ill . ft Mill 111 Ik 4 VOI. 2 NO. 18. BLOOMSBUHG, PA., FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1868. HUGE FIVE CENTS. HMIOMSIJl'KM MRKl'TOKV. .Si'OYi'.H AND TINWARE. I,' ,1. I III ll tlNe. i: i M mi II Mhll . lUIlt i ,i t lt M mi Miect. ln.-.'s nllfl llnwi'M MI'Hl of Miirket, Hlnvi s, I Iium n Writ Mori I'll . i -, Mnln Ml! i Kline I 1-IH. ol nn m i-n I villi, A. MltOAIttll'l., illlllolnli nml Miruwii, 1 M , licit ili.m l.i UihhI'h Hotel. l-llli OKANMlYlLliK MIU'.OTOHY. it u. W Mill ii -mill. SWAN lliH'1.1., II nlier Ihiiwo .Mm MIIJ ill r, M.illi iiiii.iw I'ilic, M.i I) lllllKI. I. Willi. rprrwutilfti'lil wil'nin, b nf Mnliiiiml I'lncit.vhlf? I). .!.: ( LoTHlNa, AC., tiinrcUiiiiiiiitliir, Mum hi., at mi uiiiji Aiiii-rlcnu Iioiihi. l-tii;i . i III.Mtll.ltl.lN, wtiolcsnlciiiin'riilnUiliiiil. i.i . lulliln '.i-lii.; Hurt mini's liiilliltnii.Mtilli 1 i. W-llll DHUfSS, CIIKMICAI.S, AO. I N., iliiiKKliltmil ntlliiniry, l!x lj' rli.niKu block Muln M, vl-lill 1,1 I. I."'!, iliingKlut ntul npoiheeiir.i , I'uperl ;, lilui k, Main ht mtt i.rMiii'kel. l-ul1 CLOCKS, WATCH US, AC. I oi7ln imit.N'ilAltn, wntch niul ilnck mnkir. lj iH'.irMiuiliciiHtcnriHr .Mnlnnml rt r. WAOK, ilenler In clock, wnli lies mnl V ', li hi hy, Mnln l., ni'iii'ly opimilo Amcrlfttn Ul'l .'vTIICAUT.wuleh mnl clock mnkor, Market HOOTS AND HUOlS. 'A' V, hoot an 1 tuHimnker,Mln-'(rert Court llini-tu. vl-nl'J K.M.OAN, de.ik r Iti ilrv nm1n, VT imikHr Vl-tl 17 nV.t 11(11. 1.Ay..UrM,mW1f nud liiirnei i Mum -t., nlMiVHliiWrttt llnhl. tir . denli v hi kUiWh etc. Main nt., nlHtVi 'ho II. .-Ml l it Awuh 1 1 1 t h tit imifrietiirer nl till -aiui-ilhd iM. 1 A li W. i'oI.KMAN, Merel.nnt tnlinr ntul A. llvlll'H filihlnlilnm; i nlH, Mnln SI., ncxl ilr lt tin- Irl-1 li! I. M-1117 s. II Wllt'IMT, Cluck., Willi Im nniMluin imihIiikI. (inn, mill Wnlcb lor wile, Mnln M., bclmV I'lllli, 1-1117 AMI'S, It.HAIt.MAN.Inblnct Mnkcr, nlnl tin ij ilciiuker. .viiiln ni., bcinw rinr, v l-nl7 Mir'itAiii.r. i;i:r.r.i:ii,i'i,iiftictioii(Ty, 'vcr Ai'.. i'.,im I'liK' lt bi'twccn Mnln niul MUK Mil. AC. Kr.l.cIINl'.lt, l'.liukiiillli, mi Mill , hinic't, rino. vl-iit7 U'H.I.IAM i:i.ON'l,llioriiiiil.(;rnml iiinmifap Vi luiori.r llrlik, MlllKIWMtif I'lno Mnl1) IM,IS I'lour mill (IM I nii t In mnln. Mill street. Mill, niul 1-n 17 A. WII.I.IA51H& f'o..Tnnni,rfninl Mnn- nmrtmi'iH nl li nllur, Mill Ktri i'l. M-llli a.",; I I I hril.iMiiiitiftK'titrci'nfHlili'nIcrliilKirtt 1.M.1 in ,1.. ii)u l j scomu c iiiiri' 1 t-ii 1 1 H'Ml KLK1M, iiiumtfitctitrpr nml ilontr In j Iiuni . miii simo-i. urttrorlen etc.. Hint llloonii- hum Mum si. 1-n II nVH m T, tiout nml Hlioomnkor, Mnln t., in u,w li.Liinuui'HBtoiv.wt'stiifMnrketntrc'Pt. ,i it. i:ui niul Hhni tnuUi-r, I'ltiti ml my l-ni7 1MIOKKSSIOXAL. I II r M. 1). ttltmonn niul ph sk'lnii houIIi tl '"U .illllll M., IH'IOW iiltlrKt-'l. Vi-lll.l i It. It, V. Klnnt-y hutopoh ilrntM, (aclhoxtnu-t t tl wlllnuil i-nin. ,lnlu Ht.( Hourly (ipimttln ,11 1 nun 11, 1 UWMtl. MrlirVLKH. fin rouiulor.Mtirlilii jjl f , nipt MitmiCnetmrrm plown, Mill hl.vl-nt Mill ill u nillN UT.I II. lir.IllllNll .V Ml()TnKi:(('anKiUcr un;l lltiihl.'i:', Mum trrct.liLlow IMnu. QAMri'I, HII A II I'M MttlUT 01 iiu JinyiuiTHi itl.llil latin, iiim.-i. r. 1IA11MAV. iildk mnl linvnn'S innkir . (ii'nnue 1 lo. HinHHiio rriimoouuaii, 1-11u mint wwiy 1 1 r tny fcnfcjow CAT.VAVISSA DIUKCTOIIY. proprli'ior, Miuili-t nlcmnov Mutn nml ;"' Tlilfl (K)IAJMBJAN, Julll().l,ulle NoWripMpor 14 I'l l I l-illl II LM IO IKilU MnltMNU AT M1,1K.MS1U ltd, PKA.A Tlfni'rlni'liili'northlHimi.irHienniH'JilUrnon !ausIi(M(lt.r.uIltlcn. Tliooi'rliu'l.lcnumtievtr livDimpromhul, jitcoiirtpv khulvHi ilmll lint lf IfirK'Jtion In dhtimlnK tliem.whetlicr with liirll-, hltmlf, ur w llh fnntiMnitnrorlcs nf tlio I'icm 1 lie iiHlty, linpphu'M.nnit proMpnUy nfihpvomi- IryWmirnlm nnd i.ljt ct ; niul as Hie iiu'iini to, wo Mi. ill Iftbnr hoiK'vtty niuUnrncMly tor Ihfli'irinntiy.MiuTBsutnlBi'nwtltof our nrKnn Ion, TKinnoFMtii mrriiiN: Two ilolluu n c-nr If pul l In tulutiice. If not iiM In iulmice two tlollnrH mnl liny cent will Ulnnrl:imyi'lmrECi1. Tkums nFAnvi.iiriiilNo: one fcun rotten Mum orlennonr llirro lii'-trtlotiH Sl.'i'i; each Hiitie- JlUMlt lll"f Itl-Ml V CPlltt, It. mirironn nil I nhyaU Inn 1 -11 1 J Miu'tli Hhlu .Main tit,, iiflow Murkft, 1 f. It! TI'I.IE, M. I. enfKrtm ami ihyiulim. t) Mnrki't st., .i.i'ivu .M.i)n, l-llli i lI(nvi:ii,HurfH'oiur'ntlHt(MnIii M. i court housp. t tr. rnriAKY.tlrv uonl. iirreilc t-ml McrrlimullBe, Main Htiitt, nml uen- v'Hiil' r; ii Hrl I I) MI l.IjlNKItY & FAXCY (iOOD; 11 1 iU''"l'll". M.ilUHt CI 11. ltlNAltll, iliulor 111 MiiVM nnn lin-wnro. O. Mn nHlncl. vj-111 r.i Ti itniirv iiiidi ni'v nt l.iw. Mnln Htrret. ' ' ' ' ' " t 9.11 1' I Ktnenil nierclunillHC, Main wtu-cl. '.'-nl- MHs A. 1. Wlllllt, fjincy on(N unllmm, bimkt, hi.ilmuery, noitli Hhlo Mnln strrct bcl(ju' M:ir k 1. vl-nij n ri.Tr.UMAX, millinery nml fnmy gojilnop. Ij posiie KpUeoput i-hui'ch, Main t. vl-ti ' 1 & H.UU: I1AHKLKV, tit.lln Nl-nil lunsoy I Kr.lMiU, hilUant Biiltwni, oystor', vl-niil lj. ere tin in hv won J I iln Htnot. n l PAMi3IA, .Moi'L-nani l)t IltjnDlllv Jiuiuiiii. HwomlHt., 1lU-(. .It'MA iH elonlt ami Urosn p.ittcrn (, smillji'.inL enrm r m ru anil wi M. lir.UIMCKHON, millinery niul limy Maliiil.,'pppu3tt Court IIoui.11, l-nll US, M. II. l'LTIlMAN, mllllni-r, M.liil Kt., lirlmv 1 1 11 1 I Illllll H hlUl't', WCHl III .Mill KLl VI. muii: 1 U 1)V .1 U .1. IV. ItlJllliltV-i, nil 1 1 ml M lieiow Main. Kiirtr.'inti niul 1'ilYftlclftU, i; ISTMIlt, "Cnllawha lloufp," North t;l ,'h.t Main ami Sot-oml Stretn. Mil?. ini ii !!'. ilntil'r In Mi K ll imll1 Di'v l!oo 1. liroci'l'ks Ac. MHT STUELT HIUKCTOJU. W'I'i' MIIN HAUAfAN tiitUinory ami l uuy ' N, M.Ull Kttutjust In'ioW AlUi-t U '11 Itnilsf. IIOTK1.S AND SALOONS. .'.(li K, in UT ntul onllnu s.ilonn, Ailli'ii- II ilil.l l, .1 llll vt,, lll.lUt'l 1,1. Il'.lili Kllpl'l'lll- iit. vl-tl i '.I a I VI'UMY, iDiilivliinuv, hnlturv i ., WI1IIIU1UII--null m. in, i. 1., Mnln HI, ni.Ti.u i:m-, iiniiiM I Hour, li-cil, iiiill, li-li, ill ilr fjn'ul. null, linlU, I ii:itvit.i.ii-ii.ii, tniil l linuni.iui-r. I'nuilU'llil'iUii, Jil-I I'll III.u-lc-tnltn. y.iii'lilU's, i .. I.urui Vl-llli . I n 1. linker Vl-lllll upiMslUI linul I'll in. HPUK, On,1 iiunro Two Biiunri'M TIirto imuiiici... l'our sfiiiiiliin . . llnir coUlliin... Ouo column I:t. . 52.00 .. 11,111) .. 5,01) . 0,ll .. 10,00 .. 15,00 ,',00 7,011 S,00 12,00 11,l 311. 5I.IH 0,00 S,l) 10,00 15,00 '20,00 CM. IV 0,1111 10,00 V,N 11,00 12,00 H, ll.i'O 20,00 50,00 so,m so,!) co.iio CxccutorN nml Ailnilulitrntor'HNollcoJI.oOi Ail' illtor's Niilleo Di.'id. Oilier mlvcrtUcnioiilH Inner. Uil nccoullnif tu pcclnl cnntrnct. r.n.liicks nailer,, without ndvcrtlhcuirnt, twenty ecntH per line. TrnmlentntUeitlsciiuntH ii.iynble in mtvnucc' nil ntliem iluo nfter the Hritl Insertion. A"B- II U, In alt crnet, more likely to he i-ntlif.ic lory, hulh (o miljiiciiber, nml to the rubllslK r, Hint leriilllnneesnliil nllcoinluunlcntlonilfiipcet Ing tliehililneiisor theiuirier, bcpeutillrect to the nfilcoiirinihlle.ittoli. All letteiB, whither K-tatlti to the eilltorlntor huslnes, eoneerniof the impir, nnd nil imymtnt, Tor sulwerlpllonn, nilverihlns, or Joliins, lire to bu m.lilo to nml niWrciul limicicwAY a rnr.nzi:, "CMttmblan OJIf," lll.oojlslirr.ti, l'A. i'l-lnl. a nl i!iihl"ou'n llullillniis, limr llio Cmirl Holier, hy t'. tl. VAMJEUSI.1CI1. BUSINESS CARDS. j on PKINTING Notify rxPt'ut(il at thlH Oilier. . ,v w 1 1 1 lit, eoi.itn'iioiu'ry, uiinei.i , nun i ii rn, imli Mile nml ri'tnll. Muln t , Juk ,i .vui: not 1:1., by j. i' , hi imilU i mill llollie. CAslKU. Maui v l-li 1 i N Hi il'sll, hy .lulls lil -tnl im I M IVI t. :. M.illi v 1-n I T. ('MAN .t i'ii, Vhoelirii;iits .i IIIMIl Hull 1 It.1,. II. KMNKi liilllliiirymiill.iii'J l.iiinl". ill JV.'.HANKHY, ili'.iler in l.eilllier, iniii-, i;-ii. etc. dull imlii for lIlJun. vl.nW WW. M. PNT,; nloses nml IllLivnre 111 IlllllH limnilliH. vl-ulil iitihteui l. JJVUTiliK, A T TOIt I! IS V-.U'.L A w, AHlilnna, Kchiiylltllt (,'ounly, l'lnn'a. m. TiiArau, A T T O V. If K V - A T -1. A W, iwiwlik. c'ulumblu Comity, r.iiii'ii. JXl.l.tAM ll. A I!I5 ITT, A T T O It X 1: T A T -1. A ' CATAWHHA, l'A. )l. l'I'lt W. OMAN, in' i-iin.l ! .ih'i- In , 1-u III 11. .1 1. 1.. l.. ll. W. M vi . i i'ii, i'iiiI i'H'1 ' i-inilNi::t. i' Irishiiiinl wiIiMHi.M.iin -l.jiwi . in, ..' I'liiiri liimie, i-ii i I'.i'IMjrtV, rt In Rimt'ilt wiliion, I.iieli.iim" i in. i, I. ijiwM.ii l'iih ii.Huoi'rlnti'mliiii vl-nl. HSl'V 1HRK(JTR. wl'YhHlVM l'lU-Stl MlI.I.H.l'.l. l i vili r. i rroii li'ltir. i-"" I'. r.l'.KIIIAltl), .UUO.,ileiili l 111 Uryi!riK r ii. nn i.ll.l.Mnlir.. I iirriinhini'liL iiiiloon. slilve'i , Um.uIIi 1iIu Mulubl. l-nll Ki'iii'i'i'li i, nml Bi'iierul invruliuiuIlM .MKliClI ANTS AXD (ilKH'KltS. 11 .1AIIHN, I J Kl.,llboM' l'iietlollery. finii'l Ilouti', Mnln l-n lil J 4 t Ml V I D.CVI.IiW 1 ijiifi n unt :i.r., lUalcr In tlry wm, mwr- lattlW'lul', iimi,-uu, nM. i:p(iAit. mi Hi ix Munulii' oi lfWail!Vi I l.niin. .Mill ana v. Jul I II. Mil, Licit, .tenhT 111 itrv ibuhN, t-nKCllt-M, iti-. nswni i , Hour, 'u't, hlun in 'Unit, t li. 1. mi mot it, .MaiiiMUfi, i. i l.VV Ni: VI. A Co., UenU-iK hi iliy i;ootl, ..i.ilis. llnlK, U'i'il, Hill, w ii. iron, mill ,, nulla.!-! loiiai Malnaiul Muikti nt, vl-ni .lli)i ii, n iiKiiim ni"i, iniiinmni "V 71 V 1 1 u M al hi i. ' onrl lioust . vl-nH i .livirnnikiiiii! iinlliilis. UttKllWOHt . rim M.i'lu ainUron sUi. vl-nB f.i. Iir.owi K, ilrv KWJtls, RropcrlcH, ctp,, nortli . v . t mm.' Muln nml Iron .Ih. vl-uW jjiitsnuoN muiKTonv. i NIlltKW MAIlIHON.ilenU'l'ln ilij riio.1i, L.n A i'itIih, m'.iln, lumber i'lc. .Ien.e, tiiinn yl-niu T....ii . ii'int.'ii in Illilen. Li-nlher ,1 iiin i:'. ti'. M ullMiii nWiiKhliit'olmnblii comity r. I ii ! -I Iiini anil ijlrouiicrs i.nti'rtiilueil.'l, Dr.i S 2-li I AY (Choice gortru. rn MMivii:pm maXi Ii Htl'Hr Hi -t 'Ti-t pi-ire mi I In? top nf Mio rmlh Where chnrltj iIm-iIIMIi, wlnrc virtue Inn hlrth? Wherp h'wmiH In mi-iev nn.t kln1neii w II lienvn Atul the pooran.) Itn-wn-tcln-il nnl ticcle? ' U there mi plaoo on t arih wlierc u knock from the (njor Will hrliua klml anel to open thoiloor? Ah I -tciir.'h tlio w l-l.' w'orM wheri' I enii, Tin re s noupi'ii tloor forn inouoyli-" ..nn. (In, look In yon hall, win re the hnn Uller'M IlKht Ui hen ofl'w llh ItiKplemloi lhuiUrknejof nlht 1 Wheio the rich hannln civet In Mu.lowy foM Mwt-tpH Enieilully ilown with lt irlmnilnir of KoKl, iul llio mirrors of allver take up mul n-new, In Ioiik llnliteil Ntn, Ihe wlkleilnu view On there, In your patrhun, mnl llu.l, If you can, V welcoming fiullo forn iiioneylcs man I look In tin church of the eloial'TcnehluH splie, Which kIvc hvck to thu nun ItN sumo lo k of reil (1 1 1 j Where the anhen ami coUiinni ate k"!'u'oih Wllhtn, And IIhj ualW vi-om ns puron Ihc .soul without ln; do down the Ioim nMo vn the 1 h-It ami the great, In thopoinpaml tho prMoiifthetr worldly ch- tato Walk down In your p.ilihea ami Iltal If joii cm, Who opeiiH u pjw to a lnonejless muii ! Jo, look to yon JiuIkp In the tl.irk HowlnKgown, With llio ncnlps wherein lnw welnheth upilly down, M'hore ho frowns on the wt ak and mullet on tho htronj, And punMiC4 rlht while he Justllli't wrotw; Wheio Jurors their lips on the Mhlc lino laid, To render a verdict they've already made CJo there, In tho coutUrootn, niul 11ml, If ynuenn, Any law for tho eauso of a, monylPH man I Go, look In tho hank1, where Mammon has told 1IU humlrc-irt nml Ihousaiidsof HlUcrandttoId ; Where, .nfo from the hamNoi thp ht.irln nnd poor, I.lcs pllo upon piloof the tflllterlnj; me j Walk up to Ihe counter ah, there nil may stay, 1 111 your UmMlmVG tfmwn oldaml your hair Ins turned nray. And you'll llndat tho lank 4 no one of tho elm With money to lend to a moneyless man I Then p lo 3 our hocl: no ravtn has fed Tho wife who haisuiTered too lone lor her hrt-ad, Kneel down hy her ptllet nnd kU the cleith' frost rjomthu lhi.4 of the angel your poM-ily lost ; 'Ihcii turn In your agony upward to lod, And l)Iti.i, whllo It hiultojj you, tho ihahU'iilnir tod; And jou'll llud nl tho end of your IllVs Utile hp in, Tl.cru'h n welcome above for a mone It h man 1 HsrcUnncciujs. FIVE YEARS ON GUAED. A T T o It N KV Mill. Olllie Willi !'.. II, linnlim l"il Olllci'. reunion'' I'oilii'tt'il, A 1 I. A W , In In lelc l.tllliUh. nil. Iliiiintli'H, 11in-Uruv itii'l l.ii'irj) 1.7. toiin a. FitKi:,K, A TTOH Nil Y- T- I. A W. iillh'ii In r. til-iler niul Hecoliler'i oniie, in On hiiM'itti-nl nf the Court Ilouve, l!lonini.linrj;, I'.i. A I 'I r. cIjAUic, nltXl: Y-A'l-i.A w ((im r of Main mi'l Mnrki I ureet" our I'll'-t Nallolinl Hank, Illuoliishmi', I'.l. if. 1,1 TT T, K, A VTHU N i: Y-AT-I. A W. onieoun Mnln slrei't, In hllek Lllildtjia In-low Ihe Court Home, lll(Kjitii.buri;, I'.t. E. 0. Ii. IiltOCICWAY, AT VO IIS BY AT Ii A W. lir.On.MBlL'lltl, l'A. 1 Ol'l'irn Ccurt House Alley. ItniifituH Olllee, Ulnw (lie A Wail I'fT. Hl'CKHOBN 1HKKCT0RV. IViV u. 11 II M1TMAN, dry IXOinN, nntloiw, nnd i i Main 1.1,, iipiiosliy i-uirtu i i mni; - . i wt ii uimrilll. m. tUnlt.ii. In i U'y i!,oils, iioi i rli k raid lii'iiernl tuerohamllHi. ! it .1 .turs In M'litlt end of town. vMilS J 11. KO 111. SON, A . T 0 1 1 XC Y A 1 I . A , 111 IIO.MSIIL'1111, lh.NN'A. II. 1 I I i if i'.siiil.,t!filMl. Oitrmit i (riici'ili'. tuLilc- '., uil loufeutlouajy, lnUi t., oppmlte oiial Chureh. vl-tU'i Pl.t KldOY.Keyblum-whoeHtore.lKiijksunil 1 ,. Kiitiil.ui'tit. eomtii &farkLt mill t -, vl-nll AlOIlA WSI. U.-vnniS.deuloM In dry uikkU. roi't-rit-H, urujih aim liuwim-t. (- mi ";' j n or I li of the American House, liujil"1'" V OUI.S liKltNlIARD liuniNo thii 1 TciKit tiiiiiliv livery rcKlmtiitluKl Hsilop;,wIinsf) intelligence tliiinks to llio Kilmer's euro, wus Im liniYcil by t diiaitliiniiiiil ill-ciiliiie. Tlic Kfiind nniij''.i ilty, wero plekeil up nl most eYerywliere, oxicpt in KiiHlaml. 'i'liey liail been ueruituil in I'olnnil, in I'rti.iii, in llollniul, in SiiMiny, nml in l'linuliiM. Tliey weni mongrel mils till',, Iiiiu'iiiI.-i, li.ini-li iln-. .mil i-p'tnlels. I til t no iii.ttlLTWtiei.ei' tiiey e.iinu, they M)(in luiiieil nut I'leneii. I'imvIiii iloj,', were lultinillzi'il without K'liini'iiii,' it. itueii in nn isluiul in the Illiiek wn, olipoile to Str.ilMliul, on Hie eint of l'oiiiLTniiln. l'oilllleil Imlli liy luituie mnl liy tu t, its silimtiiin is e.seeedinIy htroii!,'. In time of penee.iii eoii-iefiueiiee of it, I'ertilo sntl, its saliihi'Iim, nir, ami its inllit eiiiiintii, Itiienlsu ilelllitful n ti'iiit. In tlmo of war it mi inipni' lant poit, n eit.niel, a riirmliliv lilo lortre.-s, wlioie po .esslon Inn been purelia-ied at tlie expen-u of many u bloody lllit. Dining tlie eaiiiiiaijju of 1M)7 this hliiinl was eonipil-ul In their spher1 of (iperntion liy the eorps eom- nimuled liy .Marslial DaYmM, mid wa, occupied liy an Infantry relnient of tlii Hue, nod liyj-ovoral eDinpaules of Mipper ami minors, rim ivIiulmiI of cour.-.e lind u do a black and white poodle named (Jnpucin, liotlieciiiuuho whs born in n Capucin'scouvont in Ita ly, ( wlilili would have been ipiito nttif ilcleut i'cii-uii,) lint in ulliinlon to tho copper or iron rinjr, by which :i mi barrel is fastened to its stock. Tliodo's slinrp baik milit, perliaps, havo been tlioulit to rehomble the Miappy report of n musket. In con-L'iiiienci'ol'iichiuio in tlio plan of operations ordered by Napoleon tlio climbed tho hill nnd wn, Jumping up his R'(,. "It's you C'apucln. Very (jootl. ou got tired of wnllliiK there; nnd I nin terrllily sleepy. You Hliouhl lmvo brouuht Hid corporal with yon. Ills watch tiuM linve stopped. Ho ouht to sell It for old Iron nnd buy n new one." Ciipucln's nnswer w.i, n frenzied bark nnd u serin, of in.ul leap, nround Ills friend. "I understand," s.ild Klrmln,mllliif;. "You nre nskln mo to d.inco to wurm molf. Il's n pity you nro not provid ed with the pnssword nml n niusket." t'npiicln coiimieiiced to bark, runlnir ilit and left liko n creature posses-ed. l'Mnilliiji nil thc.o mntiit'iivers uieloss, ho ran up to the soldier, pulled him by llio coat, nnd tried hard to pull lilin away, renewing his ellorts with mi much violence that ho tore, llio soldier's uniform, l'irmlii considering this proof of affection more troublesome than plea-ant, lost his temper nnd gave poor Capuclii u kick. Tlie dog, howling nt finding himself so cruelly mnltrented nnd misunderstood, retreated to n few paces distant i but soon returned, heed-le-s of his friend's unkind treatment. All ho did now wn, to look forgiveness mid lick the soldier's hand. "lie quiet, will you? And take your self off," said rirmlii, harshly, n, ho threatened lilin with tho butt of li is gun, lo drive him away. Capticin,(lnd- Ing ho could do no good, unwillingly madotiphls mind to depart. IIo ar rived Just in time to go on board 'with tlie last detachment of the eorp. At four o'clock ho began to lo-o pa tience. Discipline forb.tdo id, mitting tl'u po-t, lint hunger, which drive, tho wolt out of the wood, compelled him to forget the code milltnlre. lie left hisstation.iuid went totlioguaid-liotise, muttering lo himself, "If anybody do .serves to bo shot for this, It Is not I, but tlie corporal, who doesn't know ill. business, and keeps a sentinel on guard six bourn at it time." In the guard hoiiso not u creature.! Theonly supposition ho could form was, that the regiment had gone to occupy another part of the island. Iloshoulder- ed his gun nnd widkcd oil' ncro-s the country in search of his leglment. On the way ho fell in with n farmer plough ingn field, "('nil you tell me," ho asked him, "in which direction tlio French h ive marched V" "They have gone awny," wa, the startling reply. "They embarked at two this morning, stepping lightly and without uttei'liiga word, in conseiiuenco of an order lecelvcd from tlio Knipe I or." "lione nwny, leaving mo behind! shall be reported ns u deserter! Con loiinil that corporal ; lie Ims been my lilin. I understand what poor Capuciu meant. It is not tho death 1 fear, so much its tlio disgrace." "Don't take on in that way, said tho farm r, in u condolatory tonu of voice, ".shrieking never set n broken bone, stay hero and make tlie bist of a had bu-iii(.-s. If the l'rencli coiiio hack again 1 can prove that It wa- no fault of your-. seized Ids nrins, nnd mounted guard on tlio very spot where, fivo years bcrore, he liiul been unintentionally nbandon- cd. Meanwhile, boats full of Holdlers rowed townrd the hillock. In tlio foro irt of onii of tho boats was n black nnd wlilto poodle. As It iippronchcd tho bench tlio creature burked with Joy. In splto of his nnxlety, Flrmln's eyes fill ed with teurs ns lm recognized his old friend C'apueln. Tho dog, uniiblo to master Ids Impatience, Jumped into tho sen nnd swam ashore. As soon as llio boat had como within earshot l'lrmln "mnde ready," nnd shouted id tho top of Ids voice, "Qui Ire!" "Qui rive, yourself!" said tho occu pant of tlio first boat, which wn, tilled with officer, composing Marshal Davotist's staff, "Who uro you, nnd what nro nro you doing hero?" "I am a Mjiitlnel, keeping gunrd." "A pretty sentinel! How long havo you been on guard V" "t'lvo years." "It Is timo to como down, then," shouted tho officers, laughing. lien l'lrmln descended from his hill Cnpucln ran to meet him linlf wny, barbing with Joy, and jumping Into his arm-. "l'onr Capuciu, havo It all your own wny this time. Do whatever you like. Dirty me, tear my clothes; I shan't scud jou awny. I ought to hnvo mndo better return for your attempt to servo inc." Followed by tlio faithful dog, ITrmiii Joined his former comrades. Ho gnvo n plain account of what lind happened Uy a lucky chance, tho corporal who had forgotten him, and who had since been promoted, belonged to Marshal D.ivoust's slnir. llu received ids old conirado with open arms. Firniln, in return, invited Ids countrymen to tho fnnn, wiioro ho entertained them with liberal hospitality. Tlio adventure reached Marshal D.ivoust's ears. Ilo laughed nt Flrmin's stratagem, nnd presented him with n dischargo drawn uii in duo form. "I should not like the brave fellow," ho said, "to appear be' fore n court martial, after having kept gunrd so long." Firniln continued a farmer, llu had a largo family, who nl present fill tho largest and mo4 important offices In tho island. They uro commonly known ns tho Sentinel's Family. When tho French finally left llugon, Capuciu re malned. Liko ills master, ho forgot his military mate,, and devoted himself exclu-lvely to farming. Tho Capture of "Komco." render lilin ut oneo hort tie combat, in I ... ... r. l.i. ..I 1... x rr.Aitrut. (,'ontiwt wmt a rmto- x' -"r. graven, nssiiuu y w..H- cious KMU'liAXT. I orcpaugli,tlio ronowneii ciepnniu inm ost', of tho most interesting, exciting ler, was morn than equal to tlio talk. nd vet linznrdoiH Incidents which hn, "y nn ndrolt movement orn species o occurred for ninny a day, was tho re- lnsso, a largo rope wn, looped nround ptttre and conquering on Saturday llio ms mini icg, iiisumuy, iigiin in.u Sth u!t.,of the huge Asiatic elephant triple fall-block, and by the am oi a Ilomeo." belonging to Adam l ore- largo concourso m peuiue, um -v paugli's Menagerie, on tho larm of Jns, 11. Miller, In Ilatborougli.a small un pretending village, twelve miles from tills city, upon whoso promises ho has been quartered during tho past winter, together witli tho camels, dromedaries, horses nnd two other eleplinnts belong ing to Mr. Foropaugli's grent Zoologi cal mid Kqiieslmln Combination, It will Im. no iliiubl. remembered bv kick ngaliist tlio goads. IIo gradual- tho majority of our readers, that tills is ly found hlimclf in a rack which out- tho saino elephant that killed his keep- nerotieti tne paimiesi in. , Mr. William 1'. Williams, last Do- inquisition. . comber not long after going Into winter In spite of himself Ho was liunii quarters, tho circumstances of which urougnt tiown, 10 tne no siiuui uuhBi might not bo uninteresting brlelly to of tho spectators narrate In this connection Mr. Williams wa, in tho habit with other duties nnd cares, of washing nnd scrubbing tlio elephant overy few days ith warm water, tho nnlimd, ut tlio same time, being chained firmly by so curing botli foro feet with ft massive iron chain strongly fastened to rings, Tat and the Deacon. A few months ago, ns Deacon Ingnll of Swnmpscot, Rhode Island, wa, trav I'lUngstlinmgli tho western part of tho State of Now York, ho fell in with Irishman, who wa. In search of a broth er who hud como before him, and set tied In somo of tlie digglns In that part of the country. Pat wa, n strong man, n I rue ltomnii Catholic, nud had never seen the Intc lor of u I'rotestnnt church. ingalls was a pious man. IIo told I'.it ho was going to church, and Invlt ed hi, new inado friend to kevp him I .l.t.l I., .I.....I.... l.. .!.... '.My good man, you don't know llu. ""l'y "'""e, .us,,. i... , iiiliu ii.i'i'imi; iiwii3u ncm i, ti-ii- curloslty to witness tlio capture, ho was brought to renllze for the sixth time or his life, that "Knowledge Is power," and to Its inandnlcs mut sooner or la tersucctimb. lleforo yielding, however, ho mndo somo desperate lunges nt Ids keeper, and so'ernl times enmc near annihilating him with His trunk-, ii was hard for "Ilomeo," however to Hut ho wns so obsti nate nnd lntlomltublothnt bo would not beg for mercy. When the elephant Is subdued ho usually makes his acquies cence manifest by a' plaintive noise, which, those accustomed to the animal, know und understand ns well ns n mother knows the cry of her child. All day Saturday was consumed, and Sat- Something of an adequate Idea of the marvellous size of this matodon of the nnlmnl kingdom may be formed when It was discovered, on weighing him ur- HOTELS AND SALOONS. Wmilil Inrmiil llio citizen, of T.loniosl nirn imJ ri .... .i, .. i ,i ....t i ., ,0i u.i ,i .,,. ,, 0V1U. lelnltj- lint lin l-i now iiii'imitil to.lonll ntivl.cif 1 llsl,ll.u Isi.iuu nail to n. suiiULinj lmu i.l 1AM l.UAKMrs. co-ifi i., in-.! uhovo court hinino. I'llniierhs. Main Vl-llH i '.lil v 1 1 A T.I. . ircii. rnl ..lock of lnereli'in- ii,l limili..r. .'oi'mir ot Altilll dtl eel mnl . . hit I. Vl-nll I i ii; I: I - ,1, ,i ler In ,lrv MmilN ttreerlea etc, i -1 Im I;, Milium,, below Iron vl-nll riil'ln lliiu'Liii'ii Si PlOI.ili,lH. HOllth. iini Mnln und Iron Mrei la. M-nl! lUlb'IJ, KUn..i'b'; A- . kN Vlil'lt, Imnlwiive .oi m., 1 1 low Iron. I l.i 1 1 V ,1. til.rln i-UtAfi- ilrv in mil si. lhuiui u ii.n eooilw, fic-bli (jrott-'l It m, i tc, t jc, Mnln pn-siu- court hiAue. 1 M II I'd 1, A rfiU I til I ft 111' I 111 Illl't I I 111 ml I ,' ,ii t,. ahoo Wiht. Mn Ml Alll'l i:hH, illy (fooilf. Kl'oi erh loii, etc., ltltl III hloek, Mull, i,.., Iioiitu, in-1 nl t-li lil i I 1IAMI It i A. 1'. HAYlirUsT. llenlcisln is. Oiiiccrle,, Loiiliill.ilH in mm iNU'uiii', Nl lniWIl, ROUtll slile, 1WO ilooM iibuio ItroliKLK Vft iiiiinulieri.liop, , v-nis. MlSt'i;iJIjANnCo"lj'C IXt'UANCIK IIOTKL, l-i, . Kiil, fclintml hit-Imr r.nii hfi-i (i lhlMVi,II .utwnamleeninilly-iotitiahoHM',th',l.ichnrfo Jloli 1, hit time "ll M.WA ri ni' in iiiu' Jmiiu'dialely oi-pohlio llieUltimilneuuuly l unit UOU-sC, ITRlHaUllliy JlllUiUU lin IHVimi nun , .Ullllli' 111 KI-IICIIU IWV UI HUH"" n !! ,,,'.- or tin uc i ( loll uiuHnteilaliiim iit ol tiavilhi u ho tjuiy I r dlspn-i'd to liw or ll with their ens torn, lie lun i piTed no cxpe iihv In premtrliiK the n'i i.mi flaill u iin. i hi uk wanllt. nn hu inn I to mill. -li I" to lIH-ll- il'rcoimi e"innin, iiii hoiiso U nuelouw, ami enjojbim t Xf-fln-nt hum in sm Inmholi, iiiitu-n i iiit ci ii nit i ut vai in tot inn loan iu'iuiin. ny w i u-it tnt la i"H wm no piiio-aniiy toitvyetiio .nui itum tin ioivi uu -.i.iilonM in ilm thneio m.-tt (he(in".v KtiDNn A. riAUU. UioomsDUiK, , in , ii1- A I'lnttnir, silver nruold. U (' T I O N K K It. MOKl:s COl'l'MAN, Hn uni l.illoweil the m'ofekslnii of l'ublie Vi .mine Ci-li'i' l"i' liintiy .M'nrs, Miuitil lnloinl his filtinH thill lie IM Kllll 111 mo lll'iu, renuy nun willing n, iitti ml In nil llio ilullea of hi, enlllliK. lVl'soin .l.'shlim hW hervleew should cull or Mrlle In l'lin ut lllooinsbuiic, Tu. iiimisii7. W. II. liHADLKY,' AMlblnul Stcdleill Jlliti lor e, Allin ,i YICIAN AN'D Klir.iir.uN. c-Ollbent thohriiiiH ojipOHltoUhlve'h Illirf-K, llUC SWAN HOTTJ,- 1 - . fTIlB uivmi 1IOCBK, oiiANor.vit.w:, L-or.uMiirA co pa. U. hrhk on Mnln hi., weittot MitiLct m Vi J.TIIOUNToN, wall lmpor, window Xit nnd llXlUKN liupeit hlotU, Mulunt, three btory Vl-IH Mhndt ' ti,j kiili-f-rllicr iAaitcti'iill InforniK M frlujlds i .. ii,.. i.nhit. tlmt im linu tnK'i ii llio aliovn well i, iioiiuft i.T TtitlMtiitniiient. ntul will hu Dieuscil IO icei'ivu mu indium mi mi :,or hliu MliUa call. m; wxr.i a good taw.I'., HltOHKNKTui'K, hi.t.'Kritphrr, KxchuiiKW , hlock, MalUKttippo-.Iieiiimt hoiibe. vMHJ I r Illlt Al 1', hototupht r, llaitmnn'H hulld t) liu, liorthi uM oiuti Main nml Maiketht, vIii!j , iohui--o)i1l,imd th uler tu tstove ,, oppoMte eutiri liouuc. Wi i tho lM of liUittOM, mid i n do to render mint' htui allar veil hto jnciion, JtiilK MNYlimt. tjruiiBevuie, 111,, jUAiuu to, itj.-ihi A . j' ii 1 1 ml E 7X( HAKU; SALOON, , Id l"-l l.f., waddle, d. i i. 'li sl hi low ivuuk und Uuruebb i out i, m-uBv, vi. iw i hn. t-.tiM i--i l li Hltiiei . tilue .Mitkt i, and Wlillu ita i.tie . oil own. i-n. ('. iiMioMhiu'itii 1.UMIIEH CO., ummiriii-tiuyn. J ml iluuiera In Liiuilwr, of ll kiud, pliilnlim in. 1 in .1'-llio I'llU'lOUii, vl-nlil rn in liitui ralhioiBtJ. .1. ill DI. I'M AN, Muldle and Ii.unehH ntakr i.i. i- Miuilivu'Ht corner Muln nnd Mttilna ut. l-iiit , I'IMAN. Miilhh worku, .Main nnd kih. near Huulhwt'Mi 1-n IM v. ii iriKi.i rn iiinii i' in idinioM. niBiinii irinl 1, met i 'h " invito. W, C'orell Uil liltlllO looiiw 'P 1I.MABTKHH i(r.iit for tiroMidc lRk". I k. ,.li,i,.....lnii.. ln In kl.. IhllllllKIl K htl Ut mi! tin Ht.iliH. ' i-n i i v v iinnmvH iimuir iieuier keeniid doorlnni I), nmthwebt conur Main und lion d. MiM ii r iii'itt'Ofi: Vnturi' Pn 1,1 In Ht,i llu ust (til IK r Muln und Market M. l-nti i ii v; a ri vutok' iiuitiiAl nml i-iihli iuIlh Ihe tl hi urnm 'inrany1noithoutcoiuei iluliiiiml 1 Y(' t, Uli: 11 -lUT. liinniifnelnii'r nnd lepnh ; (in i o nn v in in i)t i no t in - I diiuti li 1. I Ut (l f . tl I ' l w Tn i; I'i oprht or of Mm Kschum-y smi ou hand a lariio hioc-U of m'MMI.U IlKriU)ll.Mi:N'lH. coti-iUlIng of bl'itl.O Oill'KKB, WAUDINIH, TUII'P, Ul.O..N A I sllKU-TONOt'li, 1.(111,141 !.(, MVUTKRfltl'l-sl-, UAOm 15KKU, Ai.K, At', C i o.Mi: OM", ( OMi: AM AND BI T. "ttt r,VWK4tN i'AI.MAN. KuperlhU lull 111. n;. ,n ! urn, mu i, i-mr. rpUu i'.Sl'Y irOTKI., i:brY, LuU'MMA COVN'iV l'A, Ifullv liifoiiiuhlK filemlN Uoumshurg, ,n pw mptly fttun-h d to tli nUM and dnv. J II. I'UItSJU., i-,ut! dealer hi CAttVirMMCiH. VAI.IM, KJA'-NMH. HVTAnt JiOlir, JlOUKU-llI.ANKIUrl, AC,, which ho feeh confluolit ho can mjm at lowei into tbnn nny other iwn-ou In tlm country. I i. In,, r. in viiiri.r.1 v niton itmi. uimi mviuiv ihv i"n .tn- ..,! Sstrtt, Itloomsuurff, I 'ft. liov. lo, imj. l' A l-l.i-Ill. HUAYIXn, llAUt ClT'l'TlNli AM, Sll AMWIOIMI SAM ON, Uli'l Wlil.niir A Jiteoli.i's lie Clenni liilotn, I I.OO.MHIIl'UH, l'A. , i Wliliiker. ei'lnieil I'liul. ur i....u.ti tin ii ', iiu'i.i.iiiutim-iTiiiiiii'iitrmiii biiiu- lllillitflli I "f. will rehtiiui hulr lo it. orlRli.ul imlor win. 'HI - i.ik .uniie.consinniiN ou liunil 'iirrii-ii.-. tinted, to carry out u movement in re treat, abandoning the whole lino ol the ronierniiiaii coast. F.very post, overy muii, wns withdrawn, but in such a hasty way that they forgot nil advanc ed sentinel, perched on tho top of a hill ock, which commanded tliocntranco of lluuen. Tills sentinel was a young soldier, named Firniln llonnrd, who had scarcely been three mouth, in tlio service. At prc.-ent, a soldier who lind served three, years is conildei'ed quito a veteran jut that time, tronpeus who coiild reckon three, five,soveii,und nine years of bcrvlce, were still called con scripts. Now, ilonuid, llio soldier call ed conscripts. Nov,l!onai'd,tho soldier, nml C'apucln, tho dug, happened to bo particular good friends, bound by tho Wrongest tlesof niutunlattnchiiieiit. Tlio corporal of tho post had planted Firniln ns sentinel on tho hillock ex actly nt midnight. Tlio latter there. fero calculated on being relieved nt two lu the morning, ulso then from two till leveiity of our riilis. "They v ill not punish you lorn crime you have mil committed. Meanwhile, you cannot live on air. You probably were biotight up in the country ,und mo ticcu-tointd to do country work'.'" "(.'ertalnly. I inn plough, for in stance." "The very thing for me. I can oiler you good hoard und lodging, with a small weikly payment into the bar gain. It will be the best tiling you can tto under mo eirciim-iances. The soldier hi lived u heavy sigh, and slowly gazed all around (lie horizon, to sec whether nny of tho ships wero still visible, lteholding nothing, he said, at last, "1 thankfully accept your oiler." "Good," said tliof.irnier.l'cter llaxen "Como and breakfast at once. We will go on witli tho ploughing afterwards.' At Maxell's farm tho soldier-plough man had plenty ofopportttnities of piov Iliir hi I'liinu-lty. He found such favur in tho farmer's eyes - mid in other peo nlii's. too that llaxen determined to trv and keep him fur good mid nil. "My worthy fellow," he said, one dav. "I look upon you almost as a M)ii." "If inv noor old father," Firniln answered, "were not anxiously await Ing my return to France, I would will' Ingly remain in Itugeu." "You can bring him back witli you the next lime yon go to France. Uut what I want to say lo you now concerns my daughter." Firniln colored up to tho eyes "ITiiles, 1 am much mistaken you and she are very good friends." Firniln uttered a few unintelligible word-. 'Tin' neighbors oven say you uro In lu love with her." "I ussiire you I nover uttered a word which could lead her losupposo that." "1 know it; und for that very reason a si was a great revival there, at tho time. One of the deacons, who wa, a very small man in stature, invited brother Ingalls to taken seat in his pow. Ho accepted tho invitation, followed by, who looked in vain for tlio altar iVc. After ho was seated, ho turned round to brother Ingalls, and lu a wlil-per tlmt could bo heard all around, he in quired : liuro, and isn't this a heretic church?" "Hush!" said Ingalls; "if you speak i word they will put you out." "Divil a word will! spakotit all," replied I'at. Tho meeting was opened with prayer by the pastor. I'at was eyeing mm very closely, when an old gentleman, who wns .stand ing in tlio pow directly In front of I'at, shouted ".Imm !" noenrn,! nl dm hnllnni of lit, slincioilS lirday lllgllt folllltl ll 1 1 Still obstlnftte stall, which is built of solid masonry, Sunday morning came and still ho was of groat thickness nnd strength, upon tiiiwiiiing m y.e.u. jiui.- Which rests tho weight of a ponderous aung too torture, nnuiiiiSi, u-..- iuperstructure. From several clrcuin- "' m "is gaiuug cnuns, .tnnre, that had transi.lrcd but a few morning camo and with It n disposition davs previous, such as the annihilation to yield to tho conquest. At nlno of 'n pet cat; tho knocking down of a o'clock, Monday morning, Mr. Craven camel which happened to como in tlio nun mm coinpiuiei.v uu.i -.'i wny, Mr. Williams his keeper wa, ml- mm never w.l, 11 w mppcu r,.iu., iseil to bo on his guard ; but having "ocne. ... grent confidence, ho took no precaution- Loosing nis cimins tun Keeper louiiu nry iricnsuics.mid thus It happened that no dlfilculty in conducting the con while hu was in tho act of procuring a quercd monarch to the city, on Monday. of water, with wh eh to uur citizen, neeu nine no p.ii.-m-...o.. wash him. his back being turned, tho of danger, a, "Romeo" like Richard olcnhnnt struck b in a powerful blow mo mini, i, --iiiiuscu Sui... with his trunk, prostrating him upon id, face, breaking ids spinal column and rendering him instantly helpless. ., Hnlnlv Mm iilnnbnnt rninrht i.i,., ii'iu, t.i. trunk ,ir..u- bin. bpiinntli Her hi, ctnture, that tho scales wero his foro feet, gored him with ids tusks, brought down to five tons nud tlireo knelt upon him with ids km os, liter- nuimreu poumis. x (uu.ui. nlly crushing overy bone In his body. f. At this fcarfuV crisis, ilr. Miner nm a . -.,.. other members of his family, alarmed . , ,, , , , , , , by tho cries of tho unfortunate man, ,Asf ris .ii.nn being In church where J L 1 Ilm nnlliinttnn ntinoentiia rnsnmhlnil nn camo to tlie rescue, and, by means or . " ' ' , . , . . forks, spears, etc., succeeded so far In i d.verl.,!gt..o"ntto;,t.onoftoi.riated U Z. monster from his victim a, to exiriciuo . - tho dying min from his power. Mr. '"" "'" " "i"' Wlllhuiis, it 1, hardly necessary to add, A .Tinou having applied to thojudgo lived but Iwo hours uftertlds sad event, to b'o excused from serving, on account Helng securely clmlned, hu wns, of of deafness, thojudgo said course, unablo to do any further niU- "Could you hear my chnrge to the chief, and in this predicament ho 'has jury, -IrV remained nil winter, no person being "Yes, I heard your honor's charge," able to conquer or .subdue him. Of said thejuror, "but I couldn't make course, 11 permitted to remain m nil tho any sense out of it." time, ho would lie harmless onoiigli, but tho traveling season for the menag crio iiproaclies,nud his lordship Is need ed somewhere else, and some means, therefore, must bo devised by which ho can be subdued nud made available for the approaching campaign. in till, extremity Mr. Foropaugh was , Il.n ..,...,.w .,.' lilu f.1,1 uuuyiii IU ntiuu- nil- nu, i ni.i ii, v.,,. . , , , ..,.,,,. ... -.. ... . ,. i , .., Ijn-i i.f lull, i t.iiw nil. i i Aim; ni ii' eoper, Mr. Stuart Craven, who hud J. ,,.' ,, been in charge of him before ho wa, Impelled to America, and for six years "'ou lmvo lost your baby, 1 hear,' since that event, but who, In eonc-I -aid one gentleman to another. "Yes, quencii of declined health, wa, advi-cd 1 poor little thing! It wa, only live to travel in i:urope,auil about eighteen moiiiii, om, we UKl nil we couiii nir mouths ago set out for llio Orient, and it. We had four doctors, blistered it wishing to comblnopiolU with pleasure head and feet, put mustard poultices pursued ids journey Into tlio interior of all over it, gave it nine calomel pow Africa, Asia und Lowcr,Kgypt,accumii- tiers, leeched its temples, had It bled, He wn, excu-ed. A ckutai.n clerk recently made tho following comment on Pocahontas; Said lie, "l'ocaliontns wns a great man. Pocahontas wns a noble, kind-hearted und true iiuni." "Hold on," cried III companion," Pocahontas W'lisuw'ouiuu." "riho was, eii !" said he, "well, that's lated tut extensive tt-sortment of tlio most ruro and curious animals, mid also of tho feathered trlbesnmong which wero some of the finest .specimen., of African and Asiatic elephants, camels and dromedaries etc., ever imported Into this country all of which havo been re cently merged Into tho mammoth me lingerie belonging to Adam Foropaugh. Mr. Craven being an experienced an imal tamer, wa, deemed the most ndvlsa bio person to take charge of tho recap- "Hist, vo divil!" rejoined Pat, In his turo of-'Itoineo," ashe U tho only person loud whisper, which was heard by tlio who ha, over sticceeiieit in conquering minister: "bo dacent, and don't mako a blockhead of your.-elf!" Tlio grew more fervent lu his devotions. Presently the deacon utter ed an audible groan ''Aiutn !" "Hist, yo blackguard! Havo yenoda- cency nt nil V" said Pat, ut the snmo time giving him a punch In tlio ribs, which caued lilin to lose his equilibri um. Tho minister slopped, and uxteiullng ids hands in u suppliant manner, s.ild : "llrethren, wc o.iiinot bo disturbed In (hi, way. Will somo one put that man out'.'" "Yes, your riverenco," shouted I'at, "I will do It." And suiting thonctiou to tho word, ho collared tho deacon, and, to tho utter horror of the pastor, brother Ingnll, nnd tho whole congregation, ho dragged him up tlio aisle, and with a tremend ous kick, sent him into tlio vestibule of the church, and subduing tills, tho largest specimen of an Asiatic elephant on tills continent. I'd this end, Mr. Craven proceided on and gave It all kinds of medicines; and yet, after a week's Hint's,, It died." "Sai.i.y," said n green youth", lu u venerable white hat and gray pants, through which Ills legs projected half a foot, "Sally, before wo go Into thi, mu seum to eu the happy family, I want to ask you something." "Well, Icha bod, what is It 7" "Well, you seo this ere business is guino to a hull quar ter apiece, nud I can't iifibrd to spend so much for nothln'. Now, if you'll say you'll hev me, darned of I don't pay tho hull on't myself!" A curtain doctor when called to see children, no matter what might bo tho Saturday lust, assisted by that fearless symptom,, always prescnoou mr ouo ...... ii. u bu. I. u ...u.i.i.y v oi U.S. Di'.ni; and Intrepid animal performer, Mr. Jaiiie, Foropaugh, to Hatboro', accom panied also by mi army of men with ropes, tackles and chains, to In lug this monarch of the Oriental Jungle to Id, haunches, who has hi on u kind of ter ror to tlmt community ever since, tho unfortunate dea'h of Mr. Williams. Immediately on tho arrival of his old keeper, although ho hud been absent about eighteen months, the elephant recognized mm, ami necamo resnvo summoned ono day lo tlio bedside of a little boy, lie gravely sat down nnd having felt of tho patient's pulse, look ed up gravely through Ids spectucli-i, and said to the mother In a solemn tone: "Worms, madam, worms." To which the mother responded : "I tell yo, doe tor, the boy han't got n fdnglo worm. IIo (.tumbled over a stick of wood nnd broko his leg; nnd I witnt It set quick." Tlio doctor, not at all nonplussed, but Hull' IJiei IIIIK'll. Iini K S T 1 K T It Y to relievo guard," ho thought, and pro- 'C ,, ,i k,,lii.nwtl u i.i.l 11,,, (ill,. II, at !, I.,m liikeii 111, I nliOW U. 11 nieiis. ii 10 H'cene 1110 eiisti'in in nn win. win I.1M11-111111 wioi n mi 1. 111'. Wild, KV111' A (Illllll TAllI.i:, n Il.n wilt ,-lnilicil with tho bent nf Million., .mil I'MIVlllnll Mill ne Hide.,' .11 rnnuer i.iiiii' Mint,' fuel lull, i:s,y, I'n c. ir. ini.-riniK 11. re uHiii: . 1 1 1 1 . 1 iia A pi II 1'J, IMD7. IIOTI'L, Oil VNIIl'.VU.l.K, lOI.UMlUA I Dl'KTV. l'A. 1 nw mid i-vi:iu:tt, I'luu'itiinon. 1 11 . 1 1 . n 1 . 1 1 Ion . i ' 1 v. - ll-Unnwn r RICK I f Sl.l.lltl 1 1 I Illlt 1 lit' 111 1 1 li 1 M i l 1' w llll II' 1 I ' ' '1 1 Hut I'm- unlit i. M.iiioi . ' ml In II, C. UOWI.Il, HI'NTIST. ,,. r,i 1 iv .nr. i-fc lil. i.iofeNHlonnl n,ir 11 III, hl'll nl KKUtli llli'liof lll,ilinikl,liuillli . ,.i..nt. ii.iiw.u, 1 .1 li, iilleiiil lonll the 111l t.UM ll,l ml. in In (hi- line of hU piote. hlon, nnd lHilililHM"."!--l-?---" 1!lH,niWl?.W.f I 1 oil tu ntlnr tlt.t fiii'iiml "mil vh'tu Turrit whuirwiil up inwnui on kv1'1 i'-t. ' ; . kil-,1 rami itibhi r lmce lo looK nn wen umiio nut 7..,i i,.,.ii. -i, riii 1. 1-11111I. ii l nil tlie new and lllllht tlpplt'V O IIKMIHHIW, UI1U IUI tlHllli I'll- I'll Kntldime nml tdflcti u itw ihtor. ahtie the Collll Jloue, Mime HH llloolilH) tun, -0111,01, urn TJOWDKU KlAiS AND hl'USKH. -I- ... .mvllilIM ,', l IlllIHTl, Mmiufuelilliliiul POWDUIIKIKIH, nml ilenlera lu nil liln.ln of u'Miir.u, Blvu not Ico Dial they nro nrrnainl In iioroiinl.ile their e' loin Willi ill.i ntch, nml in. tl.u chettieit r imik unnn mvsolf to toll her that, If live in the morning ho would have vou m, uo objection, sho might havo tline good hours to doze ami slumber ; v,, r.jr a husliand." in tho corp oil' guard, hu l'lrmln Hon- "And sho said 7" tied bcguili d tlie tlmo by anticipating 1 "Not u word ; but she throw liernrnis thU i.iiiii'i'UH' indulgence, also by nroiind mv neck nud kl-M'd mo for a thoni'hts ol his 1lliigo steeple, of Ills .,,,, ter nf an hour." need euro's aiicieiu lioiisckcener. of tin I a nirtnleht afterwnids Firniln lion- mouth to a bland nnd sereno chnracter, liav siatk where ho Usui to nl.iv at hldo 1 i wn, inarried to tlio fair haired sho should say "Hosom," and keep tho nml si 1 ik.niiiUiinilrv other leiYillcctinlis. .1 ,rl... Puter Maxell's onlv daughter, uxnicsiion into which tho mouth siih- t ,, 1 1 . wn v 1 liii 111 liiit.'-. s IntiiMl sloivl v . r.ii, .'ii'ii-ri i inni ii n iiiiiil. 1 iret tv .' I mi". ., .... " .-j ............... , ,,ii. ....I. by, and tlio two hours' guard woio iv divided between love and labor. His drawing to a clo-e, 1 thoughts occasionally leverled to 11 at once ho heard 11 slight noise. Franco, but Im had aliiunt forgotten his Hellstemd. "It is tho corporal coining compulsory desertion. 1110 p.isi soon fades IV0111 our memory wneii 1110 pies out is sat isfactory and tlie future promis LAliir.s, wlion having their photo graph, taken, may observe the follow ing rules with somo advantage, to their appenrance: u lion a liuiy won... ci... ..ei and dellant. mnde a fearful chargo upon 'till determined to vindicate his theory, him witli his trunk, with which, but put on n very solemn look, a, bo .uld t for tho chain by which lie was strongly "Worms, niadnm, I nssuro you-worius tethered ho would have Instantly uni- I" tl' wood." hilated him. This wus quite unoxpect- mk.nhiiii.i' to tiik Last. It has lone ed to Ids old keeper, but experience has KUU observed by modioli writers that demonstrated that once tho elephant ,ii,ati, 1 frequently preceded by Insaiil. becomes enraged, lie is Just us quick to ty a fact wldeh ha, ow.t,lonid tlio ro- light his bent friend ust hoso whom lio ,m,rk that ll was not astonishing, lor has never soon. 1 11 short, Romeo wns bodv knew tlmt when folks m,t complete master of the situation, und I grent apprehensions eio entertained lest becoming still moro ferocious, lie should simp hi, tampers mid mnko a great havoc among the spectator. To bo prepared for tills emergency ropts and chains were mndo ready, nud by madder they wero about to die. This reminds us of a ea-e which occurred many years ago In tho Philadelphia court, where a pretty young widow wn In danger of losing two-third, of her husband's e.itnte-til, relatives grounding their elulin on tlio alleged Insanity of If, on the other hand, sho wishes to 1 tllu wIsllom uml discretion manifested tm( ,,,,,,.,, It lmlJ. wt. to rp, uiiiiin ti iM.iliiiriilliiul ntol rimiinwlinr 1 1 ir ft t 1... 1 n. ....,1 I . . ' uy Air. l raven, iissismi iif .umw nilso tlmt tho presiding Judge wns not lloorgo l oiepaiign, notii limn itei 01 0Illy COivlvlil hut also very gallant. lint tlm which resembled that 1 llll! of human footstep,, wa, booh followed , duo morning the iook-oui man in tuo by complete silence. "I couldn't bo , town or liugen sigiiuieii a ueei 01 snip, bo mistaken!" ho Mid lo himself, "lie-1 in tlie oiling. They wero men-of-war, fclibw. mv tlmo must now lio un." Ilo carrying the French Hag, listened again, still moro attentively. I "Tho French uro coming!" people Almost Immediately ho lieardUliobark-! shouted to each other. "Thoy nro go. Ing of a dog, whocamo running forward In his direction. On recognizing Cii pucln's volcolliosentlnol looked nround Iiini anxiously. Perceiving nothing which threatened an attack, ho won dered wfint could lio tho meaning of this nocturnal visit. lleforo ho had tlmo to consider the matter the animal had assume it distinguished mid soinuwliat noble hearing, not suggestive of sweet ness, sheshould say "Hrush," the result of which is Infallible. If sin) would malio her mouth look small sho must say "Flip," but If tho mouth bo already too small nnd needs enlarging, sho must say "Cabbage." if sho wishes to look mournful sho must say "Kerchunk." .If resigned, slm mint forcibly ejacu late. "S'eitt." Willis tho President was "swinging Ing to hind 1" l'lrmln ISoiuird heard it. "The French round tho circle," In ISCO, wo wero told nro coming!" mug In Ids ears llko tho by tlio Radical picss that lieu. Grant boom of an ahtriii gun. It told lilin got "disgusted" ivtClovolnnd und swung tlmt ho wns n lost man. Noverthles.,, n round on tlio l.nku to Detroit by him thought struck him which relieved his self. It turns out now, to put ll in plain heart by a glimmer of hope. language, Hint tho C.eneiitl was on n Ho ran home, put on his uniform, I "bin batter." tlie monster wero secured by chains which tlio Infuriated beast proceeded to break llko ki many gossamer webs Hunting In tlio air. Tlioso ellorts w ere tlmo nnd ugulii repeated and as often bull'eted. Larger chuins and ropes wero "What were your husband's last word?" Inquired tlio attorney, Thu pretty young widow blushed, nud looking dow n, replied, "I'd rather not tell." nut, inueod, you must iiia'nm. brought Into requisition, which in their Your claim may bo decided by it." turn yielded lo tho superior strength and prowess of the monster brute, who I'onteiiiptously spurned every eilbrt used to capture him, until It wn, evident that sumo mom effectual minus nud appliances must bu resorted to in order to dislodge liim from his strong hold, Tlio chief point now to bo no- Still bliibliing, the widow declined to tell. At Inst n direct appeal from tlio bench elicited tlie information. "Ho said, 'Kl, me, Polly, nud open that other bottle of champagne.' " Wn know not whether It was admi ration for tho decensod husband or tho living wlfo that inspired tlio Judge nt coiiipllslied wns to bumper and entangle this Instant, but ho at onco cried with his legs in llio mnssivo cniiins wun tj,0 etm,a,m or conviction, "Son which lie was confined to tlio stull ns to slide to the lust lllnckstono 1" 1 ei 1 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers