THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBTJ11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. HLOOMSBUlia, PA. ruiAT Rmniic, sow n, ios. WTRBthVHHlA!l hut th. Largo! in CtlnnMi .nit ..'Joining .aBtt. .f .ny palttr tlJiore, antl O a much lnrgrr ,h,t than an)' of tflteiapraiia anil ll therefor, the lie, madlnm lt ..(..rilling li thli trctlnu or th. RtMe. Tho aieetl)n of Orant. Thb election of Tuesday Inst hnvlng resulted In tho choice of Gon. Grant for tho offlco of President of tho United States, we nro to undorstnml that tha Republican party Is to Imvo continued control of tho Government. Upon thnt party will fall exclusively tho solution of tho Ntzro nutation and of all ques tions of taxation and expenditure; at least they will liavo those questions un dor complete conti al until atler tho Con grcsslonnl elections of 1670 and will bo exclusively responslb'o for their man agement up to that time. Wo need hardly exprcn our regret over this result of tho content of 1803. For. although that regret is most sin cere, Us formiit expression would 1)9 i' Mess. Hut there nro somo consUlcnv lions to bo mentioned which point to (ho future. In tho flrjt plnco, tho vote of our own c unty I i most satisfactory, and there, c n bo no doubtthnt we will in futuro 0' ntrlbuto heavy innlmltM to tho 1 emocratlc parly. At bcth tlio pic;- lions held this '-ill, tliH county stood firm and ui-moved. Our people, can feel that they are In no way responsible for the genern result and that they ii'tfrlt tho confldi nco and commcndiv tlon of their political friends nbroad. Next, it is' to bo considered that tho succ 'sf j! party Is made up of discord ant elements and that their triumph is not:i certain guaranty of permanent power: (trant has had moro of popu larstreujMh than his party not merely by reason of his military fcervlco, but because ho Is untried in civil pfllce and unburdened by n party record. Hut In taking tho ofllco of President ho has an alternative of danger presented to him If ho shall mako himself a mcie party Instrument of Butler, Sumner and Watlo, ho will become weak ; ho will simply rank with thoso Radical leaders nnd sharo with thom tho unpopularity of their extreme, and pciillcious policy If, ori tho contrary, ho shall attempt to pursue an independent csursc, thoso leaders will qiarrel with him (as they did with Johnson) and their common party will be braken or greatly weak ened. Agalu, wo must bellovo tha Iindlcx policy as sluwn in flnaheia ' and In the great Iniquity of reconstruc tion, will bring difllculty and d sastcr upon tho country. It cannot bo other wise unless nil political reasoning Is il lusory nnd tho history of tho world without Instruction. The party which will be responsible for tho days of fu turo trouble will not' escapo condom a Hon, though now it may havo nn hour of apparent triumph. Finally, wo havo reason to believe that tho Radical success is but tempora ry Is unsafe, as a foundation of futuro power becauso it Is Improperly.; ob tained. It is, ,in part, n product of fraud and violence, of (ortuptlon and force. Disfranchisement South nnd in tho Ccntnl States of West Virginia and Missouri, hi addition to tho un lawful esiabll'hment of negro suffrage by acts of Congri 's), has contributed to tho result. Tho profuso uso of money In critical States North, has also had largo Influence Tho Bondholder, tho Banker, tho Speculator in whiskoy, and tho holder of Office, havo not been np pealc 1 to In vim for contributions to t' o Radical rinse, and thoso contribu tions havo been used to some extent to debauch tho p iplo. Those persons who havo thus aided corruption lave t-jppott d their pi rsonal Interests were t ) bo promoted by Radical success. Ilc t da, vo yntifjlly, tho Iruo Issues of tlio canvass havo been kept as much as posslblo In tho ''ack-grotind by ow op ponents, and they have appealed to sec tional prejudice and to tho passions of tho war (not yet wholly subdual) in or der to win votesand retain power. Now theta rwse3 of success cannot be ex pected to operate hereafter as they have op U( It ho present year. If not re moved altojother from futute contests, their fun will bo greatly weakened, and they will not bo sufllclcnt to can trol elections. Ono thing is very manifest. The vigorous examination which has been given to public questions (particularly thoso of finance) by Democratic speak ers and writers, has put upon tho Radi cal party a Just responsibility for tho futuro, n responsibility from which they cannot escapj. Their course will bo observed w 1th attention and will bo thoroughly understood. Their power cannot stand upon popular passion, in dustriously cultivated for their party purposes; thoy cannot Ignore tho duties and practice of statesmanship i tlity cannot pursue selfish ends nnd uso cor nipt means regardless of tho public interests and welfare,) without certain detection and condign punishment. Bloom Township. Beymouu's majority is twelvo in Bloomsburgl The utmost efforts of tho Republican) to regain control of this district, have Inglorlously failed and thu futuro Is secure I There was u very slight falling off of tho voto from Hie October election n few voters being casually absent but tho result Is sub stantlally as It was before In spite of all discouragement (consequently upon Hie resu't of tho Btata election) and of earnest work by our opponents aided by strong business Influence, Bloom stands firm in her position as ono of tho Demo cratlo districts of "Old Columbia," and Jior return to her former Republican majorities of B0 to 100 Is rendered Ira posslblo I This Is tho result of honest conviction' among our jieoplo and of dttcreel ana tinteffitn work. Hurra I for Bloom. WaEnE would tho patty of unlvet' 8al8uffrago be wit hout dlsfranchlsment Just tiguro it up; All Virginia utsirnn chlsod. 170.000 votes: all Texas. 05.000 s all Mississippi, 70,OCO; in Missouri, CO, W0 In Tonnesee, 100,000; In tho so-called reconstructed Slates, 150,000-totn! C05,COO. Then, when thoy havo taken this' out by disfranchisement, they, by negro suffrage, Jugglo In 750,000, male nig In all a difference of 1,!155,000 votc-i. Can nn election bo carried bo considered a fair ono? Is this tho volco of tho people? Obituary. In Citnu 111, lViintylvrtnlii, on Mon day nnnilng, Nov. 2d, lSiiS, nt two O'clock, Jolt (4- StlAUl'MHS, iig I 67 yi Mini(l:'U'y.. Tl nl'"il'i of John Sliatilcss Inn lelt i vt. d in the Michil n id business circle.! of his neighborhood, wb'ch It Isi'lmost iinpo-slblo to till. Ho was bom In tho township in which ho lived and died, near what ora now thu M'Kolvy Mil's j and nt nn early ago began (ho Imsliifs of mctlmiulmiiK in Ihotown or Cata wksn. nnd followed it ccdulously, uu til u '.thin nfowM-.-i of his death. His busln'ss oua'ifitatlors were of tlio very first order, ho Ind n pulntmtum of sound Judgment "ii a'1 questions, on which not only ho lii'iixeK, but t'io en tiro community relit il. He was n fust and faithful friend, u man of a unlm pearhablo integrity, and iho vc':y soul of honor. Ho was for mii iy years iv Dlicctor in tho Bimk of Danville, the Treasurer nnd General Manager of tho CitawlLsa llrlduo Co.. nml . nieiiiL ii- of the un dent and honorable Brotherhood of frcn nnd accented Miaous. Mr. Rhnrnless lea tnreo children, lVD daughters r.nd lino sou ', ill's. Sharplcss linvliiL' diid MJiiiu fifteen years ego. Ho was buried in the g nvo yard attached to tho Friends' Mccti'ig House, Can wlssa, attended by I ho Mawmlc Fratc-- nlty nnd n very 'ai'r.o coneourso of cm sens, aecurOlng to the beuutlfulnod Im nrcislvo rites and ce-emuiile.i of Uiq Kplscopal Chmcli. Jolin Sharplcss, iiic siiljcstof this no tlco was descended frpm anibinbcrof Hit Society of Friends, who purchased f.'om William iiidentmo dated ..Spill fit1.. HW, ono thoiisaud acres of land, for tlto consideratioii of twenty iiounds sterling money, and : quit rent of one shilling for every hun drcd acres at and upon tho first day of March, forever ; tlio said land to bo nl lotted and set out agreeably to certain "conditions nnd concessions" ngrcedup on between William Penn and tho pur chasers from li tin. They ;ook up part of tlio 'and thus pure nscd on Ridley Crcek.about two miles north from Clics tcr, Cluster county, wliero they felled n largo tree, and took shelter among the boughs about sire w eek.3, in which time, they built a cabin rgilnst a rock which answered for tho back of tho chimney; In this they ilweltabout twen ty years. During this period, Joseph, tho youngest sou, learned tho trade of hbuso carpenter, and ere .'ted their first dwelling horse, a fv nitty stone building. Tlio ono tliou -.uid ncies wc . located in tint j tu-.ti; being tho ono on which the.) first settled, another in Providcnte towni'liip, and n third, in Sliddlelow i township, all in (now) nro (.utility. John Shirplcss (tlio elu !,) tiled iiilCS5,agcdnboUt01 years; and Jam his w e,Iu 1722,aloutsrycars of ago. Of tho r children, Thomas died on ship-board. Phebo oml Jauu in 1GS5, nnd Caleb in 1CSS, leaving three sons, Jolin.Jaincsand Joseph, from whom tho entire Sharplcss family aro desco nded. John Sharplcss (tho elder brother,) married Hannah Pernio 1 , daughter of Ilobcit Penncll, i.i 1002, and resided on tlio tract purchased off Ridley Creek, near Chester. They had nino children Caleb, Jane, IIji"ah. John. Phebo. Rebecca, Margaret, Ann and Daniel. Ho e"cd In 1717, ut tho ago of 81 years, and his wife in 1721. James Sharplcss (tlio second brother,) ma'Ticd Mary Lewis, daughter of Ralph and Mary Lewis, from Glamorganshire, in Wales and settled oa tlio second tract above mentioned, in J'rovidenco township. They had eight children Lydia ,Mnry, Jaines, Rachel, Surah, Thomas, David and Esther. Joseph Sharlilcss (tho younger brother,) mairicd Lydia Lew- Is, sloter to ids brcther James' wife, and first settled in Jfe'.lier Providence. Ills brothers proposed to him, as ho was the youngest, Hint he should move back into tho woods, as Mlddlelown ownship was considered at that time. llo agreed to the proposition, and re moved to tho tvact which had been purchased in that township. They had ten children Susanna, Joseph, Benin- miu, Samuel, 1 ydin, Nathan, Jnuc, braham, Jacobnnd William. Ho died In 1757, and his wife In 170fi. Benjamin Sharplcss settled at Cata- wlssa, and was tho father of John Sharp less tho tufiject of this sketch. (iuuiK-BoAlim. Tlio law rcemlrea guide boards to lio piaiedattho forks oi every read, and it is tlio duly of coiisiauie (ii report to tho Court cases where tho law has not been comnlted with. Tills is a useful provision, and beneficial to all clasiesof peoplo. Notli ingis more unpleasant than nottoknow which of two roads to tnko, especially when a long ilistanco from a placo whero Inquiries can bo made. Many townships of this County nro entirely deficient in this icspcct. Wo would respectfully call tho nttention of road Supervisors to tlio subject. Pi ant Tunis. Tho polilli ii excite ment havirg in a nit . -n piiscd away with tnee'e.tion on i c 'l iy, our cl zens should dl-ect !iuir m nlio.i' tho planting of f. ait and nhci'o trees. No ornament Is so ell'eett'iil In Linntifyiog a piccoor land, whetho.- it bo a Peen Silvan'n faun of a thousand or a fu ly foot town lot. Trees can ers'ly bo ji.ocurrit itiui pia'it d at a small e.vpeni, and ove:y ono should plant them during tho pre .cut .'nvotabio weather. IMI'OIITANT TOl-'AIlSIHUS. A Wfllnr III the Now York Sun advises farniors not to hold on to their crops, but to for ward them to mnrkot as soon as possl. Me. llo savs thcro is now- nt least mm. third inoio grain In tho country than usual nt this seatnn of tho vwr mn abroad aro larger thanho average, and pricej hero must como down. Flour and provisions will bo considerably lower in prico Hum thoy aro now. 'n should Jiko (o beo thelaw admin iote'cd uponomo ono of i'io dmxgists who to Iicqt' make misialtes in puttlog up jin cipt'ous Jint ic.uli in thu lots of Jlfe. The ia.ea ca'.c.i'i which adoio of o:;oll. ac'd was jvii up for Fpsom sal s, a m! ie-.iilicd i-i the death of (hoc'dcily gontloiimn who tool; it, cn"s lorBOiiie.uina ei-o uianu ordict wIiHowusn.iii ill parties conco.'iioil. No Union soldier win voto In rccou structcd Alabama or Arkansas unless ho tirrftiw ho Is no better than n negro. Tlio Union oldler Is not snered, yon ceo, If ho wants to disregard this require. i)icnt, ho wants to overturn carpet-bag government, and Is a bloody-minded traitor, rovolulionUt,'aml robol. But tho negro-equality business Is sacred mure sacred than tlio soldier. ELECTION HE TURNS. Grant Elected Piesident. NEW YOIiK AND NEW JERSEY ELECT TEMOCaATIO GOVERN 0RS. Tin? )ii,t:t'ioiiAi. vtiTj:. Wogivo below tho election voto of each Stntc, together with estimated majorities on tho Prisldcntlal ticket t accoidlug to tho latest returns now at hand. rou ciiiant. Electoral Jtcjorl'i. 'o!c. California 5,001) 5 Connecticut 200 C Florida (Legislature) - a .Illinois 00,000 10 Indiana 0,000 13 Iowa 35,0C0 8 Kansas 0,000 11 Mnilio 2S,000 7' Massachusetts 75,000 l'l Michigan 20.0CO 8 Minnesota 1,000 1 Missouri lo.or.o 11 Nebraska 3,000 3 Nevada 2,000 3 New Ilnmpahlro fi.CCO 5 Ohio 0,000 21 Pennsylvania 10,000 20 Rhodo island 0,000 -1 Tcnnesseo 10,000 10 Vermont 30,000 0 West Virginia 6,000 0 Wisconsin 10,000 8 Total 1S3 rem simioitn. ' JXtcloral Majority Vote. Alabama 10,100 8 Arkansas 0,000 5 Delaware 0,000 3 Georgia 30,000 9 Kentucky 75,000 . 11 Louisiana 20,000 7 Maryland J5.000 7- New Jersey 2,000 7 Now York 10,000 33 North Carolina 0,000 0 Oregon 800 3 South Carolina 0,( ) 0 Tot-il 10S Total electoral voto 29 1 Necessary for n clioico 118 Electoral votes for Grant 183 In nddltiou to tho above, tho Demo crats havo carricel tho Legislature of New Jersey, which will glvo us a Dem ocratic Senrttor pi placo of Frellnghuy scn, and we nlso rcplaco n Radical Gov ernor by a Domccr ic. Wo havo also carried tiio Now York Legislature which will gi vo us another Senator in placo of Morgan, Radical, and Fenton, Radical Governor gives placo to Hoffman Democrat who Is elect ed by about 10,000 majority. Wo havo also mado largo gains in Congressmen, probably a gain'over last Congress of 25. Upon tho whole, wo mado a glorious fight, and havo mado serious inroads Into their strongholds. Tub New Postaok Staih-. Tlio I'ostmastor General has Just awarded tho contract for tlio supply of stamps to tho Department for tho ensuing -1 years to tho National Bank Noto Company of New York. Tho now stamp will be somowhat smaller than thoso in uso at present, but they nro of n suporlor stylo and finish, with n novelty in design. The two cent stamp contains an engra ving of a post boy on horseback In full speed. Tho tlneo cent has a locomotivo under full head of steam, tho groat car-1 lier of our domestic service. Tho flvo cent stamp contains a head of Wash ington. Tho tan cent, tho finest of nil in design and execution, has a minia ture engraving of the Declaration of Independence, executed with such deli cacy nnd precision that tho picture suf fers nothing under a magnifying glass. Tlio Twelvo cent stamp has an ocean .steamship, nnd tho thirty cent has a finely executed engraving of tho sur render of Burgoync. When It is con sidered that over n million stamps nro isiued dally, Iho Importanco of this contract is ut onco evident. Railuoad Travel. Tho followlug "rules of tho road" aro based upon le gal dcclsIons,nnd ought to bo universal ly known: The courts havo decided that applicants for tickets on railroads can be ejected from tho ears if they do not offer tlio exact nmount of their faro. Conductors aro not bound to mnko change. All railroad tickets aro good until used ; conditions, "good for one day only," or other limiting timo of genuineness aro of no account. Passen gers who loso their tickets can bo eject ed from tlio cars unless hoy pu''chason second ono. Passenger-, nro bound to ob.crvo decorum in tha cars, and aro obliged to comply with all reasonable demands to show their tickets. SLaud ing on the platform or thcrwlso violat ing tiio rules of tho company renders a person liable to bo put off tlio train. No person has a right to monopollzo more scuts than ho pays for; and any article left In tlio scat whllo tho owner is tem porarily nbnent entitles him to his scat on his return. WonKiNGMiw Economize, Tha re cent cool weather should remind our mechanics and laborers to save suffi cient out of lliclr wage's for Winter pro vender. In two months from tho pres ent timo it will bo too cold to labor much out of doors, and it bohooves thoo especially with largo limlllcs to look a Ilttlo ahead, for during our win lermonths necessaries of lifo mo dearer than at any other timo or tlio year. Get in your fuel, nnd ull tho provisions your surplus earnings will permit. Last Wlntor was n long and cold ono, ami many poor families actually need ed comforts thoy could not obtain, but if thoy will economize In season, thoy may guard against such a contingency. Avpi.evons' Illustrated Almanac for J809, which wo havo just received from tho publishers, Is a yaluabloand very attractively lllustiateil work. Tho twelve calondar heads, representing American gamo birds and their haunts, are very plcturesquo and offectlvo draw ings. Tho larger Illustrations, which adroitly connect protty women with tho characteristics of each mouth, nro aUo very pleasing and appropriate Illus trations. Tho contents of tho work are varied, Interesting, nud valuable, and tho cover Is very sumptuously printed In colors. Published by D, Appleton A Co., Now York. Prico 30 cents. liability of Tenant Holding' Oyer. ' A. miased premises to B. for n (crm which expired on tho 1st of December, tho rent being payable quarterly. B. continued to occupy tho promises nftor tho oxplrntlon of tho term, without any further ngrcemcnt on tlio subject j and on tho 1st of March following, hnving quit possession, ho paid n qilarter'a rent, and tendered tlio key, which A. nt first refused to take, but after ,vnrd consent ed to accept, without prejudice to his rights. A. subsequently brought suit to recover rent for tho rcsluuo of tlio year, from Mnrcli 1st to Dec. 1st, and tho supremo court held that ho was en titled to recover it, ns B. having held over after tho expiration of tlio first year, was liahlo for tho second year's rent. Where tlio timo for tlio expiration of tho loaso is specified, and tho holds over, tho landlord may treat him ns a trespasser, or as a tenant by suffer ance, and turn him out without nolle". But lio has nt tho samo timo tlio opti n to treat him as tenant for another y '. should ho prefer to do so, upon samo terms ns In tho original lease, so far as they nro applicable. There i. both reason nnd authority for this. O lio tennnt knows when his lease will i piro; it is liisdtity to move out by t. it time, nnd surrender tho premises to Hie landlord ; and if ho docs not it seems rcnsonnblo to consider his conduct ns cvldenco of his assent to contlnuo te'i and for nuothcr year, which is the .Imo tho law ordinarily Implies. 1 lie 'oes not remove, tho landlord maj e materially injure). Ho is provened from providing nnollier tenant, nnd is left nt'tho mercy of ono who stay. nr goes as it suits him, It is but Ji- t, therefore, that tho landlord should bo at liberty to take him nt his oiler, and consider his remaining nn assent on his parttocontlntio; nndsuchnnagreomoi t is implied by the law in that case Tho nature of so Important n relation ought not bo left to tlio caprlco of ono party, to retain tho possession of nnollier man's estato or lcavo it, withuut his consent.. On tho tenant holding over after tlio' end of his term, tlio law im plies an agreement that ho should pay tho same rent, nnd at tho samo time, which ho had originally agreed to pay, and bo bound by tlio samo covenants, so far as applicable. Generally, when n landlord suffera n tenant to remain in possession nftsr tho expiration of Hie tenancy, nnd receives rent from him, n tenancy from year to year is establish ed ; and if no agreement is entered in to, tholaw will presume, from tho si lonco of tho parties, that the tenant holds tlio premises subject to all cove nants contained in tP original lcaso as apply to his present situation. In tho present caso, tho tenant hold over for ono quarter, paid a quarter's rent, nnd then insisted that ho was bound no lon ger. Tho landlord, on Iho other hand, contended tlio lesseo thereby becamo tenant for tho ensuing year, if ho chose so to consider him, and as such, llablo for tho wholo year's rent. Tho Supremo Court sustained tlio landlord's vlow of tho matter, anil declared him entitled to the rent accordingly. (2 B. 111.) In relation to tlio landlord's right to dispossess a tenant who holds over, should ho wish to do so, instead of al lowing him to remain for another year, tho Supremo Court lias decided that, as the latter, falling to rcmovo at tho ex piration of ills term becomes n tenant at will, "tho landlord may forcibly dis possess him on tho Instant, by night or by day, nnd for motives of mere eapiico with this limitation only, that ho should uso no greater force than in Jit bo neccsiry, and do no wanton i ...n ngc. A tenant at will is bound to ic movo his property on request, without regard to Ids convenience, and to id n placo for It ns he may." Tho landlord may therefore rcmovo tho tenant and his property from tlio premises, using no moro force or vio lenco than is required for tho purpose, and doing no unnecessary damage1. (1 W.&S.M.) WOUKINCI.'IUX Wlll'.l. is (hi! c' ill flint wnikiiig-nien do no; fco. it'o'iu as well now as they used to hef'o e tho Radieals got possession ut the go . ru men! '.' Tcxation ! Last ycav no les than 31,020,022, In gold we levied on susar and molp'-'es tdone. On ten a du ty of 25 cents per pound, in go'd, le vied. From ibis source n'ono iho urn of !?8..02,-1,:5 is derived. From olfeo 07,1)32,218; so that .n these. Ji.euaitUiVs tea, sugin' and ct ff2e,lho omii'iiuv-. i!ia of $13,20', lflfi, in gold is ohtrt'iicd. A'ld tho saino pioporlUm hold on p'l dio .necessaries of l!fe'. lie o is Hie p.oiip iint'on. Toe veveni'cs nio raised on ar ticles of consumption, urd a opald by tho industrial c'ti'tcs becaus llie-,' ivo mticii mn a I'lmie.ous Ihan iho wealthy and i joiiiU! tho wealthy h." " siiig r-'iisnud laismg all price.- get bae'e their loins 'iilo llieiv ovv l pockcU LAiior.Kr.s Pav Alt, tiii; T.wii.s, If n farmer tho coti.'so of a year has bought ?800 of f,oods nnd ftiiwu's, ho lias paid, in making his purchases, at least $300 in taxes. Tho b: niter gets hlslnconio from Ids depost'o.s, They get theirs from tlw men with whom they deal. Labor pays il all, Tlio crime of Jacobin llna'icial policies is that tho people aia -'axed for the lioiellt of classes. BoiidhoU'es havo $2,200, 000,000 on which they iecolvo an mcomu ofO percent. In gold, They pay no Tho national banks no uiinece-sailly paid by tlio Government 18,000,000 yearly. Most inaiiirac'.iro.s aio ex empted nom laxutlun, and ho country Is taxed fortho'r booellt, $.10.1,000,000 in gold tho amount de'lml fioin cus toms in thu fiscal year ei'diuon tho first of June. 'inu Lehigh Valley Railroad Com pany havoiiccquHcd, by purchaso, tho coal lands of tho Locust Mountain Coal and Iron Company, tho coal lands of the Ccal Ridgo Company, and one-half tho coal luuds of tho Tiovetton Com pany. Tiio consideration prico p 1 for these acquisitions amount, Ii is sa , to Jess than ouoapd.t half million paya ble In flrjt mo.iga'io Lehigh Vi'Uey Railroad bonds. Tho object of iho pur chaso Is, doubtless Iho securing of coal tonnage to tho Lehigh nud Mab.moy Branch of 'tho Lehigh Valley Railroad, nnd also to tho Lehigh' Vulloy main Trunk, from HioShnmoklii coal region. Sai.tinq Catti.i:. Thcro Is no doubt of tho usofulncsii of tlio practice. It In creases their consumption of food and water, and their thrift. Tho botte. way I Is to let thorn havo access to salt In nelr j pastures nnd eat what thoy Jiko, Who Fay tha Taxos 7 By way of answer to John Covodu, nud nil such Radical numskulls, who nro cither too ignorant to know, or too vonnl to tell tho truth, nnd who nro con stantly declaring thnt tho "rich men pay all tlio taxes," wo glvo placo to tho following list of articles of every-day consumption, showing whnt they cost beforo tlio advent of Radicalism, what Jhcy cost now, and tho amount of tax assessed on each : Old Present Prices Taxes 1'ri es Mntchcspergross, 21 Ten, per lb.. 33 Coffee, per lb., 10 Molasses, gallon,- 20 Sugar, per lb., 7 Suit, per bush., 33 Tobacco, per lb,, 25 Soap, per lb., - - 0 Pepper, peril)., 25 Cloven, per lb., 30 Ginger, lb., 8 Cassinn, per lb., - 30 Pimenlo, per lb., 25 Nutmeg, per lb.,- u0 Starch, per lb - 10 Raslns, per lb., - 10 $1.11 87 10 10 I) 12 0(5 7 25 20 32 70 25 -10 0 12 15 20 0.011 0.00 8 7 3.00 o 12 3.00 $1.03 1.20 CO 00 10 75 01 12 00 00 10 1.00 00 1.00 10 iW '05 30 8.00 8.00 20 12 8.00 0 Cream tartar, - 20 Figs, per lb., - 10 Oranges, per box, $2.00 Lemons, do., 2.00 Candles, er lb,, 12 Rice, per lb., - - 0 Coal, iter ton, - 0.00 Nails, i 3rib., - - 1 Cordage, per lb., 10 Alcohol, per gal., 1,00 22, 1.00 Aro tho wages of tho mechanics, and tlio laboring and produclngciassea gen erally, doubled nud quadrupled In llko proportion? By no menus. If they w ere, there would bo less cause for com plaint. But every man knows they aro not. In connection with tho above, vo add tlio following list of article1 s, Iho prices of which havo been increased from fifty to flvo hundred per tent, by tho impo sition of tariffs, taxes, Ac. Boots, shoes, Ac. - 100 per cent. Drugs and medicine, - 300 per cent. Naval stores, - - 200 per cent. Paints and oils, - - 200 per cent. Dry goods, - - - 00 per cent. Books and stntioneiy, - 100 per cent. Clothing, - - - 100 per cent. Furniture, - - - 100 per cent. Iron and steel, - - 100 per cent. Lumber, ... 00 per cent. Crockery, ... loo per cent. Liquors, ... 000 per cent. Cigars, - - - 300 per cent. Woikingincn 1 theso exorbitant taxes and bounties nro drawn from your pockets to support Radicalism, tho Frecdincn'H Bureau, and a vast stand ing nrmy in timo of pence. It is your contribution towards tho building up of a vast moneyed aristocracy. To sub mit to bo swindled for tho benefit of a party whoso t xtraviejanco is only equalled by Iti corruption. CitUKCiiSunicr.irTioN.s. "CoNCini: gation." Thoro is no question as to liability oil chinch bubsciptions, cither verbal or written, Tho supremo court decided this point nearly ten years ne;o, in n suit brought by tho Trustees of a church to collect tho amount of a sub scription for building tlio church. It was shown that when the project of building a chui'ch was first dlstus3ed, tho defendant mado a verbal protniso to one of llio trustees to glvo 100 toward bui'dlnc it; nothing bcint; pa'd about. tho denomination fo whoso tisa It was to bo blilt. A Presbyterian cliu.'ch was built, nnd tlio defendant refused fo pay his pubssiip.ion on Hie ground that it was not n f'-eu church ; but tho supremo coon- lie'd that no wns liaoio on 1113 piomises aaylnu': 'Wliero a party o:eouinccs it comrreiratlon, ns In tlio present case, tor,o ounrd bi'lldachureii In it siieclflcd locality, promising a sub scription or gift in aid of ii ; and thoy go on, within n reasonable time, and build 11 church In substantial conform! ;y with tlio undcstniidine; and inten tion of tlio r.ronilssor, It is In vuln for Mm nftni-u'nrri In ilenv tin- enutmet. its ..., r. cun.'iii; .'iiun, (ii 11s (.iiu.iiui iwii-v. Tho eonlracl was ovldcncsd by his do eiaratlon ami admi?sions ; tiio eo'inldtv ntlon was In tho labor, troublo nud 0.1 iens.o to which lio tho patty liromisod. If ho did not mean it should be n donom inatloual church, ho should havo (stipulated ror n freo church. If ho did not like Iho plan 011 -which it was built, ho should havo pio3crlliud it hotter one, or u.'&ed his objections bo fovo other pcoplo expended lliei'- money 011 tho faith of h's promise. Tiiciouro no groiii'ds of de"enco pgaiusta prom iso t,j well prove J, nnd which is so abundantly supi Tied byn cousidora tlon both good and valuable." (0 C. 11-'.) This po'ut lias c'neo been repeatedly ulllriiietl by tho court, in cases arising from bDth voibal and written subsc.'ip Hons: mid tho (juestion of liability 011 such promises may now bo deemed co'icluslvoly soltlnl. Tin: DiFFtlillN-fK. Two Hooiior be'Ics wcio lecently driving in a buggy on a plunk road near Indianapolis, and 011 being nsked for loll Inquired. "How much is it?" "For a man and horse,"' ropllod tho gato keepor. "fifty cents." 'Well then, get out of tho way for wo aro girls and a male, (let up, Jen ny'.'" Ami nway thoy went, leaving tlio man in niulo astonishment. Tiili following is tlio official vo'o for Mombc." of this AssoaiWy DU'ncI : teoa. 10.-.0 10S3 Jnc'.fcon 030 1103 Columbia Co.iuly, Montour " Bcott'd innjoiiiy, W7l Tun DiBTttioT, TIo fo"!ovPS tho olHcbl volo on Cougrosslu thWDViicl: UratUovaVftreiCiir) ii'bl Sullivnn iPJolluc) sa2 Montour. 11 m Wyomlna. " ' Columbin, ' m$ 3tu0 A you no gent had occasion to mako ah early call on a young lady tho other morning, and was surprised to catch her practicing tlio Grecian licntl over tho "wash-tub," llo UUctl her all tho bet ter for It though, ns It showed 8ho could work. Pennsylvania will glvo Grant about lrj.OOO majority. Philadelphia yent Ilepubllcan by 1CG3 majority. M. AVynkoop IsercclUig on Third Btieut, u now and commodhm-j bnclc dwolliug liou&o. Columbia County Returns. M "I B 5 Beaver 1D9 ill Benton l!ll) 03 ISO OS Berwick Bor 72 12! Bloo.ll 333 318 820 317 Briar Crce 172 05 Cntawissa 110 213 Ccntrnlln Bo 133 1)3 Centre 103 07 101 100 Conynghnm 2!7 07 Fishing Creek 20(1 02 2j!) (11 Franklin 02 (11 Hi 0'1 Greenwood ISO 10 1 Hemlock '70 01 108 03 Jackson U '. fi Locust 2(M 12(1 Madison :'.J -17 208 55 Main 123 JI Mlfllin l!)l -'3 105 .13 Montour 7h 07 78 07 Mt. Pleasai i iv; 02 llo 03 Orango !' CO 111 00 Pino 105 !3 112 30 Roaring Creek 03 10 Hcott MS 171 110 178 Sugar Loa." I3'l 19 Total, Majorities 1053 2075 10S3 Receipt? of 'HE SOLUr.iriAN' Oct. jtSSS. i John lilies ' 00 D-iii Club of .leiitnn ) 00 lV'tilSlandl.lL' wormian it F.tigVninii Smitii.tScf.. W M Lauder 00 Coin.iilttco 12 00 0 00 John Loro Illanks 3 1 0 Win Kramer i,-stfilo orA 2 25 W II. a 2 00 P. V Zurr 2 00 FMutcof O 1 00 Run van 2 un iJuel: itotu 70 K Church 0 OO'O Wh'te'ell Ii isu o: . 17 80 Jacob v ohe 1 00 70 2 00 3 ( 2 C.I 3 3 i 3 73 bach ' Sch'irher Baric! Young JI Pattnr.'ou A C Millard T Hodman 1) Demoll S B Colo Peter Ivern G P Rowel 1 A Co N Aland .1 Bomboy W M Lake A llartmau llstatoofF Nicely J K Brugler Columbia Co Es'.ato of Pet er lliuizel 2 25,Chas How Jul 2 2 00 Col Co Agr'l 2 00 Societ" 05 00 11 .33 John J'liuston 0 00 Aaron Nus 3 lid Daniel Smith 2 30 J lircdbeiider 3.'1 10 ,;5lenlieii Polio 1) Weiinci 0 00 1 (M 2 !)' : 1)0 (III 2 (,0 T 1ST OF L II T T K It S IUfMAINIHO .N 1IIK 1'OiT-OI rit'B AT I1LOOMS11UI1G, NOV. 1, 1S03. Drown, Jsnthau JSttzluy, John liowninii, It. W. llorls, Daniel F. Hutler, Thos. HiuiBhart, MandLs Cramer, Sarah Ceso, O. Ii. Cttlllgan, Kd. Crint, Georgo Corrcy, Tho.s. Cressler, Wm. Dorlnnd, Andrew IVton, James Trench, Thomas Fritz Catharine Foy, Samuel Cramer, John Hopkins, Thos. HulsUer, Mn y A. Ktster, A. S. Larainy, Win. Jlanhnsott, Chas. Jl'Wlll'ainsJIary Pagln, Dr. L. Ittidy, Mary C. Itoss, Mr. Itispy, .1. uiics Hamisinii Wm. Strouss, D. Beigfreld, Isaac. ShulU.PhlllipW. Strous, Jacob m nomas, aiiss. -m. Thomas, ?lrs. M. Worlc, Win. Wilier, John 0. Wilson Henry 1)1101'. '. Itoberts, Margaret V'harton, John JOHN II. l'UIlSPL, 1'. JI. piCTEP. :SOJ"S MAtiAZINF Till: CHE MM AND I.KST IN TltK WORI.U, .SPLHN'D"1 OFFSlW I'Olt JG00. Trln kmhi' . tllH ilOilf l nil' Uo iriei 'v iiui'Mii..! pat. .we'vo iiin'i'im llf.I'n pa' tt 'i' .y-.bur wjjeM All .is w i (Iti Jn. ifi.H I .ri Mm," its .L lit. r inibl'MK' Wl- fcOi'SU UL"t tcr'.'i.t ' In i ty of biiousto VW l will Iju Ta 'hriv.i," (iy U'V ii il.u(. v mi. in Mt .azJ ioahrHin.1,0 fur u wo 't', l'or JWJ H i''ii:-fj - i vu I fctt'el ii'alf ' "iii iisi-a. .wen U culo l . I'll L ll '11 it. till Vi (.'U IU'H, IWttl 1 1' 'C. it. v '.i u iii t v chtst if "j i'lm i.tuiiH tiiH uoM-'tst a u i In; 'IX I- I H HC IH "J. "1.111 lJl "Jj-f ,a I'lti'UMin ii it ips.miI fi jpiin "iiH'(ii u couyi hk nov- i- it i ! M,l- AUtiolllll'l u'8 V. AouH ' it', it'll' "T,m IDVs- iiiu ,ui mi', : u" two niitiifi; df "KM p . W tiler ill W ahTlu't- li,- . - ulein J i-t:'tnl "'iho hto'yof -'nl;l'i '' 1 mIhU'oi 'cii"yjSiJ.i v -t HI' lot 1 e ias' urn pUnrs ii 'u'i'l of n't 'li 'li tl'MMll OUhifl'I,iv,4'i 1 1 ui'! hi -ti,'J"liy v.ii td, A -mi a pa le n, omwlt ? .oi ti' .so'i s t.'xii uo (tat. oiii ui ii ii. .in iiwitfikci', ANn v it li'u' i ami n ntv leLu'.it.; , 1 1 . lh O i to l.H)(C, un-1 is i.' v : , it Uf , ..latJi Uitu U.J t. sl"ui:i fin miu;.i i:NCitAvitJ, Tn.v.,'t'. x t,e )lipt" ulllfOt' 1)'1'J iH3eut ipyi oi' "tw nil 1 tnlei' M(v). 01 or in Pi ( '.0 . in. " lu) BUU ol ll'Ji.lleil ui . ti tiio ... I in pieti-byiit o,.ie, t!io o-ti hiand J-i'ti li i in s w .mi mo 1 tic. ''it pien'Ui' 4'ci 01 l-'o lario elu !.. w U bo i-een l.iiow, mi . (.i,iy w.'l .Jv ji lu ud'l.ltwr. Ti;U1 t ..ih 11 . duo c my, lo . 'coe.n' l iiuv nu et fin ono e i" 1'ou " ' 1 lve " (.bid ouu '.o .nc oiier i'p . a elub) K.ylu cop e. or one . tv (,ml two (he i-tie. o t a i lu if Kour eeii co ! , lor one eir, (and ojiq j o t otn u) of a eil'li " Aod oitims 1a.1t, To i. ei.T, IV.oilou, No. U lesi.uH st., li' I'a. l'.i. CirK- eei neuionl u ilio.o Wis 1 113 1 j o' elubtt. JOHN C YEAOEH & CO.. Wholesale Dealettt lu HATH UAI'S.HTK.VWGOODH.ANI) LAMPS' KUIW, No. S'iJ North llilrd Btrt)t, I'hlladelphU. WAHTMAN & ENGELMAN, TOBACCO, HNUKK 4 WKOAK MANUKAUTOUy, NO, 313 XORTII TUII1H HTUKK-f, Keeond Door below Wood, PUILA1M2LFMX . J. W. WiM'I'MAN V. ICw U H LM A it QA1UUAQE MANUEACTOUY, Itioomsljiire, Ta. M. C. Bf-OAN Jt r.UOTHKH tt'otuceesKorior WILLIAM HLOA.N BON coiulmie the businfci.M of luftkiuj; rAHUIAOES, cuaoiETi, and every stylo of l-'ANCY WAC3NS which IV ey ha.e continuity on hand to a jit ens, toners. Never utd -3 any mater al but U'o beit and cinp'oylns thoinoit pxpeveuced worlacen they hopo to tc.itlnuons licietofoie to ulve eutlio K&ua fact ion to every customer. An mspect'eno: their worU, am. o thorcasounblo ptlco usked for he lame, is sur to insula a sale. J7 O It SAL K Altiru and we'laKorvedJotof X'l I OTOf . H A PI II t7 AlIA 1 1 1 1 AT VH cnns'slinii in t t of the follovtiii1? Plticjtst one lurgo ins M'b lib ov .s pioioaiaiilis, .-.vo head lesls, o.'c uurf burnt aoil Sidoeio.h. one pati' small ft . dju it ui'iucut to wciu ll o ll id k. ono hii' : h.aiHl. oik latLM ixi re o.l rim ono .ot of h(fi . d ' hhih. .-tvogom dibhis,ono 101 bkenesi cue mu 'vincx, I11HO thow jVaiuci, fuoea o n or fi r u mj; bmius, Riaw OuueU boitits, Acbtrn'iia ec.iPoloiuJutof all a nicies 1 riiii r(i h 1, oils t'f, i'rieo llju, o le . 1 fii1ae.s apply at Jorteph II, Miripaii ' M' It 11,1 owi M'.iuyikdl eo. Vu, Btp.tJ 'W, JO.N'AH JdrjN'HliNDtlt. N' OTXOH i'O TJUCfc'Sl'ABSICIlS. 'J .10 nice h 'tni-il woii'il lieuby warn hiiuwi me.., I.i UVI...I.H lu : iniie 'it'.&un.aiuiii.v h ilis.liiT lii'i'i nu(n. .lf:ilin .llitiil'i.BrcloliUs, iiilitiu iiL.r'i) iniii 111111M m tiir.ntitt'. in uio U'll cl 1111 Ol oUw, JOHN t.hllljJIAN tt) 1.. 1 1 IM llauiuThii, i'a. Q.UTTI'11 JUST. Munioi'it Coiirar 7tibular miilplus Ilod 1 tlie UtU M-iioiUni ni , hum tllbii .mr by .Iglitulti ev.r itiv.iri'n. Tl .iii.scrl.ier 1. tilfurtbu bove luvi'iii rn. flu . I mUeiH l-y luall it in roa ui itt ri.iu'Jtlyi.i.ep'ii'ii t Mftrltrt Itrport. I Wl'cat pel- 'hislicl H ! . llvu ' I ) i in ,1 - (mib. " .'lo.Krci' liaut) eh vernciHl l-''nici'tl lUilic n Kit,' Tiilimv I'dillllK". Ilpcd Amite I'll K Ila.ns.... K'lles ft. Ml MtMi,i(iut I.nul ic. ,ir,iil Hay ici lun , I.UMUKIl. Hoiu'odc Iloiuh per thmi.(UKl feet I'tno " (niK' .tlKi, Kcnittllii?, l'lanlt.dlniu'oi' t). B'iiiiIl', No, per tlimii.uid... B.dltiS " " ' ft. V.V.'.'.V.V.'.'.'"'.'.'. I no- Nn. 1 Kcolch pi? Nil. 2 " '' 3 21 ml 7WII 2 CU , M i? I W a C'l ' ' S'l ,. -1 tO 00 tin 00 .15111 , 7 (.0 . IS w lill.Uill Mill ulrll liln fliul.H . ruunsiiAv, No r . ltu.-; l-'l.nun Norlhwclcrii Mipcrfinoiu Norlhwpslerli uMrn Snrtliurticrn lumlly i'entnylMiiilu nnd W cilem bii i. II l'entnylvimlrt nnd Western e.Ht.i lVnnnylviU'lannd Wnteni f.(.nliy... IVitinylVHnlnnnd Weile.n rai-cy live Hour W iiKAT-.rennsylV( i.a rd, y , ., Himllicrn C'lilirovnl.i " wti Ic " .... ll k'A rj c, v I111' Corn Vcllou, Wnllo, " OAT?-'!!! , l'JIOVIMONN Ml'iS 1'ivir H ho .Men Iteer " JireiMii (i .... S.IHO cil Ua- . " ' t.o.i'.. , ,u Lm-i.,vn Sfitlis OIo. elt.(i'il ii 'n's TitnotliM.eim his Klalsiid Cattm: Iteer c' JeT'l'i .."ta.231 0."fl K.i I . IM l... T.CJT.. ' ...7.7WJ K.T5 .... Il.ruijll.ri ,i.5ijla.n tr i .. M.P03JI. 0 .. n.u)(ja;ii fj.'.n .. ,.. m.ciasi.'j ,.. !.'JI(.il, I ,.. (".17(451.11 7ic(A7lo ., MI.V) , V2I 'VI f.!rt,"0 rji-a'1,13 l"0 . I7crti7i:c 7.0U(J7. 2 7 :.7. IIMIMI 1 1 ' cows, & cci-o , Hirar-'i is linns U ICJlbs tlnri'iiijdfs. HMlrll-I.'KEX. On li.. u' u O, rih ui louse of Iilo l.rldo'M filt he.', liv tin. I(e-. .Ii.iio Jnliliion, Mr .lose) h A.Il.Siinih mil Jllsl.M.i 1C1 len Keen, both ol Nwsloikck 'Iwp, l'.i. r.VAi;s-llKU,i:iI.-Onhiinilay Oi't."i jsrs. .y 1. M. Ap ilcniilu,Hsi. Abnui A.Kvans to M's AmniK'u Heller both ol eireenwood Twp, -i:vi:.-ou oet. tii, i- iiio nc.-, n. v. Kin? Cllntun l(,"itoIlss AlllinH. Kvcs both or JerK'j town. JHJ W AD V ERTISKMKNTS. j-o'Trcii. ' ' AM. ersons Unowlll? ll.enn.elV(S IliiKbteiltn llio inn clt-neil.or tolliolirmol Kloiin A .Mlll.nd. on noto ur book lu enunt nru requi-sted to nuiko Imiuedlulo pnyment. Al ncmiin f: 1 1 1 1 iii-1 o do ho Keou.'tlieir iiceounls wil. bo left Willi llio pro. 1 or olllcei for eollectlou, Oiiiiiov llo I'n. Nov. (J. JSC , ..u' Iv rJ,s"' A DJIJKlS'J'ltATOJl'S NO'Jtt-:. lAi 141 l O. pl'tll1 1 Ul 11. 1 I'lU (.'S.'l.Uflfltf- hovr.x 2iiv, i jot" t;i .lirt iiiviihiihi, (Join-mini- ialn.ii 'cc:,t(', I'tvo Im-ii k..tmViI ly do lii-j' o-oih.i.u toi'ttiy. ii Samuel Ino dpuI :ul-iii-.ti-si io.'. w'io ri.t'oi i (.Vntt'o .owiith'ii, thow iii'Hk.x.oa o (Vjiu'vcl Ion -cw i I hum or heti ni.ieiit delay, and ituiso mlo'iii il 10 .niiu ' ('nH iuij"ir .w i i'i"in.nN ni ,i-t luiihu p.iyiiiu.ii, HA.VIl'i.U .Mil llAUD, Nov 0,'CS-fii, At'in -ns.-a 'i PUIUaO SALE OF VAMJAULK UKAL rSTATK.: l'KltSONAL IMIOI'IJKTY. iho untleislui-il will expo -to Ui public salo halo ut liis roldenco In l-'lshhiKtiTek iwp.. Coluiish'ii ou.r.y, l'aMon A cuiit-nilay Nnvi-inueriV), lV4,t t li'ii o'clock lo t lie fon-noou i.iefollowltiEtlesrrlba ical ast.i't', v it : l'lrsl. A messuage rtul lot of -iimiiu, uuiiniM ny lunui ui Auraiiaui KODOitlS, -fatl-nu 8inltlj,ninlctlicrj',co.iliiluiug(i aci inmt i) w k Ti m n (i nous i;. Ha w Mill. Timiln r Mill nnd tho imiml nuMtull.t. 'lias. Si'coiul. a tract of loo-I Mmbe r.lmw.. (ontaliiiiri Fhty acu-j, nJlolnlii-j; lumU of thu j.Hiuiuiu wm, Ji.ifKaicw, Uiinifi Tliomas and nthciri. ANo. tbo followlug named perbonal piuyeuy, iw mt wu jmiiiK ililllt, IIIU CU", OIIO IWU Vf-ar old lu' lie, one tuo-liorH.irn'nii mui itinrnv ono plow, ono hut of tloublo liamiKi, ono kooi tonltinii Ktove,and other ai tide i toonunieiousl ineiitlon. lei ins mado uiuiu.i on tho day of Nov. C( lG, O T I O E . . 'Joall ticiMi.i1! whom It may cojirein. Nn'po ji m-it'oy m on in ui ioia riM alio tins time, no person Khali buy, hdl or tk'u lu uuy way with Lloyd Kii'stlo- in tho iipiiio ot' in i tho lcsnon- Kibllily oriU'nitio Kuslti an tj' smd (Jto e Kiessltr by liH atloiiU in :ai. Win. Ku-ss er lt'fust-i to i.ay nny ilt'bt, contiuolfd v k,Ul iinju, orio no Jei. m H-ty way lf.ponsiblo or Ills actions WIt Kltl.ssLHU, Oct. i'.'.7. Atl'y. In f.uL. "T O T I C E JLl 'llio unoei ,(fmd . (Ill Oi'lftl ! Kill sold out ihoirhifUL' at D.uivllle. u Mr. John uausciin-Hpielliuiy u 1,1 u tneir thanks foi iho p.itioiuiKowliUh tney b,ioii(eiid Horn Ihelr iiutoiners. and they lien bv neeoinuieud tliir H'eetssnr .Ir. llaaseh 10 Hio fi. or of tho pub; . lVthoiiH haMiiK jieeannn ns-t us wlt hand iPam to oar 11 ient .Mr.stel ubi en no n hit t lio-o w ho u 1 c indebted to nn will mako t,..iy pa 1 to mi" fcehej or .Mr, Kie'iih-eone . , ( r , 1JU U A STliTMAIl'lI, WJ'li'ib?ne, Oct. r 11 ('. IV o T I r k . X T.iuc:ii.iWi .a: !' Rlti UOl It'll 111 'ho Mm-li nin ii.iy urn-. lulnr iiifv thrtu iicrcem ....ui't- Ot uy hi.ui.l Itcic it i . lint tin tin) . it i' iliiilt ml (if ii'in'i on mm iiih iiim h lufinlli uct. ii, ui-i;. .Ol: . Mi til.' CO'IVA..Y. QOUItT I'KOai.AjrATlON. Vlll-.m:1, tllfllon.W 1111. in l.lwcll, 1'i-tv .icnt JiulKoof thu Court of lljci mill Tin iluui nnti Urni-rnl Jull IlilHury, Ctmit ot (junrtrr -ti.v'oin tu inn i-iitfu iiu'i nmri I. i-tiiii.iiiin I'lr is mitl (). lilmn'H Court In thu Jul 1 1 Jmiit'liil jiistiiri, to,n. jiii-i'ilot tliot'oiintksiif rolniiililn, Milllv.m mitl yoiiilli,niiillho lion. 1mm IK-i r mill ivtfv K, lliTbi'ln, Awifluto .Iiiilt'H of Ctilui'ilil.i t'MUiitv l;no Kst'f.1 Huh' .ifi i, buurliiKil.itn tlio 10m tl.iv ti. S'U. In thu iii.' or our Ixinl, one tin llsiijtl,i.' lnliHlii' I illitlhj.xty.cltjtit, Hint tn luutll.tTtcil lor iioltllnn Court ot(ii lift iiUHiiiiU'r Ki'ss.ons of tlio l't'iiti., nntl ()rtli.iu'M'il Cotu-l of I'oiuiiioil rittis In lllooinslnuu, lu iho ttillllty of Cnlli.liln, on tho II. hi Momliiy, hplnn tho Ull tl.l oi IkiuliiUl'l'lK'Ht In I'oiitliiuu iiiH wt'Olt. Wol'co 1h horcliy (slven, to Iho Coronoi, In llio Juslli-fi oftho l'i iiff, mill tho t'tiiitiiltli.. of mo Kilil t'oiiiily of Ciiluinhl.i, Unit thoy bo ihinnnil lhor In llit'lr iioi.'rfihoii nt l'l o'floclc lutho foit'iioon ot Mini il.iy, wllh llnlr it'foriU, Intuih,. tlon. una ol Jut it-iucmbituu-i-N, ttulu thtiso thlniis whlcu In iheli'olllt't's upiH'rtiiln to botlnni'. Ami thoMiiluilmoli'iiina by rti'ouiiljiiitf, to iuw. i-illonmiliistthii inlhoufis tlmtuiooi' limy ho In tho lull ot tho huiil I'tiuillyor bo Ihi'li liml Micro lu I'ltiitrlitothi'miu.hiill ho lust. Jm IntHlllo ICtlllt-stlll lo lio litlllt'llllll lu Iholr llltl-lul-lillfi',l,'lfliih'y lolbt'lriiiitlt'i.i. iLMi'tliitlilooiuit. () bum. llio lilu ilny .if t,cil. In tho year iJl'-f ;'"'" I.011I. ono .luillki ml iltiht fi .1 1 . illitl nnd .IMy-clitut, ami lu Inn mm., v. nc'inayt'iiroriho liiutnt'iititiiio nr iho I'nllit". Hlnlfs or Aliioili-n. -MulllllX'Al illl.UMIl) ll'oolusbuiu, Nov.", IHiI. Miciiir, yiDOWS' Al'l'ilAlSKM i:.vjs. Tliorollim'lll.jllDpuiKt.llH'lllH I'funl mill nor. KOlllll lni)ioily Mil I'luilUti UlllllW. Ol llt'l'Clll'lllS. iu o litiu lilt il In iho oilito or tho llt Klslor ol CoJ iilinhlilfouiily, muli-i- tho ltlllt 0IC0111I, will ho ntt'si'iili'it i,r nbsolulo tolllllliiulii'ii, ) lu llloonnnini;, in ll.ltlfill I..1I1I couilly.oll .MoNllAV HlK hEVE.srit Hav or l.n'. ms, nt iwn o'tloilt r, it uiltinay, liiili'.s vxrviitloua lo Mich conilinia. liiilBliiolilfVluusly lilwl, tit which nil peikolij lulcli'mul In .alj olatcs will tako nuticoi I. Mliiowof rvtlo.Kit Nicely. la.oo: lie.ulcli L'oioi'-Ii, il rciM'tl, 2. W tiow of luiao Wc-lcli, 'aloof Uirtt.m llo , hi ceasco. JOHN 0. IT. , Nov II. liMI, JKZK, Ili'slslir. lllatimsiiti. TKGISTi:it'S NOT1C1:.-Xotjci: is J.V licic.y bIui to ull lesalfi.ii, million, ami oinir iifiMjim inlerislftl lu llio inliuci. of thu re kiifclluitliteUfii,aaiiili,iliio.h, that Iho lulluwlu-i ailiiilliMl.nluii ami KiuiiUli'li iiiTiiunu havo hiei il.fil lu the. oiilco of iho UfiiUicr of Columbia 1011 lily, ami will bo moientfii mr roiilli 111.11 'on mul allowi'iico in tlio ilrphain.' Cimrl, In bulifli III l,loo..luiy , 011 iliiiuli'y, Iho ho.eiilhiliiyof lice. 1U1J, ui two o'lloil; m ii,o ufuMuouIio'r I. Kiutaml 11 a of r:n.rii.ii i.i,. ... ...1. 2, Aec A-u t a ' Lav, . , Ye. . e I ru m'r, or t're ler clt beh.cola.of ' K a U t cud, 3. Aeci.intof I,e Yt r. of A.biew I-oin, nio of.'t, Ti iVi,i j'j (tv4iunt of U.o, M, JU Kiiu.i Hdin,.(. Oi'AIVJi Mil y llaiiim-'i l.ilu uf i;.jn,oa ti.., deod. 6. Actoimt 4)f InvUi Ui, uabei jea'i, uV 1 ou lihl, m.p of Ibooui tti.tu- 'J, . (J. A- of Jonii Kfie. 1 1 r, ,.i vdju o v . l.vdhte je., noi ch. doi .'ntuhltiu- lu j of 7, Aicniiiilu'Jplu J.' e I'mr i .ind uii i, Ha suiiua Ktelue,,ni(ioi rrt no' u u( ts e'ne To orU'aii'iO v4i. ..e 4T 4 V B. Aetuuiib l i,uv Alkipp 1 ;iin- on ot W.'. inn Melbido, nuao coih :t V . ,r u Mei r'.to aloof iVi. 'ieil, V, V ui fcind ii.mi . o.-.u o' jot ij tjju. mi. in, nist. t or oful vo . Univ.. t) a.ot f j. sou vp, i'cc d, 'it V cliX i1 i?l acroiii t o Jo'l- ,oa JI l.eki' ej-eej.Gv ot Uco ,o McMtu e' of iVu'Wood twp, i.iu d, 11. Account of a H ui' . Mr.Ut.c of Cni. 40 W.Hhik.4-1 'aiooi i'uo.w.i d.c'd. Ij, liie'il I'aiihcro U. t A.JpU'inap ilee d ULWilTl.ltl ofU CC W J'l.MIMUl'V, U. l itan I Uiulavconn ooli'i Adntvof V son Uo'ui., if J.ipj' di "f ttut. ' j, miiiiut tu ,iiimi n, niciiK eiicubi. oi jiu- Uhlem.!'!, di:HH..t "" 15. 1'iut uteiuMitof .luhu r, I'owlei, Ai'mV of luibe.t UrUH, U.uoi i nu tw'oeuar 1. 10. AeeoniUb 'U o.uud AUaius . duiV. Oi'D.iplet Ueu'iiail.laloof Uovust lv ,i , urj .t. ' EVj?- JTOU NKAT AND CUIKAP JOB PlUNTiNQ, CAUL AT Tim CUmtHXli Oltlliiti U,?.i,!g.fe;1u, u II A 11 l 1' tl In JSJ'i AlU.VI'llliY AIAGAZIVP i.i DtilliAt Nnllcc nr Mm I'kx, -i.Tli0.',',10''1 WnlarMniitlily in ilic w'.rlj v, W o must lire In terms of ciilojy iilr , lone, nnd vrleil exrellence nr IIaii'Mi' i I V' I r.lNK-nniunnl wlln n inonili'y eiri'ulni ,?, ?', nboiit 171),' i (oplen-ln wliow mee" n ' , ' I round Homo or (lio elioleeH Unit nn i...... , i rrndlimor Uioday. WuKpealt or tin, ,A ''"' - ovldeneoor tho cultllro nl llio Alnei'lnin ll" f nnd tho popularity It 1ms neiiutred I, 1 I:,,rl1 Nliinoereontiilnsril'ly 1'! paBi'snriw 11,,'' I nintier,nm)riipilalelylllutrntedwiTl,K,i " ' 1 5V,1"'hi,l1L''nlViVio,e,LV,1,,''5flr,ll('.rn'- inn'nv ).j l ure-it power Mi II p dlMemlnntlon oVn'lol' .", lurolltemtiiro. Tiu-riNin's uulite i " jjlfrralttre, J.ornrtn 1 Wo enn uceoiiut for IM MUecRH onlyliy thu - , nio f.ict tlmt It meets precisely Iho nopiil tr hi,, .utnlil 'iiKnynrlety orplensrim nud n,in ,.'' lending lor oil. Xion't llcrM,lln (oi, ""'" HUlWCnlPTIONri.-lsCI. Tkiims: ItAlll'F.R'S JIAIIAZI-.IE, .1 m Ao l:xtm Copy of (lllict 1 1 1 . - M.(, or Hazaii will lio mipplled B.n, In Mr evit- i im! of l'lVEHi'liscilllimw nt tl I i encn, In i ,., inlltnniot or Mix CeplM for a) I I. 1 HuliseiiberHto HAul-F.lI'M IA(J.INI.,W nnd 1IA.AI:. In ono address for ono ymr, or, two or llnrjier's Periodica', to 'one n lor ono yi nr, 87 1 1. Hack Numbers enn bosupptldl nt eny 'iin A Conii.lcto Het. now coiniirlsin-f Th r . Volumes n nent elolh binding, will bus, eri'rcs., relyht nt expenso or puiehn-el,li per volume, Mingle voluinci, bv ninll, pos , ,tl :j i iuiii iusv-i iul uiiiiiiu, o, eeni-, ny ji, postpn'd, Tlio . ostnaoon ItAlM'rr.'H MArlAs-ixc u nyenv whldi must bo paid ut ll-e i.ul iei iiiKi-ouiee, Huhscrlptlon sent from llvltlshNnvlh Aim i en Tiovlneis must bo nrcoiuitnnled wllh ,., ur AimiTioNAi., io prcpny United Hinds p, ,t Addlchfl , iiAtii'int & mtonimu, x , u A llepository of Fashion, Phauf. U.JL. una iiisiructiou, H A 11 1 li ICS BAZA 11. A mipplemonl ronlnlnii) nunieroui nilbs Mi 1 alteniH of uxcfiil nrtlclr- arcomimul itlo'i a. r o ry fortnight, and occasionally an ileuniu (u orni f.iihlon plnlc, llmper'H nazai'i'ontnln 10 folio f"i rf i of i. i7o ot Ilflipt'i'M Weekly, printed on Hiiimii..,. i lhiiKleied paper and Is published weekly, Cl ideal No Ileus of (ho Press. Harpcr.a Ilafcir eontAitiH, beildes pit turen, nu. tcriis.ete.,1). uumiimI Interest to tho family j nrtlcles on heallli.drih-, and hoiistkteplh" In nil branches ; lu t-.ianr a matter Is eipccla..y adapted to thu circle. It UrX. nnd instruct: nnd il lun. i,'... skies, good stories nnd lltcraiy matter of lmip. It WnotBurprMtitf that tho Journal, ultli mu-i features, lias achieved In a short timo nu ha ineo hiiecetH ; foi'Hometliinifof ItH k'-id hm ilc Kir. din tl'o.isaniU of f.iinllleH, and it put)llMurs liavo filled tho demand, A. )', Ihrnltui J 1 Whether wo consldf Itt c'nlrriH as based ui ,u thoele'ianee nnd Mipcrlnity oftho paper, il i. fora lilcalnppearanee,thotistoniiiljiiii(ii!c dliplycd In lhoem;ravIii"4, or tho llttrt.ry mn. trlbutlonsfoi. talned lu 1 pa ft?, vrn iinln itm. iiiG.J ptonoancolt to bo sn,irlor lu ( i ii ton) every partlculor toany o'her s;inllar publlraLim hero oi abroad. J'itl'it. Jmtl JntrUf(irc Wo know or no other KiujlUh or Anie nn liiirnal orfashlou that eati pie tent to uottu -li it In eomplcteneisnnd varle,y. A. 3. Tun It lint tiio merit of being nenMblc, of conu . ni' Inst i action, or fit. .nc excellent pntlernmn . v ry departnienl, pud or being well Mocked with , na reiidlnR'jnaller. W'aMtwmi unit lirfU 'or, TodreisneeonHii'i to llarpei'M llazar . n . tho nlm nud ambition oi llio wo.tun or Am r Jio '.on Tri t rlpl, SUUSCltlPrlbNS. 1S(?J. Terms I lIa.pciBlt..zav,ono t Auextrain y Lliher 4.1 tho Mtuiiiur, WnUn or Itaxar w-tU 4jsapp"ed giatls for et iv ( m llvosuLhcr'UTMat SI I each. In ono teiml .iuu. or felq e(.plei I ir flU I t. Kubscriptions to IIiperrf ilnji no W i U nio niliirett ft.youo $ tar, M ), or two of ll.uiierb l'ei'loJleaU. to ono mlditi for ono year, 4 '. ItHclc numbeiH can bo suppl!od at any time. Tho iostsgo on Haipei h Uaxr 's IMdid a year which must be paldnt tlichitbieri1iu' .MiibLcriiUIons sent from IhitMiNoith Ann leaul'ro hcfiiuunt boaeeoir Mink.l with-J ct. ayeeari d (lonat, toprepny Tnltcd Mtati ins- tage. Address JIAHl'j;U A JUlO'K New mU SPECIAL NOTICES. Tnr ancients piocJalmcd that Meimai-N, Nymphs, Naiads, and tho Orates, had Ion:; ilou-ln-t tieseM which made them 4.-11 vied by iljty m rirsorcai th. Hut they aioso out or the c 1 frmn or Lathed lu fountains peached by no turn ml hands and kept Ihelr locks of tint nt,it t, tt twl tusfroiix, and thi's had no ned or li-in s Vejcnblo Ambroila which N d.iln tho H.uiif tiling foi llioiiba nils of pioplo in our day If gur frifiidn w'i use nrepaialions fur n tt.r inggray hair they Miouid iiku tho hi hi -i un mailitt. Ourattinttoii has lately been tadui 1.1 an artielo which Um hii cxlensUt hale and isy hlKh rejutallon, lniown as QIiuVm N't ft tana AnibroNia, and Eso mu inel'ned 10 tninic inni it fiossetsen niQio diMuublu unl IcsHolijiebou niiiil ties than au other In leo nn.iltei. It hm iri"i ray or her laded ban' tr. tin oii-;'ual nm in most lnvl;oiatiotniau(t tsooi'ilnu piropntu -niooait iiambull and hnuioiN uoni the hi-mn Oi h it n fair iria1 and i ju taunot iiiiltnM n (f.,hvjj.u. TfOJIAN.--Fenialc'S owliijr to llio u peeuliar rud luiiio.iimt ioiauoii -ii lhfy ktivtaiu, theji'ptcuhai oiuanizalioii.iuui t.iu oMU'tH they peifoiin nio btihjtt't to lutuij -n tl 1 -Irs. I'teedoui fioni thttoc nitribino lu no mm .it ue teo lo ihelr happiiK and ulf.ui, Ua i n 1. e .i bo happy who aro 111. Not only mi, lun no ono of lht'o valoiiH feinalo t oinplainlt e-oi Imu lio Millcu'd to iuu on wiihnnl invoivlie tin 1. il eal he-ilUi of liio individual, and m inou i-m-diu'int; pC4inuu'nt sifkusH and pfuonliiu1 id elitic for 1h It dleawxtit to totiMiltu ph hi for llio relief of ihe&e vavloun iklUal alh "us and (uilv upon tho most uiKetit necett' Ity Mdln ti no woman so I.ii' Laertlleo her jjuult'cl (li.iiui lino do t Ins. 'J lio tvexwlUlhen tiiaiiic u- l"i )l.u'-u; In llieir hands sunpio bpecilh'L wuui dl bd found eftleaoiiH in leiieviov and cuiiif albio-it ceiy ono of i'ioso tionbiesuiiie om pliuuts pic tli iv to llio tvx. llemboldN i;;tractof llueliu, Uund.-i iN t.uf foi1 mi jii silenee, and huni'H'J'i ofolhi"' ui ji' vhhiIv to tho (Mupislnn'id doclois, uho m nr ninny t.uitidizo iliein iih tho nope o, 11 1 i)i'nr apply lenuilK'-i wh eli mado lln'in wkim- I 1 would iiolWuIi to avert a-ivlhliu that u-a.M do Jnlustiee lo tlio alii clcd, buii lam oblivul hi say tlmt allhoii"h H niny bo pvodiieed fiomi cit.slvo exhaustion o. tho powo's of JiK. 1 I 'lii noun euiployiueut, uuuholesomo air and f""' piiiusouieusiuiation, thoiio of lea and t elite, and lieiii't'iit elilldhinli, It!- far ol tenor eaieni by dlreet ii'.ltailon, applied tot '10 iihuoih nuia biano oilho vaauia ilbelf, Wiieiuevievvnuj tho causes of these ibstie-Mii eouiiilainu, it iiuost pamlnl lotoud'hiplute llu lUleiuiantdMlseoiiftfiueul upon them ll It Uit siuiplujuvico lo llio subject lu enu.aeiaio u (w of tho many iddil'onai eauses vhio so laicHv a(IV(t (ho Iilo, litaltU and liapiuesH of women all elas-eiofsoeu'ty, nud w lilch coiisebutnll all ft moiooJcsH diucliy, tliowell.uo of Iho intpi' hiimaii l.unlly, Tho bi.m'ft lhatelsls for ,'iJ emus edaeatloii and nnniaie, eauves tlio j tin- tlat naliuo lietiliint-d i . rodoieal ilevHopim nl t bo wo si id and perv.ttd lu llio lesiuiintt nf dies., tho tarly coulinomenl of oehool, ami ts Iteially in tho unhi-ullhy ocdemcut of tho hull loom. Thus, with Iho body huli-clothi-d,uml lae mind unduly oxelled by pleaviuf, ptrx'tlliu " imdult;ht lovel llio hoiirs designed by niitmc ih bleep' ami, the woilcor dslruilIonl'lM,r coiiipllslied. In i-om.e(iueiico of Ihii eioly stialu upon la-i Hy.ieni, uioMects.tiy cllOi't ismiulred by i.if dfi lento olay 10 tL'talu tic.' sitiiatioii lu m-IkhiI u a latleviliie, nut ausiiavuij; theuvil. Wlien nit eveiteinc.iiy.s oer,iuiolherin piwiprlive Ki '" tlio mi ud motbidiy senHitlvoloimpusiou.wl1 i" the now constant res. taint of fashionable mi'' absolully imbiddiu'i iho excieio judipHn-.' to tlio allaiunientaud reienliouof or;.iuieli'.dtU an I fclieni'lit tho expouuo to nlli air lav sudden eh ii'io of temperatuio ; iho coiupUtu pio-itiatlou pioduce by exeissio danelna.iaii'.t of ueeessl' , piodueo Ihelr leiltinialo elln i. A. last an ca y mania oilapillio ell max of hiir ry and, and tho uufoituualeono lidheitoso uueih U'aulU'ss of iho plain lenionstraiucMof ho ot'b teato natuio, becomes an unwilling hiihj.'ii ot medleal tiealmeut. Tin' but n truthful I tureof the ixpeiieuce of tlioo sands u lour J onus w omen, Uouffbefoio thoabihlv to cxeu'iso Ha nine tlons of Iho i'euoititive organs, they le'iune ft'' educaltoii tit their pecui iarf ducat inn of liielr eiiliar ervoii system, corfiposeil of what ! ud led tljolisMU'S, which is, in common w illi tlio fo tualoh and lips, ovldeuily under Hie ' trot of Micutal cmoiious and asstH-i.itions al an eaiiy peviiKl oflifoj and, as W't shall subMijm al ly ste. iiiso emotions, wneu excessive, lead loua; befoiopubeillyt 1" babUs whltli sap the riy k(h of ilieii Mctims eio iiaimo h.iSse(fiomill ed tlieirdevchJpmeiit. 1'orfemalo wcaWlicsi and debility, WlnU or Intcorihiea, Too 1'toltiso Meusliualiou, 1 1 liaus lion, Too long L'oiUjniHil pcilods, for I'lulul1-.' Uteri, woe.ilor Iho most i-Ucet siu-eltlo kuoHii Jicuihold's Couioouud cxtrai t of lluehti, I'ine lions lor uve, dioi, auu mh leo accouiiau i'einaleslu eve.y pel led of life, fi mil Iniauiy I" exticiuo old uue, will tlud .t a lemi'dy to ai n tmeinthoUlschataoof Ua tuuetious. Mieiifth H tlio (jloiy of maiiiiood nud woiuanhood. lb-ui' uoid's Kxlractlluehu is inoiostreliplhciiiniit t any of the preparations tf Hark or Iron, iiinuiti' salfraud moio picasaut, llemtiold's xliuvt 1'," chu, huvluif ritelved tiio endorsemenl of b'1 most pioiutiient piivsleians lu the United stab' is now ollcrcd to antleltd humanity as a eerlaai eme for the following d.seases and syiiipi"" from whltevers eaiu-e ni)gluattnii tiemnt) " blllly, mentatund plipsical depression, liuli" ty, de'onni.iatiou of lllnod to Head, mhiIhmiI l.ieas, liisleiia, Keueial ability, ielh'ii ut uialit.abseneoof inusculiti' Klllcicnev b " nniii'iiio. ttvstit'tis i.i. pmneiiii'iin. tow soirn " oriiunlzatlon or paralysis of llio oruaus of H ui'J Htiou, iaipiiauono( ino ucari, huh 111 iu-i billlaied slate of thosyslem, Toinsuielhcu!' ulno. cut this oul, Aslc for llelmhiKd s. jafc" uoolliei, nM by drulsts and deal leu e1 J wheie, IVicofl.pcv bottle, or six boH 1 $ti.f 1. Hollvercd toany address, Jkrilhe 'llI,7 tnms In all communication!!. AddKss. lh; llelmbold, Driijf and Clilmleat WaielmuM1. lircmdway.N. Y. ... NoueuiuReiiiiluouulessdone up lu kl'V"v. craved wiupptv fae-snillu of inv (iiciotcal '' uousp.aiid siitutd, 11. V, llLM'""'1' ' Oct, JUOSui. louih in: own, cim-. J. fcWrt JJltOWN & KWALU, wiiolehau; auocjiitF N. K. Cor. TliiiU it Vino Btifi PHILADELPHIA, May Uj, li&MUuo,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers