THE YO.IMG FOLKS. Mnntor Bnip. It wimU lino MimiiHir ninrnliiK wlicn Manli'r Hnl tint tittlnr, win) Wtwii very lltlln limn, iMiitiul Ills yJrtUn round his body, coi'.ktxl liUtiitt, took up his wnlk iiitf Hlkk, ami looked about Ills Hue If tlieru wim unythluif (rood that liu could tnktHvltli lit til pit lila Journey Into tliu wlilo worlii. I lo could only Hud u cliifNOj but tlmt wu bettor tlmu uotli IiiiT. ho liu took It off tlio shell; and iw ho Weill out tlio old lieu mot liliu lit tin; door, 60 ho packed lior too into Ills wu). let with tlioclieoae. Thou otriio bot, iiutl iw ho climbed u hlli I. Ill hu euw tk cluiit ulttlm; ou (ho top, picking hlsUcth with tho kitchen linker. "Good diiy, com rude," snltl Hiilpj "there you sil ul your wwo llko h t'l'iiUftiuui, looking tlio wide world over: I Imvu u 1 11 1 1 id to Ho itud try my luck in that s.imu world. What do yoit rniy lo going with meV" Then (ho giant fonked down, turned up his nose at him, mid said, "You are it poor Irumpery' lltlld kuavol" ''That may be," said the tai lor; "but wu Hindi see by und by who Is the best man oft lie two." Tlioglunt, rinding the little mini to bold, began lo bo Houiowlmt nioru res pectful, and said, "Very wtl, wosluOl soon hco who Is to be nunt;r." Ho ho took up n largo stone Into his hand, and Biptrezwl It till water dropped from It. "Do thai," said he,"lf you hnvo u mint! to bo thought a strung num." "Is that nil?" said the tailor j "I will. boon doas inuclr," xo ho put his hand Intohls Wal let, pulled out of It the ehi-cwe (which was rather iiow))nud!Mpiro!'.eil It till the wNy ran out. "Wliatdo you my now, Air. Giant? my Mtueezu was . better one than yours." Thou the giant, not hcclng tl.nt it was only a uIiikm. did not know what tu Miy for lihn-i'lf, tlniiiuli lioeoulil In.rilly bel(ovo his eym. At Inst liu took up a stone, ami throw it up mi high that it went almost out of sight "Now then, llttio pigmy, do llml If you can." "Very good," said thi) other; "your throw was.not n very bad one, but after all your stone fell to the ground; 1 will throw something that Hliall not fall at all." "That you can't do," bald tho giant. Hut the tailor took his old ben out of tho wallet, and threw her up In tho air; and she, pleased enough to be pet frco, flow nway nut of eight. "Now, comrade," mid lie, "what do yousay to that?" "I say you are a clever hand," Bald tho. glaut;,."liut we will now try how you can wbfk." Then ho led him Into a wood, where a tine oak tree lay felled. "Come let us drag It out of tho .wood together." "Oh. very well," said Snip; "do you tuko hold of tho trunk, and I will curry nil the top and the branches, which arc much the largestuud heaviest." So .tho glunt took tho trunk and laid It on bis shoulder; but tho cunning little rogue, Instead of carrying any thing, sprang up and sat himself at his caso among tho branches, and so let tho giant carry stem, branches, and tailor into tho bar gain. All tho way they went ho made merry, and whistled and sang his song; as if carrying tho tree were mero sport; while the glunt, after he had borno it u good way, could carry it no longer, and said, "I must let It fall." Then the tail or sprang down, and held tho tree as If ho were carrying It, saying, "What a Bhamo thatsuchabigloutas you cannot carry a tree llko this!"1 On they went together, till they came to a tall cherry-tree; Tlio giant took hold of tho top stem, and bent It down, to pluck the ripest fruit, mid wlipn ho had donegavo It over to his friend, that he too might cat. lint tho I it lo man was so weal; that ho could not hold tho tree down, nnd up ho went with It, dangling In tho nlr llko a scarecrow. "Holla." said tho giant, "what now? can't you hold that twig?" "To bo sure I could," said tho other: "but don't yon boo that sportsman, who Is gotug to snoot into tbo bush where wo stood ? I took n Jump over the trco to be out of his way; you had better do thosamo." Theglant tried to follow, but tho treo was far loo high In jump over, and ho only stuck fiut In the branches, for iho tailor to laugh at him. "Well, you are a line fellow after all," said the gluiit; "soenmo homo and sleep with mo nnd a friend of mino In tho mountains to night, wo will givu you n hot supper and a good bod." The tailor had no business ujkjii his hands, bo ho did as ho was bid, and tho giant gavo himu good supper and a bed to sleep upon; but tho tailor was too cunning lo Ho down upon tho bed, and! crept silly into a corucr.aud thoro slept soundly. When midnight came tho giant btepped softly In with Iili Iron walking (.tick, and gavo such a stroke llixin tho bod. whero ho tliotii'lit. hi guest was lying, that hu said lo himself "It's all up now with that grasshopiior; l snail luwo no more of his tricks." In tho morning the giants went oil, into tlio woods and nullo forgot Snlp.tlU all on a sudden they wot him trudging along, whistling a morry tune; and so; frightened ware they at tho sight, that; thoy both ran away aa fastas thoy could. Then on went die llttio tailor, follow-i ing hlsspuddynose.tlll at last ho reach ed tho king's court; and then ho began to brag very loud of hla mighty deeds saying he was come to serve the king To try hint, thoy told him that tho two' giants, who lived In a part of tho king doin a long way off, wer become tle dread of tlio whole land; for they lint begun lo rob, plunder, and ravage all about thoiu, and that If ho was so great u man as hosald, ho should havon hun dred soIdierg,and shouldset out to fight Mono giants ; and that If he beat them ho should have half tho kingdom "With all my heart I" said he; "but us for yuur hundred soldiers, I bollovu I Khali do as well without them." Ilowovor they set off together, till thoy caino to u wood. "Walt here, my rnemis," taiu lie to tlio soldiers. "I will soon give a good uccount of these giants;" and on he went, casting his sharp llttio eyes, hero, thero and every. whero around him. After a while he spied thorn both Jylng under a trco, nnd snoring away, till tho very bough whs tied with tlio breeze, "ThoL'arao'o won for n ducat I" said tho llttio man, m ho filled his wallet with stones, nnd clim bed up Into tho trco under which they' lay, As soon aa ho was safely up, ho threw' ono stono nftor auothor at tho nearest1 giant, till at last ho woko up In a rago, and shook his companion, crying out, "Whntdldyoustrlkorno for?" "Nop sense, youaro dreaming," said tho oth er; "I did not strlko you.'' Then both lay down to sleep uguln. und tho tailor throw a stono at tho second giant, that lilt him on tho tip of his now. Up ho Tllji, sprung, and crIod,"Whaturoyouabout? you strupk rpeV'i ."At!"! not.V, Bald 'ho other; nnd on they wrangled for a whllo till, us iHith were 1 1 red, they mndo up the malterand fell asleep again. . . FAHMKRIS .COLUMN., UhKI'UI. ItlNTH. l'ut a tow live fish lntoi.wi lls lCanglu worm's Infest them Toads are capital helpers In taking ttuo of vnu patches. Now tiillch cows should bo carded dally. Thoy llko It, nnd It pays. Hicli milk: ls uot tho best for' calves. A butter cow ot a good stock cow. Iiisl'ci's'Uo hiit Idlest very latu sown boas u they do early ones. Stewed pumpkin 'it.viv poultice ban been fotijni of great value in mincing .Inflammatory rheumatism. The potato Is a great absorber of pot ash. Thorcfur.o wood nshesvargj a good manure for it. ' A Kxpcrimciilssccm lo provi that feuco pusts.bcl uplliurovcrso way from which they grow, will last much longer. Calcined plti.stur U as good a fertiliser us) tlio uncalclned. but It Is usually was ted alter its use In tho arts. Some ono rfuya If sail Is kept before n horse In tho stable, ho will not gnaw his manger. Trial will tell. , Hoot. crops, nut grain, are tho things for young orchards. They do notlcuj so, much tree food. Look out for morulsas well as mus cles, In hiring farm hands. They may ruin tho boys by their vicious examples Kmokufrom ngs,,dry wood or corn cubs is heller than from lolmmt in pau ifyii g hew to remove honey, etc. Cirrols are rccouinictulnd for .horses to mil tffges'llnn, and toin.itous for cows In Impiove ami llicrcit-o llib milk. Mangers, rthutild bo low, nnd bt.iblcs woll venlilatediaud well Jighted. Many n ro Hindu blind by being kept in dark. It is dllllcull,tii tell nliu from hols 111 a horse, but u t.thli'Spooiil'ul of chloro form, in' hvlco ill much mucilage, is n good remedy for either. If tho roots of trees are dipped into water Just before plant ingiio earth that. sticks to.tliem willgivu immediate sup port to the small libers. John Johnson says that farmers must glv'okpce'lal attention' id shec'p ami cut tie keeping If they want to make' grain growing liiore prolHuljIe. Nlue-tenlhs of the diseases' whlclf happen to the hoofs and ankles of tho horse are occasioned by standing on tlio dry plunk floors of the stable. Shoots will push ou old and young trcesjust where tho limbs aro not wan- tod. Ilemcmber that tho new tender shoot wilt Bodn bo a hard, woody branch A slight rub wilt now remove it, but if left n year the knifu must be used. Hub olf these shoots when young and save cutting hereafter. Cultivation In tho orchard has a two fold effect it destroys tho weeds, and leaves tho surface in Unit light, mellow condition which euuiJlcs It to answer tho purpose of a. mulch .Young orch ard iwllli. icrdps Ijetweeu it rib :iuws, should bo cultivated Willi as much an eye to tlio trees us lo the crops. Teams t'on tub Fakm. Tho ques tion is occasionally raised as to whether horses or oxen nro thornost valuable for farm labor, but like the one ubout"l)!l ly Patterson," 11 remains tin open one for tho very good reason tliufMt admits of no exact solution. For some kinds of work on tlio'farm, horses may behest for others, oxen. In either case much will depend on the fact whether or not tho animals aro properly trained or broken tu. the work required. As a gen eral thing n span of horses will plow over more ground in a day than a yoke of oxen, because they walk faster, yet occasional exceptions to this occur. Wo remember to have aided In turning over a fallow of '2T acres in which a 'spun of horses, and a yoke, of oxen wero em ployed. It was decided to test their ro latlvc capacity fortlio work both teams being allowed their natural gait. Kipud bcctiuus of land wero tcslgucd to hot I teams, und tlio oxen came out luvurla bio u little ahead gaining time at eacli turning at thucurm rs. They were then tried on tho same lands for a day, with no marked advantago ou cither' bide. TheB0 6xen wero broko to tho work; held their heads well up and marched along with u bteudy, stately step. In this particular Instance tho oxen wero bolter for plowing than tho horses, for tho simple roason that performing equal work, thoy cost less for keeping, und wero more readily prepared for labor. When tho Held of operations isntnny considerable dlstunco from tho barn or pasture, the horsu. would have thu ad vantago In It. As u general tiling, tho summer season through, horses can do more work than oxen for this reason, they ciin stauii tho heat better. Both aro Important on a considerable farm, und if tho ox is found to bo wortli tlio most who.i ugo suspends labor, Iho liorso will muko up tho dill'oronco by tho celerity of his movements, und tho more diversified uses for which his la bor has been iiuulu available. Both are good In their places and no extensive farmer is properly equipped for business who is destitute of either. llitrul A'cio Yorker. I ' i .'" Ari'EH. Theru is scarcely an article of vegetation rnoro widely useful and more universally loved than tho appel. Why every farmer in tho nation lias not an apple treo orchard where the trees grow at all Is one of thu myster ics. Let every family lay in two to ten or more barrels and It will bo lo them tho most economical investment in tho culluurlos. A raw mellow apple Is dl gested in an hourand u half; whllo boll cd cabbage requires live hours. The most healthful dessert which can bu pluc cd ou tlio tablo Is a baked apple. If tuk en freely at breakfast with coarse bread and butter, without meat or fish of any kind, it lias an admirable ett'ect on tho gcneral'system, often removing const! pation, correcting accldltics, und cool-i Ing olf feeble conditions more effectual ly than tho most approved medicines. If families could bo Induced to substb tutu tho upplo, sound, rlpc,and luscious1 for tho plo, cakes, candles, anil other sweetmeats with width their children are too often indiscreetly skilled, thero would bo a diminution In the sum total of doctor's bills In aslngloyeursufllclont to lay In a stock, of this delicious fruit for a whole season's use. KSr-WIno h cheaper than milk In ifomo parts of Cullfnrnla, liSy-Tho Vullevof VlrL'Inlu will yield five million budiels of wluat this sea son. COLUMBIAN AND COLUMBIA IRON WORKS, IVT. W. SAMPLE & CO,, Corner of Main Strootf nhct Li. &s 13. Hall Itotul, " BLooMSBund-; ji.. T MACHINISTS, IRON liijAUKajimia ahv MANUFAOTUK13H .OlA . STEAM ENGINES & WATER WHEELS, , , ucm:hal iii.vciiiivi: work xmr mu'Aiits. MIM, OUAlttNO, allAlTINO, I'UM.EYH, ttANQEKH, HKAr) DLOUKS, OAS'l'IN'fJS roil TUUNACKH AISO CAIt WUIilil.S AND AXt.KH BRASS CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS, CAR I10XKS, " COMPOSITION CAriTINOSn .1 ' i nniiPini.iva oni.nmt.VTnn m.onn vai.vks, STOP VH!KH, omcoic v,ia'i:h, itO' HTUAM WHI.STMW, BTDAM OUAOZ1S, STEAM riFU AND FITTINGS i COKTSTANTLV OIST H-A-ISTD. Agents and solo Manufacturers of Hall's Patent Doublo , Discharge Turbine Wheels. BL AC KSMITHING, .I! i! uiSavV hit r.KiiiT kirciinom, ACrI3NTS FOR SMIVIi'W OOVfiUNOIt, ackn(iwi.i:i).ii:i) to iik Tin: Hi.Mfr.iXT and iikbt in thu wnitr.n. REAMERS, TAPS AND DIES, MADE TO ORD1CR. BOLTS AND NUTS OK Alili SIZES. ORDERS f'OR I5RIDCIE ROII'S AND IRONS SOMOITHD, AGRICULTUEAL IMPLEMENTS OF THE LATIiST I M fltOVKD.PATTKIlNH. THRESHING MACHINES, A SPECIALTY. . . . ,.),! Buckeye Reapers .Repaired, V AND ALL HXTUA PAKTri KUUNIHEI). MANUFACTURERS AND PROPRIETOR.S dfcv ' " HOKTON'S PAjTENT J-tAY HAKE. ALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH PROMPTNESS AND SATISFACTION OIVEN O 11 M O N E Y H E V U N I) 13 D . May 7,'iai-tf irilEELER'S PATENT RAIL- WAY CHAIN IIOltSE-POWE It. Tho subscriber hereby gives not Ice tlmt bnlms rt-nurcbiiMOil UionUl Btiiml tit Uulit HtrccL from Win. ttcliuylcr, whero ho U now miumfucliirt'iB tho "V il W K U K It V A T 10 N T , nnl It int pureil in rurnlsh fjirtiu rw Willi lht tuiut rctltiblu nmcliliH K ccr otlm-d t thu public. 'I ho Whiclt r Mac-blno Id tin lunger nil xin'ilint nt hh Itlia-H litfii In fiinvlJiiit UMi for .i-iiiH nml lht yt'Arly abicr thlKjgiU iil i-xtn t-iKUiut Mr allotli i'Tx coinbl.ifil. Work tbiiuuil our Klmp U wnrriiiitctl fur nno i'ar, Also, tigt-iit tor WIicii'Kt'm t'niiibliul i liiunbLr anil Wlniirnvrr, rr fitrlhiT nfirihiitiTH apply lnr iuMivw J. M. IIUIjSIUKU. Uy'itKlm-t, (tlumbliK'Dunty, l'n, JUWVrt WANTJCI) KOH 6 U A M 11 K H L I AT,V P O It U K! CONTAININO Ku II Itifcliudloim nml I'nittlcal KormK, adapted to Kvcry Kltnl of fu!lnc.s, nnd in nil tbo MtuUn of tlio lAilou. HV FItNKLUV Oil A.MItKItLIN, Ok' TUK UNITKU HTATJCH J1AU. l'bero U no book nf tho kind which will lake rank with It for uutlientioUy, Intelligence, und ciQpIetenwii." H)riaattetd(Mtis.) JiepublUtin. Thltt iu tbo Only New Book oftbolilnU publish ed for mnny ears. It Is prepared by an able I'l-acLlcal Ijiwjer, of twnity-tivo years experi ence, uud U Jiut what everybody needs for dally uito. It Is bluhtv rectimnionded iv Jiulges, Including tbo t'lilcf Jmtlce and other Judge of Ift8achU(etU, und tho Chief Jiutlcu and cntlro Ilench of Connecticut. Hold only bv Kultt-erlption. AOKSTd WAN- tkji KViatYWiuaii-;, hcuu loreitcuiartf. It 11 l!AMI iHi I'utillwIiKrw No, I HpnicoHt., tow Vnk; Cluelmmil, 6, nuil 111, UAUIIU N. An old luw.Uiuk. imMlhlitit juntiy yt-tim hko. ha. lUMt Ueli bai.tllv reUnubd iui a imw iMuik' without uven a HUltublo rviyloii u! its nbsolctu itatcmeDtit. Iki uot onround that work with unuinuoniu . iwiiuic jur thu t't-ulile. July 2l,'CU-3m. Thl JNfALI.IllI.K ItKHKUr lliw' Uut, Ilka lllO fKiiwuuu. irriiuunu huuu. una siroui: l'uuiioo Lltlonu with whlh Dm ..Prmta liitvu l.m.r la.. humbUKgl, lmply alllute furaulmit time, or urlvo th i UUuuho ti the r.uuKu an thero U danger u. uut... .u ,ua uu in much Huiiruiuv, UUl lb jro uucen pritct aua pvrmaucnt cures ul tlio worst caw. or chronlo cuturrh, us thounuiid. can teatlry, "Cold In tho tlead" l cured Willi u tiv npullcu. tloui. UuUirrlml iroadaclie la relieved and cured um U by muKlc. rt reuiovo. ollciulvo brruth. Ionv ur jiii)iuiriue'iifc ul inu keu.o or 111.10, falnell or liourluv. watering or weak cye, and Imiuilred lueiunry, when euune.1 bytlievlolenreoreaUirrli. unihcy all frequently ar. I oriel Inuood faiiliu lauding reward or (jOU for a coiso ul nitarrh that I caunot cure, fQll HAI.K CY HOST DltUOUlHIH KVlltf- whuub. 1'illt't ONI.V SO CkKTO. Atk your DruirKlnV tor the IIkukiiy: lint U ho ban not yet sot I I. Oil I i nulo. don't lioput oll'byuo- cciiIIhh uuy inUeuillo worke than worllilexa .uu- aiiiuie, uui eucioao aixiy eeui. 10 mo. nud Ihe IteiiifHly will bo aent you limit irnid. Four littck- age. IZ.OU, or ono dozen ror M.IM, Kend a two cent alalop tor Ilr. Biieo'a iiamplilet on Calnrrh. Ad dreaa tho 1'roprlelor, lb V. I'IKItUK, M. II.. lifted Wl I Wtr4 if. r. t-j-7zT7 July2,tt-3m V T JI E PEO V DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSTORG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, ' C. i V AND MASS FOUNDERS; lit m i - tV , uvnmi jhaivhiis. AND ROWiINO JllLliS. AND (IKNf.ltAti MINI Nil CAHTINl.S. .mtiu .h .-y -. ; , . . , AIR COOKH, on, cups, AND ESTIMATES CIIERRKUIdV EURN 1 811 El) B ILI.IARDS I IULMARDS 1 1 WILUAM II. (.ILMOl.K linn niHMird nflnn Illlllnril Knlrviii In mMltlmi t.i blK will known HICSTAUUANT. UohaMaltabh-n With all IliO llltehL Iliitirovbini-nlM iMul In uorT..ri "HUT. I I II H'JHt Ull IIMIIII 1 1 111 IH'fiL I.Adl'.lt IIKKIC AND Al.l! which the luurketnirnriK OYHTMIW In Iwhail at till iluifH when In seiiHiiu, hImi lutr TtiUKiio, i iciiii'ii iriji , i liiiiia, Ar ,e. Tbo public aro Invited lo call, and mo prom Is.hI KidUrii'tlnu oliber In InlliuiilKor iiiicsh nienlK. IIU UIUAIW AND TOIIAft'O cannot bo excelled. Illomiuburi;, Jan. T EHIOII VALLEY AORICUI1'U- i-i ItAI. CHESIICAL WOIIKH. 15REINIO A HEIiFRICII, XIANUl'ACTUUMUi UY lIltiaNIti'H POMI'I.KTi: RONE M A N U R E. A concenlralcd tunnureconibliilui; tlio reliable rcrtlllilngpniptitliBorilONKDUHTorOItOUND 110NK, with the ncllvo tlcinmu of rmtUVIAN UUANO, AMMONrAC'Ar, SrA'ITKH, AND SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, KoTrun.-wo RUuruntceluint preiuue but the one article. iui aiiiniiurii. ifiiuiiin mm mil it. form, liower eradea and vArfntlnuu In ..n.itn.. . aiilt iililerent Ideas or prlcex aro eenemlly inn iinceu uy uilleieut proportloua or adnlluratlon. forineiMcinia.ivo money by reduclnuthe nimll ly theuiiielvt, Wo uo only Hone and no 1'hi.a. I'lmileUimnoior I hoapluito or Wine. Hend ror liirer'. rate Tby "" al """"" A. J. Al,nEltTHON, Ilohraburi,', l'n. J. J. IIOHIIINH A i o Jlli.oinM.uiu I'a. Mar.iyB).Ciii. WALTKtt hUOCalawlaMa'a OVERNMENT PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE TKIN&C0. aT.MS ""at Hkau qiUHTKimrorall kinds of u ti'Z "i'AT "fc,i.a.lmuj, and "old i' II A It N E S H rA!1JSL?li".,I'''aJ..Tealn ""fuoaa.' Ambnlnnce M'Olellan and Oilleera, Haddlea tfrl L ColUra, Ilelu., llultoraSurclnklearetc tti ' T E N T S Hoapltal, Wall ami Wedue, Willi ijilc ni,d ulna IIIliI 'l' A 1H OIiOTlIINIl vcreoata l-rock Coau. Jacket., Vioum" Ai.nv II aukei,Hore Oovera.Kly Hhee and Nela etc oihToii K'"1 a"11 u,,t"'urt'tw"o Imvo'ever plication.' 0"'W ''''cu Wt. sent me on ap. Hmalt ordera by Exprona. O. O. D UUKlMI. LKDUONON To WKOLJ-SAI.t DKALL11H, .. x,!!,lT,""'rl5r'."1 l''ontHI.,nmr) ' n necouu ol jual below ArehBl rilll,AOXLl'jtlA. IA ' Xyv::ti,l'AMi l''-ALi:. New York. Mayl,"ilKlm QMNIIIUH LINE. Tho underlined would reapMimily ,,.,,, thocltlcena or llloomabnrg and the public kcuo. rally Ilia lie hi funnlug uu oiiNimiHi.iNi: between llila placoand thodliierenl railroad do lil dally (Sluiidayeicpted).Ucoiini.,i. .iii.ii.. aeveral trnlna going BoulU and Wcat on the Cain wlaaaaud WlUlanuport llalli.aul.andwllhthoaa Kolu Norli, and Houthnu tbo Uickiiwaiiuauud iniaiiuauurK lUdlnaul, Ilia Onmlbuhsei are In Kol condition, coiniuo. dloua and coiurortable, and cbargea reaaonable, I'craona w lulling to meet or aee their rrleii.ia .1,,. part, can IwHconmialalwl upon reasonable chaiiiii i ...... ..i; iiuiuiy uiiiiuo at any or the hotel, JACXIll I. tllltTON, 1'roprlelor, GROCERIES, &o., Q 0 N V K 0 T I O N I! H Y . Tlif iniilpmliitieil wiuilil rfRiMfthillv nnnounre Inthn piihltn thnt lt hiu opi'licsl R KIIWT-i;t.ASH C(INr-'H(.T10Ni:itY HTOIIH, n thnlmlliUiiif Ifitplv ftcrtifilnl hv Va A Wcnu Mrhein lie I (irepnrul to ritrnlnli nil )i In. Is of PLAIN ANOi CANUllW, KItKNOII l!ANI)IK KOltKION A rx)MlTIO 1'ltUITH, NUTH, UA1H1NH, AO., AC, AC. 11V WllOt.KHAI.K OH H ETA I U .. .1.... n.ll ......I ti.ntil ..r nil ntruu III Ills lino nrbunliiciiii. A urcnl vnrlcly of IM 1, 1,8, TOYB, Ac, Hiillntilo tor the Itollilnya. rnrtlcnlar nttentlnii ylvon lo 11 U H A t) AND OAK KH, of nil kinds, rnli ovprj- ilny, C Hit I ST M AM OA N Dl KH, Olt 1 HTM A 8 TOYH, A cnll la n guaranteed, illcllisl, nuil mil Isfupl Ion Will bo Nov. 22. IW7. KCKHAItT .1AC011H. AND OPENING (IllANIl OPKNlNU (lltANI) Ol'KNINd (IUAN11 OI'MNlNd (IllANIl Ol'KNINll OK WINTF.H WINTHIl vinti:h WINTHIl H' I'AI.I. h'AI.I. I'AI.I. AND AND AND AND AND (KIOIW, (IOOIM, (IOOIM, IO()l).s, (IDOIiH, ciiunIsIIur of (insist Ins ul eouvl.llni; or cniiKislhir; or conslHdiiK or I IKY DIIY DIIY II11Y DHY (lODDH, (lOOIIH, (lOOl)H, (lOODH (IIIODH, HATH DATS 1 1 ATM HATH HATH III KITH IIOOTM I SOOTH IIOOTH ItOOTH AND 1A IH, AND I!A1H, AND CAI-H, AND t'AIM, AND HAI-H, AND HllOfjr, AND HIHH3H, AND MIKllis AND HIIOUs! AND HIIOKH UHADY-.MADI-: CI1TIIINO. ItKADY-MAIIK I'UITIIINU IlKADY-MADK CLOTIIINd, UHADY-MAI'l-: CI.OTIIINd IHIAIIY-MADK lIUlTllIr'tl, liDOKINII-III.AHHI'X. I.OOIClNl-() l,OOICIN(i.(lI,AKHIM. MMIKINIMilHHIx! IA)OKlN(l-(II.AKHKH. NOTIIINH, NOTIONS, NOTIIINH, NOTIONS, NOriONH, I'AINTH I'A I NTH I'AINTH I'AINTH I'AINTH AND OI1.M, AND OILS AND OIIX, AND OILS, AND OILS, unociatits, dltOUKIlnx, UltOUKHIUS ditoi:i:uiKs. ()itouKiiir;, tlllKKNHWAItn, tilllllCNHWAllK, (illllKNHWAIlH, iillUKNSWAlli:, uuki:nswaiii: . HAnDWAllM, HAUDWAIti:, IIAHDWAlli:, IIAHDWAUK, HAUDWAHK, TINWAIti:, TINWAKK, TINWAltU, TlNWAUll, . TINWAUH, ' HALT, HALT HALT HALT, HALT, KIH1I, 1'1HII KIHI1, KITH K1HI1, (I I IAIN (IIIAIN (JltAIN dltAIN (JU.UN AND HIIKDH, AND HHI'.DH, AND HKIIIIS, AND HHUDH, AND HUKIIH, Ac., Ac., AT AlcKLLVY, NIJAL A CO.'H, MiKKLVY, NHAL .V CO.'H, McUHI.VY, NHAL A CO.'H. MiKKLVY, NKAI. A CO.'H. MrKIILVY, NKAI, .V CO.'H. NoithweM comer .11 .Main and Marki tHlreila, loriiei or Main and Market. Stnelji, NorihucM corner or Main and Market Hired, NorlbWiteoriier of Main ami Market. St I iwtla. NorlliMCH mniiT nl Main and llarket HtueUi, IlLoOMHUUItO, I'A IILOO.MHIIIIIld, l'A IILOOMSmilld, I'A IILOOllHllllltd, l'A., IILOOMKIIIIltd, l'A. IKON AND NAII.H, IKON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAIt.S, IKON AND NAII.4 IKON AND NAILS, to larKO ipiiiiitljliik nod at rrducid rales. alway JOOIC, READ, ANU LEARN, THAT T1II3 Orwtt SlioalioiiccH Remedy ! nv tuk t'i:i.i:iiitATrn iniiian DR. LEWIS JOSHEPHUS, ','f ".'.V ,llHKiit'.lio.l Trlbo orHhnshonees.Colum. leirllory is now for Mile In the Union. i iiih an possi(.inKKrent renudy.N wnuanliil and In in. mil and emphntlo laiiKnaite. wo can a irely a iy, may bo lelliil ilium in maku a perma- Liver, Kldnets, DIl'CsIIvo Orpins, etc., Aa wSl i ii. i. ""' mho niseaaes, jiumors, and ull Impnrlly or Iho blood, exceptnm the thin siayu or CouKumptlou. , JnCiiiiad.i whero this i;rcut lelnedj- lias been in u.o tor u abort time It Inu Indeed elleclcd soiuc or the inost mai velnus cures ever iccorded In thonnimla orliMorlcJil medicine. Kuelibelni; Iho caso In addition lo II. rormer renown in Col. umbla icrrllory wo defy humanity to dlsomo t boract lhat llila (Ireat Hhoahoncca Itemedy Is tho remedy or remedies or tho lU'h Ceuluiy, and ..... p. . ,.- .i.ivi ii. liiu iiiuir oi hill er lna humanity. 1'rle.l or tho ltotai.,1. In ci i-. eiue 'jy'y'"'""1 jJ ' Ymiiig it Uros.,'ai Hyui. eor uiu oy tin iiean ra In Jledlclclno. JHUClOIBTrt WKITK TllUrJOl' Tllli ORE AT S1I0SI10NEES REMEDY I (AiwwtAcrs or j.KvrKiis.) (leneva. N. Y.. Feb. utii. lwi'i '.'"A"l,N" Hi"'. 1 Und my sale, of yuur valuablo Itemedlea greatly iticreaslnt;, In lact your dleulHliosliiiuceH Kenudyls ulvliiK tho best " -".'""w-i""," luoi.inij jusi m his recommend, ed to do, several haylni! oven eomo In lo toll mo V V". ,', "v V,M w'e oeneuieii iiolu Its Use, I have sold out or It again, etc. etc. WJLLAK1) N. HM1TI1. in, v.,., '"'."'"""j N, YMarch, Kith, lwj. int.. wufu is '""rf Murlua J'ollf Ur Hl'iis- eonllrined Dyspeptic, lliu resul other med clue wo have had In iho store ror ycar 1 ron what 1 havo seen or tlio Hlioshoiiocs. 1 r" Jnstllled In recotiimend tig It. Bend mo six doV morv, It wIlUcll In threo months, etc. ' 1JYU0N KKNNI3IU J' t.ioUNU .tllno. yourKlioshouees Itcinody .l.'i'K BOU', ka"f"'-l"'. "nd sells belter tlm any other new medlcltm wo hat o ever alteinpted to Inlruduce, as wo nro nearly out or It, send us In haslo He. ii. LbWlH A CO. iiuivea uuiyersai saiuractlun, mora than iuv IW N. MorBiiu Ht Chicago, III. Feb. lsth. Isco ireat n.imiV;V,MY,V.1:.V"'y.Sf".l''dn unlvc.s.,Uall.raeUon;rhaTelnot 'hUu whom I Imvoaold. bm what si.ealc.or It In Hi" hlKliest lerius, and reutmuieui It to olht rs " i and nip Krosa mine at once. eto..ete. HUO. llUOOKIUb 1'rlcB nf I ho lteumly In largo plnls.ll.a. cum N. Y. y " Vu""lii "f". t Hyra. 1'or salo by nil dealers In Medicine. MMIE MISSlSStiUOl POWDKR AO uun'Xl'aiiutruiul Hcrnrulmu liuvawa i'I tlio Hhln. Hi reiirt lu U I. Medical wff 2fS n r 1,'hyslclous Inelrcularseiit rreo oi ajipHeulloiit,iCIIAH..A. DUIIOIH. Isa UiiirlHI ew li.lUCIIy, llox lliW. JliS-Sii? A I'li KINDS OK JOH PRINTINfl iL HU All V 1 ! i liu I it 'I'm irl l.t ............. . . IRON, TINWARE, AO. gTC I'OVICS AND TINWARE. A. M. Ittll'KUT annonncea to hla trlenda and ciiotomera tlmt contlnucn the above linalncaa at hla old place on MAIN HTHMJr. llLOOMaUUlKI. Custoincra can bo accomodated with KANOY HTOVEH or all kinds, Hlovcplpo", Tinware, and every va riety or article round In n Htuvo and Tinware Iji labllahuient In thecltlea.and ou tliemuat reason able terma. lteuilrlugdoueallhohorUtnoUce !i 1XIZISN MIt.K-PANH ou hand ror sale. M-EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIN STliaKT, NKAKIY OPI-OStTK MILLKll' HTOUB, iu.niiMHnt!U(l. 1'ENN'A. TlIEUiidemlBned hasJusVUlled upnud opened hla new .. HTfiVH AND TIN SHOP, I.. ii.Nnlnre. where lie 1 prepared to mako tip i ikwTih WAiiKorn k nd in ms line, rei alrlns Vv t neatness and dispatch, upon 1 1 in ost refaoimWu lerius. He also keeps on hand UTllVl.-W OP VAUIOUS l'A'n'KllIlniiiiw hlch be will sell upon terms u sun 1"",;,"" ,,7i IV... , i,i,;;U r,iil. lie Is n untal mechanic, and ilescrvlnis ot tho public l1"","jcon MET7 niooinatiurii, April ai.lsirt. t. kv Huirii. J nisi."-" tn.Mitorjumd DonlprNln I-'oreln nmlDomeRtlc II A R 1) W A R E, (I II N H, U II T Ii K It Y, NO. Ilrl N, TIIIHIlKTItliKT, AH.l'A1.UIWIIII.r., l'llILADKLl'HIA. Nov. H, 1.7-1 f. j"EV STOVK AND TIN SHOP. 1M..1AII II,lll'..MHIl.ll, Malt.HlU-Ltonuitoor ubovo Y Mfiilt'iih:tll'rt A nrifo iLssorttncnl or siovcx. Ilwileis mm Uunj;'" i-onslamly on lnindtimd for miIo tit tbo iowhsi rates. 1 limliiif In nil Um brniiclicsnirpriillvnlleinUil to, nnd Hnllsfiu'llon cunrnnli cd. Tin work or nil kliuU wliolusalonnd retail. A trial N rniiH'sleil. NKW HAUDWAItESTOUR Nl! lLUrt ULTRA. enlarged our ratoro Uoom nnd Just Ol'KNKI) A XVW HVVVL llrccllv from tbo Jtiiiiiifiiclurcrs. mirehiisLtl for rush, on u di-cllniui; murlcet, w o nre iri'iuiw)d to oIRt (tiCN.imo to KAHMKOS. MKCHANICH, 11U1LUK1W. md the rest of Mankind, u iieuernl ktock. coin irlslnic all iho kinds una qualities usually kept n n tliv Hard Ware Ktoie. hill tablo to tbu wnnrs of the county, nt unusually low prices. .u iiioM? wiiuiuuut'ciirtousoi puTUiiiMng goous lu our line can wave Money bv looking lu ut tbu iiiiniwuj u nuirua i'ltuso (jivu U8 u cill ontlcxamlno ourtf(Clcdc, UUiNlA iV WAlllJl-;?, Apr. U-'i.ty-li r Itloonihburt;, Vtu gHAHI'LKSS A UAUMAN, KAai.i; lOt'.NDKV ANIlilASUKAL-iUlllKU MI01'. HTOVIIS & 1'I.OWH WHOLKSALK A UKTAIL TUK (IJ.KI1UATEU MONTilOSK ikon iikam and TltK 1IUTT0N WOOllKN It FA Jt 1'I.OWS. t.'usliliira und Kim Ilrlek for 1 ciuilrliur iltvMtrtvu All kinds' of itinss or Iron canting madu to order IMIUll hliurt, 11U11CU, II. l' HHAUPIiilSS A 1'. H. IIAltMAN. lllnoiufeburt;, l'a, rroprletora, QRANQEVILDE FOUNDRY, JtACIIINK H110I' AND AGItlCULTUItAI. WOIIKH. The uuderslatied desires to lolnrin hla frlf-mlu and tho nubile generally, lhat he has rebuilt und enlarged his Foundry and MachlueMhop.and re moved ull his business rrom Llglit Htreei lo the alsivo named place, whero In eomiee'.loii with ins I'uunury no win conilnue to manntiLntiim Wheeler'a Hallway Chain HorseH'ower und AiireMicr, i.iiiipruveuj, wurneirs l'alellt, TIIItKHIinil AND CLEANKIt. either overshot lor Tread-l'owcr or undeishol .vim i.ever-1-ower. no nu-o muuuractures outer and Ills upullkludsor i ij ii a e a r i n a . Circular Saw Mandrels, l'utnnt. mh.i.. r.. u-,t Mills, Iho latest Improved lion Ileain I'Ioms or uiiieieiii, aiiHii ootieil Ileum i'lows, UoilblC Corn Plows, nud plow l'olnta or every deserliv Hull tri.lli.l'.lll v likn.l I l.w.iii.1..... , 1 IKON KLTTI.EH, UKLLM (Vll ir Oralis. Sloves, Hied nnd Meljtli Soles, and In laitevelj.lhlliKKenerally inmlolnil eountrv l oun lry, llioso wIslilUB u piircJlmso Machines would do well to esnmlno hlsmncblues, und tbo Improvements made on tho power, by which at ii'ii.ii..u iiei eeiii. oi inu iriciioii is lalteti oir. At I. MACHINr.S Alti: WAlSItANHIU to bIvo (-olid Millsracllou and terms mado to stilt tun chusoiK. All kinds ef f untry produco Uiken IHVAII..I.IL..IIII . iimv. unit casuuKS. TlianltlttI to his n lends nud natrons Tor nasi r.ivois ho would Mill imIlnuolosolUlttliOMntni. ,..,,, ' ii.i.i..m m;mi 1 i.Ktt, Apr.' Oranuevlllo l'a. J" E W I' I R JI , NATIONAL IRON WORKS BILLMYBR & IIENRIK. iiioMioseiioersiespeeiitiiiy ,.al tin, alti ntlon in mo iiuiiiehscimimuully In llielr Works slliui id nil Iho I I!. It. II. ubovo tlio DeiKil. II LOO MNP. UJll! i'.l, KOHNIUIIW, MACIIIMSI'H AND IKON SMITHS. ai A J u r A 0 T U R E R S OV i.iujincN, liolleis, Saw nnd (Irlst.MIH .iiacninery, rinnnins. I'tilliys nnd lIanL.i.r Tlrcy iiloo tnakonll Ulndsor Threshing .Machines ol tho most approved patients and tho Celebrated itonitmo iron ileum Plows, Cook, Pallor, Bar room nnu wotu-sliop HTOVlJi. Healers and a iiiiiiiSNonincnior I'lro bricks. and eaktliie rnn, slattlly on hand ror lcpalrlng Wtoves. Hevcrol iililerent sles and ileslgns or Cellar Orates. They mo also picparcd to rmnMi Car Wheel, and .xies mr .Miniiigptirisisesninl Uenerul MIuIiib .i.iiiiB. iron uuu mass lasiings ror every do. serlpllon or Job work. Agiletilturiil Implements inline nnu repanen. rariicuiar nltenllon given lo tho iciulrlngi.riill kinds ol Keapcrs: eitrii istrla on hund. Juno P.'MMf. Q.REENWOOD SEMINARY. A llOAltUIXa M IIOOL KOIt llOTlt bLXUS. Having resumed tho ehatgo orthls Institution niter tin ubsenco rrom tho county or nearly Voven years. I rckniciiuiiv n r.t .i..?... ,".r" public pallouURe. and trust wo shall soon llml ino sciinoi esiaoiisned upon Its roiuior basla or Thol'all term will open on Monday.AuijustlCth tlioteinisroraiiuaileroreleven ieeeks will t t t D I'ltthis ..8rt Other lirtinelies extra. All uYlVibie, one; 'lear'er U,U't'' "alattco at thu nilddleoreat It lor liu I In r inn Hi iil.itH addrcs W.?!!."I'."H'XS. Pilnclnnl. July lO.'O'J-Cw, Jiiiivitic, coluutblu eo., Pa. l)ON'T lNi END AiVl'ONIS.UNa TllHW01lI.IUiu.Ml"lNIJ OIL, llUTWATKlt. K A Y'S P U M P S, UHHD AND ADMIKKI) 11Y KVKKY ONI:. IlM.eclally tho liullis. being truly Ihe ludlei' 'n VrU'.w;"""U.,,.1"1' IlKl'taraiidciialcr i Itan Hie I on !, , l iwK ' "" 1 ,auka "''' Mop una ii if it liH "uul1 1'" ""HUd the Hour In tho wittier, tho water not ritutilng so lougnrier I'utiitV. ri'fi.'n,1, i"!1!"5 'I"1"1 '"1 ,lrl Premium uVevery i.'i ,h.l& "!vu bt;" "Itlblled: iilso recoinmeK de l by all Insurance Coui.anles, on ucconiit or ffi:ine!Vnrr !" !ti W All wo nsk Isairial.t, d wi . rV,Vn,X .'" ""IV: please you, '"Ul riuu OK 11LACK OAK WATCH. which is ireo-rimn taMe.alJiV' as rio ge? K l ' "Iso iiinuy other adMiniaies wh ch can only bo lound out by using the it. Tli'e7i,avD '.V01'."' um l Uio uorllieru mil ut 11.. VhVXi ! ar?.S '.,.J'.U."'P wiiKinudoor wild incumber wood. 1 a i 7 5. ur".i s1"vl rapidly every whero. r,.At ,!;1nJ'-'r'!,t''r,"1KU ,l,u ni r leit at fi wft t 1"l'Luf ' Hect south bldo or the 1 his llns- niiiuupruiiiptty auciided In, by WlM.IAMSPoltT, l'A, t'ATAWlasA, I'A, AI.I.KN KAY. Miilililiiiliir..t- I. PKincorr, ' Agent, pOWDER KEOS AND I.UMRER, W.M.MONKOKA(X)., Hupert, liu. Mauuraclurersor PDWDKItKHUH. aud dealers lu all kinds or Hive notice that iheyaropiepur Ut uccnu.MM,, n1lr c"'"lM wUI' "llalcli, ami on Iho chcoihl AB4HII It is more simple, lthavltm no lower box packed w Hi low mid allow, Vv hliT IV IhS greatest trouble In tholieu i.ttiiip. Ai oiher itriat udvuutago is, lhat when you git a now minm you uie not compelled to iIrluli;Yr a "vlmle Slur PA. DRUGS &. MEDICINES. '--! Aycr's Ohorry Pectoral, ..' . r ihn Throat and I.uns, l6Ucl. A C)ouh.. polits, WtowtaB Cough, UronchltH. Asthma, and Comumptlon. mcill. Iiieti'"; ' mlnkind, as this Mcellcnt VAncZmSu 'rhrpngrialong SftYrte ffiiiSlnufnlrX I i,. ii " -; --j ,wlU!r anown.t Its vtnuorm 1 '"''."Uin1? ,S5er to euro 11)0 varlotn offectloni pro M1 .... , -1,1, u nnu concnis au r.":r raa.iur ictfirc,,rrsj. cie '!,::T1 m irrcat Pro "Sfi'AK'u.lwuy itiUevcd nntl o'rtcn 'nhori, cured by It. .. . , . . C '""u J WomlTn stnalf and rrcqucnt rtoscj. Kii Ecnot ally aro Its vhtacs kuown thnt wo need notmS I'll SccitineaUM or them Wrc.or do more tto! u"u"o i Uio lmhllo that IU qutihtlca aro fttUy maintained. Ayer's Ague Cure, A 0, Periodical or Dllloua Fovor, fto., and Irtdooil all tho uffoctloni whloU iu-ise from malarious, inarab, or mlasmatlo poisons. As Its nsme Implies, It, tloei C ,nJ 'l0"".' Zinc, nor any odier miticrol or lonous subitanco 7. Ar.inli.llil aiac.lltsinuui. Lanco Tho prid.i Is Itratinwi iiyiiiearkiionii-.wi.... riiiiie or tlio radical cures effected In tiltstl nlo eae. and wlicro oilier remedies hail w holly railed. tliii'-tllia.ited ticrsons, cither resident In, or tr iv. lliiis lliionsli inUsmalln localities, will ho pro twl.s! I.ytlklnu tlio A(IVV. J'K l1-'")'- , , IW i:nr Oiiitirtlnl. niUhiR from tonilillly nrtlic Liter, It I" on excellent rcniedy, cllnnilatlng '.lie l.licr lain liealllty activity. , Pur liihotts Dl-orilcra and l.lrcr Complaint;, it U an excellent remedy, prrsluolntr niany iruly ro ta it labia cue", Mltcrc other iiicillcliicsli.nd lal cd. 1'iiparc.l l.y Hit. .1. C. AVKit A Co., Practical and Aii'di Ileal Cliiinl'ts, Ijvncll, Mass., and sold all i .mn.l tlio notld. l-KlVi:, 91.00 I'JJJ! 110TTLV. Ayers Hair Vigor, For I'csloring Cray Hair lo its natural Vitality and Color. A ilivi"iti5 wlitfh tnii'ii iijirei'iilile, Itvnliliy, nntl otl'ct'liinl lor iie.-erviii; ilia Iciir. I'mhd or iray l,a!r ii ooi restored lu tfi miijinal color with Ihe gloss and fimlmca o youth. I'lilii luiir l.s lliick- cnetl, fttllinj; luiir ilieiked, iihd bnltl uess olititi, tliuuli not nlwuj's, cutcil by ils IM'. N'olltiti i.iu icsIgto tlio hair wlierc tin: I'ullirlos nre ilcslroycil, or the glunih nl roptilutl . nml deciyctl. But such its rciiiiiin can bu snvctl for tiscfiilucsa by tlttii tipjilit-nt !on. Iustcatl of fouling the hair with n ntisly sedi ment, it will keep it clcun njul vigorous. Its occasional usu will prevent tho luiir from turning gray or falling bfl, nnd consequently prevent' baldness, Freo from those deleterious substances which make some preparation daiigeious nud injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nolliimr else can be found sodesirnlv Containing neither oil nor dye, it uoej not soil white cambric, mid yet lasts long ou the hair, giving it n rich glossy lustro nnu a grutelul peiluinc. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co,, Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL,, MASS. riucu $i.oo. Fob. 5, ISO). D u- V A Y I. O It S OLIVi: IIHANl.'H II I T T H H H A iiillilaiid.iKrceahloTnnli! Hllniiil'int, acliluand Illuminative H I '1' T E It s , Hxlrat ledcnllrclyri'iiiii llcilimtul Itools. High ly l.eneilclal lu DYHI'Hl'KIA, OKNKHAIi DKHIIjITY, nml Loss of Appctllo; and an c xci lleut Correcllveror persons ntncrlng Iroiu HKiirileisnrihe Hmvels, Klaluliiicc,.tc. Hold KvcrywliPii'. pol, No. 41 1 Marki t flirt el,' l'hlladclplila. J. If. TAYI.OU 4 CO. Kept.4,', JU. IHVINK'S OHEAT INDIAN M E p 1 C I N- K. USKIlkOUVOUKTIIAN OUl V YKAltslN OLHMAN V .'smadoV.lre.yeoY'r'Uml " -"StSS HOOTS ANU IIEHlia. Huiillugdoii nud whero It has tike S aft ? UltEAT INDIAN MKDICINli It has never tailed to euro Ague. Vcver and itn. rungcuieut or HieBtomucb. ' ,cvtrnml " I hope nil whp aro alllleUd with tlio aliovo 1 ?V.".' Wr'"' treat INDIAN IMiln. 1' f Pri'r'f oro '" Llrs,'t Hlrtc' toluinl la c mi'ty 1 A'gefi?,' ' "' J""Nhlt! 'litis medlcltto Ispiepared only hy .y7.0-yr V.lg'.It'iS'iv. "T,KAPN1SS. HLINDNKRS A"Nn JL Catarrh treated wllh thuutinnsi U,V.. 1... J. ISAAPjI fi it'll - i,',ro.f;'j,H.r of l'""" "7 tl'i Jae nntl Jjur, hit ni y J'miuylmnia, 11, tor Jan, lli,'eu,.tr' JONATHAN IIKlSLKIVa TONIO u or Hitlers has never railed to euro tho worst m'H. "flV,"'!'""1!, 'i iit.stiicesrul u"od. icluo yet itlsciwereu rur Iho euro or Cuumimi, 1,1 Dyspepsia Liver (iiniplaltit, llroiicliltls ,Vnd i! 0 tlio Thioal, I'hest nnd LunLl- i made entirely or root." and lierbi. Ono holl o wlllennylueounyone who gives Tit it fair trial No 1 raiolly should bo without t vul . 1 ,r, S ylfj, , uuu uy uu urug- rIMIE MAOIO COMH TKKT'II AHK J. coaliul ulil. D..11.1 .1.... x'.... . . . . tiiid usotbocoHib, nnd It produces n periiiaiient black or brown. Ono cotnU tent by mall ror II ill ., Addriss Wl. 1'ATION, JlJOOJin, Hprluggeld.lituia, $10 A DAY. Ail.ln.i.u Hi lt)-3nt. A.J, KIII.IiAM, New York, Si. t..:: tionj'or Uio lliront and ntign. At I... I nn Il.inil 111 UVVIJ iiiitiy i -"--- 6 ..ejutn, iioiianu ) ko. hiiO Arch htreei i'fillii; lUifn. ?,"',"luu lo aoeoiinmuy tholr iu llnilaf ."?..i6J:7t..i', l?rf.t." lu. "s.l'i-actlco Ar- "iiuuui iiuin, u euargo ftOADt1 DELiUVARl' ..,,,. , meni.Apr.MK(. Tmffl HBlfl KASTWAItt). --Publl ill RAIL Ac- Kx. Mali com, press TAT10X' ,,,rl'1 M l'.M. Y'a M.siTiSs-'i ' 0 40 3.35 H.4V 3.00 I-'.IO I) 111 9 lit 9 W 0 15 ...... Wiishii,Sj JOH II SO 7 16 V.40 12.30 11.4 ifwiMtrlt,', riau 1 SJ 11.3.1 4.10 8.22 1.00 ll.'il 11. HI I LIU ....I'ltllaoeiri,:"- "J 7 ro 5 88 5 83 5 23 5 II ft idoiC. r '"si?SfiJ!?ki ii 10.47 5 01 10.31 lo.ra! 10.13 KlrouiM. !S Klrni I!S I 71 l'ianiinu 'M "ynryMii,"' "' 0.511 U.ll) twal 0.(11 .......uaKint,j; "fas ..."1 ? ol'J linnj,,"- MOhCnw Dlltllili... .1 53 3 41 3 8.41 (t.8.11 I'M i 13 2 M 11.113 II, 1U 5.S.) ft 30 4.50 1.15 3,45 3.15 .IO 7,as 7.30 7.1 1 (I.A0 (l-DJ .......Ki't anion . I' M ...l-'iirlnrivtH';"" .-...NlCllOlriOll''"' li()Y1i o.lbl ,'j.IU 5.311 A.M, Utl'" I. Itlo! l'.M AtNewItti.nnireS ' ersev.ror New Von! v ' H't -rrrr vlllo, Huston, Ac. "rKNii At, wnsniiiBion. win, New V"'-IVNawaiIt1rr,lr- towu, Iimlou, .to, "ll,iu,OUIK At Mnuuuliii Chunk, um. nmr at ainuntinn unlink, win. r, It. It., rur Philadelphia ii,', Lnmlierisvllle, l'luliipf"1 At HerAlitnti. w II. i,..n.. 'l' '"'I. I K.H .Jewi It, 11., ror I'll thtoii. Vj mt,, i hitrie. Dnnvlllu, .rtltiiriair Dchiwnro A llitd,on i " ' i r. . r i '. .v.:,. nuso. HAT mini, mill will i'riliuiis, tfJn'ir!!;"'!!,:;'1;;! I at.. I I M.I 1) KAD1NQ HA I LltUA.'!.' -.V. .,.... . . ui Ureat Trunk Lino ii- West lor l'lillad,il1,iii,.sl.w Vlile. TilliHKilln. Aslitsii.t ..'I'-Nl Allentowll. Kimlun liilM Columbia, .so., '"'""i-irgM iritins lenvo lliirtl, alti ,s 77. lows I At a,M, o,ai and Vil"l h A VI 2.U0 4lO,,couni.iu',,a,,S' Iwlo tlio l'u. Uililluad, inu sriini,, 0,15, ii.lti., & 11,1311.10., a si? and 0.U0 ii.tii ro.pectlvi ly. S', puny. ltio2,3j a. ui..ri.ainin'1r Wiiiiuui i:iiiiiiku. Unvo llairlkbuii!ior IttaJu. iijo maquu, Mlltersville .Vsl.iai.jt Uruve, Allenlowu & I'limul." ',, , l,lo p.m., stopiiini! at Libuium . "i ' .tatlouajtlie l.iOpiu. train ia.iki7." ; ottsvlllo nud ColuiuUU "l """ Schuylkill IlnVeu unit .ii,,.''1.. and Busquchiiuna ltnilronJuT, 'urT 3,:io p.m. lti-turalnic: l.i!j.t' "url a.m. und lw.ouiu.,auu Jyntnv, t tt plti.1 ut 8.11 ii. m, una Ajj Vf,,, accompany the a. 11U1I1S IIUI1I ... i .wiiiiuuiiimiic Tt Tl 1'rulu leaves t'lilladil.hliiutir,' i!,,,, with sliuilnr train ou llml I'la """ rtuin HcadlnKutulop.iiikUii.r-:; lenvo I'otlsvlllo at7,:tus i V klnut 0,aand 10,13 a. m., amim. e "'" noon mttiattta tit s..jj s. a tor l'lilladulphlu,iiud' m ' Ixtuvu 1'otlavlllu via tieliia t .mft Uattuu Itulltoail ut7,wj tLiu.ioit"r7-; U.3UU. lit., lor l'lnot.iimii.tli ltcadttit Accuuiinoil.uiiiuTr.'..' In at 7,30 n.iu,., rUnrulnn leavn rj- . rotlslowu Accotuiiioil.aiyiiT. town at 0,'i3 a.m.,, i oturulue, laiMIl at 4,30 p.m. , Columbut ltallroad 'ltiilMMItS 7,00 a.m., and 0-10 p.ui. fur tuuru Mali tt.l. t!(llllllltlllL. .tc. I Vcrkioiuen Hall Ho.ul Trilait IHN Junction ut u,, una u.iju ibull Leave Uklppuck nt W5 a.ta., ui nccllng wltlt similar Iralanml IH.4 On Huudoys, leave New Uru. slol jiueipuia s.isj ti.ui. iinitit.ijptit. rttnului; only to Headlnii; to narrisuurj; 0,0 it.iu. nun 1 10 a Iteadlng ut UM MldtilgliUnU P01 Harrishurg, nnd n,.Vi lutu., aad'i7Tr York, ul 0.40 n.m.tiud 4.2itMii.ii Iv Cotntuututloti, MIleiiBi'.honj-''0' ciiisloti tlekeU to and Ifuiuallp-1111 ' rales, lluggngo checked tin ongh; 1 Jj JIBS each piLssuttger, igooi Ui-lll'MlN 4t, Heading, l'a., Apr, .Ha 1WJ. PHILADKLI'IIIA IU1MIOAD. UK goo. SU.M.MKU TLMI.TIL TIIKOUIIU ANII UIKKVT I.HCTI If 11KI.PI1IA, IIAI.riMOKl., UAL ,IJ LtAMsi-oitT, Atr can (HIHAT OIL HHUIO.N OPIUwI KI.KIIANr HI.Krrl 'II, On all Mt;lil'rri..ung On ttltil arter MttNliAY, Ak ,y Trains 011 thu I'lilludi lpliia.U. riiiitis Mllows: WKHTWARK MAIL TUA1.N haves I'hllaJd, A01 " " " Niittliuii. " " " arr, at Lrlu.. .... UIUH KX. Pit liSS leu vet I'ltlLs ,U,h , " " ttrr. ul llrlu TTTT l.LMIHA MAIL leaves 1'lillJil J " " " Nut III J. I'"1 " nrr.atlklh JIASTWAKD SIAILTHAIN leaves Kile '. , " " Noillnl., qo " " I'lillii'leli Ch KUIU UXI'ltl'iSMItuiyiB Lrle- " " arr.ttti'liiuii jj .Mull nud Kxpiess isitiiiut.h. Allegheny Itlver Kail Uuu) I. through, JA A - k Oeueritl StiperlutciiJoi.MJ C t A TAAV 1 SS A H A 1 IBUJ J nrtcr JIONDAY, ta lialnaon lliot'iiliiuissii Itutltii 1 Kill li. 1 rollowlng iittiniil hours! K .gr .Vail Ai)t(i. HrATI( WllllamM"" ep. 70 n.lit .a) M tine). " 0.10 " " 0.52 " ' 10.11 " " 10.SS ' "' 11.10 " " 1U0i.ii. " 12.13 " Wntsiiultisti .Milton. Ilaiullli'. Ituptrl. ('iitauUha. ltlnglouii. Miiliiinll. in, 11 lint. i. ( C. ,ct " LOO " 2,1.3 " 1.23 Arr. U.13 " 10..VI K. .Maliun) J illie.'1'aiiiinitia. I' rei limning. J.' Iiilailelliliis, .., Tit New Yinki-"'i Ing or MuticUiu I'rom New Vinl A .Mauell UlllUis. NnChamro or enis beluiiu " riiiiadelplilu. LACKAWANNA A.N'H i UUltll HA.LltOAH , d On and itrt.r Jlay loih, sa,l'as- run as rutlowsi J. Ml OolugNerlii Arrive Arrlu 11. in. WW ,."K Bt Kcramou,. p. 111. ...0.15 Plttslou 0.10 10.15 Kingston K.40 Wi l'lyutoutl s.) u.2; Mhlckaliluuy,... 7.4.1 M llerwlck ISA'i MO ' lilooni ae.3 7-iO Dnnvlllo 5.21 IiU Lettve Lim;1. ' North'd 4.13 Coiinectlim mndo ulHcraliU. ol train ror Urcut liend, lllns;;?1",1 all pulnu Norilt, litst und "'g, -r NOHTIIEHN UKNTl"'- Ou and alter May M f n leuvoNouTituuiiKitt-ANuauM1' ' NOHTIIWAl , 425 a, .. Dally to WllllaiuP"'!'; lor ICltnlru, C'liutiiiJulgii'Vr",' , Suspension llrldge, aud 1), (130 I-. 11., Dully, (emelit ""1 llullilt.vla l!ilo Hallway W . 6.M 1 M., Dally, (exieplMuuW - port. THA1NH SOU-lli", 0J0 A. M, Dally (except MoinW 1 WILMINGTON AND 1'IH'-- 2.00 P.M. Daily (except HltniW': Washington and I'ulUdi'lff Uenerul l" . ALKIthii H. KisKk, Uen'l s QAHHlAdli MAN'UFA1;' llliatnishtirif, l , M. O. HIAJAN A I"'1'1'' tlio uncefssor or WILLIAM BWIAN1'. coitlluuu tho business tit uiaklM I CAltltlAOLH. VM und every stylo or KANOY W'ti . which thoy have constantly"11 "j lonters, Novcr using any "mV ,, nd employing thu most eil hev hot in 111 n.i.l limu us In they lioim tu continue us lit r autlsractlon to every iiistoiut' r. niiKr' Lhelrworlf nml nr 1 tin reasotv he same, la sure to Insure a Kl4 MnyVMMr OONHUSU'TION VAS Wily Iir.CiUlnrrlsiiii'sni-wl.V.u, Cull or luldlesa Dr.C, ',;V" HKHITll Ht. Philadelphia. I (0 I'.IH.-niiel lul ulleiilfoii Kli I.HNtl Discuses.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers