THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 8flw dfalumbian AND- BLOOMS BUKQ. PA. flUDAV MOUHIXU, .TAN, H, 1SOO. tf THE COT.UM1IIAN Iiri 111 Lnrfenl vlrriiUtlon of any Kier iiulill.heil In X.rllic rn PenutylvA.tta, .ml Ij, alto n MitcH larger thcct than any p.rarle.i anil Is therefore the bent medium far advertising In Oil. .eelltilt oftlte. Stale. What A. Flty 1 llY n consolidation of tlio COi.umih An and Democrat, wo kticw Hint wo fchimld ' deal Ilailldlistn III tlio county lii';ivy blow, became lis mn I n vclllincc for fuluro success was uiion our own liUcoitta htul divisions) but wu lnul no idea our opponents would liutnty lliolr vhni'lu by suoli howls of anguish lis went out through tlio columns of the Hepubtican last week. AHiumln Hint Mr, Jncoby owned Ills Hubscrlbors. and could transfer! hem with tlio riiiio fu tility us thu former editor of tlio lie publican did his, ho charges hltn with corrupt motives In a regular ami oral nary business transaction'. What Is It that touches bur cotempo rary to tlio quick ? Knowing tlio pnst 'divisions of tlio Democracy ho hopes to Bain tlio support of tlio former sltbscrl bcr.i of the Democrat, and tlni.' alienate them from u". Ho docs not know Wlmlovnr irmy bo our divlslotn on lo cal questions) wo aro now nnd always lmvo been united against Jtiidlcal'sm, nnd tho effort to breed discontent will provo 09 futllo as tlio motive Is mall clom. Nor- will hli frantic appeals to the 'BIHnieyord, JlcNIncln and the disci pies of that tried and faithful Demo crat, AndrowFrcas," avail hltn. Tliey uro too shrewd polith tins lo bo caught with such chaff, aud Jlie ufTiirt to coa them Juto tho Republican fold will ro -coll on tho head of tho author. Tho rnoro radical a Democrat Is, the less in cllned ho will bo to trust his politics to tho new-fledscd editor over tho' way, whose columns openly justify 'nlid ad vocate Nesrro SuCTra'crc. In conclusion wo would say, that up to this timo tho old patrons of tho Democrat have ral lied around u3 in tho most gratifying manner, and pledge us their cordial support. Xbt one of then has stopped on account of the change. , Tho Stato Convention. UN'fiKss postponed, our next State Convention will meet March Fourth next. Weithlnk the time is premature. Wo deslr to elect our candidates for Governor and Judge of tho Supreme Court this year, and in order to attain success, must bo prepared to meet our onnonents at all points. Why name our candidal os and proposo a platform several months beforo tho election Let us postpono the timo and see what course Qrant Intend to pursue. Tho questions of Reconstruction, of Finance, of Currency, must bo met by the new Congress, and wp should be take the field after thoy havo indicated their policy on theso questions. Unless this Leglslaturo'proves to be more, economical and faithful than it now promises to, bq, you may look for reverse and defeat at .tho polls noxt full. The abovo Is part of a dispatch to the 8c ran ton Republican from Harrisburg. This Is .an.Inlimation of what wo may eipecf ti!e,coining session. Even radi cal papeis despair of economy in a Leg islature ejected by themselves. Law PAr.TifKBSiUP. ."Wounderstnnd that A. P., Spinney and Jamt3 ISryson Fsq'ra., hayo formed a law partneiship and v!ll;iuye Iheir.QfOco Ui L. P. Gar nei's building in Iluvroom icccully oc cupied by, ,P -pplier, Moodio & Co, Ashland AC.vocote. Book NoticE3. Wo havo rocolvud tho llrst number of Capt. May no lteld'i Magazlno "Onward," published by Cavlcton, 497 Broadway , Now York , at $3 GO. It Is written, as tho title pagu sets forth, for tho youih of Amorlcu Tho reputation of Capt. Hold as ivwrl tor of storied lu which tlio moit valua bio information is skillfully Men dcd. is maintained In tho book before us. Tho contents are spicy and read.i ble. The magazlno, o judgo from tho present number, is the most sensible wo havo yet seen for young people. 'Too Tkue.' A ch inning little stury written in simple, natural style, yui containing enough of exciting interest to preserve it from tamcness. It is well printed and bound by G. P. Putnam Son, C01 Broadway, N. Y. Tho write modestly conceals his or her namo, fo we nro yet undecided as to which sex I entitled to the credit of having pro tlucedwhat is, to say tho least, a very readablo book. 'Skaucii Aftjsii Tiiutii.' This work written by Geo. W. JSgleston, is ml dressed especially to young men, and Is well worthy of their perusal. It sets forth plainly, but with forco tho, ueces slty of Christian faith and depicts tho Towards of a Christian life. The book has been written with evident euro aud by one who U Impressed wl.h the truth of tho principles he sets forth. Pub Hslitd by G. P. Putnam & Son, CQ1 Broadway N. Y. 'No Love Lost.' A poem by W. D Howell. It Is beautifully printed on tinted paper, and bound lu exqulslto style,wlth several duo steel engravings It is Intended and fitted for a Christ' mas or Now Year's present and would grace tho tablo of any of our .fair lady frloads. Published bv G. P. Putnam & Son, CGI Broadway, N. Y., who deserve great credit for tlio admirabio stylo In which it is presented to the public. Heaktii andIIome. The first nuui i r i r I. .1 r r t..i i . .. ,i i... vvt ui jcirtr unit jiuihg, jubl. iftauuu uy Pettlngill, Bales &. Co., Is a largo, hand somo paper.and lis literary contentfully coino up to tho proinisoot tho.ndvortisc men Is which heralded its appearance Mr. Donald O. Mitchell (Ike Marvel) and Mrs. Stowo furnish excellent aril cles in their special veins j and thoro aro good contributions from Bryant, IIol mes, Trowbndgo.Graco Greenwood, Madam Lo Vert, and others. sup. plies a Jargo spirited picture of Siuta Claus; and sovcial of tho articles aro well Illustrated hy other designers. v.n.i:tnjTouv., Krniii the ltl(. iniMlil'K Pkiiu ft. it. Ths week clo.soa uy editorial enrec, in Columlj'n Comity, lor nt least a number or year?. On tlio l!t;,li of December, 1808, T nolj my emiio Interest in tlu lll.oo.Msiumil DkmociUT to Capt. 0. II. IIhociovay, eili tor of tlio f.WiMiWiH, of ill's town. Tlio two papcn will bo consuliilatcil, lit iiio iii)ca'ing under tlio now nriangcincnt on l'Viday next', cilitoJ anil oonlroljcil by tlio present iimliaf,or niaj proimcior of tlio Qui milium. It will anpear under tlio t'nlo of " The Colciiilitiin mitl I'loomshi'.i Dnvo ,' gieully liiiiinvcil In in arraticuicnti nnd oilier respects. It it tlio intention of the propitotor lo imro no pains, Tit!i tlio facilities alieady in Ills po.voion, and yet to bo aiipihcd, lo make till? paper tio neatest, bo-t, and clioapest weekly in tlio S.iuc. ,ln i-uo, it m decidedly tlio larg CEt paper In tlio County, nal in tlio Stato there aro few, if any, that surpass lis di mensions. It is ably anil carefully edited, nnd justly mciita a liberal and hearty EUp port nt tlio bands of tlio Democracy. Mr. llaocKWAT is jtt a yountf man, though a gentleman of largo experience for one who lias lived fo miali a number of years, and with his le&al knowledge, coupled with his pol't'cal apd ncwsp.ipcr cxpcilpnce, it ii to bo hoped that lie will bo able lo publish .1 journal which will meet Iho expectations of nil, and lako rank among tho highest papers in tlio State. pre-pi id Mibiori'ition will bo filled by Mr. HuocKWAV; credit been car ried from our books to his in all cases where tlio timo has not expired for wl'.'cli tho pa per was paid. Tf any mistake havo oc curred, in making this transfer of cicdits, they can bo easily rectified by 'calling nnd examining our books. By somo it may bo enqu'red why this sale was made, and tlio consolidation of tlio two papers effected ; to which qucsiioii there aro several an-wers, many of which nro m well understood iy the Democracy of tho co.mty that a full explanation is unneces sary: 111 ihn first place, there is no iiccck sity for two Democratic journals in this town ; in tlio fcccom! place, the Democracy of the county do not furnish patronago suf ficient to afford anj thing over and above a decent Iivolihood for ihrco publishes; and, in tho third plaro, I desiio"to disconnect myself from tho newspaper business ut present, that I might enjoy a littlo lest, after eleven years of editorial life, and settlo and isillnct my accounts. If these rcaons nro not suflicicni. 1 will bo pleased to explain more fully to all who may call upon inc. I bad cliarjo and control of tlio Star OY TUB NollTH.iti 1857, prior lo the death of It f.uben Weaver, Kst . , and in January, 1353, purchased the establishment at an Administrator's sale. This was douo under discouraging circumstances, tho bubserip tion list being less than three hundred, tho advertising nnd jobbing patronage smr.'l, and'myself a comparative stranger to tho people of tlio county. In less than a yoar, with tho assistance of my nowly, acquired friends, tho subscription more than doubled, and tho ndvoitising patronago was' made quito encouraging. Tlio' Staii was pub lished by me for over four years without the least interruption, etu:l October ICtli, 18C2, when Abraham Lincoln "took us for a soldier." Not having plenty of "stamps," and our friends mostly being in tho t.amo fix, I concluded, as this was a bhort draft, that I would closo tho office. I did to; and hatieg no fucnds in Canada,, cntcied tlio army served my timo, got an honoa blo discharge, and wasn't Abolitionizcd in the least. In August, 1SC3, I returned from tho army, revived tlio Star and continued its publication until February, 18C0, when tho p.. cliaso f (ho ( Aumbia Democri ' was effected by B. It. Ikellr, Bsq., with whom wo foimcd a co-partnership, and consolidat ed tho two papers under tho titlo of Cor. l'.muia Democrat and Star of the Notvrir. This co-partnership lasted somo foven mouths or more, when tlio interest of Mi. Ii"?M:it was deposed of to Josiah P. SnuM.s.N, whoso connection u'uh the papec continued until Januaiy, 1SG7. After his retirement tho entire coni.ol and cditoiial hours of tlio paper fell upon myself. This cuaugo in tlio establishment naturally dis jointed U'nttcrs liioio or less; and at tho .out-etart of thu second volume, after tho consolidation, while 1 had oxclusivo control, tho titlo was changed to that of Ulocms liuiiu Star and Democrat. Under that namo I have published tlio paper nearly two years ; and during this timo I havo seen bomo sunshino as well as cloudy weather. Tho lifo of a newspaper editor is not Iho uiost pleasant under tho best of circum stances.. Witli subscription and advertis ing bills scattered all "over creation," com positors, from tlio "jour" down, crying for copy, the Laudlord and Express Agent at the door knocking for admission to collect bills, ihcro is enough to distract and drivo an editor to madness unless be possess an impenetrable skull. Then, on the other, hand, partially to mako up for alt these an noyances and perplexities, tho editor's heart is occasionally mado glad by tho presenta tion of baskets of ttrawberrics, apples, grapes, and at proper seasons a fat gobbler ; besides, "freo tickets" of admission to all tho puppet shows that travel tho country. It will bo seen, however, that all these pos sess very littlo of tho substantial? of life. In parting witli tho Democrat I do not proposo to Ifavo tho county. Too many, of oiy best days havo becu spent hero among tlio Democracy for me to start in search of a now field of labor. I shall over bold all those with whom I havo acted di1' iug past political struggles in high remembrance, and it will bo iny great est pleasure to LoaUo, at tomb early day, to rociproeato whatever, of copntcnanco and favor I havo received. W. II. JACOBV. The Pennsylvania Central It. It.lmvo lately purchusqd Iho North Branch Civ nul. Wo did i)ot learn tho jteitus of sale nor tho amount paid. Sunday School Convention. ton ti'K eoi.uMniAS a dkmocuAt. ,Mr. KotToll! lJiinirArs many of your readers aro looking Tor tho proceedings of the Sun day School Convention, which hai Just clfised ItH sessions;. I herewith furnish 'you n synopsis. Toglvo thodclnlls in n full report would bo qullo length nnd would take tip morospneo In your vidua bio papor Hint you would like to spare. Tho convention organized by elecling 1). A. Beckloy President, Tims. Crovcl Ing Vice President, and Dr. ,1. Schuyler Secretary. An address of welcome was then delivered yy ltev. I). J. which lie adverted to tho oilgln null piogressof tho institution of Sunday Schools. On motion of Prof. Best, Bcv.Mr.Taylor of Philadelphia, Secretary of tho Penn sylvania Stale Sabbath School Associa tion, was requested lo direct the man ner nnd management of tho convention. A eoinmUIco on llnanco was appoint ed, and tho remainder of tho llr&l ses sion was taken up In nn by Hov. Mr. Taylor, which was a rich heal and elicited great Interest from all who were L present, which worocomparalivclylow; but as it was (ulked about town tho church building was well filled dtitiii' tho remainder of tiio sessions. After reces) Bov. N. Sjicaraddrcy-cdtho con vention on tho difficulties of pioctning good roliablo tcat'liers. Itcv. Mr. Taylor then gave us soma uofiil tiifbrumllon in regard to black board e.wcises, and whilst ho gavo a lesson on it, Iho whole convention In cluding Ihu lltllo children, mai,!fi!.sted tho most Intense interest. Ills subject was tho call andcouvovsion of Teaches. He directed his remarks lo tho children, having tliom all answer In concert. Ho told nbout Zaccheus being a sli't'er, and how kindly our Saviour called him dowu from the, tree, that his great busi ness wus to keep and save such men, and then of the resu't In h's confession and willingness to restore what ho bad fraudulently taken from any one. As ho would repeat Hie prominent fealu-es in Iho lesson, lo get the children to conipiehend it, wl'ich aM seemed to understand by the man tier in which the'y answered the questions, ho would put most important words on Iho blaeVboa'd, such ns Zacchcus, tree, sal vation, guest, abide, seek, save, tout ond others. Those word-j wcroso placed in dilfeieiit Hues, that a littlo filling up mado thorn almost instantly, and lo the suipriso of most of llioso present, into verso as follows: As to Zaccheus in the tree, So my Saviour speak lo mo; In my home aud heart abide, Bo my constant guest and guide. Thy salvation 'el mo boost Thou dld'st seek nnd save tho lost : Jemis c'uanso and liuntu my soul. Tho sauio was then sung by Mr. Tay lor, who, by tho way, is a mo3t capful singer. Tho wholo corivcrtlon Joined In with a fervo not often witnessed. Prof. II. S. Osburnof Lafayetto Col lege occupied tho remainder of the af ternoon' session on tho use of black- boardsand maps In .studying and in teaching biblo truths. Having travel ed through tho "Holy Land," ho could make Ms subject very interesting. ltev. D. J. Waller'madon, fo.v port,- neut remarks on thoi appliances for Sabbath Schools, cbntrastlng them with what wero in uso when ho was a Sunday School Scholar. He said Prof. Osburn's, magnificent map which iho conveniiou hadtln use.woul havo been considered a great novelty thirty years ago. The convention adjourned for tho evening session, which' met at 7 o'clock with a full The devotional ex ercises wero conducted by r.ev. Mr. Dickinson. Kev. D. J. Walleraddress ed Iho convention on iho relations of pareuts to tho Sabbath School, which was followed byafew very appropriate remarks by ltev. Mr. Dickinson to tti o offset that tho relations wero closo, ten der and permanent. ltev. Mr. Taylor assigned some, causes of parents' indlf fereuco, such as tho manner of conduct ing (he Schools,. tho ill-ventilated up jiait men! sand unsightly places in wh'cli they wee mostly held. P'-of. O.sbum then gave somo account of his travels turough Syria and Palestine, of too manners and customs of the pcople,t hero being very littlo diifereuco between them nt present and when tho Biblo was writlon, and the necessity of a kuowled&o of them in order to under dcrslnnd tho illustrations, so frequent throughout thp . bib'e, diawn fiom them. After a singing oscrci$e, the question bo;: was opened, and the following questions propounded, viz : 1st. What Is tho bent method lo get pnrsuls to attend Sabbath school '.' Sad. What is tho best method to se cure order in the Sabbath school, es pecially to put a stop to whispering ? Urd. How can' Sunday school teach ers bo Induced to attend regularly tho teachers' weekly meeting ? .These wero answered very Satisfac torily by Mr. Taylor at somo length. Tho most essential thing to accomplish thc.-o ends is to mako the school and teachers' meeting interesting. Tho convention then adjourned to meet next day at 9 o'clock. When tho hour arrived, llov.Mr.ltlco conducted thu opening devotional ox' orciscs. Tho conductors not being pres cut tho Chairman suggested a discus sion on the tardiness of teachers and irregularities, following It up with borne very npproprlato remarks. Prof. Best then pressed tho duty of punctuality on teachers as a duty they could not shrink without great and culpablo neglect. ltev. 1), C. John said ho endorsed tho remarks of tho last spoaker, and then drew a striking contrast bctwoen regu larlty of teachers in common nnd high cr schools with teachers in Sabbatli schools. All admitted punctuality in tho former, which was Just ns essential, if not moroso, In tho Sabbatli school. Bov.-Mr. Dickinson gave somo point cd robukes to lazy, punctually-tardy nlways-bchlnd teachers, by citing the oxumplo of his wlfo, who had the cat of sovon children, without help In her domestic duties, yet always punctual with her class at 0 o'clock in tho morn ing, with scarcely nn exception. Hov. Mr. BIco addressed the convention on tho samo subject. Bov. Jin Taylor was called to givo his views on tho common librory books found In schools, which he did nt somo length, condemning many of them as worthless trash, whilst mony wero very good. A lesson was then given ou tho wa ters of Pttlostlno by, Prof. Osburn, elicit ing great Interest, which was followed by n black-board oxurciso by Hov. Mr. Taylor; first In preparing tho Jetson J lilt i'l"J t'H - w y liU I7'VJ RVilV Into Canaan, which was put Into vciso nnd sung. Tho morning scission was closed by singing tho long metro doxology nnd benediction by Bov. Mr. Mcllclc. Afternoon session opened by Bov.Mr. Spear, which was followed by a sing ing exercise, conducted by Row Mr. Taylor. Bov. Mr. Thomas nddresicd tho children, ns this session was more particularly for them, on tho natural stato of the' heart nnd redemption by faith in it lledeemer, ond nn exhorta tion to live for him. 'Singing oxcrclSo ngaln by Pjv. Mr. Taylor. Prof. Wnlker then addressed tho con vention, directing his dlscourpo to tho children, on thercat end of llfo, sim plifying it by tho familiar lllustiation of a watch. After somo tnoro exorcise? Jn singing, Prof. Osbtirn nddrossc.l tho children, which was well calculated to inspire holy nmbilion In their lives. Bov. Mr. BIco followed, nnd urged tho great Im portance of giving our hea' ls lo Jesus. ltev. Mr. Taylor next gave a black board excrciso on tho Saviour's birth, mission, death and resurrection, pultlng It Into verso, nnd singing thosnnic,nnd then prayed for theso blessings which ho hnd Just been teaching. Bov. IX J. Waller urged the people lo contrlbuto in order lo defrny tho ex penses of tho convention, nfler which a collection was taken up. Benediction by Bov. J. P. Tustlu. Dovolionul exorcises of Iho evening session woro conducted by Bov. J. P. Tustln. Bov. D. J. Waller gave n Bi ble-class lc-son. Subject "Melchlso dek."' 'log again conducted by Mr. Taylor, aft' which ilio utiws.ioii box was opened and several questions pro pounded, olio of which was in relation lo the Bible-class lesson Just closrd, to wit: "Why was Melchiscdek uppotiit ted n priest if ho knew not his parents, ns was necessary?" Bev, D. J. Waller answered that us Melchiscdek lived prior to tho Levi t leal priesthood, ho was not subject to the rites of thnt economy. Several otlicr questions wero piked, and answered by Bov. Mr. Taylo. , ono of which wo shall only note "Should a school havo a uniform lesson V" With tho exception of the infant class, hu said thoy should by nil means, just as necessary c lo have a uniform dinner for a family. Prof Osburu gavo u short accountof the habils of Iho people of Palestine. As Bethlehem meant "housoof bread," It seemed very appropriate at the prc.'ont dny.for thoy had plenty of very excellent bread. When ho described tlio manner of kneading it, lu lurgo troughs by tramping it. with their feet, holding to a rope overhead, it ittiscd somo merri ment. In answer lo somo queries, ho said tho girls of Eelhlehom wero very handsome. Singing was then conducted by Mr. Taylor, which wrs followed by an ad dress by Prof. Boat on the powers of tho mind boing improved by exercising them. A blackboard lessou and excr ciso was then conducted by Mr. Taylor on the atouemept, commeuciiig with God's covenant promises in tho Old Testame t, aud ending with "tho con summation in tho death and resurrec tion of Jcsu3 in tho Now Testament. Tho important -words wero placed on tho black-board ono after another, as they occurred in tho lessou, and when ho concluded, n littlo filling up brought it out in verse, thus: Faithful covenant-kooplng God, Sprinklo mo with Jesus' blood, Better than tho law on stone, Jesus doth for sin atone. Happier than thy saints of old, Mako mo in my Jesus bold ; By the new nnd living way, Draw mo near to thee, I pray. After singing this aud tho long metro doxology, tho benediction1 was pro nounced by ltov. N. Spoar, thus closing the labors of two days. There was a session held on Thursday morning, thubusincss being principally an organization of a County Associa tion. Wo shall reserve it for another week's issue, as wo havo already, wo fear, extended these notes too fur In trcpfHsing beyoi d tin space allotted us In oi aper. Be nrctfuliy, J. S. Iilst of Xiotters Remaining in tho Post Officcc, Jan. lpt, 1069. Bono F Miller W B Childs Bov Thos Moyer Ellen J EugloMraBaelia'.'l Boach Mrs Annie 1V: Sado P.imynu D Hauler J V Sholihammer Mis C Ilovaul Jlrs Delia Sfroius D Heir lor David Sterling Thomas L Trembly John Terwilligor Jacob Thomas idrsSawna Vaiuiman CD Wilson Augustus Whltenlght Amzy Ho ee J M HessSlMtwol Howell Bov JM Johnson Levi 11 IiOgau Bohert Miller D J Miller Mrs Julia J. B. Pur-scl, P. M. PKNN. LlIUlSLATUItK. .Tho IIouso met on Tuesday Jan., 0, ut noon, all tho members present except three. Juo. Clarke, Bepublican, was nominated for speaker, Samuel Josephs.Denioerat.was aUo nominated. Tho former was elect ed by a vole of CO to 37. The Senalo met nt 3 o'clock of tho samo day. Tho Bepubllcans nominat ed Dr. Win. Wortliiugton for speaker, nnd tho Democrats, Cha'rleton Bur nett tho former, was elected by a voto of 18 to 10. ' Ho mado n long speech on taking the chair. 1011 TUG COLUMBIAN. Cakd op Thankh. I hereby grate fully acknowledge tho rccoipt ofa num ber of valuables, during the winter and especially during Iho Holidays, from tlio kind people of Catawissa and vi cinity, with whom my lot has been cast consisting of groceries, coal, glassware, dresses for Mrs. B,, muslin, n handsomo pair of boots, till elegant silver cako basket 1 j Mrs. B by her Sunday School class, greenbacks olc. Also a valuable present from '.'Com mltteo." Knd friends please accept our slneero thanks. May tho Lord roward you. D. BECKNEB, Pastor of Luth. Church, Catawissa, Hkntknck op tub BnoAiniEAu MuitiiKituits .SntouDsiiuita, Jauuitry L'. The prisoners, Brooko and Ormo, wero brought Into court this morning to receive their sentence. Each made a speech, confessing tho kllllus, but en denvoring to Justify theniSelvos by ploadlug self defense. 'I'hey also tried to hldo behind drunkcnucw, although they professed lo remember every point In tho affair. The day of execution w III bo f xctl by 1iq Govcuior. Bflccls of Reconstruction. (ItoitaiA and Arkansas nro "recon structed, and on n, loyal basis. In or der to show how thoroughly tho work has been dono, and how beautifully Iho system works wo clip tho following dis patches fiom tho Xcw York Times, a Ttndlcul dally. Savannah, Dec. 20. The Slierlff of the county and two as sistants) on Tiies'lnyt went to Hay ward's plantation, oij tho Ogcchco Blver, 11 iullcs front,. this city, to arrest bovouteen negroes charged with shooting watch men on tho plantations, nud cnrrylng off tho crops of planters. Thoy mndo five nrrusls. At Station Jsol, ou tho Atlantic and Gulf Ballroad, they wero surrounded by nbout ono hundred arm ed negroes, who rescued tho prisoners and disarmed nnd robbed tho Sheriff nnd destroyed tho warrants, and (hrcat encd lo kill him If hoover served a leg al process again in that vicinity. Tho icgrocs then separated into squads nnd marched back to tho plantations,-avowing that thoy would havo tho heart's blood of every whlto man on tho Ogc chco Blvcr, saying (ho war has com menced. Ono negro watchman is sup posed to bo murdered. Two whlto men wero badly hurt, and all tho whlto men wero obliged to ilco to Iho city to save their lives. Tho women and children aro in the hands of tho mob, nnd have been carried off into tho woods. Great excitement exists lu this community, and n Sheriff's posso ofhotween SOO nnd 400 citizens wlllleavont daybreak to morrow lo rescue tho women and chil dren. Tho military ducltno to interfere until the power of tho civil nit' horities for preserving order nro exhausted. Mi:mpjus, Twin., Dec. SO. Beports from Marlon, Ark,, this af ternoon, reprr "tit that tho mlllthi at Augusta, fearing they may bo attacked, arc building stockades and throwing up works around tlio jail, where tho prom inent citizens who have been arrested are confined. No causo has yet been given for their arrest. Tho privates wear no uniform, and it is Impossible to distinguish (hem from other negroes, excent bv their arms. Passengers from tho Arkansas Blver country report that tho fluids nro whlto jitli tho cottoi. which tho planters tro ttnablo to pick, tlio hands having gone off to join thu militia. Tho Chicago Platform declared that "reconstruction Wii3 an assured sue cess." Who can deny it in tho face of the nbovo statements? Who dresses well, dresses cheaply Clothes of inferior quality, mado in an unworkmanlike manner will always prove the most expensive in tlio long run although n trillo may bo saved at tho first purchase. If you wisli well tilling, durable, comfortable and hand tome suits, call on CiiEMunitr.iN. He keopsjust that k'nd and his prices nro as comfortable as his suits are. 5 ItOSI'ECTlTS. "Tltr. AfJIV for 1 lHy. ClllCUIiATIiTHJJDOCU JIPLN'JU A Daily and Weekly Democrat ic Journal in Philadilphiu I Improvements in every Department, 1'oUtical, JAteniiy, Commercial, l'iuanval, aud Agricultural. Thu publishers of Tlio Aic hee to call tlio attention of the Deniocintic and Conserva tive masses to tlio Daily and Wcokly issue of their popular Journal. Tlio general dis semination of tound political information must result in great goad to the Democratic party. Il'icictcr Hadiculiim sends ill pois on, let us be prompt in fumUhing the anti dote I Wo havo just finished an excitins political strugglo, and tlio Democratic party, vigor ous aud undismayed, is now ready to begiu tho fight again, and to fight on until victory crowns our efforts. Ono of tho most powerful enemies in eb cuiing victory is tho Democratic press of mc country, anu every man wno can auoru to snbscribo for a Democratic uowspapcr ebould at once do so. TIIK DAILY AGE Will continue to bo in tlio futuro what it was in tlio past tlio earnest defender of tlio Union and tlio Constitution the bold and fearless advocato of Democratic princi ples and tlio constant and unyielding f'oo of Itadicilisiu in every form that it presents itself to tho pcoplo. It will -contain tlio lat est news from all parts of tho world. Dis cussions of all subjects of general interest and importance; editorial comments on gov ernment, Politics, Trade, Finance, and all the current questions of tho day, anil will have all the characteristics of a live, leading, progressive journal. Till: WEEKLY AG K Will bo acomplcto compendium of (lie news ol tho week, and will contain a largo quan tity of original, political, literary, agricul tural, and uiii-ceilancous matter, making it in all respect-, a fir.-t-class family journal, as well for the politician as the general reader. TEKMS OF TIIK DAILY. Ono copy, one year, $9.00; six months, if.50; tlirco months, $2.50; for any less pciiou at the rate of one Dollar per mouth. I'aymcnt required invariably in advance. Postago on tlio Daily, thirty cents per quar ter, or ono dollar and twenty cents per an num, to bo prepaid nt tlio ntlico of delivery. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY. Ono copy ono year, $2 ; fivo copies, ono year, $9; ten copies, ono year, $17.50; twenty copio", mo year, S33. Postajo on tho weekly, fivt. cents per quarter, or twen ty cents per aunuiu, to bo pre-paid at tho oflico of delivery. In order to placo tho weekly within tlio reach of all, tho publishers present tlio fol lowing cxtraordinaiy low CLUB BATES. Ono Hundred copies, ono year, all ad dressed to ono person $100.00 And ono cony cxtia to tho getter up of thp club additional copies at tho samo price. Sovcnty-fivc copies, ono jear, all-address-cd to ono person $S1.00 And ono copy oxih to tho getter up of the clud-aildiiioual copies at tlioamu pi ice Filly copies, ouo year, all addressed to ono perfon $C2.50 Ouo copy; extra to tlio getter up of tho club additional copies at tho samo price. , .Forty copies, ouo, year all addressed to ono person $52.00 And ono copy cxtia to tho getter up of tho club additional copies at the samo price. Thiity copies, ono year, all addressed to ono person ' $42.00 And ono copy extra to tho gecter up ol the club additional copies at tlio name price Twenty copies,ono year, all addressed to ono person $30 00 And ono copy extra to tho getter up of tho club additional copies at tho same price. Ten copies, ono year, all addressed to ono person $10.50 ' And ono copy oxtra to tho getter up of tho club additional copies at tho samo price. Fivo copies, ono year, all addressed to ono person , 8.60 Theso prices, which aro cash invariably iu advance, apply only to ycaily subscribers, and tlio papers must, in every caso without exception, bo sent to ono person, and not addressed severally to tho members of tlio club. It will bo observed that our offer of an extra copy to tho getter up ofa club, ro fers onlv to a club often or more, 65 Tlio abovo terms will bo rigidly ad hered to, Drafts ou Philadelphia, or l'ost olneo Orders, payablo to tho order of tho Publishers, being safer, aro prcfcabla to any other modo of remittance All who send money by Express must pro-pay Express charges. Specimen copies of tlio Daily; and Weekly sent gratis on application at this of fice. Advertisements inserted at moderate rato?. AVELSII & noun. 1 1 and 10 South Seventh etrcot, Philadelphia. lllii iniilnifg Mnrltet llt)iort, Wheat icr Imshel ?3 00 Itye " - - 1 8t Cum " ...- 1 00 Oats. .' . ' Flour per nnrroi iz ' Clovcnieed A rinxftocu . z llnlUr Kicks Tllo,r . I'otfltnos l Dried Apples -.. 2 one . Inin '. hum nml Hhoiililcm l Jim per round Hay per ton 10 I.UMlllitt. Hemlock Hoards per thousand fect 10 I") lMno ' (ono Inch!- Isa it Joist, Kcantllns, rianlt.dlcmloclt) 15 ifl (Shingles, No. 1 per thousand H .'I " 2 " " 7 1 RldlllK " " ft IS i) i run No. 1 ficolcli pis. I I iu, i i Hloom n f I.lRlit Street Mnrktts. f'nrrorlnil wooklr 1t Peter Ent. wholesale a1' I roMIl ue-lor in araln, flour & feed nnd conei'i ' iiiF.'Cimmi.zu. Wheat per bUKhck 8- ' Ityo " ' .. 1 Co.ii " ' 1 1 Hue W'hut 1 ' Oats ' Wiicnl t'lotir ter 100 to. - t Illicit WliPitriour J. ' Corn Cho.i, - ' ii i. Ilitller per il ; cr i'oz., ... i:otntnj pr Ima.... lined A'nilcs " ... Kli'x Kccd " ... llecf iter 10.1 Ibl ... , 9 I J .111 I . .1 I'D k L.ird " ui l'li'UilclldiU Kirktll. FI.01IK Northwestern sti pertinent Northwestern extra .. Northwestern Innilly l'enntiylvitula ami ventcrn BiiiierMnp. Pennsylvania nml Western extra Pennsylvania anU Western family Pennsylvania nnd Western fancy , .-.!1 0 , (i "i .. H.Slfti II 'I 7.1W47 .7.7MI P . ll..'itKr 1 1 . H.14TI Ityo Hour ' W llKAT Pennsylvania ml, bus Jl.SIXtf (a J Houtfiel-ii " " rioJV 6 California " f white " ' l.lVffifl.10 ItVK-Pennsylvanla ryu, It lu tl.iWiSIu CoilN Yellow, " While. " . . ti.i!itiji.'.,s , n.i;i'.i7 "IkwtfC UI.U SUcfflllc l,K-6!lll 0 IIATH plHlS I'tloviHioN.s .Mess rorit, v ooi MCSS lit't'l, Diesn'il Hons, Till) Smoktsl Hams ' " Hhoulders V i'J l,anl. 11 lb Hcf!?1. HEEDS Cloverseetl V bus 8" no, 1 s 1 -, S" s"!t3 Timoihystoti niii - Flaxseed " . . CATTI.h-lli ef Cnltlo C Cows, & lieml - OeCJWKo uciioiiV" 815198UU rsiiKKr r 19 nous -ft iikj ms lyicua Sfttiii'i'i'.inriti HOWrif.I.-l.OllACH-On tlioS'st ull. I y H-v. .1, M, ltlee, Mr. Will. 1. Howell lo J i-s llmmn C.'i bu.n of Jit. I'lej tilt. P.r.AVKIt-nilAM-Oii Cm 8'ilnll. by ilio ltev. Wli'iam J. K.wer, V.. Heu.y lleRVe.- lo M 1 Matinuallramtboth oi'ltoaiiBcieolc township. IlUOMN'rKTLKH-lXMOV- 111 StstDf, b-iho Kev N. Hnear.Jcs'o Pro niot'erof (liaisiiwood lo Miss Sia.y Lemon of M.. Pleasant. WH'GHr T'ETr WDRTJI OaJan. 1 st Iailh r nn l'aisont-oCainw-ssn. by Uev. D. Jieeltiiei, Mr. Jn.nci ,Vrlgiit of MonMnr Co., to Ml s Jauo Tctswoith o; Newc l OU-o IIF.WITJ'-STOKEP -On 17th Dec livilnllev. J.J. llnivey, jniius M, De .tt to -.. V. Ktolier. HKNIIHrtMIOTT nlM)INK-Olll)ee.rii.!iatlho lesideio or Willam II. lisll-er.rv Kev. Mr. Mnso., Mr, K'etti Ilciidcrslnu of f. ma, lad, to i Miliary 1, inioiue ei n.iiMr.iu.ou.-g La:s co. Mice, to.'.i Toilnf rly of Col. to. Pa. PIFEIt-lJOHnp.D-On Dec. Kin OntioTwn. by Sainilci Uleueilili, K n.. Joliii l'lrcof Ml, m- vllle ii'id Miss Alllco M. Hubert! ol W lilies'. llltOOHEY JOllNHON-Ily the simoon Dcr John llioc icy nml KJIatiaU A. Johrson. hi Ut of v en b. u l 1.01. ( ?. Jir.ANK MIVINK-On tlio 31st 11,1.. b" Re . I'. Irvine, M,'. Jos nn IS.Iilauk, loMUs L '.lo CJlvlue. HA UIITS On 1'iosnmo bvtho f no Mr, Htiwn u Kesier, to Mi&Bmi&nn u. nan UEECKH-SIIULTJ' -On tho same, by tho Mr. Kbjah II. P.ccccr.lo MIksCjioIIoo 11.Mii ENWOOD-HEUUINO-Om IhoZM nil., by j'v. J. A. .Mclick,Mi. James Knwood, to Miss B. rah Jicn.u?, uu 01 11100111. VBlTEr.-CI'.OWN-On iho .".fllh nit., by 'he samo Win, 1'. YiUcr, toJI'ssNoia A llroi JAMISON-OLASSMOYEIt-ln Centlo tn, H.mue' D etier;o'.i,E.q., Mt'.llenjiimin F.. lson anil Mary C, Olaibmoycr both of C lowslnp. bv NEW ADVERTISEMENTS "?XECUT01t'S NOTICE. Lettcis tcstameuUt on the estnte of Wa.dln, late of intrn townshlti. Co bia county linvo been 1 rallied by Hie P-cglst, of (.oiiiiiiun uounty to , sines wa-dtn of w Ii- eriy ua uon oitti'.y fa. All pelsons lu lits cl'iims a alnsltuecslnloare remtetetl to pr ill 11 em 10 -.uwaru in. wartiin, 01 liioom'.unif-, cl uiubla coun'.y. Pa, Those Indebted to the e it. either ou note, JtltUmeut, morlns-vo or bool ac count will make the Executor v. Ui out delay. JAMES WAP.DIN Jnn. S:so. Executi -. A SSIGNEE'S NOTICE IN BANK- XX ItUl'7'CV-Ill I'loD's.lici.Coiirto; Iho I'll.1, leu rjuu 1 "o.-1.10 Wrt o u D ii.-.'ctot l"cuavlvii. ii-:i,jil';(' 01 j-jtlK.lm K, lrovblJt.j,n batiaic i. Tt to,.iUi.i:y coui-c-n: T.ioi v o-. 8'iiied ..e.obr t. n noco of his nnpo'ii,. nt minsiaiicoti j-.nreim -j iowuntl'io. or L creek twp., J 1 jo cotimy of Colu..i'j'i, pail of Peu.isy .v tnia, 1I10 biu. ijieu pa hulked a L nipt llpo.i ii , own ,H-liliou,liy thti IPs t of sai.1 1 Ibli-it-t. Dated at. Jl'oui.islj.' .". Ill no duVfjf J.T11.. lij. c. a. 1IAUKLU Jan. 8,'oiKil. Assist JjAST NOTICE. 'tho collectors of Columbia County holdlr j of ten! d du.ilu Uc3 lor lwj7 aud . .r; ii'o rcoulrcd to nay tho balniuu of their tmnil- calcs 011 tho Hist wtek 01 1-Vli. Term of c.urt, jneuLed for the culleclion of the s ime. Tlio collectors lor IMf. having uiihellleil duilll- CAies,aieuu uqulrcl 10 settle their t'uplb tes utuiiii; iio iwo MctiKsoi uouri. uy orueri.l MONT, com: DAVID YFAlir.H, WM. (J. (iUICIC, Jan. s,'S-lt. Coumlsioiiers orcjl.,C, QUAltTEllLY UHPOItT. IjSS'IJIST NATIONAL HANK, llLOOiMIH'IKI, JANU.MIY i, iscy. I'.ESOUUCCS, Inins tic UNcouuts (J, H. llpnds tr htt,-.iro cl.culatiou " " on Paiitl Duo -0111 Hanks Cdncntcxpcusc. ( .sli He.iis l.iiu.ul .Mojo '),li J l.i 1)0 ll.tiVJ,?) .1,17 ir"w.ui ii.'.n LIAIIlMriES, CaplliilH' :ic Saipllis DibLOUllt ErcliRtio it Iul l.ttt 1'rollt.b Loin ( liculnaoii Dcpoilts Due liual.s A Ilaat.erd 3 CIl.MI 'U.'S.'l m sji.21 l,770,j 25S,MI,i;i Tho ubuvols ooircct, Jitn.e,'0'l J, 1". 'luSCiJ, Cashier. s IIEHIFF'S SALE. ily virtue of a writ ofYend. Exooniui.i sued UJla d lo In hu tltn- out of tiio Court of C'limnoii Picas'of Col county, nud to 1110 directed will bo expo public, bale or out-cry, nt tho Couit Hoi itloomsburs, ou Monday, February 1st 1st following 1 oal estato to wit 1 a lot of grouu, I 1. It. .1... l,..m,.nl r.t rnlMll. .I.....I.I.. ty, being one lot twenty-tlvo feet fron. nud ouo hundred uud forty feet deep, bounded t 1 tho east by laud of AntUouy Durkui, on the julh by ltnllioad strott, ou tlio west by lot of Pi lck Fogarty, on tlio north bynnulley, on wU 1 Is erected a two story frame dwelllBtc house .vlth tho appurteuaucex. Helzed, taken In exeo Ion, nud lo bo sold as the property of Auu Casey Don nelly audl iurick Donnelly, ALSO: At tho same time and placo n lot of grout, I Bll UAte lu the llorougii of Ceutralla, bounded apd deserlbod us tollowstou tlio east by IV xtou tstrcct.ou the south by lot of Daniel lk-aver,, 11 the west by an alley, on the north by Jamc len nlngs, on which Is erected u frumo dw 11111 house with the anpurlenanccs. Helzed, tak u lu execution and lo behold as tho proierty or J.itncs M'AullfT. MOltDEOAI MILIUM, D Juu. S.'ol bhuifr. .i.iii YALUABLE DROl'EHTY J'OU HALE The undersigned will offer nt private s Ids House. Cabinet bho'iuud Lot, bltimted li dab town, Locust Towuidlp, Columbia County, onz IhoHlatu lload from Caiuwlssa U ish land, 011 which la eivrted a wood sized two -ory f ruiiio ilHclllU'i houso wilh auou.noukea oln liilf.svllhuwclt of never railing wnler c iho 'luicliju laigo two story frame cabinet nop, .umber housuand stable, with nil iheneci ,.i.y oulbulldliiiis. Tlepioierly Is a valuable one, tiuus will bo unnlot iuy uud notsissiouglv 11 011 IhollislofApUlucxt, Jan. 7,'Wl-3m. W. It. 1IEI.WH. "V7"A.LUADLE STAND l'OH LEASE. The HI re Hoom of Ilio l'-cbnnge Hotel M 111 bo rented at a lensounbte late. P.opoi.il8 will bo ' eccived uu'.U Iho :;nd of January, Tiio Cue STOCK OF O O O D S now on baud, will be told. Theso goods nro 11. Iho very be it quality and of the latest atylt,. Jso tlinieully will bo esperteuced by tho purchaser lu dlsu.liig of llieiu They nre valued at idiiiH tliuo. Tho Kloie ltoom is 111 tlio eial.o i,f tho busiuets part of the town und ' aduiii di -i ndepledfur el.htru Dry Uooda or (ieiitliinou's l'lunlbhlngBiuie. li'or mil pmt'ru'urs regardlmt nrtco Ac. call on tl'o iiudcrsl'tiifd. ttCLAIlK Jr'1,8, 'li'J.St Excliuugo li ilel. QOUKT 1 MIOCLA MA T ION. Wlir.nKts, Uiellon, WIIMitm P.lwoll, President Judge of ilr- Court of Oyer nml Terminer anil General Jail liclUery, Court of ijuttrtcr Sessions of tho Pear" nml Colin ol Com'ii n I'leni and or rh ill's Court In tho Anil Ju,!M Dlsttiet, com i)..cdof Ihiieontillesoftii tm u, bullUnn nnd Wyoming, Hint Iho Hon. Uj n Derrand Pctor K. llt'rbeln, Ashoemto Judues of Columbia county have Issued their piceept, IjeaTlnu ilute tho 12tli tt.iy of IJic. In Ihu jear of our lord, ono thoiisnnd.el'thtliiinilrcdnndslxty-clglit, nnd to medlrcftetl lorliolilliitftiConrtof Ojir aud 'ler nilner nnd (Jeiiernl Qu irter Hessiiins or tho Poaeo, niidOrnhairs Court, lu lllouinsliuik. lulhoeouii-tj- of ('olumljla, on tho llrst Monday, beltus tho 1st tlnv ol Kebritnrj' next to eotiilimo ono i.eek. AN1) WnUBKAH AliMO tlio same Juditet havo l-sueil their pr iia Kiu ln.' Inl 'lho twelfth tiny of Mcccin.ier 1). on.- I n umiiid cmlit hundred nudsl.tlv-rulilniiil toiiinilirLi'liid lur holillnx n Court ot (ie sit'l I'enitliHr. Hoiu-ral (ptarler bcsslouBOf flu. I'i .no, (Jiiih.iiis'Courtnnd ot Com mon I'lcaa In 'iloomsbsijr In Oio rouiiiy of Col umbia on thu Second Monday, bung Iho clshlh iloy of l't binary ue.U. anil u uoutlnuc onoeelt. NnttPA is iii'tebv ulvm. to the loroner. to iho Jiisllcesofiiii' rime, nnd ihu LJU'lai.lis ol tho s-ild count' c.rfohimWii, limt tlvy bo lliennnd thoro In ihelr inoH'f p.irson nt lu i-'uocl: In tlio f iicnoon if Mild Inst day r, 1 1 b. with tliotr rec onls, In iiisu Mis'iiut oilier rcun iubrant.efl, lo dotliose 'itii;s wluoli to llielr ollleea niipeitnln to bo done. Ami those Hint nio bound by lecoKiitzanro, Ut prosc'iite ntiiiiiiHt the pris oners Hint alo or limy bi in tlio Jnllot tho said county of Cohuuli i, to bo thcntmil thero to pioseciito them ns Kltnll be Just, J u loisaro rj(iiie.'ud In bo puiirliml in their ntteud nnco.njiieeu'Jiy lotiielrnotices. lotted ntllloonis-.ji-T, burj!, tho i:ui day of Hoc. lu tho yoar t I.. H I of otir loril. ono thousand elnht huu Iwy-i) dred end sixty-eight, and lu thu ninety second j-car of Ilio independence or the Unllcd Btates of America. MOitDUCAl MlLliAUU. IHoonisbiiiB, Jnu. 1, lbi'1. ishcrltr. T) ECUSTEH'S NOTICE. Notioh ia XS) hereby given to nil legalees, credllors nnd oilier persons iuteieslcd in tho estates of tho re spective decedents nndmlnuis, thaltho lollowim; admiiilstiatlon mid guardian accounts havo been lllcd In tlio oilleo of tho 1 -ulster ol Columbia county, nnd will boprcseu ed lor coutlrmnltoti nud nilowanco In tlioOrpha is' Court, to bo held lu llloonisbuM, on Monthly, (ho Hist day of 1-clj. IMj!', nt two o'clock; lu tlio ufleruoouof ""l. l'i?6fnid imtlalaecaunl orllotaudiis nnd Win. M. Klluelob ndim's. of Samuel llljnli liitool Centre twp,, ilectl. 2. Klrsl and p.t' atcoltllt of ill. A. ( use, i:x'rof tho lato Mill of IKuor U.elt iaio of Hcoli tp.,dto'd. .1. Aeeomit of Mlcliaul 1'. IJvoily. ndin r. of Ixrouard B. Hllliciuall lust of lllooiil twp., tlci'd. I. Aceouni of luu lei ll.iyloi'.ndin'r. or l.ltabelh lltvloi, lnloof Jlonloli !!., ileo'd. o. Aaron lloinu' (luatdlaii of fstimuel W. Iloouo, miuo, ehl d of ,May lloone !co'd. 0. Accountof is. H. Miltt 1 Ki.ardlrn of Klmira luiuorc'.iildoi isaniuil Wnnieli dee'd. 7. Ateomitof M. H, Miller KiMrdlau of l.orotla Hunzt 1 minor child or Jneou llurlztl Jr. tleo d. S. At oitut of H. H. .MJitr Mnsnllitii of HUr-i-belli tlro--s mlll'i rbiltlor Xelilllou UtosH.doo'd. U. Khinf n-. iputor Mi mil liiobi.1, ei','., or the tSt.OCl.1 ..UO' ' 11 lieUbuliel,Mloli(l.'lllUlllWl. oec 11. 1 ". Aeeoent : Miiiharjatippndmr'x. ofQeorjo ttailpp, tale 01 IjticusL lw.,tlea'd. 1 JOHM 11, inu:il',llcBlslcr. inuomsourg jftu. i.ittt''. TKIAEi l.i ST, Vint. W., 1S0!. Pctor Schu ,' "uso" vs William O Caso etal Tho AVcst liiancli Insuianco Co vs Simon O iSbivo. Edwaiu iMcCall ct nl vh John Sweeney. F 11 Person vs Jolin (Jaiu. Thomas ,1 VnndiMplico vs llobcrt IIoivcll. Lavina Davenport vs Win M Klinotob. .lohn Colo.iian vs Jlicliacl Oronan. John Uooror vs Daniel Ilowcr and Zimmer man. John (Jilrov vs William E Sterner. Tho Town liip of Conyni'liaiii vs l'etcr L ivl'ne ct 111. Hcubcu II Header and wifo va Oas Thomas. Isaao 1'cgclv v.s Jnmes W Sankey, Abraham Voung v.s Ja ob Woolivcr. Ch.11 le It (j recti vs l' Schii.c; Samuel ilcnncr vs John llinlev'eitcr. Luc.i.t -S Moycr vsCIoorgo W Collimar. David Lu.iis. guardian of tlio heirs of John Hess deo'd vs Collins Sutlcff. William Ikclcr vi John Savauo ct al. A 15 Ennuis vs Jlatthf, Wynkoop, gar- nifcliuo of llcmy (!(. Joseph Thomas vs John Koiip. I'clcr Apjileman vs Silas F Kartis. Christiana Fox V3 John Jones. Henry ! Yapla vs Ifaao Drum and tcrre tcnams. Samo vs Samo. Itudulph Shumau vs (loorsn llrcis-h. Elias Snyder vs Adam Schuyler ct r'. Frederick Michael va Henry Fodder. Chillies lCicihcr v Henry Knapp. John Apt lojato vs Thomas l'olk. Same v.s anno. George Ktnly vs Ccorao Vati.-ickle. Simon C Kluvo vs Ilaunr.h 11 A'mst William Niucn vs Daniel F Set belt Mannivt ltsandervs Itoterttlorrell. Nathan JJ othevs vs llcnrv A Wcidunsaul. Hen tlaU" vs l'etcr Ilowcr and teiro ten on Austin Clmich vs Anfrctv Chile. Jcsso D llico vs Nathan Cromis. lleuben II King vs Eli"lial) J'urscl. Itobcit 0"rrel! vs Jtornard Jlellroarty. Edward 1'urge-an v Columbia County. Samuel Shael'or vs Same. Gcoigo ltichaiJ3 vsSamc. Henry James vs Samo. George Nungo-s'cr vs Jacob Yoho jr. , Jnssc Coleua.v, I'rotli'y. . . -, G in nil Jurors, Feb. Term, ISO!). llcnton diaries S. Dodson, Uriarcrcck George l. Lcar.i, Ijlooin C. F. Knap i, Jacob Dciffcnbacli, Filiint;.:ieek Abraham KPne, Franklin Washington I'arr, Ilcinlock Hubert Uicbard. Jacksot, - .1 a ckfcou Dorr. Locust llolandus Ilcibcw, .Maine Daniel Culp, Jacob Fcnttcriiiach cr. iMitllin Thomas Aton, Montour John G Quick. Ilenn' Ituss, Mt. I'leatant-Elias iluwell, John Os buin, Oiangc Thomas Mellenry, l'cter iittmp, l'iii'j Jarncs Master', Scott lleccn Fairman, Sinjarlonf Tlmmas Cole, Wliceler bliuli ', tluiiry C, lies.", idcliaid Kilo. relit .lui'Oi-h rivst ll'cclt, Beaver Jof eph Slicavman,I'eter Knight, JloM Schlicher, Elius Sliller. liiiarcrcok I'eler M. Trauah. lllotmi -Joscili W. llendcrshott, Steph 11 m:m.. l ut...i . ' ' VII ... .'inii-i, i.ttjitii ejiitoe, Berwick l!or. John M. Snyder. Ctitawissa Adam l'cderell',Leviis Yctter, Mait.n V. II. Kl!nc, Jcsso K. Sliirplcss, Nicholas I), iliirmau, Solomon Ilclwig, Gcoie Hushes, Iiowis Metz, Ccmre Samuel Kelcliner.;bjm Bcniamiu Lindenmuth. Centraiia Bor, Clinics Strauer. I'lslnn.'u'cck JoFeph II. Hess, Peter Weaver, iiicliaril Jones, Jvobbius, Jack. Mellcnry. Greenwood T-aa lh'acock, John P. Kester. Davitl Douiolt. John Lcpsott ' Hemlock Samuel Me, John G ruber. Locut William L e, Leonard Adams, Main-William 0. ltcij-liard, John Alien, Jacjb Kisncr, Mifflin Thomas K. lies?, Mt. Pleasant Geo. C.ivcnce, William Kitchen, Montour l'cter Evans, Noah Muoscr, James T, Fainoivortli, Wesley Fleming, Scott William H. lia'tcnbaueh, Joseph B. Miller, Jacob Terwilligor, William O. ltobison, William Whito. beco.VD wr.ElC. Bcaycr Peter Schlicher, Benton Fred'k Laubach, Win, Holmes. Ilriarcreck Lamon iMurtr. , Bloom U. B. Frea.-, Pluliji Ort; Wil liam Coleman, William 11. Jacoby, Samuel V. Boon", E. J. Thornton. Berwick Bor Jacob V. Dclt'cricli, Jer emiah S. Sanders. Caiaft.iwa Elias Weaver. Cuuj n ham William G no liuan. Centre Samuel C. Bower, Paul Zaticr. Fifcl 1 i u trc rock John 51. Buckalcw, David Snvagu. Daniol Pcaler. rrjukliii Joseph B. Knittle, 5Iathias Ginsles. Greenwood Win. Kicamer, Isaao Do witt, William Bobbins, William W. Par ker, John K. Mu-Orovc, Wesley Jlarr, Adam Utt, lieml ick llcubpii Boinboy. Locust Jacob K. liiirncr, Isaao ''islitr. Slain illiam .Mcnsiuger, Michael Gro vcr. Mt. Pleasant Iraao App'cmau, William F, Kitchen. Dan'el McCnity. Milllin-Slephen II. .SnauW, William W. Brown, Lewis Eekrnto, Willam F. Keller, Montour Malhias M, Monroe, Lloyd Paxtou, Orango Jeremiah Comstock, 5Ioscs Everett, James Eve , Elijah G. ltickctts, Samuel Henry, Pino Sliadrack Kvcs, Scott-William 51. Ent, Sugarloaf David Lowis. gNYDEU, lIAIUtIS A BASSETT, Manutacturera and Jobber of MEN'H AND POY'H CLOTHINO, Nos. S?5 .Market, anil 3 Comma cablreet, t'titll'' if ilia. SPEOIAIj NOTJOUS. to coNBUMrnvra, f lio utverttser.lmvlnR been reMnrcd to , in n few weel.i.. by it vi ry simple r. n,ui 5 , bnvlntr silllin i several 11 n- win. . . .... v.. nlleellun , a u 4 tuat (Iriiiit lllsrnse. ( kiniu in ..t 1. . ijniiTJoiisniniilioknowii lolils fellow n n,,J tho iiieniu f cire. 1 vtriiser In senilliiKlho pieserlpltm Is to lien 'II coiicelves lo bit Invaluable: and ho hopes Ii.;! nillerir will try lids remedy, v 1 " "j 1110 iiniicii'fwniiu spread liirormtiiln,, ,i,i:.i .1 iiii'iu 1101 iiniie, tiitti may prove 11 uietMi t. Hi n wlslitttir II,,. t,rnnrl(l,,i, tvlll ..I.. ' . 'l lb v. lilwnrd A. Wilson, lll.'i HoiuliHe, ii'i", WlMnmsbiiyjli, Klmis county, New Yin It. Mtrcll baa be a nuna of iho ".Mold with fi,,u llalr." No Mil 1. Imu-i vei-. tins enM,f,A, mnlto that color 11 popular ono fur nuy e . 1, bio loncjin 0: time. Llulit led, faded MM 1'iil-areop i'i? under tho Uin ofpublle ,,iu,I, Wc arohi ppy to nnuouncoto our 1 cat I iks ro to cuango those colors, that llntf ippi, 4 .ions 01 jiiioiss vcatuiuio Amuro. a t-m , tticmLcaulltul auburn tresses on.., .', toft. luMrotl. nnDeamiico so ttnhn,,!., ... ..' cblef ndornnicutnf Fciualo boiml. , im, '0 riiyslclans. NtW Yomc. August l.Hli, lsi -Allow mo to cnll your attention to my pi .. , ntlon of Compound Extract llucliit. xii.s 1' poncnt parts nro lluchu, Ixuir Leaf, Cnbcbs. nlperllcrris. MollE OF l'llEl'AnATION, Illlcllll, 111 Vllftlii, J nlpcr Denies, by distillation, to form a flne'ii, Cnbebs extract cd by dlsjil icemeut liy iltunr, tnlnetl from Juulpor llcrrles, i-onlnlnln.. ,,, littlo stigr r, n small proporllon of spirit, nil more palniiblo thauaiiy nowlu use. Tlmrietw properties are uy mis mono extractetl, lliielm, ns prepnrotl by Drugi-lsts ircncrnlly. ofn dark color, p. Is ivplantlhat ciiilts Hk rj graue'o; tho uctlu'iofa llamu destroys Hi, nctivo prlnelilc', lcavlnsit dark nnd -luthi,w decoction. Mine is tho color of ingredie nts. 1 lluchu in my preparation predominates; ti smallest tiuautity uftlioollitr lUKiedlcnis n iiiltlen, to prccnt feinu nt-i.. tin; upon lut. lion, It will bo fjuntl not to boa Tlnctur mado In Pl ninuuopera.iior Is It a fiyrup- m I hcreforu can bo usctl lu enscs w hero fe t u ilanimntloii exists. In Ibis, you have tin kn oilf-o of tlio luaredlclits nnd tho luotte of pp ,,,, ntlon. HopltiK tlmt you will favor It Willi n trial, un tbnl upon inspection It will meet with your a; I'lUU.illUIl, A With n feeling oftonfldence, mj I am, very respectfully, " H.T.HKLMIIOM), Clicmlst uud Drusglstof 10 YoaiB' K.-tperim, ' In Philadelphia, and now located nt his bra . imtl Cliemleal Warehouse, 691 Ilroadway, Nt York. ( (From thu largos', Jlnnuf.ioliirliigCliciiiMs hi' Woild, "lam ticiiiriliitcd wilh Mr, K. T. Ik-lial ,1 ho occuplc'l 1ho Dm.- Htoro opposlto my n deuce, nntl wos succcislul In conducting the Il lness mIicio thcrsbnd not been equally so u ioro I1I111. 1 1 ivo been favorably i'niressci' 11. his character and enterprise. WILLIAM WKIOIITMAN, ' . l'lrm of Powers 4 Wclghtman, Manuf.icluin ! Chemlst3, Ninth .and lliown Streets, Plilluii, ' l'ldi. J llelmbold's Fluid Kxtrnct Buchu.for weakn, . nrl' ngfrom Indiscretion. Thocxhi.istotl i, j era of Xnturu which nre nccompnnloil l,y so 111 u 1 nlorinliit- symptoms.nmoni- which will bofoui lUdlsnoslllon to l!-rprtlnn. r.fWQ .if St.,..,...' Wnkefulness, Horror of Dlsor to, or roi ebodli, , of Kvll; in fict, Unlvureal Lassitude, PnM , lion, aud lrnblllly to enttr Into tho enjojia -i ofioctely. Tho lut ou, oiico nfl'eclcil v, 11,1 Oi.u 1 Weakness, letiiurcs tho nld of Medlcliie strengthen nnd invlt-o'-alo Iho sysieni, win , Hclmbolel'a Kxtraet lluchu InvarLiblo tlwe.i. nolreatuieul is subinlttetl lo, Consumption Insnnlty ensnes, llelmbold'al'lulil lctrnct lluchu, in ullitilo , IH' l-'emales, Is unctiualcd by any otb , picp.iratlon.iis In Chloicsis, or Itetcntlon, l'.i . ,. lulne.s, or Suppiessiou of Customniy Uv.icr lions, Ulcarated urSchlnustjii'itc of tlioUtcr. and all eompl'iints Incident to tho ".-t.wl U arlslns from habits of dissipation, '-iiprtuii-n in, or the tlee'liio or chango of Hie, llelmbold h Fluid Kxtrnct Hut hu nnd Imprn oil Ito'o Wiv 1 will rndlcnlly cttertiTliiale n tlnjsysleem 11 -ciscm .11 Ulng Irom habii 1 ofd patlon, at tlUlu espeiue, littlo or no liiilig -diet, no lncon 'uleiice or exposure; tnpk-1. siiperscc.ii'j tho.o unplcnsant and uigir. rimciUc .I'opi'lvaundMe-rcuiy.ln ir these e e: '.cm, Uee llelmbold's Fluid Extract lluchu lu 11IK eates of tlieu- orrjnns, whether eMstlng iu 111 or female, from whatever cause orUhiallim-.n no matter pr how long slaiulliig. Im ple.c-u In tasto and odor, "linmrdlato Inaction, u moro slrengthenlng than any of tlio ifcpai lions ef Hark or Irou. Tho 10 sullcrlngfroui broken-down or dellit couslltiitlons, jirocuro tho lomedy nt once. Tho reader must bo nwaro thnt, however s!lj may bo tho attack of tho abovo diseases, it certain to affect tlio bodily health nnd mini powers. All tho nbovo diseases rcqulro the nld ol 1 Diuretic, llelmbold's Uxtruct lluchu Is the r. ' Diuretic. WKn t by druggists nnd tlearlers nci ?".,l'l'e.. ',,,co l'cr bottle, or six bottles 1 S0.60. D Uveretl to any nddie-ES .Describe s nn tonis 11. nil comiiiuulcnllon.s. Atltliess. 11. lleltiibolil, Din:; nlltl Chellliial alohouse, llrflndwny, N, N"lio nro (-11. no utile' sdono up lu siee I Slaved wrapper, with l ic-smllo of my Clit iin. I W itiehotise, and hliiiied. 11. T. 1IULM IIOI.I' I - Ueo'r Ii, 1 us. 2m ; JOOK, RKAD, AND LEARN, that tiie Great Shoslionced Itcmcdy! OK THE CGLIT,I!ATED INDfAN DR. LEWIS JOSilEPIIUS, ol Iho dKtlnir&IshedTr.beof Bhofhonces.Colua. biaTcnttory Is now lor sale In Union. This nil pcise-wlng sreat remedy, U wurrai and in tirol nnd tiAphailo laii-juix'itj, wu '-ai tafcly say. mav b rHu-d upon tOiimk n j' nunt ouro ol all dUtases ol tho Tliroat, Loos JAvot, KU'iit vs, Ii!c3tlvo Orcans, clc, As wt ai FcofiiIa. iho vnnousftlcm dispasdi, lUunon nnd till 'inp irity of tuo blood, xcentlugtnctni' btao of Cm sumption, la CunfM wherothlf) great remfdy h?s tt1 In use lor a Mioit t-jiiy It ha,mdccd eiret-le t-omoof tlio roost, marvelous cures ovov ieeonl lu tlioniinaUnnilstoricnt medlcluo, Bucli'jetu 1110 who in iiatlitloti to ItH fon.ior ,cnovn in t" Vlinlit.i Tcirlirv vn ittv lnirniinltv tn dltiut tliniuctttat thU UrfAtHliostmuccii Uuinedy, i tli reiicov of rnmpdioq of tlie 19th Cnuturv. he tho trcplest boon ever laid at the altar of butter In" ouinanlty. a ilco of tho Itemody In lrrgo pfnt3.Sl.50. MmiuraetUi-cd by Dr, Yountfi UroJ., at 6ym case, N. Y. For sale ty all dtalerh lu Medicine. Tho Orcat ShoshonecR Remedy of Dr. Jo3ephusJ i.f jiu iiii)u x rinioiy it iiicu iis biiiu ucen iuuu(j fat-tiirwl la, la now for tho trt time tho Unlou, heluj! manufuuturetl by Ur, Youug 'j Woinlorful euro of Consumption by tho urcat fcslio3honeed Remedy. Mo.Hr . Churaberfftfn A Co., antlemen, I WIIhou Stoiiuu.uinlcu outh aud bhj,I loul auxlouk 1 tn It t oa know what tho Di eat Hi)o-ihoaccri.iuil fdyJinrttlft -tetlfor me. Mv wlfo wh MinicttJ'y wlhoonsu I wp also ahluicii with lli'i biinia dlsuuxa aud uller her death, Icuan llnued Kin U ug Just us bho lis tl dune. X had ve fl bt:vere utfihi Hwoatn. rouhtd nearly all ui"'T. nut) ovei jr Jlltf III, roum nut Bleep UP "SH JIU. toward uioiufti: 1 raited over b nm 'tofinatt' wery ilJiouu, uad bevem ruin iu t lett lu-JlEf t.,clc.tnnd m as gicatly deulldatoU n tact 1 un J inn sb lat un I could, I was t'luin ineulcjiig iinii ii iruur jiiivbiciaii, imii inuu iiui uvfii irn lluve my t ou&h. X went by tho vlllao ouo di-jS about nuitHtuir ot a mllo. whc1i took me lo fc'i aad coin', nbout two Imurt; while thcro I ravi iuiio vujiiuyiuu, nuu uuppenca io bar ioiuiu "l wibiiyoucoutdutvo mobomoihliu lo .fheu ivy coiifi'i." Jle fcu'.d '-tlirro Is n t-icat Indlut. Ueiuedy jiit iuUoduced in. J.ilter hai K ioi1 sale, aud I belit'vo H will emo you. J loolc his adico, aud luoucht n bottle lion1' w uu ni, vuuic u leiwpoouiiu Ul oucr, cii'i -felt tlirouih mv wlinluki-ktoin. At nh'ht a tu iie BpoooH'j.uud icbicd well nt nilil aud lo rest well oveiy ntjht. Tho cough, tutlil dweats. la'tlnz of Matter, nain lu tho Inntf. elf (itadually h-U mo, and I ffot hearty a.ul st.on;. 1 muiLuiiiy itircu uuii't 4 Bin uoi tauuiK it -'" and I am as hearty aud as well m I over wiib hi my life. My Hlbtei-tn-luw wai with me for Mdi'e, who was auiio;ea wim liver coinpiuiu bho has taken tho teiuedy und U well, Tris ci tllkttlu J ou mnybhow tho world If you pleane, WILSON STOUMa,llrihtou,0. H". Hworu icford us at HrWhtmi, Ct, W. lliU ".thduy of Augubt, 1800. i J, H. YOUNQ J. Uet ve. I, M.AVKLUWUTON, J. John l' Henry (Successor to Demns llarncj a O 'ew Yo.U, uolevale Aseut. I'or bulo by all the DrugsUU lu llloombbttu. JautB,VJ. A T.T. lrTTCnci HP -TOTl TMIITCVINC .XXrn.'at) ex-nutixl at TuCJoi X mhian Htwcff truUiuuuioo, ioiui iuieieiiie It, 110 will aemln eopv of 11, prescription usttl (Ireocfchnrnel.wlt'i tiled,'' lions for preijaniiK and usliiB the mime w d 1 thoy will llnd 11 sure cure for CoiniuripUon ,th Eiiiiitv onii-ri. ,, .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers