mt I'-iiniii VOT, 2 NO. 41. BLOOMSBUHG, PA., FRIDAY, OCT. 30, 1868. PHIOE FIVE OKNTS. I51,00MSIUm(l IIIRKI'TOMV. aTOVKS AND Tl?nVAltK. - ... ucnlorln stove ft llnwnre, Mat" cloth i no, a i;. TnWl'.NIllinO, merchant mi 1). ffl nii'v" Aucnn """"f: rchanttiillnr, Mnln t., W " ,,,miiiTI IN. whole.! caliilrclalinciii- Mint' - - DIlUOS, CHKMIOALS&U. -N. moykTl !"'flnnJ ''",,h'r"r5'v1.V1n r iiiBiiKi' iiiucKM"1 ' . . i ..iii(.f.,rtv. lttuiert CLOCKS, WATCH l'-B. AO. ..... in-itMIl Mtl. wntr i an" ri'K'K ui'o.-' j I ill "I1 l'''VV.V.rMiiliiiiii.l lrnint.vl-nlt liiiMirwiiiii"'"-" . 1I(H"'N - - PCATUU'XUT ,;atc..nn,lcl,Kk maLer, ll.rM " hoots and siioia. . i M "mtoWN, '"''-ui ilcr,Miiliitrect I o ,'l' '-'""rt "'" U"" .TTit l lTli:it manufacturer and dealer In l'ol A- unit KsMul""t:, ni.po.lto K.l..,v.l .li.m-h 1 1 knuv 4i;ii!si:T:i,,'m!! iuirn .'mm - r. ". . ..... "i. Mniti .i l) vawnSn"-:.';. o. il PROFESSIONAL. r l7 LVANs), M. H. ntKi awl physician south Jsl.I., Mnln t.. below MiukPt. DIt. II. I Kliitii-yurxoiiiiil'iitl.t,tw-lllfntm;l c, wit limit pain. Mai" "U nearly opposite I , I'hnrrM. vl'"'' I li. .l'Ui:t.VYM. li. .urm-nn nnd rliyjlointi ,) norlli utile Main l-, below Marlict. vl-nll i tYlli rrl'.lt, M. li. uri!eon iiinl l'hialcliin, ,) Market M above Main. vl.liM DilTTt. I). HOWlUt, nurgeon dentist, Mnln hi., ilinvi. cniirt hnno. vl-nll l IT. UOIIIKHN, Attnrne.v-at-I.iiw, oillcu llnrt ,1. iimn'n building, Main ritrcet. vMi'.H r.lts.TrultAI.I'A.NT, Dentist. Main M.."l -) low Market. door In lr. I.vims M MILLINF.UY & FANCY GOODS. MI-m l.l.ZIi: 1IAIIKI.KY, mllllnpr, ltaniKi.y liullillliK, MaHll. vt.llll MHH A. I). Wrclllt, titii-y ikIr notions, hooln, stationery, mirth side Malnatreetbolo.i- Mar Wit, . . vl-nll n rTrrr.UMAN, millinery anil fancy B I!- IV Kplnmpul church, Main st, vl I iilrsT.7lll.IA A. it HAW. llAltKI.f.Y, laillcK 1 clnulisiiiid .1 rest pattern l, noullu'iist punier latn Hint weKt -X. . vl-nll M j, M. IIKIllllCICKOy, inlllllipry alul f.inev itchmIs MailtiKI.,iin)t Cnurt lliinse. M-nll MilM. mTh. I'UUMAN. mllllnrr. Main bt below llnltliian'M Htore, wevt of-Malket Bt. i.m tMll-; MI.-slls 1IAKMAN intlllnery and fancy 1 iimji, Main nlreetjll'.t lirlowAIilerlpallllnllw. vl-nll 1IO I'KLS AN l7 SALOONS. I l.r.Al'l)rKliutcriin-t eallnu nalnoli, Amprl ,J euii lluiiM'. .fuln bt.. l!ult.ti' l.eaeoek superln l lent, vl-nl'i M1IMK11 .t .IACOUY, rouleetlimiy, bakery, 1? ami ov'Hter Miilnon. wlioleri.ilo ullJ lelall.Kx I Imlliie Ol.iek, Main hi. vl-nll L'OX A WKIIII, eonleetlmiery, bakery, unil oyn T ter Million, uliok-Mile anil retail, Main bt., J nit I elow Iron. vl-utf nXCIIANtlK IIOI KU by ICoons.t (.lark, Main lj ., oppimlto eonrt llolli.e. Vlnlt iMKltK'AN IIIIIWi:. by John I.b.Viock, Main .V M., west uf Iron Htreel. vl-ni't nilllKS Ituri'.fi, by O.W. MAl'ilkll, rust t'lnl nt II Main wt. l-nl.t 1) HTOIINKH, ri'fii"tlinicntMiloon,MalH(,t,,lint I), aboVH eourt house, Vl-lll.l t'lWiNM & CLAIM;, lerreslmionl. naloon, i:x IV eliaime linlel. l-nli T H. (Itl.l.Mt)ltl:, refienliliRlit Hiloiui, Klilvn'i. H liloek Houth NlloMiilnit. vl-nl'i " niuTuTAN7ra a NiroltbcKTS " II .1 Al'DIJS, Conleftiouery, yroeeilesi 1J italiovti (.'onrt House, .' Main vl-nl" ( II. Mlf.LKll, itenler In ilry koimIs, urocerli-H, i) .illeeliNwnre, lliiur, milt, blioea, nolionb, ete. KxelialmH IiUk-U, Malllbtieet,'l M'KlII.Vy NI1AL & Co., ilealerii In ilrynoils, Kloeellea, lliiur, lefil. blllt, llsli. Iron, iiiiIIk, ( le., uurl beast eurner Main it ml Maiket bt. l-lil ' MC, IIOWMIl, tiatmUKl eapi, lioots ami fl,ut MhIii nI nbiiMi Court lloiise. vl-nt: CI t . MAItlt, ilry koimIhiuhI notlous, houtlmcM eorner Main anil Iron Mm. l-lill J J. HUOWKIt. dry itoiN, KriH'elleK, etc,, north . west iiirner Main Hint Iron tM, vl-liH U11V. A.llAItT.MA.N,.Kent,ilr.VKooils, iiotlons ami eriM-erles, Main Ht.,oiipimllu Currol'M Kni nuuie Itooius, ' v'iil' DA. IIKCKI.IOY, KeyntoiiebhiKslore, tMiukK and , utallouery, bouthwml loiner Market uno ..lulu bU. vl-nl.'i RrtLLIAM KUAH.MI1H, ennriellolierk", Mall, " bt., near tlio rallioiul. vl-iii: ' MK.VI)i:MlAl,l,,ui neralbloekor iiiui i linn i, life mi, l lumber, iinuer of Main btreetaml li rwlck roail. vl-iiM I J. ItUIIIIINH, ilealer 111 ilry koo.U Bnerle7le. l HliUb bloek. Main bt., below Iron vl-ni: I K". dlllTON', (Iroetrlea A- l'rnvlstoni, miiiIIi. iieiist corner Main ami linn HtrcttM. vl-nit t )V. H.yiir:l(7"lianliire, rlillery, iMinb.'eie,, J, ataln bt below lion. vl-nll i .I.KI.OAN,iUalerlil,hoUoilryi:iMi.Tb, llouiie. il KeejilliKijooilb. Irebll gloierlib, ete.,eU'. Main hi., oppnwlto emirt lioiibe. -luM JK. l-YKlt, uiofcrtt-b ami gelielai liieH-hamilsp Main bt., above Wtbt. vl-nw r T. HllAHl'I.IIss, ilry uooilf, Kroeerleb, l.ootb, li. bhoeii, etc, Itupert bliKk, Main bt i bt ol Market. Q CltAMl-.ll A A. V.. 1 1 A Y III! J thl', 1 H it ) ci a In n, llrnn-rlex, Couft -tio)H iUm iuhi Nolhmx, Hi'Dttnwn. rtnuth flile, luo iluorii Ij(ivo Jlinbhl't. JIISOKLLANKOUS. TnilN'M ouni'.L, KIeii, Ornamental ami Hien " rattvo pHluter,Heottowii,cor4th.v Kltbt.vl.u fl W. COHKI.I., furniture, rooms, thre e, btory U, brb k on Maliibt,, wet of Market bt, l.ij I J .1, 'I'lltmNTOV, wall paper, wln.low blimlcH. IV, lllnl tlxtureb, Itupert block, Main bt, vt-llU HlttHKNMTOCK, plioloBraplHr, ICxelmnire block, Mfiillbt,, oppOHlliieouil lioiibe, vl-nl.1 !'. 1II1IMIIT, pliotni'rnpher, llartluau'a bullil. l IUKnoiilieaMt(oriHr,MalniiiKlMiirkirtbt, l-uil I' J. IIII)Li;.MAN, Airinl MllllkonV l ol.pi rTli. I f bulHl' Lliclilnluulloil. 2-llltl I II. ruitHKI.L, biiil.lle, trunk ami luiruebb tJ maker, Main bt below court, lioiibe., vloild n FtlMTKIl, Olue MaLil.lilalWhlleiiliil Inncy u. 'fanner. Keollown. vl-un )LO()MrlltlMt(l I.UMIIKU CO., l.mnuf.icturerii ijami ileiilers In Lumber, or an klml., planlmi mill ncarlho rall-nuul, vl-nW Uf J. IIIIIUIMAN, bnildloatul liarnenH mnker, It , near bouthwubt coiner Main ami Market bt. i , vl-nll W1TMAN. mart le, wnrkb, nenr bouthuebl c corner Main ami Markttbti, vl.nlt R II. UIN(1I.1CH, dealer In ptntiob, nriuiiiK mid , lneloileoUM,atU, W,Colcil'bluniltuie looiim vl-nl." '11 II. MAHTl'ltH, bkpiU for Orover llaker'H I , bewlim machine, Main t., llattman'ii bullil ik. up bialrb. vl-nCI OW, HOllllINH, liquor ilealer beinml door Irum , norlliwebt corner Main ami Iron Ma, M-nl'i Notary rutillr, uorthea.t corner II Main and Market bt, i-iii . ' UN A. KUNHION, mutual and cii.liratcb nre i liibtirancn comtimiyjiorthiabtcoriier Mtiluand et l. ' vl.nlt PKOIKIK HASHLlir. nianufMtuicr and repair erof llnebliliiK marhluib, Halllplo A Cn'b Ma chine, Hhop, lUml HI ulilirit, villi I I H, KI'IIN. dealer III meat tallow, etc., Chclii lierllu'ii alley, lutck or American lioiibe, 1-u t'l CAMl HI, JACOI1Y, Jllirtle and HrowuHlone rorllb, Kant hloiiintiuit. Iter Ick rornl. ll-nf M V.HAMri.l-.A (O. lliirhllilatl.Kal'tltloi liib l' U)r wllnd. ImIIuiw md at Hunt I Il,...kvl1itlnf bi-t.r ..OHbulft'd, 'J-n'. (niAMMVILLi; niKIICTOKV. DTt. 0. A.Ml.OAIKIi:.,, nhyKli'tnn tili.t BiirL'Miii, Mntu k!., tx't iUhh toU.iu'i'n Hotel. vl-uif 1)U1CK l!OTi;ii niitl rtTf-fHliiitfiit witouii. h J) lA'errtt, nir, or M.unun.l rlntiKt.vltil7 OU'AN llnri.L- tlitMij-iM-r ItntM by .JiiIjm Mnv. O der, Jlnluht-tuliov' Pnu). Vln 17 1). M i'i.",n, ui'iiu r in my tit.'dl"- fit Hi 1 1 1 n, ltimlcr mill Kctiernl MrninuitllKo .Main nt. vrni7 (iKOHOi:;H,n.U1l ami li.n nmlci-r T Mnln t ul)'if Wiv Ilutt'l, vMi17 W II. hJIITIL iimmirutiircr nt tin wiiitttttul H(t'nU'r hi Move fto, M.Un ht., uljovt1 llll J I 'IK. 1. VWI I' i li. V. nU.KMAN, Mftrlunt tullor ntnl ;, ucnt'NtnnitHiinijKotHU. .Mulii Kt,t tuxi tltn.r tutti()lrKklintfl. vl-ni? J . HAYIItlltsV, Cloek, Wutchei ami dun ill, repiuren. uuiihiiiiii v uK-lic lor bale, .Main hi., below Pine, vl-1117 I AMI'S 11. 1IAIIMAN. lubhiel Main r. and Co tf deltatler. Mnln Ht below 1MU. Vl-tlt7 Ml I'll A I'.l, I'. KKI.I.I lit. Collteetlnnery, ulel 0.. Ac., on I'lneHI., betreli .Main ami Mill. vi-n ii Hlt.Al.1. KKi.CIINl'.U, niucksnilIli',on Mill . MU.'t, near I'lue. Vl-nl7 ttrll.LI.Mlll'.I.OXO. shoeiiinki rand lnaliut.o- t! luierof Ilrlil;,.MIIlMI.,ebtori,lmj vlnrt I.U.IAM HNYIIKU, 1'lmir and (Iris! .Mill, and li Healer In rralu. Mill strut. l-nlf I HWIM II. St,'IIl'Yl.i:il, Iron rouiiili r.Maehln List, and M.tlitiriictiuer of plow.., .Mill bl.Vl-tll7 MIt.l'X A. Wlt.l.IAMi A CoTnnner'!iinil Man-tliaduiei-Honi itthcr, Mill Htreel. vl-nlT TOIIN ICl'.I.I.i:it, ll.t mid hhoelnul.ll.l'llle fj Mtuet, opi'osile ll.e Acudtiny Vl-1117 t ii. iii;i:i!i:.ti a- mtoTHKii. cmp. nuisund t. Iluilders, Main Street, below l'lne. 1-1H7 s. , l t 1 1 ,1 . r.n , i., jini.f.i ill i lie nil., inn M Otlr'Uin'iii.tli'. M, ilu St. vi'n'i. IM. 11 It.M As, btuldle and iMrlie- liuiUil , (iratm.'Vllle. oppmlli. rraiiitt oluti'eh. vlJnll (UTAWISSA I)!i:(!T0UY. n hroui'iotur.huuth't'ntrorniT Multiinul St ennd street. r If. C'ltllASY, dry pun Is, prnotTlfw, and nn i) , viiil Mi-rclmiidlH,-, Mnln stri'tt. v-nl2 0 I. lttNAUU, dvuler In Moves und tin ware. O. Main Sheet, ' v-nlJ UM, II. AnuiiTT. attorney at law, Main Htrrtt. ) vMiia nlMUIIU 'A KI.iNI;,dr.i;t.nd, c-nct-rlpf-, and li Keiicml iHPieli.itidNe, Main hlieel, '-!-nlJ KKII.Utl, hllllurd MlI'WHI, itJHtlTK, ami lee J, erenm In hMiim Mnln stri et, -nIJ I. AM.MAN Meie.itiut Tailor, Hreotitl HI., , UolfblnV ItutMlivA lIt.J, K'. ItOIUUNS surguon and riiynlelan. J SfcondSt,, trlow Slain. -nI. J 11. Klsri.nH'i'attawlHa lloiiKc'Norlh W't M . Cormir Main und heomid Htreeta, MM, llltulNI, dealer in Ueueral Men haitdi , lry (Intids. (Jrntvrlps Ae. --ntfc. IiKillT STKIiiiT DlUECTOllV. ) i:M dealer In dry K'MdS nxtTles, . iloiir. r'td. wiit. lh. Iron. t.alW. tie.. J .ilit street. 1 u I ' I TKUU'll.l.ti.Li;, C.ibln.;. r, I'tul. rtaki-r ami Cludrin iLi r. l-iuti JUHKl'lI WALIl.U IlIaei.Mitltli, winvHo 110-.I ollli-e. 111.(1, 1 1'. 0.Ia:I -V i'o, Wliet umshth, llvst m hool house, vl-ti 4 K, li, ;I.INi:i mllllnriy and ool-, M vl-ni'i W.HANIvKV. dfiler In I.talhef, Hid.-, ij.uU. etc. rmdi uld for IIIdeH. -ni; UfM. M. r.N'i1, deiler In Mofi and lln warn In H nil lis la'.inclu . vl-nl'i JOHN A.OMAN, nmnufaetunr nud dealer in Units find f. !.(. vl-uU, I .1. I.lilIMt, M. I. sintum und l'hj -t"l m. J, Olliru at KlIIi r'h Ilnti 1. -'-n.7 IM1lVI.-iltim llSI'V MKKn'OKV. 'Wl'Y STIIAM I'LOl'ItlNtl M lMs, ('. s. I'nwli r, i'i rroi'iietor. IJnll T. nr.KJIIAltl'. Alllt(i.,d.jders iii dry r. o,in , nr '(! Jes, .m I ''iM'mi iiieri'h.mdKe. IJull I H.r Id f.M, dealer tn dry -o.s. (-i i mm I, le, (jti en-uire, h:it iju'ai c, tlali, Kal t , iritN, te i lv , M.'nll W, I.lniAlt, Mi-iU'li:vun: lManlti Mill ami , I li x M an u TbU-t try. v -n 1 1 JKIISKYTMVX rIli:('TIlV. 1 NllUHW M MllsON.di lUr In di v K'"d, rh l eeiii", irniln, lnmhi-l' eie Jeixeyifiu n 1-tiM I Ai ni( .. KWlsll i:ftt dealer in Hides, I iUnk tie, MaJiwn tiiKiixhlp t'nlnmht.t eotinty 'a. vl-nl'l nAl'l'.HAMUi;!. UIM1IY, MadlMiii Hotel, Pro J veiH and StuiueiH iiitet talm d, 2-u t anuMiirritni.i HICKIIOIIN niHECTOUY. MU. W. II. HlH;MAKi:il, denl. M (n div KtHrtU, f. i net rlt-s ami uuiiiiil iiifiTliuiMlKe. t-'ut t tir In Notrh nil m town, v--ni. TAl'OHft WM. UMtltlH, tUaltrs In dry ki.oiN, rnaerles, thiizt ami liltdleliien. I list More in lorili iml oi iotn. -nl HOTELS XaD SALOONS. JXCMIANOK UOTKIi, IlLOOMSlirUa.LnU'MlllA M).( 1'A, Tlio iinilerHluiird Iiavlnn; putrhueil tlilswill know nandi entially-tit-at d Iuiu-m ,tiil'.xeh.iiu;o liiiUl, Hllualuiti) MAIN Si UKl.'l, In lIli,iiiMput immediately nppoM v t he Colli in Ida enmity Conn IIimim, retiJi-( Itlllh llifitim (heir ll lends und the iiuhlte n ut neinl that their lioii-elsnow In older for Ihmeet'iitlon and enifitulmueiit uftnivt Hers who i) ay he dlt.osid to t tor h with their his to in, '1 hey hao spuied no expense in preparing thel-'Nehaiimilor the i lilei lalliinent nfthili uesth neither Mini I there hi ittij thm aidlny on their Dai t to lilllilsli I to (heir lu'lstiiitil intiiloi t. 1 hcv Jioiisi' In himeUuis, and enjuj h an ejceelletiL husi. Diiinlhuse, run nt nil tlim-M hetvei.ii tl.e I'.x. chiiuue 1 Ud r-1 ami thf villous latlroiul ilepotH, hy wli ifh tiaw lleiu will he pleauniiUy i-mno id to and lioin the riectiu fciuihitm in due liim-ti mis t the earn, KOONrt A 1 1, A UK. Illooiushiny, April .'t, IM.s. JH)(IKSiT()Ti:h) ai:(Mi(in w. MAr(ii:it, i'roprieii. 'll.enhu"ewe1hUniivin hotel hav recently under ''nleliHiikt In it Inlei nnl nrraiiKeint ntn, Hlid its pi-, pile! i a mi' mm a to hi fiuiner eustrtiu and the iiii-i1Iuht puh'n Mint hm aeL-ointHhilionK ior in 'tirn'mt nf Mr K,U't'tiO"i-(.coiid to none in the eonnli , 1!1 Lihle will alwaVM hn found Up Piled. NOi in' I" mi slilUlUI food, hut utth nil the di Miai le-' : 1 . n'-'iji. Hi- wtn and 11 iliiotn teil pi !' ' -i i i.l.'l l-ceiaie IciloWll lift Mi'ihmi? (, pin i d dlreit from tin? lmpoitltiR houM'H.aie ititliyly pure, ami free fin in' all poi iidiiour.diiiuh, Hn hi l ha ill lid for a Ilhoial pat ion nee In the I nM, and will eimllnue to deserve II in the future, (jr.OHOi: V. MAVli:it. Tjir Proprietor uf the rxclutUKe Saloon hat now nil hand a hiniu Mock of urMMi.u nr.ruKsii:,i;:;Vi.-.. cni.slfjtlnc of ai'icitn mouths, kakdinih, im?, uas HiirivCToMiuc(ituii.j:u r.nds, HWjrirRKa mi-mi, LAOKU 1JKKH, AIjK, Ai t'i COMK DNK, COM!! AM AND HVK, LAWHON aiMAN; HupetliiteiuU nt. llloomshuri.Muya, XWt. rpill-: KSl'Y IIOTKI,, I'-MI'Y, LOLltMDIA COUNTT, I'A. Tins Kiiln-cillier ri'Hi'i ct fully In form. Id. frif int. and the, pul.H' that l.c lia. lahen Die atmMM.i-11 knoi. n ilor., of riiicitiilnuif nt, and Mill lie idtuM! to .wselM-. the lU.lolu of all vbo .,111 fa or lion w.m n rflu, III'. Wli. I, KI'.KI' A (iot)l) TAIII.K, a Itur mi U,toclied nlth the bent nl I Iuiioim, anil eer eflort M-lll I u Illai'e to renter uillie iflls. racllon, (', II. Iitr.lll.Hlt'II, h.y, r April IS, ltr,7 jjiuok" iiTVA, " ' " OHANOKVILM', JTlLVJIlllA t'lll'NTY, I'A, i:iiwaiii, rmii'itiKToit, Unvllig laUen ok.,i--Ioii at lid. w.lI'Lltowu lloui.e, mi i, kei't l' Tallin. I J teritt, lllrro oriel in liaHi,til In 11 iierliulln.lit n air id HA II A Nil 1 AIM 1 villi tin il l tcMtUnu.r. and ucMrst delicto lit.. 111. .table ). Hot oiielled III thu count., nnd no i -iln. will If tiyirrd tn eoiiluiri.tati gui.t. 'dfiiS'e, THE COLUMBIAN, M ft'llt.tHMKIi r.VKIlV rttlPAi MOKN1NO AT ULOOMSIlt'IMl, im:a. TltHprllu'lplefi of HiIh paper areof lhe.ti (h'tnon' Ian Hchool of hIU lc, Tlio-e principles u 111 nevtr ho eompiomlsed.ytt eonrt esy and kludtirRS (dial not bo iordotten In dlseusslnn them, hether with individuals, or with conlempomrton of tin 1'tes The unity, happlneps.tind pfetperlty of the roiin try Is our nlm nud ohject; niel the meaim to r-eeuro that, we Miatl latatr houeMly and o.U neMlj for tliu harmony, HiiceisH and Ri-owthof our riryaii' lr,allou. TutMsorsuiisciiUTtoNi Two dollars a jcar If paid in advance. If not paid In mhntiee two doIlniHiind 11 fly ventn will he Invariably clmrKed. Thkmh or AiiVKimsiMi : One Mpuare (tin II net or IcMoneor threw inseitlons SltO; each milwe tmnlltmrtton M eeiitH. irvct:, 1m. -m. 3m, m. Iv Dnewpiaie 5l,i 51,00 fdfj $10,W Twoh'piaieK .1,(a fi.tut (J.'h) 11,0) Three HfiU'irm a,!"1 i.1"' f,"" I'-V' 1VJ lour Mpiarrn , n,tm s.ix) lO.nii n,fm 2i),ui Half eolunm 10,0(1 12,W liv 2W faJU One cotiiuin , 11, lm iVVHi Hxteutor's and Admin iMrator'n Not ice i An- dltor'A Notice SlVM. Othtr ndverllstmrnU in,cr- teit aecordlmr toppe'lnl contract. UuMness notice, without adertNenieut,tuenty cont per line. Transient ndveitletncnU payable in advance- all otliern duo after the tint Inset Hon, fiir It Is, In nil (viwj, mine likely to he wUMue- tory, both to tmlmrrihcrs and to iiw PnhlNher!, (hat remlttanci'Ninid all communications renpecf Intc the lnlhessof the paper, he seutdlioct to the nl.lee of publication. All letters, whether it l.itlnn to the eilltoilal or busIm-M concerns of the pp r, and all rytncntM for unbscrlptlmn, n,dertis!ny, or Jobbing, are. to ho midcto and uddtestd "(htumhian Opt"," Dt.unMMtriui, V. bison's Il:illlhtyi, m-nr the Coiir' rlnled House, li; BUSINESS CARDS. Jon PUINTl NO NVitly e.xccuted nt this OtJlce. JJ M. lVKlil.i:, A T TOUXliy. A T -1. A V, Ahhhind, Hchit) lkllt Count) , IVnii'A, T TFtAL'dU, ATTORN i;Y-ATL Heiwlck, (Vilumhlii Cminty, "yyiliL! AM 11. AHUOTT,,a ' CATAWISsiA, PA. 1 W, MlliliKH. A T T l UN I) Y A r I A (llilce ulth i:. II. Jollllnn 1'osl OIHcv, lVnslnn coheeltd. Mltle, In brick buildlmr ad ,64'llountlrrt, ILirk-dii- nml ibejOi'iiT. ATTOltNliY-AT-I.A W. OlMcc In Ueulster and llccordi r's ofllce, In the linsen-.i nl nt tho Coil it House, tlli,nMsPuri. I'a. lOHKltT F. CKAJtK, A T i ll It N l: V-A T-I. A W !!' co. m i' of Main und M.tiket Ktrci-l.. mer ! riist National rank.,nru, l'a. j, JI. LITTLE, ATTOUMIV-AI I. A W, uillcoou Mnln unit, In brlik bulldlin; b. iuw ihe Coiiu IbniN.., UloomsburK. I'.i. c 1!. mtOCKWAY, ATTOIIN.'.Y AT LA W IlLODMSIlUltt., I'A. D-rT UFI'll K ui'i'i'ioi onle. Court Ilou-e Allry, I low the (, fjillit'i::. A u a t j o x k : u, MJISHH CO PK M A N , Ha Intr fulMu-fd th 1,1 ..r,.Hvlnt ..r,. vi,it,. Crier tor iiianv y'arn, would nfam his frleiuU that hnlsKtllllnthe field, ie..dy and willing to attend toall the duties of hi fall I Hi". lMnotis in Mini)? ii h services Kiiouiti can or write to itiui at IHooiushnrtf, p.i, (marSr;, D It. W. II. IlItADI.i:Y, (Lule Aisblmit .Medical Illmtor K. Anns',) I' It YSI f I A .V A Nil Ml' MO KON, 3-0m'.iiit the house. oa.on!le Shoe's Uloclt. Illlxoiisbui,;, Vu, Cilia pronilitly attendel In bot'i lilalil and da. I'.li oinsbii-ir, Jan. IS, IR1I7. J. n. i't;usi:i., IIAUMS-fj, A1)III.K, A.NH Till': jiANUK.uvtmnt, K and dealer In CAUl'irr-IIAHS, VAI.IS1, KI.Y-M.1r, lll'H'.tlO H0IUM,,ls ,l' ..lllch na lei Is confident lift can hell at lute lllllll en, 1 illier (.el-Kin In tha couutrj, K.l- ,111 hie lor . ourKel,es. hhoi iirrt door LhIu..' Btreel, lllooliiHliunr, J'u, Nov. 15, 17. the I'osl onhe Main g (!. COUJNrS, 1' X H II I I) A 1! I, R SIIAVINC!, UAIlt (UJTTINO AMI fslIAIlI'OOINO FALCON, ovrr YVMinuyf r A Jacuhy'K Ire Cream Palnnn. IILOOMSJllURCl, I'A, Ilnlr Iijelnt! and WhUkcn cnlnied hlnrk or oro.iu, llalr'loulctoil(.tro) ilnudrnirniidhrati "r.'t; h,ir'L,V".fttu.K u.'T,r. 'ri;i.rf?. V.I.VuV ni.ti,.. iaprj07. J) K N T H, : I 8 T It Y IIOWEU, I KN TINT, IU ferectfully ofleiA hb proh doiuil serTlces to the hid 1c s und k title men of IUoomMmre nnd vi cinity, He. In prepared to ntti ud lo till the vflrl ouh operations In the line of hl prnfcMon,nnd Is provided with th" latM ImnroNcd Porcklain TtKTM Mhlch will he lut-crwd on yoU platluc, Mhtr and rubber bitte to look an well aMhe nM mill tt i th. 'leeth fxlracttd hy all the new and most npproM d tiiflhodx, and all opeitttlentr on the teeth itittiull) nnd roptily iilteudf d tu, Itmldenee and etlHe a Ifw doou Above the Court llouhe, Milan Mile, llloomMaiit,', Jaii.Sl.'uilf pOWDKK KKGS AND IAJMllKU. W. M, MONHOK A CO., Kuperl, IV, Mutiuractarer of nnvimit KKOH, find deal h lit Ml klniU uf J.UMUKK, Clve potlcn thM they ure rrfpimt tofltfomtMM. their eiuhim with illt-i lrh, nnd nn thflthrapoM enn. IF ii o n n m n v it (i, K A, The midendgtifil ..unlit etfully Inform Hi Iru. clinic public that he li. purrhaxed and lerillid 111 lli be.l inumif r lh, oliUlulid forn'r. ly r if U ltd by W, A. Kline, ftiid Ibut b, I. now pr, HI, it to si coinHiodale Id. trl.utl, Willi ulllhe ronilorl. mot i ou,,ul,iirof a r.l.rh... hcii.e, AllnclicM Pllln baa Pr.ll hull! and lliw .iiilnun dlnv, phutd in pi rf,ct orit.r, II,.' bar vrll! al. way a be .If lUfd with the Ibinor. and el. cam, und tha table Willi lb, ta,t tin, marUt annul.. JA11KU V. tlll.l.AHN V.. .lilr :i,l..f (Choir? poetry. tiik UAiiKroor itov. iiv joiin, Ut.MsiNosoii lliee.lltttu laHli, ll.ii etout hoy with el ice In of tan ! Willi thy turncd-itp pantaloons, And thy nurry whittled lunen With thy red lip rodder Mill, Kissed by MriiwhcrricM on the hill With the aunshlnp of thy face, 'I hrouRh thy torn hrlm'H J.iuuty Brace j Prom my heart I Rive tin a Joy Illcssings on thee, h.uttrooi h ty j Oh I for lioyhood'A Maluh-fsplny, Hteep th it wakes In Mnlulcsi day, Health that mocks tlio doctor rules, KnwlcdK0 never learnul at HChools ; (jf the wild betj'i morning chane, Of the wild flower's time and place, Pllts of fowl and hibltttJu Of tlm tenants of tlio wood, How the- tortoise bears his MaMI, HuW the wocMdiuck digs IiIhiUH, Anil the Knninihmole sinks his well, How the robin feeds her youtitf, How tlieortole'n neM Is huntf J Where the whitest lilies blow, Where the fresheM hcrilcs urovv. Where the tiruutidnut U his v lur, Wheru the wou.I(;iapt'.s cUiHttm tshlne ; Ot the black uiotp'o cuiiultitf uay. Mason of his walls of clay, And the architectural plans Of gray horntt attls.uis I Per, CMChcwIuj hooks ami task, Nature nnsweia all he nttks ; Kami In hand with her he uilks, Pacoto face with her ho t.dhK, Part and paiccl of her Joy lllesnliijis on Mice, hart foot hoy I Chier'ly, then, my little man, Live and l.iugu as boyhood ciui, ThougHlln lllnty (.lopes he hard, Hlubbles the new-mown nward, livery morn bhall lead thee through Prefrh bAidNms ol Iho dew, P.ery evening from thy fect Shall the coot wind kiss the And loo soon thos left Mmll hide In the prison cells of pride. Lose the in edom of the hM, 1,1 lie n colt for woik he sluM, Made to fluid the tutltsoftidl, Up and down In ceaseless moll Happy Jf they sink not In Quldk mill ttcathennirt huds of Mn. Ah ! that I Lou lould'M know thy Joy Pro It pa.s, my barefoot boy I jUisrrUaiuous. NOVEMBER. Addira ef the 2en:::atioNaticnal Con mlttco to tho Ccr.:civativo Citizen: cf tha United States. Our Hunks I nbrokoiOiir Courage I Vl nlatal Olive Mure lo the Jlreaei and ''ill Time Victory! Ni:w Yoiik, Ootoiisu 20. 'r.l.i.nw-Cn izr.Ns : It Is a iirlvllfgu niitl duty to addrrrM you on the pvo of the urcnt liattlc wlilt'h wcaroto flfiltt, nnd wit It'll Is lo doclilu wlitithcr tin; pov pniiiii'tit of this acpttbllc to remain four ycurrt nioro in Hit) lmiitln of the Itiulii'itl piirty, or wlutliiT by 1111 pner Et'tlf, tinlltd, nml Inst ullbrt you will wrcit tlm imwcr from Its Krnap, nml Hlvu to us, under a Dc'inncmlieCon-prv-alivc tidinliiKlrntiou, n government bnied upon principles of Just lee, econo my, and I'otfetltutinmil llborty. Tlio Hsuea of tho present campaign nro plain und .'elf-evident. They ap peal to the Intelligence) und partrlotlsm of every voter In tho most unmistaka ble term. They have been ably tils cu-spil by diatliiKuMied orators and' leaders of our party fiiu'o tho nomina tion of our candidates. What tho Democratic parly Intends i to tlo, if placed ill power by your stilf- ingcs, is to restoro ptco nnd union to our country; to heal tho wounds and sufferings caused by tho rebellion ; to I give to tho people of tlio South the , rights to which they tire entitled under ! the Constitution, and by which alonu wo can biingback prosperity and quiet lo lhat distracted section ; to reduce , nmtei'litlly our military and naval cs j tabli-hnients, kept up now on an Im , uiensu scale nnd nt an enormous cost ; to Introduce Into every department of 1 government tho strictest economy, and 1 to develop, by an iqultublo system of imposts nml taxation, the growing re sourct of our country, anil thus to place the Federal llunuces on 11 solid and sta ble footing and to pave the way to a gradual ami safe return to specie pay ments. We are charged by tho Hadlcal party, the paity of violence ami usur pation, which for the last four years, to plotting its own existence, lias sot at nought thu Constitution and the fun damental principles of ourgovernmeut, that we intend revolution ami iletlauce of establish) tl laws. Thu accusation Is unfounded und absurd ; it cannot be en tertained lur a moment by any Intelli gent voter, who has even thu most cu perllclid knowledge of the history of tho country. The Democratic, party .can proudly point toeeiy page of Its re cord. It lias never violated a single ob ligation of the compact by which tli t-M' Culled States entered Into tho family i f riittluns. Its watchword, In peace n In war, has beun and will al wayti be the Union, the Constitution, and the haws. Anil 110 man, nor nny set of men, however high they might be 1 laced by the sulfniges of their lei low rlilr-cu, can ever expect to receive i tho suppoit or this great Conservative party In any revolutionary attempt I aynlnst established laws. Tho ballot-' bjx and the supremo will of tlio Amerl-' c in peoplo nro iho only means of redress to which we look. Fellow democrat I You aru lighting i for a good nml righteous cause. You have for your leader :i tried stutesmsu ; a patriot who stood by tho Union in Its darkest hour; n man equally hvluvcd for the purity of hispiivatochnrnt'tcr as t.s honored for his public virtue,. Opposed to you are tho men who have subverted tho structure of our system of represenlath'o self-govoru-incut, vindicated to the world by more than half. century of prosperity and greatness tho men who have Increased our enormous debt by prolllgticy and corruption unparalleled ; the men who in two succfsslvo Congresses have de monstrated their Incompetency to ill nilnlh our burdens by economy or ap portion them with equity; thu men who have so distributed our burdens that they pre. with excessive weight upon tho labor and Industry ofthueoun try,mukliig rich men richer by making pour men pooler. Opposed to you nro tho men who hayo denied fur three years of peace, and I will continue to deny until your votes arrest them, reir-Rovernment to tho : people often HtntCH ; tho men who I have taken away the power of our Chief Mnclalrule lo liiMiruu faithful ex caution of the Iuwh, or to command tho iiriny nun tnu tiAvyoi tun uniieilHiatos: tho men who did their wortft to expel tho.I'rcslilontromthc White Itou-o for obeyln) faithfully thu behests of your supremo law, tho mun who, being con scions of their crimes, dreaded to linvo tho Stlpieniefourt tit clare their quality and thereforo uhrldtfed Its Jurisdiction and silenced Its volco; the men who have usurped and are irrasplnp; nnd wielding powers not to day by any monarch aninnc civilized na 'tlons. y(nlnst these men mid all their ties. potlc purposes which Oetieral flrnnt wouhlbotts ptiwerlesj to hluiler as ho ! whom they elected four oar.s uro has. I been ; against these men, their crimes In tho past, their fast accomplishing ilf.signs In tho future, yon nro honn to make ono mini and determined on slaught. Kour years ago we rut led to expel them from power though wo predicted then, us wo now predict, their Incom petency to glv to tho people peace ;do during then, as wo now declare, the revolutionary purposes' of their most active leaders, who t ule their parly as they would rule tho country, with a despotic sway. Hut the.o four years linvejtistliled our warning. Our worst predictions then are their enactments now. What wo feared they have dono. The revolution has made steady prog- ! res. Once more we Mil overy p ttrlot to join our ranks. , if tho peoplo will now rise In their majesty itntl might, they can t-ave their i Institutions, and rebuild them. If they aro Miplnuund regardless of thelr.'acred Intertsls, so much lit the last four yens ( has been accomplished, nml so much In 1 tho next four years may easily be ac i cimiilUhed,tiuobst.iule then remaining, j the Involution Will become a tlx Jeil fact, thnstructuroof our government ; will liau1 beiM completely remodeled, lit may be a government ; Mill it will ' no longer be your Iteprescntatlve Sdf. i giiwriiiimiit. Inrtlils dual Mruggln then, rellow nenioi'r.its of tho United Sialic, let us Itivlgorateeverymuscloand uerveovery heart. The time Is short. The foe is stubborn and desperate, for our victory would bo the death blow to trio Repub lican party. It would have been held together by no other nomination. It cannot survivo your successful assault. One victory Is enough. Your triumph In November will Mindly re oMablish the l it Ion and the Coustitutlon for an other generation of men ; it will restore peace atitl good oi'de,r to tho South, prosperity to tho North, and a wleo and frugal rule to both. The grunt prize , Is worthy your most strenuous endeavor, Our ranks aro unbroken ;otir courage ' Is unabated. Once more to the breach, nnd this time. Victory! For the Di'mncratic National Com mittee. Ai'tii's'r lir.i.MONT, Chairman A Dilemma. A voiiNO parson of the I'nlverMilist faith, many yearssltice.when tho Simon pure universallsm was preached, start ed wcstwartl to attend a eon volition of ills brethren In the faith. lie took the precaution to carry a vial of cayenne In Ills pocket, tn sprinkle his food with as a preventive of fever and ague. The convention met; and at dinner a tall (Hoosler observed thu parson as ho sea Mined his meat, and addressed him thus: "Stranger, I'll thank you for a leetle of that ere retl salt, for I'm kind o' cur' ous to to try it." ''Certainly," returned the p.iron ; "hut you will Mud it very powerful; be careful how you 11-0 It." Tho IIooIer took thu proffered vial, tindfiellng himself proof against any quantity of raw whisky, thought he could stnnd tho "red salt" witli impu nity, and accordingly sprinkled a Junk of beef rather bountifully with it, and forthwith Introduced It into his capa cious mouth. It soon began to take hold. He abut his ojes, and his features began to wri the, tlenotluga very Inharmonious con dition physically. Finally he could stnnd it no longer. He opened his mouth and screamed "lire !" "Taken dilnk of cold water from the jug," said tho parson. "Will that put it outV asked the martyr, suiting tlm action to the word. In 11 short time tho unfortunate man begun to recover, and, turning to thu parson, his eyes yet swimming in water exclaimed : "Stranger, you call yourself a 'Ver sallst, I believe?" "I do," mildly answered tha parson. "Wsl, I want to tnow If you think It consistent with your belief to go about with hell-lire in your breechw pock- J elsV l't'iil.ii' Duiit. Inereaso slnco April, IMI.J, JlUn.lXtO.IMIII. IncreaiesinceMay 1, ls(;s,.'n,0OO,O0O, How do you like It tax-payers? So much nioro added to your taxes, So much overy minute. So much oveiy hour, So much overy day. Can you'btantl it V Can the country stand it? Is not, under this Iladlcnl rule, bank ruptcy staring us in thu face? Bankruptcy national, Bankruptcy personal, Universal bankruptcy. No nation whoso expenses exceed its revenues; No nation that taxes labor and ex empts capital; No nation that crushes down the worklngniaii, the source of all wealth, by burthens of taxation which they cannot boar, can long exist. Wo must change tho administration, We must turn thu Iludlcals out of power and put In Democrats, or Wo must all become bankrupt and pauper. Tho Onmestcr's Wife. 1 Tiih rare, bocauso pin tslng ii.vm.iso In I tho domestic history of a gamester l we no not mean mo Having a wifotoogood forhlm which must be tho case with all gamesters wlio-e wives are good fur anything but '.lie agreeable-surprise which slioliatl prepared for him ttgaliist his downfall) Is related by (loltlsmlth in his life of Ileau Nadi. It looks, snys Mr. Leigh Hunt, llkoa passage out of one of Holding's novel. At Tunbridge, In tlio year 1915, Mr, Hodgis made a very brilliant appear unco; ho had been married nbottt two years to a young lady of great beauty and largo fortune; they had one child, a liny, on whom thoy beutowed all that affection which they could spuro from n.icli other. Ho knew nothing or gam. lug, nor seemed to hns'o thu least pas si tin for play; but ho was unacquainted with his own heart; he began by do grtes to bet at tho tablo for trilling sums, ana Ills soul took fire nt tho pros peer oi lmmcutmo gain; ho was soon surrounded by sharpers, who with calmness lay In nmbu9h for his fortune, anil coolly took: advantage of tho pre clpllnncy of his passions. JIis lady perceived the ruin of her fan ily approaching, but, nt, with out neing nblo to form any schemo to prevent it. Sho advised with his broth er, who at that time was possessed of a small fellowship nt Cambridge. It was easily seen that whatever pnlon tool: the lend In herhusbanil's mind, seemed to bo there fixed unalterably ; It was de termined, therefore, to pursue fortune, but previously take measures to pro tho pursuit from being fatal. Accordingly, every night, th' gen tleman was a constant attendant at tho tinzznttl tables ; ho understood neither tho arts of tlio sharpers, nor even tho allowed strokes of n cnnnolscur, yet still ho played. The eonscquenco Is ob vious; ho lost his estate, his equipage. his wlfu's jewels, and every other niov- ablo that could bo parted with except n repeating watch. Ills agony on tlili occasion was very i'nexnresa- ble; ho was even mean enough to ask a gentleman who sat urnrtolend hi in u few pieces, in order to turn hi, forttino but this prudent gamester, who plainly saw thero was no oxpeclatluns qf being repaid, refused to lend n far thing, alleging a former resolution against lending. Hedges was nt last furious with tho coiitlnuunco of Ul-stic-ceo, pulled out his watch, and asked If any person in tho company would set him sixty guineas upon It. The coni ny weru silent ; ho then demanded fif ty ; still no answer; he sunk to forty, thirty, twenty; (hiding tho compiny still without answering, ho cried out, "Hy heavens itshnll never go for lessl" and dashing it against the floor at thu same time attempting to dash out Ills brains' acnlnst tho mnrhlo ehlmnev . plceo. i no iasjt act or tiesperation immedi ately excited the attention of.tho wholo company ; they instantly gathered round, nnd prevented the effects of his passion, and after ho again became cool, ho was permitted to return home, with sullen discontent to his wife. Upon his entering iter apartment, she receiv ed him with her usual tenderness and satisfaction, while lie 'answered her ca resses with contempt and severity, Ids disposition being quite altered with his mNtortunes. "Hut, my dear Jemmy," says his wife,"pcrhaps you don't know tin.' news I have to tell; my mamma's old uncle Is dead, tho messenger Is now In thu house, nnd you know his estate Is settled upon you." This nccotint seemed to Inereaso his agony, and look ing angrily at her, ho cried, "There you are In wrong my dear ; his estate is not settled upon me." "1 beg your pardon, says she, I really thought it was, at least you always told me so," "No," returned he, "as sure as you and I are to bo miserable here, and our chil dren beggars hereafter, I sold the re version of it tills day, and have lost every farthing I got for it at tho hazard table." "What, all V" replied the lady. , "Yes, every farthing," returned he, , "and I owe a thousand pounds more 1 than I have got to pay." Thus speak- j lug. he tool; a few frantic steps across I the room. When the lady ha I enjiiyed 1 hU perplexity "No my dear," cried j rill-, ...ill' ..J', ,u a . I im.-.i,i,i. si.ii ..!... .1 I I..... !... ..1,1.. .....I owe nothing; your brother nnd I have taken e.ire to prevent the effects of your ra-hni'ss, and nro actually tho porsons who have won your fortune; wo em ployed proper persons fur this purpose, who brought their winnings to me. Your money, your equipage, nro now secure In my possession and 1 here ie turn them lo you, from whom they were lately taken. I only ask permis sion to keep niyji wel, from such iUn gens In the future." Ho over after re tained a sense of his former follies, and never plnyeil again, not oven for nmuiie meat. M aiiiiyinii Hi.isiikoi.ii.-TIu! f.dil. ty with which numbers of respectable women art) duped Into matrimony by rascally adventurers Is marvellous. Au agreenblu exterior, a knack of sinsll talk and a little dexterity In the art of flattery, seem tn be nil that Is necessary to procure an unprincipled scoundrel an unlimited number of wives. Tho other day a mun wns arrested fur bigunry In a Western city, at tho suit of Ids sixth spouc, and It was stated that ho had netted by Ills half dozon conuublul spec ulation tho sum of IU',000. Of course, ono reels sorry for the victims; but If women of respectability will wed un known vagabonds after a short aqualnt nneo, peoplo of common senso and com mon prudenceenniiut help mingling a lit tlo contempt with their commiseration. In 11 mutter of such vital Importance to her happiness as marriage, a woman ought at lu ist to exercise ns much Judg ment nnd discretion as in purchasing ft dress pattern ; and yet had a.iy one of thu six wives referred to looked half as closely Into thu antecedents of hur suitor as wo will warrant sho did Into iho quality and stylo of her wedding furbelows, she had beun saved tlio mor tification of hernnomaloiis position und thu loss of her cash, Howuro, yo Im pulsive maidens nnd widows, oflareen lous lovers whoso tender protestations aro prompted not by Cupid but cupidity. llfo on tho OPurnlnu of a Cart!. A ritiKxii narrated to us a day or two since nn nnccdotoof earlv times In West Tennessoe, which wo will nttompt io repeat even nt the risk of lining tho graphic simplicity of his conversation ill narrative! Some eighteen or twenty years since well known resident of Tipton county was put on Ids trial, clurged with the murder oritis wife. As tisttuUii such tuso,popular feeling was largely against mm, ami the eloquence ami Ingenuity of course wero roqtisted to make on Im pression In ids favor upon n Jury which, however impartial It might tlesliotobe In the eonfeioufness of sworn duty. could not but sec the waves of popular prejutllco surging In upon it, Tho caso was ably argued. Tlio conn ael for the defense made most vigorous ami lmpasslonatu appeals. Tho case was submitted to tho jury, and they re tired to mako up their verdict. Tlmo passed, nnd ns tho setting sun warned nil of tho approaching night, tho large throng In attendance, the Judge, conn sol, etc., retired, all anxious, the accus cd not tho least so, lo learn tho verdict of thojury, nnd kohio wondering that thojury hesitated for one moment to bring In a verdict of guilty. In the meantime thojury had como to u point beyond which they could progress no further. Tho nppeals of tho counsel for tho defense hnd not been without their influence, and thojury stood un- cliangable, six for conviction ami six for acquittal. Something hud to be done. In thoso days twelve good fel lows could not bo got togetner for n night and sleep. Cards appeared mys teriously from the depths of sundry largo pockets, anil exercises In seven up and poker wero zealously commenced. ibout midnight, ono of tho number, Colonel P., proposed they should play a game of seven up, nnd tho result to decide tlio verdict. The proposition was heartily and unanimously agreed to, in nil seriousness, and the whole crowd eollecttd nrotind Colonel P. and Ids opponent, who proceeded to play tho game on which was staked a hu man mo. Colonel P. played to snve the accused. The backets, five and tlvo, stood I ehlnd them encouraging tlie ehnmphn, itntl watched the game, dimly scon by tho ught of two tallow enntlles, with the most intense Interest. The gtiitie proceeded with very equal fortune, till both jmrtlesMood ntsixantl six. It was Colonel P.'s ileal ; he denlt nnd turned .lack. Tho prloner wns nc- lultted, and every member In thejury Joined In the "-limit which startled the village, even the revellers in " tlio gro cery." Next morning thejury went Into tlio court, anil gave, to the aston ishment or many, the verdict of "not guilty." The juryman who played an unsuccessful gamo for human Hie still lives, nnd Is a much'res pected citizen of tho district. Ono of tlio coun-el is a very distinguished member of tlio Memphis bar, and the accused has, we believe, gono to n higher eourt ; but neither of them, nor nny of the assem blage, nor tho court, who marveled nt the verdict eighteon years ago, hits ev er known that a human life was saved by turning Jack. Thero are some cu rious episodes in tlio hitory of our ear ly settlement ; but who would think of venturing llfoon turning Jack '.' Presidents. Vice-Presidents. Tun following list of Presidents, Vlce-I'rcsident.s, and eandidatis for the.-i! oftlces slnco tho formation of our government, Is worth preserving: 178!). Oeorgo Washington and John Adams, two terms, no opposition. 17ii". John Adam, opposed by Thomas Jefferson, who, having the next highest electoral vote, became Vice-President. 1801 . Tho-. Jeflerson and Aaron Hurr; beating John Adauis and Charles C Plnckney. lSO'i. Thomas Jell'erron and (Jen. Clin ton; beating Charles ('. Plnckney mid r.ufusKlng. lbiK). James Mudlon and Oio, Clin ton ; beating Charles 0. Plnekuey. 18U1. .In i iks Matllson and Llbtidge Gurry ; beating Do Wilt Clinton. 1817. James Monroe anil Daniel D. Tompkins; beating Unfits King. tSlll. James Monroo and Daniel 1). T ,. , , ,,,,,,,, ,,, n.. 1,1 MI11S. IS'J'i. John Qulney Adam and John C. Calhoun ; beating Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, and Win. II. Crawford, there being four candidates fur Presi dent, and Albert (lallatln for Vice President. 1SLMJ, Andrew .Inckson and John C. Calhoun; beating John (Julncy Adams anil Hlchard Hush 1S.11. Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Ilttren; beating Henry Clay, John Floyd and William Wirt for President, ami Win. Wilkin, John Sergeant unit Henry I no, for Vice-President 13.17. Martin Van Union and Itlch- .'onuson ; neming v. m. ii. Har rison, Hugh L. Whlteaud D.iulel Web ster, fur President, and John Tyler tor Vice-President, ISI1. William II. IliirrlsuuaudJuhu Tyler; beating .Martin Van Huron and Littleton W. Taz.'Wtil. (Harrison died ono month nfier his Inauguration, ami John Tyler became President for tho rest of the term., 181.1. James It. Polk ami Deo. M. j D.illus j beating Henry Clay and Then iloro Frellntrliuvsen 18 1'J. Z.iclury Taylor und Millard Fillmore; beating Levis Cuss and Mar tin Van Huron for President, anil Win. 0. Hutlerntid Chas. F. Adams for Vice President. Tay lor died July U, 18jl), nnd Fillinoro beeuino President. lf:i. Franklin Pierce anil W. H. King; beating Wlnlleld Scott and M. A. lirnham. ls.i7. James Huchauau u.ul John ( llr..l.-l,,el,l,.n, ho ittnc .lnti 1 1 l.'rnmmit and Millard Flllmor? for President, and V,. I,. D.ivtmi und a. .1. iim.ei. son for Vlco-l'ri's'ilent. 18111, Abraham Lincoln nnd Hanni bal Ilainllu ; beating John Hell, Steph en A, Douglas and John ('. HrecUlu rldgo for President, and lMward L'ver ott, Herschell V. Johnson and Joseph i.auo ior vice-rrosHioni. IftU'i. Abruhum Lincoln nml Andrew Johnson; boating flen. (leorgo H M'- finlliiii nml r.',. ii P..11.11..1,.;. n.. Uelluu and (ieo. II 1 enilletoii. ,Lin- coin assassinated April II, IWB, and Johnson lusuiucd thu Presldouey.l The maiden's Pcrib LiKUT.Bitocii, of the,Dutch Kast In dla army, was on a march with a small detachment of troops nml coolies, on tho southern coast of Humeri. Ho hnd encamped, on ono occasion, during tho noon ilay heat, on tho banks of ono of thu small tributaries of tlio Haugnrmas sin. The lieutenant had with him Ids domestic establishment which Included his daughter .1 playful and Interesting little girl of tho age of thirteen, j Ono day, while wandering In tho Jun gle, beyond tho prescribed limits ol the camp, and having, from tho oppressive heat, loosened her gnrmcnts and thrown them oil" allmost to nudity, tho beauty of her person excited the notice of an orangoutang, wdo sprung upon Itornud carried heroir.HerpiercIngscreams rang through tho forest to tho'eiirs of her do zing protectors, and roused every man In the cunp. Tho swift barefooted coo lies wero foremost in tho pursuit ; nnd now the cry rings in tho agonized fath er's ears that his daughter Is devoured hy n blanstang-ngaln, that nu orang 011 tang has carried her off. IIo rushes, half frenzied, with the wholo company to thu thicket whence tlio screams pro ceededand them, nmong tho topmost limbs of tin enormous banynii,tho father beheld his daughter, naked, bleeding nnd struggling In thu grasp of n power ful orang-outang, which hold her tight ly, yot easily, with one arm, while ho prang lightly from limb to limb, as If wholly unencumbered. It was In vain to think of shooting tho monster, so ngilo was he. Tho Dyak coolies, know- Jug that he will always ulumro Into the nearest stream when hard pressed, be gan a system to drive him Into the wa ter. They set up a great shout, throw ing missiles of all kinds and agitating tho underbrush, witllosomo proceed to ascend the tree. By tho redoubled ex ertions of tho wholo company, tho monster was driven toward tho river, yet still holdintr tlirhtlv tn tho Door girl. At Ian tho monster and his victim were seen on nn outstretching limb overhanging tho stream; tho coolies, who ore among the most export swim mers In tho world, immediately lined tlm ImtiKs ; the soldier continued this outcries and throwing of missile, ll elapsed Ids prlzemoru tightly took ".sur vey of tho water, A- of hlsupwnrdgazlng enemies, ami then leaped Into the flood below. Ho had hardly touched the wa ter cro fifty risoltito swimfrier plunged In pursuit. As ho rises, a dozen human arms reached out toward him ; ho Is grnsped ; others lay hold uyon tho in sensible girl ; tho orang-outang used both arms In self-ilefeneo; and, nfter lacerating the bodley of somo of tho cool les with his powerful, nervous claws, finally succeeded In diving beyond tho reach of his pursuers, and In escaping down tint stream, whllo bleeding, In sensible, Lednh was restored to tho arms of her father nntl nurse, in whose hands she was ultlmutely restored to consciousness, health nnd strength once more. Till', Hi:i'.S ANDTHII SOLIllEllS. A writer in tho (Jnlnxy thus describes an Incident which took plneojtut before tho battle of Fishors's IIIll : A vagrant soldier, one of the class of "btnnmer,s" who aro nothing If not continually eating and drinking, had stolen forth from tho reverse, bent upon plunder, nnd particularly upon catublo pluuder. A row of bec-hlvo In a yard near by attracted his attention; nnd, capturing one, lie boro It triumph antly back to tlio reserve. It proved iv perfect Pandora's Hox of 111 to my lit tle command. Justus ho reached us, one of tho bees stung him severely, causing to drop tho hive; when tho whole bWarm rushed out upon u, scat tering thu reserve to tho four torners of tlio lot, and slinging right and loll. Heforo I could get away from tlio In fected iilghborhood, I was stung four times about tho face. All overthoflold, the unhappy soldiers wero rolling and twisting about In tho grass ; the nlr re sounded with their laughter and exple tives; and tho bees settled in a great angry cloud directly abovo the stacked arms, us If to forbid ourresutnlngtheiii. To add to the ridiculous aspect of tlio scene, the outposls, observing tho com motion, took the alarm, facetl toward us, and preparcil to repel a rear attnek. When wo were enabled to gather again about the arm, thero was such an ns emblage of swelled and rueful counten ance as Is not often seen. I.Ml'OllTANJl' Di:i'III)N CoNOHKNI.NfJ important decision was reuderiti in l lie Circuit Court ut Chicago on Friday, to the effect that two person, eoha'.iting us 1111111 und wife, after nn ngieementto marry, and I tllu "mrltul iclatlnns being recognized I 111 me sucieiy 111 wuieu tuuy uiuve, is u I common law marriage, even If no mat 1 rimouial service, according to law, Is ; performed, and is bound to be respect ed ty tho courts, under which tlm wi 1 man cm claim dowur, but eutinot reco 1 ver for services as housokcoper. Th 1 decision Is said to huve created some- thingofii breeze amougthu considerable number ol Chlcagoans who have brevet wives. Wibhim of ladies: First, a husband ; second, a fortune; third, abuby ; fourth, 11 trip to F.uropo; fifth, a butter looking dress than nuyofthelrnelghbors; sixth, to bo well buttered with flattery; sev enth, to have nothing to do In particu lar; eighth, to he handsome, which U sometimes commendable, hIiico to bt ! plain or leas Is a defect; ninth, to bo thought well of, which Is tUso com j mcndable, except it bo from those 1 whoso opinions nro worthless; tenth, t to lllako II hellSUtlole: ehlVelltll, to Ut- 1 tcml, wwWIngss twelfth, to bo always considered under thirty. lr tho taxation Imposed upon tho peoplo of tho United States by Hudicals bltico their advont to power, was placed upon each Individual eifUally, It would amount to t.'ll.i), while In Franco th taxation for tlio naiuo time would amount to und tn Austin to loss than $ 10. Tho nubile debt In this couu- try, If asses,tsl upo n eucli lndllduul, i would u:uounttu7 l.i!o, tho public debt of Vrulm, , ,,w ,uid of yfo to $,o. This Is tho lUdlcul Idea, or r, republl- can form of government.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers