Tt THE A lit! L-uac-a!i oiilo have tl Ted by it to irrera. it selections a I ImvgBlicea, and our i all, auTi not to bo under J. J. BKOWEJl. brll 12. 1887. DILLINOEH. E. B. EATJfAW, jLINGEU & CO., ill TllIliD BTKEET, itti. Kent, Sanlee it a.) Dealers la kVADBlNO, CAKl'ETO kiES, ti.1 XETS, L(1K, AC. ALSO, ODKN WAUE, La OLASrtKH, KTCV T dates ahead of til 3 areenuravcd on Mteel.twUt Ricontuln six fle:iires.Thiv will Colored. Alio a pattern, from which ThanUHs.. nr nhllk'a ilrr-aa f An be dut nut. .nt the aid nf a niittilRU-m&kcr. Aim aev- rT tiba-m of liinihrilil anil other recelrjta! in abort avtr) tiling intereatln to ladlea. :sorEnn premium r anwiNa, To every person getting up a clnb for lftt will be sent gratia, acopy of our new and splendid Meiaoltut for framing, (alio lit In. by It) "The Star of It-lulehem', alter the celebrated matter niece by (Jerome, the cetebrated French artlet. Tula la the moat daalrable premium ever offered For large wilt be Been below, an extra copy will be lent in addition. TCEMH-Alwoj't In Ad taw One copy, lor one year Three copies for one ear i 00 6 00 e 00 Five " " (and ond to the setter up of a club) Eight copies, for one year, (and one to tho gelle. upofnclulK Fourteen copies, for one year, (and ona to the flutter lilt of U dull BOO 13 00 SB 00 Addres, poat paid, Charlea J. Tcteraon, No. 8C6 Chestnut at., Phil'., I'll. Af-Hpecluieua aunt to thoae wlahlng to get .up cluba. HE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST,! QUEF.NSWAllK, CilJKKNSWAHK, iiur;i;iMv Alii;, dUKKNSWAItH, HUEENSWAIlii IIAKDWAItE, HAKDWAIli:, llAllllWAltK IIAUIIWAIIK, 11AUDWAHE, TINWAftE, TINWAKK, TINWAItK, TINWAKK, TIN WAUE, SALT. HAW, HALT HALT, HALT, K1HH, fish; FISH. FITir .FISH, OUA1N AND HKKDS, UHAIN AND HKKDH, OUA1N AND HKKDH, UUAIN AND HEEDS, UUAIN AND SLEDS, AC. AT NKAL NKAL NKAL NKAL NKAL AtcKELVY, McKKLVY, McKixvy; McKF.LVY, JlcKELVY, Nortrnreat corner oi Norlhwent corner of Northwest corner of Northwt corner of Northwest co rner of CO.'H, CO.'H, CO.'H. CO.'H. CO.'H. Main and Market Rtreeta, Mulu mid Market Streets, Main and Market Ktreeu, Main and Market Streets, Mulu und Market Streets, JlLOOMsmiftO, PA., lllIUMHIIIMUl, FA 1ILUOMMIIUHG, FA., IlLOOMSIIlIltO, FA., llLOOMHHUlKf, FA. IHON AND NA1LH, UtON AND NAII. IKON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, UtON AND NAILS, In large quantlllui and at reduced rutea, alway on uauu. s CHELXi, HEItQEIt A CO., OKNF.ltAL COMMISSION MEKCHANTB Dealers In Kisn, BALT, CHEESE, PROVISIONS, AO., oa. 122 and 121 North Wliarves, above Arch St. Philadelphia. nta for Wilcox's Wheel Greaae, In bar 3 cana. IIT & CO,, (1 11 OO HUB, TTToll rally Ihn hols run O.UNI11UHI.IN13 bet ecu this jilaeouml the dlllorcnl railroad do liotnliilly iunduys esecptp 1, lot-onn 'ct with tho trains coins South and V est on the Catn. wlssn and V(lllulus)iort Fallrnfid, and with thoso going North ami smith on tin Lu"ltawnnannd Illoonuburg Ital'roud. llisOiunlbuasesnio In pood condition, commo dious uud coraioitumetand cliaigcs icasou.ible. Persons wishing to w'eet or seu thtlr Irleuds do part, can bo nccomoiluied, upon reasonable charge by leaving timely notice tit All or tliu hotels, JACOll L HinTON, Proprietor. J IIEATIICOTE & COJIPANY ' 11 Q 1 14 j: Jl II' O UN s, COUNLlt OP WtHT HTHKirr A lir.ACKZUOrtSE AI.LEV Ilavlna lncreiwecl mir fnellllU'N in lliowuv or shop room, machinery, Ac. r,o nro preiMireil to miuilifaetuio LOtO10TlVl!,FLUi:,niid nil kinds ot HTKA M 11(11 LUIS, HMOKF-HTACKH, TANKS, HiniKT-lmw Wohk,ac. All work jjiumpily done to oiiler, at to'aorl liollet1. and STWIAL ATIWTION PAJD 'JO ltKPAUlS. Yoar ntUlitlon Is specially eiitletl to the num bers of our t! rm-ail beinj; J'rttchcaljlut'tr Maker. Mr. IlKATlicorr: hns had an experience, of over thiily years In iho mtiuurut tmu of nil kinds of Hlenm Uollers; and lioni our lonuexpi'rlence wo nro fully aware oi tho necehRlty ot n wetl-miuU nud siilllcleiitly largo securo not only raircty but satisfactory reaultst mid to ahull give our customers only lliosoof the best riuullty ns reisni'dH iiiuterlal.workmiinslilp, ami nmplu hcut lng surface, ami ltd (onlbieul tlmtwu cauieii dt r hiu Isliictlon, and at pi lei s miry ns low us any other builders using the namonu.tllty or materi als. Wo would call tho attention of Hallway Com panics to our facilities lorilolux LOCO.MOTIVK WOItlC. niiiiKit HKi'Aiu.s on nkw. as we make It a point lor one ot tho firm touhwi)gglvohlsFt'r aoniilullcntiou. Wo iro also prcpnicd to do all kinds of Hieom FlttltiKS. such as HuiHuk 1'iiblie und priviita lltllldlliKS, Factories, tlltliiK up Steam Unllera.Ac, Constuullv on bamiall kinds of Htlasi Fir T1KOS.ST11AM AND WATKltUl'AUliH HI'KAM l'll-KH, anil all llttlugsconnci led wllh the hulues. Alsn.t'astliiKSof all kinds, lollerFi on is.Oratoa, Stoves. Flows, and till wotl. connected witli the gcncrallouiidry hustneas. ItespcctfuUy aoliultlug )onr orders, we ale Yours very truly, J, 1IBAT11COTB & CO. Fcb.VS'tSi-ly J7 A II JI E It SI! TltV 111 I AtiTA VELA l'liiiri!. Vlllll! 1 ill ai'PA vi"f A I .t Avnrn JulyS,'W-ly ttfliruidv, N.'V, It contains threo per cent, of Ammonllw mi amplititiiiiitlty to mvu activity without Injury totlio M'galattou, and u huge perccntace ot so lllblo llouo Fliosphnlu of l.lnio, together with Potaih and SikIii, the issentlal (Umints of n L'OMFLKTKMAM'ltK. '1 lie Ini iiaud Hilrs lo farmers whoitie usliii; It Mlth hiuiiiy satlslacto- ry resiins is u KuieauarHlllie oi us value, t'rice, Mn r toft of 10 bugs uo lbs heud lor a piiiiipiiii'i. ' .ro I'rppy l Vound People, wit'i?i 7' iMori'fMIJ liavo theso unfashlonuU a bciiutiml nntiurr, and il, :co I l'eoplo viioso licails rjt tovcrcd! Dandrvjf and Humors, im it, ami clean cuats anil clear c 1 icalthy tc jlnltl-IIi'iitletl "N e'ci'imB tltcir remalnlns locks lncncil, am bare tpots covered wuli nuuxumm of Hair, und danco for je.'l Young Gentlemen v.! it bccr.uil liclily perfumed I Younp; Ladles uso It !t their Hair in place 1 I Kvcrvbodv miiaV aml.ihli uic It. b i tt is tho cleanest and lest articlo in .market 1 j:ut aa.iv ujr xiiiimid ikluuj. AM) roll SALE IIV L. N. MOYElt and T. 1'. LFTZ, l)r Illoomsburc, ond ii, M. 111(011-T, Cnlaw January -Jl, lset-3. 1 J It. MOYElt, 111 WMOJ.rsALU A UETML - (D 11 U GO is r, coiiNcn or main anii mi K..r bikj r - - iiLOOMsni'ita, f, whero will bo found a largo r nd a led Drugs, MEDICINES AND C HEMIC Also all tho patknv stemciNEs 0 tiik Hay, I uin also prepared to turn lshCouotryhto: Castor Oil, Godfrey u Cordial, TUIILINOSTON'H r IMAM, and all other medicines kept In tl elr line prices. 1. Frewrlptlnns ei cfnlly nm.ouiu':i! hours. In uiodlilnes, qunllt; soflli n ut Imp Illoomaburg, JunoT, lun JIUDlClNlii. rVJ STIUTi. C0I.OW!, 1 WINDfW-aiA" , IVMIW, LANTLIW DAB, SOAIH, LCUI0L, WNIW 4 k!(J KYlttl'li, l FMll'UMI KY, TOILET ANDF,VC'Y Al'K which a -0 onWo.1 at tld tun rr,J Ptr nous uccuraie y ,,uted. V.rjll.' Jan 8' 1-ly, J V esses of youth, it 1 b f. JJENDEUSIIOTT'S 1'HAIIM, OI'imtTK AVK'lTrlAX llocsi:. ( Where nioj'l.jj found nrompietc na. oitu if, I fresh n'.BAi I J I and Arch'Htreets, iii .FIllUDtLI'IllAal miIKAlIKl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers