lie VOL. 2 NO. 20. BLOOMSBTJRGr, PA., FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1868. PRICE FIVE OENTS. BLOOMSBURQ DIREOTORT. STOVES AN1 TIKWAIIE. JAUOII MI7TZ, denterln Hove, A tinware, Main st., hoove court house, vlll 1.1 AM. nUI'EKT, Hove mill tlnnnrp, llupert . block, Main si., west of Market. vl-nll RKV. A. II AKTMAN, Moves, Tinware lof nil kinds, sailing etc. First more on Went curt ol Houth Main SJtleet. V2.IU7 CLOTHING," AC. !.0V'i;NIU:nO. merchant tailor. Main nt.. 2d dooralmvo American house, vl-ti 13 T . I Mtl.'Kt lll'tt I f Vf t I .11 )" njiia.uuuHuui, iiuitrtiiiuiiiiu renin uriu- er In clothing, etc; Hartman'8 building-. Main "jri-pt. vl-nll nituas, CHEMICALS, AC. N, MOYnit. druinrlU and anotbecary. Hi clmiigo block Main t. vluf1 I', f,UT7,, druggUt nnd apothecary, Itupcrt CLOCKS, WATCHES, AC. r nitiu ntMJMtt ttm t u -...i .u.i. t JJ near southeast corner Main and Irontds.vlMilJ A II. HAVAOK. dealer In clocks, watches and U. Jewelry, Mam M., Just below American House. vl-nlJ H CATHCAItT. watch nnd clock maker. Market IX Bl below Main. vl-nll HOOTS AND ailOKS. n M. IIUOW'N, boot nnd ahonmakcr.Maln street VhOiXnnilH.manufacturer nnd denier In boots nnd Uioen,MainM., opposite Kp I scopnl church vl-nll HI,MV KM:iM, manufacturer nnd dealer in hoot m nnd fihci,Ktoe.c4 etc., JIast lilooms Imrg Main st. vMill DAVID HMT7., boot nnd bhocmaker, MnlnTt., below JIitrtman'H store, west of Market street. vl-nll PROFESSIONAL. TH. 11VANH, M, I. surgeon nnd physician south Mdu Main st., below Market, vluli 1 It. 11. I Kinney surgeon dentist, teeth extract hpUcopal Church. J UU W11HOUL HUU, Mi nearly opposite Vlll HI JK. M'KniiVY, M. 1. surgeon nnd physician north ttlde Main bt., below Market. vlnl3 Jf!. ItUTTnit, M, I). Burgeon nnd 1'hyslclan, Mat kct at., nbovo Main, vlu id DH. II. C. HOWmt, surgeon denllBt, Main St., abovH court house. vl-nl-f r R UOMHON, Hart man's building, Mnlnhlrcet. vi-nlM MILLINEIIY fc FANCY 0001)3 M milliner. UaniKey vl-ull bullulug, Main st. 11 ISM A. 1). Wi:nn, fancy goods, notion,, books, ill stationery, north side Main street below Mar. E PKTKP.MAN, millinery mid fincy goods op. poslte episcopal church, Main st. vlu 13 11 KM. JULIA A. & HAUi: I1AIIKM2Y, Indies ill clonks nnd dres pattern.!, Houtheuut corner Main nnd west at. DRRUICKHOV. millinery nnd fancy HI goods MuliiHt., opposite Court House, vl-i nn vi I HM. M. H. KUItMAN, milliner. Mnln St., below 1U 1 Iiirtnian's store, west of Market st. viiU rpJIK MlKrtES HAHMAN millinery nnd fancy 1 goodd.Maln sired Just below American houso. vluU HOTELS AND SALOONS. TI.I!Al'OCK,oyternnd entlng saloon, Ameri can House, Mnln St., Ilaltzer I-eucock BUjwrln tendent. v I -ii 15 UlI)MYi;U &. JACOI1Y, confcctlonry, bakery, 11 utul nyHter Baloon, wholenale nnd retail, Hx clinno block, Main st. lnlt TOX & WEIIM. confectionery, bakery, nnd oys. V ter siiloon, wliolcsnlo mid retail, .Main ft., Just below Iron. U-nll l.lXCIUNOl HOTEL, bv Kihiiis .t. Clark. Mnln JJst., opposite. court house. vl.nll A MKHICAN HOUHE, by John Lk.U'oik, Main si., west ol lion bireei, u-iin llilltKS IIOIEL, by a.W. 1' Main st. MAl'UKU.enstend of vl-nll B, HTOIINlMt, refreshment saloon, Main Ht.tJ.M above courthouse, vlnll , refreshment saloon. hangii houl. WII.nlLLMOIti:, refreshment saloon, Hhlvc's block soulh sldo Main St. vl-nll MEHCIIANTS AND GIIOCEHS. 11 JAUOIW. t'ontectiouery, gntcerlcs etc Main J!i Bt., above Court House c; II, MILLKIt, dealer tn drv goods, groceries, n tineenswau', nour, sun, Kichango block, MatiiBtieft, notions. 1-1) It M'KEI.VY NHAI. A Co. dealers lti drvirond iH groceries, llour, ireo. snu. iimi. iron, iv.wi-. etc., iioitheast corner Main and Jiarkct M. vl-nt3 HC.HOWlilt, hats nnd enps, hiots and Rhoes. Malu ht nbovo Court House, vl-ull salt, ilsh, Iron, nails. CI C. MAItH, dry goods and notions, t, corner Main and Iron sts. southwet-t vMHJ J, llltOWKIt. dry good, groceries, etcnfrth , Mt bt comer Main and Iron kU. i-nli RKV. A. IIAUTMAN, dry poods, notions, nnd Lioccrles.. Main M.. ott"oine Ctirrd's 1'tirul- iiire uoonis, HH. HUNHUUItaint. (agent.) groceries, tobac - to, and confectionary, Main M opposite LpHcopal Church. Mii3 OA. Jll';ClvI.i;Y,KyBtoneRhoeitore, Iwoks uiui . Btullonery, houthwi-st corner Market and .Mil J II hn. 1I.MAM UltAHMUS, confectioneries, Main near the railroad. mhj n Mi:NDi:NHAI.L,general stock of merchan lj, tlKe and lumber, corner of Main street and lu-i wlck road, vln TJ. ltOHlilNS, dealer In dry goods grcerlcs ttc. hhl e'B block, Mnliist., belowlron vl1 JK. OHtTON, Groceries A Provisions, south east coiner Main ami Iron Htreets. vlnll CI W, HNYIH'It, hardware, cull cry, guns, etc.. , Main st., below Iron, l'iil.l I J.HI.OAN, dealer In choice dry goods, House t kfcnlni! c.oods. fretdi urorrriis. etc.. etc. Main st., opposite court liouhe, vlnl3 J. K, KYHIt, groceries snd general incuhnndlse Matu Btiiboe West. vl-ni3 T T. BHAHl'I.rBS, dry cok1k. groceries, Isiots, I snocs, eic nuperi iuwk, iiuiu n. vest ol Murket. vl -u SCHAMKIt t A. I. HAVHUIlhT,I'alerslu , Groceries, Conltctlonerlts nnd Notions, bcottown. south Bide, two doois nbove Itrobst's wngonmaaer shop. v2-ius. JUSCELLANEOUS. GW. C'OItELL, furniture rooms, threo story , brick on tluliint., webt of Market st, M-nll EJ. THOUNTON, wall paper, window shndes, , una Hxtures, llupert block, Mnln st. vl-n a IT ItOHENHTOCK. pholonrnnher. Eiclmngn 11. block. Main st opposite court house, vt-ul3 T F. DHOA11T. nlintoirrnnher. Ilnrtnian's build. tJ lug northeast corner Main and Market st, 1-n U U J. I1IDLEMAN, Agent Mlllison's CopperTll. JV bulnr Llghtulngllod. vl-llU J 11. l'UHHEI.L, snddle, truulc nnd hnrness muker, Main st below court, house, vl-nit! fl KiiKTEIl, Ulue Muker, and Whltonud lancy I. Tniliier.Hcottown. VI-UI7 J)nnd dealers In Lumber, of nil kinds, plnulng mill neur the inll.ruad, vl-uie V J. 1111)1. i:.M AN, saddle nnd harness maker, 11 . BuuiuwcBi coruer -iiuin uuu inHinci.i, AW1T.MAN, marble works, , corner Mnln und Market sis. near soulhwist vl-nll R H.ItlNGLint.dfntr In pianos, organs and inelodeoiiJi.i.tG. W.Corell'slurnlluio rooms v 1-n 13 in Il.MAHTIilW, ngent for OroverA linker's j , Bfwuijf niaciiine, juaiu si., iiariiuuu build ng, up stairs. V1-1U3 D W. UOI1I11NH. Honor dealer second door from northwest corner Malu and Iron st. vl-nl3 V J'EACOCK. Notary l'ublle, northeast isirner 1 1 - Mum uuu MUIliei. Si, Vl-1113 lf.HN A.PUNHTON, mulunl nnd ensh rntes fire tl tiisurbucocuinpauy,noitheasteonier Main nnd West st. vl-uu flLUIKIi: 1IAK8EHT, manufseturer niidiepnlr. I er of thleshlnu mui hints. Hniiinla A ro's Mu chl lie Hhop, East llloomsburg, vlu!3 (H. KU1IN. denier In meat tallow, etc,, berllirsultey, bnrk of Ainerlcau house, f'hem QAMUEL 4AC01IY, MnrMe und HrownHlone O works. Vjitt lllooiiishui,,Hfrwlkrsd. vliH7 W. HA M 1'I.E 4 CO. llnchlnlsts. Enst Illooms burg near railroad. Casllmmmadant short uisuiut, y mu n.u rep,K, va-n'.-l ORANGEVILLE DIRECTORY. rvn n. A. Mr.ClAIKll:!., rhj lclnn an j surRoon, U Mnln st urKvon, VMlH nexiuoortuuiKia , iioiei. HOTKI, alul refrcfthment Baloon. bv KJ. i:erelt.cor. of Malnnml rinot.vln7 SWAN IIOTKI, thn upper house by John Kny der, Mnln st nljovu rfue. vI-niT DK.HI.OAN, ilenlor In ilry rooI, eroeerle,, . lumber una genernl MerchnniINo Main st. GKOUCIi: LA7.AUt!H,nJale ami harness maker Main st. above the Hwun Hotel. Vlul7 W U. HMIT1I, inanitfnetnrer of tin ware nnd if ilealer In sto es ete. Main St.. Above '.he Hwnn Hotel. vl-ulT 1 A n. W. Cor.K.MAJf, Merchant tnllor and A. tlent,sfuriiM)llggoodslMnlnHt.tnext door to tho brick hotel. MH. HAYIIUltST, Clocks, Wntche, nnd Ouns rcnnlrcd. Uuns nnd Watches for sale, Main at., below l'lne. TAMUH II. HAHMAN, Cabinet Mnker, and Un t) dertaker. Main 8t., below Tine. V1-IH7 f ICIIAKfiC.KIXI.Elt. Confectionery, Oysier, 111 &e ckc., on i-ine ni, between Alain and Milt. Vl-nl7 TT H.C. Ki:i.cIINi:u,niackmlth,,on Mill JX. mreei, near l ino. Vl-1117 WIF.MAM I)r.I,ONO, Shoemnlternnd mnnuf.ic Hirer of llrlck, Mill HI., west of l'luo vln 19 EI.IAH KNYDKIt, Klnur nnd Grist .Mill, nnd Uealer in grain, Mill Street. 1-u 17 T r.Wm II. SCIIUYI.EIt, Iron founder, MnchTn Jjlsl.nnd Mnnuraclnier of plows, Mill Ht.vI-iH7 ,1 I HXH A. WILLIAMS A Co. Tnnnersnnrt Mnu- ill uf.icturers ofleuther, Mill Klreet. Vl-1117 10IIN Kni.I.nil, Hunt nnd Shoemaker, l'lno tj Mtreet, ojii)ollothoAcndeniy V1-UI7 II. IliniltlNO llltOTIIKIt, Cnrpinlersnnd Ilulldcrs, Main Mtreet, below l'lne. V1-1U7 CJAMUEL SIIAItl'I.lisH, .Maker of the llnyhunt Ut ) Uralu Cradle. MnluMt. J . Ornngevllle, opponlto Krnmo church. T M, HAHMAN. saddle nnd harness mnker VUUIl CATAWISSA DIRECTORY. SUS(lUEIIANNAorrirlckIIotel,.Kostebnuder proprietor, soilth-enst corner Mnln nnd Hecond Hired. V2-HI2 II. CItEASY.dry goods, groc'crles, eral Merchandise, Mnln Btrcet, nd pel vls-n Sli. 111.111', miller ill Muira nnu . Mnln Street. V2-U12 TM. II. AltnUlT, nttorncy at law, Mnln Btrcel. nir.Iir.ILT &. KLIXR. drv coodi groceries, nnd j general merchandise, Slain Htrcel KHILKU, billiard saloon, oyt-ters, and Ico , cream In season Main (Street. v2n!2 BF. DAIJ.MAN, Merchant Tailor, HecomiHt., . Hobblns llulldlng. 2-MK n t t ir tint nivu I) Hcco ud BU below Main. Hurge4jn nnd rhyslclan, J II. KISTLEIl'CatlnwistiHouse," North west . Coruor Main and Hecond Htrc-cts. v2-n 18, M, M. imonST, dealer In General Merchandise, Ury Goods, Groceries Ac. v2-nts. LIGHT STREET DIRECTORY. )ETEH ENT, dealer In dry goods, groceries, 1 llour, feed, solt, Ilsh, Iron, mills, etc., Light TTEUWILLIOHIt, Cabinetmaker, Undertnker vl-ul'l andChalrinnkcr, JOSEPH WALTi:it Illncksmltli, opposite post oillce. M-llll). HP. OMAN & Co., Wheelwrights, nliove school tioumt. first door vl-nlll IW. E. KLINEi millinery and fancy goods. vl-nll) V. HANKKY, dealer In Leather, Hides, Rirk. etc. Cash paid fir HIden. vl-nt( TM. M. HNT, dealer In stoves and tin ware In all us brandies. vi-uw OHN A.OMAN, manufacturer and dealer In boots and shoes, vlnCI. ESPY DIRECTORY. imi'yITtkam ri.otntiNa m ilim, c. h. rowi.r. U Proprietor. Kill I B.'g groceries, and general merchandise. 1.1111 J I). CAMVi:i.L, dealer In dry goods grocer ies, (iiieensware, hardware, ilsh, salt, nails, ttc, etc., vunll T. V, i:i)GAn,BiH(iuehannarianlng Mill nnd lto Manufactory. I2nll JERSKYTOWN DIRKCTOHY. VNPItKW MA1HKON, denier III dry goods, gro ceries, gralilliinilHrele., Jersoylown. sl.nlfl TACOH A, HWIKIIEH, dealer In Hides, Leainer I Hark etc, Madison tow nihlp Columbia county pn. i-niu Crr.HAMUEL HIMnY, Madison Hotel, Dro vers and MraugciH entertained. v.'-nl ISICKIIORX DIRECTORY. Tl (l.AW H. KHOnMAKKII, dealers In dry f',M)dM. firoct-rW-H and treneral merchaiulNi. irststoro In bouiIi end of town. vli-nis. TACOH A WM.HAUHIH, dealers In dry goods, irrocerlcs. druus and medicines. i nsi groceries, d rutin and medicines, l-'Iist store In v2-nl8. north end ol tovwi. HOTELS AND SALOONS. JXCIIANOE HOTEli, UL.uu.iinuiJiiu, i.vji,uiiii; Th iMiderHlL'ticd liavlni tturchased tills ,ell know nandccnlrally.hM'aKHihouHe.thoLxchango Hotel, hlluatoon MAIN HTllDKT, in llloomsburg Immediately opposl'o the Columbia county Court House, respectfully Infoim their li lends and the UIUIJC 111 Keneuu unit mmr nun-u i uuw in umih W the re entlou and entertainment oftnu ellers who imiv hi (ilMioved to fvor ltuith their cus tom. They hao spared no expense In preparing the Kxcluuigo for the entertainment of thelrguest neither shall there bo anything wanting on their ari to muuhier 10 uieir personal com ion. i ney iniihO Is spacious, and enJois an excellent husl uesti location. ()iiinihut.eN run at nil tunes between tne i.x rliniit'o llii(fl initl Iho vnrloiitt rallrond it t not 8. bv which triivelliis will bo Dteacantlr conNcsedto mid from the rcspettlvo stations In flue time to meet l no cars, o. juoomsuurg, April 3, im. yOHKS HOTEL, OKOltGE V, MAUGKIt, Proprietor. The nbovo well-known hotel has recently under gone rud'eal changes In Its Internal nrran gem cuts, uud Its pn prietor announces to ins lormer cusium mid tho travelling public that hU accomodations for the comfort of his guests are second to uouuln tho country, His table will always bo found sun- illcu, noi oniy no midhihuwui iouu, out wn" Im illh-fithHOf tho t.tOKon. II lu wliiCB and li quors (except that jxipular beveraco known its 'V.tfiVfiirO, purchased direct from tho lm)oitIng houses, nro enuniy pure, uuu ireo ironi an poi Bonous drugs. Ho Is thankful for u liberal pat run ago In the past, and will continue to desero It tn theiuiuri'. ui.uuui-4 n, nauuj.h, JXCHANQE SALOON, 1 lit. iToprieior ni ine i.xciiuugeraioou nas uow on hand 11 largo stock of HUM M EH HEKUEHIIMENTB, consisting of Kl'ICKD OVSTEI1S, SAnniNt'K, TIlIl'K, llOLOflNAH HU1K1- TO.NUl'E, 1J0II.I.1I FOOS, KWKII.EK CI1EISF.' IiAflElt 1IEEU, ALE, AC. - UtIMi: ONE, COME ALL AND HUE. "4 LAWHON CAI.MAN. Huperlntendenl. llloomsburg, May 3, 1SG7. rpilE ESI'Y HOTEL, nary, Columbia county, pa, Tiif. subscriber resiiecl fully lnformshls friends nnu ine puuuo. mat he ms la known Houm of I'nlirtulnment, nnd will be pleased to rrlTe tho custom of all who will mvur mm wiiu a cull, HK WII.Ii KEEP A OOOI) TA1ILE, a liar well slocked with the best of Liquors, and every euun will lie maue 10 rentier enure sails fuellon. f, II. IHKTTEHlCli, Espy, l'n., April 12, If 07, gHIOK HOTEL, OHANQEV1LI.E, COLUM11IA COUNTY, 1'A, lniWAUU KVEltETT, l'HOl'ltlETOH. Iluvlug taken possession eflhls well-known uouse. so long urin uy ruiiuuei r.i ereii, ine t'ru orlelorhusnutln ft nerniauent repair and fiimuii. ed UAH AND LAllDEHwIlh IheiholccstHiunrs nud newest dellcacUs. Ills stable Is not excelled intliecountyi and no pains will be spared to THE COLUMBIAN, A Democratic Nowspupor m rrnMsHfit) eveky l iunAT MonstNn at in.GOMsiuno, pi:nxa TIIK principles of this rnpor are of the Jefferson tan School of politics. Those, principles will never bo compromised, yet courtesy and kindness thai not bo forgotten in discussing them, whether with Individuals, or with contemporaries of tho Press ThA unity, happiness, and prosperity of the conn try hour aim nnd object nnd as tho means to securo that, we shall labor honestly and earnestly for the harmony, success and growthof our organ ization. TKHMtorSL'iiirntiTioVi TW( dollars n jear If paid In advance. If not paid In advance two dollars and fifty cents will be Invariably charged. TKUM8 orAnVKKTLstxa: One square (ten lines orlessjoneor three Insertions S1.W; each subse quent Insertion tV) COltS. stack, 1.M, 2m. 2m. 6m. lv Ouo square- $2.01) 3,00 31,00 50,00 810,00 Two squares a,m fi.OO 0,00 0,00 11,00 Three squares 3,iM 7,00 BflO ls,O0 Four square fl.W S.00 10,00 11,00 SO.OO Half column 10,csj 12,00 H.O0 20,0t) ,TO,00 Ono column 15,00 18,(0 2U.C0 ao,uu CO.Ort Kxccutor's nnd Administrator's Notice 3,00 j Au ditor's .Notice J2,W. Other advertisements Inser ted according to special contract. Business notices, without advertisement, twtnty cents per line. Transient advertisements payablo In advance all others duo after the first Insertion. i- It Is, In all catei, more likely to be satisfac tory, both to subscribers nnd to the Publishers, that rcmlttnncesnnd nil communications respect ing the buslnessof tho) ft per, bo sent direct to the office of publication, All letters, v, hether relating to the editorial or business concerns of the pnper, and nil pnyments for subscriptions, advertising, or Jobbing, are to be mad to and addressed rmocKWAY a rnEi.ZR, "CUujH&frm Ojjier," HLooMsnur.o, Pa, Printed nt ltoblson's llulldlngs, near the Court House, by C. M. VANUKHHI.K U. . BUSINESS CARDS. J7"1 PKINT1NO Neatly executed nt this Ofllc. M. L'VELLE, A T T O H K Y - A T I. A W, Ashland, Bchulklll County, Pnn'a. M. M THAUCm, A T T O It N E Y - A T-L A W. llerwlck, Columbia County, I'enii'a. "WILLIAM II. MMSOTT, 11 ATTOHNEY-AT-L A V CATAWlsa., I'A. , MILLIIIt, c.w A T T O H N E Y A T I. A W , Omcewith i:. II. l.fttle. In bilck bulldlnu ml Pensions colltctcil, Nep'io'OT. Intnftur 1,v.l .lll(- CJI! liintl... It. if If.l'nv mnl JOIIX (f. FUEEKE, A T T O It N I! Y - A f L A W, onlcein HegUltr and Iteeurder's ollhe, In the biisement of the Court House, Illoomshurg, I'a. 11 OIIEHT 1". C'LAKK, ATTItlt N E Y-A T-L A W corner of Main mid Market streets, Filst National Haul;, Illooumlitiig, l'n, (lllle oxer E. H. MTTLE, ATTdltN I! V-A T-L A W, Olflce on Main sliett, In brick btllldllK below the Court House, Illoomibiirg.ra. C. n. nuocKWAY, ATTOHNl: Y AT LA W, I1I.OOMS1UTIKI, HA. Ort in: Couil House Allev. lo th,- f. JnnlW. lumblan Oillce, L OUIS IIEItXIIAlU) Would Inform the fit lens of llliMniisbiirtr and Vlclnttv that be It now iirt naied to donll klndor luuiiuif, oincr or goiu, I'fci.v". Au C T I O N E E It . Having followed the profession ot Public Vend no i'rler fur tiifinv Vf-uru uv.itlil Infurtn 111 si trlf tut- that he Is still In the field, ready and willing to attend to all tho duties of his calling. Persons deMrtng his services should cull or wrlta to htm at llloomsburg, Pa, nmift'tiT. JyU. V. H, HRADLEY, (i,aio ASHisiam .tnnicni inret tor c, Army,) P II VHIl'I A N AMI HU ti KO X, 4r,omceat thehouso uppolte Mihe s IlUvk, lloomsburg, Pa. Calls promptly attended to both night and da). Itloomsbu-g, Jfin. is, isfi7. J. Ti. I'UHKEL, HAHNP-SH, HADDLK, AND TUPNK MANUKACTUIIKK, tHud (Ualer In CAUPr.T.llAGK, VALIHKH, nY-NKTH, UlFAlO JiOPFS, ItOIlHK-llt.ANKKrs AV which he feels confident he can sell at lowtr rate than any other peihon In (lis country. Kx amlnolorourstfl es. Shop tlrbl dofir below Hih pot Office Main Ktiet-t, llloomsburg, Pa, s C. COLLINS, F A S II I O N A II L i: HUAVINO, HA IK GUTTING AND B1IAMPOOINO HAIXION. Over Wldmayer A Jacoby's Ice Cream Niihvin, ULOOMSHUHO, PA. Hair Dvcinz nud Whiskers colored black or brown. Hair Tonlolodentroydandrult'and beau tifying tho halrj will tcstoio hair taltsorlglnal color without Nulling tho fluent fabric, constantly on hand, faprl2't7, J) E X T I S T R Y . II. C. IIOWEH, HENTISjT, ltespectfully oners his professional seniles to the ladles and gentlemen of lUoomshiirg and 1 clnlty. Helspiepnieil toaltend innlllho vari ous operations In the line of Ids piofesslon, and I, provided Willi the lutlkt lmprocd I'oiuki.ain Ti:lt1I which will bo Inserted on gold ptatlug, sliver and rubber linse In look as well as the uat. urut teeth. Tcelli txlraitid by nil the new and inohi upproM tl inciiiuuM, nun uu operations on the leelli caufullvnnd proi.crlv ntlended In. llcsldence uud olllco a lew doors ubove tho l ourt House, same sine, lllnomsbuig, Jan.3!,'uStr "DOWDER ICEGS AX1) LUMIIER. W, M, MONItOECO llupert, I'll., ManufACtuiersor 1-OWDEH ICEOS, nn J dealers In nil Muds of I.UMI1EH, gU e notleo that they are prepared to acromulnte their custom with dlspnteb, nnd ou the cheapest crins, SonyIT'FctaITiJari) sualics 1. very description ol scalo warranted to glo entire sallsfaclion. Heiul for Catntogue and rir culari seeoud.haud Hcnles of other makers,akcii ill pari pny lor ours, lur sin" neap 11 HOWE HUALE CO, 1 1'ark l'lnre, New York 131 Fsderal hi. iioston. April Sl.'w-Sm, (Cholff gottrtj. a si:.ti.mi:.taI., 11V OLtVKIt Wr.NPEM. liot.Ml-. Noiv, by tho blessed 1'nphlan iiieen, Who heaves the bicnst of sweet sixteen I Ily every namo I cut on bark Belore my tuornliig star grow, dark j Uy Hymen's torch, by Cupid's dart J By nil that thrills the heating heart ; Tin bright black eye, tho melting blue I cannot choose between the tw o. I had a vision In my dreams; I saw a row of twenty beam, J From every beam n rope wns hung, In overy ropoa lover swung! I nsked tho huo of overy eyo That hade each luckless lover die; Ten shadowy lips said heavenly blue, And ten accused the itaiker hue. 1 asked n matron which alio deemed Willi fairest light of beauty beamed ; 8ho answered, somo thought both were Iftlr Olve her blue eyes and golden hair, I might havo llltod her Judgment well, Hut as sho spuko she rang n bell, And nil her girls, nor small nor few, Came marching In their eyes were blue, 1 nsked n maiden; hack she flung The locks that round her forehead hung, And tin ned her eye n gtorous one, Bright, ns n diamond In the sun, On me, until bencnth lis rajs, 1 felt as If my hnlr would blaze; Hho liked all eyes but eyes of green ; She looked nt me; what could sho menu? Ah I many lids Lovo links between Nor heeds the coloring of Ills screen t And when his random nrrnws lly, Tho victim falls, but knous not whr, Onze not upon his shield of Jet, The shnft upon the string Is set ; Look not bencnth his nzurc veil, Though every limb were eased In malt. Well, both might make n martyr .reak The chain that bound him to tho stake ; And both, with but n sluglo ray, Can melt our very hearts away; And both when batanced, hardly ceni To stir the scute 1, or rock the beam ; But that Is dearest all Hie while That wears for lis the sweetest smllf. THE LATE PEESIDENT BU CHANAN. REM IN LICENCES OF Jilt, JlL'WIANAN'S Lirr, asa Lawveh, a Politician, A Nil A STATESMAN 1113 OPINIONS OF IIIsCoTr.Ml'OHAHir.S Ills JlAC'H- Ei.ou Life at Wheatland, etc. Lancaster Coi rcpondem c, Cinclnii.iii Cm- , iiicrciai.j i .'7 Lancasteu, June 7, 1MJS ' who-e company ho liked, ns Krnnke, lu-ciiANAN as a lawyeii. 1 1,10 Br(-'!lt Lnncu-tor brewer, Patrick The President Judge of Lancaster i McEvoy, the representative Irish bar told, at tho bar-meeting last Thursday, I rr, and Dr. McCalla, his dentist. A this incident of liuclianau's shrewdness few Itepubllcaiis were on tho list, but In cross-examination : there were several old-fashioned Dem- A man brought n charge against ociats, like Hcister, of the Charleston another of threatening his life, lliichan- Convention, and Il.iker, ex-collector of an was retained for the defence. Hp tho port of Philadelphia. Thirteen examined tho plaintiff thus: i collateral relatives were mourners "Well, Mr. Wank, suppose you were1 "round his grave, with some small n man of moro nerve, a man not easily 1 grand-nephews nud grand-niece-. Mrs frightened by nthrent-lut yourself in L Johnston, Kite Harriet Lane, lias tho liosltWm of n ciiuriigcou man u "W imiiieO, V IipUcvv, for .lames Uu- would von have cared for this threat of my client ." "I nm n man," .-aid (lie pl.iliitUr, "of as much eourage n any body, sir," "Then you wero not frightened when my client threatened you?" "Xo, sir." "You are not afraid of him'.'" "Xo! I nm not." "Well, then, what did you bring this charge for?" Thojustlco dismlvcd the eae, Ihichanau was not a man of decision except in eases whero lie had fully ex amined himself. Thus, when lie gave un mo law at tne age 01 lony, lie was v never but oneo tempted back to it, and then on the earnest plea of it widow. Ho was frequently urged to como forward , again, but his mind was made up, There are Instances of professional charity on his part, though very few of pecuniary charity. licence cleared it man for homicide and refu'ed a fee saying to tho man; , "Do you take this money and move , away; uo It to begin life again ! Stop drinking and go to church, and that is tho best way you can pay me. ! Tradition relates that tho man came back after a period of years, repentant and well-to-do, and thanked the old lawyer. As a lawyer, Huchantiii was noted chiefly for tho perspicuity of ids state ments. Like Lincoln, he presented n case so that.both.sldes ol it wero exposed. Ills voice wns of fairstrength, very de liberately enunciated, and pitched In n peculiar tone, attended with a blinking of ono eye as ho drew line sights of meaning. Ho had no personal collision witli opposite counsel, being too cold of temperament to sell his heart with his talents, Nobody ever saw him cast down; lie was sometimes angry, but put a small vnluo upon vindletlvcuoss ; whatever personal despite or humilia tion ho felt was husbanded up in his secret bachelor heart and no man shared its Jiang. He laughed often, moro ve hemently than heartily, and chielly at his own relations of things pa-t or per sons nbsent. TIUCirANAN'rl MOHEI.s AND AVEHSIONS. Mr. Swarr, his executor, says that ho has often heard Mr. Huchanan express his admiration or Mr. Henry Clay. Tills wns, f,f course, after Mr. Clay's decease. Said ho: "Of all tho men 1 ever know, Mr. Clay stood highest In magnanimity, In conscious, posltlvo superiority. Ho was it splendid leader, largely endowed with tho graces, with eloquence, genius, heartiness, nnd soul." His generlcndnilratloiis wero not east about among popular nud representative favorites, howovcr. Mr. lirown, n leading lawyer here, states that tho old gentleman used to mention, with high rosptct, Hllns Wright as his chief mod el. So did ho tidiiilro Nathaniel Macon Win. Lowndes, of South Carolina, Mr. Chestnut nnd Mr. Pinckney. Ho had a regard for the good that was In Pre-I. author nmong statesmen was Thomas Jefferson, and ho used to describe, with a single mixture of iiniusomentiiud as tonishment, tho rough-grained sagacity of Andrew Jackson, From tho com bined testimony of his visitors It ap pears that Biiclmnan's expression of love for his Stato favorites wns ifn In tellectual measurement rather than 11 reverence or a grateful reminiscence. He stated to Mr, Smith, editor of the famous old Democratic sheet, tho Lull mister Intelligencer, that Andrew John- son Iiml oiico vlsttctl Wliofltlftuil, nnd Impressed him (lluciinnnn)with nn Men of Joint soil's earnest honcity of purpose Diirltip; Jolniioii'd dliputei with Con Krcsi, Uiiclintiiiti remarked that the President seemed unduly nnxlotn about liis relative rank with his nupportcrit. Tho ex-l'rcsideiit said Hint a President ought todo without sueh Jealousies. Hit chaiian believed that Johnson ivouldbo convicted. Ho mid to repentcdly dur ing tho trial, onco alleging that nn ng grewivo party having committed Itself to n project, wns bound to enrry it out on tho principle, of self-preservation. "There will not bo enough independent Senators to clear him," ho said, nmong Ills last remarks upon tho news. When told that tho eloventh article lind failed Buchanan said ! "Tho wind shifts, Par ties nro where 1 left them, when I retir ed." Seward wns looked upon by Uuchitli an ns tho founder of tho llcpublicnn par ty. Ofhlm ho dletnted thoe words: "He wns much moro of n politician than n statesman. Without strong convic tions, lie understood the art of preparing in his closet, and uttering before tho public, antithetical bcntcnces, well eal culntcd both to Inilnmo the nrdor of his anti-slavery friends nnd to exnipernto his pro-slavery opponents. He raised n storm which, llko others of whom we read In history, ho wanted both thceour- ngo nud tho power to itiell." Among the other dlstingubhcd peo ple who havo lived in this County of Lancaster were Langdou Cheves, Gov ernor Mlfllin, IHOiop liowman, Gener al Reynolds, slain at Gettysburg, David Ilnmscy, tho historian, Robert Pulton bom here, Count Zinizondorf, patron to the American Moravians. Tho parents of John C. Calhoun lived for a tlmu In I Lancaster county, and moved thence to I South Carolina, During Mr. lluchanau's life, Wheat laud was visited by every variety of distinguished strangers, lie was a fa vorite with Europeans, and with I'l'cnchmen particularly, as ho poka I int.- I'tuneii language elegantly, aim nail anecdotes to relateof half tho sovereigns In Europe. Among his lull-bcaiers ...,.1L. nianv nniet t.eonli. of Iho comitrv. ehanan. llev. Dr. John W. Xevin, of the Gorman Reformed Church, named llticlidiinu among his communicants. The President Iateameto church three weeks before his death j he walked to town .-everal times during the latter months of his life. Hi- housekeeper, Ml-s Xetty Parker, whom ho has be friended often, will leave Wheatland soon, mid take up her abode In the city. Then the old mansion will probably bo Mild, though the ex-l'icsident should haunt the cool spring by It gate ever so often, in the day of Woolly Heads and Sil ver (irnys, or .-ewiinl aim l lllmore Vhlgs, Mr. M'Pher.-on edited the Woolly Head paper of Lancaster In the Interests of Mr, .Stewns It was a new paper, and ISuchmian .-iib-crlbcd for it. At that time Prank had sent for liiicliaiiau nnd offered I'lm a foreign mis-ion, whereat lhehearts ofthe Penn sylvania Democracy were lifted up. They anticipated, what dllerwarils came true, that liiicliaiiau would return from l.iirope In louryears, anil he niailo 1 slighter the hold she gives her tqipo the Democratic candidate for the I're-I-1 nent. Sho Is either perfectly good- deney. .lust before Buchanan left Lan caster, MePhersun wrote ti long and eau-tic leader reviewing Buchanan. He arrayed Ids long hi-tory as that of a -tate-niau who had never originated ; one public nica-iiie, led one new I lie, or Inipre-spd hlin-clf upon tho tlmu us anything more tliaua public function ary. Next day the -tately form of tho nniba--adorwa-.-een cios.iug t'lestrcet; lie entered the olllco and demanded his subscription receipts, Itwa- produced; he paid hi- money and -olemiily depar ted. "Do you wi-h the -Ma-on- and other benelli'lal bodies to attend your fune ral?" said Mr. Swarr. "Provided they do so of their own freewill," he answered, "and without being requested or pemuaocd tn dosn by any person whatsoever," Lying in his colllln so like a gravoold 1 blehop, vowed tn chastity and tho church, I looked at him with more than I pity for hi., lonely eminence- -surrounded "nil his life with public work and public men, and not u woman's lovo to mako his triumph wortii divid ing, or comfort his overthrow. Beyond all this 1 felt that few bachelor old uioa had been half so eheerful,sofelf-rellant, so proud to die as calmly for t heir soli tary famons other Presidents for tho honor of their children, Said Prauke, the brewer, to me: ".Air. Buchanan would havo been more of n man witli n wife. Under standing tho family relation by expe rience would have niadu him n broader statesman. Ho would not havo been socolil, and ho would then have had betto frrlonds." I must not fall to add that .Mr. Bu chanan considered his mother, whom ho well remembered, us tho best and most talented woman ho had over known. Hospokoof her to somo few j ,,,,. f,.,on(I, rtlmost wtl ,,. asm, Sl'EAK ENflLisii, A Dutchman had two pigs, a largo 0110 nnd it small 0110. Tho smaller ono being the elder, ho was trying to explain to it customer, and did it in thiswise; " Tho llttlo pig is tho plggcst." Upon which ids wife, nsstim ing to correct him, said: "You will please exeuso him, ho no speak ns good English ns mo; ho no mean tho llttlo pig Is tho plggcst, but the youngest pig in the oldest." IiHtlo Women. Ehom nn nrtlclo on "Little Women" in tho London Saturclai Jlcvtew, wo mnko tho following extrnct ! Tho llttlo woman Is Irrepressible. Two frngllo to como Into thu fighting section of Immunity, tt puny ertnture whom one blow from a man's huge fist could annihilate, absolutely fearless, nnd Insolent with the Insolence which only thoso dnro show who know that retribution cannot follow what can bo done with her? She is afraid of noth ing, nnd to bo controlled by no one. Sheltered behind her wenkness its be hind a triple ehcel of brnss, thenngrloH man tlnro not touch her, while she pro vokes 111 ni to n combat In which ills hands nro tied. Hho goes her own way In everything nnd everywhere. At homo nnd nbrottd sho Is equally doml nnnt nnd Irrepressible, oqunlly frco from obedlcnco nnd fenr. Who breaks nil (ho public orders in sights nnd shows, nnd, inplto of King, Kaiser, or Police men X,goes whero it is expressly forbid den that she shall go? Xot tho largo boned, muscular woman, whatever her temperament; unless, Indeed, of the exceptionally haughty typo In distinct ly Inferior surrounding, nnd then sho ca i itieen It royally enough, and set everything nt lordly defiance. Hut In general tho largo boned women obeys the orders given, hecutieo while near enough to man to be somewhat on a par with him, sho Is still undoubtedly Ids Inferior. Shu Ik too strong to shelter herself behind her weakness, yet too weak to assert her strength, and defy her master on equal ground. Sho is like n flying fish, not one tiling wholly; and while capable of tho inconveniences of two lives, Is incapable of tho privi lege of either. It is not she, for all her well developed frame nudjffornildablo looks, but tho llttlo woman, who breaks the whole code of laws, and defies all their defenders tho pert, smart, pretty Utile woman, who laughs In your face, nnd goes straight nhend If you try to turn her to the right hand or to tho left, receiving your remonstrances with the most sublime Indifference, ns If you wero talking a foreign language, which she did not understand. She carries everything before her, wherever she is. You may sec her stepping over barriers, slipping over ropes, penetrating to tho greenbeiiches with a red t icket taking the beat places on tho platform over the heads of their rightful owners', settling hei'nolf among the reserved seats with out nn inch of pasteboard to float iter. You cannot turn her out by mnln force. Hrltish chivalry objects to tho public laying on of hands lit tho case of n wo man, oven when most recalcitrant and ui.-obedient ; moro particularly if biimll mill frngllo looking wotmvn. So that, if it is only n usurpation of places specially masculine, sho is allowed to retain what sho has got amid tho grave looks ofthe elders not really tllsiilcas ed, though, at tho flutter of her ribbons amongst them and tho tho titters and nudges of tho young fellows. If tho battle Is between her mid another wo man, they are left to fight it out us they best can, with the odds laid heavily on the little one. All tills time there is nothing nf the tumult of contest about her. I'lery and combative as she generally Is, when breaking tho law in public places she I- the soul of serene daring, Shu shows no heat, no pus-Ion, no turbulence ; she leaves tlie.-e as extra weapons of defence to women who are ns-allalile. I'or her self she requires no such aid-. She knows her capabilities and the line of I attack that best suits her, and she knows, too, that the fewer point- of con-te.-t.-he oxpo-os the morn likely she I j to slip into victory, the more she a ' sunies, nud tho le-s she argue-, the humored or blankly Innocent: slieclth er riiille- you into Indulgence or wcnrlc you into compliance by sheer Impelo- ne.-s of making an inipres-ion on her. Slip may, Indeed, If of tho very voclfer- 011-and shrlll-tongued kind, bttr.-t out Into Mich a nol-y demonstration that you are glad to e-cape from mat ter what spoils you leave on her band-; Ju-t as n mastiff will .-link away from a bantam hen all heckled feathers and screeching cackle, and tremendous sumption of doing something terrible if 1 lie doe- not look out. Any wity, the ! llttlo woman Is unconquerable; anil a tiny fragment of humanity at iv pub lic show , setting nil rules and legtila tions at defiance, is only carrying out, lu matter of benches, tho manner of lite to which nature ha- dedicated herfinm the beginning. A- a rule, tho little women are brave. When the lymphatic giantess falls Into n faint or goes off Into hysterics, she storms, or bu-tles about, or holds Jon like n giiinn terrier, according to tho work on hand. Sho will lly nt nny man that annoys her, and bears herself equal to tho biggest nud strongest fellow In her acquaintance. In general she does It nil by bheer pluck, nnd is not notori ous for tubtelty In craft. Had Delilah been n llttlo woman she would never havo taken tho trouble to shear Samp son's locks, Sho would havo defied him with all his strength untouched on his bend, nnd -he would have overcome 111 ri 1 too, Judith uud Jael were both probably large women. The work they went about demanded n certain strength of muscle nud toughness of sinew; but who can sny that Jezebel was not 11 siiiall, freckled, milium haired Lady Audloy nf her time, full of the concentrated tire, tho electric, force, the pa-slouato reck lessness of her typo 'i Regan nnd Gone ill might havo been beautiful demons of tho same pattern ; wo havo the ox ninploofthoMurclilonossdo Brlnvllllcrs as to what amount of spiritual deviltry can exist with tl.oraconi.d mannerof un I "'! ". n,.i ,11... re,,,,. i,ov... ..,,.1 ,iwTf O'0 -'"ii'nild Isle, with astonishment nugel direct from heaven; nud perhaps Cordelia was n tall, iliirk-halred girl, with a pair of lirown eyes, nnd a long noso sloping downward, Look nt Mod ern Jewesses, with their flashing Ori ental orbs, their night black tres.scs,and 1 their olive-colored coinplexloiis;nseatii' logued properties according to the Ideal, they would bo placed in tho list 1 of the natural criminals and law break- ors, while. In renlity they nro nbout as meek nnd docile n set of women ns nro to he found within tho four seas. Tho Sevens. We present below tho workings of the men, and would sny to our Radi cal frlends.bonot too severe on yourstr ax men who preferred to vote according to law, testimony and conscience, to being members of the Radical patty. Read this list: This number Is frequently used in tho lllblc. On the 7 th day God ended his work, tho 7lh month Noah's nrk (otichcd the ground, und in 7 days a ilovo was sent out. Abraham pleaded 7 times for Sodom, lacob served 7 years for Rachel, mourn ed 7 days for Joseph, nnd was pursued days' journey by Laban. A plenty of 7 years, and it famine of 7 years were foretold In Pharaoh's dream by 7 fat nnd 7 lenn beasts, nnd 7 ears of full nnd 7 ears of blasted corn. On tho 7th day of the 7th mouth the children of Israel fasted 7 days, nnd re mained 7 days In tents. Every 7 years tho land rested ; every 7 years nil bond men wero free, nnd the law was rend to tho people. In tho destruction of Jericho, 7 priests horo 7 trumpets 7 days; on tho 7th day they sounded tho walls 7 times ; nnd at tho end of tho 7th round the walls fell. Solomon was 7 years building his temple, and feasted 7 days at its dedica tion. In tho tabernacle were 7 lamps, and the gold candlestick had 7 branches. Naaman washed 7 times in Jordan. Job's friend sat with him 7 days and nights und offered 7 bullocks and 7 rams as an atonement. In tho Revelations wo read of 7 church es, 7 candlesticks, 7 stars, 7 trumpets, 7 plagues, 7 thunders, 7 veils, 7 nngels ind a 7 headed monster. Tho reign ofthe French Jacobins was about 7 years. Tho reign of tho Jacobins of Ameri ca is about to end in tiie 7th year. Seven Radicals wero honest enough to vote according to tho law, evldeneo and Jitftice, 011 tho impeachment ease. The -even may save our country trom disgrace and tho Constitution from entire destruction; All honor to the seven. Fireport JUiIletln. The following comes to us from tt gen tleman lit tho Government service. It carries Its own comment, "To the People nf Marion JJMrict : "I nm the wife of Edward O. Collins anil daughter of Colonel Levi l.eggeto ; I havo seven small children, und tho eldct sickly ; my husband was my on ly means of support : he ieu arretted 61 military authority on the lWi Auciist last nnd is now in prl-on in Civtlo Pinckney, Churle-dou Harbor. When in the Marion Jail the officers refused to let his friends .-eo him. He had honyht Gnlllvant's Perry ,nnd wns making sup port for hi- family. The otllcers said that the ferry was abandoned, and gave an order to Clayton Ralley to take tho ferry which ho still has lu po-os-don ; I have no 'mule, hor.-e, or ov, or means to buy; my father is in the -eventy--ee-ond year of his age; my father-in-law six or seven year- older, and threatened with apoplexy ; has been sick moro I than 11 year. My father, and my father-1 in-law tiro very poor ami enn nanny support their l.iniilles ; my lather lias' reduced himself to want by a Isting' my family ; niy father had twenty no gluts, and my father-in-law seventy ; 1 my friend- are reduced to poverty-- ' ! tlio-e who would help are unable ; I am now In suffering clreiiin-tniico-.niy-self and children are ulnio-t without clothes, and If my hti-band is nut releas ed from prison, or I receive asi-tanco from his friends, we nui-t Inevitably starve. I am ashamed to make thisap- of hery illstres.ngilluc-s,to which ehil peul, lint niy children are heartbroken 1 dien 1110 subject. (Ine night when lu and -tarvlnj'. 1 great suffering, bo said to ine, "1 don't Mah Collins, i know what I niu-t do, papa." 1 -aid, 1 "Wo must u-k Jesus to make my poor CiiVE'rocs peoplo often seek to shelter 1 themselves behind the widow's mite, I and give but a paltry sum tothebenev- olont objects under color of her eontrl- j biitlon-. Thi' following Incident has a 1 moral for all -neb, A gentleman called upon a wealthy friend torn contribution. Ive my "Yes, 1 siippo-e I must mite," said the rich man. "You mean the widow's nilt", I eiip-po-e," replied tho other. "To bo stiro I do." The gentleman continued : "1 will honutisrtcd with hall a- much as she gave. I low worth '.'" much are you "Seventy thou-aiid ilollais." "Give mo it chock then for thirty-live thousand : that will bo half ns much as sho gavo-all sho had." .This was a new hie. to the worthy merchant. " - A Dirncn.T Ihishman. The cap -, seeing an Irishman smoking away, abaft the funnel, step- ped up to him, uud said "Don't you -ee the notlco stuck up there'."' "D'ye- niaiio that bit n' painted tin?" "To bo sure I do." "Shure I saw It." "Why don't you follow It?" "1 haven't tuyiie It move ; It's nulled fast I'm eon-lderiu'." "I mean, haven't uu lead tbnl no tice V" "Dlvll a bit ; shine 1 don't know how- to rude." "Well, It nys im -moUIng allowed heie," "Be the power-, It doesn't eon-.irn 1110 n mite, then for 1 never smoked, n Jo Href In my life." A Silo em ak v, with 0110 eye, who works lu this neighborhood, complained that 0110 of his lamps did not bum. One of his sliopmnte-, who Is a genuine son exclaimed: "Faith, uud what do you want with two lamps? Yo haven't but ono eye," Mlt. I'l l. 1. 1 I', coming home Into, "pretty full," tlnds the walking very slippery, unci he cvclaluis: "V-v-very singular, wh-whenuver witter freezes It alius fieezes with tho slippery side up; dniriiinT'" UU(jlou$ ratling. TO TUB COLL'MIIIA.S. Shall Wo Have A. Bithop Amonr Tin: Proceedings of tho Episcopal Convention naturally raise tho question standing us tho caption of tills commu nication, and in order that It may be dlscus.-ed tttiderstandlngly a few words, preliminary nro requisite. Tiio Dioceso of Pennsylvania at pres ent contains forty-two counties, com prising about thirty thousand square miles, nnd containing n population of moro than two millions of souls, It 1 evident nt 11 glance that there Is a lar ger population nnd grenter extent of territory than enn bo properly overseen nud administered by nny ono lllsbop. Tho precarious health of Hlshop Ste vens made 0110 of tho things necessary tho division of the Dioceso, or uu n- sistnut Ilishop, a matter of economy, division is the cheaper. The Convention raised tho Ill-hop's salary to W'fi00,nml recom mended the piircha-e of nn Epl-copnl residence, nt nn additional expense of $3.i,000, nnd the salury of uu assistant would not be less than $3,000. Wo be llevo wo enn provide for n Rlsliop by expending, say one dollar npleco nniui- ally, by each communicant in tho new diocese ; undtlicrc is no member of tho Church within that territory who can not or will not, contribute that small sum. But, besldo being indepen dent Bishop is preferable evory way. l'lrst, In being able to reach personally nil parts of tho Dioceso. Second, In en joying n moro intimate relationship with Ids Clergy and Laity. Third, In organizing and carrying forward Church work. lotirth, In finding out tho great needs of particular localities, nnd Fifth In concentrating and organizing tho la bors ami means of tho Church, tltu3 In creasing her usefulness, her Influence and her power for good. An assistant Bishop is after nil only n Journeyman. He cannot; originate, lie can direct, only lu subordination to the Bishop. His powers are ns perfunctory as his duties, and in neither is ho n free or Independent agent. It was under all these circumstances that Mr. Win. Welsh offered, nud' tho Convention adopted the following : Itctolved. Thnt this Convention eon- sents to the formation of a new Diocese wltliin the limits of the ex stlntr Dio cese, to becomposrd of the twenty-eight cuu.iiies uorueriiie; on tne Diocese 01 Pittsburg, ns follows: Brndford, Tioga, Sullivan, Lycoming, Columbia, Mon tour, Northumberland, Schuvlklll Berks, Lebanon, Dauphin, York,' Lan caster, Adams, Cumberland, Perry, Ju niata, Snyder, Union, Clinton, Centre, Mimin, Huntingdon, Franklin, Fulton, Bedford, Blair and Potter, but that tin Ill-hop shall not be akod to give hi eoneiit thereto until be has secured ev Idence that two-thirds nf tlin Hero . , and parishes representing two-thirds 'of tne iomiiiumeani.s reported Hi lbU7, approvo of being set oil" as a new Din-ce-e: and that .i,VK) a year for the years be secured for the -import ofthe new Episcopate. I ov the new or prupn-ed IMoeo-i , I contain- about .-Ixty Pari-hestind oer 1 thrti thtiitsaitiU-nmiuwilntnt. Vermont , contain-fewer o doe- Tciino. 00-u doe.- Pittsburg, .-0 doe-New Hnmp.-ldre 0 does Maine mii doe- Lousinuuu hU Kentucky, Florida, Delaware and .-overul others. Seo Church Alma line ISO's. Wo hope, therefoio soon, in have the quo-lion answered in the nllli' mative, uud to have 11 live, active, able piou-, laborious Ill-hop among it-, LAU'I'i, " X have Asked Jesus, but He did not." Ol'lt llttlo boy the only one, not yet 1 four years old-liasjust had an attack little boy butter ; you know he can do It." In a very sorrowful tone he re plied, "1 have a-ked Jcmw, papa, but ho did not." HI-answer was like n sword In my heart, but I endeavored to explain b him that God does not always answer our prayer.-ju-t when we ask Him, und ; Ju-t ns we wi-h Him ; uud that the Inst way is to u-k Him till lie does. On the following clay, while rellectliig upon ids words, tho thought nuddenly Hashed Into my mind, "Pool that I have been! What an lire.-Utiblu plea at tho throne of grace has the child , given 1110 I What a mighty lever for 1.11th to grasp !" And the prayer went , up insometlilng llkethe.-e words," tile. scd Jcsu-, thou knowe-t that I have , told the child over nnd over again that , thou art God, and that thou heate-t , mid nnsvereat prayer. Oh, If it bo thy ' ble.-ecl will, for the glory of thy great name, don't let tho child think thnt I 1 have told him lies. Don't let him say, 'I iiave asked Je-iis, hut ho did not.' Oh, bo pleased to restore him nnd! let him know thou hast done It." Now, mark tho result. Tho child bo gnu to mend from that hour; and niter u week's llluc-s, from Its commence ment, Is how comparatively well. Hih complaint, 1 11111-t mention, too, wa 1 ono which tho doctor, say Is always I threo weeks before It Is nt It- height. ' I will only add, "Ulcus tho Lord, tl 1 my soul, and nil that Is within me, i bless His holy name. We. the Lord, ' O my Mini, uud forget not nil Ills bent , tits." -tlpUeopntian. Tin: Cincinnati and St. Louis papei ' say there is to be a now edition ol the 1 scriptures, termed the Chicago Bible, a characteristic feature of which Isun im proved lainlly record. In addition to tho pages ordinarily devoted to births, liiurrhigcs, deaths, soveral loaves will be devoted to divorce-, I Wi; learn by thot'iicrci Cu'ooJf,tliiit I the lit. Rev. Bishop Stevens will hold ! services at Danville, Sunday July .itli; jut Ashland, Tuesday July 7th; at C'en i trnlin Wednesday July 8thj going from ' there to Khumoklii, Sunbury nnd so cm, j Ri;v. Dlt. IUshem, wns consecrated, ; Bishop of Vermont, on tlioilrd or Juno i nt the now Christ Church, Mnntpelier,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers