THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ...OHnHI wltf ilVltl 1 AUOUNTIIY (lENTI.E.MAN, for Is? J. 1 advance, previous to the closo of IH71, . will ro- of remit- I celvo 1 neiinper wemaiy, Hum imi;' u" Unco ui January l.t, Ufa. without charge, -Any person wishing In My the paper Mtom subscribing, will '0 supplied with P1'clf"1" larly from date of application til la""" 187J, for the nomtnsl irlco ul n 3 cent iMinp for each lulcrveultijj wpoli. Site Countru'lSfntttman. Volumeor ViVi. To TO in.. To 'l'n ... . ...aa....-,, . .vaiia-fti.- nirvi i.i..- I 'l'rt MAN. for noally two scorn year,, rnnkeil. Q lioin mini poumrr nim min i. . "'Vhoi-V ltors aim rroprietois, in miuiiion io . Regular t'ninrbutors.amona; wnon iir '""-. 1 nlmany leading Agriculturist. In ell I"" i I ,,....,....... i...a .7... ir.t ami liv nrrrrlio Hundred Occnalonal ami Voluntary Writers, directly In the rsnks nr the Hest farmers ami HortlcitltnrlsiM of nearly every Mtato In the Un- iiri.i. ai... .. nmitnii r in hmc n cornR of frnctlonl men, llil Journal Is Intended to tnlne ftnlho chosen Medium i..-.a..w....fn.....,..,Mi nmniitf nil flosses Inter ested In the Products of Fertility of tho Land those who I'ulHVBto nniUlioe who Consume tho llnycr and shipper, ns well as the first owner ..t.l... llri,i..f,,rai nf tmiMllVCll AtlttnalS fltUl hBi i intDraMiintir.iMiirira nf Imnrovcd Machine y nud those who ilirchase nnd employ nNniuni(iiiiii Vmtt ltnUfirn - anil, eswee- .1la ... iltnlv flitter nu.l lMttr llat A IIS to tllO ITogress, pinipects and returns of each success ve Season, an throwing lldht upon one of the niont lniiortint of nil rjuemioni When to lluy unit wnen iiieu, , , 41 t i'k'iiim Thn iiii utrv rlenlliimnn 1 r.ulilla.n cl weekly, on tho following terms, when nald Klrltlv In mlvnttra , (Inn l?nnv. one vear. VLvi 1 Four ("iotik-s, tio, and an additional cony for the vpnr frfit In (tin spnilnr nf 11m (lnllt Tell Conies tJo, ana nn additional copy for tho year free to uiBwfiiueroi ineiun. 4i-Nmclmen Cnnles Free. Address t.iTrni.'ii tiii' :rn mum. CniiliMliprK. Albany, . Y VConiplelol'lctorlcal History of IheTlmos.'! "The best, cheapest, nud most successful F ami- vlrtuo as will bo found In sevcrnl gallons of or ly nuier In tho Union." I .unary mliturea. Tho llooU, usoil In tola Harper's Weekly. B I'LKN W D LY U.LUHTI1ATE l. AViecs 0 the l'ntu Tho Model Nownpuper ol our country. n Fieie in an the departments or an aiaericnu amlly Paper, Harper's Weekly has earned for useir a rignt in us line, "A jnuruni oi ivuis, tlon ' .Win TrtrL- Mvnl4 llll. Tlin lii( imiitii.tinn nr its rlnss In America, audaofrr ulieadotnll other weekly Journalsas not to permit of any com parison between It and any of their number, its columns contain ihe llnest eolleettoos of reading matter that are nrlt.ta.1 lid i lln at ml lima arn tillinerous aud biiautlful, lielng furnished hy tho chief nrlLsts of 1110 conniry hm'oi imcrurr. llnriier'a Weekly Is the best aud most luler A.lln T lilklrulu.l .law.n.twr. N'.ir llflMS Its MllUC depend on Us llllis'ratlous alone. Its reading matter Is of a hlghorderof literary merit var. led, Instructive, entertaining, and uucx ceptlou b. aV, 1 nun ouDscuii'Tiows-ioya. Terms: ltAin icn'a Weekly, ono year SI CO "An Kztn Copy of etlher tho Mngszlne, Week ly, or llir will be supplied gratis for every Clubnf Five Hubserlliers at SI ui each, In one reralUancoi or, Blx Copies for M IX), without ejtrnfeopv. , ,,, , , Buliscrliillons to Harper's Magazine, eekly and Hisif, to ono address forono year, SIO 0); or twool Hamper's Periodicals, to ono address for one year, t? IX. .... ,, Hack numbers can lie supplied at any time. Tho Annual Volume of Harper's Weekly, in ucatclotli binding, will be sent by expres, tree of cxiiense, for I? u) each. A complete Met com prtslug Fifteen Volumes, sent on receipt of onsh at tho rato of t5 Si per vol., freight at expense oi purchaser, . . . The postage on Harper's Weekly Is aicentsa year, which must bo paid at the subscriber s post-olllco. Address JIAR1'R A IinOTHEIW, New York. 'A H"iio3ltory of Fashion, Pleasure, and In atructlon,M Harpors Baxar. Xottcet of the iVcii. it inmnninhn r.n.v iilimtratnil chronicler of faslilon in tho country. Its aapplcmenU alone nro worth tho nubscrlptlnn price of tho jinpcr. While fully raalntaluiuiriU poHttlon m a mirror of fnshiou. it alto conUli.ii Btorlea, poems, Drill lant Maftys, brsldei cenerul and personal gossip. ,-,..,, lz.u,,1t, Jnin,i aniette- There never wlw any paper published that , no tlellclilea the heart or woman. Never iuiud if it nrul -r.M nnour hnlltlnl It Will HRVQ TOU tfll tlms the prleo in the household economy It The young lady who bay a single nnmher of JlAKrttri n a 7. AH ih mttuo u suuMcriuui. jut iiw Jfew lorfc J-.Ventng iwi. ..... Thn in u TfiinnL. T.lkaall the tierlod- leals which the Ilarpern pubiuh, it is almost Mpniiv tMiitp,!. nmi th class of readers for whom It isintended tho motherB and daughters in averuRO families cannot but protlt by its ffood sen-stj and yood taste, which, we have no , urn tfw.uu mnlrlllnr V.TV tiinnV UOmPS liannltT than tbey may have neen before the woniPJi hecau iiiultiu lessons in personal nan honnehold and focIm! maimemout from tlita gooil-natureU mentor. tmjs ation, . j . Terms: IlAiU'Eit's Bazar, ono year.. ..31 CO "An Extra Cory of either tho MAOAZINE. WiEKLYorBAZAlt will be supplied gratis for every emu or nvo Huuscrioers ut i w one remltlanco i or, blx Copies for 120 00, wllhout extra copy." "subscriptions to If arter a Maoazime, Weekly, ind Bazar, to one address for ono year, Jlo 00 ; or, two oi Harper's l'erlodlcals, to one address for one year, 17 to. Hack Numbers can bo supplied nt any lime. 'Ihe four volumes of Harper's Bazar, for the years lhtiH. 'CO, "70. Tl, elegantly bound In green morocco cloth, will bo sent by express, freight prepaid, for 17 Ul each. . The postage on Harper's Bazar Is 21 cents ft year, which must bo paid at tho subscriber s post-oiTlce. Address. . ,, if Ani'Elt & BllOTHEIW. New York. "Unquestionably tho best unstained woilc of tho'klnd In Ihe World." Harper's Magazine. Xoltcet of the rrcu. There are few Intelligent American ramllles In which HAKl'KR's Mahazisk would not bo an nipriclaltd and highly welcome guest. There Is no monthly Magazine an intelligent reading family can lens nllord to bo wllhout. Many Mug rrlnes nro (cumulated. HAlil'ERS Is cd ted. There is not a Megazlno that Is printed which shows more Intelligent pains expended on 1U articles nnd mcchnnlcnl eiMUtlon. Iherqlsnot n cheaper Muguzliie publlslud. Thero Is hot, conleuMdly, n more iiopular Magazine In Ihe world.-aYno Enolaiul Jlome tleail. A repository of biography and history, litera ture, kclence, imit an, nuenunled by any other American publication." 'Tho volumes are ns valuable as a mere work of reference ns any ey rUilledlawe can place In our libraries. HAH. rru'a Maoazise Is n record ot travel every whero since the hour of lis establishment, Liv ingstone nnd Gordon Cummlnj In Atrica,Htrain among tho Andes nud Boss Browne In the tost, frekeon theNUo nnd Maegrcgoron the Jordan indeed, nil recent travellers nf note havo keen their most Important discoveries reproduced In thcao pages, Jlot of our younger nud many of uur older writers ilnd hero their Miliary blegra phy. ournrtHlsMO the best cv Mentis or Ihe r genius and the most ixdurlnii specimens ufllielr wolk 111 Ihe Megszlne. -V. 3'. AJmuMrd. It la oueofilie wonders of Journalism Ihe editorial management of IlAlil'ER'ft 'Ihe .vn fton, X, 1'. STJBSCB.XTTZOIS.-1073. THUMB I ItAni'ER8MAaAziE,oneyear SI (0 An Extra Copy of either tho Macazine, Weekly, or Bazar will bo supplied grails for every club of Hvic HunscniliLiiri ul SI ltiach. In one remittance: or. blx Copies for S.0 CO, with out cxtrncopy. Subscriptions to IIarper'h Magazine, Week ly, and Bazar, Io owe uddrcts lor one )cttr, $10 00; or, two of Harper's l'eilodlculs, to uue address for one year, 87 00. Back numbers can be supplied at any time, A Complete het of HARl'Slt'H Maoazinv, now or mprislug 43 Volumes, In neat cloth binding, will lie seut by xprets, freight nt exjieusu o pnrchnser, for 12 25iier volume. Hlrele volumes postpaid, ii 00. (Moth eases, fur binding, 53 ceuls f.uannll (.null.nlil. The postage on Hari'IR'b Maoaziki Is 21 oenis u year, ivnit n iiiu.t j-uii aa. tu "Jdr"e"U'e- HAItl'EH 4 llUOTHEU-l. New Vorlt, l'llOI'KHTV l'Oll 'ilin niuicrHicnr'il wlshlnn lo retire from tusl nehs now oilers at private tula his entire proper ty situ ted in Uraugevllle, conklitlugof n one- nuu interest in the vteii Known FOUNDUY AND AaiUCUI.TUItAL WOKK9, tod-pther xt Itli the Ilrirli.t Tjithr n mid other Ma chlnery helongltiff to the tvaiue, also the tntlre ktoiknow on hand, Ingetlier v.llh n valuable pair of horses, and the waKnni.blcds, Hariuss, dtcalKo hutowu lota on which is elected bkoou iramo iiMiiiDg, aiso, iweniyue acres, itnown ss the Ur. property about ten of which are cleared, Ihe baluore timbered. Prices reasonable, l'osseislon given at any time to Mil t purchanprs. Apply to or address, wilt. t Ait Oct, 0,7111. Cn-tig tUlle, Li it u.Lla iu. G HAY'S FEUUY P1UNTINO INK WOUKB, PHJLiADEU'UIA, l'A. O. K. KOIJINSON & imo., Manufncturrrsof Flue lllack and Colored Print ing Inks, News Inks put up with care Insult the season aud peculiarities of Presses, Ciuicic Duyino lllatk and Colored Inks especially novlU7i-lm, AGENTS AVANTKI) VOH A VEHY HUI'KUIOH HOOK, "JJOW IN THE CLOUD." D. I)., U U IK 1 It Is full of the ricirtt and rarett thonzhts. un. loldlug iUo olorioue Coueuatit PrornUes of our uuu. nuj eruiy Jiiusiraicusuunouiiu mmw uc ftlcns otrtnet uganct'. It Is n 11 tm oiiionu lMXks. J'irtH'j lferaUl. It 1 ono of the mot tlennt Uk.ks ever Issued iroin ine Aiucncau iit. i utcttmun una Jirjtce tor. 1 his Is a book ot supasstng beauty, iv, 1", OI ricr, a i.ovn.v iioo k foi: a holiday airr, Enriched with 20 einuUlte teems of rottrv. J- lrst-( lass Agents aro making 10 to I Alper day, 4 i n-wtuw jrriiiB iftira. i or uirruiars Huuress. , llUlJUAllD Hltas., Publishers, Aw T-tf 7iyWousoJuatl,hlla, Patent Medicines. , N AVI'EAL T IJ Dcbllltnlcl Persons on iiiu ( iii bllliorrra irum jjivi;. viihii. iLiun Imvltu tin Amintllo. llioso with Drokon Down Oonatl tlttlOtlH, Nnrvoua nponto. I n iirdn wfLqnnir ivwuvi nnv WH, Debilitated DIgO'tlVO OreAtlS. q,. titiTerlng Kiln any y mejouowuin Jjlvcr or iXOinacn, ' null na (Intl. stlpatlnn.luward lMles. Fulness or IUoihI to the I lead. Acid ity of the Btotnach, N nusea, Heartburn, IMhruiI ror Foijl, Sour Eruscltstlonslnklnijor Knit lerlun at the fit of theatomaeh, Bwllil. mlnuof the Head, Hurried and IllRleu H llrealhlnj. Kluttcrlnz at the llotft, Choking or Huiroeatlng Hensntlons whoa In a l,ym ros lure, inmncss oi v isiou, wuv ui ...w thelliiht,Fovernnddull)ialn In the head, Denclcuey otrersplrntlon, ellowness of tho Bklnnnd i:yes, Tula In tho Bide, Hack, Chest, Limb;, Ac., Budden Flushes of Heat, llurulnn In tho HesB, Constant Imagining of Uvll, nod great Jjepresslou of Hplrlts, HOOFI.AND'8 GERMAN BITTEIW. A Hitlers without Alcohol or Spirits of any U lod, Is different from all others. H Is composed of the pure Juices, or I ii"-'r'" '""." .ml li.irli. (or ns medicinally termed tilracts.) "...Ir-J i , ..nii...;.nril,alti(rrillpntjl nnt being used. Therefore In ono llotuo of this liltiers mere is BHiHuum """'.. ; virtnnns will bo found In several gallons of pr- Hitlers are grown in uermauy, inir " i';:"- etnles extraete.1 m that oiuntry uy a sc euuuo I - .. 1 sr.. .1 ..I In ln trt n tt III ifM OF V It! thlncliy, wboro tliey Hre compoumlejl ua but tle., ContftlnlnK no uplrltuoiiH luBreatentu, tuis mtter 1 Tree from the otyfrtioiw urgwl nuiilnst rtllotheTB. no 11011 re iiir 'il . 1 c...... n.nie 11 n inorrjtinni maiiouruua( miii, "u n''"',';.r,'" "r' any hut n hcncllclal cUVct. (irun. nDU raiium Uliun nu; vim.--"-, - HOOKLAND'S UKUMAN TONIC, Waslcompoundeil tor Ihoso not inclined ntreme bitters, aud Is intended for use In cat to cases m. .. A ..iAi...iia .tinininnt I. rMoulred u, (ila t.,,,1., .r.inprtlns nl the lilt ters. liieh IhiIIIo of the Tonlo contains one lint- .,' ..rl,,. imiair. ,.,,m 1,1 n,., I Willi liUroBANl'A CHW. HUM. and llavored In such a manner Hint the extreme oinernens oi hhuhw . forming n preparation highly agreeable and -i ..r ,A i... :...i,atn ami faiiitAhuiiiz the medi cinal virtues ul too hitters. The pilco of tho Tonlo Is 11.50 per Home wnicn many pernuu! tlon that the stimulant used Is guaranteed to i bo or a puro quality. A poor article epnld bo mr- ntsneu aia eneuper luicai.uiia 10 iv .v i-ry a Utile more and have ft good article ? A medi cinal preparation mould won In In nous bat tho oesi ingreuieuis; nuu nioj i,iiuua,ct. . a cheap compound, and be benenllol by It will most certainly be cheated. ilOOFIiANlVS CH.K.MAN UITrUlW, IOOKLA'I)S QEUSIAX TOXIC, WITH lIOOKt.A.ND'a l0D01HYLIal.V I'H.I., wiu. cvri: roir. They aro tho Greatest ii i. o o d lMitiinniia fnnnrn tn tlin Mpdlcal seorhl. and will eradi cate dlseasesarlsltu from tnipti ro blood, Debility of the Dlgestlvollrgius, or diseased l.lvert In n Bhorter tltno th in any other known remedies. The whole SUI'r.H.MH COUIlTof I'ennsylvanla steak ron these remedics. Who would ask for more Dlgnlflod nud Stronger Testimony ? Hon. Utoii.TE W. Woodward, former Oilc -fin-lice cj Ihe Supreme Court of Peimmlnmln, a prctent Member of Oonyreu from VcnneylvunUt urllet. iitii,ADEa.rillA, March mtli, 1887. I find "Hoolland's German Hitters" Is agood tonic, useful In diseases uf tho dlgestlvo organs, and of great benetlt In casesor debility nnd want of action In tho syBtoin. Your; truly uroROE W. WoouwAim. Hon. JA M xr Ti I03XS0K, ?htt Justtct f the Supreme Qmrt'of renntylntnta. PHILADELPHIA, April 2S, 18C7. I pousIJrr "Ilnoflaiiti'fl German JMterV a val uable niedlclno In cae of nttaplts ot Iudlse-itlon or Dyspepsia. 1 can certify this from my expe rience of it. Yours, with respect, JAMUS TaUOMSOX, Hon. Geohoe SiiAiiawooD, Juttkeofthe Supreme Court of rennsytvania, Philadelphia, Juno 1, 1SGJ. I hao found by experlenco tlmfllooflana's Oermnn Ulltem" U n ery goml ionic, relieving dyspeptic symptoms almost directly, J Geokok hiiarswood. lion. Wm. F. Uogers, Mayor of the CUy of Buffalo, -V. 3', Mayor's Olllce, Buffalo, June 22, 1303. I havo used 'HooUanda German Hitters and Tonic" In my family during the past yenr, nnd can .ecommend them ns nn excellent tonic, im parting tone and vlor to tho system. Their use Iini been productive of decidedly heuellclal ettects. Wm. t IIoqeiu. Hon, James JI. Wood, lU-Mayorof WilUafiuport I take great pleasuroin recommending" Hoof land's German Tonic " to any one who may bo allilctcxl with Dyspepsia. 1 had the Dyspepsia so badly it was Impossible to keep myiood In my stomach, and 1 became so woale as not to be able to walk nairarallG, Two bottles nf Tonlo Pllected a perftfct cure. James 51. Woon. THAT HOOFLANDH GUIIMAN BIlTinW, AND IIOOFIiAND'S GERMAN TON Will Cure every case of M A Ji ASM U St Or Wasting nway of tho Hody, HOOKLANlVri GEUMAN lU'.MKDHW Are the medlcluetr you require to purify tho lllood. excite the tornld Klver to healthy actum. aud tn euablo you to jHiKMHafely through any nuruoinps or exposure. IH. HOOFLAND'H I O I) O P II Y L li I HuiiaTiTUTU rou Muhcuhy Viuxa TWO rit.LS A DOSE. most Voxceruty Ytt Innocent, Vegetable Cathartic- known. Ihe It U not neceasary to tuke a handfullof lheso Pills to proluce the deslrni ellect; two of ihem actqutckly nnd iKiwerfully, rleauslngthe Liver, htoiuach and lfuwels of all Impurities. The principle ingredient Is I'odnphyllln.artho Alcoholic- Kxtract of Mandrake, which Is by many times more powerful, acting and search tug than the M and r alto itself. Its peculiar action Is upon the Liver, cleaning it speedily from allobstruc- from tho Injurious results attached to the use of that mineral. For all diseases in which tho uso of a cathartic is intucaieu, wiese puis win give enure uutlsLiU' tlon In everv ruse. 'Ibev Nl.VKlt FA 1 1 Iu cases ol Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia aud extreme costlveuess. Dr. liooflauds German Hitters or Tonlo should bo used Ir. connection with tha Pi I In. Tho tonlo elfect of the Hitters nr Tonic bulldsunthesystem. 'IhelllttersorTouiu purines the ltloou, strengthens me nerves, mu- ulatk.1 I ho Liver, aud gives strength, energy und vigor. Keep your Howels netlvo with the Villa, and loue up the system with Hitters or Tonic, und no dlstase can retain tho hold, or even assail yon, Itecollert that It is Till. IIOOKLAND'H GER MAN Kerned les that are so universally used und highly recommended i and do not allow Ihe DriujgUl to Induce you to take auythlug that he may say is Just as good, W cause be makes a larger profit on It These Remedies will bo seut by express to any locality. upon application lo the I'HINCI l'A I OKFIUK, at Iho GKKbfAN MKDIC1NK Blunt:, 0 JL Arch Bt I'htladelphta. 11.18, ill. IIVAXS, Troprlolor. These Kerned lea are for sale by DragglsU HlcrtLft irs.sml Medicine DfnUiHevtrywhe Rail Roads. ACK AAV ANNA AND BLOOMS' niiitii tiAii.unAii aud, fur Nov, 71. ml. Passenger Train, will as lunula n i Oolnic North. Arrive Arrive n. m. i. m. Going Ronth Lenyo Leave p.m. a. in Rcraiitnu............ (MO Ml U.OG 1 ituion... (us 11.6'a ill 'w riymouth n.l. Hhlekshlnny..., 7.:n U3.1 l;.no 3.CH 3.31 3.57 iiervricK.. .......- 7rii 11.W 11.11 nioom Danville 10.M 4.'a7 . (?nnneettnti mndn at Hernntnli liv Hie 10.40 a.m. train for (treat llend, lllnghatnton, Albauynnd nil puiuin auraii, laiasa aun ii est. U, allUUaSaJ,Ollll aa Nc OUTIIKltN OENTUAti UAlIi WAY. On aud after Nov. 1371, Trains will leave Bonbuhy aa follows I NOltTIIWAllD. 11M p.K, Dill v tnWlltlamsnort. Klmlra. Canan uuigim, ivocuesier, uuuaio, nuspeusiou uriuge, nuu n, rails. UI) r. m. Ilurrtlo, N, Kails, at. 0.50 p.m., Dally, (except Sundays) for William- aivi a nuu r.iiu. 4.33 r. u., Dallv, (except Hundaysl for Klnilrn. ltutr.uonnd isiagarn Faiir, via. J. no ratiroau i IIOIU lallUir. TUAINB BOnTHWAltD. 1,17 A.M. Dally for Ilallltooif, Washington and I'uuaueipuia. 10.03 A. M. Dally (except Hundays) for Baltlmort Washington aud rnlladolpula. p. M. Dally (except Bundays) lor Baltimore. l'niiaucMiuio, vc. ' aara c, Vllttffl 1.1a ii luuiiwi (aaucrall'aasenger Agent. Alvrkd It. Fisi:, Ucn'l. Sup't. pATAWIf SA It AILltOaU). lsfl. WINTH! AimANGlaMlaNTd. MM. rasscnzerTri Ins on this road will run as loh ows I aUl(l tllA. 8TATI0S9, Mtttl aVorW lav. B.W a,m Wlliramsport, Lv, C.20 p. 10 u.( -iiuiicy, o.ii " 10.11 " Milton. " O.te " 1H.17 ' Dauvlrto, " 4.' " 11.11 " Itupcrt, " i.01 ' " cjtnwlssa, " 4.(J " 1.V21 " lllnglown, " 3..V5 " 1'J.nlp.m, Hummlt, " aiw " 1.01 " ouaknko, !i.l0 ' l.tO " li.MaliouyJunc. " 1.11 " l.) 'iDlnoTamanua. Dlae. " 4.00 Hciullng. " 10.10 o.m. ;i,ij 1'iiiisviiie, " " 7.0U " Philadelphia, D.H " l.-ti "dlnoMauch ciiuuu. dlno" Main. m. 1 WW " llethlchem, " la.(X)noon " 5U"i ' l'hlla.vlalluthlehem, " IMS n. m " -,'. " ttaston, Now York. ft. Llhertv St.. 6.11 (t.53 via I,. A H. It. it. n.oo " Jj. valley la. it. " y.oo &.50 a.m. Dostou, 11.00 p.m -tot- AJJCO.M.110I.VriO.V TUAI.V. STATION'S. South. North. Wllllatnsport B.Oi'p.m, lUia.m Monlonrsvllle 0.11 li.ll Halls fi.3J " H.I0 Muncy 6.H " S.ll Allcmvnod O.'J) ' .10 New Columbia 6.3S " 7..i Milton n.4. " 7.41 Dauvllle 7.40 " (1.50 llupert Hid " 7 Ciilawlim 8.10 " O.'JO An additional trnlu leaves Depot nt Herdlc iiouHe, wiuiamspori, i.wa. ai iu euuiieciiuu with trains from the west for Milton, rnll.tdel nlilM.Ncw V.irla.ltiwtnn nnd Intermediate liolnts. lleturnlug, loaves Milton nt 5.10 p. M., making direct connection nt w iiuimspjrt wmi trams ur uio Mcii, OEJ. WKUIl, Hup't TJKADING KAILHOAD. SUM M Hit AHUANGEMENT. J.10NDAY, May 15, 1871, Great Trunk Line from the North nnd North- Wet.! forl'hihvdclbhla.New York. Heauluit. PotU vlllo, Tarn ami a, Ashland, Hhainnklu Ix;bauon (!oltitnhla. !tc. ' ' Trains leave Harrlsburg for New York, aa ioU lows: At p.u', a, in., nuu z,w p. in., con tiprtlns with Vmllar trains on I'enusvlvu- n la lull road, nnd arriving ut New York nt loul. a. m.. 3..VL nnd V-'tU n. m. resncctlvelr. bleeping cars accompany tho '2,i0 a, in, train I without change, ltoturnlnu! Ijcave New York at 9.00 a.m. and 12.:M noou and 6.UU p. m. I'lilladelphta nt 7.3U, K.:J0 a. m, ana a.yu p. ui, meepiug curs accompany thn s ou n.m.- train Iroin N. Y wllhout chunno. Leavo Harrlsburg lor Heading, I'ottsvllib, ih- I maqua, MlncrHVllie. Ashland, Hhumoklu Al- liJIllUWIl uuu 1 win n. ilk. p.iuii.m,, uu nnA 4.tkr t. in.. RUmnli.ti al Lcbauon nud itrluclnal wnv VtattoiiH; the 1,05 p.m. train connecting for 1'hU'a I'ottsvlne and Columbia only, l-'or l'ottsvllle HchuylklU Haven nud Auburn, via Schuylkill and Husquenauua itaiiroau,ieae uarusuurt; m tt 41) r m . 'l-iutl'enuHylvauinllailroad trains leave Iteati. I Intf for Allentouu Gaston and Aew York at 4.'i2. ; lo,M, n. in., and J.W p. m. iteturulnt;, leavo Wew iorK ui v.w u.m., js.3U noon and ft.iw n, m. and Allcutown ut 7Mn.ia. Ji'.jj noon. 2.15. 4.M an1 o.3 p. iu. Wav Passe neor Train leaves PhlladelDhla at 7,S0a.m., connecting with similar train on .East Pa. railroad returning from KcaUingattJ,U)p.m stopping at all stations. Leave Pottsvlllo at 9,00 a.m., and 2,30 p.m. lie rati on at 1U.UU a. m., Bhainokln at 6, 10 aud J 1.15 a. ni., Ashland at7,uo a.m. ana A4Jnoon Mah unoy City ut 7.15 a. m, and 1.2J p. in. Tamaqua al K.'iS a. in., and 2,10 p. m. for Philadelphia, New York, Heading, llarrlaburg.Ac. Leave Pottsvlllo via Ucnuylklll and Susque hanna Kailroad at 8.15 a.m. for Harrlsburg, and 11,4? a, m.,ior I'lueurove uuu iremoul, Heading Accommodation Train leaves PolU vlllo at (3.40 a. m., passes Heading at 7,30 a. in., ar rivinv nt I'lilladufDhla at 10 'M a. m. Iteturnlniz leaves Philadelphia at 6,15 p. m., passing Head ing at 7,55 p.m.. arriving at Pottsvllle al tUJ p.m. Pottstowu Accommodation Traln.leavOT Potts town at tJ,3Ua,m., returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 p.m. Columbia Kailroad Trains leave Heading at 7,20 a.m., and tf.15 p.m, for Kphrata, Litis, Lancaa- ler, toiuuuiu, u., I'erkiomen Kail Hoad Trains leave Porktomen Junction at 7.J7 V.U5 a. m., a.uo & ti.uo p. m. return ing: I leave ecuweus-sviuo aio.ou, e.iu a,uiM u.ou noon a 4.43 n.m.. counectlnc with similar trains on HeaUlugltallroaa. ColeurooKuaiotiauroau trains icaveroiuiuiwn atV.40u.m,tSti.l5 6.4in.m.returnlng leave Mount Pleasant at T.w and ll.tii n, m 3.0U p.m. connect latr wlin similar trains on Heading Kailroad. unvsur vuney ivunroau jruiuu ivuvo jihukw lort ut H,S0 a. m. and .U5 and 5.3a p. in. returning, eave Downlnutou ut IU0 a, in,, 12,45 noon and 6.ii5 p. in., counectlug with similar trains or leaning luinroau. On Buudai s, leavo New York at 5,00 p.m., Phil phla at 8,00 a. in. and 3,15 P.m., (the 8,00 u.m. train runnlugouly toHeadlng;)leavePotu,vlUu8,00a.m Harrlsburif at 1L 4b a. in. and 2.00" n. in. and leave AUentowu at 45 nud H.U5p. m.,und leave Heading at 7,15 a. m, and 9.50p.m,ior lloirls burg, at 5.00a.m. for New York,ut7.liUa. ro for Aiiemowu auu ui v.w a. m. auu i.up. ui, iu Phlladelphla. Commutation, Mileage. Reason, School -aid Excursion Tickets to aud from all polnu, at re duced rates. Kaggage checked through; 100 pounds allowed each passenger. Asst,f.upt,!k Kng. Mach'ry, Heading, Pa., April 3. ltfTl. 1115 WM. T. HOPKINS, 133 1115 CHESNUT ST.,(Girar(l Row,) 11)3 NORTH-EIGHTH STREET (N. K, C'ou. &ru ami Ciiicnuv.,) PIIILADEfiPIIIA. Jfanufacluror and Dealer of our Four Great Specialties. Our Celebrated Champion Hoop Skirts, Includ ing :W0 styles and sizes, for ladles, Misses and Children, ilnnurnf lureil to meet tho wants ol llrst'Closs trade, ul tho lowest prices. COHHUTtt In 137 stvles nnd irrades to meet the wants of nil, from 40c, tn $t.H5 pvr ialr. Including iub i jioiuhuu a ttuvu r iiiiiik, kou i viiy . llfakel's, Mad. Foy's, Mrs, Moody's Misses' and Children's Corsets Ac, together w it ti every other dislrable make, at prices beyond competition, PANIF.R HUSTLES in M varietiesfrom 30c to tHW, including Hair Cloth, 75c: Hon Ton, 47ot NllsHou,5ac; NewISroadway, Ohc; Klect, 88c., aiul every other desirable Hustle al lowerprlces than nt any other parties In tbo trade, LADIF-S UNDEItaAHMENTS In every quall tv. from the Mnestto tha lowest nrlcet. Tucket! and Fancy Mualln Skirts, in ?J varieties, from 7lto. to 17.01. Chemises from 0Jc, to 11.70, Draw ers, rue. liv vi.yj. ptignt jiresses, ii.uu w sj.uj. Toilet Hacks, 8lc. lo 0.11. Coct Covers, tft.uo to $3,50, Aprons,' ajid children's Under uanncnts, Aa, Ac, We have the largest, hett and ebcapestllnesot the above goods in Philadelphia. Kvery pur ehof er can isave time and money hy exatnlnlug them. Wholesale and Ketall. OctJumal. Sept. SO, 1WL JADIS FANCY FUHS! J O II N FA UK I it A, 718 A1?,1 HT MMdle of the lllock, Iwtween 7th aud tsih Hts., south Hide, I'lIILADKLPHIA, Im- iSLufy ofUU aUd VeaWt !naU kluUg aud FANCY FU U S FOH LADIICS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAK. Having itnporteda very large and splendid as sortment of all the d liter' ot kinds of Furs from first hands In Kurope, and have had them made up by the most skillful workmen, would respect fully Invite the readers of ihls paper to call aud examluo his very large and beauumi assortment of Fancy Fcits, oit Ladiks and CHii.mticN. I am determined to sell at ns low ruteici ah any other respectable Houso in this city, All Funs WAl'UANTED, NO WlSHKl'HICSKNTAllOM TO Kr VKCT HALU1, JOHN FAIfUIUA, , . . 71S AUXH UTHKKT, J'HILADKLl'IIIA, oct2071Siu, gHARPLESS A IIAHMAN, In consideration or tearing down our works and rebuilding which will bo commenced very soon we are ot re ring plows, stoves, do., at greatly reduced prices, U.F.BHAttPLESa A P,S. IIAHMAN, Hloomsburg, pa. Proprietors Mftr.Hl.'tHMf, Miscellaneous, musio v a uje n ooms A general hMortment of MUSICAIj MKItCirAHDISK Af.WAYB ON iiini. VIOLINB, C0NCEHTIN.V8, FLAOOLETd, FIFES, DKUMB, HAUM0NI0.V9, Ac, violin BTittNaa of the iiest iiuauty THE LATEST SlIKET MUSIC. I'lANO AND ORGAN HTO0W At,tj BTYI.E3 AND FIlICIl-". A UKTTKIl ASSOIITMI5.VT IIP OIltlANS THAN CAN HE FOUND KLsmvnuiti:. TUF. TEMPLE ANGF.MO OllUAN WHICH 1IAI3TIIU SWKUTEir TO.VE THAT CAN HE FOUND IN A liniil) OHUAN. 4arC.ill nnd examine before purchasing elro- where. Wareroom Main Btreet, below Mnrkcl, opposite Corcll's furniture warerooms, Hlooms' burg, l'a. ftUK.25',7l-ly A. J. EVAXS. READY MADE AND CUSTOM CLOTHING. in: has Tin: FINEST QOODS, LATEST STYLES AND EMPLOYS THE DEST lTOnKMC N. For good fits and promptness In filling orders tueie is mo piace io go. 111 pru-wli nro selected with c.iro and his Cus tom Work will compare favorably with the best euoris oi ino lusuiouaui o cny neater. HE KEErd A LAHGC STOCK OF HOYS' AM) IUIMW:VS CLOTIIIXU c i:ts' rnniaSiii.G csoons At Astonishingly Low Prices. Hloomsburg, Sept, 1?J, lS7ltl c. - MARK have Just received from the eastern markets large and well selected stock of DRY GOODS, CONSISTING OT Cass liners, Jeans, licit bleached A Rrown Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Table Linens, Cotton & All wool flannels AC, AC, A' good slock or Ladies dress goods, Latest styles s patterns, Sphjes of all kinds, Good stock groceries, Queens waro, Stone ware, Wood A willow ware, Flour 4 Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Soap for cleaning Tin Brass, Ac Ail goods sold cheap for cash or pro duce, Ho would call the attention of buyers to his well aud carefully selected assortment which comprise everything usually kept In the coun try, feeling confldeut that he can soil them goods at uch prlcta as will MjMite MtllNUirtlfJii, ct 137l-lf O MA Itli. 0. II O W IJ K, ius opened a first-class BOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND FUH STORK, at the old stand on Main Street, HIoomsburg,afew uoors uuovu moiMiri. jioute. ins suick is coin' nosed of the very latettand heststvlos ever oiler ot Ui the citizens of Columbia County. He can accommodate tho public with the following goodH at the lowest rates. Men's heavy double soled stoga uoois, ineu suouoio nnu single tap hoieu n, ip oooLn, ii i c ii a ucuvy siogu suoes uiau aiuu men's line boots and shoes of all tirades, bov double soled boots of all kinds, men' elovo kid Balmoral shoes. men's, women's. Ikivm' auu muses- lasting guiiers, women's giova kiu Polish very flno.woiueu'smorouco Italworalsund calf t hoes, women's very fluu kid buttoned gait ers, insuorbuootsoi an uescriptious uoiu peg tr nil and Bi.wbd. He would also call attention to his fine assort ment or ATS, CAPS, FURS AND NOTIONS, which comprises all the new and norm la i varl otlcsat prlceswhtchcannotfalltosultalL These are tillered at the lowest cash rates und win ue guaranteed to give sal is taction, a cau Is solicited before purchasing elsewhere as It Is believed that better bargains ere to be found iv.uuu ab uy otuer uiaca iu me county, Jan 171 jgrwOOMSHURa m a k u 4 1; IV O II It 8. MAIN flrREKT, nrtXJW MAttKET, ULOOMSUUKG, Pa. 1.1 .011 Utn tats. Tom In. iraJMLnMAM An. Work neatly ex ecu led. Orders by mail will receive special attention, N, II, Work, delivered freool cbanre. T. I (J UN TON. Proprietor, oclU71-tf. p. 0, llux 117, Hotels. TIT ONTO UH HOUSE XVX nUl'KHT, PA, WILLIAM BUTLEH, Proprietor, This House having been pntln thorough repilr Is now open for the reception of guests. No fmlnswillbe spared to ensure the perfect enm ortof the travelers. Tne Proprietor oliclU a share of public patronage. The tar will bo stocked at All times with flue llquoru and cigars, Janl'71 JgENTON HOTEL, W. F. riATT, Proprietor, 11ENTON, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, This well known House having been put in thorough repair is now open for the reception of visitors. No pains have been snared to ensure tho perfect comfort of guests, The proprietor aUo runs a Stage from the Hotel to Ulootusburg and Intermediate points on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of each week, Jan l'ISTi rjniE ESPY HOTEL. ESPY, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The undersigned would Inform the travelling publlo that he has taken tho above named eslub llshment and thoroughly retlltd the same for the perfect. convenience of his guests. His larder will be stocked with the best the market affords. The choicest liquors, wines and clgaualways to be found In his but , 1M, WILLIAM PKTTIT, Jan 171 Kspy, Pa. Miscollanoons. MILLEIVS BTOIIE. .. aa aaaaaa.aa a. nnu n, 11a a. aaaal havo removod their Btoro to tho room formctly occupied byMendonhall.on Jlaln street, Iilooms hurg, nearly opposite tho Episcopal Church where they nro determined to scuourasmoucrnto terms ns can ho procure! clso where, Thler stock comprises laADHSU' 1UIU9H 0001)11 of the choicest styles and latest fashions, together with n largo assortment of Dry Goods nnd Gro ceries, consls tine of tho rollowlngarllclea Carpets, Oil Cloths, oths, Cnsslmeres, Bhawls, Flannels, Hilts, White Goods Linens, Hoop liktrls, Muslins, ilollowware Cedar w aie onennsware. HardMara Uoota and hhooe. Hats and Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas,' Looxlng-GIaases, Tohaooo, Coffee, Sugars, N Teas, lllce, Allspice, (llnjfr, Cinnamon, Jfutra'tR AND NOTIONS Ql-NUltALLY. In short, everything usually kept In country tores, to which thoy Invito tho atlontlon of tho pUOIIO goncraiiy, ine uiguesb price nm i b j-n.i for country produce In exchange for Roods. H. II. Mll.laSU a hum, nioomsburg l'a, oct 15'71-'.f jEW STOCK OF CLOTIIINa. Fresh Arrival of FALL AND WINTEH GOOD3 DAVID LOWENHEKG Invites attention to his stock of CHEAP AND FASIIIONAULK CLOTHING. At his store on Main Street. In Shlve's block, one door Wist o C. C. MarrW store, inoomsuurg, x a., where no has Just recelvod from New York and 'hllodclpbla a full assortment or MEN AND HOYS' CLOTHING, Including the most fashionable, durable, nud handsome DRESS GOODS, consisting of BOX, SACIC, HOCG, GUM, AND OIL-GLOTH COATS AND PANTS, of nil borts, sizes and colors. Ho has also replen Ished his already large stock of FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, STRIPED, FIGURED, AND PLAIN VllSTS SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS it a vnu punttiT!iiM. nmvFH. He naa constantly ou lutud, a largo and wcll-se- ecled oasortment of CLOTHS AND VOTINGS, which ho Is prepared to mano to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short nottco, and In tho best manner. All his clothing Is mado to wear, and most of It is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, ol overy description, fine nnd cheap. His caso oi jewelry Is not surpassed In thlsiplaoo. Call and examine nis general assortment, oi CLOTHING, WATCHES JEWELRY, AO. oct!3'7l DAVID LOWENBEHO. lEADALIS Tlin INGUED1KNT3 THAT COMTOSn UOf3ADAU8 aro publislicd on cvci y package, thcro luroilis noia ccfrti jitY"ol,UJ,i conscqucnlly PUYSICMNS TKESCRIBE IT It is a certain euro for Scrofula, Syphilis in all. t forms, Kheuma tiiin. Skin Disrate, Liver Com plaint and all diseases of tho mood. 0112 B0T7L3 OF ROSADAUS will do moro jjood linn ten lottlcn of tho Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS havo used Ronadalis in theirpractlct for tliopaBl three years and freely endorso it sa rcltallo Aitcratlt and lllood Purifier. DR. T. C. rCGir. of Baltlraere. DIl.T. J. hOVKlK, " DIl.R, W CAUH, ' DR. V. O. TIAN.NKLLV, " DIl. L S. SPARKS, of Nicholas villf, Ky. DR. J. L. McCAHTHA, ColumbU, S. C. DR. A. B. NOBLES, Edgccomb, N. C. USED AND ENDORSED BY J. B. FRENCH A SONS, Fall aim. MaMS. F. W. SMITH. Jaeksnn. Mich. A. F W'lU'.KLER.Uma. Ohio. n ItAl.L, Limn, Ohio. CRivVEN & CO.. fionlensvlllc, Vs. S.VU'h. U. AlerAUDEN, Wurlrwn toro,Tcnn. f jur upaco will not allow of any ex ttTinlcd rrmaiks In relation to the lrtunof Itoadalls. Totho Mcdleol riofesBlon wo guarantee a Fluid Ki trwimpcrior to tnytbry have eer used lu'tlio treatment of disc nod Mood j tnd to the alMlcted we sty try HosaiUlii. aud you will bo rcstorsd to health. RosaJilis is add by all DnifrglsU, price 0 1.30 per bottle, Addrew m, CLEMENTS Is CO. UufactuTng Chtmlttt, Baltikors, Ufih JALTIMOUE PIANOS. We respectfully call the attention of those ileHlrlnx lo purchase our mako of Pianos. Wo are satisfied that wo van Klve satisfaction lu every case. Our workmensklllful and experien ced and nro under the personal superlnteudeuco of tho members of our llrta. Wo use only tho best seaHoncd timber, and the material in gene ral Is Ural ctusM, Our Pianos without exception have the patent ag miles arrangement through out, whlcli lu the opinion of the most compe tent Judges Is pronounced valuable, Hy this 1m- Erovcment n Piano is mode more durable nud eeps tho tono longer, We claim for our Instru ments that they uru second to none, aud they combine- all the essential elements that coustf tuto superior workmanship. We will give a v, rltten nun rant uo for live years. Mr. Conkad Pkkiman, member of our Arm, will visit ltloomshurtr four times a year to re pair und attend to tuning of all Pianos, lu the absence oi Mr, Fukiman, Mr, I. K. Miller will attend to our business in liloomnburg und is authorized to receive and solicit orders. We can give the very best reftrences, UAKHLU & CO. Baltimore, M. I). I. K, Miller, Dealer In Pianos, Orgaus und Melndeous live octavo and tlve stop organs nt tho best make, sold at 1110, Terms easy, June LU 'jmik anuAT JiAaioAi. n a i n r o n c c iu Will forco a bcnulirul Hot of AVliUUors or Mus Uiclio, lu rrum two lo three months, ou uny iivr sou over twelvo years olil. It Is ouo of tho best preparations to mako the uliUUers grow that over was known. Ono bottlo of 11 IssulUclent to produce a very Btrouii bearil, 1 1 iloos not In uny way stulu or Injure tho skin, try III It Is ho humbug. 1'riuu U cents par bottle. Heut by mall tHist paid, to nny address, on receipt ol prlco. Addrtss WJLMAM O. WAUNElt, Arendtsvltle. aue.l3.'71-ly. Adams L'ouuty, l'enna qloue mutual life insurance company or NEV YOilK. riluy Freeman, rrctldent, II. C, Freeman, Hoc Cash capital over 13,000,000, atl paid. J. IJ. ROIilBON, BLOOM SliUIlQ, PA UE.NKltAL AGENT, For Luzerne, Lycoming and Columbia oountlei. Aug. ao.'w. JUSTICE'S BLANKS. Wo now have on hand a large iimtly printed assortment of JHHTIUK'H and CUNsTAIIIalX 1ILANKH, to which we Invite the attentiou ol these olllcers. Drags and Chemicals. A CHEAT lYitiWi !' ' Dr. WAtKER ' YINEG-AR HI:- ii6 3S;J WHAT ARE THEV? Kg o v 9 TnET ahe sort a vile Mfancv DRINI Ki-lacf Poor nam Wblsttcn Troof Bplrlts und Krruso Metiers ooctcrcd.fplccd aadiwett etc! to plcuatHo ttuto, eallcdMTonlc8t"MArrctli. tr;,M "Itestorcrc," Ac, tbst lead too tippler cn to cjunkcniicis aiitJ rdii, tot aro ft truo Medicine, mada froni Wio JJaUto Iiouaad Herbs of California, frro from nil Alcoholic Htlmulnnti, The j-nro tbo (j it r. at uLt)t)i ruuirinti nnd a l.iri: C3IVINO PltlNXIPLEopcrfcct Ucnorater tad IaTljoritor cf t'ao ByBtcm, carryiag off all roliotoci in-Iter oad rcttorlog tho Hood to tt healthy condition. Is i person c&atako taceo Eltiers according todirc. tk a and remain long trnvcll. C1U0 171211)0 (Titcnfortn IncxTaMa cite, rroTlicd t'jo tones ore net dcttroyed by mineral poison cr ctlicr nicani.amlt'aa vital orctnawatcd t-cyotdt'ia point cf repair, rnrlntsamtntitOTr nnd Chroalo Ithcninn llrtn nnd Clonti Dyspcpnlrit or Iudlccntlotii niltous. Itcinlttcntntidlatcrtnlttcnt I'ctc13 Dl senses of tbo lllood, Liver, Khlnejfl, nnd Dlntldcrt tnceo lllttcre Uto been woet tcccctfl fal. Much IHscnscs cro cawed ty Villr.tcd lllood. wli.cals generally proincedby CcracgtnicLt cfUio Dlgestlvo Orsnna. , DPLPSIA OR INDltlESTlON, flcud aslic, l'ala la tha ChouWcrs, Coogln, TlcfctLCta of tho Uicst, Plztlncss, four trnctatlons tf tho Etcmacn, rai tasta la tho Month, Dilion.1 Attacl.f, Tblpltatlcn cf tho Heart, InCocnrttloacr thoLntgi. Tain la tho tcglot.8 tt tho Kldncyi. and o Lnwlrcd other palnitl t j ii.j U at, cro tho cctpriasi ct uyepcpEia. '.h ylnTJgorcti tho Btotnach and rthnclata Ilia tor tMUTcrixd bcTclc.rUlch render them cf unequalled tnctcyta clcnr.elns thoUoodof all Impurities, and lurartla- new Ufa and vigor to tho vrholo tyctctn. 1'OItBKlN Isr.ASE8,En:rtl0M, Tetter, Palt Lhcua, tliitcLcc, Epots, Purples, rut nice, Bolls, Ctr Lcnc'.cs.ninc-'Worns, EctH-llcad, Eoro EycB.Eryelr ills, Itch, EcurJJ, Ulieoloratlonsof thoEUn.Ilomota and Uiac&sca cf tho tlcln, of vt-natovcr namo or naturo, aro Ktcrillj ting np and carried ont of tho tyetcm In a thorttlmoby tho woof theso Bittern. Cno bcttla la inch cases v Ul convlnco tha acEt tncrcdnloas or their cnratlro cCect. Clcanco tho Vitiated Blood vrncnovcr you Cad tta Impurities bnretlng through tho eUn lnrtmplos, Ercp V.ons cr Sorest cleanse tthea you and It obstructed tnd tlnggliti la tho veins 1 clcanso ItwhcnltlsfocJ, and yocr feelings trill tell you when. Keep tho blood pure and tho health of tho cystcm will follow. PIN, TAPE and other WOItMH, lwklnfflntlio system of io many thouaanda, aro ciTcctaally destroy cd and removed, l or ran airccuoaa, rcaa carcrauy tho circular around each bottle, printed In four tan-guagea-EneUBh, German, French and Epanlsh. J. WALKER, Proprietor. It. II. McDON ALD A CO., DrDgghiU and Qen. Agenta, Eon TrancUco, Cal f and S3 and M Commcrco E trot t, New York. gVCOLD DT ALL DltUOQlSTS AND DEALEBA. To any person prodnclnE nny Medlclno show IntbialfiwImanyMlvliilJ, permanent .cures nl)B. PflLKll' VEtlETAlltE llllEUMATlO laK-lllir.- I'tril itttl'nrilltl On I. .V I'lUliami. nauin... .. tfoaled In the past ten yoars. (nee testimony.) t In the post ten yoars. (Hoe testimony.) lescientMo prescription of l'roressor Jos. er. M. D , a craduato of tho University ot ylvnnla A. 1. lstu, now one of rhlladct- It Is tho 1'. Filler, phia's oldest regular physlclnus,aiid lTotosBor of Neuralgia, Chronic nnd lnlfa'mmatory llhenmn- llfc-n fact vouched for by the slgnatuies nccom ranylngoachboltle.ofmanyproinlnentrenow n Topnilect siillciers from poisonous quack nos trains nnd useless expenditure of mono)-, n 1 wit warranted to cure, wllf bo forwarded grails lo nny sulierersenuMiK uy iriii-r i. in a.a-. ......... of ollllctlou. In casoot ralluro to cure, lunouut paid positively refunded. Medlclno sent nny where by express, collect ou delivery. Allllcled Invlled to wrlto for advice: nil Information nnd modlcal advlco sent l;y letter Erntls. iTInclrol oltloe.iS) South Fourth street, l hllndelpl la, l'a. Tho llemedy Is sold or obtained by Druggists, mar2t'71-ly A GENTS WANTED, WowontSOOO active, enlerprlslnc, thorough men nnd women, to whom wo will glveconstaut work nud good pay. Wo pub! h the i 11 I, H I HOOKMl weglvoourngcuiH iur,urj-i iwuia Tho best selling book now Is liv SKiNOll 11I.1TZ, Describing his wonderful feals nnd tricks, with laughable Incidents nud adventures. Agents are selling from 20 to 40 copies n day. Also, our Vfa.'.ir l.'A,lf.V 111 1X111101111111! llf.ACK- woon'sCosil'llKllENSlVK AlIM to the study of thofcrlntures.iind Ni-vin's new nnd Improveal Dictionary or TiiKllmtF, together with Mix. teen FinkHteei. Plates, four maps In colors, nnd 00 superior tngravlngs on wood: I-aiiily H ECO UP, I'aUILY Al.Ill'M, atC, atC. A COMPLETE l'nosPECTUSof this lllbloand agent's outnt furn ished ruEB to nil who mean work. Our pro gramme of NEW HOOKS ror tho Kali. Includes iivie whim.' l,v MAltla" TWAIN. i-Kucceh".ul Agents will recelvo flrsl cholco or terruory ou iiaiua luiiuwiinub Circulars, Terms, Ac, with full Information, seut free on application to DUFFIEMl AS1I.MEAI). rcilMSIIKn. scptrr71-tf 711 Sanson, street, 1'liHadelrhla. JACOB K. SMITH. J. It. HCLTZEE S MIT II & SELTZER, Importers and Dealers In Foreign and Dorm-sl le HARD W A R E, GUNS, 0UTLE11Y, ()., HO. M9 K.TmnnSTltlET.AM rALLOWlllLL. I'UILADKLFIUA. Jan l'71-ly TNBURANOE AGENCY. Wyoming - .Klna Fulton N. Y North America m City International N.Y.. Niagara N. Y f;n.o l,'".OJC t sl.UU Hil0,X 4V1,0i) 1,),1,UJ l.tsxj.UD S.'iU,ISJ0 570,01 0 S0U,ll Merchants Hprtngdehl Farmers' Daiivllle.N.Y Albany City lMuvllle, Horse Theft Atlantic, N. Y Ueruiaula, N. Y Mutual. I.IOO.UO 600,000 FltEAS DllOWN. tirrn', llLoOatsiitiBO Fa, maisni-ly. THE NATION Its Rulors and Institutions. IN EaVai.ISII AND GERMAN. Nothing liko It. Strikes (veryhoilynsjust tho book lliey need. Ills un Kneyclopiejla of tho Government. Kluule pages In it, are ol thenia selves worth the pilcoof the buok. Oeer MOjxijet wit only sj.fv), A llleli Uai vr.l for Canvussera ladles und gentlemen farmers, teachers and stndeuts. Unetiuent look 75 ortlere in a few ttnit. wilt clrwlar alone, before the took appeal tit, $ f l u day can bo cleared In fair terrltuiy. Wrllo nt unco iiir . iicuiar nnu iniormuilon, WOULD IHIIIMSUI.Nlt CO., Cor. Jill and Mar kct Streets, 1'hlladelphla. (, 0,'71-ly.J QIIIaSTER t), FUJIMAN, HA11NE3S, SADDLE, AND T.'.UNIC MANUFACTUItEIl, ' aud dealer In OAIU'ET-UAas, VALISES, FLY-NETH, nurrALO uoniu, iioiuieoilankkh &c, which he feels confident ho can cell nt lower rulo than nny oilier persou lu the county, Ex amine for yourselves. Shop opitoslie the Foil omce. Main Street, iitoomsourg, l'a. Aug. S, tnd. "yUI.OAN WOHliS, DAKVILLE PA. WILLIAM II. LAW, Mnnurnctiirer of Wrought Iron llrldges, Hollars, (lasholders, Fireproof lluildlngs, Wrought Iron lloollug, lloodug Framoa, Flooring and Hours. Form (Jules amrfeuclng. also Wroiightlcou nli. Ing.Htaolis aud all kinds of smith Worlt. Ao. Iteiialri. promptly attended lo, 1 N.ll. Drawings nua Estimates supplied, oetiiT71-ly, Ji?!! h. v & 8 IT tiWi B n ts i: j-i'r . Tzri,'-. s -hp" SOS ,11? piiiflisn WaMLyfl Miscollanoous. OMKTIIINQ NEW I The tindcrslnnul wonld hwehy la notice that hn has lust completed A ..... a ,,ui.. i.n ims Mm fur titles rorcArrra Iiir on Ihe business of UNDKl.TAKINU In all its urancnos IN OITTf BIVIiE, if. v... a,HnAn...t a.TtiArln1icpd nprsonS who Will tako chnrce nf the bodies ot the deceased ns aonn ns they aimffle of this mortal coll," and nltend IO Wasilina niein,FiiiaaiiiH, vno...., furnished also to order. Al much expense lie has also procured an IKON I0E BOX, In which bodies can bo preserved In n cleanly ..! ..... inai. f'tirrlncrN furnished for fu neral occasions. In short, ho is prepared tp tako charge of a corpse Immediately after dealh, and savo irienoi am. irmuito i... .... ...v. -.a,..-.-.... regard mu, , Jlo also carries uiimuuuuuiinu. CABINET MAKING UpholsterlnR In alt lis branches, repairing furnl Inrn. rrscnllnii eano bolloined chairs, Ac., .so I'lace of busInetB on Iron t,lrflJJgJrjJJyjJj lJloomsbnrg,Jiily2!,lST0-ll. )ATENT ARION PIANO. fh.antaa.,...! InllrnTIIMll III IllO World. Is unrmiallctl lu lllchness, l'owcr, llrlllianey and Duniblllty. Hpeclal urms to Touchers. Miuked favors to Clergymen, tiend for Illustrated .rlon 1-amphlct. roBTElt, (leneral AkciiI. mar 10'71-tf.J Maccii Chuk, l'A. pABRIAGE MANUFACTOIIY, Bloomsburg, l'a. M. n. HLOAN 4 liROTHEIt .1. i,.n,i nnd rnr sale at tbo most reasowa' bio rales a spicimiu Bii.ia . CAUUIAUra. Jiuuuir-i, and every descrlpllon of Wazons both PLAIN ASU FANCV .. ..i.nrilinli.fitnnil mn.L dnr aide materials, and by tho most experienced worUi en. All work sent out from tlio cslab lisliinent will bo found to hoof the hlKhcst floss anil SlirO IO Hive perievu .v.-. ...- . also a flno assortment or HlaKIOHS of nil tho newest and most inshlonablo styles wen and careiuiiymauo mm m ma .av.- a .'. i-..A.llAn . llinla. MTntt t. flSkl it OS It believed that liono superior can bo found In the country. Jan 171, Pat n nt bo I)sccnns jtii. iseo. OUR CfcLEUUATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. n.t J It lo b-.....t I Vm r l " ' " trrl 111 not r..rrmlt Mtly I1f" w r.u'J it off n l.K.t OMA' ll A!l.'IiS l tvrU rent. I Uto liaici, !. Incite Lustfl, t'.'.UU. Allrvs Western rUBLISIIINO Co. Maiutfacturcrs' Aent, ritul-urh, Ta. .-TlicB'PtlPnIap,17or,.,ll'e J lo tiiuity tittllutlonr fin Int.'. tlntT tor Prim iftvo )uur -Niimr. 'I iiw, J'ownt jr, n HUlc rlMtiilr urltUm tiuJ tirJcm will tl Jau 2071 ly "VTKW FIltM AT OHANQKVILLE IRON FOUNDRY AND ACJItlCUIi- TUUAL WORKS. QHEAT IMPROVEMENTS IN FLOWS AND THUIMIIINO MACIIIN1-S. Mr. Jacob Trlvlenleco liavlna purchasoj the lutcretst nf Charles w. Ixiw lu iho ubovu uamod works, i tie dukuu'hs win uo co uinuea uikilt in 11 rm namouf William hciioyleu a Uo. Having illMnvirroil RQnil lmnprloctlons In Ihn titnw nianur.ictureil lu lb70, thcv imvo btreuutlicued nnd linpiovi'tl them, aud niUU-il 801110 entire new Jialtcrns. Thoy will open theBprlnt: trado of b71 ar Inndvanru oranythlntf ever o lie red totho fiubltc, being Itoth practlail mechanics, aud hav ut; their wurU all done uuder Ihelr own f-uner-vlslon Ihey Kuarnnteo their work mipcrtor lu materLai ami iiuisn w any nereiorro ottered Dealers should not accept of any other agricul tural lun.lcnunts until ihev havo examined nui, Farmers should try our plows ueiuru uuyioguuy oiuer, i uvy mmi inuuuiuciu ALU KINDS OF OASriNOa, usually mado In first Iclaus Foundries, baw and gnai mill callings, mauo auu uiiou up 10 oruer, TURESHINQ MACHINES nro mado a Bneclaltr. and somo very decided Im provements have been Introduced Into their ina culueti. l'rlces lower than ever: all kinds ol country produconudold Iron taken In oxchnnye uruer uireciirom ino luanuiaciury, uia ayt cies Huppiicu during m wiuilt, Addrwis all orders lo WILLlAJt SCUUVLER ct CO., AOUICUI.TUltAli WOUKH, OUANUKVILLE COLUMUIA COUNTY, l'A, tun r A3SMT3 VTlstti Twelve Years lw Wild Indians Plains Thn remarkable adventures nf tho famous Will riiUXilKf and 1I1U WAUUIOU among tho UedHkliiH. Thrilling accounts of Ureal lluuts, Hairbreadth KscapoaaudTurrlblo Con tost a with the bit; k unoand hoslllo tribes, Spirited doscrlp Uoiu of the hubtu und hUperstltlouB of thivt htrange people. Their HitortH. Legends, Tradl lions. Ifow ihey Woo nnd wed, tscaln, Doctor, Wornhlp, dc ow, 1'roaU nud i'oimiur. l'rlco Ix)w, it Is milling by the thousands with won dcrful rapidity, A cunts aro making from iVW to flW) per weik, Choleu Held yot vacnut. Mend at onco for sample chnpters, Illustrations nnd nar tlcutirs to A. 11, nUUIlAUD, 1'ubIUher, Jau77Mf. i Chestuut Ht 1'hlU. N O WOltN OUT WHEELUa & WILSON MACHINES lu tho market, Wliylsltt MANY WOHN-OUT MACHINES of oilier manuCicturo tn tbo market. Why Is It T llcfuuso, rlth an INX'UEABI! Of l'OWEIl, Tliero Is n DECIIEA8E OK FlllCTlON, Iu other words, It U simple, and ndjusliablo. Its pnsy, spilulilly mutton, when eoinpnrod with lliu mom' ponderous iiiovemout ol thu Hliultte machines, uvlnt'c this. lluy n Wlnelor A tVllson, nnd you will have a iiuuiitne llmi will never wear out, Hidd uy II, JI, biiuKii, nt 1. W, Nlles' .Muslo Btore, ociim JiXOUANUE 11AKEHY ANIl OONPEOTIONERY, I1IX30SISUUUO, l'A. Tlin underslguod, successors of r, Wldmyer, would respocltully minouuru that they have taken tho wel.etatlhhed stand recently oocu I'.va, uj , HUU1U UUIlltMl, ,11 IllUUIItailLIIH, lireiiured loeoutlnue the tmaluiuH of luauutao turins and sellluK, by WHOLESALE AND IlEl'AIL, t'onfeclionery of overy stylo nud klud. Also, Ihev will havo nt nil tlmosn complete sunnlv oi the best und lrtishest llreiul nud dike. I'arliuM di string nnytlil.n! lu till. Hue will flud II to their advaulufie lu culfou us. AN ICE OIVEAM SALOON Is added to the establishment, aud ladles nnd others who may imtroulco us, may rely upon noon rfeelvlnu nroner attention. A ruouablo sliaru of publliiputrouuue Is respectfully solicited, lluspburrv. Lemon, uutl other Uyrups, In largo aud small quantities, constantly on liand. aJClaWi-lV aS n. CA.aVE.aJa May 6. Wl.-ly OIUODB FOUNTAIN l'ENU for sale 'cheap ut thin OlUoo, Pi Or THE W AGE! Patent Modicinos. H ENitY T. HELMBOLD'fa. OOMroUND FLUID BXTHAUT CATAW1IA a n a p e I'll h s. Ojmjionmf iViril-ZJuM tract llhubnrb ni, lulJ frocf Otfateba drape KOU I.IVEIt COMW.AINrH, JAUNDICE, 1111, 10UB AFFECTIONH. HIL'IC Oil NP.HVOUl HEADACHE, COHT1VENEHS. l.TC. l'Ulir.l,. VEOETAllt.E.'CONTAININO NO Jlr.llCUllV MINEllAKS OH I)IJ.EIEllIOUa DllUUS, These Tills nro tho most dollglitfully pte.isan ruraallvo, snporioillng castor oil, salts, man. ncsla, cts. There Is nothing ruoro acceptable Ui lli6 slomnch. They tlvo tone, nnd cnuso ntlthci nausea nor Krlplng pains. They nro composes of tho flixctt tnartittenU, After a love days' uso them, sucn nu tnvlgorntlon of tho entire system takes place as to appear miraculous to tne weak nnd enervated, whether arising Irom imprii dence or dlscnso. H.TajIcImboidsuompount FluldExtractCatawbaUrapo Tills nro not r contod, from Ihe fact that ssmar-coatod l'lilsdo nutdlsolve, but pass throuslilhesloinachwltliou dissolving, consequently do not prodiicothodr. Blrod effect. T1IECATAWI1A OllArfi l'll.I.M being pleasant In tastoand odor, do not necessi. lato their being sugar-conic 4. riiiUE fiiiy CE-XTd I'Elt UOX. JiaXlir T. JIICLMVOLD'S. IliaitLY CONCKNTnATRD COMPOUND KLtfll) EXTUACT SAn8Al'AllII.l,A Will radically exttrinlnnto from tho system Scrofula, Byphills, Fovcr Sores, Ulcers, Horo Eyo Soro Legs, Soro Mouth, Head, Uronchlll Hklu Diseases, Bait llhenai, ankers, linnnlng from tho Ear, Whlto Swellings, Tnmors, fan cerousAirccttons, Nodes, Hlckets.OlnndarHwcl'.. lugs, Nlgut Sweats, ltasli. Totter, Humors ol n Kinds, Chroule ltheumntlsm, Dyspepsia, and a dlscaso that hau been established lu the syste for years, Doing prcparod EXritEHSLY for tho abovo com plaints, its BI.OOD-l'UlllFYINO proprieties nr creator than any other preparation ul Sarsapa. rllla. It gives tho COMI'MIXION n clwir nu healthy color and restores tho patient to a state ol HEALTH and 1'UKITY. For Purifying the lllood, removing all Chrouto Constitutional Dls. eases arising from nn lmpuro stato of tho blood And IhooulyrcllablonndcUectual known rcint dy for the cure of I'alns nnd Bwclllugi of the llouos, Ulcerations of tho Throat nnd Leg IMotchcs, l'lmplcs ou tho Face, Erysipelas nn all scaly Eruptions of Iho Skin, nnd lleuutlfylu the Complexion. I'rlce, 31 M por Dottle. 1IEN11Y T. IIELMnOLD'S CONCENTRATED FL UI1) VXritA GTJI UCll U, Tin: oun.vT diuuetil', has cured every cabo uf Dlabclcs lu which It h.i been Blvetl, Irritation of tho neck or Iho lll.iddi nnd liillammntlon of Iho Kidneys, Ulcernllon n tho Kidneys nnd Illudder, ltelcntlou of Urllio Diseases of tho I'rostato (Jland. HtotiO lu tho Iliad der, Cnlculs, Oravel, llrickdust Deisislt, auJ Slucousor Mllliy Discharges, nnu lor ctuecuieu nnd Dcllcato Constitutions of botli Holes, ntlcu ded with tho followins symptoms! lndlspnsl tlon to Eiertlon, loss ot l'ower, loss or Memory Dlltlcully of Ureathlna, wonlc iNcrvcs, irelu bllng, Horror of Disease, Wnkelulncss, Dlunus of-VlBlon, l'alu 111 tbo Dock, Hot Hands, I'lust, lliijof tho Dody, Drynoss ot tho Bklu, Kruptioii on tho Face, l'nllld Connteunucc, Unlvcrsa Lassltudo of tho Muscular .System, etc. Used by persons Irom the ntjes of eighteen to twenty-five, nnd from thlrly-tlvo Ui lltty-Ilvo 11 lu tho decllno or chauo of llfet after conllne ment or labor pains ; licd.wclliui! in chil Jrou. llclmlmld'H Extract Iluchu is Dlurotlc nuj lllno.I-1'urlfyliiB.nnd cures nil diseases nrlslnii from Habits of lllsilpatlou, and Excesses nna Impriutcnees In Life, Impr-'lles of tho llkmil etc., superseding Copabla lu-'Uffectlons for whlcli It Is used, and Syphilitic Allectlons In lline diseases ustxl lu couuocllou with HEI.MflOLIlH UOSEWAall. LADIES. Iu many nirectlons peculiar to ladles, tho Ei tract lliichtl U unequalled by nny other remedi es Is Chlorosis or ltetentlon, Irreaularlty, I'uln fulness or ((oppression or Customary Kuicu.i lions, Ulcerated or Hchlrnis Btnto of tho Utertm Leucorrluea or Whltes.Sterlllty, and tor all com. plaints Incident to the sox, whether arising from Iudlscretlon or Habits of Dissipation, It Is pre. scribed extensively by tho most eminent physl. laus nud Mldwlvos for Enlcoblod nnd Delimit Constitutions, of both Koxosaudnll ngos(attcu dod with any of tho above dlsoases or syniptouii II. T. HELMCOLD'S EXTUACT UUCIIU CUItES DI8E,VBia AUIHINO FHOSI IMIilf' DE.VCE, HADITS OP DIHSII'ATION, ETC., In nil their stages, nt little expense little or no chnugo In dlot, no luconvontetice, aud no ti posure. It causes n frequent desire, and gives strength to Urlnato, thereby removing Obstruc tions, l'roventlug nnd Curing Htrlctures of tie Urotha, Allaying l'alu nnd Iunatnmntlon, so frequent lu this class of diseases, and expelllui alt l'olsouous matter. Thousands who have been tho victims of In competent persons, nud who have paid hcaif foes to be cured lu a abort time, havo fouud tln-r havo been deceived, aud that tho "Poison" ha", by the nso of "powerful nslrlngouts," been dried up lu tho systom, to break out In a mnro ngr. vated form, and perhaps after Mnrrlage. Uso HELMCOLD'S EXTUACT UUCIIU for all Alfectlous aud Diseasos of tho Urinary Organ", whethor exlstlug tn Male or Female, from wlmt- over cnuso originating, and no mattir of ho long standing. l'UICE ONE DOLL.Mt ANP FIFTY CENTS l'EU DOTTLE. IIE.VIIY T. HELM HOLD'S IM PROVED KOSE WASH cannot bo surpasiod as a 1'ACB 1 wll bo found tho only specltlo roruedy In overy species of CUTANEOUS AFFECTION. It spif dlly eradicates 1'IMl'LE-J, SPOTS, SCOlllllITIt DHVNICSS.INDUnATIONSofthoCUTANEOrS MEMUItANE, etc., dispels HEDNESS and IN' CIPIKNI' 1NKLAMATION, HIVES, ItANI! MOTH P.VrCHES, DHYNlaS OF SCALP SKIN, FItOSTlHTES, nnd nil purposos lor whlcli SALVES or OINTMENT'S are used i restores tM sklu to n state of purity and softness, and in sures coutluuod healthy nclloif Ui tho tissue o lts voHsels, on which depend the agreoablo clear noss and vivacity ol complexion so much souiiii' and admired, llut howover valuable as remedy for existing detects of the sklu, II llolmbold's Ilo.o Wash has long sustained It) principle claim lo unbounded patrouage, liy IKissesslug qualities which render It n TOtLKT Al'l'ENDAUE of tho most Superlative and Congenial character, comblulug lu nu elegnul furmula tlioso prominent requlslts, SAFETY atiJ EFFICACY the Invariable accompaniment o its useas a Preservative and llefresher of c Comploxloii, It Is an excellent Lotion for ill.' eases of a Syphlltlla Nature, nud as un Inject! in lor diseases of the Urinary Organs, nrlslug fraud habits of dissipation, used lu connection iiUti tho UXTUACTS HUCIIU,SAIvSAPAIHLI.A,JJ CATAWIIA OHArE PILI.S.IU such dUeasel.l rocommeuJeil, cannot be suipassed. PilK'l' ONE DOLLAIl FEU BOTTLE. Full aud explicit directions aocompany lb' luedlclues, Evldeuco of tho most responsible aud relise" character furnished on application, with huu dreds of thousands of ltvlug witnesses, and i'f ward of 30,000 unsolicited cerllflcatesand recom mendatory lelters, many of which are fiom M highest sources, including eminent Physic""" Clergymen, Statesmen, eto. The proprietor h never resorted to their publication In the ue' papers i ho doe, not do this from the fact tH" hi, article rank as Standard Preparations, " do not need to be propped up by certificates. Henry T. llclmboltl'ti GoiiiiIkc l't'cpurnlloua, Delivered to any address. Secure from Ob"" vatloUa Established upwards o'ftwenly years. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Address letters for "j' formation, In coulldeuce to 1IHNHY T, HELM HOLD, Druggist and Chemist Ouly DepoUl H.T. JIELMDOLD'8 Drug " Chemical Warehouse, No. Nil llroadway, N York, or to U.T. HELUDOLD'S Medical Dtl1 101 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, l'a. 11EWAIIK OF COUNTEUFEITEIta. Ask ftr I1ENUYT. UELMUOLD'H TAlCtfi NO OTHE"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers