THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. FARMER'S COLUMN. Selecting Sccrt Wheat. Mr. Fruit tells, In the Prairie Jlirmcr how ho obtained thu ' Eurly May wheat, n vory good variety, niuiil to any, oven thnt which U being tulvertls cdntn dollar n pint hy (ho aecilsincn. Belug In n wheat Hold at harvest time, ho noticed bobio heads that appeared riper and sounder than tho rest, nud got lcavo to go among thu staudlng grnln and select such heads as ho choose. Ho soon innilo a collection of heads ri per, sounder and bettor developed than tho mass of grain In tho Held. This ho sowed, and has produced what seems to bo a now variety of flno, heavy, early wheat, which ho warrants with fair treatment to yield from twcnty.flvo to thirty bushels to tho acre. This re minds us of a story that Is told of tho Chincso Emperor who, noticing n slalk of wheat growing In a field taller nnd riper than tho rest of tho field, caused It to bo gathered and planted, nnd Its produce cultivated. Ho thus Introduced a finer variety than had hitherto been grown lu China, greatly to tho advan tage of his people. Theio Instances Blmply eliow tho advnntago of selectlug good Becd, n matter that receives much less nttention than It deserves, and is ai applicable- to all other grains as to wheat. When wheat Is cultivated In tho drill it Is easy to'go through tho field and se lect tho ripest, largest nnd soundest heads. A few quarts of such seed, care fully preserved and cultivated ns of course It would bo would soon pro duco a marked effect In any neighbor hood. Any farmer who would' follow this practico of gathering tho best heads In hl3 field would soon mako for himself tiio reputation of having tho best seed wheat in his neighborhood, which would bo a small fortune for him, nud tho influence of his example would ren der him a public benefactor. Tho prac tico of selecting tho best cars of corn for (eod, which has long been pursued by Now England farmers, Is doubtless ono reason why tho corn crop In that less favorablo climato and soil equals or even surpasses tho averago crop of tho corn States at tho West, whero they dip into tho corn bin and uso tho aver nge corn for seed. Treatment of jllnglsonc. A gentleman submits to Prof. Law tho following statement. It was told him by a teamster, and was this : Fas ten a bar of lead, bent to a ring, about tho horse's pastern, so as to rest down on tho ringbone, when the latter rapid ly diminishes in size, and soon ceases to bo painful or inconvenient to tho horse. Tho ringbouo will, however, soon begin to grow out again, if tho lead is not kept on. Tho bars of lead weigh ing half or three-quarters of a pound, and eight or ten Indies long, to be found in almost any villago store, nro of tho right size. A holo must bo drilled, or cut out with a knife, near each end of tho bar, and grooves cut on both sides from each holo to the ends of tho lead, and the ends of thogrooves nicely roun ded off whero they lead into tho holes. Tho bar should bo Just long enough when bent In tho form of a ring about tho horse's pastern to fit a little loosely when It comes down to its place on the ringbone. The holes aro for reeving through twino (cotton is best) for the purpose of joining the ends of tho lead together after It is put on tho horso's pastern and bent to Its proper shape. The twino should bo parsed through from one holo to another a great many times, so as to fill tho holes and grooves to prevent its parting, or being chafed off. Tho lend will stretch out too largo or bo lost off in two or three weeks, but It costs littlo to replace it. To which Prof. Law repties : The above remarks deserve tho ntten tion of those having young and growing horses, thn subjects of ringbone, in n chronic nnd comparatively inactive itato. I havo seen tho remedy applied, with apparently good results. The im provement Is duo to tho pressure kept np by the ring of lead,which stimulates tho absorbents and leads to tho diminu tion of tho tumor. Tho action is tho lamo as tho absorption and indentation of tho bono of tho leg by tho continued pressure of a tight garter,only tho ring bono follows tho example, of other dis eased products in giving way moro rap Idly than the healthy bono. Tho steady tlecreaso in tho bulk of ringbones In young horses, when tho exciting causes havo been removed, was long since re marked by Solleysell ; and tho gentle, but persistent pressure of tho leaden ring merely seconds this native tenden cy. But in recent ringbones, painful to tho touch, and causing Bovcro lameness, an other system of treatment must first be adopted, A diet of bran mashes or other oft food must bo given, a dosoof physio administered, nnd wet bandages kept on tho diseased fetlock till tho extreme tenderness on pressure has disappeared. Thou may tho pressure bo applied with afety. This Is not tlio only instaneo of thondvantageoususoof pressure for tho removal of morbid enlargements in tlio horse. In certain kind of windgalls, thorough-pins, and bog spavins, It proves still more successful than In ring bones. iV. Y. Tribune. Suiiimor Fruits. Acids promoto tho seperatlon of tho bllo from tho blood, which is then pass ed from tho system, thus preventing fovcrs, tho prevailing diseases of sum mor. All fovers aro "bilious;" thatl, tho bilo Is In tho blood. Whatever is antagonistic of fever is cooling. It is u tommon saying that fruits nro "cool lng," nnd also berries of every descrip tion ; It Is becnuso thu acidity which they contain nlds in seperatlng tho bllo from tho blood; that Is, aids in purify lng tho blood. Hence tlio great yearn log for greens, and lettuce, uuri salads In the early spring, theso being eaten with vinegar ; hence, also, tho tustu for foroethlng sour, as lemonades, on at tack of fever. Hut this being tho case, It Is easy to seo that we nullify tho good eflt-cta of fruits and berries, In propor tion oa. we eat them with sugar, or even weet milk or cream. If w out them in their natural stato, fresh, rJpo, per feet, It Is almost Impossible to tat nough to hurt us, especially if wo eat them alone, not taking any liquid with them whatever. Jp any ono will look nt tho Immense wops n very small garden will produco for a family, and compare it with tho littlo crops from very largo farms, they iliouldnccd no better inducement to aurlch thilr soil highly. I THE YOUNG FOLKS. Tlio Wonderful musician. Once upon n tlmo a wonderful Fid dler was travelling through a wood, thinking of all sorts of things as ho went nlong nnd presently ho said to himself, "I have plenty of tlmo and space in this forest, so I will fetch a good companion)" and, taking tho fid dlo from his back, ho fiddled till tho trees re-echoed. Presently a wolf camo crashing through tho brushwood. "Ahl n Wolf come.', for whom I havo no desire," said tho Fiddler; but tho Wolf, approaching nearer, said, "Oh, you dear Musician, how beautifully you play I might I lenrn how?" "It is soon learnt; you havo only to do exactly as I tell you." Then tho Wolf replied, "I will mind you Just ns a schoolboy does his master." So tho Musician told tho Wolf to eonio with him; and when they had gono n littlo distance together they camo to an old oak-tree, which was hollow within and split In tho nilddlo. "Seo here," said tho Musician, "If you wish to learn how to Adrift1, put your fore-foot in this cleft." Tho Wolf obeyed but tlio Fid dler, suatcblng up n stone, quickly wedged both his foot so fast with ono blow that tho Wolf was stuck fast, nnd obliged to remain whero ho was. "Walt Oiero till I come again," said tlio Fid dler, and wont on his way. After a whilohosald to hlmsclfa sec ond time, "I havo plenty of tlmo and spaco In tlio forest, so I will fetch anoth er companion;" and taking his fiddle, ho played away in tho wood. Present ly a Fox camo biicaklng through tho tree?. "All !'' said tho Musician, "here comes a Fox, whom T did not desire." The Fox, running up, said, "All, you Mister Musician, how is it you fiddle so beautifully'.' might I learn too?" "It Is soon learnt," answered he; "but you must do all 1 tell you." "I will obey you as a schoolboy does his mas ter," answered tlio Fox, and ho followed tho Musician. After they had walked a littlo distance ho came to a footpath, with high hedges on each side. Tho Musician stooped, and pulllngthebough of a hazlo-trco down to tho ground on ono sldo ho put his foot upon it, nud then bent another down on tho other side, saying, "Como littlo Fox, if you wish to learn something, reach mo hero jour left forefoot." Tlio Fox obeyed, and tho Musician bound tho foot to tho left bough. "Now reach ino tho other, littlo Fox," said ho, nud ho bound that to tho right bough. And as soon as ho saw that tho knots were fast he let go, and tho boughs sprang back into tho air carrying tlio Fox, shaking nnd quiver ing, up with them. "Wait thcro till 1 como again," said the Musician, and went on his way. After a littlo while ho said again to himself, "Time and space aro not want ing to mo in this forest; I will fetch another companion;" and, taking his fiddle, ho mado tho sound re-echo in tlio woods. "Aha!" said ho, "a Hare! I won't havo him." "Oh, you dear Musician !" said tho IIaro,"how do you fiddle so beautifully; could I learn it too?" "It is soon learnt," replied tho Mu sician, "only do all I tell you." Tho littlo Hnro replied, "I will obey you ns a schoolboy does his master;" and they went on together till they camo to n clear space in tho forest whero an as- pen-trco stood. Tho Musician bound a long twino round tho neck of tho Hare, mldknotted tho other CId l0 a trca "Now, my lively littlo hare, Jump twenty times round tho tree," exclaim ed tho Musician. Tlio Hnro obeyed; and ns hojiimped round tho twentieth timo tho twino had wound itself round tho Ireo twenty times nlso, and made tho Haro prisoner; and pull and tug as much as ho would, tlio cord only cut tho deeper into his neck. "Wait there till I como again," said the Musician, and went on further. Tho Wolf, meanwhile, had been pull Insr. dragclng, nnd biting nt tho stono, nnri worked at it so long that at last ho set his feet nt liberty, and drew them again out of tho cleft. Then, full of rngo and anger, ho hastened nftrr tho Musi elan, intending to tear him into picceo. As the Fox saw him running past ho organ to groan, and shouted with all his power, "Brother "Wolf, como anil help me; tho Musician has deceived mo!" So tlio Wolf, pulllngtho branches down, hit tho knot to pieces, and freed tho Fox, who went on with him in or dertotnko revongo on tho Musician. On tliclr way they found tho Hnro tied, nnd setting him nt liberty, nil threo set out in pursuit of their enemy. tiio jiuician, nowovcr, hud onco moro played his fiddle, and this timo had been very lucky, for tho note camo to tho rnrs of a poor woodcutter, who left nil his work directly, whether ho wlslied or not, and with his nxo under his arm, camo up to hear tho music, "At Inst tho right companion como," said tho Musician; "for I desired a man, nnd not n wild beast." And beginning to play, ho played so beautifully nnd delightfully, that tho poor man was as if enchanted, nnd hi-) heart beat for joy Wlilio ho thusstood, tho Wolf, tho Fox and tho Haro camo up, nnd ho observ cd that they had somo bad design, so raising his bright nxo ho placed him self beforotho Musician, as if ho would say, "Who wishes to nttack must take caro of himself." His looks mado tho anlmnls afraid, and they ran back Into tho forest; hut tho Musician, after piny ing ono moro tuno out of gratitude to tho woodcutter, went on his journey. The rmliitlful .Son. Onco upon n tlmo n man nnd his wife wero bitting before their houso tloor, with a roast fowl on u tablo between them, which thoy wero going to cat to gather. Presently tho man saw his old father coming, nnd ho quickly snatched up tho fowl nnd concealed it, because ho grudged sharing it, even with his own parent. Tho old man camo, had n draught of water, and then went nwny again. As soon as ho wfs gono tho son went to fetch tho roast fowl ngaln; but when ho touched It ho saw that It was changed Into n toad, which sprang up on his fuco and squatted there, nnd would not go away. When any ono tried to tuko It off, it stmt out poison and seemed nbout to spring in tho fuco so that at length nobody dared to meri. dlo with it. Now, this toad tho undu- tlful son was compelled to feed, lest it siioukifeedonhlallesb; nnd with this companion ho moved wearily about from plnco to place, nnd had no rest anywhere in this world, T 11 K KIDNKYSi Tlio Kidneys nro two la number, situated nt tho upper part of tho loin, smroim toil by Lit, and consisting of tlirco parts-, vl v tlio Anterior, tin- Interior, Bint tho Exterior. The anterior nbiorln, Interior consists nf 111- sues or veins, which nerve ns ft deposit fur tho urlno ntnl convoy It to tho exterior. Tho exter ior tin conductor nlso, terminating III n slnlo tube, runt called llu Ureter. Tho ureters nrc connected with tho bin Klor. Tho bladder Is compose.! of various coverings or tissues, divided Into parts, vl.i tho Upper tlio Lower, tho Nervous, and tho Mucous. The upper expels, tho lower rclnlns, Many havo n deslro to urinate without tho ability i others urlnnto without tho ability to retain, This fre quently occurs lu children. To euro theso nnectlons, wo must bring Into notion tho muscles, which nro engaged In their various functions, If they aro neglected, Gravel or Dropsy may ensue, Tho reader must alio bo mado aware, that however slight may bo tho attack, It Is sure lo auVct tho bodily health nnd mental powers, ns our flesh and blood arc supported from these sources, Oout, on niiKUMATiSH.-l'nln occurring In the loins Is Indicative of tho abovo diseases. They occur In persons disposed to acid stomach and clnlky concretions. Tim Gu.vvKh. Tho gravel ensues from ueg lect or Improper troatmcut of tho kidneys These, oigans bolng weals, tho water Is not ex. polled from tho bladder, but allowed to remain It becomes feverish, nnd sedlmeut forms. HI from this deposit that thestonols formed, and gravel ensues. Duoi-sr Is a collection of water lu somo parts of tho body and bears different names, accord lug to tho parts affected, viz.: when generally diffused over tho body, It Is called Anasarca, when of tho nbdonton, Ascites j when of the client, Hydrothorax. I tTiiDATME.VT. llelmbold's highly concentrated compound Extract lluchu Is decidedly ono of the best remedies for diseases of Iho bladder( kidneys, gravel, drorslcal swellings, rheuma tism, nnd gouty affections. Under this herd we havo arranged Dysuria, or diniculty aud pain in passing water, Scanty Secretion, or small nnd frequent discharges of water; Strangury, or storptngof water; Hematuria, or blooly urlno; Oout aud Ilhoumallsm of the kidneys, without nny change In quantity, but Increase In color.or dark water. It was always highly recommend ed by the late Dr. I'liyslol;, In these affections. This mcdlclno Increases Hie power of diges tion, aud excites tho absorbents Into healthy cxeiclso by which the watery or calcareous dep ositions, nnd all unnatural enlargements, ns well ns pain nnd I nllammatlon nro reduced, and It is taken by men, women, and children, Di rections for use nnd diet nccompany. PiiIT-ADELriJiA, Pa., Feb. 25, 1S57. H. T. Hki.miioi.d, Druggist: Dear Sin I havo been n sufferer, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, blnddor, and kid ney nirectlons, during which tlmo I have used various medicinal pieparatlons, nnd been under tho trcntment of tho most eminent Physicians, experiencing but little relief. Having seen your preparations extensively advertised, I consulted with my family pliyil- clan lu regard to using your nxtrnct lluchu. I did this becauso I had used nil kinds of ad vertised remedies, and had found them worth less, and, somo quilo Injurious; lu fact, I despair ed of ever getting well, and determined to uso no remedies hereafter unless I knew of the In gredients. It was this that prompted mo to uso your remedy. As you advertised that it was composed of buchu.cubebs, nud Junlptr berries, It occurred to mo and my plublclnu as an excel lent co'mblnatlou, nud, with his ndvlce, nfter an examination of thcnrllcle, and consultliigngnlu with tho druggist, I concluded to try It. I com m enced lis uso about eight months ago, at which time I was confined to my room. Fromthoflrst bottlo I sins astonished and gratified at tho ben eficial effect, nnd nfter using It threo weeks, was ablo to wnl k out. I felt much llko writing you n full statement ol my caso nt that time, but thought my Improvement might only bo tern pornry, and thercloro concluded to defer nnd seo If It would effect n rorfict cure, knowing then It would be of grenler nluo tojou nud more sat isfactory to me. I am now ablo to rc port that a euro Is effected niter using the remedy for live months. I have not used any now for threo months, and leel as well In nil respects as I ever did. Your lluchu bilng devoid of nny unpleasant taste and odor, nnlco tonic and Invlgorator ol the system, I do not meanto bo wlthoutlt when ever occasion may require Its use lu such affec tions. M. McCOItMICK. Should any doubt Mr, MeCormlck's statement, he re fera to tho follow Ing gent lemc n : Hon, Wm. BlOLEii, cv-Oovernor, Pennsyl vania, Hon. Tnos. 11. Florence, Philadelphia. Hon. J. C. Knox, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon, J, H. lll.Ari;, Judge, Philadelphia, Hon. D. It, Porter. ex-Goveruor, Pennsyl vania. lion, Ku.13 Lewis, Judge, Philadelphia. ltou, II. C. Grieb, Judge, United States Court. Hon. O. W, Woodward, Judge, Philadelphia, Hon. W.A. Porter, city Solicitor, Philadel phia. Hon John niatEn, ex-Goveinor, California. Hon, E. Hanks, Auditor General, Washing ton, D. C. Aud many others. If necessary. Sold by Dingglat and Dealers everywhere, Ilewaro of counterfeits, Atk for llelmbold's, Take no other, Price 1.23 per bottle, or 0 bot tles for fO.CO. Delivered to any address. De scribe symptoms lu all communications. Address II. T, HELMCOLD, Druu and Cheml cal Warehouse, (91 Ilrcadway, N, Y, NONK AKE QfiNUINK UNLESS DONE VV IN STEEh-ENGRAVED WHAPl'EIt, with ftc-slmllo of my Chemical Warehouse, and ilgned II, V. JIELMI10LD. Hail Roads. T A01CAWA2NNA AND BLOOMS- Li IllMKI ltAil.HOAl) On nnilft..r JuijS, 170, Passenger Trains will run ns ioiiowsi uoingrurin. Arrive Arrive Going South. Lcavo Leave p. in, nm. i.m. . m. Scrnnton W9 12AU rusa Leave :uu 4.15 4.91 5.17 .s.r (I.IS II to Arrive ritistou K.ti Kingston 7, 1 1 I'lvmmitl 7.H0 11.12 11.10 I0.M U.IKl .:() 11.21 7.H Leavo n. to 7. is x.1'2 .".-.'I P.irt li.iu Jo.irr in.l) shlckshiuny.... c..w ticrwicK ." Illninil 6.'AS lianvlllo - 4.50 Leave Airlvv Nnrth'd 1.U 7,'i i.-.-u f-Mnnnftlnti tnmle nt sernutnli bv tlio 10.10 a.m. triil i lor Great ilend. lllimnnititmi. Albany nnd nil points North, Last and Wot. , it i,iiviu.,ii,nn' li 0 ATAWISSA RAILROAD. Piisscniror Trains on this road will run ns fol lows I Mall Soith, STATIONS. Mall A'ortA Dep. 8.1.1 a,m Wllllnmsport. Arr, f .V) p. m. " Ml .Money. i0. " ll.:m " Milton. " 4.10 " " lo.iu " Danville. " 4.CH1 " " 1H.V1 ' import. " .1.10 " " 10. IJ " Catuwissn. " IWi " " 11.17 " Itliigtown, " S.2) " " l.'.Hp.m, Huiuinlt. " 1.50 " " 12.K1 ounknke. " 1.40 " " 1:1.16 " li. Mahnny June. " 1..K1 " " S.lo "Dliie.Taiiiaqna. Dine. ' l.lO ' t:Z ' Heading. " 10.10 n.m " a.n " l'ntiBVlllo. " ll.'io " Arr. 0.45 " Philadelphia. " 8.15 " " 125 "dluo Munch Oiutnlt. dine" 2.00 p.m. ' 11.55 " Ucllilebem, ' 12.10 " " 515 " Phlla. via llctlilchcm, " ii.'jfl n.m. 1 11.20 " Elision, " 11.45 " New oru, u. i.inerty si., Vln L. A- H. It, 11, n.o.5 II.IH " 0.50 " L. vnlley II. K. ' 0.51 n.m. uoston, " lu-0 p m Passengers tnklt g tho 8.13 train from William sport, si 111 havo two hours In New Vol It, lor sup per, und arrive In Itoston nt 6.110 n.m.. cloven hour- lu advance of all other routes New ilay coaches acc-oiiipniiy all trains be tween Wllllatnsport, l-'ow York aud Phlliulel- l1Tralus inn through by dayllubl. ono wmiu.Kupt. VrOUTHKUN CKNTKAh KAIL- On and after Juno mill 1S70. Trains will leavo Scsnt'iiY ns follows : NOltTHWAHl). o.lj A. M. Dally to Wllllnmsport, for Hlmlin CalialidnlKiin, Ilnchentcr, Illiualc, Suspension llrlilge, una S. l-'ulls. 3.40 v. si., DnllyJexcopt Sundays) for KImlr.t mil, Ilullulo via Lrlo Hallway fiom I'.lmlrn. 0.15 r. M., Dally,(exotptHuiidnjs) for Wllllnmt- r"rl TItAINH SOUTIIWAItD. 11.15 A.M. Dally (except Monday's) for linltlmuu WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA. 11.25 P..M. Dally(cxoi'ptSuii(lays)torl!altlmon Washington and Piillailelpbla. Kli. 8. YOUNG, Geneinl Passenger Agent. Ai.fiu:u 11. 1-'isitn. Gi-ii'l Supl., DEhAWAIlE, LAOKAWAXXA, & WESTEItN IIA1 LltOAD. Suii'iner arr.lllgo- mellt, April U.ISTO. Tinliis leave us lotlows: KA.SrWAllll. W1.STWAIII1. Fx- Ac-Ac- Ex- Mall STATIONS, jtnll picss coin, com, press P.M. Via M. t: K. 1 Arl New YdrlE. A 31, P.M. 8.U0 1.10 X.W 4.10 K.15 I.M S.l't 4 ..',!) 11. us 7.:Jj ll.H 70i) 11 ,r.i 7.5.) 11. t KW 7.:a :.:lo U.lij 7.U"i 12. (11) M K'JU )2.'2o s.; l'.IU Mil iir..rH 8.rj l.u 1.1.5 1.301 n.Oi 1.4(1 ft. 11 lmiu ir.iy'io.u: 1U.VU n.:is p.m. 3JO IMW 3.IU 9.10 3,40 1121 1.J3 1.01 H.50 4.J0 t)..rj lt).:J0 l.-il 10.12 11.00 i.tu M.M 12.00 ij ii.47 lXi 5.30 U.02 1.10 P.M. A, 51, A.M. Lv 1.15 1.115 ('hot llitrchiy &t, .. ..Liuistopher M.... lltllliitCl'Il Xt-'wark Washington via Cen. HU. nf N.J. New YurlE (Jot t,b frlu tit) ,...Htw Hniuiitou Oxftiut llrlilt'vllie ....l'hlll(lL'lllU 1. 10 1,01 li on 11.40 7. I'll j.lh 1.21 12.17 12.11 0.f.0 5.10' ft.l- -'-J Will I.W) 5.10 12.H0 A.SSI 12.33 5.11 12.(1- .11 1'liion lMiilllpabuiK MatiunUii Cliunlc .DclauaiL' ...Mount Ik'thfl , Water Gap ......HtiouUhburj; Hjirni;uevUlo HeuryvllU' Uakhuul t-orks Tnbyhaiinn Oounlsboro 5.IU, 12.52 Wl'll-IM 11.2S 11. 18, 11.0. 1.0 lO.lfli 11.1.5 10. .1 ln.U U.S'J u.i i; Moscow Dunning Seranton ...Clarlt'K Kuiiinili,... ...Abint;ton .rctor vlllu - Nicholson ...-Hopbotttmi- Montrose New MUliird Great Bcud... ... fi.00 Wj, tl.lll WW .:, 7.r 7.1A! H.r, i..vt 8.11 0. 1(1 WTO 1. w Who 7.15 o. li 3.i j lit l'.MlA.M A, Trnlns do not ston nt Blatlon u here tho Tlmo 18 01111 uvu. CONXrCTJONS. iVt Nuw Hamilton with Central It. It. of X.J. The Mail ami Ka press trains eastward ami weat- waiu connect withtialns lorXew loiu.IJIza beth. lulutlelil.fcomervlllentnl other htatlonn. At Wn h nuton with MnnK & Ksex It. 11 Mail and Uxirchs trains make close nnd lellablo eonncctions with truldB lor New Yoik. Newark, loirismw li, uuvtr, nierion, iiacueiiMtnn dc, At Manunka Chunk with liclvideiu Delaware. It. It. Cloie eonneetluiis aro mude bv Mail and i xpresH trains, with Iralim lor 1'hlladflphla, Trenton, I'lilll histiu k. llelvldere, Ae. liy Train No. 1'. imtfrfimeiH leach rblladelnhla via Cam No, 4, via Kensluttton. Passengers ou No. 1, arrlvu lu 1'Jiiladelphia. In time to lake tho 11.30 j, in, train lor llaltlmoro and Waslilii(;lon. At Kciautou with Iaeltuwanna a lUnoituburn ADclawaio A Hudson Halt Koads, Tinlus on thehe loads coniuct with our trains lor rlltston Wilkes. liarre, lierwick, IUoomsburg, Dauvllle, Olyphant. Archbald nnd Carbundale. At liiiiKhamton with Krlo Hallway. Mall No, 1 connects t ltli Lxuiess Mull on I.rlo ltallwav leavliiL' atb.4i n. in. with a sletrliiL' coach at tachi'd. arriving at lltitlalo at fl.'Jo licit moriilnif: press No. 3 connects with a way train fur Uweuo, Ithaca, nud J.imlrn. Albany & Kubquihanna Ua 111 load. KourtraIni a day luntuch way between Itlnhamton and Aiminy, uueieaes iiiii(imnuou ui a.aup. in., and attlvek at AlbanvnL o. in. Hyrncuse, Uinghuinton &. N.Y. It. R. Trains forM-rnemcleacnt 7 n.m. nnd O.t'5 p. in. Trains trom SyiitfUi-H airneat 11.4Ma. m.ainl b.m p. m. Geu'l Pasu. and Tkt. ABCut. hupt, "OEADING RA1LKOAD. SUMMHH AIIUANOEMUNT. Monpay, May lCth,l&7i). fjreot Trunk Line fiom the North and North West lor PutladeltihlH.N'ew York, ltcniilnu. I'otls- vllle, Tam.Kjua, Asluund, BhumoUin Lebanou Alleutown, Kastou, Kpuiatu, Dlliz, Laueastei Columbia, tic, Trains leave Harrlsburi; for New. Yorlc. ns ioi 1 ows ; A t 5,3j, b.lo aud 1 1 u . in , , a no 2.50 p. m., coutiectltii,' with hlmtlnr trains on I'enuu, ttaiiroaii, and urnviuj; at New vortt al iJ,io, noon, a,.,iutsi,uj ami iu.'ju p. ni. respectively Di:t-j'ii(, mi a in i uijijiiiiij tiio u,im tiuu 11, hi ll in. trains without eh.iue. Ut'turiiUi'o': Ieno New Yorknt V.OQa.m. nnu i.,ou noon aim p. in. I'liiiaueijiiua ai m; a in, ami 3.J0 ji. m, Kteejiiuu wtrs iiccoiuijaii) mu v,w ii iu,, uuu u,w j.iu,, iraiJJb jioiij i i without chauue. Iauvo IlarilhburK for Ueadltu'.Pottsvlht. Ta maaua, Mlneisvllle, AsiiJaud, blmuiukin i'lni Urovu, Alleutown tV Plnla'd, at b.lOn.iu.. iV X,(jO& 4,iu p.m., stopping ai jeoauon mm piincipai waj stations; the 4,lupm. train eonuectfuij lor PiiU' I'iMihviiu) aim ioiumoia oiuy. tor roiiswiie sjcliuyiKin iiavcn ami Auburu, via Kctuiyiicii aim nusqucuauuu Kitmiiuii, iuau iiarrihoaru 3,10 p.m. Kast Pennsylvania- Hull road trains leave lCn inn lor Allentowu. K'tsion nud ew Yolk at 7. 10.30 a, m 1,7 aud l li p.m. Hituinlu, leave New l oik at V.00 a. m., 12.00 noun and o.o p. u), nnd Aiiemowu al7,20a. in. 12,Jj noon, l.o an i. m. Way Passenger Train leaves I'hll.idelpniii ui 7,:j0h,iii., co,iueetlh(; with similar tiain ou hnsi i-a. laiiioau reiunnug uom itcuuiuaibJi hlonidiu' at all btaliiiiis. Deau J'oltsvllle at 6,nnnd l.oon.m.,aud 2,'jj p.iu iu'i uuuti iii w.'X'u, ui,, riaiinoKiu at a.w ami iv.-t- ii. in,. Ahuiauu ui 7,Ui ii.ui, iinu iwiu mum nni auoy t'lty at 7,51 a, m. nud 7.t7 p. m, 'iulua'iUa u n.. ii, in,, nuu ,.y p, iii.iur x'Jiuaui'jpuiu i it New York. Leave Pottsvllle Ma Hchuylklll nml 8usqub 1,"U lliniu, IUI M. lllVUIIll V UUU I J VulUIll, Heatllnte Aecommoiiatlou Train ieaes 1'otl.v viuu ai a. iu a. in,, pJihbe iifuoint Ai 7,-ioa, m ui ri villi; nt Philadelphia at 10.20 u. in. Jteturuluu leaves Philadelphia at 6,15 p. m., pabsiuj; Head Inn al H.(j0p,iu., urrlvlnyai Pottsviilu ui I'.io p.m iuuiiiowu jieeomiuoiiuiiou iiaiu:ieaeaious town ui u,j a,m,retuunuL', leaves PliUadtlpm. at J.oo n.m. Columbia Hallroad Trains leave Heading at 4tM ii.iu,, uuu 01 a p.iu.ior .puruia, l,hii, i-iuicmj ier, win it in uiu, ac, Perkloiueu Hall Hoad Trains leave Perkiomci Juuctlou ut WDu. m..3.0'i 1l 5.30ii. in. riiturulnu: leave Hchweuksvlllo at .U5 u.iu., 12.45 nuou.nuu i.u p.iu., coiiuucium wnn similar iiains o lteadim! ILillroad. Cou-biooUdatHpaltrond trains havepollstown ui v.u ii. in nuu v,m p. ni.,i Liuumi leave .Muum x iiuouiii ui. i.vuanu ii.jju. in., euuuLCl.'UK mil bjmiiur iraius ou JieauiUK luiiuoud, Cueitter Vulley Huliioud 'liains leave lliiUKe rort nt ,:wa. m. nnd if.Wi nud fi.W!p. iu. ietumtuh. UUVU liOWUIUClOII ui o."."0 u. 111., uoou uuu M5 p. in., ci unecllhg with Mmilar iruitw oi Iteudum Hull road. Ou Hunday, leave New York nt 0,00 p.m., Pull phla at f ,00 a.m. uud 3,15 p.m., (thu h.oo u.iu. tralL runuiiiBouly totadlllBi)U'avePttsville.'JUl.l. llunlkburii at 5.3.) u. iu, uud 4,lo , m, und limo Alleutown at7.'-iiu,m, nuds.ij i,m., uuu iteadlny at 7.lj u.iu, and HMO p.m, lor iiuirW burg, nt 7.2Ja, iu, for New U5p. in. lor Alliutowu. aud ut MJ u. iu, uud .25i. m Phlladilphia. Coiuiuutatiou, Mlkone. Hcnfeon, fc'chooi .Li. fricurdou 'ilcU-U lo unit Doiu nil poluU.iU lv diutd jutes. Day tutu ilu ckid through; 100 pouudu aJlowts wuh jatUKer. (J. A. NICOLLH, ,, (icneralbupcrluteudeul Headlui,', Pa , April iy 1670. gltOWN'S FAST FltEiailT KltOM rjIlLAJUXriUA TO HLOOilBIiUitO, anil lnti'rmcillute point.. Goods forwardtU wltl euro huU tle.putcli uuu ni low iMteM. Uoodi. utl'liiladeljililu musi Le ilellvcrtd nt llltutr & Co'm. bll llatUtt mnet, I'or lull nar tlculnja, nniily lo JACOII HCIIUYI.KI1, 1'ioi.rlclor. AUtf. :U'C9-tf. II. It. IJcjajt, lllooiutLuu'.l'a A lilt KINDS OF JOB PRINTING JO. neatly executed t 'fin (,'OLUKBim Uleam rrmuag otao. H OW TO CURE CONSUMPTION. TIIK PHILOSOPHY (IP D. Hl'HK.VCK'S Olll-IAT MI'DIl'INHM. Will peoplo never learn to know that n dlseas-sl liver and stomach nec essarily disease the entire system? 'I ho plainest Pilnclples of common sense tench this, and ot there nro hundreds who ridicule the Idea, nnd ronllnup lu Iho course which nlttiost Inevitably Drill ki tin in prematurely to tho grave, Living as Iho mnjoiliy or penpfodo.ateoiiiplelo vari ance, Willi Iho laws of nature. It must bo nnpar cut In nil that, sooner or later, nuluro will re vengo berseir. Ilcneo we llnd that persons who liitlul'-o In excess tu the use of very rich or hull estlble food or lnloxlcatlug ill Inks, Invariably pay n lunvy penalty In tho end. Tho stomach becomes disordered nnd ronisps to net t tho liver falls to perform Its Innolloiis. dyspepsia nnd lis altoudaut i-MIs follow, and still the sullerlng In ills liiuals persist In dtimlng to the tliiiroiuilily ex ploded Ideas of Iho pal. Dr. MPIlUNl'lv'H med icines nro recommended to nil such. Thej b-lng suro and certain relief wlierover they aroused nsillreited.nndnll that Is necessary to establish lh,-lr mnttnllim Willi pvirv III 1 1 tl If man or wn- mnu 111 the laud Is n fair nnd Impartial trial of llii in. It those whiiarosUeiitlcalon this point, and who have permitted Interested persons to pri'jimioo mem ngnnisi im-'w ii" -.-i-i-ii'itni-n ii'iii'iiu-s inr ronsunipuon, iiisoaiu uh-ii preju dices, nnd be gov erned by Iho principles of rea son mill common sense. If4he system Is llisor- deroi depend upon It, In nlnoensis out often llw, s,nt. ,.r ilin Ytuittilor will tin rntlllil lu tlio stomnrh nnd liver, 'lo cleanse and lnvlgorato tho sinmach nnd toktlmulate tho liver toheulthy action, use ...... .n. M'lll-.M'lv .MAMHlAKli I -11.1. i nouany Incl easing (lemand Tor these pins isino nesies i. viilnrt. 'I'hnnsnilils llhotl ItlOUsalldS of boxes nre sold dally. Why?, Hlmply because they net prompt ly nml eiiioieiuiy. lnvuinisw nii iili- ,,l fl It, I It nniiv.Mtrllt tf, Pnll fill DoCtOf hCIIUNCIC 111 person nro Informed that full nnd eoiniiieio i ireoiious lur usu n-j-.-uiii..iuj 'MNl'i'lf Kl im.l.s l-PLMONin HYIlUt ATN-llKI-AU.'l.'l.'llTfls-ll' Theso medicines Will enru consumption unless the lungs nro so gone that iho liallent is eulllely bejimd tlio lea 'h of medical teller. It may be nsiu d by thoso who nro not familiar wllh tho vliluos of those great remedies, "How -mlir.M'lll.Nl'K.'H medicines eilect their won .tnPr.,l mi,... nl- ....tiutiutiillnn 9' ThoiinsMcrlsnslmplo one, They begin their work of leslorntlon by bringing His-. stomach llM-r and bowils into un ncttvo healthy coiuii Mott. Ills fitmltlint euros tins forlnldablo dis ease. S-CHLNCK'SMANDItAKKPil.LM act nil tho liver and stomach, promoting si-eretlon, nnd ed Horn the Inactive or torpid condition of theso ICinOVlllg lllll IlllOnilll S11I1IU -wiu-i im.u organs, ami or the system generally, mi" bik- organs, and of the system glsli slato ol Iho lioiiy.iimi ino eouseipioinno Emulation of tho unheallhy substanees named prevent mo proper uwesuoii oi iuuu,u.i nnlural eonsequence, creates disease, wn wiilta In ir. tint Idii mill f I till 1 1 - 111 death, SCIIUNCU'S PULMONIC 8VUUP nnd HKA wv.v.n Tnsm wiicii tnlien renularlv. mlnulo with iho food. aid the dlcestlvo orirans, nmUu fiimi iidi iiirt.i nn.i n n natural coiisenuence Hlvellt&haiid mrcimth to the patient. Det.tho nieulty hay what ItmnjMhlH Is t ho only iruu mi u lor roLSunintiou. Jlxnerleneo ban proved it U-yondtho hhadow of a doubt, and thouauds aio to-day nlleand well whou few j ears sluco wero reij.iraeu as iiopfH'R1 vnn,uia inductd totry Dr. SCHKNCU'M remtdies.nnd u.,rur..Jnni,ll.niiirtilllI,inl llt'.lltllbV tllClrUSO with a eoiiHuinpm u imtlent Is to lnvlgorato tho I 111 I' t II I IIP lirm Hicns lim l'll bii.jhii nimuiu tiu sybil' ill. iIIW IIUW I" lllll m nvj i;iiiu ........ j i nymvinji ipiiiiciiub iuin.r.n.iuiii ii''' t-iitntiiifiuini'M Hint lmniiir instead oi liunrovf iik. imiiH(hiu r tin iit"iKtlv(i oriraim. Doctor HUHKNCK'.S nu-diclnescieanvo the stoumch and bowels oriill Mibsiances wnien aro euicuiaiuu v it unto hi i i.nL-i.ti ihpin. '1 hw create an anne lite nromotu healthlul dluestlon make Rood t,ii,i,i mi.i nu n ffitivpnnciift' tlicv Invuroraif nmi fcir.-nt'th. ti ilini-titlrn Nvsteiu.and more es- tii'i'lal v llioo parts w men are iiisimcu. ii mis e-uinot be done, then thu case must hoiegarded i a hopeless one, , , ir tin. uiivtiifMim dml it liunossihlo to make iM-rrvvTi'i't'i. intsniiY. t t m ( hcisi'i Dcrson cannot lurtake of aood nourlNhlnj; lood and iim.priv iiiL'-it. it. li Is liono.shlblu that he cm ,.iiii in itti.l vtrmii'tli nnd it Is enuiillv lin njsblino UiuiiiK a panuiik in nun j""""1'"' niiifthn Rintimcii Imlt'ii with utihoatt hv slime. liv.ii piitivntniiiivp i iiTTi-nt Is that he willme- iuins.t tin ni-hi i-ffiiw l inuao id u u oi VKic an hctlbu uitdlclncs that will removeor allay the cough, nlRht Kweats nnd chills, which are thu i.n nt iiMfiidimts on fouitimtitton. Hut this should not ho done, as tnocouuti isoniy nu euori ol nntuio tou'lteo Itself, and tho nlfthtHweats ami chilli nro caused by tho diseased Iiiiik:. The remedies oiuinnruy prescnoi-u un iuoiu uunu tiii.ii ffimi. 'lhi'V lintialr the lunetlous of tho Moniaeu, lmin-uo ntniiny oiKesnuu, ami ugra- aie r.aner man cure ine uiscasw. Theio Is, after nil, nothing like fucts wltl i'i.iii tiusltiiiti. and it Is until lactstiiutDr. iCllhN('IC lelies. Ntarlynll who havo laken i s med c nu in accoruance wnn ui dir. cthttw inivit not milv been etuedof cousuiui)' lion, out. liom ino laci nan mtsu uu-uii-uict uut w li u wonueriiu power upon mu uBMnuyiin .i... . ... ,ii li i... . ... iii.iu ttiotr lnttlir loundattou lor a bolld, MibstuutUl btructure. JteMoriiiu inese oiii ins io nuaiin, iocy tiuw appi'iiie. ineiotHiis jtioivcvii- im iiiumtltv of blood Is not only Increased, buf li condition ol tho system all must bo ban Ished. , , 1'nil ii I rfit l nu a npfninnnnv pni'li fif tho med! clues, so that it Is not absolutely, necessary that paiiLUis suoiuu seo jji. nxii.iv ivdiiii.i i iinU'ssthey deslro to havetheir UiiiBse.xainln;d, J-ur IIHS JilII)OSO UO IS ai 11I3 IMlUUIl'iii mmr. 4iu 1 ) Ndilh Mxth M.. corner ol Cotumeice, Phlla- delidila. eVeiy haturday. from UA. M. until P. M. Ailvirn Is ihnn without cliarce. hut for thoiouidi examination wllh the Ucsplrometer ino cnarge is cj, 1T1CO l-o ut tho Pulmonic Bymn nnd Henweed j mch, SIjo per bottle, or Si.&O u half dozen. Irako Pilis2jceutsn box. Por sale by nil i onic M .ml drugirlsts. npih'70-ly, I This is tho most thorouKh biood purifier yet discovered, nud ctms all humors from tho worst Mrofula to a common h'Ttt)tloti'. iHmples nnd matches on the face, and scttli oriouihskln, which nro such nnnovimr blemishes to many youiv persous. yield to the uso ol n few bottles of this wonderful medicine. From ono to t liiht bottles euro halt lihatm, Jhysipclas, Kcahl Jlaul, Jling Worms, lioils, &ca! JCru(lons of the Skin, hcrofuht noics, uiccra unu" - inine jioumuitu iyonr fi. it is n puro medicinal extract or nnuv roots nnd nlanls.corablnlmr fHtnniiomNatuio' most fovinlan curntlvo nroncrtles. which God has instilled into tho vegetable kingdom for healing tho sick. It isn grent restorer for the streiiRth nnd vlKrof tho system. Thoso who are laimuld. sleepless. have jicrtouj aiwrchcnsions or fmrs, or nny of the uil'eciions symptomatlo of ueakness, will llnd convincing evidence or its restoratio unwirmton trial. If vou leel dull. itiuusy. iUHUUttnl and despondent, have frequent jewtucftc, mourn ictsrcs uaati in ino morninp, ir i caidur aintctdc nud tonruc contcd. vou are buller- inn Irom O'ontld Lntror ''lldiousncsi," In mnnv cases oi "Liter complaint' only a part of iheso symptoms nro experienced, as u renieiiy lor nu Mich cases. Dr. pierce s uoideu Alodlcal Dlscov i rv has no tritinl ns it ilfecls perfect cures, lenv inuthe liver strcngthriud nml health!. l or tho euie of Habitual Constipation ol the Dowels it lsn never in II in ir remtdv. nnd thoso who hivi used it jnrthis purpose an loud In its praise, in jircnctiat, j moai aim JAtii'j jmeaes,u na t rodueed mnnv truly remarkable cures, wliei other medlclms had failed. Hold by druKsistfl nt SI. 01 per b.ttle, Prepared at tho Chemical ji22-;o-tr iiutr.iio.N. V ANQUVILliE STILL, AlIKAU. llio iitnli.rslirii(.il losDeclfullv nnlioimro t Hit. Flit-mini; ci'iniiiiiuity tlmt the aruni;.lii I tlio Ik-M with Utt-lr lilat-llHU'n fortlle liarvt'sl tiik ni:v i'i:nnsvi.vania TIIltKSlIEH AND CLEANER I'litcntPd l.y Adilnn C'oriH-ll.wltli Mnjor'n patent in ikiiiu nriiiiy it .iruiiir i-uiii'iiiiru, wuai t-rj l-'iimii-r netil-, 11 caiv't bo In has lieen fairly tested unit lus tar exceeded thu expecintlons of nu wnoiiase steniis Dperaiions, it nits ncei KOi up expu-ssl) to meet ilin wants of tlio Knrni' it, v ill iniiiiieioro ineiii, oversnoi lor lieail power ami undershot Inr leer pownr. Till Machine cnu he lmuhj toilouny desired umoun ot worli. Is simple lu lonslruction, easy to innnaite uuu not naoiu 10 koi out or repair. They nlso eoutluuo to iiiauufaetuiu the Cel hratcd WIIKIif.l'iM UAILWAV ClfAI.V, nonaE rowEit t TiiitEsiiEn, from the nrlulnal natlerns. Willi nn imnrnv nu lit in Iho iioWer.Hliertbyiiinilooripereeiit, , t-jin-iuii, ui,,, nu-ui-aiieii piiiverai 1101 JI loU Inches less elevation than Iho old blyl majuii'h i'.vti:st nouiii.t: actino shhct inoN norroM hi-.i-auatoiw lothelr iiinclilnen, m.innf.ic'ureil cnlv hy them mil secured to iheiu hy lell. paienl from Win. JI. Major, They also iiiauuiaciuro tho best und Iliihtest runulni; I,cver 1'nwera lu Iho country it.., ,,i,i,ui uuu riiiKii-iieareu jaeits, liavm on hnnd a irond sunolv of well scitsutiml inmli. ot thu best ouailiy, and experienced worltmui eiiK.jien in intir luumuauure, llicy guaiuul SUI'IUIIOU TO ANY MANUFACTUUl-.U elsewhere. All having repairing to do should iruit:iiiiit r (nut w ouseuii i no oriuiutti patteruij. HepnlrlUK ilonu nt short notlcu and on reasoim. Iilo terms. .Machines sold at usloulsiiluuly .. , ...,. ki.-i. iiri, ueniieii, l or lunher lurlleuluis cull ou or address SCllUYLKK & LOW, AaiUCUI.TUItAI, WOUKH, OHANGKVILLi:, COLU.MI1IA COUNTY, 1'A. whero Ihey innnufacturo tho best nnd cheapest Jron nnd Wooden Ileum 1'lown In tho Ktalo, ulso wauon Jadis. Iron lii tllisiiinl nil kinds of work u.iiuiiy none in i ouuunea nuu .siacinno shops. All nolle warrant! il uud ull ltlhdi ul couulry '.uuu,u lu.lll VAVIIUIIU. IIHILOSOI'IIY OF MAlUtlAGE. I A N S.W f 'nlMiHK i is l.i irri.ii ra nuil.ll.n,n.i Iho I'eiinu.l'olltithlileuudAlluIoinlcalMusen l'Jn5 L'hestiiut hi., three doom nbovo Tuellth rhlludeli.lihi.llublacilii; Iho Mildectal How it l.lvo uud Whui to lAo fort Ynulh, Maturity w nuu, uiuiuuii ueueiaiiy liuvieed Hie causoot Indlctstlon: l-'hituknceaml nerv ous Discuses uciounttU fori ilarrlnuo l'hllo. Bophlcully coiibldeitd. Thiso letiuiis will bo in iueu nu irteini 01 ti uis liy uuurtsslUK ....v.,..; ... ,v . . unrj ,,itin msiltt'lIM As.;; AJ.A10MU-AI. Mibi.I'M, 1J t'hektnut bt, I'lllimtl ll.llltl l'i li Ilk Il 11 11 In JcJl70-ly. ' EUSINlvSS (MUDS, vjwitino cAiiiw, LUITW HIIADS, MM, huads, l'HOHHAMMIM, l'oaTEiw, U., 4C. Ncntly nnd Cheaply rrlntcd From tho Lai cut Blylca of Type nt the UOLUIIIIIAN OriiCK Dry Goods & Notions. JJ-KW STOCK OF CLOTHING. resh arrival of BU.MM1-1H GOOD?. DAVID LOWHNIlKIta luvlles attention to his stock of ClinAP AND FABIIIONAtlLi: CLOTHING, his store on Malu Street, twodonrs nbovo tho Amerlcnu House IUoomsburg, Pa., where ho has Just received from Now York nnd -hlladelphtn n full assortment of MKN AND HOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashlonnble, durnble, nnd handsome goods, consisting of 110X, HACK, HOCCI, GUM, AND OIL-OLOTH COATH AND PANTS. of nil sorts, sizes nud colors. He has nlso rcplen- hed his nlready largo stock of ALL AND WINTKIl SHAWLS, STHIPKD, KIGUUHD, AND PLAIN VIWT8 SHIUTH, CUAVATH, STOCKS, COLLl,M1s' IIANDKLKCIIIEFS. GLOVra, 8USPENDEIW, AND l-'ANCY AltTICLES Ho nas constantly ou hand n largo and well-so- ectcd assortment of CLOTHS AND VI3T1NGS, which ho Is prepared to mako to order Into nny kind of clothing, ou very short notice, nnd In the best manner. All his clothing Is mnde lo wear, nnd most of It is of homo maiuifactnre. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELUY, lo cry description, fluo nnd ehenp. His casoot Jewelry Is notsurpasscdlln thlslplncc. Call and xamlno his general nssortmeu of CLOTHING, WATCHES, JEWELRA , iC. DAVID LOWENDEHG. n o. ma it a huvojiist received from Iho eastern mnrkets n largo nnd well selected slock nf D It Y GOODS, CONSISTING O Y Casslmcrs, Jeans, Best blenched A llrown Muslins, Calicoes, Tickings, Table Linens-, Cotton A All wool llannels, AC., Ac,, A good stock of Ladles dress goods. Latest styliw a patterns, Mplcs of all kinds, Good stock groceries, Qucensware, Stone i are, Wood & willow ware, Flour A Chop, Also Kitchen Crystal Bonn for cleaning Tin llrass,i&c. All goods sold cheap for cash or pro duce. lie would call the attention of buyers to his well nnd carefully selected assortment which comprises everything usually kept In tho couu try, feeling confldent that ho can icll them goods at such prlccsus will eusuro satisfaction. Nov. fl,'t.'J-lf C. C. MAKIl. -UY THE DEST. Tin; ukd lion nnAND, BLACK ALFAOA Is superior to nil olhern In color, quality nnd liritu io uo luuuu only ut H. P. LUTZ'S llenler In Ilrr floods nnd Notions. In llrower' new building next to tho Couit House, Mnlu istreei, uiooinsuurg, i-u. inoyi3 TU-tr, jyjILLEH'S STORE. rilESII AI1IUVAL OK SUM.MKIt O0OU3. Tno subscriber has lust returned from the cities with another large nnd select assortment of I'ALL AMD W1NTKH GOODS, purchased In New York nnd Philadelphia nt the owesl tlgnre, nnd which ho Is determined to sell ou ns moderate terras ns can be procured else where In Bloomsburg. Ills stock comprises LADIES' D It ESS OOODS of the choicest styles nnd latest fashions, together with n largo Inssortment of Dry Goods nnd Gro ceries, consisting of the following articles t'nrpcts. Oil Cloths, Cloths. Cnsslmeres, Shawls, Flunncls, Bll lis, Whlto Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, Ilollowware Cednrware 0.ueensware, Uardwnre Hoots nnd Shoes, Huts nnd Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng.Qlassej, Tobacco, Cotlee, Sugars, Tens, lltco, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN HALLY, Iu short, everything usually kept In countn stores, to which ue invites tho nttention of the public generally. The highest price will be paid for country pioduco In exchange lor goods. S. 11. MILLEK4SON. Arcade llnlldlugs, IUoomsburg, l'n. QON F KOTIOMJJBY. Tno undersigned would respectfully nnnouuee to the public that he has opened a FI1WT-CLASS CONFECTlONEltV STOHE, In the building hitely occupied by Fox & Webb whero he Is prepared to furnish nil kinds of I'LAIN A FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOHEIGN c DOM11STIO FllUITS, NUTS, HAISINS, 4C AC, AC. 11Y WHOLESALE OB I1ETAIL. In short, n full nssortment of nil goods In his Hue of business. A greut variety of DOLLS, TOYS, &C, suitable for tho Holidays, Funicular nttention glveu to II HE AD AND CAKES, of all kinds, fresh every day, ClIUIHTMAS CANDIES, OHISTMAH TOYS. A call Is solicited, nnd satisfaction will b guaranteed. Nov. 22, IS87. ECK1IAHT JACOBS. jy J E It 0 II A N D I S E NOTICE IS HEItEBY GIVEN To my frlends and tho publlo generally, th nt al kinds ol DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, AO., are constantly on hand nnd lor Bale AT BAHTON'B OLD STAND DLooasiiimo, by JAMES 1C, EYEIl -Iio, Bole Agent' Fuosphatk or turn. Large lot constantly on hnnd, feb8'b7. II tuey want Iho most iiopu nr und Utsellhnr lulcrlptloii Ujoks puliiu'hed. mi'l Uw,,u,i iu& tral tmiu. Bond for circulars. TheAvlIlcmt voii nothing, aid may be of greut linen t to youf fe bll'-O-ly, gLATE ROOFING, EVERY VARIETY A T MOST FAVORAI1LE RATES, JOHN THOMAS, AMD CAB FEU J. THOMAS Box. 277. llloomihurir, Fa. Mar.19.cwy pMA.'SnTvnftnau -Tiri. . mi,. BHflllf Dry Goods 8c Groceries. GItAND OPENING (lltANl) 01'K INtNO (IKANl) OPENING Ol'IINING (II1ANI) OUAND OI'IiNIHU or FALL AND WINTEII GOODS, FALL AND WINTKIl GOODS, FALL AND WINTEII GOODS, FALL AND WINTEII GOODS FALL AND W1NTEH GOODS, consisting ol consisting of consisting or consisting of consisting of BUY GOODS, BUY GOODS, DHY GOODS, DKY GOODS DIIY GOODS, HATS AND OAFS, 11 ATS AND OAIH, HATS AND OAFS, 11 ATS AND CAIW, HATS AND CAFS, BOOTS AND SHOES, 11001 H AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, BRADY-MADE CLOTHING, HEADY-MA HE CLOTHING HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, HEADY-MADE CLOHIING, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOO K I N G-G I, ASS ES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOK1NO-OLAHS1X, LOOKING-GLASSES, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOI'lONS, NOTIONS, FAINTS AND OILS, FAINTS AND OILS, FAINTS AND OILS, FAINTS AND OILS, FAINTS AND OlIJJ, GUOCEHIES, OBOCEUIKS, GUOCEHIES, OltOCEHIKS, GUOCEHIES, QUEENSWAHE llUEENSWAUE, OlIEENSWAllE, OUEENSWAHE, tlUEENHWAKL' HAHDWAHE, HAHDWAHE, HAHDWAHE, HAHDWAHE, HAHDWAHE, TINWAltE, TINWAHE, TINWAHE, TINWAHE, TINWAHE, SALT, SALT SALT HALT, HALT, FISH, FISH FISH, F1TH FISH, GltAIN AND SEEDS, OHAIN AND SEEDS, GHAIN AND SEEDS, GHAIN AND HEEDS, GHAIN AND SEEDS, 4c Ac. le., AT NEAL NEAL NEAL NEAL JlrKELVY, McKHLVY, McKELVY McKKLVY, CO.'S, CO.'S, CO.'S. CO.'S. McKELVY, NEAL CO.'S. Norlhwestcorncrol Main nnd Market Strecta. Northwest corner or Mum and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Minn and Market Streets, Northwest eomer of Main nml Mnrket Streets. Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, BLOOMSI1UKG, FA., BI.OOMS1IUHO, FA BLOO.MSIIimo, FA,, BI.OOMSilllHO, FA., BLOOMH1UIHO, FA. 1HON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, IKON AND NA1I.S, In inrgo qunnllllcs nnd at rednced rntcs, nlway uu imiKi. Miscellaneous. AT E W O O A L Y A It D. 1M The undersigned respectfully Inform tho citizens ot Bloomsburg nnd Columbia county, that they keep nil tho illllei cut uum hers of stove coal nnd selected lump coal for smllhlng purpo ses, on their wharf, ndjolulng M'Kelvy, Nenl A Co'b Furnace; Willi n good pair of lluinilo sculeu nn tho wharf, to weigh coal, hay, nnd straw. Likewise it horse and M agon, to deliver coal to those who deslro It. Ah they purchase n largo amount of coal, they Intend tokeepn superior ar ticle, nnd sell nt Iho very lowest prices, Fleaso call and examine for yourselves beforo piirchas lng elsewhere. J. W. HENDEItSHOT, AUGUSTUS MASON, 'TUIE undersigned will tako in ox- X ehaugo for Coal aud Groceries, tho following named nrtlcles : .Wheat, Bye, Com, Oats, Pota toes, Lnrd, Ham.Shouhler.aud side meat, Butter, Eggs, Hay, Ac.nt tho highest cash prices, nt his Giocery Store, ndjolnlug their coal yard, J. w. HENDuasHor. Bloomsburg Mnr. 19,'C9-ly. P. Uhh one C. HOWE R, opened a rlrst-class BOOT, SHOE, HAT CAF, AND FUR STOHE. ut the old stnnd on Main Street, Bloomsburg.afow doors ubovo the Court House. Ills stock Iscom. posedorthovery latestand best styles ever ollei ed to the citizens ol Columbia County. He call accommodate the publlo with tho follow lnggoods nt the lowest rates. .Men's heavy double holed f toga boots, men's double mid single tap soled kip boots, men's heavy stosa shots of all kinds, men's lino boots and shoes of nil grades, boy's double soled boots nud.i.hoes ofull kluds, men's glove kid Bulmoial shoes.meu'B. women's, boys's and misses' lasting gaiters, women's glovo kid 1 ollsh very Une.womeu'smoroceo Bulii'ornlsand calf shoes, Moiueu's very line ltld buttoned gait ers. In short boots ot ull descriptions both peg ged and sewed, 1 b ment of "U al a" lUtentlon to ll'3 flQ0 assort. HATS, CAFS, FUKS AND NOTIONS, wlilch comprises all the new nnd populai varl etiesat prlieswhlehcaniiolfalltosultall. These goods are oileied ut Hie loust cash rates nnn will lie guaranteed to give satisfaction. A call s solicited belorepm-ohasln? elsewheie ns It Is believed that better bargains mo to be fond thau nt any other place lu tho county. Dec, ii t7 ' gg?rs, AN 1NDISPENSAIILE ;rW2S, It'lHLE 1 OH TEE 1.ADII-S, IIViii(ii( Julu)th,iti!.) This Culler Is tlio most irriect luveullonevtror 11,(1 lo tlio l.ultlle. it Is easily o,i rti d.iieut In np licuriiiue, und will not In Juiu tl,o hair, us ttiere Is nnlieut ltoulied. uornny uielulllesulistiiueeused tu rust or brenk tho hair. Muu'iliicturtd only nnd lor sale by McMillan a co. No ti l North Front Street, Filii.AIi!:irniA,FA. Sold at Dry Goods', Tilmmlngs nud Notion Stores, N. 11. Single Box fS cenls; 3 Boxes, assorted sires, oa cis. .vatuuirte io any pun oi ine unit- Je2l70-0liii, 810,000 GUAHANTKIC, BUCK LEAD EXCEW ALL OTHEIl LEAD I 1st, For Us Unrivaled Whiteness, -M. For Its lint quailed Durability, 3d. For Its Unsurpassed Covering Properlj-. Lastly for Its Economy. Wit COSTS LF-SS lo pnlnt with Buck Leau thaunny other While Lead extant. The same weight covers MOHE MJHFACU, Is moro DUIt ABLE, und inukes W1IITEH WOHK, BUCK LEAD, Is tho Cheapest nnd BeJl JIO.OUO GUAHAnTEE. BUCK ZINC EXCELS ALL OTHEH ZINCa 1st. For its Uucqunllcd Durability, 2.1. For Its Uurlvalod Whiteness, 3d. for Its Unsurpassed Covering Property. Lastly, for Its Greut fceouomy, being Iho CHEAPEST, HANDSOMEST, und most DURABLE White Paint In tho world, BUY ONLY BUCK LEAD AND RUCK ZINC: TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Satisfaction Guaranteed by the Manufacturers. BUCK CO'ri'AOE COLORS, FrcpureU expressly for Painting COTTAGES, OUT BUILDINGS of every ilescrlp. tlon, FENCES, Ac. TU1KTY-F1VH DIFFER EN f I'OLOHS, Duruble, Cheup, Uniform, nud BeautlliiHhudes. Sample cards scut hy Mall If desired. Healers' Orders will bo promptly executed by the inuuufuclurors, FRENCH, RICHARDS it CO., N . W. Cor, Tenth aud Market Streets, Jan';0-ly, I'hUadel(Ul rjvtJE NEW HARDWAliPcT JLt , .NEFLU8 ULTriAUEST0Ill.' Hnvlng cnlnrged our moro ft' uireciiyrrom tho Mnniifnetnr... 1 ensh, on n declining mnrket, w e nrl'S.tcl,"M l, FAltMEHS, MECHANICS Bit.t, wising nil the iinSnXSSCtm n n , clly llnrd Wnro,,1 ,c,' ''0U f! I ii ocnnniy.nt lllllisiinUy low in ih .' Al tlunowlinnrniiniHAi. ... Vice. n nnr lino enn snvn si .'f.l.'nrclmsln New llnrdwiiro Store. ' '"""Itiglu.Y?? I'lense elvo us n exit mi ' -"i Apr.nco.lyr WUWCTiiSH '"""lift, Jacoii IC. Smith, g M I T II & S E L T Z E R( Sw,a imporlcrsnnd Donlcrsin Foielgr, aaJDoa, HARD AV ARp GUNS, CUTLEIIY. if No.l(.Tii.nD8TIlEET,A ;,ULA'";,"A. " QARRIAQE JiIANUFACTOlW, Bloomsburg, Fa, M. C. SLOAN A IlFvOTIIElt Hnvo on hand nnd for sale nt the most rewm, bio rales a splendid slock of CAHHIAOF.S, liUGOIFA nud every description ol Wngnns bnlh PLAIN AMI FANCY warranted t o bo made of the best ami morn j,,. nhlo mnlerlalH, nnd by (lie must e.xiiiricSSj wtiruuii'ii. jvii uri. si'iii out iioni lli. ,t,0ir ll.hmi lit will bo found lo beorilio hlghM W nlldsuietoglvo ictltet sntlsrucilun, llitrtiS nlso u line nssortmi nt of ' m SLEIGH S of nil tlio newest nnd must lashu r.nb'e stvlrt well nnd em t-rully luiule und ol u,c but Ail Inspection of tliclr work u n.liidn, ill believed Hint none supel lor urn be found lnit, country. Nov. -MM AGENTS WANTLl) I'OR 'r',rrcpc:tvii"yi st hi:: jrilBLBJLJYRICS A MARTF11LY VI IISH It ATION of TEE SUHLIMI; l'OL'IKY HI '1111, BIliLh, SO pronounced by lending ( Ii rt-j iu n end lay-1 men of nil di iiomiiiatlons, I iituiMiiirndnitrsl I nud highly tstttmid botli lor iisiiuui tnttir.ij I merit und tmchuiiieul linfsli, A it-sudfut fta-l litetus, tiiini n in w uiid origii n) ill Ign.sheviri I the dllli ri tit stv lis of blliilli'g, itc imtfl'ol lutcly 1 HFEto iillutee))ttil as Aiut.ndliiun. I Jih- topy Mheli il(Klliil,ut 1.(Ijt,,h, hi lAont'i I n ji ui.j dsij,, rim i.. i.iiusiie i trrllory I ami tin- Most 1.11m ml '1 cutis. For lull lartiuliia I lui jns, en-,, iiiiiui'SM C. F. VENT ruoilshtr. iuay6'70-lf 3 l'utel.i) St. New Utfc Insurance Agencies, Q.LOB E U V T UAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY o r NEW YORK. Pliny Freeman, President, II i . Kreiman.kt I Cash cupllnl over S'J,tKi,(0c, all paid. J. B. ROBISON.ill.OO-MSlil'Ka.Iil GENERAL AUENT, For Luzerne, Lj coining nul Columbia counties. Aug. aiGO-ly. TNSURANCE AGENCY. X Wyoming tIM Etna l,000, Fulton S0C.M North America W Clty W International M.'lt Niagara IMM Putnam - W Merchants ' SprlngHeld - Farmers' Danville W Albnny City Umcaster City - York Horse, Death A Thelt..-. W Home. New Haven l.lV.W Danville, Horse Theft l'HEAS BROWN. Wl. mars 09-ly. BuiosHiirKO, Pi Foundries. OlIARPLESS & IIAHMAN, KAftf.r vntiNimr ASH SIASITACIUIIISO ' STOVES & PLOWS WHOLESAI.i: KETAtt I THE CELEllUATtn MONTltOSE IB0.S BEAU A.B I TIIK IIUTTON WOOltKX 1IEAM 1X0WS. .... . ... . ... ,.i,.itrS!(ml I unsung nuu i-ireiiriciiiortiioi".---' All kinds of Brass or Iron casllug u"' tma I upon short notice. .. c, ,,p(tV I 11. F. SUARFLES3 & P.H. 1 A MA Blooiusbuig, l'n. i rt.prw" iiiar.iif, uy-ti. JpiRST NATIOAL white li:ai). I BEST, PUREST, AND liir.Al't'-ST! H ATI h FA I'll ON II V A 11A TH " ' For Whiteness, Durnt IHO ,iiJEr'!llan'M I cy. It has no equal. ,i,r.,iulioul J I Hold by ull dl-aliisln Pui"" HT""8 ,r-1 tho country. . BARKER, MOORE & MElN. j kfttissons io T. MORRIS PEHOT x Holo Froprli lors, Plillnilelrl''". rn JHiilcihluullkindbuf DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS ULAi f3 nvraTUrrs, ac, J'. Ml JAUTION.-Owlng I" lite PTPf "f r',3 1 r "Urst While l.;": u I OA our riles have bien Induct u "..V.Vn Tliert-M I rlousiirtleluui ilt-rHici.ui-. ccUu r,,r iidu,.ru ,,t Cimitir eils. H" ,, ino Is put up In extia hetivy "SJm pots, with patent mtlullle wire u- uud the uuluuof BARKER, MOORE A MKlN. On each label, For. sale by raar25'70-ly. mover imoTin: . .... nitV ABMERSI EXAMINE Af T HE O It I O I N A h' . - ,,,-rvn Tint FIKST HAW BONE PlIOblUAIS I All others nro Imitation B aITo'iI'S 1!AW noNE SUPER PIIOSrHATE Ol 1570- FALL, ..... ...tifd This Mrnure Is mnde of ,V",urVwlli Bones, rich Hi Nlllogiuous n J" i.,opWl,1 Oil of Vllrlnl, preieiillng the ''"'XVie loiwffi u highly loliiUe nnd ultkl-?. ,teli""" u highly loliible nnd quii kij , 0 ins"" ine Aiiiiuoiuu ill sin ii r-,-' ii llii-i Vty ttl lirompt nnd vlgotoiis n'l'"",i'Uii f I '""VnS Where Bnitiili's Fliofl"' ut Viifffi pnst sensou, Iho linllrotlt'"! Jr tarul''pf Are thnt It will inulntulii iliwf'i J, j'tillll' tlou. Wonquesl ulllu uttdol u give tUl-. m Helen trial, II A U O II & S O s. MANUrAOTOIlElia, Omc-K-NoMH. Delaware AVC" ' rAlLAHEt-I',IU-J11570-tf. 3?
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