THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. jgnrmrr'? . Ckhtais Cum: rou roi-.NDi:it. Ah noon ips yoiijdl'covor tlint llio horse l foitmlerctl, tnki lilm to tho neiircst ItrniKli or stream of unlcr und tlu litiu In It, Atntutltig In the wntvr nearly up to lils belly liN ln-.iil being o high Hint ho cannot ilrlnl;. If tlio vcitlicr U warm, let lilm Hlunil In the stream several hours) then tiiko lilm out, rub his legs thoroughly to promote, clrcula Hon, and ngnln tlo him In tho water, If ho Is still lrtme. By repeating thli pro ecs two or thrco times, tho liorr-o will bo effectually cured. If tho weather 1 cold when tho horso N foiinilercd, that I. If It U In the winter, the horso mini not bo allowed to Mnnd In tho water moro than about twenty minutes at n time, lie should bo taken out and leu rubbed diligently till they becoino dry and warm and the circulation of the blood made active, and this process mint bo repeated till the horse is cured which will bo generally within twenty four bourn. Tills remedy will cost nothing, can do no possible hnrm, and will, In every Instance, cure, If tho tils- eao has not been of too long standing, Don't bo afratd to try It. llttral WorUl Ducks. I coui.n never understand why farm era do not keep ducks; ai a matter ol profit they aro moro profitable than hens. It may bo that tho lmpi.-nslon that In order to keep ducks a person must navo a pona or stream of wate near by, has deterred many from keep ing them; but thoro Is no need of any thing of tho kind. It is true that It is hotter to have a pond or Mica in, but you can raise ducks just iw well else where. I know of parties that aro verv successful In raising them, that have only a shallow tub set In tho ground and tilled from the pump oceaMonatlv In fact, tho trouble of raising ducks and about tho only one, I letting the young go Into tho water too soon after they are hatched. They should not be allowed to go into tho water for a week or ten days after they leave tho nest When I speak of the profit from ducks, I do not liavo referenco In the common duck that Is seen every day, i mean a urceu oruuclts that will weigh twelve, pounds to tho pair, alive, such as ltoucn and Aylesbury, and both ex ecllcnt layers, easily kept and reared, and being very large and excellent for tho market, mid It costs no more to rear them thau tho common ducks that will only weigh on tho average about eight pounds to tho pair. Tho Itoucn is a very handsome duck In plumage; tho drako lias a glossy green head dowu to u whito ring around his neck, tho lower part of tho body Is a .beautiful mixed gray, the wings are of a beautiful green brown gray and shaded wrth brown on tho back." The duck Is of a beautiful brown, with ev ery other feather shaded on tho outer edge with black. They aro acknowl edged the best of tho varieties, laying very early, and continuing tho season except In moulting season, and lato in winter. Tho Aylesbury Is puro white, bith tho ducks and drake, and about tho samoblzo as the Rouen. Both become very famlllar.and being largonnd heavy, do not caro to roam a3 much as the commou kind. Maine Farmer. Hay llirvcili, The harvest of tho earlier grasses will soon bo on hand. As to tlmo ol cutting clover, wo havo thought, for somo years past, that tho common prac tice delays It too long, and tho con sequence of .such delay Is tho very bad quality of tho nrtlclo; tho black stems, tho burnt loaves and tho Impalpable dust that unfits It especially for horses. Tho common Indication of lltness for tho scytho Is tho turning brown of two thirds of tho bloom. Wo daro to sug gest that a better rule would bo to cut whero tho bloom is well developed, and before it is browned at all. Cut at this stage of progress, and cured quick ly, without such exposure to thu sun as will scorch and crisp tho leave", It will make a winter provender for cows, mi pertor to any other, and for horses, hardly inferior to the bast. Trofcssor Ilorsford determined by ex periment that tho clover cut when tho heads first begin to appear, produces only 0.80 per cent, of sugar ; but when fully developed 1. 15 per cent, of sugar very near fifty per cent, moro than that cut first. " If clover," ho says, " is not cut when sugar is most prevalent, it goes to perfect tho seeds, and tho samo loss of nutriment is tho result. Orchard grass should bo cut when In bloom, it makes very poor hay if al lowed to stand longer. American for mer. Hllllt Win III I'ullatiliiK. The following hints aro from tho Oardcncr's Monthly, nnd aro truo to tho letter: As toon as a plum or cherry knot can bo discerned swelling out, cut It away nnd burn it. When youscoany sign of change In color on tho bark of your pear wees, cut away and burn that also. And when you bcpany black marks on tho leaves of applo trees, livid snots on the grapo foliage, or any chango what- nvur irom thu normal hue, cut away and burn tho wholo thing. Ily this means e!i!til you prevent their seeding and thus only can you uver keep In fiicvu. u trcuurKu which is really, in soino neighborhoods, a mighty obstacle to success. So with Insects : as a soldlor say, they must be attacked dlreetlv in front. Strategy Is of not Hand picking, treo (.baking, and col lecting grubs nnd larva), must bo the cmei reuanco of tho practical man. ire who has not "tirao" to attend to ti.em,, things, will havo to buy his fruit of inoso who nave. It Booms hard-heart-ed topronouncosuchadoom, but we iix-i ii to oo a irutn ; and the uooncr nil ronusto it tho better, if it must bo. Con ef ItalalMkr Corn, SKVr.ltAL neighboring farmers lately iiiev in mnmpaign county, III., to coup paroresultsof thelrf.irmlnir oneratlons. In respect to corn raisins thov mudn nn estlmato based on tho dally wagej of men nnu teams, which seemed to skow that at tho present tlmo corn cannot bo rniscuat less than fifty cents nor bushel. unless over forty bushels to tho aero can bo obtalnedfcwhlch amount was considered a full average Am tlu west ern part of that country. "I HAD rntlier Jiavo newspapein without a government," wild Jeirer.on, "than a government without newspaper." ov the ilouiin otitis. The Vt'nItT of 1,1ft, l.oxci before you or I were born, then reigned, In a country a great way off, u king who had three sous. This king once foil very III, --mi 111 that nobody thought he could live. Ills sons were very much grieved at their father's sicklies; and as they were walking to gether very mournfully In thu garden of the palace, n little old man met them and asked what was tho matter. They told him that their father was very 111 and that they were afraid noth ing could save him. " I know what would," said thu little old man; " It Is tho Water of Life. I f he could havo a draught of It ho would bo well again but It is very hard to get." Then tho eldest son said, "1 will soon find It:' mil ho went to tho sick king, and beg ml that he might go In search of tho Water of I.lfe, as It was tho only thing that could savo lilm. "No," said tho King, " I had rather die than place you In such great dauger ns you must meet with in yourjourney." But ho begged so hard that tho king let lilm go;and the prince thought to himself, "If bring my father tills water, ho will mnko mo solo iieir to ids kingdom." Then lie set out: and when ho had gono on his way somo tlmo ho camo to a deep valley, overhung witli rocks and woods; and as ho looked nrouud, ho saw standing abovo lilm on one of tho rocks n llttlo ugly dwarf, with a sugar- loaf cap anil a scarlet cloak ; and tho dwarf called to lilm nnd said. "I'rlnco whither so fast'.'" "What Is that to thee, you ugly imp?" said tho prlnco haughtily and roduon. But tho dwarf was enragod nt his be havior, and laid a fairy spell of Ill-luck upon lilm; so that as ho rode on, tho mountain pass become narrower and narrower, and at last tho way was so straightened that ho could not go a step forward : nnd when ho thought to havo turned his liorso around and go back tho way ho came, ho heard a loud laugh ringing round him, nnd found that tho path was closed behind him, so that ho was "hut In all round. Ho next tried to get olfhls horso and mako his way on foot, but again tho laugh rang In his aw, ami ho found himself unablo to movoa step, and thus he was forced to abide spoil-bound. Meantime tho old king was lingering on in daily hopo of his son's return. till nt last thoseeond son said, "Father l wlll.go In search of the Water of I.lfe." For ho thought to himself. "Mv broth. : is surely dead, and tho kingdom will fall to me If I find tho water." The king was at first very unwilling to lethinigo, but at last yielded to his wish. Ho ho set out and followed the same road which his brother had done; and met with tliosamo littlo elf, who stopped lilm nt tho samo spot in tho mountains, saying, as before, "Prince, prlnco, whither so fast V" ".Mind your own affairs, busy-body!" said tho prlnco cornfully, and rodo on. But tho dwarf put tho samo spell upon lilm as ho had put on his elder brother; .mil lie, too, was nt last obliged to tako p his abode In tho heart of tho moun tains. Tims it 13 with proud silly neo- lo, who thiulc themselves above every ono olso, and uro too prou d to oak or talso advice. Who n tho second prioco had thus been gone a long time, tho youngest son said lio would go aud search for the Water of Life, and trusted ho should soon bo able to mako his fathor well again. So ho set out and the dwarf met lilm too at the samo spot in tho vailoy, -irnoug the mountains, and said. "Prince, whither so fast?" And tho prlnco said, "I am going In search of tho Water of Life; because my father is ill, and likctodio: can you help inc? Pray bo kind, and nld mo if you can!" "Do you know whero it is to bo found?" asked tho dwarf. "No," said tho prlnco, "I do not. Pray tell mo If you know." "Then as you havo spoken to mo kindly, and aro wLso enough to seek for advice, I will tell you howand whero to go. Tho wttfor you seek springs from a well In an enchanted castlo : and that you may bo ablo to reach it In safe ty, I will give you an iron wand and two littlo loaves of bread ; striko tho Iron door of tho castlo thrco times with tho wand, and It will open ; two hun gry lions will bo lying down insido gasping for their prey, butifyou throw them tho bread they will let you pass ; then hasten on to tho well, nnd tako somo of tho Water of Life before tho clock strikes twelve ; for if you tarry longer mo Uoor will shut unon vou for ever." Then tho priuco thanked his littlo friend witli tho scarlet cloak for his friendly aid ; nnd took tiio wand nnd llio bread, and went travelling on nnd on, oversea and over Ian, till ho camu to hisjourney's end, and found every thing to bo as tho dwarf had told lilm. Tho door flow open at tho third stroke of tho wand, and when the Hons were quieted lie went on through tho castlo and camo ut length to a beautiful hall. Around it ha saw icveral knights sit ting In a franco; thou ho pulled off their rings and put them on his own fingers. In another room ho saw on a table a sword and a loaf or bread, which ho also took. Further on ho camo to a room where a beautiful young lady sat upon n couch; anil alio wolcomod lilm ioyfully, nnd mill, If ho would set her frco from tho spell that bound her, tho kingdom should bo his, if ho would como back In a year nnd marry her. Then sho told lilm that the well that held tho Water of LIfo was lu tho pal ace gardens; aud bado him mako haste, and draw what ho wanted beforo the clock struck twelve. Ho went on; and ai ho walked through beautiful gardons, ho camo to ft delightful shady spot In which stood couch ; and ho thought to himself, as ho felt tired, that ho would rest lilm- self for nwhllo, and gazo on tho lovely ccenes mound lilm. Bo ho laid himself down, and sleep fell upon him unawares, so tnat ho did not wake up till tho clock was striking a quarter to twelve. Then no sprang from tho couch dreadfully frlgli toned, ran to tho well, filled a cup that was standing dy him full of water anil hastened togct away In tlmo. Jut as iio was going out of the Iron door It struck twelve, and tho door fell so quickly upon lilm tiiat It snaptoff n piecuor his heel. When ho found himself eafe, he was overjoyed to think that bo luul got tlio v titer or mo j nnd aa bo was going on hie way hoiiittwnrds, he pasted by tho littlo dwarf, who, when ho saw tho sword and tho loaf, said, " You liiwo made n nobio prize: with the sword you enn at a plow slay wholo nrmle.s. and the bread will novcr fall you." IrnxTixriii.) DRUGS & MEDICINES. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, AND Hoodand's German Tonlo. Prepared by r. c. 11. Jackson, VllLiMLtUU, Pi. Ae (Treat Xentedltt rOBALl DIIBiaBS Of til, STOMACH, or DIGESTIVE ORGAN!. Hoofland's Gorman Bitten In compounded of lha part Jalecs, (or at tfc.y art m.iHclu(iI!y terra -. ed. tMtatUs of Kools, llcrlia aa,lUrka,uk Ira a preparation, ! hlahly toocen trite, iii,1 entire -MU OMt lyruron M cv Wic rtilsul.rl iff any linil. Hoofland's German Tonio, Is a eofnlit nation of a'l the Ingredient of th Jltfur, ltlt tha imreil aiulity of Santa Out i'im, brt tun, vrmnea, eie mauog on Ol Ina ROM plennant tnd agrcl)lo rtmediei cr ottered to lh THltiilfl. Thow rrrerrinB ft Mcdlcliw fr from A1 Mtc JiTiittur, til uu Hoofland's German Bitters. In enift of Cfrvoni dpprculoo. wlien iina tlcohollo lUmalui U Eceeswy, Hoofland's Gorman Tonlo afcoutf tt tteO. Tlit Dlttera or tilt Tenia art totli aqtallv Kno,, and contain tlit a&ma madlotnal Tlrtara. Tht atomacb, from Tarlttv of canaaa. anch aa InJIinUon, Da tpala, Nervoua UtUUtjr, tte, la jT Tart apt to ban lu fanctloni dt (KJH nnaL Tht re tail of ldrn la, ma tliaT lha palltnl mffere front ifTtral or mora of tht following !!auuea: CopstlBttlon. tfatulanc. Inward Pllta Fulneaa of Blood to toe Head, Aclditr of Um Stomach, Hatuaa, llnrtbaxn, Dlaaruat for Food, Pulntna or Welirht In tht Stomach. Sour Eruc tltlont. Hinting ox Flut lerinir at tha Pit of tha Stomach. Bwimmlnfcr of tho Head, Hurried or DlHloult Breath int. Fluttering at tha Heart, Choklnz or BulTooatlnv kmatl:ne when In a Lying Poeture, Dlmnota of Vlelon, Dota orwaba beforo tha Sight, DuU Pain- in tho Head, OeflclxnoT of Feraplratlon, Yellow ncaa of the Skin and Kyet, Cheat, . Llm Jrk ba, ate., ttud. tlen Fluehea of Heat. Burn inn; in tno Oreat Depreeaion of Spirits. ,1111 ttmedlea will effectual! tart Llm .umpuurt. Jaundice, Djrapepale, Ohronla or Ntrvoua Dtblilty, Chronlo rlanhaa, IllaeaM of tin Ktdacya, and ell Dlatuea arMna from a rtaordcrd Liver, titomach, or IuUaurjea. DED1LITY, RisFiriiro vaoai aar Ojiraa VBiriraa: PH08THAT10N OP THE SYSTEM. liovctD av Haraaa Labob, UiEoeair?, Sxroioaa, Varita, aro. Thtrt It to mtdlclct aslant tout u. then itutdltaln aoch emApa. A ..i .... . gartad to tht whole BjUem, the Appetite la Strengthened, food yjjj. U enjoned, tht etomachdliteta W?el KteraDttV.Uie ttood la porUkd, JVal ua tompltzloji tiecomea Bound and eaaaal htalUlj, the yal Im glfeo to the chceaataod the weak and atrroot lovallj bteomea a atroog and healthy being. feraotu Advanced in Li, And feeling lha hand of Uma welthtna heaTlre opou theni, with all lit attendant uV erlB find In Ultima of thle MTTl!IB,or lha TONJC, aa ellilr that wlU Inatll new Ufa Into their feint, reatort to a rmaauro tht tnergy and ardor of port joulhful daj-e, tmlld up tlielr ahnlnien forme, and giro health aod happluaaa te their reioalolrg )ean noncB. Il ia a wellaUUIthed fact that fully OLf ha'r or the female por . Uon of our popu- laUon are eeUum TJ" In tha enjoynwal olgoal tnuthior, to uee lliirf owr tipmelon.'-nttar liiil-TBal f well." Ter are langu! 1, detold of all energy, ailnmely t,; vie, and hate no appetite. ."2 i!.0' of Pwaona the nriTKUS, or II e. roIO, U eepculally recqnuneuted. WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Art made alrong lie tht ue of either of three, oTJu. 1!1T vS" "t ler? ol MA 11AHMU3, nluiouttill. Thouianda of certuleatet hart accumulated 'i the luutda of the proprietor, but apace will allow of the publlcallon ol but a few. Thoee, It wilt be olecrred,aia men of note and ol luch ataid Log tlut tliey miul bt belle, rd. TESTIMONIALS. Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, CMJutlt4 on i.rrim, tVurl . J"o., wrltte. mi.j.r.... k, l .,1 e.j ,,,... '"" ."'S? '"I Liud'a OenriArt tonic, na.ful In, mttera'Uacond dlacaaof Oiedl andof grt ben .laab (J&U ix , m ', ,,5 oimy, ana want of nervous action In tha arelem. I oure truly, "UCit. IV. WOOMVARli." Hon. Jamoi Thompsoo, Jmlf) o IU .tufrmi Cmrt 0 r.n.ijI.Hiul). ., ,, JflaWr.Ue, April SI.IVA M con! Jet UoollAuda Uirmen llition,' a, uJnnile eieiiicfiM In caao of alUrke of ln.utfie tloo or UjepepJa. 1 cun Mrtllr tlila lioiu my eipcileuee of ft -" Youn, alth reepirt, "JAilKH THOMPSON." Trom Rev. Joseph II. KcsnanV, D.D. P&ntja.t Tinlh rijOII Cliurth, riihJ'li'.LiJ. Pr. ncVron-ncir Pir: I h,t been f'cifi cml-. requeued to connect my nume Kill) rn oilmen datlune of dlllercnt klula of meOkline, bul. re gardlng ll.t prao II o. ,,u ut ,u, appronrtatt .plicre, I lui. , all declined l II & I but l V. a etv proof In varloue Ut S9 h,uuii.r .,,,'ptr. Urularlyln my own family, ol the aa of Dr. Ilooflaod'a Herman Uiltcre, I dej an tir onet frora rny uiual couree, toiii.rtM no full-Hit Uon that, fur gtturixl iltl iify c ti li(f t, ana 414tltly Jtir llvtr CmnjUiut. it U ,11 uml altiofci prumrauon. lu witan , It may f,U : but usually, I doubt not, It will be tir) I oiMkltl to thoee who Buffer from llio atrfi-t i-a-jk. t'ours, rtry rctntlnl'i, J. II. kk.n.n'aiiii, Eighth, biauie (Joatts h't From Iter. E. D. Fend&ll, JjliKant JUfiler CArnIiai, CKremcli, J'AileiU f.,4. I hart derlted dcd.led berm from the uee ol! iioonand a Herman iiiikre, end feel It niy onvt lege to receiuiaclel them aa a moat taliubla lonk to all whoaieauir.rlng from genoml dkblllli o, groin dlMWee arl.lng from derangement of thai llrtr. a oure truly, E. 1. rKNJlALU CAUTION; Hoofland'e Oermao ntmtUta are toenttrfMV. tAS."JA!f! "' filta-liiT algneturtofO.II. JAOKelONlaon 1 '"eiatA the wranner nf each botll.. All j .J lliT'L. Principal Offlea and Uanufactory tUtLt Ote, ad"pUla7 t'u",iii04'31 AKOirdtreet, I'ldl 0HA11IJ!3 JL EVAJTS. Uerman XlrugglaL lrour,ew3r, . i. v. n r'm"r O. K. J.oiloa Co . For tale ty all Drugglsta end llealeialnaltdl.. PRICES. IlooBaad'e Oeraan Blttera, per nottl lt "utu04 ' 0wm Tuale, put uptoijuArt at tr botUt, or t hall down for!! 1 W 1 I tT Do not forget tj tiArolne well the anlllt tot buy, U erdar to g.l Ut gunjnt. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, ,1MI. DRY GOODS lyTIIsLKlt'S STOItE. FIIESH AnuiVAt, OF FALL AND WINTER 0001VI. Tlio eubtcrlber haa Jntt retarned from the i lllwt with auothor lnrxu ithd tele ct aaortmenl nl BrUINO AND fitlMMKll 0001W. purchased In Now York nnd Philadelphia itl the lowtHt flguro, atid which ho la determined tit unit on as tnodernto terms ns can be procured t-lae. where In nioonulmrg. Ills Block comprlaes LAUIDS' DIIEHS HOODS of the choicest alylea nnd latest fashions, together with a large assortment of Pry Goods and Gro ceries, conslsllns of the following articles! Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths. Casslmcres, Shawls, Flannelt, Bilks, While Ooods, Linens, Hoop Hklrta, Muslins, lIollowWHre t'edarware Queenswnro, JIardwnrt noots nnd Bhoes, Hats nnd Caps, Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng.Glasses, Tobacco, CoflVe, Sugars, Teas, Ulce, ' Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN KALLY. In short. CTeo'tltlng usually kept in country stores, to which ne Invites the attention of the public generally, Tlio highest prlco will be paid for country produce In ezchango for goods. H. II, MII.LKIl 4H0.V, Arcmle Buildings, nioomsburg, Fa, rillEAT REDUCTION IN PIUCE8 VJI AT l'llTER KNT'H htohe, in light bTnr.i:T, or srnixa and sumsieii goods. T1IK subscriber hns Just received and has on hand at his old stand In Light Street, a largo and select ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE purchased nt the lowest figure, nnd which he determined to sell on ns moderate terms as Im procured eLsewhero In Light Street, mil cash oil couxTJir ntoDvch. Ills stock consists of liADIES' DRESS GOODS, ' choicest styles and latest fashions. Calicoes, Mtnltns, Glnghntne, Flannels, Hosiery, Carpels, Kilfes, Shaw Is, READY MADE CLOTHING, fallnetts, CassllncrA, Cottonudt-N, Kentucky Jeans. AC, AO 4C GROCERIES, MACKERal,, tiueeusware, Ccdnrware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Ilihite, Ac, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS A CAPS. In short everything usually kept In n country store. The patronage of his old friend and tho public generally, Is respectfully solleltcd. Tho highest market prlco paid for country pp ilucc. rCTKIl KNT. Light Stretl, Nov. 8 lSo7. J J. B R O W E R, is now onering to tlio public his Stock or SPRING OOODS consUtlng In part of a full lino of INGRAIN, WOOL AND RAG CARPETS, Fine clotlis tuid catsimerc for Ladles' outs, HANDSOME DllEhS GOODS, of all patterns nnd qualities, Inlalds and I'rlnU of various e,ualltles and prices, BLEACHED A'D BROWN MUSLINS, LA DIE'S FRENCH CORSETS, BALMORAL SKIRTS. Good assortment of ladies' cniLDitsysoAiTiutas. BOOTH. Fresh Groceries nnd Spleen. New assortment GLASS AND QUEENS-WARE, FX NO. 1 MACKEREL lu one-half nnd enfoiuth bantU, Now Lb tho time to make your atlecUont, &a X rio offering goods At Tery low prices, and crnr motto la fair dealing to all, nnd not to be under sold by any. J. J. unoWER. moo run burg, April 13, 1867. EW YORK 1'IANO FORTE COMPANY. tt-DasTKitro MAncllltei.) Manufacturcra f GRAND AND SQUARE AGRAFFE PIANO-FORTES. No. S40 and 312 Second Avenue. (coknek or SOth btbilt,) KIW T0BK Send fordesfrlptlvo Cntaloguo nnd 1'rlee List. April 2I,'0S im. T liOKiaon's Crown Crinolines Aro Charming for Lightness. 'homson's Crown Crinolines Aro Superior for Elasticity, T homson's Crown Crinolines Are unequalled for Durability, Tbomsou's Crown Crinolines In n word, aro the best In tho world, and moro widely known than any other. At wholesale by THOMSON, LANGDON 40o., April JI.'M-Srii. 301 llroadway New York. al.4KTM.AN, C, If, DILLINURR, E. It. KATAtAN RTMAN, DILL1NGER A Cf)., KO. 2M JiOltTH THinO BTIIETT, (.Vearj oppottte Jamei, Kent. Sunttt ti fb.) Wholesale Dealers In YARNS, 11ATTINO, WADDING, CARPETS OIL CLOTHS, HUADra, rLT AETV, GRAIN HAGS, CORDAGE, AC. AI-SO, WILLOW AND WOODEN WARE, riKlSIfU, TKUNKS, LOOClrTO ULABSEA, ETC'. May 10, IW-ly, JOWE, KUSTON & CO., Manufacture -t and Wholesale Dealer . li COTTON YARNS, CARPET CHAIN, HA1T8, WICKS, TIE YARNS, C01UI 1.K DKOOMS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARh LOOK'U. BLAfcSES, CLOCKS, FANCY IIASKLTh TABLE, FLOOR, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, de., No. UO Market Street, aouth aide, Itilladelphla, T) 0 0 fin a. t. HOOKJNU costlns much lew, -ni more durable UOOFINOthatcau'be applied by any ardlimo A?(riA-iinn " " nOOFJKO that wilt not t?ipnd or contract by KOOFINO that U adapted to utif per flt roofn. Hend ItKADV l.OOT INCi CO., 81 Maiden Laue, New York, May JS.'tiS-Sm, GALK8 COPVEIt BTIilP FEKD CUTTLH fur hand or hone-poirtr, acknowledged the ltst-ri-t. etuleit. and In every wiy ben la me. For fcale by J. it. DECATUR A CO., Deal en la Ag ricultural Inipltwitiiu, tic., fteud lor Jlluttrattd Circular, May, lVW-8m. JOHN 0. YEAQEB A CO., Wnolueale Dealers Id HATW, CAV8, HTRAW OOODfl, AND ia.i)iErt- sunn, No. 357 North Tlilrd Htrett, PkUadelpbla. CJTUAIi LIFE INSURANCE 00., OF NEW YOU. Uktm JLfcttj Feb. 1. im M L,319,319 63 I ftootoefor )ri47 M , ijO LtvUeutl paid loUcy holders iu M7, SWTllia tm .art Uutaal Company la tb woild. Illortiou of lUt. v. FJIEEZE, At, RAIL ROADS. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL' WAY. On and after Mny IDtli 1S(W, Trains will leave NonTlll-MlisnLANn ns tullows t NOHTlIWAltH. IS A. M., Daily to WllllamsKirt.(exeeil snivtnyj forKliulra, CanutidsUnn, Rochester, Uuir.uo, HuiHtnslt4ii llrtdi;e, ami N. I alls. iWi r. m., Daily, (exceiit Hinulnys) for Klnnra nnu lluilalo via l.rle Itatlviny from Clnilr:,, '1.18 P.M., Dally, ll-xcel,tHundiiH for pi"'' trains Miurnw.Atin. 11.18 A. Mi Dully (cscept Monday's) for llalllmore, WIIiMINOTON AND I'lIlLADHI.I'illA. II. VI A. Ai Dail.v(exrpl."undnv's)f,)r llalllmorp, t iishlngtou aud Philadelphia. I:i). H. YOfNO, General ras-engor AkciiI. LACKAWANNA AND 11L00MS 1IUHO RAILROAD, on and after May lllli, ISO1, l'asscngcr Trains will run ns follows I Going South. Going Nurtn. Lcavu Iave Atrlvo Atrlto n ni. p. in. a. m, p. m, Scrsuton CM 3.30 11, lu IM? Lenve rutston uon 4o? iwb 9.1" Kingston o.:s 1. 1.', 10.W 8.10 I'lyniouth 6.12 4M .2' ihickshlnuy 7.2J ti.ul 7.18 llerwick 7..V O.I., S.R) 0.5s llloom KM BM 7,19 0.10 Itupert M0 7.01 7.30 O.til Danville I'.H 7.1i 7.0J 5,'H Arrive Arrive Leavo Leave North'd : (l.i) The 11,10 Train at Hcranlon makes eonneeilons Willi Kxpress Train for New York nt 3 o'clock p. in,, arriving In New York D.Oo p. in. II, A, l-ONDA.Snp'l. 18C7. "PHILADELPHIA HG7. AND ERIE JL 1 A I JjHU A I). WiNTEIl TIME TATlLi:. TlinOCOlI AND DIRECT ItOCTE llETW'nE.V J I1II.A- PKI.rillA, BALTIMOItE, HAltltlHll flin, WII. LlAMiroHT, ANI TUB a it hat oil ni:aioN of pennsyia'ama. ELEGANT SLEKriNft OAltti On nil Night Tuilus. On ami utter Moniiat, May 11th 1MW. tho Traiim on the 1'hlladclphia d l.rle lttiil Itoud will ruu oi ioiiuwb; WIWTWAItn. MAILTItAI.lcacs l'hllndclphlii , ,.ll.l"ip.M. " " " Ni)rtliuiubeiiand...H.lin.m ' " arr.t Erie N..7'i.m. Kort'd ....(i.rid " nrr. nt 1r1 KLMIRA MAIL letucN HilhxMphiu n.w n.m, t.i p. in 4(nii ii , " " nrr. nt Luck Hum u UASTWAltD. MAIL TRAIN lonvrs llrlp i ....11.00 n.ra, North'il Uii) H.1I1 " " nrr. nt VJitlmJcli'lilJi 7.h n. in, HltlK i:XPltnS lenvts Uric... .T.l't p.m. " " " NorUt " arr.ntl'hllnilrtphm 1.00 p.m. KLMIKA MAIL leaves aU lfuiu .7.!0n.m. ivortim " ' arr. nt rhlliutclphln 0.10 p.m. Mull iiut Exprcfts connect with nil trains on WAHltENA FIIANKUN ltAILWAY. llimM-n- Kcrs leaving rhllndclphla al IZ.W M, nrrlto nt Ir vine ton nt nnd OH fitv nt Lcuvlnir rhlhulelphlantb.W) r. eM.nrrUt' Oil at vny ui i. to p. in. All trnln on W'nrrcn A rmiililln nullum tn.iko cliw connccttnn iit Oil city with tniliin fr I riinkiinniutlMrolcuui Centre. inkf.itjtcliiMui( iiirougn. A. L., ndcn . Vlllluiu"pirt. GenernlSapSrlntcti JEADING KAILHOAO. HUMMHlt AnitANGKMPNT, M.-v anth ImJ.. Oreat Trnnlc I.lno fnm ihcNcit'i nnd orlh West for 1'htliLilclphla.New oik, lt ita.', I'oiis vtll,Tiimi,iiiia, ArJihitiJ,, AlM-nt.).wi, KnMon, Lphratn,.LHl2, Luncu'tiT, C ..uiuI1ji,ac., '1 ruins U-iivG IfarrifinirK fur Now urli, .ih -iii-Iowa: At 2,y 6,-jnnd ,lu u. in., I.'.lii noon nnd '2.uo & 0,Hop.m.,conntcUiiK with Miuilni imlimoti ino r. itaiiTO'vi, iinu nrnving m .mv inru m 6.W), W,W A 11.W n.m., A- jU 7,1(1 : l'VI'lp.ltl. Hlecptng curs ncconipnuyhiK the n.m. ami PAI p in. trains wilhuut chniiko. Luttve Hatribburglor lluutliiK, I'ottsvilU. Ta Wrtqua, Mli.cihVllJt', AshlaMil, I'lnu (.ru , Allen town nnd 1'hilndelpliln ut K.ld, mid nud 1,10 p.m., shipping nt ,.hin'i nnd prMiclpnl witv fin t tuns; the 4,lup.m. m.iklnt; I'onm'fthHiH it,r I'lillade'pUla nd luinhlnimlv. l'"V l.t llio Schuylkill llnven nnd Auhuin, . M-I.iiylkill nndbU'jquehKnnu Itallin-id, h ' o Him "MnirK t 3ri p.m. licturnlng! Leave New Ymk nt a.m. nnd li-VWin ,nnd S.oound p.m. .Stfi citrHaecuiiipHiiyliij iJic I ui. .uui.i.n un K P. m., trulnx ulrh'Hil ihnngt. Yu 1 1. vt.$ Iruin Ic'iivcs t hlludelphlnui 7.titn.m , ii'turnint; from Itt-adingut o.tiip.m htopplm; nt nil -tatl n; i'otuvlllo athM.'n. in., ml if.i j AshiMid ii,n,i u.miindl.lDiHHin.niiil ,00 p.m., Tiuiuquu ut 8,:i0 a. m.and l.mfitnd t,i' v, u. Lavo Voitrtvlllo lor lluii'K.junr, via schuvlklll and Hubquclmtiim, Hallroad nt 7,10 n.m, and LVa) noon. Heading Aorommoilatlon Tmln Irnvcs Ucndhm nt 7,:W a.m., returning rrom rhiladclphU ut .Vj p.m. i"ottftnwn Accommodation Traln:lracsrotts town at (1,43 a.m.,, returning, leaven l'hll.iddphln At 4,.0 p.m. Columbia Railroad Trains: Icno IlcadliiB nt 7,00 a.m., and (M5 p.m. for Euhrutn, Lltlz. lmc-as or, Columbia, A.c, 1'erklomen llail ItoadTralnnKnvo Vcrklomen Junction nt 9,00 a.m., und 0.55 j. m. Heturnlng: Leavo Hklnpnck iu 0.45 a.m,, and 1,11 p.m., ton tieetliiK with fclmJiar trnltiH on lt-ndlnu JUlIroad On Huudiu's. Jonvo Kfiw Yoilr ut mini I'hll. adejphlas.od n.m. nndf.J5p.jn., then uuii.iu, ir.itn runnlUK onWfto Itondlng; l't)ttKllln b.ou a.m.; Heading at 1.10 nnd li.&'i and 7,1ft n.m. for Harris- 1 bur, and 7,00 am,, nnd 11,10 p.m. lor New York, and i;X p.m. fur l'iilladelphla. Commutation. Mllenuc. HinKon. Hehool nnd Hx cur&ion tickets to and Irom all point-, nt reduced ; rated. UaiiBKC cheek cd through ; 100 pound allowed to each pastiengyr. General ISupeilnlendent. Heading, Ta., May iiO, ls. rjiIIE HE.ST IS THE CHEAPEST 'JHESINOm MAVJNO MAtTllNi: IIKAP3 1UC I.11T, And lends the column 4,01'S nliead of nil otUei. 'Jhli JVDchluels tho MOST rOPL'LAU IN UaK. It uses tho flncbt needle of any Machine lu ex istence, Any liuly wanting a good HE W INO Jl AC II I N 12, M'lll eonsult her own InteiiM ly hmliiK n IMN(1KK. It tnslcr lo um. It tun ui.d kiip In ordir than any Miuhlne In ilu umlii, ovi:n oftiilm in usi:, Tho fullest InRtruetton Riven thno who pur chaise, and tho Machine will m; w.u'tArKn to on for one ear, I'leuse mil nt tnv Htori' luul mttl yonui 1 e. Hero you will find Need It-, 'lhund nnd Milk, DAVJD LOW1.NH Aftent April 3,-tI. Ulnm.fbtir. I .i. M 11 I A nous E, II n It N A 11 D B T O II N U It . Havi( lately pnrehtiRed and ntted up tho well-known Hnblson Hotel Property, located n TEW IXHiIW AliOVE THE lOUItT UOl'SK, onthommo Bldo nf tho fitreet. In thu town of l)I(-omhbnrgi and havtug ohtulucdn llctu-o for (he name h ii It E S T A U U A NT, the I'ronrletor luis determined togUo in iho co pi vUltlnn the town on htihlneHH or pkuhurc, A LITTLK MOMK ItOOM. itln HtabllnK u1m U extensi(.t and u fitted up ut put hungleHtind earrhiKCM iu the dry. He nrom iettthut over t liliu uUmt hit eHtahlUhmt-nt idinll be conducted In tin orderl and 'uwiul nniiiiif r; Hud ho respectfully solicit u thurf or tint puhllo 1 vtrooage, Imyl7'j7-fim. J P. 1JEAIU), with (1 LIPriNCOTT, BOND A CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In HATfl, CJJU rUIW, AND BTKAW GOODH, No. llSMarkotBtrect, Philadelphia. gNYDEU, HAUHIS IJABSETr, Manufnctureri and Jobbcru of MEN'S AND JIOY'H CLOTUINO, Noa. 535 Market, and 2 Commerce Jtre-t, 4 iniwu-yiy Q W. IILAHON i CO., Maiuifacturersor OILCIiOTIIH AND WINDOW P1IABW, Waj-ehonse, No. in NortU TlilrU Blroel riillsHltlphln, J II. WAIiTEK, Ijile Waller d Kauli, Importer and Dealer lu CHINA, OLAW), AND QUJCCNSWAIIE, No. m North Tlilrd Btreet, between Race aod.Vlne I'Ullaaelpbla. t'.U.U0KNE. Vi Si KIHdi ' J, a, samaitT JOHN STROUP 4 CO., Bncctesora to BUronp A Ilrollier, WU0LE8ALB DllMJUW IN TIBII, No. M North Wliarvea, and a North Water St., riilladelphla. GROCERIES, &o.( 0 1 O X 1M0 0 T I O N E II Y . rh im h .Ricrtinil uu.. rr?w etfullr announce 10 ilip putIU Ihiil hi his upt-util ii I'lasT-CLASM (.'ONI'KCTIONHIiy STOKE, In Uu'lnilldlnii lately wcnplnt by llernanl 8toh tier, u-lio v hi'ls prt parril In all kinds or PLAIN A RANl'V CANIIIIH, FHIIMill I'ANDIIN, KOIll:lliV,v HlMIXTtrrMIITH, Nll,, Al'.,4C, AC. nr w i n i. ts, i. c on iikiail. tn short, ii lull iissiirtuu nt nf nil aofKls In his Hue of IpuhIiuss, A urtut ui.dly ol UU Is Lk, TUVH, Ac, Miltnhlr for llm Holl'liij s. l'urtlcnlar attention Klvm to Bin: A I) AND C.UtlJS, of all kinds, frrsh eery day, 0 11 U I H T M A H CANDIES, 01I1BTMAB TOYB. A call Is solicited, nnd satisfaction will be Kunruutecd. Nov. a, 1807. IXKHAItT JACOflS. J E M O V A L OP C. C. M All Il'S NEW S T O 11 E TO UltlVK'S 11 LOCK, ONTllRCORXEn OP MARKET AND IKON ST a SETS, The undersigned Imvlng received from the elty a full And complclo supply of BI'UINO AND BUMMER DHY GOODS AXD OHOCERIE8, NOTIONS, TIN-WAllE AND IIAKD-WAIIE, CEDAll AXD W1LI.OW-WAKK, COM'ncTION'KKY, (lI.ASS.WAltK, TO 11 A 0 CO, 11 A T S A aV J) S II O H S, FI.OUII, HALT, 1'IMH, AND MEAT, all of which I propose hclll'int a ery low figure for cash or produce, S- IVill ninl see. April lli, 1C07. (.'. C. MAUR. n.'ANU OI'KNINO V.T (IRANI) OI'UNINO (IHANI) OIMININO (IRANI) OI'KNINO (IRANI) OI'KNINO rAI.Ts AND WINTI'.Il (ioOI)H. I'AIili AND M'INTKR OOOUS TAI.I, AND WINTKII (100IW I'AI.I. AND WINTK1I OOODS I'AI.I, AND WINTKU COODH; consNllnir ol eonsl'.tlntr of colisMlne or ntislsttnu nf onslstlri'. or nitv lmv DRY DRY DRY oooiw, finnjiq O'lOlm, Gonn OOOIN, ttati wr riiN, II TM AND I'AI-S, It NTS AND r,.-i, HATS AS-l O.UW, HATS A NO CAPS, Iinnm A Nil Hirnjru ROill'H AND Mlorn HOllTH AND HllllIX li'iOT AND sIKiKS IIOOTH AND rJ110l:s, RHADY-MADR CLOTHINO. RKADV V 'l,nnilN(l IIKADY- .ii'" I IIINd, RK.ln-! Mill CI.OI I1INO, U H A U Y-.M A DM CI .1 1 III I "i I J I,'lili;iNH-flI.)sr I.iiKIN(1-IL.Ssi:u MMlKINd-'ILAsHirs! !.'nIvlNH-(JI..S.H!.'M I.'" 'KINli-UI. ll',s Nil TP )Ns, NOTIONS, NliriONS, NOl IONS, NOTIONS, I'AINTS AND OILS, FAINTS AND OILS, FAINTS AND OILS FA1.M-S AND OILS FAINTS AND OILS, OROCKRIES, (lltOt.'LRlKS, OKOUKRIIM, (uiouniiiFH, OROCLltlLS, hifknswarr, iii'i:i;ns'ahi:, VI'KllNSWAIli:, tlllllKNSM'Alli:, . liUKLNMWARE, IIAIIDWAUE, llAllDWAlli:, uaiidwari:, iiardwarl:, haudwarl, TINWARE, TINWARE, '1 INWARD, TINWAIJ TINWAira; HALT, SALT, SALT HALT, HALT, I'lslI, 1'IMH FISH, FITTl Flsll, OIUIN AND BKHDfS, ORA1N AND HKKDS, (1RAIN AND HKKDS, DRAIN AND hKKUS, UltAIN AND HLHDS, .tr., ie. ., McKEI.VY, NKAL CO.'S, McKKI.VY, NKAL 4 CO.'H, MlKKI.VY, NKAL A CO.'H. McKKI.VY, NKAL & CO.'H. MlKKI.VY, NKAL 4 CO.'H. Norlhwi'sl uirncr of Mum ulid Murket Btreets, Nortliwi'sti-oiiH'rof Mutuant! Market Htreets, Northwi'slLorucrof Mum and Murket streets, NorthMCNti-ornerof Main and Market Btreets, Neithwi'.t co rucr ol Main und Market Btreets, III.OO.MSIIIIRO, FA., IlLOOMillllRO, FA ULOOJIHIIIIRII, FA., llLOOMSllimo, FA. IILOOMSIIIIRO. FA. IKON AND NAIIJi, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS IRON AND NA1IA IRON AND NAII-S, In lsui iiUHlitll'ri. slid at reduced rates, alway i.n l.ttiiil. VCUi;i.l., UKIKIKU A CO., UCNIJRAJ. tOMMIlWION MKRCIIANTH Ik'dtcU 111 I'J-SII, HALT. CIUXSK, FUOVIBIONS, AO., Nos. Iuud 12i Nurili Wlinrr,ahovoArcbHt, Fhlladeiiihl.i. Bole ugonls fur Wilcox's Wheel Ores.-., in bar if N, keos. ntid ' nns. y.viNwiui..:. i ;u,, W IIO I. KB A I.n HROriEKH, N. II. ConiT Bctond and Arrh Htreels, FnitAUCLrnu, Ddilcrs in TEA4. HYl(rri COFI'Ki:, KHUAR, MOLARHI7 , lurr:, sruti, ui cam, npA, c c. vs. Orders will receive prompt altentlnn. IlHVlO, IIS.-1J, V, 1'KTKIOIAN, with LIFPINCOTT TROTTKR, WIIOI.1MA1.E UROCEIW, No. 51 North Water htrect, and No, 'J North Delaware Avenue Fhlladelphla, yyiUVEll & BI'UANKIsE, WIIOLKHALE ailOCERIES ANDCOMU1RHION MERCHANTS, Nos. !i3 and SW Arch Ktreet Philadelphia. Y M. SUVHI'IaE, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, ULOVKS, AND FANCY HOODS. No, 11 North Third Street, Philadelphia. T ATKI.Y OPENED, ""The linilrrtlgnid would irspeclfully Inform the i iii.i ii.ui iiiiiiiiiii iii. miii H-II1II7, luat lie naa Just oik in d ii hiipouTionHirni, between Main and Th lid, silurr l.e is 111 lollow the rablnet ma king buslni .s In oil lis hiumhes, Ordcrafor METALLIC OR OTHER COFFINS filled with piempliKss nnd de.pateh. Repairs cheaply nioiif in nil kluda of lurullure, luclud. Ing the liplnltlniMil iiine.botlonu J chairs. Fat tenia lor en. tint!. Hindi, neatly and exiiedlttous ly, und older, ui. .ulH'Hid cither lu nelson or by mall, Flcluto liunies mudo lo order at short no tice. ROIIKRT 110AN. April H.'es-tf. jyf EHCUANT'H HOTEL, H .10ET1I TOVaTR STRUT, PHILADELPHIA. J. W. a. M'itlBBIN, rrrletor.. May is, lserr-iy. HARDWARE &. CUTLERY. QHAllLES W. 8NYDEH, DEAtCH IN II A It D W A 11 E, 1IION, NAII.M, BTKEI., C, t' AO. MAIN STREUT, HIiOOMHIlUIKI, 1'ENN'A. Take this method of liifornilng the cllUclisof Co lumbia couty, Ihnt he has opened an extensive tlnnlwnrBstnreon Mnlu street, In Ulooinsburf;, it I run slreit.nnd thai ho has on handh UMIIIKU MIOOK AND llETThll ABiDUTED than um be found any where elsuln the county, ami tthlch he Intends to sell nt prices which d.fy eonipi'tlllou. 1)11 AINS, AXES, STEEL, IRON. I have chains, all sires, axes, all make and freight, steel, all sites, Iron, all shapes, and all very low, IIUILDEIl'S HARDWARE, of every descriptions. Nails, axle pulleys, sash cords, latches, looks and knolis, bott screws, sash fasts, window springs, base knobs, strap hinges, hasps and staples, hooks and staples, and tn fuel everything needed In that line. COACH 4 WAOON MAKERS' HARDWARE, embracing almost every thing In that line. Also HARNESS MAKERS' HARDWARE, Buckles, Japanned 1 buckles, silver plated! bills of every kind, IlAsm, Iron; pad trees I Hames, wood 1 saddle trrea, gtg trees, itlrth web, worsted and cotton I thread, silk, uwls nnd needles, tools of all kinds. SHOEMAKER'S HARDWARE, A full assortment for carpenters. I have planes -.all kinds, saws; hand, panne!, rip, and compass. squares steel, Iron, and try t boring machines, enisles, augers, bevels, mallets, brnces, ganges, plows, rules, bits, and about everything for car penters. FOR THE FEOPLE OENKRAM.T' I have coal hods, coal shovels, scoops, coal sifters, lant erns.tnble cutlery.pockel cutlery, plated spoons, plated forks, servers, tea and cof fee pots.butter linlves,mlll saws, cross cut saws, clrrulAr saws, gatigsaws, files, horse shncs.wrcnclics, rlvets.ham' mers, hatchets, mattocks, picks, forks, grub bing hoes, shovels, spades, sailing forks, hoes, rakes, bed pins, twine, skates, plows, cofTln trim mlngs, Lmery, red challc, while chalk, wire, horso nails, meat cutters, scales, wash boards, horse bnckots, wooden palls, clothes pins, glue, door mats, porch mats, par lor mats, corn poppers, paint brushes, horse brushes, sleigh bells, heel calks, enamel od kettles, biass kettles, copper kettles, stewkettk'H,sauce pans.broad nxes.ualls, Pledges, curtain fixtures, Thimble skeins and boxes, I'unips, lead pipe, etc. Tarred rope nnd hundreds of articles nut ,enu meratcd constantly nil hand nt CHARLES W.&NYIUUrS, Main ritrcct, Rloomsburg. Q.EOIK1E II. KOHEItTS, Importer snd Dealer lu HARDWARE, CUTLERY, OUNH, Ac., No. 311 Norlh Third Btreet, above Vine, Fhllidelphla. Jacou K. Hmith. J. It. iki.txxi: g M I T II et S E L T 'A E II, Importer, and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic HARD W A B E, a U N S, CUTLERY, AC, 0. (OS K, THIRD BTREET, AD.CAI.l.OWUII.L, PHILADELPHIA, Nov. S3,67-lf. IRON, TINWARE, &C. JATIONAIa TOUND11Y, Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pa. Tin subscriber, proprietor of the above -i atned extensive cstabllsbmont, Is now prepared to re celve orders for all kinds of MACHINERY FOR COLLIERIES, DLAKT FURNACES, STATION RY ENGINES, MILLS, THREHHINa MACHINES, Ao He is also prepared to make Stoves of all slses and patterns, Flow-Irons, und everything usually mane in nrst-ciass Foundries. Ills extensive facilities and prasllcM wnrkliien warrant him In receiving the largest coulracts ou the most reasonable terms. Grain of all kinds will be taken In exchango for Castings, This establishment Is located near the Lacke wanna and Illoomsburg Railroad Depot. PETER HILLMYER. g'roy TOVES AND TINWAIIE. A. SI. RUPERT announces to his friends and custonieis that continues the above business at his old place on MAIN BTREET. BLOOMB11URU. Customers enn be accomodated with FANCY STOVES of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, and esery va riety of nrtlcle found In a Klove and Tluwnro Es tablishment in tho cities, und on tho most reason able terms, Repalrlngdououttheshortrstnollce, SB DOZEN MILK-PANS on haud for salo. N EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. OS MAIN RTIIIKT, NEART.Y OPPOSITE M1I.I.KK' blORE, HLOOMBUURU, PENN'A. TlIK undersigned has Just fitted up nnd opened his new STOVE AND TIN SHOP, In this plnee, where lie Is pre.nred to make uii newTiN WAiiKofoll klmU In liU line, and do repairing with neiunesM und dlMi-dleh, nnmi the niont reofcoimble itrniK. lie nUu Wcjifi un hnnd HTOVK9 OK VAU10U8 rA'ITKHNS A HI which lie will nell noon terniR tn milt mirehatiert.. Ulvc him a cull, lit- H n ;n'd niethunlc, and deserving of the public patiotmue. JAt'OII Mirrz. HlooniMlnitr. April f", 1W7. TOBACCO & SEGARS. 'Jh'ie onLy i'IaACe" " to gel the best TOBACCO AND CIGA1W, AT WH0L1WALE AND RETAIU at !UNI!1KHj15R'H, a few doors belo-e I lie American House, llloi.m.bur, I'd. He has the rsrgrst and most select of SM0KINO AND CHEWING TOBACCO uver nrfered to Ih cltlreus of Iilooia.burg. All the isncy brands of HEOARH, aud Ihi, best Flne-cut and Plug CHEWING TOUACCO, can be had at his counters, TOBACCO PIPES In great variety are among his large stock, DON'T FORGET TO CALL. II. II. HUNHIIEROER. H, W. IVANK'tJ WHOLESALE TOBACCO, SNUFF, AND CIGAR WAREIIOUBE, No. 114 North Third Street, between Cherry and Race, wttt tide, Philadelphia. Q h. WOODHUFE, Wholesale Dealers In TOBACCOS, CIGARS, PIPES, Ac, Ac, Ne, II North Third Street, above Market, Philadelphia. 0 MNII1U8 LINE. The undersigned would respectfully announce to thecltltena of Illtomsbnrg and the public gene rally lha ht la running an OMNIBUS LINE between this place ad tbedlflerent railroad de pots dally (Suudaya excepted), to connect with tho several trains going South aud West on the Cata. wlssa and WllJlarnsaort Railroad, and with those going North and South on the Lackawanna and Uloom.burg Railroad. HlsOinulbusscsare In good condition commo dious and comrortable, aud charges reasonable, Tertoni wishing to meet or sen their friends de P art,ean be accomodated upon reasonable charge by leaving timely notice at any of the hotels. iAOOH I. GIRTON, Proprietor. DRUGS & MEDICINES. A VH YOU It MONEY! s U It 11 A T I N I) U 0 E M E N T si 0 R KAT K RIND UOKM E N T HI O II E A T I! 8 T INDUCEMENTS AT the old Ditua btoiii: or L. N. MOYEIl, Wtiere can bo found Iho hAiuiiT and uest as- sortmbst ever otTcrud to the cllliens of this county, of Drugs, Chemicals, Faints, oils, (Jlsss, Varnishes, Fully, llrushcs, lire stuffs, Mixed Faints, nil of these nie of the best known make und are warrnute-d as pure and uiiudullcratcd. Tho iluesi and largest stock of FANCY ARTICLES to bo found In this or mljolnlng count les Perfumery, HnlrDjes, Fanry Soaps, llrtlslies. Combs, Cosmetics, HalrOlls, Tidlel Artleh", Stationery, Pocket Hooka T O 11 A C C 0 E S . Smoking nnd chowlus, Cigars of nil descriptions, Pipes, cigar Holders, HOUSEHOLD ARTICLI-S. Lamps, assorted sizes mid st les. Lamps, Chimnkvs,. shapes, Ilun.Nkns, MISCELLANEOUS OOODS. Bponges, . Cliuinols Hklns, Calht tcrs, Hpeciilunis, Syringes, Iln asl Pumps, Rubber OimhIs, Trusses of all npprowit paitcrns Ac., ilc. L I (J U o R s . A lino nssniitneul of uru lhiuurs for medical purisises constantly on luud und thu Oct known kinds of STOMACH HITTERS. Paiknt Mnnit'iMis of ee-ry de-scrlpllon, In eluding the hest viirlelles of pills and tonics. l'UVSItiAN'S I'lllJirilll-rioNHe'AllKl t'LI.Y prk I'AUKll. No such stock hns et-r hieu presented to the people eif this section eif cnunlry, The' prle'csitro as small us the stock Is large. Thu lCWcsue t'i icej uro olore r.evorablo to the purchaser tli.iu e-vei, us sri'iitigi-inelits have be'en t'llVeled with Ihi'nli'ili'sale dealers In Iho larger .Hits, so that uiiiiils enn be pieeureul In llloouis burgasclieiiplyns In New York ol riillnilelplilu. e-i'ountry tlealers are earncslly Itntted to study their own Interests, by examining this stock. lli'mcmlier Iho place KxcilA.N'lE IluicK-uliove Kxe-ktuiitu lli'U-1, M.illl slrett, H'e isliurg. Jim. :!l, ism n a Ue kink GRAYJJAIR. ThlslsthcA):ur.isiAlhstltli)graailt. tho Curo Hint Ui iVmiuxhi that IllJiff md. f'.i-ii- V .r. I n is A 2X jS W'liu now Im rnven locks, tliey my ' IP' i vii th i. uro that iny U In tlio AMiinoslv that Itiuymaile. r(3"& n,,trr'u' 'lC nian onrP Uho now ha rnen lacks, Ihejr aj. ' He Mfd the A.miu:osi tlint I.Iuf 4ft?r riitHMIif Prtrt'oii.wlio.tvtlitfwny fif'J? x,nrrl,,d tlM' liaii'Jvujnt.' ftul tr$Fyi '',, t01' ''nan oim1 tiflld ftml i;rny, rlA 1. tr- Hut who uor hai r-mn lock, tlirr (5?3?CT?r4".9. Itoeaaw In- und Iho (W tLit y ''JWiJ' loth iwni.iu llmt Itiiiy m vie. Tin-1 i. iMl th:.t rhiri rwny VK'SlrCi'1'" ,ii,ul lvct u rr"'' E. n T"i3MS ACL, Pfic?r:iTcs3( PtTEnsofio1, N.H. Anroit 8 a i.n nv lu N. MOYKU nnd K. I. I.1JTZ, ItiugRlKtu, DIortniKhnrd, and M, M. llUOliST, Is-h. Jninuuy Wl, I win-.). J 11. MOYKU, wjioldsam: a hktail DHUGQIS T, (uKHllIl OF MAIN AND MAHKET BTEttEl, 1JLOO.MSUUUO, VA whero will to found a large and helect stook ol Druu's. MEDICINES AND CI1E3IICALS. Alio all tho r.VTCNT MCUICINKB Of TIIC DA1T, I am al-so piepared to furnish Country Stores with Castor Oil, Owdfiey'H t'otdlal, TUUIIN(JSTON'H DAI-SAM, and all other medkluei kept In their Hue. at City prices, t Prescription carefully compounded at all bourn. In iiiedlclncH, quality Uof the flrsl lmiortance. Illtdiuihljurg, .Iune7, M7 THE AMEIUOAN "llAY "KNIKE X AND I'DIIIC Wo Iho undfrttlKned eltUens nl Columhlu ( 'utility wl hiemed Iho tihtl nf hay furlCH on tho inrm nf Mr, 1'urRfl, In lliinlucli Tuwnshlp, uu .Monday, May 7, ISCif, between tho , 1 1 tcr Jfii it liny Knlleund l ink iimmifaetnred hy hhll'I'U. W'M.IA HllllINKII V nl Uwi t"iu;, Ta., and IU liiiiiiUI's I'ati-nt liny Hook. Tho Auu'ilniti I'oiL lilted iiion liny In ono drmmht tlmn lh ''uiidi'l In thieo. Wo uru natlo tied It will lukt iu iiiiK h liny into tho mow us two uood borM'N inn draw, UoaUosaw It rutting liny, and 1 1 it it 1c II cannot bo bent as a hay Unlit, and ehecrfully teem n mend It aj tho best hay fotU and Uiiiln m- haM ovcrtveu, ('. Ill f I KNItl'.NlJKH, JUL T, C. lUltUIO'lf W, It. KtHjN'4, .lOHN J)OAK, .loiiN IiFirnirK, lUNiEb Nover, II, DiUI.KMII.r.KIl, HYIaVEMTEH I'UiUKt. .MiciiAi.i. UflIaKic, John Woi.p. Tliey also nninufaefuro tho relehrnted Ittiekrv, Heiipi-r und Mower, and other HRrlcultnrul Inipie hif-nUi. j n Hu Tt a x c7 e . a i: .nTT'T Wyoming jl."il)."ifl -Una ,',uJ0 Coiumereo tio,ois) Kiiltoii 1aV'iQ Norlh America Usi,003 City, IM.U's' Inleruntlonal Mi,M Niagara 1,030.000 .i:tnn Live Block 601,000 lniinum Merchants 330,000 Hpringrleld S7O,0CO Insurance Company of Htato Peun'a OJO.OOO Connecticut Mutual Life 10,000,ai Norlh Auierlcun Truuslt SOO.OOU KItKAH I1HOWN, Aotnt, marKQ7-ly, ULooMsnijua, rA. ltMMlUSTKH it 11HOTIIKU, Importers aud Jobbers of IIOSlrUtY, UI.OVKH, HIIIItTti AND DUAWUItS, 1IIMTONS, HUHPI!NI)EIt, HOOP HICIKIH, IIANIiKUItUIIIEFH, THItKAIW, HIIWINO HII.KH, TKIMSUNUH, POIITIi MONNAIEM, fOAPH, PlIlll'UJIKItY, I'ANUY OOODH, AND NOTIO.NH OliNlUtAI.I.Y, Also Manufacturers of IlltUMIUlVVND I.OOKINO OUWIJ1, and Dealeis In WOOD AND WILLOW WAItH. llltOOMM, ItOPIil, TWINES, 4( No. 3f3 North Thlrel nil eet, above Vine, l'iilladelphla. M H.I.KU & HOST, Hucceasors to Kiankllu P.Hellier 4 Co,, Importers aud Wholesale Deulers In LIQUOItS, WINI, 4c, Nos. 110 and IU North Thlrel Blreet, Philadelphia. TUBT IIKCCIVED TIlO llllllIICBt HOOP KKIHTBIulheiviiuli at Mar,li,'lt-M' L. T.III AnrLMM' jflprwiMiA -" (
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers