rAND- I I I ,h OMSnUUG." PA. f- ftl'i i l I flllllAY MIlllNINtl, AIKUI8T 7, lOU. r" --j rr.n TIIM COl.UMllIAN 111 I.nrRCiit Clrciilnllun of ny lmptr pitblUtttil In Nortli.ru Pennsylvania, and U also . l much lr(tr iliett tlin auy oflLeotem. pornrlcii anil H her.rorlieliet m.dlum for advertising In this section oftlia State. Important to, Editors and Printers We lmveoti hand, ilntl will sell at low rnles lliroo lmutl presses, which havo BCommtUitcrt by tho purchiud of n Tower ami Otirtlun iirss, nuil.by tliocoiisoliiln- tlou' of tho Democrat with tho (Jol,UM-. 111AN. 1. A Wmlilnjitou lloo Press, now, pltitcti 11x20 luelira. It was In itso only ten months, with a light edition. 2. A Washington lloo Press, formerly In Democrat t Star ollleo, platon 3UX23 Indium. It Is eonipl&to'riml soiiritl. 3. A Washington lloo Privis, new', foiK-.ip.si&e, platen WjxllJ inches, it, li almojt lmllsiicnsalilo In nn ollleo not having n Gordon. ' ' In addition to this wo have n Inrtjb quantity of liotirgofjls,. honpatell, rulw. duyita, J(b type, etc., biifllulcnt to start nn otlleo, .which wo will, sell in lots, or together, as purchasers may prefer. Tho, Dr. John Roliof Bill. Wiikn Dr. John's scrvlco us Assessor if this Itcvi line district ended, he had on hand rovetine stamps to nn amount' oxecodliii; $70t).-r'-J'or which ho was nc initntitlilo to I ho Government. Ho was :iutlioried to return them lo the Treats--iiry Uopartinont In, order to receive n proper credit, and attempted to do so liy.em'Iositii; them in n letter mulled and rcttlsU'redatthOilMooimburu' poat nllliv, 'I'liat rcRlstered letter was never revived at tho Treasury and was proluv lily purloined (Hi its way, At tin! sitnion of Gnifjress in isn$ a special net was' passed for till) Drtctor's relief, niitliiiriziiitf n cmllt for tho uiiioiint of tho stamps to he entered up on h Is aceon n tasi Assessor. The bill Tor his relief after passing tho Houso was pall In tlui.Senato wlthotitopposilion, hut was' retulneil thoro a short timd' on a motion to reconsider submitted by Mr, JJuckatew to enable .him to exam ine tlio evidence, and.papers In tho, case. On.tlio ijlli of, July .Mr. lluckalow, iwtor.fulf qxainluatipu.inado tho follow ing renuukt) upon the subject of tho bill und wltJulnuyiiiK his motion to recon sider, thtj bill stood passed. V quoto from (ho Congressional Qlobe, 2nd sess ion -WhL,'Congress, rj. 4439. "Mr. IIucalew. Houso hill No. m, relating to, (.he claim .of, I'alcmon John, a former assessor, of Internal Itevonuo lu (i'e.nnsylvanla, was passed.somo days slnco and I onterpd n motion to recon sider. I desire to say tlint I havo exam ined nil the papers since tho possago of tho bill, and I And thcro Is only ono de feet In tho caso. I alludo to this now, becauso' the" caso arises In my own dis trict, Tho amount of stamps which It is nlleged Mr. John roturnod to the Com missioner of Internal Ito'vcnuo, Is prov ed oply by his own oath. That is a point to which I havo directed my at tention'. Tho oyldenco 13 very satisfac tory that ho mailed stamps 'directed to tho Commissioner of Internal Revenue at the post ofQco nt Bloomsburg. Tho post-master swows to that fact and' tho fact Is Indisputable, it also appears very clearly by tholnvesllgations which wero mado under tho direction of tho Po.it-Master General', that that register ed lotter was purloined from tho malls or lost, somewhero between Blooms burg and Philadelphia. It seems also that another letter sont the day follow ing by tho post master there notifying tho post mooter at Washington city of tho mailing of tho rcglstcrod letter, nover reached its destination. It ap pears probable, in fact I beltove, from tho papers that both these letters, tho letter I ransmltlng tho stamps and the letler of ndvico from tho post master nt Illonmshurg to tho post master at Wash ington, was purloined from tho mails after they Ipft Hloomsburg, having been mailed there". Under tho clreu instances, although the oath of tho claimant alone Axes tho amount of tho stamps which ho mailed, It seems reasonably clear that, ho did mall about tho amount wlifch he Mule. That was exactly tho balauco necessary to close Jil.i account, somo $700. Ho is n ninuofcroJlt and veracity and .swears to tho fact, and now, under nn amend ment of (ho laws of tho United States Introduced by myself, ho would bo ad mitted In tho Fedora) Courts on his oath as a witness oven in a caso where ho wits a party. Upon examining his ac count ut tho Internal Hovenuo Depart ment, i think thcro Is such moral cer tainty in tlio caso that I am willing to withdraw my motion to reconsider ami let tho bill stand passed, although I ac knowledge, in ordinary coses, It would bo very hazardous indeed to permit a party to get u claim through on his own oath. Tho Pkesidino Office : If thcro bo no objection, leavo will bo granted to withdraw tho motion to reconsider. There appears to ho no objection and tho motion is withdrawn." BhNAToniAi. DisrniCT Votk. Tho following is tlio correct Democratic vote of ()iq counties composing this Sena' torlal district, at tho Presidential elec tion of i6CS. BKVMOUlt. Northumberland 4,230 Columbia 4,022 Montour ifi'Jl Sullivan 811 10,790 Neveh Hkaiw. Wo novor heard of Asu Packer, when his money sont him to Congress. Ho seems to havo been n perfect ciphor inthat body. American. Isn't thero a similar caso In Ulysses Mcrcur from this district? Ho has boon Bent to Congress for six years; ho went ns n cipher, ho yet remains a cipher and tho respcctablo pooplo of this district begin to sigh for his sweet retirement lo tho chnnns of private lire. Messrs. Iladlcals if wo wcro In your jilacoa wo would not do so dangerous n thing ns comment tijoji political ciphers. Look around you Jn your own party, from Grant to Mcrcur, including Covodo nnd try If you can count them. . I Murder 1 Murder!! CHIME. ! ' SUKIIIKOI-A tklMIKAI. WiLLtAMsiuuT. August. ). Tlio body of Mar tin lllllmytr, of Northumberland county, wlm Was convicted ol lllli'lt distilling nt tlio last term of t'.o United States Court, nml confined In Jail lro ni louuil buck of tho Jail, this iiiurnliiK. With IiIh throat cut, Ho had been missing since Tiitwdy.uvoulntuOiutocuuut. pf.abenatlou of inlua ho hivl been Allowed unusual lllierty by lliojalior. He litldlbo fatal, kutru. lu bis hand y lieu f.miul.U1rwvraU ' f 1 'Tho moro obiioxlous nnd oj'jectlojia mo a taw is, tno moro strictly win i tee It oxccuted.M-t-tlitANT., - In la above effso thero vyiis no crlmq nnd It was not tho suVcldo ut a criminal, it Was tlio ease of an Innocent cUl7.cn, ilriven to insanity and sclf-nnird'er, by tho liomuls who compose tho "rmllcal whisky rng." No man who attended that trial hcliov-od Martin Ulltniycr guilty of itny Intent lo defraud, tho rev enue, qrdbn wrong to nuy man or in terest. Aud without tho guilty Intent there can bo no crime. Tho law in ro tation to distilling, was welt and Justly characterized by defendant's counsel, ns ono Impossible to bo undprstood by n plain mat!,orevcu by the' oiUci'als them selves; and all tliq uvlitoncc In the case went to show that' .illllmyer had done With scrupulous fidelity and exactness, o very thing that ,had, been required of, him. Hut tho" whiskey ring" has no inorcy nnd tho Juries.paeked by.Uadicai United States marshals for tho work required, do It unqucstlonluglyjandtho court nro then bound to Inflict tho penalty which tho act of Congress attaches to tho. ver dict of ''Guilty." Thousands of signa tures obtained in lliocouuticsof Columbia,- Montour anil Northumberland, osldiig Qnuil to pardon him, attest tho public sentiment to Dlllmycr's jniio,- cento. Dut Grant, Instead of being lu Washlngtoii attending to his business, was with "iiumcnso delight" riding behind tho fast hor&c.s of Homier in Cen tral Park, New York, smoking segars and drinking whiskey on, tins race course on Long Island, or daiciug liku a harlequin at the hpo .downs at ljong Ilranch. A lid so 'poor Illllmyer, the victim' of these itadli-ais. can liu iike a dog In tlio bushes till tlio decaying body tells (ho tale i, f his death; while the smell of olio hundred barrels .of his "whiskey, seized lly'tho'7or(THwic, .salutes tho olfactories of thequict citizens ofHlooni'--- burg. Persfcutioii, conflcatloii, In sanity, death I - How long, O Lord! how long? Card, of Explanation. OuAxpBVliiiK, Pa. Aug.23, 1809. Mu, KniTon,: Tho question being frtquontly asked niq "why I did not nl 16v niy nauio to eomo boforo the, Demo- cratlc.County Convention held on tlio 3rd Inst?" the reason for, my not.doing bo, is this,: By nn nrrniigcmcnt between Mr. Zarrand mysel fon tho morning of tho Convention, it was agreed that I should withdraw and not allow my nnino tq.bo used as ho (Mr, Zarr) was of tho opinion that he could, without doubt, gct,tho nomination, nnd as my chance, at , that hour looked very doubt ful for tho nomination I submitted to Mr. Zarr's proposition. He claljned (no doubt lioucstly) that ho.could con trol more delegates than I could, and by mo giving him my delegates ho could defeat Mr. Jacoby, but ho was much mistaken. After I had given way to Mr, Zarr, I found I could havo controted moro del egates than he did, nnd know, had I nl lowed my namo to go before that Con vention I could havo received tho nom ination for Register nnd Recorder, as tho delegates from tho following named townships would havo voted for inc. It is too lato to mend the matter now, but it Is duo to my friends and myself that this matter should bo explained. Had Mr. Zarr not como beforo tho Conven tion I could havo received tho two dele gates from Beaver,two from Brlarcreek, two from Centre, two from North Conyngliain, two from South Conyng ham, two from PIshlngcreek, two from Frankltn, two from Locust, two from Maine, two from Madison, two from MilUIn, two from Ml. Pleasant, two from Orange, two from Pine, two from Itoarlngcreek, nnd ono from Scott; In all 31 votes. Jacoby would havo stood thus: Two from Bloom, two from Benton, two fron Borough Berwick, two from Cata wissa, tw6 from Centralla Bnrough,two from Greenwood, two from Hemlock, two from Jackson, two from Montour, two rrom Sugarloaf, and 1 from Scott; in all 21 votes. This is n plain statement of facts and (hanking my friends for llieir kind sup port, f shall over Ucmulii theirs truly, JOIIN SNYDKIt. Can Huoit TmNna nn, Canjiv? That while tlio despot of Franco is opening tho prison doors to political oirenders, nnd granting universal aume&ly to other classes of prisoners, can it bo that you, C.inby, In this frea republic, havo tho eonsclcnco to Insist upon tho rigid ap plication of a form of oath giving your own Interpretation thereto, by tlio way that was only Intended for operation at n certain critical period, now long sliico passed and gone? Verily, thcro seems to bo moro Justice and modera tion in imperial Franco than republican Virginia under thy rule, Canby Y. Herald. Xook Notice. A Book of good Fairy Talon Is an ac quisition to young persons. "Lkoknds l'ltojf Faiuy Land," Is a good Collec. Hon in Proso and Poetry. "OEMS op Geuman Lyiuch," A se lection of short pieces In German, with nn English translation on tho opposite page. Among them Is Lcnan's"ltcfugo' and "Gazo Into tlio stream," etc. "PJIOTKSTANT G EMU Of TJIE PltAYElt Book," it book well worth the study of all. Published by Claxton, llemsou & Haffelflhgcr and fur salo'at tlio Book Store. Also "Hetty" by Klngsioy. "The Seven Cuksks of London," by Jamos Greenwood. Mu. Piiesident Gkantoii Saturday lost accepted tho Invitation of u Mr. Brick to spend tho day at n placo named Brlcksburg.ln Now Jorsey, During tho day Mr. 1). presented Mr. G, with fifty acres of town lots in that classic locali ty, which, incrcdiblo its It may appear, wcro "ileatanti, accepted I" If any body knows of a present of any kind from nn oraugo to n scrvlco of plate having been "pleasantly" refused, wo should bo pleasod to hear of It, Ten der hearted Grant, ho dislikes (o Inlilct pain I TWif. rm iTMiUAN t zr....z - Tho ColttmbiffJDounty Invasion. GovfinN4MljNyitNKssEs:Wohavu already examined tho evidence and ireiicrnl fii of six of tho witnesses called by tho prosecution In tho Harris- Imrg trlnls. Tliowwhlch romnitnTiny bo disposed of moro briefly, with iiyp riot'it'lilc exceptions. Wo nro anxlqirs-bn the ono hiuid to present nil tho testl monyyaaTnst tiio, prisoners o"rI(s full" suLsfitii'co, and exphiln' wljo I fit piiK sons w'ero by whom It Was given, alul on tho other to avoid prolixity .and Un due ipltiutcness or (iclaifs. ')ur nnfrit llvdlobb fair, exhaustive AUfsfaclbry nlid conclusive, mli bo reasonably full In cxhlhltliiL? tho evidence vhon both sltUs; but Wo will consult tlo con von)? encoofour readers by being as concise as ppssiblo In our further cllailons ahd statements. Against Daniel M'Honry were ex amined six witnesses in addition to those before, mentioned. FIvo of, theso, we fchull now dispose of, r.cogrylng ono for future treatment und for a Just (because merited) castlgatlou. ' GiiiiEKT C. M' Waini:, 12sq;of Shlck. shinny, formerly of Huntington town 'ship, testified to remarks mado by Daniel M'Ucnry nt n meeting' In lien (on In June 1803, The witnens saysMhlit ho attended tho meeting to obtain volun. tecrsj (wo .suppose, lo till thO' quota of Huntington township,) that ho showed ItU authority and gave publlciuvitntlon. M'ilenry thereupon said that "it was his opinion tho quickest way (o put down (he rebellion wni not (o furnish a man or a dollar:'' Upoh' lifs cruss-('x nmlna'doii; lioWcver, tho wlllil'ss tcs'tl ned further, that M'Hoilry "argufctl'l'llcl cause of tho war J &ald tho troubles' We're brought about by tllh ubolitibulstR' and the war nlight havo been settled on' tli6 basis of tho Crittenden ciimiiromlse; I think lie did say If Wo would pass '(lib' Crittenden Comproinlso to theConstitu tlou Wo'nced not furnish menorinoiu'y. Ho mado h 'remark that Ihcy should wall patiently and appeal to the'ballot box; I do not think ho sail! anything disloyal, lie dppnsed thtl ('itrr.Vlrtg"'oii of "tlits war to liberate 'tlio' 'negroes ; ho laviired carrying 'on Ihe war 'for the Consliludoil and the Union.'! Taken together this testimony ex hibits' a political argument which ylictiicr correct or hot', vas Innocent and Was'ono of common and op6h iiJe" d'uriiig tho WVirl It may' havo been prompted in, pUri at that tlino by t'lib iih'fcmpt of the witn'ess tb obtain men, to bo credited oh tliJ qUoth b:f a illsirlct'iu nhiUlier county, thus stHpping 'M' .Henry's neighborhood of nvuliablo meahs for filling their own. At' all events what was said was simply' an expression of opinion ns to what should bo 'done to restore tho "Unlph, anil it was not an expression of1 hostility to tho enforcement of'lnw. ' Oiias. GmniiNs of JJcnton township, it farmer, testified thatdio attended tho Bantz, meeting (Aug. 11,'Cl) in tho foro noon but left about ouo o'clock. Ho furtlier stated that ho had 'jattended three or four of the- so-called secret mectipgs; never saw MUIenry.npuc, nor qver heard of his attending any." His tcMimpny concerning tho ilantz meeting wo will reserve until that cnb- ject shall be reached. Jonas Doty of Fishingcreck tuwn sliip, farmer, was called to provo decla rntious made by M'ilenry Arco jer before u a conversation with hlin. They wero very improbable in character and evidently colored and perverted if not manufactured outright. Upon objection mado by counsel for Defendant tho Commission rejected this testimony and it was struck from tho record.' Mr.Doty retired with his malico uugratltlcd. Aauon Smith of Benton township, farmer, testlllcd that ho attended ono secret meeting at the housoof PeterCase. Ho was a member. Tho oath ns near ns ho could remember was this : "to bo true to tho Constitution and the, laws of (ho United States; the signs wcro not to bo revealed." On cross-oxnmlnntlon ho added, "(hat, was nil that I ever kngyvnbout tho oath; Daniel ,M'Hcnry was not there." This witness was also examined ns to tho remarks of M'ilenry nt tho Benton meetinginlSG3nbout not giying money or, men to tho war tho way It was carried on. His testimony upon this point was very much tho sumo as, that given by Ksq. M' Walno, though somewhat less distinct and em phatic. Wm. Es'anh of Fishingcreck, boat man, was examined on tho subject of secret meetings but without any very satisfactory result. Ho "attended so called secret meetings; onqor two, could not pay positively," but it turned out that hqattonded bufoiiu which was at tho Savago School Houso In March 18C3. Tho date Is Important asdxlng tho time when tlioso Club meetings wero In vogue, and this wiinessis worth look ing after becauso ho is tho only ono who Iocates.D.mlol M'ilenry in ono of thaw meetings. Tho witness, appears in his testimony timidly anxious to cscapo re sponsibility. Ho says, "I was parllyji member; I never went through; I was Invited ; I novor was thero but onco j I was tho only ono Initiated ; I did not got through," Subsequently ho snys, "I attended no secret meetings nftcr Unit tlmo j I did not walk far down to (ho meeting; I went boating;" Tho fact was, tho witness was afraid and confused beforo tho Commission; ho had tlio terror of military power boforo his oyes, and lienco his scattered answers and disclaimers. Although initiated und sworn ho says ho was only partly a member; he did not gel through: ho did not walk far lo tho meeting, and ho went boating as quickly as possible! Club membership had becoutgn sharp danger when men wcro put In dungoons for It, and when It figured lu formal charges boforo tho Commission and mon wero convicted for It as (it n criminal offenso. But wo can rellovo Mr. Evans from all his doubts and concern lu caso his, mind Is yet oxorclsod over his porl- ious connection with (ho "so-called se cret meetings." If ho will tako our word for It, wo can nssuro him, that ho did get completely through thu wholo mystery of tho secret meetings j (lint liu was not partly a member but was one In 'full communion ;' that his member' ship Involved nothing ol crimo or tils graco nnd requires no apology, nnd that when ho went boating nftcr his short walk to tho Savago School House ho was Just its good a man nnd as good a patriot as ho had over been before, As to tho oatli taken by him and tho object of tho meeting, Evans proceeded to say "tho oath, near us I can recollect It, was (o support tho constitution of AND IIHMOCllAT. . fr - :. :: . - TH thcOUnlted Btalciaml, tho Unlon. Tho Constitution ot JtlioJU. S, was to.bn tho c;oqljltution,o(thocicty lcan not recollect whether wo wore to sup- 'rWr'tV.l laws ot. thoi,lnnd. t . I got mere ny uciug tomniv;iu ivib m mccling at tlio School Houso. It was public ; tho houso was nil open, it was not considered lUiicgtliiK. (q resist the draft. It was purely political ; not for purpose, of Ityslstftd tlia draft." Ho oWsahT.,thoro wcro twenty to twenty-flvtmcrsons-Drrsenti-would notsny tho numberi Daniel M'Honry mado a speech there.. Can't recollect what, ho said, it Was a .political speech. John 'Savage, Charles Kramer, WHHt'H J Kramer, AloxandcrKrHiiier and ono of tho .M' itenrj s wcro there; also Levi Lunger." This concludes Ihq Icstimony.of a gov brnmc;it witness, abput n secret meet ing which was open 1 about a dis loyal nsscmblago which was fjworn to support tho Constitution of tlio Union 1 In our next number wo shall pass on lo matters, of moro interest and shall approach tho cnJ of our analysis of govern men t , testl mouy. Sad Case of Suicide. MAiyn.y mrlLMYEitj the victim! des- ' TttOYS HIMSELF WITll'A KNIFE. 1 On Friday morning about 8i o'clock, Mr. J. Ki Hnys.of thiscity, wlilloloo t- Ing among (ho shrubbery In tho rear "end of his garden for n. kitten that had been missing, suddenly camo upon tho mutilated nnd decaying remains of a dead limn, u lilch proved to bo tlio, body ofMarlln Billmycr, lato an lumato of the county Jail. Mr Billmycr, It will boremcmbe'red, was sentenced nt the jilst term of tlio U. S. Circuit Court to six months' Imprisonment, besides pay ing n ilncoM&ljOQO, for violation iof tho Internal lovenuo law in tho manufac ture of whisky. Filr hUinu time pastlt'liad been appar ent' to all win observed' 'Win (hat his mind was moro or less tinder the influ ence of despondency bordering 6u In sanity, and the sheriff had very kindly given 111 in a number of'uilu&unl liber ties under tho circumstances. His mind stemelV to bo moro''cxerelfcd on last Tuesday (h:I( U' had pievlously been, nhd'hb expressed'a vcry'strongdeslro lo seo his family, In tho es-ening U wis found'that ho had disappeared, and all search for him proving fruitless, tlio sheriff started for tho placo1 of his rcsl- jtlenco In order,- if possible, to learn something concerning his whereabouts. No traco'of him could bo futind until ho was sltimfilcd upon by Mri Hays ns already stated. J tisfleo Hepburn summoned a corou ei 's Jury consisting of tho following 'gentlemen ; Charles E. Miller, Fore man: W. 'II. Phillips, D', Robinson, James Rothrock, Charles Schcffel and CJ..S. Ransom,iwho, nftcr visiting the scene of the sad occurrence, adjourned 'until tlio afternoon, when the following verdict was rendered: Commomcealth of Pennsylvania, Ly coming county, City of Williamsporl : An inquisition inducted and taken at Williamsport in tho county of Lycom ing, this 20th day of August, in tlio .year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, beforo John Hepburn, Ji P., of the county aforesaid, upon tho view of tho body of Martin Billmycr, thon and thcro lying dead, upon tho oath of Charles E. Miller, W. H. Phillips, David Robinson, James Rolhrock, Charles Scheirel and G. S. Ransom, good lawful citizens of tho county aforesaid, who, being sworn and alUrmcd to inqtiiro on tlio part of tho commonwcaltii when, where, how and after what manner tho said Martin Billmycr camo to his death, do say that mo sulci juariin liuimycr uiu, whilo laborlm; under a mental ab erration, stab himself nnd cut his own throat with a common pocket Kime, ami mat tno samo niarun inn rnyercumo to his death as aforesaid and not otticryiso. JOHN UEI'IIUKN, J. X. Chnrles E. Miller. Foreman. W. H. Phillips. David Roblnsou. Charles Schcflel, G. S. Ransom, James Roth- rocic. The circumstances attending tills me lancholy affair are very sad Indeed. It was' becoming the general Impression that the offunso for which ho was im prisoned had been committed by him in Ignorance of tlio law concerning such matters, and a petition had been extcn sively circulated and signed for his re lease, with the above reason. Ho must havo mndo way with himself on tho same evening ho was first missed, as it was evident when ho was found that ho had been dead some time. Wo under stand ho was about lit years of ago, and that his family was well known and highly respected. His body was taken (o Montour county by his friends for In. torment. Tho sheriff and his family, wo aro assured, treated him with every consideration of courtesy nnd kindness In their power, and whatover tho indis cretion' may havo been In allowing him such liberties, no ono, wo nro Inclined to think, will censure (ho sheriff for pursuing tho courso that ho did. Ly coming Gazette. ilow Tho Public Debt is JJccroascd. Geo. S. Houtwkll, Secretary of tho xrcitaury, is hltltllng hlgli for tlio Prcsl dencyj nml na nn clccllonccrltig card ho iirocliilinBinbnlhlvnilccrcasoofdioiiuh- lictlcht. A creature of hlsby tho namo of luiiucK, n suhorulnato In (ho Treasury Department, makes uri reports to order, on which tho nmbltlous Secretary basos his monthly niinounccnicnts. Hut fit.'. urea don't Ho, much na tlicy may bo porvoriou in tlio uso inauo of them by raillcal arithmeticians. Tlio followlnir la n correct statement of tho amount of tlio public debt at tlltrercnt perio.ls, from tho ilrst of April, 18C5, until tho first of July last: April i, isco tHio.im.trn September 1, 1805 2,757,080,071 November 1, 1807 2,101,501,150 Novoinbcrl, 1808 2,527,1211,532 July 1, 1809 2,015,170,201 From this Itwillbosren that, instead of tho dobt having boon diminished, it has been nugmented, tlurlng tlio last four years. It is now nearly three hund millions more than it teas on the first of April, 1803. Tills increase has taken placo during n period of profound peace. Sluco Noveinhcr hwtoie Aim dretl and fifteen millions havo been add ed to tho liugo and Intolerable load. Tulloek may ilguro and Houtwell pro claim, but they cannot wlpo out what Mr. Mantlllnl would stylo (ho "deinnl tlou total." To assume a virtue though you havo It not, will sometimes deceive tlio unwary, but tho galled and sens! tlvo yoke bearers groaning under tho burden of nullm I taxation, cannot ho tricked Into tho belief Hint tho load is lessening so long ua It bears thorn near er nnd nearer (n earth, -Patriot, 3LOOMS15UltG, --l5Z----i mu. r-irt Mamo. Tho National ame. 1.-t.l.i. In at tiiri famous Athletic TloeW lldll Club of Philadelphia ployed n carab with tho IttvcrBldo plub or Cain- wissa on mu gruunuou.,..." FiiWlN.NfNrj.-Tholtlvorsldoswon tho toss and sent their opponents to (ho hat. Berry was caught on a "V ba"' CuthbcrUu-A.Blmllnr wny nnd llslcr followed on a foul Into tno nanus ui m v,i,.l,f.1' fnlrtlrims U. I The Riversides wcro soon uispusl-u . Tiol,l.n,i n.foiilbv Rodclltr.aiasosirucit out.nnd Kllnowught out byM!Mullcn. No runs. Second iNNiNO.-M'Brldogavoa uy i nnii.miti, iii rlf ht field and retired, Hnrrv wns ran At bv AVhclnil in left Held nndScnsendcrfcr was put out on 2d base 11 riltm. Abbott struck out, Gllroy struck a foul which was taken by Itadcllff and Whelan rollowod sult.l run was scored, by Blddlo. Tuinn iNNiNO. Berry went out on a foul, Reach was put out at first baso, and Fislor nt the some place, 3 runs. Whelan was caught at 3d baso by Foran.Kasooutat first and Kllnoout at first 1 run by Baldy. Fouiith innino. M'Mullcn retired from a ball to flr3t nnd also at homo base. Scnscndcrfer nn a foul, 15 runs. Moycr was caught by M'Mullcn, short stop, Gllroy cauglit by M'Brldc, Gal braith out nt first; ball thrown in by M'Mullcn,--no runs. Fll'THlNNlNC!. M'Mullcn caught by Kline, pitcher, and on fly by Gllroy at first, Foran out at first 7 runs. Whelan caught by Reach at 2d baso, Blddlo out at first, Moycr followed on,n foul, 2 runs. Sixth innino. Berry retired on a foul, M'ihido followcdat flrstnnd Cuth bert at first' from it ball from Knso at 3d base, 1 run. G llroy cave a fly lo Flsler, Whelan was put out at 2d, Kllimout.al first, 3 runs. Tho game was called at tho end of tho sixth Inning, It having hecomo too darli (o continue. Wo append tho full score. ATiii.v.nii'. niVKl'.stnii naldy p Ktiko 2 li Kllno of lllUJIe c Moycr n H...., Abbott b Ullroy lb Clnlbrnlth rr.. WliiUu I f Ilonch "Li..- l M iirlilu :s t.'iitliucrt If Ji . 3 ""!! :i ,..2 ....JS U Filler I li Hciivi'iuli'rri-r c r.....2 M'Mlillili ax I Kiiiaii :ti, .1 Itmlollir o (I llirij rf 4 IS CO HUBS MAlli; IN lUl'll 1.NN1M1. 1st 2d 3d lh Mi Clli All.lollo 9 31 3 13 7 l-9 ltlverslilo 0 110 2 3 rut out on basos ny Flsler 5 fVuscuderfer to tnlO. Assisted by M'Mnllon 3; Foran 2. l'nt oui l,v r l-lbnillli l- (lllrov S: lllilillo 1 total. 8. ARsls- tod by Wlielnn 2j llafdy 1; Kllno lj Moycr 1; Ab- bolt l; uuroyi. Flsler 1: Uuthbert 1: M'llrldo 1: Iloncli !. 1' ly IVUIC'IU'S ll'.uvjiiii a-uii.ii i: ...uiicii -. -total (IllroyJ; Unlbrnltli,?; lllddlo2; Kllnol; Kaso w ill1 1 mi i. mull in. l'l.iil bonml ('illdii'S Kiulcllir 1. CllUlll'S oil throoslrlkcu-ltndcllira. clean homo runs, una- ellll.. ITmnlro Air. Ailiilus of tho AlcrlB of Dan- vllle. Hcorcrs-A. . Wrlalitond W. J. Hears, Tlino ol Kiiiue 2 hours nnd 'M minutes. On tho following day a match was played on tho fair grounds nt this placo between tho Athletics and tho Indepcn dent Nino of Uloomsuurg. Tho day was favorablo being somewhat cloudy and the intense heat was relieved by a cool breeze which prevailed during most of tho afternoon. The gamo was called at quarter past two o!clock and. tho Athletics winning tho loss sent tho Bloom boys, to tho bat ExnsT innino. Ncal lcdoffbutsoon retired on a foul to Itadcliflb, catcher, Appleinan was disposed of by Cutlibert at first and Furmau was caught by ItadcliiTon a foul, no runs. M'llrldo opened tho gamo for tho Athletics. Ho struck a long ball to left Held which was handsomely taken on a run by Billmyer. Beach gained his first baso and Cuthburt then struck a hot grounder to Neal, shqrt stop, who picked it up nnd throwing it to E. Elwell at second baso putout Itcach.Elwcll throw tho hall to O. Elwell at first baso, and put out Cuthhert. This very brilliant double play elicited much applause. Tho Athletics mado no runs. aixoND inning. E. Elwell went to tho bat and readied first on thrco strikes Illllmyer went out on tlirco strikes. O Elwell gnvo a fly to M'Brldo and Shutt was put out on first, 1 run scored, by I Elwell. Flsler gained his second base, Sen somlorfer gavo a fly to Appleinan in right field which was very handsomely taken, nud passed to second In time t put out Flsler, Iteaeh was put out at first. Tho doublo play was again warm ly applauded, 3 rutis wero scorod. Tiiiitn iNNiNa.--Neul retired at first, Appleinan struck out and lllllinyer was so unfortunate as to givo a fly which of course was held, 3 runn.seored by Mel h'k, Fiiriunn nud Ihickalow. Hadclifr want out nt first, Cuthhert on ally to Uillnijrrniul Fislcr retired at second on n bail from Neal to E. Elwell, 9 runs. Fouimi innino. Shutt gavo a fly to Horry, Neal wan beaullfully caught nt third by Foran, Appleinan was caught by M'Urhlo, 1 run scored by a. Elwell. ltadcllir sunt n grounder to Neal who passed it to first lu good season and ltad cllir wo.ut out. Berry sent n long ball to Mellck nt centro field which was ta ken Incapilalstylo. Thlswaaundoubted- Iy n very dlfllcult catch. Cuthhert gavo it ioui to I' unnan, o runs. 1' iftii inninc Furman was cuuirht on u ily by , Berry, E. Elwell struck out nnd U, Elwell out at ilrst, no runs. Sensenderfer was caught on a fly by Billmyer, M'Mullou out nt first ou a ball from Buckalow, Itadclilfon u foul, lu runs. Sixth Inning. Melick out on n ily to Fislcr, Neal ily to McBrldc, and Jiucuuiow struck out, no runs. Iteach out nt ilrst, McBrideou n fly lo onuu, nnu Bensentlcrferout at first, 11 runu. bKVUNTii Innino. Furninn gavo a fly to Berry and retired, Applomnn was pui out at tlilrd, Billmycr on a fly to McBrldo, no runs. Beach cauglit by Furman on a foul, nnd also at flrst.Cuthbcrt out at second, 12 runs wero scorod. Eighth Innino.-CI. Elwell caught on foul by McMullen, Neal was caught byTlsleron ally and Shuttoutat homo baso, no runs. Foran out on fly to Sliutt, BadclIITo sent a hot ono to Ncal who picked it up ond sent It to a. Elwell at ilrst Just In lime, Cutlibert was caught by Furman on a foul,-23 run?. Ninth Inning. Melick out on a foul to McMullen, Neal in the samo way, and Apploman went out at first j thus ending tho gamo for tlio Bloom hoys, no runs. Beach was caught by Applemau at right field, McBrldo sont a hot lino ball to Fiirnian at loft field which wns beau tifully taken. This was hy all odds tho best catch of tlio gamo. BadclifTo was COLUMBIA COUNTO . . ...., it,n TTiuAND juitons. tight on n ily by Shutt, 11 runs, ri'hn hnlllntf of tllO Athletics III 111 S cauglit on a uy .- , . i lost Inning was terrific, tho. balls being driven to all parts of tho Hold and In such manner as to render all attempts nt patches Impossible. Tho fielding of tho Bloom noys was than their hatting. Hod iiin lntfrr been more tin to tho mnrk tho tonrn wntlM-hnVa bCOIl It bctlcr OIlC.Mc- Brldo did not pitch his famous swift balls', but tho ones ho delivered were, frnin t 10 twist. CI 11 CUIt .10.1111. Tho nttcndntico was not, so mrgu m ilcht hhv6 bccif expected, but tho gamo la in Its Infancy in tills county as yet. A good club can bo mado out of tho material which tlio town affords and practlco can undoubtedly mako n far better nino than wo now have. Tho Aihlctlcs remained in litoom over Sunday nnd took their departuro on Monday morning apparently wen leased with their treatment whilst Here. Wo append a summary. IMDEI'KSDBNr MINI. ATHLETIC. o. it. Ncill II S 6 .....1 ..5 llrnfh 2d b .11 n UUCKIiew P" Applciuan r f. M'llrlde p .A Cutlibcrt 1st b....l r liriiiiin i Kisicr 1 1 Hensenderrer c f 3 M'Mullcn ss t Fornn 31 b 1 ltndcllll'c I llerry r f. - - I.iaweliai u ....i illllmyer 1 f. 3 O. Uwcll 1st ll 3 HhllltSb 3 McllclC C I I 27 6 27 111 HUNS MADE IN KACIt INNINO. 1st 2.1 3d U Stll Ctll 7111 Stll tltll mle,,e..de.it0 1 3 1 B 0 u o u- f..,'tn!Li'iiri,iAr.. llrrv 3: Flsler 2: Ken l;Foraii 1; itadcllin. 13. Furiimti 3; Applciuan liiiiuiyer ; iiiuii. .uuhli. ... ... -,;. . 1, M'llrldo 1. 7 Assisted itiulclltr 2, F'sier 1, Heacii 1. I'ut out uy u. I iwcu, it, r. 13. Assisted by Neal, 0; Uucknlew, li Applciuan, 1. I.- Vlunll 1 FOU llOUIId t'atclies M'jiuiien. n; I' uii mu,.. .i .. i.n.inir '1. StiStii!lin ! Homo runs Flsler, I; Itene li, 2; Cuthbcrt, 1; Hen- nuriivn on nil i'u iiii iiiiui.i",u, ... seiiucricr. i: iii jiuiicii, i; runui, i. wtm 'v. linsfiM nn niiii Aihietin nn limes. Indeprn ,1ntB II. Tntnl lis... nn lillft A IlllPtlCS lS7.IlUle pendents 1J. Double Pliua-Konl. O. & RISlwcll una Aiinlciiinn nml k. f'.uvell. uainlre Mr. lull ily ol lllvcrsido Club of Catawlssu. Scorers cmrlc and Wi luht. Tlmo ol Uniuo Tlirco hours. POLITICAL. N'J no e. Tlin 1lH)iinrrnlln.mnndlii.(?oinmltlroof rolutn. hln eouiily arc requesle.1 lo meet nt tho ollleo of ino iiuuersigneii, on n.iiuruny, rept, iiin i.ioti, nt one o cioej. i . at mr inu iniiisaeuuu tu iiniun Hint business connected witu tno cnnijiaicu. An?. 27,'6!).3t. Chairman. FOltdOVEItNOU: ASA PACKER, OP CAtlllON COUNTY. FOR JUDOS OP THE SUPREME COURT: CYRUS L. PERSHING, FO CAMimlA COUNTY. rOIt HTATE HKNATE. CHARLES II. 11U0KALEW, (SUnjtCTTO TIIK nKUISION Of T1IC tilNH:i-.KS.) FOlt KLl'ltlMKNTATIVi:, OKOKQK SCOTT, FOH ASSOCIATE JUDC1R. CHARLES F. MANN, IIRAVKI. TOWNSHIP. FOlt ritOTIIONOTAUY, WELLINGTON II. KNT, SCOTT TOWNSHIP. FOll HEGISTEIt AND IlECOllDKIl. WILLIAMSON II. JACOBV, 1II.OOM TOWNSHIP, FOR TUEASUIlUn. l)AArID LOWENBKHO, ULOOU TOWNSHIP, FOH COMMISSIONER, CntUS BOBBINS, FJSIIINnCjlKKK TOWNSHIP. FOll AUDITOR. U. J. CAMPBELL, MAIN TOWNSHIP. FOR CORONER, CHABLES G. MUBPHY, CONYNCIHAM TOWNSHIP. MARRIAGES. TOWNSENn-MILLKR-On tho 12th Inst, hy the ltev. If, Wilson, c. I.. II. Townsend of llui-k-horn, nud Miss K. E. Miller of F.ycr's Grovc.l'u. FL'NSTERMAKnn-inwIN-On tho 21st Inst, , hy ltev. Win. J. liver. Mr. Joseph li. Fenster muker toMIss Eliza Irwin, bolh of Main twp NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. N'J TIC E. Tho iinderslLriif-d would KNiirnir..iiir w,,ii.. ,.n person slndebied to hlin on lioolt nccouiii. liy o.', ?t"'A't"!f,Vse- '" conlB wrwnrd prompily and setlle. His iteenl lossis hy n dlsasirons'iirn make it nccessarj-to collect In nil nutstnndlui! "0"''. ,He (eels thankful to his friends nnd and tnists they wlllseo (he necessity torn nmtnnt . V. ",;,.l.l,1,,'l airouuKeiimiconilUenco coiiiplianco v ttce. with thlsienuest wltlinutlurlhertio. Aug. V7,'C9-2m. JUim J. JI'Ilh.NHY, Ileiiton, l'a. g T ATE AC1BICULTUBAL HO 0 1 11 TV. ...?i!'i,,,!',",1."'ylv".",a.!f1?1." Aurliulturnl Hwlely will hold Itsnextcihli.llloii at ' 11 A It U I H IS U U O, TUtallAV, BM-MHIItlt ru, 1S0U, And to continue FOUR DAYrt. nihlbltorawljlnotboivqulrwl topnyan Iln try feo-but will maUe tber Kutrl 'under the usual lCKiilatluus nt lho ollleo of the Secretary freo of charge. jw.bhuj, ','.o-o8 wlil'Co-xeived."1 """'"g.-alterlAc.0. Forl'icmluni Lists nod other Information nil. dresKulllicrofihoKei.reinrlcs, nt Hnrrislniri l w Hl'lrArV.0,'i' K1'1'- l'sldeut: 11. W. HLIf,LR, It,.e. Hecietnrv. AnifwTtw." M,CONKl:Y- 'or. Secretary. p U B L I O SALE or VALUAULU HKAL ESTATE) The undenlgiiednilmlnlslrttnrnr thoestaloof Manilas Appleinan, lato of West Hemlock tow - r.T.i',i "iur "ccoased, wl 1 expose to pub lie .sale on tho premises 011 SalurdayrM.'iTtein tewing tloCl' 111 '''"''""noon; th'o foil TBAOT OF LAND, situate In said township, hounded and described iw follows, to wt: 011 lho north hy lands of j LgironL'toVa1 of wuiclilsclcarwllaidaud In n good stnto iif cultivation, ou which is erected a ' TWO-STOBY FBAM1C HOUSK, Hank narn, and other outbulldluns with n.i f.1 VVs.ul wi"cr uoor. There IsaTso u ex. ..M91''rW,,te"nTO tl m.r. one"J"!i' X mln-strdtor and purchase;. uelwecn luo m1' GKOliaU APPLEMAN. n-DuHMU MtltiutHcrr, PloamXyr"threo WA,,lS,"A,"?,)llul" to Hill olllSoV l y Aug, 27,'li()-3t. POIl SALE. VALUABLE HOTEL STAND ?LI!!(f.,'t,8,rVe.V Co,l,mull county, l'a. known ns ui! iciine""1 ,'0,cl" "ow ui'W Ham! It in fiw.rnt.1r . Aug. 20,'C9-tf, I'. II. UUOCKWAY, Agent, QOLUMI1USMALK AND FEMALE ted at New Coluniba.;i:urnVKi';,l 'Wa SUMMER TERM COMMENCIW AUG UST SJtli Tui'i'd" .'! tr Icrm II weeks. iVS . " M per week. c.lrti"lrVL?iriS'rttcfe'a "-'""'veican pr. For addlllonal imrtlculars nddress PA. vj. ij&wWlhr. Kulimm T.ow lrllKc-. , ... . . rrio'-ilTiminVu BciUT. I cM I'm- bciiilcr.Jolin ltiifli. hreoiiwpod-JoliuKMiiUicr. .,nritui1t. l- tD,1..MntilMPl JollUHOll. M!miu-IunlclA.llr-a. ,u1rtA 5ia'.ncll ..iimin Itn.'!.'!.' lj roll Bn'rKMllUU TKUJt milenrvcri&Mlcl.ae!.Jc.c....d WwStpwiTwit r.,.mulss-8amucl Long, Jr. Dnniii i heait, JaeotiL-rclgli. FlsliliiRcreek-pnnlel P. Hosier. l.eldy. Aaron 1). Guiles, Jolill 11. Miller. limin-Jolm Uiti;iirlstlnn Wolf. Mndison-Wm, J. Allen, Morris Masters. Jloutour-lsaae, M""'"?', i. MU l'lensnnl-Johll Walllcll. IKrJeWeU n oil Ad.,,.,si;jerali(. Win. llrelsbacli. Geo. r. train, v. . ricoll iiiuini" KUCOND WEUK. llloom-Oeorgo W, fitcrner, Bamncl Mianer. IcTiton-Jolm roust, l'etcr lJiubaeh. llerwlclc lloro' -Lewis l.nUe, Heaver Jolo llrcdliender. . iirhirercek Isaac llowcr, Thomas Miller Ja cob Mastcller. "!r-:."B.,.".Jr.. WJZZii,. ,.-.,.,,i.., r. Flslilnkc O 'iih I'- While Greenwood-John i.yer. Jnclison-Jaroli Liiiiuer. 1 oriMt John Hnjdcr,lsnlali tracer. Main. rtiacy joun. n m. .ni. Mastclhr Win. If. Veller. . u, ., Mnil SOn HUhSllll oi.imi. M'Cidluin, lllehard Fruit. Sr. .11. l iciis.iui jii.si-1'u j-.. 'J l.omnj '1 homas Jones. V. MolllOlir iw.lii'lilire.viui.1. Mllllln-Isanc Hweppenhc ser. Fine Joshua Savugo, llkhaid . I.olis, STn- m K llHsme. Hen. I.linln F. llelnliard, Wesluy Itucale. Kugiirlreit-iliorKoHleadman, i i.lillMiom- that tho loreaol iil' Is direct as drawn mini tho wheel, and enter,, npiiii tno i itniitcs ofthu c.lllre, u have hereunto I' hands and siihIs thls'Jilh, day in Jmy aiici , , Wm. L-mi KiiAUM, t.li-1 1. , .1IU IUIHI .'H'l.liu, t7ii- ..... ',r,silAllAY.MAN, t Jury IllOS.J.WF.I.I.IVKll. J Uoni'rs. HEltlKK'S SALES. Ily virtue of sundry writ s ol vcnuiuoiu pouas, Ivaii ineias, ami rim J', - Vr Vio out of tho Court of Common l'len or Lol unibla county nnd to mo directed will be. exposed tiisalo by public vendue or outcry at tho Court Houso in llloumsburir, at one o'clock In tho arter nor i of Mondny Wept, uth WW, tho following A Tract of Kand, slluato In Montour lownshiit.uoiumuia I county, noioiiiing laiius m , m. u. Cli oreo A. Vrlclc on tho south. Voter M. Karshner on thu west, Lewis Itoat on tho north, and llur- I..., nn.l h'rllr III! 1 II.. f'llSl.Cllll 1H1 UIU II UlNIU, 1111117- ty-flvo acres, moro or less, about koventy-uvc nnu .,r iiri.tcii lu ..limn .1 lniul.wliereoli Is ertTtm 11 Fraino Dwelling House,a new Hank llarn.Wng-. I nil HOUSO nlHl UOril UTIO. Willi u fl'liuic ui mw.vi near tho house, incro is also an uppiu 01 orchard .... it, a nrmiiluott. with t in nmitirtcunuccs, Helzed. initcn lucxeciuiiiu unu iu uunuisua mu properly or uenjainiu Krum. AIiHO: At tho samo tlmcnnd placo the following piece i.trdft of Wood Ijind. sltuatd In Maln townshln orlract of Wood Lnnd, sltunta In Main townshli Columbia county, hounded nnd described osfof- l,vu inwlt! fin llin north bvn. Iiubllo lltahwav loadluR from Catawissa to Miilllnvlllo, on tho east hv laud of Geori;o IxjllGenbercer. deceased. on tho south by laud of Daniel Miller, and on the west by n publlo road leading from Kspy to Mniiivnle. containing Hlx Acres, moro or loss. Kclzcd, taken ill execution nnu to no hoiu ai too piopeity of ocorgo Irfugenberger, occ ii. ALSO: A I lhes.imo tlmo and nlacc. tlio following des. I crlbed LotorGround.sltuato lu tho borough of Ccntrnllli coiumoin county, uounueu on tne nnrlll uy lana ououn .lames, on tno uouwi uy worsl street, ou tho cast hy locust Avenuo. nud mi llin westbv an Allev.beincr In front ou Ixieust I Avenuo llfty leet, aud ono hundred and forty IiiCl ucep, wnereonis erecicu a iwo-siury r rauiu Dwelling House, Kcled. taken In execution nnd to bo sold ns i.. ' . ... l tno properly oi Aiieune, riieau ALSO: AMliosamotimo nud place, a certain Lot or Piece of Ground, slluato In tho town of Ksov. county aforesaid, hounded on tho north by an nllev. on the cast hv an nllcv. on tho soutil hv mam sireei.auo ou uiu wcsi uy ioi oi i eier ttocco being eighty loci ironi oy ouo iiunurou una six. I lyieei. neep, on .11111:11 is t'lrcieu 1, bun slur' Framo Liweuiug iiouse, n r mmo nuiuic, wn lho nonurtenauces. Seized, taken in execution nnd to be sold as the piojierty of Wesley lluckcl. A L S O: Atlhosamotliiionud place, n certain Lot of Ground. Hitlinte ill tho town of l-!sn'. I'olnnililii county, bounded nud desetlbed nsfolfows.to wit: On the north by ft publlo road, on tho cast by an alley, ou the west by lot of Thomas LVIgar, nnd on the south by 1111 alley, containing nbout 011c fouithof on nere, more or less, on which Is erec ted 11 two story tramoDwclllugllouse.u Framo Stable, Willi lho nppurtenauccs. ucizeu, taiccn in execution and to bo sold ns tho property of Silas D. Edgar. ALSO: At the samo tlmo nnd place, a certain Lot or Pleeo ofGround, sltuato on tho publlo road lead ing Iroiu Maluvlllo to Heaver Volley, in Heaver township, Columbia county, bounded and des cribed us follows, to wit: On tho north by land of Wllli.11.1 Culp, on lho cist by land of U. llody, on tho south by mud or Samuel Flshtr, and ou lho west by land or Jacob Hindeilltcr, contain ing Twelve Acres, moro or less, whereun is erec ted n Framo Dwelling House.n Framo llarn.wlth tho up)iurlciiauces. Seized, taken lu execution and to bo sold ns tho property of Jcretulnh Kolb. ALSO: At the k lino time and placo, a certain Lot of Ground, sltuato In the Uorungli or Centralla, Columbia county, containing twenty. live feel on locust Avenue,nud extending back oho hundred und lorty leet tonnAlley.ou whleli is erected a two story Frame Dwelling House, Willi tho up ptirtcnauces. Seized, taken In exectillon aud lo ho sold as lho property ol Edward Hairey. A L S O: At tho samo tlmo nnd place, nil that certain rwo-stnry l'lank llulldlng, sltuato hi East lllooinsburg, nnd county of Columbia, aforesaid, (and now occupied by William Ernsmus ns a Conitelionery and Fruit Shop,) and tho lot or piece of ground nud curtilage nppurteuaut lo Mild bullulng. Seled, Inkin In execution nnd to be sold M the properly of William Erasmus. ALSO: At the samo tlmo and place, a certain lot of i' round h lug iu lllooinsburg In tho township of Illoom, bounded iinddeseriboJns follows, to wit: on lho norihby land of Cutheilno Whllcnlght. nil lho cast by llock Ktlcct.ou tho south by I'nU rli k Roiicy.uudon lho west by nnnlley whereon pis erected a namo dwelling house, wflh lho an puilcnances. 1 Silzcd, laken lu execullonniidlnhosolilns tiro properly of Gcoigo IVIfer nud Georgo Wampolo, 4 , .. MORDKCAI Mtl,l,ARl!. Aug. 13,'W-tt Hherlir T SURD WIIKAT! .JJ.'?i""cr"ll"lea wPu,a Cft "' attention of farmers to a new and very deslrablo viv'ilely of ......... n.,.. i. mu, uuereii ior saio in limited .luantltles nt lliol'eniirurnaco Mill, ii"ar ("itft. wlssa. This Wbeat was raised on tho IViin Kur. nacu rami the present seasouj It Is u Had Wheat SUPEIUOU QUALITY. Jf',l,lir!,f,.Vfi'l.r,3i llt''il,?fJilraordlnnry slr.o nnd unlforinlty. 'Hie yield tlio nresent snnsni, win n eroaB ten buslicla to ouo hundred sheaves of iiVi ,', .visiuis wisuinifio procuro this Wheat shoii d send Iii their orders al once. I'rleo JJl--r bushel. J. s. M'NINCH, Venn Fiiriioco, An.... m ,... or KtJi:.:". ?. N uw IS T1I1I TIME TO SUBSCHI1SE THE FIRi.SIDE COMPANION, Till: l'AMILV STOItY PAl-EIt. run line uoiy, ono year l our Coiiles " Light Cojiics .T."7,'.V.'J!!"'."'."'.!!!!"'' Any person sending us n club of" uiaiir sunscitiiiEiis anu jso co 5 3 00 , 111 UU , 'JJ UI iiVi iti.ri .. .l ! mi1..1.'.? "?.M i"l, ?2W .! nnd bo . ... .... M.i.b,u .uiniut ui 9,w, We commeiuo, August 31st, THIS HllEAT STOliy OK TUB YKAII, 'UIU MIDNIClIIi MAUHIAOE; on, WHOSU WIFE WAS SHE? 11V "HATTIE." i ins mory, the best over penned by this taleu. e mS itej: J" a..Y! ! co.nn,V,',coU In teKM ' "iiiiier tlmt-JnuUel. ffiSK after Ph. ?,',',uu'",flul.f"or ' ll"'' "Ut, 111 l, h', whether sho Is really tho wire of film .otho, 'u'il',1", t0 '"ndfor of him who ?i.S.t;l.OUBht s.h0 Waa ""irryliits. Tho fascination that surrouiiiU tliowholo kubject, is mlnfu ly In" 'V"tl''l!.'ndiiottho least roiuarUablSclmira. &tr'NoJIl;r'ofU,1'0ful;t 11 'HIE FlHESlDU COMPANION, ra'nlocffiiliH! r1" l 'l'U THE MIllNiailT MAUUIAUEi o 11, WHOSE WIFE WAS SHEf AuB.l,W.n. lWWnI,:sVr,N(.,V. IJEN DOLL A US UEWAUDI 1 be miderslmied Hirers tho abavo reward for tlio reenpturu and reliirn or James ItlchariW and l.liurlis Ijindnu.or ellher of iheui, who escaped ..u.i, inujuii iii LAiiiiiiiiiiueiiuiiiy, uu wiHinesuay evculiiHAutf.lstli. MOllllEUAl MILLAIlli. QOUJIT WIOOUM WllCbllAlt. flintfAu JiulBoof the Urnut oVdySm.R.. General Jail Do I very. cv,;, Nl 1 of Iho l'eaco nml UmVt nr'l'J.01"? pnan suourtln t ie tiii, iSf I iKsed of tho counties or (v,HlcllV WjDinlni, and tho lion iJHfc Hester, Asswlato Juui'J?,,aiV havo Issued their pricB V'OW" inYillrcciodiorra miner nnd General tlunttpr 52M" . nml Orpliaif. Court.anu &itlf lf W?) t noxl, to conllnuo one wciV 1 ANl5 WH.UHKAH AIJlll'L.. issued their precept lienrln,i"'N May A. J). ouo thimSlfcll ulna and to mo directed B W11 Oyer and Tcrinliicr,Ucnet.oS-'nr the Pence, Orphans' Oouru,S', In llloomsLtirK In thofirantJ4"! second Monday IjcIiik th0 ifcn next, anil lo conllnuo one ... i' Nolleo is hcrthv nl! ., Justices of tho 1 va "o, nnd i ,'"! H said county of Oolumblo, urn ifce incro in uieir proper Krson ilk'l forenoon of said uth day '. iM ords, Imnilslllons and olliVr ' dotlHMo tiling which to tSr'!;.-,. l. In. .lone. An,l it..-VT iL rccoBiil7Jnce, to proseculi i.Vi oners that nro or may i f1 said county of Columffi f iiy thero to prosccuto them fi , rora uro requested to bo iinnn... K unce.nBreeably tothrlrimi ii,r biim. iholltlHUyon"' 1 I..H. I of our lord, iinH1! third year of tho lu.qf,: A. rimics or America. .MOlibLi iJ.in liioomsuurB, AUg.il, ism, "i " rpiVIAli LIST fnn c..r X A. 1). 180-J. HUSTWr.ic ' t Wllllnm IlavWvs Marmrctr, M. lho West Ilrancli Iinuranc, V Hlilvo. . , mel Kdward M'Cnllcl. nl.vsjnk,,,,. Thomas .1. Vnndcrsllce v ifll' E tivlua liavcnport vs WlUEnn, . la John Coleman v Jllchsc ffi" '? John Cooper vsllnnltllin,,Tt ' Conyiigham townshipvsivl.il , Isaac. Fegely Vs Janu s W, si 1 Ahrahaiu YouliR vs .lueoli C ,p Cbarlc It, Green vs IMcrs, I Mainucl lleiiuer vs Jnlm ),.;. 'ii I.ueas N, Moycr vs lleiiriiew , David Lewis Guardian niV Ilcssdee'd. vs CollliiKhiitllir 1 S Win. Iltclvr vs Joliiiha.if,. i, A. 11. KiasmiH vs MaltUw :u heoof llcnryuiger. Joseph l nomas vs John R,, l'cler Appleinan vs Silas f.vv il Chrlstiuuii Fox va Join, JoneT Henry J. Yoaplo vs Isaac Iiti 61 HECO.NIj a. Henry J. Yeaplu vs Isaac i)rr ltiidolpli Kliiuiian vs(icori,, .lohn Appltualo s 'I honiMiv H Jnlm Applcgalo vs 'I lmni,M fi., Klnion tl Hlilvo vs llunimlil .ll Wiii:Nubciuvs ll. F,Hi.)i l. Nathan llrothers vs Hmrri Henry Gablo vs Peter llovw, it Austen Church vs Amlrcwiu Jesso 1). ltlco vs Nathan tro'll John l'rlco vs Hamml llcnu . Hanillel Genset vs Dnniel H,w,at ltenben It. KlngvsLIHhait John U. livlhy vs Conyiishn' llobelt Gorrell vs Ilarny afcs iSara x A. l'etcr man a.iar,, ,ri tl Hi. " l'.dward Fcrgufcon vsl'i.lnraU Ol IMwnril Hhailer vs C'otninii-. , Hainuel ltlcbard vst'oluiiitu " Henry James vsColutnblaa ,1, F. Welcliclv John V, Casio, 'a tildcon ArtultvsJohnU. I. tl( Geoigo NllllKessor Jno.J UobcrtH. Hampton vsltiikt, Thoinil llenlleld s Urlalil ,, DaulelH. Laubaeh vsLonrj 11 A A J. Itetlioehl vs Iickasi. J, Heorgo W. Lott vs Wm.bi' ' Alexander Colly vs Alhiau. 1 l'etcr Behug va clmrli Lee ... Josepli H. Cieasy vs II. F. IV " Columbia Co. vs Jacob Vu'j n Columblt County. T) EQISTEIl'S NOTICE o IV hert'bv ulvcn to nil livniM other pernonn IntoretleJ lmhet.-.0 sjctlvo tleceiloutM nntl iiiliion, nip numiiiisinuiuM it ii-1 KUiiriiufj ' bet'ii Illtwl lu tho oilU'tiot tlie blft county, ftntl will bu proiiotej tlon ami iillownnco In the hold in Uloomtliunr.nn Mondi'K ,of Kept,lSU'J(nl two o'clitcklau Bum uiiy . Zeiglr lntoofScott twp.ilrti 1 1. Account or j-;, u. .raUutJL"i- i, rirHLRim iiiiui iicruunii'i a t Ouardlan of Win. 11. Yolumix Yocinn tlco'ii. h 3. Final nccountof lVuiiuF -i do bonis nou of Jncob V, ltohrtef i. Account of l W. a J.Dit Kxccutors of Daniel MUlcklA 5. Flntt and Dual lutouot c ddm'r.of JucobMarfclc.dwJ, . 0. Accountof iJiwwon MugueJi ry Executors of John M ilturr j twp. dee'd. 11 7, Flrht nnd Uual account it nilm'r.of Ann LnubnchiJUii. 8. Frst amlllnal ucfountUi " of Thomas 11, 1w. dtcM. i 0. Arcountof Kllja Kllno. & ham Kllno ojj filed by Jo-uli k ( j;iff.ih Kllno tlec'd. lu. Firit und final accuunti' adni'r, of Jolin llll.lel'ruiiau r 11. Accountof John Wtnia : llartman, dcu'd I ! Kitinl niioiinnl at f Willi . 11. a. Merrell, dco'd its Uu irto 2 bender Id. FirtLnndllnaInccouiitoi' titorof Abnthain JUTRer,(Jt-ci u II. Final account of HlziLLl of ItciiJ, J, Jtoone. dee'd, J 15. Account of Hainiul KV , Cbrlstaua KlHncr.a-H tlli-d h) U ndm'r, of Samuel K Inner, KxecuUr of Jacob Kami Uiu iu. rjrtiinnu nnui lUTOtmi ?i two. decM, ,' 17. Kirtfinmiiinainctoiiiiiwc , of Fcter Hess latPofi'Mnn;MW l.H. Atvonutor i nv Neawr,. Weaver lato of Frauttlln mp.f fj, r Willi Ill-CIIIIIHIII n.llliuni " Anna M. Wolf, minor chiWofli1 W, Tho nc.'ount ol Clurlts UU Kxecutors of Abraham Hit", CreiiKy.iulin'r. of I'h.irlcs 11. IU Final necount of Muslim adm'r, ol D.tulcl 1 lower, Uu , dee'd. 2-i Virnt aim nn u afpoiiai '- adm'r, of Joscili iloljb.ii' Up , twp.dec'd. ,.,,.. .il.ACCOUIUiil J, I. iii't"i" Klsner, lato of MaillsoiiUiTti . First anil linaiiu'couiiiw (Jllocrt II. Fowler. UxkiiIw ' lato of ilonmsii i i.erwuu.u' nnd Ijiivina IUvenMrt n.lm :i. KirKLunti nil it ammni w j port latoni tierwica nuruu,, IU Triennial awoimt oi IN . Guardian oflalah li.Ulor, t7, Firstan.l ilnal accounKiJ of Harmau Kllnu, late ol n-i-jj ys. Account of Itolicrt F $f John llcaler lalonf FlsMnrwi ju. Account oi tiiias Nevln K. Funk. ,, ;uj. Aceouutof luvni WclltngUJii Mowery. , ' Bloomsburg August 0, lv?J. "YYIDOW APl'UAlst- Tim r.ilbiwliiir iinnraNtliltlil fconnl jiroperty si t apart IJ jj navo ueeu nieu in ."""i (Joliinibla counly, under H' 'J" will Iki presented for a1"',""' lho Ori bans' Court lo belli'" und for said counly. on Mnu1 Sept. 1MW lit two iiVliicm'. lu oxcepllous losuell loiiiui" llled, of which all peiolw i. entates will taUo notu'c: s l. Wldow or Will. linen 1!. Widow of Joseph KllienW dee'd. ,...,( J. Widow of win. 4t Widow ot l'etcr K. hru 5. Widow ot 1'hlllp Jl. dou'd. , i. ,., u. widow of rmieiii" 7? Widow oi l'i ter Lull rj Jcc'd. , ., j k. Widow "1 iieo. uu" nco'd. J0s B A U O IPS haw ok PllOSl'IIATH SUI'EIt stand a nn Wo oner to Karnicrs, tlio I' IIAUUH'H HAW I10NK SUI'I r" on hcliiif hlithly liiif'li; . f liaugh's Itnw Hone Mir"'.', namo In . lcates. .lirep'ri.'J . llonca In Oil of varlol-ll not becu deprived f t'1' ' , irreaso and Hluo-by bum IM? fore, presents to tho use "', valuable proiierlles of 1W coiicentriiioif form-renJ';''1" aellou nud very iw'all',r,.j - Farmers aro fciyi"1"1''!, tho dealer lonited Inf1"1!; lions wheio no dealer i i I'hospliata may bo procure underslgne.lXii()i480Xri' Olllce, No. alS. Dtfliiwiif A' Aug. 0,'ell-3iu, M AMMOTU UllOCi- J. II. MA'1 MAIN ANU IllONBrllE"'1" Tlio Largest and lift 8lolk l'rovlsluns lu tha County. Akpleudldlotof llaiiis."'" ders, Teus Coirecs and r1"" inostlo Krulls a si'eclully. F 11 UIT 1 on hand of Ihubesl piill"1 OOODS DEI.IVEIU'.I1 '10 1 A' T0V Juno i;W-t . TTo-PAivi'NiTHanii' Tfiio ...i..Ii.i.i..I have l a',',' liio niulersliriusl liavelii', shlii as Kounders and5'1'';,,! -Foundry lit retor.irom'iiU'j'.n ...w r. , .,piii lei The IsT.Us of llio lal',,i''i, K. It. Ililer, In whom ""I "'iliiii'nisburg Juno ll,' "' bhcriir,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers