THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOQMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Agricultural. VAl.UK Of ItK-I'IiANTKIlCoitN. TIlO lirnetlro of ro-pluntln torn Is common onoiiRh, lirltiK usual on every farm nuil plantation wliuru UiurIsiiiiI U mil per IVct In llio first Instance. Awor.lliiB l lliosuRKcstlon of in Inlelllo-eiit planter, tlio roplnntcd corn U of uwntlitl vnliio In llio crop, moro than h apparent, anil lio lilmsolf mako.) ltn rulo to replant, wliothor tlio first stand la cooil or not. If tho flrat stand Is perfect, at ruroly occurs, ho still ro-plants in about ovcry fifteenth or twentieth hill lu every tenth or fifteenth row, cither cutting out tlio plant already crowlnc. or nut ting In nn extra hill, If tho spaco wilt admit. Tho purpose of tho ro-pl.inted, or into stnlKs, is to furnish pollen, In eoso a dry spell should wilt tho tassels of tho first planting heforo tho grains nro Illicit. Ono stalk In two hundred will shed pollen In abundance. If tho woather turns very dry In tlio 1111111; time, both tho silks and tassels wilt. When rain falls, If It comes In time, tho silks recover nnd become fresh ngaln, but tho tassal onco dry does not rovlvc. Tlio ro-plantcd corn being younger, will when tlio tas3ol bloom? furnish pollen for nil tho .older stalks around. Deficient or unfilled cars nro c.uwd by want of pollon on the silk. Knell U tho suggestion of nn ohsarv ant planter and wo submit It fur llio lioiu'lltof our readers. FnuiT Cui,TiitE Old Ennons Cor itucTED. 1. Inst&id of 'trlmtnltig'tip" trees, according to tho old fashion, to mako them long-legged and long-armed, trim them down, so as to mako them oven, snug and symmetrical. 2. Instead of manuring heavily In a uiwll clrclo at tho foot of a tree, spread the manure, If needed at nil, broadcast over tho wholo surface. 3. Instead of spading a small clrclo about tlio stem, cultivate tho wholo Mtrfuco broadcast. 1. Prefer a well pulverized clean sur faco In nn orchard with a moderately rich soil, to heavy manuring, nnd n surfaco covered with n hard crust and weeds or grass. G. Ilomcmbor that It Is better to sot out ten trees with nil tho necessary care to mako them llvo nnd flourish, than to set out a hundred trees nnd have them all die from carelessness. C. Itemomber that tobacco Is a poison, and will kill Insects rapidly if properly applied to them, nnd is ono of tho best drugs for freeing fruit trees rapidly of small vermin and Is better used In this way than to mako men repulsive nnd diseased. Country Ocnllcman. Whitewash that will not Run Oft1. It is not only a common, but a very wholesome practice, to uso white wash. It preserves wood-work, renders It disagreeable as tho habitation of In sects, nnd promotes health. Thousands of dwellings nro mado cheerful by Us presence on tho ceilings of their rooms, and oven tlio wails aro often indebted to it, whero paper nnd paint cannot be afforded. It Is cheap and easily applied. Tho outsldcs of barns nro sometimes whitewashed, and leantos and horse ntalls aro qulto frequently covered with it, and nro kept clean and wholesome by Its use. Oneobjection toit,ascommouly used, is that It rubs otr easily when touched, nnd apolls tho Sunday coat or best hat. It I.s annoying to go Into church, or through tho street, with broad lines of whlto drawn on ono's back, to say noth ing of spoiling tho cloth. To prevent all this, If thowa3hIs to bo used indoors, mix half-a-pallful of limo and water, tako half-a-plnt of flour and mako a starch of it, and pour it into tho white wash whllo hot. Stir it well and mako it ready by thinning It for uso. A llttlo gluo will nnswer tho samo purpose. If for out-door work, add a llttlo salt and boiled rlco, mako thin. Scarcely a par ticle of tho limo can bo rubbed oil" when prcparcdJn this manner. LeahntoKkep House. No young lady can bo too well instructed in any thing which will nffect tho comfort of a family. "What position In society sho occupies, sho needs a practical knowl edge of household duties. Sho may bo placed in circumstances that It will not bo necessary for her to perform such do ireslie labor j but on this account sho needs no less knowlcdgo than If sho was obliged to prtsido personally over tho cooking slovo and pantry. Mothers nro frequently so nlco and particular that they do not Ilko to glvo up any part of llio caro to their children. This Is a great mistake In their management, for they nro often burdened with labor nnd need relief. Children should bo early taught to mako themselves useful j to assist their parents every way in their power, and consider It a prlvllcgo to do f.0. Young peoplo cannot rcallzo tho Importance of a thorough' knowlcdgo of housewifery ; but tho3o who havo suf. fcrcd tho Inconvenience and mortlficn. tlon of Ignoranco, can well appreciate It, To Stop Rleedinq. It Is tnld that bleeding from a wound, on a mnn or beast, may bo stopped by a mixture of wheat flour nnd common salt, In equal parts, bound on with a cloth. If the bleeding bo profuse, uso n largo quanl ly, fay from onti to thrco pints. It may no left on for hours, oven days, If neccs. sary. Tho person who gavo us this ro. ccipt says that, In this manner, ho sav cd n horso which was bleeding from wounded artery. Tho bleeding ceasod lu nvo minutes after tho application A Remark ati i.e Case. Recently Ocorgo JL Ellis died in Chester county, In his ninety-second year. Ho U re ported to havo had tho consumption nearly nil his iifo, his physician having assured him heforo ho was twenty years of ago that ho could not survlvo tho next two years, Ellis was so palo and thin for forty years provlous to his do ceaso that ho was known as tho walking skeleton, nnd yet ho Isbelloved to Imvo been, with two exceptions, tho oldest man in tho county. CIiviNd Directions toIIki.v, Tell tho men llio night before what you want them to do tho next day. And tell them, If It Is lino, do so nnd so ; If it rains, uo tins or that; and enter Into details. A good man likes to know bo forehand what lie had to do, and ho will Ihlnk llio mnttcr over nnd dccldo how lc8t,to do It, nnd what tools ho will want', and whero they nro j nnd In the morning lio can get to work half an hour earlier than if ho did not know what lio was going to do. i BitfiincsH Cnulfi. JI.OOM PERKY. Hip llloom Ferry company lun had lis ll.ds nnd Ixtnin thoroughly repnlrcd nntl Is now lu rendtnes In an nil nsunl ferrying nt nnv reason able litnir, Tiu iindcislgtud will I ... I n nllin ilmirpnlntiy liinntiiivnll insm cushion rsnt fill. n.riil';i-ly .loll.N tl.()l'l( l. Q L A It K n uix'Hivii'ti and now oi'dnino a np.w htock or s i n i x a a o o i) .s t CAI I. AM) HCU. April 11,1871, ,, S 1' L E Si) I D C I! 1, 13 S T 13 O 11 ti X ' WITH TWO MBIT HUEIM ATHimK SIOIU, cunbebo.ightforJiao nt Nil F.H l'lnno Wareroomi near Forks Hotel. mayl2'71-Cm. B LOOMSIlUItQ MAUULE WORKS. UUNTON & BTKI2H, (Hneclossors lo A. WHmaii,) Ucspertfully itiform tlio puMlo that they nro tiow fully prepared in do nil kind of work In their lino or duslne, upnn reason a bin leitnt nml short notice. Satisfaction warranted In all case. lJau.ll.'7My B MiaAINS-HAlldAINS. QUICK BALKS ANtl SMALL VIlOrlTO. do to HHNllY YOST, East Hloomsbnrg, l'n., for nil kinds of the best liouio ami city umdo . I'll UNIT IT It K. Prices reasonable nml tlio bent work done. Jim 171 -U s IIAKPLESS A HARM AN, Iti pn:.dilerallon nf trirlmz down our work nnd rebuilding whIWi will nn commenced Very Kntin wd nro ittrirlnu plow, tdocn, Ac, nt greatly reduced prlcin, 11. T. Hlf A UI'LUSa A l H. It AUMAN, II I oo m b n re, l'rop r 1 u lo nt Mar.l9Mf. JXKt INK!! INK!!! Hy buylns (lehr's Celebrated Inlc Tuwdcrs, you ran mko ink fur leu than hair tho money, and far miporlor to uiiythlutf yet- In use. ill not corrode Mcel pons, 1'retv.lus will not Injure, Hftmnlo iiackaKO mitllcient Tor ouo ilul nt ink will lm Rent Uy roturn mail lu nny ono sending twantytlve conts to M, W. NUHS, npr 1171 3nt li:om1mrfc'('rii. s L A T E BOOPIN G, EVERY VARIETY MOST FAVOllAliLE KATES, JOHN THOMAS, AND CABI'lIll J. THOMAS lint. 377, HlnoaisbiUL', 1M, Jal.u 17 TVTAGAZINES, DAILY & WEEKLY XTX fAl'ElW OF ALL KINDS AT THE II 1C STORE OrrOUTE THE COUKT IIO I'SE, AUo an assortment of rortcmonnillcs. I'jm nooks mid Account llookR. coiKtuutly on lillud. Uiolf3 not nn lianit obtnlnett on Miort notice. New BookH nro couBtnntly belntt ncMod to the " lUoonmburK Ulrculatlinr Library." Among tuo latest nro "(lulltniul Innocence, "MotlierleBH," Mr jiarry," noi apnr oi uunioictnwau," iinti Morquein,' etc, npr 1?,'7I tf "jVTKW ORGAN AND PIA.NO W A II UUOOMB, ORGAN-) A X'tANOS FOItaVf.E OS INSTALLMENTS. riann Tram nil flnt-clnss makcm, from 1'l.lOto $1W1. Or;iim rr.nn rU to (7iX A up lend Id Untati rmcUvvi-.i net roMs, nnd Iremwlo with jiam-led HUclc Walnut Ciiif, only lil,ix. Kliiglo rttnl, Hitiiocia iih nlovn, Iix. I Imvo nmdo nrratiKO iiiouU fo Imvu llio lute-tt iuuhIr on liand ivi feooit hi puollshwl. 'lV.ieheri minpllcd nt ri'iiiilar dU count. Ware rooms, Main btrtit, m-ur Torlis Hotel, tf. I. W.ILUS. rillKSTKU B. FUUMAN, UAUXESS, BADDIX, AND TIIU.VK MANUKACTUnKU, and dealer In CAIU'ET-UAGS, VALISK5", KLY-25KTH, BUFFALO KOIJES, IIOKSK-IILANKETS AV.t wlUcli ho feels confident lio can nellnt lower rate tlmunuy other pemou in tuo county. Kx nmlue for yourselves, Hhop oppOHlto tho Tost Cilice, Main fcticct, ClooiAnbnrte, 1M, Aug. 6, 1S7D. T I S T It Y . II C. HpWEK, DENTWT, nesneetfully olTcra Ills prorenslonal services to the ladles ami cwntlemen or llloomsbumnml vl. clulty. He lfitireparod to attend toalltLe varl ous operations In tlio llnoof lila proresnlou, and is provided with tho latest imnroved 1'oucEr.ArN Tketii which will bo Inserted on potd platlnc silver unu ruoiicr uao lu iooi: as wen name uai' ural teeth. Teeth estracted by all the new am most approved methods, am) ml operations on the teeth carefuLlyuml propel ly attended to. Itestdence and olnco a tew doors &mve the Conrt House, same side. Bloonnburif, Jau.1'71 ly KJEV C100D3 AT TUB OLD STAND. McKKLVV, NEAL .t CO., aro now opening at their old stand corner ol MAIS AND MARKET STKHETS, l!r.00MSI!Cr.(l, nfull lino of new good consUtlng of DKY GOOUS, oitocnnir-i, HAUDWAlli:, (lirilllNSWAUK, and all other nrtlclca required to meet tho wanU of tho public. may ant It. JUIE OLD ESTABLISHED r uuxitb n i3 and nr.iiDi.NO WAitr.nooMsofii. it. i,i:wn, nro lim i luapeKl in the- city. JIo n now helllni! I'Altl.OIt MM'IH In l'l.UHII, HAIlt CUITII. HKl'Mor Ti:itllY; WALNUT CHAM IMMtslUTrt 111 Oil or Varnish: CtrTTAnit I'llltNI'l Mill' nil styles J llKDUINd unil MATTUKSMKH, various sizes: cheaper than Auction nrke: UAltl'U'lS. every variety. Come and see and bo convinced. Yon will save money by irtv Iiil? us a lull tietnro imrcliiislii!' ulsewhcre. 11. H. I.EWIH, :,o. 1130 and 1131 Market Hired, l-il i l.A ii IA, Kcxt door to comer of I'llleenth Bticet. mur.T71 Sin. Q. L 0 B E Jt U T U A L COMI'ANY LIFE INSURANCE O F NEW YOIiK. i'llny Freeman, Vresldeut, II. C, Free man, hie Cash capllal over JJ.OOO.OOO, nil pild. J. U. KOI5ISON, JILOQJISBUJUJ, 1'A OENEltAI, AGENT, For Luzerne, Lj coming and Columbia counties. Aug, 3),,t,o. JJXCHANC.E IJAKEHY A N 11 GONE E 0 T I O N ?2 It Y , IlLOOVSIlUIltl, VA, Tho undersigned, successors of F, Wlilioser, would respectfully aiiuuiini'o timt Ihey Imvo I' UVV .Vl'i" wel "'"bll.hed Hand rcrenliy m i ll pledbylho above named. In llluoinsbuiir, nnd ru?lnaidVeUnlg,,,bV1'" lmlM 'MuuU- WHOLEBAI.E AND IllrrAIL, nnfeelloiiery of every slylo and kind. Also, Ihey will havo at all times a (ompleto sunnlvo me nest nud Iresnesl llread mid I'lilte. VartleH desiring nnj llil.ig lu this lino will II lid It lu tbelr t.MUUUiU IV lull UU US, AN ICE OltEAJI SALOON is neiucd to tho establishment, und ladles and others who may pntionlro us. may rely main upon if reiving froper nttentlon. A rfasonnbla sharo of publln patronage Is respectfully snlleltul. Ilaspberry. Imon. uud other Hymns, In largo uuu .tumuli-. Hiiiniiy nn lillllll. . , DECKEIl & HTECKEL. Moy5. IW1. ly TT O. 1IOWKR, luwt opened a flrat-clasg BOOT, HHOK, JIAT CAi, AND FUU HTOUI5. at the old Btand on Main -Street, lt.oomslmrif.afciw "wihiiuuvb uio iuuri. Jiuunu. ji in it men m riiiii' piiea of the very lutfit nd bthtKtylen ever filler. fctl to ihe cltlzLim of Columbia Cnmitv. llnrjin Bcrommuslalo the publlo wlttUliefullowlnififfXHlw i" wei, tuii'n, men h i.euvy ihhiuio uoiotl itoeaboou, inen'ddoublo and Mingle tan koled kip booU, inen-g heavy ktoca Khoea of oil kludn. men's flue boou and ho of all Bradon, Ujv'h double Miled boou and.fchoea of allklnd, mtu'ii Blovo kid lialiuoral nhoe8,tneu'ti, woinen'H.boya'M nut iB.Mi(i Kniierti, women h ciove km I'olUl. very rlne.wutnen'i. morocro ItalriMirala nml calfshoeH.woincn'i.verynne kid huttnnod Bait- Bed and Sowed. w cnpuow uoui ie8 , HewouldftUocalJaUentlontohUflno assort- ATB, CArS.FUIW ANIi NOTIONS which com nrlies all the new nmi nnis. etitwat pricfawldclicanuotfalltoituliall, Theue fc"""" n uiiBieu v uo lunnii I'Uhli IttWH anil wlllhe cnaranted totflve Batlifneiton, a call Ui(Jlcllt)d before purcbajlns elsewhere an it in believed that better bargains are to bo fo-and Jan 171 JUSTICE'S 3JLANKS. Wo nowlinvonn band n largo neatly prlnbvl rsKorllnrnt of JUHTICIl'H and LONHTAIII.IX 1 ll bkh w u Invllo I be intention a! itiueerm Pntout Metliciuofl. j I HNHY T. HKLMIlOLD'c;. n o m i u u n u 1'i.uin KXTIIACT t'ATAWIlA (1 R A V E 1' J 1,1, 8. (liMjinnrnt J'.irti-7nM lUtract Rhubarb nml Unlit tatrt Clifrittf ii (rape Juice, Von MVEIl rOMl'liAINTrVTAUNMOi:, lilt, tOUH AI'I'ECTI'O.NH, HICK OH NIIItVOUH lIl!AI)ACIIi:,C03TlVi:NliH, lire. I'llllKtA vi:ui:taih,e, no Jinitcimv MiNEitAi.s on uw.uruitiocaijmjas, Tlieso 1'ilU aro Ilia iii3bt ilellijhlfiilly purgative, superiedliig castor oil, salts, mag nesia, cle, Thero Is nothing moro neccplnblo to tho stomach, They glvo tone, and camo neither nausea nor Etliilny partis, They aio composed of Uo Jlncst intrciltcnts. Arter ft few iUV uso them, suoli an Invlgoratlou of tho entire system takes placo as to appear miraculous to tho weak and enervated, whether nrlstnii rrom lniprii denco or disease. II, T. Holmbold'a Compound Fluid ExlractCalawb.iOrupo Villi aio uot"4 r coato.1, from tho fact that sugar-coated Vlunto iiQtdlsohe, but pass throughtliostomach without illssohlng.conseftuenlly do not prmluco tlio do Mired ellect. Till! CATAWIIA (IIIAVI! I'JI.I.S tielug pleasant In tastoand odor, do not neces.l. Into Ihdr bclliK Riwir-eonleJ, I'ltlCI! I'll'I Y CKN'IH l'EltlltlX. ju:xnr r. JiKLzmonirs. llllllir.V fllNCENTnATKll CO.MfOtlNII l'l.UIll 11XTI1ACT MAlMAVAUII.liA Will radically cxtttmlnato from tlio Kyslem Hciofula, Hyphllls,!' ever Borci.lIlcetM, Hole r.yeM Hoiu Legs, Horn Mouth, Head, nronchills, Hkln lilsenses, Halt llheuiv, nnkcis, lliinuliigs fioiu tho Kir, Whllo Hwelllns, Tumors, Call ec runs AU'eetlonH, Nodefi,Ulebctst(andar,Mwo.t lugs, Night Hiieats, Hash, Tetter, Humors ol ti Kinds, Chronic Ulieumallsm, liyspcpsla.nml nt dlse.uo that has been established In tho nystom for years. llelngpropaiodKXI'lHUHI.V rorthoaboveciini-lilolnls.llBlllJOD-VUItlfYI.NU innprlctlei mo greater Ihan any other preparation ol Harhiipi. rllla. H gives llio COMVLEXION a clear and healthy color and rcsloreslhe patient toastalo ol HUALTIl nnd l'UHITY. For Vurlfylng the lllood, removing all ChionlcConslUlllloual llls eatcs nrltHug from nu Impure Mato of the blood. And tho only rellablonndellVclual known lemc dy for the euro of l'alus and Hwellluss ol tho Uouos, Ulecratlous of tho Thitiat nnd Legs Illotches, lMiuples on tho Taco, Erysipelas and all scaly Eruptions or tho Hkln, and lloaulirylug the Complex Ion, Vrlce, SICOper Uottle, IIKNHY T. HELMDOLIVH ('ON'CnMltAThU J'L V1D i:XTI(A OTP. UCll U, THE UUEAT DIUT.ETIC, has cured every enso of Diabetes In which it has bocn given, Irritation of the neck of thollladdtr nnd Inltaminatlnii of tho Kidneys, Ulceration of tho Kidneys and llladdcr, ltcteiitlou of Urluo Diseases oflhc Vroslatotllaud.Htono In the mad der, Calculs,'(lravel, llrlckdust Dctolt, nnd Mucous or Milky Discharges, and for Enfeebled and Dellcnle Uonslllntlous of both Sexes, atten ded with the following symptoms: Indisposi tion toHxertlou.lossol l'olver, loss of Memory, Ililllcully of llrcnlliliig, Wink Nerves, Trem bling, Horror of Disease, Wtiketulness, Dlmaebs of Vision, Valu in tho Hack, Hot Hands, Flush ing of tho llody, Dryness ol llio Skin, hruptloti on tlio l'uee, Vtillld Counleuauce, Universal Lassitude ur tlio Muscular Hyblem, etc. Used by pcrMius Irom too ages of eighteen to twcnty-IHe, iiiidlrom thlrty-llvo to lllly-llvo 01 In tlio decline or ehango of llio; after coullno men tor labor pains; bed-wettlug in ehlUieu. Helmbo'.d's Extract llucliu Is Diuretic and Dlood-Vurllylng. nnd cures nil diseases nilslng from Habits of Dissipation, nnd Excesses nml Imprudences In i.lfe, Impurities oT tho lilood, etc., superseding Conabla in airectlons for which It Is used, and Byphllltlo Airectlons lu these diseases used In connection with nEI,MIJ0I.US ItOSH WASH. LADIES. In many iitfecUons peculiar to ladtes, tho Ex tract llucliu Is uneriuallod by nny other remedy as Is Chlorosis or Itetentlou, Irregularity, Valli- fulness or suppression of Custoinnry Evacua tions, Ulcerated or Hchlrrus Statoof llio Uteius, I.cncotrlio'a or WhlteH,HteTlllly,iindforall com plaints Incident to llio ex, whether arising fi om Indiscretion or Habits of Dissipation, It Is pre scribed extensively by tho most eminent physi. inns nnd Mldwlvcs for Enfeebled and Dellcato Constitutions, of both sexes and nil ages (atten ded with any of tho above diseases or fryiuptjms. 11. T. HEf.MnOI.DT! EXTItAGT I1UCIII) CUT.IM DIHEAHES AKISINO VltOJl IMl'UU- de.s'ci:, HAiina of dissivation, etc., In nil their stages, nt llttlo expense, Utile or uo ehango In diet, no Inconvenience, and no ex pobiire. It cnuscs n frequent dcslie, nnd gtveu strength to Urinate, thereby icmovlng Obstruc tions, Vreventlug nnd Cuilng Hlrietures of llio Urelha, Allaying Valu and Inllammatlon, bo frequent lu this class of diseases, and expelling all Volsouous matter. Thousands who havo been llio victims of in competent persons, nnd who havo paid heavy fe'ca to bo cured in aslioit Iliac, liavo found they have been deceived, and that tho "Volson" has, by tho uso of "powerful astringents," been dried up in tho system, to break out lu n more eggra vated lorm, and perhaps nricr Morrlage. Uso HEI.Mr.OI.D'H EXTRACT I1UCIIU for all Airectlons and Diseases of tho Utluary Organs, whether existing lu Malo or Female, fiom what ever eauso originating, and no mailer of how stnndlng, 1'ltICK ONI', DOI.Ii.Mt AND irrv uii.NTii i'i:it norn,i:. HENRY T. IIELjrriOTrVH I.M I'JtOVED HOSE WASH cannot bo surpassed asn VACK WASII.niU will no round tho only speelflo remedy in overy speeles of CUTANI'.OUH API'KCTION. It spee dily eradicates VIMl'Mll, HI'OTS, HCOUHUTIC IIItVNIH,INDUItATIONSorihoCUTANr.OUS MEJIllltANi;,ctc., dispels ItEIJXH and IN- OII'IUNT INFI.A.MATION, 1IIV1W, ItASlI, JIOTII 1'ATCIIKH, IHtVNIiSS OK SCAI.I' OH hkin, I'UOSTIim-S, nnd alt purposes for which HAI.VKS or OINTJIKNTH nro used J restores tho skin to a stato of pnrlly and sofluess, and in sures continued lienllhy action to tho llssuoof us vessels, on whleh depend the ngrecablo clear ness nnd vlvacllyol complexion so mivih sousbt umi admlied. Hut however valuable ns remedy lor existing defects of tho skin, II, T, JlelmtfDld s lloso wuth has long sustained its prlnclplo claim to uubounUcd palronnge, by possessing qualities which render It ft 'fOII.IlT AITHNDAUE of tho most Huperlatlvo and congenial character, combining In un elegant formula those prominent ruiuislts.HAFCTVnud KKI-'ICACV tiio luvarlablo nceoinpanlincnt ol Its uso ns a lreservatlvo aud llelreshcrof the Complexion, It Is mi excellent Lotion for dls- eiesesofnHypli111tlaature,andas nn Injection lor diseases of tbo Urinary Orgaus, arising from liablts or dissipation, used In connection with tbo UXTltAUTH IlUL'IIU.HAIUSAI'AUII.IiA.nUd CATAWIIA UllAl'i: I'IIiLHiIU such diseases lis rocoinmendcd, cannot bo surpassed. I'llICU ONU DOUiAll VUl UO'lTI.i:. Tiill and explicit directions ucci inpany the medicines. KviUiniooftliomohtrcsfiinilhio mid tellable ehuructer furnlsheit on application, with hun dreds of thousands of llvlug witnesses, nnd tip ward of su.uoo unsolliited cc macules nud recom tnendatory letters, many of wbleli aro from tbo highest sources, Including eminent Physicians, Clergymen, Ktatcsmeu, etc. Tho proprietor li never resorted to their publication In tho news- papers; ho docs not do this Horn tho fact that ids ur tides rank ns Htandard Preparations, mid uo hot utcd to ho propped Uphy eertlllcates, Ilenrj T. Ilelniliold'N Rcniiliiu I'lX'lUll'llllollN, Dell vi red loony address, Hceuro from obset vatlon, KslnbllslieU upwards of twenty ye ars. Bold by DiugglsU everywhere. Address letters for In. formation, lu coutldence lo IICNUV T, llKLM 1IOI.I), Ilrugglst mid Chemist. Ouly Pepotst lI.'f.lUXllllOI.D'a Drug and Chemical Warehouse, No. Ml Jiroudway. Now York, or lo ir.T. UELMIIOLD'H Medical Hepol 101 Bouth Tenth Htrcet, I'lilladclphla, l'a, IlKWAIllfoi' COUNTHKI-i;iTi:ilH. Ask for hi:niivt.iiei.miicuhtakk no otiikii Rail RoatlH. I AOKA WANNA AND DLOOJIH U iniitu iiAii.uoAii On nml Itr Nov, 21,1870, Passenger Trains will run Tin nil iiiwhi (InlnuNnrlh. Arrlvo Ariltn lining Kiinlli lentil r.eavo Mil. p. III. p. in. n. in Dcranton.. li.ll I) :i'2t il.vti I.i nvo II.MI 4.11 I, '.l 4.H Ml Ml II. 10 Arrlvo Vlllslnll 11.1,1 Kingston s.ll I'lymouii km Hhlckshlnuy,.., 7..M Hem lclc 7,21 llloom ii.'JA Danville tl.W 0 7.9) 1,17 1M I. '.nl II. 'U 11 01 7.'.'1 f.tfi !i.:l') 11.11 Arrlvn i.cavo j?ao NnrtbM - 10.40 II. u 10.'.i I .'nlilicctltm Inatln ntHcrmitoii bv thrt In. lit ,11 IralM for Ureal hend, illiiKhfltiitou, Albauynud ' D.T.lloUMD.Rup't, NOKTJIK1LN OKNTHAIj ItAiL WAY. On aud nrter Doccrober Uh lk?0, Trains will leave HUMilliiY ns follows t I.3oa, u.,l)nlly to Wllllanuport, ror Elmlra t'auaiidalgua, ltochester, liulbilo, Musiiunslou lirldgo, and N, Fulls. 0.-5) i. M., D.illy,(exeept Hundnys) for Eimlrn anu jiuiiaiii vi i f.riu I. ii i way irom l.iiniril, 4,53 '. h., I tally, (except Huudays) for Wlllla-ns-port, TItAl.SH BOUTHWAUD. 1 1.0 A.M.D.illy (except Monday's) forllaltlmoit WILMINUTON AND VIIILADELVIIIA. li.ll V.M. l)illy(oxceptHnnday')forllaltlmon WiHlitngtoii and l'nlladelpiila. 111). H. YOIINU, (leneral I'ftsseuiier Acenl, Ar.c.ntu U. VisKn, Ueii'l Hupt,, riATAWISSA ItAIliltOAD. b.O. WINTHIt AtlllANaEMENT. 1870, Vassengor Trains on this road will run as fob lows t .Villi &u'A. HTATIO.VB. .Villi .VerM I.V. 8.2.' a, in ii.m) ' Ii. I ) " lutil ' ln.-is " to. I i ., 1I..VI ' 1..111. U " 1-MS " Willi iiiisporl. Miiiicy, Mlllon, ll.lllVllll'. Itupert ('nttiwls.n, ItlllgtOV.'ll. Hllllltlllt. .V, (Wi Ml " A. Ill " i.:n " I.IJ " l.ol p. lu a.'.-) " tl'l ' 1.11 " 10. 1 J a.m. (luiikalte. ).. Maboity June, l.'M "Dlnc.Tiimainia. Dine. ltoadlug. l'otlsv l e. 7.111 Vhlladclihli. s.ll !,01 p. 111. I'.'.ihi noon H. r, a. in 11.15 " l.ii'i "dluo Munch Ciiiiuk, dine" -.'11 " lietlilebcm, SM " Vhlla, vl.illelhlchcm, " il.'sj " r llastou, " " r,.t), it. n.oo " " I...V, " i Vaiu.y it, It. " ii.o) ' " 6.i) ii.m, Duitou, " u.eo p.m V.issencors tnklrg tho Ml train from William sporl, will havo two bonis 111 New York, lor sup per, nnd itrrlvo In Doslou at Ml ii.iu., eleven lioiir- lu ndvaneo of r.ll other routes Now il'iy eo.ichi'S iiceoiup.iiiy nil trains bo twecii Wllllaiusiioit, New York and Vnihulel phla. Tinlus run through by dayllalil. eJEJ. WEIUl.Bllpt. jEADINa JlAILllOAD. HU.M.M Ell AltltANCl EM ENT. JIosnAY, May 15, 1S71. (Ireat Trunk I.lno fiom tho North and North. WVst for I'hlladclplli.i.N'ew York, i'.eailllig, Volts vllle, Tiimnqua, Ashland, hhalnokln Eebanou Alleutown, E.vston, Epbinin, i.ttlr., Liincanter Coluinlila, Ac., Triilus leavo Harrlsburg for New York, ns lot lows: At -M'l, ,li, n, in., and -,M p, m ron uectlutt with simitar trains on i'eimsylva nla V.allro.ul, tuut arriving ut Now Yoik at 10,ii3, a. m.. M'. ami t1,') ii. m. respectively, Hleetilug cars aceompauy the 2,1) a. m, train without change, ltcturnlug: I.eavo New York at t),00 n.m. nnd l:.:;j noon mid 6,uu p. m. l'lilladelphl t at 7.'M, s.:)J a. m, nud 3.yo ii. m. Hleeplng ears acconi)iauy tho 5,00 p.m., Ir..ln Irom N Y without change. Leavo iliirrlsburg lor Heading, 1'ottsvllie, ia marina, MlnersMllo, Ashland, Hhaluoklll Al lculowu nud Vlilla'd.nt K.lOn. in., nlnl 2,0) mid I, 05 p.m., stopping ut Lebanon mid principal way sttitious: thu I.Oj iMii, train connecting lor Vhll'a Vottsvlllo ami Columbia only. For Vottsvllle Hchuylklll Haven nud Auburn, via Hchuylklll and uusquehaiina ltallroad, leavo llarrtsburg nl 3,10 p.m. East Velinsylv.inlartallroad troms leave Head, lmr lor Alleutown Easton and New Yoik at 1.3.', M.&I, n. m., tuut l.oi p. in. Ueiuriilutr, leave New York at ti.u) n. in., 12.30 noon and 5.0) p. m, and Alleulowu ut 7.20U.1U. 12.23 noon, 2.13, l.'-5 an. t.33 p. in. Way Vussenger Train ieaes Vhlladclphla nt 7,0 n.m., eontieetliig with similar tialu on i'lesl Va. railroad returning Irom lteadlugiitti,20p,m. slopping at all stations. Leavo Vottsvlllo lit D.00, mid 2,50 p.m. Heiudon ut lU.OOu. m Shainoklli nt 5, Wand 11,1) II. lu.. Ashland lit 7.U, unit J'Al.t mimi Alnh- tinoy City ut 7.13 n, m. nud 1,2) ti. ill. Tainnqli'l lit ..u n. in., uuu ic,w p. in. lor I'uiiuue'ipiiiu, r.ew Yoik, lteadliig, Hauisburg.Ac. Leave t'otlsvlllu via Mcuuylklll and Husijuc hauu'i ltallrnad 1118,1711.111. tor llnrrlshurg, uuJ 11,1) u. m.,for Vlnu(jroe aud Tremout, Heading Accoiumoitatlou Train leaves Volts" lllo U15.10 n. m., passes Ucndtli at 7,30 a, m,, ur" living at 1' 10,20 u, m. Itelurnlug leaves l'lilludeliilila at 5,1 j i. m., asslug Head ing ut 7,53 p.m., urrlviugut I'ottsv Ulo at tl.l) p.m. i'ottstoiwi Aecommouattou Tltilu, leaves Volts town atli,30 a.m. , leturillug, leaven Vliliiuleiphln at !,: ii.m. Coluuitih. Hallroad Trains leave ltaadlng ft 7,20 n.m., and 0.15 i,m,for Ephralu, LllU,IilieaA ter, Columbia, Ac, VerUlouicit itiill Itqail Trains leave Vcrkloinen Junction ut 7.17 v,ujii. in., 3.W AU.nop. m. luturu luv: leuvo Heiiweuksvlllo ut C.!0, .l) a.m., 1J.30 noon A 1.13 p.iu., conuectiiig with sliullur tiulns on Heading Itallroad. Coiebrookilale Itatlioad trains leave Vottstown ut a. m,.'-1.15 11. Ii p.m, return lug leuvu -Mount Vieus.iutui 7.00 and 11.25a. ni "i.ij p.m, connect luir wltli similar tinlus on Iteailtti'e ltallro-ul. Chester Valley Itnllioad 'J lulus leuo ilidgo port ut s,:ji)a. m. mid 2,ui nod 5.112 p. m. letuinliiH. leuvo lKnvnluglou nt b.10 n. in., 12.13 liooiiiuul 5.23 p. m., eonneetllig villi btmllar tiuli.s or lteading Itnllioad, On Holidays, leavo Now York at 3,00 p.m., Vull phlant H,oo, ami 3,15 p.m., (tlio s,oo n.m. Irall rtinulngoniy tolleadliig;leavel'ottsvUleb,ooa.m Harrlbburg nl 2.40 u. m. nnd 2.0U p. in. and leavo Allelituwn at 4.23 nnd h.tt3 p. m.. nml leave Heading at 7.15 a.m. and 0.50 p, in, lor ilairls 5.00a. in, for New York, nt 7.20 n. iu lor Alleutown and ut 0.10 a, lu.' nud 1.15 p. in :o Vhtladciphla. Comtuittatlon, Sllleage. Reason, Hchool -u-Excuislou Tickets to uud liom all poluts, utre Utlced rates, liaggago checked through; 10) pounds allow each pasreuge'r. J. V. WOOTTEN, Asst. Hlllit, Eng. Mucu'iy. iveauiug, i .e,, ,iui u, 1971, Books. TwoItc Years ass Wili Mans t0hf9 Plains. Tho rctnarkablo ndventmes of tho faracui tviirri: citii'.r nmi mo WAititioutho Ited hklns. Uhriltlug iicconutHot eiieat Hunts, ilalrhreadtli i.scnies ami Tcrrltilo contests with the big game nuil hostile tllbes, Hjilrlleddeserlii tlons en tho habits tnid suiieistLtlolls nl thill stluluo people, Their Spoils, 1.1 (1i:nih,Tu.iii tions. ilow Uiey Wcoaiul Wrn.hCAi.t'.Uoc'iou, Woiyillll', Ac. New, l-'iesh mid l'oiuihir. i'nie'i: l.uw. It Is selling by thu thousands with won derlul luiiUlity, Agents nro inulelug fiom 8-VHo tltu per weel;. Chun u Held j et vai'ulit. sjendut unto lor samtilu eltiitileis, Jllust rations und pai- tleulars to 11. llUllliAKl). 1'llbllbhtr. M Chestnut bt 1'UU.l, 3nrelrSt.,l.T.(ir:j8W.ltliSt.,(liH-nniill,0. II they want tho lnostpnpniarund lst selling mlwerlptloii boolu pul,lKh(.l. and tln'i:,o,i(r( frallrrmi. Kend furelrcul.irs. Tbeywlllco.tyoil nothing, and may bo of great lieiieflt to you. Hi 11 A M.W HOOK of (ho uu-ntoht inltTi-st nml 1m porlnnco, Wiltttn Hum u hlli moral und nhyhl olo(ral htaiidpolnt, by nn emlntnt plijHlcl.m and mcdlfrtl )roli'Mr, it sUomh how Hahin Is world ni; out liUmblla nnd dangcroun dcslynn throuu onr motst hacud domrttlu and social 10 latloiH, ruro-mlmlt'd, Imt outRooken and at; Krebslvv.tiie author handles tho UellcaluktibJeLtH ireultd of uitfioultiloxca, hut In nucha mnuiU'ran nut in uuniHieriti uprurieiu curios, ly, jficjviya icttl Jleacncratlonvj the Jtace, In a mbject Jully enlUilmr thu luteicKt and sympathy ol all lino l'Mi...inuiuiim( mm tint imiok. 11 in uencwu, Will contrlliUlu to Ihflt. rml Intst In an It has reudor, A cl tenia r bent lrt, contalnlm; a lulldt'hcrlptlon and bynnphlmir tho work Willi liberal itxtiatt. C. r. VKNT, I'ublUhi r. EV FIUM AT OllANCIEVJM.E IllON EOUNDIIY AND AClMCUr.. TUIlAIj M'OItKS. anu.T iMPnovr.MEN-TH in ri.ovs ani; TlIItlWIIINU MACHINUS. Mr. Jacob Trlvleplccobnyliig purchased llio ttti.tit,. ..! viii.ii.i. , . i..i,v in iitu iioovo named woilts, tbo business will bo co illnued under tho urm nainoor wn.i.iAMHeituvi.hitiii Co. llavlntr dlscoered sevcrul Impcrleetlous lu the pious luuniir.icturoil In 187U. tbev havo Btrenatheneil nud Improved them, und added snmeentiru new patlenis. They will open tbo Hprlng Irado of 1S7I lar In ndvaneo of unylhlng ner oilVied to tho ,.M.,i.t , .".it. I'luiiti-tti iiiui-iuiiiicH, uuu nav lug their work all dono tiuder the r itvtM lu.,,.-. vision they guarantee tbelr wink superior In , , 1 , iimi.ii 111 nny neieiuiuro Ollered, liealers should not accept of any other agrleuh turul luiltlements until iliev luivn ivninti.Tui ..... MllllUlacluro. I'nrtnitru Elittnltl t.v ..1,.... befolo bujlngauy other, Theyiilsu maliufueturo AI.Ii KINUS Of OAHUNU3, usually mado In llrst class I'oundrlcs.taw mid grl.t mill eastings, inado and lilted up lu order, TIinESIIINCl MACHINES aro made a sneclalty, nnd somo very deelde.l ltn. J''b'e. 1'rlei. lower than evert nil kinds of 'iiV-. . vw"""''i iroiiiuaen in exiiiiingu Order direct Irom llio niaiiuluctnry. Old ngeii clissupp oddur nglbowluier. ' Auuressait orueis to WILLIAM BClIUYI.EIt .t CO., AUUICUI.TUIlAIi WOItKB, OllANOKVII.Ul e-uiiuuiiA UUUNTV, I'A, Jan 1'71. Dmga nud Chcmionla. A GREAT EDICA!. DinCtV-HlY Dr. WAT.KXR'S CiUroi.'.;' ' YINEG-AE BITTERS Iluntlrctla of Tnonscmtls g $ UeartPitimony to tlioir Wonder n r v J lul UnrallTO Lflccta. ti u 3 fjjjj WHAT ARE THEV? p.; 1 Tircr Ann kot a vile nsl 23 FANCY DRINK. Pi?? Mi'Ioef 1'oor Iumt VIilkor I'roof Mplrlta nnd Itcruso lilqiiurRiloctorcd.fplcod ondiwcct cncl to rloMotlio taite, cftllcd"Tonlc,""Aripctl tra," " HcBtorcri," ic that lcfld tho tippler on to drunkenness and mlu.ljutftrofttroo ilcdiclne, marto from tbo Katlvo KooUnna llerbiof California, frca rrnri nil Alcohutla Uttmulnnte Tlioytro tho ClltttAI' lll.(KM l'UUIiacit nnd A MIT. C1VIM1 riilNCIl'LEftrcrrcct llcsovator and Invlporatorcf tUoSyftra.carrj'laff off nil poisonous matter ted restoring tbo Hood to a healthy condition, l.'o person can tako tbceo IHUcrs cccordlss todircti tlon and remain long nn well. 61(10 irlllbo eHcnforan IncaxaMocaeCtprovMcd lit a bones ara not dostroyed ly mineral poison cr other means, and tho Utalcrcans waited beyond tho point of repair. 1'iir InHnmtni.torT nnd Cbronlc lllicnmn tlnm luxl Uoatt I)ysrcplnt or Indlcpftlnu, Illllcun, UtmUtont nmllntcrmlMrnt 1'cmih IMf nines if tho III00J1 1A crt Kllnryrt untl lllmldcr taceo lttttrr tovo liccn taott ettcccrc ful. tJuch Dlscnncs ftro camcd ly Milntcd lllood. which Is ccacrally rroCacdtyCeracKactt cf tlio DlecBtlvu Orcnus, nVHlV'.l'rilA Olt INDinCMTION, llcac tichc, l'aln la tho Etonldcm, Conebs.TlRhtncsa of tho tiicet, Ulzzlccii, Eocr Kmctatlons cf tho Etomocli, radtostolntha Mouth, UlUou3 Attacks, lalpltatlcn cf thollaart, InSaurcatlon cf tho Lungs, rain In tho Ktloaa of tho Kidneys, and n hundred other painful t ; mptoms, aro tho cffiprlncs of Dyspepsia. Yhry lnTlcorato thoBtotaacUcndtUmulato tho tor r'.tl liver atd bowels, which render cacaeyln clcanslns tU blood cf all Impurities, and Imparting new llfo nnd Tlgor to tho vholo lystcra. l'OU81CIl)l!si:AsnHrropUon, Tetter, Bait :.hci.a,Ulotchcs,Epote,rimplcs,X,nitulcstItolls,Cer buntlcEjilnc-Vrorms, Ecald-llcad, Eoro EycB.Erydp., Ecnrf. Ulscoloratlons of thoWln,IIaincra end Wacarca cf tho LUn, of whatever nemo or nature, nro literally dnr tp end carried oat cf tho pyjtem lu chert tiao by tbonsoof thcEa Bitters. Ono bottlo In t uch cases will con lnco tho most Incrcdalouu or their ccratho effect. Clcacao tho Vitiated lllood whcnoTor yon find Its lir.purit.ea bnrttlng through tho tltla Inrimplos, Erap lions or Bores, cleanse It when you find It obstructed and slagdfh In tho veins 1 clcanso 1U hen It Is foci, and your fcellncs will tell you when. Keep tho blood puro ns J tho health of tho system Villi follow TIN. TA I'll and other YVOItIU8, larklnslatho ryetcm cf so many thouaanda, aro effectually destroy cd and removed. For full directions, read catcfnlly tho circular around each bottle, printed In four Ian-guaffcs-Englhih, German, Trench and Epacish. J. 'WALKER, Proprietor. R.n.iIcD0NTALD i CO., Drctrslsts and Ocn. Accnts, Em Tranclsco, Cal and 83 and SI Commerce Street, Xtvt York. iVHOLD DV ALL DIIUCGISTS AO DEALEK3. oct2ai;o-tM ;7' t,r I(mnot wisn to Inform vou.icadpr.thit Dr. Woiutfrriil.orany other mnn, hut iliscovercU a 11 ro Inilf consumed, In bhort, wilt euro all discus ( h wtictlicrof mltul, body or ehtnte, mitko men llvo forover. and leuvo UeiUli to piny lor vaiitoi work, and Is deitliied to mnlto our sublunary tspliereu lilUitful I' which Heaven llHcit biiall IjolmtabldohlioAV, You have henrd enough of that kind of Inimbiier', But when 1 KM you lhat JJr.SasEo'nCutarili llemody ivilljsUuc in cure Ihu woiht rases of Catarrh In tho lle-uL I only assert that which thousands can testify lo I will pay t5uu 1 Inward lor n caso that I cauut cure. A pamphlet Klvlns symptoms and other lutoi muliou beat ireoto tiuy aUdicsa. lnU rem edy Is HOLD BY J10ST DUiraaTRTa IN ALL PAItTb Irif,o 50 cents. Kent hv mall, nostnald. on reeelnl of hlxty cents, cr lour jmckntfes for two dollarn, llewaie of vountcrfctts aud uorthlm imitations. Nee that inv nrlvatu Ktamn. which is 11 nosUiic guarantee 0 (icnuinencis, In upon tho oulsldo uiapjicr, iirn.einoer inai mis privaio Hiainp. lhsticd by the UnllfdHtnlcsGovernmentuxprehs y lorhlampln my medicine, has my portrait, name and addresv. nnd tl.o words '-U. H. (,Vrtltl cato of licnulneneNs,M ensraved upon It, and need not Mi mHtakcn. Dou'L im HWludlcil by travelers nnd others lenre.senllnu themselves as Dr.H-itioj I inn llio only man now living that lias tho knowlcdgo nud H'.itto maour.ieturo the Ucnuinc Mr, Saim'Htatarrli numudv.and I never trat.l to bell this medicine. oci'VO-ly. IU SoJieca street, lluaalo, -V. Y, SEVEN KKASOXrf VIIY 13 the Best Liniment in tiir Wuitr.n roit houses, rrrtsT. It Is composed of tbo most rnwrr.njij niul I'BNM'itATiNiulriulds kiiowtiln Chemlslrr. HKCONt). Combined with tlioubovols n Jlnni- riNAif Oil, mado expressly for Hits Liniment, and mixed hy an cntlioly new process. j 1 1 1 iii),-iiio uso 01 1 no joh crjm nmi prncirminrf InRredlentrt 1h to drlvo or Imeo In thU hcaullUil MhDK'lNAl. Otr., 7hleh lubilc.iles tho Joints ami nuiBcles. aud Immediately throttles thullseasot aud compels It lo loosen Its deathly, ulckenltu aud iolsoi)ous tamxs. KouiiTir. 'this MumctNAT, Oir. lsuod for tho finmoieusou thatatjood mechanic nlunj h tmes oil to mako his mnehlncry woi Ic with chko and picclslou, Ko in tho samo way tho muscles and ointfl of our animals should ho lubricated If un wlfch to. hivo them travel with inpidlty and cn'o. l-'jiTir. 11 Is very soolhlns lu ltn action, will not burn or blister tho animal llko moat, of tho thi nut ' iiuirucuis 01 1110 nay, KtXTit. Not ono ilron ot tincluro of envenno or red pepper can bo loundtult.s composition; jur wo num iiiub ni iiinnit'in- ran iu iuitmvi! which bums nml bllsturs tho animal until thu muscles nio haul nml dried almost lo a crisp, WLVKNTll. Uvery bOltloisW'Al!IlANTKIltn(;lVO good satisfaction, or your money will bo reluud fed. This shows conclusively that tho proprie tors havo full confidence in this pninaratlon, nnd proven lor tho seventh limothat O, H. H. H. Is tho best Ijlnltnent In tho world for hoisex. u rf- IJon t nlhiw iour Merchant ta imluxntr Ttne- tuievf JtcU JH fiter ami JIaitshorn, or other traih on iou, but ask jr O. N.or lljncs, ana take no other, Hold by all drimnHls. l. u. CAlli:v A co.. Ko o l'ronr etnrK. sept270-lyl !So Head Blicet, Wow York, R E 31 O V A Ii. Tlio ttrm AT.T.r.v A Mekiii.K'I liivln-j lirnn itli. solVKil nil the t'Jtll nt Nuv. IrQO. I wuultl llilorm tny incnui una cit.iuiiiurH 1 inn NOT OUT Ol' IHIHINIKS, ns Ins liccn rcrnttcO, nml cill nltciilhiii to tlio 1uiiiiviii;j in I ' UOVnilSMllNT DIH'Or. xo. i ii:iuivi i nir.vxo. lliUW.NI) liO.NK.UUAltANTKilll I'UUK. rilll (IUANO IN lllll.H, I'oiulidto, lu llasi, liurrtli atut Hulk, haw l'iiosntATi: ov t.imk. I'rlco, W per Ton, LAND riiASTI'.lt IX n.oi AND unm. TAlt, lu 1, & 3 giillult Cnus, Ol Ii fi'JA l for wiuIiIiib T) ccs, lu 311b. Ijoxch, con ox sni:i Jiiur., Kvccllmtt Knoil rni- Unwv, liirtrftHliit: nml enrich tut; llio .Ml IK, In iiAun, IV 'Hi. i:m:u, C 11 A 0 K L 1 N a s Vur Hog auil Ctilkcu Vicit. CUM PNT, Aucucy for Cujilay Hydraulic Cement, Tor IU Mticilor riunllly I icfor to J, W.Hr.ntlli nuHi, uauiauu, j. A I.IIIUUAIi DIKCOUNTTO TIlKTUADi:. JOSIAII J. ALLEN, (tjilo Allen Sl Nvedlcs,) ltt'inovcd to i (SOUTH DKLAWAUK AVE. mar 1071 .riltLADKLriiM, ?EE lllliliS. ust printed on good paper nnd In thonentest BlyleJUHTICH'H and UoNi.TAIII,i:Ml'i':i: 111 1.14 auil lor sale at tho Col.tmiilAN Olltee, Tho law leolllrcs Justices ol tho i'eaeo to liavon FeollllI inil uplu lhelrolllcos,iiinierni'enaltyor10iiud douhlo thu nmouul nl tho tecs i-buugul, fji ? Clothing;, &c. JliW fi'WUlL OF C1.0TUINU. FronhftTrlVnt'of BltMMnit ?10OHft. jjavji) Lowi:.Niii:mi Invllcs nttentlon In hi. stock ot (!I!i:Al'ANI)FA5lltONAIII,i:CI-OTIlIN(l. nt Ills sloro on Mftltt Rlrccl , two doom nunvo I ho American Hon ,0 llloomsbiirg, l'n.i whero no Jmt received from Now Vorltuml l'iillailoltilitu n full n-uottmcnt of mi:.v and iioyh' cr.oiniNO, luclitillni tho most f.nlilonnble, ilnrnhlo, niul hnuUsoino DltHHS OOODM, comlstlnj nf llOX.HACi:, lt0Ca,tlUM,A.VI)Olfi.0I.OTH COATH AND l'ANTH. of nil feorts, sizes ntutcolorfi. Ho hits nl'jo replcit. lsh oil his nlrontty lnrt;o stock ot FAiit. and wiSTr.n nirAWifl, BTllll'KD, WOUISK1), AND l'I,AIH VKHTd SHIItTa, CllAVATB, HroCKM, COt.IiAlt.4 HANDKr.rtcHinra, aLovia, huki'i:ndi:iw, and rANin Aivrlcr.i Ho n.ts cotiKtnnlly on haml n inrso nnd t.vll-so-onted nsnorttnentof CI.OTlia ANI) V1'.STIN(W, winch lio Ii irep.irod to ranlto to order lutnany liliutofclotliliii!, on very short notice, nnd lu tlio best tiinnner. All hli clothlnt; It inndo lowcnr, nnd most of It Ii of homo ninnuriictnre. aor.D w.vTciira and jnwif.itY, ol every description, Alio nnd'tlienp, llli rnio ol Jjwelry li not surpassed lu tlillnce. Call nnd cxnulno his general nssorlmcnt of CfiOTIIINO, WATCIUH JIlWnM'.V, AC, Jrttil'71 DAVID r.OWKNlinltO. Bakory and Confoctionory. JOIIX 0. JACOUY'S HAKUUY ANI) COXFKCT IOXIMtYl cup.wici:, riiNN'A, Tin undorslmied would respectfully Inform tho cmens or tlonvlelt, niul vicinity, th u ho has opened a Contucllonery aud ltaltery lu 'odd ri:r.i.oVH imu, Iterwlclt, r,i wluro lio Is prepared to rurulsli all kinds ot 1'liAIN ANI) I'ANCV CANDIES, I'ltKNCIt CANDII-H, rOItlllUN AND DOSIWTIO I'llUITH OltANOIW, I.i:.MON.H, KAIMINS Ac., de., Ac, Ac. by wito'.i.i.u.i: ani) ltnrAtt,. Antony tho ntsortment will ho fintnd Cretin Nuts, l;ii:;lhli Wnlllllts, lVanitls Almciuds. Ml hcrt, l'l, Apples, Cocoa Nuts, .lelllesiir dlller fttt kinds, Mustnrd, Catsup, 1'lcltlcs, Clioeolntc, Canufd I'tult of nil kinds, Corn Htnreh, Ills cult, Unda Crackers, Oyster Crackers, Uiocke, Hoap, Wrlllnu X'apcr, Asrectnenl l'upcts, i:n vl'1uics, FJS1I AND OYSTKRS, And producn or nil kinds. I'rcsh Itrend nnd Cakes every day. Jco Cleam In Hinsoll, Vmir pattouuio Is holk'ltcd, JOIINO.JACOI1V. DerwlcU, Jan 171 tv Q ON F K O T foK IlliY 'i'no nnderrlRneii would respectfully nnnounoo tolho inlblto that ho has opened u KH!.ST-CIS! CONI' EUTIONKItY STOltK, In tliobulldlni! lately ocenplrd by Fox. Webb wholo ho Is prepared to luiutsh all kinds of WiAlN A FANCY OANDIIU, FllKNCU CANDll'S, FOr.niON A DOIII'STKJ ntUIT.t, NUTH, ltAIMINM, AC, AC, AC. )JY witoi.KSALr; on kf-taii.. In chnrt. n full nssoitment nf nil romls tn his lluo of busluebs, A Uleat variety lit DOI.liSI, TOYS, Ac., sullnblefortho Holidays, ".articular attention Ktven lo 11 It HAD AND OAK I'M, of all UIuJs, lrcsli every day, O U It IHTMaH O A N D I K f. OlflHTitAH TOYH, A call Is holtcltcd, and i.illafacllou will b Kuaialilocd. Jm 1'il-ly F.CKHAltT .IACOIIH. Hotels. MOXTOUU IfOUSH ltUl'Kl'.T, I'A, WI'iMAM IlUTU:i:, l'roprlctor, ThtsTIrm.ohavlni:been put lu thoroiuh rcpslr Is now open lor llio reeeptlnn of quests. No lialns will bo spared lo ciiMiro tho perfect rom lort of tho traelers. Too Dioiirletor solicits a Share of liubllo mllnlinifo. 'rhii liir i-llt I.., stoaked at all times with lluo liquors and clears. jau i i i JJENTON HOTKCi. V. V. 1'IATT, l'roiirlntor, l'UNTON, COLUMBIA COUNTY, I'A, This veil known Honso havloi? t.een not tn thorouli icpalr Is now open lor tho leeeptlon of visitors. No p.ilns havo been spared lo eusuro tbo perfect, eoiulort of e.usts, Tin jiroprletor nlsoriiusaBtaito Irom the Hotel to llloomsbiirK nu.i iniermeui uojioiuts n:i Tuesday, Tburwlav nud K.iturday of each week. Jan T1S71 'PHI j:siy 1IOTKL. COI.U.MI1IA COUNTY", I'A. Tho undersigned would Inform Ihotravelllui: aiblle that ho has taken tho abovo named estnb Uhmeut and thorouirhlv relltted llio kamn inr tbo perk'Ct.'oouvenleneoof hlsKUChlh. Ills larder will ho stocked with tho tiest tlio noirhio nilni-iU. The choicest liquors, wines and eltjars always lo . .. . WILLIAM 1'r.Tnr. Jan 171 iispy, rn. JJIlIOJv 1IOTKL,, coLUiiiiiA county, va. JIOIIU M'lIKXKY, 1'roiulctor. This well hiiiiwn llotivo. linvltv Iihimi nut In Ihorouiih icpnir, Is now ipcn lo tho tiavellln public. Tho bar Is slorl,.(d with tho cbolceht llouoitt ami cli-arK.and Ihu lithto ,'lll be, at all tiiucH.siipplIcd with thoilellciicleHttt tho season. No pauiM will bo b pa led to liibiiio tho (omlorlol i;uL'ftts. urntiuovino. Jan. i,iS7i, Warjhing Machinoa. JOTY'3 WASlUXCl-JtAOinXK, iiATi:r,Y much imphovi:i)-and thi: nk UXIVKltSAL CI.OTIIKS WKINOEIt Improved with Howell's r.itent Douhlo Cos wheels, and tho I'alellt Klnp.nro now liuqiies tlouablv far stlpt l lor lo any nptniratus for wash ltn; clothes eer Invented, and will savo tbelr cost twleo a year, by saving labor and clothes, Tho Hdltor of this r.iper, who purchased Washer aud Wringer, thus tisllllcs as to their aliiot "Wo havo had In nso lu our family for soin I Into past, ouo ot Duty's clothes Washers nnd rlUKeis.auaare prepaied to bear testimony as to its lilellts, 11 Is emphatically a labftrau'iivt maehlno and does Its wotk lu tho most tlioioiuth inuuner. For families who have larito washes thesn machines would ho Invaluable," CoLU.-i. uian, Jan, II, 17J. 1MUCES-A FAIR OFFER. If I ho Mcrrhn nt. In your place will not furii Isti, or send for tbo Machines, send us tho retail price. Washer 811, Kitra Wringer ill, and wo will lor. wind either ot both machines, Irie of freight, to places wbeiononuols selling; and so sum aro wo they will bo llkeithatwo uguo to relund tho money If any ouo wishes to rituru the ma. ibliiis free - or Ii eight, niter u mouth's trial, ac eotdlng to directions, ' No husbond, father or brother should nermli thodriulgeiy of washing wltlitho hands; titty, t wo dnj s In llio year, when It can bo dono Letter, moro expeditiously, with less Jahor.and uolu. Jury lolhoKarnieiits.l.yiiDotyclotUes Washer, and u Uulversiil Wrluger. Bold bv dealers ccnorally, to whom liberal dis counts aro made, ll' ' lUtOWNINd, Hen, Agent, oct7'70-tf, aa Cortland Htreet, Now Yoik. JN B U It A N OE AUKNOY, yoinlng : 21I.0X) A.lna 11111,11c Fulton N, Y - IjO.okj Vnrth I in.rt.i. u.m ...... North America.. U),i0 uuy, International N,Y. Niagara N. Y Merchants Hnrlugtleld ln.,T.,' Tlnlivllle V V . SWJ.UIJ l.t'UV'IO 3.,( 0 S7U,IMI0 filS),IUl 11'I.UKO .Mutual, 1 .1 1 0.IM1 Albanv IHlv. Dauvlflo, llorso Tlictt... Atlautle. N. Y. tJeriuuuia, N ' Flll-AB JJUOWN. Autnt. raarsni-ly, llLooMsnuiiti J1 eH Dry Goods & Groceries.. c. U. iM a it a Imvojnstrrcolvcd from tho enslent mntkels n largonnd well selecled nine 1c of I) It Y (I () 0 I) ii , ooksutinii or Cnsslmers, Jeans, Host blenched A Urnwu Muslins, Calicoes, . Tickings, Tablo Linens, Cotton A All wool flaliliels, Ac., Ac, A'good stock of Lndjcs dress goods, Latest styles A patlenis. ofall kinds, (lood stock groceries, llucenswaie, Hlouo ware, Wood A willow wnrc, Flour A Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Bruin Tor ehaiilius Tin, Ilrass.Ac, All goods nold cheap for cash or pro duce. Ho would cnll llio nttentlon nf tuiyers tn his well nnd cnrerulty selecteil nssortmeut which cnmprisoi ovcry thing usually kept In tbo conn try, feeling confident that ho enii sell them goods nl such prices ns vlll eusuro satisfaction , Jaiil'71-lf C.U MAltlt. ILLKU'S BTOIIK. H. If, SItLUni A HON, havo rciKovcd IhelrHLoroto tho room formerly occupied byMehdcnhall.ou Main ttcet, Itloonis Ifitm, nearly oppo-dlo tho Kptscopal Churrli, uhcro they nro dt IcrtulnedloFcllon asmnderalu Irrtits n-s can bo pfocurei.1 elso wlioro. Tliler 8loci coinprlf-es of tha choicest stylo ami latest fft.ihloni, together wltlinlnrffo nsortinent of -ry (loot-n ami Oro ccrlcs, con slat Ins of tho foUowic.t ttic Ie Carpel, Oil Cloths, othi, tlnsslinorcr!, hhawls, riauiicl.H, WblloOoods, Jjlnens, llrKip Hl;lrt, Mit'llus, llollowware Uednrwaro (iut tiftw.ive. llmdware limits and Hlifjca, IfaU and Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Lonkl'is-OInJttM, Tliicto, Cotleo, yiiyars, Tuns, l!1e.', Allspice, UltiKcr, Cinnamon, NntMPgs, AND NOTIONS OKNl'.liAMA'. In Mioil, everythlrK usually kepi In country tnro), to whlcli Ihey Invllo tho alien! Ion of the public uencrally. ThohlKheHt prlcowlll bo paid for country produco In oschano for Emul". li. II, MIIiM:iUb80N. IlbKmisbur l'a. apr,V71 :r trttJ&fctrva&juz3uturis ffTrTViYMtr.T nnf--iitt s OMKTIlIXa XEW! The underslRncd would hereby kIvo notlco that ho has Jut completed A KIIt-iT CiiAHH ilKAKHK.uuil that hohasthcriifllltlps torcarry-ln- on tint business or UNIilUU'AKINO in nil Its branches IN CITY BTVIiU, Ho has ennnccd cxiicrlencrd iiersons who will t jko ( harco or the bodies of tho defeased as soon as they hhnlllo of thin mortal coll," mid attend to wakhlnji Miem, shaving, dressintr, Ac, Khrouds lurnHhed also to order. At much uxneuso lie bay also procured an IllON ICE 25 OX, In which bodies can bo preserved In a cleanly and diy condition, ('airbiix fuinlshed lor In mral occaRhtuK, In nifrl, I in is pit paud to tako eharyool a eorpRo liriiiiMtlali lv afb r dial b, and savo fi lends and relatives all lurther truiiblolu ret;ard to it. Ilo also carries on tlm business of O A II I X K T A JC I N Q ITphoNtcrln-r In all lis branches, rr-pnlrlnf; furni ture, reseallnt: cauu bolttuiieil (balis.Ac, Ac l'laeoof bUblnuBSon lion hire I, Ik Imv Main. llUlllIItT KUAN, Bloomsburg, July 1 bTO-1 1. "PATENT ARION PIANO. TliconlvprreW Instrument In tboAVorld. It Is itiiequitlUU tu Ulchiiesfi, Tower, llrllllancy and Duiablllly. Hpeclal teuns to TeacbeiK. latki d laoi-M to clergymen, fc'ttid lor Illubtratod Aiiou romphlet. C. W. I'ObTKU, (Jeneral Arc nt. mar 1071 tf.J Maulii chum;, I'a, To any person producing any Mcdlclno show ing hnir as inany llvluqr, permanent cuiesas 111:. l-'rjt.f.ll'a 'KrihTAIlLK ItHKUHAHa IlKMKIIV, I'sril tiiiiitrdlu vnly. A pleasant Medicine, fieo liom Injurious drugs. Warranted, under oath, tohaVH permanently cu roil Uiln every ltn tsitfeuts treateil In tbo p ist ten years. (He,, testimony.) H Is tboselentltlti proscllpllon of 1'iofessor Jos. 1". I'itlor, M, 1) , u trraduato of tho llntveislty of I'euusylvnntn A. 1. Is.i3, now ono of 1'hlhnlcl Phla's oldest tegular phj sUluus.aiul l'rotessor of rhenilslly and Toxicology, who has made Neuialgl.i, t'blouloaud lullanimntury Ithcumn tlsm tho spielallly of his entlio irolesslonal 11 lo a fact om bed for by tho signal in es aeeom p.uiylugelich tint Ho, ol many prtniillleu t renown ed physicians, clergymen, aud other test Imonlats. To protect sulterers Irom poisonous quack nos trums and useless ex peiidltuio of money, n legal signed gun rantee.sttitlngcxaet numhtrolbottles warranled to cure, will bu lorwarued gratis to nny sullerer sending by letter a full description of utlUcltiii, In cahoot falluro to cure, amount paid positively rclunded, iledlclno sent any. Jl'helo by uxpicss, collect on delivery. Allllclod Invited to wrltu lorndvicos all iiifoiiuatton ami advleo stilt by letter gratis, l'rlllclpal oltli-i..;!) houth I'olllth stieet, T'lillndclphlu, l'a. I ho Iteinedy Is sold or obtained by Diugglsts. mar:'l'7l-ly Q.OOD3 DEIilVEUED j'ltui; of i'oiiTi:it(ii; to nurow on 110AT.J IN l'IIIL,AUbLl'HIA. Hy llio dissolution of thu linn of Ai.i km A Nkkoi.ks, on tho Uth of Xt'oveinber, ls7l, tho undersigned heeaiuo solo owner of tlio Factory, stock and Machinery or tlio lato linn nnd will eontlutiu tliti nialiiitsetiiruuudsalool FerlllUers, Myporsoual attention Is glf en to tho business, nnd aided by thu best chemical ami Jdeehtiuleal Mtlll Ihu high illullly of my articles will bu matutalued, Tho SUPEIt I'lIOSPIIATE OP LIME, AND AMMONIATED FEItTIIiliEll aro sold ut a very low price, Hi:s'l) FOU CIltL'UIiAlt. NO. 1 1'EttUVIAN aUANO, llirniiu'iil Vure us Imported from the IilumU, V I H II V A X O, I'uro (1 rou ml I lono, Land I'lnsler, L'enieiil ,Hpet m , iJird, Whale, Lubricating ami t'oal oils, Hirni! Adaiiiaullno uud l'uruilluo vhleh I lesptctfully luvlto tboutteutloii ot tho public brftcur, diucoustj to tiik t'U)b. WM.N.NF.UDLICM, (At IhCuldltmultiJ AI.I.KN iX NS.K1II.M.) 42Uouth Uulaware Avouuo, l'hlladelihla. ron SALK v llf.OOMSIlUIta IRON COMI'ANY. mnr.T71 law. nl.ANk' Ml)ItTOAai for tho uso of Having 1) I'uiid nud l.oun Associations, for salo ut tho tOI.UJIlllAN Olllce. V?rSa. lllANKH promplly prlntcsl toonlor, U2' un any iitallty of paper, at thU Oltloe Miso ollauoouH. COM l:.l)KI) AM) l'..M)OIIKKI)ltv Ii OVI'.ll HF.Vl'.N HtU'DlttCII IIO01OH1 nn, i.Awiti'iV'C'r.'s t'OMt'OUNl) FLUlll ItXTItAt'T Of KOSKOOl Till: (JURAT HEALTH ItESTOllEllI Not n .Sccri'l (imek Mctllclnn Porniiila Arutiml tlio Ilottlf. I'liEp.tiir.n not.iti.v nv I )r. J. .1. IiAWHI'Mdi:, Orginle (!li mis Wilson. North Corn! Inn. K O S K O O ttlJltlCKS AT Til K ItooTOP tllSKAHR PUaiPVINO TIIK liliOOl), ltiXToisiNii tin: Mvr.u and kiuniivh TO A HIlAIiTHV AtTIO.V, ANII IN VltlllltATINU TUB NIIll VOUS 8YHTF.M, Thia la tlio Soorot or its WontlorTul Cttooos3 in Curlnrj CONUMITION IN 116 KAIttA HTACHX, KCIlOFUf.A, SYI'HILIH, DYHl'KI'rtIA, LlVWt UO-MI'IiAINr, CHUONIU ltlll'.U.MATISJI, NllUUALOIA, Ni;i'.Vt)US AFFHCTION, r.i:uiTioN3 of th'i: hkin, iiuMont, LOSS OF VKIOlt, DIHHAfir.S OF KIDNEY ANI) HIiADDKIt, l)l!ii:AHK!i CAWED 1JY A JSAD STATE OF Till: JILOOD. It thoroushly eradicates ovcrltlndor llunior nnd Had Taint, nnd restores tho cntlro system In nhcnllhy condition. It Is beyond question tho FINHsr TONIC IN TIIH WOIH.D, Thousands havo boon changed by llio uso of this Medicine, from weak, sickly, sintering den tures, to strong, hcalty, nnd hnppy men nnd women. Invalids cannot hesltato to glvo It a, trial. NoMcdlcInn haaobtalued suchngreat lepulii Hon as this Justly celebrated compound. POIl TESTIMONIALS From l'hyslelans, Hmluent Divines, IMIIois Druggists, Moiebants, Ae sen KO.IKOO A I, MA NAOfor this year. I'lttct: o.vti nu.r..iK nut novn.i:. t'OIt HA I. IS HY The Pflnelpttl Druggist in the Unittit Males ami Jlritish America. l)It. Ii.VWIlltNCT.'s WoMAN'H FlIIKNI) Cures III I Diseases peculiar lo Females, Jan.niy. LOOMHIIUltQ STATE NOIIMAL BOIIOOL AND I.ITnilAItY AND COMMHItCIAr, INSTITUrK. This Institution oIToih gooil opjiortuultles lu every dopultnent of Iittoraturo and Holence, lu addition to tliuHxeellent NormalHcliool tMasses, havo practleotu tlio uso of Surveying and Hughi lerlng liistruuienls In tho lluldand intne, nuclei tho lustriicltoiiof tlio most com potent rroressot. Tho faculty aim to no very thorough In tbelr In struction and lu look carefully alter tho health, liialinersaud morals of tho students. Thu rules and regulations of tho school nro suclins to ooinninud tho respect or tho studious and euuseiiiipntly not many leel that theye.iu ml. ml tn vlolato laws which aro calculated to liroinoto their success and happiness. Tlio .Mus ical Department urTordsas good opportunities as can bo found lu auy of tlio largo cities and at much less oxpuuso. Spring tiiriucommencos April 3d, 1S71. lor further pirtieiilars, address John u. I'kkk.i:, Ksh., iSVoV, or IIHNIIY CARVKIt, A. .M I'liu llloomshurg, Jan, 11, 1371-Iioi, .lAl'Oll K, R.MITIl. J, It, Hl.t.T.tll g M I T II & S E L T Z E It, Imporlcrsnnd Dealers lu Foreign aud Doinesil II A It D W A It E, UUHH, OUTLHltY, AC, 0, 1)3 K.TIIIKD8Tr.EIJT,AIl,CAl.LOWtlll.'., , rilll-ADKI.t'IIIA. Jnu 171 ly QAUItlAOE MAN UFAOTOIt Y, Itloomsburg, l'n. M. 0. IS LOAN & IinOTHKIt Havo on hand nnd ror sale at tho most teasonn hlu rates a splendid stock of OAHItlAOES, llUUailW, nnd every description of Wagons both l'LAIN AND FANCY warranted to bo mndo of the best nml most dur ablo materials, unit by tho most experienced workmen, Alt work sent out from tho eslab Ushmcut will bu found to booflho highest class andsurotoglvo pcrroct nitlsfactlou, Theyhaio also u Uuo assortment of H L E I O II H ornlltho newest and most liishlonahln stylis well anil e.irnriillv i.i.i.l,, I ,.r, i... i..... ....... lals. ' " """ An Inspection of their work Is uvlii.l ns It i bf Moved thut uouo superior am ho round lu Ihu country, au i.7i .lt.Mi:itai HXAMINK AND 1IUY T HE O It I Q I N A L , IlAUUH'H HKINtl Tilt: I'lUST ItAW llONK l'llOSI'IlATK Mauk All others nro Imitation, 11 A U O II S KAW uonr PHOSPHATE OP KUI'Elt LIME. PALL, 1870. This Jfmiuro Is mado of Haw or llnbiirned iiiiuck, rieu in rtitrogenous mailer, uissoiveu lit Oil of Vitriol, presenting Iholionoriiosphutulu ahlgtily sulubloaud quickly avullahlo loriu,aud inu itiiiiiiuiiiit in sucil prupuruuu ii. tu iii.uiu it prompt and vigorous aetlou upon the crops, Where llaugii's 1'hosphate was applied llio past season, tho Indications, without ozreptlot ure thnt It will maintain IU well earned repusit tlon. We requost ulllu need of a Fertilizer to give this artlelo u trial, II A U 0 II A SON H, MANUrACTUllElUi, Orriox-No va R. Delaware Avenue, I'lIUiADELl'HIA. 15'70-lf, 1JI.ANIC DHUDS lust printed and lor salo at Hie L'ULUMIIIAN Ollhe. ill rflMDE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers