- AN nustntvn ilc mocvat. lHW.ed every Friday morning, iiHHJOoluinblttn Building near tliu (3WrfrjKiu.60, by 'CWAHLES B. D'HOOKWAY, Editor and Proprietor. :rnt Tebmb.'-Two dollars n year, pnyn., ii)o lit ndvhnco. JOti PBITINO of nil descriptions oxccutod'WUh neatness and dispatch, it rcairiqfijjfr rates. ISBDIIG DIBEOTOltV. BTCjES AND TIN WAKE. VA06tf HlJAtZ. dcalcrln stoves A tinware, Mnln .1 .LiitaCcoutl house. vl-u As ilocSU Molnst.. west of .Market, vi- "1 ' CLOTHING", AO. K'tOWENBEBQ, merchant tnllor, Mnln st Ski , door above American house. vl-nW J"W."CltttMIIEnt.IN. wholesnlcnnd retail deal , er In clothing, etc.; llnrtman'ii building, Mnln .trust. ;) '.i vl-uu DlyaS, CHEMICALS, AC. itOVKR tBBps.. )rum JJl Browert block Main gglsts and nnothocnrles. HI. V1-U13 TJ P. LUTZ, druggist nnd npothecary, Itnpert JJ, UlOCK, Alain Bl., wcas Ol itiaiHtu vi- " CLOCKS, WATCHES, AO. HENBYZUPPINQEB, Watches, Bpeelncles and Jewelry AcMnlnBtroet nenr West St. v3ul5 nearsonlheastcoruer Main and IronsU.vl-nlJ f K, RAVAGE, dealer In clocks, watchwi nnd . leweiry. aiain bi., jusi. uciow American House,, ,t ir vl-nu r OATHCAhT, watch and clock maker, Mnrket K. at- bclowilaln. V1-U13 BOOTS AND SHOES. T'At.'tlBOWN boot and shoeinalcer.Mnlii street V.'OPPoena .uouri uousc. vi-i BOLLKDEBjinannfactiircrnnddealcr In boots I and shoei.Malnsl., opposlto Episcopal ehurrh vl-nt.1 HENItY KLEIM, tnanufneturer nnd denier In IxroUiandiuioes, groceries etc., East lllooms nurc Main it. vl-nlJ DAVID BETZ, boot nnd shoemaker, Main St., .belo jr. HorUunn's store, west of Market street. PBOFESSION AL. J 11. EVAN8.M. D. surgoon and physician south side Main at, below Market. vl-n!3 riB.ll. F.'Ktnney surgeon dentist, teeth extract iTplscopal Church. u eurwiinoui.paiu. nearly opposite TBI SPKELVY, r T .,imu,n ami .li-n IMn M north side Mnln St., below Market. vl-nll J'M C. JUITTEB, M. D. surgeon and Physician drkeUtvVabovo Main, vl-nii DlC'Itn a' HOWElt, Burgeon dentist, Main St., above court h.onse. vl-n T h! BOniSON, Attorney-at-Law, Offlco Hnrt I , man's building, Main Htreet. v2-n'J0 ETL IKELEIt, Attorncy-nt-I.nw,0fflce, 2d lloor( In Exchange Uluclt, near tho "Exchaugo Ho lei." v3nl M1LLINEBY & FANCY GOODS. rni pij ifr.iNic Millinery uud Fancy Ooods. lllntaln Htreet below Market. tflSS'.IJZZIB BAKKLEY, milliner. ltamsey vl-uU Jit lbuUoJng,Malrist. f IS3 A. D." WEBI1, fnney. goods, notions, 'jooks, jl stationery, Exchango block Mnln street, vl-n!3 Ed'JiTEUMAN, millinery nnd fancy goods op . poalt Episcopal church, Main st, vl-n!3 IRAj,10IJAj A. & HADE I1AIIKLEY, ladles lL cloaks and dress patterns, southeast corner Main and westst. vl-n!3 II8flM."DEBBICICS0N, millinery and fancy Ugooda Malnst.,oproHlto Court House. vlnll II nsi Mi B. PUBM AN, milliner, Main st., below Jl llartmni'a store, west of Market st. vr13 IU1E MIRiEU IIAHMAN millinery nnd fancy 1 goods,.Maln,strcetJust below Ainerlcnu house. HOTELS AND SALOONS. T LKACOCK, oyster nud-eatlnu saloon, Amerl J, can House. -Mnlnst.. llallzer Ui incock buperln- vj-nia ItMDMYEB A JAC011Y, confectlonry, bakery, If and oyster saloon, wholesale and retail, Ex nauge block. Main st. vlnl3 r,tox & WEBB, IB, confectionery, bakery, and oys r.' wholesalo and retail, Exchaugo ' vl.nll ! ter saloon, IXCIIANOE nOTEL, by Koons & Clark, Main J st., opposite court house. V1-U13 1 MEBICAN HOUSE, by John Lkacock, Main A'st.; west of Iron street. vl-n!3 F O It K8 'HOTEL, by G.W.Mauokk, east end of Main t. vl-ul3 B. HTOHNEB, refreshment saloon, Main St., Just .above courthouse. V1-U13 I700NB.4 .CLABK, refreshment saloon, Ex-vl-nW IV' ; ebon go hotel. ,'MEBCHANTS AND GKOCEItS. if JACOBS, Conlcctlonery. rj Kt., below Iron groceries etc. Main vl-niti S1I. MIIXEII4 dealer In dry goods, groceries, ueensware. Hour, salt, snots, notions, etc. lixcuauie blooJi, Main street, vl-nu M'KKIiVYrNEAL A Co., dealers in dry goods, groceries. Hour, feed, salt, libit, lion, nails, tiluoTtlieaqt coiner MuiunuU uurketst. vl-nu HtCHOWEB, hats and caps, boots and shoes, ilolu U, above Court.lluuse. vl-uu ri C.'MABB, dry goodB and notions, southwest U. .corner Main uud Iron sis. V1-U13 w-i .,;,,.;-) 1 ' J, BBOWF.n, dry goods, groceries, etc,, corner I i Main and Court House alley vl-nM M 'i -: il " " D . A. 1UHJK1.IS y. Keystone snoostore, books and .stationery, Mulnnt;oelow Market vl-nu WILLIAM-1 EIIA8MUS, confectioneries, Main St., near tho railroad. vl-uu 1,1 MENDENIIALL, general stock of morchan jtj. due and lumber, comer of Main street and T J. BOBBINS, dealer In drv coods erccries etc. 1) HhlYe'ablocXMatnst,, below Iron V1-U13 JK, OlltTON, Onwerles A Provisions, Street below Market Main vl-nll M,t P. IjIITZ dealer in choice dry goods, House . keenlnir iioods. tresh groceries, etc.etc. Main su, opposite court house, v.lnlJ J K, EVER, groceries and general merchandise Main st,, above West, vl-nU SCBAMBR A. A. E. HAYHUBST. Dealers In , Groceries, Confeetlouerlts and Notions, HeotUiwn, south side, two doors above Brobst's wagpumalter shop. V -ul. MISCELLANEOUS. ri, ;M, CliniBTMAN, saddle.lrunk and Imruess J maker, opposite Lplscojial emu hurch Main st. 1 V2I1 is G, WCOBELL, furniture rooms, threo story j brlokonMalnst,, west of Market st, vl-ulJ T- 1 J.TnOBNTON.wall : aper, window shades, ami nxiurei 1 m'. and flxtores, Bujiert block, Main st, vl-n W H BOSBNSTOCK. Iihotouranher. Kielinnee , block. Main st., opposite court house, vl-n!3 J W.H AMPLE A CO. Machinists. East Illoanis. 11, burg near railroad. .Castings made at short tH.tlce? -machinery mode and repaired. v2-u23 'k. KUim:-dealer In meat tallow, etc. Chem- tierlln's alley, luick of American lir ise, v l-n3 m,J. IHDLGMAN. Anent Munson's Corner Til- ;J!ibularLlghtulngBod. v2-u!9 TT " - liTJH-- PIinsELTj. saddle, trunk and larness ! u maker, ,Maln st below court, house, vl-nlG r. j a 1 1 ru4.u. uiuq tn Tanner, Hcottowu, Qlue Maker, and White am' fancy vi-mi nLOOUSBUBO LUMBEB CO., manufacturers ana dealers In Lumber, of all kinds, planing mill near the rail-road, vl-uia . A, eorair-al malble works, near southwest n and Market sts, vl-u3 1 -T-Hte, LEB. dealer ta pianos, oreans and ,utu. v,voretrs(urnuure rooms ' 1 'llfll vi-uu l . W.KOUBINS.llQuor dealer second door from yiIWMt corner Main and Iron st. vl-nl3 I Hps PEA CO dun iLm.'.iu'i. 1 " 1 . . 1 j , , .COCK. Notary Public, northeast corner ,uu ,u.,..t ... Vl-UU 1 if.HN A.FUNBTON, mutual and cash rates fire Juurance company.northeastcoruer.Malu and UUEL JACOBY, MarMe and Brown Stone or,l tmootusuurg.ueiwICKroad, Vlu47 mi vi VOLUME III NO. 17. OUANGEVILLK DIRBOTOBY. DB. 0. A. MEOABUEL, physician and surccon. Main t., next door lu Good's Hotel. vl-nl7 BB1CIC HOTEIj and refreshment saloon, by Win. Masteller cor. of Malnnnd l'lnest.vlnu HABMAN BUOTltEBS, Tanners nnd mnnnfac tuncrsof leather, on Main St., below (JoodV Uolcl. VZ-H47 TVAV1D 1IEBBINO. Flour nnd Orlst Mill, nnd I) Ucnler In grnln, Mill Htreet. Vl-IH BOW'EIl A UKUltlNH, denier In dry goods, groceries, lumber nnd gcnernl Merchandise Mnln st, vl'H7 JOHN 1'llYMlItt:, snddlo nnd harncssmaker Main St.. above tho Hwau Hotel. VMH7 A A E. W. COLEMAN, Merchant tailor and , Ucnt's furnishing goods, MaluHt., next door to the brick hotel. V1-1M7 B. HAYHUBST, Clocks, Watches nndOuns , repaired. Uuus and Watches for sale, Mnln below Pino. V1-U17 TAMES B. HABMAN. Cnblnet Maker, nnd Uu- U ueriaucr. juam ou, ueiow x'lue. iiTlfiHAKl. C KEIXElt. Confectionery. V1-U47 Oysiers ill ic. &c.,on l'luoBt,, between Main and Ailll. V1-H17 TT H.&C. KF.I.CI1NF.B, Blacksmiths, on Mill X. riirccc, near 1'iue. V1-U17 nTlILIAM PEI.ONO, Bhocmnkernnd mnnufno VY turcr of Brick, Mill Bt west of Pino vln!9 IEWIS H. 8CHUYI.EB, Iron founder.Mnehin list, and Manufactuier of plows, Mill 8t.vl-nl7 WILES A. WILLIAMS & Co, Tnnnersand Mnn- ill ufacturcrsof leather, Mill street. vl-nl7 TOIIN KELLl'.lt, Boot nnd Shoemaker, Pine J Htreet, opposite the Academy vl-nl7 All. H EBBING BKOTHEB, Carpenters nnd . Builders, Mnln Street, below Pine. V1-U17 SAMUEL SHABPLERS, Maker of thollnyliurst Grain Cradle. Main Ht. vSnS. TM. 1IAB5IAN, saddlo nnd linmcss innker . Orangevlllo, opposite Frnmo church, vllinll OATAWISSA DIBE0T0BY. SUSQUEHANNA or Brick notel.S.Kostehauder proprietor, south-east corner Main and Second Htreet. v2-n!2 s. Mnln Htreet. w M. II. ABBETT, attorney at law.Malu Street. G1L11EBT & KLINE, dry goods, groceries, and general merchandise, Slain Street. vli-nl2 KEILEB, billiard saloon, oysters, , cream lu season Main Htreet. and Ice V2-U12 BF. DALLMAN, Merchant Tailor, Second St., . Bobbins' Building. . V2-U18. l) HccuudSt,, below Main. . x 1, t 1.- DnntirMu Surgeon and Physician, B. KI8TLEB,"CattawlsaIIouse,"NorthWest . Corner Main and Second Street, v.'-nis. M, M, BBOBST. dealer in General Merchandise, Dry Goods, Groceries &o. v2-nlH. LIG1IT STBEET DIRECTOBY. nETEB ENT, dealer In dry goods, groceries jl nour, xecu, salt, usu, iron nails, etc., Light vl-nlj JTEBWILLIOEB, Cabinetmaker, Undertaker and Cuatrinaker. vl-n 16 TT F. OMAN A Co., Wheelwrights, first door 11 . above school house. vl-nie JW.8ANKEY, dealer lu Leather, Hides, Bark, etc. Cash paid for Hides. vl-ul6 llfll. M. ENT, dealer In Btoves nnd tin ware In II nil Its branches. vl-nlO JOHN A.OMAN, boots and shoes. manufacturer and dealer In vl-nlll. J J. LEIBEB, M. I). Surgeon and Physician. . Olllco at Keller's Hotel. -2-n27 ESPY DIBECTOBY. JD. WKBKHEISEB. Bo and manfactory. Shop iv.LlId L,n,.. M 111 Boot nnd Shoo Store on jMniu street, op-v2-n!0 TlSPY STEAM FLOUBING MILLS, C. S. Fowler, rroprieior. v--inu F. BEIGHAB1), BB0 denlcrs In dry goods, , groceries, and genernl merchandise. v!2nll W. EDGAB, Susquehanna rianlng Mill and , Box Manufactory. v!2nll BUCKIIORN DIBECTOBY. G. A W. II. SHOI3MAKEB, dealers In dry goods, groceries nnd ccneral merchandise. lrst store In south end of town. v2-n!8. JACOB A WM. IIABBIS, dealers in dry goods, groceries, drugs and medicines. First store lu north end 01 town, v -iiih. JEBSEYTOWNDIBE0TOBY. ACOB A. SWISIIEU. denier In Hides, Leather Bark etc. Madtsou township Columbia county n. vl-nlil HOTELS AND SALOONS. "gXCIIAKOE HOTEL, Tlio umlersictietl Imvlnir muclifittl thin well known undceutrully-locnteifhouKe, the lixcliange Hotel, Kltuute on MAIN BT KELT, In ltloonibburt; lmmeUiately onposlio theColuruljlacouuty Court lloiibe, reHpectlully Inform their friends uud the muiio in general iuut iiieiruousois nnw in onier 'or tho reception mul entertainment of tmveller. who tony be dldiiubetl to favor It with their cus tom. Thev hn enured no exnenseln nrenarliic theKxchauuefortheentertnlntnentofthelrsuetiti neither nhall there be nnythlnK wantlnu on their Can 10 minister to tneir )iersonui comiort. xuey ousels BimcloUM, ami euJoyHnu excellent busi uess location. omiilimst's run at nil limes between tho Ex- chunue llotrl and the various railroad denots. by which traveller-will be pleafcantly conveyed to and from tlio reHpectlvo fctallonn In duo time to iiiiri in- nun, Aini,n a. uiAHKt lllooiuhburu, April s, JOIIK'S IIOTKL, uiuitur; w. maluui, i-ropnevor. Tho abnre well. known hotel has recently under .one rad ial clutnyes In Its Internal arrangements, and ltKprt prk-tor announces to his former cuhlom and the travclllni; publlo that hlsuccomiHlutlous lor the eomiori 01 nu uuesia ure Heconu 10 none in tiih prmiiirv II 1h faiths wlllnlwuvtt be found tun llCU, Illll (1111) llll BUIl!""!" HHJ-, Utw Willi Mt no delicacies or mo heatou. inn winei nnu 11 1110m fexcent that nonular beveraice known a tffnr".nurehahetl direct troin the linnortlUL' hollies, are entirely pure, and free from nil nol gonoiia drugs. He Is thankful for a liberal palron ngoln the past, and will eontlniie todesere It In pXCIIANGE SALOON, niK 1'roprietor ni ine r.xcuangenaioou nas uow on hnnd n largo stock of SITMMEB BEFBEHHMENTb, consisting of HrlCKIl OVBTKltS, SAIIUINU, TltlTE, I10I.00NA1 S1IKIH- TONGUE, BOILED EQfiS, HWHITCEIt TIIKKSK, LAQER BEEH, ALE, AC. - COME ONE, COME ALL AND SEE. 4 LAWSON CALM AN. Superintendent, Bloomsburg, May S. 187. LUMBIA II O U B E, , UEBNABD S T O II N KB. IlAVINa lately purchased and fitted up the well-Known iiooibuu uuiei 1 iujriy,iuuie,i a 1-l.W 1100113 AUOVE TUB COVUT IIOUUK, on the rame side of the street, In the town of Bloomsburg! and having ouiaiuou a license for lue .nuie ua a H E S T A U H A N T, the l'ronrletor baa determlnoil to give to the peo ple vuiuue mo lawn on uu sines or pieiiMure, A LITTLK MOUK UOOM. HU stabllns alto U extensive, and t titled up to put bugulesaud carriages In tnedry. He prom lses that every thlui; about his establishment shall hAmmlurted In nu orderly and lawful manner! nnd he respectfully solicits a share of the publlo Q. W. BLABON & CO., Manufacturers ol OIL CL01II8 AND WINDOW SHADES. Warehouse, No. VU North Third Btreet Philadelphia. lie BUSINESS CARDS. JOB PRINTING Neatly executed at thla Cfflce. jyj jr. i.'Vellk, Attobney-at-la w, Athlatid, Schuylkill County, I'euu'n. ATTOBNEY AT LAW, Offlco with K. II. Llltlo. In brick building ml' Joining Post Onico. 4?-Bounties, Back-Pay nnd PcnRloniccllectcd. flep67. JOHN G. FItEEZE, ATTORNE Y-AT-L A W, Offlcejn Beglster and Becorder's office, In the basement of the Court House, Bloomsburg, Pa, jOBEKT P. CliARK, ATTOBNE Y-AT-L AW Office corner of Main nnd Market streets, over First National Bank, Bloomsburg, Ta. E. II. IilTTLE, ATTOBNEY'-AT-L AW, Office ronrt-Houso Alley, below tho Coi.umuiah Olllco Bloomsburg, Pa. Q 11. UUOOKWAY, ATTOBNKY AT LA BLOOMSUUBG, TA. WOFFi-Court House Alley, below the Co lumbian Ulllce. Jaul'17. w. M. ItEBEIl jr. 1). T,ntA nf Ihn IT. H. Kilw. SucccsKOr to l)rs.Hnrrlsonnnd WpIIn. lint Tiprtnn. nentty located lu Bloomsburg for the prnctleo of Medicine and Surgery. Special attention paid to Surgery. Can nlwaysbo found, unless professionally engaged at tho Exchange Ho tel or at hN olllco over Mls. Webb's book store, late llepubllcan Printing olllcc Apr.U.'GO-Sm J B. ruitSEL, HABNESS, SADDLE, AND TBUNK MANUFACTUBEB, and dealer lu CABl'ET-BAGS, VALISES, KLY-NETS, nUI'FAI.O I'.OllEM, IIOIUE-IIUNKKTS AC, which ho feels confident lie cau bell at lower rato than any other person In ths country. Ex am Ine for yourselves. Shop first door below the I'ost Olllco Mnln Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Nov. 15, 1667. s COLLINS, FASHIONABLE HHAVINC), IIAIIl CUTTING AND SHAMPOOINO RALCON, Over Whlmnycr A Jacoby's Ice Cream Saloon, BLOOMSBUBO, PA. Hnlr Dyeing nnd Whiskers eolnied blnek or brown. Hnlr Tonic lo destroy dandrutr and beau Hiving the hnlr; will restore hair to IIh original color without soiling the finest fublic, constantly on hand. aprlli'67. D E NTISTltY, II. C. IIOWEU. DENTIST, Kegpcctfully oilers his professional services to the ladles and gentlemen of Uloonihbumand vi cinity. He is prepared to attend to nil the vari ous operations In Hie lino of his profesMon, nnd Is provided with the latest lmproed 1'orcklain TKimt which will be Inserted on gotd plating, silver and rubbt r bnH to look ns well as the nat ural teeth. Teeth extracted by nil the new and most approved methods, nnd all operations on the teeth eartfullyand properly attended to, Residence nnd olllce a few doors above the Court House, tamo hide, lllooinsbum, Jau.31.'tr pOAVDEIt KEGS AND LUAIBER. W, M. MONUOE A CO.. Itnpert, Tn., Mauufactuiers of rOWDEH KE(JH, and deal"! s in all kinds of LUMIlEIt, give notice Hint they are prepared tn nceomiHlnle their custom with dispatch, and on the cheapest ertitB. ION HOTEL, B O II B S B U B O, P A. .no undersluned would respectfully Inform in travellm; imhllu that bo has iiurehtiscd nnd refitted In the best manner the old ht and foi mer ly occupied by W, A. Kline, nnd that lie Is now prepared to accommodate his friends w lib all the eom torts and conveniences of a llrM-dass houf-c. A tin 0 new barn has been built and the Mirioun dlugs placed In peifct order. The bar will al ways ue Nioekeii wnn ine cuoisesi iiquorK ami ci liars, and the table furnished with the hrt the marttei nnorus. JAiira v. uji.iiAwrjrj. July ,'it-tf M ISS LIZZIE BAKKLEY has Just returned from Philadelphia, and has bought, nod Is now offering the best assortment of FANCY GOODS, TBIMMINGH, BONNETS Aft ic., ever exhibited In Bloomsburg. and Is prepared to makeup dresses nnd all other articles of female wardrobe, at short notice, nnd In the best and LATEST SPBINO STYLES. Booms in the Bamsey Buildings, 011 West Maln'iStreet. Call and kee her varied stock ot Spring Goods. May 1,'liK. Is7 J E W 0 O A h Y A n i). un: unuerslgneu lespeciiunj- Inform the citl-ens ot lllooinhburu and (.'olumbla county, mat they iceepnii me uiiiercninumocrs oisiovu coal ami selected lump coal for smithing pi tes, on their wlmrf, adjoining M'Kelvy, Ueiu & Co's I-'umace; with a good pair of llwthiln scales on the wharf, to weigh coal, hay, and id raw. no jiKewise a jiorse nnu wagon, u oeuver com in thoso who desire it. As they purchase n largo amount of coal.they Intend to keep a superior ar ticle, and sell at tho very lowest prices, l'leaso call and examine for ynumelves Isfore puretms- lnt'elhewhere. J, w. 11 ukkhiuit. PIIE undordltrnod will taUo In ex L (hange lor Coal and (Jrwerles, tho following numeil articles : Wheat, Itye. I'om, Oaltt. Tota toes, Lord, Ham.Hhoulder.and bide meat, Itutter, Kggs, Hay, Ac., at the highest east, prices, at his liioeery Store, adjoining their coal yard, J. V . Hi;DLatsnT. nioomsburg ainr, lU.'CO-ly, Cir.iioitNK, W, 8. Kl.Nd. J, 1). SKYltKHT, TTOUNE, KING it SEYBEUT, WHOM'SALK DUY GOOUS. No. 313 Mnrket Ktre.)t( I'lMLADKU'IUA. Ordcis tilled promptly at lowet January 3, JSCS, CHAS. Q. BARKLt Y, Attorney at L;uv, ItLOOMSBUUG, C0LUM111A CO., 1'A. Otflco lntb Cichan Hulltllnr, leeonJ torr,oTer Widiuyer Jc Jicboy'a Conffctioserf , tfeeoid tr bote the Eitlitii6 Hotel lilooniiikMrf. Jau, J, It3. 1 E. SAVAGE, PBACTICAL WATCH MAKEB& JEWELEB. Main Street, (near the Court House, BLOOMSBUBO, PA. Consl'ntlv on hand a flnaiiKtinrtfnpiit nf Ainpr. can aud Swiss Wutches, docku, Jewelry, silver ware of Ihe best description plated nu white met al, cuusikiiug 01 uuiier uuues, goblets, Knives, forks, .noons, nankin rlnss etc. Masoulo marks made to order. All goods ami wuru warranted. (Jun, 1, ry. EHCHANT'S, IIOTEL, " 18 KOltTII rOUltTH SIKltlT, rillLADELPHIA. J, A W. Q, M'KIBUIN, Proprietor. May 10 IM17-Iy, BLOOMSBTJ11G, PA., FRIDAY, APllIL 23, (Dhoire gottry. von Tltn COU'.MMIAN. MAIIY WOOD. A BONO, HV BAVKM I. Listen to tho mournful story, That to yott I now relate, ltow n l'hltndelphla maiden. Met n melancholy fnle, II. Bho was young, nnd she was pretty, , She wns virtuous nnd good, Loved by nil the poor and needy, And her name was Mary Wood. III. Her old I(nlhcr was n Frenchman, And he lfvcd on Chestnut Street, Where the high and whero tho wealthy, Often did each other greet. IV Many an eye was turned oil Mury, As with ensnyiud groco sho moved, And tho rlclT man's son did tarry, For to tell her how ho loved. V. Ho had woalth, he'd glvo It to her, She should have n coach and four, Sorvnnta, they should waltupou her, And he would herself adore. VI. But to nil these spludld offers, Mnry turned a listless car, What eared she for all their money, Ono ulono lo her was dear, VII. Sho had chosen for her lover, Ono among tho lowly poor, Though ho had not wealth to give her, He had that, sho counted more, VIII. For his mind was pure and noble. And hl heart so good aud true, With n form so tall nnd faultless With n face so handsome loo. IX. . When her fathcrdld discover, Sho had pledged to hhn her hntul. Ho wor tilled with wrath and taiulr.es, Aud of her he did demmid, X. Till me, (laughter, tell mo trolly. Will you let this young man go, Will you uow foisako him wholy '.' But she firmly answered. No ! XI. "For I lovo my William dcaily, Ho to ine is alt my life, Naught but death can take mo fiom him, For I am his lawful wife." XII. Then I tell jou, you shall never, Live with him, ill never do. From his eo.it he drew a weapon, Aud ho shot his daughter through. XIII. When ho saw her, bleeding, d lug. Ills old heart, now smote hlui sore, On his knees ho dU implore her, Mary speak to me nuco more, XIV. Then sho turned her eyes upon him, Father 1 I this crime forgive, Tell my husband how I loved him, And poor Mary ceased to live. Stili. Wateb, Febiuary 22d, lbott. I.KGKKD OF TIII5 MOSS ltOSi:. TIIANSI.ATLD FI105I Till; (IKItMAX. Within a forest's dark ravine, Soft ns a velvet carpet green, A bed of fair mo-s grew, Half hid in gloomy shade, tho eyo Might pass lis tiny wonders by Nor onco Its beauties view. At ltamlng lobe nnd forest leaf GInnced tho meek moss, nnd sighed lu grief, "Heaven gave no chnrm to mo; Though many feet above mo trend. No ono remarks my humble bed All fairer beauties sco!" But see I nt ove, within the grove, Tho wenry Saviour comes to rove, With palo and bowed down hend, Willi wounded foot ho wanders slow, And feels with Joy tho moss below, And cooling carpet spread. Long w nnderlng In the desert land. Ills feet, burnt with tho sun aud sand, Tho tender moss caressed; Tho Saviour spolin : "With tender csiro My father's hand hath mado thee fair, And kindly thee hath blessed. "What eye so dull and blind can bo As lu thy beauty not to see Thy gieat Creator's enro ? Thou plant, that all unmarked doth He, Thou hnth not missed my Father's eye, Thy lovo with patlenco benr Thus .I'sus spake; and wondrous fair From Ihe low moss theroi-prungln air A sweet and rndiant rose. ..lotirasre Its namo soon enmo to be; Now emblem of Humility, In every land It grows. The moss tho Saviour's feet Kisses aud makes his sorrow sweet, And with reward overflows. Oh, heart ! b ever meek und pure, If like the ninvi, distressed, bo sure Already biuU like rose I Self Edu'cation, It Is surprislnc liow much niny bo obtained by devot- iiK a fuw hours each tiny to study tlur ng n borlea of years. Gibbon nrotlucetl his great work rather by tho regularity than tho protruded nature or daily btudlcH. Franklin beeaiuu tho wisest and ono of tho beat read of IiIh contem poraries In tho midst of most incessant labor. Aliil If tho workman with his healthful mind, so well prepared for tho reception of knowledge, will glvo two hours each day to careful study, ho may, In n fow years, surpass In genernl In formation thu great body of eollego graduates, who so often obtain a diplo ma without deserving It, or who havo laid asldo I huh- learning tlio moment they left tliolr preceptors. Ho may elo- valo his own intellect by coining Into communion with tho eminent Intellects of tho past. I'owints of Velocity, If a tallow eandlo bo placed in a gun, antl shot at a door It will go through without sustain ing any Injury : and if a musket ball bo fired Into water, It will not only re bound, but bo flattened as if ilrod against a solid substance, a musket ball may bo fired through a pano of glus-t, making tho liolo tho size of tho ball, without cracking tlio glass; If the glass bo sus pended by a 'thread, It will mako no dlfferoni'o, nnd tho thread will not ovou vibrato. Cork, If sunk two hundred feet In tlio ocean, will not rlso on ac count of tho presstiro of tho water. AVhex Intoxicated, a Frenchman wants to dance, a German to sing, it Spaniard to gaiiiole, an Englishman to eat, an Italian to boast, a Russian to bo affectionate, 'an Irishman to tight, aud un American to mako a speech, ,:"ll ill , a Irllililli .'.'IoNEV'lln shot n bird lu my life," said a friend to an Irishman, who to- plied: "I naver shot iinythlng in thu sliupoof a bird, but a smilrrcl, which I killed with a stone, and It fell into tho river and was drowned." fclUurcHaiifouj. THE FALSE LANDING j Oil, TBAVELLEHS' DECOY. It was in tho summer of 18-, that I set out from my placoof residence, near , In Pennsylvania, with tho design cf viewing somo tracts of land, situated In what Is called tho Military District of Illinois. At Cincinnati, wo woro Joined on boartl tho steamboat by n youth from ono of tho western counties of tho former stnlo, named I.umley, then on Ids way toICaskoskln, to seo an elder brother, and with tho ulterior do sign of probably settling In that rcmoto town." Kaskaskiu, originally founded by tlio French, Is situated on thocastcrn or lert bank of tho Mhslsiippl, about two miles from tho river, and ono hun dred and fifty abovo tho mouth of tho Ohio, anil owing to tho rapidity of tho former river, a passago ngalnst tho cur rent Is necessarily slow, especially when tho boat Is furnished With machinery of Inferior power, which uufortunactly for us, was tho ciiso ill tho present voyage. To keep near tlio middle of tho stream, In such a vessel, is not practicable ; and tho only mode by which wo wero ena bled to stem thoeiirrcnt,vasby running eloso lo tho northern shore; so close, In deed, that wo may bo said to havo been forcing our way through tho branches of n forest, as tho limbs of thu willows and other trees that rlso out of tho allu vial boll which skirts tho hank, con stantly subjected tho passengers to tho hazard of being swept from tho deck; and would havo broken to atoms the glass of tho cabin windows, had wo not left them open, to permit tlio branches, unobstructed, to enter and recede. Such a boat us I havo been describing, was peculiarly 111 adapted to make head against theimpetuous torrent which met ih In our passage, at n place, on tho cai-tern side, called tho Dovll's Oven ; and it was for a short tiino doubtful, which would obtain tlio mastery, at that much dreaded strait tlio boiling whirl' pool, or tlio machinery of tho boat. Ilud tho former been victorious, our vessel, receding with accumulating ve locity, must havo been thiihed to pieces against the projecting rocks, lty easing her oil", however, n little t" the south, sho was given an oblique direction, which enabled her, while floating near ly broad-side down the stream, to gather a little strength, in order to wcathertho c.xtiouic point of this truly dangerous pass; am! ut length after many struggles, to reach iho opposite shore, where, hav ing gradually recovered her wonted power, sho was enabled to turn her head towauls her destined course. It was midnight, when wo wero rous ed from our beds, and Informed that we were opposito tho Kaskaskla landing, where wo had been told wo would And a tavern, in which wo could remain un til tho morning. Tlio night was intense ly dark, and was rendered still more disagreeable by a chilling vapour, that was settling thickly nloiigtbo surfaceof tlio river, which, to us, caused it sonsa' tion peculiarly uncomfortable, owing to tho atmosphere of the cabin whcnci wo had just emerged, being so much over heated by the tepid air and steam, which issued from tlio boiler, Injurious ly placed on a los'el witli tho cabin floor. Having lain down In our clothes, wo wero soon on deck ; and tho small-boat, lowered from her slings, into tlio foam ing waters, was ready witli her slender crew, to pull us to the shore, Fearful of tho "snags," which nro most frequent near the I anks, wo wero then running more nearly to tlio middle of tho river, and had before a considcrablo dis tanco to row, therefore wo could reach tho shore ; aud, it was not until wo had narrowly escaped an upset, owing to our iittlo bark having, in her passage over a "sawyer," struck it with her keel, both foroand aft, that wo wero placed, with ourluggage.upon tho bank. Our situation was extremely cheer less. When tho splashing of thu oars of the receding boat had died upon our cars, not a sound was heard, to Indicate tlio proximity of any thing possessed of Hfo ; and so Intense was thosurroundlng darkness, that naught save tho lessen ing lights of tlio slowly ascending steamboat, was dlscovcrabin by the eye. Tlio promised tavern, wo Judged must bo near tho "landing." Putting our trunks upon our slinulders.wo followed, as well as wo were able, an opening in thu woods, which led obliquely from tlio river ; and at tho dUtanco of about fifty yards, wo reached, what by reeling, wo ascertained to bo a house. "This is tho tavern!" wo simultaneous ly exclaimed j "what lucky follows, lo havo found it witli so Iittlo trouble I" Wo knocked gently at tho door there was no reply. Wu repeated ouruttcinpts to arotiso tho lamlly.even with our feet, hut a dcalh-liko silence continued to reign within. Inowrati my hands eager ly over tliosurfacoof tho door.searchlng for tholateh.but found nono."Strange!" observed my companion, "that wo aro unnoticed. I think I hear tho grunting of pigs. Perhaps, the main Inhabitants areallfromliome.and In this sequestered situation the, women aro afraid to let us In." It Is moro probable," I replied, "they lodgo at tho other ond of tlio houso let us go round, and try." Our success at tho upper door, was no better than at tho lower. Tho only ro suonso was from tho hungry pigs : antl if tho Inhabitants woro still asleep, It was tho sloop of death. Wu searched ngalii for tho latch. Thero was none, At lungth, my lingers met a pleco of cord j I pulled, and applying'my foot to thu bottom of tho door, It opened 'Hero Is lodging, my friend," said I, "whether for good or HI." Leaving I.umley at tho threshold, and drawing tho sword out of it eano which I carried in my band, I advanced Into tho mys turious chamber, to reconnoitre. Turn ing to tlio right, and feeling my way with tho point of my sword. 1 came to a place wlicro tho floor sen mud to term liiuto, and pitching suddenly forward, : struck tho point of tho weapon into tho earth. Uttering an exclamation ofsur prise, liiimley inquired what was tho matter, aud I replied, In a t ono of nlfcct ed horror, that I felt something of tho 1869. COL. length nnd depth of a grave. "Lot us begoncl" exclaimed ho; "lotus begone. I (car all is not right about tills solitary house, and wo had better look out for somo other quarters." "Cotno good, or coino 111,1 shall stop hero for tho night," rejoined 1. "Wo nro as safe here, as In tho woods, and I will finish my rccon noitro." Inclining then to tho left.nnd groping my way ns before, something mot my face, llko tho hair of a human head. I started back, and thrusting forward my1 sword, just as 'tho point had struck tho object of my alarm, down camo a pleco of timber upon my head, which threw mo prostrato upon tho floor, and I found myself entirely overspread with something which took away my breath. Tho suspicions of Lumley seemed now realised. I mado n sudden effort to extricate myself from tho load which pressed mo down, and when I hail gained my feet, I found myself envel oped in a bufliiloo robo! My fears wero now relieved; the mystery of tho fallen timber was un ravelled ; it having Instantly occurred to me, that tho robo had been hung up to dry upon tho rail which I had pulled down, as silence still continued unbrok en throughout tho house. My companion was now prevailed up on to enter, and having carried In our luggage, and spread tlio roba beneath us on tho ground, with our heads plac ed against tho door, and my sword ly ing by my side, I went to sleep. Hut I was soon disturbed. Half" an hour had not elapsed, before I felt myself struck smartly by Luinley's elbow In my side, when ho exclslmcd, "awako! awako! I hear a child crying : let us bo gone!" ami Jumping upon our feet, and tlirowlngopcn the door, wo wero quick ly in tho open air. "I hear tho voices ottneii," continued Lumley; aud looking In tho direction of the river, wo perceived a column of flame ascending from tho bank; when, approaching nearer, wo observed it man throwing somo pieces of wood upon tho fire, which having sufficiently renewed, ho lay down upon tho,bank. Proceed ing forwards to tho rivcr,vo perceived, In all, flvo men reclined upon tho slop ing santl, with their feet towards tlio lire, and each a rltlo by his side. Hav ing appoligized for our intrusion, antl obtained leave to Join tlieni lu their bi vouac, wo stretched ourselves alongside of thu rougli-visaged strangers; aud now one thousand miles distant from our. families ami homes, with no association of any kind around us, which could im part confidence to tho human breast, we endeavored to compose ourselves to sleep. Tho robo served us again for a bed, and a largo cloak which I carried with me, for a blanket; aud, with my sword grasped firmly in my right baud com ml 1 1 1 ng mysel f to Providenco, I boon forgot tho mysteries of tlio lonley house anil bid adieu to tho tnres of life. Not so, my young companion. No soonur had I begun to dream, and fancied my self sitting down toacomfortablo break fust In Kaskaskla, than Ills elbow again saluted my sldo, and,whlspcring In iny ear, "Oh, listen! liston!" I found that tlio boatmen wero conversing on tho subject of somo recent adventure; and from their disjointed dialogue, I learn ed that they wero tho persons who had been tho causo of tho Indian war, which had just broken out in thu n irtli-wes-tern district of Illinois. In their pass age up Fever Itiver, they had inveigled a young Indian female on board their boat, antl continuing their course with their unwilling captive, some of her tribe had pursued, and, having by re peated discharges of shot between wind itiiu water, sunk the bout, the ruffians, carrying with them their captive, has tening into their canoe, In which (tho Indian having leaped Into thu river, and swam on shore,) they wero now ro. turning to their habitationsoinowheio on ilio banks of the Ohio. For persons situated as vro were, this was rather startling Intelligence, in tho course of somo military service, I had frequently been In considerable hazard, but had never felt myself in circumstances so completely exposed to danger, without tlio apparent power of effecting an escape. Wo seemed still moro exposed to tho risk of personal olcncc, than in tho tleserted house. "Let us begouu!" again whispered my more timid companion: "wo shall bo murdeted, If we continue here. Lot us begone !" "Wo may as well bo murdered whero wo are," replied I; "as in attempting to escape, l.io still, till tho morning breaks : perhaps, ero tlio tlnwii, somu travellers may bo passing by" and soon I was asleep again. I must havo slept about un hour, when Lumloy's elbow was again felt against my sldo, and looking up, I per ceived that thu day began to break. In a moment wu wero again upon our feet, aud, passing softly ovor tho sandy bank, reached thu cabin in which wu had loft our trunks, with which wo soon disap peared in tho adjacent woods. Wu now held a consultation, as to j whether wo would carry our luggago witli us, or conceal It until wu had reached Kaskaskla, wltenco wo could , send somo vehicle, to bring It to tho town; but fearing It might bo discov ered, we resolved upon taking it on our shoulders. Alter proceeding a short; distance, wu struck upon a road, which we conjectured would lead to the place of our destination. Our course, howev er, wna so Impeded by a deep lagoon, formed by tho high statu of tho waters In tuo Mississippi, which crossed our path. As It seemed to lessen In depth, towards uurleft, wu turned lu that di rection ; and,- after proceeding somo hundred yurds, wo nt length readied moro level ground, over which tho wa ter qeing muro equally dlll'used, It was thus lessened In depth ; und, almost ex hausted by tho weight of our luggage, wo ventured Into tho extended shoot of water, with tho hopu of being ublo to cross It, mid reach tho road, from which wo had been compelled to diverge, From tlio deiiscucbs of tho forut, wu could see only u short distance in nd vaiice; und thug wero led, step after stop, sluklng beneath the weight of our heavy burdens, tho water roachlng if , T-1 , !t ! ll Mil I'lK'H M" t" ' DEM.-VOL. XXXIII NO. 10. nearly to our waists, tintlf wo wero op posed by another lagoon, which wo wero compelled to ascend as before. At length, wo camo to n placo which wo thought could bo forded; mid.nursulmr our uncertain and vexatious course, un til tlio water nt length reached our mid. die, wo had nearly fallen under tho weight by which wo wero so s'overelv embarrassed, when wodavisedn inodo of obtaining rest for n short tl mo, by strapping our trunks around a tree. My companion, it Booms, was trifled with a moro ncuto sense of hearing than myself. Wo had scarcely been ro re lieved from our oppressive burdens, when ho exclaimed, "I hear a cock crowl" and Immediately aflcrwnrds, "i near tlio voices ol men I" Wo mov ed forward In tho direction whenco theso Joyfut sounds seemed lo issue, and wero Just approaching n vista In tho woods, which promised a vlow of somo habitation when suddenly my hat was knocked off my head, and, at tho samo Instant, poor Lumley fell forward into tho water, nnd tho smart crack of rifles convinced mo mo that wo bed been fired nt by somo persons lu our rear. I look ed back, and Just emerging from ti cloud of smoke, not distant moro than thirty yards, wero two men in closo pursuit of us, each with a rlflo lu his left hand, and a long Indian knlle in his right. They appeared to bo of tho party wo had left sleeping on tho bank. My sit uation was most nwful, but I resolved to defend myself and my wounded com panion to tho last. Tho smallest, but seemingly tho most nctlvo of tlio two, sprang forward in advance, tho water foaming on tho surface, as ho forced himself along with Impetuous strides; and when distant from mo only a few yards, ho clutched his knlfo, and was In the net of sprlngldg forward to glvo mo tho fatal stab, when, drawing n pistol from my bosom, I lodged the contents in tuo villain's head, and ho fell with a sudden splash upon his back, a lifeless corpse Tho other assassin now quick ening his speed, had approached within a dozen yards, when, sastlng his knlfo at mo with all his might, it passed closo by my right ear, and entered a trco within a foot -of whero I stood; then, maddened by tho disappointment, with a (lend-Hfo countenance, ho clubbed his rifle, and strode onwards, with tho In tention of dashing out my brains with tho butt. Still, however I was not dis mayed ; I seemed to gather coolness from my perilous situation, and draw ing out my remaining pistol, I present ed itut Ills breast, and drow tho trigger 4i it missed fire 1 Tho rutllaln was now closo by me.aud making a tremen dous blow at mo with tho butt of his uplifted rifle, I evaded tho murderous stroke, by dodging my head, and my assailant having lossed his balance, by his weapon whirling in the unresisting ari,ho went down,with prodigious force, upon his loft side, when, drawing out his own knlfo from tho adjacent tree, plunired it up to tho very hilt In tho villain's breast. My friend Lumlyl1 turned round, that I might hasten to his assistance hoping that ho was not mortally wound ed, when I fountl him in tlio arms nf two men, who hearing tho report of tho rilles.aud thoshoutH uttered lu our dead ly conflict, had thrown thomsolyes Into tho Intervening lagoon, und crossed It by swimming, that they might coino in aid of tho distressed. Poor Luinly ! Ufu seemed almost ex tinct ; but, on examining the nature of ills wound, it appeared that the ball, after striking obliquely upon thescapu la, or shoulder blade, had been turned in Its deadly course, and prevented from entering his body. Tho shock had thrown him down, but tlio wound itself could not havo caused his present stato of exhaustion. Wo concluded that it was awing to tho water in which ho had been Immersed, and nt tho moment of his bolaallfteK ho was. In fact almost drowriSl. No timo(was to bo lost, and nowor'ds wero now spent In explanation. Entlrlng a canoo,which had been fasten ed to a bush at somo distance lower down, wo weiu soon lauded on tho op posite sldo of tlio ravino, and in a few minutes wo entered tho habitation of thoso generous inun, aud, having taken oirtho wot clothes from tho seemingly Inatiimated Lumloy, wo dried Ills body, and placed him geutty in a bed. Wo wero now distant not moro than a in lie from Kaskaskla, and, having des patched a messenger for medical assis tance, and applied tho usual remedies for restoring suspended animation, my young friend showed symptoms of re turning life, antl when tlio physician arrived, his aid was required only to dress tho wound. Pierre Klhaitd, to whom aud to his eldest son, Etlenne, wo weru Indebted for tho humane assistance In tho higoou, -was, as his namo indicates, of French descent. His wife, and every member of this unliable family, wero unsparing In their attention to my wounded com panion, aud myself. Ills daughted, In particular, tho lovely Adelaide, now apparently In hersUteonthyeur,oiiici'd a lively Interest In his misfortuiiu ; and, after rvmatnlng week lu their liosplta- bio cabin, when ho was so far recover ed, tvs to bo enabled with ontlru safety, lo proceed to hi brother's houso, our Kouorous host refused to accept tlio smallest compensation for the liivalua blofenrvicts rendered to us, aud even oarrled our luggago Into Kaskaskla In hU humble ox curt, the only vehicle that liU Iittlo catuhllbhiuciit possessed During our residence under tho roof of the good Piurro IMbiiud, wo learned tho history of the mysterious cabin. Somo weeks pieviously to our arrival, man named llosear, bad boon arrest ed on a charge of murder, committed In that very house. Ho had boon tried andconvlcted on tliecleart'st clrcumsttin tial evidence, aud sentenced to bo uxo cuted for tho atrocious crlmo; uud lu order to llgbton thu burden which op pressed Ills conscience, liu made n full confession of ids guilt, nccomuiultsl by a detail, not only of thu horrid net for which .bo hud been convicted, but also of other luurdcmby which It hail boon, preceded. "From my boyhood," said tho un huppy t'uprlt,"I havo led it wandering and unsettled ifo. Sometimes, 1 cum- ItATBU OF ADVJJBTI01NO. Oikj Mpiiirf, (It'll lliitu or IIh i iiuIvh lent lu nonpareil lypt1) oni-or twn ln'r-r tlmis, f I.Ml; dim- Inserllnns, flJHK nrxcr.', 1m, 2tt. Sk, fix. lr Ut.jscUnfo...jiZJ , 11,00 11,00 ii.OO 110,(0 TwAMlfnl-e(i,"...!..llill ' '5,00 '7,10 ' t,W 15,00 Threo Sfiimrei S.ttl 7,00 0,00 12,l ln.nu Knur square,., .,7,01) 0,l 11,00 17,110 23.C0 t,unrternilumii..lo,i I2,l 1 l.la) 31,10 30,00 Half column. 15,011 U.Oo 2000 .mi.oo cn.co Ouecol&mn - 80,00 36,00 li.OO 00,00 100,00 Executor's or Administrator .Notice, $3.00; Auditor's or Assignee's Notice, $2.50. Local Notices, twenty cents n lino; by tho year ten cents. Curds In tlio "Directory" column, 12.00 per year for tlio first two lines, mid 1.00 iiireiit'h luldltloiuil line. ed a precarious living by killing deer, nnd other wild animals, which I met in tho forests of Kentucky nnd Tennessee; and, occasionally I erected a Iittlo cabin on tho banks of tho lower Mississippi, whero I supplied tho boats that traded on that river with wood. Myself nnd my two sons camo up tho river In n canoo, nbout tho middle of tho last fall, carrying with us our rifles, and such other equipments ns nro needful for un settled hunters; nnd, having landed ono evening near a log-house, situated nt it short dlstnnco from tho bank, wo mado our canoo fast to a tree, and lay down upon tho sand (ill morning. In tho course of tho night somo passengers wero landed (rom a steamboat ; and tho following day wo learned that persons on their way to this section of tho coun try, were in general put ashore at Hint place. On this information, wo formed the diabolical plan, which lias brought mo to this untimely end, and periled our precious souls In tho sight of Ood. Examining tho neighboring bank, wo fixed upon n point of land, about two hundred yards nbovo tho tavern, on which wo erected a cabin, of tho very same form and dimensions; nnd, clear ing a wido spaco between it and tho Mississippi, nightly, ns soon ns It be came dark, wo placed n light In ono of the windows which looked towards tho river; a signal formerly used nt tho houso below, but which, somo nights after our arrival, had been discontinued there, owing to tho glass having been driven in and broken by a tremendous storm. Thus, was tl.o new erection mistaken for the old tavern below ; and It wa3 afterwards nt our house, that passengers, nrrlved In tho night, wero mostly put on shore. "Our first victims, wero a man and his wife, and their Infant child ; nil of whom, after rilling his saddle-bags of a considerable sum in silver, wo strangled when asleep, and burled In tho ndjnln ing woods. Tho following night, uo young men I believe they wero broth ers on their way to purchase cntt, In Illinois, and therefore supposed tn bo possessed of money, accompanied by a dog, wero decoyed to our murderous den; who after they had supped, nnd ro- tlred to restjWero also strangled In their sleep. Tho night being wet and stormy, wo wished to avoid cxposuro to such inclement weather, and theroforo re solved to conceal their bodies In ;thn house, until, on n moro favourable op portunity, wo could convey them to tho woods ; and, having dug a hole In tho south-cast corner of the kitchen, wo threw their bodies Into It, and covered them with earth. "It is said, hov3ver," continued Hos. car, "that 'niuider will never lie.' In our eagerncss'to sclzo the money, tho dog of which I liavo spoken, had entire ly escaped our recollection, until, wo wero In tho act of putting tho strangled bodies into tho grave. This animal, af fectlonato and faithful to his master, . at this instant sprung upon us with tho utmost fury ; nnd, being struck by ono of my sons with n spado.ttnd wound ed lu tho head, ho escaped through n hulo in tlio back of tho chimney, and ran, as I afterwards learned, to tho tavern below. Tho door being opon.ho rushed Into tho kitchen, whero thero then happened to boa number of persons, just preparing to retire to bed,and, utter ing mingled howls and piteous moans, the blood streaming from his wounded head, ho at length succeeded in drawing tho wholo party out of tho house, and led them with rapid paco to the scene of his master's murder. All within was now dark und silent. No light flickered In tho window, to decoy tho unwary passenger; and not n sound was heard within. Tho eastern door was stovo In by the party from below ; aud,-rn3hlng Into our suspected tene ment, they caught myself and my two guilty associates, as we were endeavour ing to escapo through tho other door; but my sons God grant that It may bo for their good as Is well known, broko jail the following day, uud have nover been heard of since." Such was the horrid narrative, caused by remorse of conscience; which ac counted for tho holo Into which 1 had thrust my sword In tho deserted house; tho bodies having been discovered In It, Immediately after tlio arrest of tho as sassins, by tho sagacity of tho faithful dog. Thu day of tho old man's execution at length arrived. The placo fixed for tho consummation of his earthly penal ty, was the scene whero ho and his con. federates had committed their atrocious rimes. Tho concourse that attended on this solemn occasion, was greater than had over been known in that dis tant region; and Lumley and myself weru invited by thu slierllf, to accom pany tho procession. When wo hail reached tho spot wheru tho conflict had tuWen place with tho men who had filed at us with their rifles, the river having now nearly receded to Its usual level, and left tho ground almost free from tho water with which it had been cov ered, tho agony of tlio wretched old man was renewed, by recognising lu tho bodies of thu two boatmen, which wero still lying thero unburiod, his own sons who had effected their escapo from prison! Thoso, tho slierllf directed to bo carried to tho placo of execution ; and, after tho aged culprit had been the usual time susponded, tho threo bodies woro thrown together into tlio midnight gruvo which had contained tlio bodies of tho murdered brothers; and, tiro having been applied to thu four corners of tlio house, It was soon completely enwrapped In flames; tho roof fell within Its burning walls; a spiral cloud of tiro and snioko rose high from tlio consuming timbers; and, when the last spark had arisen from thu dying embers tho ashes wero scattered level with tho grave of tho three assassins, and not a vestige remained of tho habitation, which, to this day, when opokon of lu that western region, Is designated as tllO "I'AWK LAND I NO , OK TUAVUL LBBS UECOV." A cynical wiig, seelug on the tomb of a wlfo whom ho know to bo u shrew In life, the Inscription; "1, (shall t)so ugaln," added tho words, "Hut don't let my poor liubband know It."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers