it Itt K IHIV loomsburg, Friday, August 19, 1870, WAivriin. iv .journoyninii Tin-smith ullllt'lllllll'iy. SMITH UltOTltEltrl, n30-tf. OraiiL-ovIll AcirANOi: In thn nwnpralith nml rill anticipated, when consummated ir rentiera win ho tin v unarmed. Hlooji P. O. In the recent reiullnst. .rn... ..-., i . I'll l ui mu muni ma nun K111111..S in L'tlCll fo tllO third class with il snlnrv I s-j,uuv. C. J. F. of Cculrnlla U Informed that utono oftlio ItiileiienilcntNlneiilavcil the ciimo oi winch tlioy renort. Dti. nc last year tno Jniienent lent sent lll.ll l illl III III lll.'l. Illlll lilt' Ifllll. DISTINGUISHED VlSITOUS Hon lyssi'u luuruiii, m. c iiioih mis fcilalu) il ituin ji Kiuiuviiji 1:1111111 1)1 Llll) . ini.n C. .11.1 L 1 1 run cv. Illln.,ci n.i.l I..: m, mis ciniiijieii mo namo ot tno co tnliM notel to "lSHRlo llolel," u iiiii wuiiiiiviv;ii. iuu iiuuou vv ill nu o finest In this 'part oftlio country I will iiuitiiu Liit'iu v su'iMiri) n inrrrn uro oi uiu traveling custom. in: vv u.viiiiui. -vvn urn n n vi i' liglitfiilly cool ovcninfjiaml mornings ml limine nil il iv. L is urn. uriiii i . mat inuru win do any moro ot tno ...ill 1... ... - . .. trv nlclits Which characterised tint .1 .n..ll. Unri.n.l.l.. ...I I til niMLiTii iiiseaiiiuiiri. niiriiiir inn i l ruiiiniit.'iiiLii)iis. uri viiit inniii in ii in nui LiiuiLV uiurr.s. Aim unite..)) not mucn used, tno accom- luiuius iiioieau iiii.i.!r 1 1 1'l i il I'l I nisiiii. enr inr nnminrr. Tiin tin nn fur... ir a Miuiiiiiiiuiii. i. uiu iuiiuuii.'ii to iii-, j-uiot iiaver- iims il irmn r niitniuir ill rum in HIVh1I.111I IIS lllll UlU.SI. 111 llll! rU-VllTV Oil Iris.) mnrn!.. IT. 13. VV . 1'11'V VlllS T K4 r lllll arm. nnd thn third tlirriinrh M.i tune, no saw 111s n'su Hunt nm uld rccogni.o him, il lie saw him ill ill niituM il run-lull ru sit., ml arrest. in; iMMiiiuiT liio not (11 ..,......, ".'.. iu u, on miliums nauiiriini. j.iw so as to auow a ills,- .go to bo granted, without tliohaii! iiauiiniC3 worn incurr previous . rv . N i l. Itllrfifi nil m ni if nnn rcessury. in oilier worn inn nrm . law holds ay fur ns Hiilill.Hfw in. i0 ITlI'.xTr A T. -f'AHP fin 'I'linrj. ""I" muv; ouinu J iuu m.l ? 1I1IJU1, ..... u iuu jtuit in iiiiO JJIilti:. IITIH ' CH I1 liln lirif 4ln itltix r. . . 41... 11)0 hnT U'lW lUtnvnrx1 Iirttul flntii. iff innuiinhiir i... .,nu : tllsPOVPl'V nf thn linf vvna fmlmui lllllinmirn fllla tnnl- lw vnnnns namo of Anron Smith, of Ileiuloul: y tit una iiiiiu in 111 thn ronnnt mnfcu.f r,,i. ..:.,n . 11(1 u-na Hwi,!,,!,, l ni ii int i l i.. ii... t 1)0 hnilO1 t IKlt nnnn n.-,l(,,,ln I lllkl Irlnn.I . I... ...Ill L ii f new beforo hU nssumptioii of a -.iiM,l ii'j Will .VUl 1U111U ilUIll I'vaiuuu biimi iH'coino UTCinova- V. I i Mvnrr At .i ...nni:.,,, transactetl: Suitablo roncs wero .KtfJ(l no ((C.l....i1..... II I. .r.J,....i ilt-up." Tho hoard walks on Tlihd Lust streets, ero ordered to bo nut 10 property of Kev. 1). J. Walleras mrbau" us lost. Tho tint fjatur pf each mouth was Axed as tlioduy lio regular monthly meetings of mil, Instead of tho last Saturday as i;3in. xno peiiuon ot u number tlvniia rrf Ui.aI l.l...i.n ......!.. 41. v..u u. wbUt.-iviTii Mllir llll lllllb properties ho re-classined as subur- was rejected hyu vote of I! to 1. A mlttco was appointed, to confer 'Mr. Clias. It. Pnxtnn rclntivn In "nuum uiu iiuiu-iiiiu ui iiiiiiini to's. furnaco. said bridiro heluir nvcnlent and unsafe. 'E most useful Invention of tho ago s .Sewing Machine. Yet f omo caro iu red in selecting tho one that is ;ultcd for tho work it Is most iuteii. Of, and to nurchnso of a rpinihir cr,vhoIs permanently located i'i "Mioiiiu lequlro ro-adlustiug or foyementsaltiiclieil. vou inmi a ru uuvill. IU llli 11. l'l'OIll lllllllV I'tiDuiiui uci u ui iianco wu ii .1. j. - il lllliriii;:!! niMiir. iiw m luifi uuwiiig jiuuiiiuo ageur, no nB secured tho exelulvo rlrht of inhin 1. " . ; .win iuu it v in wnn inn I n run nnr y Machines in tho world, wo tllOUt hoMlfntf "o nitltlcd to tho conildenco of nur- with nnv, Vu "?5?. !?"- ? or which wm -viiia il iiiiiiiun. iitni ti-Ain iiitfi ti mm i 1"t'l' ,m!kI"K nil tlm differ, t nt P3i'1uc.h na th0 ul'istlc.oriianieii. lllorolderlnf'. lnek. Irnnl ,llii.i ovpi-!"' vi3tetl ,01, I'uttonholo Sv W5a,;l'"K btitches'wlth a great ibJi? ""'"-'hmeuts too numerous '-bCrihri n lm 1 i i lur, MlM-.. l flrtlca 111 want can "4 Ul llfm lw. l.n..4 nr.. I . ... kr( f " ' ""-i' iJiiiciiines in tno ifiro ?riFe,1,;rnl ru,nl'y "se.tnllorlng, r0triUim 11L'. H hnnlUHli.r Ihikii, S.e- .With careful instructions ru n ii-nn uiu. Jllllllliu Ilk II1IS OlllCO Pathnt. Letter I'alout havo been grnnled lo J. it. Kaus of Kspy, this County, for mi Improved method of piling buggy nnd wagon felloes. This liiveiiuuii ii is met wnu tno warmest approval of bolh carriage ninkers mid C.Jti Mum-ixa. Tho nttendanco at the camp meeting in Orangevillo has Kiiuu, iiu on cuiidny lust was ery ' large. -rom nil accounts tho in-i-iiiig iias neon trco from nil disturb unci aim eminently successful. isoitDKiit.Y. Hiram Itees of tick horn was airesled nn Wi'!i,. nn.,.. noun liistforlntoxlealion and dl.soiderl v conduct, and put iu tho hock-up. Ifo uncii'ii somu resistanco to tho ollleor making tho arreit. llowns flnmi a? i hy Mr. Mcndenhull, President of Uoun en IjIOHt AUTHiLKiiv. There will he u iiieemig uus (1'rlday evening at p eiocic, in Snyder's J hill, of thosu who havp enlisted or who dcslto to enlist, iu tho buttery or Light Artillery now in process of formation iu thlstown. The guns win bo forthcoming, upon tho cuinpicuon oi ihoc.ganlzatiou. JJOIriNO. It SCems t int, tlin nrltm, of tho Into Itadlcal Convention did not sun nn mo mcniucrsol tho party. Kail ing lo get u regular nomination, Judgi Keslcr aun. unccs himself its an iiulc pendent caiididato for Asneii do .fllilirn and John Ilurtman lias his name nub lished as an independent Itepublican i-.iiiiiiuiuu lur oiienu. In- reply to tho exultant arliclein llio ncimblictm from tho Light Sheet Club, WO U'OIllll sdnfn 11. .il II, n rii-i.,,. ,.,...... ......- n.u .1. .lllUllll,-l I made between tho captains or the Club was. that the IndenondentTCi nn wn n In nay a -picKCd nine" lrom tho towns of -s ).v. uran''ov o am I. .rid Kimi.t Since the gamo has been played wo find that tho Ll.'bt Stieet Club nlulm (In. gamo all to themselves, nlthough some players wero from Espy and somu from urangeviiio. Wo havens vet nlavod nn win, the Club of great " namo and fame," nut iiuiu uiiiscives iu rcadinois to play them a series or games for tho chum Pionshli) of tho cnnnlv. 'I' laudation sounds liko shoulin'' lioforo inoyarooutot the woods. Imi, A (lAJlK oflJ.HO Il.lll wnt lilnvnd ,( urdny, Auir. l.'l. between tlm In'dnnnmi cut Nino of lllooms'iurg.aud tho Picked milium Jiigiit Direct, iiio gamo was oniieiini iiioemi ol tho 7th inning, bv requestor tho Indopendi-nts, with the loiiowing score : , i'ii'icrd .v. li O It O iVpnlonian.i b 1 '1 Ent, r r il L MoIIck, s s 1 Iiachmai), 1 1 1 1' MoIIck, p i Edgar, cf !! Loiser, 1 r 1 O Melick, c 1 Fiddler, h 1 Hueknlow, p 11 Ludwig, 1 b n Hillmever. ss 1 Meiidenhnll, e - Clark, :t b !! Jiltenbender,lf !J U.IW0U, e l Waller, r f 1 U M:eminger,:i b 5 2 Total 1 Total :i 1 fi S 7 0 13 21 Innings Independent Picked Nino I '2 (I 1 1 0 fi 0 il-2il 0 HJ-i:j Ely catches iiidependenl.ij; I'ickcd 10i Homo runs 0. Mellck, 1. Lt ru iNHi'itANci:. when hioinrlii, witliin tho means nf tlin tnnsna. u tin. kind ot insurance that works a real cood. I'ho noor. hardworking man. who 1ms n inrgo or a smaii iamny to support, must leei lieeuiy tno re.-.noifii) ltv ol n H nn. sllion. when .soberly tlilnkini' nf tlin flit u re. To tho honest fathm- tlm ilwinirhr in inn liiiuru Mippori oi nis wiloand children is over uppermost in ids mind. It is lids that stimulates him to nctlmi. that nerves his a-ni to work with a will, toiling day and night, and often over taxing nimseii in tno nope ol s- curing a competence, and thus to provide for tnoso no loves when his protecting arm ceases to work lor them. He would gladly avail himself of Life Insuranco for their p-oteelion, but, us conducted, I... i.i i .... r.. i. . . . . ' iii! cuiiiii uui, iur icar no would not ho able to keep mi na. nents of iiieiiilum requueii, uiiiier i. o old system. This wo think tho Ho.mi:sti:ai Ln.'i or Philadelnlda. whoso ndvertisi'inpiii apjiears in tins paper, has most eilict uany remedied ny their system or niontiiiy payments oi promltunson all nolleies thev issue, thus nlncim.' thn great blessing or LU'o liisurauco within tho reach ol' all, however moderate their circumstances.yet nt a coit so small that it cannot possibly bo felt. Tho Com pany is organized hy tho representa tives of largo manufacturing establish ments in this State, in tho interests of tho workingmen, fully appreciating tho necessity of some such means to cnahlo tho mechanics or Pennsylvania to pro vido for their families' future, as only tho rich or thoso in hotter circumstances could atl'ord to do in tho nast. Wn lm. speak for tho Homestead Life tho eon- liuenco and tho patronago ol tho work ing man, and a largo and prosperous business. P. 0. Sons Amiiuica Tlm flflli nn. nual sessions or tiioStato Camp or tho Patriotic Order Sons or America wero held in Thompson's Hall, Danville, Pa. miKusi ;kii, juin aim inn. Tho convention was called to order i Tuesday. 10 a. in., bv F. E. Klncs. State President. A list or camps was called by tho Secretary, II. .1. Stager, credentials present 1 and mid delegates admitted to seals. Out or 187 camiis hut low railed to send two delegates. Tho delegates from Camn No. :is of this placo wero J. 11. Uohison mid V. lluckalow. Tho hours of meetim? wero decided as follows: meet at ID a. , recess from li m. to - n. in. menss from 0 p. m. toS p. m. Tho State Camp then proceed to election of otllcers. Tho following wero elected and installed ns olli ccrs lor tlto ensuing year : Slato President. Cieo. Ilawksworlh, Camp 8S, Clinton C'oun.y. Stnto Vice President. A. 11. Al bright, Camp II), Philadelphia Count v. Statu of M. ot E. and C Jere. (1. mist, camp 17, Schuylkill County. Stato Seeretarv. Ilimrv .1. Slnfor. Camp 7, Piiiladelphla County. Stato Marshal. A. 0. Ve,llo, Camp 1011, Dauphin County. Slato Sergeant at Anno J. A rivi v. deer, Camp VI Lancaster Count v. Permission was granted Col.E. 'A. C. Judsoii and others, to organlzo a stato Camp Tor tho Slato orN. V. N. V. and N. J. havo no State Canun, having hith erto bent delegates In IhnKlntn tliiinn or Pa., it being tho head of tho order in tho C. S. During tho recent scshIohs nf thn Camp much business or importance was transacted and tho onward nmn'h 01 tins truly patriotic order insured unty, so that If at any futuru MlarrUuurg was deslgnatcil as tho placo of meeting of next Slulo C.imn. After going into secret session 011 tho unwrit ten work of tho order tho Stato Camp adjourned. uu i'liday at 'i p. 111., tho parado an nounced, camooir. All tho nelgliborlng Camps participated. Tito Washington Camp took tho lead Iu lino or maich, tho Stato Camp and Coinmatiderles bringing tin tho roar. Tho nrocesslon was a splendid affair, tho rich regalia or iuu oriieranii 1110 11110 personal appear auce or momhera showing oil' to advantage. Afier parading through tho prlncliml streets tho procession wasdls missed. In tho evening Col. E. '.. u. Judson INcd lluntlino) lectured for tho nenentoi tno uauvnio camp, on tho rorgoueu uerous 01 .70." OtlANOi:ViI.I.i: AOADKMY Omnne.. vtlle, Columbia Comity, i'K. Professor I. E. Bclioouover, Principal, Mrs. I. E. Schoonover, Preceptress. This lusll. stltutlon, for tho education of young liullesnnd gentlemen, will ro-open uu doc elmrgo of Prof. Schoonover, on Mou- iniy, ivug, loin, 107U, xeacners, 01 nc- Biiuwieub'cu auiiity and high order of "S.9j.J0tAX, BLOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA. COUNTY, PA talent, will bo employed In each depart ..... ii' i 1 ",rou 10 sccuro l: PUpllS tllOrOUL' I mid lllllnlnim ll ocottrso of Instruction will incltido nil tho branches usually taught In High rank0 Scnil"nrlc'3 r to ffst cm.1'0?1,"1 a'lo'illon given to Normal lion ""s 11,111 Commercial Inslrue. Terins-Priniary Department. $;! to Is per 1 lBhCr brrt"t,llC3' ?0 t0 J his excellent institution Is located In a pleasant village or nhr.11.. iVKn nnin!nll,377rrt'0 ,fro111 ,ho temptations ii,. 7",TT"u.n." S1X "iiies lrom I.?"?!'.?11 '''!' coiiiuiiuiieation aVe' K ' 1 ;H.iW enlYl.v ;aUtlfUl K1'ovc' nm' I'erft-'ctly Calendar for lS70.-Eall term run, Al'sllst lr'. '870 continuing 11 11tl..i . 1 . .in 1 ,r,m 0I'V"S November 7, 1870 continuing 11 week:,. f,,.,?;1!1"'1 P,11 lj0, oldalned In privnto families at from $2.00 lo $1 per week, or deslrablo rooms will ho furnished to aiiiuuiuu wishing to provide for them selves. (scholars will be admitted atnny time during tho session although It is pref erable lo commence with tho term. l'or futther particulars, address tho I'rinclpal, at Orangevillo, Pa. n!H-lw. UE.STON- ITI'MS fill nll.v,l,.,r A,... Oth., a little hoy about ten or twelvo years of age, son of Nathan A. Tuhbs whilo engaged Iu tho mow above tho iiupi, ienon 1110 noor. badly in tir ing Ills Iicad and slinnlili.rj ir,; la ,,,., .. ' "' JQ I.tJlV uiinsiiiercd out 01 danger -On iMonday Aug. 8tli, Lieutenant uunnu. jvarns was thrown from his must! illlll nrnk'Cl mil nil nlnln.l I.Ij siiuuiiicr, ami was otherwise Injured. 1110 not, dry weather has nt lengtl n.lliKl-'ll .nm warm, inn SL IWIlt mr lime nci.i in, iiiiiioiign not 111 time for a iiouiitiiui crop of "slap jacks," as tho jui" v. ueai is yet very short. .10111 Cn nM Ii'irn it-no cil.Mir.l- 1... ..,,......111; uu iuu iiijjin, ui jVllgUSt utn nm iiiucn uaiiiago susiained. LOCAL NOTICES. Don't bo humbugged with idea (hat Catarrh cannot ho cured ! Tl.o worm moves, mid med'ea' sc enee pogjrs-iivc. Tito proprietor of Dr. Sago's i.aiairn itemoiiy Will pay SsuUO reward mr a case ol Catarrh which ho cannot cure, bold by druggists. Can get it bv mini uu- si.iy cents irom J)r. ji. v Pierce, or 13:1 1 eneca st.. ISnll'iln X V Who is tho sole tirotirictor and llin nnlv man now living that can inako tho gen uine. Don't forget that the ricmdnc. has 111: j-ierce's nrivato (.ioveviiinnid ltnv enuo Slump on each iiaekage. fcOltUVMMt .V' nf nmmrnr.tllr. Pa., manuracturo tho host Thrns-lim-s mil Cleaners, tho best Wheeler's Hull WI1V Chain llnixn Pnirnr nml 'I'I, v,, from tlto original natterns and tho best Lover Powers made in this county, if nut in iuu oiiiiu. ijoii'l 1.111 in ivnininn their machines before iiurcliesing any other. They guarantee them to give n.iiisiiiiaiiiii 111 uvery respect. They al so manuiacturo Plows and other Agri cultural implements. Seo their adver iiseuicni in another column. tr. MARRIAGES. HTi:ilNr.ll-i:itAHSIUS-At rnunilr.vvlllo.Jnlv llll, is,u, liy lluv. s.H. Henry, Mr. Ali'iamlcr .-,1...... iu .,1,-,. .u.iiy I.I-.lS.IUllS,UOlll Ol UlODIllS' DEATHS. If A11TMAN' In Mlllilmlicre. AucilHtlllh. Hnrrv .....-r uui. .iniKiuci liurilll.tll IIAIITMAX-Oll llio following iliy, Mlllon II. ...iriilL-i in uu, 11IKJ, U, ui:Nl)lIiSIIOTT-Oii Hid laili hml.. inniv. ......... ...iiiiiiiuu. 111111 .unry .ri, iiL'uucr- fcliotl, of this jilnce, ngeil ouu lunulli. Illnoiu&l.urg illnilict Kcjiort. Whi'iit npr ImiLlinl iiye " v Corn . ,.. . El..".!) I ru 1 01 to (Mill. " Flour per Iwrii'l s W) s iu .' li.i .15 'Si III i-iovi'ir-l'l'll FlHXM'I'il Ilulirr ivks allow l'olillocn Drtwl Applet. ."..V.'.'.'.! : 5 2 M Klilos ii'ii'il "wiioiii'ii'm 1:1 17 J) ID UO ....t:lJ5.i',1 ....:....c;io .... em (xi lsu'.u uui u iht lUUUll llllV HIT 111.. No. 1 Knolrh nl-r liioom i.uMiiin:. Hemlock Hoards I'cr tliounaml leet Pino . . .. i.,i, Joist, Simitllii" riiinlc, (Himloek) hlilnglos, No. 1 per tlioiihiiuil Jt i.I , hi I) 7 I") s 1 Ht.hna lt. . I'llllnitclplilu .llnrUci, Ki.ori: Noitliwestcrn snpcrDnout... .ortliweslein ext. it ,. tl HOC Sii.Sj Nirtllivt sli-rii Weste.a, ilo. "ik .!"!"".V.V..'.".' tt o Hour Wiiiui'-iviinsyiv.iiilu ml. iV'lMw.""' u.l Ufll 7 UJ ... 7.1WI.J S7. tli. 81. H SI., li .. 1.109 fHi fl.lS SI IS . Ml.-S51.l0 Houihtrii " " Vislirii '. .. Hyj: l'l'tiuvylviiai-i ,-vo. t im. . C'auN Vi'Umr, " .Ul.l'll, . Oats luis ... -well 1 Ik: (u ill. 10 uoviaioi.s -Mci-s I'mk.i bia Lll'lH JH'l'l, " nuM-1 a ileal iliiins " " hlioitU'ciij "si i& nl . u I'i ... Sll'ftOC ;.'j''(1.-i, c luiiitl.i; .e Sl'KIK. I'lDVl lMlll ',1 I.HH..,, inr(.i.i(iii 57.I0s'.'.lO i Ilili.l.iyjMced V lm l''l.l.M.t ll ifii.i l S.I.I.U (Sie,.o t.'(l'...7j lillftl I O flXCOjl.WJ CATf l,B Ml'l'l 1 111 Ilo IB fol.'.i. .L liejil HIIKK1' H lb llOHS V IW Ihti Democratic Ticket. FOll COXOItKSS, CHAKLICS II. 15UOCICWAY, or ioi.r.MiiiA i orxiv. ulject to llio tlecMon ol llio Cuiiurchsionnl Lonii-ri'i's.) rem as.-jociati: jutxii:. JOHN It. YOHE, MI VI I.IN KNSlII.. roil hiii:iuff, HEES J. MILLAUD, wuir tuwn mil'. ' roii com.mi8siom:h, HIKAM J. It Iv III ) 10 It, CATAWISSA TOW.VSIIII", roil junv co.m.mi.ssioxi:i!, ISAAC Mc'IlItlDE, MALISON 10W.NSIIII'. FOIt COllONEIl, JOHN D. 1I0CCIC, lUlAlllM.cliL'rK TOW.VSHII., roii Aunnoit, DANIEL LEK, .M.VHIso.N TOWNSIIIl'. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ,T OTIC E , At die reriuestofn unmlier of fi lends, r nn. Iiouiicomv uaiueiisali IndcpeliUent Caiidld.Uo lor Hhcrin, unit lespucllully wihcil tmisupnortor tho public. AAltON HJUl'H. UllglU U-II, 17STUAY NOTICE. I il.llO to tlin m mtilsnu nT Mir. unl,s.rl ..... I.. 1 1 uii luiii township, on or about August Hi d, a Wlllli: how. without lusrks. 'lhu owner will eonie lorwaid, prmo pioperty. pay ehutges and Julio her uwuy, or she will be sold nccunlhiuto luw. . . HE.N11Y bHUfi. Hemlock, August IP, lafO-tr. rpEACHEKS' EXAMINATION. .X- Tho County Huporlutendeut wlllliold an ex. nmlnnllun ul Teachers, for the Town of Jllooma. uuib,iil uiu .uu leiuy. oil 1 LUUCaUUy, lllu iilhl Itisi,, coiiniiiuclugut 1, o'elocli, n. in. J'. iKia.iai, hoc, nuBlO'70-St. 10-PAKTNEUSH1P NOTICE. iho ro-purlncrklilii luretofore existing iu the uaiuuof 1). iV Wm. Monsters, Is this tluy dissolved by mutual consult, llio biiolius.Iii be eoutinued i.y ii in, -riusieis, wnu Wlioinuu UCCOUIUH will bo lilt, nml purtfeu ll'ilobtiil uio uquisled to call und make setdemenl. anil tbo.o hnvlmr claims ure leuuvsleil to pieseut ll.tisnme. DAVID MAHIHltS, . WILLIAM MAbi'KUS, Mlllvlllo, Alitf. 19, lb70-3t. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. S T , (ill WYilllPBildv Ati....4 tnil. ...,.n Hit tall) 14 II I ' , HI" KIIIDK! OI otii. wn in 1 1 . ,r y. l.l..o,,,,bl,rK,A.,..(Jfl!s7)e'iir:,NW-11AUT,,N- 'PEAOHEItiS EXAMINATION n .,!., 11 -"ll,ny',iiperiiiii'ii.ieiii win nnnl nn iiA.V, , . l...l.vllc, rH ',r 1110 lowiiHiiip or ii.., . ' ''iniviiio, on Mininny t ia lid i hut.. enmiiHiieiiiK nt u o'clock, n. m. nugU'iU-a. A.1-. YOU.VU.Hco. lui.;, 1110 co-pniiiicrnlilpliwlnforo cxKllnit umlcr . n.Vi. i., 1 . , 10m, uoiuniom couiitj, Fa., ms this ilny Ui 11 iIUmiIvciI by inn. linn lonscni. All I'lnltiK nml keltic inents mut , Jinuu iviin tno iiomt llrni uiiilir tho nninn of loin. Au3,,,t lLMr.70.4u-. 'V "MU1' "JIKAPEST PAPElt IN THE rfff .') 0 0 10 N T S J THE WEEKLY PATK10T CONTAISINl, roilTY-IflOHT COMIMNrt of v-. . . '. ; . ".'. '.ni-uirj-, Avricuiiii ni.i-iiripiii iNt'll'8. AC. Iriitil 1 in 1,' r. l M..r,t ..... I.n ..-n .... Ill tho First of Jnininry, 1S7I, lor FlltyCcnls lo H'u niKirLiiiJi;!, ,,u I.ICUlOrl Ol IC11.8S.11 lO cliilM oftwontv. iiiiil J to clubs nf ono liliti. ... nuuim iti.uri'sHj, casii in nn vn nee. AiiareMS ,, ,,. , 11. r. IJIM to. nugl2'70.1wOr'1 "" "'Pr'tturs, Harrltbuig, in JJONTOUlt 150UNTY FUND 180'.). r.VAN Collector. I'o amount of Duplicates jja 50 lly nmnuni paid henry I.nznrt TreiiMircr lly percentiiKo lly exonerations llnlanco paid torielioot Tieastncr i'15 CO 111 IU 10 21 00 111 SiSsTo ltHNltY liAZAUUH. Trenanrer. ' amount received of llvnn Wellvi.rl'ollector 311 10 lly iim't pild James Iiarlnn nolo 1 y. . ,. , , " , '"r I'npl lento nml imblMihiK last settlement hy percelitnua Amount hi hniuls of Treasurer 11 ca 1 1,0 :a so NOAH StorSKK. SKK, 1 .'ItV. I nal, 1 IS A Al JIOWIl' Auilllors. John o. ijuici ntigl2';o-3w. TN THE ORPHANS' COUHT IN .1. nml lor llio rounly orrolumbln. In tliomnt- of Jcreinliili ICIItit. Inin ..r I...I..A i....' ilnocllH-il, lor niecllie perfoi mniieo of lontim-i." -iiny .Ira. is,n, u. W. -Miller, Hsi., cimtluucil com iiilHsloiicr to inKo proof ol contract. ij 111U1..111111. 1 iTuueii irom tho Itecord, WnLi.i.vriTox II. tor, fleil.-. To persons lntnrestn.l In Mmnl,m.n .... nm Ice, thai I shall attend for thn purpose of niv npnohitiHciil ut iny olilco, In Illoomslnnit. 011 uiurilny.thc Kth day ol Alltflivt, A. l., 1C70. at tenoclocl.-.n. 111. c. W. Mil. 1 I'll ' ugi .0-lw. Commissioner, l?Xi:0UTOUS' NOTICK. J-i J.srATKIll' I.11VM IllblTKmi'll. Iiee'lv Letters tcvtnmentnry on tho estntn of Lewis Diet ll H. Illlll of lr I,,.,. ... I .... ilee'il, tieen ginnteil by tho Iti ul'der or snlil eoiinly In Kumar Dictleili'n and Hlepheu llli'l- u i h i; oi nn irerccic lownshln,. Coluniljl.i (minly, I'a. All pcrMins liavim-eliilliis iiL'alnst 1 "' l'nscnt them i u,u l.xeeulers 111 relumbla Tlioso Inilcbled to the es nil' cither 011 .1011.. ,,,,...7 or book nieoiinl Milt 111:1k,. n:,,",, ,,.,,1 !,. ,.,h,'!r.u editors without delay. j:.ii.miiii DitriTiaiicir. ,,.,-n ,'. Hl'i:i'IIK.V iniiTl'EUIt'ir. ugi .0-liw. i:.ieuloi's. s IIEItlFE'S SALES. IS.V Vlrtllo of Hllllilrv vi lis. if r.r.i-,t 1 l.'.i . 1..... ed olltot thofourtolLomillou I'leaaol Collllnblii eoiinly and to mo direcled will bo exposed lo miIu by public eiidiio orolilcry nt thuL'omt iimiseiii iiooiusiiiiig.iiiteiioVlocli In Iholore 110011 nt Mnni iiy hem. Sdi ism. il... in,n..i.;v:...i thtale, lo wit: 0 All that certain i.ioen or nnrr...i f in,..i ui...n.n In tho llol-ouirb 111 ...rll.. ...'..1 .. J.... ..V .S.ileni township. l.u7vruo eoiinly, fa.,1 belni; parts of lots nun ked and liumhereil, In tiieuen ernl p nn el said town, numbers Iltty-six 1111,1 llty-iiine, lleglnnlUK In tho ml Idle of lot mim. Ia.1- lllty-slx 011 dual Stl.ot Ihenco by KUd lot seventy lour and 11 fouilh ieet lo lot number Mty In huzerno county, tbenco by tho tamo slxty-r.lx lilid 11 half loet to 11 piece 01 land (tli.s day eouveyi'd In the mortgOKies herein to W. A. .WI.....-V, iiicui-o Mini iiuer h 101 seventy-four ni.ilii ouarterfiet to thu eentro of lot iiumbe. tl tV-SlX. tl.l'lICO bV lllfl Mllllf. ulvlv.iir n.,.l n 1... ,r Ieet lo tLo plneo of bet'liiulnK, loaither with tho lieredltnmtiits 11 ml appurtenances. Mulycd.tnliiii In e.eciillon nml to be sold ns the pioperty of Hllain Smelheis. Ar.SO: At tllO samo tlluo and nlner. nil 11, nt r.nvtnl,. Jot or piece of Kiomul, sllunle, lyluu and being In Oiangevillo In llio county ol Columbia mid Hlnlt. ol I'.in iimv Ivniiln In ,ii.,.li.,t .....i .i.. ....ii... i rs billows, Hz: bounili.,1 on the soulli by n lot of .-suiiiiii i oi man, on mo east by laluls ol Xa- ......... . . ,...,, .... uui ui liinus oi isntiniu- village of orangevllle, logctfierwltu Hie l.eiedlt umeutsauil aiitmrteiiauces. ii-i r-i-eiii null on uiu lllll ill- Ainin nr I ,n i-eniiii, in execution ami to bo sold as tho plopeity of Ocorgo I.nzarus, ... , MUHI1LUU JIII.l.Alll). Sl2.l) riherlir. AY IDOWS APPKAISEMENTS. The following nnnrnlseiiients of u.n l nn.i n.,. snnal niotiertv set u l.lnu-u ,,r .iu...i....iu have been tiled In the olilco of tho lleglsteroi Co uiubl.i county, under the Itules of Court, ami will bo presented lorubsoluto toniiriuntlon, to the Orphans' Court to bo held hi lUoomsburg. hi mid lor said eountv.oii Weiliiesiini- tii...-ni, .i,r.. ,.r Sept. 1S70 at two o'clock 1". M of said day, unless exceptions to sucli continuations uro pievlously tiled, ot which ull persons lnteicsled lu said estates will tul;o uoticu: I. Widow of Jacob Arlley, late of Franklin township, deceased, II. Widow of ll.iltzer Esslck.late of Madison towushlp, deceasnl. 0. Widow of JohnDallmaii.lateorGrecnwood township, deceased. 1. Willow ot .Mlch.-ic! t..iiw,.i l.l. ..rt.'i.i. ingcreek townslilii. deeensed. o. Widow ol Jacob uliton, Into of Ililarcrcck township, ilueeiised, li. Widow ol lienrgo Keller, lnleof Oreeuwood townshlp, deceased. 7. WllloW Of .llll.lCS lTllllllllt Mnnlll..,.)..,. towushlp, deceased. r. IVlllOAT or I..II1 ! SI Vn, .nllnn l.lnr.ll lensinr (im-iiklil.. .i..n..n....i ' ' (i. WIdOW Ot David Vest, littnnf rni.ii. I e. ship, ileceasi'd. W. H. J.V'OllY, nug),0-lm. HegMir. "1 EGISTEll'S NOTICE.-Notici: is JL herebv trtven tn nil lnnitifi .riMi!t...... ..,,,1 htll'CtlVt) (llTCilOlltM Illlll 111 1 1 Wit v tli.iMl.n 1..! i,.... bin cmiiity, ami will lio mfscnUtl lor ct.nlli in.i uGUHu iaintvvr.nco in tho (Ji iilmnV Court, Ui bu llL-M Ul lUuomsbliri.' Oil W.'ihu s.l:,v- lln. -.ti, n rjept.i,u, uttwu o'clock i a Uio iiltcrnoou uf 1. I'"lrt,t mid imi llfil nr.f. rtii.,t ..r r Ifi.inlti.r,.p,,.1r V...r,.,, I. iZ. HIIU Ol iMTUIIll' 1)1 lllll .s.Hll(t nt (li, II,.., !... . 1'. illird 1111(1 Ititnl in fount t l..l ....),.,.. ... nilniliiMintnrol italtls AppUiuan. Ialj I til Heir J. I lituml Unal account of KIwutmI Jliiirlifx. uariliaii ot t hi iii' nnd n.i,di..ii !. if IUU, minor lilUl of Jacolj llill.iale ofCVutiu t-ini, urtTMH'U, J. Mist nml llnai ncrniint. ikf irn..i,r.u'illtm oi iho ncisnii and cktul. l 'l l T.u i' i ! , i'i i oi J at on iiui.lalo offcutre townslfflcS H,dittU' 11110 lf0li,,1- ii, 4 nu uihi ami mini account of (J, RHcylieit. uinhil.hutoroUl.oeMnlootCallm.l iioHwU-h lalo o Itriairrctlc townMilp, tlm-iwil 7. 1 list ucciiiint if Ui i ..ui.... f....i. , locph II, Kilchi'ii. inltuliilsf intniw oi wnu...,, liclu-n, lato oi mi. 1'kusnut iwp., dcciasdl. h. 1-ltfiL and i H i iiim,iii..i .r' n, r I i?J iKiUu '. i ",' ,"r ",u I"'""'" nnd isti.ii. ii- i.i. . . 7. i . , . . i . . .......... ii s nun ui .uii'iKiei bile llghl, luiout llelillei k townslilii di e'd. 11. 1 lui n in nl ..I !.., .... 1 1 i. ...i. .., n ...i..V .... ..iti'i'wiiiiiiiiii i'..iuei ll.i lor, trustees to sell islule oi John iluy loi, i.iiu ot .Montour townslilii, deceased. 10. 1 he ilrst uciouuloi Dennis llyine, ndmln sll.ilor of iho estate of Patrick liynic, lutu uf toiiyngliiim township, deceased. ... ... ..... i.iv-uitiii ui rs.iiiiui'1 Lieasy. admin- Islllltor ot Iho estslo nl n. w is...V. i... ... hroU township, Ueeeaseel. " 1.'. Accoliutol minuul Cleasv. gunidlnn eftho person and estate ot .Mliiulo A. rirnu n, minor t'lllhl ot Mutlhuw lliiiiui I ii.. ..r i.,iu.. ........ stdp. dei'iasul. u. iiieui'i ountof Isuao If riekbnum. udnilni -r". .Ycri 1')VUr,'lk "I'ltiuun.lato ol FMitng. II. Fust uecnuiit ni lt i, .-.1 ii........ ,,... Andrew Obhusei galoot lllooiiuwp.,'dee,d. , , ... , , , , . . .i iiiuiui u. iieeuei, until roi iii I'i i !l V '"'uet Locust twp.,die'il. hnl NuaioVor , :,'V " touuslup, iliee.lsetl. . ' " i, i no ueeouui oi it. r. uarlman, guaiill.m of Lllibidl A. Ull Sinn nilii.. ..1,11.1 ... 1... ...... Itilstou, Jr., lutooi Illooiu iwp., deceased. i. ill. uicouill ot Levi L, iat,., guaidlan of Josepli I . 1'aitersou, uiluor ehlld el rilinou 1'. 1'iilleri.oii, hllool the llor. of llerwlck, eleeeasee" 11'. The I'lrount ol Itobl. F. Clark, surviving executor of William hleau, late uf llloum Iwp.. del cast d. ' ' a). Final account of John K, llobiiins, nilmlu Islralin ol IkiiJ.iuiluTue, Lite ot. Montour twp., deceased, ' ill, final nieountof II. 1 Fortuir, executor of hiuuh Holliuaii.lalouf Cutuwls.i towushlp, de ceased. A 'Iho necouut of .Martin A. Ammermiin and tyrus ill. White, executem ot William llubblus, liilii nr rlslilugcitik township, deeensed. tJ. Fhrtumi purdal uei'ouiitort'ourudlf.eiiin. ei mm riduuiui i run, uiimiuistrnlois uf rllu o.i Cotuer, lute of Madison twp., iteceuscd. 1. Thetlrstiuid liuuliiccuuntufHIlus W, Joliu son, guardlaii or the pcisoiu and estules of Az inn Johnson, Adam Johnson, John Johnson, Owen 1,. Johnson, Tlieiuus JohtiHoii, Sarnh John on, nnd Hucinuh Johnson, minor chlldrin of Catliarino Johnson, lulu of Columbia eo., die'd. Si. I- rst iiudllnuiuecountot l',c. Wnilswortli, iidinlulsliutor of IVter F.uiory.luto ol FishlUK creek tuw ushlp, eleceused. , ,,.n i W. II. JACOIlY. uus5'70-lm. Heglster. ONE HUNDRED BARRELS P 11 1 M li 11 Y E W II 1HK li Y, , IllllKK TO BIX VKAltS Obi). The unilersliiied bus for sale, by Iho llarrcl or Uullon, tho very Exccll-Mit stock uf 11 I I, I, M II Y E 11 W II I S IC E Y, lierctnfpro In store at lllooissburg nud now ro. luised by the Uo eminent, 'io be sold lu die In l l i st ol the Hulls el Morllii Jllllmejer, ilee'd. IJ12i'7P-l m l'li-lElt UlLUlb VLll, AUm'r. Real Entato Salca. pUBLIO SALE YAt.UAflt.i: ItHAt, JWi-ATK. Tlm tlliilcisljiiiril. llxirlllols or tlio hist Will nnd 'liBlnmeiil or Henry Delllenhndier, Into ol Dei ry township, Montour county, l'n , decM., by milhorlly In snld Will contained, will expose In wit,. , l.y pul-lu, vetnliie ,. t,0 prunls. V. !".' tJA1LI'"'v,r'i:i'Ti:.Mnlat nui..' lO i. clacli, A, .M.,the most valuable lteid Hstnto which lins eolne Into mnlliet lor innliy jenrs. Hie limits he upon nril ndjoiiilng iiij tmbllo lend lind ti irom WnsliliiKtonvlll,., to llio 1.x chnnite! being ilisinnt lrom WnshhiKlonvllie, i"".'. t-l,,,lll'h nicoiiimoilntloiis.nboiit ononnil a bnlf liillrs, lioni Diilivlllo about 10 miles, lrom ' "!.n.",-n.,".',nt 12Jnl,1. "'"I horn lllooinsbuig nbou t I mllei. 'lin y are In n high stato of nil ".Vi''.'i'ln'V;1 "r dio M-ry best iiuallty. TKAt r Jin. I, lonlalnliig 101 ACHES AND 17 PEHCIIES. win re .11 are ere- till lare btatilirully sllunled, two and nhair slory ' KlONi: DWHLI.INU IIOUHIH t,!.'!l,1?i.H,,ll"?.,n'",".l","lt earn, nnd other out liulli lugs, with n well or excellent water, nml a eonslilciiiblo iitiatillly nf tholcu Irult, nnd with timber nbiimluiit lor nil fatni nnd I, milling pur pises, iiiid Miitcied by a binncUnr t'lillllsnuaiiuo ''.'..'. 'l !.'. t1-'" "1,cl11 ''i-t botindntles. J ItAtl' fin. eoutaliiing 100 ACHES AND 102 PEltCIIES, adjoining tlnct :Jo, 1, nbovo mentioned! Ill ncrcs nt whlih Is eliaied, Willi good npplo nrcli ud on Pin t of It, ft acres s.nrsely and .'Oncics ilrst into 1 incer, eonHstlng of unit, Hickory, .Maple. l hesinni fte.,i,f imiiieiise value, nnd the Innd ni test 'iiiiillty.nrier thotlinbir has been f I'.V.i'.'J' A1'0 (.',".lt "a "Ul'irlor ipinllly for biilldliu; fins, Wagons Ac., nnd tho land Is wnt tiud by n biuiich ol t'liUllMiuaqun Creek, an I "'o'wrclli's3' I'llnc'!',n110 Lnl.eoiilnhilngl ncro THaL'T No. j, IJiiiritoner.ol,coiitalnliig i acre and I.i peichcs. TItACT Nn. 5, t.limslouo Lol.contaliilnglacro nnd 61 per.'bes. J)1' I'lnicMono Lot, containing 3 aeits nnd Ijl pcichis. ,'w s,!W?i !!' "" W t.nsll' nccisslljlc.nml good for building nnd Ilmo binning, fi-rirniiis ilislrlng In cxiiiulno tho farms, will bo obligingly shown over them by Mr! iriiekcnmllltr who lesldcsupon tho premises. Illults tuny Le tieu 111 the luiunnor cither of the Executors, STriiM3 or HAi i'.. Ten per cent ot tho pur clnsp money sl.nll be puld on the day of iaie. oiie-tblnl :oI die bnlniico on tho 1st ol April, a! I). l.s.1, wlien pntusslon win boglvcn nnd the bnlnme April 1st. If,?:!, wllh lulciisl lioni April 1st. ISil, And the piuihanis shall elder into ngiiimciils Willi luuilty to loniply with the turns nfnile. I pon thu pajmini ofthepur. chnn mom y, good nnd mtlicluit deeds, ni the uxpinseot the pnichnseis lor slumps, shall be oxi uilul nnd ilellMiul by die Hxeculois. n-' V 1'dvilii.o to Hoik up tlio Umber o'i T. rncl o. w 111 bo given Inimeillntcly upon ei tirlng liitoibet.gii emi nt wllh securltynsnfo.e sulil. .JOHN A. Ft NM ON. Ulni nisburg, l'a., ...? "l'HAIt:it, Wllshlligtonvllle.Fa. migll.o.iw. l;xeculois. P U 15 L I 0 S A L E V A I. U A 11 1, H -n f 11 II A L HSTATi:. Hi mirsunnce or nil orderortlipOrphaiis'Court R .V" !"JI1U'!- county. l'.i.,on SATUH1) A Y.August Jith, ls,n, nt ten n'elnrk Iu tho lorenoon, Joseph Unucli, ailniinlstifllor of Jolm Hunch lato or Montour tow nshlp, Columbia county, deceased, will expose to sale, by public venilue.on the wit' '"ail"lh it" '""UWII1S uescrllioil leal estate, to C1CUTA1N TItACT OP LAND, Ml unto In .Men I our nnd Hemlock tnunshlps Co lumbia county, adjoining lands or lvter Hehii bnch on Iho ensl, .Incol) helby nnd otheis en iho SOUIh. l'l.ler llnvlnr I 11 lint Inr .,,,.1 I.'. ..,. 1..V. htongo on tho west, nnd Oeorge Toby on thn 1101 lb, continuing i:iuiity Acnns and kluvhn rniicmys rlrlet luensure. Wlicuon nio elected A OOOD DWELLING HOUSE, ngoed bank b.nn, wngou house, pig stye, spring house unit other out buildings; good sprln.' of ui'M r tailing water nt thn hrmsi. n,,,i'i. .. good npple oieh uil. About sixty news of which Is denied land, bulnneo III good weoil-i, Inlo the estate el said John Hunch, deceased. cCoNiiiTinxsoFfSAi.i:. Ten per cent, of the Pllll huso molll'V to be nil Id nn I hi. slrltr i ol diepropelty. llni-linll ot tho bnlnnee ol l-io purcl.nse money loho pnld on the 1st day or A pi 11, A. D. IsTl.nnd Iho balance on the 1st dnv oi Am ii, a. D.1S7J, wuu nuerest on Iho saino Horn tho Hist dn. ot April lt71. l'urchuser to puy lor DeeJ and Mnmiis. rossosslrm i-nt i.n ......7, oil the 1st day ol Aplil, A. D. 1S7J. Tho grain In iuu rjrouuii aim ni.ii lo up sown Hits full Is lo sel'Md. Miuw to itmnln on llio pii inlses. JOSia'H ItALCIl, Adm'r. ALSO At the Slitili. Illlll. nml nlnnn ..'111 l.r. sold by the heiis ot mid deceased, tbo lolloHlng peisomil property to wit: ONH WILLIAM I'UNN COOKI.NO STOVE, plponnd Ilxlnres, ouocopprr kettle, ono eloilc, oui' watch, one shot gun, one fanning mill, two ............ .,iio, Bi-i ui eiiiieuier inoi iVc, Ac, C'oiullllons mnite known en ilny ol sile. , Tin: mans of .said w:ci:am;d. 11. 1. 1 oiti.Mit, Aueliolieer. Montour twp., July l-j. is;ort. A U G UST, l'ltEl'AIti: FOll THU CHOLEItA. Willi the "heated term" comes tho danger of that hlghtrul pestilence Cholera nnd kindred diseases. What untold and Indescribable mis cry lias been visited upon thousands nununlly by I hese awful complalnls. Hut overy one ought to bo luaiteawaie dint u speelllo for this class of iiisn.ises, a-, wen ns ii certain prevenllM1, Is Hie celebrated MlhHLKI.'.s HKICIl Iliri'LIlM. It win positively ninny inesyslelu against tlio at' tili'HK el Asiatic I'helein, Cholera Morbus, Choi i'ia Iiilniiuim, Dial line.-., hununir complalnl Dysentery, ( 'liolle. Painters' chelle. ae. n. II lllssi I, M. 1... I'liyslclan-ln-ehlel of die U. H. Hospital Khip ..l.'nIcou," highly recommends lt for Cholera, ui-.t has used lt with marvellous suc cess In such cases. Jt nets lllto an angel or meicy in eveiy Instance. Ksld by ail diugglsts and dealers, ri lee one per bottle. augV70, ft i nnn hew A K 1). r i i ,t7 "ur "llv enseof Illlinl llliedlng J, i'i.. i lie iii iii i 1-ne.s urn inc niMfi s I'll.K lliiMKnv lulls to cuic. It lsnreiiared exnresslv to cure the flies and nothing else, nnd cured . .nv-. ... ,j ye.ll-3 SlllUIUU. HOIO by llll Diugglsts, VIA Pt'GA, Do lling's Via I'ug.i Is tho pure juices oru.trks, Helbs, Hoots, nnd lierrlcs, lor CO.VIsU.III'TIO.V, Intlummntlonof tho I.ungs;all Liver, Ifldnov, nnd liladdcrdiseases.orgiinie Wenliness, Female .uiu. in,,,., iii-iii-i.ii i.i-iiiiii) .ami 1111 complaints ot the Urinary Organs In .Mule and Female, pro ducing Dyspepsia, t'ostlveuess, llravel, Diopsy nnd herolul.i, which most generally terminate, In Consumptive Decline, It purines and enriches the lllood, die hilllary, lllandularaml Secretive System; Corrects nml Strengthens tho Nervous nnd Muscular lorccs: lt acts like n chai m on weak ntrvous, nnd ilcbilltuteil leuinles, belli youu. nnd old. N'ouo should be without lt. Sold every wlieie. LAUOKA-toUY-ll.' franklin St., lldtl iuoiv, JIiL uugV70-ly. INFVIi'VTAPQ ADDItKSS KDSON linos., ll JilA 1 UllO I'.iteut Agents, lYINllltli st. usliiiuiiou, 1). t., tor iiil v lie, terms nnd ulcr cuees. g AXON QUEEN. Is llilgliter, will not fade, Co-aa Less than nny other biiuusellwllll'ulnl Iwleuus iniiclisuli.iiei OLIl 11Y ALL DEALEIIS IN 1' A I N T S . J. II. WLF.KS A CO., M.uiur.irttircra. I.': NUUl'll lm sriim.r, 1'im.Ai.Ki.i'iiiA, IIIUHTSTOWN I LAH.SICAI, INMfl I'HTII or 1 1 1 tmn'i Mi ii on, ;,,,,, helld lor chcillurs to Lev. .1. H. Al.i:AMii:it, frill.. Hiiil. Islown. N. .1 N TEWSPAPEK ADVERTISING- A I look of liielos.-ly piluted P'lres, lalely Is. suid, leiitnli.s a list ol the best American Ad M'lllslng .Muliiims, glwng tl.o n iiiies, elreulu. lloiis.und lull p.ulieularsai'em'i ruing tho lead- IllL- IlUIll Illlll Wll.llll' Piilllli'ill nn,. ..'ni.iil.. Newspu pels, togi! her wllh nil those huMiiglariio circulations, puhllslied In tho Inteiest oritellg. 1011, Agricuiiuie, l.lleiulurt' Eiery Ad yeillser, 11 ml every poison who lonieinplates beCOIll 1.1- SUell. Mill Illlll Ibis biinlr .,1 value. Mailed Ili'O to uiiv nddn ss on reeeilit ot 11 I cell I'ents. IJl.O. f. lmwi.l.l. a- is) Ii,i.. lisheis. No. 111 I'Ain; How, New Voik, J lie I'ltlsburill fa.) JAtltlir. Ill ttslsslinnr Mnv St. IsTII, says: "Iho llrni ol ll, P. Howell .t Co., which Issues ibis Intrusting nnd valuable book, Is lli and best Aiherllslng Aguuy in die IMilted Stales, uud wuenu clieeilullv leeoui lilellil It to the nlti lltloll of Ihoso whodtslru lo ud veil Ise I heir business sell ndtle ally nnd syste matically lu such uwuy; that Is, so to seeuio tlio Iniisl iinieunt el publicity lor Iho least ex pelidltuiu ol money," pATENTS. Inventors whowlsli 10 tuko out r.eiiets cut ulolidvise'd toeouusel Willi M UNN A CO..11I. Ilei's ot the .S'l'itublo liifTlisoi, who huvo prose. eu ciniins iieieie u o mienl ulticu for over enlv Veins. '1 hell' A 1,11,1 Ir-n ii 1111. 1 l'i,...nA,.. l'nteiii Agency Is die) most extensile lu the wunu. iluuges less thiiu nny uthir ullablo lUllll'V. A H.1111.1 llet I'ell nltiliit- In I liistrii... tlous lo luvi'i.lois Is sent gratis. MUN.N A; co a; furl; How, New Yoik. T O S T , HI ru veil from thu ef I tin siitisi,rlli. In liloomshuiv. about two ueeks Klin-.,, n small led cow. lour sours old, marked with while on Iho In lly uud lui ing u lew w lllto bulrs iin he loreheiulj hud a hole dnougli light iur. A libel 111 11 wind w 111 bn iinlil In miv ru... On,ll,, her. Atip y ut die mure ol Itnbblns ,v fjer, Mulu H hlooiiisbuig, f. C. EVEll. llleomsburg, July a, '7U-lt. I VOID UUACUS.-A victim of early ludlscrc IV lion, iiiiisignetvous debility, pieninluroilo c.iy,Ai'.,h1iug uied in valu every ndveidsed "'"f Hinpli) mentis of self-cuie. which V,',1 '.I,1: ' I.l.'.''l,1', h'lltiw'.sulleiers. Address J. H, 1 L I'I Ll, it Nassau St., New York, SSIG NICE'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given dint K.imucl Kuorr, Esq., Assignee ol Jimicii W. Cheniberllu, li.isi ii .l.lJ'rl"l.'lnol";l, lose'her with the vouehe J theroof, n lhu olilco of tho Protiionotnry In u ,U for tbo County ol Columbia, ,i v-n.. WELUNOTON H. ENT. Jl.J iU-5t, frothonotiiry. A LL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING,1.yxecaUd ul Tu" Ooi.UJCiAa Bttam rriutlug Otnoe, QOUKT PI IOC LAM ATI ON. WllisnEAStlioHon. William Hlwell, l'resldcnt Judgo of iho Court of Oyer nml Terminer nnd (l.-mernl Jnil Dellveiy, Court of iiiinrler Hessions or llio l'enco nnd Com tor Ceminon rieas tiud Or phuii'sCoiiitln Iho Joili Judicial District, com posed or the enmities nr Columbln, hlilllvuii nml Wyoming, and Iho Hon, Inmi Deirnml IsnnoH. Jloiiloo Assoelnlo Judges of Columhlii eoiinly liavu Issued their precept, beailngilatu tho Utli ilny of .Mny In iho year of our herd, ono thousand, eight hiimltcil and seventy nml In ror lioIdliiguCoiirli.r oyer nml Tei mlnirniid lleneiiili)uiiiler Hessions or Iho I'euce, l ciurt or Commoii l'lcunnd Driiliiiii'ri Court, hi llloomsbui'g, In tno countv ort'olumbln, on tho Ilu.1 .Monday, being Iho 6th day ol (September next, to eotltlnlli) unn week. Niiileo Is hereby given, to the Coroner, to the Justices orthul'iace.niid Iho Conslablts of tho said county ort'olumbln, that they bo then anil therein their proper peisou at 10 o'clock In tho loienoou of mid uth ilny ol Hipt., with their rcc oids, lmijilsldoiisniid other remembrances, lo ilotlioso things which lo their nlllces nppertnin to bo done, And thos0 that mo bound by recogul7aiice, lo prosccuto ni.nltist Iho prls oneiH Hint mo or mny ho In tho Jail ol llio said county or Columbln, to bo then nnd Ihero to pro-cento tln in ns slinll bo Just. Ju lius uinicnui sled to bo punctual In their nttuid niice.ngriiably lothelriiotlces. Dated ntlllooms-(7'-l e'trc, Iho jjtlidny orJuly, Iii Iho year i'i b. of our Lord, ono tlimisnnd eight hiin ,V ?T'J iliednnd -evenly, nnd iu tlio ninety. fourlli yenr ni tho Indcpendcnco of tlio Unite,! Utii e.s of Amerlin. MOllDKCAl .MIM.Altl), lllooinsbuig, July .), ls;o. Shcrlll. GHAND JUllOHS. lOIl HLI't'UM 111.11 TUIi.M, 1670. Illooin-Wm, J. Iieldlcinan, Ualtzcr t.eacoclt. I .'iVr'-il'""!1;1 Pl'liinnii, i;i.brnlm Kline. Hearer t. J.. sthiiiiinn, 1 riarercek-nmiiior Deldcrlclc, John 1', llrlnk. llenjnVnln zT,' '.lr.'""' 'Mm" ,MwI- i V",1."'su'l,l'a'"'1'1"', Levy Hldlny. I'lshliigereek-HliamlVnlfr. IIIIIsKves""11-' J' lk''a'l' ltl,linl11 JoIiiibou, 'nen.lock-niOlil. .Inclisou-Tlieoilore Hmltli. ilninc Win. C. Ilelchnrd. s,'"'-0'urgo llic, Vnlentluo Wclllvcr. i omit riens.ii,inenry J. Johnson. Mugnrlonf-Jerse H iriiuan, Win. 11. l'etermnn. Petit j unions. i Foil nniTt:.Miii:it tukm, is;o. cKeVhjVl JSkC'rgU Y",,' JO"" J'' iii'rCfe tonyiigbii.n--.Morrisl.uwls. uiiW wSI'tti! ' "" e;cuiie-Isnnei.ijdir, jsH0 uroer. tiniialia l.or.-D.miel Lenii,uu. ,-iiuiii;eiti'ii .losi-iu neaeoik. James V Joni, ru'ry lluekaiew.s'amueU WeavcrToio' M. HoMcil, lieuj.ilulu I', i: igar. "l"iUio. riaiildln-luubui lllgel, Jesso Meurc. Oueiiuoiid John I.egjott John lltm-l- T'lHs K hue, ra Mclluny,isn,re.M. Dcino't "U ' L"',, llHiilock in, , lutersteen, Joseiili If. Mc A . Oil t o'l ,C V W"s"1' 51"11"JS 'e. JltttlVlas Locust Wiu. II. Helnlmld, William Camnbill Josnim Wonier, hamui i Me.irs. Jr. u,,"euu. .....itiiL i less tin ncni y A. Xllllnr H.W1.' 'iutVi !?. ,le! Rr ji 'ii.uiaii, ui,. is- llijn Lutz,'hweiipenlilsei'. oi iour-joslnb Kobe, is, wm. M. Quick s'il!oJ,olif H"? h.uuuel ficniolt. 1 l " t Kiljah hni iter. hcotl-D-niRi A. Creasy, Thomas Dallmnn. pjlHDfJlFNOTICE. Wo will meet on Meuday tbo SJmldny of An , 10 o clock, iu Franldln twp., near ltuibeli l.c gles',ti)liceio piopusals toiebulld county biidge at that Milut. l.ri.igoio leel, between abutments; LemitU of ...... vn .v,i.--i,iiuiiuii' iii i. lies nun moi ns, luotleen posts and 1 king post on emh side, tolm covered with good while pluo thlugles, All timber to bo or goodijunllly, Al'oonlho lollowlngdiiy, leliis' thnSlrd.wo " ... u i in ,. i ui luiu ,1,1 enuiiii line oeiween i nn nnnl! i nun loiumoin eiiuuncs Uelll' the residence nl .Mr. Hlijah Yocuui. hill or i.rjir.i.n nm lattkii lmiMii:. 2 Scow backs oi w hit s nnl.-. 1 e hotels, o by II and 7'J 2 plates, in by io and 7s 1 posts, Why II and 17 1 " s by 10 nnd 111 I " o by hi and M 4 braces, to by m nnd .7 - " 10 by 10 nml f.l Istllnmus. 12bv 11 nml hi fi et long, IMnc, " " Hemlock. " " l'llie. Hemlock, l'lnc. I UIUl'CS, il by 10 nnd " . ) ny li laid i.. 5 sleepers, 7 by n nnd L7 10 7 by 0 and LU 1 cross ties, s by s nnd Hi 1 Ills. 1 liv 10 nml L" JUinlocU, riiic. Ilcmloclc, 10 fcludi. II by 4 nnd 11 " ' " 7S lnlleis, 3by 3.1 .Iby 4JJ A 11 " " " About .u l.etMdiiig, i'o be covu td with good i. rAonr?, W.M. (I. oli'tl'I Comml-s'is. (JVIIITM llillllll JNS, I Attest Wit. KlttcKllAUM. Weill liloouisburg, August I'J, 1S70. DKIVATE SALE V ALU A ISLE UUAIi II Si T A T E. The undersigned oners at pilvnto silo about 00 ACIILS OF VALUABLE LAND, slluato In ncnton township, Columbln county, hounded by I.iuls or Kllzaoell. Kline, D.uilel hludlr, Jneub Ash, Jaieb Jlelshllno nml eihers. 1' llll oil Acies eir which Is cleared laud. It also contains u good joungorcliaril, A FRAME HOUSE AND BARN nnd a never falling prlng Ilrst class of water. Also a HAW AND LATHE MILL. The balance of the tract Is heavily timbered with oak, while pine, Ac., For terms, conditions, Ac, apply to the under signed. 1 lu nelual number ol liclts will bo do luuillied by slirver.'-lf W.M. Ari'LEMAN. LLEN it NEEDLES, UKot'iii Ilu.Aif.ini; Avrj.Nui:, PiiiLAiirLi'iiiA LSl AllLlSHIvl) IN lSls. Contlw.o tho manuljetuioof tliclr old staudaid eiuallly SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, AND AMM0NIATED FEUTILIZEH. llOtll of Which are sold lit Lnu- IMitr'iis lili.liti- remuuerallvo to the FAitsmcoii Dealkk. SEND FOll Clf.CHLAIl. NO. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, (Ouuiluo dove-nmcnt from Chlnclia nnd Uttan- utiu ISlUUtls. PurnC.ileined.nnd Land Plaster. Hydraulic Ce ment, Candles, nnd ii lull assortment ot liiritx I.S'u and Uhuasimi uiunt lowest maiketiiitcs. A DISCOUNT TJ DEALEIIS. Should lilt, ilenlni' m ni-. ,i, nnl 1...... . .... n.ii ties, mid oiii orileisliiiisiindthcy wllliecclwi plempt ntleulteu. i or r-Hie ny nio nioomsl.ui'g Hou Co, nugYTlMltl JOHN Q. JACOBY'S BAKEKY AND CONFECTIONERY! HEllWIt'K, PENN'A. 1 10 UllllerS Uliril Mlllllil,rir,,ll.. l..fn.... tbo Citizens el lit 111 Ilk. mill I ii lllll v. Iliul. lm i iipiiiiii ii i iniieeiioiieiy nun in ODD FELLOWS' HALL, lliTWlck. P.I.. llbrln In, Is ,.i-..,,.,.r.l e. r. i. nil lrl..,rj..i ' ' ' "' "..eisu PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, FUH.VCH CANDIES, roi.EiuN AND HOMl:s'JlC Fltf ITS oltANUl s, LEMONS, ItAlhlNs Ac., Ac., Ac., Ae. J1Y WIIOI.I.SAI.I; AMI tlKTAIL. Among dm ussoitmi nt will be Inund Cioum Mils, I'imllsh VMilliuts, f, iiiuils. Almonds, I II herls, l lgs Applis.l i uui Nuls, Ji llliNol dlllei fill kinds, .Mlistnitl.Culsup, flekles, Checolute, Cnun. it 1 mil or uu muds, Coin stun I., Egg Ills cult, Siilu I iiiikeis, l).ster l inekeis Ibeise. Soni., Willing l'upir, Agieunent fuius, Eu Vcjope's, FISH AND OYSTEItS, And produce of ull kinds. Push Iliiud nnd Cukes every ilny. he I icnm lu suisuu. Your piiirouagu Is i olk'lteil. , JOHN i. JACOIlY. lleru Ick, June 17, Is7ii-tf gOMETIlING NEW ! Iho uni'trslgued would hereby give nolleo ll"'t lio hns Just eon.iileted A FI11ST CLASS Hl.AKsE.nnd dial bu Iinsthe Inellllles Inrcuiry ng en the business of UNDEHTAK1NU In nil Its branches 1 N CIT1 S T Y I. E . Ilo linn engaged eperleuceil persons who will Ii!1;", 1 W V,1, " . 'Uef nscl ns siwn is hey -slui llool this mortal roll." nud intend lo wnsldi g ihein, shaving, dressing, Ae. shrouds furnished nlso tnoule.. Al much cxpiuse bo lias uhu piucurcd nn ' IRON ICE BOX, in wlilch bodies can bo preseivcd Inn cleanly nnd diy ciiiiiildeii. Cmiinges lurnlsbid for lu. m iiili,cinslen. Hi shorl, be Is piepnml lotnke cluirgu nt ii i"iipsu I iiiui tllu 1 1 1 - inter dentil, and sao lilindiiaud lilatlirsull findiir trouble hi rtgurd loll, Ho also car l Ks on the buslneis of CABIN E T M. A KING fpliolsterlng lu ull Us branches, repairing furnl Iuu., risiullng iiuie bi.tieinctl ihnlrs,.?c, Ac. flute of business on Hon htrei I, below Main. Illoomsborg. Juir.',mi,,:UT U0AN' DISSOLUTION sun.. OF PARTNER- I ho piibllu atelierel.y notified Hint tho Ilrm ?nv". V- Kr'lliu r A Ci... licrt loloi.) doing business III Mulinnoy.fciiuylklll county, wniiIlssolieU by mutual consent, Novniibcr'tth, lm. rfii JOHN W. KHAMEll, Mnbanoy, July 2J.IS70-II. M' ,iWAYZ1J- COLUMBIA IRON WOEKS,... N. W. SAMPLE'. c. AV. NEAL. J. L. TAYLOlt. T3. W SilMPEziE & US.-, Ooi-nor oraiain StrcoL nnd L,. & li. llnil Itoad, ELOOMSBTJRG, 3?.. MACHINISTS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS: J3LA0KSM1TIIS AND BOILER MAKERS. MANUFAaTUHEltS OP STEAM ENGINES & WATER WHEELS, onxi:itAi. nrACHi.-vi: woau axi nr.i'Ains. Jtll.r, ailAHlNO, BHAFTIN-a, l'UM.KYB, HANOEHS, HHAU11LOCKH, fy7" Gl-EKHSTGr O-P ALL KINDS, CASTINGS FOIt FURNACES ALSO UAIt WHEELS AND AXLIM BRASS OAK BOXES, COMPOSITION CASTINGS, AND BABBIT METAL BELFIELD'S CELEBRATED GLOBE VALVES, STOP COOKS, CHECK VALVES, AIK COCKS, OIL CUPS, STEAM WHISTLES ESEAIWC aUAGEC, STEAIVZ T-XSU AND TZTSIMOS OOIsTSTA.lSX'XXi-V OTST I-rA.TsTX. AGENTS FOR SKIVE'S GOVERNOR. ACKNOWLEDGED TO HE THE h'l.MI'I.Esr AND ilEST IN THE WOULD. MILLWlllOHTH AND MACHININTU hfll'LIl I EITilEIl ON HAND Oil fUltNIaHED Al H1I0HT NOTICE, VIZ; (iUM AND LEA'IHI .: III.LTINU OF EVE1IY DEfsCKIlTION, ' HEMP AND KOA1 WONE l'At KINCJ, l.'iLS, IlfD AND WHITE LEAD, AC. LESSEES AND SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF II ALL'S PATENT DOUBLE DISCHARGE TURBINE WHEELS. LIIIEltAL .NDUCEMKNT.i Oi'FEllI.D TO THE TItADE. cAsViili??.rillorEUL"':iVy,s.lnu !,ml SppnmllnB Madiino mul "EX at iho work " ' ' cIrcu,',r n' tlincn Mncl.incs ron be stcn ELACKSMITHIKTG-, HEAVV Of. LIUHT fi HGINUH, MERCHANT IRON OF ALL SIZES ON HaND. VXSA K 1M HAV mi" "A"VEST GRINDERS, T.nV'1- TAI'S DIES, BOLTS AND NUTS OF ALL SIZES. ORDE1W F HI ifRIDGE BOLTS PATTERN SHOP AXU ES'mrATE's CHEERFULLY FUItNISIIEl: WE HAVE NOW IN THIS l)r:f AHTMENT THE LATEST IMPHOVED MACHINEHV -ND AI!E l'llru'AUED TO MAKE ALL KINDS Or PATTEHNS AT SHOUT NOTICL. AGEICU LTU11AL IMPLEMENTS CIV TITP. UTIVT HfHl)ntffi It . lnnin...-i, THRESHING MACHINES A SPECIALTY. Muck eve Reapers Repaired AND ALL EXTItA I'AHTS FU11NISIIED. MANUFACTrui.IlS A. Ml PROPRIETORS OF MORTON'S PATENT HAY RAKE. ALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH lt?"N. B. llnvll)'' Dltt 111 mat'llinerv of Moulding Cuttt.isrw-oarGi,n.,.'i,ridtoox.e,,n iS VcniiiV.u","? I CO. mill on VPrv fnvnrnhln Ko7nV. n" .P. "'J. ".V"",'"',,'' 1 "- llav 7,'C'l-tr JfIFE INSURANCE FOR THE PEOPLE! HOMESTEAD LIFE INSURANCE CO. O F P E N N S Y L V A N I A . Orrcc 701 Chestnut W. M. HEYI'EltT, Pies't. LAWT.ENCE II. E. DAVIS. fjils tompany orcnulzeJ by lending reprcscn .nie. of the Industrial interests or tlm Rim. widely know n as successful nml if sponsible lm; 1... meu. deslrlu.- io nlira I ir rinsS;.i5fet,e' lu ie.ich of ull, bus adopted u sj stenl or 1 ,"-3l"u 10 l"ac0 "f Insuianco witto- MONTHL; MltMKt!2nW 5,seofilcath!Cth Insurance, entirely new in this country; designed to protect In SHAREHOLDERS IN BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS AND ALI, Orill.lH Who hnvo bonowcl money cr l'"u'llrjrr'l'rty l'njnblo hi Instalments' extending over by CANCELLING nny balauco oi ludtbtodness i cmalnitiK UNPAID in case of DEATH, THIS COMPANY ISSUES ALL THE OltniNAIlY POEMS OF I.lfF.AND E.VDOWMl.NT POLICIFS AT X OW IllTIH nu flll;MlU.M.ON Tlli:PAllTlCIfATlNH I'I, VN, WITH III T VkW llrVuiI(WIONsivM TO OCCUPATION. AND NONE AS UO THAVLL OK iilWtm'NCE. iifr.illui'o 18 uml-lluca ,u l-ainphletswhlcl. will bolorward- Aellvu anil i'eiion.-iblu mou wanteil a-i Agents. F. M. BATES, BuioM-diuttrj, Pa. t.WKv'at' Uloomshuig, August Is7u.i;m. Legal Notices. A DM I NISTR ATO K'S NOTICE. X- KSTATi: OF JOHN tillOl llll. 111 I 11. Letters of adinlnislialle,. on ihn .-.tnte of uLiini uiiiiei, iniu ut teuiie uiw usinp, e uiumiuu ceunly, ilio'd haw euoi urunied b die U. gister of said county toSuiiiuel Nexhuul, iisidlng in die township and county nlortsunl. All persons liav Int. claims aaainsl the eslnle o, Hie iieei di ltl urei ii quested to jutsenl tl.ein ur si '111111111, nut! those luileblt'd to lhu 1 slate Id make pa lueut tu tho lludtlslgued.adniii.lstiuiei.M llhuiit dtlii;. SAMl'LL NEYIIAIII), JllQ,0-tiw. Adiniulsirului'. A BM1NISTRATORS' NOTICE. XL. EsTATi: OF DANlllI. K. 1 IIKC'l). Lettels el iiilmiulstrallou en the 1 ,.tte of Daniel H. Vniideisllce, lute ni .Mount Pleusont township. Col. co,, iltc'ii, hu e bun granted by the lttglsterol said eeunty to Muilha D. Vrn dersllee. and William .1. Iliill.iv n.'Mi. ln.,tis,,,,t All peisons lunlug clnlms ngiiiusl die estuteof uiu iteetiiuii lire icqm sieu 10 piosetll llieln lor seltltment, uud these Indebted lo the tslnto to mnko luiyiuent to the utidcrnlgutd, ndmlnlstra tors, without delay. MAUTIIA I). VANDEHSLIlE, WILLIAM J. 1I1D1.AY. JlliiO-tit. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. J. H, 11H01HT, 1 No. SI. -Mny vs. V JAl Oil IIOWEII, J Term, A. I. IsA The untleislgneil nppolntcd Auditor Ac, Ac., to lnuke leport, dlsl.lbiiliug the piueeiitsei Hie Sin 1 Ill's sole on Judgment or Vend, Ex., No. al Sipliniber Turn, IN,", will meet the partlislu hllettst lor the plllpuso ef bis uppoltitnieut at 1.1s olilco lu tutuwjssn, eu 1'iiibiy, f?epteml)er :'d, A. D. ls;o, ut nn o'clock of said duy.All pi rsous lulei est d are it quested tu attend, or be di buried lrom coming In tor 11 1 art ot the said tuiid , ,... , W. II. AllholT, Jl.'570-lf. Ainhior, TOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. Notlcn is heieliv ..Ivr.n ,,. 11, n .n..v.i,... ... the lewn of lUoomsburg, Ihnt ouuiul inter Tuts day, July loth, !r7.', the uniicislgntd win be 1. e lared to ritt-tvo Hie luwn tines nsses-eil 1,11 die jciir l,i.,al bis otllce, hi the Exchange lilock, hi said low 11, id door lrom west enil.on (heal lloor, and said tux-pa era nreheicLy iiqu.iedto puy thusuine. 1 ' Any lax iinpald ot Hie expiration of ihlny tlajs frruu the Mh ilny of July, 11,71, shull be puld wllh lio inrccutuiii j,tnully upon the amount lidded thereto. E, It. IKEI.Klt, lllooui sburg, July is, 1670. Town Tieasurcr. DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNEU. HHll. i ue ro.nuriiiersiup ucrctotore cxutlug between Join; II. Pursol unj clutter U. Fiirmuii.unilir the Ilrm name of John 11. Purse! A Co, Is illssolv. ed by mutual consent. The butlueti will be hereafter couducled by coistir H, 1 uriiuiii. in whose hands tl.o bookt of the bile nim 11. leu fortetllemnit. All persons kiiou ii.," ,' ,!'" V, " Indebted ure herebv noiiiii.,1 1.. ... u ........ "tonce, JOHN 11. IIl4i i,. AND KOLLING MILLS. AND OENEIIAti MIKIKa CASTINGS. CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER. AND IRONS SOLICITED, PROMPTNESS. riinrnloll,- o.lnln.l tn !. Kciul for Circular anil nricollst. N. W. SAMPLE & CO. Street, Philadelphia. M V .Ills, V. Prcs't. Mu.i'i .it Agencies. H. W. DOHPHLEY, Sec'y . PAYMENTS OP PREMIUMS, u dou"' ttt so trlllla a" ii n.i, AiiD A. w I LLIAMS. Special Agent, No. :j Wu.i iaj. sr. Wii.i.i,vsisioi;r, fU. rpiIE SUIISCIUBER HEREBY J- gives uodie that be still continues tlio MANUI'ACruilE or WHEELER'S PATENT RAILWAY CHAIN HORSE I'OWERS, and Is ngain ,11 the Held for tko Harvest of 1870. nml Is pienareil to lurnlsh Farmers wllh Hie most rt If ,hle Muc hiucs oil'ered tu the public. I ni... build PornLE-OEAHEI) JACKS, to at tiieh 10 die led or n lour.horso Lever l'ower, to ulliii h my 'Jhie.lieisio, Tbrte horses will do the suiuevmoiuitm threslilugwldi this arrange. 11. i-1 t , Hull lour will with auy other thresher, I nm nlso Agent to sell WHEEI.EH'S COM II1NF.D THlininEHnuilWlNNOWEHS. 1'orrurdier pnrllculnrs or for the purposo o J.M.IIULSHIZEH, Jt 10'70-hll Light Street, Col. Co., fu. OTIUK. All persons kuowlug Ihruistlves to lie liultlit ed to the Estate ot Jacob Ljcr, deceased, art hereby uottlletl to settle their accounts at ouco. otheiwlso they will be tollected aetortirng to ln. S. II., lllootnsLuig, Mny ll, lS70-tf Adiuliitslralor XroTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN L that nunppllcutlouwlllbo mmlonttlienext muting ut die Ueueial Asstiubly oftlio Com mouueulth ol l'tnusyliniilii lor the luconiora. Il,,n ol a bank, In aceurduueewlllitliolawtof Hit Coiuiuouwtnldi, lo be entitled Iho "Cutunl.m Hi posit and having llauk," to be located ut Cuta ol. eo.,fa.,wltliucaiillalofllllyibousaud iloUais. Willi the right lo iucrciise the same to ono liuudred and lllty thousand dollais. Cntaulssa, July 1, Is7tl-lui, Jl'ECIAL NOTICE. ft of 1). A. Lud wig vuuld iitpiillully lufoim Ibe cltlruis et thoiouiil) tliut lie I. pliisutd lo give private listens In tl,elitrniuii.Iiu.i'li,lJil. In niitlGieek labtungts a4id lu Druwlug. Jle will ulso tiuib Msul luiisleiiuil glvt lusiructlout on the Meloilioii. l.tssous will be glcu either nt his itsHleute, lu t-ntiMml mar the Forkt lloli nt those el Ids ruplis as may be dtsitid. liin-iiitLuig, July s, t;o-iiH. JOB PRINT 1 NO Neatly executed at this omit Uloomtburn. July M. TUl 1
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