic masses cannot hi moved as tho puppets In n show. Arguments of expediency nro lost iipou them. They enro Utile- for success, unless it carries with It tho triumph of their principles; nnd thoy will itoJ voto for any man who does not carry theso emblazoned upon his slant! nrd. Ami they nro right. Thoy caro not that their parly leaders should bo Rd at tho public crib ; but it is of vital Importance to them that their party principles should dlrfct tho government councils. The Possum Policy. Hon. Montgomery Blair has written quite u lengthy letter to tho N. Y, World In which ho strongly urges tho passivoorns it is called in Ohio "tho possum" policy for tho Djuiociallc party iu tho next campaign. Ho ottrib utes tho defeat of tho Democracy in 18G3 to their failure to nominate Chief Justlco Chaso and last fill to their "now departure" platform. Ho thinks tho Democratic party Is not numerically strong enough to carry tho noxt Presidential election nlono : that to insure success it must receive largo accessions from tho ranks of tho Radicals and in order to encourage them to Join us wo must conccdo to them tho candidate. Wo havo beforo expressed our views at length upon this proposed "possum" policy and do not now intend to repeat them : wo wish however to disabuse Mr. Blair and all others of tho idoa that tho Democratic nartv is numnr! cally too weal: to succeed noxt year by reference to a row llguros : Tho popular voto in 18CS was, For Grant, For Seymour, 2,OS.j,03fl 2,GS9,t)28 Grant's moj. on pop'r vote, 203,102 At that tlmo there wero not leas than 00,000 Democrats disfranchised who havo slnco had their disabilities remov ed and aro now entitled to vote, nnd who will increase tho Democratic voto in 1872 to 2,989,023, which without any recruits from tho ranks of tho Ropubll- cans will glvo tho Democrats a majority on tho popular voto of 1,80S. But no ono will pretend to deny that all tho converts that aro now being mado nnd which havo boon mado elneo 18G8 nro from Radicalism to Democracy. Cer- tulnly the Radicals havo mado no con verts; tho nepotism, corruption and profligacy of tho Grant administration has attracted no Democrat, but on tho contrary has disgusted many ' pub Ucans. Tills was demonstrated tho Inst Congressional election when i ,o Total Dom. voto for Cong, was, 2,7 II, SCO Total Republican " " 2,GS5,:74 Dem. popular majority, fill, ISO Surely this does not look Uko a dead party that should surrender principles nnd candidates to gratify a fow olllco seeking Republicans. Besides Mr. Blair Is hardly tho man to proffer advleo to tho Democracy, tor ho was ono of thoso who helped to Lrlng about tho present doplorablo stato of affair.-'. It was ho, who whilst In Lin coln's Cabinet us Post Master General, prohibited many Democratic papara from passing through tho malls, and ho approved nnd countenanced many other arbitrary acts of that administra tion. Now If ho really regrets Ids past courso let him first show "works moot for repentance" beforo ho aspires to sit in tho Council Chambers of tho Democ racy. Tho Democratic party Is always ready to recelvo with open arms all re pentant tinners, but Uko a green nutlo thoy must pull at tho tongtto for awhllo beforo they can expect to bo put In tho lead. Jejfersonlan, Payment or the State Dkiip, Governor Geary lias Issued a proclama tion With retraul to thn navmnnt nf M.n Btato Debt, tho Sinking Fund, Ac, in which no stales mat mo amount of tho debt redeemed und hold by tho Com missioners of tho Slnklllcr VlHwl frnm tho 1st of December, 1870, to 30th No vember, 1B71, was ?2, 10,223,03, mado up ns follows s Flvo ier cant, loan redeemed.. Hlx jr ceut. loau rerietni-l..... Uollvf uoIcm cancelled ,'. .,.03111,1111.111 ... l.ii'j.tviui ... 33.00 2,uo,m(u In addition to this, tho Stato Treas urer has rcdeomcd, during tho year, of thoovcrduo loans, $18,303.51, making tho aggregato reduction of $2,131,000.17. during tho last fiscal year. YmiWfl Trrnimr. In n lecttito delivered by Wendell Phillips, In Philadelphia, a fow nights since, ho said ho'conld tako nny ouo'of tho audience Into u counting room, whoso nnmo nnd location ho could give, whero tho partners of the concern pat down tho day after .election, nnd, tak- ng n list of four hundred employcos, sifted out tho nnmo of every man who had not voted tho ticket thoy wanted. Every man who hnd not shown a will lugness to hold his political opinions Iu subscrvleneo lo his employers was un ceremoniously throw out of work nt tho beginning ol winter. "And this." exclaimed Mr. Phllllpi, "is christian civilization I" This Is Massachusetts! Ynnkco Monopolists nnd manufacturers mako tho harshest task misters. Thoy ore ready to grind their workmen down to tlio lowest cent of wages, nnd Insist upon making litem their slaves In more seilscs of tho word than ono. Whilo Radical Congressmen from Now Eng land are passing laws, making It a grave crimo for a Southern planter to'nttcmpt to influcnco'tho votes of negroes In his employ, thn capitalists of Yatikcoland mako tho bread of thilr employees de pend upon tho ticket they voto. Thus is tho Radical majority In Congress kept up, nnd by such moans has a tariff, which robs every consumer, been per petuated. Lancaster Intelligencer. Itclicllloii Against (Jrant In Pennsylvania. Colonol A. K, MeOltire, cnudlduto for thn Slate Senate lu tho 2,1 District, In u letter to the editor or the Gcrmantown Telegraph, define his p.nllion nt much length, and thus Hjicihs of Grant und tho condition of Hindi's : If Republicui crltliKui of Republican administration Is an offeuce,'why Is tho cry for reform notIlenced V It comes from our own long-forbearing people, and not from thocnemy,nudlturrnIgns Republican, not Democratic, misrule. It comes up to Congress from ovcry sec tion of tho country for relief from op. prcssls'o taxes, from wasteful expendi tures, from peculations and defalcations, nnd from swarms of arrogant and uso less officials, whoso chief employment seems to be to Instruct tho party whom It must accept for plncoi of trust and profit, from President down to' alder man. It comes up to ourLeglslnture from nil parties of tho State, nud do mauds fundamental limitations nstho only sourco of public safcty.'It comes up from tho press and peoplo of this city, as wllli ono voice, to savo private property and.'public credit. Theso nro not tho complaints of ills appointed ambition but 'tho faithful criticism of blncero men, seeking' to protect nnd preserve their own Inherit ance. They do not propose political revolution, although that must como soon If they are unheeded. They aim to employ tho Republican organization as tho proper instrumentality to correct thopntent nnd onnrossvo nvlls Iflin-i tolerated. Willi n system of barter und 8.110 ori'ederaIiippointments;that pros titutes tho civil scrvico to tho nvnnce ment of unworthy men, with n system of State legislation that Is a running sore and astandlug reproach, and with our crushing city; taxes and debt, bath rapidly Increasing without visibio ben. cflts to tho peoplo, men who would maintain.' Republican nscendency must remember that "Adthfitlaro tho wounds of a friend." iVIiat Shall Wo I!o I "What shall tho Democratic Party dof" This is tho question that Is now being nsked bv mimurnus TVinnrrntln Journals, ns though there could bo moro man one right courso to pursuo. What shall It do, forsooth? what can It do- Wliat ought it do. but what it has alien ux done stand bv its nrinclnlns nml ntri,t on until tho victory is won or nothing uu ii-ii wurui ugniing lor. Wo nro surprised that there is a sln glo nowspaper In tho wholo country that can advocate any other courso of action. Yet there nro numbers nf thorn that would bo willing to sink all honor- nblo chances ofsuccoss In tho next.Prcs idontlal contest, on nrlnelnln. fnr Ihr, sako of achieving a doubtful triumph over urant, unucr tho lead of somo person put Into tho field bv dissatisfied Radicals. In other words, they advo cate tho policy of no nomination by tho democracy, leaving tho soro heads of tho other sldo to mnko a ticket for us to support. To nil lids, wo nro unalterably oppos ed. Tho only honorable thing tho Dem ocracy can do, or ought to think of do ing, is to huh! (i!tf Nathnml Convention and mako our own nominations. It tho Ropublii-aiis who n.-n (liiui-fli-d With GnA.NT.comu to us, if they want him dcfeatol. It wnnlii lm n mrit Int. initialing spcctaclo to sco tho gieat uomocratic Party a united wholo going to them a mern frntrmont. Wlmt can Democrats ba thinking about, who advocate such a surrender ns this? Aro our principles worth nothing, flint can thus easily glvo them up for expe diency's sako? Or havo we, nil through our political lire, as a party, been ndvo. eating them merely because thoy wero popular and for tho sako of success? Out upon such hypocrisy I If our creed was dear to us in prosperity, It should bo equally dear in adversity, and mat man 13 cither nrool or nknavo who would now ndviso us to nbaudon it for nny purpose. Tlio Da-noerntlc P.irti- mint iln ,,. And to do riiiht. is to stick to its nrln. elples. L";t us havo good men nominat ed fjr President and Vlco President, nndletusstandor fall with them. Moro nnonJlellefonte Watchman, The Now Hampshire Patriot does not ngreo with Hon. J. Q. Adams In re- gard to tlio power of tho Democratic party. It may be, says tho J'atriot, that tho Democratic party is powerloss alono "to carry tho election, and so Is nny dofcated party; nnd if that wero n valid excuso for tho dlsbandment of a party, there would bo no hopo for a minority in any caso. But wo seo no good reason why in tho present exigen cy, as happens constantly, tho minority m iy not uecomo tho majority why n party which" numbered almost half of tho voters of tho land, in tho Inst Presi dential election, should not recolvo ac cessions sufficient to opablo it to control tlio country. No ono questions that a Urgo majority of tho voters of tho Uulon nro nt heart' opposed to tho re-election of Graut, ami it will bo discreditable to this largo majority If thoy do not unite to affect his dofeat. To socuro this union wo do not bellovo It to bo noccssary to disband tho Democratic party for tint would bo tho offect of tho 'passlvo poll- cy,' rIo securo this union, concessions must bo mado; but thoy need not bo all on ono sldo; tho attempt to succeed on that basis would pro von dead failure." BLOOMSBUHG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. A Jobbing Administration. Most of tho measures propost d during tho administration of Geuenil Grant hnvo been Jobs, concocted fir tho pur pose of making money. A fow men In New York, whoso namos figure on tho subscription list lo ralso money for the President, und u few Senators and Mem bers of tho Hotiso, who constitute tho Kitchen Cabinet or aouornl Grant, run tho udnilnlstrntlon lu this respect. Thoy e.xiimlno nil measures proposed ; test their availability In tho money line, nnd dccldo what shall bo their f.ito. if rejected, tho matter ends. Thoy nro not presented. If nccoplcd nnd endorsed, they nro Inlioduced Into Congress tinder tho wing of administration protection ; mado party test measures ; tlio subsi dised press hot at work; a cattcm of Senators called; Motion und Chandler ordered to attack nil w ho will not ngreo ,to votonsrequliud, nml thu the matters nro fairly launched upon the perqilo nnd tho Legislature of tho nation, Tho latest movement nf t in Jobbers Is a proposition for the government to purchase nil tho telegraph 1! .oof tho country, and run them In connection with tho Postofllco Department. Pro perty worth nta full, fstr valuation, flvo millions of dollars Is to bo bought for thirty million', anil tho diiVerenco pocketed by tho "Ring" of Jobbers. Tills Is tho truo iii'-aning of tho scheme, which was derailed at tho session of Congress, but revived at tho com mencement of tho present, under tho auspices of Pnsldcnt Grant n. d Post master-General CriMwell, When tho plan wn3 first suggested, tho stock of csrtalu lines sold at from thirty-three lo thirty-five cents. Tho " Ring,'' bavin tho trnnsfer business in charge, soon stopped tho payment of nil dividends, nud nnnllcil thu oarninis In t tin tmrrlm-m of stock, Hi order to put up the prlco of it in the market. This cursa has been pursued until tho present tlmo, when through tho bnlllng processor Grant's tncssigo, It struck soventy cents, Tho purpo-o Is to run It up to par, nnd, by means of a powerful lobby, to sell it to tho government. Tho Idoa is to pas3 n bill authorizing tho Postmaster-General to purchaso tho property nt Its "market value.'1 No mutter how that vuliio may bo forced up, tho prlco to bo paid will run Into tho market ruts, nnd tho gov eminent bo ileeeed to tlio extent of mil lions. Nor cm It bo urged that the President Is not cognizant of nil theso damaging facts. Horace Greeley says ho wont to General Grant moro than a year ngo, nnd "warned him that nn efiort was making lo buy up tho telo graphs at treblo tho cost of constructing them, nud thus enriching a small mini her at tho expense of tho great body of their fellow-cltlzens." Mr. Greeley says that ho advised him then that tho poo plo would not stand it. In a recent number of tho Tribune, ho warns him ngain, as follows: " President, bo en treated to get out of this Job and keen out I It Is certain to daniago you if you do not; for there will bo n revolting oder generated by its consummation. Thirty millions are to bo taken out of tho Treasury by it to pay for property that novrr cost ten millions, and not one dol lar of that thirty millions will over come back again." Thcsa nro tho facts In connection with tho postal tolegraghy Job. The telegraph lines aro not worth one-third what it Is proposed to pay for tnem by tho "Ring." That ftct will not bo disputed. In the next place, they will not pay. Tho Postyfllco Ser vieo does not pay. Then, why should telegraph lines, when managod in tho samo manner and by tho samo men 1 In addition to this, running tho telo graph will quarter twenty thousand more hungry ofilco-liolders upon tho government, lo bo supported by the ta.v payers. Tho patronago of tho nd ministration Is heavy enough, nt tho present tlmo. Ofllco-hoidors mako tho nominations of tlio Radical party, nnd dictnlo tho policy of tho President Why, then, incroaso that mercenary army, by putting tho telegraph llnc3 of tho country Into tho hands of tho gov crntnout? Tho wholo movement Is a corrupt Job, nnd should bo opposed by all honest men at Washington and clso where. Vh tladelphia A ge. Trom fjo Lcwlfitown True llcmoc -at, AYorMiigmen's Interests. A weekly Journal dovotcd lo tho workingmon's interests, has recently been started In Philadelphia, with the titlo of "Tho Peoplo," by Chas, F. Relnstein, publisher, and Win, H. Van Nortwlck, editor. Prieo $;) per annum. It Is handsomely printed und vigorous ly edited; but appears to advocate tho organization of a new political party, widen, In our Judgment, Is all wrong. Tho Democratic party Is (and always has been,) tho worklngman's party. It alono has stood up In times past in do fonso of tho rights of labor against tho aggressions of capital. Somo of its nd herents may possibly occasionally yield to tho seductlvo power or monoy of wealthy combinations hooking leglsla tlon, but this fact does not alter lu tho least tho grand purpose of tho party, which Is to promote "tho greatest good of tho greatest number." Let tho worlngmen abstain from sop arateorganlzitloii for political purposes, and stand by tho Democratic party, as they did of old, and ns thoy prospered then m will thoy prosper again. For ten years pat corporations and capital Ists united hnvo been making fearful advances lu demanding and obtaining legislation exclusively in their Interest Stronger and stronger (ho capitalists havo been growing, and moro and more holpless tho working classes. How Is it In this county? Evorond nuoti comes u notification from a rail road company ornfurnaco superintend out, "Mr. Kmployo, from and after tho 1st proximo your wages will bo reduced 10 per cent.!'' nnd who dares resist? How long can this stato of things con tinuo before tho laboring classes of America slmll bo reduced to n lovel with what tho Republican papers aro picascu to denominate "tho pauper lauor or Jiuropo?" It was not so when tho Democratic party held tho reins of government. And, why not? Simply beeauto tho Democratic party Is tho friend of tho workingmati, nnd over watches his bast interests with u Jenlons caro. When tho Democratic party is In power, tho woruingmun is not only safe, but pros' porous uiso ; wnen u is not lu power tho encroachments of capital upon his rights, his privilege!, his Immunities, and his pecuniary prosperity, always begin anow. Lot every laboring mau think of theso things, nnd stand by tho party which has always stood by him. A Democratic 1'lnlforni. Tho Hon. Feiinando Wood, of Now York, offered tho following resolution In tho houso of representatives last week. Tho Pittsburg Post thinks It might buucceptnblo ns n platform i Jtcsolecd, That tho republicans hav ing a largo majority Id both housos of uongross nun mo rresiiteni, nun inns possessing nmpio power, suouni ni oncu take measures to provide for tho Imino dlato reduction of direct luxation nnd of Impost duties to n strictly revenue standard ; to provldu fortho Immodl.ito reduction of public expenditures In nil departments of thu government j to nuoilsit nil sinecure oniccs nun mu nyn- tein nt eollectlnu tho lovouuo ny fccrcl informers nut! spies; to restore lo thu iiiiuilii i,r the Slates and their local L'ov- urnmi'tit tlio rights originally possessed uy them under uio constitution ; loiinoi Is'h government paper money, und to restore tlio oniy cjiisiiiuiionai currency gold und silver; to reduce thoorniy to a peace rooting nud abolish n system recently established of employing mil llnry olllcers lu tlio dln-lmrgo of civil duties; to provide against tho accumu lation anil retention in nirvu sums m monoy In tho public treasury by which tho Interests of tlio people aro sitbordl iiutcd to government iullueiices nnd Hindu dependent upon the capricouud personal vioivs of tho head i,f that do jiiirtiucnt; to prevent tho purchaso and salo ol thu public credit by tho secre tary, ut his Individual pers.inal will ; in hrhirf tho President and h!s cabinet advl-ers under thn authority of law, making them obedient to its provisions and nllko wlthothers subject to Its pen nlllrs; to restore to tho Southern Sintos nnd peoplo peace, prosperity nnd co a tentiiient, only to biiiwcmiplldad by" n eo'satluu eif vlndlctlvo legislation nud mllltiirv Interference. and a r,' oznltloii of their ciiual rlahK Including wdf i ipi'tiuy wiin tlio oilier aunts nun pi-ipm ui mi Union ; and to revive American com nierce, to restore American eicdlt. to rnlimuaurato American republican sun- nllcllv lu tho administration of public affairs, and to aid by all proper, itgal and constitutional enactments In tho full duvi'toimient of tho agricultural, navigation and commercial roiourcos or tlio country. Tlien ami Now. Tun campaign preceding thu flee tlon of 1S01 closed with one State- Kentucky giving a democratic ma Jorlty. Yet pluck and n determination to fight for tho right Iudiical tho Dem ocracy to go Into tho fight ns Democrats nutt tho campaign or '01 clo!ol with threo Stales, Kentucky, Now Jersey and Delaware, ranged In tho Damocrat Ic column. At tho opening or thu campilgn or 18G3, tho Democrats could count but threo States certain. Delaware, Now Jersey and Kentucky ; all tho rcsl hav ing gone radical at tho elections of tho previous year. Here iigalu the pluck ol tho Democracy was shown, by making a straight-out platform and placing upon It determined Djmocrats, and tho result or the light that year ndded to tlio democratic column Now York Maryland, Georgia, Louisiana ind Ore gon, giving them in the electoral collego elghty-imo votos against twcnty-tlirco ItilSGI. So much Or otirago to miko tlio tllght. In 1S72 wo will enter tho campaign under entirely different circumstances, With eighteen States, casting 111 votes in tho electoral collego, certain ror tho Democracy, nono but tlio veriest coward would tulvlso u policy that must demoralize, dlsorgunlzo and In all probability destroy tlio Democracy L;t us hnvo n fair open fight for Democratic principles nnd a Democrat ic candidate, nud wo will win. Now York ndded to tho Democrat! side will securo us tho President ; Or, givlug Now York to tho r.idlcils and carrying Pennsylvania and Call fornla, will dufeat Chant. Roll up your sleeve, Domoerals, ror a grand fight go into it in earnest go in determined to win, nud win wo will Cowards, skunkors und "passiveltos" will bo found in tho rear that Is their place. JSellefonl II atehnvm. It 1i:is been titiiuunceil In tho press, wllli coiiskli'r.iillo lljurisli, that Jlon. O. II. I'.irker, ofD.ivunport, Iowti, tniu of "tlio prominent Democrats" ol thut Stale, 1ms written n letter lu which ha prououuceil tho Democratic party tleatl, and urgetl tho ab.iiuloiiinentof Its orguiilvUton. Tho Detroll Prec Press says: "Hon. O. II. Parker ii not n disinterested counselor In regard to tho policy which ho would havo tho Demo eratlc patty pursuo. IIo loft party. ten years ngo anil oxpccteu to eco its death iuimotlUtcly follow, but It did not die, IIowasMr. Lincoln's govern mout iletictivo at Chicago, fur somo years during tho war, and has not pro toudod to act with tlio Democratic jurly fcineo tint timu any moio than lio did then. That ho should want thu Demo cratic party, as such, to glyo up Its or ganlzitlon Is natural. IIo undoubtedly feels ashamed of his present party associations, a-id wants a now deal, un der tho hope that ho may, In that way, fall again into decent political company. 'Hon. (ioorgu 11. 1'arkiT,' of Davenport, Iowa, Is not alono In his tvixlotk'3." WiTir a change of less than ono per cent. In tho popular voto, suillclng to dufeat tho re-el'ectlim of tleueral Grunt, tho Albany Argus sous no practical ne cessity for thu suii'ldoof tho Democratic party, and, so far us tho movement may bo consldeiod theoretically, it pro tests against tho propriety of ninety nlno uirri'iidering to one, instead of ab sorbing mid usil m I lallng the lesser party. Tho truo policy, iu tlio opinion of tlio Argus, Is to rocognlzi nil men ns brethren who will co operntoiii tho pur poso of dethroning tho military fiction which administers tho cjrrupt govern ment at Washington; to forget tho past, nud look only to tiiofututo; and to put asitlu bargains i appealing lo tho poople, Kiul making overy sacrillco necessary to tlio succe-s which means tho rescuo of tho country. A. itEi'OUT but hy tho Now York Jh'inlng Post to tlio cU'rct that Governor Iloirman luul ubu loiinltho Democratic party, nnd ready to unlto with Qreolcy and ollui illsairi'ct ed Hapuhllcitis, is iiutliorllii- voly do nloil. Clovornor Holl'mau is r,v, ns ho nlways has lieon, uu unciiiiiiriiinlslni; Democrat. Senatou Wilson,, dcclaros that tho composition of tho Uiiiimlttoo on "Jnve'.stlxutlon und Ujtronchment" "will ha ttcoeiitod by tlio country us nn udmlsiloii that thu iidmlulatratioii can. not ultard lo allow I'u I a id froj lnvcs- titrations. I'i:nn8Viafanin can boast that theto Is not Uoinocrntlo paper of any Inlluonco, lu the cntlro Btato that sup ports tlio cowardly "passlvo policy." Jlellefonl Watchman. Loading tlio .lens Hack to Palestine. An ambitious project has been formed by n small knot of rabbis nt Frankfort! to load tho scattered children of Israel back to Palestine, nnd to establish n Jowlsh kingdom thuro onco more. I n vltatlons to Join thu project have b.'ou printed In great numbers, and tiro by this tlmo circulating among tho num erous mciiibi'rs of tho nnclont r.ica throughout Germany ; nnd II wo may credit thu report of newspapers friendly lo Judaism Influential moneyed imu of tho old Imperial capital tho head-quarters of German Jews havo given it their sub ilantlal support. Thoorlglna tors endeavor lo provo that tho under taking Is by no means ns lmpractlcablo uslt at first sight seoms.and remind tholr fellow-crcedsnien that It is what they irav for If thoy pray at all threo or four times cvory day viz.: In tho "She inoiic'i Esroch," In their noon and cycli ng, and, in fact, in overy prayer sanc tioned by their law. Moreover, they Interpret tho Ulblo passnge, "Return to mound I will return lo you," cs mean- ng literally that, on tho Jews return- ng to Jerusalem, tho L ml, nnd Willi Him power and prosperity, will return to them, JIarrlsburg Patriot. Now Advertisements. n i.'.pmu1 ti Tin-: cuNmTiur IV I.-IIIUT VATinMAf. HANK or .Vnm.rlvniiln.nt tho i lua ol nasiUi-M, Decem l (HimMmra nt 11 ooimouiv, in uiu n, , ber imu, is7i, I-mtii nn,l Ml.-fHlllH ?I77,oRl 07 ilveulr.illi P.M. llon,ls lo idtM-m circulation... W,JUJ w lino from lUiU'i-mtui; nml lh",ero Aml : tlm, rutin mlH-r Nilllolull IlilUKH ii m .3 TM I ft nn mi 2,31,1) 01 Due from mht-r Untile niul ll-inkcrx Cuneiil i;YiftiHe m-,11 lli'tiiM, inciuuilK nininp ., l-'riu-tumnl Currency, ltieluuiuK Mt-lc- ils I.ognl 'lotnUT Noti-M 12S to -I1,5:J 31 MAlllMrlKS. I'nnltul Htoclt laid In t V00 00 Mil Wits l'uud.. 'MPS Dlwraut '.xciinngo ; " uli-ri'st Nl, Nl riolltntut I.CM SI.VII Ml NiUn'l limn Ulreiilnllon outMnnuini,'.. ; Illvldemli Ulipiilil .....iSSf Ititllvlflnnl Ilp,,nlt4 1JUM ,11 I'crlllUil Chcclc 311100 l-lil,-a l!hft(i!,iillti,f -Ill DO Duo loNutloiuil Uaiiux C,ru l:l SS'JI.UII Statu or I'enssvi.vania, Countt or l'or.UM HIA,I.. f,nui,l., nrilm Viral Nntlotinl , ,!,lr ,.r liinf,,.,,p.r ,1,. DnloniiiH-nlllrni Ill-It tlm uuovi'hinu'inciiiii uiiu iu wiu m-at u, , ,u, edge nml belief. ynbicillio.t nn,! nnlrmel btfjro mo tills 21st tiny nl December, 1",7I. 11.11. 1 a aw, Correct Altcstl C. It. l'AXTON, "I Wm. McKklvv. -Director. John K. Okot.. 1 UUlilO SAliK -o I' V A L U A 11 I, II ll i: a u J H T A T K Will li wiMnt nubile, unto, by oulcr of tho Or, Idiitis Court or Columbia county, on tlio prciii-lsc-t, In Locust lownHlilp, on Saturday; januahy ia, 1872, ,,l 10 o'l-lficlc. n. in . tlm fiitlowlnirilcHcribcl nrol erty t.ito the cit.uu of tlcirso Hupp, ilccc.iseil. to will n OKUTAIN TIIAOT OP LAND, Kltuats In Locust townMiIn, bojndo I on the norih hy lnndnof Solomon .Mowrey, mi thu rnst hylfindior Henry tinhle, on tho miuIIi nnd west by lands of Jacob l'lsher nnd others, containing TWENTY-SIX AC1U:S, mom or lea, with the nppurlcnamo. Wheit'ou U cucfed 11 TWO KTOHV l'UAMi: DWEI.UN'U llOUSH n llitit Him it rrtiml Hm In-? IIntin. a coml ns- uni-tmoiii if fruit iifna. Atl 4-lcfircd cxoeot nboiit t-lx iterrs whlih U well tlmburod with young C,";Sl"," It. If. HINUI.IUl, Cleric. UTUMM Of HATiK: One-third or thn pnrcliio inniii'V t iiciiiiihi rlmrtfOil 11 non toon lid nreiul.scH durliiutheimtural lifoof Mury Hupp, widow ut Mini lU-eont'il, aiHi 100 iiutjrt'HHiH'ii-ui iu uu uu- mmlly ana ifKHiariy aiaio ner uy in iHiinmv i.r Itilnmut. ti lilt nrttmillWHl iPOIll tlltl Urst daV O April, A. 1. Twunty per cent, of twothtrdH Ol tlm poiciiaso money looe uivi on nny in mu i.nn.hiiir or 1 iwi I in lan co loss tlio twenty ner cent m lim llrkt of Anril. A. I). 1-72. when HitSeH-lou will ba len und balance In one year thcreatter wiin mitreM jrntn pru i. I'urcua-ser to piy lor deetl and Htntnp, MILlIACIi hTINIi, Iieust twp., Dec' 22, ISTMs Tiustee, T TUB rUBLIC. 00 TO W. H. BROWN, GROCER AND TEA DEALER. Opposite the Stoii3 KplH-ipat ('huroh, Corner lain inn jruii rnu'i-i", iHiOOMsnuno, pa. Ho Hnowoll'orlns on tenns which chillon compctltiuu, a i:v hvo 'ic 01; ruiNii hoods, ono- t i;UUH, t'KOVJHIU.NH, Tea, fc'pleei, CfIV , Hiuirn, Hyrnpi, M'd i-se 1, Mcnls, Chiese, l'Nh, vi:gimaiim:s or nvintv iiKscitiiTioy Ke.iled Oood1 v afhertfiiHl 1'tiiiM, JirledCorn Toinntoe. (Inen Corn uieon reas. Cherries, Oreen (jiigcs, Ouineet. Lima Ilecn, 1'lno Applet, Strawberries, liliickbcrriCM, Dunhon l'lunis, PenrH, llnspberrlCM, Jellies. I'atMips. Haucet. lu-ii arils, O'Ivcm, Biirdlncs, UUvoOU, Havorlim KstH, MICH l-'lbll. CnpCH, cnon .t niiACicwcLLs iMPoitrnn i;ng l.ldlt PICKLIH, AUo AMiatlCAN 1'IUK I.hS, by Uio do cn or In tHuisJurw, IUHIns, Iiluo llalcct Layers, Currenls, VIrs nnaisiiiH, iniuint; l'owueiK nnn team j-owuer, crauoerries, yppiPH, weei roiuue, ooap o, oyery ucscripuou, Mip erior niarcn. WHtUIITH A ATMOIiKS MINCII JIKAT, A full assort ment of QURCNSWAUn. WOOD nnu viijIamv waiii;, uijArjiivAiiii of every variety, II. iutowx knepi nothlni but first eHss Ooodi and nro sol 1 tit exireuiciy iow irieot. ALL (JOORS AUR WAltllANTKD TO OlVii bATIrtl ACIIO.N, Illootnsburi;, lijc. 21, 1ST1-21 GENTS WANTED. UltllAT iniiuci:.mi:.ntis I MORMONISM, IIE.SCI11ITJVK or IN UTAH. IlynHISTTItorA HIGH l'ltllNT.ono of Ills victims, wuo mwintuiu ner ee.ipo niter n rcsl tlenco of lirteen yeurs union llieiu, Her ufllilu vllH to Iho (lovernliioiit, crmliluir evidence nirillist llrliiltitru Yottni; nml tlio KMerH. Tlio "I'roiiliet" In court. Til-il nml hcutetieeol Haw. Kins. Kturlllnt; tllsnlosur04, iilii. tmitsilnunon uiui itcumi. -I7J pines. Hilly llluslrntel. Clreulms. Tiriiisntid full iurtlcul.irs.Neul free ou alMillc.itton. Milresw DUKFIK .11 ASIIIIAII, lMlilhlier, dcc?270-tf 7llhnusoiiiHtreel. l'.illa lol.lila. QKNTa WANTIJI) I'OU PHASES Or LONDON 1AVE. My p. J,, tlio woll-known Journalist. Tin: vkiiv LAiiansr commihsionis r.vii). This l.nnlr Is n lieuutlllll ooliivt) of fill rmsfs ciitbelllslieil Willi 'M cms uvlnua unit u llntly ci fculfil liuiti of London, ileslmicit nud executed cxprcsty lur tills work liy eminent urllslM. It routnliis n lull, uniplilo and iruilitul itiiteliient of t tie btrilita, hvcittt nnd Kcmtittom or tlto gleat Metropolis of Hi,, world. Addiess, AW1IMKAH, I'nlilMier drcKTl-tf 711 Haubom Hlrcet, rilllndclpllla. CHOICE FAMI1Y GROCERIES DOWN IN PilIOJ3 j. zx. M a i z n ' n, Corner Mnlu nnd OntroBK, IILOOMHIIUHO. A new fctocl; of lVrf,li Hoods Just opetu ,1 nt ilAl.E'.S, Tons, t'ollV'i s, Susiirs, HYllUl'H nnd J10LAR1. ClllilSU, JIUATH. VKGETAllLl'-S, ' ll'LltMlll'lCALLV Hcnltsl .... tjonils. JELLIES nnd I'llFHHllVKW, I'ICKLIX, KUItUlUN und UOMKHI'IU I'ltUITH. An Elot :ivnt Ol' Awrioi'tinont QTJEENSWABE Constaully on hand. AUo WOOD, WILLOW nud ULAWSWAHCof every urlely. All my goods nro of lim first quality nud nt ex tremely low prlcos. decB'71-tf J. II, MAIZK. WATCH FHI5I1 lo Aecntfi tolnlroitnco nrtlclcs " tlint r(11 lu overy liotuo. I.ATrA&CU.I'ilu. burg, l'n. Ulll-IH 8 O'CLOCK. CH)," A MON I'll. Homo nml cirri'mo rir iilKliccli exponiei )ial,li niraplm V -. II. II-MIAW, Airriil, Ml. llllMw Uilll'M. Mllll.UllllN. llvtolVdl'M lim mntr-rui nf orerr klmt Wrlln forl'M-i MM, I'Mlrout Wi'Unrii (lilt. Worm, ruwnirx'i! . Army piinn nnt II ivulvers iMtlgm or ir.i i i ', AttoiiM wnnt-il, nlfl-lwr jcllh Uio Urccn 'I'tv riiwor, Wiurantcil t cult nil t'.M., For niito everywhere In our ".rarifl mnrk" nm nml half pound tinc&ntto only. Ami for rnilo vnmlcwue nnlv hy the (ireftt Atlantic nml rncllle Ten Hii . h Chiir.'li kl N'nw Vnrlt 1'! o. im fti. Honu ror riieacemr iirruiur, iw WOMAN KNOW TllYSKLP. Tho uronl iMihtlcntlon hv Dr. Ohnvftvto VMN ASA Wit U&MorUJSU, will mivo ou money dtiil Millnrlnfr. Atronts wanted every wlicroi -die iirofeiU'd. l or term ml.lrt. WJI II. HV A NH A C'a 7 10 fUROiUMtj, riilliidelplila. n I'Mff AGliNTS WANTI';i)"flV, ftlllli O'dormnn, JM'iiped Nun, whoso dlsclos tires nro thrilllim nn-Ui irtllntf, Cunn.I'umi-hh. iMdCn.. Ilni trordjCt nlMw i2o, o o o r a u ,n t: it s, TII11 IIIXI'IJU shown you how to savo nnd how to mMco money nn tho farm. Wheio to look for tho prufllfl. nnd how lo "Main them. How to clrnr JO'lMfJirom Oct. toMny. AcopyrM toev cry firmer urndlnif tiatno und 1. o.iuldreni to iw 7. Kt i u Mivr ittn, rhiivieipin ,vx WlUTNf.Y'rt NIVT.S I Olfr IIAIINHsT MOAl. , VrUTV HIIIAM 11KKINC1). JCLT ITOII, UhcHs Pullulu nml Hoap4 KMJVY i nt Umj Nutnu tltiu'. 1M up In InruJ WVy,uund Miinll luxe, film In :( Hi hum, 2 'S lliis hon In uhu torjearw nnd kIvij A peiicc mtlnr.ictlo.1. Heud tttiimji lor mir WWF.nI.Y, Addict II. K. WIItrNI'V A ro. ti Mint hi . n 'on, Maw. n4wiiii FRm TO AGENTS. A liounil cmivnosliK Imilt of tho viuTom.Ui tutnv. isijjm:, CnntnlnlnnnvrrmM IllmlriUlons. Wlthn"oiii ,it litn.M,t'icloieilUc,xi,l liutory ol tho rlcrlji- Tliri'H. ill l..1Hl.ltll .iniuiw, 111')-IW WM, l'l.I N I' ,fc l'U.,riilln,lelpliln, I'll. AUUN1M WANTKU toil nuiNa nn r.xrosTi of the hupukt xwtkh nml MYMTIIBIIM of .MOII.MO.NIS.M. Willi n full nnd nutlicnllo lilslory of I'oi.yiiamy, by .1. II. 1I1:aUL1-:, Editor ot Hid Hall Lnlto lie po r t c r, Aleuts nro meetliu wllli unprecedented sno cefs, ono icporls IMIsubscrllierslu four ,I.iy. un ollier 71 In two 1I.15 s Hend for e'lrculnrs nnd neo wll'll tlio urcss kijs ni IHO Wlirtl, ,I,Y11U.,A1, rUlll.lHttlSU CO., riillldelpliln, r.u NOOK ,P,RTTF? ?nvz. Kcrliuiou lino w hicli will sell nt hlght In every tamm, i no PICTORICAL FAMILY REGISTER thooiilvworlcextint which waliMnes mis wain H Is beautiful and Ktiiklu. comblulim nn en llrely new und eletf-int Kamlly Photographic AN hum, with n eoiupleto I'aiullv IlMoiy, I nil particulars nnd eirrulart In-f, Ail iren (JKO. MAtLlIN, I'uhiuher, nifl-lw 7l4Hinsoin -treot. I'lill.idelpbu. WnA'AITfor CHICAGO ""'no (JRl'LVT COXFLAGRATIOX Tht) Oiu'u.i City in It wan, und H. lliullainlct ut V) yearn hki. 'J ho Ureal Cltv of yenterday. lho Hinoutderlns Hulnn nf liwlny. A Kraphi, account of Its unoiainplod ilto nndnvlvld plo turo tti itHhiiildendeNrruetlon hyl'olhert ACnam l.nPiln, IMUom or tho CIIK'VUO TKI11UNK, i;ye-wlimhso4an I preat huIKtoth from thter ilblo visitation. All Iho main fiictn and Inrl dents utlendlng this uroatest ralamltv or tho eentury, nro portrayed with HUrpassliindlHtlnct uess and power, the tlleet on CouiTiierw, Insur n nee, etc., fully discussed, und ilet itU of u worlds M'iiiiatlietle response lee r led. Fully lllustrnleil. l'rlco low. AkpuIs hliould apply immediately a tho ilo will bo mmoii!.o. ClrenlirH tree. mJMMAltlJ II ROM, Publishers, 71 Hansom Kt., IMitladelnhla. UAU TIOX. llewuro ol Interior work. lUfniinymiuolCUUu:UlM:ClIAMIli:it l.AINM I MMT ION. lU'l Ivy WKIJiS 0AllpijI(J 1'S l'OK LOUfUW, LUhlW lk)Altl,Nri'l, ThotfaTatiietH present tho Ac id lu I'muhluatlon with other etlleleut teinn Hot. In a popular form lor ihoi'uiHol aUTHIKJ V l'uud M).Mt l)leati llOAItsi;Ni;s.Sund UIX'KU.VTIUN of the ihrout aro Immediately relieved and bUtements aro eoustuutly heln eiit to thi proorleUir of relief lu eases ui throat dUllculilca of j earn ritamlliitf. ( I ITMIIAM" Dout ho UtceKed by worttiles-i UiVU 1 lUlN lmlttitlooH. ilet only WVIIs (Tarliolle lahlets. Pi Ice '2i rents per Itox. JOHN Q. KKId.llUU, IS 1'lutlHt., N, V. NeUd for Clr etilar. Hole Am-iit feir Iho IT. h. nliHw JtKUUUnoX OK 1MUCK3 TO CONl'OU.M TO nt:jn cTio or uutii;s. a iu-: AT SAVING TO UONSUIKUS hv oHrriNa m auin S-.Semt Jor our Now Prleii Mtt and a club form wlllnrconipany It, containing lull Ulieu Uous niakliisa laro tavlntf to emmuuerrt and lemunerailvu to cluuormlk.'r'i. TIL 12 (JllKAT AJIKltlOAX TEA Co. 31 & fa VlrtllY htki:i.t, l'.O. llox.Vin. .NewYnrK. nin-liy J UROUEJJA. It Is not n pliystc It Is not what Is popularly culled u Hitters, nor Is It Intended ns hucIi. 11 Is n .Soulli Ainerlcnn plant that Ins been used 'or liiiiuy years liy tliu laculty ot llioso t ninlrU'H with uomlcrlul elllcney us it Powerful Allerullvi, nml lliiuiii.ilcd l-tirlller of the lllool and Is Ufciirouud Tulicl Ittluisly for nil LHseases ol tho ami M'li:i;n, nlakokmrni' or. U 1 IS 1 1 1 U C 1 1 UN ll K I N 1'I'1 N 1 UK I .N A II V, uii.uim:, on aiihominai, uihianm, i'ovi:iti you a ti'AM' oi' union, INIKItMI'lThNT lilt ltllMlT HIM' I'l'.VWfl, l.M'LAMA TIll.V Ol.' -J 1 1 M Livi:u, llltol"-,Y, Hl.tlllUIMtl ClItlllLATlON OH TllllllLlllHI All. HbiinNi: vru Minis, JAUNIIICll.RCItOrui.A, ilVHrill'.SIA, AUUI1 AND l llVlllt, nit 'I'll Hill CON-CO.M-itll'ANTr). , Dr, Wolls' Extraot of Juruboba Isollered lo tlio publiuasu ureal luvlinirtiluruud teuiedy lor all linpurltles of the blood, or lor organic, weakness with their nllo'iduul evils, l-'or Uio forcirollnr eotuplalniH .iui(iiiii:h Is contldently recoinmcnded to every fuiilly as n household icmcdy, nud Kliould bo fiecly lalion lu nil duraneiueills of tho kystcui, It Klves health, Uornndtonolonll ttiovitil furces.aud anlin.iltsuud fortlllesnll voM mil lyuipli.itlo teliiperainents, lO.l.N (j, KllLLOQO, is l'latl l Now York. , . , Hole Aijeiitlur Iho United HI lies, l'rlco 91 per llotllo. Hend for Cllcul ir. nlJ-lw $20 llKWAllU! Tlio iiliOVO ri'U'iird will In n il I t,r (nfiirtintlnn that will loid to tliodetectlun nni eouvlutlon of tho person or peroti4 who cut tlio It mtlu topo ol UiH uudermtiued ut tliooro luluoou tliuf.iiiii of luvto rtrnutroiiK, u.i tlu utiflit ot tlio tilt'i Int, ThU li flio heuond tlmo tins h itna uHmoo wa committed. KNOUII UAU.M 4.N, novl7 71.1m llloouuburtf, P.i, QTUAY COW. KJ I an nine to tho nreuiKe of tho Hubicilbei. rj biding at thu wot uud or C.uawUvi hrlde, a white and 10 i Mpotted Cuw, probably nluo urloa ears ulil, with ono oro ilEua horn Hut turns up but no mh til u.irlituil ir mirlcs nu-ni-vi I. Tiu owutr Is rerpiosied lo cjiuo lorward, provo prop trty, piy ehare.s nud lalto her aw.ty, or olio will Hoviry-jJi i- ijui;tiui-i iu.-H.viiui-si. J N T I S T It Y . il. O. HOWLH, DUNTiar, Itosncctfullv olfers his profession it 1 servlceH to the ludlcM and ywntleiueu uf itloomMburjr nud vi cinity. Holt piepnud loatteud toulUbt' varl ouHoporatloiiM lu tlio Uuo of hlti piofaHslon, und In piovlded with the latent Improved Poucklain Tkkih which will ho liiherted on old plating silver nnd rubber base to look an well us I lie nat ural teeth. Teeth extracted by nil tho now anJ most approved melbods, and all operations ou Uio teelu carefully und propeily nlteuded to. Uesldeuco uud olllco a Jew doors nhnvu tie Court House, same Hide. liioomauurg, jau.171 li " boK "iiEiiK i Aro VOll tlri'd nf (iltlnlnhwr n llvlnn- l.v lt.r labor? ifho, I have lor k.iIi a OaNAIj (JKO t'KHV nud FJ:i:i) MTOltM wllli liu'idllnir kiiltU rleut for threo lamllles, lu which you eau milto uneasy mni comioriablo llvlnu, und If you try in u vivnr uvu iiuuurt-ti tioiinrti a jear ueKiues, All for thoMuall hum of Two Thousand dollar, htoeUiiud fixtures Included, ready lor buslutui, Como and seo lor your.trlveH oruddress il, llltllllinuil, hlilcltshluu luuy, uov3712ni i.iueruo to, .lTTOIl i; V-AT-Ii ilV, OITICK ON OAK HTKUttT, MOUNT OAItMUL NOUT11UM1IKUI.ANU COUNTV, PA, Collections nromn tlv made. Conveyancing neatly executed and ull other business conuuo ed wtllihU proloHslon carefully utteudud to lu Montour, Northumberland una Columbia coun ties Mt. Car nn; I, Nov,2,WMim. AHOAINS-JIAltUAlNH. QUICK BALE3 AND BMAIJ. I'llOlTXTd. BAVAJ VOUH MONi:V, (Jo to 1IKNUY V08T, ''ac tllnnmiliiii,,, Uu till Lrlnrln nf ft.A ,.. homo and city made ' 1'rJrcs reusonablo nud tlio be? -rorlr. tlonr, Janl'71-tf ' r u n ft i i u iv ri g Li A T K IIOOPIHU, UVIillZ VAUIUTT MOST FAVOHABLB BATES, JOHN T1IOMAH, AMP UAtU'JCR J, THOMAS! Hot. 277. llloomsburs:, t'n, Jal.ti 17 -11 bill ill delicti, nit rrrrhlnB Cf)r 0'' renMl"rln llcm.r. Hold l,T "t""'':
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers