THE COLUMBIAN, ELOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 8Uk (ifaiumMun, iii.oom-.huiki, phi ka v, . him: m, 'n. TUB KAliEIDOSCOPE ! A iniii.of Imsy llfo, 1 tt lllutuntlmisiiml tt fihl icnciril,." AO. I.XI, CAMIXO HUAI, TO UUA1IANDA. HmuurrJ. U.Kuumax tin been nil m,,. iJt... i . , ... ..i . .... ,, , , ., , ,n it lamino HllAiisiL'iillks "roynl ruuil," pointed trtx collector for this Township ,,ih1 11 Is bellovul tluit u brunch of tlio tiiiiitiR tuo present yenr. I mil lilirhwiiy led to this imlnt. As this mud viw ono uf tho mnrvelsof Kcmulor, u description of It iimynot bo nnlntsr c.ftiiitf. It would ceeiii tlmt when tho I'eruvlnnsuiKler Ilimymi Liipx conquer ed tliulnliulilliiiitsuf hcuador.therowere lioliliniisiiri'oilltlllllilc.'itlnn lii'luis'ii tin, Wnlcnrn tlmt Deputy Awnsir John comincrun and conquered. Tho Idea of Tiiu nomination of don, McClcllnn ns Minister to Knulund win rejected, by tho Senate on Saturday. Miller's liulldliiB u iniiKiilllcent cuusowny from V.11ZC01U wuim wnaut. onco concciveil Mid executed. Thu unlives worked Willi HUrnrlslmr cnerirv. iind nvcorrnnns iiiqmremly liiMirnioiintnlilo olntncliM. Valleys were tilled up, rocks excavated, and when llnished It is paid to Imvo ucen so smooin ami level that a coach mlL'ht havo been wifely driven over It. It has slnco suffered a Kreat deal by tho iira ueiweeu uiu Peruvians 1111(1 Span Thoniiii, has closed llcubcn Distillery at l'oiinilryvlllc. Asiilinw Madison of .lerseytown has pold out his establishment In that place to Daniel Kobblns Johnston. Tins board walk leading to tho I,, it II. It. II. Depot Is In n ruinous anil dan- I 1U1US. It should bo entirely removed, before &Y,,,,,.'?1',1 r -11,0 enterprise. On tho some accident occurs. " ?. " L "lMr, C'IU!U .. v 1 ,,IUU MuiuiMiiau nutlets It I r fir U'KII I'ltf ll'Klutmui rpi... I...II.1 rm:rT.-On Tuesday nlKht of last hncs answered thu ininin-n nr i.,iimw. week Stephen folic, of Centro town- and were called lamias or Jncu-nllcM. sin had all his canlaire. team, nnil "ciumirroiiiiueii nynsort ol for ,u,nr Imrnrs slnlon from h a barn. '"'"".. icis wero uesuiieii lor Tho team harnepsliohadjiist purchased for $Ki.nn Two young sons of Joshua and Jacob (iruver, of llollenback township I.u- bath", and had arrangements for tlm conveyaneo of warm water; whllo tho inrirer ones were Intended exclusively for tho family of tho bovcrelirn. Tho road has a deep understrueture. None of thu Roman worksaro as linnoi i .... .... , i.i . ........ . i .. .... 1 in, in inn nuns ui lliu lUli'ieiH reruvl- , ,1.. ...1.. lmf ,fnl- u-n. " ". "U imiu...u."jv,.v..j ... . i nils; mm mo luca roan is tiin mnrn m. playilij; with a hatchet, when the ono traordlnary as at homo points it attains struck the other in tho eye, blinding an elevation of lp.r.L'O feet abovesca lev him rr life el; or almost as high as Mont lllanc, mm lor inc. ,i n,.. .),. ff i,,t. ,, ,; ...... w . ... wuvu ...v. IllfellVl lll.lll llU IIUIIU nf Tminrlll.. 'I'lw. rrfn...l.rt I .... i I'm: Ilazleton.ycHiVnssoinuehim- between I.oxa and tho Amaam. proved that wo scarcely knew It. Tho tho baths of tho Incas on tho paramo of new type, superior make-up, Ac., place Uiulucanns, and also near lucataniba. It on the list of i rst-clas, country pa- ',- j- dillereneo of S pers. It claims to bo Independent In tlou between it and the naramo del .Is. politics. taay U upwards of!),7U0 feet. Tho ills- mure in a uircci nno is isi miles; and Aeciiii:.vr, A .voimix man named the accent of tho road is about ii.T.'lii Cot William Miller had his leg broken In greater than tho elevation of tho pass of two places on Monday last, whlU fell- ", '.'. " ' V. V. ! K".?' u.""- Ing trees on tho farm of Thomas J. Van- , , T W.V X! derslice, by ono of them stri ting bis end with cemented gravel. Ono ol SPECIAL NOTICES. nr.nti.vrr. Htry one at tlm fi-Us tho ncrcsMt i.f omo thhiK lo tone tip tlio pyHtcni ilcptcsuil liy mnital liodlly cxlintistluii. At micli times lit every one Instead of tntilnu alcoholic or lneitlclnul ntlni. ulnnU.Mlilcliiillbrilonlyntenipornry teller, re lnvlgnrnte Ills ileljlltlnteil lyntcm by tho tiiliunl tonic rlementH of I lie l'KUUVIAN HYltUf, l'rotcctiil holutlon of tho Protoxide of lion. which Mtallzes nnd cnrlcheR tho blood hy mii plying It with Itn life incut, Iron, llelnit ireofrom Aliohot In liny form, lis iner Sizing elleclH me liotfolloMiit by vorr(Ainn.lliig rcuttlon.lmlnri: permatunt. liilnsl..(i Mii'iMth. vigor unci ncwllfolntti all parln of the mjmoii. anil hnllillnir ttpali llou ioiihIIUiiIoii. win. C Htcrllnir. Ki.i..ori'oUKhkeepslr. N. v.. M.tnt 'Vlliro laUlliii ll.u lVritMuti hyinp I feel hetter. my Ntlenmh is Iniproveil, my bouils aro illlll.lllj l,P'lllu tlini .1111. ht!.. U.ill (! I'lllhlltiill It. II.U nlti nt.tnr thiin 1 am), v. hit has bten 111 tho llriM IiUhIiii'hs furlilyears, who has metl the Hi rup lor three months, anil ulves It as his ileelileil opinion, tlmt It Uiho best Allerallo Tonic Medicine ho evr linow." For llvsnrrisla. liehititv. and IV mule WVnU. Iiesses.llio l'eru latiHvrup Isn Hpeelllc. A32pngo pamphlet suit free. 'I he ucnnlne has "lVrnvliin isyrup" liloiin In the kUihs, j, p, iiiNs.MOlli:, i-ioprieior, ."siliiu ney .-sew lorn, Hold by all lirugKlits. scnoKii.A Arthii hmkn ikaks' nut- Ktnti.sri. W. 1 tor llor. liso.. n nrmtillienf Inwvpr nt t'j.rlr rsburii, W. u., mi) a i " I had 37 Kiinnlng IjK TS M hell 1 eotllliiplifeil In If hiir llr. A tillers' Toil In.. Water. All lll.-nst. 'ihrmtt mill i-'neii uns mm continuous sore. 1 am now a well man, mul mil annulled Iho Iodine Water saved my life." 1.1U linns in rigurii in tins rciiicny will no him free. . J. I". UINHMOlllI, Proprietor, sit Dey .street, New ork 1'ori.alebv Drinnicsls ueneriillv. May 1,'os. INI'0ItMATlOS'.-llirnimnlln ,,r,,l,..,l , irodueen luxuriant giowlli of hair upon n bald icad or beardless race, also a recelpo for iho le- iioval of l'linoles. HI. ill lu-s. Krill.ilntK. ..I. r,y lha skin. leaIm;lhe same soft, eliar, nnd heiiull moval of 11)0 NKIIl I ill, ean scplJ'eT. leg ill falling. Tin: "rooster" of tho Sunbury C7 telle having become useless, lias been put at tho head of an advertisement. Can't fconio iiorouuh or Township go Hepubllcan Just to glvo him n clianco to unused by bridges of three kind-; some uviuK ui -iwiiL-, .-unit.' in woou.aim otners ol rope. Tliero were al-o aipieducls for tliisu lines ot road runs through the broad and barren plain lying between tho sea-coast and the chain of the Andes, whilst tlio other nas-es nloiiL' tiin rlilin. ot tho Vordilteras. Stones niarkiiiL' tlio distances at equal IntervalsarulVeqiieiit ly been. The rivulets and ravines were I'm: Ciitawlsoa itailroad Company have concluded to extend their road from Milton to Wllll.imspoit, on the east side of the river, pas-lug through M'Hwensvllle, and near Tuibulvllle, thus tapping tho rich agricultural re gion in thu upper end of Northumber land county. Mil. Stkphk.v Klmin has erected an Iron front on tho building on Main St. known as tho "Maus house." It Is the convevlliir water to the Inmlmn mul fi.r. tre.-ses. Hoi lilines of road werodlrccted to Cuzco, then the. central iioiiituiiil ennltnl of tho i'eruvlan empire, situated 11,378 leeiiiuuvusia-iovei.Asiiiei'eruviaiisliail no wheeled eaniaires. these ni.uU unin eoiistiucted lor the match ol troops, for inu uun li.iiiiu in oiiiueiis Dorno oy ....i .... ii. ...i. . .... . I......... . 1111.-11. llllll 1111 11I1L1VS 111 SUL'lllIV 1111 I'll liiiiiia-jeoiiseniiintlv loiiL'lliL'liisnfstei with resting places were cut in tho steep pun ui uiu tliuilllliuil. xneso htCpS wero lorinidahlo Imjicdlmeiits to tho advancu of tho Spaniards, who at llrst roilo horses instead of tlio sure-footed llrst of Its kind in this placo but wo aro nma Wlilcli seems to reflect oneacli step sure that others will speedily follow his it takes. Tlio length of tho road Is Os good example, and render their build-ing-i, ornainentcl as well as strong and proof against lire. Tin: Cor.L'MMAX always lias the ret ular Democratic ticket standing in its their rule." 1 1 muted at 1000 miles. Sarmlnnt II SilVS! Tlio Emperor Charles with all his power could not havo iieconm Nhcd even a part of what was douo bv tho well directed Government of tho incus. and tho obedient raco of peoplo under it snoum also no uorno in nil iti tnai tins race wero even unne qtialnled with thoiiesof Iron. Hut tore iiirn to our journey. Tho followlli!' mornlni' was brlcrht and beautiful, so wuweio soon nsllr.uiia oeioro i)reaKiaiiug rouo lorwaru some six miles to a placo called l.a Chlma, anil iiiero stopped ai a iniserniuo novel, no lietter nlnco o loriinr. 'J ho roail to this point from near Canilno Ileal Is do coliinins ; and It never takes It down, and puts up a bogus ono in its place, as somo professedly Democratic papers are In tho habit of doing. It Is firm, rella bio and consistent, and Is tho best, lar gest, and cheapest paper in tho county. School M.tti:hs. Tho School Hoard of lllooin Township havo rcsolv- scendlng, hut from there to tho bottom ed to have seven months of school dur- of lhu yalloy tlio path Is exceedingly ' .. . ... . i.... dllllciilt. and .sometimes daiiL'erous. Ilig the present scnooi year ui.u io m ,lowovor is ,ho ,J0,t euttivnttil about SI.IHIU tax forschool puriioses, ami ,,.ction I saw In ICcnador. Tho cllmato $2,(i(i(i for building purposes. Last year is mild ami equable; and though tho thorato was seven mills on tlio dollar, iiuaimaius aiesieepeu in tnc iiecpest This year, owing to tho Increase, in val- V ' V...,' .i,V,';t.,.i ... V'-.., ' ' i. i . .1 l. o llj '". 1 ."" "..""."b ..yi ...... 1 tie oi iro perty, u is uiuuBiu mu ......i ,() Know wnai occurs in l ie outer work will tirodiico tlio sum remilred. and In blissful icnoranco of books.ncws 1 . ..!l 1 1 ..I ..I... . . i papuia, iiiii-iu.1119, nun inner elements lioN-.C. It. HUClCAM-.W.-Somool Olir oi i loueru civiiiziiiiuii. Democratic exchanges aro In favor of ,..',... .,,.,., , f!nrn,i ,, lion. C. II. Huekalcw, ono of our bona- t,rards ovenliiL' reached tho town of tors in Congress, as a caiulmate lor vico Han Josouo Lliiniuo, where wo wero comparatively well taken caro of. In our day's journey wo hail pas-ed au unusual number of skulls, whenever a person is murdered ho is buried by tno roau sine, ami a cross erccteu over President, on their ticket. Mr. Huckn lew is certainly ono of tho ablest men of tho Opposition, and so far as states' iiianshli) is concerned, would rcllcct credit on thocholco; but being nllled to him at the foot of which tho passer-by tho party which tho people havo dooin- 'i;1,,,! JIM? ed to defeat, ho must share its maul- (ht,.. hvmmo exposed. Tho Indlansaro fe-t destiny." Montour Amerinm. very superstitious concerning theso . spots, ami always mako tho sign of the Wi: have been presented with n pleco cross in passing incin. i o saw no trees ,.r i i.,i, r.. ., ,.!, i,m, r... i, ofniiv size, but this dcflcicncy was sun- ,,. , "'' "V'v ",.7 plli-H iii a Ki-oat measure by tho largo iiiiiuui i, n. .MMmi...i..ii, ........ .. numbers ol heautlliil llowers anil uu-li- was found under ground at tho depth (u which excited our admiration by of seven feet six indies. Tlio chango their variegated colors and sweet scent in tho bed of tho creek left a portion exposed. It Is imposslblo lo tell how long tho tree has lain there. A wal nut tree eighteen Inches in diameter has grown over tho prostrato trunk. Tho wood is perfectly sound nnd free from decay as far iw it can bo seen. A wonderful lnslaiico of pre.seraition. Innumerable (locks of parrots wero al soon tho wing, making tlio valley ring Willi incir insiiiicrauio screaming. After a eood nlirht's rest wo resinned our Journey, and about a leairue from Uiiarnnda crowed a .singular bridge ailed a sncabon. Tho stream had been diverted from lis channel, and passed t iroiiirn an men -o or ;ju leet auovo me river, leaving tho traveller to cross the ancient bed without dancer or dim cully. About - r. m. wo reached CJuaranda, whero wo wero glad to II ml a ttomaom Inn. in lace (lio appoint ments wero luxurious as tho n'n'ohad L'la-swiiidows.chalrs.toKf'cmi bed-ntcutlA lruo tnero was an iiiiincnseaniounioi llltli and dust, and an Innumerablo ar Gi:n. Ouant. In another column our readers will llnd an ndvertlsement of the "Personal History of (Ion. ('rant." Ills biographers aro nuiiie rous, but among them wo do not know ..e...m ...nt-.. ...... Innl .... ..!.. ..... tlm ...U.u..M.,,.i..i..t iu .WW.. I ril,,u I, Ml lll UWI .lr.. l,u task than Iticl.ard-on, tho tli''r f ()f .,,h a warni nical aniply compen- ui.u I'liieiiiiiiuiij; MiiiK ie-iiiiu inu saleil. Mlsslsslnnl." As Orant has been Placed Ouaranda Is tho principal restini: in nomination for President by tlio place on tho Journey from Ouayaqull to Radicals we doubt not that his "IJfo" ' -"",,, SV , V will bo eagerly sought after by his ....... As it u situated nt tho foot of friends. Thoo deslr nt iiL'encles'. or U'lilmborazo. travellers genera II v stoi tliero a low uaya to rest, aim 10 niro fees i inu es nun arricroi. as well as to lav in a ftesli stock of provls ons pre punitory in ciusbiuk uio mountains which loom up In tlio advance llko wishing to purchase should read thu advertisement SiMiUi.AH VkjivI Woaro Informed on reliable authority, that a pheasant's mlglity giant guarding tho npproacl nest was lately discovered on thoproper- to fairy land. lv nf Ale P.ilne .Tnnnliv u-lili-li rvmln I noil Tlio llCXt llaV. SlllldllV. W.'IS II 1 1 VC eleven eirrrs Somo tlmo after Its dl- 0,111 '"deed for tho natives, being cievcn i,gs. tsonio iimo aitir us u tf.r rpj;unir wurUit and feasting day. covery Mr. Jacoby in passing by tho () luggage not having arrived, and ncsiuoticeu iiierein n largo macKbiiaKe, not Knowing wnai niigni no tno cau-c who, upon investigation, was foun.l to of Its detention in that rough and only , ;.n .iiin ,. in.. ..i lmrtia v civilized country, wo doo- tii ' utlchcd an omcer after It. Ho returned ship having been killed, tho eggs, with '... tlm u..xt ,u,y exnlalnliiL' that tho exception of threo wlch wero bro- mi mo soldiers had seized tho mules for ken. wero taken from ills stomach, and their own purposes ; nnd to conllrui his ,!,! ,J 'Pl. tnnlline en. report pointed td tltO OXOI1 Oil Which NU hatching all hut vni-v Inren one nieiisiirlnir flvo feel, nlno their wav to (llinyatlllll. Which point Inches ill leiiL'tli. was threatened by an attack from tlio M.i.ii.i..,...iI.,,si. ,.. j' it our baggage was placed. Tho Boldlers. nilng her laiiilly duties, succeeded In lmmue7,,; nbout 1,000, had passed itching all hut two. The snako was a through Ouarandu the day before on obtained lillhinitchnrpe by atldlesslliil '1IIO.S. 1'. l-IlAl'MA.V,Vhilillsl, iiiroauway.rtew lorK. Tfl fVlvtTllrriiu ll. tA.. i... . . Wilson will send (Iree o charge) to all who desire II, the prescription wlththcdlieetlons formnkllitf nnd using tho slinplo remedy by which ho Mas cured of a lungtillectlnli anillliiitdreaileddlsenso Uousutilitlon. Ills only object Is tobeuellt Iho untitled, and ho hopes eMT) sullerer will try this I ' . 'ii' it ..... iiuiuui, nun ....... i'.ii i: 11 uii'imii. i ieae luiiiiess lll.l . l.HM Allll .. W1I.SI1.N, Nil. lIL.Hnlitli s .ml stlii.t mySPi.;-!)-, Wllllanisburg, Iilngs eo., X. V. Theeuat ulniitllil nf limn rimviiin. .1 I... II. ladles in dresslugiiud nrriint:lig ibelr liulr must make nliy art lelo which would lessen their labor .inriieiuari) ui'siraiile. longs Vegetiible Am irnslu lcales Iho hair la sueli eoudllliili as to 'ellderthetlresslliizalid nrrmieliiff n ..t-e m.v mailer. It Imparls to It Unit rpleuilld glossy up. pearaneo so lunch ndmlred, elenliM s (lie scalp ....... t.i. .uiu mi iiiuiiors, HUH lUCMUIS IllllllllfSS ! Iiriltllnt. s Its frnwlli .....I .... ........ liulr 10 Us oilglnnl color. 4t The reason why MUhkr's llcili Hitlers euus ho ninny illirerent diseases, Is bceativo It is the best lemidy f..r iidernngedstoni.irli,or Pyspep. sla now l;nown, mul bee.iuso It invigorates tho utlro system, stienglhiiiH the at r ous llbii's. elevates tlio staudiiid of all the vilat foiees nnd sustains n most lien 1 1 1 1 Tul tonool the enlhe liu man orgniilsin. Medicine Unit wilt do this will tire any disease for tlio simple leasoii, that lei- ture will 1I0 tho lest. c guaraulec no woman 01 ililld, how ever pjlo and eiu.iclateil, cm te-e tluse llllieis gnl.uly lor tuenty-one il.iys, without ihe le- turnorihu rosy cheeks and fair enuipiexlnii charactcrMlcul goo 1 health. Mold by nil Priu Klsts and Pe.ilcrs, Pr. H. II. llailina:i 1 ., l'n.prielois, Imea'.l. r P.I., an I Clllcl), III. In o l'-ll PKIIll.ITY Threls iiomedlcln eqml to Itoofl iml'. (.er- man llllteis In inses of deblllly. It luinrtsn leucaud vigor lo the wholo&istem, strengthens the appetite, c.iuses an enjoyment of tho tool, enables the stomach to digest It, pl.illles Iho blood, elves a go id, sound, hcalthv eompletl in, cradle lies ihe yellow tinge from iho ejes, Im parts a bloom lo Ihe cheik.aud ehiiuges Ihe pa. llent fiom a slioit-brealhed, emni'iiiteit, weak and neivous Invalid, lo a full-f.uvil, siont and vigorous person, "lioolland's Giimau Itlllers" is entlii ly frie from all alcohol e tulmlMtuc. IlOOn.AND'M (JKll.MAN TOXIl' Is a eomblntloii of Hie Ingredients nf Ho ill anil's Hitters with puroH intaCrn. Uuui, orange, nuKo making one of tho most agri cable and pleasant picpuntlonscxbiut. The tonio IsumiI by thoo li'tpilrln 11 good nnd si'lentlllc stltu'i. hint. Piluilpalolllce.ljU Arili St., Phltu. Hold by nil Prugjlsts. June 1U,'1. LEGAL NOTICES, V OMINIHTIIATOH'S XOTICK. fV. mtatk of 11 win M.tiiTMNn, nmuhn. !. (I' M nf HilinlttKtirttlon tic tVmu uon oh tlio m tli'-'f Imvld II, .JltllMK hU)nt luvvinhln. roluiiit'tm ounty.UTi'a'.oft, Imvo In-tn ttrttntt-il livtlic11cltt'rnrisnlil t'ltiinty, tn .Incoh Hltlin iidinhi Mtralnr, who rcshlt'tlit Mtiln 1ownslili, AU piTNuiit linvhi(t clulim or tk'iitandi iiK'ihit thoMiUI etnlunro rpijueHio! (ti iirusciu (hi in for Hfltlrmt'iit without ilel.iy, mul tiinto Imlplitcil Id I a II I I lll.lf , MERCHANDISE. A SHIONKIVS NOTK'H tN HANK J.X. nUlll Y, In ttiu DlMrltt Cnmt "Mho UnU ini Ht.iti'K inr Hie W'vhU rn I'lrtlrh I ut t,i'iiiH. ln itl.t, tn liu' luuiter (11 .iiirnii tn'tiny, Htinitrupt. lOWllOUl tt llt!l I'tttKITIll 'I tic nildl'l luili'-l tii-K- hy uIvi-m iiothv of (Ui iipifiitnliuL-nl as aMl(nii' nt .l.'icnli Oi'iikW nf Hrl.ircH'i k. In tlm rnimtv ot I'oliniiljlii, nnd tutu nf l'cnifsjlv.iiil.i, who n:ii iift'ii iiiijiiiijcii n iiiiiinriun uihim uif own iu v Mm' HNtti"t Court ufmihi ninirlft. Mtt' '-"Mil M.1V t'l JlrtV, J. IMtUIIION, Ah.Ii1h.t, tltloti, I. .Tuno i,'ft-"t, jOTICH IX UANKlllM'TCY. 'J IiIh N to givi' notice t tlmt on tlio Nt dm o .Tunn, At i. lV-, 11 vnrtnut In It tnUruiitcy ifisuca njtntnl tlio unite ofHllot l.ulnr f tlio lnwii ol liy. In tin' t uimt v of (olunihln, nnt stuto of iViinvtvnnln( ulm lint hrrn nnjii'ltfoil a llnnkiuit on hUown tx llllun t tlmt tin- hj incut of ntiy tic bt niit ilillwry if nny ittnu-rty t'floit(,in to Mich llnnkrnpt, to hi in, or lor hi iif. nml the tintinfer nf nny i-rop rrty hy lihn lUi'lnrlildilcu liy law: tlmt a int-t'l-ln of I lit rrt'tlltorn or t ho unfit Ii.tnkrutt,to vnv thflr lt lt", uii't tn clmoMj one or more ntlmiccn of hit ulc. HI lo held lit n Com t of linnkiupt cy()tt I n hold( n lit tho IWt-hiinflloKd.Ill ItlorituH- burn, t'ftlumhia rouiily, ivnn.ilnnln, liriiro i:dwnril()iiItjn,jr.JUnlhtir(on thf tuu d.ivur July, a 1 n. iMnt 'o'clnck n. m, THOMAS A. Mmsliut, June VwMt. Hy i:. II. Cuoi-UAUuit, luputy. 'IhliUtn lvf notlco: tlmt on the Ut ilny of .lime, a. n. hi1, n uiirrant In llunkruntt'v wus nttipn anniiisi me t suuo nr i niix. . .Mt'ivfivy JVAV STOCK OK ( I.OTiriNO. ric-dt mrUnl r I'AUi AN l WINir.U UOOJ'V UAvin ln Ik- nlU htlon to liW Mtock ul vmv.v ANDrAMiiio.vAiir.iici.oritt.s'o. nt nlort' on Main Strc-tt,twoih)rHdtHir tin Ann rlrnn tlouir Ill-Ktn1ntrif. lit.. vlRre In- lust m-idvnl from Nu 4it tc mul ihllndtl.lilrtn full iw-Htrtouitt of MRN AND llOH'fUTlI!N(i, tufludlhK the iiiol f ishknnh.e, rturnhle, mul ImntNotiif ti)U-ssthiH of ll()X,SAt.K, ol I'litnuimu In and Htnto or I' Cfitintv nnvy Ivan I.i, who lias hcen ad- JuJui'd n Ii!iukrtit on lilt own txtltlon; that the payment oruny iictat mid dtlUtry of any projieity htlouL'in'f tu mch Jtaiilitnpl, to htm, or lor tils use, and thctrniiHfi'r of any piopeity liy him nrv forhUKlcu ly law; tlmt u uici tlou of tlm 0 editors ff Iho paid D.inkrtipt, to rou their debt1, mul tn ehonno ono or inwto uiilKtieeM of his estate, wllllirt held at it Court of ItatiUiuptey, tn lio liolden nt tho Ut 1 inn Re I Intel, In lilnoiimuurK t'olumhl.i eounty, l'eiuiHyhanln, hetoie JMward 0etton, jr., ItefiMrr, on Ihe Vtii day ol Jnlv, A. it., Imh, at o'elork, a. m. TIIOMAH A. ItttVr.i:Y,lTtH. Marhlnl, Jiiiu V,'i-"' l' K 11. t'ooMi.Wuit, Pipuly. 'JhW N tn tile notice : that on Ihe COlli day or May, a. n, lNiM, u wnrrant tn li.uil;ruplry was Nvnedaiit'ilnsttheivtateonienry II. HiinherKer nf IlIuohi-huiK In thecoiuilyol I'lflumliin, and Hiaie ol lMiiis Innla, whn has hten adjudged a Ilankrtiit mi his own tatUUiti; that the pavinent nfnnv ileblsnnd thdlveryoi nuyproiwily he lotiahiK tn mieh HanUrupt, tn him. or fnr hlsie and ihetiaiiMirnran i-mnerty hy lilm arofur tifdilntt l.v taw that a iiifetltisr of the Credllors ol the said li.mkiupt, tnpinvo their debtn, and In choose one or luote noslfinees of Ids e-tate, will be held at n Court n I llaiikruptiy, tn ho holdcu at Ihe r.xthuiio Hotel In llloomsburir. In Columbia county, Vt nns Ivatiia, bt toio lMwniil ()eiinn. (r., ItenMciym Iho stli diy ol July, A.!)., l"s: U I :i ii i nt It, p. i.i, Titii.MAKA. i:ovr.i:v, I'.S. Mainhal. Hy ,i:.H. CnounAi', Deputy. Juno .",'!. It XTOTKT, IX ItAXiatri'H'Y. 'I his It to flu' nothe: That on the .Wih 'lay nf Mjy, a. i'. Wv, ii m arrant In IJankiupwy was i--md nr.ilnst the estate of 1'aae Yetler nt MalnvUle, in the eouiity ot nPimM i.niul K'.t'e i-i im-j Haina. who has- been adjmltd n llniilciui t nn his own pun ion; that tbep-ijiueiit it utiv ill tif. nml ii llw iv ol liliv ltri'll be- Iom ;ln to such lt.nil:iuit, lo hlin, fr lor his iish, it. ii li!in,ior nf nn v itmneilv l) hlltl lll't fnl hlildiub law ; that aim rim; ot thei retlltorsuf tin miM I . nkiupi, to pinvu their (Il-dii, and tn ehou-ii one r morn asjneeHof lilt rMate, will ii h.til r.i ii ('mm nr ti in t niotev. tn he ho la en al the Ilsehanse lintel In Utoomsbiii-, I'nlumbla loamy, IVnnsj ivrnl'i, bdoie I.dw.nd ineibm, Jr., Ihiitwur, in the Mh day of July .. n., ImW, at P n l(ic!;,n. tn, 'JlIUMAS A. IKWMi.'.r.K MaMhnl. Ity r. 11. tuyuiAi'Mi, i.'i uty Juue VOs-It. KDClf, tllTM, AND OIICI-OTII COATH AND PAVTH, of till Mt,hlreK, nml colors. He Las Nu replrti fhheil hit alu ndy large stock of VAXAi AND WINTKU HttAWt, HTIlU'KD.KtnUKini, AN'nriiAIN VLHTM, HHIUTrt, CItA VATH, STOCKW, COM.AUH, 1 1 a n d ic i :i ten i v.vt, i . ) v i ;s, UHlT.Xli:ilM, AND tancy autici.m He nas cnnntantly on hatul u larr and well-ne lecteit assnitiiietit of CMU IIS AND VKSTINOS, which be tt pit pared tn make tu order Into any kind of clolhliiK, on Nery Mmrt notice, and in the best niuiiner. All his clothing It made tnwear, and most of It ts of home inanufuctute. (KIKD S VTtMl l ANI) JIIWKIjKY, of eei lUhcrlptlon, fine and che.ip. Hlscaseft Jewelry U not surpassed In this place. Call and examlu? his ccneial nsvoitmcnt of U.OTIIINO, WATt'lIllS jnWIMJtY, Ac. david i,ovi:Niiima DRY GOODS, ETC. rpiMi I'tiACM to K t our itujiicy imel In good lrdnt low prices Is nt I.T. HllAltPI.lM'HHlDltr. J U8T HKUKIVKl) ' Jt'HT lUtCIIIVKD A lichh Invoice of Deldhivt, Ollli'tM, .MUtlillS, H(C. csr iu:ci:ivi:d JUHT It IX i;ivi;d A frih iuMthuol Hoop Hkiithofall kinds, cmbracliiKcxtra kIzck, I.lucn Culls and Collatn fnr ladles. MISCELLANEOUS. Itl-Mlt wnl.r, 'Mninors In .h. r. sii 'IJIH MtrilSCIUItKIIH II AV1.NO 11 lift 1. A II, J S'. .1 I III. i i M 1 Ij 1,, I T-WV- Mt ., J. I lllSlsl Ibl' I'laillllK Mill llll lllilhll.i Kl..ii ' ' .'l.MI 'is ....'l fl'rnnrf' 'JJ , r fi.ri!Hrlr.s-tt.,d wf.v. HhlVf will r. iii. If",' 1 1 ',"t,i,r.,"" T,r,L r ilii'bli.llitsHiil liiiilriniillirlllK . " '". ""' "' l- ' bimliirsH i.i tiiiiii-inti-tiirlnic linul:, HASH, M.IMn, Mdl l.MMi , Hint Uids ,li-. Wi. nic nlsu rpuri-il in tlri'ftffd HnorlliL', shliiKli'. mid nil nlhcr Itirnlnir iHinlrid In l In tsmtiini'thin nf l.ttlt.llnai. All Itlnds nf tiirnlnit linn, ut shurl iinllfp. litlls for Joist nnd othiTfriuiie sltirr filled ssltli prnlnpt lioss mid i'iirt. Iinb-is iisif llnl miIIi-iusI. A.ll 17, VS WOI.K A II.MtlO.V. Tlnf imp nnd mi fl'l i: a c u a x i) isi:. .NuricF. ih iii:iii:hv (iivi:s TOIIN ( JU.ST UKCKIVK1) jusir ki.ui;i vi;n A fresh Invoieo of l'liper INillutw mid ('mis. new sti h's, i.ini'ii Hhlrt fninu forIin nnd itojs. ai:ci:ivKi) Jl'isr hi.i;i;ivi;i) A new InwilcisnfCrftilirry, (lin-.ii.. Hare, Vfllrtwn.ui, i-tc. MOST1 1)11 belliirr 'JUth, J jf.sT ui:ci:ivi:d A new Installment of IIuiux, Drll lteef, Cod I'lsh and iUclcctel. Hi mux I'. K isi: nut Tiiul In tlio Court of Com est: or ji.vt , .u UM x- (mon riea oi Lniumoia oi. is t. f county J 11-ii .No, t! Uf.A Vt i: CK, Coal Co. J May T. Jnis. Xotlcu U hciebv cten that the uiub rslL'titd. appointed uu auditor by thu tald Court, to dir, tilbuie the lund aroint; Hum the Mioriirs Mile o the real eMatu ot Defilidaut, and ordi-ied in be paid into Court; will attend al tho UckM( r k otllcc In Itlnomsbuin, on WtdiieMlay, July Mh, I MM, for (he puipohu of making nildilUtriluitinn, All peisoiis ale livirby ieiMlud In make their -lalms tn Mild hind bcloiu the Auditor at Ihe time spedlled or to be ih bni rt d fmm coming In njioii ha in inn i, i . it, jiiii tvi ,i, juiii1 i, i'S. Auuiior. fAJniAM WATCH IX at i:xiui;mi:iy i-ov ruicix MIvc r HunllhK Watthes ?lt (lold II imlliii; Watchts.lsiarat CaM'.so ..jvj (i old UunttUK Watchi s. I.adi(HMe. ., . 70 Kadi watch warranted bv Miedal ecilltlcatu fiom the Aim U an Watch tC Watches sent by i;.lli sx. ( . O. !.. w It Ii i-i nil ae tn examine te- loro paj (in;. IAer one in want of a reliable time-keeper is ti t nested to write lor our dtscrlp tlve prhe-Iist, Addiekslu lull and ph ase u.iuiu the paper iu which ,ou saw this aileilst-iiieiit. iiuwAUH sV io rio. my nroauway. i. Juue .",Vl'lin. XOKUSHOTT'S I'HAIIMAC'Y. Ol'l'USirt: AMI KH'AS 1101 Ml, Wheie maybe found aeomplete nt.soitnu ni ot irt-sh and puie MIlDK'INr-M, DYH SUMTS counts, Dir.s, W1NDUW.(1IASS, LAMIV, I.ANTIUIN . M- DAS, BOATS, ALCOHOL, WINI s A. Mtb nltH HYltt'I'?', mUT.MimY, TiUM.l AND I'ANCY AUTH which am otreieil at old time prices. Pieseilp linns nccutately prepateil. Jan 3 ui-Iy, QAUIUAGK 3IAXUI'(T()I1Y, iuonmsiairfc, r.i, m. c. hi.oan & iiitonn:u thesucccssormif WILLIAM SI, i IAN fc MiN conMniie the buiinesn ot making CAUItIAJI, liCOlillH and every Myle ut r.VNf'Y AYAOONS, which they bue constantly on hand to Milt uk, tomeiK. Netr using anymatetlal but the u-m and emplojliirf ihumoht expirkiued wuil.uu they hope tuctiiitlmiti ns lu-u-loiuiu lo givo cnlhe kutlsl.icllon to euiy customer, Au liifcpccth nut thflr wink, and of thureai-onablo prlco nuked tor the i utile, In hiite tu liiiure a kuIh. JLDOJI KCIIOOh DISTHKT. Tha follow Inu Inn tiuu Statement of Mm receixts. oud expeiidltuiu ur tho lloanlu of Dlreiloit hr tho School year endliuon Iho 1st day of.luuel'i llcc'd Hal a u co from la.t j t nr, I Meuden- hall, Tieanurer, $ itJl iii lUcM Hal, liounly I'liud rromKMenUcn lialI,Tri'ii4 at per Aud.kettlement, ltit 1" " htato appropriation, i-i " Kroni It. 1'. llailiiaui.Ct'l. it 01 ' other fcimreta, Ji W liupllculo for iT ami ws, Lc-S!f eiroiH and cxhouer.i'ti 501 1 f y Col, Commission, bj 17 Nt t Uucelpts, LXrJINUlTUUK'. I'd. 7 Malo IVaclaiN 7 iiionth, ij'. IJJ rsTAlll OP SAMtTL IlUl'CIl.Mt HH'll L.elter- testameniary on the estate m S'linuet Unulor, late of UemhH'Jc township, t olum bla county hae been gi anted by the H( ulster nr Columbl.i inuntv lo .hints Humler and l'ttcr liiuwler, of Mild township, Alt p r-ous h.niu cl Ulus ajj.ilnrtt the estate ai e rciui sted t..pieselil them foi settlement, and tlinsn indebted tn the etl.tle either on imle or bonk account will make payment t tii" ic-riiloiswnhnut deinj . i'i:hit imruiu't, May l,'(S-0t. Hxeeulnrs. rtuiuMiiiA COUNTY s.s. in tin. nrnhnn's Colli t Ml and fill" h'liil County. In the mailer ot the ai cuimt of -iiimn I At hen latch an. I Jin on i. i rn., i.r-tuiois i uiu iut will ami tt .tameiitof Win. Kill.ilecuied. Mns.. it im,s. nn iniitlnii nl .Mr. Clink. 1.. II. Lit tin Is appnlnied Auditor tn make distribution of ine naiaiice in uie iniim nn " """"'"i" the c-iedllois nf nU tlcceased. Jl tho couit. l-'iom ttie uiord. J jiii; cum:man, cu-rk. Notice Is hen by clven tlmt I will atteial to tha duties or the, uboe appointment at my olllee In Illnnmsburg, on Satuid.iy, tho 'Jaih day ol June ten o'clock a. m when and wheie all pit Mill', me leipilred tninehenl their claims he lore me or be tU hm i ei l tinin rnmhiK in for n hharo ot theas-ets. 1'.. 1 1. LI T U.i:, May-'.', It Auditor. 17STATI: OF CiKO. UAUIN DKCM). lliTo Martha Uaup. D.nld Haup. AVin, ltaun. ,'lnuasltaup, Henry Itaup, John Haup, Uenrye M Uaup, Hannah, internum led with John Shut cl Il.ichel. Intiuimrrlcd .villi John crMier and IVter Ilubernuaidlan tul titan ot M.irth.i Hubei LIomI c. lluber, Uaclut D. IIubr, Wm. lluber nnd.lohn lluber. Lineal ilcsceialauls ot (ieotge Itaup, Lite ol Locust Township tleci a-ed, and lo all other persons lntcicsled, (!rectlnj You are hen by eiled to ho and appiar before the Judges of oar Orphans Couit nt an Orphans' Coinl lo be held ut IlIoomsbuiK, on the Hist Monday of May then and there tomcept tu refuse tn take the leal t slate of Miid Cioorne Itaup, deceased, at Ihe apptalscd valuation put upon it by Iho Inquest dulv awanled by tuo&.Ud Coutl.nnd returned hy the'hhi j 111, or Know cause why Ihe Kaineshould nntbewild. Andheieof fall not, Witnts-ihe Honorable Win. Llwell, 1'nsldent ot fair Mild coin t, the sev nthilAV of May A. D., lsf.s. May .TJ.Vi. .UHII OOLKMAN, Cleik. rni': imcti- tlon of Aleni C. Van Llew. Assltsncoof James .Meiedlth, tor ine Jsiieciuo j eiiniiuancuni a eon ttact eiitt it d Into hy l't tc r Melh k, now tleuM. w ith Ihe Mime .J it lilt s .Mi ii-dlttl, l ul.l MMA Ciif.N'l'Y H.. '1 lieConiinonwiiUlh of lVnns tanla to Win. H. llimenbuch and Wilson i IZ1'J i Mellck. Ailnunisnaiorsoi retcr.Mei lek, ilcttasnLand Isal.ih Mi-llek. Ln itia Mi lick, IVt. r Mellck, Abner Mi lick, Htram M click,, lutt im.irritd with luulcl felmii.' lhnili. Iiilerm.iirieil w Ilh 'At hnatli Oman, and Isaiah Mt lick, llnaidhin iff litem ot Itachel 11. Waring and Ldmuml Warlni;, and of Mar.v M. McDmi iM. IVb r Hchj, Nctllo llest, liy. run ll(jt and Libit, llehl, heliK aL law ol lMcr Ml ill k. I IH'IIM . We t o .miand you and ivuy and all of oii, that laying icide all bushn ks und .xuisi jou i.e ami appear in your nioper pt rous, neioiu uui .ludifi-s ol the Oinhans Cmilt ol C ilumbla Colin i. .,n tii.. MPht liinilnv nt Sn-tit i-tii I uixt ninl tin's wi r the bill or pel It Ion ol Alem t .Van Lie w .sMKUi'i' oi jaiiu- .ui k nun (Miibiicii 10 mi Kdiil Couit. and inavlnn thehitKl ( out I In declce Mm tsOet Illc iit-riniinante of a enniiact cntcicd Into bftwt en IMii' Miltk in bin lib lime and J.imei Met'i dilh, and tn dn Ittilhii' tud leech e What our mud Cnint htietl huc cntcldiitd Ui behalf, lit re tit fall not al jnui p. ill. and the iiiiiallv lliat in i t ii-u.-. U ilili"s tlio lino, Wm. llwtll, l' 1. 1 nir 'id l-u.t Ihe i Uhti t nth d.. . i l Mi-. A. I . lsii". May Ji,0Mi Jl-.. t tl I- MAN. s Icik O. C Tn my friends rind thu publlo jttncrally, thai all kinds ol PHY aooas, OltOOKHIKS, QUKKXSWAUK, NOTIONS, tlC, nre constantly on hand and for halo AT 1IAUT0NS OLD STAND, l!l.O0MStltHfJ, HV JAMUS K., at-AUo, Sole AKcnt lorLi.i iV I'iiom matkof IMF., Ijirc bit entii'taiitly on hand. fiuVtiT. i:v caiiixi:t yahk housk. IiinundeiKlKned takes this nuMhod tu Inform the public that he has opened .i ni:w miNnum: waki: housk In tha Walhr Uriels IIulMIng, on Main street, Ill.OOMSHL'ItV, M.. Which he pui chased and Inleiuls tnkcepi fr- maneutly tilled with Kurultuic of CITY AND IIOMi; M A N V PA (JVV It 1 IT lIlMl'lilSl-S Ut II K I) M A T It i; S S K S , '-Ol-'AM, LOtTNfim MAIII1LH TOP CLNTHi: TAI1LUS CIIA IltS-Cl'SHIONrD, CANi: ltOTTOMLD, AND WOOD llO'ITOMLD. HXTLNSION TM'.LTN, LOOKINO OLASi;, PA1M.OU, CIIAMM.U AXI) PI IXO UOOM KUKXITUKU. In fat l a lull at iortmeut or j n i: A D Y - M A D K C O V V I ; s of all Jilzrs, ami ftt LVLIIYTIIINO IV TIM: LINKor IIISTJlADi: Allnl whldivillbf sold c H i: A I' k O H C ASH. Ihepublh nre Invited to cnll and examine in) slock ocioie purchiiisiuu c-Ncwlirc. fiKottui; w. cour.i.L. Ulouhisbur,;, AuKtit Ifi, lsC. QLOTIIKS I1Y MACIUXKKY, tlm un lei-iyiicd would rr'-pec'fully call tho lit tent ton of Ihft iiittiti. lit tils new nml approve! initliinl of makliiK clothes by n fcjMcm basctl UiHMi mathematical principles, which rtndert U Impossible to hoot he rv.le tha nperfeeily accurate lie lalms for this method the follow Imt ad unit as s. KJIiSl. I'erfopt accutacv. si:i om. A savlu of two thirds of Ihe lime uuall tuk U In cut out Ihe cloth. Ill I III'. AbllltT t i me.l"Ule any 1U;UI wi Ms tu Iusiuf tl ,'onil lit. 1 til It I II, Th it It dot s away with the in-fesslt) ti beina nieaurcil mm et turn ouce.ns ntttn Kth tn irom the mKapprila nsl'm m mlstnke of t rneasuier. Ho would urn thepublle tn gle It a trlal.ns I. is i-atKOed that it will nlw peiftrl t.alifuctlon. Ho will be happv In exhibit and explain luwoik inj; at any time lo rUltnrt. J, W. C EHnB UN 21 in eh IM, lfc0s Main St., below Market. just iu;ci:ivi:d JCrtT UKCIUVLD The bt'ft Sl.OJ Syrup In the town. J U.ST KKCIHVKP JUST IlKCr.IVLD 1'roKh Drltil Prulta, Apples, IVache, i'runes, While Ileuns, ltarley nnd Jiominy, fAXTKP lluttcr, Hl'ks and Lard; tnr o prlnio wiutir iioii mil nt fi.uu. "YrANTKl) llnnishoulilcrs nnil Union. ham, in r.As'i i oi in ii Kiiiiii.r. .ctlll.M.ll 11I10A1iVA). ' L'urtliiKC nml IInriK'sj .MuiiiO'itt'ttn cr., InC. mint lliu li.iu. v ...11111. ai any ll'.iisp In lliorlly, colnhltiisl wilh n rr. I.I- Is r.niihUil to (.aii,r crnt. I.s.. tinin llronJ vny Mores, Unhrs for .lilinnriii nn, rnrrinii ouh r. .ws-lnl. ly iitli'iuiisl ii., l lrst l'rriiiluiii sdlvrr MmIhIs nwrnltil liv iiiii ririiu jiiHinuiu In JOHN C. HAM, 111 Islrt. Ull, HH nml l5. Also n (liililM.ilulnl tho World's l'ulr In the rilv ot Mnyivos-lm. "w "rK""'-0-Ol'lIUTZH A liltDOI.KK, ..'.",,.!!'.f''.l"r', "r iho new i "lit I.A I'll 1'IA.Nl) riill'I'i:, imli'iili il I-i . "... .... in..'., tor utt , :irn, Win i-i ik, ins, 4rj llri.nrii. Mi., ,i.w Yolk. I iu imluit Mulillor i'liilo i'luuus liy their in rlilliir s-ciimli uetli.ti arc siip.'Tinr lo all oilier., nnd their inerll conslMs in ihe wrest iiluuk Ih'Iiir mip muleil by Hie Iron rramr. nlhra Uik h liiri'er spueo Inr tho oiinillni! Isiur.1 limn Is .nsessed hy nny other kimi or l'luiiii, iiy tin, nuuns ih funnilty ns well ns Ihe linlltyor the tone la lnrnely In. creiiseil, iheso rinnos In o linn iironouuceil by tho best Judges lo ho unrlvnlli il lor l'OWi;i! A.Ml HWni:TM-bS OK 'OtiU, l.'nsy nn.l ncuenble Irmeli nnd tiemitr of finish. Most llattrrliiK cerlllle.iles or errelieiicn froir. ThnllieiK, (lollsi mM:,stinlnneli, leulmnis, nml n lnreeiinlnlierorilie most illsllliiinlshed rniln. HoMiiiid Alniitiiirs. I'roni lunix eii.rrlenue mid Mirifrlor fiielllllesfor.Mniinf.u-liirlnif, mo nre elm lii i mier our i.liiiiosnt ns low prices in uro nslteil ly infoi lor innhers. Welnl f-ireircular and orlee IiF.1. ilnr.fii.i.y MxoiuuNcn'ox "F HoBuuiKa' it a ic jioxi: SUl'Klt I'HOSI'IiATK OP' MJIK, A KTANDAltll MANt'lli: loll AM. i iki n Asn IIAIN turn's. HaylnB within Ihe isist ymr i;ieatlr incl eased und .mi I1...IIIH..U ..... ...1....1.... . u and mnliiilaeturliiir, weate pn oarnl t- ftirnlxh oi sn'i'itTiiitMjiiiV'iT"'1'" " 1,ur"'"or m-iicio war iiinniii.ielory lias been Ihoronnlily lesteil Ihe past season by iHai'tleul men ol imrlmlne uhile iielnhhorhotHl ami tlsewhere, and in esry eao the remit baa hitn enlliely mllslaeloir, Our pioeess of pulverllne, win lehy il Is lire, pnrod loraiuicuaranttisl to i'ash Tiioran a.m uitii.r,. V',lV.'!'." , objeelion willed nllnchin loniuuv I reitlllzers.nml seenith tnlhe ririu.i'ii ivliuoi'll iiitmoie nine. rMim m i no inaimiii-'iory i: ut m r.Ki t mi it (.'ommon .IAti:i.r eellcd. Ml more I ban t'liojiper A X K S, r. .ipe.n: ui oil as Ih litjit, 'Ih. 11 4i i ' aim's I'at I XI- eamuit he annuity they will eitt i.'"t per eent. mon .es, Willi less i.iuur 10 me fiOOlM noons (lOOIIS OOOIH HOI.TI SOI.II SOI.I) hOl.l) AT AT AT AT HMAI.I, S.MAI.I, SMAI.I, S.MAI.I, AIIVAM'i:. AllVANI'i:. ADVA.NCi:. ADVANl'K M XUfllY, l'v. , and by our uceuts Ibroiubnut .... ... i .. , j , in lilies oi -.i.i i--s. em ii, iii "s. in r ion nt .'.Ulu lr. Also MiIl'lM:il 1'ltOMlTI.V lo all TX Till; JIATTEIl OK 1 i jj c, no v i-: it, has opetud a tlrfct-i-'avn HOOT, rtllui:, HAT ( Al', AND 1111 MlHtL'. at the old hlandoii Main neet, llloomshuri?,aliw iliii'lK annvn lie i niiri iionsr, iiimiuhu iiinin poseelof the ei v hit est and l lstj les eve r oiler til tn Ihe eltiens ot t'nlumhfa i'niiuty. lie ean aceomniodale Iho puhlle wilh liiofnliowinKt:"''' nt the lnwi vt nil en. Men's heavy dnuhle holed ft oku hoi it n, meu't dotllile and KlUKle tap hoUJ Ktp iHMjiM, mi u h ii ay Mica muh oi an uinui, men's lino Imnts andvluHStif alt radeN, hn.v'h dnuhle Knled l.i.iiln andhnes of alt kinds, men' Klove kid llalmoial hhni s.mcirN, wnnicn''H nun uiitMN lUMiuir, Kauerw, wiwui'ii h kimu uiu rullsh Mn Ihie.wumcn'ftiiionieco IS.iliiinruUand calfi-hoes, woiaen'M veiy line kid hut toned iult III Niort linntsoi all deiC rll'llntiK iHjin ptu- Kcd ami M'wed. He would also call at tc ut Ion to his flue n"soit ment of HAT, A IN, ft Hi AND NOTIONS. which com i all the new and popular ail- til ill) in nrii'i'h 1111 11 en i nni laiiiu iiiil mi, juice L'niids air- nlli'ird at Ihe IoWikI cash lulls and will he miaianttul ht:ie halKfactlon. A call Is Millcih d bf lore iiiuehins elsewhere as It Ik hellewd thai httnr Imipilns mo tn bo fuSlid tiiau iu anv inner lace in inwenuuiy. Ike. we; s lli:iUFl".'s SAl.K. or v i.i'Aiu.i: m:-.i.iii.i.ii i -.i'vtk. .1 I'tlnato I 1 " ,a to ii'ii it i.vj uu 3 fiea it A .NUMlfKlt of cltl.ons Until hum mul lViiivluii nnvy. As thu nort Is totally iiiiilefoiiileil, Kmit fiiiistei'iiatlonexlstcil t.. .i.. i......i.h.i tpi.n i.u....u ......... r.u I'lsiuvhcro lmvoliitfly hml plmH lo thoin, H1.,,.lm,,.,' ,,f i-c'imilnrlun clilvaliy. lio- from Head & Co, Nuw.Yoi'k.iiortllU'ntes lng y vMl baie-footrd, inoiintcU on iiollfyliig tliuiu that thoy hail drown u iirlzo worth $a)0 which would lio win on payment of $10. It U ncodli'sn to say that tliU Is an niuiuuUIK'cl hwIii mule anilen(.'hoii(Mirnicil with lance 1 i-hoiild llkn tohcotheni clmrKO a bat tery. Wo did not push on at onco ow ing to Alicia's burtons unless, lor wiiiun wo could ilnd no suitable conveniences, alilu to l.ico dlo and that thoso who part with U) and who seemed scarcely alilu to f.u for this purposo havo taken u final leavo Uio chllllut,' blasts of Chiuiboriizo. (Iinioi.f. Wnlmvnlllst lonrnnil (lint Head U1,!' "AH.. thereof. Wo havojust learned that Head ,( (b, havo lieenarroteilnttholiistanco of a victim from Maueh Chunk, It hav lni; l,tlJI1 round Imposslblo (o obtain tho prl.o which, it was announced, ho had drawn. Wo trust that nono of our readers will ho foolish enough to throw " itepalrsnt liondule St'hool II'.. li.i lis " Weleli Hill :m 75 " Hundry repairs, stne,pllit.ete lllllsl :i.'i " I'urluel T.J " seeit'tary oue jiar's salary, iu " riii-inleillhliii;and prlullii'.', II " 1'or furniture, ill " l or maps, tiiivonseie., -n is " I'or Hm. monlii's lent, oiiu iiiiini. 11 Isi ' i'or live eopkes l't nn'il Hehool Journal, ft IM " l-'or lleed. Mainp, nnd Art. ofuiireenienl, 7 111 M Jaeoh Kwius an ii.-el.of realisiale, to " i:. .Ml ndellhall " IIW IS " '1 leas, I'lililluls, Ion, w M liiiimiielti liamUul Tu.uurtl, ;ltt l I, Iii i7 Tliu Hoard of lUrei'tors liu.e lioiiBtit one lot ol uround oflC. Meudc uhall In Uast llluom lur tho sum of &ki to Ouo lot of Juciib i:aus adjolnlns ItieabiAofor KM I.1H m on w hicu lius been isild a .hove, s Is Si.nciMIio falluro of Impeachment, tho proceedings In .'oii(;rcs.s havo been exceedingly dull, ileconstructlni; ro construction, nnd tho coiifliiemeiit of American citizens in tho Capitol dun- neons, eeciii to bo tho chief business of their money nway on bo palpable n n,o session. Congress will probably fraud m this. I adjourn within n iiioiiin. Atlfst J,K, KliOAIt, Heon lury. Juno3,'(is, 031 5J .1. UOII1UH, rresldeiil, V IV U I C N o T I v i: H. iilue ui a writ ed 1 1. 1 I at ia- Uur I mil it I he Li (ill nl l nllllltnli I'Iuik i,i t .luiubl'i t nun t (ill 1 1 lilt tllltftt il, W 111 1 e . xpns.-d tn pllhtlo vji,- nrniit cry at tlit-Omit Housfhi IHn ihisIhiik ,u inii-iniiii u in i n- hi ii i urn ii i, mi roaimnay ,i nil ii.i mi. Ihe 1'iilnw-liu least letld csi.iio in wit : All l hut 1 1 J til 11 ti'llii I i nu. t . I. hm hn'd CM tate. In all the el uinU illnca it itnln tmct of laini hiiuuie in ituer tow iihiiin. i nuimniaeouii' t and state of l'l-itnti hatiia, itnu inl iu tho name oi "tail inu l.onmnleii; i, .uuiuiiilut Po5 Acuus.Mum; on iah, heuInnliiK at a htnno corner nf r-ald hind, n laud ol Adiew i hole, il.eine (Mi mlfiic ninth. tiKim aiui t ne-tiaii threiK tahi.two hundrei ami thlitvtwti itichts aiid lweulllvo him dreiilhh' tin nee eMcnniUK l land ol .lohn Itces, nurui. i in hi en ami inrie-iouiin iieirrns w-ei. twu hlilldieil an I teent -nine 1 1 Mick and fnur n uiu 4 to a Mum:im nee exn ud iiunut ie u ntv "lie ami Ihi'-unili i let' I its wihi. two huudui and Ihlrti-oiu pelcln t. (nit; i.nd tlu'liee hy is.ii.l t'laili'M land H ulh (httteeil and nnn.tmlf ) . Kites i nst, two huuilicsland elghty-ltvu peiches In lla place i it iHHlnntni;; whlcii was urauted to neniy j. ijouem i iv .Mitnaei i;.Kipnzei and Mary Ids wife, .Inhu W.niiMir.andltthictar.hU wile, i villi j, laiweraim i-ianauu ii. i lower, tun ho lliiuy Itowcr, dtce.ihetl, und llcniy .1, Dower, llimlillllll (.1 I'ltilli llhuas lli.ln .1 iLui, 1,1. 11! .nn 1 lower, .Uar Jttiwer, Wm, lliiwerandUU'son neiwer, in oi nr. wuu j lower, iicceat-e , ami llUlih W. Melti s noUls, tiy I heir ludentuie,tlalv the Ul day ot J-i htinuy 1m1 anil which was at M ma d hi Ihe h. Id He my .1. linwe r. h. o t licit' in. lo "lliu iitut-r t'i ft k t i.ul IVmimiiv" hv nk hliinmeiit dn l ed Ihe Mh tlay ofJumi uV-llie kiiiiih helm; a term ol Illtern jeats fumi the Nild tirht d.iv nf I fhruarv IM-.V wilh a iluhl of leliewal.itt the option of I help ce, lur an add) tlonil term of it n cam uui r ine leimiuunon oi lite aiuu niiccu .seal t"eMier wild all (he ifiihU, ptlvllrtit ninl annul ten illceH hm h eiired tn the n.ild lehtt uy inn nun iiiucuiurt' i ruijeei tu ine rem ur inyait.v, nu ine eu.u iiuiieti aim n nuneii iiiiuci Ihe Urmii of tho mid ludeuliliu aa Iheieln ic- M-redl With nil Hut PulldlUi.", luiploeuieuU aiai t actions maiie on Naai laiei under thupio vUlnnt nr the hilld tiulentuiu of leabe. Si-led, laid u In 1. Mention and to ho nold a Ihe propt in ot "tin MtucrtieeK t'nji Com pa lis . nn Hipnn MOItlU'.rM Mli.I.AUl), r-hi'llli; M'lyaa, isus. 'iii-iiwii k o w.rirTx corr.1 T)i'nt,ie .n'otici:. .1. rioluTieaslllerof t'oii) iiulmlil 'J'liwnvlllli Kill lee I. Ilileby elell III all permilis lolieerned (nut I he neioHliU o( 1". It. Wolillorlb, Kx-l ilim urer ol Con) nijbalii tuw n.hlp, u ; il, lire lueoriecl, Al Ihe elllililelit of Ills lieeoullls, from bIob e luiu lieard of no iippeal. o fuund it balnntu In his liuiuU of tM.U lload, nndliOM lloun.yluiid.. , m, V V, IIVAN. JUUei.VII AlUllUir, lilt. I'll, llee'.l of 'lun l'i.l.,ll.'i.s I'd. Illdir. 112,131 " unsealiil I lux rl ls. 'Inns l't ni. Z'A John I.. Kline, .0(0. I'd ll.'llioinlon a llue'lita.niil, i'rintits, IJ llitllllue loTiessurir, r 11 won 1.1 Ainu rou f;Ai( on hi:ait vat. roii hash on niiAiiv r.w, run i'ahii on iiiiAiiv i".y, 1 on oamii on ltmuv l'.vv. at r t. KitAiinxsva mom'. AT 1 T. MIAIU'M WH nrollK. AT 1 1. T. SIIAHI'MXsn STorti:. at I.. t. KiiAiii'i.r.sss sroitK. Illoouislnui;, MareliM, IW. points neeesslble by lull orennal.oii leeeltdol orutr. 'lOHiiiNfl lil.v .1- iiiint:K'is.'M Abo Acints lor eyinour, MurBiui A AIIlii.s ... iKint ueaperaiui .si..,er (Ille .Srr Vorlt er and I'ralt A hineillej 's Hay and Oraln Hake, .1. 1,. 1.1 K, A!l III., I'll. .Stiiiljr (irrubir. I'eb.lVtM-Uin 0. & II. IIAIt.MOltK.'mi i.iTsitAitv issimm:, r.oAiii) or iNisTitrniox, HI'NItV, A. II., I'llnelpnl ail I ITo prletur, I'rof.-ssor ol I'hllosophy, Ai. Wnle-luolns, .1.' Y. I'Iano l'fiitrn PAriritiiw.. lis Hleij'kerSlrset, N'eu wy Mend Tor eiu ular nnd prh es to'I'IN't'OTI". IIAKIAVKI I., 1'ltt.burab, I'n., hole Manuf.ut'ra. KorHnle liy principal llnrdwme Dealers. gTR NCI I, STOCK. Htaffonl Jlitiuif irtmlticr I t.. KnU in street. New York, circulars and t imp!" frt e. I it K OlTIi 1 A 1 It 1 H T i U V ov thk wau, ItBCrtUicf, Character, Cmnluct nnd Ui ulti. Iiy HO.V. ALILANI)Knn.hTi:i'JIi:.H. Its icarir mh. eombluetl wilh nu Increased commlsHlon, malco It the best MiMeriptlon Lamk oer puhllhiicd. cnei;rni in 1 Jiiion, i.t repnris , -uutcnueri In three tlayc. One In Ito'-ton, Mnsx , lulsuhicrlht t In 1 ttnva. tend for eireularn and ee our te!inf and a full description or Hid wotlc. Add i en N.VTION'AI I'UIU.IWHINU CO., Phlla lelphla, Pa. plIAWl'OlUtS Htump ami Itock ux V iratinr nnu i.ievaior y ciicular. rfceted. eiul fnr A. Crawford, Warieu, Me. VNTI AOKNTri, 1 ST5 to fJU"iier ninnth,C' try wheie .malt and fcmito to intitiduco the (jinuluo Imputed Common Hciise rainlly Hewing Maihlne, Thl" mat hlne will vtltch, hem, fvll, luck, quilt, toul, hind, hruid and tmhrnldri' In n mosit superior manner. Prke only t!". I'ully warranted fnr llvoMnr-i. Wtwlllpuv f-HNN) ini am machine I hat w Hi sew a Mtinnner, more heanltlul, or more clnMTe MMim than our-.. It makes t1 "lila'stii liocls Mitch. lAeiy s-eeond Flitch tan h. cut, and Mill the cloth cannot he pulhd apart with out learhu li. We pay Aircntn irmu ?7itn ?ioo per month and r xpeiinc-K, nr u eommlvdnn fi-in which twice Hut ninmint can le inide. Addr Hi:cOMH A, (.'(.)., Plltftljlirh, I'h., oi I lost on Man. CAl ril)N,Io not he Imposed upon hj ut In r pailkH jialmliiix oir woillilec eis'-imu mi elilne", under the umc name or otuerwl.-r Ourn u the only genuine nnd prnt eh. up tn- chine m.uiufuctuiud. c Aiti'Kvrmts. MUs Sainh A. Cmicr. rrccfcitu m.. rencher ot Kieneli, Uotany nml ornamental i Isaac O. licit, A. It., Prnic.'sor of Ancient Ijuinuam- Chfttlcs K. Htc,A.. It., lrlfor td MatnCiimtlCK. F. M. Haiti, Teat her of Honk-kceping a j;nelli.h hrnnchei. Mln Alice M. Carver, Tenchcr of instrumental Minde, I-MuMWhed. and J7 1'iln Mmtaltt Avrar- utu. tllll Plnlinrnrt4i9reiinvi- im!v.u.ll ,. ,.t. Clltfi ! tV tllO Ulfivt illvtlllnn-llUtii.,! nr'll.l. t,. I.a the II; vt manufactured, and w hercver thev havo heel i intrnduced aut used, we nro not rcoiilicil to Mivoneword In their f.ior, tliolr exce-lltnco standi pic'tiulncutly to ihwsu of oilier makoiK and rroni thu meat MucctH achieved, and Im ploMMiit'lllt made hv uk In tin hut Ihli-tv Team. I we can airgrd Iom Hn ilrsi-claH I'laiirt IVrte at f "PWto ?,ii)le!' than a slmihir ouo 0411 he houzht ( u I fnr of new Pracllcal liontt' in AteiteetllieaudSKlr Hulldlin;. A. -1. Jilkuell it Co.. ruhllsherr., Troy, if, Y, LMlhlC SAUK OK V AliTAHIiM . HUM. WATU Iu hiuituaiii e nf an nidi r oi thcOri'Iuiu' ourl ot Columhla Cntiut , l'n., nn hiitunl.iy, ihe :Mh (Uy til .Mill' III .'. ill I'Hl fioi K 111 lllf iminniMi, Jul i n Klniiiiiiii fiiiiirditin. .if., nf the mllioi ehlh tin II til ll III V 11 hlef. lalenl llcaT tnWlUlllp.Ill hlllll I iilini V . nt i avt il. W HI I a 1 i" I'uiuir rtiif on the nu m i-i -.a c. nam pine of land Mtu.ile hin. linumUd and ifoeiiled iih (ullnwu. to wit: iiniiii i,..i-tti uiu tn-i iv liiiid ni Jo tut u iniei 1 ti-r, on He- u'h hy laud ol l'.ivld .Inlinon nnd oil t lie W t ct OJ lail'l oi .inuii nint ruiiiii, t-niiiiii' inntwtntN iliin in li ninre tir lohs. AIsii :-Om nl In r i 1. 1 e i f iaud Mtuale in ll.e tnwi)tn "j lli Lt r .iiid i niii.ty atnrcsatil, Imun ded atl'l th -i lihe.l i follnwi., to W It : on the tml 1 1 i,v iiimi ni i 1 1 iii,u I .ui 7. nit the cjl-1 hv laudol ti,im 1 1 1 1 i ni ii-i (i-i l'it Kiiuili tiv hind nf the whtow Mil I lii.iu ai u nit uie wevi ny'i "i lleiu ll"-lt l, cnlMniiilll in ee u-'itt ii u liliit t'i i -tait of -a!d dn cjtM-il, situiit; In tin tnwnhip "i liomi and enitnt ntorewiiii. 'UMiM.s I'T hAI.I i 'It n pci leui.oiiuie.fvjuith of the pin h.iM m'in to he paid ul lIuiMlriklUK liiW II nl 111 piniiui t.v ; 1 1 iv uiif tnui mi n ' hi-- i r n ul. nl the foiiiiuiiution vi the nalej and in. ii inaluhiir Hi roe luiutlin in nun sear the real 1 1 r wiili intticht lum etitiflimfltlou Jt'll.s nilli.Mrt.t, Mu W.'ft. Huatdian, .c. U()K A(ii;.TS WANTKI) 'lokollcllordeifi toi Iir.M'm.Hinlth'N Ulctloimry ol Ihe Itihle. 'Iho oulv tdltlou puhllhhetl In Ami rica, conueni-eu ny iir. minim own iianit. In mie hi i ue Octavo olumc. illustiated with over U"inleil and wofkl eiiKravlnnt. AiicutH and hiom nnoiH eo mat you ifci inu Cciiulue tdillou hy lir.Huillh. J II. rpillli(llllll lt'Iunili-illl fii(i x, i in luniuil aihlMied hy .McfclM, HurrA C'o.,U Ihe tannine ''"if' Hti iniiKit'Kiilinii.uiii hiv", viiiii'tit stihiu' in T Dfhcr tf Vocal .Muitiic. MKs Julia fluent, Teacher In 1'rlnuiry Department,, Sprint: term commences April 1 y-Myh'Ju.'o. S OMKTHINO 'KV. The undersiuneil hei leaie tn lufnrm her trlciitls and the nuhlle L'emrallv. that lian opened In liHJIIT hTIti:Kr I fieHh stoi k I Kiiixlh ill the lino nf MII.MXKRY allll T1UMMINC.S lu connection w ilh Dicss Maklnt;; and K n pared In addition, to CULOUMUAW 1IAIH on the shortest notlce.and In Ihe hett Ktyle of thu nn, rrhes ijieap und woilc witll.u tory. Mil. K. KIJNH. I.ffthtStitft.OitoherJ, IVjT. M has Jutt nlu rued from l'hll.xdelphiii, and Imn houht, and Is now oft'e rlna the hctd tt.Mirt!iient r I'.VM'Y itOOlW, Tltl.MMlMM IIONNnTSisc. Ac, ter exhlhlled in Itlnomshurp, and Is prepauil to uiake up ilrescN and all other arlldes of ft male wanlrohe, at shoil notice, and lu tho he-t and ItATHHT MMIlVfd hTYI.HS, Itoomii in the Uam.y ItulldintiS on Vst Main Slu t t. Cull ami ue her arledMcwkot Hprimi Comls. May THW WAY!! A. IlnrtinnnV new Stoio Jlonnu un Main Mt helow Maiket, UltY (K)OHS, NOTIO.VH, HOOTH,HHOl. (ihoci:hu, PItO'lH(.t.NH iC, AC, AC. Also, a lit w and uoodMipph nl srOVJ.HANI TIN WAIU.. 11 a iuiiH tin nl a wdhkimwit and suptrlnr woikmai., i pn lanit in iiinke new woiU, and n pa trim: lo milt i. hl-ol TIMl MAM: lt OWU It. All un t'lu ap tni rtit-h or titule as the da opcM t an aim m e. Main M, 1 o o k i x Ki'tH-'INO III loll, ready to ho nulled ilown, tliml'lMi euttlnu intiili hi-, and inoreilura;le than '1 In. itniiKlMl that can I e upplied hy any (rdlinny woikiuau. II OOI INO will not tiainl or coiitiact hy the act It'll ol the w eat hi r ItiMiI'lNO Uatlaptoil toi-iit-iior Hat iooIh. it ml for a .ample and t In u'ar. HHAUY I tool . IN'it I'll., M Maiden I.ntie, New Ymlf, Mai 13."' m. l'.vcrv Piano Tort Warranted for S Yeat, and to Hive ntlsUctloll. our Haiiosiu-o madotolu&t: the mateihiK iimi! mrcviryiutt aie thoroughly bear until, and uf wn'.i rj iicm iiuaiiiy inai can r piocuttn. i tuiri iMhUttliled; what thu puhlle eo niltlil iia ivit, inner escapcH our vigilance, r.vciy part.ln Mdeand tait, 1m huuchtly. t.iithfully and thoi oushly mide, thai It will hear thu most mln iilee.iainiuattou. They ttinvr iron; Iho Imid, eiursetnlieormuid 1'I.lUOi, (wJlIch In had lu the hcfc'lnnlnu', and (trnwn worse eery dav.) Iihin iniii'h us t Js i. 'lined and delicate, puie In ltd vl iirntlons, tlellplitiuiin Its hlndm cupact, ami li.utall the ptiwc r nee( ssary to pitKhuu every tlo ttlicil efhcl, They uro. without ilouht. the best, the tnott lasting, and const o,uciitIy the cheapest. W ar content with a fair pioilt. our prices rani'e from to tsou.i.u. April inw-.lm, 1. IlKATjrCfJlK, W. I1,)1AITT,MII, 1. MA II TO f, j in:ATiicoTi: tt comvany it o i a ; it v a n k t, toiiNi n oi wijt srnn.T A iil.c iOiunn Ai.i.f v ilatin; InereaMd cur tacllith lu the wu.t cf hhop rnom, nnu hlneiy, Ac., we are iircpared tu maanfactuie I. a oMOTIYl! ri.l'i:.and all kind titHlIIAM liiULI.Hs.hMMKH.MAl Kh, Tanks, HlllPT-lr.nN WoitK.Ae. All work prompt I v clone toortler, nt thort iiulliv, und HpnciAT. ATTi:riO.N l'AII. To hkpaius. Ynill at If tit Inn la trfehill v I'nllfl tul I'., nn.m- hern of otu tlrm-illl helu;( J'inctiiitlJhtUfr .VtiAria. Mr. IIhTlltol i: lath hie I an experlem e of nvt r lhlrl y eara In the mamiini tuio ot all kinds of Hteani Iloitei-' ; mid fnun uur 10114 epcriem o we aietuliv aware ot the necessity ufn wellinad.i ami Hiitllclently larne Hoi 1.1 it, ton cute nut only sulety hut fatSfactnry results: ami w shall Klve tur eustomerK only those nl the hest quahl SK ituaids uiaterl'il.woiknianHhlp, and ample In at tn hiirfaco, and leel couiidrut lhal we nuiicn ih r satisfaction, and al prices tulh as Inwunny tithcr hulldcrs uslns ihe fame eju-ilJU nf intileri-alu. We would call the atlcnllnn of liaiiwav com. panitfttoourMcllliies fonluim; l.oroMori VI: WoltIC, r 1 runt it kimi its on m w, us w m.ilce it it point lor one ol the II nu to it I ways eie his )er honal atlcnllnn. We aro also pu pnied to do all kinds ni Mteam I-'IHIok', biieh ,o Hialim: l'uhlle and I'flvale llutldlm.s, I'ueturieH, lltiiiij: up Mi am lu.ilf rs.Ac, Cnnsluutlv on hand all kinds ot HriAMl'n Tio"rKM a Nil Wau it(lr.i,isrFAM 1'ii'i-j and all lilttinrs ennnci ted w llli the huincis. AUo.Castluijs ot all kliulo.liollei' I'minn (iiatey, Stoes, I'lnws.atid all w nit; eonuei tnl with (hi general loundiy IhiMih-h, Utttpts ttully holicltlim tatr otdii-., wv hi . Yours veiy ttuly, I. ItHATlK'on: A CO I'eb.'-'s tlv-ly rV I K SIK'CKSS of tlio imiu dollar salo J. nlteo!ut on In Trade. Wc-ruinl'li nt auuirorm price of ONH DOIi IAU, hucix in t IcW s asaie m-eil hy every f.imll at a Icfs price Until they arc oldhv an. whole Niilo tlealers In New Yoikor l.'iton. Aucnts wanted to co-opeiaie with us in enrry Itmoutu plan which meets the wants ol the million, and lu thcdUpusal of u larjio ami arled HtoeU of Hry A I'n 1 icy OooiN.Mlver l'l.ited Ware, Watihca.Ciipetln, Ac. uur terms to agents are Rupcilor to tho-ie of any otlu r (Inn, un our cluulur will Miou. 'ilmscKCtttiif? up tluhs can Rccure a piece ofShteliiu;, Watch, Mil; Diess, Hh.iwl, ewina Machine, Ac. run: ok ensr. A eht 1 U di m I'lhlim an nrtlchi to tr mid for h dollar, 1 rU'tfi rortsi: 1 Tnr t; W mrM:lufor ily.snl. hj mall. t-entl monej hy HiKihtoied letter. Circulars mulled lit lo any addrcsn. AtientH wauled ever where. Adilrc-M HAIlItH A l'H;MMKIi,'HlIonuLi M., linston, Mass. JTOOK ! LOOK! J.OOKI AUi'tlls wanitd Inr Ml.tW A I IsU'M I'rtW'llhro ker's hale, lo whom yi 1 at ItaUu tuu-nta me oil ercd. Wo will send you n Sow Uik Machine or nle Press free of cost, (live us a trial. I'atalORUeh m-nt iree. slmw A I Isk, r. O. llox Si7t Uoitou Muss, J AVU YOUTKIKD'roWlj'lO&CUV H snN'pMinr. hoi r. x is. Ituha. imt now 14 tin to t- 1 nre the urea test hamiilus ever ultereit hv any eoncern In Hie world. lne.Uii.Uu this aL oiuv -ll will pay, All parlies In the Hollar lule lnulncss advertise tonivethu Iti'St haraalus, lest linlucements to iiu'nt,Ae. Hut the khvN tell ihe sp.ry. The proof 01 the piuldiuii Is the eating, Terni lower Hum Ihe hiwet. Ciictllar btnt tree Address TOWI.IJ A CO., 7 Trcinout How, Hostnu, Mass, puoor ok orn statkmhnt ru i 1. ii.w l ma hi: a com 11. 1 1 k UKVOM'TIOX IX THA OK tall he Intllld in the tact that Hie llunii tlsd husl m ss we have hunt up has luui'ecil a mullltuut) f small concerns to imitate our c'titi system. and ntiie hy aile itUlni; tho prcents (hty will RIM m um ins, set ic miut eesiuii,v, mi uieri hutiio ol our huIness to thetusclvei, Wv make nut nnnou.iccmt ni cimpiy toiniorni is, ptinuc 1hat U will U Inrthelrlutciesi to p.iti mn our house, us we w 111 enntlune to ele hett r ooiIh nml tirtalcr Inducements tn n!fe-utk nt.i au olh r concern 111 me oiiMi.c-Mt. We sell eerv tlescrinllon e.t l't. floods, l'l.ited Ware, .leweliy. Wa Mm hints, Ac., mr the nuifnrm p luil.l.AU, I licuhilH sent to uu ad CA11K1.U Ni. (is ai.d lio Milium r ;ri s Mii.rm.T: A N O. and other I It st stoi fun west end of Snlllll A. IIAltm N. 1 ur hand or l.uini ow 1 1 ,.u Know KHitieil the l isi-i-rit. tnsltsi. uml In tiN wav Ust lu um. lur Knlehy J. It. DIX'AIUU A- tO Dcalcis In Aft; rltulturul Iini'limeiilti. t tr.. Hi ml tor llliutiatt-d i'lrcular, May, lV'Em. JOHN C. YKACJKU V O)., WhohwitlH Iiealer In HATW, VAVt, hTJtAW (lOOlX. AM' UVUMM' KUltH, No. Z'X North Tlilul Ktretl, rhlliuklplihi. ttetiAii the cheapest lorm, the hest OlcttuiiAiy of iniMnu e situi in our mi". ARcntu uiu luetMiitf wjiu uupanre icu hutvens, Wo 1 mplny no (Icnrral AKeiilft, nml othr extra induct mi ids to CauxashUE. Am nls w 111 xce thu udvautiiKo of thai inr; directly wilh tint rullUli em, I'm timet Ipt I vu circulars with mil partlcu- tar aiai li'l iuh. iiunit ui" 1 iiniikiii-m, Mn JI, 1. ni 11. III'ICH A CO.. Hartford, ('01111. 1 s 'r a a v , i aunt tn Ihe meliilitea nf Ihe nuhscrlher. In Mi. gin loaf tuwmlilp. annul the lastot April, u white sow, iiiaiked Willi 11 hole in her left ear und n nmcn in met mine ear sumioheu inuea vi-ur nni. 1 he owner will proe property, luty c-huiKeu und , it nt1 nin ui' Mini uccurtiiiit. 111 tuUe hi raw a) law. Hutfailonf, MuyiD.'itH, JOHUI'A U. Hlrt I.OPM IlKOWN, JIOWN el KWAM). I'll 4H, J, KW'AI P. B whou:hai(k (inocKiw, X. !:. Cor. TUInl et Vino Strw-, jjuiAj)i:ujii.. ItuyM.lMk'Siu, UTcrrinu O F A H M I-I IE H ! f'V'iric ft CAN" COMPANY i' a r i r 1 c 0 r Till: ATI T.NTION of rannei suim rs oilVrtlUt rs U lnlttd to this tin.iuo, m wtiriuy 01 tin ir special notice, it use mr se cr. nl m ins In Ylrulnla and nthcrjnulh. ein Stales, inr all crops, Iiiih p,l cn it a stmalaiil chut at Ur lor exct Hi nee um quailed hy any oth -r. It iMisscsses all ihe uul'-kncos 1.1 IViiuian cliuino with peiiu-ilient iiti.tlitleh not lotnul in that article, 'i'n is, t thl liuaim tile luiiitd iiii'ielhan toutil to rs. 1.1 lla tt Miner. l,lm-i)h.ilt k. II l liu lis the W hi :il ncli lit an 111 t . to si t n tla s nn Her than the 1 hm-phiil.-, w hl li (uciulone ulves II Inciil. ulahW lulMiutat-. I th' 1 (Ni nu n 1 tuth all i", I ui su!e ) I ,iun h. m:i:-?i: a c . 1 lu ui nil Aytliti Inr 1'aeJlle (id tuo t 11,, ' -Is -t.iUh Delnwaie Ae I'jiil.m'u liil 71 f l' Hi Mh vt H.1III11.. 1. Miin-h jr, t'is.'im. ( , Tn Ilnlrl nml NmIooii Kttpt'iM r ltlotimt j Uuru end Cnlumljiu Countj.- 1 huo uip'ln(c ( Mr. 1'. KiUnvi uki ni fur th Mileilm iih.poiti j s'om, a ml he, c In er, w hi. w 111 nupi Iv jm at (he m me pi 'un 1 w Ilh ihe saint miMe , as 1 won hi Ittriiuu oii from Hit I u-wt-rj , Ki.uiiwiiit 1 th d I e will he pimciiial and u nth. 1. a.t who iuh 1 1 nr him wltli thctr ii nic, r suii, 1' mr him I'Ul vtippuit. ViT letpt ctlUllv 1 Ki n 1 l, it'i uiu 1'u w r. lU'iiiimii, I'n. tt 1 lut ic) h( 'Wiiui .1 UM. . net'. llusluii QUKAT SAhK OP 1 ill v noons, (,Aitii:rf(is linoi - ,v slH'lS, H I L V Kit 1' I, A 'I i; 1 A It I- Utr ALL KIM'-, .1 L n r M S , And n wtrjt'ty ol Miluuhle and u ml m ' 1 s jur itale at 1 VUll KA 11 AUTK A A I'hoeU tlecilbtlii; It allh'le hi ! ted from our hliM k fin Wile ul one dollar, Will hi - .1 ir tie receipt of thlce eent to pity postaa. No t haiKe (oi StheUllh ot' t'liu as iu,mc 1 t thl i ttnhlishmeiit. Hi nil (sir circular-, 1.1 ilr is the most lil-ernl sale 01 the kind lu the 1 outcry. A ! drc-s I'AltNUAM A CO., No. Ji l'rleiul Ht.( llostmi, Mitsui Tin: i..iik. p'Tl'At. IJKB INSUltANCKCO. Ill" .siliW VI111K. A'. IIVA'.S'yo.V, l',e.-idenl. (llnss AhscU lib, 1, MS f.'.SI0,Sl. M iiit'iiiuu lur isii ..... vNi,.1,. in lnvliU uil niUI I'ullc.v liiilili-ra lu tsur. 2,a7l.3l7 Nl Unties! lluluiil iNiiiiniiiy in tin? world. Illilurlliiliiif ll.ll.s. JIIII.S (1. 1111:1:7.1:, Amlit. Mimli ui'uS'ir. iiiiKiinstiurir, ru, JOHN STH01H A CO., Htiisossur. lu huuup A llrutli.r, WIII11.1XAI.1J IN FIHII, tiu.Sl orlh Wti.rvM, mui!SN.illi VI si.. I'lllllUltll'lllS. NDItKWiS, WII.K1NS A CO., llriilrrs III KOUMUN AND IKIMIMTIC IIHY (IOOIM, No. aa Market Hint I, I'UUuileliililii. s Wo uie ai-t nit. lot uei till' ILuitdii'd l'tireluu nn I Itntnesiie Mauitluetutt-iii. and ate irep.ired to tiuuish (he w Ihi.q (iiuuliy v llli tlt anel lata Civ nts, silks, kh'iwtH, lewelry, slim w iii,luili -luro. plutitm, vw!uk iiiftflunt, t h., At ttv uulfurui 1 rli 1 ef unh mh.!. au roit rv'-u ah if I S. ml out inos cf if and upw.u ' - kuK strip, tlve ehitkHjiituiw Inu what iiiliu)e can ho fni'Oiu linlhu, With tt 11 ei'Uts i-r t ae h eljet'V cinci i.iw -rr nir.r 1 nu Muiih fium s) to lUtO Kent frrc ot eha.iii lna.entHseiiilu tttuhK, Ukl tl1 W ttllll it I IfBUtHA (V cai., ADDhK V I1AHN1 MAKKIt, OltAM.r.Vll.) I , ' I I Mill CotlATV, I'l.NN V THK undci'slKti. d n speclfnll) Informs hU friends nml the puhllo that lie hiu. hoii)ht out Tiiomah HfcKi.r, and will continue tho huslnetR orsAHHLKiiinl HAIINI H MAK 1NO, lu all lla various hram hi b.nt Ihenhl stand iilmrc htmlt r's Hold, ami hopiK tu deserve and icceUe Ihe pal routure tif nil wim pts'tl 111 tit leu In ht line. KelOSlw. (lixmoil hA.AUl'K. yAirniAN kxoki.max, TOMACCO, HNtTC A hlXlAH MANl'l'AClOUY, Mi. IIH .NOUTH TII lltU Tltft l-.T, VtHfnul Iioor lolow Wwl, 1MI I 1. A 0 K liVU I A. J, W. WAllTMA 11, 't r.h.iM.MAV WlmNnie ),alc it lu WOOIH'V A WII.IMV WAHi:, AllAH. OlI.OlolhH, Wml.lM-iuen, llaAet, UiOAi'l MarVetHt., .er, town Juuivl,;,V, I" Archt lioion, Mnn A HUNTS WANTKI). ii..., i-t... inn ( Imrcli hi., 1'liiin.ln, A 1.1. HI JX. umtly e Ftlutlus omi KINDS OK JOll HUNTING tlV fXICUttMl Ut Tllk IVlI.ITUHtAN HlfUlli rTutlutf OttVc. A l.J. 1' A 1' I! IIS, wiNpnwMi.uiiv.amnH, TA'sni.'s, riiluunnf lliuluusi uliil lil i.uttt'riik, I'ni.ui Klefi la Mtrs f.r limue nr iftirileu. K J.TlKlltNTON, May Miiln hi, Iwluu Jlurku, Q.KT TUKHUST. Muiiyii'r Tiiliulur MuIiIhIiie ltn.1 I. tlio In .t iriilrrilnii ntrnllisl ilUlnn r Iiy llulitnlmt iscr liiMnlii . Hm kiiUiilbir Is uiiiiiI lor llii Ijum liiM'iiiiiin 1111,1 nil nulers Iiy mull nr lu in rs ni will i.iniii.y iiliii,l,-,i i ,- 1 11.11111,1 HAS All liurllis wtinnrnnoii. l.iMll .ml tilt nartlt. wit .i.iii' In Iniy 11 In.. i. i,..i Iiiiini, sliriuM illi'li 1.1. ml llint tliu IVlsnu il HI l .vtf tiKNKKAI. (lit A NT, liy AlU rt II. Itli m "I'lilil, Dun. rcwni & IVi'nis1, A ' r.. tlm .Mississlii.i(" tns wiitl. ti wlili tin- Miiiictlon ni Um illu.triuu. Uriiprtil, mul i. tltu milv lull) ttuiiu'iiilc uml uu tlliiiUt'tl lltngriiphy iifdlm, uml will o intuln h inns, nt Imtiuiiuiil uml lutcie.tliiK miitiL'r m, ntlit,r liuiilc nr citu iiliittiii. iiitNtiiilllt's nf ti.u l'liruliilllliitmlhurii'liaeriinil tillii!r UMtl'l. HU4 tlniiiiiiiMils iri.111 rickldim iJiu.iii. (U'Uemi. Uriilit. llut'Unr, Lronml ottiiMs, frtuu nritflnl ciiiriuttsl tu Um iittilitir, una uiii'ii-iiknr Inu liluli I'si, is IntfiiK tn liu. rin pt)eruni, ut slim' Hi,, wiir, liiiM-riiiiuU iiiilill,!. Ami nu flu t'linl Mul l'lliiluMut; uml lmiuIi lisiil life nf Miujli-r I's.lf.ix, in 1 nil I'llK.) KiiKinslniis. Tin Alillmr Is wlilely Umnvu n. onu nf II.. jiH.stliiillilul iv. will us lirillliuit witur.. Hi, w.-ih wlili (Itni'iul llrinit ilinliiir must uf lil. 1 Wi'Sti'ltl ('lilillvtllnuil. uli.l lis n .I..111 imll.l writ . Inu: lii.iu "Hi mWuiuuis In i lie 1 1 Id,'' wiu n i.r Ills t'iiilUi .iiiiiriiis. lio writes fiom 1st siuinl uusi'ixuliuuMiiml fumi tmiu.iinl ifiiiiivrt'il Imiu i'liniiiu''s iiinusi tnliliii by (Uuirul llrnut mul Ills nu mis. Us Miuti in-will 1 iumi lu .11. iiili.iliyuMrullniliir-. I'. u l .ill nr Imy un initilur wmlc, l.nul.- ut iln- tirst. l'niilUt to 1.1 nf Jiiiu , mul will cniituln in. tiruMiiisnftlii! I'hlrniin r..iteutli n. circulurk .fill, uml highest cninmuiuuit inld. Atlilresk AMf.ltU'AN I't'lll.lSIIINd 111,,1 linilfctJ J uu, r.','iii.t, STAiuasiiKn 170a. JOHI1AN A IIUOTIIUlt, W1101.KH.M.U auoci:iiH. uml llculeu 111 SAi.Tri.-rur. a.nh, NoaONorlliTlitiil kh i 1' u
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers