THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Sflw dfdamMmt AND- BLO()MS13U3ia. PA. KIllDAY MOIt.MNU, 13, IhllO 44-TltK COI.UMIIIAN hu (lie I.srgtit tJIretilntloii of any tinner tmbllslietl lit Northern I'ciinfylvniiln, mid It alio i mtirli larger sheet than anr of Itscotsm porarli ami la therefore th best moillnm for nilvcrf lalng In tills section oftlie Slate to omt hii:ms. Ai Tl'.n much delay hi Urn coiuiilctloa of our new office, It hits been Mulshed, mid our innchluory moved into It. Wo have employed nn experienced man to do our Job work, and wo nro now able to do all kind of printing from the largest posters, down to tho smallest cards, with neatriCHS..anil dispatch, at rates lower than can bo procured in tho titles. Our stock of Job typo Is tho largest in tho country, and wo feel as sured of our ability lo print in tho best stylo books, phaiuphluts, posters, eards, bill and letter heads, envelopes, pro grammes, etc., on plain or colored pa per, with plain or ornamental inks,. Wo lmvo Just laid in a largo stock of material, and ask our business men to glvo us a trial. J'atronizc your home inaliliUions. -It WluU It costs Uic Slstto lo Advcr- (Ihg, under Radical Utile. Wk have often heretofore, spoken of tlio great loan swindle of 1607, and ox plained how tho SUlo was defrauded out of about $300,000 annually, to till tho pockets of certain sharpers ntl'liilu- dclphlu. Our purposo is to show that tho cost of advertising with refcrenco to this loan is no small item in that no torlous Itadleal plundering operation. Up lo t ho time that tho Itadlcals came into power, it was usual for tho Ac counting ofiker nt llarrisburg to hold a check upon tho prices charged for pub lie advertising, and to not allow rates greatly above thoso paid forsimilarser vices by private parties. All this Is changed, and to day it all depends up on tho consclenco of tho Individual how much ho will tako from tllo State this to a Itadical is simply no check at all for ho never had any. Tho Auditor General's report for 1868 is now before us ou pago 15U wo gnd among other payments, "for advertising notice to holders of loans duo July 1, 1SG8," tho following, and It must bo remembered that they are all for tho same advertise ment, of about a half a column, and for which n business man should hrtvo paid less than $200. Evening Telegraph Phila.Itad.$l,CG9 CO Innulrer. " " 1.482 00 North American " " 1,583 40 Press daily &wk'Iy" " a,oia w Public Ledger " Neutral 483 CO Ago " Dem. 1,507 50 Past, daily A wk Pittsburg " 635 50 Telegraph d&w llarrisburg ltd 2,557 20 Tho whole amount paid for this and similar advertisements, at tbeso rates, according to tho Auditor Qenoral's re- ports for 1807 and 1808, is $71,405.34 chiefly to Itadical papers of course: on ly 11 vo Democratic papers were allowed to publish them. How long will men wlio claim to bo honest and intelligent, adhere to a party, so thoroughly cor rupt? Must we accept, it as true, that in opposition to.tho Dernoera- cy. have been coutehdlpg for tho control of. tho Government, .only todestroyand plunder ? .ludltor Celt eriil's Rcjiort 1SG8, In good old Democratic times If a meinht-r wanted a book from tho State Library, ho either wenfand gotit him self and carried it back, or was waited upon by the State Librarian. Hut now ho lazy louts at llarrisburg must be moro sumptuously waited on, and al though they hire and pay Wein Forney $1,000 n year to actus Stato Librarian, and Georgo II. Morgan $075 moro to as sist him ; they also hlro and pay Jacob Styeisns librarian of tho Senate, $1,770, .Charles Williams as assistant, $1,031.50, and Thomas Crawford as assistant as sistant, $733 more. In addition to which tho IIouso pays Win. L. Cooper us li brarian lor tho session of 1SC3, $1,270 making for librarians last year, tho sum of $0,782.50: whllolfany man at tempted to wado through tho urcury dobateSyho could not but conclude that thoso librarians and tho books they kept had a very easy tlmo of it. Thero is another enormity to which wo will revert in this article. Jn looking over tho Itcport you find J. W. Ford, Marshal of tho Hotunda $732.55, James II. M'Qlntry, assistant, $733, nndjn IIouso expenses, James M.' Dormot Marshal of Ilotunda, $S0I.10 Now for that $2,200.05 the pcoploof tho Stato recelvo no advantage whatover, It is Boihebody'a poor relation, who ill vldes it with tho Member or Senator lucky enough to own him. What do tho Marshals and their assistants? Absolutely nothing but they nro sup posed lo open tho door when a gentle- man desires to go In oroutoftho House or Senntc. They never do it however, and cither, If in tho Ilotundantall,klck their heels against the flrtf-box, lounge around with a twenty cent cigar, or mako' lovo to tho women who loaf around the establishment. "When tho Democrats had power no such officers existed, no such plunder was permitted. So also there nro three firemen in the IIouso, at tho expense of $2,121 per ses slon. and in tho Senato $700 moro for firemen; and also $1,627.50 for coal for the Senate and IIouso. Wo aver that tho work can bo efficiently dono for much less than tho abovo cost, and that thcso flrernon are another set of poor relations, or friends quite as compliant, Tlmo and spaco fall us to point out tho matters of carpet, wood, merchan dlso, hardware, 4 c, &c, that go to mako up tho millions expended yearly, lnju uiclously and linprovluently ; and wo turn to yet another subject, tho facts of which wo think as llttlo, perhaps less Justifiable, by any rulo of right, than thoso heretofore mentioned. TO II K CONTINUED. The Rev. Win. Croswoll Doano, D. I)., H'coud hoii of tho into Bishop Doauo of Now Jersey, lias boon elected to tho Episcopate of tho "Seo of Albany." There aro now fivo Seoa in tho Stuto of New York. This looks Jlko huslnww. , Court I'lncceilliiBS. 1 Villi. 3, CONTINUED. 'Nik following petitions for roads wcro presented to tho Court, and view- cm appointed. Jtoad in Denton twp., near Samuel lvrlckbiiiliii'i. (Ito-vlew.) Dead In Denton near Jool-Keofor's. Itoud in Jackson twp., neur Sarah Young's. , , ! ' ltoad in Greenwood twp., near Jack son Dobbins' and Chandler Eves, (lto vlow.) .' ltoad In Gr'conwood twp, from lola to Sorcno. Iload In Flshlngcrcek nud Orung'o twps.,'near John Mussulmans'. Petition for Dridge view In Hemlock tWp;, over Hemlock Creek nearSylvcs1 ter Purscl's. Deport of sale of real estatu of Mary John a hufatlc, conflrmcjl finally T110IISDAY FEU. 4. Tho following Deeds Irom Mordcoal Millard, Esq., Sheriff, were uclqiowl etlircd'uv him in onon Court. ' Deed to tho Centrollii Mutual Saving Fund Association for' lot 76f ground' In Centralla. Deed sairio us abovo. Deed samo as nbovo. Deed for a tract of land slluato in Uriarcrcek twp., containing 185 acres, to John Hovener. Deed lo Jeremiah S. Iirobst for half an aero o; ground in tho town of Cata wlssa. Deed to Ell Barton for interest of h, D. ltupcrtln lot of laud in Dloomsburg, Deed to Rhoda A. ltupcrt and Harriet Rupert for the Interest of L. D. ltupcrt In lot of land in Dloomsburg Deed to James 8. M'Ninch for n ono story house erected on a lot belonging to tho Catawissa U. It. Co., In Main twp. Deed to Harmon G. Crevcling for 143 porches of land situate In Bcott twp. Deed to Clinton Mendenhall for lot of ground sltuato in tho borough of Cen tralla. F1UDAY FEU. 5, On motion of Mr. Drockway rulo granted on tho heirs of John Bltncr die'd., to appear at next term to accept or refuse tho real estate of said deccd cut at tho valuation or show causo why tbo samesliould not bo sold In tho matter of tho account of tho executor of Jacob Dlchl, dee'd., exeep Hons withdrawn and nccount confirmed Wm. G. Hurley appointed Auditor to mako distribution. Com. vs. Tlieo. Minor, Itccog. forni cation and bastardy. Ilccognizanco of deft., and his ball Peter Miller forfeit ed to be respited on appearanco of tie fondant at next session. Com. vs. Edward Shaffer, Itccog. Do- fendant discharged ou tho ground that the charge in the indictment is not nn indictablo offense. Wm. Torry vs John G. Hawloy, on motion of Mr. Daldy Court grant a rulo to show causo why tho writ of summons in this caso should not bo quashed bo causo it was not mado rcturnublo on legal return day. Petition for ltoad In Bloom twp., near O. A. Jacoby's. yiowers appointed Report of viewers to viow a bridge in Sugarloaf twp., over Colo's Creek. Ap- Report of viewers to view. a bridge in Benton twp., over West Creek. Ap proved by tho Com. proved by tho Court. Report of road iu Madison hyp., near Jacob Klsuer's. Confirmed nt si. satuhdayifeb. 0, On motion of Mr. Knorr Court grant rulo on heirs of Deborah Myers dee'd., to appear at next term and accept 6r re fuso tho real estate of tho Bald decedent at tho valuation 'put .upon It by 'tho in quest or show causo why it should not be sold. On motion of Mr. Knorr, Court grant rule on tho lieir.-i of Wm. Myers dee'd. to appear nt next term and accept or re fuse the real estato of tho said decedent nt the appraisement orShow causo why it should not be sold. Geo. Scott, adm'r., ofC. B. Reifsuydcr vs. John Chrisman. (In Equity.) Dill filed and Injunction grantod. SECOND WEEK, MONDAY FEB 8. Court met at 10 o'clock A. M. pursuant to adjournment. In the matter of tho salo of the real estate of Jonathan R. Gordner, by tho Sheriff. On motion of Mr. Jackson, Geo, S. Coleman Esq. appointed Audi tor to distribute assets among lieu cred itors,. In tho matter of tho report of tho Aud itor In caso of James Carr vs. Henry T Rellly, filed May 4, 16S8. Rulo on pluintiir to show causo. why Judgment should not bo entered for amount found duo Relley In tho matter of the exceptions to tho account of Chas. II. Hess, who was Ad ministrator of E. H. Hess as filed by S. Creasy, Admr. of C. II. Hess, dee'd. J, G. Freeze continued Aud. In tho matter of tho est. ofS. E. Jack son, dec. appointment of C.W.Miller as A mil tor continued. In tho matter of tho account of Sol Buss, adm'r of tho est of John Dealer, appointment of C. G. Darkloy as aud. Continued. J. G. Freeze appointed aud. to distri bute balance in hands of tho admr. of A. Lohrman dec, XS. II. Stokes chosen and affirmed guar dian of Brittain S. Rodlne, bail in $700. J. Stoker approved as surety. Pet. for road irf Dloomsburg contin nation of Fourth St. .Order to viow con garah fj. Mordim vs.Wm. II. Mordan petition for divorce for desertion. Sub poena awarded, Accounts filed and confirmed nisi as follows: Acct. of S. II. Miller guardian of E. Gross. Acct. of S. II, Miller, guardian of A1 mlra Warlg. Acct. of 8. II. Miller, guardian of Lo retta Hartzei. First aud partial ncct of Wm. A. Caso ox'r of Hester Grctt dee'd. Fsrst and partial account of Rolutulua Blank and Wm, M. Klintob, admr of Samuel Blank dec. Final oect of Michael Drobstex. of E. Dcnsinger dec. Tho acct of Aaron Boono, guardian of tho est of Samuel W. Boono. Acct. of Martha Raup, admx of Geo. Raup dec. Tho ncct of M. F. Eyoriy, admr of L. S. Stinemau dec. Tho acct of Daniel Baylor udmr of E. Baylor dec. Widows' appraisements confirmed as follows: Widow of II. W. Creasy, lalo of Scott twp dec. Widow of Daniel Yettcrlato of Main twp dec. Widow of John Hess lalo of Fishing- creek twp dec., 1 Tho Court granted Llccnsb to tho fol lowing named persona: Georgo Il.Hrowii, for Eating IIouso n Dloomsburg. Henry M. Hockmau, for Eating House iu Berwick Rhlnchard Derger, " for" Ealing .Houso in Berwick. . I 1ms. D. Fowler, for Tavern In Ber wick. . . John Leggolt, for Tavern iu Green wood. Humphrey Parker, for Tavern in Grcunwood. Bogart A Kramcr,Ltquor Sloro Green wood. Gilbert & Kline, Liquor Store In Cat nwlssa. Wm. Pclfer, Tavern in Centralla. Thos. Monroe, for Eating IIouso in Conyngliam. J. E. LonconbcrKer, for Tavern in Main. Mury e. Qrcen, for Tavern in Scott Win .'Mas teller, for Tavern in Orango Peter Applctnan, for Tavern in Ben ton. Gideon G. Hosier, for Tavern in Brlarcreek. Henry W. Molltck, for Tavern in Mt Plcnsanl. Tin: laboring men of this nation tho lax-payers wcro promised that "times should bo easier" upon Grant's election that public confluence would bo icstorcd and money nnd labor become nbundant Wo would ask thoso dupes of Radical ism if tlieso pledges have been fulfilled? Tiio money market is noW'so stringent that enormous rates nro paid for tho uso of monoy ; lh somo cases to our knowlcdgo twenty to twenty-fivo per cent. In tho faco of these facts our pub' 11c expenditures, both Stato and Feder al, aro increasing nt nn nlnrmlng rate, Fraud and corruption nro more rifo than over. As lllustrativo of this, wo would call tho attention of' our readers to tho fact that the increase of publlo debt in Jan uary tc as $10,498,450.83. Just think of this yo boiling masses ; groan and sweat un- dcr your burdens, and seo tho lordly bond-holder gather in his gold from un taxed bond3 which ho bought ntaru inous discount. Many of you 'Voted to continuo Radicalism In power, now pay your taxes. The Satukday Evening Post. This old nnd favorito paper has been enlarged and beautified, and is now ono Of tho best, as it is much the choapest of tho flrstclass weeklies. Its literary contents are of tho most interesting character. Tho historical story of "Tho King of tho Gamblers," by Miss Muhl bach, possesses allko great interest and sound moral. A novelet, by Mis3 Doug' las, called "Cut Adriftj cr, Tho Tido of Fate," will shortly bo commenced to be followed by other novelets from oth- or talented authors. Wo' advise our readers to send for a' specimen number of 'tho Post, which will bo furnished gratis by tho publishers. Price (willi a beautiful' premium en graving) $2.50 a year or 5 copies (and ono cratls) for $8.00. Address II. Pe terson & Co., 319 Walnut St., Phila Mus.i Lincoln is in Germany, and finding that her income, which is said to bo about $2,000, is Insufficient to ena bio her to Dye in a stylo worthy of tho widow of the "lato lamented," .has pe titioned Congress to grant hero pen sion, Senator Sumner proposes to make the, sum to bo paid her, annualiy,$u,000, Thero are thousands of widows far more worthy, and deserving than Mrs. Lin coln, who aro to-day suffering fpr want of necessities of Jifo, , by .reason of the war, extravagance, and corruption brought upon tho country by tho Lin- coin Administration ; but this money will have to bo given to her, or tho Radicals may expect further disclos ures of debauchery and corruption in and about tho White IIouso. Record Your. Mauriaoes. Wo re cently read of a man who had been put to much troublo and expense In obtain ing proof of the marriage of his parents. The clergyman who had performed tho marriage had moved away. Tho only manner in which It couM be established was by obtaining n witness, who was found after much difficulty. By inqui ry at tho clerk's ollleo, wo learned that not moro than ono marriage in twenty is recorded, which Is a clear infringe ment of tho law. Clergymen and oth ers who aro authorized to marry, aro obliged to have marriages put on rec ord under a penalty of fifty dollars as they will seo by examining tho statute, seo Dixon's Digest, pago 401, section C and T.Mlllonian. Dloomsuuko State Noumal School Tho examination of the Buildings, Grounds, etc., for tho Slxth'Normal District of Pennsylvania, by tho Stato Superintendent of Public Instruction, and a Comiijittep appointed by tbo School Department, will tako place Feb loth, lKuy. Tho Commlttco will mako tho ex amination in tho morning, and report tho result to tho Stockholders nnd citi zens In tho Hall of tho Institute, at 2 o'clock p. m,, nt which tlmo addresses may bo expected from His Excellency, John W. Geary, tho Hon. J. P. Wick- crsham and others. Tho oxcrclscs will continuo In tho evening. Tho Trustees extonda cordial Invita tion to all interested in tho cause of ed ucation to bo present on tho occasion. Moko Suaw Loo,, whose dark but pleasant, intelligent faco was so famil iar, to our citizens for ten years past, having reached his homo in Burtnah, has "takon unto him a help meet." He was married .on tho 23d of September to o Christian lady of his own uatlou, In tho Baptist Church of laulmain, In tho presenco of a large assemblage of natives and Europeans, Her parents, dying in her Infancy ,sh'o was takon nud raised by Rev. Mr. naswcll, a mission ary, The King of Burmali expresses n deslro to have Shaw Loo return to America as an escort for soyeral of his subjects who, It is probablo.wlll bo sent on a tour of observation. Mcwlsourir Chronice. In 1SCG. tlio Radicals, with a view of throwing dust In peoplo's eyes, repeal ed tho tax ou Real Estate for Stato pur poses. Tho great contest of I860 being over, they now proposo to Inqulro of the Attornoy General whether thai law was Constitutional, How long. will honest men bo deceived by theso corrupt political tricksters? TIIK KALEIDOSCOPK A Mnp tit busy llfo, Us fluctuation j and IU vast concern." NO, XC1V, BA1NT VATjENTlNIt'H DAY. t HISTORICAL AKD l'OETICAl, Americans hold but few secular days of tho year as worthy of particular re gard. It H contrary to tho genius or our people lo throw away much tlmo on Idle celebrations j they nro too much engrossed with business and tbe con- oorns of llfo, lo glvo many seasons to thomsclvcs, in this sense. Each day has its necessary avocation nnd Its earn- ost purposo. Wiicro nations havo men to think for thctn, nnd rulers self-constituted by "dlvlno right" to govern them, it is well enough to nmuso tho masses with shows, feasts, nnd spectn cles,'ln order to keep them from med dling with matters which their rulers wish toprcsorvo exclusively in their own hands. But bore tho thing being unnecessary docs not obtain, nnd hence feasts or holidays nro seldom held by us. What fow wo havo wcro mado by ourselves, or aro o part of our history nnd tho associations glvo cctat to tlio day. OurSaturnalium, our grand demon titration, occurs on tTio Fourth of July j and tho oventit commemorates Is moro worthy of celobration than nny or nil others occurring in profano history. It is a doy which, wo arc sorry to say, has not been observed as it should havo been, though lately thero has been a manifest improvement. Not that we aro opposed to burning gunpowder, and firing tannon, nnd parading the militia, and unfurling tlio star-spangled banner, and making speeches and hurraing fur frqin it. But thero lias been usually nn excess of liberty indulged in, which was not to tho credit of our citizens, Generally, wo liavo'had a largo assort ment of gin-slings nnd shot-slings brandy-smnshes and omnibus smashes whiskey punches and doublo-fist puuehes black-oyes nnd black-legs, ct id omne genus. As n rule, wo aro not iu favor of holidays though welovo to seo tho "Glorious Fourth" celebrated standing, with cheers; and Washing ton's birthday and tho tenth of Septem ber duly remembered. A less closo at tention to business would bo beneficial but to get wild, drunk, and crazy, two or thrco times a year, is not according to tho doctors. But it was not with this intent wo took up tlio pen. Our object was, to Inquire somewhat concerning "Saint Valentino's Day," nnd wo shall now proceed, secundum arlem, to compass our determination. Tlio Romans wcro great observers of days, and of times, and of feasts. Thero wero many dies festi in tho Roman year, and at least ono fourth of the month of February was spent hi these observances. Tho great feasts of this month wero called tho Lupcrcalla, In honor of Pan nnd Juno. Pan, the God of Shepherds, was supposed to prcscrv the sheep from wolves ; and Juno was tho Goddess of Marriage, and, there fore, hold in great rovcrenco by young Wom6u. During this feast, therefore tho Supcxi, tho priests of Pan, run up and down the city naked, having only a giruie or goat-skin about tho waist and thongs of tho samo in their hands with which they struck, particularly marneu woman, who wero thenco sup- poseu to no rendered prolific. it was nt this festival, also, that An ,tony, in tho character of a priest of Pan offered tho crown to uesar. In fine,. it was n day of general relax atlon ; and ,ono of tho, games ndopted was to put tho.nnmcs of young women iuiu u uox, irom wmcii tney wero 'drgwn, as chance directed. Doubtless, this gamo occasioned many a romanso in real lire, manjtn strange linking, nnd many nn apt choice; while, on tho other hand, many a jol;o and hearty laugh re sounded through tho forum, when a name was read by tho drawer, l'liis feast occurred on tho 15th of February, and the pastors or shepherds of the ear ly Chrlstlau Church, who, by every posslblo means endeavored to eradicato tho vestiges of pagan superstitions, and chiefly by somo commutations of their forms, substituted, In tho present in stance, the names of particular aifr instead of thoso of women; and "Saint Valentino's Day," which happened on tlio fourteenth of February, was accord ingly chosen for tho celebration of this new feast; but how long tho names of saints wero put into tho box, to tho ex clusion of women, wo aro not informed. It is certnin, howover, that it was a sport practised after tho old Roman fashion, among tho gentry In England, as early as 1470 ; nnd we may justly in fer, that tho common peoplo had long held it a custom, before It ascended to tho nobility. It Is not practised now, qulto as it was then. Instead of put ting names into a box, and drawiug them out.and thus choosing Valentines, nnd tho person drawn making presents to tho drawer, Jotters, billets doux, and presents nro sent from ono to another. as cholco Inclines, without tho risk of drawing. Thus, many exchanges of courtesy, many acts of kindness, many generous gifts, com.oand goon "Saint Valentino's Day." Nevertheless, it is a custom whUh wo think moro honored in the breach than tho obsorvaneo ; not from any thing in itself, but on account of its shameful abuse. It is made the vehicle of slander and of Insult, it is tho chan nel through which cowards and villains threaten nnd denounce. Comic, indo cent, and caricaturing Valentines iiy llko hall from a wintry sky. A lady fears to recelvo or open amisslvo of this nature. Tho ovll is a great one, nnd cries for redress. There is no ques tion that tho senders of theso things would bo liable to an action for libel, if they could bo discovered. At nil events, such proceedings tend to breaches of tho peace, and in that light would bo actionable. Year after year it is gotting worse. wo regret tuo auuso to which so beautiful a custom lias been subjected, wo regret tlio deep degradation into which it lias fallen; nnd wo do hope, tlirt, If It is to bo continued by tho ris ing generation, it will bo altogether re formed. That, as tho poet intimates, birds mato upou this day, and, connubial leagues agreed, fly to tho woods on do mestic thoughts and affairs Intent, Is doubtless fabulous. Nevertheless, tho conceit Is pretty enough and romantic; Oiiough, nnd wo could bellovo It for Its poetry; and Jn nny caso, wo feci suro that birds commit no such gross Inde cencies as men sometimes do, To them, "Saint Valentino's Dny," Is ono of lovo, ploa3uro, nnd Innocent coqtiotry. HAINT VALENTINE'8 DAY. In times, whereof man's memory Doth not contrary run, Tho fostlvo sportlngs of Mils dny u Already had begun j I ,J V , , " ' ,, .. I On England's shores,on Scotland's hills, In France's sunny vales: The custom has long since prevailed, Aye, nnd it still provalls. Now many an oyo la sonneted, And many o ringlot sung, And tokens of respect and lovo Aro sent from old nnd young; 'or man learned of tlieblrds.tlmt chooso A mate upon this day, And llOW vrim up meir rumen piuuivs, . , . nl...l J n. And onco again look gay. Althougu lor monins uiiusuu w bibi Kind nature breaks tho spell, Tho lovo and hopo so long pent up, How aptly thoy will tell ; With arching neck and roguish oyo And plumaco ppruco and lino, With soft and gently cooing voice, Thoy sing a Valentine. And feathers flrmntiuc cay, 'Ilicy hop about from branoh to branoh Anil nil their airs display; With graceful motion, easy mien, Yet cov and bashful clanco, In tlio deep woods they hido their charms As if by merest chance ; The lough that half conceals the form Lava oncn tho design, Which is, in truth, to coax a youth To sing a Valentino. What pretty coquetry is there, And with what femalo art Tho coy young blrdlings seek tlio prove, Ami cuardtho yielding heart; And though they hear, will not attend Their lover s glowing strain, Hut busied witii a milled plume, ffect a flight disdain ; And careless thus to wound a heart With conuctry, they daro To ask another young gallant', Tho boon of lovo to share. With glossy neck, and leering eye, But whether birds all know this fact, I can't pretend to say. I wish they did, 'twould givo them great Success throughout the day ; And since wo seo tho femalo kind Undoubted art employ, Tis only fair to predicate, That all know bow to toy. Now all tho arts Damo Naturo taught By each arc brought to bear. A symmetry of faco and form Is prayed for by tho fair, And though they may coquette at noon, By cvo that mood is past ; For thoso who tako not mates to-day Must dio old maids at last. So though despair awhile may cast Tho gallant suitors down, Yet, in tlio end, lovo with success Will all their efforts crown ; And thu3 wo see upon'this day, 'lis Naturo's grand design That thoso who love 'should tell their love, And chooso a Valentine. From nature thus mankind havo learned ,Tho uses of tho day ; And many a missivo charged with lovo Is speeding on its way, And many a nameless billet doux By fairy fingers penned, 'Makes tho blood tingle in tlio veins Of lover or of friend. The timid wooor tells his talc, Tho bashful mail can write ; Feelings long pent within tho breast This day brings forth to light; For each'ono has the privilege Tho plaintive verso to twine, And from tlio fairosf, noblest ones, To chooso a Valentine. Tho lovo a maiden daro not speak, Can tJnis be all confessed, And sentiments but now mado known, May warm a mutual breast ; And Cupid has throughout tho land Devices quaint and rare, By which this secret of tho heart Is told to ladies fair ; Two billing doves, two pierced hearts Tho talo of lovo can tell, A little lino, a simple word, Can mako tho bosom swell ; A rose-bud will a flamo declare ; But do not lightly twino A sprig of myrtle in a wreath, That asks a Yalentioc. 'Tis thus, tho frolic birds of air, Upon this sacred day Chooso a companion who shall drive Tho cares of life away ; With whom to spend tho fcunimcr-months Till winter comes again, But part to meet no moro on earth In bleak December's rain. But not so will I chooso my love, Wo never moro will part. In heat or cold I'll wear her Ever nearest to my heart, For if sho will but bles3 my suit, I'll never more repine ; And from that day forever forth Will bo bcr Valentino. THE VALENTINE. Not only in tho spring of life When young and gay. Thy ruby lips, with kisses rife, Arc Cupid's stay j Not only when tho blushing ros-o Strives in thy cheek ; Not only when thy bright eye glows, Thy lovo I seek. But when December's enow nnd rain, O'crcloud tho sky, To thee, as in tho spring again I'd gladly fly: Not liko tho birds when summer's o'er, Would I resign Ono, who long cheered the weary hour, My Valentino. The Scranton Republican says ono hundred thousand dollars were spent to secure Hon. John Scott's nomination for United States Senator. It exoner ates Mr. Scott from all blamo howover. A Q ENTS WANTED FOR SECRETS OF THE GREAT CITY, A work descriptive of the VIHTUF-S nnd the viuivs me Miniuiuj.rtjMioinija and CHIMES of New York City, If you wish to know how Fortunes nro mode and lost lu a day; now Shrewd uen arormneuiu WallSireetj how C'ouutrymeu are swindled by Sharpers; how Ministers and Merchauts nre Illoekinailed; bow Dance Halls and Concert Sa loons are Managed; how uambtlug Houses aro eouuucieut now buick anu un uiouiimuit, vugi nati, and hnw IliA Hubbies llnrst. read tilts work. It contains 33 tine engravings; tells all about the Mysteries and Crimes of New York, and Is the Spiciest and Cheapest work of the kind puuiisn. PRICE OKLY $2 CO I'ER COPY. s-Hcnd for Circulars and seo our terms, and a mil uescription oi tna woric. Aauress, JONEU 11IIOTIIE1W ilk Co.. l'hlladelphln, l'o. CAUTION. Inferior works ofasliullarcliarive- Iflr urn lwdno- nlrpiilntil. Km, that tho books vou buy contain si flue engravings and sell at iUO I Iter copy. PUBLIC SALE OF l'KIWONAL l'ltOPEItTY. Iu Ceuter township Friday March ilh, 1800, tho loiiuwiug jiojieriy iu wiv i THREE HORSES, Four Head of Cattle, Ullheadof Sheep, 8 head of Hogs, I Threshing Machine 1 Oralu Drill, 1 liay Hake, 2 Wagons Flows, Harrows, Cultiva tors, Harness, Chains and many other unities, too numerous to mention. ISAAC HESii, Joseph Wlntersteeu Auctioneer, Center, l a. Feb. 12, 'W.U. NIT13D STATES MAILS. PENNSYLVANIA. CU'OST OFFK'K DltrAIlTMItNT, Washington, January 2,1501, Proposal for conveying tho mall? of tho Unit il HmloH from Julv.l! 18tl0. lo Juno no. U71 mi tlio following routes In the Hlato of Pennsylvn- ntu will bo received at the Contract Ollleo of thlu Department until !) p, m, of A1 ,u.ciucii,ijy Arm su following! in. of March 81 next, to bo ltcai From Doylestown to llueklnghnin, I miles nnd Imek nix time n wcelc. i.eavo Doyiesiown ilnlir, oxeepl Bitniinr.on nrrlrnl orriillmlMililii iimll,ntB.KU'.iii: Arrive nt Jluckinglmm In ouo hour, or by 0.110 pin; Lenvo llneklnithmn dally, e.xcoi't Hniidny, ntllnm; Arri e nt loyletown by 12 in, low From Lancaster to KcIUvltlp, 4 miles nnd MUCH. iilUUM lh Wt'l'K. Ix-nvo Ennenstcr dally, except Sunday nil 1' Arrive nt NelTsvllloby 2 p in; Lcavo Neil'svllle dnlly cxeeiit Bnuday, nt U n m; Arrive nt Lancaster by 12 tu. From I'enn'n Blatlon, by Harrison Oltyniid juunor vnio, 10 iuurrynysviuc, iu inucH nnd back, three 1 lmcs n week. Leave l'eun'8 station Tuesday, Thmvlay, nnd Haturday nt 1 jp in; Arrlvo at Murrnysvlllo by 3.30n mj iit'iwu jviurrnrsviiio xnesunv.iii rnysvllic iiubilay.aii'l ,v Arrlvo nt ronu'ii Bintlou by 9.30 n m, KDI& From rarnnMiis, byNcwToxn, to Bard Is, 11 nines una uncit, inreo limes n wcpk. Leavo Parnassus Tuesday, Thursday, nud Haturday at 8. ao a in; Arrlvo nt Hardin by 11 a m; Ituivo Hnrdls Tuesdnv. ThurMdav. nnd Sat urday nt LSOphi; Arrivo uv x ui missus vy p m. 2100 From Jersey Hhore. by Fhelp's Mills, to jiimuyvim', iu nines nuu uuck, onco week. Ijen o Jersey Shorn Thursday at 0 a m; Arrlvo at Jlnucyvlllo by 12 iu; lica o Ilaneyvfllo Thursday at 1 p in; Arrlvo at Jersey Bhoro by u p in, From Clenrfleld to rcnheKl, Hi miles nnd Lcavo Clearfield Tuesday nnd Saturday nt 8 DUCK, l ira n. lvecH ii in, Arrlvo nt Venfleld by 1 p m; licnv.c lVnulleid Moudny and Friday at 0 a iu: Airhont Clearfield by Hp m. li5W From OnthrlevilU'I by Llmlsey's Store, (u. o.,) iu couU'sville, Gmileaniul back, tlireo times n week, lllddeis lo propusn behedulo giving notover two hours run ulna timu each way. liSlI From Amnion (Jrovo to Tough kenamon, 3 ill lirrt IUIU IJdl'lt, MIX llIlll'H It Wl'UK. Schedule to bu arranged in closo connec tion with mall trains nnd to tho satisfac tion ofthQiHMtinaster nt Ixmdou. Orove. JJU From HridKowater. by Oakford, Feastervlllo miles and back, three limes a Meek. J.eao Urklgowater .Monday, Wednesday, and Fiidny at p m, Anlvo at UU'hboioiigu by C p in; heao Hichboroufth Monday, Wednesday, nud Friday at Uu in; Arrlvo ntliridgcwuter by 10 a m. lifVla From New IMiut. VJiif, u iiitiea iuiu uni'it, six limes U WCCJC, Leave New ilopo daily, except Sunday nt Arrlvo ntFiuevillo by 10 a m. trf'avo riucvlllu daily, except Sunday, at IMMS it lllj Arrlvo ut New Hope by 8 a in, 3iJ7 From New Dan vUlc(Coucs toga. .Mnrtlckvllle, Colemauvllle. -Mount Neuo. ivu wiiiia villi-, jieuiebiiu, aim iiueny iMjiuuu, iu v,ii(.'8uuii, iuvei, Mb miles auu bark, three times u week. Leavo Lancaster Monday, Wednesday, nnd Arrive at Itawllnm ille by 0 p in; Leavo Kawllnsvitlo Monday, Wednesday nnd Saturday at 7 a in; Arrive at Lancaster hv in.nn n m Leavo Uawlinsvlle Tuesday, Tnursday, and ciiuuj lib 1 1' iu; Arrive nt Chemiut Level by 3 p m; Leave Chcsuut Level Tuesday. Thursday, and Friday at i p m; Arrive at Ihiwlinsvlllo by G p in. From Union Statiou, by Miller's Store.fn.o.,' I Tcrre 11111. nud llfuh'H Stnrn. (ii. n i ii v.uuiwiiurvii(lllUUi;s UUU UUCK, IW1CO U Leave Uulon Station Wednesday UDd Sat urcday at 1 p in; Arrlvo nt Churchtown by 5 p in; Leave clmrehtowu Wcuuesdayaud Satur day at 8 a m; Arrlvo nt Union Station by 12 ru. 53a From Ilinklttowu, by Hahnstown (n. o.,) miles and back, ihroo limes a work. Leave lllnkleuiwn Tuebday, Thursday, nnd Kntnrdin.- ,IX :ui ii in " Arrlvo ut Iteamstown by 10 a m; Leavo tu-uuibtowJl Tuesday, Thursday, nud Arrive nt Jllukfetuim by 2.30 p m. SSI0 From Carrcrs.fn. o..)Colebrook jvciicy s unici, i. o,,, 10 JluUUl Joy, Lenvo Anuvlllo Monday nt 11U0 n m; Arrlvo nt Mount Joy by 4M p lu; licave Mount Joy Tuesday nt 8 a in, Arrive ut Aunvillu by 2 p m. Sill Fiom rnlmyra, by Campbellslovvit. llach i.iuiin,i.liu. u.,, uuu Aiuiiui. jinrris,jii,o,,i to KUzabeihtovvu, 11 miles nnd back once IV vvceu. Leave l'ahnyra Saturday nt 8 am; Arrlvluj nt i-Uabethtovru by 12 in; lienvo h.U.abellitovvu Saturday nt 1 p iu: Arrive nt 1'uliu ru by 6 p in. 2511 From Heading, by Black Bear Tnvern,(n.o.,) inrviai-iiii-i b, vu. u.,i nnu jinnaiavvney, i l'lke, 1 1 miles nud onck, ones n week. Leave lteadlug Laturdny ut 2 p 111; Arrivent l'lke by (Ipra; Lenve l'lko haturday b a m; Arrive nt Heading by lOu in; Proposals Invited for service twice n week. 2313 From Oley, by Orecu IIIll,(n.o) New Jerusn- iviil, liuil jjij- 111V, IU UVUU.S DlllllOll. I miles nnd back, once n wt-cir. si-iinruin proposals invited forscrvlco Horn oley to Ul-lllIhllCilJ, UJ, 1U11CS. Leave Oley baluiduy at 2 pm; Arrlvo nt New Jerusalem by 4 p m; Leave Now Jetusnlaui baturdsy at 1J m; Arrlvo ut Oley by 2 p m. 2oll Fiom Oley, by cllow IIouso nnd Amity- vine, (u,uj iu uougiossvuie, II lulled uud uncu, uueeu vveeK. Leave Oley Saturday at 7 a m; Arrlvo at Douglnssville by u.ju n in; Leave Douglassvllllo Saturday at 12 in: Airlveat ou-y by 2.S1H in. ' l'roponals lor more frequent service Invited, 2513 From Saegersvllle, by acrmauvllle, (u. o., nud Lynii Fort,', (ii.o.,) to Jackso'avi: miles ulld back, nnra il wnplr vllle, Leave Hacgersvlllo Saturday at 8 am; Airlvo nt Jacksonville by 11 n in; Leavo Jncksonvlllo Saturday at 1 p m. Anlvo ut Kacgeisvllle by 1 p m. 25W Fiom UroJ!u'odStatIon,(n.o)byHecUtiivn in ituuviii, i miit-s uuu Diicn. six limes vi t-t-k. Leavo llroilheod Station dally, except Suu Arrive utNaitarcth bv5..1t)n ni! lavo Nazareth dally, except Sunday. nt Arrive ut llrodhcnd Station by 7.30. a m 2517 From Ashland, bv Gordon. Tiivlni-m-tttn lurry. (Ilnriv n.u.) nud W lnhamnletim (u. o) to lleglus, ll). la lies and back, onco u niM, Leaving Ashland Saturday nt 3 p m; Arriving at lU-gins by 7 p in; Leave lleglus haturday nts u in; Anlvo at Ashhmd bv 12 in., Proposals Invited lormore Irequent service SjISlrniu Orvvlgsburg, by New Rluecold nml .Mountain, to sleiusville, II miles nnd niii-ii, once n wecK. Leave Ornigsburg Saturday n 1 7 a m; Arrlvo nt Kteliisvillo by 12 m; Leave Melnsvillo Saturday nt 1 pm, Airlvo at Orwigsbui-g by 0 p m, 2515 From Mount Cnrmol.bvllenr Onu. vtlmr niiii uiiii.ii uiiii-ib, m j.wuv!!ie,i;i, mills lllll. ,IM.Ih, I1IIUU II1I1C3 I, IVi-t-U. Leave Mount L'armel Tuesday, Thursday Arrive nt Danville by li in; Leavo Daiivlllo Tuesdays, Thursdays, nnd Saturdavsnt 1 n ru: Arrlvo at 2Iouut C'anuel by 7 pm; 2550 From Mendenliall'sMlIlsfn.o. nuu vuieiiuuo v oiigiu s, in. o.l lo x.iyi burir. t) miles nnd bat-lr. twice n vr-Mc. Leave Catnvvlssa Tuesday nud Saturday nt V U III, Arrive nt F.lvsbure bv 12 m- Leave Elysburg Tuesduy uud Saturday at 1 1 in. Arrive at Catawhsa by 3pm. 2531 From Damascus, bjr West Damascus, East iicuimou, nnu uueyTiiie, lo cold springs, 12 miles and back, twice a wpek. Leavo Damascus Tuesday and Saturday at 12 m, Arrive ni loiu npring uj i p in; Ia nvo Cold Spring Tuesday nud Saturday Arrive at 'Damascus by 11 a m, 2552 From York, by Dover, Ilntsvllle, We llsvllle, nnd Mount Top, to Dlllkburg,21 miles nnu uuvn, IWIIOU wct-u. Leave York Tuesday aud Saturday at 8 a.m Ainvf ui A'liiguuri; uy o i in: Leave Dlllsburg Monday and Friday at in: Arrive nt York bv 7 n m. Proposals forservice three times a week In viicu. 2553 From York Idavlllennd jinuersviue,o weuas,! nines anil buck twice n week. Leave York Sulphur Springs Wednesday Arrive at Weiiics bv 5 n m: Leave Weuks Wednesday and Saturday at O I, 111, Arrlvo at York Sulphur Springs by 12 in. 2531 From Scotland to Orcen Village, 2 miles aud back, three times a week. Schedule making close connection with it. 11. mall train, to the satisfaction of tho postmaster nt u rceu village. 2553 Frnmlltoody Run, by C'earvllleand Widow Jlells, (n.o) to Orleans, Md., (n.o; 3J miles nuu imva, umu i, iA-avo llloody Kun Friday at 7 a m Arrive at Orleans by tl n in; I.euv o Orle ins Saturday at 7 a m j Arrive at llloody Hun by II p in. 1'i'npnsals forexieuslou toOrlculu J tXItoads, y. va.,iuviieu, 2550 Fiom NewI'arls.Alum Hank, and Spring Meudow, to St. CUvlrsvlllo, 18 miles and hack, twice n M eek. i,eavs ncneiuourg uuesuay nua Baiuruay U,QH HI, Arrive at St. Clalrsvllla bv 12 m: Leave St. Clalrsvllle Tuesday aud Saturday lit 4 1' iu: Arrive at Bchell.burgli by 7 p m, 2557 From Mechanlcsbureh. bv Slddoiibbureli Llsburn, Lewlsberry, Newberry, nud lii- cuiuiuwn, iu fliers, n nines uuu imcfc twice a week, Leave Mechanlcsburgu. Tuesdf and Bat- uredar at s sue Arrive lit Enters, br 8 n ut! Leave EUrrs Meoaar uifNtar St I a to: Arrlvs at Meckaalc-UMirirli ter b ro. frepwwU Invite for three times a week SS From Ncwvillnln Dloiervllle, 0 miles nnd Imek once a week.' IiCnvo Nowvlllo Kaltmlay nt 2 p mi Arrlvo nt nioserviue ujm p m; Lrjivn litncrvUln HiUunlny nt 12 m; Arrlvo nt Nowvlllo by 2 p in. 2,V,0 From Slllrov, by HcIkIcsvIIM. (n. o, ' Nirka's Mills, S miles nnd bade, tl ,) to ireo nines n wei'is. . . . Iavo Mlli-ov Tuesday, Thursday, nnd Hnt- ninny m . i in, .... Ai rl o nt Locke's Mills by 5 n mj uruny ni t p 10 Lenvo Locke's Mills Tneudny, Thursday, nndH.iuinmyniipm; Arrlvo nt Mtlroy by 3 p m; From Smith's Mills to Madeira, 5 miles nnd Leave Smith's Mills Tuesday nnd Friday nt l p m; At-rli.inl Mmlflrn liV a U in! Lenvo Mndelin, Tuesday nnd Friday nt Oft Arrlvo nt Smith's Mills by 11 n m. jfll From Uocklou, by Houston, (n,o) toFcn neui, iHiniics nuu uui-k, uhto i vuuik, Tnvn line It ton Kiturdav nt 7 a in: tlunnlAtliriU 1 n In! tor niiniiioiim time, iiivnuu. i ., 2V12 From Fallen Timber, by Dili's Mills (n. o.) or nnd (lion uonueii. m. oi to (.'nrrouiowu. i 17 nines anu uuck, ijiicu i, wdoh. , Lcavo L'arrolltoivn Frldny nt7nmj . r;. i- . i : t- VIllVU III, I-I.llt'l. lllllum uj am , Leave Fnllcn Timber Friday nt 1 p ta; Arrive nt Carrolltown by 0 p ta. 2vn rrnm narrolItnwn.bvflInsscrs.n.o.Elder's irniis, tn. o.,j nnu m. unwrence, h. o.,, vu Mount 1'leiu.nnt, (u. o.,)m miles uudbuck, Leavo Uorrolltown Friday nt 8 a raj Arrive nt Mount Pleasant by 3 p m; Leave Mount 1'loa.unt Halurday nt 8 n m; Arrlvo nt Unrrolltowu by 3 p in; S.MI From Armagh, by North Washington, to llesliboti. ft miles nnd back once n week, Leave Arningh Saturday at 3 p m Arrlvo nt Jleshbou by 6 pm; Lcavo Heshbon Haturday at 12 m; Arrive nt Armagh by 2 p lu. 2&3 Frnni (IrecnsburK, by Mtddlc-lown, (n. o.,) Now Htauton. watt's stills, and Alaillsoti. to Fulton, lyinllesund back, three times a week, Lenvo Urccnsburg Tuesday, Thursday, nnd n.uimuiy mua jn; Arrive nt I-'ulton bv 12 in: l.tav u I-'ultou Tuesday, Thursday nud 8.U- uniay ni, i in; ArrU e ut U rceu&burg by 7 p m. 2.jC0 From Lyclppus to Uldgo View, Vi miles nnd UUCK, IWICU I, tflTKi Leave Lyclppus Weduckday nnd Saturday Ai rlvo nt llldgo View by 5.30 p m; Leavo lliilge low Wednesdny nnd dny nt 2 j in; Arrlvo at Lyclppus by 3.30 n in, ui 1 1 mj Satur- .jIjT From Wittonberir. bv l'ocnhnnlaq. In Frost. mirR, jiu., i xitucs nun imcK, once n vveeK. iiu.iYu iiit-nucrK niiiuruay aiga m; Arrlvo at Froslburg by 12 m: Leave FiiHtbiUK Haturday at 1 p m, Airlvo nt Wllteuberg by & p m. Sj03 From Mill Uun,byl)rnUistovn,tiiHarneds vllle. 15 miles and back, onco a week. Leave .inn nun Haiumay ui7 n in; Anlvo at llurneiNvlllo by 12 m; ijeavo llaruedsvlllo bntuiday at 1 p m: WllllVU III ..III. l.llll uj- u inn X,Uro, betweeirilarZiisT. IoPftram ..... . ..I From 'nvncsbiimli. bv KItliv. Mnimf. A!nr. to mllett nml bade, twleu u uir. Ltiivu WayiK'sburBuTitebiJayniul Bntutday Arrlvo nt Greensboro' by 5 n m: I,cavo Urtcnsboro' JlonUay ami Xril.iy nt Airlvo nt Wayncsbui-gU by 5 p ra. J570 From Itodgersvllle, by Walnut Ilrush, (n.o) Hurt Mill, (ii. o.,) uud lllg Tree, (n. o) to I ,-iiiiii-iuii, . ,n.,uiuvs uuu oncu. on:e 1 ViU. 'i HIIIl-h filitl liitrlc. Vinfi I Leave Uodgcrsvlllo Fridnynt 8 am; Arrlvo at Cttmeroti by a p mj u uiiiiuiuu suiuruiiy nt o n JIV, titiiuitv ivvusiioviiiu ui mi 2571 From Clayvllle. by Atchison, tn WVst mm. uiciuwu, nines uuu oacK,iwico n week. I Leave Claysvllle Wednesday und Saturday at II am; I LhttaurySatll:i1pdt0WU ' Arrlvo at West Mlddlctown by 1 p m. Arrlvo at Claysvllle by 0 pm. i 2372 From West Alexander, by Dunsfort. fn.o..i to independence, 12 miles nnd back, onco ii week. Leave West Alexander Saturday ut 10 a m: Arrlvn nt llnnsfnrl hw r, fl Leave Dunstort Saturday ut 8 n m; Arrive nt 3Yest Alexander by 10 a m Liav e Duusfort sntuiday ut 1 p in; Arrlvo ut Independence bv .1 n m. Leavo ludepeudeuco Saturday at I . 3p in; WUUOlUlb UJf il p 111. 2j7J From lladell. bv Wall ltnjn nml lllnt I i-errysviiie, u uiues nuu buck, onco ft I Leave linden Tuesday at 7 Arrivent Ferry vllle by 12 m; Leavo l'crry vllle Tuesday ut l p m: Arrlv e at Badeu by u p m. 2571 From Freedom to Kuob, 5 miles and back, tvvicu a week, . Leavo Freedom Tuesday nnd Friday nt3p V .rlrn nt 1.nn,,l,i , h, n .... Lenvo Kuob Tuesday and Friday ntlp m; ......W ... . ...UUU. Ml Jl ill. 2575 oin.inaton to -CMer's Mills, i miles Lwivo Uirhustou 'eUuesilay nua Satur- .Vrrlvoat Lkltr's Mills In- 2nv .?V,,S Wclhuay aud Satur- Arrlvo ut Darlington by 10.30,'a ra . 2570 From Enon Valley to Marvin, 3 miles and Leave Enon VnlleyfeaturdayntlOn m; Arrive nt Marvin by il n m; - i.eave jiarvm Saturday at 7 n m; Arrlvo at Enon Valley by 8 u in. 2577 From Hailandmrcr. bv Jacksvllle, West Liberty, anil Browniugtou, to Hurrisvlllo, .a ....i-. uuu uutu, iwiceu weeic. Leave Harlausburg Wednesday atld Satur Arrive at Har'rlsvllle by 12 in: Leavo llarrlsvllle Wednesday and Satur- Arrive at Harlausburg by 7 p in. .JIU i .uii. ,,.1.1111111.11, IIJ .SL'OllilUUllCifc I "nrij C,'. -Vn... M'lln.1, ,.,. 1... X.. I . 1 andbaels oncoSwwk " Leavo NevvWllmlngtonSaturday at 1pm; Arrived nt Lcesburg by 1 p m; Leave Leesburg Saturday ntu am; Arrlvo ntNcwVllmtuglon by 12 in; l'roposals for twice a week service. 2570 From Rablnsvllle. by MUtown nud Sun- derlluvllle, to Ulysses, 17 miles and back, Lenvo Hnblnsville Saturday nt 0 a m; Arrive at Ulysses bv li! ,n. Leavo Ulysses Saturday nt 1 p m; Arrlvo ut Snblnsvllle by.7 p in. SiSO From Fall Brook to Alba, 11 miles and back, three times n week. Leave Vail Brook Monday, Wednesday l.Ul, ,,UU. UK O.tBJ 1 Ui; Arrive at Alba bv C i, m: . Leave Alba Monday, Y edncsday, nnd Frl- Arrlvo nt Fall Brook by lOp in. .From Montgomcrj-Station, by Mount Zlon, (n. o) to Ellmsport, 10 miles uud buck onco n week. . Leavo .Montgomery station Saturday nt 12 Arrlvo nt Ellmsport by 3 p m; ' Leavo Ellinsport Saturday nt a a in; Arrive ut Moutgomery btatlou by 6 n m. 25S2F10H1 English Cenlic,byCampCorucrs(n.o.) and Morris, to Wellsboro', 23 miles und mil ii, uuiiu i. w i ck, m Leavo English Centie Friday nt8um; Arrive ut Wellsboro by 1 p in; Leuvo Wellsboro1 Saturday at 8 am; Arrlvo at English Ceutre by 1 p m. 25s3 From Alleghany Bridge to l'reutlss Valc.t miles nud back, onco n wnptr. I-eavo Alleghany Bridge Saluiday at 2ji in; Arrive ut Prentiss Vale by 8.30 p in; , j.vuvu i iciuisa v uiu nuiuiuay at li in; Arrive at Alleghany lirldgo by 1 jo p m 2531 Fiom Brookvllloio Knoxdale, 8 miles and uiick.uuco nweeic. Invo llrookvlllo Saturday nt 1 p m; Arrivent Knoxdalo by 1 p in; Leave Kuoxduto Saturday ut U n iu; Arrlvo ut Brookvllle by 12 ni. 2ds5 From Hockdnlo Mills to Iteyuoldvllle, 10 miles uud back, once a week, ' Leave Brockwayvillo Tuesday nud Satur day IU7 a in; Arrive at Heynoldsvllle by 12 m; LeavelteynoldsvlUo Tuesday and Saturdaj utlpm; Arrive at Broc kway vllfe by 6 p m. Separato proposals Invited for service be tween Brockway ville and Hockdale M ills, 7 miles, 2 hours ruunlug time each way. S5S0 From Garland, by Btar,(n.o) to Sout'j West, 11 miles nud back, once a week. Leave Oarland Saturday nt 2 p mj Arrive at South West by 5 p in; J-avo Suuth West Saturday nt On m: Arrive at Garland by 12m. Proposals invited for twice a week service. 25S7 From Scrub Grass, is. fWltherui)', 's P. O.,) by Hockland, to Nlckleville. li lutles aud back . three times a week. Leave Wltherups Tuesday, Thursday, nud saturdayat2pin; Arrivent Nlckleville by 5pm; Leavo Nlckleville Tuesday, Thursday, nud Saturday at 7 am; Anlvo at Wltherups by 10 a m, 25S8 From Curllsvllle, Callensburg.7 miles and back, once u vv eek. Leuvo Curllsvllle Friday ut 10 a in: Arrive ut Culleusburg by 12 m; Leave Culleusburg Friday at2 p in; Arrlvo nt Curllsvillo by 1 p in. l'roposals Juvltod for moie Irequeu I service, 25S0 From Jamestown to Itoynlton, 1 miles and back, three times n week. LeuveJauiestown Tuesday, Thursday, uud Satiudaynl3 pm: ArrlvoutHoyaliou bylpm; I-avo Hoyaltou Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday nt 1 p in; Arrlye ut Jamestown oy 2 pm. 2500 From Haegerstown, by Ixing's Stand, (n. ').,) to Blooinlng Valley, 7 miles and bock, once n week. Leuvo Saegerstown Friday at 2 p ta; Arrlvo ut Blooming Talley by 4 p in; Leave Blooming Valley Friday nt 10 a in; Arrive at Saegeistowu by 12 ui. 8501 From Cochranton. by Deckard's Itun, (n. o) Wayne Centre, 3Vllsou's Mills, Black Ash, Sugur Lake, and Stltzervllle, (n. o) to Cocliraiiton, 24 inl!cs,cqual to 11 miles and back. Ivvico u week. Li ue Cochiautou Tuesday und Saturday at 7 n in; Arrive at Cochruutou by I p so. 2W2 From TittMvllU t NeuuttrUle, 6 mites aud bs-lr. iSe ktmes a, vestc Leve TltusvUI dailr, except Sunday, at 12 Arrlv at Flra.uitTllle by 2 p m; Leave l'lcasanlville dally, except Sunday, at 8 a iu: Arrive at TltnsvlUo by 10 a m. ,i, . 2591 From New Hanover, by roiigln, l'lensanl Hun. In. o..l nnd llliiiir.i. fn l,.i.i.i...- 'lv lomtfrsnnJ l,iietf-ntuniitfa..b "u,,rg", i liuiei Lenvo flew nnnover Tuesday nt 1 n mi Arrlvo ntrcniisburgo by 4 pm; ' Leuvo l'dinsbiirg luesdiiy ntlln m: Arrive nt New IiHinncr by u m, NOTKS. l'loposats must bo to carry the mail with .. eity,ccithliiiy,ind security,' usiiiir tho tonus it I lii! law. nnd t hey mint bu iiiiuiiii?i..,i ,. . responsible persons, certlllej to ns such ii I. IKiiiumsterurJudKo of ii court of record. noiiuj u nunug ill, iripi 1101 poriurmud and L-reachor such omissions not s-tisri,,ri, ' bo UeUuclea. l onu rivals hour behind iim., At. tobrcuic connection wliu il?ie.Unff nmiii ii.M tint, iilllflntttlv rPilcri. nt.. ?.!...- .?,.J "...i1 undeducted. Form rivals m, fur behind n ,..!. ly lci.wllou lor tlio trip is hiibjta to furfoltur"' una lor refusing, nitor Ueinuuti, lo conVov if mail iia frequently us tuo contractor runs. or u concerned in running, vehicles on tho rout. mo i-UHUimsiiT uuuertu limy nilllUl tlio COUtrru-r disobeying the post olllce laws, or the lustrun .,,, , . . , ,,.,,. , ''"may In part, nt n proportionate deereaso or nnv ni. lowiuir us mil juueinuitv in t in n..n,r...r...i'.::: itioiiiu n hauii cuiiijiciisniion ou tho ainounl i.f Beivlcodisiiciiscdwltli.niidnproi - aaconipeisn. .r., - r"""vnn uuh tivi. v UID D1..11V IVUIlllMl aillt fltlll lllllt.ul lllds should bo addressed to tho 'Hecoud aSJim nut l'oitmasler Uencral," superscribed ''l-roiMu bUIS. DUtlUOl 1 eUUBVlVaUin mill snn, I... For forms of proposal, Ac, nud other Inion,, iioii, see auveriisemeut olocu 31. bur; and ,,r i iYl date, lu pamphlet form, nt the prliTciii "l i Jan ?j ln ALEX. W. KAN1IAI.I , Jan. M, 1S09. 1'ostmastcr Uemi Hi. SPECIAL NOTICES. A fink head of hair is such au Icdlsi.f ni,u adjunct to beauty that no ono who prizes good loom Biiouiu neglect to uso tlio best preparation, to bo hud to Increase its growth, restore Its color or prevent Its falling otr. Ring's Vegetable Ambrosial ono of tlio most cflectnulnrtlcloi fur the purposo wo havo ever seen, besides being one of tho most delightful hair dressing? nnd beautl Hers extant, It is frco from tho sticky nnd gum. my properties of most other dressing, nnd being delightfully perfumed secommends Itself tocvery lady or geutlemnn using lino toilet nrtlcles. TO CONSUMPTIVES, Tho idvertlsL-r.bnvlni. lippn rnnlnrn,! ,nn,.in. Ill u lew weeks, bv n verv slinnln rnmp,iv having sultcred several voars a seveto luuit nlU'Clion, nnd thntdrend disease, Cousuinptlou- is nuxious 10 inauo nuowu to tils fellow suilercni the menus of cure. Tuull whodeslie It. ho will ii-ml n mi-nr ,i... prescription used (tl eo of charge), with thq dlrcc- , ,,.,,.,, , i-i iiuug nuu uiuigiuu same, win n they will llnd n suro euro for coiisiiinptlnii.Aslli. inn, llronchlils.ctc, Tho only object of tho nJ. veiilser lu sending tlio presiriplon Is to benellt iuuiiiuicicu,iiiiu sprcnti luiorinailou whtch lie Conceives to bo llivulliatil. mill Im lin,,.,B sullerer will trv Ibis rnmnilv. nn u. ,17111 n,i ties wishing tno prcscr Itnv. l-'jlu-niil A Wllun iiiiu. uuiiuutj, uuu iua; y prove n blcsslug. l'nt- ,u Jptlon will please address lei It. llUHnnlhUiuv.H.ILli..., 1 .., .wuin i. , usuu, iu.i ouu oeconu Hiri-m Tn Clf ' NW Yrk' r To Daysicians. Nkw Youk. August 13th, 1807. Allow mo to call your attention to mv I'rennr. atlon of Compound Extract Tho com, ponent pans nro Uucliu, Long Leaf. Cubebs. Ju. ulper Berries. ' ng 1 ' ' .-ua:iia, lu vacuo, Ju- on u'Pcr Berries, by distillation, to form n fine gin 1E v-noeus exirncieu oy uismacemcnt lv llntmr nl,. talned from Juniper llerrlescontalnlng very llttlo sugar, n small proportion of spirit, ana moro palatablo than nny now In uso. Tho active I properties nre by this mode extracted. Bnchu, ns prepared by Druggists Generally. I, ... of a dark color. It Is a plant that emits Its mi grance; the action of a llama destroys this (hi ' nctlvo nrlnrtnlpl. tnnvtn. n ,lnV n.i oecoctlon. Mine is tho coiorof lugTedit;!;. S Id uucuu iu my preparation predominates ; tlio l"iy or mo other Ingredients ar. "uutu lo prevent lermcntallonj upon inspec- nwu, n. win uo xouiiu not to be a Tincture, ns mado iu l'haiinncopu?o, nor is it n Syrup nnd thercforo can bo used lu cases wliero fever or in (lamination exists. In this, j-h have tho kuovvl odgo of tho Ingredients and tho modo of prepar ation. Hoping that you w 1H favor it with n trial, and that upou Itipectlou it will meet with your ap probation, With n feeling of contldence, I am, very respectfully, H.T.IIELMHOT.Tl Chemist nud Druggist of 10 Years' Experience ' u In Philadelphia, nud now located nt his JJiug !r nml i-i,o.ini ,'.,i ..m , . ...... Yo i- ...n."i.-.;, o, urouunuj, ea From tho largest Manufacturing Chemists lu tbe rr World, "Inm arniinlnfi-il willi xr Tr n ,ti..,i.i.i . 'Ct ho occupied tho l)ru3 Btoro onnosllo my rcM-ra deuceuua was succca-iful lucouducUng tho buvr0 lr i.i.- t. . ... . ...10 " ,V, r ',T Z y "a"rc88('a wm' ,A WILLIAM WEiaUTJIAN, i II FIrmo Towers A Welghtmau. Jlanufacturlun, Clicmlst , Ninth ;and Brown fetroots, l'lilladil- , phin. Cl illelmbold's Fluid Extract Bucliu.for weakncmld arising from indiscretion. The exhausted pow ,-"'u'--1"iie wuicu nre nceompanteu by somiuij q ...uu..ub nj(ii.iuiU9,UUlUUg WHICH Will UeiOllUll, Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Memory, 0 Wakefulness, Horror of Disease, or Foreboding-! 8 of Evil J In fact, Universal Lassitude, l'rostra- fti tlon.nud Inability to enter luto thoenjoymenti'., of society. r01 Tho Coustltutlou.onco affected with OrgiuutSll Wcnkness, uqulres the aid of Medicine UJn strengthen nud iuvigoruto the system, whM. . Uelmbold's Extract Uuchu invariable does. 11 uo treatment is submitted to, Consumption oi" Iusaultv ensues rvf , , 01 Hclmbold's Fluid Extract Buclm, iu nm.tlloi!0t l!l'r,:t0 l'"af"-1 "neimalcd by any otUr Preparation, as iu Chlorosis, or Hetentlon, l'alc.'v fulness, or Suppression of Customaiv Evacua tions, Ulcerated or Schlrrus State of tlio Utirui B and all complaints Incident to the sex, whetbiijs'j arising from habits of dissipation, Imprudenct.. In, or the decline or change of life. Hclmbold's Fluid Extract Uuchu and Improv-1 ed Hoso Wash will radically exterminate froiy ( tho system diseases arising from habits of dl 0't patlonot llttlo expense, llttlo or no change ii diet, no Inconvenience ur cxposuro; conipletel; ITAlbT. T ... "'uui"u" uti uaugeru., remedies, Copalva und Mercury, In all these dulij I eases. f UsellclinboId'sFluldExtructBuchuinallilU t'"ses of N'oso organs, whether existing lu insl? or female, from whatever causo originating, nmUt no matter of how longstanding. It Is pleasan In tasto nnd odor, "immediate" Inaction, an! Q moro strengthening than nny of tho prepare tlonsef Bark or Iron. " Thoso sufTei Ing from broken-down Se delict constitutions, proenro tho remedy. at once. HA Tho reader must bo nwnro that, however Ul jet may bo tho attack of the nbovo diseases, It lni, certain to affect tho bodily health and menu powers. All the nbovo diseases require the old od)ci) Diuretic. Hclmbold's Jixtraot Buohu Is tho grei,a Diuietle. N- S-SoId by druggists nnd dcarlers everjSS where, I'rico J1.23 per bottle, or six bottles Ifa I0.O0. Delivered to uny address .Dcscrlbo syrM toms in all communications. 'Address, ll.'.am llelmbold, Drug nud Chemical Warehouse, S.J. Broadway, N. YT None are genulno unless done up lu stecl-etm graved wrotiper, with lao-smlle of my Cliemlct. Warehouse, and signed, II. T. HELJIUOLU het lO, JOl, UI LEGAL NOTICES. County, deceased, havo been cranted by. IMfc?' Heglster of DanlellMUihrbacli nd mlnlstrator.who resides in Franklin townshWr. All persons having claims or demands agiilw'uv tho said estate nre requested to present theni ilj'j settlement without delay, and thoso ludebttd W n makepaymcut. daniel f. noiimiAcn, ' Feb, 5,'CO-Ct. AdmluUtrator, ul( "lUd A DJIINISTBATOR'S NOTICE. fti) XI. KSTATE OF CALVIN Ik UKIHINVimU DKC D, i Letters of admlnlstnitloil on the estate Hl Culvlii II., Helfsuyder. lute of unibiaCo. deceased, have been granted by I wilt Heglster of said county tnOeorgo Scott, of LWn0 wlssa. All persons having claims or denial it'"" against the estate of the decedent arerenuesteitil make them kuowu, nnd thoso Indebted tp i mom . payment. UEOHUE eCon, 1IIJ Jou. 15,'tI9-0t. Admintsiruiui. UlUf. i, 5. S?l X. EMTATK Olf JACOn OOIIO, BEC'P. , ,1 Loiters of adiiilulstruliou ou the i-stato of jatiH uolio or Jliuiin township, coiumuia diceascd, have been grantod by tbe Register t said couuty. to Samuel Creasy, or Mlulluyllji nm1KllrliMn flnhn nfUhsnnilniili InHl-h.nn. All 1. sous luivlag claims or demands against the dej lift eut nre requested to mako them know uindtni; Indebted to make payment. SAMUEL CHEAHY, MlfflluvUl'', 0(i BTEl'HEN OOHO. bhcnadoali, Jan. 22,'(l!Mlt. Admlnlstrutoripw U) I IXEOUTOH'S NOTICE. f? U KSTATB OF WM. WAUDIM UKO'K. ,v,A0' Letters tesumentary on the. estate O'wJV,.; Wardln, late of Ifeutre tpwiuhlp, .Co'uutui bla county havo been granted by the Heglster ft,, Columbia (uuty to James Wardiu of Weall"" erly Carbon couuty Fa. A 11 persons hav p((( claims ugalust theestateare requested to prc them to Edward M. Wardiu, of llloomsburg, t OOl umbiu county, Fa, Those ludobled to the i u , ellher ou note, Judgment, mortgage or tiook kli count will make tho Lxecutor l"g(.r 0UUlClaJ'' JAMES WAHDIN. fit Jan. Execuler, II n: ii- rn th nt fr- 03 ro dl BU th In to tc Utl 3f Ph 3l( 1 ;oi vc It ici mt A ga1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers