AND Jpuullslicd ovcry Frldoy morning Inltho Columblmi Building licnr tho Court IIouso, by K OHARLE3 B. DnOOKWAY, Editor and Propriotor. Ptisrms. Two dollars year, paya blo In advance irtlt miTVfnTTl f nit .1narrtllMnng oxecuted wllh neatness and dispatch, nt reasonable rales. BL00MSDjJRaDlKE0T0HY. STOVES AND TINWARE. Jacob METZ, dealer In stoves ft tinware, Main ; above court honso. yi-utl A; RUPERT, stoves unci tinware, nnpor J . Hock, Main St.. wost of Market. V1-M3 CLOTHING, &a. tvT'.'JIiltno. merchant tnllor. Main St., Sd oor above American house. vl-nu tKW. UHEMUERLW, Who1eslottnd retail denl Jfef in clothing, oto.; ilarlman's building, Main street. ; ill I DUUGS, CHEMICALS, AO. It-N. MOYER, druggist and apothecary, Ex Jj. chnnge block Main at. vl-nu EP. LUT7 druggist and apothecary, Hnpcrt . block. Main sC, west of Market. vM OLOOKB, WATCHES, AO. r OUIB BERNHARD. watch and clock ranker. Li near southeastcornor Main nnd IronsM.vl-nW E.'8AVAUB, dcnlor In clocks, watches and Jewelry, Main St., Just below American ouse. ii-ww R OATHCAItT, watch and clock maker, Market si., ueiowiutMu. Vl-nl3 BOOTS AND SHOES. n MJ BROWN, boot and shoomaker.Maln street U. opposuo uoun uouse. vl-n 13 ABOM.EDEn.mnnnfnctnror and doaler In boot and slioes.Malnst., opposite Episcopal church vl-n43 HENRY KI.EIM, manntactnrcr and dealer In booU anil 6hocs, groceries etc., East lllooms burg Malnst vl-n3 DAVID 1113TZ, boot and shoemaker. Main St., below Hartmau's store, west of Markot street. mOPESSIONAL. T 11. EVANS, M. D. surgeon and physician south Ll Blue Alain si., uoiow AiivriLuu V1-U13 DR. B. F. Klnnoy surgeon dentist, teeth extract ed' without pain. Main St., nearly opppslto npiscopai unurcn. vl-n40 JD. M'KELVY, M. I). surgeon nnu pnysician north side Main St., below Market. vl-n JO.-BUTTE11, M. D. snrgeou and I'liyslclan, Market St., nbove Main. vl-n 13 DIC'H.' C. HOWER, Burgeon dentist, Main St.. above courthouse vl-n u T U.'nonIBON, Attorney-at-Law, Office Hari ri . man's bnlldlng. Main Street. v2-n20 n Jl IKELER, Attorney-at-Ijiw,Offlce, 2d floor El In Exchange Block, near tho "Exchnngo Ho lel." ' v3nl mHjLinery & fancy goods. MISS LIZZIE BARKLEY, milliner, Itarascy bnUalng, Main su vl-n!3 IISS A. P. WEBB, fancy goods, notions, books, jl stationery, north Bide Main street below Mar cet,' ' V''U" ETETERM AN, millinery and fancy goods op- poslte Episcopal akurch, Main st, vl-nU MRS. "JULIA A. A BADE BARKLEY. ladles cloaks and dress natternj. southeast corner Main' and west st. vl-nl3 MISSM. DERUICKSON, millinery nnd fancy goods Main St., opposite Courtltouse. vl-nH l rRS. M. U. FUItMAN, milliner, Main Bt., below Jl Hartman'sfctore, west or Market st. vn!3 IIHE MlSSliS HAItMAN millinery nnd fancy I goods, .Main street Just below American house. vl-nll HOTELS AND SALOONS. JLEACOC1C, oyster and eating saloon, Ameri can House, Mala St., Baltzer Leacock superin tendent. V1-U45 urlDMYEll A JACOBY, confectlonry, bnkery, IT and oyster saloon, wholesale and retail. Ex change block, Main st. vl-n FOX A WEBB, confectionery, bakery, and oys ter saloon, wholesale and retail, Main St., Just iolow Iron. ' vl-n 13 EXCHANGE HOTEL, by Koons A Clark, Main St., dpposlte court house. V1-U13 AMERICAN HOUSE, by John Lkacock, Main SL, west of Iron street. Vl-nl3 PORKS HOTEL, by G,W, MArjaEit, east end of C Moln st. vl-n!3 ,BTOHNEH, refreshment saloon, Main St., Just above court house. vlu43 I0ON8 A CLARK, refreshment saloon, Ex IV change hotel. vl-u43 SfEECIIANTS AND OROCERS. E JACOBS, Confectionery, groceries etc Main St., abovo Court House, vl-n40 CJ Jl, MILLER, denier In dry goods, groceries, ol ijneeuswnre, Hour, salt, suoes, notions, etc. xcuiuige block, Main Btreet, Vl'n43 ir'KEI.VY NEAL A Co., dealers In dry goods, 111. groceries, uuur, i-uu. Mikjuu, .um, u,.d, yte., nortlieakt cotner Mamand Market st. vl-n43 TT. II' Main st., abovo Court.House. X1UY ilv, IialB nnu clips, uuuirj uuu sih'cb. n ; C. MARR, dry goods nnd notions, southwest ji corner ainin ami jruu his, vim J J. B ROWER, dry goods, groceries, etc,, north t west corner Main and Iron sts. vl-n 13 D" A. BECKLEY', Keystone shoo store, books nnd stationery-, southwest corner Market and Mala sts. vl-nl3 TTTJLLIAM ERASMUS, confectioneries, Main W u, near tho railroad. vl-n 13 fin jMENI:NIfALIj.eeneral stock of merchan- ifj.dUeand lumber, corner of Main street nnd itorwick road. vl-n!3 er iT. iTtniNM. dealer hiilrv coods crccrles etc. .0 Shaw's block. Main St., below Iron vl-n 13 tf K. CW41TON, Groceries A Provisions, snuth- .Ueast corner lniu auu iron Direeis. Vi- u' 0". SLOAN, dealertn choice dry goods. House Y'kafmlnai'00ria. fresh criocerlcs. etc.. etc. Main 61 rapaslta court house. V-1U13 'T,ir. EYKU, groceries nnd general merchandise U juaia si., aooYO v esi. vl-nl3 T T. BHARPLESS, dry goods, groceries, boots. 11, shoes, etc., Rupert block, Malu St., west ol MarkeU.i VMU3 S 'hCRAMER A A. E. HAYHUItST. Dealers In , Groceries, Confectioneries nnd Notions, Hcoltown. southnldo, two doors above Brobst's wagonm&ker shop. v -nlK. MISCELLANEOUS. .-rnvTM M 011011.. Blmi. Ornamcntnl nnd Deco. V .llltjvo painter Scottowu.cor nil RRst, vl-42 1 &, lurnuure imiim. lurea story fWcteouMalust., west of Market st. vl-n43 Wj 'J THOUNTON, wall paper, window shades, Jll, and fixtures, Rupert block, Mnln st. vl-nl3 iIT'ROBENKTOCK, photographer, Exchange j.1. uiock, juain si opposite a court house. vl-n!3 Jf . jljAUAlJl.pnoioRrnpiier, iiuriiuuiis uuiiu IngnortliciisteoruerJlalnaudMarkctst. vl-nl3 T niDT.KMAN. Aizent Munsou's Conner Til' bular Lightning Rod. v2-nl9 iTsjl. PURSnLL, saddle, trunk nnd .inrness r. I maker. Main St.. below court, houso. vl-u 10 i.-' WiVOSTKR, Glue Maker, and White and fancy 1 (.'.Tannar. Bcottowp. vl-n manufacturers JJllsnd dealers In Lumber, of nil kinds, planing Hull! near the rall-rood. vl-n46 1: t nim.WMAK. unjldlA nnd hnruffig maker. t near southwest corner Muln and Market st. tf WITMAN. marblt) works, I A; porner Slain and Market sts, near southwest fcH.niNGLKn.rtenler in pianos, organs and W. ROUHINS, liquor dealer second door rrom i ) northwest coruur Malu and Iron sts, Tl-niS WCMACOCK !f olnry Vubllc, northeast corner f WKx nnd VTirket st. vl-u if JTN 'A. FtlNBTON, mutual and cash mtes tire J RMirsnce compauy.northeastcorner.Main and CfAMltEIi JACOIIV, MarWe aud Brown Bloue - C worBM.EaitllloomsbuiiiUetwlckroad, vl-u 17 . N' W. SAMPLE & CO. Machinists, East Blooms. . barg near railroad. Castings made at short Ktllee -maehlucry made aud repaired, v'-i-nS t P, KUIIN. doaler In meat tallow, et ttiem I liertrnr incyTuaclt of American he we. vl-uiJ VOLUME III NO. 7. OUANGEVILLli MHE0T0KY. DTI. O. A. MEaARar.L, physician and surgeon. Main St., uo.t door to 6ood'B Hotel. vl-urt BIllCK HOTEL and refreshment saloon, by Wm. Mastollor tor, of Malnand rlnost.vlnf? SWAN HOTEIj, tho uppi der, Main st abovo l'lti or house by John Bny- vi-nw HAUMAN BROTHERS. Tanners and innnnfna. tuaers of leather, on Main St., below Gpodv Hotel. va-n TV AVID HERRING, Flour nnd Grist Mill, and XJ Dealer in grain, Jim isircou vl-nl7 E OWKR A HERRING, doaler In i dry Roods, frocories, luniucr anu general sieicuuiiuuiu n su vrnl7 GEORGE LAZARUB, saddle and harnessmaker Main st, abovo tho Bwan Hotel. Vl-n 17 A A 15. W. COLEMAN, Merchant tailor nnd . Gent's famishing goods, Main HU.noxt door to tho brick Uotol. V1-U17 TIT B. HAYHURST, Clocks, Watches nnd anus St., below Pino. ill. repairou. uuusnnu wnicnun lurmwe, mum V1-U47 JAME8 B. HAItMAN. Cabinet Maker, nnd Un dertaker. Main St., below Pino. vl-n!7 MICHAEL C. KELLER, Confectionery, Oysiers Ac..'lnoSt., between Main and Mill. H, II. AC. KELCHNER, Blacksmiths, on Mill Street, near Pine. vl-u 17 WILLIAM DELONG, Shocmaliernnd mannr.ic turerof Uilck, Mill St., west ofl'lno Vlnl9 LEWIS II. SCHUYLER, Iron fonndor.Machln lst, nud Mauufactiucr of plows, Mill St.vl-u47 MILES A. WILLIAMS A Co,, Tanners nnu sinn ufacturors of leather, Mill Street. vl-ul" JOHN KELLER, Boot nnd Bhocmnkcr, Pino Street, opposite tlio Academy V1-1U7 All. HERRING A BROTHER, Carpenters nna . Builders, Main Btrect, below Pine. V1-1U7 SAMUEL SHARPL1S, Mnkor ofthollaylmrst Grain Cradle. Mnln St. v2n5. t. HARMAN, saddle nnd harness maker , Orangovlllo, opposlto Framo church, vl.nll OATAWISSA DIltEOTOUY. CJUSQUKHANNA orBrlck Hotel.S.Kostcbander O propriotor, south-east corner Jlaln and Second Street. vMH2 J II. CREASY, dry goods, groceries, nnd gen . eral Merchandise, Main Street, v2-nl2 Sii. ltiiNAitu, ucaier in biovcb ami im-wure, . Main Street. v2-uli w M. lL ABBETT, attorney at law.Maln Street. rilLllERT A KLINE, dry goods, groceries, and VT general morcuanuise, muni oireet. V2-U12 KEILER, billiard saloon, oysters, nnd Ico , cream In season Main Street. V2-U12 BF. DALMIAN, Merchnnt Tailor, Second St., . llobblns' Building. v2-nl8. DR. J. K. ROBBINB. Surgeon and I'hyslclan, Second St below Main. v2-nl3. B. KISTLER, "Cattawlsa House," North West . Corner Main and Second Streets. v2-u IS. MM. BKOBST, dealer In Oen , Dry Goods, Groceries Ac. M. BROBST, dealer In General Merchandise, va-nis. LIGHT STREET DIRECTORY. PETER ENT, dealer in dry goods, groceries, flour, feed. salt. flsh. Iron, nails, etc.. Light Street. vl-nl5 JTERWILLIGER, Cabinetmaker, Undertaker and Chalrmakcr. vl-n48 HF. OMAN A Co., Wheelwrights, first door above school house. vl-n!6 M RS. E. KLINE, millinery aud lancy good;. Vl-UtU W.BANKEY, dealer In Leather, Hides, Bark, etc. Cash paid for Hides. vl-nl6 VJit. M. ENT, denier lu stoves aud tin ware in alllts branches. vl-nl8 JOHN A. OMAN, manufacturer nnd dealer In boots nud shoes. vl-n6l. J. LEISEIt, M. 1). Burgeon and Physician. Office at Keller's Hotel. v2-n'-7 ESPY DIRECTORY. JD. WEKKHEISER. Boot nnd Shoo Store . nnd inanfactory. shop on Main street, op- emir-, xriu 1 V'-.llllt SPY STKAMiFLOUniNO MILLS, C. H. Fowlor, iTUl-riewjr, --iiiu F. REIGIIARD, ABHO., dealers In dry goods, groceries, nnd general merchandise, vkfiill D. CALDWELL, denier In dry goods, grocer ies, auccuswnio, hardware, fish, mil, imllx. etc., He,, vl-'nll T, W, EDGAR, Susquehnuna Planing Mill nnd Box Manufactory. vllnll BU0KII0RN DIRECTORY. At a-lt ill goodi i lrst sto AW! II. SHOEMAKER, denlcra in .lry ds. eroccrles find eencrill merchuudlse. store In south end of lown. v2-ul. JACOB A WM. HARRIS, dealers In dry goods, groceries, drugs and medicines. First More-In norm euu oi lown. v -in?. JERSEYT0WN UlRECTOHY. JACOB A. HWIHUEu, dealer In Hides- Intber Ilarlcetc, MaiUsou township Columbia county HOTELS AND SALOONS. PXOHANGE HOTEL, Tho iindersltnied hnvlnir nurcliasrd thlsvell kuownaiidceutrnlIy-IociitedhouKe,Un.Kxchiinge iioiei, Biiuaieon mai? cjiiifi, in luoumsuuig Immediately orposito tho Columbia county Court i nn so. resneciiuiiv luiumi meir incuua uuu luu r inform their friends nnd the ubllo In Kencral that their house la now In order nr thn mroniion and entertainment of travellers who may bo disposed to favor It with their cus tom. .They have spareil no expense In preparing tho Exchange for theeutertnlnment of their guests neither Bhull theio be anything wanting ou their Earl to minister to ineir perhonai commit, ousels spacious, nnd enjoys au excellent bust nesii location. umiubnses run man limes neiwecn inejx chance Hotel nnd tho various ratlioad depots, by which travellers will bo Pleasantly conveyed to and from the respective h tat Ions lu dun time to meet tho cars. KOONB A CLAHK, Uloomsburg. April 15, is. IORK'S HOTEL, OKOUQE W. MAUGEU, Proprietor. Tho above well-known hotel has recently under gone radial changes lu Its Internal arrange incuts, and Ha on .nrietor unnounces to his former custom and tho travelling publia that his accomodatloiiH ior me comiori oi jus guests ro uvuv ui thn rnimtrv Ilia lal tin will alwnvH be found Him Piled, not only with substantial food, but with all the delicacies of the season. Ills wines nnd li quors (except that popular boverapo known ns ,lJcicnrj,,),purehated direct from tho Importing houses, ate entirely pure, and free from nil pot sonous drugs. lie Is f linnkful for liberal patron age lu tho past, and will coutlmio to deserve it in pXCHANQE SALOON, The Proprietor of the Exchange Saloon has now on band a large stock of HUMMER REFRESHMENTS, consisting of ai'll'Kll OYSTK113, BAllDINES, TIIIFK, HOLOHNAI SUUIfP TOSGUE. E01I.1SD nQQS, 8Wfc.IT7.KR (.11 LEST, LAGER BEElt, ALE, AC. - COME ONE, COME AU. AND BEE. -K LAWBON OAI.MAN. BupcrlntendeuU isioomsunrg, jiay a, iter. rpHE ESPY HOTEL, ESPY, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE subscriber respectfully lnformslils friends and the public, that lie has taken the above well known lloito. of ICntertalnment, and will be pleased to ilvo the custom of all who will favor him with a call. HE WIXI. KEEP A GOOD TABLE, a Bar well stocked with Hie best f Liquors, and every effort will be made to render entire satis faction, o. h. dietti:rich. Espy, Pa., April H. 1867, WAIN-WRIGHT A CO., WHOLES A L 11 OROGKHH. N, 15. Corner Second and Arch Streets, PjIILAEEirUIA, Dealers ln TEAS, SYRUPS, COFFEEBUG AR, MOLASSES, KICK, SWCES, III OAltn bODA, 4tt, 40. 3. Orders will receive prompt attention, Mayio.isowy. JOB PRINTING Neatly citcuted nt this Offlco. jy JL L'VELLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Ashland, Bchuylklll County, Penn'a, c. W. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office with E. H. Lltllo. In brlclt bulldlnc nd. Joining Post Olllco. Bounties, Back-Pny and .'cnsions couccicu. isejrjj 07, JOHN G. FREEZE, ATTORN EY-AT-LA W, Offlco In Register and Rccordcr'n ofllco, In tho basement of tho Court House, Bloomsburg, Tn. JOllERT F. CLARK, ATTORN EY - AT -Jj AW Oflloo corner of Main nud Market streets, over First Natlounl Bank, Bloomsbarg, Pa, E. II. LITTLE, ATTOUNK Y-AT-LAW, Offlee on Main Btrect, in brick building bolow tho Court House, Bloomsburg, Pn, 0. 1J. UROCKWAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. JSTV Olfi-Trr. fVinr! Itnnnn llntp llmrn. lumblim Olllco. Jauf7. A UCTIONEER. MOBEB COFFMAN, Having followed the pr6fesslon of Public Vonduo Crier for many years, would Inform his friends that he Is still In tho field, ready and willing to attend to all tho duties or his calling. Persons desiring hu services should call or wrtlo to him at Bloomsburg, Pa. mar8'C7. B. TURSEL, HARNESS, SADDLE, AND TRUNK MANUFACTURER, nnd doaler In CARrET-BAGS, VALIfeES, FLY-NETS, Buffalo nonra, iionsn-nr.ANKETa .to.. which ho feels confident he can sell nt lower rate than nny other person Inths country. Ex amine for yourselves. Hhop first door below tho Tost Ofllce Main Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. PIOV. id, iwi. g O. COLLINS, FAU1IIONAULE SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING ash BHAMPOOING SALOON, Over Wlrlinayer A Jocoby's Ico Cream Baloon, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Hair Dvolnc nnd Whiskers colored lilnek nr brown. Hair Tonlo to destroy dandrtiirmid beau tifying the hair; will restore hair to Us original color without soiling tho finest rubric, constantly on hand. nrrl2'07. D ENTISTRY, n. C. IIOWEH, DENTIST, Respectfully offers hU professional services to the ladles and gentlemen of Bloomsbum nud vi cinity. Ho is prepared to attend to all the vari ous operations In the line of his profession, nud is nrovlded with tho latest imnroved Pokcklaiv Teeth which will bo Inserted on gold plating, sliver ana rubber uase to looit ns well nsthe nat ural teeth. Teeth extracted by nil tho new and most approved methods, and all operations on iiih it-um L-juny uuu prujvriy niieuufu 10. ltCBldence nud olllco a row doors above tho Court House, same side. iiionmsuurg, jnn.3i. t5ii pOWDER KEGS AND LUER. Hupert, Pa., Manufacturers of TOWDElt KEOB, and dealers In nil kinds of LUMBER, Eh e notice that they are prepared to nccomodute their custom with dispatch, and on tho cheapest erms. u o ii n is ii u r o, I A, Tlio undeislirnrd wnulil rt'htiectfiillv Inloim tin traveling public that ho has purchased ami Ji'liltcd ln the bt-Kt manner tlio old ht and former ly occupied by W, A, Kline, and that ho is now prepared to m commodate hi friends with all the (omloits and onvenl ncesof u flrkt-ihiss houe, A lino new barn has been built nnd tho surroun dins placed in peifsct ejrdvr. Tho bar will al vn b bo htotlred with the eholcst Honors and cl t'MW, nnd tho table lurnlMied with thn bcht tho JJTUOK ITOTKii, OR AN 0 1' V I LLE, COLUMBIA COU"TV, PA. VM. MABTELLER TROrRIETOR. llavlnc taken POHMKtdnn of this wnlNhunwn nouse, h long kept by Samuel Everett, thbl'ro rrlptorhasputln It permanent repalrand furnish ed BAR AND LARDEU Willi thochoiccMll'ju.-rs and newest delicacies. Ills stable Is not excelled ln the county; nnd no pains will bo k pan hi to accoinuHMima i guest h M ISS IiIZZIE BARKLEY bus Juit returned from I'hlladelphla, mid has boeght, and Is now oficrlng the best assortment of FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, IIONNKTO .tc. Ao., ever exhibited in Bloomsburg, nnd is prcpnied to makeup drcstcs nud all other articles of female unrdrobe, nt short notice, nnd ln the best and LATEST BPHING STYLES. Rooms in tho Ramsey Buildings, on West MalnlSIrect. Call nnd tee her varied 6tock of Spring Goods. May 1,'W. c ii.iior.NK. w, 8. my J. li. SKYiimtT, TTORNE, KING it SEYBERT, W1IOLFSALE DRY GOODS. No. 313 Market Htreot, PIIILAUnU'lIIA. Orders filled roundly nt lowe.t January 3, ISM. CHAS. Q. BARKLEY, Attorney at ffiSiw, in.oojisniino, colubidia co., pa. Olllco in the Kirljanje Hull dine, second itnry.ovrr Widuirvr St Jicehy', Conlcctioscry, tfcrostl duer nbove the Uxdiance Hotel. llleomi.ture, Jau, 1, G, E. SAVAGE, PRACTICAL WATCH MAKER & JEWELER. Mnln Street, (near tho Court House, ULOOMSBURO, PA. ConhtntIy on hand a lino assortment of Amer can and Swiss Watches, clocks, Jewelry, tllver warv of the best description plated on u hlto mct ul, coublstlng of butter dishes, goblets, knives, forks, spoons, napkin rings etc. Particular attention paid to repairing1 watches and Jewelry. This department Is under the uu In-rvlslon, of A. E. Havngo a practical walchiua ;er and Jeweler ul twelvo years exierlcnco lu tb large Wholesale and Manufactnrlng houso. Mosonlemarksinadetoordcr. All goodsnnd work warranted. Jnn, 1,'uO. ESTABLISHED 1703. JORDAN A BROTHER, Wholcsalo Grocers, and Dealers lu SALTPETER AND BRIMSTONE, No 219 North Third St. Philadelphia. MERCHANT'S HOTEL, (0 MOUTH rODRTU BTItEIT, PHILADELPHIA J, A W. O. M'KIBBIN, Proprlotef. inylO,lW7-ly. BLOOMSBUEG, PA., FRIDAY, FEB. 12, 1869. (Cliolct poetry. THIS DAPl'Lli JIIAHIi. An Ancient Legend Versified and Diversified. HYJ0I1NO. SAXB. One. on n time," as ancient tales declare, Thero lived a farmor ln n quiet dell In Mnssachnsottst but exactly when Or where Is really moro than I can tell. Except that, qnlto nbovo tho publlo bounty, He lived within his menns nnd Bristol county, fly patient labor nnd unceasing enro Ho earned, nnd so cnloyod,hls dally bread I Contented always with frugal faro, Ambition to bo rich no'cr vexed his head ; And thus, unknown to envy, want or wealth, Ho nourished long In comfort, peaco nnd hcnlth. Tlio gcntlo partner of his hnmblo lot, Tho Joy and Jowel of his wedded life, Dlschnrged the duties of his humble col I.I It o n truo woman nnd n fallhfnl wife : Her r.ilnd Improved by thought nnd useful rend ing, Good mnnncis and nine children showed her breeding, Grown old nt last, tho farmer callod his sou, Tho youngest (aud tho favorite, I suppose,) And said:"I long havo thought, my darling Joliu, 'Tlstlmo lobrlnginy labors ton close! Bo now to toll I mean to bid adieu, Aud deed, my son, Iho homestead farm to you." Tlio boy embrnced tho boon with vast delight, Mid promised whllo their precious lives re mained ; He'd till and tend tho farm from morn till night, And sco his parents handsomely mnlnlnlned 1 God help him, ho would never fall to love, nor Do aught to grlovo his generous old gov'norl The farmer said ! "Well, let us now proceed, (You know thero s nlways danger m delay,) And get 'Squlro Robinson to wrllo tho deodj Como whero's my staff? wo'll soon bo on tho way." But John replied, with tender, filial care, iou'ro old nnd weak I'll catch tho Dapple Mnre." The mnro wns saddled, nnd the man got on; Tho boy ou foot trudged cheerfully along: Tho while, to cheer his sire, tho dut.ous sou Beguiled tho weary wny with talk and song, Arrlvod at length they found tho 'Squire at home, And quickly told him wherefore they had come. Tho deed wns writ ln proper form of law, With many a '"foresaid," "therefore,"and "the camo," And rando throughout without mistake or flaw. To show that John had now a legal claim To nil his father's land conveyed, given, Hold, Quit-claimed, cf tctcra to havo nnd hold. Their business done, they left tho lawyer's door, llnpplcr, iorhaps, than when they cuteied there; And started oll'ns they had deno before The son on foot, the fnlhor on tlio more. But eio tho twain n single mile had gono A biilllnut thought occurred to Master John, Alas for tiutli : nlns for filial duly I Alas that Satan, In tho shano of Pride. (Ills most bewitching form inve that of Beauty,) Vihispeied tl.o lad: "My boy, joti ought In ride I" "Oct off!" cxelalmcd Iho yonuker j '"tisn't fair That you should always rido tho DapploMaie." Tho sou was lusty, nnd tho sire was old, And so, with many an oath and many n frown. Tlio napless farmer did ns ho was told i Tho man got offthe steed, and tho boy got on, And rode away ns fast as ho could Irot, ivuu leu his sire to trudge It home on foot. That night, whllo seated round the kitchen lira The household sal: cheerful ns If no word Or tUed provoked tho Injured father's Ire, Or might to mako him sad had o'er occurred Thus spoko ho to his son : "Wo qulto forgot, I think, t'lucludc that little turnip lot I "I'm very sine, my son, It wouldn't hurt It," Calmly observed tho meditative tire, "Totnkotho deed, my lad, and Just Insert It" Hero the old chap Inserts It ln tho firo 1 Then cries aloud, with most triumphant air, ' H'Ao noil', iij ton, shall ridt the Dapple Hare t" &Ui$rfUnttf0U5i. THE WALPUEGIS-NIGHT. II. ZSCIIOKKE. (Continued.) No booncr thought tlinn done. Not a moment was to ho lost in consiilerntiim. Ks-ery inun U hisown nearest neighbor, mi'J saves himself, when ho win. Despair and necessity hnvo no law. A leap and I was out of tho htishea Into tho road, from thu road Into tho car riage; I seized tho reins and turned tin horsed round, away from my burning home. Tho man isprang at tho horse, and just us I lot them feel tho whip, ho tried to .seizo tliem by tho bit. Ho stood right beforo them. I plied tho whip moro vigorously. It was now or never with mo. Tho horses reared and sprung forward. Tlio owner foil and lay under tlio horses' feet. I drovo over him. Ho cried for help. His voico pierced mo to tho very soul. It was a well-known voice a beloved voico. I could not beliovo my oars. I stopped, and leaned out Of tho carriage to look at tho unfor tunato man. 1 saw him I But I shudder to rolato It 1 saw my brother, who must unexpectedly havo finished his biislnoi-s at Prague, or forsomo oth er reason was ou his way home. I sat thero ns if fetruck by liglitniug disabled, paralyzed. My poor brother lay moaning under tho wheel. Such a thing I had never dreamed of. I drag ged myself slowly from tho carriage. I sank down besido him. Tho heavy wheel had gone over Ids breast. With a low, tremulous voico, I called him by name. Ho heard mo no moro : ho re cognised mo no more. It was all over with hjui. I was tlio aceurscd ono who had robbed him of it llfo as dear to mo as my own. llorriblo ! two murders ln tho samo night 1 both indeed involun tary both committed in despair. But they wcrofctill committed, and tho con frequences of tho first crimo, which I might havo nvoided. Jly oyca were wet, but not with tears of grief over tho beloved dead, but tears of frantic rago against my fato against heaven. -Nuver lu my lira had I Main- cdmysolfwlth an ntrocloui wlmo. I had been nlivo to all that was heautirui good, great, and truo. I had had no Bwcctor Joy than to mako others happy. And now, n cursed thoughtlessness a slnglo unhappy momont of self-forget- fulness and then this guilty play of accident or necessity had mado tho most mlscrablo wretch under heaven, Oh, let no ono boast of his virtue, his strength, or his circumspection! It needs only a minute for a man to thrust asldo a llttlo his llrmest principles only n minuto, and tho pure angel Is capable of tho greatest crimes. en for him Is It, If fato, moro favoroblo to him thau to mo, throws no brother in his way to bo run ovor liko mlno I But let tho moral go. For ltlm who has not found It out of himself, thero Is no moral. I will hasten to tho end of my unhappy story, than which no poet over Invented anything moro horrible REMORSE. I hissed tho palo brow of my broth er. I heard voices in tlio wood. Tor rilled, I sprang up. Should I let my- i it (it nt If f ft self lio caught over tho body of this bo loved ono,whom I had first intended to rob, and then murdered? Beforo I could think, I was again ln tlio thickest of tho bushes, leaving tho corpso, to gether with tho horses nnd carriage, to their fate. Tho all-powerful Instinct of self-presorvatlon was alono nwako.ln mo ; every other fooling was dead. In my distraction I rushed through brako and brier; whorotho bushes wcro tho thickest, and tho underwood tho most entangled, thither I rushed. "Whoov cr finds thee," cried I to myself, "will kill thco, thou Cain! thou fratricide 1" Exfiausted, I sank down. upon a rock ln tlio depth of tho wood, tho sun had risen without my having noticed It. A new llfo breathed through nil nature. Tho nwf ul Walpurgis-night lay behind mo with ray crimes ; but Its offspring danced liko devils In my path. 1 6aw my weeping Funny with her orphaned children I saw tho disconsolate fami ly of my unfortuiiato brother I baw tho scaffold, tlio last procession, tho plnco of o.xccutlou. Llfo boeamo an Intolerable burden to mo. "on, mat l nau let myseir do throttled by tho count,"thought I to myself, "for I deserved It! I was then falso to my Fanny and to tho vows which I had a thousand times swotn to her. Or had I only turned about when tho town was burning behind mo, I might havo kissed my wlfo and chil dren onco moro, nnd then flung myself into tho flames. I might then havo been pparcd tho murder of my broth er." I trembled at llfo bceauso I trembled at new crimes, which seemed to await mo at overy step. So much was I sha ken by what had 'occurred, that I felt that to tho sinner ovcry breath ho draws may bring a sin. I thought of sulcldo but for that I wanted means. So I de termined to glvo myself up to Justlco and confess nil my guilt. Thus I hoped although Indeed under tho bitterest circumstances onco moro to press to my heart my Fanny, my Leopold, my Augustus, to Imploro their forgiveness, nnd then depart Into eternity accom panied by their tears. I might yet miiko many domestic arrangcmens.and givo my Fanny hints and counsels con cerning various tilings. These thoughts gnvo mo somo satis faction. 1 became more quiet. I had given up life, and now tho furies of con science ceased to rago within mo, since they had obtained what they wished. I got up and proceeded I knew not whither. In my distraction nnd anguish I had forgotten tlio country through which I had passed. Tho woods lay thick and dark around me. I loured for tho light of tho conflagration, which should guido mo to my judges. But It was no matter ; overy step, every road, would lead me to them at last. After having walked somo tlme,I got out of tho forest. I camo upon a wild road and struck instantly Into it, cailng not whither it might lead. THE TEMPTER I soon heard tho neighing of horses beforo me. I was startled : tlio lovo of life awoko in mo anew. I thought of fleeing back In tho wood. I had been very wicked ; 1 wns a crlmi nnl of tho worst kind ; but I might hope still to be happy, could I save my self this time. For I never wns n com plete villain although tho most thought ic'B-t. So thought I to myself, forget ting all my resolutions, nud already In Imagination 1 was in remote solitude, where under a strango name, unknown to tlio world, I could livo with my wifo and children. Occupied with thoughts, I had still gono forward. As the road opened, I saw right beforo mo horses standing, a carriago upset witli a broken wheel, and to my horror, or to my delight, standing near tho well known Red-coat. When ho saw mo ho grinned, after his usual fashion, "Welcome here!" said he. "Did I not Kill you that wo should find each other nealn ? I havo been waiting all night ; my coachman has gono back to town for help, and has not returned." 'Hlfi help is wanted morothan hero," said I : "tho wholo town is on flro." "I thought so," returned, "for I saw tho light In tho sky. But what do you want In tho woods? What aro you seeking hero? Why nro you not help ing to extinguish tlio flro?" 1 havo quito other (Ires to extin guish," said I. "I thought so; did'nt 1 ten you so v "Oh. savo mo! I havo become a wretched criminal, a faithless husband, a murderer, nn Incendiary, u high wny robber, and a fratrIeido,-all shico tho moment you left mo,-all within uireo hours. And yet, I swear to you, x am not a wicked man." Tho Red-coat stamped on tho ground with his club foot as 1 said this, appar ently In high displeasure. But hli fea tures romnlntd hard and stern, no mado mo no answer. I then related to him tho unprecedented history of tho night. Ho kept quiet. "Bo you not know who i am ami what I want of you?" "My soul! my soul!" shrieked Jj "for now, Indeed, 1 begin to ueiievo that you nro tho pemm whom in Jest 1 took you to bo In Prague." "And that person was V" "Satan." "Then fall down and worship mill" bellowed ho, In'a horrlblo voice. I fell upon my knees beforo him liko n crazv man, raised my clasped hands and cr cd "Savo mo 1 Savo my who and children from destruction I Thov aro Innocent. Curry us to somo desert, whero wo may havo bread una witter nnd it jwivo to llvo In. Wo shall bo ns happy thero ns ln paradlso. But blot this Walpurgis-night from my memory, or clso Paradlso Itself would bo n hell. If you cannot do that, It wero better for mo to ntono my crimes on tho bcaifold." As I said this, ho raised his club foot, and pushed mo con temptuously with thnt I fell back wards to tho earth. I sprang up. I wns about to repeat my entreaties, hut ho Jnteruptcd mo: "There, cot ... nd . said he, "to your pious, ti uder-hcariod tujuui 1"" ''. man I Look at tho proud mortal Hi tho mnjcoty of his reason I look at COL. philosopher who denies tho devil, nnd brings eternity Itself Into learned doubt! ho crowns his crimes with tho worship of Satan.!' Now I know theo, Satan," crlod I, raving. "I sco now thnt not n touch of tho sympathy which dwells ln tho human heart has a plnco ln your Iron breast. I wnnt no sympa thy from thco. Thou feelcst nothing but mnllctous scorn. I would havo purchased thy favor, purchased li with my soul. But my soul will do better. It will find tho way to repentance nnd mercy. It will escnpo you yot, nnd when you fancy yourself most euro of It." Scowling grimly, ho .replied, "No, sir, I am not tho devil you Biipposo I am a man liko you. You havo been n criminal ; now you nro nro a madman. But ho who has onco broken with his hotter faith, Is goon dono with reason; too. I despiso yu. Truly I would not help you If I could. I do not want your soul. It Is nil rlpo for hull, and Satan noe'd not offer a brass farthing for It." HOPE. For a fow moments I stood beforo him doubtful and embarrassed. Shamo and rago, remorse, and ft readiness for any crime that could savo mo, for tho moment struggled within me. I can not described whnt.I felt j for tho histo ry of thnt slnglo moinont would grow Into a volumo under my pen, nnd yot I could not do It Justlco. "If you aro not ho for whom I tako jou," said I, nt last, "I cannot help wishlug you woro ho. Savo me, or I nm lost. Savo mo, for you alono nro to blamo for my horrlblo fato." "That's tho way with man," said ho, grinning; "ho nlways makes himself out porfcctly Innocent, oven when 6taincd with a brother's blood." "Yes; you, sir, wcro tho first cause of all my torriblo sufferings. Why did you como in tho night to my summer- houso, whero I was sleeping harmless and quiet, awaiting tho break of day? Had you not awakened mo, all this never would happened." "But did I nwako you to conjugal In fidelity and to arson? That's Just tho way with man. When ho has assassi nated somo, thousands, ho would lay all tho blamo on tho miner who has dug tho steel out of tho earth. Your breath sir, Is tho causo of your crimes, becauso if you could not breathe, you never would havo committed them ; but with out breath you could havo had no life." "But why did you play tho part of the devil with mo In tho garden, and say so significantly that whoever lets tho dovil ,havo hold of a hair, it will be tho string by which ho will got his wholo head." "Truo that! Did I tell you a Ho? Who can testify moro fearfully to that truth than yourself? Have I asked a hair of you? or did you offo It to mo? But, sir, when you saw Julia, your first love, you ought to havo remem bered Fanny. You trusted too much to your virtue, or rather you did not think' of vlrtuo at all. Religion nnd virtue would havo told you, Fleo homo to tho summer-house. Sir, tho intant temptation appears, man must tnko caro how ho permits himself in tlio slightest thought that favors Bin ; for tlio first llttlo thought of evil, which ono allows himself to entertain, is tho aforesaid hair in tho claw of tho devil." "Right! oh, right! but could I havo forsecn that?" "To bo sure you could." "It was impossible. Think only of tho horrible coincidence of clrcumstan- "Of that, as n possibility, you ought to have thought. Could you havo tho't of tho count, when you held his wifo in your arms? of tho conflagration, when you threw the candle in tho liny? of fratricide, when you drovo tho horoea over their ownr? for, whether ho or another, every man is your brother." Too true ! But drive mo not to great er despair. You must at least graot that tho first fault might have happened without nil the horrors, if there had not been tho most terrible combination of circumstances." "You aro mistuken ! What was there so terrible In tho count's coming to his wifo? What was thero no very terrible in thero being hay lu tho barn, as in all other barns? What so strango In your brother's happenitig to pass that way? No, sir; what you call a horrlblo coin cidence, might havo been for you, had you kci In tlio right path, most hap py. Tho world Is good ; It is tho mind that turns It into a hell. It Is tho man that first makes the dagger and tho pol son, which else would havo been the peaceful ploughsharo or tho healing medicine. Do not pretend to vindicate yourself." Hero I could not holp crying out In utter despair when I saw tlio full extent of my enormities. "Oh !" cried I, "up to this night I havo been innocent: a ood lather, n faithful husband, with out reproach now am I without rest, without honor, without consolation I" No, sir; thero too,! must contradict you, you navo not uecomo wnaiyou nro In ono night, but you became It IOnfc aeo. Ono caunot chango from an angel to a devil In an hour,unlis ho possesses nlroadv every disposition to becomo a lovll. Opportunity Is only waiting lor tho Inner man to becomo tlio ouior. You only needed to bco Jullu alono. Tho flro sleeps in tho bteel and flint, al- thouglit wo sco U not strlko them to gether and tlio npaika fly. Tho Bpark falls into a powdor-cask near by, and half a city, with nil Its prosperity, Is thrown Into tho sky. Commend mo to your pious pcnplo who attend tho poor sinner to tho gallows! that many moro do not hang thero Is moroly tho favor of fortune." "That's a comfort. So then, If you speak the truth, tho world l no hotter than I, or you, as to that matter!" "No, sir. Thero, onco moro you aro mistaken. I grant you half tho world not tho whole. I do yot beliovo In vlr tuo and princlplo, although you havo never really bcllovcd lu them, with all vour Hupposed exaltation of mind. But Valf tho world, yes I .iud ospoclally lu " I 1n. l,. w.llnn- ..Irlt la Inun nt " i,'."Z . "V" .. . . ... -i thai au,u- u DEM.-VOL. XXXII NO. 52. sy. That Is your spirit, too. And that Is tho reason why you stand hero now ns a criminal." "You may bo right; but I am no worso than nny other man In theso times." "Whnt you nro, tho world appears to you to be. Wo never sec tho outward in ourselves, but ourselves In tho out- ward. All out of us 1 nnlv n Inofc I.,-. i a ' " wss "JVZ Weakness Is the foster-nurso of all wick- odncss. I will savo you, If you can savo yourself. Do you know mo now and What I. wont I want of you ?" auu uiu uu iujuu i my LTliuUlUIl I VV ilUU UIVU. mil'lill LU VUU III vain In the summer-house, before ho TlOr l.lM mM nn nf nil .hnon nnnrm W no 11.. . t tt! , ,t i vuuwMiHvo. - .11..!. . i - iMiit jui uiu uiviiiu, ruiuina "Very thing." hie loiiowing consultation octwecn four learned doctors In Latin can bo read lnngnsn oyjoining mo letters oi somo words to others as It stands.nnd hyscp- arating other words. It Is altogether a llternry curiosity, ana may afford somo exerclso in tho Ingenuity of our read- OrS: I A consultation between four learned doctors, held ln Latin, respecting tho caso or a noDIO lord. IstD. Is his honor sic? Prai lretus iciis puiso. it uo es ocat veris ioio tie. OA T XT nntl. nn ..1 u, uuiw 110 iiui ui u vet uu tu matri it. Indccdltasfastasanalarm, ora 11 ro bellat nito. oti u. ins ven ni. 4th D. Noto contra dlclu, In my lug- mentitls vorl loto do, It is ns orta ma- hull sum cnlict (nero ever id octo retl resto a par lorl na mcl an coll post uro.) 1st D. It Is a megriinas, I opl no. 2d D. No docto rlto quit for a quln si. Herels a piano slm tomo fit. Sorites Para eclsus ; prro ro adit. 1st D. Nono doctor I nover quo to aquo casu du. 2d I). Sum arso ; ml antorls no no. 2d D. No vuaro lingat prio scntl des Ire. His honor Is slo offa colli casuro 'as I sit hero. 1th D. It Is tether antrophi ora colli casu sod. Iro membrl re ad itln doctor mo ndes esse, hero Itis, 3d D. I no ver ro ad apngo ln It, no rover Intcndlt. 2d I). Fer ho lis offa qui to deferent notl o nas l here, 1st D. Notis ab ludl fluxlt Is verl plane. 2d D. I fit Is a fluxlt mo quit rone Is ter. 1st D. It is ad nngo rus casas nnl lth D. It mo bo a plurl so; avo metis verl pro per font manat his ago, 2d D. Uro par donat present! des Iro ; his ills caso is n catarido claro it. nn u, it is aica pro si lors till sc Prm hos his a potl carl? can tu tellus. Ab Htermo bono ccssa risum deceits. It Is 03 urem edl In manicas es. 3d D. I findit isto Iato tot hinc offa rem cdi ; fori hero his honor is do ad 2d D. His tlmo is como. ltD. Isittrudouthinc?" 4th D. It is vera certain. His par Is belli stolingo ut forts depnrtu re. 8d D. Nio 1 fls ecco lans is dea ad liotus en dum aprl esto pnu far! solo. Mis honor lias binacato liquordojustl hero. 1st D. Alor dis sum times astinglns an usu reris. 2d D. Api stolis aligo timo u verbl ml at en dans fora forto nite, 3d D. O mol no vera tendo na nil or- din is sic nes anl more, 4th D. Apl stolis no a quln in n nil ordo ns qua lito;suin pes four times moro. It Isles initio flto a doctor o fislc, 2d I). Lotus paco fitls time. 1st Dr. Abigo (litis hi tlmo hide ed cditis forus alto fall as campe ringo as fastas oratout onadirl; fori fer.i bea tlngo veri minute; blmi tolldo. Ills 1 ho buis an das turills uussi sto ut valet Is rea dl for us 2d D. All feris ub nst in a do, fur I horo nuo is at adis statins. IlcUIng on n Sure lliiiifr, A largo utoamer was being repaired nnd repainted near ono of tlio wharves of n western city. A slnglo narrow plank served for communication with tho shore. A largo quantity of white lead was provided fur tho painters, aud one night beforo going ashore, two of them, whom wo will call Smith and Jones, thought they would appropriate somo of It to their own use. So they tied it strong twine around their over balls to tho ankle, and filled In tlio spaco between their trousers and over-alls with forty pounds.moroorless.of white lead. Going nshoro In tho dusk of the evening, nnd waldlng clumsily in con soquenco of tlio unusual load, Jones fell overboard Into tho lake. Of courso liu sank liko a mlll-stono. Tho alarm was given, and Immediately thero wero boats got out, and ovcry preparation mado far tho rescue. Meantime, Smith stood on shoro, loudly bowalllug, "Oh dear.! Jones Is drowned! His poor wifo and five llttlo onos what will become of thorn? And Jones is dead! Oh, dead, dear!" "What nro you blubbering about," aid a bystander. "Don't you seo thai they aro getting ready to haul him out? He's got to rlso three times, you know? "Wh what's that you say I" uskod Smith, "I tell you Jones ain't drownwl-Jio'll be rescued. He's got to como up threo times." "Qot to come up three tluios," repeat cd Smith, pulling out his money and chauglug his whluliig touo to ono of excited Interest i "JVrf yon tlampt he ilonUcomc up once I" Up Jumped tho Dovil lu a rogu and sot two Hum to fill this jugc. in ii.7. ing it -out," as ho calls It. m? I1 baV CCOm. bet.t,Cr; DuriK thtso months his w..ulJ.. unuKB nut-ugii,.-- air i,is isolation, tho --envo mo, my who anu cniiurcn I I nn 1 . tnlln-. T It, 1.. I 11 f T I r. ,,m ' r , T . , "V BC of his project, which would bo vislblo now with horror of what crimes I was on his faco for dys together, led many capable crimes which I never could of his neighbors to imagine that ho was have believed tha I could comml " moroor lcjH br0 M "It may be. But you aro a weakling. inm mi ni,ri,i.. ii.. .. KATES OP ADVERTBIN O. Ono rqtinro, (ten llnra or In ti.iw .lent In nonpareil Ivr.ol onoor Ctvi I tlons, fcl.M); thrvo InsorflmrS 2.00. flPACR. 1M. Ono ixiuaro 2JjO Two inure. ........ S,M Threo nqtmro 6,00 Four squares 7,00 Quarter column.. 10,00 llnlfcolnmn 1,00 2m. SM. (Sr. lr t-V" 8,00 7,00 0,00 1S.00 i00 MflO 1.00 7,00 d.oo 1 1,00 14,00 3)00 W,K) o,(io 1J.0O 17,00 tio.oo lfi.00 18,00 2(,00 80,00 .D,00 60,09 One column.... ... 10,00 KM 00,00 lOO.CO Executor's or Adinlnlstrntfir'fl Notleo. $.1.00 j Audilor'aor Aueltinco'a Notice. 12.60. Local Notices, twenty cents n line ; by tlio year ten cents. Cards In tlio "Directory" column, $2.00 per year for tho first two lines, nnd 1.00 for each additional lino. A Terrible Invention. Some months ngo.n mechanical geni us, whoso nnmo wo nro not at liberty to uiscioso, told us ho had nn Idea which ho wns endeavoring to "work out." liv urlitnh n tfm. i n irrn.t.iiMn , e , irn Z Z", T " .1 , "7u 7., , Z ',"1 " u " "..." lul"' 1 um.1 " "o mnue practicable Hlnco then ha hn.i fllllrrnntlv it,1 . l. ..,..... -Vested; br.n abstracted constant success- Ion of hopes and fears about tho succcsi ful termination nbout four days ago, nud had tho gratlflcatlon of testing tho utility of his perfected idea, with tho mo9, corrll0t0 ovldencn nf I . nrnnllm. hlHtv fonrrf fir rvuiiei nr A HA 1 . n ... M .1 ..t I i 1 1 1 ,UIlgi ln0UIlteu 011 a carriage of very ... . . . J a nn mutn c Itrn. in in Itnitld 1W min " ....,... WWW u tWPOtl iho whnr.U IrrIv finf. Thn mm barrels, twolvo In nnmhnr. nro nrmnn-ml ------- , ... . ..n this carriage. Wo eav ntmarentlv. for thoir lino of flro Is not strintlv t.nrnlh.l. but divergent, so that at threohuudred yards distant tho twelvo bullets sweep a lino of about thirty feot. They aro ranircd nt eoual distanees from each other, oxcont In tha mirlrlln.whi.m tliern H a spaco of ten Inches Into which is rilnned n iolosccmn nf nnnahlnrrthln nnw. er. and a nico rtrrnmrmmmt fnr mlliist, W tho rruns in takimr nlm. This mn trlvnncn ennhloq thn mwnhr t.i wml n bullet throuirh tho hull's mnt Blvtnrn hundred yards nino times out of ten TIM ttlllPS t lemse viw nrn ri lnd. urn M. .... . .... doublotho strenirth of ordltmrv rlflra nnd nrn mndo Htrnno- nt. thn liroceli lv i bnnil-s x- inelins mwl nnB.!vtli thick Tlioy nro all loaded at the breccli Tho breech nieces aro all connected bv a rod, which Is attached to a crank, ono turn of which opens and shuts all tho breech pieces, and loads tho pieces, for tho breech pieces by this motion, aio brought In contact with twelvo tubes, placed Immediately ovor tlio breeches, and containing tho cartridges, thosame turn extricating tho cartridge from its tube and Inserting It with precision in its place In tho gun. Tho guns nro ma o ready for firing by as simple nnd rapid a motion as tho turning of a crank. They nro fired by another slightmotion which drives twelvo needles, inserted in tho breech for tho purpose, into tho fulmlnato with which tlio cartridges aro covered. So simple, sure and rapid are theso movements, that twenty-seven rounds wero fired in sixty-thrco sec onds, yesterday, at tho place of trial, out on the Hyde's Ferry Pike. Tho cartridges aro four Inches ln length, and do not entirely explodo un til tlio ball Is about half way out of tlio uarrel, an effect which is produced by a nico arrangement of tho material of which they aro composed. Except tho bullet tho wholo cartridge is combusti ble, and leaves nothing behind when fired off. Tho gun will send a hall threo miles. Tho aim is nlways good at 2,000 yards. At a trial yesterday a line of rlank felx inches broad was rais ed four feet from tho ground and fired at fifteen hundred yards distant, and out of sixty .shots fired forty-sevon went through and six others left marks on tho edges of tho plank. Tho Inventor Is confident that a regi ment of soldiers n milo and a hnlf dis tant could bo all killed by ono of these Pollyferri (thonamchohas given themi in four minutes. In the hands of an intelligent, htcady operator ai least ninety per cent, of tlio balls Ured wi I tako efl'ect. Tho whole affair when I i fighting trim welgs but Ave hundred pounds, and Is intended to bo hauled 1 y ono horse and worked by two men, o o to drive and the other to operate. T loading apparatus is so arranged tha t can bo detached in n moment, when i,u other part of the deadly engine beco i perfectly usclesr. Ono of tliem cni 1m finished off complete, wllh hoe, id' , for $1,000. Tlio inventor, a young mcch i li feolsjubilaut at tlio great success w i. n attended the first trial of his Impnr ,.nt production, which cost liltn so ma y mouths toll and all tho means whi h had at his command. Ho goi in Washington In about a week to h his fortuno nnd to revoliitloulzu the 1 1 of war. KashKlllc Press. Stamps on Notes. Wo hold It to bo part of our duty as Journalists to keep our renders posted on tho decisions of our Courts, and changes in existing laws whero tho information would prove valuable In pursuance of this design wo would warn parties against stamping judgment noted the same its a common promissory unto. Tho Commissioner of Internal Rove- nuo lias decided that a Judgment nolo ''"Ill ho stamped at tho usual ruto of l""IUIM1"f "lV3 UU"K "u every ono hundred dollars or fractional part thereof, with flvo cents additional on account of tho chtuso relating to de falcation. copy ov note. $.ri000. January 0, 1SCD. Ono day after ditto I promise to pay tlio Mini of fHkX), with legal Interest on tho same, without defalca tion, for valuo received; untt further, 1 do hereby empower nny attorney of any court (if reconl In this State or olso- whero to nppear for mo and confess Judgment for tho same In favor of tho abovo named , his executora, admlulstratorB.or assigns, together with cost of suit and of errors. Witness my hand and seal, tho day, and year nbovo written. "lAL.J The Supremo Court of has docldedthat tho sailer Is hound to mako a deed ; as a deed without stumps Is worthless, tho seller Is hou'id I tar nish them ulso. . t t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers