THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, i I Tite"Uolumbian. BloomsburgrPriday, Deo. 15, 1071. (Ho. r.ttowTM. AOo.,10 rnrk llnw.nronuronly .itli.irlvnil Ail vorl laltitr Atrmla In Vn Ynrlr. CiiK.WhTIIKIUM.ACo., Nn.lWChrimit Htreet, nrpotirnnly fiulhnrlrtil Alditn In riillndclplila. CO. Mtmt'llY, Kpq, in our authorized Attentat ('entmlla In Irnnanci nny basinet pertaining to ties mmlbo endorsed by tUeso AKants, or they will receh ono attention, u Itntlrond Timo Tnblo. LACKAWANNA A ULOOMSItUnCl It. It. tt.rtti. Month. lilt A.M. I'.M, Mull Acrnlnmotllitlnn, Explcr,..,.,.... K:t)iA.M. AXIV.ll, f.:12I'.M. Itwl A.M CATAW1P8A It. U. 1'ltOM ltUrtUT STATION. UoltiENnith. '!'" "'. !iJ 1: II. H:1 A. M. To our Itc-tiilcrs. C'nit. Hkcckway nml tho present imbllfclKruot luxvlngliccnnbloto nrrlvo tit tliominu tviincluslou in rcgnrd (o tho vnltio of (lie Columhian establish men!, t lio Inltcr will rctho from his connection with Hon tlio 1st of limitary next. It 1k desirable, therefore, llmt all prisons having ilcitliiiRH with tho pres ent publisher Bhotild tolllo tip previous to tlmtdutc. On January 1st till unsot tlctl iiccuuiits will bu left lu tho hands or 0. W. JIillkii, Efi , foriminctllnto collection. l)c(oinlier8. 1871-lf. 4 Noriei:, Having purchased tho Col umbian, I will ditto chargo of Hon tho first of January. I heroby doslro to give nollco to subscribers living beyond tho limits of lids county, that their papers will bu stopped at that timo un less prepaid. Tho dlfuciiltyi of collect lti(r accounts abroad makes this necessary. C. 15. imOCIWAY. Tin: editor of tho Columbian will soil his promise", on tho corner of Ccntro Street and 6th Avenue, llloomsburj;, ami give possession thereof at nny times after Juuuni-y 1st. Tho property is In all respects n very dcslrablo ono and will bo sold on favorablo terms. Call and seo. HI. V. Connei; Is authorized to Irami act nny business connected wltli the COLUMllIANOlllcO. tf. 1'uhlio IjiXTUiii:! Fnr.r.I On tho Local Option Tutnpcrnnco Question, on next Tuesday overling, In tho Lutheran' Church, at 7 o'clock, by ltav. S. IJAllNKH. Accounts of speedy mid efi'eclual cures of cancer by tho uso of clover te.i continues to reach us from all directions, l'rom lirooks county, Georgia, a re sponsible gentleman writes to the Knox villo Whig, giving tho easo of a lady who had been ntlllcted for eighteen years with a cancer which had resisted tlio efforts of tho host medical skill to cllectncuro or even an alleviation of tho disease. Tho cancer had attacked her on tho right cheek, below tho eye, anil had eaten jirclty much all that sldo of her face, together with tho eye, and tho greater portion of her nuso. This lady has been completely cured In a few months by tho uso of clover tea. Tito red clover. Is used; tlio tops nro Lolled in water, and tho tea is used ex ternally and internally. About it quart a day should bo drank, nml tho tea should bo used as a wash twlco a day. Tlii-t remedy should luvo tho widest publicity. It Is not Inexpensive, and if It should fall to elfect a euro, In any caso It can certainly do no harm. A Vktkhan Gone. With regret wo ilironlclo tho death of our old friend, Mr. James JlcJIulmti, Sr., of Liberty township, tills county, which took place on .Sunday last, 3.1 Inst., in tho 8'Jth year of his ago. Mr. JIcMalian was ono of our mojt esteemed citizens ; respected by all who had tho pleasuro of his ac quaintance. For over forty-thrco years ho had boon a bitbscrlher to tlio Intelll unflinching Democrat nlways never swerving or deviating from tlio principles ho had early espoused, lio was also a cherished member ot tlio Presbyterian society, and adorned It by Ms Christian walk and cxumplo. Ho lias fallen IIUo tlio ripened grain, pro pared for the reaper. 1'eacoto his mem ory, A worthy man Is gone. Danville Intelligencer, ItccoitDiNfi Dunns -An instance showing the Importanco of recording ilccds within six months from tho timo of their execution, lias lust occtired In Delaware county which It will bo well to In cl hero. Property was purchased by ono brother from another, and the money paid in monthly installments. In tho meantime tho seller failed, and the deed of tho purchase not being on record, Tho samo property has been seized by tho Sheriff, and tho probablll. tics now ato that tho rightful owner will loso it. Do not full to attend tho Exhibition of tlio Philcloglau Society to-morrow evening, nt tho Normal School Hall. U promises to bo n rnro treat. The members havo been very activo tho last week In making their arrangement. They propose as a parfof tho entertain ment to play "Meg's Dlvcrtfou" and "Cure for tho Fidgets.'' Thoy aro lira tnatlcal performances, and no doubt will bo well represented by tho Society. It will also consist In part of n literary tnaracier. Tin: Columbia county Tencbers' In- siltttlo will bo held In this placo, In tho New Public School Hulldlng commenc ing on Monday, December Sitli. at 2 n m., und closing Friday ovcnlng of tho fiiuiio week. All friends of education mo Invited to nttond. Efforts uro being iwiio to mnuo It a most Interesting M-ssion. Adveutisinc, Is an ttrt, und Is tho roomer of tho nit of inoney.inaking. Successful advertisers, says tlio Ilultl- morciS'iiN. unhesItatitiGTi v and t-rntefull v declare that they owo tho beginning of tju-lr prosperity ami tho foundation of ineir wealth to tho liberal nnd Judicious "uoi printer'slnk. Almost everybody Is wishing for a RMcl fait 0f MM)W particularly tho ym manufacturers, djod sleighing "uiii enliven trndo. "r. surplus of last year's crop of mni m uaitrornla, which will ho avallablo for export, provided thoro U j'ofidluro tho coming season, Is stated uy tho San Francisco Uulietln at only -""wi iu.uuu tons, say li.oou.uoo bushols, A Scared Youth Tlio following loiter wo copy from tho ICiston VC"'' Evidently tho (larents of somo of our young men attending " Lafayctto " from this placo received similar letters: Wo havo been favored with n capy of n icticr written to nis ma uy ono oi too panic-stricken students of Lafayotto Collect) Just beforo that devoted bntnl lied from Kaston to escapo tho small pox. Tho eplstlo Is as follows : I.AFAYCTTK t'oI.t.HaK, t Tor-stiA Y, Nov. IN, 1S7I, livening. J Deah Mamma ! If you know what your poor boy is suffering I am sure you could not sleep In your bed. Oh, Mam ma, tliovmall pox Is raging In this placo. Tlio people aro dying by hundreds every day. Every second houso has crapo on tho door and tho streets aro smoking, night and day, with tho tar barrels that tho Mayor keeps burning to kill tho odor of tlio pestilence. And, dear Mammn, nobody gets Christian burial, for tho clergy nro all dead or dying and tho dead people aro burled In pits and trenches whero they nro thrown in like dogs. M said, havo been burled alive. Oh, Mamma, ain't It awful to think of? Tho two Life Insuranco Agents havo committed suicide. Tho Mayor Keeps tho church bells tolling nil tho time to warn tho pcoplo to bo careful. T ho rail road cars havo stopped running and ten conductors nro lying dead at ono hotel. Tho corpses of tho poor nro piled up In tlio Public Sqtiaro llko cord-wood. .No body will hurry them. You will wonder dear Mamma, what your poor boy is doing. I havo kept In my room whero 1 luivo camphor and tar burning all tlio time. I keep allttlo bottioof salts Blrnp ped under my nose. I havo also made it good deal of catnip tea out of (hat pack age you put in my trunk and havo swallowed I keep In bed with a hot brick at my feel. I hnvo tho key holo stuffed with paper to keep nut tho poison. Oh, Mamma, it is awful to lio hero alono and henr tho hells tolling and tho groans of tho dying which can 1)3 heard tor miles. Do beg papa to send mo tho motley to como home. I would like, if dear papa can spare It, to havo about T cents over tho exact faro, for .spending money. Oh, Mnninin, beg papa to havo pity on your boy. Tho other t-tii-dcnls aro nearly all In bed fighting off tho pestilence-. If wo had tho money wo would nil go homo at once. Tho reason why you don't seo any thing about theso terrible things in the papers Is that tho nasty bitsluoss men won't let tho dirty editors publish tho truth for fear of losing custom and keeping tho conn try pcoplo out of town. Oh, Mamma, did you over hear of such wicked selllshtiess? Tho bells nro still ringing, tho groans a,re resounding, tho emoko of tlio tar- bands hangs over tho town llko a pail, and lliero havo been 300 deaths to-day. Oh, Mamma, hasten to get tho money from papa and savo your Hoy. P. S.-Tho Cholera is in New York and is moving this way. Tho Yellow Fever is in Now Orleans and a high south wind is blowing It right In tho direction of tho College. Oh, swcot Mamma, hasten to deliver your son from this terrible place. I am entirely out of mint-stick und nearly all tho necessaries of life. Court Procccillng'i. l'lUST WUEK. Tho general December Term of Co lumbia County Courls convened on Monday, 1th Inst. Uls Honor Wil liam EliWKl.Ii, President Judge, mid his Associates Hon. Iram Dkhh and Isaacs. Monkoe on tlio Uonch. Tlio respective Constables of tho county were sworn and mado their returns reporting tho Itoads nnd Bridges In good condition throughout tho county generally. Commission of Iram Derr, Asioelalo Judge, rciul by clerk In open Court. Samuel Applcman, Isaac Mcllrido nnd John K. Glrton, appointed Tip staves for first week, nnd Georgo W. Foster, J. S. Evans and Samuel Stcttler for second week. In tho matter of tho Map of Blooms burg. Exceptions filed ; testimony and report of Commissioners filed. Addl tiottal exceptions filed. Application for salo of real estate of Joint Merlclo. Salo ordered aud John Miller approved as surety in placo of Jacob Harris, deceased. A. Pardco Co. vs. Hugh W. Mcltoy- noldj. Plaintiff:) ask leavo to amend the statement filed In tho above suit by a declaration. Leave granted. Estate of Henry Mellck. On motion of E. H. Llttlo and proof of servlco of tho citation It was ordered that John It. Moyer pay over tho balanco of saitl Judgment toSaralt Everltt ngreeablo to tho prayer of petitioner. Michael Grover vs. Samuel Scltwep- pcnhelser. On motion of E. II. Llttlo rttlo granted to show eauso why tlio receipt of satisfaction etitcro 1 on tho Lovari Facias should not bo struck oil" and tho assignment of tho Judgment remain as valid. Joseph Alber vs. Mary Mcllrcarty. On motion of E. II. Llttlp rulo granted to show caiwo why this judgment aud also tlio original Judgment No. 133 September Term, ISGii, should not bo opened and defendant let Into a dofencu and all proceeding to bo stayed until this rulo bhall bo disposed of. In tho estate of Thomas Hughes lu- ceased. Petition of John Hicks, ad ministrator, asking for an order for tho salo of tho real estato for tho payment of debts. Salo ordered; Bond In $1,000, Josso Shannon and llonjamln F. Illcks approved as surety. In tho matter ofa ro.vl In Pine town ship, hear Shederlck Eves.flled by leavo of court, tho -It la day of Decembor, 1871, tho rovlow to bo appointed after tho exceptions shall l disposed of In casa tho 6ald exceptions should not bo sus tained, Hogart & Kramer vs. Susan Keller widow of Georgo Koller, deceased, ami minor children of said deceased. On motion ofC. II. Urockway, John Keller Is appointed Guardian. Ad litem of sail minors. In tho matter of tho ostato of D.ivM lloucli, deceasod. Petition for salo of real estate for tho payment of dobts, salo ordered. John Hinderllter for uso of Mlchal Grover vs. Savago & Bright, on motion Court ordered an attachment against Simon P, Knso.a witness for defeudaut In tho matter of Guardian for Frank: H. Seybort. Mary A. ltoss appointed Guardian. Bond in $1,000. F. L. Shu man appointed nssurlty. Commonwealth vs.,Georgo W. Hoff man, Assault und Battery, not it trim bill. Prosecutor Hitmucl Bogart to pay- costs, In tho matter of n brldgo over ltoar Ing creek. John Horner, John Snydor nnd John Yengcrnppolntcd vlowcrs. In tho matter of tho minor children of John Lowls. Petition oi J. Y. Hhan non, guardian, asking allowanco for ed ucating and malntnlnanco. Ordered that tlio guardian bo allowed to appro priate for tho support of said wards ono dollar per week of tho fund received, A. 0. & F. Hagonnan vs. Samuel Swoppcnhclscr. Itoport of W. Wirt, Auditor, to distribute proceeds of Sher iff's sale. Confirmed nisi. Estato of Georgo Hupp, deceased. Itoport of C. 11. Brock nny, Auditor, to distribute. Confirmed nisi. Estato of John lllchnrds, deceased, lleport of W. II. Abbott on tho propri ety of tho sale of real ostoto. Confirm ed nisi. Eslato of John Traub. Itoport of C, B. Urockway", Auditor, to distribute. Confirmed nisi. In thu matter of it road In Pino town ship near John Lfggotts. Itoport of viewers confirmed nisi. In tho estato of D.tiiiel Glgi-r. lie turn of Inquest. Confirmed nisi, lload In Sugarloaf township. Bcport confirmed nisi. 1). J. Waller, vs. John M. Stack house. On motion of Mr. Buckalow in open court nnd In presenco of cottii3ol, Uulo granted to take depositions of Chin l("4 1'. Waller, u witness on behalf af Pliiinllirbcforo J. J, Brower, ICiip Commonwealth vs. John C.tdnmn and Freemin Tingly. Malicious mis chief not n into lilll. County to pay era's. In tlio matter of tlio potitiou of John Th:imas giurdlan for salo of houso and lot. llepart of Auditor confirmed nisi. In tho mailer of a road In Hemlock township, near Lovt Wrights. Itoport In favor of vucillim. C.i illrmed nisi. Koad In Locust township, near MI- elmclHlino. Itoport of Itovlewers eon- firmed n!l. Eslato of Georgo F. Smith, deietsod. Itoport of salo confirmed nisi. Estato of William Peg, decusjd. Bel urn of sale confirmed nisi. E-liitt! of William lles, I. Itelurn of Inquest confirmed nM, Evtenslon of Fourth Street in Blooms bur, lleport of view of d images con firmed Estate of John lltchards, deceased. Itoport of E. II. Baldy, Auditor on ex ceptions to tho account of S. B. Dclmer executor and to in.iku distribution. Confirmed tii-i. Commonweal Hi ex. relatlonl Patrick Burk ot. al., vs. Liwronca Curr.m, et. al. Court ordered attaehmont ngainst Henry Furgurson. Estato of Gideon Sleeker. Report of salo Confirmed nlM. Estato of Georgo W. Yca?er. Heport of sale, Confirmed nisi. 1). J. Waller vs. John M. Siackhouse. Court order attachment against C. A. Boone. A. B.Slcwurt vs. Carolino M. Jones. Ordered that a Jury bo called same day. Verdict for defendant Carolino M. Jones for $025,03 with an interest Irani Oth day of July, 1871. Estato of Lavinn Hutchinson. Citn- tlou ordered. Commonwealth vs. Danvlllo, Hazlo- ton & Wilkesbarro Bail Itoad Co. A (rue bill. Estato of Balzer lisiek. IVlilion for salo of realty. Addiona! bond order ed i'j $3,000 surlty to bo approved by a Judgo beforo salo. Estato of Debora Dean, deceased. Re port of C. W. Miller, Auditor. Con firmed Hi:!. Itoad in Franklin township. Itepoit of reviewers. Confirmed nisi. In tho matter of a county Brldgo over Pennsylvania Canal near Centio ville. Tho grand Jury did not concur with tho vlowers in their report. Estato of Elizabeth Moyer, deceased, Salo conllrmod nisi. Road lu Madison township. Hepurt eonflrmsd nisi, Itoad In Centre near Daniel Ne-yhart. Report of viewers for chango of road. Confirmed nisi. In tho estato of Daniel Yetter, do caesed. On motion of Mr. Frcezo, C. G. Barklcy was appointed Auditor on exceptions. On motion B. Frank Ztrr was ap pointed Auditor to audit the public offices of tills county. D. J. Waller vs. Wesley Wirt. A Jury was called and Judgment was given for plaintiff by consent. John Gray vs. Sanderson Hngenbuch Tills was -a caso of warranty in tlio salo of a horse. The jury returned a verdict lu favor of the plaintiff for tho sum of nlnety-fivo dollars. Tnu Increasing number of suddon deaths in our county, and in most in htitneo) the small provision mado for tho support nf thoso dependent 011 tho deceased, has called fresh attention to tho subject ol Ufo Insurance. No man Is so poor that ho cannot by this means hccuro his family from want, his wlfo and children perhaps from pauperism Tho prleo of it cigar a day, or of 11 drinl of whiskey will do It. It Is not an pcmlilure, but nn investment, for If tho assured person lives, ho gets n dividend genorally much larger than tho interest 011 his money. ISeshles, tho money cannot ho attached by creditors. Among Insurance Companies none hold 11 rank than tho Continen tal of New York. Last year it issued moro policies than nuy other company in tho world. Its solvency Is guarrnn teed by Its deposits with tho State, and tho laws regulating It. O. I), llnoci- WAV, of this place, Is agent, nnd Is dally sending in applications, Apply nt once, whllo In health for "proerasti nation is tho thler of timo.'' If you intend to mako any 0110 Chtistuias present look through lb Columbian und belect tho poison whom your uro going tu purchoso tho urtlcle, ToTiiosKWHOAiiii HowEii Down by nervous Peblllly, nud despair of cm r recovering tho vig or nud mlcu of manhood wo earnestly recom mend int. Wat.kkhh Cai.iiounia Vinsiia lliTTiiM. llcforo they halo Ilulshed tlio tlrst bottlo-,they will feci the restorative principle at work In every portion of lluir biom-n-uow system nnd hope wilt spring up In their lieurls, Nu ciuo of Dyspepsia Jtlllousncss, Intermittent I ever, Itheuuiatlsin, eioul or Kidney disease, can resist this uueouullcd vegetable tonlo which unpolluted by uny distilled or fenneuted 1! nor, uou-sw, 0KIOI1K FOUNTAIN 1'KNH for sale cheap this Office, LOCAIj notices. I. W. llAiiTMAWliMOrccn.llrown, Lend, Wlno aud lilnck French Merino for OOo to 11,33. U. C. MAnn uiuanno lot of NEW 000 U S on slillng In l'lnln strap and rinds. C. C. MAiin noils splendid KID GLOVf-H for JI.IU per pair. (,'. C. Maiiii hn n new lot tf I'lilld'a Mlisoo' nnd Iidlci' HtlOUS clicnp. I, W, IUktmak linn nold M netnof Wlilta Wiro atnro ItiKt jAnunry nnd Ptpccln tr roll 10 moro bcfnro tho coming January. Who will bo tho next? I'rico ti.V, 13 "J, 1 1.0) nnd 1 1 .10. 0. C MAnn has n nno lot of HATS Mi rt CAM Cucnp for ensh, I. W. Haiitman 1 telling nil MIAWLH nt ft B'ent reduction, them, hn TANCY Co nnd mo Tm: plnco to tiny ct.'.nMWAltr. nr.d WlllTIi DI3HIH clicnp H nt I. W. MaiituasTh. The grcntckt Stuck of Uoultln tho County to lio f.old In Eeomher, J.imnry nnd l-Ytaiinry, call nt I, W, Haui man's. Mi'i.cNiiiii Ono nnd Two BcntoJ W.EHIIW ror .ilont Low & ltoniNS, ut Orancovllle, nt cty low prices. LOW & EOlltNU. COAM COAI.II COAI.I ll-Joli limine.! nj tho host timo to net a hfn Is when tho lien Is rendy. Thu hst timo to replenish your conl bin U now. Thprlco li ns lowns H linsleenforn lout-timo. Cull llinnj. J, ltonulNHnt tho 0 lumbLiu Iron Wonts, nud order n HUpply, His not? switch Itoin off tho It. & II, It, H. Is flushed. I.ooKheie, John, I tllltellou (but yen must kU'P 11 ft secret whero you can ct ft hieo Christ mns proient for your wife r'loap, nt I. W. Hai:t- MAN'S cheap (Mdl&lOtO. rr.nsoss who havo become thoroughly chilled from nny cnuso,may have I heir circulation nt onco restored by taking Into Iho Ktomaclt n tea spoonful of Johnson's anoiivnk I.tNiMFNr inlxod Inn llttlo coll water, well swc&teucd. JIvery farmer who owns a?oot stock of lnrioi cnltlo nnd sheep, nn I Intends to keep thorn through Iho winter, h.ia r.d gut nt onco nnood slock of HiiKKiiiAN's Cavai.uv Condition Tow- Dsns. Ono dollars worth will savent least nhalf ton til lny. 'Iur penplo comefrom l'niiiklln, Locust, Mrul- Uon, Hemlock, Centre, Ornngc, FlahlnEcrcek nnd ntl Iho other tuvtmdilpslti tho counly to buy I. W. Haiitman's tlicnpRowls foi cash. PtxirnsNiw l'umlly Mewtn.i Machlncs-tcu ilidhirs rnsh bnlflnco In monthly Installments- J. A. IM'uan, Aunt, lUooimbute , uo,d-tf Wi: would ndvlio nil that want sonl l'urnl turn to bo lull. W.COUItrXL, ho linn Just return- ed fioin tho city with ft ndcudld usortiiient of ruinltuic which ho will sell chrnper thnn over rorcfishrr rrnJy pay. Ills motto Is iul ck nus nud Ktunll profits. Tile i-tntcincntH in-ulo by deatcrH In other ma chines, that they i-ell yew Plngcr Hewlni; Ma chines Is not true. Tho Mngtr Manufactory supply no machines In r'olumbla county, except to their nu tlioilrtd tpi'ut, J. A. Cor.AN. no.M-tf CI.ARK A WOf.P hnvonc nssortmcnt of goods now that would bo a credit to nny town or storo In tho Slate. IWcn their lengthy advertisement can not do Justlco to tho subject. It Is well worth tho tl mo to call nnd fco th-ccods nud how cheap they cnu bo sold. ft Wintkii Is now fairly upon us, nnl tbotcama nra hastening to .tho lumber woods lu various parts of tho country. Our ndvl-o to every ma u who goes to tho woods, bo ciptaln, cook, teams ter, or any other man, Is to tnko nloug ngood stock ot Johnson's anouynm I.immunt nnd I'aiison's PunaATivn 1'n.t.s. Many months of labor (In tho may bo saved by this pre caution. 1!AT enough to look nnd feci bid yourself; bnt noexcusofor bavins your hnrso look nnd feel badly, when for a small hum you can buy IDAX'H C.YVAMtV CONDITION 1'oWDF.ns, Whlffll given lu grain two or threo times n week, will mako him look an d feel w ell. A niMUAi. nssorlment nfSCIiOOI, I100IW mid KTATIONAHY, wholcralo nud retnll nt A. 1). Wl-mlt's Hook htoic, opposlto tho Court House. Mlscclluiieouft books, portmonnlcs, stcr' eocople pictures, games, picture-books, blank beo'H or all kl ncN, etc., etc. uSStf. ANDwaud clegantussortmentof fall aiutwlii- tcr goods lias Just bet n received by 9. H. Mibt.Kn Hon, w hlch they oirer ot very low prices. Also nil articles usually kept In a drygoods si crc, Their rilends nud life public aro Invited to call ml cxnmluo them. l-'oun !vii.s. Whoever liabllually uses nny nlcohollc preparations as an '-appetizer" will bo likely to stirrer from four evils, viz.: an overplus food lu tlio stomach, Impaired ability to digest tho pangs of 1I5 fpepsla, nnu n doctor s bill. Hi'. WAl.KEK'd VrO ITAIU.E VlNKClAll HITTERS Iho ureal Teetotal Hesloratlvo of the ngo, with out over stimulating tho pal.lto or Irritating the' stomach, Imparts a healthful appetite, promotes Ucc-stlou, regulates tho liver nud bowels, puri nes tho blood, nnd thus, Instead of cutnlling four evils, confcis four Incsllmnhlo benefits. onk or. the n Hl-iik. Hire arctwo medicines "Hollan Is' (Jjrmm Hitters and Hooilaud's German Toalo" Irycu aro Dys. pcpllc.llllllous, or all of them, ono of these peer less Vegetable Hrecttlcs will, assuredly, ell'ect 11 cure. If jru aro In doubt which ono totalte, try each alternately. Adopt tho onowhlch oper utesmost beuellclilly. Keilher can harm you, 'osslbly. It may bo bct to toko ench In turn, Ono or tho other, or loth, em bo guaranteed In work n perfect cuie, Holdbynll Druggists, LIST OK JUHOlirt I'OII, DEC-EM-llillt TKHM, 1SH. hie. Ml WhTK, lllnom JaniCB 1". Mellrlde, Judnli l llooue. Ilriarcreek l.ntiion Mail, l-'icas l-'ow ler. Ilentoii John Jlaker. l-amiu-l Appleinan. llenver Jtsku Hltliuliolisc, l.uucli Kltlen- liouse. JlerwlCK liouc-ll 1.11111 nut. f ;utaw Issa Joseph Harliuan John I'rwlnc, uenry J. ninier. I eniro isamuti Lrevenns-. 1.'UI,lnrrAri-, kWm. V. McColhim. tlri-edwood-lMward HenryJ. 11. Ikelor, M 51. Kline, joun r. ivesier, inn, i.yer. jajason .iiicou 1 111111,1 j unit sus I.oci'st-Wiii, llllllg. , . Minim David Drown, Lewis r.ckrote. si.tit.i, tiiil.t sliiinipn. Madison Solomon lluruliart, Win. 11. Mcllildu Montour John Weill er.Aliurew v.-iirs, in-iiniie llt-nlaHilu Wi-rtluun, Abmr Welth jaincs 1 ergusoii. rine jaeoo iiri-ioiei-is. tscott II li am H. Ilruwn.. hugnrlonf Amos Hiss, James (Seward, T 1ST OK OAUSKS I'OH TIIIA1 .U AT IJIXllMlliai TlJItM,l57l. Wm. A. Kllno vs. Jnmes V. Olllnvpy. .1,1,, 11.H V. (lllhistiv vs. Wm. A. Kline. Clemucl ti, uuKctis iiuiuiiiistiiiior, vs. j'aviu MWtcny ei, 111, Josrph H. Kllno s. Chnrles Howard. John Uruv s. Handersou llngt niiut-h. rri.,.m,.u ivi'jiniioi- vm. sinriin (.aiiioiini. Lewis J, Adams vs. l-'lslllngereek hi lluol district Wl,l A. I'lisn VS. 11 lOO 111 lOn IIS 11 1 1 ' Hlinon Welsh vs. John llollninu. l'eti-r C. I.1K10I vs. Aliren iniuc. John McAnall vs. Wm. Jneoliy. riunels j, Kllno is. .Iiu-ou llriiiib-. Il.ivl.l .r. Viill.rvM. Wesh-V Wirt. Htephen Thomas vs. 'I'lio IVntrn Caual C-9. Mli-hnlns heyhi-rt vs. Unlilel I-'. He) hert. I). 11. Melllck s. John Yinm rs. ndlu'r. John lu Kllno's uso s. W. II Voruiii, et, si. 11. Hnllerinwalt vs. r reo. r , jieni run. Daniel 1'. heyliett Vs. Kllnt ltib Walton, Vuxluh ltii.'M iiilm-r ih. W. A. Kline. Mlrhai-1 Mnlou vs. 1'hllndelplil.i ami Heading It. it. It. t o. t'utrlck Mouaghau vs.riir.ndelphU nud Uendlug Itodii'er lllx'ou s. l'lillndelplila nud It, ml Ing 11. 11. Co. Mis. Mury Connelly s, riitludelphln and Head ing II. It. Co. (leorgo W, Iturkrl , rhlllp AppU man, it, nl. Charles lliottn vs. Jos. It. Viitulelhllct-. Ilnvld Milliner vs. II Irani Thomas, Kolotuon lllney vs. Wllllnm lp. Joseph l-'iy s. Hlinon Itftdy. Win. T, Hliuiiiau vs. lieUiiMiiuii.t and lllooms hurg It. It. Co, li Milel hn ydir's uso vs. M, ('. McL'ollura et, nl. 'I'liniun Wrouse vs. Wilson Miller, IS. O. Itlelti tts vs. John Hwel-ney, tJt-orgo K. llt-ss vs. Joseph Wlso el, al. J. Hlilllll & holl vs. Uoolgo K. Hess. Klliellno Mtnscll s, l.ovl llriHlbender el, al. II. J, Ciiinpbi-ll A Co. t. William llouck, lliigartA Kreuiuer s. Win. Harder. Mh-hai-l .MeMaliou vs. Nlehuhu Kludl. A, W. i:aloms. John li. llossler. A. W. I'jitou et. it I. vs. II. I". Warner ot. al. Joseph W.luusty s. John MuHHiuu Coliunbla Insuranco Co. s. J, M. Heck, A. II, Htuuarl et. ill. s. rriimes 11. Jolley Win. Millies s. Jonas Holy, ' Audrow enroling s. '1 honias Trench. Jt lenilali Hess' uso s. John Hiilliiniu, l-'rauk r. liioikwny s. Hanltl i-'.Heybcrl. J, 1'. Unnell's Kxrs s. Anion W. llt-ss, (leorgu Whltuiojir'si-iis s. John hllnt-r. A, l'lildeo Al'oA s. Ilntn Hie llullUoll uiulWlll.l hurro 11. It. Co. . . Husaunh (lllhuui s. Murtlll M. llrob.t. Mury l.ltwcllcr vs. Auion Mnillh, lleliiy l-'iy vs. Jacob lielllclilmeh. Mordeeui Millard vs. II. W, Melteynolds, '1 homas Wllllulus vs. John Calu, Daniel llocr vs. Wellington iagcr, TUSTIOK'S lJliANKH. Wo now have on tinud a lare neatly printed lUAortineut of JUttUCK'Hnnd CUNTAULlr ItliANKH, to which wo Invito tho ullntlon of tutwe ouicvrH, ri-IIK OAU8K.ANU CUHK OF X C0THUM ITIOV i no primary cnuia ui v,uiini,u,-,.u, is ugiiijv men t of tho tllgestlvo orgons. Tlili dernngemtut prtstuces deficient nutrition nnd AsslmlUtlon lly nsshnllatlnn I mean that process by whloh tho nutriment ol tho food Is converted Into blood, and thenco Into tho solids of I ho body, persons wllh digestion thus Impaired, having iho sllghlcst predisposition to putnionnry tils ease, or II they tase cold, will bo very llabloto hiioConsuuipllon of tho l.nligs lu somo of Us forms) and 1 liold that It will uo Impo.slble to euro any caso or Consumption without first re storing ngood digestion nnd healthy nsslmlln lion, Tho very llrsttlillig to bodonols loclennse the stomach nnd bowels irom all dlsensed mucus nnd mine, which Is cloralnu, these organs to thnt theyennnot perform their rancllons, nud then louo up nnd rc store tho liver to n hiultny action. I'or this pnrposo Iho surest nii'l best remtdy Is Hchenck's Mandlnko l-Hls. Thee l'llls cuau tho Momnch anil bowels of nil tho dendnnd morbid sllmo tnnt Is causliu tllseae nnd decay lu tho wholo aystom. They will clear out Iho liver of ull dlsensed bllo thatlins uccutn. Hinted there, nnd rouse It up to n row nnd henllliy nellon, by which natural and healthy bllo Is secreted. . ... ... The stomach, bowels, nml liver aro thusclcans cdbylho moor Hcllcnck'H Mundrako l'llls) but there icir.lilos In tho slomaeli nn excess ol ucld, thotran Is torpid find tho nppclllo poor. In Iho buweU too lncleals urn weak, nud requiring strtnath nnd support. It Is In n ondllliin like thUtljntr'ehenck'H Hoawoed Tunlo proves to ho the most valuable reincilf over discovered. It la Alkaline, nud lis use will lieutrallro nil excess of ucld, making the stomach sweet nud Iresh; It will give pcrmuncnl lono to this Important ur ea n, undireato n good, henrly appetite, nnd pro pale the system for thu first processor u gjod ill. gestlon, nnd ulllmntely rnako kikkI, nenllhy, living blood. Alter this prcpaintory tiinlnicnt, whnl remains to euro most costs t,r tonsump. Hon Ls the freo nud persevering uso of National' I'ltlniotiicHyrup. 'lhel'ulnionloisyrupnoiirliies tlio system, purifies tho blood, nnd Is readily nu sorWdlnlo tho circulation, nnd thence dlstrlb uted to tho tlltcnted lungs, 'llicro It ripens all morlild mutters, whether In tho fotm ol ulwesj es or tubercles, nnd then nsslsts Nnluro to expel nil tlio diseased matter, In tho form of rresi-x-..A., u,!,,! niici IL r noils. It Is then, bv the ri-i-nt iiVnling nnd purifying properlles of Bchc-ntk's l'ulinoiilo Hjrup. tnnt. nil ulcers nnu cavities nro hcnlcd up (sound, nud my pullcutla "alio'csstntlal tiling t" bo .lono lli curing Con sumption is to get up n kik-U bp Petllo and h koo llTut tho Cody will grow in I esh ntiil cetstrontr. If ft person lins diseased lungs, -iciilly orV,bhCC?srthore.-tho cnvlly cannot heal, tlio inntler cannot ripen, Milongas tho sys tem is blow par. Vhatlsntccsnry tocuro isfi new order ol Ihlnss.-n boo'I nppctlle, ft K 4 nutrition, tlm body ti; grow In 1 usli k m gut j tl n N'litnr,. 1,1 hcln -d. llH! CftVllleS WlH held, IllU mntter will llni n nml o thrown oirin rgj ipiantltlos, und tho person rig.iui ; rengui, J Ills is I no ituo uuii urn i -' - Hon, nud If a person I; very bn. , lr the. lungi nro not entirely ifestrojcd.oroieii .l''',',',0' tinly gone, inhere Is enough vitality leu. In tho other to henl up, there Is hope. 1 havo ncen many persons ; cured with only ono sound lung, live nud enjoy life tu ft good old ngo. This Is what Hchenck's Medicines will do to euro Consumption. They will clean out the.stumicli, sweeten and slrenglhen It, ge t up a good diges tion. and glvo Nnturo tho assistance she nieus to cliur tho systelil or nil the ill-cuso tbut Is 111 tho lungs, whatever tho form may be. It Is Important that while using echenck's M dlclnes, euro should bu exercised not totuko colds keen ln-duors In cold and damp weather) nvoli night nlr, und take out-door exercise only In n genial nud wnim sunshine. 1 wish it distinctly understood that when 1 reu mulilebd ft t nllent to bo cnrellll In regard to lugcold, whllo using my .Mcdlclnis, i do so ror n special icnsoii. A man who lias but partially re coveted Irom tho ellVctaorrt colli Is lar liloio liable ton lelapsothanouo who has been entlrt lv cured) nud it ls precisely the sntnolu icgavd to Consumption. So long us tho lungs nre not perfectly henledjustfco long Is tin-to Imminent danger of u lull return of the dlseaie. llcucolt Is that I so htienuously cnullcm pulmonury pa tients against ex Kislng thelnselviH tonii iiliiios pheio that ls not uud pltnMiut. Coullrm ed C'oUMitnptlves' lungs ore a mass or holts, which Iho least chango of itmosphere will In name. The grand secret of mv success with my McilLtnD. ,iuts lu mv nhllllr to subdue In- llamiiiatlou Instead of iirovoklng II, as many of tho riu-ultv do. An lnllamen lung cannot, witu saretv to "tho patient, bo exposed to tho lilting blasts of Winter or tho chilling winds of riprlng or Autumn. H should bo carc-rully shielded trom nil liritnllug Innuencts. 'Iho utmost cuullou should bo observes! In this rftrltcultr, ns without It a cure tinder almost nuy circumstances ls nn lniMissiblllty. , , , '1'be person shoul I bo kept on a wholesome nud nulrltlous diet, und ull the Medicines cjuttnuc I ntlltuo bony uns rt-snui-u 10 w mu nuiuiui uuullty of llesh and strength. i ir,j iic telr cured bv tbui tic-Atmcul of tho trnril lrlh.1 of f 'ollkUIUIlttOll. HUd lUVU UlC'lltO get tat and hearty thesu ninny years, wltli one lung mostly gune. I havo cured thousatida since nmi very many i ........ i I hncrf line pr seen. About tho l-irsi- oi VWV 1 wi'Minu.o possession or lny new miiiuuig.tvi. wit- soriin-i-. ,.iri,,.r,.r Mivtli nml Arch JStleets. wilt re I slml be pleased to glvo itdvlco to ull who may ruiulro 'i-i,ii .itrnniinns ncRomiiaav Jill my rtcmeillt s, so that a person In nny part of tho world can bo renu.,ycu,cuoJ....jnY:rii;i:;j;r-. 1-uuaueipuia. Johnson, Hollaway Cowden, WJ Arch street hlladelphla, w hole-sale ngents. lnovi;'7I-ly. HEAD QUAllTERS l-OH BOOTS, SHOES AMD BA1TIB& IS AT C.M.KN011R'S CHEAPEST AND BEST Tho County Affords AT GASH PRICES LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES THIS FALL, Before Fuiclnishi!' Elsewhere. E. M. KNORR, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Septembers ISTl-lf. nAAtf l flTJVTCJ no Ions nted a HDUIV AllhlN fc)noeltywhlclMvllUoll FAMILY RitmSTEE is the only work est ant which sal Isllesl Ids want. It Is heiilillfulnnd strtlclngoo!iitilnlli'.!nn entire ly ntwnnd ch-giillt 1'AMII.V l'llorolllAl-ll Al lium wlthnioiuideio Kamii.v llisroi-.y. Lxaclly what tho peoido Iiiivm long wlslwd, Ht-lllng rnp hlly. Ahe.nth nro dropidng tho oM nooks to take hold of Iho useful and lieaullfiil " llnli'iir." A lewlsto Iteports Horn Agents nioi 11 lu-.'dai s; 11 in :i d.iysi Hi In iweek. iietlliig AsintstJito $:,u per week. I'ull pnrtlculars nud circulars fre. Addrtss(iro MA(.M:AKi ,,u,lll.hcr novlO'TO-ly. Tin Hansom Mreet, I'hlladelphln. OTUAYCOvi I'n.imlnllin nrPinlU-i of tllO UbCrUitr. refill - Itusut Mnluvlile, about the 1st of Nm tinbi r , of u li!,lit broH n rtilor. wllh white hpots on her nronertv. tnv chaines and take her away. Lrfcln will Lo iIlfclK,,t;i! " ftcr,Itr m niw. Dir. b, Ml 31 A DMINISTHATOIVH NOTfoK. FHT-4TK OK JOIt N KIT ('It VS, liKC'P. Iiittets of tulinluUiriitton on the estnto of John KHilitii Jutoof buyuiloaf twp.tColuuibk-i. tnniuty du-'d., haobeenyrnnted by the Itf-iUter of ald county, to 1. K. Krleklunmu, of Heutoi All persons hnvlim claims or dunamW UKitiust the deCixlunt are requested to makn them knou,nua lhoi.0 Indebted tn mako iay nunt. 1. IC, KU1CKHAUM. nu ut Uer.Y7i-iw, Adinlnltnilox, A ) 1 1 N I STI t ATO US1 NOTICE. JHTATBOK JAt'OIl HAHIltH, IhO'l. a Uvr of administration on theestaleof Jaexdi Harrln, latu of lleinloclc township , ColuuibUu nnmiU' lll'd'tl.- Iia A llClMl ffralllcil I)V tllO lU'4lt)-i terot said county to WJJIIjuu llarrUof llambuiff. norus tuuiuj. iti.i huh Jiniiw w liuclihom, L'uluiubla county, To. All person liuvlng clalmii against thu estate ol the decedeut are leuiicsted to pnseul them lor nettlemenl, uud thoso ludebted to thu estato to mako pay ment to iue uuuerhiautu, iimunusmuui , wiiu uut diluy. WIl.UAM llAIlHIS. JAMIJ1 A. UAllltlH, Ailllllulktl-itliiin. iFousk ln-yrrixci. dcc8'7l-Gw sc ciiool HenliHl nroimiuilii for bull llntr millions!. lu Millllll lowllKlilp. Ctilumliia J , mar Urn rcnlaeiu-0 nf Jtilili Mlcliuul.'l Hit rlltli,liy 31 h ut In It-iiKtli. will 1m recelvnl IwSi-iiikiI IHit-t-tiiriiut Millllll tuwnlili, till' . uiillulux of Iit-t-tiiiWr.lt71,uii'luii tli.ttiliiy t liuHt-liiMii lilrector.. lMiiu nml mih-cIIU'iiUhiii yliuntcu. hy ctilllnifoii UioHt-i-rt-lui--nr tliut , liyunlt-ror tliu Uu.irJ, jac-oiiuiiuvi-.1i, isaau m.j:i;h, hecrt-tury, iicildeut. Deo, 8, U7I-31, UKHKONS htwInK Deeds nml Jlcrt X Huge, ttruriliil, I) Ins In Hits tfflrt-, wll ilf-ni-ti rail anil tnhu lutlil (jut. lor Kukunti Do tro txrluliuU, 11 T W(,l,. Hi.oomniii'UO, Nov. 3, lltrordrr. NEW AT M. P. LUTZ'S, DRY 00 01)8 A NJ) NOTIONS For Every Body. -:o:- GAIJi AND MAKE YOUIt OWN SIClilCCTIONS. s ir A W L s At Lust Year's Prices!. SO ADVANCJK ON I'll I NTS. TIIK LAHGICST AND liF.ST ASSDHT.MKNT OK DRESS GOODS IAT BLOOaISBURG. B ROWER'S BLOCK, NEXT TO COURT HOUSE. TIIK IIISTOUY OF COLUMBIA pnuntv-lroin Hb orLMiilwitlon In 1811 tolSTI. Compiled nnd etllted by .Iohn G. Vhkktv. Ono volume octavo, 500 pn his, Clot li SAW, half library, S...VJ, full library 8-l.iiO. i;'li.niii win. ilia rnny luhiory ni ineiem tory comprised wlttilu tho limits of Columblannd Mimtour, thU volumo tfUcH tho orgnnlzfltlon by Hit orlsluul boundarkH, ltn hubserment leiflslatlve reuuciiocs, ana ineeieciiouui Jionuiur rouuiy, A nhitiitor on tho strfnins nud mountains the dalo of thoercctions of tho townships and bor- outflis, aim me icrrnory n-ii 01 wnicn iney were rormeu UiPpernnnpi m uie cuuns, coiuprisiuK tho names ttl tho rrt-Hldent Judges tho Associates, iih I'roinonoiiirief, Jtciiiers, niieriua una iue roKldcut Attonu'SS of both Columbia and Mon tour. It has chapters on Illoomsburff, lianvtllo. Her wh'lr, Cn lawlKRa and the mnnllf r town. Full edu catlonal MatlsllcH. Tho Hmoval tucHtiou, und th vote on It by tow nhlpi, Tho penhus by township-, Includlna Montour, from 18.0 to ISO, tho taxable! lor 171 nud tho numberof ncren of land in each township. A very compute lift of tho incmbcrx of L'ouifhs, St iilLo and llom-o.repruheullnff Columbia coun ts', UUi lull and various election rtturns for Ktateuud l-'tderul oillte.s by townships. THE WAU ItECOHD OP COLUM lilA AND MONTOUit countlc, comprUinx tho muster roll ot all tho cnnnnnU-rt and patts of companies reVrulud i,i th.i N'o. ot tlio Iteultuent. tho battles they wereenpiped In, with nuinerons Itemsof TlClhOHIil-JllI"'"'-"!. .VH-i."! UIUMMHIIH !.". the nnmes of tho ponspentlou-Kcruplo exempts nud tlm rmtrKency men ot ht-pttmber, ImM ami Juno lbKt, lehig h pcmpleto war moid of the rchc.uon. ALSQ nn: iNVAio:f or coi.ujihia couktv, tho Irlnlsof our clllzi-ns, tho crcat argument nf Jiidtu mark on Mllltnry Commissions, nnd tho otiltilon of tho UnltodHtiiti-sHupii me Court, oou-ik-niului; lln-ni. ToKCtlirr with iiiuch other cur ious Important, nud inu-restlnij lnitttor, Ukoiuik A. C1.A111;. or lIloomslmrK, I author. I7i-tl lout'clvosubi-crlntlonsfor tho work: to tic jiuld for 011 dun try. hub. 18,'JHIra JOIUIAL SCHOOL. Tho Institution heretofore known rs the MADISON ACADEMY, wji.i. m: orr.NKi on 310VOAY, OCTOIIUR HU, A Till! WAVUKJiY NORMAL SCHOOL UNIMCK tub cirAitai-: OF 1'IIOF. II. 1). WALKER, A. M. THE 8C1I00I. WILI.JIB AT ONCE OKOASIICD AH A 7TOB.nSA.JC SCHOOL, AMD HIE OOUItSU OV STUDY of f I Is several classes will eorreispond to the course dnntwl by the linn n I of 1'rluclpaln of the Hlate lornial Hehotilii of l'eiiusylvttuui, ana opproved at loot IVrirlilitt i ..... u. ( Th iiradeof each class will tw dcflnltrty ttxed; and puplU on entering tho Hchool. will be ex. amli'ed.aud placed In the claw whon studies, they by their ability aud nttaluiuent. are tilted tJ,Vri" tkhlne;. nnd In the Judifmeut of tho I'rluclpnl competent, will be allowed to pur hue a Helect Course or htudy, , . 1'iiOF, Walkku, aud lu reputation as an fc-du-rator.aro ton well known to need auy conimen datloli from tho Hoard of Trusietsi especially la Liutrne County, where ho 1m bient twele s TB "WilWlSiTlfSji elms Item, Tuition, J..k,U, A0d,. H.rlnclff l,rlu hicretary of Trustees, Wuvcrly, Luzerne county, Hejt, :xlh,l67l-tf. JOHN G. JACOUY'S" haki'.ky and conkegtioneuyi I1KKW1CK, l'ENN'A. mm i,,ilnrcttrTifil would reunectrullv Inlorm tlio CltlzoiiH of Uerwlck, und vicinity, thut litm oiucU u uoult-cuonery hiiu iiuKtiry iu 01)1) FULLOWB' HALL, rti-rwlck. Pa., wuero lia 1. prei-aroil to furnUh Hit uiuusoi I'LAl.N ANU FANCY CANIUFH, KltUNCII CANUI1S. FOUEKIN AND DOMISTIO FHUIT8 OltANO KH, LUMON8, ItAIBINH Ic,. AO., uto.. aO. l-.V W1IOI.KHAI.I0 AMU lltTAIL, Aniou.' flio luiortnicutwUl lw fotinil Cremii Nllt, l-.nell.ll Unlillltii, IVilliul.. AlnioliiU HI. heili l-'ltiw, Apple, tooou NtllH, Jt-llli-M of iltln-l. cut UllliU, Mij.lultl,l'illi.u, I'k-Uli-B, CliooxilaU-, I'lilllutl I t ill t of ull klmU, llolll hUli li, 'K HI' mil. mIh Cruckum, uyktor l'iuckt-r. ci4i;e, rump, vyrltlnii I'uper, Aurtn-iuvut rupurs, hU- t-lopt-H, AND OYSTKIUJ, Aud produce ofallkluda. Fresh llread.aml Cake, every day, Jta Creaia In Heuon, Your patronage f.aollclle.1. lit rw kit, JmlTI IT CLARK & WOLFS COLUMN. LARGE STOCK OF FALL GOODS which auk now in mxiuk. THKY WILL SKIil TI1HM Low For Cash on PRODUCE. CLARK & I0LF HAVE CALL ,LYD SEE, Opposite Brown's Hotel B L O O M S B U R G. Wo offer n H1LK COIlIrD 1'On.lN that nold nt51.tV)nowat(t,35per ynrd. A cnlptulld JAPANE.SK RTTtlPi: AtSl.CO par yard. A full lino of IILAf'K to 31 "oper yam. AlA'ACA fiomaJcenls Our 85 cent Alpncncnn't ts- lirnt,tur"5 cent Alpaca prime. And you know our Cd ct. Alpnc-i Is theMicst In tlio Market lor the money. A Sixteen honoCOItfiETnipO cents. Our 1.S0 Long bono COliSr.T Is woitli buying. Bleached and uubloachcd MUSLIN, a full lock. AITI.ITTON A. fit II cents by tho bolt, 15 cents by Iho ynrd. LntllOM AVIlIlc IlOhP. I.niHea Merlnu Hoh LntllrH UdlmorHl IIoo LndU Ilalhlsrunc. Hoio. Luillcslrtm Fiaino Iloso lAdUH KlUNGr.l) hlTlTINO CI.OTH for Tolo- natsoH at per yard. Klcopod Iltwo, Mloa ono-huif IIo..o Hoso in extra SIso Misses KIbheil lloso Men Wollen ouo-half IIao SHIRTS kM DRAWEES Lrtrtlcs Vests Cnrtllgitn Janket-i Ladies Cloth Olovra Latllos Horlintl Gloves Ladles Buck Onuntlcls WOOL SCARFS, NUBIAS, HOODS, Uuck Gloves Ladles Kur top Glovrs Gents Fur to Gloses Uuck Gloves nml Mltler.s Ladles liltt Gloves Gents Cloth Hack Unci: Tnlm Gloves Shawls of all Kinds. millions Velveteens ICinjiri-bS Cloth Drei's GoihIh Dumle.s Holies Itlnok- Kill ill Velvet Hltioii8 Utaver Cloth Cassimcrs and Flanons OIL C1.0THH l-l, l-l and 8-1 Idr. TKA HKTIH of pltctH, lion tono wro nt UMper etl. Our Hock of TEAH, COKFEEH, Sl'ICEf, 4c la full and at the lovrckt ncnrei. O ur ktcek ot NOTIONS In lull and couif lcle. lio 11001H pud I-II0FH, a lull line. CL.Mti; A WOI.I'are cloalng out tin Ir alock HIIAWIX ut rttlticed prltea, tnapy pi Ihem CO'.t, We n.ii ltd no atoek ol Fl'UN over from lnat tcaion, cur ptiact.t atw-k la lurgenndall new, und weolTer .hem Iiom l.'tvj lutiiuuper n-l. WATEU.ritOOF 11.60 aud 11,75. CLOAK1NU at II.IA Logal NoticcB. TTjinNIBTIlATOIl'S NOTIOB. r-.. '"-'"' itipiiAi o'corrndn, nr.crn. Letters of Administration, on tho estalfl Inmhln county, tlecensed, havo been granted ti thollcglsternfsald county to JeremlahU'l out or ofsamoplflre. All persons having claims ng 'i 1. the estate nf tho decedent nre reQticslcd l sent them for sellleiocnt, nnd those Indeble 1 ths estate to make aymcnt to the undersigned, iiuiin,'. s Lunut 1 ,niu ,,1 1 enirnua iiorough r JUtKMfAlIO'CXJNNim decl'7Ul Auministrut'ii A DJIINISTIlATOIl'a NOTICE. XX mtatk or Wrl.M.mTOS It. TXT, IIKC'i s1'f,1.,.,'rfor.,lll).m.l".,"trat' on Ihe estnto -f Wellington II. Uut, lale of llloomsburg. Col-, ll Arounlv. l'n.. ilpren.A.1 , .r'.r- ... , of WlhJ'.eLir'i.Vi.1." .. ordeuiAndtKaiiit thedfcrtlentnra rtutu -si to mnko thcnl Known, nml ttioie liKlcoic t i make ray rn cut wit lion t Ucluy, novITTl-Ct AUmittiMu i - J7XKCUTOHVS NOTiCK. Ji EflTATK OF FltKOKRlCK Alt t TFEIt lilt ,, Lrttcru tffitniiirnhirv mi iliflnttatiwir i-1-.. . .1 BliafTor, Jato of Ccmro twp., CoIiiidIjU romj'v uru u., iuwk uurn Kniuiuu tty ilia ItCUlHier n( s 1 l1 counii' toMauiuclNi'jrhnrtJ, of Cuntro (ownVi) . Oltliublt touiltv. Tu. AH ritffiinnnlmvliiir.ln, ft2t' I list tho catalonre reauoiloel tcrpreneiit tli! ,i u 1 1 if isxecutor in Jwmoiiiij(;e,uoJairiijUcouii t'a. Thono lndobteU (a tbo estato cither on uo liulsment. mortg.ise or book nccouul will iuhko pa 1 nt-nt to tUo j:iL-cutor wit hour it Hay. iiovli'Tl-Cw, ADMINJSTItATOU'S NOTJOK. KlTATH Or II HI K CCA IllfNEU DEO I). i-iiera 01 naminiAtrntton on tho entAto of lit brtra Itltnr. lato or Lopunt twn . t viinrrrl.. . nmnty, Ut-ccftRrtl, hnvo bwn Krantesl b !tu IU'((liitcr ot wild fouuty in John a. hi' hp, Ddtulnlslrtilor. All rritonii linvlnjc rti.m oca lust tho i-tflte of I lie ilccutjcul nrrrii. sir inv-iui uiviu i'ji ciiii-iuvil, II 11' I lIi(Ss ilebtcu to Ihe tnte to mntto payment to 1 U u, aeruigned, ruliiitnlstratom, wtitiout df lnv. .NurnetJU r. O. nov ir7l-6w AdrainlUfu f, A UDITOIVS NOTIOK. Xi. JHTATROPJOIIN U!CItAni)4. DEf'n, 'Hill sJluJifrhlBIIUil Illtrmllttfl 1 htr llr Urn ,an Court or L'ulumt'In pi imij. Andltor, on . tuMi llmiH nod to innke tlltrlbutlon of ttia Ixi in i .a tnu Jinuus or m, it, iMt'incr. Jjioculnr ot ni I u ctilent, will lni'vlttin iutlot lntfreiu 1 I'irtho purpose ot In- nm ifnim-nt, at the uitlcu of Uobt'rt J-'. Clmlf, lu hlooinsburtt, tm Knnri1.v. tlM 241iuny ot Niiemuer, A.l). ia71,ut 1 o't l rk a' m. All icinaiiH hiving cIaIiiii ugitiiAt th tstnte nrti ruiulriHt to prencnl llietu or oa torov-r clclj.irreiUroiu co.titit lu lor n pnrt of ttici-ft.j lunil. . U. II. mUJY. OCt..7IIU Audit jr. A. UDITOirrt NOTiCK. JMTATK OF OI.OILGB KLINE, DRD'H. e uiidsTAlnut-il. AmJiLor. nnmilntat bv itin OiphriUK' Cuuil ir O'imnblrt county to mtika itUtrlbnlloit nt thohiliuce In tho hutnU ol tla AilniluUtrutnr tiftMill dcPtJdfnt. at npr Ihm nr. count tiled, to li." parJei nntitleil to ltneive tho hiii n a, will tnnt ihu pnrtk'H luifraftHl for tlm ourpoMO 01 nm nnpnmiineni, 0.1 iim oiu-c, m lltoonihUitR. on ilunlay. tho a'llli Uy r fo VMnbfr, A, D. I7l,Ht li o clock n, tn, All por hunA h'tvlntc cnlnn rcatnst the entnti wt iui fnlii flfpfii'iit me requlreil lojtreseut tlt'in 0 "'in inn niniiM'r iil inai iinie, or no mrtJVtr n.' biirroa frum cjmlug tu ror tv pun of thi . il fU'"'. ... C.U.IIAHKLKY. tct.TJlHt, Auditor. S uiuo;na in nivoKcii:, In tho Court cf Common I'loas or ('nimniiia tl. A. lloltonstoln. 1 . . ? Alias Snli.( 1 u Divorce. Ularn A. K. Uottpnteln) MAPAM: You ftrehcrfliv rtniilrrA.l tn iinrnnf ui iut) uiim v,vjun, nnu nnmver 10 me tnm com plaint, or tho matter will bo tlu-n ddtvrmlned ex parte. A A HON HlllTH, BherliT. By order of iho Court. WKLLINOION H.KNT. I'rolUonotary. JllOsimsburg. Oct. ;7, lOTI It. A UDITOK'S KOTWF. " " XL I.1TATK Or HENRY YOHT, DHC'D. Tho uudprMirned. annolutod bv tlia nrnlvina Court of Columbia county, Auditor to distribute luiinn in mo iitiijun vi mo uccoumam ot Jienry Yust, deceased, will meet the parties IntereHted tor the purposu of hU appointment AthUotllcu lu llloonisbiirB. on Monduy. the lULli day of No vcmber, A. 1. is?l, at 10 o'clock; ti, m. All per Konn havlUB claims on said estate nro requeued to attend, or befureer debaired from coming lu for a part of said lund. II. H. 1K.LI.IU1, oo:i!T'Tl-4t. Auditor. F NCOItPOUATIO.N, Kotlco H herebv clvmi. that, nn IIiaTiI dnvnf October, ls71, fcuudry lnhabltnntn of Columbia county presented a ptllllon to an adjourned Court ot Common l'lcas of Raid counly, iraylnu tho bald Court to rajit a Charter ot lncorporatlou under the name, myle and lltlo of '"the ltenton Mutual taln l"und aud Ionu AMlciatlon,, with tho rishu nud privileges thtrLln Mated, nml If no isutllcient cause Ih shown to tho con trary on the tlrst day or next term, the prayer of tho pc-tlllouerH will be grunted, according to tho ici oi iht.'iuuiy iu bucu ciuie innue nnu pio- Mdtni. v. ir. i;m. itciJi.i-n. I'mthonotarr. AUDITOHVS KOTICK. IJiTATK OF DC UO HA PEAIf, DKC'D. Alio uuuersii;ncu, uppomted by the Orph.mti' Court of Columbia county. Auditor to mate dis tribution of tho balance in tho hnnd Urockway, Esq., Administrator of the thtnte of jui-uuiu urun, m meei iue pariiCH lnterestf-u, ior inw jiurpuivttm ma npoininieui, on aiouuaj', tho iUlh itnv of NoMinber. Ifeil. at itiii'i liscK- n 1.1 at his olllce In JIloonibburK. All iioiih having clnlmnon .nld efitato nro icjueftted to attend, or m imutT utuiirrtu uuiu ujiihih: in ior a partot fcald fund, (.', MILLKK, ocuv'7i.iw. Auditor. A UDITOIVS XOTICE. XV. E.HTATK OF CLKHUEL O. KirKETtS, DFC'n. Iho nnderhlKued, Appointed by tUoUrpluiUH Court of Columbia count, Auditor to distribute lands In the hands of accountant of Clemuel i. tiicviin, iiiiu ui uruuuo lowiibnip, uominnia rounty.Uee'd.wlll meet the pattlealnteretited for the putpoKuof his nppolntmeut, ut the oiliceuf C. 11. Urockway lu Jlloomnbtin;, on l"rlday, No- ember 21 th. Ia7l, nt 1') o'clock a.m. All Dersom iiHvtiiK ciuuuH ui;uiuMb sitiu eKuiie are rtiiniren in iitim ov no luiuvtr utuurrtHi nuni nilmr In for a p'litnf said lund. W. II. AllliO'lT, Auditor. ."(iV .t, , I iff, A 1)31 1 N I STIi ATUIl'lj KOTICK. l.ttt t Oi (l'!llliUlKtrntHll(HtthDvliilft nfCalrh V. Mooiy, late of (lieenwood lowtishliv Colum bia counly, doocaM'd, have been ttrautcd by the ui'KlHier oi wu'i eonniy 10 jsaac A. Duwilt or Kohubuitr. All persons lmvlna claim s ngalnt tho estate of t e Uer-edent nro requested to pret heut them (or is ttlement, and thoi.e ludebted to ihecstub' to malto iinyment to the under blljued, adminl-trjtor, without delay. no3'7I fit. AdmluUirator, pXICCUTOIVS KOTICK. Hi .1A1B OK l'ETEIl 11 1 LI. Fit, HEC'l. LetlerH testamentary on tho estate ot Teter ty,deeeav(d.,hnve ben ran ted by the UoaUttr oi mid Kiinty to ChttrltH Miller, of LoucM township, Columbia county. All persons havlna clalinHU'alUhi iheiKtatearereiiu Hted to present lllVIH Itt tllU I.ACUIIIH 414 .UIUUISIUUIUV. I'll, 1 luu Indebted to thu estate either on uote, Judi;- lut-iit, iii"iuiim'itii noun HL-imui wm maio pujincuv iu me iiecuior wn uoui ileiay. nov3'71 Gw. Kxecutor, 1DUHLIC NOTICK. Wlioreart, by tlio L llth section of the Aet of the General An hombly ol tbo C-omiuouwenlth of IVnusvlvanla, nppiovedMay 21 A, I). entitled "An act Tur t tie protection of wilmou, blacU Ihish and other 11 bh h newly Introduced, or to bo lutriMiuc- ed, unoine rivtri iHiawuie ana t"Ulqueimnnil and tlulrtilbutarleM; lor tho protection alsuof (lospH m-niiit.1 uuiaunu nunm;, ami to prevent the lulnc'iictlnii or pudatory Ut-Uin Into trout Klreami a id Inrolhergermnrft purpfwfb;" it W niaiiu iue ui. ui nit- ni'u-iin toenuM oi iue counties of mid Cmnmouucnltli halng jurl- ilicnon oi iue hireauiH mureoi, wneuoer tney hall iiUtoNer, or bo Inionntd of the existence nCany conliHaiue for the catcluntfof uch as nro (oniiiinul known us lUli brtbLetv, eel wt'ijt-, ismuies, iiuii or unciuu nets, or any oiner pirmaiiiuuy niuxuna oi iukiuu iihli, in the niiluie of a hcine. lit ele tt n lii. nollrn in two uiwMpnpt'iKiiflltelr Ufinrlhuiuuntlen, thut me fcaiu icnuiuucto mo khumu kj exui.unu uro iifcliUKt common jiuiuiHm.and to order them to b1 lUnnunlKdVy tbtir ouutu or man utieu ilifrtimt', in tonunuiiiy io faul act, I, AAllo (-Ml'lll, bhtiii! oi (.ohimbla county, hereby nl Notico to All Whom it May Concern, llint tho contrivances for tho ttiktng ot tUU In mill net lllt-ntlolieil lire ktiotvu to exlkt tu tlio Notlli liritneli oil lie Stii-iiiieltaiiliitrlNer.uuU other btreitlll. t illllll tne eoiiiii oi t oitiiiiiuu, inui llio mniti mo tltdiircit to le eoii-inon iiulMtnceii, bihI Hint the (tUlielN ulul liinutillirH ot i.aUl c-outrtv unrtii. re hritl-) i.riiniitl In OUmautlo and er lnoe tt tlusb utter the puhll. t hi Ion l.t ri of, mult r Ihe ptl ulty of having thu i-tuur itliiuiiiilltd und lctuo liI, tut In mtltl net 1 iirotnJeU. AAltON BMlTll, bhetllT of Coin iiibitt county, r. rF'nvx MA1 OF iH.ooMsuuno lit ...i.,iuu, ly ttiurifr ('ivri. o vtumttia ctiunty t lixlhe uuvtir tf the town limp o JHuoiiu buro.inailc by .Somitel Xryharit tintl submitted for cintrfftnniit(u;jitetat to tald ttitii-t Notice la nrltrnv qivkn, 'fliat the undert-lgued Commit. fciontr npiioiuityi ur mo .aid limit- to retKiri tlio evldeueo ottered by cttltenuPKiiiust anil In Uvor nt tho com einct-H nt Bald map, tonether wltli Ills opinion In rrcard to am matter complained ol lit lelutlon thereto, wilt attend at tho I'ourt lloubo, lu. llloonishurir, on Moutluy, the tvten llethtlay ot Novembei, pioxuuo, at ten o'clock In Hie toretioon or tnil tluy, to dUcharge the du Ilea of hi. which time and placo nil persona llitni ""'I may attend It they ahull IblhkirorerauJ hehtnrd, 11 M. K. JACKhON, octS7'71-2w Commualouer, ;i inku:y knitting maciiini: I UB HIMW EfeT, ClIlAl'tST AND DFbV IN UeEl 1IAH M'T ONE NEEDX.EI A CHILD CAN Ill'N ITt Dcalgned ti-nlull for the uaeof fuinlllcs, ci.t ladlea who tlttlie loknlt lor (lie market. Will t',oiei attUh of tlio htiltlltig lu tt Muck Inn, utdtiili k'aiitt liHiioultig aa it mlllj- ua by hand. Ate ipHlitlld fur MriatltU nud fiiucy woik, TAKlNd I IVIi 1IH111.NT K1M1H OF t-'llicill Ale tty i in-y in iiiHiiBB,., ami n.,t liable mill t ut (f in ti. Leiy 1 alully ahould liuve one. We v aul tin Art hi In itiy town to Introduce (lid it 11 llH in, lu v In in v e oiler tho moat llbeial Indutt uuute. hind Itrcui Cliculur and bamplo titockluir. Atldttaa. IllNKLLV KNUTINU MACHINE CO., uov. IvTl.ljr. llath, M, of i.t ll.U,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers