THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOC11AT, BLQOMSBTJIIG, COLUMBIA COUNTY. 1A. .Jill ' eiBim, mmAY,Ai'im, 30, ibop. pANIEUB. STEVT.N8 of Locust tWp., is sold his farm to Kilns Snyder for 000. ' Ml . . D. K.Sloan has purchased tlioBloro, mso nnd adjoining property of 11. W. owraan InOrangovlllo for $0000. II AUVKYfa Qrlst Mill on Huntingdon cok In Laaerno county wns destroyed t flro on Monday Inst. Wo nro unnblo stnlo iho amount of los. Mii". 'John Achknhacu of OmtiRC llo nachod his 83tli yenr on tho liitli ' tliu present iDoiilli. llo Ih In lino ealth and bids fair (o Inst ninny yenrs. TiiEUE will bo DIvlno servlco in tlio crmnn language, on Saturday after oon next, nt 2 o'clock, In tho Qcrmnn deformed church In this place. Twon. .' persons wlll.bcconflrmcdatthosnino lace at Vi p.' in., and two will recelvo iptlsm. We notlcoia sotuo of our exchanges mt mad dogs aro uinuunlly numerous its year in tho adjoining counties. Al tough none havo been bccii or hoard ' In this immedlnto vicinity It would j as well If our citizens kept n blmrp ok-out for all strango Ill-conditioned irs, who aro' Wandering nhout. We aro pained to chroniclo tho denth ' Mrs. Elliot, daughter of Mordccnl ickson, Esq.) of Berwick, who died on iturdny morning after an Illness of at a few hours, of congestion of tho mgs. . Tho affliction of tho f.unlly is ren ted moro s'overo from its. very unox ctcdtiess. Our hearty sympathies aro itlfiheuO TE Odd Fellows of OrangovlUo cel roted tho fiftieth anniversary of their 'dor by ft parado nnd dinner on Mon y last. After mnrchlng through tho roots, headed by tho OrangovlUo Brass ind, they adjourned to dinner nt Yoy o's Hotel. Nothing happened to in rforo. with tho festivities, and they spersod at a lato hour In tho best of imor. The Election for County Supcrln ndont will take plnco nt tho Court duso on Tuesday next. It Is ono of o most Important offices in tho Conn , and wo trust that It will ho crcdita y filled. Thero should bo a full at iidarfco 'ol Directors. Thoy aro tho ovlng power':iu our school Bystem, id Its succes3depends on their activi and Intelligence. dov', GEary has nppolntcd James ester Associate Judgo of our county se.jHon.jPoter K. Herboin, deceased. this, Bioomsburg Inilucnco has again iutnpliod over (Cntawissa. On a quca n of-votes Catawissa may bo counted ; on a question of oillccs tho editor of e JRepublican. iiv&T bo consulted. owevcr,wo"p'roposo to settlo tills dls to noxt fall by electing n man who es not put his fulth in Geary. Sad Drowning! Case. A llttlo girl I tried Kntlo Oman, a daughter of Peter . and Lydia Oman, g f Benton, Coluni a county, and grandaughter of Hon. ao. P. Loro; of this county, was drown 1 on tho evening of tho 21st Inst., in ittle Muncy Creek, this county, two lies east of Lalrdsvllle. Sho had been siding for somctimo past with her mt,.Mrs. Phoobo E. Houscknccht, a tugliter ,dfjiidgo Lore. Katlo was ivcn yesum old. Lycoming Standard. The citizens of Canibra had an excit ghunt for a panther a few nights nco. His tracks have been plainly on nt different points, nnd ho has be imesobold as, to' approach within a mrterof a mllo of tho town, in which sstr earns could plainly bo lienrd. Sov ul sheep havo disappeared mystcrl isly of lato, and thero Is no doubt that is panthership Is tho robber. At latest ports he, had not been killed, but a rco number, of men with dogs aro in oso pursuit and thero aro strong hopes f his ultimate destruction. Wo aro of m Opinion, that ho would not bo a leosant companion any time after dark On Sunday evening last, ns Mr. liarlcs M. Vnndersllco wns driving in ) town on' tho Light Street road his orse, a young one, becamo frightened t a stump lying near tho road, and iirnod sharply around, and leaped own, tho bank. His wlfo fortunato Jumped out and escaped unhurt. Mr. andorsllee' retained his hold of the orse and' was hurled down tho steep nibankmeht at tho plnco, but with tho xceptlonf of a fow bruises wns not in- ircd. The horse was somewhat cut bou the legs, and tho buggy was bad "smashed. .That tho nccldent should laycf been productive of no serious In ury to Mr.tVanderslico or his wlfo is cmarknblei The Bankrupt Law. As tho law low stands no person can obtain tho tensflt of this act unless he Is nblo to jfljjBCty.porcont. of his liabilities, or tnleea ho can obtain tho consent of a najority o(, his creditors, who may bo billing to accept whatever ho, as lebtor, Is able to pny out of his estate n caso he has nny. If n party commits in' act tof bankruptcy by tho stoppage ( his commercial paper, or makes an isslgument of his goods or property In fraud of' certain creditors, other credi tors clalmlngilo bo defrauded by such procedure havo tho power of petition ng tho court to declare such a person a baukrupt within the meaning of tho law. Willi Gypsies have Just paid this towi Lvlslt, on their annual tour of horse trading, tinkering, fortune telling, and Mealing In all of which acconipllsl incuts, If nJustIco has not been done tlsm, tliey uro proficient. Tlio usual 'number of horses, dogs, monkeys ami children (dirty) accompany them. As uclfwethuy nro seldom disorderly or quarreteome, their offences against soci cty belHe-pturied on nulotly. Wo teftMvtlmt on Suuday an attempt wasmatlo-ly boiiio of tho whlto and iblaclc disorderlies who dlsgraco this town,tolovolvo them In a dllllculty 'and that they wero for a tlmo obliged to Icavo. Tiicro Is not tho slightest rea son why theso pcoplo should not bo al iJowcd to remain unmolested so long as Uhoy bchavp themselves and keep with- 'in.tho jay, and tho attempt of tho young rowdies to titiito u dlsturbanco should havo nrcn promptly pnt iinwn. A Case ov Poisoning. Somo threo weeks ngo tho family of Mr. E. 11. Fowler, of Shnmokln, lit this county, wns taken ' suddenly and violently 111, vomiting and purging freely. Medical nld wns summoned, and after a rigid examination It wns declared n caso of iiolsonlnit. Suspicion rested on a ccr- Inln Mrs. Omlon. who resided in nnoth- n...,,-nrl,rBnmn1,n,,c.. ni.ntr.of ,l,nm a warrant was issued on Tuesday of Inst i. .... ti it i i.-.i wtUR, ...... w..u .v uiivBu, imu du... tlmo prior threatened to poison this family, owing to somo uimcuity Hint had occurred. Sho wns arrested on a chnrcoof threatening tho lives of theso persons and held for a further hearing until Mondny tho lOtli Inst. On Snturdny Inst, ono of tho family, a , , ,r '...i. .n.i nugniur u. , w. iu, v...K lingered up to that tlino in tho most ex- crucinting ngony. A postmortem oxnmlnntlou wns held tho ntxt dny (Sunday) by Doctors Uob- ins. Weaver nnd Atwnter. of Shamokin, aud tho result of tho investigation tend ed to confirm thosuspicion of poisoning. Another warrant was thcreforo Issued on Monday tho 10th Inst., charging Mrs. Ogden with murder j and after a hear- Ing before David N. Lake, Esq. sho was committed to jail, whero sho will nwalt her trial for murder nt tho next August gcssl0) Wiii.'lI.M.Oram,Esq.,ofShai!iokl!i, i m,.,i . i. ,infY.ri,v, wild ujimm Is counsel for tho defence, with whom will probably bo nssocinted Hon. John B. Pncker nnd Wm. A. Sober, Esq., of this place. Since writing tho above, wo lenrn that tho stomnch of tho deceased, has been sent by District Attornoy Snyder. to Philadelphia, for nnnlyzatlon. Sim bury Gazette. Tin: New House, anii How it was iJUii.T.-wonegiectcutosuu0uiuoi .ur dny thnttl.o houso built by Mr. Mlshler, which was to havo been commenced nnd completed in 30 liours, was finished in 10 liours, with tho exception of tho pnlntlng, which Mr. Pool, with his fivo assistants, completed In 2j liours, in cluding penciling, painting tho front, tho roof and tho interior, everything complete, nnd all of which was done in workmanliko manner. Tho houso was partially occupied at 3 o cl(,ck on Wednesday nfternoon. Ituth and Jeff ries, bricklayers, employed ten hands, and completed their work In twelve working hours j John Broch nnd Com pany, plasterers, in fifteen hours j John D. Boring, carpenter, in nineteen hours; Miller & Hess, snsh factors, in nineteen " . , ,, , , , ., hours: Jacob Gnblo, plumber nnd tinner In fivo liours; Frederick Coonlcy, brick- maker, dellvored tho brick in cloven hours, and A. Lechler put up tho light- ning rod In fifty minutes. Tho houso is forty by eighteen feet three stories high, and required 42,3o0 brick. All parties who worKeu on tno ounuing did their dutyin asatisfactory manner, and It is tho Intention of Mr. Mishlcr to publish a list of their names ns soon iw thov can be nroeurcd.-Zancasto- In- telligencer. The Legislature of Pennsylvania lias passed nn importnnt law relative to tho admission of tho insane into asylums. Under it tho certificate of two physi cians, who must swear to tho facts con cerned in it, and whoso character must bo vouched for by tho magistrate before whom they testify, is necessary to plnco nny person In nn asylum for t)io insane It isalsoa misdemeanor, under this act, to prevent n patient corresponding with his or her counsel, nnd a judgo Is oblige cd to issuo a writ of habeas corpus, on tho complaint ot any citizen, that a per son is improperly restrained of his liber. ty by tho keeper of nn insano hospital There aro other provisions of great utility and public importanco in the new law which recommend it to tho ublic, ono of which provides that nny officer or physician of n hospital for tho insano, who iulfills tho requirement oi tho act shall not be liablo to damages at tho suit of a patient in iwuiiuB v,ou, Convention colwenedat W llamspor ZSZZJSX ... T f I, ... ntorlnl delegato to tho DcmocraticStato Convention, by acclamation, llo was empowered to choose his own conferees to meet simular conferees from Union and Snyder Counties. Hon. Georsro L Loro and O en. Wm. Brindlo wero noml natcd for Representative delegate judge Loro received lony-seven votes and aen.Brlndlo thirty-six, whereupon juugoijoro wu uuemruu uuij Representative dolegato for Lycoming county. Tno delegates were not instruct ed and from our knowlcdgo of them wo havo no doubt that they will voto for tho strongest and best candidates before inoouuuuuvuimuu. WE wero uotn grauueu anti asionisu- ed on entering Brewer's now storo, tho other day, to discover so many ad vanta. gesofbeauty and con venlencc. Having lust completed his stock of Spring goods preparatory to tlio grand opening exMg00(ia over se0n in this part of tho UAnilm, ltta winma nrn lirllllnnr with I - """iu"'i "" '"" " 1110 gay niurics ill whilii um muiia uc- i light to array tlicmselvcs. We nro suro that there will bo a largo number on visitors on Monday, if not to buy, at least to gratify their sense of beauty In tho artistic display or goous. By a recent law of tho legislature a penalty of twenty-ilvo dollars is impos ed upon any person killing an Insectlv- crous bird, one-hair to go to tno inrorm- er. Among doiiio of tho insectivorous birds aro tho robin, martin, swallow, bluo bird and woodpecker. Tills is a good law and should bo rigidly enforc ed. Persons who would destroy tliehO Invaluable auxiliaries to vegotatlou do. servo no sympathy. Thk following aro tho names of tho officers of tho l'oor Houso i President, John A. Fuuston. Hocretarv. Jacob Schuvler. Collector and Treasurer, B. 1 Hart- man. Steward, John Wardln. Tlio poor aro expected lo inovo Into tho now Houso during Court week ToKui'.i'Clkauof Bi:ii BuoH.-Tiiko thu white of four eggs and ten cents worth of quicksllvorj put thorn Into a bowl and beat to a perfect froth. Tako a feather and dip It Into tho preparation aud apply to every part of your bed stead whoro bugs conceal themselves j do tills onco u year, and you will nuver sco a bedbug in your houso, Hr.vAi'oiiCAMEiioNsaysreiiiisylvunla Ims credited to her a constitutional drunkard for a mission, and a coustltu- tinnni n.tnf tnr iiroiiHiilate. l'oorPoini sylvania. NctvN ItcniN. Tloca countv has but threo licensed hotels. Potter county has not oven one. Vlflrpn momlicru of tho now Snail hh Cortes wcro formerly saloon keep- ors Wlllnrd's Hotel in Washington, k. 1,1 ovcr '.000n day Inauguration WC0K TllCrO nrO OlllV 8.000 GCHtllCS In K'ako Clty' out of a PPulatlon of "i"1 Pftt Ml,rhy, fl(,c,t no, and his wlfu aca 80, of Westmoreland county, aro tno oldest tnnrneu coupio in rcnnsyi pnma. A borrowed babv wai rccontiy pawned at Cheycnuo for ono dollar's """" " , -The safety of tho celebrated African traveler. Br. Livingstone. Is now fully nssurcd, - h0 loft Zanzibar, In January inst, for tho purnoso of proceeding to Cairo, whenco lie would embnrk for Englnud. Tho French government proposes to. g vo enen elector an cnveiopo in which to plnco his ballot, in order to Insuro secret voting. A llttlo clrl L'lves ns tho definition of tho word happy "to feel ns If you wanted to givo an your tilings to your llttlo sister, A bullock kidney, weighing 881J pounds, lias been on exhibition nt tho Hidgo Bond House.Twenty.third street nnd Illdgo avenue, Philadelphia. -Just to show that Gnlcna was not exhausted after It produced himself, arftMt hn3 ,vcn 8,x m)ncnt foro,B,J nml ,iomuati(. nppolntmeiits to that plnco. Bv n singular frenk nn Iown cat with kittens nud a lien with chickens havo swuiiped clinrccs. Tho pullet sprends her wings with a cluck nnd covers tho baby cats, and tho pussy pro tects her natural victims. Ladv Evo Camjibcll.a titled snorts- woman of Scot'and. took two ilO-nound salmon tho other day. Atn roceut , flru , Helena, jrontnna. barrels of cider nnd nle. for lnck of water, were poured upon tho linmes to quench them. Ono patent modicino manufacturer advertises in twcnty-flvo hundred pa pers in tins country A Jorsovman wlio invented nn in dia-rubber enrringo has sold his patent right for half a million. Tho Jews unlike other people, do not mako secrets of their matrimonial ongnBemonts. Tho Israelite, published in Cincinnati, lias a list of betrothals every week. Thobulldlnirof cunboats for service in tho waters of Cuba is going on with great expedition, nnd it is expected they will bo completed and ready to sail ueioro tno end oi juno next. n 13 repuriuu unit iriuuu rraiL'iitu i ni1!irI(ls f Prussia nnd tho Duko of -It 13 reported that Prlnco Frederick Luxemburg will bo put forward as can- uiuntcs lor tno tiirone o,i bpam. A man nnmcd William Hurlburt, of Cornwnll, Vt, reputed to bo worth 5 Ho feared ho would corao to want, nnd so refused food until ho men. ,. T,ilt1, vii0. ,vilrl i,na Knimrini i,imSclf nnd family for threo years in Dubuque by sawing wood.lins just gone tii Europe to claim a $3,000,000 fortune left him by iv relative. Local IVotlcts. V. II. Jacoiiy Is to bo found in the ofllcu of Barlcloy and Ikeler, KxcluuiRu Ulock nnd hopes to sco all thoso who are Indebted to him come 111 anil settle. Persons attending Court will take no tice. The Proprietors of tho Saloon, under tho Exchango Hotel liavo conipleted their arrangements for catering to tl:e public and nro now prepared tJ furnish meals nt all liours. Their bill of faro tomprii-es the following articles Oys ters in every stylo, Fish, Sardines, Fried Ham, Eggs, Dolled Ham, Iltefnteak, Veal Cutlets, Mutton Chops, Froh Pie!?, Sweltzer Checso, Lager Peer, Ales, Liquors of tho best kinds and Cigars of the choicest brands. Persons attending Court will ilml everything to their taste and served at short notice. Law.-on Caiman Superintendent. "Tho Secrets of tho Great City" ono of tho most thrilling books of tho day, (U scriptlvo of life in Now York in all its fatahUt.a by M. Wynkoop of ? I"-' Agent for tho County. Pkhsons attending Court should by all means visit M. 1. Lutz's storo In tho Exchange Hotel building. Ho lias a perfect selection of Spring Dry Goods, Dress Patterns etc., chosen with tho best possible tasto and at reasonable rates. ,., M timt Mil for A, Wolf nro detcrmincd hereafter to keep tho best st0ck of Dry Goods, Qroceries, (iuccn ware, etc., of any merchants in tlio county. Their storo Is filled now with tho choicest of spring goods. Stop and seo them if you doubt. lfr,, TVpn,an.T.ri in,. im,L- hoitor .lrttViltn rf in coll at trinrit roimmilllllft ., ,., nrCr,nn, n ..,i,i T.mwmiii.;. Tio renson ,s ,a,u . Eltpur,0llC0 lia9 tnughthIm Il0W (o buy tho bt and ,,,, c , ,,linjt u, i,M n,v . . , . naa,irtinnt ,lf anr country. Tlilsisan, jji:v Bakuuii Siioi John Alstadt iinsi moved Into his new shop In Brow e,.ig building. Kntranco on Court Houso Alloy. Ho has a fluo room with all tho conveniences, and intends to mako It the most complete Barber Shop In this part of tho country, V.i.h I'Ai'KR, WindowSliades, Cords, Tassels, Ac, of tho newest, prettiest, nml best patterns, still coining in at E. j, Thornton's, Main street below Mar ket. 21 It Is a custom with many of our rea tiers to pay their subscriptions during Cotirt week. As no civil causes on thu trial list will bo tiled this term many 0r tho parties and witnesses will not come, mid to such we suggest thu pro' pricty of sending In their subscription by others. Especially would wo make tills request of tltof.o who aro In arrears ono year or more, Tim CitoiH. Tho warm winds and Hunshlno have given a hturt to tho win ler grain that has silenced tho croakers for high nrlceu of that stanlu. As evi denco of low prices wo And Wldmyor & Jacoby aro selling oiie-aud-a'half pound loavos of bread at eight cents loaf, t h us get 1 1 n g y o u r 11 o u r ready ha ked at ten dollars per barrel. I. V. IIahtman has Just returne, from tho City with a full MtocU of Dress goods of tho latest pattorns which I Intends to soli low lor casn, no also has on hand now tholargestassortmeut - or carpets in .uioomsuui'g. Ulll Mill 1 Mo for yourelvo.. LEGAL NOTICES, QOUltT PROCLAMATION. WllK.llRAB. llmltnn. Wllllnlil UlwMI. I'rml.lxnt JiHlunor tho Court of Oyer ami Terminer niul Uciiornl Jnll Delivery, Court of llunrter Hcsnlons of tho l'eneu nnd Court of Common Hens nnd or- )imii h lyOurii hi me dun juuicifii iiiRinei, icom- nowi oi iiio eounurn oi uouimnm, nmiivntl nml j i.uiKiy. iiiiu iiiu jitiii. .iiiiii jniriiiin i eier Jv. Hcnieln, Annoclnto Judges of Columbia county have, lftftlied tliclr tirccent. benrllia tlnlo thn nth ilny of t'eli. In tlio year or our Ijird, one inounHiiii,eiaiii nunurcu nun Hixiy.uinn, and to modlrccted for lioldlntcnCourtof Oyer nud Ter miner nnd Ucnernl Quarter Henftlons of tho Teuce, nnd Orjilmtrs Court, and Court or Common rienx In hloomRburg, In the eounty of Columhtfi. on the lint Mondny, betns tlio third day ot .May, noxttocoutluuonno week. Notleo Is hereby Klven, to tlio Coroner, to tlio Juslleesnftho l'rnee.nud tho Constables of tlio said county of Columbia, that they In) then nnd thero lu their proper person nt In o'clock In tho forenoon of said third day ol May, with their rec ords, inquisition nml other reinembrunees, to dolliosothlngs which In their oillccs npicrtnln tn lie done. And thoso that nro Isiuuil by recoKulrance, In prosecute nailust Iho pris oners that tiro or may Isi In tho Jail or the said county of Columbia, to m then nnd there to prosecuto them as shall bo Just. Ju rors nro requested to be punctual In their attend ance, ngrceably tothelrnotlccs. Dated ntlllooms ,r " .i liurit, Iho oth dny of Feb. In tlio year L. s. of our Iird, ono thousand eight liun lw tired nnd sixty-nine, nnd in the ninety second year of tha Independenco of the United Himes ot America. MUUlJUUAl UL,l.AIll. llloomsburg, Apr.2, Hhorlir, .ItAND JUltOItS. IterwIcU .TneoliClossen. llloom Petei lllllmycr Kllsha C. narton Iteavcr-Oiicnnel Uitienhouse, Thomas r.nlx, llentou l'eteer Knse, ilrlarcreek Isaiah MellcU, Wm. Walp, Centre Illlllugton Hucltlc. Centrnlla .lolnt M' Donald. Krnnkllu James Kcstcr, Klslilngcreck Nnthnn FleeUcnstlne. Orecnwooil Wm. Eves, Jolm Leinon, Wllllitm Davis, Kranklln Dcrr. Jackson W'llllnm Manning. Locust Qcrn Unwer. Lewis Fnlirlnt-er. Madison John llendershot. Mlllllu-Albcrt V. Millard. Mnlnn Jolm J, Ucarhnrl, Mt. rlensant Isnao Cttlp. Hcott-Chas. II, Ulctterlch. PETiT junons KOIl MAY TF.UM 1SC9. iUooni-sJolm K. Ulrton, Daniel A. llecklcv.Ios. I,. Hhaunon, Win, C, Hhaw, Win. I'.rnsmus, Tnos. Wcnner. John A. Knnston, (leo. W. Corell. llenton Uohr M-IIeury, t'urninn Kinllh. Heaver llenry lllndorlitcr.lsaao Kllngcrmnu. David Dnvls.Jacob Hnrrlger. llerwlclc lllrani It. Uowcr.UlclMirdTlionipsoii, Clarenco O, Jackson. Ilrlarcreek Jonatlian W, Kck, Conynglinm William Williams, Abraham Williams. Catawissa Chas. llnrtman, Jacob 11. Klstlcr, Fiederick Phaler, WallerBcolt, l'eter Kerns. Centre Henry 1). Kuorr, Fred'k. Ilntciibnoli. Cyrus lloonc. John Watts. John HolI'mnn, Alfred llower.Win. Miller, Win. 11111, Ocoibo i Ixiw. Centralla Alfred James. t Flslilngereelc John Andrews, Cyrus Itohblns, Isaac Laliour. Franklin John Arlley. (Irccnwnod-Samucl II. Klsncr, Itobcrt II. l'nr sell. Hemlork John O. Nclvns, Wm. Appleman, Lewis H. Hiirtmiui. Win. Howell. Jackson Frederick Wile. Irficut Augustus Cherlngton.HubenVnhrlnger, ICIIas (leasy, Oliver Uvaus, llenry V. Yeaser, Win. Fink. Madison Wm. IlllMIno, James Welllvcr.Wln. H. M'llrlde. Wm. It. DPinott. Miniln-Allrcil W. lids, Win. lVtll, Michael Heller, Oco. llmwn, Hlephcn Dletterlclr, Maine John Nuss, Win. T. Uhuuinu, Montour Kamuet Hecdv. Mt. l'leusnnt Win. Oman. Ornngo .Daniel Kllno, Joualhan l'oust, Jacob ayman, ailclinel c, Vance. mo Mamuei.Musgrnvc.TlioinasJl'llrldcIsnne L on. ltoarlntrcreek Jo'in J). Hnnclr. .Tudali fliertitL-. ton. beott John Enl, James Meredith, IKinh l Hnydcr. i5iigarioai Aicxanucr Kiinger, Kzni u. west. 11 testimony that tho forecrnlni? Iscnrieel us rawn Irom the wheel, nnd cnterad upon the iuiiiv", ui iiiu oiiicc, wo iinvo iiercunin elol inds nnd seals this '.2d. Uav of Mnren A. D. Ism Attest M. klllcKllAl'M, Clerk. Jlordecal Millard. Kher II. FXIillAIIAYMAN. 1 Jury THUS. J. W1ILLI VKIt, r iviin'i Ccmi'rB. rpilIAL LIST FOIt MAY TEHM X A. 1). IStt). William Davis vs Mnmaret llrlmanv. Tho West llrancli liisuruucu Co. vs Simon ( Bhive. Kuwani M'l tin ct al vs Jonn Hweenov. Thonia.s J, Vindersllco yh Hobert Howell. j jivina JJavcnport vh William Kiinctop, John Coleman vm Michael Crouun, John Cooper vs Daniel Hower ami Zlmincr- man. John onroy ym Win. li Werner. uouynsoam lownsnip vs i-eicrij. minuet ui. Isaac hegely vs James W.Sanltey, Charles It, Green vs lVter kcIiuk. Hamnel llenner vh Jolm KlnterJtter. Lucat N, Moyer vs Geo W. Collamer. David Lewis Guardian of iho helis of John lies? dee'd. vs Collins HutlllT, win. Heeler vs John Havauo et al. . is. i-.rai.mus vsiaiiiew u vnKOonuartiisneo itee oi iienry uiger. josepn inumu vsjonn luiuo. l'eter Appleman vs Hllas K Knrns. (jiiriMiiinu r ox vhjuuu jout; Henry J.Yeaplo vslbaac Drum A terro tenant. iienryj.ieapiu vs jKmicurumtx lerru lunani. Jul nh Shuman vs Geo. Ilrelsh. 1'has. KrcUher vs Henry Knapp John Appleuato vs'J hoiuas 1'olk John Applegutovs Thos. Dolk. Hi mon C. Khivo vs Hannah 10 Armstrong. William Nugent vs D.F.Kay bert. Nathan Hroihers vs Henry A, WcMensaul. lRnrv Gablo vs l'eter Hower ami terre tenant. Austin Chinch vs Amlrew Clark. Jebso D. ltU-o vs Nathan Cromls. KeuUcu 11. Kinir vs i:ilhha 11. 1'urhell. Jubei'li U, Jifclby vs Tiio Towushlpot Conynif- hnm. lioucri uorreii vh jmriiuy itiunrt-ui ty. I 'Juard Furceson vs Columbia County. Kdu-nrd Hlieafler vs Columbia Countv. K.imuel Hlchard vs Columbia County. iieuiy James vs uoiumoia uouuiy. K Welchel vs Jolm F, Ca&low. Gideon Arndt vs John U. Lei by. Geo. NuiiKessor vs Jacob Yolie Jr. ititberl n. iiampion vs uicnaru v auiins. Thomas lien lie id vs Uintah Chamberlln. Daniel S, Lnubach vs lMvty Colo. a. & J. Uclnoehl vs Lackawanna & llluouis- buitf H. U. Co, ijeorye w. iitvs mncnuyit'r. Alexander J. Colly vs Annus Colo. T) KQISTEH'S NOTICE. Notice is I V lirtri'hv lrlvcn tn nil Ifiiatucs. creditors nnd uilu-r iiersons Interested In tho estates of the re- Bpecilve tieeeueui uuu iuiuuim, iiitit uiu juiioh lntf udinliiUtratlon and Ktiardfiiii aecountii hae lihirniiniv. aud will Lo nresenteit lor conllrma lion illl'l aiiowaiicu 111 mo urimuii1- oiiri. n uu held Inlllooiiisburg.on Wcdueday, Iho llltii day of May.lsli'J, ft two o'clock lu tlio nOcrnoon of mid day. 1. Flrot aud Haul account nf John Hladdon (uardlau of Almlia ICarnts Into Almira Colo. y. ht-coud and dual account ot Jolm , Mather ex'r tf ti'imuet Mather Jatoof Uicenwotnl, dee'd. a. Account ot James narton ex t1 oi joim uitf. ;ur lato of Montour two. dee'd. i. l' trhi huu nnat account oi itouei v uuih Hiierv ndnir. of llohtil Moutnoincry oi Green wood tleu'd. 5, J'iunlao(!ouut of Uenjauiln Allalmcli adnir. of 1 Jan lei (J. Knt lato ot urnne dte'd. U i' lrbl account oi meri,iuex i,tJi jm.ij, . MoiitKOiuery of Dniujju twp.dcc'd. ? l.fiht ncrouul ol l'eter Hilt illid At-lie S. MellUU ailutr. of W. W. Melllcli of Hcott dee'd. s. i.'irct itnd iluiil account of Samuel Creus adnir, ot Georyw A, Urown latu of Mlltlln two, dee'd. y. Account oi i-jkckici ana ueorgo iTiiaei rs. oi Dim Kiltz lato ol tMiiiarloaf twn. dee'd. lu. Account of K. T. ilemter adnir, of Aluxandtr I'aplo lato or l'luhliiKcrecU twn. deo'd. n. Fltml account ot Mocs ilartman tru.udlan ot Jametj Hiirlmaii dto'd. li Fiiwt and llnul atrouut of Ivlwood HutfUcH udmr. of John lluttoii lato of Centra twn. dee'd. IX Kccomt account, oi inoiuat urovt iiii jr., udmr. of Kit Cimi'ling laloof Kcott twp. dto'd, 11. Accouni oi i.u urevi'iiUK iituu. yuaruiun ui Aooouniea uy iiios. Liuvennt; jr. ml tnr nf V.I I frftvi'llior dei-M. 15. First and tinul uccount of Hainuel Creasy udmr. of Ueorgo Miller lato of Main twp. dee'd. 1U. Accoumoi jucqo aie-iucit ana oaiuuei iiuii rle cx'rti. of Andrew Melllck luto of Mt. PJeammt t w p ti ee'd 17. Vlnal Qccount of Peter Lauliacli survlviiiK ux'r. of Jolm Lnuuacli lato o. llentou twp. tleo'ii. in. Aecouut ol Hamucl NeyliaiUiulmr.ol Huiu'l. l'llcr late ot Hcott t'i. ilcc'il: If. Account of lVter Knt, ndnir. do bun Is nun, Willi tue will uiuil'.xuJ ot Klchurd Iltul vt Uruugu twu. tlcc'U. ai. l''irhtuJ tlual account ot l'eter ICein. aJnir Willi Uiu will uuuexea Ue bouU uuu of WllllulU II. liuvlhou, lute of uutuwiHaa lu-cu. 21. Filial account ur ll.r. t'oitueruilmr.of Joua. Ulan Kulltlu lulu ol Cutawlnba twp. iltu'U. 1. r lUHl uccouilli Ul u,l . .'oi mer uuiui, u, uuiiii Itrruilr., I.ll ftl t mUllllU tWD. lleo'd. til, account ol W. 11. Abbott ndnir. lull i YoaI lute of LociiKi twp.Ucu'J. a ..s.itiiiii it 1 ).i .-1,1 VVhttiiitnt t'r. ol (JL'OI'iu Wldtmlre lato of Hcott twp. deo'd. .f. t.iit in. il Html uii-iiiinL ot 1'iedeik'Ic 1st ler. ttdiur, of Harah l-'lcdler, luto of lilom lwj. deo'd, 4. (J, VlUAYAKt IlloouuUurtf April V, lstfJ. UeiUr. "yyiDOWri' APPHAiaKlKNTH. 1110 lOUUWllltS HllliiWlll-lnrui Ul llBl ,-- buuul properly net apurt lo willow, ul tleieuul, l.uvo I'ifll I1KJ 111 Ihe l.Ilk'e ul Ilia ItrcMi'r J L'ciluinLln con my, umliT tlio liulri. of L'uiirl, uiul will Iw prekeiiiril lor nukoluU) coiiilrmntlou, to iiinl for mid comity, nu Muiiduy, tlio tliliU Ur of iluy, lwiJattwoo'clotU r. m of alJ uy, unln. fxii'Pllotiy to bueli t'ounnnuiiou. uro proiuuij tiled, of ulilclt nil prraoiik lutuiutU-U lu Haiti ... .ulll t.ilru (Witt.-.., 1. WlUOMTOl l.llMia AlucroiO", uiccuwuw two d ist'd X. Widow of AlexauderW.Ue,cr Centiallullor. it. rtM 3. Widow Oi C 1. ittinitinyuei-, ot uhui lW.l".a' r,... ...... .l.u,M 1. n IUU1TUI nniuii.iini.," 6. Widow of John K. i:tt. ot UiieuwooU twj dfc'il. II. Wlilow of Wllllmii W'aidln, of LVnlro twp, deo'd. , ,, T u'lii.iw rf I'liiint kmicii.. in ( (tuiru .uru. uiv 11. B. Widow of rmrli'liUoiiiH'lly,ofC'iiiliillillir. u WMnw nf Jurnli flnlin. nf lllllllll Iwtl. llt'C d lu. Widow of Abraham Dicllt'llili. ol tviltlo IUI ,HM. 11. Widow of Jolm Uoluluird of MudUou twi. doird. juiiN u. nuiui". lllooiniiburu April S.lStia. ItiiiUlur r.UAKTITY Vrf QUALITY. JIKI.M l-F itril 1'U L'viftK-t Murhiiiulllii. 'Iho dOkU 1 niuull. Those who desire 11 large ipuattttly mm large uoen 01 iueuiciu rain, KLM HOLD'S CONCKNTlt ATKD KXTHACrr HAllHAl'AllILLA. IS TIIK iUvr iiiajoo rum 11 mi. MISCELLANEOUS. AliUAHIiK UIOAIj KSTATK FOJt HAT(F, IhuNnhJ hv iho iiLi'irrRiaueii Ktcoulor or iho lui win ntm T(Htnuit'HH)r wm, wnriMu mo nf CVntro (Miii1iip In tho emmty o( liiiubin docensiMl All tttl certain niCMRiiAgo nnd tt-nct of Imid Rltuntcil In Centre township Oolmnbln comity, nttJolnhtK IntnU of Hnrnuej Crcvolliit;, Ucuru W. h:il!LT( L'lmricM Leo nud iMvhl Ihc, contntnlng ONK ItUNDUMIl ANIi BIXTY AUUKM nioroorlcR1, rtHtiit nmmnt ti ho mortitnod by Hurvoy, ubout ono hmiitifdntnl thirty nenn of which 1 )!iiirnoil uhd In Ricnml ftiipnf culti vation, nud Imia-icc wm'I timbered. Whereon In i1 reeled, oni: Miami: i)vi:UitNo, Ono riank dwelling House, it lnruilmnk Hnm Wion Hhod.Corn Crib", l'itf Hiy.Tmi utMul Well of Water, mm nt Ihc burn and tho otlier al tlio l'lniik House, nd n troo.l ftprlnu of nuver liilllntt water ul tho frutno dwelling houso with tpriUK liou.n. Tern i iiuulo known by nppllcattnn either tit Itio imderNli;nfii,or Kilwunl M, Wanllii ItloottinhnrK t-iMuimii t cuiiuiy r roKsexsioti or Mild picmlmw v)l bo given April M. IS70. u tho niHu property In tint sold on or before tho 12th d(iv ol Juno next, tlio Kiimu will be ox posed lo public halo on tho premises, .TAMIM WArtmN, Kxerutor, Apri:J,G1i-2in Woallierly, Curbon t,'o Tu., PUHLIO SAIjK OP I'KKSOXAIi I'OPr.IlTY Will bo until nt public tmleul thu renMence of Um Kiibscrlber tu llenlon on Knturdny Iholtt day of May lsiii, at 1 o'clock of rtatd day tho fol lowing property ttiwit : TWO HOIWIW, TWO COWS, one cow and calf, :l head of young eattlo I nil vim, SMieepand lanibt,! wind mill, patent eultlim lux, 1 eoniMhcller, 1 Hour cliest, 1 acoop Hhnel, 1 lioveI, fotln ett, "idoublo com plowM, 1 shovel plow, 1 now Khoir for shovel plow. 10 0 llUdHKr4 OP COUN, IS KAUH, oat, wheat, potatoes, a lot nf pickled meat.l cur llano 1 buguy 1 farm wagon, 1 I ten per & Mower, 1 Kut of tii hat net,l hoi ofcarrlnt!" h:irnesH,l Bt't of Mhgm burner, 1 Hkllt.l pair of Iwb uledK, 10 hives of btes,:i buxt h patulud pottt d I i" I rub Ing boo, mall anil wedgo. I grind Htono,haiid khw, auverK, chisels, spade, I uru Ironkeiilc, bu ych, b.nrelH, two cookinu yroyiis, 1 jjood parlor ulnvo.tablcH, elmli-,iuowlii H"ytho, Kratn criullo, I book vnns besides n lirnu lot or other aitlclo4. 11KVJAM1X WAUNIML Ai'iyil.'G'J-it lteiitoo, l'a. fHK UKST IS THE CHEAPEST 1 TiiKHiNuF.u xi;vjnu Jiauiiini: MKADH THE I.I.ST, A lid tmx thu column 1,108 ahead of all others. i 11 im .MucninK in in e most roruLAi; in uhk. It the finest needle nfanv Machine In ex istent ( Any lady wanting h 8 E W I N G M A Oil I X K, Wilt consult her own interests hv liuvlni' a HINOKU. It Is easier to run. learn and keep In ruder than any Machine Intheuorhl. OVKH :ry),(HNi OF TIIKJl IN USE. Tlie iullest Invtruetlon lrlveti thnti who unr- eliase.aud the Maehluu wil.L Itc Wakkantku to j nu fur one veal. neiiM! tan tn my riore ana Rauaiy yourselves. Heieyou will II nil Nctdlew, Tlircail and Hillc. I)AVM IXlWllNHKlUI, A pent April 3.1W-M. lUoonihtjurir, l'a. AKAUJtKIl'S VALUE. W !' i M A IC I S HOOK OK CJUKAT Ml I! FAllM PAY! OH THK FAUJIKIt'S HOOK OF I'liAl'l'ICAI INFOltMATION ON AdHlCl'I.lUlli:, MOCK JEAIhlXJ, Htl lTfl l- H'i:i', M'l CiAL C'KOt", UOMIiSTIC MlUMV AMI FAMI1.V Mhint'INK. 1JY O. W. DICKKUMAN. Meiuher tif tlio lVntmivalila Aurleultunil Soelf- ly, American I'onunoKieai nocieiy, JenulVH nl:i llorili'iiltuial Society, f te., ttc. ASSIHTFD UY HON. IHIAHMM U KIiINT, iciet.iry Mass., MjiIo lloani of AsrUultuie. ANII orilKU I'KAdH'AI, Al 1 HICll J.I ITKA I. WItlTI.KH, THIS UriKFUh WORK TIU:AIS l'KACIIl'AI.T.Y OF TJII3 1 0I.1.OW1NU hunjiiLTs : The Ijiylny Out and t'onstiuctlon of Htone and iiiu j'laius. i no incoiy ami ithciich oi i'iow iinr. Tlio HiishaiidliiL' and Annllcatlnu o Manures. Tho l'urclmso and Ubcoi C'oiumert Jul l-ertlllzci", 'i ht .selection, Use, ami l 'aro ot im Pleint nls. Tho Ctiltuteofail IhiMIialn-.OrasM- Cereal h. and Itoois. 'iho (Jultlvattou of Sneclal Cidi'S. sudi ns. t 'niton. Toliacco. lions. Flax, Hemp, etc, etc. '1 he lined I uu and Management ol hloik ot all kinds, llmsfis.Citllle, D.iliy otnek, Sheep, Swine, (Joals, Poultry, and l!ces. Tho SvinntfMiis (tl e-rv lllsensii ul Dninest Ui Alii male, with Plain, Simple, aud Kally Ohtalued UeniedlL-M. I'i nit Ciilliirfi tn nil lis lliaiicho Apples, I'eais, Peaches, Plums, Clienh'S, Small 1 mils. (jrai,u (,nll me. nml Winu Alnkiliif Mai kct Uaidcnfn, Fanners' Oaidcns, ViKt'tidiks, .leions, etc. rnrm jnnnnnjr. Ji""-e, ji-irun, uuut, ituecp liains, M',aiiU", I'leues ami i-nui-tiy llouxis. Domestic Keouomy, Itecelpls of all Kinds. l)omettp Midleincs. tlio Svtnntoms of l)seatsif('hililieuand AdultK.wlih Plain HI- rictlous lor tho Tumi incut ot lHscaM.-s, CONDI T 1 O N S. Tho Wmk will contain over iirNimru ani rirrv ori'Ao i-Afnx.ou heavy paper, in newti po, and ulll he lllusttatett with (I.NK 11 t'N 1)1:1.1) AN It toit'l Y II SK f NUIIAVlNfJS by sartalu and oilier art NlK.und will bo Im ntshed I o those only w ho oitlcr It ot our a yen is. M. L'. M'l iH.I.Uil. riloonishurirP.i, Ayeiu for Columbia County, npi . ,o'ii 17 o it s a 1. 1:. e vM.irAiir.K lti'.AT. i:sta'i'i:, TlifMllivprlbers oiler ill ptivnlc wlle.H v.illl.l- lil unci ol mini lying in iinui(;o Miii-Hii Coluiuhln cininiy, ulxitit ono 1ml! mile from lioht sniKiii': on the public rnml leiulliiK to Oinugellle; uuJ liiiown us lliu I'liwiler Mill nuin, nml runtnlif luj; abuut SKVKZ.'TY ACIIKS OF J.ANW, ofulilch l'lfty iicrcs In clmrtil, nml nmler liuoJ cultivation. 1'lieio nro on tlio pit uiihct a coMi'oiiTAiii.i: dwi:ixino huuhi:, u l'lume.Stnlilc.niine ft tilt truii.Ki-piliitf ofsnuil water, nml llio I tstiUihtliool iluusc l'ltici: i:i(jirn.r.N hunmikii doi.i.aiis. Tbi!.m. ijiiii tlilnl cutli, nml lliv kitliiucu ke cuuil by llmij nud Moilwii, on inyniciit. to bull purcliasciri. Not.i llcim: The water tKiwerlormeily umi 'I lo ilrlvu Hie I'owile' VIII, nml hiillubl," iur n Saw Mill, Tannery, Wuulliu huclnry, Iil.tlllrry ! other llbt iniinuf.icturliiir piirpost-s; will be sum either with thuubovo or bcpaiuiely ut SV)"n the hllllie lelll.h. WELLINGTON U. LNT, JOHN O. friti;iI , IlKiOUiHbur, l a. Mur.l.VuO-aui.: pUMl'S: IUM)S l'OUAliK. The undeuljiiied befi leave to lunula thw citi zens olthUphue nnd vlclntly that ho Im Ijii aitsi to furuUh.atfdiorl notUv.oneof the Ut "OOD i:N I'UJU'S lot WeiU ciidfUUins et l olnjied lo tho public. 'Ihey me cuaianteed to tlijow more wuter In lefsilmeaud w Ith lew labor than any other pump lu thin pnii ol the country and they cannot be fcUipnMcd lor beauty 01; HnUh, or and duiabllity lieh pump beinu' warrant ed to perform tu V nrh well or 110 bale. Ulas Hhuinan la uReut .'or Columbia county. 1'rlce 75teutKpertoot . iced In thw will. Qrdeia by mwll orotherwihevromptly attended to. Hept, KLIAH HHUMAN, CatawihH l'a MKW FUltNITUIlE UOQMS, OX Jl IN Knii:hT, IILOOMSIIUIIO, l'UNN'A JAM K ti 0 A 1) M A X Ill-mill Hully luforiiulliuflllzeni. of llila touli uuu vuliilty, Unit Im Iiiiaut Ida I'lmillmu moms, clnili of t try ill ui Ipl Inn, lull i uuu, illlillii: tn. btca Inrjttiiintt mimll, btiUli'iuUof llio laii-st t,t lea nuiluli' lullit Inblib, looliiuu tlufchia, bc-nldta iiiuuy t.iiiii uitlilia of luiiillmu of Ural ilui iiuiiiiitiii lum. 1 lie I mil li' mi' tin 11 limy in lieu 10 en 11 uuu i lililllie llUatoili, lie uiIIm'II UiOIi li'usomililt' ....siu'i'liil iilli'iilloii illl lieimlil lo rt nallliur nil UIdiW ol fui iiliuru. Chcup lor uiah, Juu, 1,'iJ, 0 11 HA I. 13. . lie .inner luvi 0111-10 11 a i,,n It O H H ri AN II I. O T blllllUl-l III Keiitt-loHU, The lot Il ls n front on .MiiluHlreel or nny leel uuu 'l ilepiu 01 11. inn llollhil la 01 riBllll, two kioriea, 1111 1 111 uuini ie- pilr. A ituiril well of wuter on llio piuuilous. lluliieiliiilo pohaeaalou illven. '1 ho lerma, w lilch nru niiHleiule, uiadu known ounppilealiou ul Iho WUItonilllluei a,aujoilllliiRietuieiiivuori a iiiuiu. fclltllll ahop. J, W, l'A'ANM. Apr.iu.iu-Jl IJ 111'' l'AltTNi:il.Sllll'. Nolle la lieirby KlVen Hint 111" l'lirlllel'alllli lieletoliiru exlallmr Uiluueu Julilea H. .M'NIueli A Jeieiutiili h. hliiliiuin. in 1110 inereiinilln mini, neaa lu t.'ntnwlia.t, luia been illasolvtul by lltiitta. liun of Hum. The hooka uru nt tho old alund whero ull ht. ma linvltiii uiuellliiluci'oiiiiU,mo reuueaied 10 ean anil ciiuiii liiein up wuuoui 00. lay. JAMM r.M'NlNl'II, J. H.HIlUilA.N, Calawlsa.i Apr, lu. Imei-u T)Il(ll'lWAI. WILL UK Ui:Cl.lVi:i) IIY 1 tlio hubaerlbeiH uulll llio Slh of Miw next lorluiiilalilnu inuterlal und l'u ellnu n hou.o lor llio iieetimodiitlon oflho 1'iaii of llhaiiu towuahlp. i lllii r 01 llrlik or Woud, Willi vilhi r khlulor blutuiiKif, miii foundation uliendy pieHiied.ou aim lute ol 11. J, Wuller 111 .Ml, riuu-uiil uiun ainn. I'liina und aiM'Clttculluna t'l bet-eon on mi iiih'ution In olilu r of Iho uini-rib!M. Tlio houw lu Liu uf tKv'.iorlea a.' by no feel on Hie l'iuuuii JOHN A. ITNhTtiN. 1 JAIOII hriUM.hH. Cuuiiultlee, II. 1'. IIAIIT.MAN, . J Apr, '."Vt'i'l't llloiunhbiiiv 1 MERCHANDISE, JUW STOCK Ol-' qhOTlllNO. Fresli nrrh) of FAI.Ii AN1 WIjNTlllt UOOIN. IIAVII) LbWiiMIDHII Invites nlteiitloii tn Ills slock of ClIIJAl1 ANDFASIIIONAIILKC'I.OTIIlNtl, nt his store on Mn In ftlreel, two doors above tho American lloitsn ltloomsbtirii, l'u., whero lie lifts Just received from New York and 1'lilhulclphla n full nssortiuentof MKN AND HOYS' LTITIIIKM, IneludlUK Iho most fitShtiitiiible, dutllble, and handsome iJltlXS OOODS, eonslstlnif of IlOX, HAt'If, ItOCCI, (1IIM,ANI)OIL-(1I,OTII COATHANI) I'AN'iM, of ntl sol Is, sizes nnd colors, lie has also reiJcn Ishcd Ills nlrcndy largu sUiuk of l'AI.Ii ANll WINTl'.HHIIAWIX, HTltll'KI), FHlUUKli, AND l'l.AIN VIXI'M, HIIIUTS.CUAVA'iH.HTOt'KH. CIII.LAIW, IIANllKHllCIIIKFH.UIXlViyi, tiUHlT.NDKlW, ANII FANCY AltTICLtS! lie nns conslnnlly on hand n hngo anf uell-se-icled nssoitinentof IILO'I'IIK ANI VWiriNtiN, which ho Is prepared lo mako In miter .Into nny kind nf ehithlnir, on very short notice, nud In tlio licit manner. All bis clothing Is lnuile. In wear, nnd most of It Is of homo luamifnt lure. GO!,!) WATCHKH AND JF.WKLIIY, of overy description, llnenud tlieiip. ills rnsunf jewelry Is notsurpassed.lii lhls;placc. Call nud examine lilsgeucral nssorlmen of CLOTHING, WA'i'OlIl'X, JKWI'.I.I.Al'. .DAVIII L0VF.NI1UK(1. A" in i. I.WT AT I. W. IIAIIT.MA.N'H. A FjNK ANIJ I.AllOK LOT Ol'' IIO01' SiKIHTH JUT ltocelveil, Suit all sizes call anil see at I. W. HAItTMAN'a. gllEKTIXG 1-1 G-l & 10-1 WIDE just i;i:ci:ini:ii at 1. W. llAirrjiAS'd. JINJCX, COTTON, AND IJIITATIO.V Ol LlSlSt TAUT.i: DIAl'Klt l'OIf HALi: ClllUr AT I. W. HARTMAK'W. JANCSATKU, JIANCIIESTER, i'iu;ncii and scotch ginoiiams l'OU HAI.K AT I. W. !IAHT.M.N'.S. 17EMXANTS OF SUMMER UK LA INS FOll CIIII.lMtKN Olt MISSEH KOIl 8AI.K VKIlllY LOW AT I, W. HAllTMAN'S A IjAUOE STOC1C OF FANCY OOODS AND TKIMMINOd WILL . HE KBIT AT I. W HAllTMAN'S. rjMCKINaS, CIIECKH, STUIPJCH AND ALL KINDS OK HBAVY STAl'Li: (IOODS, CAN III'. HAD LOW AT I. W. HAllTMAN'S. rrUlUNKS, CARPET liAd'S, IIAHICLTS, inc., LTC, AT I. W. HAllTMAN'S. M U 11U11 AX DISK. NdTici: is ui". ur.Y (iivkn To my filends und the public generally, that all klndi of DRV i()()l)S, CJllOUKHTIiS, QUEKN8WAUH, NOTIONS, AC, aiofoiiMantly on band and for nalo AT II A liTON'fi OIj1 STAND, IlLOOJI-lIUliO, uv jami;s k. r.Yi:it. ti'siho. Sole Ajjellt for I.LT.ia rnoM'lf ATK OF ivr, Ijiiko lot eonstniilly on l.aud. IfcbsVr SEWINCi MA- 1 ciiini:. LOCK hi l'ICll, ui:ukivi:d thk first riuzi-: at tiu: flKKATPAlIt OK TIIK AMK1UUAN INSnit Ti:, In New York, Out. i!7, 1S07. And hfKbent rremlum for Ilest MnnufaeluUnu MrfCiihiu at l'urls K. position, July, 1M7. WHY IS IT THK 15KST ? It runs over siams all rtsht. It will takr tlity stllehi 8 tit the imh liner than any ot lit 1 in.icliitie, 11 WILI.HKW ui:a vii-ir andtiih'kku ooods uian an v othi:k macuim:. It tist-K any and vry kind of thu ad. Hm. htntehed goodsaa well as unstarched It Scwhthu Most Delicate, Thin, Soil TabUc, without iliavilng. it Sewaulllas cam as mIi ns an) other, Autnt Wanttd, Libeial dNeount ;iv u. KMl'IIIi: Sl'.WINO MACIIINK COMTANY, LM How ery, New Yorl:. r.VJ UV MACllINi: M'.VKANTI.1 IVb. o,'(j!!'-:lnio, BAlXill'ri HAW HOXH I UI'KU l'lKlHl'HA'Il: 111'' I.lMli bTANIIAlin WA1.KANIKII. M'n oircr lo I'AIIMMIM llllll DhAl.l llS 111 Mil limes ll.ii preM-lil tiill'.oll otll Uiav Itul.e fcu;er l'lliisplinle nf 1.1 nit in, tit'f uy: I It'll ly ml lo ed. It la not ni'fi'iiMiiy nt tlila ilny, lo tirim tlio el.1lm.10l tbU itinuuiT, n a nud lihiiuiuIc ul oiiplliulloiifirtOIIN. OA1H, nml nil tpiliM eropa. Tlioitrllelulinsa lepntntlou of over III tetn jturaalniiillii, nml i' 1111 lunntifiK lined by llioorluliml iiiuprlilurs. runneia will plenio htiul tl.ilr ouaih to II. e lltuli r tnrly, hh I Ills only will insuie KMipply. lSAl'dlt A WIN''. M11.I! SIAM'FACIUSI.i:-, 1 llllfii No. Houlli Prlnwnrn A e. l'lULADHLrillA. 1'Uli.lll, CU-rino. AllIUAOK MANUKACTOUY ' lllooiuhbiirs, IM m. c. bloan & imovniiu tho Ml'n eaaoraof WILLIAM HIJ1AN & HON eonttliue tltb litulues.aof iul.l(lui; cAititiAoiis, iimiiiir-s, nud every elyle nf FANCY WAtiO.NH, whlelt lliey linvoeouHUntlyun Imud toMilteih- lomer'.. Neir imlug nny but the lnht anil eiuployliiii Ihumnst oxperlenied vuiI.i.iiii tliey liopu loeoiitliiuoiui lieietoluiu lo kim entlm'tlou In eveiy fiisliiuu r. An luapietiotifil their vi i t U , nud of lliereiu.uimbl pilun Uil Iur he .lime., la auru lo lliauin i-ulu J N H U It A N OJ0 A 0 H N C Y . WyouilliB tl-IUKHl 4:ina - t,M'V Fultol ,.''J North Amerlu.......... Kki,n,0 City IVi.ik.0 Intel national l.k.UjQ NluiMra - l.lKl.l)' Putnam ..i,i0 Mell-hanta v H.H.1'0 Bprluiiiluld - Ku,oi I'urmwa' Uunvtlle fUVW Albany City 1'.WM ijini-asterOlly 40 mi York Horae, Denlli i "1 licit G'','M llumv, New Haven l,ul,0K) lliiuvllle, lloiau Ihelt rlll'.AN IIIWW.N, AnV, IllHl lUillUIUI, I'A luaiaialy.' 11 1 uu v U' I:, l' Il l 111 UN (.Sueivaaoia lo H, (.', HhlMM riMiH suuscnniKna iiavixo J. Leaved tho I'liililnii JIlll und Miiebllie hbop lot fuel ly oecupleil by n, t . riiiir, will toniiiiu llio buaiut-aa 01 inuu'iuu uiiiuu DOOIW, rftbH, ISLIN1XJ, MOl'LHI.NU llriuiketa.Ce. Wu nro iitao i-ieoaltil M llirlll.ll dreaaul II001I111:, klilmslea und ull oilnr luuibi r renulicd In tho louttiuitlon ol luH.uiikfc. All kluilaof lurniliK dune ut Miurt 111 u t 1. 11 a lor Jolat mid other Inline, till" 11 u v 'i iiHIiipl ueaa nnd erne, tlidiiaii " 'in 1 o. Arll 17,'b i Will. A I'Mv'liiN DRUGS &. MEDICINES. JKuaaiBTs wuitj: tiii'sof tiik OltKAT SIIOSIIONHES UKMKDY I (AtisTRAtTS or i.nrrrrw.) Ocnevii, N. V., Felt. Utli, IHtt!) Jilt. Yovno A llitn.l flml my Hrttci of yonr valuable. JtcnierilcA ureatly lncrenlnir, In furl WHir UieulHlioslioiH en Keniedvls MiviuK the boiit of satlnfacl am, nnd doing Just u ItisK-romineinl td to ilo, e oral havlud even come In to tell me how much they lind In en benefited from ltn use, 1 lmvoKold out of Hnnln, etc, ete. WJLIiAltU S. HM1TI1. slu-rmnn, N. YMnrcli, suih, lSfri. Hit, YolTNa A lino. I Htarted your (Jreat bhos liouttK ltemedy by jilvlns awny tint' holt In ton cottllrmcd Dyspeptic, (ho result ban been nmpli, UkIvch uuiveiFtal Halfiiftlon, more, than an 3' id her lnodlelnc welmvo hnd hi (hslore rryoars. From what 1 ImvoM-en of the Hhodionees, I feci JuMllled In recommendlDK it. Send me px dnic, inorv, It will kell In threo months, etc. ItYUON FI'.NNl'.n. Wnleilown. N. Y March nth, 10. Dli. YofNfl A lllto. Your KhoshonocR lhmody is ylvliiKKootl Ratlsfjetlou, and tciln better lliun nn v ol her new medicine weliavc vwr ntlemptwl to Intiodtiee. ns we ato nearly otiL of It, send us In haste, etc. It. IiLAVIM A CO. 127 ZC. MniKnn Pt., ChtcnRO, Ul, Feb, luth, lWfl, Dn, Yoi'Nd A Duo. I havo sold over ten do, of your (Ileal Hhoshoncrs Kcmcdy alteadynndft KM at ti timber of tho HhoKhonees Fill.) It ulves uniersal satisfaction, I havo not hcaid ono to whom I have sold, but what sneaks of It In tho highest terms, nnd recommend it to others 1 and as I am nearly out of lt,pleasu send mc balfn Krosi tnoio nt once, cte.(tlc. tu:o. uuooKl:u. Fileo of Mm Itemed s In lnn;o pints, Sl.S'i. MniiutiKtund by Dr. Youiia, 1!mk., nt Hyia ciise, N. Y. Forsalobj'nll drnlcia III Medicine, ThoOreatHbo.honeen Itemed v of Dr. Josenhus. Colundda Territory wlilcli 1ms tilvo bteji manu ftctuied lu Canada, Ih now forthoflrRt tlmo In 1110 union, neim mnnuractured by Dr. Young a Uro., Hyracuse, Y, Womlcrful cure of Consumption by the Great Shoaiionec3 Hcmcdy. Messrs. Clinmberlaln .t Co.. tlentlemr-n. I' Wilson HtounN.malcooalli and uv.l feel iinximis to let jou know what the (Ji eat liem edy has ellected for mo. Mv wlfo was nflllctitl with consumption, and dltd. I was aUo allllctul with tho sntno cllsta.eand alter her death, 1 eon llnued hlnkhiii Ju.L in she had done. 1 hud t rv heveiolilnht heats, c ounlied nearly ull iiIkIU and e cry nltiht, could not sleep uu !(, a a little toward luonilnu; I raised ocr u ouait ol matltr every JI hours, iiadfruvero pain in tho lett luin, ect.,ete.,uud wastiieatly dcbllUaUd: in UttXwas going as fast as I could,! was taking medicine 110111 u leuiar pnybiciau, nui liuiu noi een re llwo iny eouuh. I went by tlio vHbmu nuo day aboutnfiUiirierof a mllo, which tonic mo to k a.ul come, about two liourn; while tbcio 1 t,uw squire Vellliiton, nnd lmppened to say to him, "1 wish j tun 011 Kl Klvo 1110 faometbllit; to lcllovu mycousjh." IIo Mild ''there is n (Jicat Indian ltiiuedyjust lutrottuced Dr. DaikT has it lor ale, and I bcUcvo It vlll cuio you, I took his advice, aud hi ought a bottle home with me, took n ten-spoonful nt ouce. which 1 lelt throimh in- whole HAtem. At nluht ntiible. 8pounlul,and uslid well at nUht aud continued to lest well every nkr.hf. 'ihe lougli, nllit swoiita, rulKiuol Matter, palu In tho lung. etc.. eraclually lelt me, and I Lot heart v and stumer, 1 tool: only three bottU s, 1 am not taklnt; it now and I am r.s hearty and as well ns I ever was in my inc. aiy Msicr-m-iuw was witn mo lor n while, who was ntllletcil with liver cnmnlniiit. ft ho ha.s taken tho remedy and la well, Tl'U ccr- iincue jou inayboow inuwouu 11 you iuca&c, WILSON ST011MS, llUghion, ( y. Sworn before us nt ItrlKhton, C Y. nils x.)ih day ot, ioAj. J. 11. YOUNd. .T.l'.. lteeve. I. M. AVl.LIjlNtlTOX, J. 1. .lohn 1. i!enrv,(Succtsor to Doinaa Uarncstt Co, few oik. Wiuilcsalu Ayeitt, I'ortalo by all the Drulsls in IJlomiisbnrg, Jan,,iJ. inn nnnivKsi.osT yearly hJJ.J J Wniuai Tin: rru ot T O II A U O O. Ravoyuiir money and lotnro our health by 11 si 11 h it. jij ru n .miLioiu joi jouiicco. jnis is not a Mibstlmio hut a euro lor Mtiokln, Cliew ln. nnd SnnH-tnkini;. I'cw persons aio aware ot Iho terrible cll'tcts of the no Mon were on tho human bVhtcm. D.niensla. Ilemlachc. Disease of tho Liver, Sallow Complexion, (Jostlvemss nt thu llowt i, I.UM of Memory nul other dUeisca aro tho allllctlons brought 011 by U.s use. 'Ihe Anlldoto Is mirclv veirelnblo and h.irmle.ltactK as 11 tonic on tho Hjstun, purllli s tho blooil, and ouables apervon to digest tho heartiest lood. numpics sciil nee ior.u tt 111s er ootii. Address M. .1. Ynrnell, 7 Cannon Ml. N. "i, Teh. 2ii,VJ-lm, DKAFNICSS, BLINDNESS AND Catarrh treated with the utmost success. by .1. Isaacs, M. D.,nnd I'rolessor of Itistaxtsaf the Jlfic ttud jhtr.Uiis tvvcialhA in the Mnbcat Ctollcnr tf J'rmwyttttnin, Vi yam uptrtenre, (toiuitrly of i.eyucu, iioiiaiiiu ii. miaicii ririi-i, i-niai, j Lsiiniouiais (an 1.0 mil 111 nihoiuce. 1 ne nieiii cal lac ulty are linltcd to aeiomp.uiy their pa tients, us he has no m-vi tsln his luuctlce. Ar- lliiL'tulei8 ltiseiltd without lain. No ihaiue lor eMimluntioii. Jan, If, 'W.-lM wnooi'ixa coucui cunun ny Tr iii:i.k au'h CEi.KiniATiMi i:i:.Mi:iv. j- Tiico 1'irxY iviuk. I'li-nanil nt Mix nml Wood M I'l.iln'd ti-Aklt jour limt'Kistlorit. l'Vo.3,Vj.ljr riOXSUSU'TION CAN I5E CUltKIJ wllylir.t t'.t.nril'.iin'alie'vproi'iiioftreiitinenl. I'llH ov llilillevs lll'.i:.(i.tlAllltlt.O,;il,Smittl r.ii.jiiu ciiei'i, i uii.iui ipiiiu, im, !'.. "pi'i lul nltemiim given tu TllllOAT nml l.ui.1 iiisi'iiKea. rtu. , ru-ij r, IwwMwum1!! ipi.i iibiiiiiii wwiT2vtnu3tmtrtw, O. IIO WEU, iu.s )pcncd u flrht-cia'-s ROOT, HIIOK, HAT CA1 AND KlTft MTOUH. nt the old tnudon MalnStiect.llloomsburfviI'cw iloorsaoovo thoi ouii maiie. Jlls bKMl; ls(om luettofthexery latisl nnd hestMles evt r ntler id to thecitl7eiiBOi Columbia County. IJocan iiccoiiiiuod.itu the public with IhorollowliuiooilH jit Ihti b'Wi'Kt mtcH. Min's heavy double t.oled Kto'ii hoots, nu n s douhJo and single tap soled JI' inmin, mi ll n nniv.v MUgil tii n Ol Jill K1JK11, onh'e hiU boots nnd bhoe.s of all Kinds.'iiwirH Hloe KltMluJuioMi HlMU'N.uitn womeii s, boys h mi mioses laMiujj I'.aueis, womeu'ii ioe kki '(dish VLiy lineAvoMUi'sinotoceo ltalmoralsand all hoe, women's ly lino Uld buttoned Kit- .. in Miou noin. oi an tusu iplions i-otn pes 'il and bowed. lie would nb.icall rditnlhm to hU ttuo assort- unit of IIA'Ds. OAI". KUltS AND NOTION.. t.i li compn-nesnlt tl.j new nnd popular uil- I at'K which eannotfall to Milt nil. Tin so iood. uie o.leitd id Iho lnwt-bl cash rate and wm uu Kunianiectt ioc;io saiisiaeiiou, a can Is pollened beiore tiurchshlm clsewheie m it Is believed Udlcr baiualu- uio to he foNiut iHiiiiiHii.ii other M.i.M lu tho countv. He!. (i'U7 njur i:. )t. AHTiitA:.. ii 1.1.1 sof 1.. M koui. HTMAN, Dll.IilNflKJt A CO., Nil. IV! NOli'lIl Tllli:il-V. 1'IIII.AM l.l IIIA. Ti'O llooratiliove Ale!) ftlluerly 2"-'l, AurA('ri'i:M:a a.nii joitur.i:d in CAIU'liTf, (OriO.NH y.ll.S. llATl'IN'tJ, on, CLoriiH, cai:i'i:t t, ioiidaiu:, oiiiSirADi:H,aiiAis iiac.h.tii: yaiin, WH'K VA1IN, WINIHUV PAt'i:i!, riVMII.KI', AI.wj WILLOW AMD WoullKN W.MU", niiooua, limmtin, i.o.ikinu (jlaimch. ruuNKa l'eli. CO 15 1CV A UK OK i'HK IJU'OSTKII. 1 henliv Mnrn all perwina of Iho ITulltil stulea uKiilust luiii'lmshii; nny Itlalit of my "1'itilt Tno and Vino Inui t IVslrnyer nnd Invlieorator,"of lohn Aliiuin .1 llalilmnii'. Aa In- Isnn IiuikikI llllil 11 K'Olimlle, mill liaa no rlljllt UM'l'pt It rnp) of 11 Hied nml I.HtciH 1'iilcnt, Klolen by I1I111 liuiu Iho table oflleriuird fuller lu liallliiiiiiu on' tho .Mil ilny of Jlinu IHH. Mr. li J. I'lillllpiof HUNIeliolnsl-iliiolUIIl lu la thoonly lawful owner ntthorluht lor Nmth.l Montour. ('oUnnbln, Cuibun. Noilliauiptoii und lluel.-iCouutlii'H lu Uiu Ktutnof IVim'.i, IIIINJAMIN 1IIW, lh, 13,'aMino, I'ulenluo, T il IK KSl'Y 1IOTKI.. J'-Sl'Y, COLUMIttA COUNTY. I'A. Tim uii'lersltttuvl would Inform tho r.nelill)' lubllo Hint h- Iihk taken Vbo aitovo nuiiuxl eflul U hm en I and thoroughly rt-lllU I thn Mitmi 1-ir tho iHTfect eouviiilenepor hlnuit, ills mrncr will bo slix ked with tho btt lh mxi lu-l idloids. The choicest llipaoiH, wine, und el.pubtiltt.Oh to ho louuti in 111 ur. 11IjI a 11. in, Apr.Sl.'W'lf wpy. l'a. MOT1CK TO STOfKUOl.DUlW. An election "III b hold lu Iho Library ol Ihe llloouuburisHinto .Noimal Kchool ruilldiiu'.on riAliiiduy Muy Nt lhiti, la.tietn llio houia of j,' i loeU t. !.. uud 1 o'clock p ol laild day, iur llio puipoao of eltetlui: thleo jteraona b, aervo aa 1 ruMoua in 1110 all ..I'llliai anuwi, l'. ,.,v venra, l I) lllH' I, Atlint, J, tl. FitKi'..u, Se. iii.iry. llloiuuHlime, l'u. Apr 17, 1 I'luallimt, 1,000 Jt i: N V A N T K 1 c ........ .a, .... 11 1 .1 u. 1. t'ulttely new. Mud lor elruilm uiul Tn ma. Mo fill 1 nleipi lie or I iiliibue.. Aildleta SI.J.VOUKll, MlCaniinn htitel, N, V. l l'U, 0,'1,'J.uUl. Cg FOIt KKAT AND CHRAP JOli 1J11JN'J.'11N. full at Hie ( uiul.'. 11 nillie I l oiii'.l iir i MISCELLANEOUS, BI.OOMH11UIUI NOUMAKSCIIOOli AND I IT 1 IlAItY IN8T1TUT1:. UOAUIJ OF 1NST11UCTI0N. HHNUY OAItVEIl, A MM rrlnclpnl, 1'rofessor of Intellect iml nud tnnrnl fcdence, nnd theory nud pntctlco of leitchlng. MlMflamh A, Carver, rrecrplrcM, Teacher of French, Jlntnny nnd ornamental branches. Inane O, Tleftl,A.l) rrufeftsor of Ancient IugiiugfcMmid K'n filial O nun mar, ,T, W. IVnce.A. M rrofesBor otMntheitifttlCH, nud practical af tionomy, Itov. 1. C Jolm;A. M. l'rufe nor of themistry unit physio. , V HftteH, Teacher of KcoKnipby. history A Iiok keeping . . . . Jitmew Ilmwiif Assl lant teacbor of umthemttttCH Or lniuar, English Miss AlleM. Carver, Teacher of Music on the piano ami mclodenn. Mm. Jluttle Ti.Iles1, Teacher of Vocal Music nnd insir utin-nt-al music MlfM Jul la M.Gtituf. Tt-athtrof nuhlcl Hchool. TlicHprlnjc term wilt commence Apr. 19, 1M0. nnd until our uardln hull N ready for nccupan cy, 011 application to the Principal, Ktudeuts will bo fuinUhcil with homes lu pleaant families. It in hf Her for ntudent to comtnencent the op enluKoftho term, but when this Is impntctliu ble they can rnt cr nt any time. March 2"j 1WM, JQOMICHTIC KCONOMV! CAMIMI.l.ION CAUl'KI'! Ant'W,ihenp tliirable, bcnlthy, and IH-antirnl TJaOOU COVKIUNO ! A Mihstllutc lor oll-clolli nt one-lhlrd the co'.t. This carpet Is produced by upecull.'ir combina tion of htioiiK. heavy paper, printed In ornamen tal eolorH, und coated with a tonsh, clastic, water proofc namol which recelveH tho water, protects iii.u..i.iiiiuu nii'vi viiumi-pi MiisniiiK, 111111 rcn deis the rarjt bright nnd hcmtltrul lit tlio ox-tM-me, IIh advantaKCM aro ns follows ti lts cost renders it mnllnblo 10 nil classes; It Is oxceedlnjily smooth nnd Klossy.nnd it acetimu la ics next to nodu&t : ltdoefi not require to bo taken up and cicnuod llko other carpet, and thus Mivew inuch lalmr and troublo; lly ro-coatlUK with tho Campllllou KnninclloccaKlonally as thu caso may require, (which costs hut a. trifle,) It will last Indeflijely, even an nKe,and always appear now und bright; Jnits u.hoiiu reliance whuluver Is placed upon the paper for wear, but exclusive ly tiiKiu hhu water-proof eratln, iho liured pa per heiiur used only to i-ccnro tlio colors. 1'aper has recently been used for ti vnriety of purposta, even for ti links, roofj,llourbai;s and wearinap parel, hul the first attempt, cither lu Kuropo or America, to convert it Into carpet or Hoor cove Inc. ull concede It to bo an entire micccss I Wo hao purchased the rluht for Columbia county and can lurnlsii tho carpet to meiehunU ul iiiuiiumciurerH prices, -You oru luMted to call ard examlno Iho goods ntour utoic. M'KKIWY. NKAL A CO. liioom&oui-g, Dec. 1105-ti. E ILWARDS! UILTilAItDSlI 1 WILLIAM H. GILMOHK flim oncned it lino llllllard Katonn in addition tn Ids well known ItKSTAUItANT. llo hns3 tablea with all tlio latest lmnrovementB nnd m nerfect order, llo fceepH oit hand tho host LAOEK IIHEU AND ALU which thn market afrord(. OYHTKItS to ho had ntall Utiles wlu'ii In seahon, nW llcef Tongue, rickled tripe, Clams, Ac, Ac, Tho nubile aro Invited to ejill, and uro nrom- Jsed .itl.sracilon either lu billiards or reficMi- mcnt.s. Ills C1UAIW ANJ TOilACCO cannot be excelled. iuoomiburi;, i,t.!j. JMPCHITANT to iJuiLi)i:ns(nouflKiioLii:iis ati:nanth. Tho undcrsijincd would nnnounco to tlio citi zens of llloomsburg and vicinity that ho Is pie pared to oxeeuto HOUS K, S I (I AND O It N A M i: N T A L V A I NT I N O lit ull it js branches, v a p j; n u a n (j 1 x o dicrully attended to. f htrk t attention to businciifi and (coojI workman ship It la belioed will inent a fair hhowof public patronage. Shop on Calhnilno Btiel between, Third aud 1'ourth. Mar..j,'(i')-ly. WM, 1 noOINIX LOUlt ANIJ FEED. Tlio nndcrslr-n.-'d Mumlffnl fur nast i.itroii:ieo bi'KS to nnnoueo to his friends and to tlio public that hU N i: W M I L 1j U now in coniplcto i uunlnji brder.nnd thathoi.H tn spared to do alt kinds ol Milling without delny 1'arileK fiom a. dlntanco can havo their prists Miound without delay, huas to tako them liomo iho samo day, and as a ruioall woil: brought to tho mill can be, dono in twenty-lour hours. My pi'Hseut arranirmentN aio hupIi ns to precludo tho ncco-iity of stopping llio mill on account of Ice, hitih or low water. Tin: iiiwr family l-'i.ouit. us well as the lower grades, and all kinds o CHOP AiXJ) l-VCJCI) kept on hand In quantity, und forsaloat tho low est em rent rates-. Onitn of all kinds purchased. LlKhtMrt cMee, 1fiS-lf. l'lITKIt JINX. QMNII5US lilNE. Tho undtrsismd would resrectfully nnnounco to the citizens of lUooiubms aud tho public gene rally tha hv UiunniUKiin OSINIliUSLINIC between this place and the dlBerent railroad de pots dally (Uuudayu excepted), to connect with the several trains olna Bouth and Vest ou the Catn- wlsia und WUIUmsport lUUro:ul, aud with those KUie North and South on tho uirtiwanna nnd Itlofiinsbuin Kail road. niHOmnlljuaiesaro lu good condition, commo dious nud comlotlublo, nud charge reasonable. IVrsoub to ihlns to meet or see their friends de part, can be accomodated upon reasonable chargd by leaving timely notice utauy of tho hotels. JACOU L uiuxu, rrorricior. A 11 M.13SII ' TKT TU13 Al.TA VKLA I'HOSeHA'i'E. It eontaliiH threo per cent, of Ammonia, an ample iiuantlly 10 kivo nctlvlty without lnjary tothoM'Batiitron.uuila lai-uo percentage ol ao llllile llouu Hiohplintu of Lime, tocellier Willi I'olush und hiala, tho twiitlal element, of a I'OMl'LK'i li JlAMJlll'- Tho llicieakcd aalca to lurmt ia who uru ualni! 11 with hhthly aaUtlaeto. rv liaulta laiikurKuuuranliool lis aluo. l'rleo, JMipei Ion of lu Imiw 'Ml Ilia tueh. t-end for 11 .iili-l l-'et. AildniiH '1iu:aii'A vi:lai'anoco H. H lllftllOl1 A Co. Aginla, UV . Del. Ave. AkciiI for rcnnaylMiiiln, l'lilludelphla ami Mouth New Jersey. July st.'wi-ljr f'7 lirnr.ilwov. Jf. V. t n'lrniiVM'nv j" O. llllllUW"' f. I niiiinmien In Iho rlllrena nf IIIooiiik. 1, ini.l vieliiltv. tbul holiuallullteeitilalult nud loinpleteiismrtiuciit of WALL I'A 11'. II, W1NUOW K II AUKS. HXItllllH, COl'.IH, TAKSblJi, and nil other iiooda in hla lino nf bufcinias. All Iho newent anil moat liprroMd latlirna of Uiu day, aro always lokoflnuiil In lilaraiulillslimcni. MurA'tU ll ' Main H. below Jla.Uel. JOHN C. it CO., Wholoa,,lii l)o.iiera in IIA'IB, CA1V, STII.VW qOOHS AN1' LAUH-H' I'ljim. Xl, 347 NfHtll Tllllil HI wet,'tv-ly I'lillralelphl. 'hlKllUdQIaltlCodGllflMUlplltUlV. Mllll ' ' VrUUtTY ACHES OF LAND In 11 gcKKlklntuol'llllllMllloii ou Mhleli la eicilid tidulllllie Ift'tiao audi""" "u order and ounOlllou, H la nllWUuu, In Iho loi ,u li l; 01 Is 0.1111 undvlihlnlHi Fur fultjuiilliulai.uppl nU ilv'l;S'.u, ... M.r.M.'uv-Sin. Ill l'l K Ai 1..., rHTAlUilBUKl) 170. J Jor.l'A.VAliUOTlll li l liolca'odruieia.riiul 1U. UIHIII SALTMT1 II AN11 nUIVK'lOKi:, No nNottll'llilld -I plill .d 'l.Vltt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers