-AMD- '-fished 'every 'Friday morning Colurnblnn.VRulldlhg near tlio IA11LK8 Bl DEOOKWAY, l0!itofci taid Propriotor. IB. Two dollnrei.ay'oar, payn- PRINTING JjntlttcRcrliitloiiH iff Ml with-iiefltnoss!iiml tllsjKitcli, mnblo rntcsy royE3Ayft tinware. "ftf'Mtrta, lleflR stoves tinware, .Main Ui ova court home.', . , ; " vioiw jelkj RUPERT, stoves mill tlnwnre, 1 k, , Main si. west Of Market. IS- I rT: - r Unpen vl-nll CLOTHING;' .5,0. ? VENnERO, mcrcuariltallor.Malnsl., Sd J, r above American homo. vl-ni.i 5t jltUdtj, CIIEStlOAl, AO. 1utn 11111W . .IrnraUts ,nnd anothcral les, Ul0 'ier s uiock warn v.'-. - .UTZ, druggist and. apothecary, mi k Main st.i west ofM.rkeU VM113 Rupert vl-uu 3LOCKS';" WATCHEB, AO. ct Y ZUPriNaER, Watches. BpccluclrH nml ,uT lry AC. M&nBtreot near West HI, v.l;ilS ' 11ERNHARD. wateli ind'clock maker. Mro,outheasl cotni MaluanJ jrou sta.vl-n AVAUE, doaler In clocks, watches and liti jlry, Main st.,f Just 1 Iwiow American jft , 'I 1 , 1 Vl-lll.l k IIOART. watch and clook maker, Mnikel 114 Blow Main. "-'" ;' vl-nll hoots ANb'.andES. .011, , ; f " 11 IROWN. boot ana snoemancr,jioui ,'UDalte Court House. ...I JL , l',EDER,mauuIactttror anddealcr In ImxiI LIS Kliocn.Maluat:; oppoalte Episcopal ijinrrli ,lt Y KLEnCroanaraclnrorVand iloalcr 111 "1 h nnd slioos, grocerlen etc, Kat lllooms i iluat. .1 , (i. (1 vl-nH hi, f 1 1 1 1 ' 1 "r. HET7vboot and tUoomaker, Main 8t 1 lartinan' ilore J wont of Murkvt t rwt. r-L-i iA -.wis, ' VI-IU.1 I'ROJFJSSSIQyAL. AN8, M, DJ aurmotrond pUyalclan koulli iufctlnln at., below Market., . vl-ull It. , K. Kinney aurgcon den tint, tcctli extract .L.Mtlioat palOi Main at,, nearly opiwllu latLal ClmrcU. ; vMitt MU w KELVY, j 1 ulUo Main St., below Market. vl-ull u."i;jTTEK,M. V. anrgoon and t'liyalclan. .5 etat..aWMaln. vLud lu., C. HOWEn,anrgeon dentist, Main at.. 11 . s court bouie. m.- m. M. Reber. Siireoon nnd rbyalclan.I'lx. H'i ko mock oyer 1 v:!-iiw r vycou jviuk Bbui m iODISON, Atlomey-at-Ivaw; omce Hurt .Ai,'s building, MalnStrcet, - v2-n20 ton . 1 i fI 5EIJEn,Attoniey-ii-Tjiw,Offlce,2d lloor "ittnixcUange Ulock. near the ".Exchange llo a.u. ' ' VJul eau n jv ; ""Winery; & iaj?qy' goods. KLINE, Millinery andi Fancy Ooo.lv 'Htroet below Market, , vim'i ".JZZIK. BAKKLEY,' Milliner, Uuinsey rl-lnir.Malnau vl-ull t.D..WKBn,fanoyi 8rnotloua, books, onery, Excbango block Main street. j! ''1 :EKM AN, millinery and fancy goods op "Pte Episcopal church,' Main at. vl-nU lu Hi. 'l rUMA A. A BADB B AUKLEY . ladlca '"z-t and dross patterns, aoutheaal corner ?,t idiwostat. 1 vl-u -'f. DERUICKSON, millinery nnd fancy Jml-'i Main at., opposite Court Uouso. vl-im b ' I. U. PUHMAN, milliner,- Mnln at., below , man's store, west of Market at. xni'S "I'VlIfMIW KAUMAN mUllnery and rancy lw 1 Mull, (, liiuf Iwiliur Atnurlput, MntlHH. Vl-Uli HOTELS AND SALOONS. v: '-SOCK, oyster and catlna ,'saloon Amcrl- cm lotixo, iliiln aU, llaltxerLcncock Mipcrlu- V1-UI5 r' YElt & JACOltY, courectlonry, bnlti-ry, uv i, oyster saloon, wholesaloaud rwtull, Kx ' block, Main at, 1 vl-nl.i UV W1CU11, confectionery, bRkery, and oya. llofui, wholesale and retail, KxcIiuiiko ' 1 vl-nii VNOi: HOTEIi, by Kooim & Clark, Main ..ilKmltccourthouxo.;-" ' vl-nlJ '' IOAN lIOUHK,byJoiiN.LKAC( K, Mulu 1111 elof Inm strocu vl-utl l1' I HOTEL, by U.W. Mauokk, east end of ftiit. - vl-nll V't; IINK.lt, refreshment aaloou.Malu st.tjust J,l(o courthouse. vl-nlJ MB & CLAUK. refreshment suliMin, Ex it ige hotel. , vl-nll rlh'il- , li aOIIANTS AND OROOERS. Null. 11,1. leiUOUS, Confectionery, groceries etc. Main Am -elow Iron . , vlul(l DULLER, dealer In dry goods, grocer lea, fmswnre, Hour, salt, klioes, notions, etc ge block, Molu btreet, vl-uu v!" VY NEAL & Co., dealers In dry goods, .,'' erlea, Hour, feed, salt, tub, Iron, nulls, rlheust corner Mufun W IOWEll, hats and caps, boots and shoes, In su, above Court House. vl-m.l lAItlt, dry goods and notions, southwest icr Main and Iron aU. vl-uU JEESHOLTZ, dealer In Dry Uoods, (Iro 'i es. lloota Shoes, Ae.,corucr main and lion I, ' VjMUU. ")( tOWEH.dry goods, groceries, eteiirner J ' I aud Court lluuae alley Vl-nlJ ItV 1ECKI.EY, Keystone Bhoo store, books and 'nrlit'Jonery, Main bt.Twlow, Market vl-mi 1.)'!t LI AM EUASMU8, confectlonerlts, Main iult, near the railroad. vl-uu NDKNHALL, general stock of inerchau- .l ImulM.r. virnr of Main blreetnlld A.'iroad. V1-1H3 o'a block, Main St., below Iron vl-nlJ N'of 31HTON, Groceries & J'rovlslons , it below Markot Main vi-im LUTS1 dealer in choice dry goods, aud lions. Main St., opposite court iionsu. CYEIt, groceries and general mci chundUe usl above vesul t vi- jVMEH A AV E. HAYHUUST. Dealers ill ocerles, Cmifeetlonerleat,aud Notions, in. south siJi). two dooraiabove Ihuhst's linker sliop.'Kt-ii-. tit " IiIlSOELL'ANEOUS. .11. ' ' Cabinetmaker and Chair 1'Y' er rooms on Malu street. VJ UJl 'nli ' cimiSTMAN. saddle.lrnnk and harness ,,uait ker, opposite Episcopal' chureli Main si., u-.r. ' , vsiiltf ... t COIIELIj. furniture irooms, three storv ,l vl.kou Main su, west of Market st, vl-uia uuitift- suulK uxtures. Itupert block, Main at, vl-uu illli" iHKNBTOClf. nhoUwraDt'er. Exilinni!i' IoiiiW ick, Main at,, opposite court house, vl-ul l i inlll"' ' ' - ' SAMPLE ACO. Machinists. East llhuims "i. p, iinr rullr.tixl. I 'tikt tnis milile lit kliorL 11(14 , 1 -machinery mode ami repalrtd, 'i-u'M ''r"','VJHN, dealer In meat tallow, etc,. Chun. i'I i's alley, Itack of American hr u.e, vl-nll iif illDLEMAN, Agent Munsou's CopperTu ar,Llghlnlngltod. v2-n!0 i r t ,,,,-rrEIt, Glue Maker, and White nud (ancy & n luer.Sootlowu, VI-UI7 ll.N'8HURa LUMBER, CO., lealers In Lumber, of ail kinds, lilaulug n'-'artberall-road. vl-iilB lil'O' I iiiii TMAN, marble works, near southwest 11.l'er M'a and Market sts. vl-uW i it ili'RINGLEn,dealerlIn pianos, organs aud . ,Ui,dodeons(atG. W.Corell'sfurullure rooms vl-nll .,1,' ROnniNB, liquor dealer second door rrmn ' irtliwest corner Malnand IroiisU. vl-ull joasl ;ACOCK. NoUry Public, northeast comer mwi" ilu aud Market st, u vl-nu A. FUNHTON, mutual and rash i utea Die , n' iuoe compauy,norlheaatcoruer Malu uud (AX vl-uu II s. 111.1 J.I. JACnllY. Marble and Urowu Stone It, East lllu lluomatHirg.HeiwIckroi'd, vlul7 VOLUME III NO. 34. OKANQEVIUE DIRBOTOUY. DU, O. A. MEOAHOElj, physician nnil urKeon, Main l next door to Quod's Hotel. vl-nlT HICK HOTEL and refreshment saloon, uy MnHleller cor. 01 .11111 uauu nire.Hiimi HAUMAN IlHOTltKlW. TunnrrH and mnimfno. luactsof Ifitlltvr, 011 .Main sU, bulow OoodH' Hotel. vl-ntl D AVID ifirtTniKtl. Flour and (Irlst Mill, and Uealcr In grain, MIUBtrceU vl-u BOWEIl HEimiNO, denier In dry goods', grociTlts, lumber and general Merchandise MaTll si, V1'UI7 JOHN ntYMlltE, saddlo nnd harness ninttr Main st nuovu tho Mwun Hotel, vl-nl7 Ait t' W. COLEMAN, Merchant tnllor and , dent's rurnlshlngKis'ds, Main Kt next door to the brick hotel, l-ul7 JAMES II. HAUMAN, Cabinet Maker, and Un dertaker. Main Ht., below l'lne, V1-1H7 II, It. AC, KELCHNEU.Ulncksuilllis.ou Mill Klrcet, mar l'lnu. Vl-ul7 WILLIAM 1)EU)N(1 Khoeinakernnd mnnnr.ic tmeror Ilrlck, Mill Ht west ori'lne vlnl'J LEWIS It. KCHUYLEIt, Iron rounder, Mnrhln Kl,nnd Manuructuicr of plows, Mill HI.VI-IH7 MILKS A, WILLIAMS & !nTniinerHR!nl Mall nracturers of leather. Mill Street, Vl-nl7 AlI.IIKUlUNll.t llilOTHKIt, I'arpenUTK a riTi . liullders, .Main Ktieet, below l'lne. vl-n!7 1 AMUKL HIIARI'LESS, Maker of the Hayhnrsl j utniu cranio. .Minn nu Villi1!. M. HAUMAN, saddle nnd liarnens maker , Oraugevllle, oitpiwlle Framo ehureh. vl'iull CATAWISSA UIKGUTUHV. SUHQ.UEIIANNA or Ilrlck Hotel.H.Koslelinuder priiprletor.soulli-eastcorncr Main and Second Stleot. "2-1112 1). UINAUD, dealer In sloven and Un-warc. MalnSllcet. V2-UI2 w M. H. Allium', attorney at law.Malu Street. GILI1EUT KLINE, dry goods, groceries, and general merchandise, .Main Street V2-U12 L. cream In season Main Street. I) K. 1IALLM AN, Merchant Tailor, Second St., li, Itobblua' llulldlug. vi-lils. 1U. J. K ItonniNS. Hiiruooii and l'hvslclun. Second Sl below Main, -J-ul. J 11. KI3TLEH,"CattuwliaHouso,"NorlliVcsl .Cnruor Main and Second Streela. v2-nl. M M. HUOltST, tltiUer In Uuiral Mcrchnmlhu, , Dry Uooiln, Urocerluv Ao. v 2-11 IS. LIGHT STREET DIRECTORY. nETEH ENT, dealer In dry goods, groceries, X dour, feed, salt, fish, Iron, nails, etc., Light street. vl-nM TTEUWILLIUEU, Cabinetmaker, Undertaker Vl-lllll and Chalruiaker, IT OMAN & Co. Wheolwrlghts, llrst door IX above school house, JW.HANKEY, doaler 111 Leather, Hldoe, Hark, eta Cash paid for Hides. vl-iild RS. ENT. denlor in all Its branches. stoves nnd tin ware In vl-nlil JOHN A. OMAN, manufacturer nnd dealer In boots and shoes, vl-nO I, J. LEISEK, M, 1). Surgeon and l'hyslelan. Ollleu nl Keller's Hotel. v2-n27 H. IltVINE, Medical Storo Main St. llilai creek Uoad. ESPY DIRECTORY. Jl). WEHICHEISElt, llo . and mnnraclory. Shop ....ultn Mill Hoot anil Shoo Storo on Main street, op-V2-HI0 IJHI'Y STEAM FLOURINO MILM4, C. S. Fowler. I; Proprietor. v2-nlii F. lti:i(l II AHI), A ISUO., dealers In dry goods, groceries, and ut-ueral nierehandlso. vl'inll W. r.lHlAU, Susquehanna I'laiilng Mlllnud l'ox Maiiuiactory. vI2nll I1UCKH0UN DIKK0T0RY. l O. AW. II. SHOKMAKKU, iIchIcih In .lry iil koimIm, crtxi-rlfH unci enuiul inerchitndlHH. irKiKioiu in bouin enaoi town. vni;t. JACOHA WJI.IIAItHIH.tU'nlcrs In dry gwnl-, KroccrlcH, driiKK unil miHlIciuoH. FJrst htoroln norm cnn oi town. v -ma. JERSEYT0VN DIRECTORY. TACOll A.SWIHIIEH.denlPrln Hides, Leather tl Hark etc. Madison towushln Columbia rolllitv a. vi-niu BUSINESS CARDS. j on P1UNTING Neatly executed at this OIHee. Q1IAS. G. UAKKliEY, A T T O It N E V - A T - I, A V, HLOOMKllUlta, I'A. Olllco In tlio Exi-hnngo lliillillng, second story, over Wldmyer A Jaeohy's Confei llonery, Si'coml huir nlivo tho Kxehrngo Hole), IltcHiniHl.il r. Jail, 1, Will. jyj M. L'VELLE, A TTO UN BY. AT-LA W, Ashland, Sehuyll.111 County, 1'iiin'n. c. W. JIILLEU, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, Olllcewllh E. 11, lining Post Ollleu. euslous collected. .Idle. In lii li lt bullilliit! ad JU-linuutlfS, Hack-Pay niul seirjuu7, T) ORERT V. CLARK, A TTO UN li Y.AM, A W Omco corner ol Main uud Maikel streets, over First National Hank, llloiunsburg, 1'n. Jji II. LITTLE, ATTOItN KY-AT-LA W. Olllco Coin t-Houe Alley, below theCiii.UMUi.iN uiiicu ii looms uiirg, I a C. I1R0CKWAY, ATTORNEY AT llLOOMBllUItO, I, A W PA. 43 OrKifK Court Housu Alley, below the fi fuKiMnii Olllce. IJanl'1,7. J. 11. RURSEL, IIAHNIS, HADIU.E, AND TRUNK MANUFACTURER, auddenlsrlu CARPET-llAOS, VAI.ISIJ", FLY-Nirrs, uurrAiAi iioiii.s, iKiiun.-uiNKK-rM .tc which he feels contUlent he (un sell at lower lule Ihiiu any other isirsoii In Ihs eoiiulry, i:x ninliiu rot voiirs, Ives. Shop llisl iloor below the Post Oltlce Malu Mireei, imHiinsi.urg, i'n, riov. li, iMil. B OOK S T O R E. Tho uudi'ii!iiel. liuvlm:. laken tho nsiina lately occupied oy Dr. P. Jolni next door above ll.o Exchnni! Hotel, would iiotiry too elli.i ns n the l iHllliy Ullll mere will uui-ousiuiiiiy on nail n lull assotuitul of 1I0OICH. STATIONERY, AND WALL PAPER Also the various Mngailms and Newspapers puiillsuiu ui nils eouuuy, niui'is itir which iwn lie prompuy aiieuotu 10. THE CIRCULATING LII1UARY which has been In exlsli ueu for u ytar, rails fur lllu stronger buppoii oj ine eoiilinuuii) . lerius are u-asoiiublc. and iiddltloiial aubscrlhei lire needed to Justlly mi luereaselu the lunula The usual inrge stni k or NOTIONS AND FANCY c.OODS, will bo kept up nnd no pains pared to aalisly lliu Minus oi purcuasers. W'Ellll Moy llov-lf liloon'uburg, Pu, SEND ONE DOLLAR AND GET by return mull one of LOIUNG'H DOLLAR BOXES, ol Iho ilchckt Inlllul Fieiicli Note in per. All the Uidlesuroln lot Willi Ihcm. Address I.oltl.Nd, Piilillshtr, JirUR1iii. lioslou, Muaa. PHILADELPHIA DIRECTORY yiLLlAM l-'lSUElt. WITH Til OM AH OAltSII.N ,V (JO. WlIUl.l'.SAI.U DUALium ix jiosrnnr, ' Jir.N'B I'UIlXliJlllNd (I(H)IW, LINENS A NOTl'ONS, tto. 18 oHTlt rouiinf BrucET Vim.ADKLVlIlA. line l,-i!'.i-r,m JOHN BTROUP A CO., rMicet'Kiorn iHtronp itniiiif r. WHOMaU'. 1)KAI,K1W IN 1'IMlt, No. 2-1 ot(h Wlinnm, Mil Vf I mi U't h, HltllntlfltihlH G. W. IlLARON A CO., Manufacturers ot OIL l.'lAlTDS AND WINDOW MIIA li Warehouse, No, 131 North Third Ml re,, Philadelphia. G IKOHOE II. ROI1EUTH, ItniMirter uud Dealer In HARDWARE, CUTLERY, (JUNS, AC, No. 411 North Thlld Hlie.l, nlsivo Vine Phlhuleliilila. gNVDIOU, HARRIS A IlASSr.'IT. iuitunructuieis ami .lonirs or MEN'S AND HOYS' CLDTIIINII. Nns, fl'AI Market, and 521 Couilin.ree flu , i Philadelphia. OIIN O. YKAGER A CO., Whrilesnlo .Dealeis 111 If ATS, (JAIW, STRAW (IOODS, AND LADIW FUHS. No. 2.17 North Third Sluel, Jnr.l1,V-ly Phlhulelpliln. JHl'ARLiyilED 1703. JORDAN A IIIIOTIIER, Wholesalo Grocers, and Denleisln SA LTPlrrKR A N D IlllHlSTt )N E NoSI'INorlh.TlilldSl. pillladelphla. I. If. WAl.'i'ER, I, ale Waller A Kanli, Iniiwirter and Dialer In CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENS W A UK, No. 211 N. Thtrd Sinn U Philadelphia. W. HANK'S WllUl.l.lALKTOIIAl.t.'O.SMIl' r, AND CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. 1 HI North Third Street, between Cherry and ltace, west side Philadelphia. "yARTMAN A ENGELJIAN, TUIIACCU, MHUKK A HKUAll MANUFACTORY, NO. 1113 NORTH TllfltU HT11KET, Second Door below WixkI, P H I I, A D E L P 11 I A. W, WAllTHAN p, ENdM.MAN yyAINWRIGHT A CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, N. E. Corner Sicoud and Arch Streets, l')III..ll)KI.l'HIA, Dealers in TEAS, SYRUPS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSIX niCE, HI'ICKH, III (Ullll HOllA, AC., Ac, t. Orders will iwelve prompt attention. May 10, lSU7-ly. II. iioiiNi:. W. K. Kl.MI. J. It. HI.YUKUT, J.JORNE, KING A HKYRERT, VllUl,ITS.l.i; 11UV IIUUDM, No. :ll:l Market Sliced, PHIIADELPHIA. Ordeis tilled iironnitly at lowest January .1, lsus. Major 1 It. AltTMAN C. II. M l.LINO KU. M. MllltY, RT.MAN, DILLINGER A CO., NO. IUI NORTH TlllHD ST. PHILADELPHIA, Two Doors above Arch lorinerlyS-Jn, MANUrACTUlti US AND JOIIIIKUS IN CARPETS, COITONS YARNS, HA'ITING. OIL CLOTHS, CARPET CHAINS, CORDAGE, (HLSIIADI'N, GRAIN IIAGH, TIE YARN, WICK YAUN, WINIIOW I'A 11:11, COVKIII.MH, ALSO, WILLOW AND WOODEN WARE, linnoMS, IIUUHIIKM, J0K1NU HL.1KMUI, TltUNKH Fell..-,,'!;'! HOTELS, Sf.C. ORK'S HOTEL, ucunurc w. UAUUKic, I'roprieinr. Tho nhovo well. known hotel has recenllv umler' no urau'rui ci uimes 111 us iiiiernui ill niuueiiieiiis. anil lis nr. orletorilliuoiinrcHtohlM liiriiiereiisloln ami the travelling public that ills accomodations lor iiieeouiiori oi ins guesis areseisinii in none in tho country. His table will always be found sup- tiiieii, noioniy wnu siuhiuiiiiai nssi, mil wun nn he delicacies ol tho season. His wlues and li quors (except that jHipuhir bcvenieu known as "JfrJciiry"), purchased direct from tlio Importing nouses, inc. entirety pure. aim tree irom an ttoi. Koliniis drills. Ho Islliaulefiilfornllla'ral I'litrou- ago In tho past, nnd will continue to deserve It in the litiuic. uiAiuiii; w. AlAUur-.ii, c L U M I A HO UB E, H V II STOHNER. 11 E R N A It IIavino latelv mnchnsed and fitted liu ttie well-known itoiusou uoiei i-iojieriy, locaieu a KKW IIOOIIH AllllVt TIIH ISItlllT IIOtlSK, oulhesiinie side of the street, In the town ol Itlisniisiiiiru: and having oolaiiieua license lor mo saino as a K K 8 T A U It A N T tlio t'rnprlclnr tinHiU'lerinlned IokIvu to tho hx' put VWHlMli IHO IOWU OH ItUhiUDHH II T pitltUtUr?, A MTTLK MOUK ItOOM. Hl4 ktntilln- ilIno U uztcnHtve. unil in flttoil 111 lo ttut tut iririfM nml ciirrliii't'H lu thuilrv. lie nroin- IhfX mill eViTVUiuiu iidduhiw -niuiiiBiiiiiuiii,tiiiHii hit nmiiliirtfil In 1111 orderly and lHwful manner: nnd he rcHpectfuMy uullclU a ttlmre cif thn public "JExcirANaE II0TKIJ, 1ILUUMNUUIIU, UUIUMiUA IU, 1 At The nuilcrshined liavinn mirchufiod thin well known anil i'eutrallylorHte(f In tiiKe.t ho Kxchaiiue Hotel, Hlluuto on MAIN HTltKKT, In Uloonibburg eiy onpoNito 11 unectiullv Info; lnftirm their frleudu and the Ufiieial that their 1ioui.oUuow in order t:elieial th I'eiitlon un fut ion umi enu'i tainnient or truvuueri who may bedhtposed to favor It with their cu torn. They Imvonpurndnooxpenneln prepurlny tin Kiflinnt'u for Iheentertaininent oft holr uueidii ncllhir hhall theru Le uuytliliiL' wautlnuon their art to inlnUter to their personul comfort. They loutteU Hiiuc-4ouK,nudcnjoyitnu excellent bust uehH Iwallon. chauue llotrl and the varhnn. railroad depoU, by which truvclleru will be i!eat.uully eouvuyeU to UmntnuHeii run ainti iimcu ueiwecn ine r. uudtroiu Ihort'kiH-vttvo ktatlom In duo llrnoto meet tho ram. KUUNH Jt L'LAHK, Iiloonihburk,', April 3, Imis. OWKN HOUSE 1IEHWICK l'A, WILLIAM WIIJJAIB, rroprictor. ThU well known Hotel ha been entirely relltteil and lefiirnlnhed. with ti view lo tho perlest emu Jort and eonveuleneo of yiufcl-i, A commotltoiu 1,1 very rtlubloUi'ontus teil with the cMablUhment. Tho bar will bo Niippllod with the cholcuut wlueM, ihiuoniaiul mnar. A fair aharo of patron iiuo U utpuittd, A(r, M,V(jui. s A T E R () O F I N G, HEDY V A B I S T Y JI08T EAVOHAHLE RATES, JOHN THOMAS, anii CASPER J, THOMAS, Box, 277, illiKiuihhurg, Pa. .lur.lu.(,u-lyr, BLOOMSBUllG, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, By tho Soa. J1V MAlllAN UO.- Tlie sky, with storm-clouds loweis dark nud grand. Alone, I wnnderby theocciiu strand, And guzo far nut lit son. 1 Far' nut, where cloud nud billow seem to meet. Whllerotlcss wavelets dashing nt my feet, llrliig murmurs back to inc; Dflni! to me low-toned murmurs from the aound lug sen. Bring far 6ir4hoes, whisperings sweet nnd low. That, with the crested wavelets come and go. Liito voices or the night. Tho sealilrO,clieling swooih along thcslr.iud, 1 stoop in gainer peonies in my iiatui, Then watch his lagging (light. Tilt In tho illslauee, blue and dim ho Icuvct my sight. Alionhls cry 11 baclcwmd borne to mo Above the voices: of tlio surging sea, Tlio cruel, treacherous sen. That holds nij-ilead that Imlds my hurled love. Tell loo yo watehoisofthe night above, When will the deep, deep sea, Give liuck, from Us daik depths, my dendtn tun? Tho lneer.es fiom tho main blow chill hud lilealc, 'J he llde.wuvcMdasli tho spray against my check. And night-damps. In my hair Are gathering, whllo tho storm ecuics on apueu 1'iirewcll 0,Seiit beneath thy treacherous rauo My tovo lies coldly there. Yo lesiless waM'sndleul Farewell uufalhoinahlo spac,1. Touch not tho Siron Cup, A 'J'vinp't'uiirc ,Kwig. MY J. T. VAUIUNdlON, Tundi not thofcltrti rupofdo-tlh. Tli lull thnt lurks within; Twill kIvc to noun koik! hciiltli or bnuth, Itut trmihlo, wih) nnd hIii. Wesoi) tho dctnnH nwlul uny. Ills power npon ttm enrth; We iTnllzooueh pAKHlng day, IInu' nrnt this inoriil dearth. Ihlnlc will thuhtinmnjndifiiicnt hllnd, DcHlroy our powers oh well; Corrupt tho way h of nil manltlnd, DUpntch tho soul tn hell. Ills wretch in IncHs nnnoenn lwnlray, The enpiu In urt U known Who run thU vice wiilxtuo, allay. And glvo us back tho throno? Lint to tho volco of mirth, KehoIiiR from the bowon, or the llacchtc sons of earth, In tlK'Iruuhullow'd hoitiH. Do yon uotmtulnesH cittl, That drunken Male of mind, llroughton by alcohol, Though 'tis tlio 'bett" yoa Und ? "MadneuV Yos, uorno by fur: It brings tho erring soul Of in un churgenblo at lliu Judgment bar, Uod'tt wrnth on It to roll 1 Deluded men! oh, haphm .slaves ! llo'vy long will youtluw tread Your fclleut way to open gruves, Kternal city of the doud 1 Water down tho mountains. In rural music ran. C'oursluamituro's fountains To lave tho lips of muu, With this puro crystal drink. Nona need complain of thtrtt. Or fall from lofty statlon'H brink To icnlmH of those accuru'd I THE REGISTBY LAW. lUntl nml Flic Arny for Ptituro Iltvfcreiice. To (he. Voters of Luzerne. County, For thn purpose of .showing you what you will huvo to do this full In onlcr to volt', wo lmvuhiul tho following oxposl tion of tho now election law, (or ns It is cnlk'il thu Reglutry Law,) proparcil for your use. Wo call tho special attention of naturalized voters to tlio provisions concerning them. Thoy aro picked out to ho specially worried beforo they can voto and finally, when they aro allowed to hn marked on tlio hncl;, llko a Btoro duo hill, overy tlmolt Is traded on.witli tlio word "voted" and tlio date. Tho saini) party that passed this law, passed ono similar last year, (1SC0) which tho .Supremo Court declared unconstltu tionul. Thu law is in spirit uncon.stltu tional no doulit, too, Inasniucli as It necessarily obsjrucls tlio freedom of vo ting and worries tlio voter In yielding up his franchise, particularly In this county, whero a separato ticket fnrnvory caiulldfttofor all tlio township, county and Klato olllcers must now ho voted Will Itpreventand obstruct tlioexerclsa of tlio right of sull'ragei guaranteed by our constitution? Hut read tho oxpo sllion of tlio law for yourselves: I. On tho first Monday of Juno tho assessors aro to begin it revision of tlio transcripts of names furnished them by tho county commissioners. This duty conslslsof (liohcverul particulars follow ing: 1. Rtriko out tho nnmoof overy per son whom tho assessor knows, personal ly or by reliable Information, to have died, or removed from tho district since tlio bust previous assessment. 2. Add thonamoof any quallfled voter whom thoiiRsessorsliall know personally or by reliable Information, to havo ro moved lntothodistrlctKincotliu last pro. vions assessment. 3. Add thonamoj of all persons who Hhall claim to bo qualified voters in your district: assess thorn with a tax, and as ccrtuln by Inquiry upon what ground tho person so assesseel claims to bo a vo ter. Tills duty Involves no discretion uiion tho part of tlio assessor. Ho Is not todeeido upon tho claimant's rlglifto voto, but only to report liU namo and tlio grounds of his claim. I. Tho assessor Is next to visit overy dwelling-liouso In hlsdlstrlct.and inako cu refill inquiry If any person whoso name Is on his list has died, or roinoved from tho district, and, If so, to take his namo from tlio list; or whether any quallfled voter resides therein whoso namo Is not on his list, aim, 11 so.io auti tho sumo thereto, and iistiCss him with a tax. In thlslnstanco tlio assessor Is to judge of tho claimant's right to voto,for he Is only to add "quullileu voters," whom lu discovers by visiting each dwelling. ft. Upon tho completion of this work tlio assessor Is to muko out a list, in alphabetical order.of thowhltofreenien abovu twenty-ono years of ago claiming to bo quallfled voters In tho ward, borough, or district of which ho Isasses nor, and opposite each of said names statu the following particulars : n. Housekeeper or not a housekeeper. b. If a liousekecper.tho number of his residence, with tho street, alley, lanoor court. If In u town whero houses aro numbered ; If not, then the street, alloy, lano or court on which tlio houso fronts, 0. Tho occupation of tlio person, and, It If whero ho Is not a !iousckeeper,tho occu pation, placo of boarding, and with whom, and. If working for nnotlicr, the namo of tho employer. d. Opposite each namo wrlto tho word "voter." c. If tho person claims the right to voto by reason of naturalization, ho must exhibit bis certificate to tho asses sor, unless ho has been for fivo consecu tive years next preceding a votor Insald district, and In all ciises whero tho per son has been naturalized his namo ehall bo marked wltii tho letter "N.j" where ho has merely declared his Intention to become a citizen his namo Is to bo mark cd "D. I.;" whero tho claim Is to voto between tho ages of twenty-ono and twenty-two, the word "ago" Is to bo adtted to his name, and If lio has ro inoved Into tho district siuco tho last general election tho letter "R." Is to bo placed opposite his name. f. A soparato list of all now assess ments, and tho amounts nsscsscel upon each person, Is to bo immediately fur lilshed to Urn county commissioners, to gether with tho general list revised and corrected, as aforesaid. g. On receiving back from tho county commissioners dtipllcato copies of said list, with the observations and explana tions noted as aforesaid, tho ussesior, prior to tho first day of August, Is to placo ono copy on thudoor,nrother con spicuous part of tlio houso where tho election is required by law to bo held, and to retain tho other in his possession, for tlio inspection, freo of cliargo, of any resident of tho district, h. The assessor is to atld, from timo to lime, to ids list tho names of any ono' claiming tlio right to vote, mark oppo site tlio namu tho letters "C.V.," assess a tax and noto as In other cases, his occu pation, residence, whether a housekeep er or it boarder, nnd with whom ho inards, and whether naturalized, or do- signing to he, marking in nil such cases tho letter "N," or "D. opposite his name. If tho person claiming to bo as sessed bo naturalized, ho must exhibit his certlilcato to tho assessor, If ho de signs to bo naturalized beforo tho next election, ho must exhibit his certlilcato of declaration'. 1. In all cases whore any ward, bor ough, township, or election district Is divided Into two or more precincts, tho assessor shall note In all his assessments, the precinct in which each elector re sides, and make a separate return for eacli precinct to tho county commission ers, and when ho receives back tho du plicate copies, one of them Is to bo put up on tho election houso of the precinct. J, On tlio tenth day preceding the sec ond Tuesday of October, the assessor shall "on tho Monday Immediately fol lowing," return to tho county colours- sionerB tho names of ail persons assessed by him since Ills former return, noting the observations and explanations be foro specified, and It shall not bo lawful for any assessor to assess any tax within ten days next preceding tli6sccondTucS' day of October. K. Assessors havo power to auminis ter oaths, and aro to bo paid by tho county commissioners for the timo no ccssarily spent in performing tho duties imposed by tho act. II. Tlio county commissioners havo various duties to perform undor tho Registry law, but as thoy havo counsel to advise them it is not necessary to set fortli their duties in this exposition. III. As to tlicclcctlon olllcers. Thoy aro to open the polls between tho hours of six and seven, am., on the day of election. Before six o'clock in tlio morn ing of second Tuesday of October they aro to receive from tho county commis sioners tlio registered list of voters and nil nececsary election blanks, and they aro (o permit no man to voto whose namo is not on said list, unless ho shall make proof of his right to voto as follows : 1. Tlio person witoso name is not on tlio list, claiming the right to voto.must produce a qualified voter of tho district to swear in a written or printed afllila vlt to tho residence of tho claimant in thu district for at least ten days next preceding wild election, dellnlng clear ly whero tho residence of tlio person was, 2. Tho party claiming tlio right to voto shall also make an nflltlavll, stating to tlio best of his knowledge and belief whero and when ho was born, that hois a citizen of l'eunuylvnula and of tho United .States, that ho has resided in tlio iStnto ono year, or, If formerly a citi zen therein and removed therefrom, that ho has resided therein six months next preceding said election, that ho has not moved Into (ho district for tho purposo of voting therein, that ho has paid a Stale or county tax within two years, which was assessed at least ton days beforo tho election, and tho aflUIu davit sliall statu when and whero tho tax was assessed anil paid, and tho tax receipt must bo produced nolens tho af fiant shall statu that It has been lost or destroyed, or that ho received nono. 3. If the applicant bo a naturalized citizen ho must in addition to tho fore going proofs,statolu his aflldaVlt when, wliere.aud by what court lie wits natur alized, and producohls certlilcato of na turalization. 1. Every perhon,clalmlng to bo a nat uralized citizen, whether on tho regis try list, or producing allldavits as nforo Baid, shall bo required to produce his naturalization certlilcato at tlio election beforo voting, except where he has been for ten years consecutively a voter in tho district whero ho offers to vote; and on tho voto of such person being receiv ed, tho election olllcers aro to write or stamp tlio word "voted" on his certlil cato with tho month und year, and no other vol" can be east that day In virtue of said certificate, except whero sons aro entitled to vote upon the natural! zatlon of their father. ,1, If the person claiming to voto who is not registered shall makoanailldavlt that lie Is n native born citizen of tho United Btatos, or, If born eisowlicre, shall produce ovidouco of ids natural! zatlon, or that ho Is entitled to citizen blilp by tho reason of his father's nntur allzatlon, and further, that ho Is ho tween 21 and 22 years of agoj ami has resided in tlio Klato ono year, and lu tlio election, district ton days next ro 1869. 00L. ceding tlio election, he sliall be entitled to vote though liu shall not havo paid taxes. IV. As to tho voters. 1. Any quall fled citizen of tlio district has a right to challenge any voter, though Ids name bo on tho registry list, and tho election board aro rcemlred to recelvo tlio proofs phbltcly, nud to ail in It or reject tho vole, nccordlng to ovldcncc. 2. On tho petition of five or more citi zens of tlio county, stating under oath that they bellevo that frauds will bo practiced nt thu election about to be held in any district, it shall bo the duty of tlio court of common picas, or of n Judgo thereof, to appoint two Judicious, sober and intelligent citizens to act as overseers of said election, who nro to' belong todllTcront partlcs.oxcopt whero both Inspectors belong to tho samo pol itical party, and then tho overseers aro to bo taken from tlio opposite political party, and then tho overseers aro to liavo tho right to hn present with tho olllcers of election, to keep a list of vo ters, to challenge voters, nnd generally to perform tho same duties as Inspec tors. The uct Is full of penalties and forfeit ures; but in those are to bo enforced by courts of Justice, It Is not necessary to set them forth for Mm guidance of assess ors, election olllcers ami voters. A pop ular election will bo very dl lllcult If all the provisions of thu law bo strictly en forced. Indeed, it is not easy Iosco how election olllcers aro lo llml time to re ceive the ballot of tho qualified voters in some precincts, if thoy investigate thoroughly nil tlio issues that may bo brought beforo them; and when It Is considered that all tho elections aro thrown upon tho general election, and that separato tickets aro to bo voted for State, county, township and municipal olllcers at tlio samo timo that Judicial questions nro to bo investigated and de cided, It is apparent that many citizens will bo liable to lose their chance to voto unless thoy are vigilant and voto early. Every man should sco for himself Hint he Is registered, taxed and, If ho Is a na turalized foreigner, that ho Is provided with his proper papers. Tlio law will bear, as It was designated to do, very heavily on naturalized citizens. It cre ates all possible obstructions to their exercise of the right of suffrage, uud nothing but vigilance aud perseverance on their parts can sccuro their rights. "Tho prlco of liberty Is eternal viI lance." Luterne Union, The Law of Retting on Elec tions. In tho Supremo Court of Call fornia, in tho case of Johnson vs Russell, un Interesting decision lias been made on betting on elections. Johnson tnado several bets on tho result of tho PresI dontinl election, nnd Russell was tho stakeholder; hut tho plalntlir nllowcd tho stakes to rest without any demand, until tlio 23d of November, when it be enmo ccrtuln that lie had lost bis money, Then lie sent tlio stakeholder, Russell,a written notice not to pay tlio money or any part of it over lo tho winner, and that if ho did plaintiff would hold the stakeholder responsible for ids part of tlio stakes. Russell did pay. tho money to tho winner, and henco this suit. Tho Court decide Sanderson writing the opinion first, that gambling on popu lar elections Is against public policy ,and thcrcforo Illegal ; second, that money wagered may bo recovered at law, If tho party who staked it makes n de mand for tho samo beforo tho event on which lio wagered has been decided '. third, tliat if tlio bolter allows his stakes to remain in the stakeholder's hands without any demand for Its return un til tlio event lias been decided, ho can not then coiiio into court and suo for lis recovery. Tills was wliAt tho plaintiff did lu the case decided. Ho waited and stood upon the laws of honor till lie found lio had lost, and then ho appealed from tho laws of honor to tho laws o'f tlio land. Tho court was unanimously of thu opinion that to allow him (his up. peal would lio to encourago fraud. Tho conclusion of Ihooplulou Is: "Afterlho money has been lost and won neither party ought lo bo heard in n court of Justice. Novel Subject of Feline Affec tion. A remarkable instance of fellno nfeta'lloii has I wen brought to our no tice A family residing on l'ino street own n largo Mnlleso cat, which Is n groat favorite. It was observed somo timo since that sho was particularly taken with a small animal to which sho was devoting much attention. On examin ation it was fouml to bo n youny rut! How long sho had boon taking euro of It could not bo ascertained, but that she had formed it strong affection for It was ovldent. In ordorto ascertain the ex tent of her strango fancy, tho rat was secretly placed out of her reach lu n box on it post several feet from tho ground, nud oarofully concealed In soino way. In tho morning pussy was dis covered on tho ground close to tho post, with her novel pot nfleetionntely cm braced In her paws, having by somo means obtained possession of it (luring tlio night. Sho was permitted to retain It, nnd subsequently added two moro to her adopted family, nil of which sho continued to uurturo with caru ami af fection, till somo strange cats made a raid ono night and devoured all of them. It is rather a singular circumstance that a cat should form suuli an attach incut for ti family of young rats. Ly coming Oautle, Willi, n an ignorant lecturer was do scribing tlio naturo of gas, n bluo stock ing lady Inquired of u gentleman near hor what was thu dllVerenco between oxygen and hydrogen? "Very little, niiuUme," said ho "by oxygln wo mean puro gin, and by hydrogln, gin und water." AtiUACK was called by mistake to attend a council of physicians In n critical case. After considerable dis cussion, tho opinion was expressed by ono that thu patient was convalescent. " Cbnvuteteentl" Interrupted tho quack; "why that's nothing surlmis ; I Imvn cured convalescents in twcnly-four hours." it til - DEM.-VOL. XXXIII NO. 27. Arsenic Eaters in Duropo. Dr. Lowy says that in Syria ami tho lloltemlaii parts of iho Rlcsengcblrgo thero nro families in which from timo Immemorial tho habit of arsenic-eating has been transmitted from father (oson. Thcso peoplo nro nlwnys very silent about their mania, nnd ouly by mere accident can nuyonobccomoacqualnted with their per verted appetite. Llko tho horses, tlio arscnlc-eatt rs aro strong and healthy looking, having finely blended, delicate skin, which is free from every kind of pimples nud Insects, aud re markably exempt from eruptive dis cuses. Tlieso people learn tlio habit in thclrcarlicst youth, whciiaboutuquartcr ofn grain or whllo arsenic, (oxltlo of nrscnlc,) measured by tho eye, is taken dally. Tho doso is gradually increased with tho ago, and an old nrsenlc-eatcr will only feel coinforlablo when ho has taken nt Icasl two or three grains dally. lhey assert that tho poison keeps them uprightly and healthy; that it protects tliem against nil ehroulo diseases; that lliey have, especially Just after taking it, an agreeable feeling about tho ehest; breathe freely,and havo n good appetite. Thu efrect of taking nwny the nrecnlc from an habitual arsnnic-eater Is .similar to that produced by the deprivation of opium, tobacco, or spirits, only the ef fect Is more Intese. Tho person thus do- prlvod of Ills stimulant becomes melan choly, ill-tempered; sy in lotus of an In testinal catarrh appear, often Increasing In such it way Hint ono can well beliuvo ho Is observing a ease of slight nrxonlc poisoning. Tho only remedy hero is ar senic, and if this bo not given, tho un- fortutiat j man goes rapidly to thograve. Tho patient cannot bo cured at oneo ; ho must bo weaned from tho dlseaso as ho commenced it, gradually. This strango habit is very widely spread among tlio peasants of Austria and Hungary, nnd oven In some parts of tho German states. The Deacon's Trial. A few years ogo there lived on tlio outskirts of a pretty village, In New Hampshire, an old farmer who was known nmong his neighbors as "Deacon Stubbs." In ear ly life tho deacon had been rather wild, aud It was only when somewhat advan ced in years that ho was converted from tho error of his ways under tho minis tration of good old Parson Brown. From that timo Stubbs had been n zeal ous nnd exemplary member or tho vil lage church. Rut the deacon had one soro trial of patienco. Old Brlndlo, tho best cow of ids small herd, was wofully given to kicking. Manya time, after tho deacon had nearly filled his three gallon pall with rich milk from her uddcrr a sharp quick motion of her right hind leg would send pall and con tents flying half way ncross tho barn jurd. The deacon had tried coaxing, ho had tried kicking, ami Anally come to tho conclusion Hint nothing would over break that cow of her bad tricks One lino morning In June, just as tlio sun was peeping over the eastern hills, Stubbs sat down upon his three-legged 6tool to milk old Rrindle. Everything went on well; the animal stood meekly quiet, and tho deacon began to hope that ho should have no mure trouble witlt her. Tlio pail was almost full.tlio creamy froth already overtopped tho brim, when, whizz! tlio cow raised her foot ; tho pall was upset in mi instant, and its lacteal treasures scattered fur nml wide. "I swowl" oxclnlmcd tho deacon, with emphasis. Springing to his feet ho seized a heavy stick and be gan to belabor the poor cow with all his might. As tho blows roll thick and fast n shower or oaths such as ho hail not uttered beroro since lie had "jinod church" issued from (hudeucoii's mouth. Desisting at length from his exercise, ho was lliuiidersfiiick, on raising Ids eyes to behold his own minister Parson Rrown, looking over tho fence within six feet oNiim.with hands uplifted uud faco ghastly with horror, "Why, Pur son Rrown! II " stammered tho deacon. "Deacon Slubbs!" groaned tho Parson, "I am shocked,! urn griev ed to hear such profnuu langungu from a member of my church 1" Tho deacon humbly confessed his fault, anil express ed tho grcatcs.1 contrition fur his fall from grace. "Hut," ho added, "hut, Parson Drown, I am persiiadisl that I shall never enjoy religion so long as I keep that 'ere keow." To keep up tho fertility of our pas tures It is evident that wo must do our beat to check tho growth of such vege tation as I.s rtjected by stock as well as that which would injuro stock. If It were eaten. Rut It Is not enough to do- stroy the useless and Injurious plants; wo must encourago tho growth of tho valuablo ones. How shall tlieso objects bo accomplished ? Sweet Answer. a little boy nud girl, each probably live years old, wero by the roadside. As wo eumo up, tlio boy became angry at .something, and struck his playmate a sharp blow on tho check, whereupon she sat down and be gan to cry plteously. Tho boy stood looking on sullenly for n minute, nnd then said: "I didn't mean to hurt you, Katie; 1 am sorry." The little rosy faco brightened instantly. Tlio sobs wero hushed, and sho said: '-'Well, If you nro sorry, it don't hurt mo." A prying correspondent of thu A'. II'. Chrhtian Adcoeate writes that lu his cltnrgo of 2 lu members, thero nro so v- enty-flvo who chow tobacco about one third. Taking oiio-fuurtli usa certain ly proper basis, ho calculates that of tlio 23,00(1 members of tlio Illinois Confer ence, fi,7ft(l use tobacco. Of tho 1,000,000 members ol tho M. E, Church lu tho United States, thero nro 2."0,000, Bun posing that thcso members pay ouly $10 per year fortius luxury, thoy spit away only t2.K),O0o per year. If given to benevolent objects what n sudden rep lltatlnu for benevolence our Methodist friends would acquire. As they are probably no worse than other deuoiiil nations, It becomes a curious specula i ,,,,,, ..I ....I,,,, I,,,,. ,1 ,l,,k 1, JMI.ll trlhutcd Instead of tho gospel. 1 1.,,, i,. i,,, ,.,,,..i. i.. i. ii,.,, i- ,ii i -tmtMi --RATBS OP ADVERTISING. Onoenunrr?. (ton line or Its oqulvii' lent In nonpareil typo) oncortwolnser. lions, $I.Mj three Insertions, KPACr., 1M, 2M, 3m, $2.00. 1Y. 110,00 15,00 is,o 25,00 30,00 00.00 OlioB(Uftre.....l.!.(j 13,00 11,00 Tjvo squares ., ViO S.OO 7,00 Tfiree squares...... ",,00 7,00 9,00 Kpur square 7,00 0,00 11,00 Ojiarter column,. 10,00 13,00 11,00 Half colutllll...lr,,00 18,00 2000 hnaHitni.M Vl (VI un ftA Vt IV! 10,00 0,00 12,00 17,00 avn 90,00 f Executor's or Administrator's Notice, 00.00 160,00 ja.uoi Auuuor'Bor Assignee's nonce, t2.C0. ' iocnl Notices, twenty cents a lino by tlio yenr ton cents. ; Cards In tlio "Directory" column, 2.00 per year for tho llrst two lines, nnd 1,1X1 for each additional line. gumottuis (Soliimit. ' . . j Pbppery. There wnsnknot of sea cdptaltw In a stoto nt Honolulu, the I keeper of which had Just bought a bar rel of black pepper. Old Captain camo In, and, seeing tho pepper, took lip n handful of it. "What did you buy buclt stuff as Hint for?" said ho to the storo keeper, "It's hnlf peas." 'Peas !" replied the storekeeper, "no there isn't it pea lu It." Taking up a linndfull us ho spoke, ho appealed to tho compauy. They all looked nt It, nnd plunged their hands Into tho barrel, and bit n kernel or so, and gave It as their universal opinion that there wasn't n pen In It. "I tell you thero is," said tho old cap thin scooping up a handful, "aud I'll bet a dollar on It." Thu old argument nil over tho world. They look hiru up. "Well," said lie, "spell that," point, lng lo tho wonl "P-o-p-p-o-r," painted on thosldo of tho barrel. "If it Isn't half p'.s then I'm no judgo, that's all." Tho but was paidi Shrewd. A gentleman was chatting with a Utile girl on n ml I way train, when she suddenly looked up in Ids and said "Vou look like Abraham Lincoln," , "Dol Y" said tho gentleman, "how do you know I'm not?" "He's i lead," said tho child, with an astonished look at Uioipiestloucr; "they killed him." "Well," said tlio gentleman, "but didn't Abraham Lincoln havo n broth cr?" Tlio child looked puzzled for a nilii tito, and thou quietly remarked 'My father saw Abraham Lincoln." "Did ho?" said tlio gentleman. "Yes; after ho was dead ho saw lilni. Did you over seo him ?" "No," said the gentleman, "I novcr saw him." "Then," said the child, triumphantly, "of course you ain't his brother." Two Irishmen stopped nt tlio Island House, Toledo, lit their gas, nnd, with window open, sat down to enjoy n chat. Clu hungriest of Toledo mosquitoes soon Hocked In nnd drove them desper ate. Tlio clerk, who was summoned to dovlso somo defense against them, told them to closo tho windows nnd put out tho gas. Thoy acted on tho suggestion and placed themselves between tlio sheets. Just as they began to doze, a lightning-bug, which had strayed Into tho room, caught tho eyo of ono of tlio travelers. Ho roused his companion with a punch, "Jamie, Jamie, It's no use! Hero's ono of tho craturs sarchln for us wid a lantern !" A mounted officer was riding by a field in which there wero some applo trces laden with early fruit, and somo straggling pcrsimmon-trces covcrod witii green persimmons. Ho saw 6omo soldiers attempting to hide, and nt onco suspected Hint they wero robbiug tlio orchard. So he halted, and the follow ing colloquy took placo : "Halloo, what are you doing thero?" said tho officer. Wo come to git somo 'simraons.' " "Ap ples, I suspect. Why, tho perslmmous aro green enough to pucketo up you mouths." "That's JWt what wo want witli 'em. Wo wiui t to mako our mouths little to suit our rations!" There was a duel in Colioes, N. V., tlio other day. Tho bccoiids kindly drow tho balls beforo tho lire, which was manfully delivered. Rut, at tho instant of tiring, ono of tho seconds threw a small pebble against the breast or his principal's opponent, who sup posing lio was ratally wounded, fainted and full. Tho other, seeing Iho effect of Ids shot dropped his weapon and lied to tho woods, nnd has not sluco been seen. Tho man wiio fell recovered coon iiftcrwurds, nnd upon inquiry was told that his antagonist had been killed by his shot, and his mortal remains were then reposing beneath the clods. This iu I u in alarmed tlio lust "survivor," aud hu also lied lo purls unknown. Washington Irvino nnd Lewis Gaylord Clark, whllo walking near Sleepy Hollow, wero overtaken by n storm; there wero great tliundoriug and lightning, aud Mr. Irving took refuge under a tree, asking his compan ion : "Why don't you como in hero and bo as comfortably housed as I am?" "I daren't do It, my dour sir," replied Mr. Clark. '! am afraid of lightning. My father was once nearly killed by it wlillo htaudlng under a tree in a thuti- ler storm, nnd ho nlways enjoined It upon his twin boys never to do tho llko." "Oh." said Mr. Irving, "that alters tho case. If lightning runs lu your family, I commend your caution." Daniel Webster's Fright. No situation more perfectly paves tho way font hearty laugh at tho end, than that of two strangers obliged to bo togothor and In mutual terror of each other. Nothing can bo moro comically uncom fortable than a couple of honest men eyeing each other askanco an hour or two, when all tlio timo "ono Is afraid and tho other daresn't." Upon ouo occasion Mr. Webster was on his way to attend to his duties at Washington. Ho was compelled to proceed at night by stage from Balti more, llo had no traveling compan ions, and tlio driver had a sort of felon. lord which produced no Inconslderubio alarm with tho Senator. 'I endeavored to trauqulllzu myself," said Mr. Webster, "and had partially succeeded, when wo reached tho woods between Bladensburg nnd Washington (a proper bceuo for murder or outrngo), uud hero I confess, my courage again deserted mo." "Just then tho driver, turning to mo, witli a gruff voice asked iny iiaine. I gave It to lilm. "Whero aro you going?" said he. Tlio reply was, "to Washington. I mil n Senator." "Upon this the driver seized mo fer vently by tho hand, nud cxclalnud, 'How gladl nml I have been trembling In my seal for tho last hour, for when 1 looked at you 1 look you lobe a high wayman.' Off airse, Imlh partlus wero relieved." til'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers