THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUIIG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. he lumbian. ULOOMS.BUKG. PA. VIUBAT MOR3I1NU, NOV, 13, latl. aw- THH COLMniA! li Ilia l,rit Mr.nlatla In Calumbla anil adjoining aanntlca mt a.y paper pnbll.h,il.hrt, mitl 'B0 a mth largar-ahvaa-aBmnaiir M,tmaraTlM i ami It Ihf rrorc tli btit medium Iter Te,ll,ltiR lit Ihl, ,tcllan r tha Ktata. Jleconstruoted riorida. 'i Stnto afford ,n more Instmetlvo cxaiiiIo of reconstruction .tlmn "tho Intiil of flowers." In 180ft President LlncillmUtomiittil iUrititOiiUloti under hN ono-tentli iilun, nny sent Mis private 8ecrctilryCol. Hiyf, military ozpudltlnu, In unit toiutl Inestnmbli Itii; clvll ctveriil(ii'ntj The defeat of Ilia military under tlener.d Seymour ' folk J thUplnii I It Wfis fliilie(iuently determined to try tin- CoiiarfUinn1 or "tttrpet-lm" nlaiu Thd .rimsn oMhe white. cltlr.ens wure accordlriRl-dlsfrftiit)!i1od. npd tho hullo. kIvcii to tho neRro element which toively prodooilnutcd. Tliuro were It,- ,0.Mil'IICRroM 'reprlstereil, rtlth')li(;h the .ivdsits of lStin, thown-thnt nt that time (here were only 16.0U male efcrow In ihpStntiiover the ngn'of at your, 'ha jOmvelitlon was frirrleil liyu l;lri.ohiit. jnMty ilnl favor' of the cnrprt-1isiRger.iv mitlqptlm'tiiiinlpulatloii of'tho1 Knstt. inua'a lltirenii. For InBlntirtv In l.eon county, itheritlro roprMerul'ijTftl negro f6toH;iiuid lurlftfliu Week of election' liXiQ.rntion.' wtoe I'minkl in tlmtcounty lnm, - .u Il'liu Cunstlttitlon wiw concocted by n cauoiM of a minority of tlib-LeRisliituro In a back room, between tho hours of JSiipil 2a. m., Feb. 10, INH. fmd forced niioni thd1 peoplo'ntl 't lid iviint nf tho. bltynnol, . llnd, M postal aRpilt, atidft.carpl't-t!igrcr frtnn Wla coiwlHj tlvnk clvtstwt Oo'vurhory and to lilako 'thlngn. cpmfortnble hi term of ofllctwns fixed forslx'y'earni-Hnmllton u carppt'buftser from Clinton' 'county (which he loft 'While' under criminal charges) was chosen Member of Con tresis. Tho Convention divided Into two factions, (itch claiming to be legal but 'Mende'ondCrnigrpMrccoiJnlrDd tho mlndrltr. The legislature elected two cafpet-lxiggersai SenntoM) iuitl Lieut, Gov. Olenvin la also a carpet-bagger, an ex-lumbermnn from WI-orih9!ii, and a mun'of yory small calibre. On tho 3rd of 'November the Legislature met to cast the electoral vote of tho Stato for Grant, xchen no quorum was prctent, Not only did a body elected beforecan dldate.s wcro nominated or ilnl forma adopted! nssUma'to tnko from the peo ple tho right of choice iw to tho ncx President, but a minority of tho Logla laturo attempted; to exercise this right. Gov. Iteed resists this usurpation and forthwith the Impeachment cnglno Is Drought out, nnu passed tno Legislature, or inntportion or It in session. The following proclamation has 'been issued by the Lieutenant-Governor : UicirTiv Chambkh, Talia Whereas, The Assembly of a. body organized in extraordinary sr. Ion, held by virtue of a proclamation" issued py tho Governor of Florid' on tho 3d day of .November, A. 1)., 1858. nave lmpraciieii nurri-ion iiecti, uov ernorof Florid, for high erlmes and misdemeanors In office, and. Whereat, Under tho provisions of tho lonsutuuon or me stato or l lori'la, tho said Harrison Iteed, Governor of Fiori- ila, is debarred from exercising the functions of the Kxecutive office of the State, and tho administration .thereof devolves upon Jlio Lieutenant-Governor; Now. therefore. I. William IT. Glea- son, Lieutenant-Governor of tho Stato of lortua, uo ibsuo my proclamation, tak ing possession of tho Jixccutivo Depart ment of tho Government in all its parts and I hereby call upon all citizens of the Stato to support tho Government, bey the laws of the State, and prcsorvo Feaco and (pilot, n testimony whereof I havo hero unto et my hand and coined tho great seal of tho Stato to bo affixed, tills sixth day of November, A. I)1, ono thous and eight hundred nnd sixty-eight. (Signed) W'M. II. GLEA SON, LIuu't.-Oovcrnorand Acting Governor. Attest : Geo. Aldcn, Sec'y. of State, Gov. Iteed has also Issucdn proclama tion which is as follows : ExrccTivr DrPARTMrwr, TAM.AHAMEe, Mn. Nor.7. IW. f lb the Sheriff of Leon Counhji State of Florida i Sir : I am, under under the Constitu tion and laws of the State, the rightful Governor thereof, and hhii'J continue to xerclso tho power and authority, nnd dischargo tho duties belonglngto tho of fice of tho Exccutlvo Department, until thtijudiclal tribunals of tho Stale Hhall determine otherwise. To tho determi nation of the Judiciary I will, like ev ry other good citizen, yield pjajfi and Immediate obedience, (Signed) UAiUtlKON ItKEI), Gov. The following are the articles of Im peachment: First He has been guilty of falsehood and lying while transacting huslnibs with the members of tho Legislature and other olllcers of the Stnte. Second I charge him with Incompe tency, inasmuch as ho has filled com. missieni toofUcersIn blank", und other Irresponsible persons having issued them. Third Hu has issued a proclamation declaring many seats of tho Legislature vacant befora tho members wero duly elected and returned, had resigned or their legal term of servlco had expired. Fourth Ho has been guilty of emliez alemant, having taken away from the Statu Treasury securities nnd money, and sold such securities, nnd then failed to return a portion or nil of thoproceeds of the sale of tho Treasury. Fifth He has been guilty of corrup tion and bribery, ho having bartered and dold prominent offices in tho State to sundry persons for money, to him In hand paid, and the nomination Of such persona to theSenato for confirmation, For and In consideration of tlu so and many other crimes and misdcpicnnors Which havo coaae to my kupwhslge, I aslc at tho hands of the Assembly tho Impeachment, for high crimes and mis demciinorifOf Harrison J teed j Govern or of Florida. . . . ; HOItATIO 0. !JfEftKS. It Is expected that tlieso proceedings will culminate In a r(ot, fia tho negroes sustain tho Legislature, pud 'tdo, whiles ndorso, Gou. Iteed. I(diouI'd,bq under stood flint the pcmorrttsJiavQ uo part In this row; it Js a war among tho skunks, and iVh Immaterial toils which wins. Woglvothf nsp (is nampl0 of Uecotistructjon, which tho Jtopubllcnn platform Bays "j on assured tucceitV lluljust thlnkof It; th,e Senators from tliis bogus Stato havo as much to say In the U. 8. Senate on nil questions of Fi nance, Tariff, Commorco, and all ether subjects as tho Senators from Now York or Ponnsylvnnla. In otlier words tho 662,000 whlto votew of PennsylvanIa,or tho 800.000 whlto voters of New York havo no more volco In tho Benato, than tho two carpet baggers from Ilorlda, rcprcscntl uglGOOO Ignorant negroe3,nnd cIuhoii by i minority LrgUlnttirc. Sueli n ditto of iiTiilrnrnlitiot,liiuil(I nut, Ioiir exist. Thanksgiving- Proclamation. 11YT1I1! I'llKSIIIIINT III' Till! UNITDl) STATIN 01' AMllUK'A. III tho year which Is now drawing to its end, the art, thc'sklll and tho la- Lbjjr,nXJiicU)eopla.oItUu-UiiUcd- State havo been employed with greater dill genco and vigor, and on broader fields, than ever before, and the fruits of the rarth-havc-bcro gathered Into thogran e;y and tho; otorcliouso In marvelous abundance. Our highways have been lengthencdtnudnuwand prolific rrglons havo been oecupled. e arc permitted to hope that long ami protracted politi cal and fccctlonul dissensions are, ut no tllstant dy,to glvo plnco to n returning .hnrmonymid fralernalairectlnn through out the Itepul'llc Many foreign .states have intcred Into liberal ngrceiiients with ut while nations which nro far off and, which, therefore, havo been unso cial and excliilve, have becuino our friends, TJio nuntml period of rest which wo Intra reached In health nnd tranquility, and which Iswowncd with k niany.biesjlng-idis, by unlveial con sout, n convenient and sultablo ono for cultlyi.diiig piety and praclle. ng pillule djivptlon, I theroloio rcc. ompiuud that Thursday, tho. twenty. dlstli d.i.V- of Nqvenibor next, be fcet apart-nnd ohjerved by, all the peoplo of tjip t iiIUh.1 States iu n day1 for public prnlc, tinlcsglvliig,and pmycr to tho Almighty CreatoriHntl Dlviiiqtilhler, of (iiy uuiycr;i'i iy,vTfiiqso over, waicniui, merclnliim) gracious providence alono btatcs uud niUloiis,.no less than families nnd;lndlvidualst myn do live And move nuil havo their being. In witness wheropf, I, havo hereunto set my hand nnd caused tho sail of tho United States to bo-nfilxcd, IVmo nt tho City of Washlncton, this twelfth day. of October, in ,tio year of our loni ono inouanu cignt nunurcii nnd fixty- eight, and of tho United States tho nliioly.tlilnl. - AMJItliy i JOHNSON Ilv the President. Wn.l.iAM If. SmvA'lil),, Secretary of fjtaie. She ruture., iv Is gratifying to soo tho earnest do. termination of- tho Democracy to con tiniiethogreatflght until victory crowns tncir ctlorts. Tho Democratic parly though iipparcntly defeated in tho gen ernl issues, is stronger tb-dny than It has been for many years. Tho immense gains they mado at tho last election clearly show' what they can do in tho future. They havo now Democratic Governors in Now York, New Jersey, Connection', California, Delawhare, Jiaryianu, ana .Kentucky, and they nnvo legally olecteu enough Congress. men to deprive tho Itadlcals of their two-third majority In thellousoofJlep- resentatlves. In every part of tho coun try they aro perfecting their organiza tion, and a cheerful hopo for tholr par ty's ruturo nn i 1 1 every ry wlicre they nro stand undismayed, with their o I, flag proudly floating over them.nnd n yielding to tho foo one Iota of their tit, i bless principles. That's right stand firm keep up tho organization work on fight on "the hour that Is darkest, is the hour before day V'Age, Butting on Ei.kutionb. Thoro is nothing moro stupid nnd not many things more demoralizing, than batting on an election. Tho-,0 who nro shrewd enough to engngo in such work for tho purpose of inaklngmoney of eourso do not allow their own 'cling and desires to control their judgment ; but when an enthusiastic Individual cars anoth er express nn opinion unfavorable to tho success of his party, and offers to 'back hlsown viows" with money, ho furnishes to his opponent a strong In ducement to strlvofor,'and tho pecuni ary means to aid In accomplishing what he does not want. The idea that ono who will not hct shows a lack of conlldenco n tho strength of his party can only bo entertained by ignorant minds, for those who havo a high appreciation of tho valuo of citizenship will uso moro In telligent arguments to sustain their viows. It Is when men havo hot bruins enough to glvo potent reasons why their party hhoiild triumph that they feel disposed to "bluff off" their oppo nents with bets. Tiieui: Is n class of poor men who tiro employed generally to labor for farmers, merchants and other business men, whoa'v,.ys voto with fenr that they wil' siileat-o those who employ them ' . t the will bo discharged and loso i.'.irsltu" ions. It Is only their cow ardice th t brings them Into thlssort of trouble. If they were Independent cnougi I o act tho man freely and fear lessly, there would bo but few booses who would talk of discharging hands becau-jq they do not voto to please them. It Is a great mistake In laborlnir men of any clas tp supposo that they aredependeir r pan their bosses for a living. If tti . will look at tho matter aright they vi'l find that tlicoo bosses aro really lauri moro .dependent upon them for tin li labor than they are upon tho boms foi their money, THE salary of the President Is $23,000 a yoar. it washed at this sum in ear ly days of tho Government. At that time, it represented fivo times ns much If not ten times asmiich,aslt represents now. It Is altogether too binall to sup port the president in proper style, and to enable Mini to meet his necessary ex- pondltures as Chief Executive of tho nation. It ought to be, at tho lowest, f 100,000. Wo havo no doubt that tho next Congnss will tako somo action Iu this matter. President Grant should not bo. compelled to llvo In u, cheap noaraiugtiousostyle, Acta l ark 'limes, JIjIXTIO.V UUTUUN8, WO glVO ft near as possible tho otllclal voto for Pros ident In this Stato by oountles. Boy- inour'smajorlty in Now York is 10,073 and Holrmans's 2!),9S3. Tho returns from other Stales are so incomplete, that wo will not nttompt to glvo results at present, the Democrats havo gnlned about 83 members of Congress which will mako a rhaugo of 70, and destroy tha luluultom two thirds rulo which tho Radicals havo licrctoforo enjoyed. Tina Is tho beginning of "cheap tlmes"or wmch tliolladlcal orators fore told . Wlillo tho prices of coal and tho necessaries of llfo aro going up, a lead Ing Republican paper, Grant's organ In Now York In fact comes out asking that Grant should bo voted 1100,000 a yean jour twits as-much as any other J'resl dent ever received. Fay your (axes workwomen l tiik votkok 18G8-.on.'ieiAt IV COUNTIES. 0 9 Adams iji 17"l!t'i:S32 1)23 1 2.1SS0 3170, J 1071 3112 !wiJ 13073 30G0 ;w;i8 7013 iMiegncny.. irmtrotii'. i 3087 i leaver iletlford..., llerks , Hlnlr llradford., iliicUw...-. 3.110 2C.2V 7113 38 tl 7012 01181, llutler 3721 3250 3558 3!ll' Cambria.. Cameron . Carbon Centre Chester Clarion.... Clenrfleltl Clinton ... Columbia mm r37 2I2!)1 33S8, 885(1 1H0 ISO.-)' 11102 2075' 7020 3S011 0100' 1010 COS 7702 274Sl 301(1 040(1 2028 !!0!HV 2582! 4022, 4501 4307 Crawford. 'I Cutnbcrln'd Dauphin , iieinwnro... Elk 1 Erlo I Fayette Forest 1 Franklin....! Fulton t 201(1' 1110 4555 3745', 400S '1' 43211 782 1722 3173 201 4171 1107 3301 Greene Huntlng'dn Indiana 2170 22''3 2003 1753 8513 18 121 Jefferson .... 207G 11071 10313 Sli'Jll 1207, 17331 0002 1(18(1, OSS. .lunlatn : LaiiHister...1 Lawrence..., Lebanon Lehigh Luzerne Lycoming M'Kean Mercer 101 2S5S 0321 14303 4839 1703 1858' 735 7018 1101' l07S( 1 S07, 2102 Allium Jlonroo ilontgom'yi Montour Northinp'n1: Northum 'd: Perry I Phllndelp'a Pike 8803, 1007 4 k 7759 4210 2410 3001 T0. CoSOS'i 00033 G5173 1313 C03 33S Potter Schuylkill Snydcr. Somerset.. 1001 8102 1803 3105 0I2S, 1318 1 Sullivan i -101 851 ioh'i Susnuchnna, Tioga Union Venango.... Warren Washlngt'n Wayno Westmor d 10S2 5110' 205 127 377 1131 2090 4010' 2(S9S; 5335' 1540 COM, 1757 ISO 3530, 0300, 200 W yom ing ., York i. 9091, 0110 'ssiooe!! Totals 32f39l ,321301 Majorities 0075; 28812 Columbia County Returns. $. s. I 3 I a a Beaver , 199 21 191 21 Benton 190 03 180 08 Berwick Bor 72 121 OS 131 Bloom 333 318 329 317 Briar Creek 172 05 1S7 70 Catawlssa 140 213 138 219 CentrullaBor , 138 93 138 G Centre 193 97 191 100 i Conyngham 7. 247 07 219 69 FlshlngCreek 200 02 209 01 Franklin 02 (il 49 03 Greenwood ISO 101 181 105 Hemlock 175 CI 1G8 C3 JacksonM Ill fi 113 7 Locust 2G3 120 200 111 Madison 209 47 208 55 Main 123 11 122 10 Mllllln 191 13 195 43 Montour 78 07 79 03 Mt. Pleasant 110 02 11(1 03. Orango 149 CO 119 03 Pino 105 30 112 39 Bearing Creek 53 40 55 40 Scott 148 171 14G 178 Sugar Loaf 133 19 113 18 Total, 405S 2070 -1022 2143 Majorities, 19S3 1879 TuAcnuns and Institutes. In many counties tho custom of allowing teachers tho timo to attend tho annual County Institute has become bo com mon, that little Is over said concern ing tho matter. Vhercevcr it is n mooted question, however, tho best plan is to scttlo It by contract nt tho be ginning of tho term. Tho following among other reasons, it is thought, should induce directors to grant thoflvo days named iu tho law to teachers in their employ : 1. Tho law concerning Institutes pro vides in follows: "That all Board of Directors may allow tho Teachers in their employ tho prlvilego of attending such Institutes without mnklngnny de duction from tholr talaries," If this irovlsion of law is not considered Im perative as to tho duty of directors, It should be considered ns having tho moral force. No ono can read the law without seeing that tho Legislature wishes that teachers should havo ac corded to them the prlvilego named in tho act, 2. No teacher can attend a well con- ducted Institute without being benefit ed, and in turn benefiting his impels. Tho amount of tills benefit is In a large majority of cases moro than equiva lent lor tno loss or time. If teachers wero'better paid, tho argument would not be so strong, but tho expenso they are necessarily at in nttondlng tho In- suiuio is a sufficient burden upon them without compelling them to loso the tlmo they are absent from school. 3. A leacher's Instltuo Is not intend. ed to benefit teachers alone; It Is Intend ed to confer its benefits upon tho wliolo community. Citizens of all professions tako part In Its proceedings, and derive profit from its deliberations. It seems proper, therefore, that teachers ought not to bo expected to bear all the lossos nttcndlngtho meetings of such bodies. School Journal. TlMi'iinisnK .T(!iiiimt Wn inn npirlnctcil hi notion Ilia nit n (4vvuj'v v umi v a Tomperanco paper in Scrnnton to bo vawvu niu viiuy icmpiar." me edi tors will bo Messrs Yarrlngton A AVoId man ; wiiom wo know to bo men of education and ability. Wo trust their enterprise will meet With bucccss. Tho ivi ma in u ono uoiiar per year, payaoio In advance. To BroKTSMEN. Ounnors should re member that n law was passed last winter by tho Legislature Inlllctlng a flno of " for shooting or k llllng inseotlvorous birds nt any season of the year. This law should bo onforced, Imraenso dainago has been causod In Columbia county this season by the ravages of caterpillar and worms, which can only bo provonted horearter by encouraging birds to build and breed In our fields and woods. Sf ew Itms, Count Colonna Waixwhki, a nat ural 6on of Napoleon Bonsparto and-a celebrated Polish Beauty, who after wards became tho wife of General D' Ornnno, n Marshal of Franco, died at Strasburg a row days since, at tho ago of 08, Ho was ono of tho present Em peror's, most Intimate friends nnd most zealous supporters. The ltlght itevcrcnd Charles Thos. Longley, 1). I)., Archbishop Canterbury Prlmato of all England, died In Lon don Oct. 28, at tho ngo of 71 years. Tho rovenuo of his grnco Is of tho annual value of nbout $75,000, nnd tho patron ngo consists of 177 livings. A ltomnn Catholic Cathedral, tho first slnco tho days of Queen Mary, is nbout to bo erected near Buckingham Palace, England, At Erie It took a justice of thopeace, two lawyers, six Jurors and abouttweu ty witnesses tho wholo nfternoou to try a enso in which a little girl, nbout nlno years olil, had slapped tho face of a playmate. The popular voto In tho Stato of Pennsylvania, Ohio und Indiana, ut tho recent elections, ns compared with that of ISO I , shows a Democratic gain of over soventy thousand. This is pretty well forn "dead" party. The greatest depth of water in tho Mississippi Klver, in front or riaquo mine, Louslnnn, Is ono hundred feet Tho measurements wcro made ut n tils. tnnco of thrco hundred feet from shore, at different points. A lodger, In a Portland (Me.) hotel, nfew evenings slnco, camo down stairs and told tho clerk the gaslight would not bum, and ho thought It wanted a new wick. Tun English papers report tho niur dcr of n poor man, sixty years old, for the sake of twelve dollars and a half, which he had In his possession, Dan ConnKTT bet ho could Jump from tho bridge over tho Susquehanna, nt Townnda, Pa., forty feet to tho water below. Ho made tho leap, but struck the water on Jhis stomach, sank, and was seen no more. Medicine Wolf, a Chcyenno chief, who was killed a few weeks ago, In Western Kansas, had forty scalp which ho woro for a necklace. All wore thoso of whlto peoplo some taken!" from gray-headed men und women and some from very small children. A plcco of tho chiefs' own scalp is to bo mado into a vest chain, for ono of the party who killed him. Two men entered a saloon in Kansas City recently, und after drinking n class of beer each, tendered a $50 bill In payment. The woman tending tlni bar put the bill in her pockot, drew a revolver and drovo tho men out o doors. The shortest letter in history is sup posed to have been Summer's to Secre. tnr.v Stanton, telling mm to "suck, The Boston Adcertiser says tiiat in Maino a person once sent to another a sheet of paper, on which was and nothiug else. By return of mall ho re ceived another sheet having" on "0." Tho correspondence meant: "What's tho news?" Answer, "Nothing." One of Kentucky's wonders Is n cornstalk 20 feet high, and bearing an earof corn 15 feet from tho ground. A youno gambler at Hamburg stak ed 250,000 francs and his blonde hair turned gray whllo tho deal was made. But ho won. iVn old lady announced in court at Atlanta that she "had no couusel," that "God was her lnwyer." "My dear madame," replied tho Judge, "ho does not practice in this court." It Is calculated that there aro now about G2.000 Chinamen settled iu Cnli- farnia, nearly all being natives of the province of Canton. Geo. Fiiancis Tuain eays ho Is re strained from writing ids life because ho Is "naturally sensitive, constitution ally diffident, with u shrinking from the public gazo slnco his earliest infan cy." Which Is good I A' consumptive printer In Pralrlo du Chlen, Wis., did his last typo tot ting in a noli co of ids own death. Samuei., A. Townsekk, of Kent, Connecticut, raised on ills farm tho last season a mammoth pumpkin, which measured in circumference toven feet, aud weighed ono hundred und thirty- two and a half pounds. From tho time it budded till it ripened and was pick ed, py actual calculation, it must havo grown two and a half pounds per day. or ono ounco nnd threo qharters per hour. It Is estimated that It would ro qulro ten cans of milk to make it into pies. Iu an eight-cornered, catty-cornered room, a cat sits Iu each corner; seven cats aro beforo each cat, and a cat sits on ovory cat's tall. How many cats nro there in tho room? The Indlann farmers aro soiling their corn in tho field it 00 cents a bushel, to be fed to hogs, which sell for 8 cents a pound. The peoplo of Wcedsport, N. Y havo invented a now ehurch entertain ment a "mush nnd milk sociable." A man on Capo Cod having advertised Ids wife us having left his bed and board, sho retorts that sho went away for a couple of woeks to earn her board and that tho bed belonged to her moth er. The Bangor Democrat says, out of tno wnoio number of men furnished by uiotatateor Maluo for tho war, 1,171 boro the name of Smith, 777 rejoiced In mo name 01 nrown, ana 305 wero Joncsos. BuiaiiAM Youno has thlrty-ilvo marriagcai) 0 dime iters. An nnternrU. Ing young Mokmon will marry tho lot Homo day. In tho suits lately brought iu Balti more against Gen. Butler, In -which ho plead the prlvllogoofa member of Con gress to secure him from tho servlco of a summons ; Judgo Dobbin declared tho protection to bo personal, purely, ex. cmpllng from arrebt, but not from tor. vlco In a civil suit. So Butler must an swer. Ituv. John MoVickak, I), )., a clergyman or tu Episcopal church, died at Bloomlngdalo, N. Y October 30th, in his 82nd year. Ho wus a man of flno ability nnd considerable literary uiiuiuuiunis. Heoibtehkd Letteus. Postmaster General Ilandall has Issued an order that from and after tho tlrst day of Jan uary next, tho registration feo 011 all letters registered in, and addressed to nny part of tho United States, shall bo fifteen cents, (Instead of twenty-flvo cents ns at present,) tho samo to bo In nit cases fully prepaid in postngu stntnps affixed to tho letter nnd cancelled. Tho present rates will contlnuo until new year'i day. Fiiom official records In tho Stato De partment wu find tho numborof treaties and conventions conducted by tho diff erent administrations of tho Govern ment Is 205 namely, prior to Washing ton's administration, 12; during Wash ington's administration, 1; John Ad am's administration, 3; Jefferson's (!; Madison's 0; Monroe's 7; J, Q. Ad- nms's, 12; Jackson's, 10; Van Huron's, 9; Harrison's, 1 ; Tylcr'e,!); Polk's, 11; Taylor's, 5; Flll.moro's, 9 ; Pierce's, 19; Buchanan's, 18 ; Lincoln's, 20; John son's, 23. We nro pleased to learn that Mr. J. D. Werkhelser, has openod a largo nnd select assortment of Ladle's, Gents, and Children's gaiters, boots and shoes. in Espy, opposlto tho steam mill. Seo card in Directory. f DETEKSON'S MAGAZINE TIIEC1I Al'EST ANI1I1ES IN THE WOULD, SPLENDID OFFEltS FOB 1SG9. This popular monthly JlasazlimiclvcH more for the money than any Iu the wurlil. l or lM.IIll will ha Breatly Improved. It will eontnln i ono lUOUSUIlil pilKen, louriKeu kimi-uuhi n,.v. twelve, mammoth f.mhlon t.lnn-a, luelu colored llerlln juiiern. mnenunurcu iimm mm, nn-.. ly-four lumen of lnuilc. All this will lie Ktteu for only M 00 u year, or n, dollar less than miiBazlui s of Itio class or "Peter win." lis thrllllnii tales nnd ,noelest nro the iu.u, tt.ii.iui.n.i iitiLiviiiiii. All tho most, ooiiumr wrltirs mo em ployed to wrlu orlnlnally lor "IV tcinin," In l!u, In ii.ldillou tolls usual qunnll- ty of short stories, lour onsinai cupyriK"' "" elctswlll bo glNen, vim Mary Aiitiumietlu i Talisman," hy Mrs. AniiH.Htcpluns; "Iho ms leiy or inacKWOou urniiKe, . oy "HtrNoel's Heir:" "Untlo's lot tho author erln Washing, ton,Mhr l'rantc; nml "i w niory -MiiL'ule." py the author ot "Rusy I, Diary. Mammoth colored r.ishlon plates ahead of nil iitheis, '1'hese plates nreeueraved on sieel.lwleu thu usual slc, und contain six llgui es.'l hey will he superbly eulortil. Also it palteru.lroiu which n dress, mautllla, or cliiut's ui ess can ue iih oui W I IOUl 1110 Hill Ol II maillllU'iiiuiii:!. .vino i .ral panes ol household aud olher lecelpt; 1 sUorl everything Interesting to ladles. SUPF.UU'l'llEMIl'.MENallAVINO, T.. r.Nnii i-ltliii. una rlnh for lsOU Will liosentBratis.iieopyor our new nnd splendid .Mezzotint for fialolnir, (slo il In. by 111) "Iho Mlaror Ilelhlenem , niter me ceienraie ini.ii.-. .,,.nl.i.llan,i,1. 1 1 in I'M f I l n tl ll Klt'IlCll lirllKt. 0 his Is the most desirable picmluut ever ottered I' or larce clubs. as win ot seen ucioiv, nn i.ui copy will bo sent In addition. TEUMf Always In Adnnco Ono copy, tor ono year Three copies forone yenr FIo " " (and ond to the getter up ofn club) Elliht copies, for ono year, (nnd ono to tho Kette. upofncIub( Kourtecu copies, for one year, (and one to $ I 00 !i w 0 0) S 00 12 00 too geuer tip "i n cnio Addres, post paid, I'harles J. l'elcrson, No, ,-l...c,n..t tit l'llll'll l,l 1) ll , 31. -wpecirucHSbCtittotliObewislilugto get u cuius. J J. B It O W E It, Is now offering to the public hU Stock of SPRING Q O O D S consisting In pari of n full line of INGItAIN. WOOL AND It AG CAIll' E T s, Flue cloths and casstmero for Ladles coats, HANDSOME DP.EsIS OOODS, of all patterns nnd qualities, InlalJs and Prints of tu lous qualities and pi ices, BLEACHED AND UIIOWN .MUSLINS, LADIE'S FltENCII CORSETB balmoral" skiuts. Good nssortuient of i.a Din? it a a iraivs .t- iioom I'rcsh Uroeeries and fplces. New asiortmeut OLASS AND QUEKNS-WAIIE, FX NO. 1 MACKEREL In one-half and one-feurth barrels. Now Is the Hue to make your selections, as nni otrrrlnf Boods nt very low prices, and our motto Is fair dealing to all, and not to neuniter- soldbynuy. j, J, IlloouisbtirE, April II, 18U7. It. illTUiN. C. II. UII.I.tNOBK, X. KAT-StAK ItTMAN, DILLINGEH & CO., ItO, lEWORTH TH1KD BtniKt, (.Yrati oppose Jamtt, JCfit, AUnltf & Co.) W'holestle Uealerl In YAltNH. 1IATTIKO. 'WADUINO, CAUITIW OH. CI.OT1W, SHAIllSfl, V I.V WETS, GRAIN HAGS, COUIIABK, 40. ALSO, WILLOW AND WOODEN WAKE, TIKES!! ES, TRUNKS, LOOK1NO I.AasE6, ETC MnylO, ivrr-ly. jpjnvi iPiawN & co., AVsr:..., Wholesale Peltiers la COTTON YARNS, CAUI'ET CHAINS, I1ATT3, WICKS, TIE YAHNH, COnPAOE, nnooi'' wioo and willow wake, LOOK-" ' ' S'LOCKH, FANCY BAHKEi T-t. -.t-UK, AND CAUIIIAOE OIL CLOTHS, io.. No. M0 Jlarliet Street, souUi ld. 1'taUadelphla. JOHN C. YEAGER & CO., Wholesale Dealers In HATS, CA1, STItAW GOODS, AND LADIES' FUKS, No. M7 North Third SU-sst, Philadelphia. "yy-AIlTMAN & ENGELMAN, . iuuAttu, nnurr tu&n MANUFACTORY, NO. 31S NOUT1I TBInnATltnET, Recoud Door below Wod, PHILADELPHIA. W. Wamman r. Bnoelua QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, jjiotjnisuurg, ru, M, C. HLOAN i jmOTUKIl thoRuccefcuornof WIIXIAM HMJAN & HON vontlnuo tbe bun In en a or mukine CAUUIAGIM, UUGOUW, aaj every stjlo or FANCY WAUONtJ, which they have coubtantly ou haml to iult cu tomefH. Never using any material but the oe nuil employing themot.t experienced workmen they hoto to contlnuo as heretofore to give entire uatl fact Ion to every cvuloiuer. An lnkpectlon til their work, ana of the reiuonable price nsitea lur he nme, U iure to lniuro a nolo. J7 O 1US A h K a larga onu wen assorted 101 or I'lioToauAruio aitaruatuh rontltlnj;ln pnrtof the followlnc artlclcHt one larse Inittrmiienl for tiiklng pholouiaphx, two heml rentii, ono huikuiounU mill bide cloth, one 1 1 il i r inn ii kruif uiio iiibiruiiitiu iu wrin n f i ll lit ii. ntiu Kin&ll k! mid. mm In run a nil i-Intli. one ioi oi (.quart) niKiu'H.iMouum uiboit.,one ioi lIlterebH cakrH Aiul Irenn thite khow frmnt-M. tsuo rurU niounU, 8 prlutlna honitls, av.t-u junjeU uoiueB, dr.eiiiifu eonipieiu jut oi uu uiiic-u lollleB, tlr.eliiifu eoinplvt t nulrt-d Ionlurt ItUHlueKit. Pni'o IliO. Fur full nurtioii ..lanmppiyut Johep ai.M'huylttllU-o. II. Kiiumun'B llutul.ltiniitnw Uept, U.'tii. JONAH pjOTICK TO TItESSIABSKIS. Iho linJcmliriieil mi til lirrhv wrurn hitnrt men, lhlvtn. una nil otner perwiiii auuliut irt-H liiiMMUiir. huiillne.or httulliit fiult inililniicrnunilN ait holt delermlmil topunlKh onetulriu to tliu I in i tiAHiu 'i mo iisw tiuiui n, ptuidinii Hept. tti 1808. iUlneTwp, la. IIH I1HBT. Munon' Copper 'I'ubulur Dubinins Itml lha bet.1 pltecllouiicaltialdlMihlerbyriKhtulnfC er tavut'iio, jit uukenoer 1M aaent tor tno bora Invention, ami all oiders by mall or In "ww imii uo promptly atteuueu to. Hayli, r l' II. umianiAN, Market Itfpoft. Wlionl tier tmuhcl Ityii t.'nrn " h , tiv . I .1"! . 1 2.5 711 . II W ut. " Flour Iter Imrrel- tlovrrtccd H , 7 IH) limt nl - 1 2 no Putter M tiUnw nn h ..,.... n 'nlntncft .. 100 prici Arrip.. - ' M Pork 10 Hum V-1 MUlr nudrlinulli.rii tt) iml hit tiouml Hay l'cr ton 10 uu ,u.Miii:u. llrmtock lloiinla vr-r tliouimiil foot Ilfi 10 lllu " " iuti nun; iivj ol.t. Henutlltia. I'liiiik.lllrlnlork). - H W Hhlngles, N. f per thuusunilM s w Hilling " " ft. r.v.v."v.v.v.v.v"".v". i to iwiri HCntcll tils S'lL'J " " f 'l llluom PIltlKflclplilit MnrlcftN. MuiisriAY, Nov. 5. IsoP. ..inlniM Northwestern finncrnne nt tfl,2Va fl.M) Northweatcrn cm a 7..v x.m Northwestero' family MX two ,'ennMyiania nnn wesieru nuiHTiine ivi.'. .'cnnsylvanla anil WeMern extra ",wl 'ennylvanln and W'ratern family , ll..rilKl.(l -euinyivaiua nnu western i iiicy.... ILWILIS ti.soati.'o J.'.(nlSi7fi Iltn tlotir Whkat rcmnylvanin led, bus, ., niiutiit rii Cullrornin " " .... " Hhlta " .... f).',ah.w Itvi: rennvlvaii a tve. v bin Sl.illMil.M i.aiji.: fl.l-jl.l7 Sec 7 la .... f-"l.50 tUM UOItTi 1 eninv, . Whiu-, " . (HT8 V'lUS . IIOVIHIOM .tiojis I'ortc.v tiui.. ,'ien iieri, luoltel llnniH " lk'tSHIC " MhouIilcrsWRi le ijird.wih I7i3i. a WEF.P3 t loverseeil ti iiun irdtfrftf -jr. 'l ltnolhyMeedl but.... i" I . "I Mlt'll nn . imnujjtj SIV:.;u) ftl'.t Stiaiivn CATTI.K Heel Initio Cott N. VI bend rttirm' Tl li' lltim -TP ioi mi TOWNMIlND-l'UIcr.-On lh(!)lliof Ortoherj nt the rusliUiiiNi f Trunk htcuiirt In Ilerwleu, by t!ie llov. .lninp4 TiWnn. Mr. J. 11. Tn nsenu of ItlooiuHhui-c, n m I AIM M. A, Trlco of ller- w Ick. nA(li;NlIUClI-MII!Tj:.-()n Turmlny evening nv, luiu nT inn roNHOMiri' n: iih oruirt uiin rr In I.lifht Mlrt'i'f. liv tho lli-v. A. It. Mhrrl. Mr, Joseph AV.lhincnhucIi of 111 luiTiLTl: loMls i.iuuru hiiul'oi IjIqim rireet, loiumum eo. HAURlhON-UOCIAUT AtTimit Illllon tho Olh nisi, uy ncv. i;. lulswoith, .Mr, Trnmun T llfirrKmt toIlHs Anni Uiuiut.all of Ituutlny ton, lu, Vo. 1M, 1'ltY-blIUI.TZ-On Uin 0th ult.,'hv Itev. U, V.F iV'ltnl nllltn lluel,l. rti.' II 1. ton, lliitt'liesvllp, lit-nrv'.r, l-'ry, of Norliiumtiep iiiiiu t'tmniy, i n. it Mint AIUUU J, rthlllir, ohitnolu county.rn. , WoqnVAHI-On Thmmlay, thoSth Inst, nt tho icHiiifiiv 01 hit oroiiitT, januH lA'ons, nrnr riymouiii, jmrprno t o., .Mrs. Knrnh j, nu. until, wilo of M, C, Woodwind, list it 4't yen iw. o uiwuius nun -Uiij ji, Mrs. WoodwarU wr welt known to our conv munlty, anil hcrdealh cxclteit a Rrent ileal of uy input liy, I-'or a lon tlmo sliofcufforml from n complication of illscusc?, which fcho bore with Christian fortitude, filie wns follow cd to tho Crmrtcry on Humlnj last hyn larj;eeoncouoof friends. Nr.VHAUT In llemlock lownsliln. October. 31 ifu-, ijiiiy ijcii, riuiti ui iiirnin aim iitiuiu x eynan. qoujit riiocrjAjrATiox. Wiikucam. tholIon.WlllIjini Illu'idl. froHtdfii .luiliro nf thu t'ourt nf it nnd TitiiiIiilt mid (Jcuerat Jail Delivery, Couit of Oimrtcr suasion 01 inu I't'tico nnu tuun i uiiiiiiion i'uas ami or- pnau Louii 10 uiu jmii jiunciai lusinci, coni' iHisiilot tho euinitles of ('oliiiiiliiii. hiilllvuii nni ii. initio and thuilon. liain liorrnml lVler K 1 lei hi-In. Asnc ati' Jiiiiut'N ol Co uinliln count V lnio lhtiiL'd their hii-ceot. hearlnir dalo the 1'itli ilnv of Seiil. in tho M'lir ot our l.oid. ono iniHiMmu.eJum iiuutireu ami Ki.iyi;iKui, ami u iMUiecu'ii ior iiiH(iinauoiiiioiuemTiuiilluntT sslons nf tho Tract', and Orphan'M Court, aiul mrt of Coinuioil 1'ltiiH In llloinnsbiirir. in tho count v of L'oluinhla. on Iho llrst Momlnv. hclni; tho 7th day ol December next to contlnuo ono week. Notlco In hertltV ill VCll. to tho Coroner. In tho Juvtlei-H ot the 1'eaie, and tho CoiistahleH of tho Mini eouiuy oi toiuiimni, iii.u uiey uo men ami Hutu in iiieir proiier jhtxoii ai iu o eioeK nunc foieuoou of Mild day, with their rceonH, lixiiiltsU t loi is and other leineinhiniift-h. In do l hiiici m iik'ii in ineir ouicet iijieriaiu u no uune, jm tl 1(11 ti that alii hound hv leeninlntico. to iirohii. euto aiitihist the trlsotiiTH that aio or inav Ou lu the Jail ol thoh.iM euuniy ol ho lieu una i nt i u to j'lift uu iiit'iu u ouiui no jus . jir iiih ate iL-ijui'slid to ho lu (heir attend auee.aureeuhlA lo tin lr iiolUus, Dated at llluouiir f-i me mn uitj Mini-ni. II1IIIU2I.UI li. a, ol our i.oni, umi tiumsand elht him t i' tired aud Klxtv-elulit. iind In tlm nlni iv keeoiul year ol tho Independi'uet) ot (ho Ifnttnl Millies ot America. .muiuij.ui liij.AJtD, 1HOOUIS.IJU1K, ov,7, tfto-. hherlir. 13 ICGIHTJOK'.S NOTICK. Nothm: is XV hereby fjlv I'll to nil le,itee, creditors nnd other persons Iult rented In Iho estates of there hpeetUo deet lit nts and lulnors, that the followlns adiiiliiNlrallon mid truaidlan nceoiiuti )i:i Iwfti tiled ill tho n!l1en ol Iho Uejilster of Columbia, county, ami uni ik pie-cmet ior eouiiruiatlou and alloMaueu lu the orphans' Couit, to bo held in iiiooinsouru, ou .iioii(iayt inu seventh day o ik-e. imk. ai tuo oeioej; in iiw at Lrnoon oi hald tl.iy. 1. l-'irnl and lliml neeount nf Ui iiln n Knit l In ml mlnlsttntoi ol D.tulel Kulttle, Ulo ol I'lakllu l p., (ley u. . A ( oiun oi ijouis 1 1 nej mini r, oi rreuericu i-ch lie lute of liauliUu tv n. tlce'd. :t. Aieoanl of I,evis Yelter udm'r. of A ml lew Doliiinnii into ot rranklln two. dee'it. 1. Aeiouut ol (ieo, M. llai luiau, adtn'r. of Mrs Mary llarttuau hitoof iteulon twtCdeo'd. (i. Aetount of D.iVhJ LoMLnherj ex'r. ol Jneob Dieiu. inu ot jiioom iwp. uec ii. i. .ecouui in jonii ii leiiui r. uuaru uu or a fredHtclnet, lultior child ol l'eter Miner lato o u i untie n p. oee ii, 7. Account of John Kelehner L'tinrdlnn nf !sn Hinua rieint r, minor cuiiu oi i'eter hteluer Jul or umiijiH in p. iiee n. n. .ccoiiui oi ja'ti ikiiiiiii lmnriiiim ni w , llam Mr II ride, minor child of 1 ranklin McHriiKi Uliuni iltuiioeic itvp, utco, V, I'ljsianu unai aeeouui or John Smith ud inlnl.stialoi ofOlhorl', Kuiiyun. lateniMiull iu. i iim in ii niiui iiti'Hiiiii oi .Kiiitifcnn ii iici'ii executor of Oior,iu Mc.MIehael of Urtcnwootl two. di cl. II, A count of Iia Said(rs administrator of tieoii;e , n.i iitii i uu e oi i-jnolp iliuil, 1.'. A cou nt ot U. 1 tlnrtman.Kuaidlauof Anun j.. jJieni, uiiuKiiitT in i i.i nis ppieiuan ut.e,il 1J. Account ui JoimH.aiiiiiier executor utr-um- Ue( laiinr (.1 uit ciMnoii IMn.iIie'd. II. 1-lihtnnd linal aerount oi John Ahhlemnn, AllUi r OI tlU'll , ItOLlTIn, OI JlUKsOll twp th teased. 15. llrnt account of.Jolin 1. l'ouler, Adm'r of Jioneit J. i j oup, line oi J'liut twpileitased. hi. Account of 1-ionaid Adams lulm'r, ol lianlt (Jen i linrl. Into of IrficuvLIu n . ilec'il 17. JMrslnnd lliml ncLount ol Nathan Miller, AUiu i ui Aiiiiir .uM,iaii'in Illiu UV,, lieo ll, juu.n (J. rituu.i:, iieyiKter. IJlooinsbura Nov. u. itos. G 1 UANI) JUUOIIS, roii uixKMiuat ti:hm. w. llrlreirek S in. I.ainon, I,evl HhallT, i:m rnor iJirnncn. iteulon Haniuel llhone. John (. Wenner. jUooiii John 11. DuiMsll, Jolm Htciner, Htephi JCnorr, cupir iiioriin. Heaver I'll1 laati Klttenhouso. fit eeii wood llenltimln Kvtw. llemloi U-jHestei'l'urjel.Jolmn.irtinan.lsa- AO iji'iuav. I.oecst-H)ns 1I!Johnon. MUlliu-M. ll. littler, I'lms. J. Creaiy, l'hlll Montour Win. iloillgiuheAt', Mt lMeasant Itussel Appltiiiuui. l'lno-Hithanl V, Whllmoyer. Scott Henry 1 Oman, Oscar lint, rPJlIAl LIST, rou ih;ci;miu;h ti:hm, imt John J. Rhonk vt. John Cnln. J. It. lllfieihtou n Tho AMahony It. 1 iiuiiiniiiy, IVIer Hchuir ,uft" vs Win. A. Cah et nl Win, Icnson etui Ahslgniesof tho West Ilranch Itisurauroco. IMwaril M'Call etui h John Hweeney, T, 11, lVrwon vm Jolm Cain. 'IhoH, J, Vimderblleo Itoin-rt Howell. John Coleuinn Michael Croiinu, J. II, llazleton vrH. O. Huilinuu, Jolin CiMjper k Daniel 1 lower. John (lllrov vs Win. H. sterner. Cony nlmiu Twp,, m l'cterU Kllno Jolm 1V11UII t'l UI. Imito l-'nm'ly v Jiw Y, Sankey, Ollbert Kowler v Heuben Mlfler. Josliuii Davit s IVrvln lAettet ul. KIIhh (jeorKo vw Aaron lVurson, Hit CrovoilCK udm'r. mi J, ll. Case etui, ('linn. It. tJreen v I'eter Hchuu, Hamuel lietiuer John lliuterhter, l.ueas N. Mo er V8 O. V. CuMumer et nl. l'avld Lewis (luardlaii of minor children of jotm Jtctis vuuoiuutinuiiiu. Win Ikeler u JolmHuvnito etnl. Jon. Thomas vs John Haup. ChrUtenn Fox vs John Jouei. Henry J, Yaple va Inuaii Drum et nl. Henry J. Yuplo m Ifcaae Drum etui. KihiH Hn vile vm Adam Schuyler 1 1 ul, l-'ridcreclc Michael v Henry Tedder et ul, John A plenum vn ThOb. 1'uilc, John Ajipleiiwlo H ul vk'Hios. 1'ulU, ChaK, Kielsher vm Henry Knapp, (Jeo. Klnley ii(Jeo. Vuisitkle, Biuioii c, bhlvo vh Hunuuh II, rmstroin;. JThHKCOI.rMAN.rioth'yi JllOUIIIIIUIIIIt illlV IO, IOU3, J 11. WAIl'EK, Lata Waller Kb, Importer and peule r In CfUKA, UliAHH, ANI) QUBRNSWAItE, No. 71 Markit Hlrt. I'lilUdell ti!. C. II. HOKNB. W, a. ICINd. I, B, ,K YB KRT JOHN 8T110UI' & CO., to Slrotip A BroUm, WHOI.KHALE DKALKltH IN fklU, Na. 31 MortU Wbarru, and 25 Nartu WaU, et., NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JElIOI.I), AND SEE THEM COME. T II K MISSES HARm'aNS' y l.v. I,.. I ri-liirned from rhlhulelpllla Willi a in go and nrled uHorlinent of M I Ii Ii I N E 1 YOODS, ueh an nro eldoni broJeht to Ihli market. Call nnd examine ior yourM'ite. irui..., uu.".v. few tliior below tho American Home. liov. lVftl-H 4 DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. f.,. n 'nf.AN. HF.CRAMFP. Client ol adinln Wratlon on tho e.ute of Deb- rah lit-an lalenf Citlawlsa twp., t oltiinoia uo.. decerned, htw a been aranted by the ltesi er or county to C. l". nmeltw.iy of llloom towmnlp. All perHoin havltiR elalrcj or tleuiandlaiialrttheelaln of tho tl.eedent are reqneted to make thein linonn, and those In tlebled to make payment .. Nov, 13,'03-Cl. " ' Admlnlidralor TpXKCUTOIt'S NOTICK.-KfeTATI-: " jr mil v mii a in'l.itH.dpcofipd. T,et terB tc- i.,hi,.if nti iim i.Ktniii of John HliarnleM nf CiUnwlKHft twp nnvo hcen Brnnicu oy moaiis; ter nf Cnlumblft county, to Ocoreo H, Ollbert of Catnwlssn und ltob.irt 1'. Clnrk of iHoomsburl All prrwnns nnvingcinims npninm ina csmionro request to present them tor wttlcmcnt, nnd thoo Indebted to tho rstnte.ettuer nnnn.oor book nceount w 111 mnko payment lo thoKxecu ors without delny. ito'iniTr.civmi Nov, 13,'S-Ct T O T I O K ThM.intrrlinpil won Id hrrehr tintlfr Ihertll: le thai sh has loaned to Jacnh'filndeumulh. of ifnnrliuf Crt ric iwn.llio rollowilic ntrsolinl nvon ert,condti nnd chattels, thoinmo to bo retHken nt uer nieisure. xir.i iwo voritniK ouihcn mm bumesH. aeolli7 head or enltte, 7 hnffs, 1 spriliK wniron. 1 cnoltlna Movo ntid nine, 1 mrl ir too nnd pip, 'i beds mkI hoddlmr, It) acres of grain In Krouiiu, inn enrn mini li nert". m uimnuif oi tutors, iw Imsh'JlH of oats und W busliels of buck wheat. ISOV. IH, 41 MAU. 1,1 L nUIVATKSALlO OF A VALUA L DMC IIOl'lClj STAND A OTlinit UliaAIi KHT. The i.ndersliined would hercbv clvo notlfto tl tho I'Ublle, that he U desirous ot tolling nt prl vute sale tho' HOTEL STAND in OrnnscvMo. (Vdtimbift Cnuntv. now oceuriled hv John Hnv der.Ksii.. toaether with two ad tolnlna lot". The jiieei isenjoYiiiKftu excciioiu uin oi cunomj is well Kunnlied with water. funi. uir nnd other con en1enres nnd Honeol thdmont deslinbhi stands on tno nshitiffcrecK, THIIMS OP HAI.H! Ono hMf of tho rniiehasi mnrii'i- in u lmiii mi inn cnmiiiciinii oi iim m c ami tho luiliinre In eaiv rniviifnts. 'Iho under. slirucvlllo on the Kth of December, litis, where nny peiaons wlshlm; to purchase, may consult nun. Cumbrn. Nov. n.'fis. JACOK MrcirAKL. 3t TN TIIK ESTATE OF FltEDEKICK 4,'Itolin.Into of iliv6HWml tup, In the County notici: IN rAUTlTIOX To loliohs Kindt, Matliln-s Kindt, ilarhra juiiK.ltite lUilim Kindt, il.iry Kap, tito Ma- rv k Midi, ai am lionr. a i ii iviuoi. jo in i.ioui I iiilsiiuu Kindt: An tuna Kindt. Rirbarn Kindt, lleiny Kludt, MuiMuct Kludl, Mnry Kindt, La- viun wniren, ininiei iiuuiuaii.iiceuiu jioiuiriu, Krcilcrielc llofrmali. l.ilio uotiOH taut In iml'J ttiiee of n wrltof partit.oniunl valu.illon to me dliceted bv tho Orplinn's Couit of Columbia Co,, that partition Or ulimllon of tho real estato oi aa'u f repcriCK ttonr.ueccnsea, hiiuaio in tomm' out ( ou n i v. n 1 1 1 uu i uu luu inu nrciiiits on uidny Ihe.Sih d.iy of December next, 'nt which wmu nun piacii j ou may uiiituu ii yuu uiaiii jiru1 rucrio n wilier, tiiuoiusuuiK, ,iut . j, u, MOHDECAI MILLARD, Bherlir. N OTICE OP INCOIU'OIIATIOX. Notlco Is hercbv uLven. that nonllcntlon has occn miuio in me vouri oi uniimoii l'icas oi i.oi umhla County. toRrnntn Charter ot Incorpora tion to the ''Columbia Couutv Acrlcultural . Hor tieultural nnd Mechanienl AHiieiatlon." tho object nf iinld Astodntlon beln to linpro? o nrl cuiiuri1, iinruciiiiure, nousciioui, tiomcsne nut) jui'dimiicni iiri. iiioomsuurp, Piov, 13, IS0K-3t. jVUIHTOR'S NOTICE. Ill tho Ornlmn's Court fnilhn IVmntv nfCnlnm bU In tho mutter of tho ettnte nf Jos. Haj hurst imii oi t.uuuouiti co., i a, hip midiiorappoini ed by tho Court lo iiiakodlstrlhuiion ol the bnl ntico lu the hands ofSiiniuel Aehcnhnch. Aitniln 'strator of Joseph Hahurt dt'cenned among the iit'uuuri ni inu mihi iuieuiie, miii intet tno pa.' ties interested for tho purpmo M ids appoint. men i nn j-niUAV, the Itli r.,y of DK MiHhii ucm, ai uu n ciock, a. in. ui uih oiitco in lilnoinv uuik. iomiii'iia eouniy, rn. All OeiHollH ll.llmr clalniH nirnlnkf tlm nutjitu nro hueby reiptlred lo present them to tho Audi tor, or on lalluro topiesent tho saino ho forever iioui eyiiiuii; ju lornsnuro oiino said Vfl 1.1 1 1 . N J OTl C K Al.I. tit IHOU1 tcllOU'illir tltltllkl1Vi u! Iho underslgned.urtothoflrmol Sloan A Millard on in. it or oooit neeouni, nro reiu;hled to muk Immediate lii incut. All ncMum tiillim to .ij so soon, their ueeouutK Mill bo lefi with tho pro OrangevIllorii.Nov, 0, G 2m' ' A DMIXISTIIATOII'S XOTICH. l.tdteri of nilmliilsluilhm on in. , ..rit. 6citu Naiile, lato of ivulro township, Cidumum ni.i uniiuiy, Deceased, imvt) lieen urantei hv tl Heglslerol said County, tu Kimiu I Neyhard ad mlnlsiiator, who lesfdes In Centro towushli) All prisons having claims or demands iikuIiim the studesirttH uro reijucsttit to pieseut them for seltletneut without delay, nnd thoso Indebted to I1MIKU I'll) II1CI11, x. 4 ha.muj;l ni.yh aud, Nov O.'&s-fit. Admlnibtrator, IUIILIO SALE OF VA1.UAULI- JL IU'jA It liSTATUiV PKItSUNAL PllOl'KHT V i ho uudersli'ued u ill cxooo to iuii.iii .nt .iii, nt his riKldemo In Klshlngtreek twp,, Columbia eouniy, i n., on euucsuay.rsovemueri't, IH,s,ut it ii o ciocjt in i no un enoon mo loilowitiilescrl be real uslu'e, to ilt i Kirsl, A messuugo and lot ni gtou ml, bounded by lands of Abraham Itobbins, auiau fsinuu,aiiuoiiiers,eoataiiuugU acres an iw jieicuci, on w men aro eieeien n i) -v i: u h i n a ii o uj n. S.iw -Mill, TuiultiK Mill nnd tho usual outbuild muH. m-eouM. ,mso, intact oigomi iiniherland eonta ulnir 1'lflv Aciok. ntltoliiini? Intuit. .i tin IMatoot Win. lluckulew, Daniel '1 honuis and (MIHTK. Alio, the tollowllitf tifimcd nr-unnnl otuvoriv to Mil: OuoyouuK Horse, one cow, olio two- j mi urn nunc 1 1 uuv iwo-lioifcl" Y. ll)jOU.ono lIUgfy nno plow, ono set id' douhlo hnrness, nno kooi cooking htove.nnd other ni tides too numerous to iiieuiioii, icrms innoo khomu ou tjio duv i t'l;?. , , tJ AHKAIIA.NI UNANUhT. ICK, 'lo nil persons whom It may concern. Nolle Is hereby given that from iid nficr this ilnte.uo iitjiauu Mimi uuy, mm or ueni in nv vtyt wiin Lhnd KrcMsterlu tho namo or utiou Iho resnon. slhlllty nf Ueoiyo Kressler ns tlio suld Oeorgo "j mo hh'iuiuv iii iiiei n m, jvierisiir leluseN to pay any debt contrurtod hv s.ild Llojd, nr to bo held in nny way icspouslhle for urn auiions, wji;!,, Oct.lVOT. A ll'y. In fait AT OTIC 13 XI Tho ui llderslciuil hnvliiir on Ortrtlipr Rtl sidd out their brewery ut Danville, to Mr. John j.mcii it'bjieciiujiy muru ineir MuiiiKH iur Ci putrouugo whlcli they have nieUtd lrom thei eustumcru, und they hereby Ihel sticcesiior .Mr. IIiuim Ii in iln r.unr nf ih.. i,ntiHn I'ersoiiH huJuguccuuiiU nitst i' will hnnd them u mi mki iii ii.ri(riiiureuuer,uufi inoso uim hi in ii oieu in uh miii mako uirly luuineutto sel en or Mr, bti Inbi i n ner. ..... . n . ... ,IAi:u A HrrTMAioit, AT O T I 0 E . 11 'IhoCatnw'ssn Ilrldgo com puny Mould here "ini-ii nonicm nun nu i Hist ihiy oftJetoher they thclatfdn tllvidrnd uiiiM perccnt pnyunin rieinDer tenth, ou mri; iiua ui I'tifii kift liliilllllM, Oct. vatis-n. Jiv OmiEu or Company, WIDOWS' APPItAIHEMENTS. IhofullowlngnnprnlscmentH of real and per Minnl propei ty net npart to svldow of dtcodontH havo been tiled In tho otlleo of the Heglster ol Ci lumDiaenuntv. under the llulew of Court, ami will be pusetited lor ubsoluto eoullnuatlnn, tu ,"",v,"'T1 -'iiii in iw nfHi m iiKHmiHntirtr, in and for, ild eountv.nn .Munhav. thu Hkvkntii Day ntr Dki imu ni i.. ',.i,.i, .. or mild lUy, nnlesii exetptlons to such isintlrmu Ions nro previously (lied, nfvhlch nil ihtmoim Interested Iu said entitles will tako notice i i. wi. owni i' reucricu Nicely. aleofJterwIck UornuRli.deiriihfd. ' widow or Jmao Welch, lute of Herwlck Ilor, n. . JOHN" O. I-'HKKZH, lU-Blster, UIoomHburg, Nov. ll. liW, ItAVEltSE JUUOHS, l OIt DIXKMHEHTKUM, W nenton Alexander Colly. llloom-Osenr l'. Ulrton, Kllnhn II. llldteman, uicw j.mi iuh, vuumu iiuicnutuuer, John J,;ilak in f.vk ,I,f'-'Vv,tl lyncher. Jnmea Jacoby, S ! r 1 a r IV ' ' n 1 1 1 n t-rl it c r, 1'ied, Hosiler. Ceiiirnllu-'l hcodoro MenUenhall. (Jreenwood-Uobcrtl'otter, Anron Itere. H.Hhnlmik, Orubcr, Win vemi!.vTilrJOl'1U UftUeC' W,U v'lIe".verCo. Locust-John L, Hurst, "i VlVn.l!.r;iVuKa.?1,nt"i Mosei Colburn. M!hni;n(:Muiu,1ei.t,iuon' MulblQI UilU'rl' Hci'Iir ALrttLun "iTnqinwllnnnbly (lio lii-st Kiislnliici U work of tbe ltlnll In tbc World," 1 Ml A III' Illt'H .NKV MONTHLY MAllAZIXi;, Critical Notleen of tho Prcm, Tho most popular .Monthly lu Iho world. -v. i'oik Ohicncr, " Moinust rtfer In terms oreuloiry to tho i.tti tot u ft tut nrted t'XcelleticeH of H ahckk's Maui. zt.Ni'-nJournnl with n inonlhly circulation ?,. nbout J70,kk) eoples In whoss pntien nie lu ll round homn nf tho choicest Unlit nnd eeiicr-ii leadliiRof tho dny. Wo spenle orihlswoik Mn cvhlenccof tho eulturo nt tho American p-,.X! ml tho pjpuhirity itthns ncntiitid in tut A,r Willi tho beat feature or tho dally journal It horrent power in Ihodlssenituntton ofn ln.Vi.r tnirti literature. TnunNKii's fuit m a.,1. Mrmture, lAmon 1 Wo ran account for Its nuooeM only hy the Mm ile fact that It meets preelacly tho popular laMo mulshing i vnrlety ofpteaMiig Hiid lnsinuiii.! eudlutf lor oil, Ztun't Jtctttlttjiwitmi, 1,1 urn reudluu HUIWCHU'TIUNH.- Ti:hms: HAitrim'H MAdAziNU, ono year i m An Kxlrn Copy of cither tho Mauaim r llAKAit will bo HupplledKrittlsfiireerv eimf if 1'IVK St'IIsritllinilH lit 21 III) enrh. Iii mil I ance j or Six Ceplen for 8-.D 0U. fillOSCriOCrS lO llAItl'Fn.S iMAUA.tM.AVl vm v nd Hazau. to nno nddrcfis for nno jtnr, i r. tun uf llarner's 1'erluillcnliE. in nm for ono year, $7 UU. Hack Numbers cm hedupplleu ut nny thu A Complete Set, now comprising Thirty n n niutiieH. m neat cloth blndlmr.wlil in.H...i , express, freight nt expense of puichnser, Uu . . ' wtnun, riiidiriiiiuiiivn, u Hill 1 1 , I UIX I !! tl f.1 Pt, Cloth enses, for hlndliiK, 6l) cen.s, hy iUHi.' poMpald. ' TiiepoMiiKcon ItAiirru'M Maoazink Is 21 (. ii ear whhli must bo paid ul tho MibscriUi i Hultscrlntton K'lit from IlrltMi Wirlli t cn Vm luces must bo ticcompaiiltd mth A ei iuh AimiTioNAb, to prepay Umleil Hlatts iHni,tCu (itaress HAItriCH x IJUOniKKs, NtwnrK 1 1tmtnMllrtita-ifa,ti. III... und instruction." ' II A It 1 E K'S 11AZ A U. A Ktmnleinent cnntnliilnc mtincroiiH lmtterns ul uselul nrllcles uccomiianleM the t, every fortnight, and oceafllonally an elegntit eol. ored l.ishlon jdalp. iiurpcrt jmriir roninuiH id louo ngei or tin- nlro of Hnrpcr'M Weekly, print eil on suptrilne iiiiiiiut-icit I'tij'cr miiu n juiihiim weeitiy. Critical Notices of the Tress. ilarner.H llarar contains, besides tilctnrrs. imi. ems. Mirlct vof luatto of resnecial usoiunl Interest to tho laiully ; articles on health, du .,, und housokeeplnu lu all brant lies; tin tdltnrnii matter IseKpeelally adapted to tho elrete. It Is In tended to interest uud instruct; nnd It hns, In Mdes.Kood stories and literary mutter of tmrl'. ii is not BiirprmiiiK inui mo journal, Willi sia h feutuies, hasnehleMd lu n short tlmo an lin tneso success lor Koinethlnn of Kh kind nan Uc. sln-d lu iliijusiiuda of f.imlllef. nnd Its publislnj-M lime uiitnt i uu iiciiiunii, t i, J.rnif J OW, Whether wo consider Its claims- as based upai thoehgaiice nnd sii)crlorty of tho paper, tlst poitrnptilcnl nppenraucr, t hot astound JuiIri uh nt iltipUeit in tho enicrnUntrs, or tho liternry i on. rlbutlons contained In Its tmees. wo unlit nihil. ltily pronouneo It to ho iuij trior hi each iti every purtlrulortnany other similar publlenif u heio or abroad. i'AiiVi. Ssfial Jnti Utyairer. Wo know nf no other CnuliOi or Ami journal or fubhlon that cau pietent to nipiomii It In completeness nnd variety. A', ', 'Jomi, ii. huh i uo ineriioi oeinu senRHte,orconiitii Instruction, nf Bifn rxeellent pntitrnsln ( v n department, and of helnc well stocked wlib (jtiu'd reiidlnK-matter, Watchman and Itrrtctor. To dress nceordlntr to Harpci'H llurur Mill he the aim and umhltluii of Iho w nni en of Aim h. , Jhftun 'Jfaiiicrli't, SUnsCIUPTIONS. 1809. Terms I Harper's Hnzar,ono e,ir Si to An ex l in Conv llher of lh Xlinmzlii . UhLIv or itunr will Ihj supplied umtlii fur eiry Club (if llvo subscribers ut $l in ono iLmlttaim, or tth copies for 'JJ i', huliscrlptloim to Harper's Mngazlno Wtikli np llaar, to niHHiddresH for one ytar, Shi ou; or twoorllurprr'H rurlodlc.tU, to ono nddress r.r ono year, 37 0'. jihck iiuinoerH can no suppnou many time. ThOTJOntaiiQ on JIuidl! m Itnrar U -in ciniv n year, which miibt bo pa la ut thesubcrlhei,iKif.t- MibscriptIonHsentfrom ltrltlsh North Aim r hum l'ruvlnei h must. Iki nccoiiniuiileii uiiii ii , t. ujeeur addlional, to prepay Dnlted'stulcH ,v liljio. Aiiaiesi JlAlll'LUtVIiltOS. Ni'WuiU SPECIAL NOTICES. Tun nnclcnttt proclaimed that Mt rnial, Nymphs, Naiads, nud thu (1 races, had long llou Ing 1 1 esses which mud them envied by tiny su lers of earth. Hut they aruwe out oft ho st.t fmin or tnthtd In fountalnn peaotid by no imniul hands and hept their locks nf t levy mjturi, ilir ami tuxttoun, and thtis had no nnd ot King's Vegetable Ambrosia which Is doing ihe siiinii thing for thousnnds of peoplo lu our d-o "rOJIAX. IVnialcs owlnjc to the it and iinooifant lelatlotis vihaii they sustain, their peculiar organ latlou, and me olltccs they perlorm uro mbjii't lo many mth r lugs, freedom hum thesocuiitilhulo in nosmali iligre to their happiness and Melf.ire, for none can bo happy who nro 111. Not only so, but im one of these unions remain complalnis can hm bo sullerel to run on m Uhout lnol lug the gi n einl health of the indUidlinl. nnd re loin: i-ln- iluclng tiejuianent sickness and permntuiv el I no. Nor Is it dlonsnut to consult u phsleiui for tho reltel ol liiesij arlnis ilclD nt" tilled lim. and only upon tlio most uigent nectssliy m lia Hue Moiuiiu so hacrilh'f her greuttsL di.uiti as to do this, 'iho sex will then thank us t-r placing lu ther hands simple spl-citlccs ulmli willba found eltlcnoim In relieving and ctirha; alIllot eiry ono of thoso tt'oubitsumo cone plaints pei tllar to tho sex. llemboltl's j:xlructof Huchu. Hundreds suh fer on lu silence, nnd hundrels ufotheis anl vainly to tho drugKlslM and doctors, who eitfur meeify tantalize them with tho hopo ofn are or apply leiuedles which mako tluin moisc I 1 would not wltdi to assert nn thing that Mould do llijustUo to tho iillllcltd, but I am nhllgidlu say although It may ho pi od need fnaui cisslu exhaustion of tho powers of life, by l-ilxir rlotis employment, unuholesomo air and fH protuso menstruation, the use of ten und colli e, und treiiient chlltlblrlh. It Is far oltcuir c.iued by dliect lirltntlou, applied to tho mucous nu iu brnuo uf the wiglim Itself, When leviewlng the causes nf these dMu u complaints, It Is most painful locoutemplah tb nttendant esilseonseiiiieut upon them, It Is I -tit simple Justice to tho subject to enumeratu a few of tho many rddltlonal causes whle so taruelv aifitt tho llle, health nnd haplnesH of wuuu n all classes of society, nud which cunsebueiitly alb 1 1 moreorksH dlleelly, the Mellalo nf the enlpe human family, 'iho munla Unit exists fir prj clous education nnd manlage, causes thu juiis that nnturo designed lor eoiroreal deelopni at t ho Ma st id nud pen u ted In tho restruiuts of dress, thotutly tuiitlneinent nf scIumiI, and e peelully lu tho unheulthy excitement of Iho ball loom. 1 hu, with tho body half-clothed, uiul llie mind unduly excited by pleasuie, peneilliu In midnight revel tho houis designed by natuie fur skep nud list, thu w oik of destruction Is half nc cumpllshed. In consequencoof this early strain upon her sj Ktcm, unuv'cssaiy i llort U icqulred by l he del lento olnry to letaln her situation lu sdionl at u latter day, thus iiygruvlng tho evil. When one eveUemciit Is over, another In prsspctlve keips Iho mind morbidly beusltlvololmpiesinu, while the now constant restraint of fashionable dress uhsnlutly Ioi bidding tho exercise ludlvpcmahUi lo the attainment nud retention of organic hi altli und strength; tho exiioturo lo ntgloi airs the sudden clmngo tif tempeiiituro : tho compute prostration pioduced by excesstvo dauclng.iuusi of ntccNhlty, produce their legltliimto elltit. last nn eaily inuril.igu daps tho cliiu.ix ol imIm rj nud, und the uuforlunutoono hitherto 8o utterly legaidlebH of tho plain rcmouslrant es of In r ilil leulouatuie, becomes uu unwilling subject of me Heal treatment. This is but n truthful pb' tin o or llw experience or thousunds ol our im,l women. Long beforo tho nblllty to exerclso Ihe fane tlonsof the gencrutlvo organs, they re'iulre an tducutlou nt llielr peculiar education of Lh'lr pe t ullur nervous system, composed of what Is cal led thu tissues, which 1h, In common with Iho fr mule bieust nud lips, evidently under tho con trol of mental emotions nnd association at an early piilod of Ufu; und, tut wo shall suhseiiiu id ly st c, Ihso emotion, when exceblM, lead Ions befoio puberlly, to habits which sap the ery tsfo of their victims oio nature ban self-completed their development. For teiualo weakness nnd debility, Whites or X.uconhteu, Too 1'infusu Menstruutlun, Kxh-uis' Hon, Too long Continued period, for rrolup" Uteri, wonllcr tho most perfect speclllo known , Hcuihnld's Compound extruct of Jluehn, Dmc lions tor use, diet, nno udvlco accompany, l-emulea In every peried of life, from inlanc to exlremo old nge, Mill Hud It ii remedy to aid my tuio in thodUchurgo of Its tundions, stienmh Is tho glory of manhood nnd womanhood, lleia hold's Kxlract Huchu Is inorpsiuhgtheiiingtiul liny ofihepreparalionsof Hark or Iron, Inlliilie hnfvr and iuoio plcusnul, Hemlmld'H l-jliacl im ehu, having icielved tho endoisement of Him most prominent phyalehina lu tho United htatt-o U now otleicd lonllllcled humanity us a certain cuiu tor tho lollowlng dUeusts und sinploiai lrom whlteveiy cause originating, (ieui'ial tie bilily, meutalnud phpsicut dcjire.hloii, linbecill ty, detoimlnatlon ot Ulood to Hoail, coultiNcd Meas.liMeria.guierul lirnlabllity. lehllessness nt ulglij, absence of musuilar tllldency, luii or apjietlte, tlsieisl.i, eiiiuciullati, low spll Itx, din oruaiiUullon or iuralyslsoftho organs of geiier ttlfon, pulpHatlonof tha heart, and lu fuct ultdi. bllituted btuloorthosjMleui, Tolnsiiro the gen ulue, cut this out, AsU for HeliuUitd's. lake no other, hold by drugulstii nnd dcarlers ecr where, ItIco $lx per botlle, or six botes mr n.aJ, Doltvered to uuy uildress, Decribo s uti toins In till couimuiilcatlous. Addiess, II. I. Helmbold, Drug und Clilmlcnl Wuiohoube, wi D roadway, N. , , Noiioutugenulnouiilesstlouo up lu steel-en graved wrapper rao-mllo of my Chemical Ware house, nnd signed, 11. T. HKLMIitiLD. Oct. Kt.'US-n, JATEI.Y OPENED. 'ihe- undei signed would respectfully lufiww tl fltltviisof llhsimfcburguiid vicinity, tbat hebai Jmt opfiird n shop on IronStivel, btwe Ihi and Third, where he will lollow the mbiart klug bustueM Hi all Its bruncbei. Ordci tor MOTALLIO OH OTHCH COKKlNi filled with prniutneiH nud dttpatch, Krplri( chennly mndt to ull kind of furnltuie, lochia, lug the repliiltlng nf caiie-ltottomed fUnlrs. I at leruforihHlugsinde iiPiitlyanJ r i eilllluuij ly, utid orders h i kullclted eiihe r Iu peion or uy in nil, 1'Jclure fitaiti mailt lo older t nlmil i,"" tlee. HOl(t:Hl,mA. April 10,'tf. jyEItCHANT'S HOTEL, HOttTU rOURTU WO MET, J, A W. a, U'KIUMN, tTOKr Uy it, lr- ty, rutliutelpMa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers