TJ IK 06 LU A1 1)1 A N . Bloomsburg, Friday, Juno 9, 1871 lim,IMI(iwnt.t.A(,ii.,1iJ l-nrk llnw,nrnniirinly nulliorlril AilverlMtiK Attend! In New VitU. (SiK.W'Krn Kiiti.i.dcOii., Nn. Iii7('lii'ilniit Httr-et, tumor only authorised AspntH In riillmlrliihlit. O.CI. Munriiv, I-n. lour authorised ArpiiI nt I Vnlrnllit ti trniiMrt any ImUmiei net tnltilnii llin L'ol.tlMlllANOIIlCP. All ndvcrtlRement f(ir llin forKolna: loonlb He mtmlho eadnned liy thuno Akohui, nr they will reeelvo no munition. tf. Railroad TImo Tablo. LACKAWANNA A 1H.OOMSUUUO II, 11. OnllicNotlll. lining Hontll, IliUA. M. MIA. M, tiM 1'. M, G:M 1. .M. I'ATAWIHHA 11. It. rilOM Ittll'llltTHTATION (Jnlnji North. doing Houtll. 4'A'i 1. M IIIWJ.JI, Teacher nml l'lipll. A iinragraph lias been "b'iIiir tlia round" of tlio paper to tho t-ffoct that the Stnto Supcrlnlcnilimt of Coinnion ScliooN lmtl "decided" tlmt Tenelicr.i had tho power to suspend or expel pu pils from school. Knowing tlmt tho school law conferred no such powe,ntid that tho Ho-called "decision" might therefore lead to mischief, wo addre-iscd h nototo tho proper authority Inquiring whether such decision had been made, mid if so upon what law It was based. The Deputy Superintendent replies "thero Is no blaluto law giving such mi. thorlly, but wo bellovo that to o.xorclio it when neeojsary Is In perfect accord ance with the spirit of tho law." This latter conclusion wo perempto illy deny, and combat it because It Is only calculated to get Teachers Into trouble. Tho power to suspend or expel a child of n citizen from n common school established by lawand supported by public taxation, can only exist when directly conferred by statute. Tho statuto confers tho power upon par ticular persons tho School Di rectorswho havo no nuthorily to di'legato their power, and all others are thereforo excluded from its exercise us completely as though the statute de clared In express terms that no others hhould exorciso it In other words, no authority is given to any person or por tions to suspend or expels pupils from tho common schools excepting to the School Directors, wiio may only act as a board and must keep a correct minute of tho proceedings, ho that If wrong be done It may bo corrected and the wrong doers held responsible. This Is so palpably tho correct view of tho case that wo aro surprised any other should bo held. It would bo intolerable that nu irresponsible stranger should possess tho power to arbitrarily suspend or expel our children from school. It Is also imposing upon tho Teacher nu on erous duly not within his province which is to teach, instruct and Is cal culated to embroil him In dilllcultics from which ho should bo entirely re lieved. Tho responsibility for exorci sing or not exercising this essential power is properly fixed upon tlio Direc tors, who act for tho people interested, and lor their benellt and by their au thority. It should bo borne in mind that it is not tho province of tho Superintendent of Common Schools to m ike laws nnd ids duty In reference to them Is only to explain them when applied to, nml that his "decisions" carry with them no au thority other than is comprehended within tho term mlelcc. It is well for Teachers, therefore, not to attempt to oxorelso nuthority that tho law does not confer upou them and which is not at all necessary to onablo them to dlschargo their proper duties. It might also bo as well for tho State Superintendent and ids deputy to contlno tliemsolvos within tlio rango of authority conferred upon them by law. They aro creatures of tho act of Assembly and should hnvo a wholesomo regard for their creator, heast of all they should not givondvlco that may lead others to troublo and le gal punishment. - Tub Foundry buildings on C'ontio are being removed. C'ouiit. Tho special Juno term Court commences Monday next. oi SuowEKH. Sovcral showers havo during tho week greatly improved tlio condition of vegetation, and allayed tho dust on thq parched roads. Wj: pro informed that a hall storm occurred nt Benton on Saturday last. No damago done. It signally failed to cool tho atmosphere in tills region. Cor.. Danii:i, 1''om,mi:k, aged 8j, n soldier of tho war of 1S1U, participated in tlio ceremonies of Decoration Day, at Milton. Doatinii, Canal boating must bo dull nowadays, if wo aro to judgo from tho meagro travel on tho North liranch Canal. liHAUTll'Ui.. The mountain foliago presents thq most beautiful appearance. and tho varied lints would 1111 tho eyo of the enthusiastic artist with ad m Ira lion. Coai, TitAiNH. Sinco the beginning of operations in the neighboring coal regions tho passing of coal trains, honv lly laden, has become activo on tho Lackawanna and Uloomsburg railroad SuiihNADKits. Wohavo recently met several serenading parlies on tho streets, uftor tho close of day, who were making Iho nlr vocal with music, which could bo considered good, bad and indifferent. Cows Kii,i,m-0n last Saturday u llmeslono train on tlio Lackawanna and Hloomsburg railroad ran over nnd kill cd two valuablo cows, nt tlio Espy road crossing. Ono of them belonged to koukht iioan, of tills place. Mu. Hknj. l Alwaui). of Danville was stricken with apoplexy, wiillo en gaged In eating his breakfast nt tho Union mill Hotel, In that ulace. on Wednesday morning, 31st ult., and died iu n half an hour afterwards. Wh learn from tlio ItcimWeun tlmt col. H. JvNoim him been belected to tie- liver tho Oratiou boforo tho Gamma Hpsllon Literary Society of Dickinson Hcminory or willlnmsport at tho onen ing of their Now Hall on tho 21st of Juno. Not Passed. Tho bill forbidding tho salo of liquor on election days was not passed by tho Senato and signed by tho Governor, us reported, nnd honco Is not a law. It appears that tho bill was never takcu out of tho hands, of tlio oenaio uommilleo to whom It was re ferred, nnd henco was not dually nctod upon. tit K.NTi:itTAiN.Mi:N'rn. - Soino of our good elll.cus complain of the deaith of entertainments, and await with cnnsld. erablo anxiety and pleasure tho advent of snmo new nllractlnn. I'I.RAhant. Tho lemper.iturii oriho past few evenings has eerlnlnly been pleasant, npd ntrordlng comfort to the workers who suirorcd with the heal of tho day. Tun Nuw Host; OAitnr.uiii. The now I1030 carrlago of tho friendship frro Company lsn neat arrangement, of substantial make, and calculated to do vnhmblo servlco under tho manage ment of tho gallant and Intrepid mem bers of the company. Tin: cooling, healthful waters of Movnit Hitos. new and elegant Soda Fountain delighted tho denizens of Hloomsburg who patronized It during tho recent hot days. Their Fountain Is ono of tha most beautiful wo havo over seen and Its waters aro delightful. Dackawanna County. Thu Legis lature hits again passed n hill providing for tho erection of a new county out of parts of Luzerne, with tho county scat at Scranton, to bo culled lickawaniiu. Tho question must, however, ho sub milted to n vole or the clllwns of Lu zerne county. Sunday School Fhstivat. The Sunday School connected with the episcopal Church will hold a festival In ltuperl'u Untitling, on this and to-morrow evenings, nt which strawberries, Icecream and other icfrcshuicnts will bo dispensed. A pleasant mid success ful tlmo Is anticipated. Cf.iUNl.Nci Uf. Thoall'.ihloand kind hostess of Urown's Hotel, Mrs. Cleorgo II. Drown, has been quite busy this week iu scouring up tho interior ol that always well kept place of public enter tainment. Everything Is bright now and In apple plo order, and rt Heels great credit upon tho lady and her energetic assistants. Although the delegates to the Stale Convention fiom Schuylkill county voted for llioUth resolution, wo observe that at a largo county meeting, held since that time, nil tho action of Hie Stato convention wasdlrcclly approved except the Oth resolution, to which no referenco whatever is made. This Is a quiet but substantial rebuke. Tin: sixty-third annual report of the Pennsylvania lliblo Society, stales that tho receipts during the past year amounted to $I7,2P) ii, and the dis bursements to $17,(1(15 IS. Thero were circulated, by sale and distribution, during tho year 107,!M-'f lllhlcs and Tes taments, in twenty languages and dia lects. Theui: is somethlui: Inexpressibly sweet about llttlo girls. Lovely, pure, Innocent, ingenious, unsusnect itnr. fu ot kindness to brothers, babies, nnd evcryining. xney aro sweet, numan flowers diamond dew drops in tho breath of morn, what n nity they should ever becomes women, llirts nnd nearness coquets. Kxcltanyc. Ourdovil says thero Is "something inexpressibly " sweeter about women than thero Is about little girls. Doctors dllfer, and so do judges. Onn Fi:r.i.ow.s'Ci:r.i:m:ATioN. Mil lard Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Espy, had a pleasant celebration at Espy, on last baturdny, in Crcveling's Grove. Dele gations of tho Order were present from loin, Mlluln nnd Orangevllle. Four or ftvo hundred persons were present, and partook of tho refreshments prepared. Music was furnished by tho Hlooms burg Urass Hand. Tho address was de livered by C. 1!. DltouicwAY, E-q., Dis trict Deputy Grand Master. State Sunday School Conven tion. Tho Soventh Annual Conven tion of tho ronnsylvanla Stato Sabbath School Association will bo held at Allen town, 1,, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, tho 13th, 1 1th and loth of Juno. All tho earnest Sunday school workers of the Keystone Statu aro cor- lially invited to bo present. Each ovan- gelical school is requested to send two or moro delegates. Those who propose to attend should notify A. J. Hreinl);, Allcntown, l'a., who U Chairman of Local Committee of Arrangements, on or befoio tlio "th of June, so that enter tainment may bo secured, nml orders for excursion tickets procured and for warded. Tbxt IIookh. lieiow Is tlio new lnw rogartllnj; tlio clifuigo of scbool-books : SncTio.v 1. That Iicroaflor tlio board of directors of nny district, tlio control lers in cities nntl liorouKlisorniiy school superiiitciulent, bhnll not order or illrcct or lniiku nny cliano Iu tho school hooks or scries of toxt honks ii;cil Iu nny school under ills or their superintend ence, direction or control, more than onto in every period or tnreo years, und any laws or nails of laws incon sistent herowitli bs nntl tho tamo aro hereby repealed. Section L'. Any 6chool director, controller or Ruperintendont who hlmll viuiaiu mo proviiions ot mu act, snau bo deemed L'ulltv of it misdemeanor. and upon conviction thereof shall ho sentenced hv Iho court to nav a lino not cxccedlii; two hundred dollars) anil ho uepnveu of ids otllco. IjAi-ayktti; Coij.koe. Tlio com incneementnt this well known eollcffo begins ou Sunday tho IStli lust, with tho llaccilaureato sermon, and contln uos until Wednesday tho lilst, at which tlmo tho commoncoment exercises proper will como oir. Tho senior class day ono of tho most Intcri'sUn-' feu turcs of tho programmo will bo on Monday tho lOlli. Preparations havo been made to eu Burn a perfect success In tho whole pro gramme. Doelsworth's famous hand of 20 pieces furnishes thu muslu nt nl tlio exercise on Monday, Tue.-day and Wednesday. TJio varlflm Uailrotuis, leading into Kastou, ellher sell excur sion tickets generally or on orders oh turned In advance (gratis) from tho President. Tho oration boforo Iho Literary Socle lies on Tuesday evening will bo- by tho Hon. Am, K. McC' FituAKs oi' Tin: IjiaiiTNiNd. Ou lastSaturdny evening, during tho thun der storm, tho lightning descended tho chimney of I'ktuu HutM storehouse, in Light Street, and taking n courso ulong tho lloor, interrupted tho rovcrlo of n clerk by tearing oir tho heel nnd solo of his boot, Tho samo evening Samuki. Cnnvn una nnd 0. 1. Knt wero driving from Espy, when tho slorm overlook llicn'i, Alter nn unusually vivid Hash their 3 COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, hor30 refused to proceed further. They then determined to return to K,py, ami urtcr much dllllctilty lifted tho buggy nrotind, but tho horse still declined to advance' They then unhitched him. anil tied him tu tho wheel, hut he soon leu into llioguller. After tho storm ho was dragged out, but found to bo dead, though thero was no mark about him to iudlcato ho hail been struck by light nlng, A Wild Man in this Woods. A mysterious Individual mny havo taken up his nbodo In a cavo on tho Nob Mountain, llo Is about bIx feet, of sandy complexion, sandy hair and Wiilskcrs, both of which ho nllows to grow to an unusual length. Every thing connected with his past life Is shrouded In myslory, and, in fact, very little is known of his singular habits since his nbodo hero. IIo observes al most perpetual silence, only s caking when he comes to town to purchase his groceries, which ho always purchases at .Maizo's -Mammoth Store. Tho gentle man with whom ho trades Informs us lliatho never comes In thotlay lecllng thogloomy mantle of night. Ho will answer no questions, nnd always asks for what ho wants. I to Is evident ly possessed of u sound mind, from the fact that ho knows whero to get tho most and best groceries for Ids money. Without a Ni:whi'A1'i;i:. Nothing presents n sadder commentary upon tho prcM-nl unhealthy condition ofoiironeu loved anil prosperous) country than tho largo number or families, bolh In tho city anil country, but moro especially In tee latter, that subscribe to no paper of any kind. Hundreds and thousands of families aro thus growing up In utter Ignornnco of what Is transpiring In tho worm around lliem Ignorant of tho mighty events of to-day. Hut who can tell the vast amount of Injury that is being iullictid upon tlio rising generation tlio-e who are to tako our place In tho busy world nt no distant day growing up wlthou' any knowleilgo of tho present, tho past, or any study of tlio future, this Ignorance, ton, being Imbued Into them by the sanction of who should, and doubtless do, know better, did they only think of tho Injurious effects of their Inano course. Let tho head of every family think of Ibis, nnd piacein tho hands of tliojo for whom ho is re sponsible tlio means of acquiring a thorough hnowledgo of thu moving panorama In which wo enact our parts. lUchanyc. Ci:li:ih:ation or Tin: Fourm or July. In nicordance witli tin an nouncement made a public meeting was held at the Court Jlou-ojon Tues day evening, to mako arrangements for tho celebration of tho Fourth of July. Quito a llltio gathering was created. C. 15. UnocKWAY, Esq., was called to tho chair, nnd W. Wiut, Evp, was elected Secretary. The chairman stated In a few remarks thu purpose of :iicet lng, and earnestly advocated Iho adop tion of Minio meaussuch as would muko the intended cclcbrntluu of our national anniversary a iuceets Iu csery partic ular. General Wellington II, Ent then offered tho following resolution : Resolved, That IhoapproAchlng Anni versary of our National Indciu-mli'm-o bu duly celebrated by the cili.ens of nioonisuurg, una niai tuu people or the county generally, and friends and stran gers at a distance, bo cordially and earnestly invited to participate. Tlio resolution was received witli great cntliu.-in.iin, anil was unanimously adopted. On motion several committees to transact business in connection witli Iho event wero appointed by tho chair. Conimittcoon General Arrangements: Wm. Glllmore, E. Jacoby, Wm. Ship man, C. G. Harkley, dpt. C. H. Hrock way. Committee on Invitations: General W. II. Ent, dpt. M. Whitmoyer and W. Wirt. Commltteo on Finance: Major W. 1!. Koons, L. N. Moyer, N. J, Hentler- shott, Haltzcr Leacoek, David L'lwen- berg. iV motion to publish tlio proceedings of the meeting in tlio county papers was considered and agreed upon, after which tho meeting adjourned to con vene again for further action on Mon thly next, tho twelftii Instant, when tho reports of tho committees will bo ex peeled, and other preparations enacted, l.OL'AI, XOTK'llS. M. 1'. Lutz has reduced tho price of summer sliawls. bee ms prlcu Hit. NoTici:. All persons IiavIiiL' DeetH. MortL'ti-'C. etc.. in tho ltecorder'fl otllco cm savo money by calling nntl taking tliu sainu away soon. n.;i 'w Ki:ad tho advertisement of Green wood Seminary. WoJiro Informed that tlio present term of this school will clo-so witli nu exniiiuion ny, 1110 suiiimiis, ou l'riuuy, mu join iiistaui. Monu tlian TiOO.000 doodIq hear test! mony to tho wonderful curative ellects ol ur. 1'ierco'rt Alt. i-jxi. or iiolilen Medical Discovery. For palpitation or irregular ucuon oi mo ncart, an bevero ncuto or lingering Coughs, nntl for "Liver Complar.t" or " Jlillousness" it Is unequalcd. Sold by all druggists Jutnson'a Anodyne Liniment may bo used to advantage wlieionny J'alu Kill er is desirable, tn easts of severe cramps and pains in thu stomach, it 14 undoubtedly tho bet article that can bo useii. Habitual constipation lcadaln tho fol lowing results; inll.imiiiatioii of tho kldticvs. sick and nervous headache. hllloiiMiess, tlyspeiisla, Indigestion, piles loss of nppetito and strength: all of which may bo avoided by being regular In your habits, and taking, say ono of j'anony jutrtaitce i-uu iiigiiuy, wr lour or six wceus. Thieves! Knaves!! SWINDLKHS!!! Those tiro uilltl terms with which to tlesl-'natu tlm-o mean, coutemptlblo ad venturers, who havo been induced hv tho high reputation which Dr. Sago's uatarrli iiemctiy lias won in pui up nnd offer for sale a worthless imitation of this celebrated medicine, ltcmcmbcr that Dr. 1'lerco's private .Stamp, which in mu uiny puauuv yuui uitiiv ui iivihiic ness, should bo upon every paekngo This private stamp. Issued hv thu U. S (iovernuient expressly for stamping Dr, I'ierco's incdlcluos. 1ms upon It Ids nor. trait, namo and nddrft-s, nntl tho words "l'. s. ueriiiicatootuenuiiicncss." Don get swindled by men calling themselves Dr. Kagoj Dr, it. V. l'lerco, of llulliilo, N. Y h ino only man now living- that has tlio right and can prepare tho gen ulno nnd original Dr. Sago's Catarrh lleniotiy. tsoiti ny druggists, or sent Io nian on receipt ui ni.i- cents. Tim SiNonit Suwino Mai-hint.! HTii.ii TniOMi-iiANT, Tholr sales last year was 127,$!i3, bolng 10.000 moro than Iu 1S0U, and -11,(125 moro than any other company in tlio world. Tlio cause of tills great demand for their now fymlly sowing machine is tho fact of Us prov ing superior to all others iu practical use, it is of tho best Htccl on tho most approved mechanical principles, and has all (ho Into Improvements for hem ming, felling, braiding, tucking, eonl ing, quilling, gathering, binding nnd embroidering. It will do ns much work III threo hours as othcrshuttlo machines will In four, tho movemcntRnronll pos itive, tlio power Is applied direct lo tho parts, giving It great strength with the least possible friction, making it de cidedly tho most durablo and perfect family machine over Invented. For snlo on tho lenso plan, ten dollars ti month. J. A. Don an, ngontfor Colum bia county. Court Aclvcrtiscmontf). jyST OF TllAVEHSE JUHOltsT"" toil BPK, lAT TMUt OlfCOUltT.JUIlE 12, 1571, llloom Thonms Knurr, .Tcrcmkli Hew. Ilrlnrcrccktamncl H. all lor, o, Kclchncr. Ili-rwIck-H. II. Wniton, Isnlali lluwcr. Kenton 1:iIhh McIIenry. I'cnlro-Lovi Hulchlnoii, Hlcnhcn 1MIII. CntiiwltHii-Ocornu Ktrlcfter. l.'ishlnKcrccU-Hamiicl M. Al.tcr, Jr., John IViilcr, Hlrnm .Markln, w, N, lluslun I'ranUlin Mlrlmcl Mrmli. tlifcliwoml John II. Hhtlltx. Ilomlni-k l'ctpr Worlthfls. r. Ixjtui Uirn llarliunn, Henry rinlr, J, II, , Mimin-O. W. Klln:nian,A.U..MIIlan, John II, llctl r, Win. Kf I c... Maine Hoto not, Iicanor. .Miiclion-.lonnlimn .lolunoii, James lilUllne, Muntotir Jaim.H llarlon. ().,inai'-Saiiiiulsl.jiniri,l,aMn Herring. rlnn John nruner. Hcott Mamnel JIulrhNoli, Kenlicn t'uln. Hlll!.-il lonl John 1,1117.. s IIKltlKK'SSALK. 11V Virtue if ft wrltrf VrmtUtnnt .Vmii'ii. UmiM mitof tlioCmntnfUiniiimn Heon ut ('oluhililji county, nmt lo mo tlin-cttM will l cxpotitl in miIo by iublt? vtiiiliui ur imtcry fit tbu Coutt limine, In lllftniimhum, nt nn o'clock In tlio iilteriinoi or MONDAY, th l-'ili tiny or JUNK. 1171, llin lollnwlni; real i siuto lo wit: All Hint Intercut In n or parci l or urmitii iltiuito in lit iitoti tnwiiKlilp, Cotutntiliv (uuiity, bomiilrd mill ilpMcrlbcil ni follown ttiwll: (tii tlio eht by IuiuIh or Hutiinel Atiplettinn, on thu tioith by fantlM or William IIoIiupm, on thu i list by I.uhH ur K.W.lmn, nntl nn UioHcmtli by tli lands of Ktri'lmi Lnz.miH, cuiiLtiluliif tin to (imrurnor nn ucnt inoroor lesH, uu which Is crcc i til a plank du'elllns bouse, Helred Inkcn In exr euMoii niut lo be told iw tho IntcrcHt of John Uinigu, In tho tibovo described prupeity. ALSO : AMio fenmo tlmo nnd place, by n writ of At, Lev, JUvtns tlio rolluwIn leal tstulo to wit t All that pertain lot or plcco or ground slttute, j ing mid belnt m OuiTijtcvlllo, In tlio ronniv ot Oolmnbla tird Htatn of I'cnimylvunla, buumlej mid dcf-crlbcdna iollos, viz: iMjuiubd on Hm ttuulh by loi ol HanuH U'olcumn, ou tho east by lamls or Nathaniel Nnur, on tlio north by Iho bulls nr Nathaniel Hpeir nnd on thn west ty Mu 1 1) fdieet.fif Iho vllliiuot orannovlllo toelhtr with Iho hcrodltititntft utid nppurtenanccN, Hrld, taktn In txu-uilou and to bo hold ns tl.o pinptity olGtoiKJ Ij.uaiu. .i;u?i ii.Mi i n, r nyl'JTMK. hthcrlir. Legal Notices. A1 DMINI.STUATOH'S N0T1UK. KHTAl V.UV WIM.TAM IM.SH. 1)1-011. ,cl!trH of ti-linllilMlnillon on lh iKtiiln At Wllll.iin HesH, of huarloar twp.,Cnlumbln Cdlllit.- ilcft'il . I m in Inu-ti ,r,ihlii.l I iv I lii lti,rUli r nr wild county to.losluh K.riltz.rcsUIInjiiiHu ir loar township, LnUimblii county. All pernoiiH having claims n gainst tho cniate of tho di cedent art tciiucstid to prcxciit tbim for scttleiuent, anil tlioso indebted to tho iKialu to make pay- iiu-ni tu iiiuutiiietKiKiua, iuiministnvUr, without t-iiiy, jui.u u. i' nil A, npr i, iu.v AuminKirator. A )MJNJSTIlAT01t'.S N0T1CK. tITA'l K OI- ANNA VAMIOlOf, btrC'D. LelliTH of udnilnlhirtitliiii on tho ehlalo of Ann j Vanborn, bit not tnlawis- i twp.,L'oluinbti county dtc'il., na'betn e,rintil by tbu Iti-nKti r ofwatd county, toJo'ni 11. Vuntmni orCalawl-s.i tuuiiHhlp, Columbia (tmnty, l'a. All persons jihvihk iiiiiniH or lit niiiiKiH u:;iinihi mu inrt-m-iti li l if iruliihted to liuike tbt-iu Iviiiiu.and Lhoio Indebted to maktJ pui inu-t. innyfOTl fiw Adniuilstiaior. A DJIIXISTltATOU'S NOTICK. t 1-J.TAT1C Ol' 11AVI1I 11. AI.11I.H1SON. llKll'D. Li'lltrs or Ailnitnltilrutlo'i on tho i-stntu of DiivKllt.AlhcrtMm Intoorl'lshlniteii-t l: lownshlp, I-..1.II.1I.1.. omilll I'll.... 1m L I. I'll I't'Illlt,.,! I.v tho Kt-uMu- olsiiUleounly tiiiliriiuiu. Kline. All pirnoiiN luivluK (InlniH iiuiilnstthuthlutool tl L iti.r..,l.iL urn it ooisUil III me-idll them fol'htft- lleineni, nun inose inoioit-ii 10 iiihi-huuo hi iii.iku i:iylnint In tho iiiuUihluiitil, iiiliiilnlstr.iloi-, Wliniiui ueiuy. iiii;..ii 11. ivi.i.i., may 1U71 u Aiiiniuisti.iior. XKCUTOHS' N0T1CK. KrffATE Ol' JOHN KOllIsON. IlltU'll. l.i tiers tchtameiitii'-y on Hie estate of John !tolii..oii. latn or HolL lownshln. I 'o'llluhia t'o.. ilet-easeil, havo lieen Krnnteil by tho IteuMer of Mitil eotuity til Hllhton ItoblMlli. linil Wllh.1111 t'. lllllllKllll. 11 I'LTSUIIS ll,llll tl.lllllS ll-IIUtl- tho eKtato mo reitliCKtlxl lo resclit thelil tnlhe i:xi'euloiri In Columbia eounty. '1 ho-.u Imlehteil tn lho.i.lato either on note, jiuliniunt. lnorten: or book uerotinl will maku ilij incut lo tliul.- (Ulors u'ltnout utiay. HKHTON UOIIIHON, W.M. C. l:(, Mays, l!7lCw. Kiteutors. H lliiPonnir lHiCIC llolill H otlercJ for mie, in hoik iioubiu or MiJK'f. li'ireoi . inayLVTl tf lllojmsburn, 1M, 'OTICK. it ncrhons Imltbtcd lolhoMibscrlhf rformcat aro b itby lnfDriiii d lliat I havo lelt my bonbn w llh joepn Liny, ji., hi iiHii-rireei, irii cuiut tint), utid that II. it, Hull is no lonui-r my iiueut. luuy i.)iinr juji- .a.m. it, All persons am cauiioinu ilia iu iiuj iin-iiiiiu tmiknihKorv noli nt vi 11 ed Mav IMll 171. hlK luoiilhs tiller ibite, lor onn blliulied aim Htuctv-Mvu (ili'i) dollais, pajalilu t Nullum 1 havo .ete,cdA,u.v.,.n?r. Norlh Union, tiiiuikiii couniy, i-a. Police is ucreiiy jiven 11111 im inn mutiny in l ST I. 1 tuirebiised an lrun-t-iaveiilt two warn old of Samuel Jm liwippclihNi r. of .Mlllln town ship, ColuinuU county, In wldcli I liao loamd duiluu my pUasure. All persons aro notltieil llialMiiii coll now taiouiis io nu. mayJOii ii j,iur--j lianj., AltE UIIAXCK. on Mai.k A seeond-lumd "Avion" nUno-fovlP, irico ft7'i, cost ?Vi. IhU superbo liistruineui i iim iiniiifiii nt nn ii up lion koleul nrlviitt) inonerl v In New orlc, nud had bem but n Juv weeks Iu use. It Is In jrt(t order and In mv nspect naial to a new piano, Tt rins poIllvuiycaMi In mlauce. Addicts lor ono tteelc, u. v. l'osrni. may C0'71 tf MautUChuult, l'a. 13 ISSOLUTION XOT10K. N'ntlrn lt lieiebv ulven that Iho bf retnioro exUUnir between 13. MKMjIIMIAM and L, II, UUl'KHl', iramnctbn; buslntw un-itr t belli ui namooi ,Mi,.MPi'..MiAi,ijuiiaai', inw iicen disidved bv mutual consent. All ntr Hons knowing theiiiNelvoH indebted tn thu alxivo tlrui, aio u quested lo maku Immediate p.ivmeut. Jl.Vltl'i i'i ni iin-mt ii i.v n, tn "'iniui u nun o stoic, Alula Mii.el,ucar l orks Hotel, HIdouis- PHILOSOPHY OF 5lAHKIA(rJ'J. A Nbw CouniKoK Lkctukks, as delheredat Iho reuiia.l'olytcchnlcaiid Anatomical .Mum mu t.h,-. fl,..ui..i,l k.1 tlm.i. ,Lui ... ii 'IS-i.Hlti l'hlladelnhlu, iiubiacluu the biibJcctHt How to Idvu and WluU to Mu lor; Youth, .Maturity ami Old Alio; Manhood (lenerally Itcvluued; Thocausouf Indigestion; Flatulence ami nerv ous Diseases ucuiuutcd lor; Slarflnyo I 'I i llo sophlcally conshlered. These leciuris will be loiwaidcd on iticlpt of V5 cents by iuUlttslm;: (Secretary of tho l'eiinsylaiilH I'oia ruilNiu AMI ANATOMICAL MUSKUM, CllUtUllt Ht.( I'liliaueipiua, rt'uiuiyna.ui.1, Je'J17U-ly. JT O T I 0 K is nert ny uivcil ui 1111 iineiesieu iniu in1 uin-mls.liim-rs uaiutil iu Iho act of Am inoty, u i i.mviHl Mnv IV Is7l. entltlisl an ncl to lurii'Por- lite the North nud West llrancli llali f'oin- pauy will meet at 11101-110110 noui.e 01 umuko ii, llrown in Iho horoiuh ot itloouihlairif, 1 ,itiiiuhla eouiity, on Wednesday, thu lull tl.i ot Junu next, ut IDo'cliK-U, A. M., and that thu iiooUs Mill 11,,. 11 niut lln 11. Ihi nneiied hv tn lecelvu biibscllpllons to Iho L'apltal hloitc ot usidt-oiu. iiauy, a 1111 nun 1.11111 (.oiiiinissuiuers hiihi'ihiiiuo in session at the alsivo named nlnca diilliu: llm llth, rjlhund MolJuuo next, and that on tho folliiwluic .Mondav and 'luesday, Julie I'Hli nnd IMth, n.ll.t liiioks will IjoopeliiHt putposo at tho Wyoiuliiii V.ilU-y llouso In WilUisharro, day, Juno tunic.-, said hooks will hii npi-nnl lor aid puiui-ii at Iho I'tty.llotel In tlm Uty ol eon 11 1 , null "11 11 t-iiui-niiiy 11 11 iiiui.1 Wllllutiisporl. Ouu dollar to ho paid on i-uu hharo hubHcrlbfd ut tlio tlmo or mium-iJjUou In aeeoidaneo wllh Aetot AKHombiy In ineorporat K.ild Coin j mu y, Ity oidcr oi tliu tuhiinlss loner. iLK. KKN'ILY, I'Ukldvul, Alli'fcl, WM, M;.J.-tt tctury, TyuTiLiuliAla-: VALUAULi: UIIAL 118TAT14 lly order of tho Orphan' I'mutol ('iduiubl. rounty, theio 111 ho exposed lo public euilue, ou Un) piunUcH, on SATURDAY, JUNK I7ti, 1571, tlio follow in? dehcrlbed ual estate, Ui A cer tain tract oi land liuu In Locust lownshlp, hi Colunibla eouuty, nun adjoining laud of H.unuel llauiptoii, land of John bn der, laud ol jAuuard Atiaius, uuu ouiers, eoiiuuiuu r i v t y a v ii 1: s mnro or lew, wheroon aro erected a Ion houso undiiHinall II AN It- J1AUN. Thero aro on Iho nreinUcN ajuilo and eherrv t rut-rt, nml a tprltiK of eellenl watir. And to hofcotdu thu IMalu ol Niinuel U, rilUlnulou, dst'Cfthed, UENJAMIN WAdNLlt, Adtuluihliator, Ti:UMH OF HAIJi Ten pcrttnt. of tho ono. fouilli of tho pure ha ko money tn Ut paldouhtrll; tntt nown of tho rioteily- onefouilh. Iosm tho ten pur eem, on tlio tontirmution j and tho ro lualuiUK Ihroo.rourUu lu ono year lliertaflir wllh Uilurtbt Irom tho rnntlnuailon, til!. WI-XLINUl'UN Jl.JINT, lli,ooMsivuu,Miiy w, lt71, Cleric, BLOOMSBUIIG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Mifjcellnneoufj. jUIONTd WANTED I a men i-tr.t.iiit a Nnnr.f: women t TIIK HKV I'ICTOlllAI, v x m i i, v ii i it i, i:, WITH OVKIl 1,(11)0 ll.l.VSTllA'rlONS, it i: r r. it r, i i: s, A l-AMII.V ItCUOlllI, ti ml f A M 1 I, V A I. II U M. Till! I'ICTOIlIAt,rAMII,YIIIIlI.i: conUlinn Ktorehouso of Inrornintlon lliat enn only reach Iho mlml throtish the oyo, Ur lllnstrnltonHcnrry onobnclt lo tho most Important era of thotvorM, nnilnroof lhcmel-cx a eomnrthcnnlvo rovlow ofthoKcrlntnreH, representing tho mostlntereht- tiKVlevR,CliaracterK,SyinboIs,lll8torlctl KvcnlK, Landscape Hecm-n, Antlijnltles,Cokltiiiieii, Ucasts, UlrJs, InseclH, l'lants, llnemls, Coins, Mcdali,, ItiHcrlptlons nuit Incidents rcfurreil tn throui;li- out tho Hacred Text. They attract tho rye, correct erroneous hit resslons, nwnltrn new thotiffhu nnd ftirnlRh clearer vlewfl of 1)1 vino Truth. An n help to 1'arentn, Ministers, and Hahbath-Mchool TenclnrH In fulfilling tho duties of their RCparato nndhtgll Mical Ions and lo nit others tohoiit Immortal Minis mo lnlrusli-d this splendid l'iclorlnl.Volunio cannot bo oerestlmale.l. It Is tho IMIllim Most Hnlliiblo ror Iho I'nmlly, Most Valuablo lor llin Hludi-lits, Most IllslructiMi lor thu Tun her, Most Appropriate for tho Child, Most Useful forlhiiMlnlster, Most Interestlrit fur tlio farmer, Most Kli-k mt for tho l'arlor, Most l'rolltablo for tho Html y. Tin: piuToiu.M.rAMir.Y inni.t:, in addition to tho features already alluded to, contains tho Apocrypha, Concordance, l'snlms in Mclrc, n Humtnary of Iho Hacred Truth as taught by tho Insplritl Hook, together Willi numerous nnd comprehcnslvo Tables nml ulhcr Historical mid Explanntory JIntUr, cmboilylng tho labors or nianyofthomostcmlncntlllbllcal scholars. It Is printed ou tho flucst calendered pnper, from clear nn.l opoa typo, In ono laiKO ami handsome ituarlo volume, nud Is bound In Iho most durablo nml ntlracllvo manner, nlillo tho prices nro i.(ll clcntly low to place It within c erybod) 's reach. i:xi-r.Illi;NCi:i) AOIINT.Snro wanted thtoush- out tho country for Its halo, with whom liberal arrangements will bo made. An oppiy;tunlty ol equal iiromlso Is rntely or nover prefceuted. lis sales will not bo llmllod to tiny period, but will i-iintlnuo for a lifetime, constantly Increasing with thoR owthnnd lulelllgcneoof tho country, It Is thereforo desirable that thoso who cugngo with us, shall do so wltlltl lw lo making tho buslucss n perniaticut ono. MlSI.STi:ra.TnAClIi:ilH,KTt'III;N'l'H,l'AUM- I'.lis, YOU.S'O MIlS AND WOMIIN llioso who would meet Willi tho most prolltnhlo or nil eni-ploymcuts-nri) Invited to corresjioud with us with a. view to an agency. Kot a few such lire now avcraglm: from SWWto 8TWX) nnnual prollt In Its sales. There Is ft great want for tlio boon d ft rich Held nirercd, whllo It will ilevsto Iho Kpllllual condition by constant conUct with and conversations upon Its) bcnutliui mm citrnai truths. ni:NTrf on Tin: instai.mknt win bo furnished tlio work In lino bindings. This plan ismillo popular and prolltnhlo in cities and largo towns. Wo havo nn edition of tho book, stipeibly hound, Willi m.isslvo panellol sides, which has been every where received with malceil f.tvor.Huh scrlntlons for tho I'lctnrlal Illblo, in this stylo and In this way, can bo obtained to nn nlmost unlimited extent, as thero Is 110 outlay or money that the Illblo lender can make, which will jlcld hlln so rich a return. Wo nro nlso Iho Publishers of l'OTTHlt'H HTANl)AHIl'.l)ITIONSorramlly,l-uIpll,rocket and Photograph Illhlt-l nnd Telaments nearly tioudlllercnt Hylcs so well Itnonu cveryhcro lorlhelr necur.icy of text, beauty of llulsh nnd durability of binding. Always nsk for Potter's Ktandard ndlllolis, nnd get tho best. Catalogues containing styles nnd prices furnished on nppli- cation. For Circulars cout.ilnlng ft full description ol Tilt: Pic-iouiAi. I-'amii.v liinix, wllh camplu hheet. and terms to Agents, nddress "Potter's Ktaud.ud lhlilo nml Testnnient House." John 1:. i'orn:it & co Publisher, fill slnl U'.7 Sliisotn Rtrei t, mnr HI 71 .".m 1'iiir.Anr.r.i-itiA 1UXE, 'JllUHL-I.TItYI-IlASON. Tho ninitucr months nro hele, aud as tiMtnl hrlnus 11 lunii I111I11 ordluavis many danserous nml l.ital. It Is Iho season when naturo can do little In ucupcrailiiK nurtxhausedHtmmth.and iihen wo 1110 rrnulitsl to fnitlly our physlipio ii'Mlnst thodnnaiTS ullslni! tr.uu Iho uulversa preMileiicy of MckncM. 'i lie only truukali-Kuard Is Hint puro niut ri-ilahl.i tonic and ln lointol-, MIHllLKlfrt HKIIII lUTTlU'.K, width ,ls in ilorsednnd iccoiiiinendeil hy thu ineillcal faculty nnd uununilmred thousatuls or persons In tvery ilty, toivn nndvllnue 111 tho country, who have tested Us 11mcdl.ll vlllues, nnd by Its nld ,ro-u-rudurtccoM-icillheli- huillh. It will purlly Iho lllisid nnilt-ccrelloni eulo every lorm of In. dlueKtlou.und nlloid limned nun uliel Iu emesof lijMnury, folic, I'holera Jloihus, und klndiul dl-enses. joui-si-lf iiowiiKilnst n lliuoof lu-eil. llel.ivs 1110 often daliKiirou-,. Pllco 0110 dollar per bottle. Hildbynll iliu-alst.. TAinNTrn DKCRMiina 7111, lSCg. OUR CKI.Kl'.RA'l tli GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. l!.ir,nl,le(l.,1il. LtiuMh!ffCl tTn1llilnie iwwJ It lit l llio lct I1 J ""...... II .( ill 1 llt HOLD IIM.1 U Ai-I.N I ! i.utl Tur I hi rn imy tiHritftl- ii r-.i i un mill' -4lHiior ilium Ii. pri CliMtrUiMii.rrtciil.I TuuBunnilu IViia, lonil t bun. ft i-rnlt 0 buitw, 1,(IU Iwihu Luii. WcsTr.itN' rum.isniNO Co. Manuficturert' Agr.t, rilMurli, P. .1 2 1 ?5 rUriiiiulfti. Illlt unit lliMIEflllllntt H) N . 'I ri.KltlUJ I in 1 i.injmiij. 111 ri. tlnj fwr IN-ti irlvo uur Niiiftc. 1 mwm. ( wuiiiri t Muli. iilulitly, i.rlt.r will Uit-ct wliii pruiupl itlltnUtiii. Jan i7l ly A Clinpffi-uf ract;. Hparo H valuablo lu n newspaper, nnd it Is theuforo piopoed lu thU advertisement In eon dciifo a arlety of facts, important to tho public, into ft hniall eomimss Thobo facta iefer to Hos tetUr'H hlomiuh itllleis vhat that celebrated mcdleliio Is, and what It will do, In Iho tUfet place, then, the sillclo U a btliuulaut, tonic nud altcrulUe, tousUtlns of n combination of nn abfeOluKly puro rpliltucns ngentwlth tho incbt valuablo mrdlclual ve-gotnble mbstances t-hat Uotanlo icscnrch ha placid nt liio dUponal of the chtiuKt nnd tho physician. Tliffco luj-reill cuts ato comj ounded with gicut cue, nud In fciuh proportlouu as In piolucet n preparation which invigorates without exciting thu gcucral fcyhtcm, It toiler, Kijiilates and control tho fclouinch, tho houch, tho liver, nud I bo minor feccrttivu organs. What tli U gnat icstorutivo will do inut ho galheiod liom what It Una done. 'Iho caso of dyjpcphui,nr any other form of Indigestion, lu which It has I ten pirMbUnlly admlulsteud without tllVctlug n ladlcal cure, la yet to be heaid from, nnd thu fame may to hald of Mllout dUorders, lulermlttcnt lover, nervous nnYcUntut, general debility, coiiKtlpadoii, bide headache. mental dUabllltKn to which thu f.tblo ato mi kUbjcct, It purllltN nil tho tluldi of tho body, in- elmllng tho Mootl, nud thu gontlo fcltniulanU which it Imparls to tho nervouu Mbtcm U not 8ue-eecded by Ihe frllghle-kt icactlou, ThU lu iv chapter of fact which leaders, for their owu miUch, should mail; a ml remember. T IIAHI4, (blunk) for (alo at tho Coi.t'uniAN ljuiueu, niXFdlT llOOICH for salo nt tho CoLUiiuiAN vlV OIUlO, lUBTICiai IfL VNKH, Bumrnons, 1xecutlons iJ KubpuwuiK, NSarianls.Au.conKUnlly on nam! ami lor sale ut tho Coi.VJUliiAN Oillcw, 1)LAN1C MOUUJAUUH for tho uso ol HnMng i) 1' nud aial Louu AHtoclallous, for halo ut thu lolumiuan Olllcu, ' ttrSj ULANKH promplly printed tnoider, "rt uuy quulily ol paper, utthls Ottlcu W OFTIIE M AGEI Patent Medicines. QN'E MILLION Of LIVES HA VED. It. tn nn r,rit,A f ,tm nf ll.l. i-MUnt. katilo nf'o, iiftt im rtly that mi ninny pcrKoiif" urn vif-iinin 01 uyniM or inniii miott, oni iih wlllhiK MctlMis. Now, wn would not bu undir Mood bmny Hint any ono rpnn!ulynpt la Willi favor, nr fepU dltumrd to rank It nmorig llm lllZtirlCilof Ufa. Vnr from II. Thnmivho Imvn i'i)erlonced It torment would ncont uncli nn luo.i. All dread It, and would ulailly dNneiiHu wllh h nnnleanaiit famlllnrlllefi. MarkTanley, who was Jolly tnnlerall the lryliiKelrciimtancei In which lie waplnciil, never bad nn attack of dynnepRln, or bin Jollity would havo ntxodlty larNakeii Jjltn. Men and women Romctlmerinuller llfi torture unenmotnlnliiitlv. huLwlifiiivor lioni-ii of n pernou who enjoyed theinf ui nu 1110 muuuariouH uiKoaNra lowuicti mo niiman HtNtoiil ll liable. Ibcro la lel bairn no onn no Kcncrally prevalent m dy"pe)la, 'j hero aro ulneint'Hmoruaciitu and imlurul, and which mora inui.-iii,ry provu iiiuiij oiu none, mo eiiect ot Which aro ko denreHHinz Lo tlio mind nnd no positively dlnUcRsliiK lu tho boily. If thoiola a wretched belntf In tho world i I U a toxniiiiiii) UYsmmo Illlt It IS not ntir llifnnllntl tn illt.nlil ,lirt horrors of Ilspepsla. To doscrlbo them trulh mny is suiipiy an iiupossinilliy, it is jsissnuo to bolllt out II relllt tlv. U'.i Imvn Miilil 1 tuiL Hi Slipn. sla Is perhaps thu most universal ot human ills lases. This Is emphatically tho case In till (Jul. l(l Hlfll.-M. U'lw.ll.. K II. I- ..n....Hrti .,r....nin 1 duo lo tliuchniacl.r or thu fowl, Hie inetliolof Its preparation, or tlio hasty manner Iu which II is usually RHiiliowed, Is notour province lo ex plain. 'Iho sreut fact with which wo nro called todenllsthlsf DViJl-KPsrA PltllVAII.S nlmost universally. IS'enrly eveiy otiier jierson you meet Is a vic tim, nnd apparently Mllllnij one! for wero this not tho casu why so lonny sullerers, when a cer tain, speedy nu.l safu reniedy Is within thu easy nnci uf nil Mini dcslro lo avail thuinselvcs or It-; lint Iho ir.a nrlly will not, minded by iiriludlee, ordute led hy some other unexplained liilluenre, they refuse to accept tho relief plollele d Ihem, iheylurii 11 dear ear to the lestltiiouy or tho lllOUSailllS WllOsllhlllli I ImrM luiv I.UI... ..Tl..l..,...l and wllh klniuuo luratuatiou, npiu-nr to cllmr with dcMieralo delermlnalloii lo their riitliltss lonncuior. juit sn) s a Hi spepllf J Whnllsthis U-UlCdvr til MlllCtl MU ri-lill '1 l,ls ,rr....l dII-uiii. lor ol human sullirlnirlsalmnstasMlilely known lis tho I.nisllsh lmiKiioso. It has allayed Iho luionles of thoilMlllds, nnd Is to-day e-.irrylliK eomfort find tlicnnrntremcut to lliousanus of others. ThU ucknouledKed imiaceu Ii uonu other lhau lit:. IIOOFIiAHDS (IKIIMAW 1U1TEIW. Wnilld Oil lennw lunrn nf II. n ...H.. ...ill. tho".' xo"i-'le!!':l"t'r'0iil""'..:-!" h" lruca from "jj"'1' 'VfJ,."!".1 fl' ncc-uniuc. V. ts !. m.?? ,K1VI" by lllu l'tui'ielor, then iibauJoii LET IT lie lmiESIDnitED, iVi""' V"U "0OFI.ANU8 UEItMAX III r- TllCV ftIO Hoi. nlenhnlle In nnv DA.,An ... jenn. They nro composed wholly of tho puio JulcoorMtul prlnelplo of roots. This Is not n l . . tAlrc!s irom wutch tliey rLce,0,".,'!V"ia"1 nro I'"!"""! by ono er llm "..'.'fs' ".'""" clieiiilsls. Unllko any other lilt ers iu tho market, they aro wholly fiio from sprlrlluous Ingredients. Tho ol,jecir,ms which hold MIII11.0 much lorco niiiilust preparations 01 th s class, iiuinely-that a ilesltu loniitoxicalltiL' drinks is stlinulateil by their use, aro not valid In Iho case ol tho Herman Hitters. Ho fir fiom i-ncoiirnKllia ol-lnculcutlns 11 time, e.i- dcslro for uebrlatin beiv erases, it limy bo coulldenlly asserted that tlielr tendency Is In 11 dl.u,ierlca:iy oppuslto direction. Their eirects can bo liENEntjiAi, o:;i.v 111 nil cases of Mm tillluc, 11 .1 ........ tlcrninu llllteis. stand Wllliout 1111 u'ellun piomptiy and viKorously upon tho l.iver: they lemovo its torplullyninl eau.o healtlifol sccre l on of hllp-therel.ysii,pljlui Iho sloiiiiicli with tlio most Indls iieiisabfu ilemeiits of sound ell itestlon 111 luoper propot Hons. Theyulvo tono to tho stoioacii-siiiiiulallui; lis luucilous, und enabl IliK It to perforin Its elutlis us nature do. s. gned It should elo. They vl-ur and sueiiBiH 10 1110 eiillro system, eausimr Hiu nu i.u, iiner ueiliu in lact, UIV1 lir him u new lenso of llle. ,h ' tiiuv PLKipy Tin: hlood, eleanslni! tho vllal fluid of nil hurlful Impuri ties iiliiUlipi.lantlni; them wan H10 elemeoW of Ltenulnn, , Moid, tlie-ro Is seare-e-ly a illseaso In M-hirh ,,..- e-ii unot busati-lv und In uellcl.illy imiilnveil : but In Hint most ui-nelally pteu ent ilijlicsslui; und dieaded "llli 1 ) sj-'epn 1, TIIUV STAND lT.NllIVALi:i. JJeiw, thero aro certain classes of per.ions lo whoni eilieuio Hitters urn not only unualatablo . 1.1 )" ,." 1 impossllilo j,, taku iiim without l....,u uiai.u,iiii,ii, rlir hucu lilt. HOOf I,.VND'.S UEI1MAN 1USI0 tins been specially prepared. It Is Inlcndeil for use, M-hi-ru 11 hllfhl ule-ihollo Ktlmulant Is le qillrtd llicnnuccllou with thnu-ell-ktinwli'lnulii propeillts ol tho puio (lermuii Ihlti-rs. Ihls ......uiuuiiiiiis mi mo lllljleilleiitsor Ilia llllters, but so II IM1111I ns to reniovo the extreme bitter ness, 'ill S !l--t,.lt.lM,,t, i ., 1 Ll- buteonililues, iu liiodlllcd form. all H.o of Iho (lerniim llllters. Tlio solid extracts of niiiiiu iu .saiuius cuoH'est reslorntlvesaro held In Milulii. 11 by a spirituous HKeulof tlio purest quality, in cnscsol lanuiior or excessive debility Mlieio IhoHjueiu nppears to hnvo becomo t-i. ...3ilu u, ,i. eoeiaivs, llOOI-'I.ANDH TONIU ucls with nlmost marvelous iirecl. It not only Hlliuulates tho IUkkIiiii aud wnstlini euerjleis. 1, . ;"vmiiruies nun permuueully strcuitltielis ...... ...... ..,.., iiiuwvn 111111 nioiuacil tnoi-olwn, perliatss luss tirouiol tlmo ilio i.i.m, ,1..! sameiiiuutlli' Is taken Is nolle Iho less eeltalii. uoiiiesi 011, iniiiousiiess, l'nyslcal or Nervous Piosli.illon.yielil ic.idily to its potent inllncni-e. It Klvss the I mill Id a new und slroneer hold u li on lite. leiUOVeS ili-l,li-sstriii nt MiOrliu .....1 1... splioH clii eu illness, it Mipplunls tliu p.iln or ills, oaso M'ltll the) insoilMl eouilolt of pelleet hlllltll. 11 KHis stre-nitth to weakness, throws despiin-deiie-y to Hie u liids, und stalls tliu iLStoreit tu- ii!,,,,! a iii-ii nun Kiaiisoiuu caret r. Hut l,r. llisill u.d s binel u Hons to tho liuiu.iu inejuru not collllllcd tu Ills e-eleUlilled C1LUMAN Uiri'KUH, nr his Invahiahlo Toxic, llo has prepared auollar mctl.cliK-, which H lapldly siuuing Un way to popular l.ivor beeauo ot Its inliluslu in. i Us, Jhis Is 1IOOFLANDSI)D01M!YLL.V PIT.1,4, a perfect Mihstltuto Tor mercury, without any of mercuo'rt ell (u.ilitki. Thoso wonderful lMllv. which nro lnlMi,l...l tn act upon iho LUer, m0 niiluly oniiused of iopu mu, or mu l'llINCH'Li: OF 'i.n; UOOT. UANlUtAKi; Nnu'WOdtsIro tho render In itl.f lnlh' nn.lnr. stand Unit this e Mi act ot tliu Mandiako Is many times moio poueilul than iho Mandialeo lUoli, 11. it ii iiimiiinni wmies oi mis neiiiin-giviug plant lu a peiUclly pum nnd highly eineen lialedlorni. Ileueu It l that two of tho I'odo phjllin 1'UI (niisLliule ft lull ihe, whllo any. v Itel o kW to 11 hi ur u liuiullul of Imiu oi l lio Mandrake ato mmued. Tho 1'odoph lllu ACTS DIIU:cl'LY ON TUll L1VL11, stlmulatlu0' Uh functions nud causing It to mako 1U lultary fceciilious lu lobular aud tioper quantities, 'iho Injurious reaulis whlen invari ably toilow thu usooi me-iL'ury isenthelynvoldl j mm ti". inn ii. in iioi, iipuii uio javernuiy thai tlieir powers aro exerted. Tho extiait of Maudr.tko eoutuluu lu theui Is skllliuliy coin blued v, 1th lour other extracts, uuu ot WiicU acts luiuniho stomaeh. ono noon ihu iinm-r Imui-N. ouo upon tho luuer bouls,und ouu ireenis any giipiugurcct,tluii,pioducUgn pill that iu llnence! tlio entiro dlgesttvo und allmeutaiy hsiem, In an equal and harmonious iimniur, und Its aitlou entirely lieu Jiom nausea, mnlt- in- or gupiugi ams toiumoa w an otuei puiga I'oHsesslug these much dotlrablo finalities, tho l'udoph) llin tocomes iuvauiablo iu a FAMILY MLDJCIM;. No hcustlioKl should Le without thein. They uio pulcUly sale, tequltu but imii lur an oiili iiaiy dose, aro piouipt, nnd e-Ilieleut lu action, una when used in connection with Dr. llooil in I'm tinman Hitters, or 'ionic, may bu leardtd as ft i lain spoclikH lu all eutts oi Jaer Coinplulm, D spepsta, or uny ol thu ilisordtis lo which tliu t) it in i uioi iiai ny sui jccii iiiv I'ODurilVLLIN TILLS neL uiioii the i-toiuaeli and bowels. carrvln oir tmpioporibNiiucUoii, whllo tho I Utter or luiiiu punl4hu blood, stteugthen and luvlgoiuto tha name, (Uo tone and appetitu to thu stomach, lir.'i, having provldid in'ternil remr tiles h'l Hiatuses, uas lhtiises,has gueii tho soildouo mainly ual application, lu thu woudtrlul piw lor i xteiti. luu kuottu U4 int. HoorLANirf aiu:i;u oil. 'J his Oil Is ft sovereign umcdy fjr luilus nnd units oi un liiuun, lttn uiiuitUii). NiUralilil. Toothnibo.rhllblnlnK HpraliiN, Hum, 1'aln lu thu Itai Ic und lailus, iiiugMormM, ac, an icu vo us external nppiiea tlou, Thu numbtrol euies tlU-citHl by it is atoii- i nit en inter uuiiy. it i it mru ior jiviiii'OurnM, Kid uty Diseases, hide Headaches, Colic, li sen- l cry, Cholera Alorbus, Ciaiups, i'alus lu tho btouiQcli, Coles. AhlhiiM, Ac, fr IHO lllttH I'll 1 mill JHIH VlllllVlj- in lltlllUlg gUlllH uuu t bsl ii i mi unit, t uu pi nivipai j wrtHii ,-iiL u uu oilv so balance. MiKurtd in tho south em pari oflmece, listiftetM as n destroyer of ui I n mo truly mimical, 'lliousandu luvu been bene tiled by its use, und n litul by ihniuwhiiuru skeptieul will Ihoioughly couNlucu tlittu of lis inesiiiiiaoio muuu, 'lln so ltemtdles will be sent by cxnr nny locality, upon application tu Uio I'M J'AL OFFICK, at Iho (IKKMAN MhUI iress io M MUCIN Hioui;, U3i Areu hi., rniiadeipnia. CIIAH, ill. i;VlAS, IM-oiu-Ietur. Tlneo llcmcdlCH nro for mlo by DruggUU, Ktoicltccj'iiR, nnd .Mni lei no Oenlemcvtr) ulieie, CLARK'S COLUMN. .vr. SPRING. 1871 J.j J. CLAIUC hah ni:ci:tvi:i) iiih SPUING GOODS llOUOIIT AT LOWIOT CAHH PIIIC1W, nml will ' AT A ItKDUOTJON lttgnrdlrss of nny Pf Ico I-Ist. OAltfllT C-llAINHnt .10 cents Bl'UI.NO Cll AM.tlvS at 12 cents .1 mm iim: siii:.f;i: iiuiTKn TIIA. A KI.OW SIIII.MAO. a A 1' r, u u 1 0 i: JN H GOODS, 3D ""ST H. J. CLARK Has opened Nll'i: 1'KIHII HfOCK AT Vl-lltV lW I-llICUS. NOW IN HTOIli:. n A 11 CJ- A I N s l.V MA1TINO CAItl'ET. UNKX HIIAWI.M, NAPKINS, IlIAPEH I.I .SDNS. TOWKI.M, ltANDKP.lttJIIIl'H, iii.i:achi:i).mu.smnm, PIllUtH, e!s.o A.e. LOOK AT OUH V n 1 T E 0001)3, 1IK1I HPKEAIW, N AND 1IOUSR FUIlNISIIINd aooas. NO TKOUIlI.i: TO SHOW (JOODM. CHOICE FAMILY QKOOERIES. JIKST IS TUB f AHKET AT VEUY LOW HIU'LS. THY OUH $1,00 SYJtUP. NOJIODY HAH 11F.TTEU COFFKUS, 1'uro nnd I'rodi. Wo can only mintlon afewleadlnR articles. Como and seu tu aud v will DO YOU GOOD, l'lillnilclphlu PoplliiN a Uupc iKsortmeiit of all hlivwlcs at H) ctn, per yard. Cf'VUKlias ordered nml will havo Jn-fitoroa Koo-1 assort men t nf 1'lriueH forHprlnt? and Hum nier. ash rorusi at H ctn. CIjAUK lins lu Rt rn n lino sloek i.r MIWTAH 1MEUKS ,toM'll-lion,lKiwii. CfiAUIC will luep ut nil tiling afull lino or (Htocnitir-H, TKAB at tl.00 per lb. to the hett la market atSl.10... CALTj AND HVAl n, largo and well nfcsortcd stock of notions, linn I cry, gloves, umbrellas, &c. Cf.AUKH ALLOWS NO JIIKUKI'llKKNTA TIOM OF (lOODS. nor makes nono when selllnj;, If ho knows It. And niiy errors inado ho la al ways wUllcg toaJJust. Fancy Soap, Habbitt'K best, Glj ccilue, Ilouoy( iutuie, wniiu iinu oojereu( You will find n full nnd largo htwlc ol Uenulno TUA FFOK1) UAItl'irr CHAIN utCLAUK'S. Hi aw I peed curtains nt .71 nnd 7j cents rcr JIIIU, UIIH'I I. Ill I1U1IN III Mlll'ki For a full htock of Dry floods, g toCL MUCH, In f,t ock, n good und large stock of QUILTING COT ION. Ladles go lo ( L UtlC for our f2 00gnltors. In tho lino of MUHLINfl, both bleached and unbleached, ho oilers ns largo n slock and as w II assorted, nnd nt tho ImUom rates. JUchr 1 ard wlde.U els by tholiolt and 12JJ by tho yard, l-aeotila, tho unmo ns I mil of tho Loom Mills A Idem. Cents un to CL liKK fur vnur luibv Knmmer Hats ami Caps. Flavoring extracts. LidlPSEOtoCLAHIt Ifvnu want n nr.itShawl nt a low prlco and good goods. I'nr Camels. CLAltlv lins now In Ktnrn Dneli Wool. Imrraln. im Knnd Hair Cnrnols. that Is eqm 1 to auy Couutry Make, alTicts. per yard. TRAFFOHI) CAItrLT CHAIN', tho Lest lu market, at 30 cts, per lb. by weight, (In to CfjAItlvrt for vnnr Klines, ehenrei.1. In town, a toll assortment ou baud lor Ladles Misses ami Child reus. Clahk has received another lot ot lasting Polish ami ConKrcns Gaiters at i! a pair for hiilicr. Call and too them. Anv ennds von mnv want mil nn riark nl If ho has got them ho w'lll bo pleased toshow them. Iu btoek.n full assorlmcnt ol French 10 Bono COIWK.Hnt:0 cents. CLAIUC will reef Ivo ft largo stock of Tulles' Plrlng filt Kk'JUTSnf iholatest stjloand pat terns. CLAHK has rictlvcd anolhcr New Style of CLAUIC has iteelved alnrgo utotk of FOCKET KNIVES for Ladles nnd UenU.lncludlng tho old Harlow. CltAUK ;pods tho Inrcrost utock of arpeis in inwn, irom io eta to ?i,70 per Yon wilt III ul it full stotk of DUOiS GOODS In season, such as Alapaka, Popllus, Plaids, Herges in piaiusniui ti ripen. A largo Hue of Looking (Masses, A fulUtnek nf WHITE (1001 Won hand. JUIrtll FOFLINH, Silk Poplins of all colors, Rllk DImdeesEobes. CLAHK sells a f.ilr Green Tea at cetils ner pound. One of too best ami largest slntks of black nnd striped ALPACA in tow Now lu storcn largo Htotk of Hoop Skirls, Mlsnes' Skirts S3 cts., lJidUh"H cents lo UH ' TO OIN'ISCIaiUe-irtrsafullllneof the very best nud in ot fashionable fctnek of Pner Collars xW-uir, I.iutn-fuced, tluikitpmir, Slot, nnd Aloft e Sells IVDir.H' GOOD HOSEut 23 els., (ieuU1 DrltisU Hose at S5 cts;., nnd upward. Fornlaronnd Hun assortment of Neck Ties, cheup.c-alUtCLAUKM. CLAUKntrers totheFAHMEUSa fulUtock of Goods Uilch he will sell them for prcxluce an lowaa for the etuli, Cull utid bee fur yourselves. Ci.akk bcIU a licavy ono yard wiilo Btaiulitrd imisllii at 12) cents liy tlio bolt or vz ccnta liy tlio yard. llloumkljiiiv, Mfirili IT, lTl-tf. TH CUItri AND I'M IMlKVnNTIVt; UY.T.1I. BOIIKNCK.M. I). Mnliv a linnim ltelns hai ptM RWiiyt for nliowdPilli llirrpwm im other rraoti Ihan tho iiPRipri or known atM iiniinumoiy proven mean of cure, Thrwonrarnnd dar U family nnd friend nrnKlepplnir tho d ream 1 emu nhi tuber Into which, had thny calmly ndoptetl int. josiinr ilbohunwh BiMrtn tui:atmi:nt, nml avnllHllhemolvoiof Ids wonderful cirtci clous inedlelnr. Ihry would not hnvo fallen. Or.Hchcnck lumlii lilsowncnso preserved that whcroversunielent vlinlity remalui, that vitali ty, by his medicines nnd his directions for their usfl, Is quickened into healthful vigor. In this stntornent thero is nothing prrsutnplu ous. Tothofattliofthnlnvntld M mado no re presentation that Is not n thousand times sub stantiated by living nnd visible works. Tim theory or the euro by Dr. Hcbenck's medicines Is ns simple ns It Is nnralllng. Its philosophy fo ri n I nm no arguuirnt. Jt is i-clf-itsiurlng, nelf convicting. The Henwooil Tonlfl nnd Mandrnkorills nro Iho first two weapons with which tho citadel ol the mnliiilvl, nafi1lMl. Twrv thirds of the CaKCS of ronsnmptlon orlglnnted in dyspepsta und n rnnctlonatly disordered liver. Willi this nut dttlon, the bronchial tubes sympathize" w III the htomnch. They respond Ui tho mor bll u nctloii of tho liver, irero then e-oinos the culin mtiiu result, nnd the selling lu, with nil Us diarutsiug symptoms, of CONSUMPTION1, Tho Mnndrnko I'llls nro eoinno''! of Nature noblent girts-lhe I'oaophllluni l eiia turn. They posess nil tho blood searching, alterative properties of calomel, butunhico ruin mel.lhey " LEA VII NO nTINU jirjiiiTiV' 'ri. ...nt nf xnrn t now brirtnnlnir. Tho villaled nnd mucous depoilw In the bowels nil lu tho alimentary cannf are ejectetl. Xlio liver, like ii clKK, Is wound up, it nrouses from lt torpidity, 'iho stomach nets respotulvely, find llm patient begins to feel tluthuls gelting.nt Inst, A BUITLY OF OOOU JJIiUUiJ. Thn Hf-nAcred Ton If. In mnhinctloil Willi tllO liiu. npriiipiitPH iliuI liANlmllnles witli tho foil. Chyltllcatlou is now progressing wllhout lis nruvlous tortures. Dlnintluii becomes palnltHS, and tho cure Is seen tit be at hand. Thero Is itn more llatuience, no cxicetnaiioii oi uio Annppetiloseuln. . . . . Now rumes tlio greatest Ulood Turiner ever yet given by nn Indulgent lather to sulTeiln man, Hdhcnck's Pulmonic Byrup comes in to perlortu Its innctlons und tu hatteu and com plete tho euro, it enters at once up mi Its work. Naiure cannot bo etieated. It collects and ripens too lmpulred and dUuitsed portlonH of Hie luugs. In the form ol gatherings, It prepares them lor exictoiaiiou,aud lot iu a very short time Uie l im lady it vanquished, the rotten throne that It occupied is reiiovaiod nud made new, und the uiiieoi, iu uu iiiouiKuuy m u'(iiiw ikui,bh.'- nrth to euloy tho manhood or tho womanhood that was, OIVEN UF AH LO.r. Tim ktwvmd tldntfls. Iho rtatlcnls muststnvln u warm rooiy until they getucll; llUalmostlm potslbie to tirevent taking cold when tho lungs uieillseuKed, but It must bo prevented or u cure cannot b eifected. Fresh air and riding out, es pecially in this section of the couutry lu tho fail und winter season, nro all wrong, l'liyslclaus wlui recommend that course lose their imtlculK, ir their lungs nro oauiy uisohhoj, uuu j ti, w citisd they ure In tho house they must not sit down unlet; they must walkabout tho room as mneuund as fist uh tho strength will bear, to got up h good circulation of blood. Tho patients imndkotplu good spirits bo determine! to get well. This ha-s ft great deal to do with tho uppo tlte, and Is the great p lnt to gain, To despair oi euro utter such evidence of lis possibility in the worst cases, and moral certain iy lu all others, is sliitut. Dr. Hchenck's personal statement to the Faculty of his own euro was In these modest words: .... "Many years ago I was In thelaststaes of con sumption: counued to my bed, ami ut one lime my physicians thought that 1 could nut liven, week: then, llko n drowning man cutchlngnt straws, I heirrd ofand obtained tho preparations which 1 now oiler to the public, and they made a perfect euro of mo. It seemed to mo that I could icel them penetrate my whole system. They soon ripened the matter iu my lungs, audi would spit up more than a pint of oirousivo yel low matlerevery morning tor a long time. As soon as that began to subside my cough, fover, puln and night sweatsuit began to luio me, nud my HppclUu became so great that it uns wltu dllllculty that I cxiuid fceep Irom eating too much. 1 soou giilntd my strength, and hate grown In ilcsli ever since." "I was weighed shortly nfter my recovery," nddeel tho Doctor, "then looklugllken nicroskel etou ; iry weight was only ninety-seven pounds; my piesent weight Is lo hundred and twenty live (au'j) pounds, an for years I have enjoyed unlntcrruptedhcaltli." Dr.Hcbeuclc b discontinued his profession u visits o New York and llton. llo or his sou. tlents nt their otllce.No. 13 North Wlxlh stieet, Fhlladelphla, every Saturday from u a. m., to J with the UeVplronieler will b charged . l ho Uesplrorueter declares tho cxactconud .Ion o w lung, ami patients can readily learu whether they ure curablo or not, .i(i.,u Iho dlrecllous for taking the medicines aro ndnpted to tne Intelligence oeu of a e-lill il. -low thesedlrectlons.und klndNaturowllldotne resi, excepting tliat in some cases " Fills aro to be taken iu Increased doses; tho threo medicines need no other accompaniments than tho nmplo Instructions that accompany them: First create apnetlte. Of returning health hungirlstliemoH welcomo symptom. When It conies, ns it will come, let the despairing ntoneo boot good cheer, ejood blood at onco lollows. tho cough loosens, the night sweat is abated. In a short tlmo both of lhuo morbid symptoms aro gone forever. Dr. Hch click's medicines nre constantly kept In tens of thousands of families. As a laxative or purgative, tho Mandrnkorills area standard pieparalion; whllo Iho I'ulmonio Hyrup, ns a eiiier ot eouglis and colds, may be regttdodas a prophylacterle ngalnst consumption in nny of its urine, l'rtco of the Tulmonlc Hjrup and Seaweed Tonic, SI-jQ a bottle, or I7.Vj.ii half dozen. Man drake Fills, 25 cents u Lox. For salo by all drug gists and dealers. Johnson, Hollaway A Cowdcn,C02 Arch sliced, Philadelphia, wholesale agents. may lb'IMy. rrUIIIlTY THOUSAND DOLLARS X 1'AID. The TKAViXEiM Lii'fi ANI ACCI ih;.vt Lnsukanck Company, of Hardford, Con necticut, paid f20,OX)ou WML Forbush and Wm C. Curry, victims of tho New Hamburgh railroad accident ; 3,000 on tho lale Jas. 11. lllako, mayor of Worcester, Mass.; and 85,tQC on the lato H. ll. Lewis, Jr., ot St, Albans, VI. All these accidents occurred, and tho Insurance ws paid, within threo months eac!i claim being paid about sixty dnys Ltfore It was due by the terms of tho policy Tho Tjsavkleiw Im paid SEVEN IIUNDH1.0 I)0LLAi:3 A DAY In benefits to Us policy holders, for death or Injury by accident, for every woiklng day during tho past seven years. The TKAYKLtKH LlFIS AND ACCIDENT I.VSf- UANCECoMPANVtof Hardford, Conn., grants nil the usual forms of LIFE and ENDOWMENT Fo'Icles, oa exceedingly favorable terms. Am it.e SixuniTV nud Low Kates. U01,l,lIAYKIKimtf; SIMU.VAItV, llOLLIDAYHHURO, l'A. r. Creek's' WIXK or LUblUkcd A remedy whleu lias been tested for 10 MHrs. nnd Tirnvrd In tlnnw. nnds of costs capable of curing nil lllRinuH riT tlirt 'rhrnut nn.l I u. perfounlnc many icmarkablo em tw niviii niui ituiu uu mho ure s'ji loring from similar ulteetlous fimI nluly teeklng relief. Will you It t prejmlico prcent you irom being cured also. Coughs and Colds. 1 ho Drupglsts say it muim them all. AM hum '1 he reliet and cures of It uio marvelous, Ilronchltls. Every sullerer will llud lellefnnd cure. 7hroat Allinents retinlroouly a few doses. iauif DisenseH lias cured cases rronouiued Incurable. Debllily. It renovates and Invlur r utesthe system. Liver Complaint. Most elite- llvo l emulator nf this or nan. Dvsnemlu.-iiM healthy action ou the stomach cuies it. ApjHt U7er. It is henltn giving aud appetite-restoring uriuury urguus. .leuuu uu mem is mar&cu ami prompt, DK.CROOICH WIKR OF TAU Is rich In Iho mediclal riualttles of Tar, comblneil with MgeU- uie lugreuimusoi uuuouoieti vaiuo.wiucil nniKi It unsurpassed, not only for tho complaints eunmemted, but H rapidly restores exhausted strength, cleanses the stomach, relaxes the Liver aud puis them to work, causes the mod to digest, aod makes pure tdood, and begets a vivacity ap preciated by both sound aud slek, If ou niu utllicted In any way, we know If yon try tho lite gtvlug'tonlo prnpeitles at Dr, Crook's Wine of Pur, you will add jour tetimoDy to Its gre-it vulue. in correcting nny "Ills that flesh Is lie-r to." Fienarod only by OLIVEU CUOOK A e. Hold by Druggists eery whero. JIallA Fouil u, Junct ou City, Kunsas, Wholesale Agents. For Kcrolula, bcioJulous Tumois. Scrofulous Dlseuses of the Eyes, or Scrofula lu auy form. Hheumatisui, Distasc of tho Ller, Diseases of the Skin, Scald Head, Ulcers, aud old Sores, or auy dUeaso depending ou u i lepra veil condition of the blood, tivu Dr. Crook's Compound Hyrup ol Fokw Knot. It is combined with the bc&t tonle preparations or Iron know n, ami is the best Alterative and Mood Fur j tier made. Cleanse your Blood, Try 6no bottle. Sold by drmrglsts. pie ptit-d only by OLIVEU CUOOK A CO.. Dayton, O. (iur,ar civiiniu.xnu win insert nil Vatlve-rtlHement lu euhit -NKWMl'Al'l- I'JSfOrSIXlKlI.LAltS l'KIl I.t S K tier u-i ilc. einolluoonu week will cost Six Dollars, Two llm will cost Twelve Dollars, and Ton Hues will eost Mlxly Dollartt. Send toraprlnted List. Addns OKO. p. HOWELL. A CO., Advertising Agents No, -ii park How, New York, Tho Vice of our ago is Fraud T Nevertheless, thero are Ave honest. VntAnt Agents, even nt tho Capital, of whom U the uuuersiuiieu, l uieuis jor if years obtained ut liMisonablu rates. AventB witnlnl. K,.n.t (nr elrcularw, GEO. E, IIUOWN,CounsellorutLaw, IU A(! I? A NT SAVni.lKNR Clciitiit KiU tllutH anil nu klniU ul I'milm mid Cli.tlilnu; remoM'. Taint, tlrccho. Tar. A p.. tiiMttuiiy, wiiiiouv itto ivani injury lo tliu fluei liitirlc sold liy DruBuUts ami 1'uucy (lixNla lfa ers. KHAtmANT HAl'm.lKNt: nf K:l t...F. clay Ht,. New York, 10 I A Halle bu. L'hkuao. Aecnts! Head This! 4 w Wli 1V11.1, PAY AOK.NTM A HAI.AIIV 1 Ol' S'JO lMClt WIIUK .ml li.i....... ... allow a lartza rmiitntKMlmi In kll .itii- i.... I womlmul Invintloun, AUdtnM.WAONi:il .ti t'o., Multliull. .Mlclu OiJOf! AilON'lll lluritHaiuU'arriase mriiUli. yOi) wl. i:HimiuUil. II.HImw, Allrnl.Mi', A IUV 1'OK AUI. with Htemlt Tw.Ij, I AuurtM A. K, uitAiiAM, Hi.rlimllulii. t, A MILLION DOLLARS." hlirewc il but quiet men can make a fortuno ly reiullUK tliefciirilor the biiMtinifcu 10 uu (iu Aildre V. livi:LlON, j, mv iiruauway, jsew York. 1 . VAhAAhhK, M, 1)., mm.klully tiealt 1 . oil cIumiu ui Llirnnlo autl Acute lilfcuin. Kenil ktainp for rlteular roiiluliiliiK luirtleului. Kiullciitliinjulaln. AOuietn Do tivi, cv mk
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