THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUiNTY. PA. xt flfolttmbiiut IlI.OOHHlltllKl, PIIIDAY, ,IA.. g, 1800. Tills County Auditors mot on Mon day Jm nnd ndjustcd tlio public itu rounts (or 1808. Acenvp.NT. Mr. Itoat, a carpenter, lmd Ills finger nnd tliumb Lmilly cut by n clicalur saw nt tho cstubllslimont of Wolf A Norton In llils place, on Mon dny hist. Tins County Commissioners, on last Wcdncsdny, appointed Gsrn llower of locust township, mercantile npiinusor, 12. II. liitlio, Attorney for CoiiiiiiImIon cm nnd V. Ktickbnuin, Cloik. Wk nro Informed Hint Judtro M'Uoy noUU bus purebnsed tho Iioum) nnd lot owned by Andrew Crcvclluj; on tho corner of Third and Main Sir els for $1550.00. Wo will bo glad to havo tlic J ihIko for u. townsman. Wu nro Indebted o our old friend S. 'W. Uuck of Lernysvlllo for a mis slii; copy of tho Columbian lately ml vol lUeil. This Is tho second courtesy of tho kind wo hnvo experienced nt his hands. Ho ylll accept our -thanks. On 'rldny Inst Mayor IIofTmnn was itmtijiurntcd ns Oovcmorof Now York, nnd Daniel M. Vox as Jfayor of I'hlla riuiplilu. This kIvcs tho Kmplro Stato ii Democratic Governor, and tho Quaker City a Democratic Mayor, tho first for many years. I TliiflJallsivon by tho If-icuo Flro Conipnny of this placo on Now Year's night wai a sum 31. The. ba'I-rootn , was well filled nnd nil pre3ciit ti'emed , to thoroughly enjoy tho occasion. Tho f Illoomsbur DrassBand nnd tho Wilkes 13a lie Drum CorpH wore prtsont. The last week's Republican while la menting tho consolidation of tho two Democratic papers here, said: "Build ings havo been erected, streets opened," etc. Will tho Doctor state whether ho is opposed to any of the improvements ho is complaining about. Put yourself on record foror against them. On Tuesday morning last, tho man gled body of a man wns found lying side of thoL. & C It. K., track, n short distance below Kingston, llo was iden tified as a brake iman employed on a freight train, llo probably fell from liW train on the previous evening. Wo havo not learned his name. FutK. On Monday morning last tho SemHftry buildings in Millviilo wero di-covcred to bo on flro. Tho flames .wio finally extinguished after dama ging tho building to tho extent of somo $000. Tho heaviest loss falls upon Prof. Walker whoso furniluro etc., was in jured to tho extent of $1,800 to 2,000. I. W. IIautman having purchased his brother's interest in tho storo will continue tiio business on an improved plan. Tho dtoro room having been en larged, gives liini greater facilities for doing business. lie proposes dealing on tho ready pay system, nnd has al ready marked his goods down to a fig ure to warrant and encourage persons wishing to buy cheap, to call and see. To say, us wo most solemnly do, that tlio Republican has now a subscription list larger than any paper in Columbia county, shows that wo havo met witli a rewind. The nhovo has been standing in tlio Republican for overal weeks. It is not true and tlio editor knows it. Wo ven ture the assertion that our circulation is not only several hundred lurger than h:n, but that before the purchase of tho Democrat it was larger in this and ad joining counties. Now, Drctor, "haul clown the flaunting lie" orcometo time. I'ArKNT-niKHTs. We would warn our readers against buying patent rights or strangers. In nine cases out of ten they nro swindlers. Tho usual method is to tnko a note, and accoiiT pany it with a verbal or separate writ ten condition, that it is not to bo paid until tlio profits reacli a certain amount Thonotols sold before it comes duo, and the speculator in patent-rights Is sued for tlio amount. Quito a number S of siiiU aro now pending in our court, which havo arisen lrom these cases. DUTinS OK POST.VAST3U3. Much trouble would bo saved, ir postmasters wero more generally familiar with their duties. Postmasters should remember that when a paper remains dead in tho olllco for four consecutive) weeks, it Is , their duty to send thu publisher of tho paper a written notice of tlio fact slat- ! lug, if possible, tho reason why tho pa ! pel i not taken. Tho returning to the i publisher of a paper marked "not talc en," "refused," or "uncalled for," Is Fnut a legal notice. Postmasters who fall to comply with tho law In this ro- Ispcct'aro liable for tlio timosald papers remain dead In their office. IlKYi.nT'f Lecture. Wo lmd tho pleasure on Inst Wednesday evening of nearjiig tins gentleman in his celebra ted leciuro "Hits at tho Times." It was tho most pleasant evening wo have spent for a long time. Mr. How'ctt as a spoakor and im a mimic has few su pciiors. Considering that this was tlio beginning of n serioi of lectures, tho uudienc was fair and appreciative. Yet wo are compelled to stat that ma ny of our citizens who should havo been prominent in a movement liko t'hls wero not present. Had tho ctitor- talnmcnt been a slight-of-haml perfor- nianco, tho exhibition of minstrels, or a darkey show, tho Hall would have been filled. Wo again appeal to 'our citizens to support tho com so of lec tures selected. Thoso managing It nro doing to solely for tho benefit of tho community, and while they reap no pe cuniary advantage, they must pay from their own pockets all lo-scs. Our town and county should take a front rank In this matter, as It has in other educational" enterpriser If thu present course should bo well patron ized, by another season wa could em ploy men of a moro national reputation and of conceded ability. And hero let us disabuse tlio minds of our own read- era that tho lecture, technically so-called is a dry speech or sermon, read from manuscript. It contaiiw genuine wit, humor, elon,uonco, pathos, and Is deliv ered or acted In tho best possible man ner. Wo tiust all will turn out to hear Prof. Adams on next Pilday, on "An evening with tlio Poets." His selec tions nro oxccllcnt, and liU rendering Is equal to Murdoch or Dickens. THE KALEIDOSCOrj? A m-p of tin-y life, It fluctuation! and It viut concern.'' AN ADVKNTUKU IN IXUAllOH. In Hint entertaining book "Four years nmong Spanish Ameilcans," written by Hon. F. Hnssaurek, Into Minister resident of tho United States nt Quito, occurs the following passago : "Mr. llucknlow, tho Americnu Minister un der Buchanan, onco saved n" man from n loss, which, according to tho Ecuado rian himself, would havo amounted to nt least $10,000, simply by ullowlng him to hoist tlio American Hag over his farm buildings." Having been Inti mately connected with that transaction I havo determined to wrlto it out In do tall for tho readers of tho Kai.iudo scorn. Senor Antonio Salvador was son-in-law of Oen. Floies, a former President of Kcumlor,nnd who had bciyi banished by the dominant faction to Peiu, from whence ho plotted with other revolu tionists for tlio overthrow of Gen. Hob les and his administration. Salvador was n man of wealth and culture. Ho nt ono timo lind visited tho United Stales, and while hero had declared Ids intentions of becoming n citizen of our country. Ho lind frequently visited tlio Legation, nnd done us many acts of kindness. Upon the breaking out of tlio revolution of May, 1S5!, (which I have described In n former paper,) Salvador naturally sympathized with Garcia Mo rena, and his ell'o. is to overthrow the Administration which had banished his father-in-law. General Urblna, the acting Commander-in-Chief of tlio army, lind placed himself at tho head of the Gov ernment troops for tho purpose of meet ing an expected attack from Pern, but hearing of tlio success of tho revolution in Quito, retraced his steps, defeated Morcna nnd his force nt Tuinbueu, and was In full march towards tho Capital. There all was consternation and uproar. The women sought tho convents for safety, nnd the men wiio lind reason to fear harsh treatment, either lied, or claimed protection at tho different Le gations. None wero moro frightened than Salvador. His hacienda, or farm was in tho line of Urblna's march, ho lind Just reason to apprehend that not only would his cattlo nnd goods bo seized, his property destroyed, but him self and family fall a victim to Urbl na's vengeance. In this strait ho sent a message to Minister Buckalew, beseech ing him to glvo ids protection to him self and property. It was a delicato position for Mr. Buckalew. Tho man was only in an incipient stato of citi zenship, and did not show any in tention of returning to tho United States to perfect his declaration of in tentions. Besides, did not his paitici pation In tho rebellion deprive him of any rights under tho de facto govern ment? In the then .excited stato of tho Cap ital tho Minister could not leave, nnd it was decided to send mo, and I was to gather plants, hunt, or mako any other oxcuso for my presence at Tam billo. Accompanied by a man named Ques ada, and bearing tlio flag of tho Lega tion I started on my errand. The troops of tlio Provisional Government had blocked up tiio road In many pla ces, so that wo were obliged to make a detour by tho Valley of Chillo. We ar rived ntmut 4 p. m., nt Uyumbicho, the Head Quartors of tho army, where wo met ,Mr. Salvador. Ho was nlmost fmntie with Joy nt seeing me, getting down nnd kissing my knees, and invo king tho blessings of nil tho saints up on my head. I was introduced to tho officers who treated me with the great est respect, as tho Provisional Govern ment were especially anxious to bo re cognized by tlin United Stale" in n val id Government, and they imaelned my visif lind some mirh object in view. Tho troops wero paraded, and after many courtesies, wo sat down tontine dinner of roasted and stowed guinea pigs, gnmo, etc. Dinner over, a fresh horso was brought round to mo. Mr. Salvador had select- odformy nso n magnificent animal, full of fire, and apparently ns untamed as if ust caught from the pampas. Ho oven Jumped nt tho clanking of my spurs on the paved terrace, and not bo- j ing much of n horseman at tlio time, and encumbered with a gun, I inwardly cursed the politeness that threatened to transform mo into a Mazoppa or n John Gilpin. However it would not answer to show fear in tlio presence of tho offi cers, and while two peons hold tho fiery charger I mounted. Tho countersign was whispered in my ear, tlio horhO unloosed, and he bounded from tho eorr,nearly knocking my head ngnlnst tho nrch Hint covered tho gateway. It was Impossible toslacken his speed nnd away wo dashed, through mud nnd wa tor, up hill nnd down, through long dnrk avenues formed by tho tropical plnnts twining over head, until I com pletely distanced Salvador, Quesado and tlio servants. It now becamo dark for under tho Equator tiicro is no twilight and not knowing tlio way I trusted to his sagacity to take him to ho hacienda. In n short tlmo tho picket lino was readied, tho cry "Halt, or I lire," reached my cars, but I could not stop ; a bullet whlr.zed by my enrs, and In a moment I was past tho seutiies. A rldo of a few milm took mo to Tamblllo, nnd not until I reached its gates, did my horse, now covered with foam and trembling at every Joint, slacken his speed. Tho servants refused to open tho gates to u stranger, and I was com pelled to await tho arrival of my com panions. As soon us Salvador camo up wo wero taken in charge by tho Mayur Domo, nnd the servants learning tlio causo of my presence, did everything in their power to mako my stay pleasant and comfortable. The evening parsed very ugneubly. Salvador showed me the hiding place for his valuables u Inch was ingeniously a ranged. Above tho door a hole had been cut In thu thick adobu wall, which gave entiaiae in an apnitiueut, tho lucidity of which iio ono not In the hecret could over have suspected. 1 was placed in a nice cosy room overlooking a well kept garden tilled with foreign and native plants and flowers, while tho moonlight show ed mo grim Cotopuxi nt n short dis tance, tlio plantation running nlmost to Its base. Tho next morning I was up us the beams of tlio sun were gliding thu mow capped summit of CotopaxI, from tlio crater of which tho sinokocurled lazily, forming hugo columns In which thu Imagination could trace nil sorts of fan tastic Images. Mr. Salvador took much prido In showing mo his ornngo grovo which produced fruit of unusunl slzo and fragrance, nnd from thcro wo went to tho corral to seo somo of his cattlo, of which ho owned 2,000. Tho entire place was unusually cloan, lining neatly paved with bIuIco running In different directions to carry offtho filth nnd rnln. Tho cattlo wero large nnd fat,-ccrtnlnly tho finest group I lind over soon. Their hind legs wero tied in order to milk them. Each Indian woman had ten cows under her charge, nnd milked them Into buckets hollowed out of n solid block. Each cow yielded nbout u bucket-full nnd wns milked hut once n day. A hugo tub in tho dairy receives the milk. The clicc.o presses etc., wero all In order, and had an appearance of neatness uuuounl In Ecuador. Tho Indians showed their skllfutncas In throwing the iassonn horse back in or der to i-crurc ponio refractory cattle. Both cow nnd ho'so would bo running nt full speed, when tho rider would throw his bide he-so, which seldom fail ed to settle round tho horns of tho ani mal. A few turns round tho pommel of thcsaddlcnnd thennlmnl is checked, and sometimes so suddenly ns to mako It turn a complotu somersault. In catch Ing horses the lasso is thrown ovorthelr heads, nnd experience tenches them to stop to pievcnt being choked. Towards noon n cloud of , dust In the distance boliikencd the approach of Urblna's nrniy. My lio-t began to tremble with nppiebeiislon, butn flag staff was quickly placed on the top of tho house, and thof-tarsandstripessoon floated In the breeze, nil emblem of pence nnd power, respected even In that remote region. Townids evening Urbinn nnd his troops nrrived. They weie a motley nssemblage of negro lancer-', and Indian infantry. Tho General mndohis Head Quarters at the village, and seemed much chagrined to find us'lhe.-o, expecting to get his sup plies nt Salvador's hacienda. However, ho nnd ids officers, most of whom I had known in Quito, treated us kindly. At my suggestion Salvador offered them the hospitalities of his house, which, however, wero refused. Ho then -out down a well piepared supper, mid gave the General n fino horse In Hen of his. which was worn out. Gen. Urblna ex pressed some surprise ntscelng tho U.S. ting floating in that region I informed him I wns gathering somo plants and hunting. With a smile he replied, "It is a foiluuute thing for Salvador you aro ills guest at this time." Tho following morning we spuit in hunt Ing nnd in the afternoon followed Urblun'jjnrmy into Quito. The Pro visional authorities, after destroying tlio bridges, retreattd nuith-waids to Ibarra. Quik.v S.iii:V A wkMj known citizen of this town has lately lost a hen, whoso car or in life lias been maiked by peculiarities which merit a passing notice. At tho ripe age of fourteen yearsshe died, and, although a fowl, witli no foul spot on her character, At an early ago shu be gan the (lutiui of her station, and con tinued for years an earnest and faithful layer. Convinced nt length that ho' power as a produ cer of eggs wero failing and pos sessing yet thu maternal love which had characterized her earlier years, she accepted without a murmur the usual ly thankless olllco of .stepmother, and many nro the tuns and daughters who have reached maturity under her foster ing care. Old age, however, laid its enfeebling hand upnii her and deprived herofthe plivilege of hatching. With an un daunted spirit, she miopia! a .souug Qtniily or orphan chicki ns nnd gave them a' plain common scn.-c education. This us tier la-t cIVni t, ni.d. feeling hat her H,t, wns e. i nil we.i dune, hIk' ii'tiied :n.mll' Uf. rid mid ipiiit'iy ga( op (In gli' si. Iji r .uliipie l one whhh lb the liigei -I piid-r; as a teacher f youth nnd u conscientious perl'oiuier ol'duty, she had much meiit. Faicwcll, poor Biindle! Hon. Quo. Scott, our Member of tho Legislatuie, whs not p.isent at (lie opening id tlio Legislature owing to the M'vcro illness of his hiiii-iii-law,.Mr. Heifsnyder. Wo are informed that he went on to Harr.sburg Tuesday eveu'g. Twitchell lias been found guilty of tho murder of Mrs. Hill. Thu Jury weroout only thirty.fl.vo minutes. Not being a negro, 1 is not likely Geary will pardon him. Co.NSKttVATIVK'IX'l'.S IN VlU- ginia. The staud takeu by the Vir ginia Dcmocrats.coupllng universal am nesty and universal suffrage oxciti j tho hope horo of carrying tho State for the Conservatives by io.OOi) ma joilly. Excellent feeling exists be tween tho Consirvidivts and tho blacks. It is believed that the consti tution will bo defeated, and one impos ing no disqu iilitlcations adopted nt a Inter day. At a regular meeting of Bioonisburg Council No. 110. O. U. A. M. held ut their council chambers on Wednesday evening Dec. 30th tlio following olllcers worn elected. H. 11. Itingler, council. Jacob S. livnns, vico council. Phiueiis Welsh, senior Ex-council, Jacob Shafer, Juulorex-councll,C. a. Barkioy Itccord ing Secty. Georgo Moyer, E. ltobort Koan I. M. M. Snyder, I. P. j. S. WnlterO. V. Republican. CoNOltuss rcasicmbled Tuesday. Tho brief sesii on of eight weeks ought not only to bo a busy session, but a fruitful one, There is plenty of good work lie foio It, and there aro any quantity of corrupt, foolish and ruinou scheipes before It. Wo shall feu which of tlleso calls out most effort ""jjjjjjljf ' Jl AKitisnuiui, Jan. (iiSAvJoint llo publican caucus met this afternoon and immediately nominated by acclama tion Hun. John Scott, of Huiigtiudoii, for U. S. Senate, and It. W. Maekey.of I'ltthlmig, for State Tieusuier. Both Houses adjourned till TiitMliiy. i ! .ia CHAS. Q. BARKLt Y, Attorney :tl l.;iv, Itl.OOMSIlUIMJ, COl.l'NIIIA CO., Office In the Kuhans) Uuitilin j, fcon1 lory, over Wltlmytr t Jicohy'i Cutifechoiicry Btcoud tlr ottdVH l tie Uicliaiifo Hotel IT A.TTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBUKG, PA, Office, 2nd floor, in Exchange) Block, near the "ExclianKo Hotel." All buiiiu-t plac-J In hu liamli will b att-nil-d lo illi viouiianen oiiilcax Collection iiiada witli I he Ituil (o..ible tti'luy, Jhm I, Istlil, MISCELLANEOUS IDOWS' APPltAlSEMENTS. Tliu foil (i wine- fin n ml somen In of teti nmi ir Ronrtl iiroperly sclnportlo widows of ikeedontJ-., have lyovn 11 led In tlio ollloe of tho UcKUtrr of Co lumbia county, under tho Utiles or Court, nnd will bo prdsfiiled for Absolute confirmation, to tlioOrplmnn' t'ointtabohPltJ In Hlooinftburrf, In nnd for f-Ald county, on Monday, hue -ii:st 1ay or 1'ku, 1U.( nt two o'clock i, of snld ilt.y, unlets once pi Ion to ttucli confirma tions mo previously tiled, or wnlcli MX persons Undented In fin Id ntfitCR will tnUe notice i 1. Widow of II, W. Cierny.la1" of KciU twp., decerned, 2 Wldowof lnlelYctterJatnofMr.lnntwp., dicefticd. 3. Widow of Jolm HehKlntu Kl-diltnjrfoek two,, deceased. JOHN O. FItKEZK, ItUter. Itloo-mftburg, Jnu, 1, 1MJD. A DNINISTRATOIl'S NOTICK. -tV KHTATK OK IlANIKI, (IF.NSII., DFC'D, I.clH'in of ndinlnUtiullon on the estate or D.tti Id (Jtnsll r.fMliitln, township, Columbia county, decensed tmve Krtinted by tho Itelntcr of mid county, to rimrlfN Kllnircrmnn, All peisnni linvluKcliilntHor demundH fiyaliiat the decedent nre requested to mnke llicm known, nnd those Indebted to innkc nnyment. CI1AUI.KH KMNClKHMANf Dec. 1,'ftS-Ct. AdmlnlstiHtor. Oeorco Moult ") In tlicCourlof Common IMem for va. the county 'f Columbln, Kept., T. BarnhKoult, J WH. No. 12, Imlhorcr. ToSfirfthHoult, Itcpndcnt, Tlio Court Imve grunted n rulo on yoti to show cuuto why n divorce a vinculo mutrlmo Jt fdioutd not bedecred Huturnablo Monilnv. Februnrv Ut, ISC, at lt oYlnck n. in. MOHDK'JAI M1IJ.AU1 Illoomnbuig, Pee. 11,'CH-lt. Hhcrljr. s ADDLE A IIAUNKS3 MA KICK. OKANOKV11.I.B, CCI.UMtlf A COUTV. I'KNN'A. TIIK, undentgnril rfupMIIUllr liifonm lilt frlenils nd tlio publto that lie has boliRht out Thomas ItueKLrc, hiiiI wilt rontliinn tho Inisliu-ns of KAlU)l,H(lliil llAUNKKB MAKING, 111 Kit IU various bnmclipji.iU tlifolit utaiul hIioyp Huydcr'n Hotel, ana hope to deerve and receive tho pat ronaee of all wlioneed nrllele In hi. line. Kel..SV68 (IWmtlH I.AZAItUH. poll SAL K. Tin. iMiilnrs -i licit olTt-rfi Ar Ktlo tlio ITouho and Iot now occaphd iv him In thu town of llcnton, rotumbm county. This was firinerly ud ntu Trvein nnd Hadmlruhly ndapted tot that pur "niot Boh bv i lie first nf A pi 11 next, tho prnj er ly will bc.ontcd. on lensnnnble tnnt. 'Full pnii"Ul,.i'M rcKnidlMK pt'-co or lent etc., c?n be otnaiae t on nnpllctlioii to tho underKln ed on the picmlf.en. rotf-slou given on tno 11 of April IstVK Benton, JflU.8,'0 l'liTKU Al'l'I.r.MAN. UDITOIVS NOTICE. In thoOrplmn'fi Court for the County o Colum bia, In tho matter of tlio cstiito of John IValei, Jr., deceased. Tbo Auditor appointed by tho Court to mako distribution of tho balance. In tho hands of Solomon Uins, Administrator of John Peal er,Jr., deceased, ainoiiB tho credltorsortho satd Intestate, wtll meet the paitlcs Interested for tho Surposo of his appointment on Saturday, Jan., ith, A. I). 1NJU, nt 1 oVloel;, r. M., at his olllco In llloomshiug, Columbia county, l'a. All persons having clabus nciilnt tho estate nro heteby ifijtiJml lo present lo the Auditor, or on failure to pi csent tho rnnn- bo forever debarred from coin lini in for a nharo of tht mil. I iialc. C. O. llAUUIdlY Audltoi. Dec. 2,0-tt. In the Orphan's Court for theConnty or Colum bia in the matter of the estate of CJeo. Kieuim r, late of Columbia co., l'a. The Auditorappolnt cd by the Court to mnlcodlstilbut'on ol tho bal ance In the bands of John It. Movkii, Admln 'htrator of neoiKo Krcnnier, among the Creditors of the fnld lntetHtp, will meet the rar tics InteicMed lor the pmpose cf his appoint men ton Salurday 80th iUa of January next, at len o'clock, n. m. at his otllce in Uio'iiusiurg, CnlumbiH county, l'a. All persons havini; clalnu ncainst the estate are hereby reqntied to present them to (he Mull tor, or on failure topresent the fame be foiever debarred from coming In for it share olthe cald citato. C. G. ItAHKLKT, Auditor. Dec. 2tV(W.H A KAHM l'OU SAUO. Will bpftfittl nt nrlvntennle a valuable f.-irin sit uate in Madison twp., Columbia, county, about two mite from Jerseytown. and one and no half in llo. lrom Krultstovrn, containing ONE 1IUNUUEI) AND SIXTY ACHES of li hi! mote or less; about 25 ncres Is well tim bered, nnd the balaucti In a high male ol cultiva tion, and an orchard of choice irult. whereon are erected two sets of ltuPuiiiKS. All Information In regard to tiio property can be had of Cl.irk Dlldlno on tho piwmisesor John DHdlne, I.jine blono twp., Montour county, Va. Dec. 2,,6,j--.ui. s IIEIUFF'S SALE. llv virtue of an alias mandate to mo directed will lc nn.sed lit imbllo r.iI mi tbo nieml-cs on Tuesday tlio Pith day or Jan., next, at ono o'clock fi. m. of said day, the. lollowtutc described tract of and Hituate In hentt. township Co'.umbla county, nHJolnlnft land a of lVtcr Scbut; nnd L'hax. S.eo on the east, UmH ofHylvcMer J. 1'mix on thoKoulh, lan. Is or Isaac Whftoon tho west, nnd lands of Aaron Hon no on the north, containing i:iJ perch es, with tho iippur-enanceH, H belns a lotof liiue stono land with lime kilns nnd lime houses erected on said premises. Tolm sold ns thu pro perly of syl ester J. Faux and iMiny K. Orccno ns tenants In common. MOUDHCAI MII.LAUD, Shciill. Dec, i", IStiS s IIEltlFK'S SALE. liy vhtuo of sundry wilts of Vnul, K Issued out of thu Court of Common 11 eas ol I'ohtmbln coun ty ant lo mo directed, wjll b cxpoft'd to poblio t..du ir wul cry at tbo Ouun lloiin In Uciwlcft, nl Id itVNt( lu th lorenoi.n, on Monday, luii. ll, lK. tho f llowii tiint csiuie to ult:u - inrii tri'lol laud'tyinlnltriuicuiU twp., o not d.i cuht .bounded nnd dcsciltud as follow, ti .i: n tt.i North ty lands oritiv. Clim unit v Dtt'lt ricn, on the eat, tiv ta.uls of J n. l.:uii.n mil tolin Vanpilt, on the south by Man . on tin west by lundtof Kvan Adam, oo which :s i-icctid u two story frame iillio hoiict l" barn nnd other out bulldtuxs, with the iippm tunancfs, couUilnlug nbout one huiidieil ainl tlttj -ci?ht acres, Seized taken In CAeeut on and to lie so.d as the property of J. It. (Joniner. lei lh,oS. ALSO In Kloomsburtf. on Wednesday, Jan., 13, 1-l'f, a tc-rtaiii lor o - piece of laud, situate in tho l!or 0113I1 nl Centrnlfii, bounded nnd desi rlbed as bil low., to wit : on tho north by on alley, on 1I10 ial by an alley, on Hie south by street hading to Mt. Cat nod, 011 tho west by lot or James 1 lie, which Is about twenty feet front undone hun dred and !ori ft-ft dcip. beluga vacant hit lu said bu rouy b. elz-lll lake 11 in execution, uud to be sold (is the proi.urty ot Iteuben 'ascr, AiOhDICCAI MILLARD, Dec, So,'; Shorill. s HEIUri'S SALE. OF VALUAMLi: IIWAL KSTATI liy virtue of a coitatn will or l-'Icil TacUs Ksiud out of tho I'mirt 01 Couiiuoii 1'leaikOl ("id uuiblacouuty and 10 mo directed will be ex post il t isuloby public venduu or ouury at tlu 1 miri llousiiiu lllo'. nisburi;, at one o clock In tin. at'iei uooii uf Katuiday Jniiuary !l, ls.i., ;lm loilowiii uiculioiud nml do.ntlheit leal tstato bitu.ilu in tho&ald oi unty. No. J. The undivided thirtieth pan 01 a cert iln ph-cuotlandtoituatoln Munlour township, con t iliiliur two ncres moro or U na ailjolnluy b.uds ol Jaine. lliiriou, and the l-'lihlugcrii-lt, wbeieou ii elect etl u tranio tloutlint mill, a iramu dwelling house una ulraino stable iili theapturteuaiu'e. No. 2. 'J hit undivided thirtieth p.ut ol a ctr tain jdecu ol laud situate in lllooiu low uship.ciiU taliiK ten acres more or les ui!oin I uplands of 1 u Iili itartou, Jnuies Ituilon, M'Kchy, Zi'luI and nlhers w hereon Is erected u liamo lioitsuand sta ble w ith tho njipuittoanie. No. 3. Iho undivided tldrlltlb lailoi uecr taln piece ot Jandblluatoln bloom lowiislilp con Uiulnt; eighteen acres more, or Itss, nitjulntug 1 mils of Jumes ll.utou, M lie Ivy a. Ncal. 'lliu liloomsburu Iron Co., uud ol litis., hereon is eitt ted n liame dutllluu bruise, u log Lu n and out ho u sea, with the iiipUilenaueeH, No. A. A certain pkc 1 land sltuatoln Illoom lOMttithlp. containing one ncuimore. or loss, ad Joining lands or M'Kclvy & reul, D. J, Wiuior, and tho North lUauch Canal, whereon is erected a frame store house wlih tho uppuitennmvs. No. 5. Tho Defendant's Interact in u certain puce of laud sltuulo lu Montour township, cou tftluliiK ono acio, inoioor less, iidoliilng lands of Daniel (Jlger.Wm.TroubrliUo, John aud Hy I es ter l'urel aud others, whereon Is erected a irumo dwellliiK house with (It j appurtenances. Dec. li, W. ALSO At tho Court Hmiso lu lllooins'iurg cm Bat u Ida Jan. J3d, day of .lanuaiy next ut ono o'clock 1. M.llio Juri'iidHiit's laterckt lu u lot slluatu on tho west side of Wchl street adjoining lot off. J. Thointou on the uorlh, au alley 011 the west, and ltuudolph llaymuii 011 the MHith, liclu ii leet front, and fcbout'AW leet deep, wbeieou ! ercted h lu lck house, helzed taken In exer ullon and to be sold as the pioperty ot Leonard ll. Huperl. MOUDIiCAl MI1.LAUD. Jnu. 1,'0J. hherdt'. s IIEUIFIS HALE, itv vlrtuo of n Hill of Vend. l'xiouav iucd outof tno foil it of Common Phut 01 Col tin 1 ll 1 eouuiy, nnd lo 1110 d lecltd, will i.e t Aioeil to public sole or out-eiy, m the ('unit ili-umj in Itbioiiubur, on Mi bdtij , lVlnun 11, U--y, thu fotowiiiii icnl esiaielo m it 1 u citutlu lot of )utund situate lu the l;oiouh ol Ctntr.illa Col umbia county houudid and ileseriU Mas folluM'; 011 tho vCtl by iocust AVMnue, 011 the north h lot now orcuplid ii Mil.'N (JallUlee. or, ihce.tKt by u iwiniy lMtt rlley, on tbcMMilii by lot or Jo. 11 Kir tile, on vvh eh is eucteit a two nlory iramn Dwelling llouxe, stable and wium she il, witli the nppurU'Uuuces, huuuiltakeu lu exictilloii nod to bo cold its tho piopwrly 01 Henry rVhcr, Jun, J II. MAIZE'S MAMMOTH (JHOCKIIY, SltlVK-i' UWrh', MlN ftT. lIMMIMHlll'lUI, I'A, A largo assortment of fluey- a 11 O O E It IKS constantly on linnd.Cninherrlt. Hurdle.. lUUliu Vult-ntlii Jtutlu. Knvlili I'urranw. (.'iiitni, Mm1, uroul. C.mued liolicod H.h uud Muela'i'hl.Kx in 111 in 1 1 y Mom, buck Kllliit II. hi,- iiini llleul, rid oud piovnnon. of nil kind, loOitmi mid m-:u.. C'u.hpuld loi ljulter und eta-., dotal- ili'hu-i.d mall purl oft tin town. jau, 1,'uii MERCHANDISE. N KW HTUCh OK (;U)TII1NU. Preidj ftrrlrnl ff rALUAsn winTau a-jiu , DAVID MWUNIlKHtl 1 Invite. Rtlcnllim to lit i.Ih.'K nt LlIIIAl' ANDKAHtllONAIIl.t-; I l.OTIII.NII at hi store on .MalnBlreel, twodoitl'Vi thoAinr.-lrnn d 1 1 f nionin!"',,, e. wlieif Uf lift. Ju.t rtvrlTftl bni New Turk Mid lMillnilelphl a full AHorlineiit ot , MUX AM) tlOYK UlAJ'nilNU, lncludlfK the mot f)iloii" .Iinnl.le, lint tmnilKome 't tiitnwoooiw, eonKtliin of IIOX. M M'lC, K'K ., (IU.M, A.Ml IIII..(II.0T1I CUA'WANM) I'ANIM. or nil 111 l,lzc:s unit rolnri. Uu hl uN .lin- tilled III iilleiidy Inro KlncU of V A I, I . A Ml W 1 N T I '.U H 1 1 A e I Hntll'KI), KKItntKIi. ANlJ 1't.AI.N VIMW, SII IllTH, UIIA VATM, HTi K'KM, t i ll ...VI W. llA.NIIKK.ltClIIKIXDliVI!!., flUHl'KNIIIIttH. AMI I'ANl V Af.TK Ll-W Ho miM coti-tnlilty mi hand n I'li'e Mtul w,.Le ecltd tinrtmiMit if CI.O'I ll- ANII VIXTIMIS, wlileli ho Im prejAied lo make to order Inti.nny kind of cluthlni;, mi very idiort notl(e, mid in lie bent Innuner. All 111 clothing I mi ,1- I,, t.c ;ir. nnd iiiont of 11 1. ,t home ininuf.wln e. 10t.ll WATCHED ANI).lt:Vi;l,ltY, oruverydi-rrlpilon.lluoi mUheiip, IIIh eatcol Jewctty I. !iiit.suiiitfed in IIiIh plni'i'. Cull uuit oxamlnii tilHeiterat n ortinin of I'MlTIIINd, WAUMIK", .IKWtll.lll , W, tlAVIIl I,()VI.N11U1U1. M Kit CilANDiSE. NllTICK IM IIKHKMY ttlVKN To my friends mid Urn fiihllc i:-nmll, llwt I1 kinds of DIIY GOODS, GHOUEIUiW, tiUKENHWAHK, NOTIONS, AC, nro t'ouKtantl" on lmnd And for u.ll AT IIAUTONM (11.11 rtTA."-!), Hirfjo.vnnuno, or JAMIW K. KYI'.R. n-Ali; Hole AbiiiI fi i r 1 1. if I iiOM'iiATEor I me. Luruu lot t.n 1 nnd. fdiS'ffr. LOTIIES JIY MAC1JIK13HY. The undersigned wou'd m p'c'fully tall ttie attention cf the public, to his new nnd Ppprov ed methiKl of nikklu chdhes by a, i-jstem based utioii malhtiiiatlcal principles, which rendcis It lniK)SRiblsfto be otht rwlscthan accurate He claln.H for thit method tho followlnp: ntl antnees. FIIWT. Tel feft accuracy, HKCOND. A snvlni; nf two third of the time usually tak en to cutout tho cloth. 1 HIKD. Abllliy to m asuienny figure nty s to Inpnre n itoihI fit. Dunnr. Tl,.it it Oiks nwny with the necessity of It Ing mcrtvnifd more than once, as often In. the va from the misapprehension or roiptaVo or t measurer. He would u rue the pub! lo to give u a trlal.nsK is satisfied that it will yivo perfect fia Us fact ion. lie will be happy to exhibit and explain Iti work Ins at any time to visitors, J. W CHKMHKKMN March 20. isfig. Main .St., below Market. T HE IlIVEItSIDE FOR If 09. This fauiritc innira7lnoror the Miumr ntmnnne. es the following a inont; the nollcealile features of the omhiK volume : 1. 'i w 'toilct-.'contilbiitrd cpcciidlv to the 'lilvcridu" in advance of their publlcatson in Denmark. Dy Hans thrl-ttan Andersen. V, A Seilal, "Wlilte nnd Hod." or thnllmad ventuic and liumoious f-cenrs umougst our Northwest Indians, lly Krs. Wei-lis, author of "A lush e." 3. storlr finm 8pi-nsei and Chaucer, lly tho utitbori f i be xpularsiotii h from Kbakespeare. t, I'npiron Invention nnd Art: how tat iiih are mad' hnwI'jtenmphMiie worked, how a boy can innUe rbntoiupbs, etc., f tr. 5. 1 1 out fuc In South Alrha: streets nrronitiin Hlnnilni't'lc, Anieiican I Hie.. w Orleni.s, it.ii tlinore, l'htladet) bin, Neiv Yoi k, 1'usti n,f tc, etc. (t. I. Itc on the I'nilrlc. Toil t'lay n's Youiu; Vlij.'inians 7 1- .(piKlt I'nlry Plelnir and IN.i ihk. (Pace fill talcs iv poiulai urllcis, S. IltU'.imlloiior the Itiblo, lllfttory, Natuial lllstoiy. lilociaphy, I'm losllles, etc, run iml l'iill In nil soittoi fortnv, The IUt of wnll-rs for tin 'KIeis.W " irelitile. tile nam e. nt Jacob Abbott, H iiu. 1 i i-.ii n An dcren, Alb f and I bo-be Cm v , r-rlll- 1 vsii rt I. It. (JoultlliiK, rau I It. Haviif, IIoih- i- i:. iV n der, Helen C. 'eeks. Vbux Moii.iit-hn AiiUmr of "il.yVSi IEIifbdMy." Alilbort.f ".tv ii l.iltle Mslct .Mrlc, fult-tnui' I to! n t.nd i inimlier or Iiti;u llb-siu.'ioii in t'lu.j im tol lor, t I I i I t 1 1 , .1 I S i Mi i'iutii ! I l i CI .1 Iti ltlfl IO.h. SJIf'uMlit Hi i1i,Umj: Iblee coplex -li..'iH; fle eop.e . n'.l in . .juis -.'tiii; iiiul all - Mia enp ut .).- p iu to eeigvinen and (i-i.lii-. 1 1 1 i m, Mi I ilu i o it s, ti nN. A pi os pi -t iiu eon lain in u lull lueoimt ot the p'ait lor tho (ouitui: volume, intt" c'uhhiug wtth othir niacai'lnei, tpecial piemliiuiM, etc., etc., will bu sLtitprompilv on appll' t'lou lo thu pub ilshets. Hunt it Houi;htou, rubliKhori, -VJ lh ooitie S( ri 1 1 , New York. Dec. VufMi. , CKNkV VQUV, K, P. Ji A it TON. ucctsyirs to fi, C. fel;Ue.) rpiil-3 SUI5SCIUIU:it.S HAVING X Leaved the I'lnnlnti Mill and Machine .hop roimerly iKiupled by s. C. Milve, will continue the busliifeSHof Liau'ifMiuiluu DOOUH, SASU, UI.INDK, MOULDIN3 , ItiacktttH tc. We are h'mi pie) and to fiirnbh ilressed HooriiU'. slilnulin and all oihtr lumhtr rtqutieit In th coukti uctlou of bull llnys. All kinds of tin nine done nt shot I BilU tor Jolht und other fittiiiH stull lllbd nlll pionipt-ni-ss hihI me. Otdi is irH i tiully ."i.(.iiH,i, Ajiili:.'S AVOI.I' & 1UHTON, B I.r.ri.i-i:i'K(i N01iMAI,( linii ANHUT I IMA IM-'J Jl 'II liUAHli UV i:IUI'( TIU.V. lll.MtV l AUVKlt, A. il.. riinclpiil, Trokbtor ol Inli lutool m d inoiuUrl. iie,ei.d 1 theory nn 1 1 ineiti c .r lem-hiii,-, i 511s Saiah A. Caiver. Preeenlrewa, Teaeher of rieneh. Iloiany and ornamental hlulirhei,, It.nnc O. IM, A. 11., rinfeKMir of Auelent I jinuungeb nnd KngltsU Uianiniur, .1. V . I'll ir.', A. ..I. I'rofessnr of Me tnnrMri,a . prnctk it u uiiy. Ilev. n. r., A. M., IMofo hor of cln tni-try and i-hysJea. ' F, M. Hat., i Tfiuh.rof yioBinphy. hhtorj & Hook keeping Jatntu Ilrown, Asl taut teacher ol inallienintlii, Kugllsh (Ir ininar, ton J.I Ik. Allen M. Carver, 1 Tmiherof Music on tho piano and inelmkuu. Ml. Illiltle )u llt'H, 'leuel ir of rvtl Muttcnnd Instiunxiitat music Mlhn .Tulla nuibt, Tuo'ln i '.f model School. The Wtniirtciin will ci mintiuo Nov.:, lfi. and until our hoaidlun hall Iv i.idy fnrocruiuiii iry. on uprlh at Ion to tho l'llnclpal, siudcnlb will Lo luuil.hed with hiiiai Hi. phmanl minUlcx. It I hi tler fomluilenta Ineiiinineueent thoon i nniK ol lliu (enu, lint when 11.1m In linpneilia l.ln thov i.iii.'enier ntauy time. Maiehai bM. JII.MAItDH! HII.MA11D.S!! WII.I lAM II. (HIiMOKU Ihi.njii lied n lluu Illlllard faio-m lu uddulim lu hi. well knqwu lti:s"Al'll.M'. lie l iislllu'ili. with nil thu latent iiiiinut 1 iiiul aud lu p.Mhi-1 order, llu keep, on hand Ilia hu.l I.AOlilt llttUIt ANII ALU which the maikel, 11YSI IPt. to ho h.-i I ul all Huie. w :h ii ui .ea.111, uUu iK-id Tun.iiu, rllkledtllpe, Claim. i-., ...-, Tnepuhlionio Invited lu cap. mid aro prom Ued luii .u tioii tuihui' m Uilll.ud.or rviw.ii menu. Hi. CIOA1M AND TOHAIH-O (-..iinot ho exc lied. IPiuumIiuii;, Jan. I, 1, DRY GOODS, ETC. E WT' 1 11 SI A N 1) .VA'H' OOOW. N tt llOWEft A NEIUUNO, Jtutlnji In Id n tlio poimlni Ktnnil of I'. K Hoati, OlMSOKTIM.!!, CoUt.Mnt.t I'oUSTT, P., ItAlf-ctfullynimounco totlip friend of the r.Ub lllitrcnt, n well n. to new rii.tomcr, Hint they lmvo Jit.t received n Inigc supply of n n w noons, Millntdo to the senson ,onllfn of IlttY fJOODM, UltOCKltinS, (lUKIINSWAIti:, ItAltDWAIli:, llOOlH AN'll ailOIW, II ATM ANII ('APS, ' DHUOS AND .MEDICINES, nnd In thin t eeiy nillele m nivlly in n firt. clam Countrj ntm-oj In rhleli they Invito Iheiit- icntlon of thrlrfrlendsnndthe polilie uenrrnlly. Vhcso fool ucia pmehiiwd nt tl.c Imve.. mil's nnd (liey propnso to si ll, IIimii on ns rnodernle leiins, hi. 'Imllir kojiI can lniot iiere or elie- Hlieruln thorouniy.forei-horeiumry i riHluee. Dec. ),'n, IJOWKIt A ill-.UflNO. ... i...iiiiiiiii i ii.iii.jji .Him-T'w,"ji;T"n;a QOilETIIINO NEW. TIlO limllMKlVliril Itni.U l.nva In l.rn..n I... Iiii-lids nnd I ho pHlillo E'-nnitlly, Hint she h-l opt'ned In I.KIKT HTHKKT of n'lod In the line of MlIiMNKIlY and TimiMtNiis In with I)r.u Msklna; und Is pre pnrwl In .i.ldltlon, ('Ot.lllt HTO A V 11114 on III. shoitvst notlce.nnd In (he bfl styl. of .... ... , i. v. , n,-, i.iiu w iiik t.Kiiiuei.ry. UK.,t H(,(. October,. ,.mitr" S OUUTZE A liUiJOhFP, tMI.liI.ttiiKix m ! ''A 1 l'XAM) I OUTK. patenied Feb uai v Jitb. iwa. wnrrauloil Uiv nvo jinr. n eioone. -i u WO'iini'-HU, I-ivW Tol U. ' in ifu i v "iiiinr riale l'ianos by their pe culinrennstrucllon arc superior loal' others, and their infill cons s s ltitl.uwii--.tnii.Hir tKirt' d by the Iron Irium allov. liv ft iaruer tp.i !e other kind of Tiano. lly tbi- mea-is thef.trimitv as v. fll am the quality or tins ton Is l.nV'ti hi Cl ensf il. T " Til"" "lanm Imve been prunoumed by the btst judj-e to be m.itvalled for roU'lltAM- MV'KK'IMJSt tiKlo.l Kn an- nijiecablb touch and botmn ofilulHl.. Most 11 ittil lliir rrtrlll'i.!.. .,r . -r... Ha ..... Ihalbeitf, (iottschalk,sirakovi-li, Vieiucnipt ittn' alaivijiiumbei 'it the most ilist-u'-nisheit 1'ioVs Horsnml Ainateurn. Kioni Inn" ep"rlcncp and Mil erior r.icllltl.sibr Manuf.ic'iiijuj.', wonro -na-bl-il to otter our pinnosnl as low rib-en n- me ft.u u bv Inferior makers. Heml for circular and prlrelKt. Mnr,' or doing a family wnshliiK in tho Iv.i nn ehenpest numner. rluniunlced tijniil 1,1 mi In tliv world I UnHnlltlieRlienglliofold tiln kihio with tho mild nnd latlir ring iunlllh'Mif ciiiiiiie (niktlle. Trv Hits splendid map. Sold liy tlio Allien Chemlciil Works, II North Front hti. ct l'hllii. Sep. 1,'68-ly. S2000 A YEAE. n . iii'iit.ui,M)mu'i.Ji; ipurei new lo.' all tnoof ut of rmployincnt, ustonlidiinji lesulli heaid iroi.i, every da since dUroveieil $tolu lar dny madoby erry one who ba- et taktn hold ofUiebusliuss, opm capital re milred. All those havlmjany ftar of beiiu huui liuyeil will obligo me by not niitUJn thW all il.ei - ml.livsH mo w llhout delay. I'or iiHilicu ,ais pb tisH ei. close stamp lor cln ular. Aildii'M writ . inn., i.. i - .-...,.( i -liein ine niiiniv, ,lw iiioomneiii fen 1'erry Co., Vov. '.7,'6s-( ni. F.ltai M-irlln by her In tho Court of Cnni next fib ml J. Vanpelt ! mon PJeasfortho Conn , V". ty of Columbia. .May T. Danl. 1 Martin. j i-(Wt Xo.j in dl voice. To Daniel Martin, Ite-pondent. Sir: Tho Court havo Kiautedu ruluonyou to sliow cnu why a ill vol eo u t infiito Matrlmoti fi should not be iie crctd. It tiirnablc Mondav, Kebru try, lr, Ihl'i nt 10 o'clock n, m. MUitn CAI II.LAIID, lllooinsbur, Dec. tl'h-ll. Wierltr. 4fcTTn(ii(tionnl)y thu hct sustalnuil J vtotk lh nd In the World." II A HI' J3 XV NKW JIOKTULY MAOAZIiNK. Clitlcal Collets of lb.-, l'rtss. The most popular Monthly in the wor.d .Vey We must u ft r In 1c i ms cf t ulou'v in t "ilh buie iiinl varied uxeel.ences ol IIahi'KU'm .Maiia ms. Journal ulih a monthl.; UHLtl.iliin ot about ITU.iti topics in Wiosa (iiys i.te to lo found souiL ot tl.o clioleiht Hubt uotl ne.u iuI n .it-liiK "f lb. day. U'pfjH.ik oi ih woik n au e..t. luitof lliu cultuiij ol III-Auucn-a't IVopt; u. i il.f pojiulai lij ll b'-- a-inbd i, loin,.), ivu b .Number eout in.- Inh IU pats or i t.-ol i hi .i i nppopn,ile'j i!U.ii.ti d with urn ', i.h ot . .nut i i imblni. iu jK 1 1 Iln- ! .. v ,n - . ' ' , I'.i.O-' I ten ipl'1,1. v. I ,. u ; 1 li 111 HI il. "I s ; ' '! 11 ll.' ll -oloiillol, . f i, , i - i nt i.m , h t.oin ,4i .(( , .. u it W - i'a i mil or it- -.ii eevP oi li h$ t'-en-ti'-ii il e ijoptiiat iu-o fti p .mt a Mint y ot .ieasli ,4 ami iu-.Uu.. tf muili", 101 ol'. Pum's trruitt.t.Qiin, hi I'.scuirrnix.s-isiri TKKJUrf: II iiil'Kii'.i JIauaimj, ono eur J 00 An I. Mm 1 op of either Hm Maoaxins 01 i; .K will b hiipplkd Rintls forevtiv 1 lull of livi.suuri.ti:i.jA ut l UU t.tilt. in one in ill. nice ; or t-'u t'eple for Jl'u l, Uli-eillK'iM to llAUI'KK'.i M QAINi,Wn'KI.Y, ittd It Ait, 10 one infill ciH for ohh eai', tu or.tMonl Ilarjiei'V rerlodicuis, U one mliltt'SH tol 003 j 1 ur, 1 1, I .at k iSiuubt rcati biiBtippliedm nu lime A t oiuple.e Het, now coiuprltlm.; Ti.11 1 fen i.biiii', ,n nmi i.l. it1 tMminii,, vv i.l : t en- bv t xpln-s, lieinln i' k' t'lis'M lot tij6 t r tduine, . bifilf oailoi ,'l o ml, Hlpubl. ft a-f. n. ib 1 ii I'M, f..r I iinlh u, ai. 1 1 i-,. 11 ut'. pi-slj-aht, in. p'.-'aj.o.i II Ai:ti:i.N Mao - it its a eiti i ha b nn: I e po 1'. a I.- U'-ciiter o-li tlb e, " ii ,fcili ll in tejit fioin l v 1 -1 . 1J1 .i.. ri ca 1'ion mts inusl be eet milt a hi d Hb ll in a mn 1 1 .a 1., to pii.n Ci. ii-u ,iltJ pn-toc fiAlci'Miit iiitoTiil,::-. ivtij.. J ItEIXHKIMKIt A IUIOTI1EK, unrAir, pn.vT.ntts 0 U O T U t N fi AND (iJTt- r u n xiHiuxu 000 n k .w'outl( Main filrcct, HWow Xavkut, (oppoiittf Correll's More,) jiLooMsnuua, pa. Jnu. 1, Ub'J-lf. - JKW FUUXJTUUE UOOMS, u.N MAIN STIil.LT, lU.OOMMTliC, rnNN'A, J A M h C A I) M A N llu.--pcttfi'll Informs the c'tlnt-ns of thin lomi iin-i 1 1 inity, inai no nas at tut r uuinne looint, ehalis 1 1 iVtrv descilnlion. biueinm. iliuluj tn tilei lato and small, lidieadsol I he )aiet st lei caid and toilet lab' in, Joel; Ins tlatsi.H. I.iil.lis many uilUbu of lyimiuio o( Urn eUs niiuiutai lure. J ho j uhhume coulhilly Invited to (nil anil ex aiiiiui. id stock, llu i ill sell UHti icatouaMe U'lIllN. special rilliutlon be ) atd but i-alrhu till klmK 01 (urn it ui e. Cheap bu ciu'i. J.ii, tt'ii. ( J K. rSV ' A till, 1 .'. 'lev. w.':i. y.K. !: jwi i.r.u. .latnlr 01, tn :.r '.i-.'niu' 1: . n, lU.I.OMhlU'ltil. I". .oil -I I. .Hi llliliilli 11 ... 1 llei.l tit uio-l .,ii 1 s m - Wui lo-. 1 '., s- iir- . . III. l,.-s( d.s., 1 1 mil 1 1 1 i.l.lll v lilt. Illlt 111 I- I .in i ill lillllei- 11 sill- ..iblm -, lil.lW. t ' i.- i.,ii.i.i,. uapiilu t.n.i. .-ii. l'.i, . ,e u lu i- nl 1 1 in Ion t-ti Id 111 .. 1 ..iilu 1 vnti hip mid J. well), J ld dtp ivtiiii-ut iiinhpr thu . u ptrvi.iuu.of A, i:.Ktfa wiv .i'M.tiil watvhou tier i. mt J. w. i.rnl iMiil.ii yr-ntst ovpvrliiucu iu 11 lari-,i uud MailUMlelu..ii c holiso. M-lso Hie ill. irk, 111.1.1c. to order. All uu,.U.Uil work win muiod. Jau, I,IA), 1 U li. ALL itcrKou kutiM uifthi.ui-.ilv.M .ii.ifh.i-A ut Iht tiuduiftvui l.'irn 'Killii.of .HiUN1 'Ititj ou U'tly or t-' U lc w , aiti.-,i a u ai lUi Ut'dtu'tt I11MU' I pe. .1 't'i MISCI-LLANEOUS, JI-OLTIl A.ND FiiKD. ttf lindr,lffiml lln.nUfnt fnr i-uit .ml mii.crn beuH tonnhoiiee to In. rriFnil. and to the public that Id. N 12 V Jl I I. Ii l now tn eomplete riniiiliijnriler.nnd tlmt ho I. i.rrMiia.1 ti tin nil ulud.of Mltliin wllhout delay I'ailh. n o sianee oan havo their grl.t. nr. ....... ti.,,1...... .1. 1.... ... ... . IT K. .....ii. 11 ii .....I, ... ... v, 11 ,,, ,n,. iiii-iii limn,. iho naino day, anil n 11 rulo nil work tirnuiilit to the mill run li done In twenty-four hour. My present art-Augment aro mien n to preetudn tho v ,11 niui.jmiw, in,, mui on neeouui 01 iec: 11.KU "r 1IIW whkt, TJIb: IlfXI' I'AMII.V I't.UUll. in. Mi Iln tho lower pnnle,. nmi all ltlnda of CHOP AND 'A'AVJ kept on hnnd lnn.nantlty, and forw.Io at tho low. iit eurient rnte. urnlii of nil kind, purcha-ed. I.lKhtSllecl, Dee. 1,'OJ-lf. l'CTr.U IINT. Sl'llAY, ufne to th premln " of thu Milscilbrr lu HcJiiloelt biwiubn. t olumh il t'otiblv. on or nbOUf me int orKcptembcr iwi, live sheep, varl omly mtuke'l. Tho ownets iireionuoflud bi conio furwiud proe pioperly.n'id ii chargci or tlie same rui no oiioseii 01 c'oniM ir 10 law. I'i.e. ji, tsv-t wm. r, j.v.iujV. M FIHli-l'ItOOF KAl'KS. Hnnborn'i Patent I n-i 1 rcn demount rated bv thu latest thorough practical tchW to be vastly mi-l-erlor In fire nrooruiintltiei to any other tnnkem tbehiK water In copper tubes Ik rmctlrnlly preventing completely nny cni' naltuii und b Ihfl drieit vtxto Iuum The putM it can lw applied lo any snfo. before purclmsliiK elt-ewhern anil nnrt xnrnlne, or pena for pamphlet Containing the coitiflcatesof tilflln with allot hriukcri Htttn Aoiei e.iiirn ainr in i'iooi ri'io 1,0., .wu nroan Vaj ..Now Voir (Dec. llfiH-Im, JATKLY Ol'KNED. Hie iinderntguetl would respectfully Inform th citizens of lUoomburL. aud v iclnlty, that behM JURt opened ushop on IronHtreet, between Main and 'J liltd, where be nlll follow the cabinet tun king business ;n nil Hi branches. Onlcru lor MirrAt.Lio on otiieu coffins till -d with 'iromptniMs nnd drspateb. nepabu cln. ti ply mauu to all kind of furniture, includ ing the replnlliiiR of cnne-lKitfomed chairs, rat tcinn for custinps made nratlyand eXpeclltlous ly, and oiderM tiro PoIIclti d elthi r In person nr by mall. Picture framtb made lo order r.t short no tice, nonr.ia iioan. Aplll lOCS-tf. W A N T W. M AeomiK.t.n .inol teacher to take clmrgd ot llio Mum It 1 l-.-hool IIiniM', near Willi. Hall. ltn-mal)l 41s vv II ho paid. Any tejuh er doilrlnB till nr 1i..m, ahoul,) m p to 11 vrlthoil dlv.'.'iv;, rr A...CAItll, I'ris'i. of tho Hoard. Whlln Hall, Wov. 17, 'W-it. OTrcj';lMu;Kiiui'TCY; till la to glvo notice: (hat on the Mdiir of Juno- a. I'. lW,a vwirn in In I.uiiliruht(v'vn-li;i-d aii.liul the (Ma..- i.r I ph. IJ. rmvlJrldio of ilri iirie. k 'up. in - , .-..unlyof (.i.lumli.i, aid st.ito .r 'Vi.ii.ylM ., W, i,, hKCa nil; JmUul 11 Ii.iii.iiii.l 0.1 uttii iHitltlun ; that Ihr. ii'iMni nt ofnnv deliis nmi li..iv,.r. ..r Iti.ioriy belonijinu lo miiIi Itiiiikiupt, to inni. or 111- hlauso nlul (Ii,. tninsr. r .l nnv nmiwrlv liv lilm nr.. 1, ... i... :...'. .. J. tiV(:iut.;r; 1 . , : v - r."i. ' E didil", and to iho. ke o io . r i alirnees or hi. will be lieln nl a Court ol Unnk.uploy, to .. hoi. .-ii , t tl,fl ... xch-im u Hotel, lu IIIoouiklHllrf t-ulu 111 Iili). ounty, IV .iifjUnulii, K-loro Kdwarii o.'e.lnn.J .. Itejm - on the 2Mh day of Us, A. P., Pjhs.nt'1 oclooK, p, ni, 1 NOV.'.7,'UI-It. IlyK. 11. COOt HAtfOH, licpuly. N 0 T I C E. 1 l.L- UIldp.1 .1-11. .1 t.-nnl.l h.... 1... ..I. ..... i........ ho hiiMliN di-y puicha-.lorVilli.iiii I'll, r two ....... ........ ,r Klv inn., , ii 1 i,jv 1 .11, led In him. At Pilwinaichclei.. foro.d I10.1 lu ll rfeiloir with or molcstlnn the sumo. I he. J,l,5-lt. it .). MIM.AIIL). V. SAJlI'r.E"& CO.7 " MAL'lIlNISTh .t KXOLNKKHS, 1 -vim -r.. d 1. a 11. n. 1:.. iii,ooMiirit(i, ta., AU- I)--(,1H '11 111! tl(l.t nf M.l.l.... "l'lk. Kill )l UK Shnitiri-, I'ollcs, Hamrcrs, Coupling, Mlll-Kour jot-, .-mi v innntiiiii, etc.. tmno eocksi. IVt wks, Sb-ani pl ti, p.yiiiu-r wbh all kind- of Mtam fll-tlu,;- ronvtanll.s on hand. v I hn'Miln" Mnrlifne-t and Horne Toweis mude tn older. All liliidjt of A-iih ultnra Mrtcbinf-r repalrni. May ai.'ftS T. 'O TIIK PUI3I.IC. ..... uiKii'iniKiit-ii ri'i-iiecuuiiy iniormi iiih oi.t friends nnd customers that hu hai relllted lliu v ..i.iii.K ,.iiis-iiiii.-s mm is now reauj- 10 itn wool enri lna ln kohiI order, When Rood, eluan nnd ....... in ru, ill.-, UIV I'LUrilllN IIIIIV lnol: lor Bond rol ?. ' r..,m...? r...i..-i.. , . n. .. . .......... , ..t.i, .iii.i tiri-isiii 1 10111, none 10 older. VSoolliltat Ilartman's Mote, lllomrK- ,1, ...... ... iv. 11 iiii.i ii'iuiiieu every iwn or ihreuweekswlilil.lllofworlt. Tho pnv can he lei! at Ilartuiaii'i.. Wool lelt nl OrniiKi'vllle. at ellhi r nf tho -tore, will h.i alt. mil d lopromollw No wool wnaon l inuulni; for mo thl- summer only m DliHiiusliu 11; niul OranKevllh., fi,.- Hie ae eoiumiidiilton of those iitn illstaiii-p. JunoW, I (KM. .Vein- OrkMCUvlllu ( UlNTItK L'OWiS-rillH' HOUNTY Kirs I). tUIHTdlfrf STA'l' 1IK.NT. 'Mils. II, !A III ll.-h, CII(VI01 Of III. I Ml in. , ' in T. '.. ., u .I,. 1,. si . I, . (I..,. . . . . I ' ' - 1 1 t. tint r-.-. ir I ..l. I. I I , 1 I 1 1. I 1.. 1. H i .. ', I -.-It .... ...I " lls.,, , . , , . en 1.0 ! .1 Ti. . i.ii.'irrii'iif I-.. . (Till 11 II. A Rcti wpnuulieittr Collector or P.. mil), WU Tit amount of tin .-atornr 7, iti W It. liy ensii to:.rnhn Hill Ti-ritsiiror i;oi mi V h xol il-l n I i.niw r,u IlllpIldltO is 7e ' IKd. on ItnpV (e, duo tn p. jio i' nhn IHII. I'm. ri- ui llounl fund, un. T- ejsti Aunt c. II. llleltertt-h, Co!. no: 7s " " " ll. A. S-'i'llwepln-nllPln-v, Col. 7.i H. Cll II. p.H-Kl. I', l nn ) ll-md uud Im, -JIT ra " " .1, V. ltai,enbt-i-li " -.-,,0; ' ' .Minuai. t Allcoiaii ' .1.7 (.1 rsrni 1 iini-lll.u ' IV) Hi " " " II. i". 1141-ton " " m ' .Inrnliv .t nri.r-l.wiiv r..i. ,,.il . Il-lilnif lifci j ei .hlnteiu-nt 12 (.1 J,(j. I let-M-utiOi-ny 15 (x) " " " IU tllal tt-llh J. I'. f tr.,!im.- (Kl " " " fain I .yhnrd lor -vrvlcn, 100 " '' " I.0V. 'I'm lii7 m.i ' "l. Ir. Hurley, attomty 10 00 rump. rii.. , .tit, 011 ii .10 for 1 5 ear, " " " Jl-wekt y X slaeoby puhllshliiu IhH e.-i-t. 1201 " . ' . " lOikUuina iIumi.-ci. 5t. unit, uno n-n, m lu.i j . a. .ellh-niem 1 11 u Trent. i.'oiiimini!im , mas nii) 01 10; 71 tint duo Trituuler J, Hill. 21'. iu Wu tin nwlt nlRmil Audr us, do hevchy ecitlfy 1 .1 .- imtiM-iucfuli. uiiii.i luu torviiuliix ...oiinta, iin-l th. 1 'niM. 1 to !..-.-o-i.ii..,. i.ivrvvi m; ciiexhy, 1 A;.N KH.i ItNKIt. I Audltoi. 1.1 a I x. in Ti'iiiMiA, ) Iftn: 1 (,'. p U 11 Ii 1 O H A Ii E OF,U UH.U. KM'.VTIi In pur.u.imio of un older of tho Ort tuitis' i'o.ut Ol I'ulUlllbl 1 t'olllllV Will 111. i,ll.Hl ... 1, rsilhl I. II I Mt, 1,1- l.lis.M Th..,u.l..u , l.n -Il, ......... Janumy neii. b John onnei,' Ailnilniklraior piohunonu 1 lu 1 1 111 111. au ufiho louunhhi i.r i'iiiiiiii ieeu,hui4 county locinivixi. TiiofulloH Uli: tluct ol 11.11,1 l.iulttull (hut i-oi'tillu 1111-fc. Miuuenml trait ofland Uuinilo.1 on thi. cistli. In, lils nl 11... ,ii,lru ... s. ........1 l. 1. 1.11 theaoulh liy lalidaot nuiniicl Thoma.,iii Iho ii ny laiius 01 iitiijumiii Hem, und on t'i nun ll liv- I inil 1.1 su I ..- ....1.... Inlnlnuono hundi-,l n i. s m,n'e or n, mIiVil'oii U i,iis-Ii.,1 11 in... .... I . .... 1...H ....... , .... .t 111.... hou.o, 11 1 1 unit- hi. nl; burn, wnuoii houe mui olhui out buidliiu, j, 1 1 wilt of wiits-riit tin. Hum 01 in,- uwe-llilK II 'Un', 11 u- 1 1 sprlllif of .1 ttrnoui the hMiiw, a ood iipple orehuril, Hi land la ncal l id! 1 1, in. .1 ami i iu a .., t.. , lllltlvulioil. J-llll" til I 111,11.,. Ills .. I ll. ..I. ...Ir ... II r nrm ld.i. ,llKi ,- l-M llloolns nil., I'e . ;, 1 si, i ll 1 1 . H.UM-. ni' t.n 1. 1 1, ..i.r I. id luo 1 i..(-tiui. 111 11 n.t to ti. ,aiii oii.iM.- t.l kH'i., onu ImiKh I. s i.,. i. ;i.-i iM-nl on ll.11 ii.iiuit 1 t lon ot the il-. a 11. 1 - ho nail. mi' I 1 oiu- .r r - ,.ii tho ilr-l of Anil 1,1 vi. uahl-iti-l-.! fn.n, iu. U -t of API II n'. I' issi Lin tl.i-ll on (he 1 1 f Al'lUli.AI I' -i i. . 1-1. t, 1111,1 kt.i. mu. h'lI.V WI'.XMIlt, Ilec,i,'i,v Ad. Illl-l ,'ol. A K ?.I K K ' . ("Ull ll Ufplh-.j .11 Ull I'll! I' I. Ml M. NtU'A KCOT1 A IMiAH'I IUl. J' J A UV Iti IHLA N ll (i UA Ml, AMI I-HDHlMlATlCa, At Ue mill tl ' I'AXTtlfiA I1.MU1A... Hupeic, JW, VnSMtW. ' , J - .-. . 1, r . rs i f JL ' ' 1 MM i c V NtW ADYEHTISEMBM'a. AUMT3 WANTKi) I'OH sr..; runs or th . tiui'T t A rork tle.erlptlvenf the Virtual. . id thi tl, i myKtt-rlra.tuKerloa and crltnM of N vi ork ( .ly YOU TVIS'I to know how "ortnnr. r inad nnd lot In a. ityt Hot .11 .wd men ar ru'nrd In Wa- s r.i l ,w "(Nninlryinen" ar it - 'r t li r er; How Miiil't!. n I Me t .1. I.tac'lln-.ilrit ! how I'm e I. jl f (ioii"rtHttloon. at. utujr-il; how datat, n Hon... and I,otterl. aro 1 on Mich d 1 i.ow t tck Aol Conipmle. and n,,w Hit huhi ir. hiti.l, read thl. work It contain. 9) fli.p rug av lug.., I rll. all alwut th inrMerl. and crlmeiof Now York, and I. the iplcltUnud ehrapest work ofthaklnilpu'itulfr-d. ONLY $2.50 PKR COPY. ilisi'end fnr clrinlats and ne our l.-rm., and a full description of tho work. Addr-in Jone. Ilrotlw. A 1V1 , Philadelphia l'a, DISTKU'S OUIW1 AND TIIAI' l'Klf.s CO.MPAItlOX.-Ilow to hunt end trap all anlma.13, lo tan furs, niskn tiat.., bout, etc. Worth SU) toanv fnrnirr or b.y. tiewatoof bivo 'roeeliiti.." Well printed nnd hound. ( i.nm-1. (inlv jt cent 0 fur il. Atldrru ll. Ilnn ler Co., 1 1 1 ii, 1 lie, 4. h, JPUKB FOll A 3 CENT STAJU'. A I'amphlet oontalnlne valnanto Inf. irafi n on tho.u..Ji.ctofn.lvertlHin. AIlHtorore me ilinuntid Nfw.papom, (the in.t aitrenl.ltiK In tilums,) and pileu carill allowing rate. Addre Geo. P. Howell and Co., N, Y. nniiE A.MKU10AN union JL riticn nnnucEDi im a yhau. Thl. riorlf Katnllv-Journal will liereafLer h- ant to si?.Kt, ihers for 12.50 per year, A frrutls oopv M,i,t one yeartti any p-rson who .'.a.uns alx name,, and lo. ward.thcui with ths money 0,11s. 1 1, ,11 hit w.ii 1, w. win aenii seven coi lea for tli.uJ. '1 nl. laaUoi ill. Union Tliu I ip aiurtt Blory I'apcr In Aucica. 11k t olumns an-iille.i with r-r. ..11 r I hy tho hi nt writers, and that r v ie i-i poetry, wuan-l aetiet. 1 in ;ii n. , r , cI. culat.d to pie , . .ill 1 .v.r o' 1 , ' m NOW !- Tin; 'i 11 k to KV ' 1 h Mlnirle oonloa. six cent.. All da-iler .1 111 dro-M l.tllol, rhoine-i A Talbot, r.oiton, Ma , ATl6NiUr7"61iujD7TLnUbf XT enn- I'lSN.IYIA'AXtA FAKM JOURNAI.. KVOTEn T'i Agrlcuilur,, HotitcuUur nnd Stun, rjoi.omy futit-iminn at rn thiil .. .1, pa J. M. A O. 1). KUMTfiB , ?, :nm, Aailstod by aCorp. of Prastlcnl Contributors. Ti:umi: 51.03 per annum ; Ten cople. S7.50. tS-Ailvertl.tDB 55 renU per Im. for en, :i lrjer llon. -u STAH SI'ANGIiKI) 11 ANN Ell. A largo m column ptjier. Illen.rare and racv. full 01 ihnimliiK.reaillliK ln, i in and Uney. "ltvau Kelluo," nKplrudld sleel plate, 'l-'ree" to uverv nbseriher. Duly 7.5 cla a year. "I-..n:;rlirnj'' fcella at tfi fsubsi rllit- N.-w. Mpi eltneru 'i cenc Addres lluiinerOttlce, Hinsdale, It. II. T7ANTl'.l), ACIKX'IS, ?-.r. to S2C3 r. IT nionilr. evcrvwlit r. mat. 11 d ft-inale tO lUtl,"lUCU 11)1- IIM.IIii.,, IliltitOW I (ottinion Henao l-'amlly Seivlni itai , n Thi. - me will atlleh, hem. ..I-, ( hind, hi and embio ler In a mm' sn,.,- 10 111 mer Pi oa lySIH. Fully v.ui.nled lor tlvejr , a. Kr 1 pay$H)f, n. inru-h.n. 11. twll--, .1 -tuner, more 1 a in. .nil. or 11, on- i-hist,- r n . a our. It nn.1.1 - .lie "l-.hi .11.-I.m k .1 h 1 erv aecollll si ir illi ! rent anil 11c ci.tli cannot ba pullet! apart nitlioul leauut it. We pay (men's lroni?7i in j -r month and ex, i-fci-s, or 11 eonimls!oo Horn w lib h iwlc lie at, t cm ho n.u!o. Ad 1. ss . . oinb .v Co., 1'ittsbui, , l'a., l.o-ooa, Mas-., 01' ol Louis, Mo. CAUTION. Do not bo Imposed upon liy oiher parties talinlnit olt'wolthlesH t-uMliuu Inuchllit., 11 ider 1 lie same name or otlu-ru it.o. out. Ik it,,. only ecuullici.ud really cheap luuehluc nil, 11 u- III. II1IIU, To t.eUGet. V, lloweUA (.Vf., AMKliIC n nkwb ia i' Kit mum on v A l:aii'Uomo Oclavo Volumo of .f p.igH bound la nloHi. Trice So.'0. Iteontabnin." urate Li i of all the yeWiiaiH,-r.tandp IVrlodlcaN uhusbf d In tho United .Slates nnd feiritnrle, aud tun Do minion of CaUAdn-nml llrltlsh Colonies of North America, : together with a description ofthc Town- and Clllea in whlth tliej nre published. Every IitiMnoss Man wants it. Every Professional Man wautH It. Every Advertiser mtHt liave it. jare-t Coinmis.siotH paid. A tovn cm m cinvaM for tliu b.iok in nn or I ivo day.-i, and from SlOto 55J sejured lu tvim rnlrdon. Advance fihcaU Bhowln tho titylfl of tlio work now ready au will ba on appU cation toother with terms to agouti Aa XeNon I'liesinan, No. 10 J'arte tlov New GltANI) Uaimdm, Mien . -cpt 10. I.tpiilucott it Bake well: Tn tcople s. em to L craity a oit your Ilod ItcUel Axes. I'lraso 8'Jiid nn iwvuty dozen un ue. Vurs Truly, W 1, V Cri'iuN.-l uprmclpleil dealers ntu it:i Avct. painted rt I. ftt,ih Ud J Oltk-t A i. Ttiu ! iii.dkn ol 1)1 Ma couuUtH In IU huperl or uttint; ii ih s nut io nereil fi.ilut Uiu "lttil JnclCft ot forsulo bv all repon '-lo . the uianu.A"ture J( i.ii plneott a llabOHult. I'itUtur l'a T7"A NTEM, AtiENT U A-ierican l-Htliii' Vuot Tilt tlt 1 '.I.i'ht;ii.iil uiui hi -.1 k vr imentt'd. Will Unit iv. W t ulo, l.ilieral iiiduccuivnU i" im -n A(lilfes Anicricaii Kni'tfn Machitv Co., 1- f "itila.-i. oi M, Louis Mo. rIIE AMKUICAX n i;w8ivii:n in ukctou Will tn U .uud Tunu iry, 1 is-i srnriurno 1'it ten, t5 WILL IMNT-UN: A lint of the New-paptrs uud oihcr rrtoJlc ds In oai h Mtnte, TcirltoiT, Prov'tn u I'olonv Arrnniied Alphaletleally ly Towim tfivin' tha Naint.dayn of i-uti, hlit Htt.ctli i m pi pjl Ittcs or ijenorit e'uri i-twu! i I . and puidKHer'n ninien, 4 r t i n nnd other Information. A Ut of low Utiili t cltiHN in thy t'ti c t j MidT-nltoriPf.anu t iu l mlu. --i ;iu nrlttli Anipitt.nn Co'on n. nl. - . ler orotlier k i io.l.rri!i uie p i J nl phabetfeall by C-ou litis ul'Uj popmatlon.l -vi-lion, branch oi in !tt:n vvh.c.i it d ' .twi Its Importance, ft nd other Information. Ah tle i'd It luii v, ill iu UmHd, pfcrons wUliinj coiv ill do well tt hi nd Ut order at our , li.m lb mei pv(4Vo -V p.jkoj, houud lu iothpru'tt 3"' Addreii'i ordeis to Upo J Uowu 1 A Co., rub. I loh vin. Jo I'aik. Itw, Nhw York, PEJJOKNT, RAyKI)"" To Ilousekif imiy and other U order ttudr Roodi tmm our Oi put One Ituliar s.r f iry Uo-iHih, t"tnnj' Oiwu. !ltid Whu aUtrytv etc ',1V wii'l ci re ular ofrxffns.' t ny v I thi1 Unttod Kimm; wnd fri.n nnb till nAi Ymi wilt have iuoii( l'' rd a-itiiu U'ut. Dryden A On., 1 n MilH Ht., ,u, Mft' . hi Agt.nU wanlixl Inevtry tnvn Intuu nn try. Di-c 23, OS Im. gOUTHKJtN HOME JOUUNAh V O It 1861). TKltMH:-! er unnuni. Krur roplri for $10 i:ig t it'plis fur H1-1 1'iul mi tstra tqpy tn the L'Hter up of the club. A 1 10 rr watt h for SO Hubwi Iter. A $-"5hevln Maehlnc loriaHuttfcrlU-ri-, A$G0Jo!d uateh fortO hnlmcrllierK, A tiw Oold Watch for 75 Hub4crll cr-. If you do not i;et rnmiuh tuFecurotlio prmltniu we will a low ou W etnu u tat n )r ly hUl'Wriheriit f. Hample en ln. ; illy lu th? comlnMtlutnu ueklndl romiiif-ni' u ri.iennm jtw r-iory, oy Aieinnucr I'Ulilu, v Uit li will Ihj printed from advance vlirt-u, fur . iu1itil onlj tothiH npcr. Johu . liiluUr. i'ufc- lUher. llullimoro, Md. I ?o Mottl wild Saloon Iter per 4 d"T Utoouts luiri; und tiUunhla Connty, 1 hnvc upji tod I Mr, 11. Stotuier nftent for the tMeof my ale.porU nnmu ktfeut, and la ctr Ihior, whu u ill supply you .1 tU k-iut.pfiix' (mul s Ith tliv tamm kirllvlo), m I mmld tumlHh ou from thuurwwory Knoowlng tHut h- will bt puiU'llnU and attelUife '1 who n.iv fAf-rhlm u tlh their Ir.ule, I fcolWl hvr Ulm in oupporl. tiy rr ixiiiiry, nitl) LAI FB, Kteam Ibewvry, Ile-iulua, Pa, gW-MlWHIlKI) ' JOIIDAN A BltOIU-IH. NVhoUtatu Qiotfrri. kJ r . .in AI.Tr TFIUH. tU U. M. J '.-! N.iri. II.' J l-iu'-f-'J-. 1, s ,' I J. I I jl 1' ! 1 I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers