THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Sthe Ofatuwbinn, UI..OOMSHUUCI. PA. FHIDAY MOHJUXM, MAT , I HOI. 7-THE COI.U.UIII IN hu the LnrRit wlrenlfttttm lis t'ftliiinbli. .nil adjoining onntl.. mt any Mip.r Iter. ud I. n.utneti larg,rsh,t thkn any of IU.ottnr.tiet and Is thrf.rtlib..t laudlnin far Advertising In Ittl. section of Ida Hla)a. eary Arvln In Court. Wi: itro cnlltil ti'iioti to rtvoril itiititltrr Iiifitiiinii4 act uf an Infnmmii and I inbo I'llt' Oovcrnnr, mid it U moro lu norrmv tlirtii In umkit. Sorrow Hint uny innn slimJIil no (Iciiicitii nml bi'llttld himself m to rciicnt nn outrage, for purely tmr tlsmi purpOHCf, nntl set tlio opinions aiu) dcclslotiH of the hlchent court In tlio .Slate nt ilofluiici'. At the lust October election, I'nrvln Hves, njtitlgoof llio election hoard In Greenwood township In this county, In conjunction with ft man named McKw- eu, rejected the vote of Joshua Dnvls, n qunlifled elector, upon the nllegntloti that ho was n deserter. They were In dieted, nnd upon the enso being mllcd In Court at December, Eves ticore that they had an important icitnet in the west, nnd the enso was continued. At tlio next term of Court, nt February, In utend'of tiroduclng tho Important wit ness, they produced a pardon from the Governor, nnd sneaked out of Court. At tho samo term of Court n civil no tion In n similar ease was tried, during the progress of which, tho law was fill ly commented on and distinctly nnd uuthoratls'i'ly laid down by tho Court Notwithstanding all that, at tho Spring election lust, this same I'nrvln Eves, und a poor Innocent fellow nntned Vincent Krwln, who was picked up ns Inspector In room of McKwcn, who re fused longer to do their dirty work, u second time rejected tho vote of Joshua Davis, upon the previous allegation of desertion. Tho, two wero arrested, n true bill found by the a rami Jury, and upon the case being culled in Court,thelr counsel, for they themselves wero ashamed to appear in Cburf,ugaln plead the pardon of the Governor, We pub lish tho pardon In full in another part of tho Columbian, nnd n certlftcd'eopy of It remains on file lu the ofllco of tho Prothonotary. We pronounce the statement bet out In the pardon absolutely nod unrjunll ttedly false, and known to be so by tho parties who made them. It Is fuNe "That the person whose vote they re fused to recelvo was known to havo de serted from, tho U. B. Army." It was not ''Apparent from the records nnd ev idence produced, that the said Joshua Davis was a deserter ;" for if such rec ords and evidence had been lu exis tence, they1 would have been a complete defense before a Jury. It Is faleo that there was any "purpose of wreaking vengeance" against the election oillcers. It Is false that tho election officers are "patriotic, law-abiding citizens." Wo cannot characterize such state ments and assertions better than In the mttmtancc of the language of the Court, "That to assert that men act courageous ly In violating the Constitution, and enforcing a law declared by thohighest court of the Stato to be unconstitutional and of no force or effect, is to dobauch public sentiment, and bring tho decis ions of the courts Into contempt; and yiatltwas amazing how any citizens could put their names to an application embodying such sentiments and such allegations." Head the pardon look at the name of tho men who make themselves re sponsible for such sentiments, who set the law and the Court at defiance; us well as at the men who not during to face tho legal eonserjueHees of their mis demeanors and misdeeds, perform tlio cowardly act bemuse they are assured of pardon. Who aro tho"other reputablo citizens of Columbia County who con cur In the opinion" set out In the par don? Wo should like to know them. Having seen the head of the list wo should like tosee the tail of it. Let us , know who "couragcoiuly" put their numes to tho falsehoods set out lu that pardon, who "concur In the opinion" that a whlte)man,constltutlonally quali fied, has no right to vote, and who be lieve that "it would bo grossly unjust to inflict punishment" on men who havo committed what tho Supremo Court of the State dceniH an Indictable and punishable offense. Tun "I'arty of High Morul Ideas" has given us fresh proof of the truth of Its title in the debate, If It can be called such, which took place In tlio House of Rcprcsentatis-es, on Saturday last. Two of the shining lights of that delectable party amused themselves and the House by u display of personal abuse und Invective which surpasses the ordinary blackguardism vf a tnli mar ket. Messrs Donnelly, and Washbume of Illinois, the latter being the trainer of Grant for tho Presidential race, not content with the broad llrenso allowed, to llopubllcan members, by the Speaker of that body, descended to the use of lan guage which would bring tho blush of shame to the cheek of any man save u Itadlcal Representative. ilutler must look to his laurels, for at this present, UmWest leads the Statoof Massachusetts In Ilepubllcan eloquence, Thoso aro the men who nro trying tho President forimprupor language uttered In public. Consistency is undoubtedly a Jewel, and it raro ono In somosectlons. With Yates s Chairman of tho National Temper aneo Association, and AVude, Butler Donnelly'ttiid the great Washhurno as censors of public morals and decency, the Party which they represent Is very nearly perfect. Tub various newspapers of the coun try, are disquieting themselves greatly, concerning those Senators whoso posi tions, on tho final vote In the Impeach ment trial, are deemed "doubtful," There is a wonderful unanimity however In the conclusion to which they arrive, "that nothing can be asserted definite ly," This stylo of information can hard ly bo considered valuable inasmuch ns uny sane man Is able to form such an opinion for himself. Correspondents, however, by tho aid of conspicuous headings may earn u little short lvcd notoriety and impress some, people with theldca that they liuve thrown llglit upon tho vexed question. The fact Is, that tho Senutors have preserved a most emit meudublo sllenco usregardsthelr action and tho assertions of newspapers should bo taken fur what they aro worth, viz nothing. rorney, Pah 1 Wr. give below, the character of this eminent man, viewed from n Radical standpoint. It would seem from this that his own I'rletuls are beginning to appreciate lilm fully, (leorge Alfred Towuseud lltadlcal) write from Washington. What shall I say of Forney ? Happy accident had nearly named him FaW' ney. Ills record Is ono contemptuous In nil Its episodes. He fawned to Mr. Uuchanan. Lincoln once said . "This Forney makes n lino art of abjectnessl" Andrew Johnson dismissed him with the epithet of dead duck. Even John son could desplso Forney. What depth ol contempt does that fact reveal? Moro miraculous to me Is the fact that Forney can Und even parasite') to himself, though I believe ho gets them out of his own family chiefly, Jones nnd tho white horse excepted I His career Is strewn with broken friendships and with cowardly sensualities. He wrote the Forrest-Jamison letter, unparalleled In baseness, cringing at nn actor's feet to ruin a woman's famo. Ho searches tho horizon for tho coming man, nnd hastens to fuwn upon him. When in the Christian dispensation, tho devil is let loose upon tho world nfter tho thou sand years, there will bo n Forney hall him first nnd follow after his standard, unless abhorrent nature oeforo that day extinguishes tho race, that man shall not be utterly shameless. This Forney was tho wine taster of Johnson, nnd gave him to drink on Inauguration day, Hut better his whisky than his praises, I would rather bo kissed by it reptile than master to that man! O.vk Thousand dollars per minute Is about tho amount of taxation which the peoplo of this country are paying to support tho ruinous policy of tho Hump Congress I One thousand dallart per minute' nnd for what? Not to pro' mote prosperity or a union of sections or tho ro-establlshment of trado and commerce or tho old kindly inter course of tho States but to eunblo a corrupt party to keep power In thogov ernment, by oppressing whlto peoplo, and elevating negroes to bo tho ruling power in tho States 1 But for this thero would have been, long ago, n thriving trudo, as of old, between tho North and South pcacj, prosperity, and happi ness. Instead of this, Northern labor Is Idle but tho taxation of Northern Industry Is active. Workingmenl if you llko this stato of things, sustain a corrupt Congress in keeping It up! If you do nut, help us toput ltdown. This Is your only chance. If you nro put under the heel of the African, It Is your own fault, and you will deserve no pity. Ta visits Licenses. Tho Couri order aud require, that hereafter the applica tions for tavern Licenses, must bo made. through an attorney of this court; and any application not so ondorsed and represented will bo rejected for that rea son. That Is now n rulo of court and must be complied with. Landlords ought to feci that much of tho public morals Is in their hands. There will not bo nnd ought not to bo any difficulty If they keep within the bonds of tho law, refuse drink to habit ual drinkers, to minors, to Bell on Sun day, and such things and keep no back door. Taverns are necessary; we desire to elevate tho ch arnctcr of them, and hope landlords will conduct themselves and bouses so as to sccuro that. I'ortiiait orSiu Waltkb Scott. Messrs. Applcton & Co., who havo Jnst begun the Issue, In nn exceedingly cheap but very neat stylo, of tho ever-famous Waverly Novels, have sent us n hand somo Impression of a portrait of Sir Walter Scott, engraved on Steel, from the celebrated painting of Sir Thomas Lawrence. This portrait tho Messrs. Appleton are presentlng,nsaprcmlum, to subscribers to tho full set of their new edition of Scott's Novels, which havo already been advertised nnd an nounced In our columns. Tho portrait and tho books can bo examined at our office, whero subscriptions will bo re ceived. An English paper tho J'all Matt Ga tettu, expresses Its fears, that lu tho event of Wade's succession to tho Pres idency, Butler will bo sent to tho Court of St. James. Wo can understand this anxiety. Knowing how uncertain tho possession of spoons, plato and other valuables would become were ho ob tain a foot hold In the country. It would bon moro grievous Insult becauso retaliation is simply Impossible. They might feel tho desire, but whero could they flndn Butler? Ma. I). A. hasjust return ed from Philadelphia, whero ho procur ed a flno and complete assortment of boots, shoes, gaiters, slippers etc. Ho offers these to tho citizens of Blooms burg and tho county, with tho assurance that bis stock has never been surpassed by any heretofore presented to their notice. He solicits ncall and promises satisfaction. Fhkak or Nat uiii:. About tlvo wreks ago a cow, owned by Mr.Flnney, of this place, gave birth to n large, well ! developed calf. This of eourso Is noth- ing new; but last week sho got another one, and, up to tho present, cow nnd calves aro in good condition. What the prospect for moro veal Is, wo did not learn. Clearfield Jlepubllcan. .wil.KKH-BAiutK. May 5. Wo huvo had a very exciting election to-day for Burgess and town officers. Every ward gives a Democratic majority. D. L. Patrick elected Burgess by over three hundred majority a democratic gain of over threohundred since last election. S. WOOOWAKI). Thk Catawlssa Railroad Conipimy nave declared a dividend of 3 per cent on nccount of the dlvldonds duo tho preferred stockholders, payable on the Unit of May next, to thoso persons In whose namo tho stock stands at tho closo of tho transfer books on tho 3.0th of April. HoitACE Uheklky, Cornelius Van derbllt, Ocrrltt Smith, mid other noted Radicals, havo ronowed their ball for Jefferson Davis. Why don't tho fiMtb- fill loyal howl A Wkbtehn paper cruolly suysi "Our man, In Congress has made u great speech ono of his vory host , It was written for him by a graduate of tuis otiice, and tho matter and delivery no cretin to bom partlee." An Important Point In Insurance Tim Supremo Court of Pennsylvania has decided a point of considerable Im portance to persons Insured In tho Ly coming Mutual, A policy was Issued by that Company, which contained tho following provision vlr.i "It Is also agreed thnt tho nggrcgato amount of Insurance to this and other companies, on this property shall not exceed two-thirds of the estimated cash value." In tho application, tho voluo of tho property wus estimated at (11,810; In suraucc on It was subsequently effected In other companies, with the knnwl edge and ncqulescencu of the agent of tho Lycoming, until tho nggrcgato amount wns $12,000. Tho property hav Ing been destroyod by llro, the Lycom Ing resisted payment on tho ground that tho amount Insured havlngexcced- ed two-thirds of the value of tho prop crty, Its policy vn9 therefore rendered void. The Supremo Courtdcclded that the clause In tho policy, limiting the to. tal nniount of tnsurnncc to two-thirds of tho estimated value, constituted a condition which the Insured was bound to observo ; that tho violation of it worked n forfelturo of tho policy ; that an ngent could not, by merely acqulcs clng In excessive insurance, bind tho company to permit a greater amount of Insuranco than that specified in thopol Icy; nnd that, therefore, thero could bo no recovery on the policy of tho Lycom Ing. (1 P. F. Sni., 102.) It It therefore Important for thoso who hold policies In the Lycoming Mu tual not to allow the total amount of their Insuranco to exceed two-thirds of tho estimated cash value of tho proper ty Insured ; If they do, the policies in the Lycoming will thereby bo forjcltcd, notwithstanding anything said or dono by Its agents. Thoso who wish Insur anco to a greater amount must deal ex clusively with other companies, whoso policies do not contain a condition for bidding It. Communicated. Roads and Stkeets. I hear toll that n petition wns out to open an alley in Bloom in to a street, nnd that tho men did not ngrco; and so tho street will not bo opened. Now I think this is exactly right. I don't seo any reason why wo should help to open tho streets for you In Bloom. I don't think It Is nny nnswer to say that Bloom Township pays twice ns much taxns any other township In the county, nnd of courso pays moro dama ges towards tho opening of tho roads in tho country, thin any other town ship, or that thero nro a great many moro roads opened In tho other twenty four townships than there nro In Bloom. If lllooxu does pay towards tho opon- ing of all our roads, Is that any reason why we should help Bloom to open hor roads? Let her open her own roads nnd help to open ours too, thnt's what I say. Besides that, what business has Bloom to bo continually growing nnd increas ing, nnd wanting to lay out moro lot, and build moro houses, and open moro streets nud alleys ? Somo peoplo thinks tho more the county town incrcasos in population, and size, and beauty, and schools, nnd school houses, nnd churches tho better It Is for tho wholo county. I don't seo u. It makes us all work n great deal harder to keep tho towns supplied with provisions than It used to. I know tho time when I could hardly sell n bushel of potatoes for forty ..cents, now I could sell a wagon load of thorn at two dollars n bushel, I used to sail my butter at fourteen to eighteen cents now you pay forty to fifty cents a pound for It eggs nro In the samo proportion, nnd so is hay, aud about every thing ohe. You see wo can hardly keep you golngnow, and If you keep on, It will bo worse yet. They say you're going to get a Nor mal School at Bloomsburg ; and that will bring about five hundred moro peoplo thero to holp eat up meat and bread, and potatoos and butter, etc. If wo havo to keep you all In provisions, and help open your roads too, I don't know what will happen. A COUNTRYMAN. Obituary Notice., Tho Supremo disposer of nil things has in His wlso providence withdrawn from this world our beloved friend nnd brother 11. S. Merrill who for many years labored zealously for tho promotion nnd best Interests of tho Temperance cause, besides belngn faith ful and expcmplary Christian until tho tlmo of his death, nnd whereas, tho I. O. of G. 'P., desire to record their hiirh estimation of their departed brother, therefor, Jlesolved. That In tho death of llrnth. erH. S. Merrill, tho I. O. of a. T., has iosi n long .rieu juuiciousnmi unwaver ing friend, and venerable and Christian associate, nnd tho community nt lnriro a citizen distinguished for his high in tegrity nnu mrisunii zeni. Jlesolved. Thnt this loiltro desire tew express their sincere sympathy to the jumiiy oi urotiier Merrill for tho loss tliey navo sustained. ltesolced. Tliut aeonv nfthn fnllmt-. Ing preamble and Resolutions bo trans mitted to tho family of tho deceased Brother and also ono copy to each of tho county papers. it. I, BIIAWf.IWS. T.1WS, ) DLUV, C( ,i:man, J Wm. II. BltA Com. Wm. J. Bmr, When Radical politicians tell labor ing men that they pay no taxes, tho latter should nsk In return, how much moro they pay now for everything thev eat, drink, and wear, than they did In goon oiu Democratic tlinep. If It costs you twelvo dollars n week to support and clotho your family now, where It formerly cost only bix, do you not pay n tnx of three hundred and twelve dollart a yeart The Democracy every where through out tho Stnte should tnko early and ac tlvo moosuroa to explain tho Iteglstry law to tho peoplo and mako arrange ments, through committees and other wise, to qualify every citizen who is en titled to vote. Let no votes bo lost through Ignorance or neglect of tho now requirements. Wli havo startling Intelligence, from Australia, by way of London. An un known person, Bupixjsod to bo a Feniiin, has attempted tho assassination of Friiieo Alfred while on a visit at Syd ney. Tho I'rlnco was dangerously wonnded, but Isslowly recovering. Tho assassin was immediately arrested. Mimtauv Tax. Tho Supremo uiun nas decided that tho property owned by tho wlfo of mi honorably dis charged boldlcr Is liable to military aiid bounty taxes. Tho exemption from such taxation Is u pcrsoual privilege of tho eoldlor, and does not oxtond to pro porty owned by his wife. Criminals Pardoned. Pennsylvania' B.U JOHN Vt . U1.A11Y. In tho namo nnd by tho au thority of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. John W Gea ry , do vcrnor of tho said Com mon weal th To all to whom theso presents shall coino. Sends greeting, Whereas, Par vln Eves nnd Vincent Erowln, Judgo and Insnector of elections In tho town ship of Greenwood, In tho County of uoiumDia, navo ucen cnargeu oil mo oath of ono Joshua Davis with having rejected his voto nt an election held In said township nnd county on the 20th day of March, Anno Domini 1808, nud whereas, tho snld I'nrvln Eves nnd Vin cent Erewln hnvelbeon duly bound over to appear at tho next May term of tho uouri oi uunricr cessions oi sum coun ty to nnswer tho chnrgo of unlawfully rejecting tho voto of said Joshua Davis, an alleged qualified voter, and whereas it appears fromjreprcscntatlons made in papers submitted to me, now on file In tho ofllco of tho Secretary of tho Com monwealth, that tho siilu Purvln Eves and Vincent Erowln. acted. In commit ting tlio nlleged offence, without mnllco nnd in pursuance of an enactment of tho iicgisiaturo uisirancuising ucscners : Thnttlujpcrson whoso voto they refused to receive was known to havo deserted from tho U. S. Army during tho lato Rebellion: That tho prosecution has uecn urougnt lor tno purposo oi wreiiK Ing vengeanco on tho heads of confess' cdly patriotic, law-abiding and respec table citizens ; And tliat.havlng coura geously nnd faithfully discharged thcli duty ns Judgo and Inspector of said election, under a law of tho Stato, It would bo grossly unjust to Inflict tho contemplated punishment In their sev eral cases; And whereas, tho pardon of tho said Parvin Eves nnd Vincent Ere wln has been recommended by Pnlcmon John, Samuel Knorr, L. T. Sharplcss, Enhraim P. Lutz. I). A. Becklcv. M. Whltmoyer, C. F. Knapp, E. Jacoby J. u. liooison, nnu otner reputnuio cit izens of Columbia county, who con cur In tho opinion that they aro liroper sublccts for tho iutcrDositlon of Execu tive clemency. And whorcas,ltls appar ent irom tno rccorus nnu eviuenco pro duced, that tho said Joshua Davis was n Deserter, nnd that tho said Purvln Eves nnd Vincent Erewln acted In good faith as Judgo nnd Inspector, of snld election, and In compllanco with the net of tho General Assembly of this Commonwealth, relating to their duties as aforesaid, .now Know tncrciore, and by vlrtuo of tho authority vested In mo, by tho Constitution, I have par doned tho said Parvin Eves and Vin cent Erowln of tho offence whereof they nro charged, and they nro hereby thereof fully pardoned accordingly. Given under my hand nnd tho great seal of tlio State, at Horrlsburg this twenty eighth day of April in tho year oi otiriiOruono inousana cignmuuurca ana sixty eight, ami oi tno common wealth tho ninety second. By tho Govornor. F. JORDAN, Sec'y of tho Commonwealth Sales by Samplo in Luzcrno County. The following Act was passed by tho last Legislature viz : Sec. 1. That from and after tho nass ago of this act, It shall not bo lawful for any mcrcuani, or ins irnvcung agent, not residing within said county, to sell 1... , .!,...,. I .,, I. , , P.1U1JIU, U UCI , II. UillUl 1?U, 111 U1U or merchandise, by whoiesalo or retail without nrst Having outaineu irom tno Treasurer of said county of Luzerne, u license for that nurnose. for which said llccnso ho shall pay tho sum of three hundred dollars, and said license shall not continue for a longer period than ono year from tho date thereof. Sec. 2. Any sale made as aforesaid by nny merchant or his traveling agent without llccnso obtained as aforesaid, within tho limits of tho county aforesaid snail no neiu anil ueemeu a misucmeau- or, punlfhabla by flno of not less than threo hundred dollars, one-half to bo nald to the informer, who shall be a competent witness, nnd the other half to tno school jjistnct, in which tne oi fenso shall havo been committed, or Imnrlsonmeut.or both. at tho discretion of tho Court, and It shall bo lawful for any uonstauio resiuing in nny oi tno townships, wards, or boroughs in said county either ubon his own knowledge or tho complaint of any citizen of Lu zerne county, to arrest any person or persons engaged in making sales, ns aforesaid, by sample, order, or other wise, and convey him, or them, beforo nny Alderman or Justlco of tho Peace, residing In said county of Luzerne, and unless tlio said person or persons selling ns aforesaid shall bo nblo to exhibit his, her or tlielr llccnso from tho saia Treas urer of tho said county of Luzcrno, bald Alderman or Justlco of tho Peace to re quire such person or persons, ho arres- teu to cntor into uonus witn approved security for his, her or their apnearanco nt tho next Court of Quarter Sessions. to answer, and in dofault thereof, to bo committed to tno proper jail in said county. Foreign News. washinhton, Mny 1. The trial of Burke, Shaw nnd Casey, tlio alleged Fenian conspirators, was concluded In London yesterday. Casey was discharged, isurito was sentenced to uitccn years' linprlonnicntandHhaw to sovon. Wasuisuton, May!. Tin: debate lu tho Iiouso of Commons on tho Irish Church Thursday night , resulted In tho defeat of tho Ministry by a mnloritv of 03. It Is tho ceneral Impression that Disraeli will ulssolvo I'uruumciit and nppcal to the country May fi. Tlio procecdlncrsin tho Brit Isli Hnuso of Commons last nlt'lit worn of unusual interest. The Premier spoko nntl rcviowcti tno past poncy and uni form triumph, of tho Tory Party; and, In tho courso of his reninrks, stated that tho Queen had refused to accept his ten dered resignation, nntl had urged him not to dissolve Parliament until an nr.- pcai to 1110 now constituencies could uo made. Ho hoped n suspension of tho ortlers of tho day would not bo pressed now. as ho was ready to give some oth er Government tho right to carry on tho discussion, .nr. uinostonoioiioweu tho Premier. Ho ridiculed tho Idea of a dlsso lutloti of Parliament by a Minis try ueicaicu uy bo hirgo a majority. Tho Premier's courso ho denounced as un constitutional. Ho would not. howov- er, urgo tho suspension of orders that night, if tho Ministry would allow tho earliest possible day lor tho considera tion oi me resolves. Jir. tirignt unu others followed Mr. Gladstone. Tho 7th of May was finally fixed upon for tho uuuato on mo irisu unurch question Pay PuomptiiY. Tlio ovlls of not obeying this command woro fully ex unpllllcd inn caso in our court it fow days ago s In 1813, threo Judgments wero entered up, In tho aggregato amounting to 1230, They have been kept oil vo by scire facia and payments havo been muduon them from tlmo to tlmo, amounting to moro than tho original Indebtedness; aud yet when they camo to bo liquidated at the hands of tho Sheriff, tho balance still due was almost equal to tho orlgl nal Judgments, nud tho costs which had accumulated on tho threo, actually reached tho astounding sum of $180 18. It Is horrible to contemplate. Almost Devon hundred and fifty dollars havo been required todlschargo ndebt, which, twenty-flvo yearn ago, could havo been paid with less than ono-thlrd of that sum. Said we not well, "Pay prompt ly?" Dan. Ei.well, father of Judgo El well died nt Van Ettenvlllo, Now.York, on tho 10th Inst., at tho advanced age of Ol year and 'I days, and was burled with Masonic ccrcmonle. Washington Ttewn. . Washington, Jlny 1. Mu. Brooks trnve notlco that at tho proper tlmo ho should offer n resolution calling tho Impeachment Managers to account for their action rclntlvo to tho Alta Vela Islands, nbout which so much hns been said In the courso of the Impeachment trial. iVAsm.NUTOK, .MIIJ" 2. In tho House, nt tho afternoon sess ion, a lengthy acrimonious debnto sprung up on Mr. Brooks' resolution caning tno impeachment .Managers tu account for signing tho "Alta Vela" letter, which has provoked so much discussion oti tho trial. Messrs. Logan, Butler nnd Garfield explained the man ner In which their signatures to tlio letter wero obtained. Mr. Logan used unparliamentary language, and was called to order three times. Messrs. Ilutler nud Brooks Indulged In some chnrncterWic personalities, after which tho resolutions was laid on the table, nnd tho House, adjourned. Washington, Muy 4. A resolution was ndontcd In tho House culling upon Gen. Grant for a report of tho number oi votes cast at mo recent election In Arkansas. Tho members then went to the Senate chamber to at tend tho impeachment trial. On their return Mr. Donnelly, of Minnesota, rose to n personal explanation. In n lengthy speech ho proceeded to explain that somo tlmo slnco ho wished to In trod u co a bill In tho Interest of his con stituents, and that Mr. Wnshburne, of Illinois, had olijectcd to it. lie tnon explained the matter to Mr. Washhurno nnu again oiiereu ins inn, aim .ur. Wiishburnongalii objected. Thereupon Mr. Donnelly wroto to ono of his con stituents stating tho facts. This letter was published, nnd called forth an nn swer from Mr. Wushburno wherein ho denounced Mr. Donnelly ns nn "Oftlco ueggnr," and ns ono wno invored every corrunt schemo nronoscd In Congress. Mr. Donnelley then proceeded to ubuso Mr. Wnshburno in tlio most nnnroved Congressional manner, using language so unparliamentary that tho Speaker was forced to call him to order several times. Ho nt lust informed him that his remarks were not honorable to tho House, nnd ho would not suffer them to go on record without his protest, whereupon Mr. Donnelly apologized. Mr. Wnshburno got tho floor, nnd In n few words reasserted nil tho charges ntralnst Mr. Donnelly which ho had made in his letter. Ho was called to order, nnd Mr. Wlndom gavo notlco that on Monday ho would lntroduco a resolution oi censure, mo iiouso men adjourned, Wnshlngton, Mnj-5. In tho House, yesterday, Mr. Win dom submitted a preamble nnd resolu tlon rolativeto the Wnshburiio-Donnel ly difficulty. It recites that Inasmuch as Mr. Washhurno had luibllshcd a let tcr making serious charges against Mr. Donnelly, nntl had reaffirmed them from his seat In the House, nn investi gating committee should do appointed to ascertain their truth or falsity. Mr. Spalding offered a substitute, setting forth that tho House was responsible for Mr. Donnelly's Indecent remarks of Saturday, inasmuch as no nau ucen per mitted to go on, although called to or der by the Sneaker, that such siieech was prejudicial to tho House, and thnt consequently It should not bo printed In tho Congressional Globe. Much de bate followed, members generally re gretting tho scenes of Saturday, but fa voring in their remarks otic sido or the other. Several trangresscd tho rules of debate nnd wero compelled to apologize for their language. Finally tho reso lution calling for an investigation was passed. Messrs. Washhurno nntl Don nelly then apologized for Insulting tho House, nnd tho matter wns dropped. Tho Committee will bo appointed to- d-iy. with power to send for persons nntl papers. 11 iiMiiiiKiui, jmy u. No legislative business was transact ed by tlio Senate yesterday. in mu nouse, mu peauer announced tho Special Committee to investigate thecharires made against Mr. Donnelly. of Minnesota, lu tho letter written by Mr. Wiishbtirne. Mr. Dawes, at tho Instance of Mr, Butler, offered a resolu tion, directing the samo Committee to investigaio tno charges matio uy jir. Brooks, on Friday, against Mr. Butler, to tho effect that the hitter, when In command at New-Orleans, hud extort ed G0,000 from n New-Yorker there, and that ho (Brooks) had been the means of competing him to return it. Mr. Brooks desired to extend tho inves tigation to the charges made by Mr. iiuuer against him. xhoiuemuers then attended the Ii,,peacliment trial. When tho members returned the Brooks-Butler matter was further dis ciiscd. nnd Mr. Dawes' proposition fin- ally agreed to, after which tlio House Kijouriieu. Impeachment. Washington, May 1 THF. f.MPr.ACHMKNT TRIAL. THP. first hu.Slnesa heforo thn fVinrt was the consideration of tho order offered by Mr Sumner concuring Mr. Nelson, of counsel for tho President, for Intom- pernto language used in his reply to Mr. Butler, relntlvo to tho Alta Vela isianu. Jir. Anthony asucd Mr. Nel son If in tho lunguago ho used, he Inten detl to convey a challeiiL'o to Mr. l!ut 1 -sc.. -v-T.. n.'l .1.1 . iUl. ni. isviouil ll'jmcil II11U HQ wtw not n duelist bv nrofesslnn. lint lie lmd Intended to convey to Manager Ilutler tho Impression that ho Nelson was reatly to give him nny satisfaction ho might demand. Ilcdisclulmcd any In tcution of Insulting tlio Senate. Tho motion to censuro was laid on the table. Tho order providing for night sessions was iiuAt uuiisiuLTcu. jn amendment wns olfercd providing for a day session from 10 A.M. to OP. M., but on motion, tho wholo sublectwas laid nn tlin table. Mr. Evurts then resumed his argument unu occupieu ino remainder or tho sess ion. Washington, Mays. Till! IMPEACHMENT TItlAL. At thoonenliitrof tho Court veter day, Mr. Evarts resumed his argument in ueuuu oi tno rrcsiuciu, ami bpnKO for three hours. Ho wus followed by Mr. iSttuibery, who commenced tho closing argument for tho defence, hut, after speaking bonio tlmo, his strength niiieii, unu mu aenaio atijotirncil. Wasuinqion. May f. ON tho axscmblliiL' of tho Senate on Saturday Mr. Stanbery continued his argument inr ino ueience. iio contend ed that the prosecution had fulled en tlrely to make a case against tho Prcsl dent, und expressed confidence in oh talnlng an acquittal. Mr. Stanbcry's strength juiieu mm ucioro concluding and a clerk In his ofllco read a consider ablo portion of tlio argument. Mr Stanbery himself, however, read the concluding portion, after which tho court uujourucd. Washington, May 5, Immediately on tho assembling o tho Senato yesterday, Mr.llliigliiuii commenced tno closing argument on behalf of tho prosecution. Uo hud not finished his remarks when tho Senate adjourned. It is expected that ho will occupy wo greater part oi tno session to-tiny. Washlugtou, May 0, When tlio Semite assembled, yester day, Mr. Cameron proposed that tho memiiers oi tno .-National .Medical Lim volition. 200 In number, should bo nil mlttcd to tho KiUlcrics without tlekcl.s. After somo debate, tho proposition was iieuu'.iveu. ..ur. jiiiitrnuni men resiitn. ed Ills closing argument for tho proso Liuiuii. nun uccupieu ino entire session no win linisii tins morning. Washington, May 7, 'Pi IK speeches on tho Impeachment trial closed yesterday, and tho Senato at onco resoivcu to cousldcr tho caso in secret session. A motion to adjourn uiim oiiiuiuiiy wus lust uy a voio oi ; to IB). Senator Williams offered n motion that uo member shall speak more than once or longer than fifteen minutes. Senator Frellnghuysen moved to lay tho wholo subject on the tablo, which was ngrecu to f to . At 4sl6 It ml juurncu, POLITICAL, Democratic State Ticket. TOB AVDlTOH-OF.KinAl.1 CHARLES E. BOYLE, OP PAYETTE COUNTY. KOU sunVKVOIl-OENIRALI QEN. WELLINGTON H. BNT, OF COLUMIltA COUNTY. SPECIAL NOTICES. PXUIMTV. Crcry one at tlmo reels the necessity ornouio thliitf to tone up tlio nystcra drpretunl liy mental or Ijmllly Mliainllon. Ateiiili llme lit eery mo tiinletid of taking alcoholic or mnllclnal itlw uliinta, which ntTord only a temporary relief, re Invlgornto his debilitated "ystun by the nulural tonic element! of tho PERUVIAN 8YF.UP, or Protected Holullou of tho rrotuxldc of Iron, filch vitalizes mid enriches the Maori by un l b Ing It Willi lu llle I.limeiil, Iron, flellm free Horn Alcohol In nuy form, lt mer Kiting cireetK lire not follow td by corrupoudlng rt action, but nro permanent. Inruxlng Ntreiigth, vigor and new lire Into all parts or the hjhicui and building up an Iron Con&titutlon. Wm. C.Hterllng, Lh(.,orroughkecple, . i.. Na)sl "ulnce taking the Peruvian Hjrup I feel better, my strength is Improved, lay bowels aie rCLElllar,my appetite Ural rate. There M an old l'h)slclnn In this city (older than 1 am), who has been In Iho Drug Lmlnewt for 10 years, who has luted Hit Hyrup lor three months, aud gives It an his decided opinion, that II Is the best Alterative Tonic JlcUlcino ho evr knew." Tor Dyspepsia, Debility, and Penuilo Weak nesses, the Peruvian hyrup Is a specific. AUZpnge pamphlet sent free '1 hu genuluo has "Peruvian Myrup blown In the gh. J. 1'. DINsMOllIl, Proprietor, Nu.30 Dey Mt, Now York. Hold bynll Druggists. Hl'KorCLA CCKKU AFTKU SEYr.N 1KAUS' HUl'- If.IllNH. J. W. llornor, Ksq., a prominent lawyer of Park ersburg, W. vn., sa si "I had 37 Running Ulc ers v, hen I commenced taking Dr. Anders' lodlno Water. My llrcast, Throat und Kaco was one continuous sore. I am now n well man, and am sutlstled tho Iodine Waler saved my lire." Circulars In regard to this remedy will bo sent J. P. DINSMOItU, Proprietor, 1 Dey Htrcet, New York For sale by Druggesls generally. May 1,'OS. NO. 4. The nnclcnts desired "locks bushy nnd black ns tho raven" as ono of the perfections of manhood nnd tresses long,sllkeu nnd lustrous, as tho crowning beauty of womanhood, but lime, Iho sly eld dog, drew his lingers through their hnlr nnd left "his mark" in while. Time is now bul lied by those who uso Itlng's Vegetal lo Ambrosia the greatest and mostrellablo Hnlr ltestoratlvo or modern times. May l- IVI-'OUMATION. Information guaranteed to roduce a luxuriant growth of hair upon nbald icnd or beardless face, alson recelpo .mvnt nl 1'linnl.n lllnlr-lieu. l'.rnnlln lur lue if the skin, leaving tho same soft, clear, and beautl lul,cau beobtalncd without charge by addressing lliun. 1'. V.11AI jirtit, i.ueuiisi, sepl3'67. b23 Broadway, New Y'ork, TO PAItMEIlS AND PLANTERS. Tho subscribers oirer for sale.ln lots tosult pur chasers. UJO TllNH OF DOUIILI: ItEFINED POU- DHKTl'H of the Iidl Manufacturing Co., mnde from tho night sol, blood, ollal nu.1 dead animals of New York City, for which tho Company havo exclusive coulriicf. PrieoonlyilDOI.LAItMPEIt TON, freight and charges Irom New ork ndded. Warrant i il bv the Coin nun v to be eoual WEIGHT for wkioiitIo nny high prlted superphosphate In the market. '1 ho results on Corn, Cotton, To bacco nnd Urnlu have been astonishing tho past season. It matures the crop from 10 days to two weelts earlier, nml uouuies ino crop, ino Pilinphlu Willi certificate of hundreds of well know n nlnntcrs and liirmers. nnd everv Informa tion, sent free tunny one nppKlnghy loiter or otherwise to JI( t'Ol.l.U.M A I UUSI.1.1,. Ksiiy Co lumniii county, I'll., or to iuoihji .Mtinuiaciur ing uonipuny, new lorn. Feb. 21, 1SOS. CIIH,t.H AND FKVK.U, DYHl'EPSfA, I.IVlfft COMPLAINT, AND KIDNEY DISEASES CUItED. HISIlLKH'ri llbRIl HITTERS Has cured more diseases where It has been used, than all other .Medicines combined. It Is the only remedy that really purifies tho blood, and has never lulled In curing Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, and diseases of the Liver. noiu uy an uruggisis ami iieaiers. Dlt.H. II. HA HTM AN & CO., Proprietors, Ijin- all druggists nnd Dealers. caster, Pn., and Chicago, Illinois. May K.'lW. 'Ft. rvvuiTinn-n't'u ti... tin.. f.M ..i Wilson will send (free nl charge) to all who desire ll,llie prescripuoii wiiiiinetiireciions lor loaning nntl using the simple remedy by which ho was cured ot u luugaflectlou and that dreaded tliseasu Consumption. Ills only object Is tolienetll the nllllcli'it, and ho hopes every sulterer will try this prescription, ns It will cost llicm nothing, and lull) pinve il oirsMiig. i-ieiiti iiiiiiii'nh ill. . i.ii . nil j. i No, Iftj South Hecond Street, niy.H'C7-Iy,l Williamsburg, Kings eo N. Y. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 0 K Tlio imbllc ar lirreby notlHM not to truit or Jiarboron my nccount, u woman call 1 113; herself Mnry (JelgiT formerly ilury, Wiinl as I Mlmli jmv no debtK of her conlriictlng unlrsHcuiniiellctl to Uo by dnocourNo of lavr, UANIHj OKIUKU. .May ,'W-3t, nOLtUMIJIA COUNTY AGItl j cultuual fuennv. Tho nnnuttl nict-tlme of Iho Columbiii Countv Aifrlcnluirnl. Hortlt-ulttirnl. nml Mcchunloiil As. Hoclnllon fur the election of ortlcerH to nt-rvo ono year, will bo held at tho Court House, In MIooiiih buriiiT, on Katurtlay, the 1 lit U tiny of May.lstW, betwetm the hourH ofU and :i o clock, p. in. jUMi:ra conm;h, rrest. h. II. nuftUT.Kee'y, (Alay H a p. m., Upper Story, U5SS. Y Mny8 2t. T.D. T ICE, 'l hn Townhhln AudltorH will dn u-fll to inm. ino tboMht't-n Ijiw imfsHcil JiavSUtli 1V.7. 1'. L. 1'iiKt'tMl, Hcc. 1, Qbtolhclr duties at Hheen np pralhcrfi nml to tho "jirovlsions of nn Act1' un i.rovtd March VHtli Hi. I. I,, l'ngo an the roninilfihlonerH will 1hu no orderH for bheen "HIT llllt Ullll UllllKH 1 1 ItJ 1AV UP 11)111 MONT. COM!. L Com'lH. Attht. 1AVII) YJIAOKU. J Win. Krlckbaum, Clerk. .May 8,'CH. A" K N T I O XI llio undeuluned havlne Introduced Kteam In. to liiu Tauneiy at LIOIIT SUtEI.T, PA wouhl respiclfiilly inform Hie publlo Hint he Is prepaieu loitay llie niKhesl cash prices lor Hark. Ho would add thai his Tannery hns been refitted and Is DOW orcimrcit 111 turn nut ns i.nul wol il lis can he done In iho counlry. lirlns on your bark, .Muy,'lri.t, JAMES W.HANICEV, T AC'KAWAKNA AND lll.OOHH XJ flUHO ItAII.HOAD. 011 und alter May 4lb, lsu Puienser Trals will run as follows! I.eavu a. 111. ... S.I0 I.ea e p. m. uo i.m I. 13 4.U 6.10 II. 13 0.,'.j 7.1)1 Airlve a. m. 11.10 Leave nai 10.09 7.11 11.01 8.30 7.111 7.KU 7.0J Leave Arrive u. Hcraulon , 11.17 Plttston KtllRslon .. Pl mouth.. , 0.10 , u..v IM0 8.10 8.23 7.58 CfiS 0.19 c;m Ltavo .7.17 HhltksliftiiiT 7.r.. lleruUk 8.80 llloom H 11,10 import n.20 Danville Norlh'd ,51 7,12 Arrlvo Arrive ., 10.33 8.23 4,13 Tlio 11.10 Train at Kcrantou nuikeM connections with Express Train for New York at 3 o'clock p. in,, arriving in xsow ioricv.uu lork 9.3U n, m, II, A. FONDA, flup't. J) U 1! 1. I C HAL K OF VAt.UAllLU ItEAL IOTATI5. fu pursuanco of an order of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, Ta., on Baluntuy the 30tli day ot May Inst,, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, H.uiiuel Hhoiie Admlulslralnr ol Mathtus llhone latoof Jackson tonushlp, In said counly, de. ceased, wilt expose to sale, by publle vendue, on ii" liviiui-w, ii cciiuin inessiiiiiiu aim T It A O T O K LAND, vituute In Jacknonlownbhln.lntsnlil eoiintvof Col limhlU. buumlfil mid ili-NcrUM'ti iik tnllnu k to u It bounded LV luiidh of Ditvid (lotilf r on Mm nrtrlli. lumlHoi Nt vliart A Kile on tho muiIIi, lumiri of oi. ui un iuin uit mu nini, iuhud 01 ucNfcti ivnouo ONK HUN1UIEI) A BIX ACUICS, und ll'fl lierelieM and nllouaneefj. About ftOncriH oflheubovtilittleuretl land, ili flcret of wliiu It 1h ccmm! Meadow luud.tmd tbo bul umoiii wiHiiiuut riu wiin uiii'binui Him uocu Ouk, Thero U un tho prtnilbtH u eood Hnuk iturn U KUUll PLANK DWKLUNO HOUHK, a tjctod tprlnu of water and nrrlng house near the uuui. Mm n ihiko vwrieiy vi iruii ueen, iu-e ine Ktato ofituld ileeeiuied, kliuato In the tounnlilji Vt HHtMUIl! lillll I'tlUlltV UlUlfl Jtlootunhurt;. May t),r0S, Jm nuld. KhhK Coleman Clerk. Jr- ( imilituiim nf Aiil tmm'l in npr ri'iit of nun. fourth oflhu nuuhahu money tu be paid on the cay oi bale, uue-ruurthof tho mircluuo money lekM the ten ner m-nt to bn imld on I ha fiiiiilriiiu.. tlou ol tbeitHle, und tlmbulttiieu in ono ) ear Irom the confirmation uf the bale, with lnlerekt Irom cuiiflrmulton m, hi, VvbUi blou ulveu on the ratneiu oi llie ten ier cent. I'lirciuiker to iy ordeiaandvtumpH, HAMUKIj UllONi:, Admluhtlrator, LL KIND8 OF JOH PIUNT1NQ tieutlv exMUtad &t. Tub CVtLUUuiAM UtAam TltEASUUEU'S SALE Ul' HtiA 11.11 lii;n .- vvi.wy. ..... Agreeably tome provisions m me cnibly, entitled an Act lo reduce the mate debt Ac, passed tho IHtth day of April. 1811, the Trea. 'I ' . .... ....... ... ..Ii.mI.Ii. Im-ftltV VlV(M surer oi 11m lAiiiniy ui Luiuiiii p . notice lo All iiersons concerned therein, that un. less the County, Itoiul, Kehool, l'oor and Hlnto Taxes ete.due on Iho following real estatesltuolo In Iho County of Columbia, nro paid beforo llle day of sale, the wholo or such parts or each ns will pay the charge "d costs ehargablo thereon will be sold at tho Court House. In liliMmibtiry, County of Columbia, on tno nth of June. Ism, and id Tbo continued by adjournment from Uny lo day for arrearages of tnses duo said county and Iho costs accrued on each respectively I War. Ami. Owners. 7Vninf. fiol. CH. 111 270 Col. Coal A Iron Co. lleaver 1 1 in iJ 111 IS pun il Moses Mover lsoi-fi-4 r Miller A. Mann a il 7S II Ml isrtl 7 .lolin Johnson 1S04-S l5 Ml 1-0 ISIJI-W) una lscn )TkI 1N IHIU IN) J lUI IWll 1S8I S(l.Vfl ISM iiva lsn.-, ISO.I S(H . 1SI) Wli a) John V Crcswell 100 Anlhony Davis .") T, M. Hubble ino Mann A Miller ,10 Mnnu, llaldy A Crist' well 300 Miller, Fisher & Long. enberger 1 II. W. M'lteynolds i 31 00 to 11 tu 17 61 SOI 41 A 21 2 l li J John Koons Iicnton Is 'irncy wnuo I llanuiihTko ' 75 lllrninHelgfrcId 10 Peter Hhultc " litNniicy rreinis jnoom fi lit Augustus Kchncll llerwlck Uor. t 9 llt.Incob Maley Conyngham I ill lit Wm Ashman " lllOwuiCnln " I 6S litJaiilesColllcr " sin 211 Ellen Durkln " 0 lil 00 Kline, I.lndenmlth Jk Co. " KIM lltJohn 1). Morgan " "o fllMlchael Net In " 4 l lit Anlhony tl'Donnell " 7 1 1) Pnxton,KllneAr!hnrplcss' Mini 211 John Shaw " llti'liirlesualioghcr " W 2ltHltllon Aslitoti 11 10 10 lsavo lsi I BV, 1M lSifl 1SIVI ISM 1814 lllW IKdl 1st). HUB IHIU ISM ism 1SI.II 1) lsill-3 ism 1101 lMil ism lsm.vo lsm-5 lsei) 1MKI 1SU0 1S(I lsikl WM lNil-3 1SUI 1SUI Wli IStll 1MU-0 ISO I inn 1SIIVI 1WVM 18t lmn IKIli ISfVS hub 1HU-1-5 put.-, istw lit Demerlck t'rano " .1 W lit John Hopkins " 1 3 lltivier Hower 0 15 111 Wm Chapman " 1 00 00 JaC'ibHnydcr Franklin 11 (II IB II. Haycock Fishing Creek 2 II GO it. Klirue. Do Jacob Yaple III John lleiulersholt lltUrimili Phillips H Jackson A. Watts I IS I 5 ll O. Wood 1)1 1 SO " 01 lit Mary Allen " 1 411 37 Hemlock 3 60 lltWni Edgar tilt Edward lwls Jilt Edward Prosser HI " 4 ft) Jackson II IB " 1 so Jill ueo weaver 400 lless A Uolder .11 John K.Kceler s Henry Hholenberger 117 Duvld lllslilino 117 James llnwmnn H IB I) SO 10 111 II Hess, Hani A 1 ersy 210 James ltolslon " 20 Cyrus Lnlnl's Est. Madison HU II. MIlhelm'sEst. lit Adam Wclllver " 21 1 lit in I so IS) 13 2.1 loo Wm Chamberltn Pino 47. Jneksoll 11 .ddo " 150 Hoi Kuril " 40 David Hweeney " 62 M. Bboemaker " 2 A br Welsh " ino Thos Ktackhouso " HU ThosHmltli " 50 John Fox " 100 Schuyler .t Waller " 60 Michael Kresler " 100 John Cospcr's Est, " 20 Colt John si John Folk " 117 John C vrult " H 01 3 IS :i :k 7 til 0 20 7 20 8 S o no 2 tU I (.0 1 20 2 70 ft) hi Polly lless (widow) Hugarloaf 8 23 Hu Henry Holder " 09 UltCharles Mutllcy Hcott 1 50 rnilKABUUEU'S SALK OF UNSEATED LANDS POIl COLUMI1IA CO., At.rni.nhlv In tho iirnvlstnns of an Act of As. scuihly entitled an Act directing tho tnodo of scllluffunseaictl laniis ior inxes nnu lor oilier pursses pnssed tlio 1 3th day of March 1813, and Iho further supplements thereto pnssed on tho 13th day of March ISI7 and tho lUtli day of March 1S21, and the Dili day or March 1SI7, tho Treasurer ofColumbia couuty licreby nlves notice lo uli persons concrencd lbereInthattiulessfheCouil ly, Uoad. Hchool, Poor, Ilounly and Htate Taxes duo on the following tracts of unsented lands sit uate lu Columbia cuiinty. are paid beforo the day of Hale, the whole or such parts of each tract as will pay the costs chargeable thereon, will he sold at the Court House 111 the town of IUoom. burir, County of Columbtaon tho 8th ol June, IsDS, nnd lo continue by adjournment from day to day for arrearages of lines due said Couuty, and the lolB necrueu on e:icu irnci respectively, ..Vo, of Acres. Warantccs or Owners, Dot. CIS. UE.VTON. ifl Ann Chrlstman t 10 01 12 John J. Kurus 2 OS 4S Tracy Whito 11 05 nnAVEit, 400) )(. 38ol 400 'JO 111 MD 100 300 Columbia Coal A Iron Co. 73 4S Rnrah A. Cofrmali 21 DO WmHtewnrt 12 IS Lewis Plluer 7 b9 John Orotr is oi Ma n A ItOAt 0 Kllaa Miller 1H OS M'Dowell lllttcuhouse Yost 281 DO SIOO 200 100 200 10 Cutliurlue Novcr 1 is Hiimllloii W.bhipman 0 UIHAU CHEEK. Pniil A mill. 1 Runnel fllank I II William J. llrthiln 7 so tiny Hryiui 13 .19 John t'lilll 5 1X1 10 28 51 21 COO) 01 '.01 5 win. j. run ':l Win. I., l-'reas 20 00 Win. It. Harlmau 1 H. I', ltea.lly 3 l2 Catharine Penrco 41 John I'm kersoll J 2 Ahiahiiiii Hcesir 11 75 Jueoli Hilar 40u 101 INI 1)0 IS Sit) 14 Joseph Slackhouse John II. Suit John Yost CONY.N111IAM. 410 8 11.' 101 Jll 100 Ml 3SI 2.V) 277 2S.1 30.') Uof 13) ISof 3s0 i of 120 K Of SsO 411 1 1'.l) 401 ID 100 1VI 100 s sr, b! f 3 1 lot JudireC.ix 17 10 Iwls Wulkcr 3 l John Houston 21 Jacob Trk-n K7 2 Will, Slllltiuon 1I!NI IN) (Ico, lllckham 208 00 John llenstly Pl9 ts Thos llllt.heimer Pit) os Amos U'lckelstmiu 1 U M) llolielt Joid.iu PS) Ml Andrew Porter 3u5 10 Lewis Walker 321 31 T. Itustaii "O. W. Orenouiib" 21 4. Mary Ifustan ' " 07 8.1 T ltustiin sriurriiKir co21 4 Mary ltustiin " " Ehenezer Ilrnnhnm llcnjamln Coombe John Younit Joshua Deiuil Peter Iluchner Nnlhaniel Drown John Kltno CENT11E. Ilenjaiuln Allabacfi Isulnh Conner's lstato Hewitt & Ilcncdlct Will. DeloliK Erltz's Estate Jacob (looit M. I., llrown Peler llngenbucli CATAWIS8A. Thomas lliddlo lleujamln llelber JosipliClewell J. H. Ilrobst J. P. Plncher ' .111 KS III 111 73 131 10 60 60 100 (. 178 60 0 7 11 31 IV) 00 2 10 3 s:i ft) 10 Plnclier A Tliomas David Gaumcr PUANKf.tN. Jiilnts Pox Elijah lieyuold A Co. tleo, Hwnnk I-ISllING CHEEK. Cleo, J. Fullmer J, N. Jones John Allcgar Win, lluckalew's Estate l-'reaB A Hoirmau Edward M'llenry Win. Mcars Haluuel J, PcaV'r (hsi. Peeler Wm, Itohblns A Co. Win. Kiiucnrs D, Klioler A Kelcliner Orus II. Whllu Abruhsni Youiik Wm. Ikclcr QftEENWOOD, Andrew Iktter Margaret I'inon Jost-ph Pllkinittou John II. Hliultz Isuiu1 Dewltt Wilson Eduar Daniel Klllio John Melllclc HEMLOCK. Wm. Applemau D. ft. Applemun M. Applemau Kamuel Itruicler Nalhan Campbell II. W. M'lteynolds II. D. M'llrlde John Mordan Zehuton llobblns JACKhON, Win, Yorks Win. Htcphcns LOCUftT, Iwls Dush Phi netis iiiiliugton John Eishcr Mary Myers "(Jreenimsb" '1 hos, iiustuu " Daniel Iteesu M Mary Ilusian ' Charlotte Hiutali " John lleynolds M Mjiisn Vl)lC'l'i 1'OAl.t'O Tliomns Itiihtsll ' Daniel Iteas " .Mary Uustan ' t'harloitultuslitn " John Hcjnblils " Joliu anil Jos Ithoads Wm Ha) era MII'FLIN. fleo Latimer Will Menslutcer Nuugessei A llolsafer Johua Zlmii eriuau Juiub liomlioy Joel hullln" hainuel Purk's Est, David I irowu Ur, MAIN. Daniel A Isaac Yettex Daniel Yetter Jacob Hostler J P Flnclier HQ Miller dee'd. Philip Miller Daniel bhuman dee'd, Heubcn Khumsu Joshua Webb I'hlllp Wall 37 7: 1 O) 20 0 61 I 40 II 01 1 4 "1 7 11 30 3J W 100 200 3 30 6 I 11 30 2 8.1 1.1 4. II 30 II 211 1U 11 I'J 17 7 01 V ! CI 0 at i 3 100 13 73 7 100 30 S 30 1J II 1 4. 14 tu 13 60 3 49 18 M i 31 a is) 1 DS 14 00 3 8 1 iH 1 60 18 20 2 7' ei 19 3 8 U ol 200 5 ; of ioo ! of too V? of 200 of 200 t of 200 )iof2U) !fof loo 4uf IUI M of 200 Jof 'JO !Jof2UO lr 30 19 20 0 U) 17 10 10 20 19 20 19 20 10 20 0 lil) 17 10 19 20 19 20 19 20 U Ul I 88 300 10 100 47 70 1 31 II 130 174 1110 133 27 Ul 07 4U) 2u0 7 8 Oil 1 19 18 :io 4i 33 7 W 0 W 1(1 'M fl 73 ti W 61 0J 1 18 SI MADISON. Joutph HlretcU MT. 1'LKABANT, JUAU 1 W MONTOUIt. Michael Grover OHANOE. James Everett's Es'l. Jerenllall tfaKellbucll Hamucl Cretcllng John Mellck Ueollldlcy William Itoll'innu J P t.vons Win Whlcnbnnicr Hylvester lleulh Jos l,ockarl Thomas llcnfleld UOAUINO CIIEEU. Peter Iluchner Tliomns llarncs tleo Dcwcs John Hnstln I'hlllp Knlb Isaac I.luvlil Jacob Trl en Abraham Ileaber Peler Mrnsch Gcorgo llloss HUOAItLOAP. Abrnlinm Shottt'n Es't Jnmlson Keclcr Hamuel KrltK Win J Hess James llurkalew Israel Copo Mary Cuslard Daniel Everhart tleo Ucarhart llolicrt (Iray (los.e's l.s't Anthony Ocarhart Wm tlearhitrt Polly lless Widow Abraham Kline Hubert Montgomery Es't Daniel J M'llenry Abraham Yong m JACOllYOHE,' 01 173 87 7i 2 so 0 29 M M 21 41 28 20 II III 2S SO "1 00 20 8 III 3.1 700 M 1110 S 80 400 3 01 .1 119 1') 111 0 IS Is :w 7 78 3 III 1 8J 2 71 1 31 321 110 Sim I2tl M It) HO (0 1 31 I 52 3 31 Is in 1 SI 7 .11 II II) 7 so I'J OS PI IH II 21 19 .VI fl ,'li 2 71 I'l .Ml I "i 11 9 HI 0 33 1M m 71 4)1 an Hi 2l ft) K,i 2.'.) HI IB April .1, B LOOMHinma MTLIlAllY IN9TITUTI!, 110AUI) OF IN'rtTltUCTlON. IIi:NUY CAUVKU, A. M., rrlntlral an I I'm. prieior, 1'rofensor of rhl'oM'pby, Ae, Mh Ruriih A. Carver. TrecentreRt. Teacher of French, llotany and ornamcntnt uritiii.'iif n, lhimo O. runt, A. II.. Pro fens or of Ancient IjingunKfi. Charles K Itice.A.Il.. 1'rofesnor of Mutlainatlai. F. M. llatei. Teacher nf 11ookkeeplnK A ligllsli branctics. MU Alice M. Carver, Teacher of Inntrumental Music. Jilts Teacher of Vocal M unIp. MIhs .lulladuest, Teaclur In Trlmary Department. Hprintt term commences April 131 h, ISft, March ajU1. QLD FItlKNDS & NKW FIKIKNDS, Titia WAV 1 I A. Hnrtmiiii'N new Htori UiKitnt mt Xtntn Hi.. below Market. DKY (JOOlJH, NOTIONS, HOOTH.HHOS, UUOCKRIKH, ruoviHioNs tlC, ilC, AC. AIro. n new nnd tiood Riinnlv of HTOVIiS ASH TINU AItK. llavlutr Reeiired n welbknou-n nn.l Htiperlor workman, ih prepared to make new work, und repairing to order. HPOUTINQ MADE TO OltDEIl. All as chean for cukIi or trade as the chefliieht. Call and see. First store on vest end of Houth Main Hi. A, 11AJ.1MAN, Apmitvo r o K A It 1 K It S! r.unuuuA.u luju'a.m a nuijUlil.ri I AOIFIC QUA N O. THK ATTENTION of Farmers nnd other eon- Humers ol Fertilizers is Invited to this Uuano, at worthy of their tieclal notice. Its use for seer ul jeurs In MurylauU, Virginia and other Houth itii Hlutcs, tor all eropn, has kIvcii It u standard character lor excellence unequalled by any oth er. It possesses all tho quukuess or Permian (luanowlth permanent ciualitles not fount! in imii. iiriicie, ju um. oi uii uuuuo aro louiiu more than tounl to AW lis, of the best Huper phosphates. It ripens the wheat crop irom Mo to se en da h earlier than the phosphates, u hlch fact alono cives It Incnlculalilo advantages, Ul,. eral discount tu dealers. For sale by JOHN B. ItKr-SK it CO., General Agents for Tactile Uuano Co., 'M Houth Delaware Ave., PhUud'a Aud 71 wouth Htrcet Dultlmore. March 27 ,'fiS-Cm, YALUA1JLK 11KAL KSTATK AT I'UHLIU HALi:. Will 1)0 hold nt nubile hale nt thn "OWKN IIOUHII" in tlie Donnish of lierwiek, on Hatur day, tlio id day of May. at 10 o'clock a. m., the lollowlhH deseilhed aluablo lteal Kstntr, to wit : u unu ino.ii oi iimi, hiiuuie in ecoeii township, Lti7trne county, hounded hy the Hns qiteliiiuna Hiver, lundi of Henry Keller, Iruac Keen aud others, coutulufUK TUO III'NUUFD ANI FJITV ACKM, more or less, Ke nty.fUu acres of which It lm nioved, with a l)velllii(f House thereon, Tlio halaiieuN well ttuiV.- red. Iite tho estate of Wm, M. Hart, ilt-iooied. Cuudlllons easy. Terms made knoun on d.iy of sale. The properly will he sold w llhout full. I or further partlcuhirs In qtilronl AOM-SA. HAItr, escopck, April 21, cW, KMOVAL OF THK DKAD. IS tntrsuiince ofnn Act of thn I.rirUliitor approved April 13th lutt, notice lv hereuy (jlvrn to all perhons having friends or relatives buried within tho kpace of 1MJ leet on Main Htreet hy HO feel on Iron Htrcet, on the Houtluve! corner of Ht. Paul's church Yard. ItliHimsburc, tlmt tho bodies mua ho removed by the turvl tn Irleuds orrelatlves, belore the first dayoi Juno, ImW, or that they will bo lemoved nnd be Inleiied hy the Vestrv of said O lurch hv uuihoilly thereof. liv orderortlm Vestry. J.J. IIHltWhlt, Pies. Atttstt It. r, Hahtman, Hee. liloo.i.sburi,', April '-'i, ls-:u. M US1C 11 O X K S, l'lavinirfrom ono to Heventv.two tunes, und eostiiiK irom $1 ih to Siwo uo- eveiy vuritty of the newest nc ompanimcnts. They aro pleasant companions for the Invalid, ns welt as flue ornaments for tlio parlor. HuWijk given our special attention tu that blanch ot trado for the lust eighteen years, we are uhlc to supply any want better nnd quicker tlmu uuy other Iiouso In the country, M. 1. l'AHXAHD A CO., Importers. Fwb. 7VsH-3m. ill Maiden Lan (upstarsJ.N. Y. UKNItY wor.r, k, c. IUKTOS, (Successors to H. C. Shlve.) rpiIK SUnSCItlHEHS HAVING X Leased therianlnfi Mill and Machine Hhop formerly occupied by H.V. Hhlve, will continue the business ot manufacturing DOOIIH, BASH, I1LINDS, MOULDINGS, 11 rackets .(c. We nre also prepared to furnMi dressed (lM)rIiiK, hhlimlcsand all other lumber required In tho construction ofhullcllnKs. All kin ds of turning dono at hhort notice. Dills for Joist und otherrame stull filled with prompt ness nnd caio. Orders respectfully solicited. April 17,'GI WOLF & JIAUTON. jyjUTUAl, L1FK INSUItANCK CO., OF N V V Y O It K, J K VJXSTOXt Vrwhknt. (Irois AssetH Feb, 1, 18CS ty.319..119 is iiiuuiiit' iur mot , Dividend paid 1'ohey holders la P7,'i UO Ijirest Mutual Company In the world, Heductlou of I tales. joun (J. riti:i:.i:, Aceut, March IW'Cvtf. 11 looms hurt;, l'a. J O S T. on Wednesday, April 1Mb, 1HC8, between my house In Flshlnucieek township and 11 looms, huii;, a (sheep slcln pocket- book ahouvslx Inchei lon und three Inches wide, with a strap at tached which had n Miialt hole In tho end, In side honiewhut mouldy. It contained s)j.iJ01n bills of tho following denomlnationst Five ten dollar bills, and nine tlvo dollar bills. Ten Dol lars rewaid ulll bo paid to any person returning tho ubovo to tlio ouner. LLI UOlllU.NS. Apr. ;'l,, 1'orks, I', O., Columbia Co., l'a. s VDDLE 4 JIAUN1CSS MAICKU. Oii.sai;vii.i.K, CCI.UMMA CaBsrr, 1'enn'a, TftK undersliinril respectfully Informs hi, frlriuls nml the iiul.llo thai hahas bouiiht out Tiiomah Itrc'Kl.K, nml will contliiUH tlio business uf HADDf.K alul II Alt.MM II AE IMI, 111 nil lis various branches, at the olil stauti ubo.o hnyiler's Hotel, nnu hopes to deserve ulul recelvo the put romuconf nit whoiued nrtlelea In his line. t'eb.2H,'W. UEOHUE LAZAftUS. ATELY OPENED. The uiiilerslenM would resnectfnllTlnformtli. citizens of IthKimsburKaud vicinity, that h.lias Just opened n shop on IronHtreet. between Ialn nml Third, wlieie ho will lollow the cabinet int king business lu nil Its brunches. Orders for J1I.TAI.I.IU Oil OTIIEIl COFKINH filled -tllli pioinplness nnd despatch, Ittpulra chcuply mtido to all kinds of lurnlture, liu lud. Ini: tlio ri plaltlinr of raue-botlomed chairs, l'at lellis lor t'listlnns mnde neullyniid expeditious ly, nud oi dei s ui e solicited either tu person or by mull, f'lcture frames mudu lo order nt short no Hee. llOllEItT ftOAN. April 10,'dS-tC MUSEJIENT I AMUHEMENT 1 1 Opcrallo Music, Instruments Hint Vocal, sic from tliu most vHilneut Masters. I'On ONE NIGHT ONLY I A tare Unit, unprecedented success through IheHtutoof reiinsjlvuula, of I lie norldieiiowu ed, und only IIHEnAN'SHWISSllEUaUNCJEItS, Vocalists, Violinists, A C.mcdlulis.aiUliowleilcrd by tlio press nnd piihllo generally, to bu llio most urtl stlc and tah-ntnl Company extant. Will up pearln Bnyder's Hall HLOOMHIIUIta, riHUAV KVUNfNO.MAV Mh. Introducing tholr wonderful IlellplayiiiK.wlih eenulno silver Hwiss bells. Instrumental and Vocal music combined with droll und iimutlns Character Actlun, mukiiigone of the most select nnd roeherclie eiiterlulnmeuts Inextstouce, The Bolls, together villi the magnificent Hwiss Cos tumes, wero Imported from Ilerue, HwlUcrland, oxprcssly for this Company, ut uu Immense ex penso, sy 1'rlea of admission to all parts of the home, M ctuts thtldrvn under twelve years, 'J oeuts. Doors openut to beglu at 8 o'clock-, ...... W MOIITON. Mayl, 'll-St Oea'lUiuiiuessAgt,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers