gnlcrcutlufl ftovy. T .minted fruin tho Ucrinan. THELEG. IIV SVl'HOKKi:. It, In Hip fall of 178iitln' wlebriitwl sur nooii, Iiouts Tliovent, tliuit practising at Calais, received mi imoitymous letter nklng him to couiu on tho nov.t ilny to n country homo nenr tho road to I'liii, nntt ti) bring with him everything nee- ewwry for nn ntiiputuliuti. 'L'hovont was known nt that time fur and wide in tho tnoH skillful man In liN irofes"ton. It would linve been notlilni! strniiRO If lie had been called ncrost the rh- unci to Knglnml for tho snko of ItN prorewlotml ervlcc, but ntlll he wondered at thli letter. Time, hour and placo wcroall Hpeclllod with tho greatest exactness, when and whero ho was expected j but, as wo hnvo said, tho noto had no signature. Probably somoono wishing to send mo on "a fool 'a," thought he, and did not RO. Thrco days afterward ho received a Hlmllar Invitation even moro pressing, adding that at nlno o'clock tho next morning a cnrrlago would stop nt his house to convoy lilm to tho placo desig nated. In fact, as the clock struck nlno n pretty open carriage nppenred ; and Thoveut, with no further delay, .-prang into It. "Who sent for moV" ho asked as ho got In. '1 don't know," answered tho driver, "and 1 don't care." "A pleomuit beginning," thought Thcvcnt. Th i can-iugo stopped at last at tho country liouso which had been described lu tho letter. "Who llvoa hero? wlto is sick hero?" asked Thovont as ho got out. Tho driver gave tho fciuuu answer as before, and Thuvent, not being satisfied turned towards tho houe. At tho door' a handsome young man, appearing to bo about twenty-eight or thirty years Old, received him, and conducted him up stairs into a largo chamber. Tho young man's languago showed him ts bo an Kiigtlshmau. "ou have sent for me?" said Thc vcnt in English, after the usual Bciliitiv tlon had been courteously given on both sides. "I am much obliged to you for com ing," answered tho Englishman. "Take a seat, sir; hero is chocolate, colfec, wino. You had better tnko n lunch bo foro you commeiico the operation." "Thank you ; but I must tlrst sco the patient ami decide whether amputation Is necessary." "It Is necessary, Dr. Thcvcnt; tako a seat and hear mo out. I liavo perfect confldenco in you. Hero is n purso of two hundred gulneai. 1 promixo l:icm to you as your fco for tho operation which you aro to perform. It makes no dllferenco whether you aro successful or not. On tho other hand, If you he-d tale to pxecuto my vlshe, hero is a loaded pistol, you aro In my power, nnd I will blow your brains out." "Sir, 1 am not afraid of your pistol What do you want? Only say the word without any moro oircumlucu tioas. What am I to do hero?" "You mint cut off my right log." "Very willingly, sir If you wish it, .ml j our head too. Hut, so far as I can tho leg appears perfectly sound. iuu sprang 'i tho stairs beforo mo llko a rone, dancer. nhat is tho matter wan tho leg?" "Nothing, but 1 mint to get ru0f It." "You aro n fool." "That is nono of your business, I)r, Thoveut ?' ',What erlmo has tho beautiful leg committed?" "Nono; but uro you going to tako it off?" "Dxcuso me, sir 1 do not know you You must glvo proof that you aro In your right mind." "Aro you going to do what X nsk, Dr. Thoveut?" "As soon as you glvo mo a reasonable ground for doing It." '1 cannot tell you tho truth now, per haps I can In a year or so. Hut I will bet you, Doctor, that you yourself will say that my reasons aro the noblest pos sible." "I will not bet sir, for you liavo' not told mo your name, your placo of rosi deuco, your family or your business." "All that you shall know presently, not now. However I will tell you that I am a nobleman." "A nobloman docs not threaten ids physician with n pistol. I liavo du ties even toward you unknown as you are. I will not maim you unnecessari ly. If yon wish to murderan innocent man shoot on." "Very well, Doctor," said tho Eng lishman, taking up tho pistol. "I will not shoot you, but I will compel yon to tako off my leg. What you will not do out of klndue83, nor for tho lovo of tho reward, nor from fear of tho bullet, you must do out of pity." "How so, sir?" "I will broak my own leg with ahul let here beforo your oyca." Tho Eng lishman sat d iwnand put tho muzzloof tho pistol to his knee. Thoveut was about to spring forward and tako tho plBtol from htm. "Don't move," said tho Englishman, "answer mo ono (jue tlon, will you uoedlessly Incrcaso and longtlien my palnV" "You nro u fool Mr, but all right, I will tako off your cursed leg." All was prepared for tho operation. Ah soon as tho Doctor was ready to bo- gin, tho Englishman lit his pipo and sworo It should notlgooiit. Ho kept his word i tho leg lay on tho iloor, tho jjngilMiman was still smoking. Tliovent did work llko n master. Uy his skill tho patient was cured lu a tol erably short time. Ho paid the sur geon, whom Ito prized moro highly ev ery day, thanked him with tears of Joy for tho loss of his limb, and sailed back to England with a wooden leg. About eighteen weeks uftcr his do- parturo, Thoveut received a letter from Engliiud, running about ns follows "You will flud unclosed, as it.uiark of my gratitude, n clieek-fyj .two hun dred guineas, on jrcasrsT I'anchhrd, bankers, In I'arlH. You have niadomo tho happiest of mortals In depriving mo of a limb which nlono htood In tho way of my complete felicity. "Now you can learn tho causo of my faollsh whim as you call it. You main talned then that there could ho no rea sonable ground for crippling onewelf. I offered to bet with you, you acted wise ly and declined tho bet. "After my return from tho East In dlei, I bcraino acquainted with Em ly Harley,thomo3t beautiful of woim . Her wealth and family connections d -lighted my relations. I saw only hor beauty, her heavenly grace. 1 Joined tho crowd of her admirer, nml was for" en iiigh ! 1 1 ' i)Mi' tho most for- tunntoof her .utton. -he loved me, mo nlono of nil m n. sue did not deny and for that i-.y ro.i .m rejected me. "In vttlu I nought Iter hand. In valtl her patents, her fi lends all begged for me. Hho icinalniil inexorable. "I vm unable for n long time to find the lCHHon fiir her declination to a mar Hugo with nio whom, tw shchersolf con fessed, she had lovod to distraction. Ono of lierlter at Inst told mo tho secret. Miss Hurley wiw n wonder of beauty, but had one defect, ho was latuo; ami, on account or this deformi ty, she feared to becoun my wile. She thought that my feeling toward her would change entirely when I discover ed this. My roiolntlon vu immediate ly taken. There should be no dlflbr enco between us. Tlmnki to yon, mj. dear 'l'hovont, thero is none. "I came back to London with my wooden leg, and my first act was to vis It Miss Hurley. They had heard already in fact I had broken my log by falling from my horse, and had had It nmputnt ed. Everybody pitied me, Emily fainted when sho saw mo for the Hint time, hut sho married me. On the day after tho marriage, I tor the first llmo imparted toiler my secret ; what n sncritlco I had made In order to obtain her. Sho loves mo moro tenderly. My dear Thoveut If I had tenlegito loso, 1 would give them without hesitation for my Emily. iMI my llfo I will thank yon j come to London; visit us, sco my noble wife; nud then say, If you con, that I am a fool. ClIAltLESTEMFLE. Thoveut told the story ami showed tho letter to his friends laughing till he was red in the faco each time ho told It. 'And ho Btlll remains a fool," said he, This was Ids answer ; "Sir: I thank you for your valua ble present, for such I must call It since 1 cannot considor It a reward for my slight trouble. I eongrululato you on your marringo with the inoht lovely of your country-women. Itlatruo a leg Is much to glvo oven for o beautiful, virtuous and tender wife, but not too much, if you are not cheated In the bar- gain. Adam had to glvo n rib for his wife. OthorsofiH.too, pay for their wives wiiu a riu, soino witn a neiui. Nevertheless, permit me to remain obi-tlnatcly of my old opinion. Trui for tho present, you aro right. You are living now in the paradisu of the hon ey-moon. But I, too, am right only with this difference, that the truth Of what I say comes to light slowly, as those facts which men hesitate a long while to receive, I am afraid that in two years you will rcgrot having had your leg nmputatod above tho kneo jbo low the kneo wonlJ liavo done as well In thr.-o yean you will bo ouvluced tliat'tlio loss of a foot would have been enough. In four years you will cohmu er tho sacrifice of the groat toe too much and lu six yearn you will agree with me that tho paring of the nail would liavo boon sulllcioiit. All this, without disparaging tho worth of your amiable wife. Tho ladles may preserve their beauty and their virtues as men do their opinions. In my youth I would nt any tlmo have given my llfo for my lady-love, but not my leg. Tho former I would never have regretted; tho hit ter f would certainly regret now. For if I had done so, I would bo toying to myself to-day, "Thoveut you were it fool." "1 liavo tho honor to lis, sir, your moit obcdlantservent. O. Thlvlnt." In tho year 1703, during tho Keign of 'Jrori'liovont, being accused of aristo cratic tvo,cncles. fled to London to capo tho knlto of tho grost leveller, the guillotine. From wantofftomernwin-but ter to do, or in or dcr to icnew their om acquaintance, ho inquired forSIrCharlo Temple. IIo was directed to the place and, sending lu his name, ho was im mediately admitted. In an arm chair surrounded by twenty newspapers, sot a corpulent gentleman. He could scarce rise, so fat had he become. "Ah ! happy to see you. Dr.Tlievcnt,' said tho fat gentleman, who was no other than Sir Charles Teinplo. "Don't bo offended, if I do not get up, this cursed wooden leg hludors me In every thing. Well my friend, you come, I supposo, to sco If you were not right ?" "I come as a refugee, and seek shelter with you." "You must stay with me, for truly you are a wiso man. You must eon solo me, Tliovent. 1 tell you I might to-day bo admiral of thebluo flag if this confounded wooden leg had not made mo worthless for tho service of my country. I am reading tho newspapers now to curso myhclf black and blue that I can bo of no Importance. Come, consolome." "Your lady wife can consolo you bet ter than I can." "Not nt all; her l.imeuess kept hor from dancing, and so she has dovoted herself to hor garden and hor gossip; thero Is no getting along with her. In other respects, she is a very line wo man." "So I was rigid, after ail ?" "Oh, perfectly, my dear Thevent. Hut don't speak of it. I've acted like a blockhead. If I hod my leg back again 1 would not give so much of it ns the pnrlng of a null. Between ourselves, I was n fool. llut keep this to your self." 1807. W07. fittXK W1NTKU TIMK TABLE. Tiinocoii and DiBhc-r Hoirri: uiirua 1'ttILA'IHA, UAJ.TIMOBK, IIAUBKIU'HO, WIJ I IAHU-01IT, AXD THIS (1KEAT OH. II KG ION OK I'ENXBVt.VAKIA. KLKCIAXT HI.KISI'INU CAIIS On all XlgUt Tralra. OnsnJ after MpKiuy, Or-roni u lull Wr, iht Trains on tin) !'lillucU!,iln & Hrli- lull Itiwl will run iw fulluM-N: WKHTWAllll. MAIl, TI1A1N Unc I'hilndolplilu... .ll.Wn.hi. " ' " N0rll1u1akurlun1t.4aila.l11 " arr. ut Krlo 8.14p.m. lUtli: L'i-'UBHmioa lluloilelnhla 15.00 in. ; ; " Norl'd, i:l.Mlll. JIAH, lnvi- I 1 1 ! I li A'bI riiililj, '.gloo umi, " " NortliYlHaLlJB ).lu, JUJST4VAII1). " " Norl'il .!, . " " nrr.atriillniUilpliln LuOimh. i:i.M I II A M A 1 Mciivca Ik llutn TOO a lit " " " Motlh'tl 10.lan.ui. " ..." urr, aUMilliidt'luUlu WAllllliWA KHANIU.IN 11AII.WAV. I1 . .....I .u.uii-aai'1'itm i-H. ,11111 iui iiiki He ih luvlliK Plillihlt'lphhwit 1'i.lKl M. hi 1 lu ut 'r. 411 n In. uud till i'lxv ill u .'ii 1. i.t Uuvliiif l' M.uulvu oil ul VUy ut 4.36 p. 1. All traliut un Wiirren A Pr.uiVlIn llallwur iaau' womu roiuiociian ut un iiiv wllo Iruliu fur rraiikUuand ratrouiuia I Vnlni. najnuiidhcc li. J tllJUil. A. I. TYJ.KK 0uml Suptrlnltndon't, lulAnujiort, JJEHCHANT'S HOTEIj, UN 1' UIII!IIM!I ;, 1 rurwA. J.4W ( UK' I r H'tor. Mar u. lHly. THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, OOLUmJ DRUGS MEDICINES. HOOF Iir D ' S UOOPLAND'S GERMAN DIT witn of "" Hooflantl's German Tonic rrcimrtU br Or, '. Br, .Tncllfloit, V rftiUoatpmi, 1a. 2'ht Gitat XmettUs mailt. si'ituMaf rt LITER, t-OMACII, or DBliKrilVS: OI3ANS. Hooflaud's German Dittcra Ti tvtmnoiindt'A of tlio mire Jolcw. (or tlifrr nr nvHUcliMlly inrm ggmt mq toi,)torad) of nootii, nprc Ikfgrlily romtjii. Midi liutiv J IvmMroiii' cWitit. admixture v any I md. Hoofland'a German Tonic, U ft roml Inatlon of nil tho Ingrprllcntft of tho IliMirn, wiili tho puTctt quAllty of aawA Unit A'tci, OraiiffOt ow.. nrnkfiiff ono of tho mott jjlcuciint will mrrfirabki rcrthtute over offtred to Tltoic prvforrlua ft klodtdtio fivo from Altw holle ttOiilxiurc, um Hoofland's German Bitters. In ensoi of ntrvovt dutrowlon, licn torn ftlcotiolto tlmulai U nuooMary, Hoofland's German Tonio (llOUW lUMil. Tlio Dltters or tho Tonic aro loth tenuity p wi, nrnl contain Iho nme medlclnnl lrltim. The tomscli, from a oriely of rhqmo, melt m 1 d!riiiun, Iiy 2-. jopiU, Nenoufl Del lltty ei, ! jSfTrti vtry n)t in Ijivo Ut function Je 1 Jlty ranueJ. Tho ic fult of vrhkh fc-r that Ibo mtlcnt -i.iTi'r from Bovcral or more of tUo following !i3cak'8: Cojietl nation. PJfltulence, Iawtutl Ptlea Fulness of Blood to tho Head, Acidity of tho Stomach, ttausa, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weitfbtjn tho Btomach, Sour Hrno Utione, Smkintt or rlut terincr at the Tit of the Stomaob, Swimmtnir of tho Head. Hurried or Diffloult Breathing-. Fluttering- nt tho Jloart, Ohokln? or Bufifacntin! fionsatl na when la a Lylnn; Posture, Dimness rf Vision. Dots or vobs beforo ttie Slight. Dull Pain in the Hoad, Doflriency of Perspiration, Yellow nose of tlio Skin and Kyos, Pain in tho -r . i3Ide, BacJc, Chviit, Lim allfe bs, etc. Bud don Flushes of WLimj Ucat, Burn inn in ilio leeh, Oon. rtmb ImairJninjfa of Kvit, nnd Orcnt Deiirossion of Spirltt. riic rcmtdiM will rQoctnally wire Ufr i'oiiiplulnt, .TaiiihIIcc, DyviiuiMln, tJlirotJc or NtrvoniUctlllly, Chronlo l)!arrliA, ltt?M of tho K!4iiiiyn, tun all I nrliltig from a Dlnoidt rva UTcr, Htomaoh, or Intottltifn. PKOST lATIOW OP TIID SYSTBM, iHOVLSD BY UstKUli LiiOK, lIjUDBU'il'H, EsrOSl'KI, 1'UVEflS, KTO, Thwe U no modicino extant rawal to tlio ramedtM in such cane. A tone and Igor U lin imr.od to tlio wholo Sj item, thu ApiHttto U tiLrengtLeiicd, food ii-M.j eiijojcd, tlio Btoniftch d I if 0 h t iJBtTvJ promiitly.tlii) Wood U iuiliii!d. ltKa UiB compffxlon beeonUBMUudand i ltualttiy, tlifi ) (.1 low trgo h cradlnittid from tho cica, a tloom U glrci to tlio cliLvI,and tho wimU un-J norroas I11VJ.M become! a :ronj tnd hcallliy being. .Vcvsons Advanced in XAfe Amlleo'lmf thftl.nnd of tlmo wclffiln? hcnvlij upon Uiom, v.hh nil It Attomtai.l IHn, will 1'nd lu tnu uko of thU lUITKHH-or tho '10MO, ftn tliir Hi a nlll tn.l now llfo Into Hicfr tlcs. rcstuio In n iiKKiuro tho cnerfy ftiid ardor of moro jotithful d.ijn, bull 1 v tlidr abrunVcn form, and glvo hwiltli und lian'"" t0 lie!r rctr.'uh. ytar. X7OTX0E. ItU airiU-MUtllilieii fiictthnt fully ono-UIf of the frrnr.'o pur fj Uon of our pojw uititt nro to) ion. TBf h tho enjoymeut ort-i.JJ inlthjor, JW a, to uio tht-T own frjirwrfr ,. uru.rtr sjT focl Wotl." They mu lKtiKiti.1, ucViAi or Bt wiorgy, exttiuncly nci o't, niiij Invciioaiipwke, Ji 'ViB!c,IWi0f.iVir,'" ilw "irrKns, ortiw WEAK AMD DELICATE CHILDREN Aiu In .do iona I tlio uw p( dllicr ol IlitM S'rS'JKi'o TJ'V 'H iw ci a A- ItAeMfH, Hltl.uut fill. Tlumi itml of conl'loatM tiave Koeirmntntcl i tliQ liaitili of tin, .rntimtor, lot inoe wilt nllon of tlid pnbltollon of but a futv. TIium-, It will boalwimutl.tirft infii of note and of ucli EtonJ Intf Hint llwy mlut Ihi Iwlluve 1. TBSTmOHIATiS. Hon. Oeo, W. Woodwari!, CMtfJMUet qfllulitrnmt Omt f'j , n rtt. MaOtW". Morch W. INT. " I Una ' Hoof- laiul'a tlormnn Dlttoni'toaKmi-l JTSL. lonli-, umful In dlnoMiuf ifiuill , J?"8 vtlw mjmn', and of e-at K-u Emu mh iililucaMtofil blllty , nuil want of m-ivotu nolton In Uio K-lleri. H Vota-t truly, "UtO. W. WOODWAKD" Hon. James TUompton, Jv4fl 0 Baprtue Cant yV.M;u. milwMfikM, A onl Si. ln 1 eon'1 1 r lltnifluitl's Uui-iimn it.i i' , rftluiw "ll-lnt In cne of atHckit of lullv- 1 oaa certify UiUfiom ri Ufa rcAUrcL ' ''JAMj-d TUDMl'ON." Vxom Hov, Joasph BE. Kcnard, Int V i -Imtr f rii'y rcquoitt'i to a-'mhwi m 1 n w i"jtib in mi. .viil ui.iu yi in 1 1 Mi , r truduig ike tints - 1 tit j . 1 r 1 sasASetAcIiiiHll Jl!&! bul hli 4 elcr woof in vwioi ftfttnu wsUowtwidiUir t'nny my own MiKkt lit itoctuliicM of lr. UobilniiTl'j Usnium li'uttLl dopan r one from my uua ouurba, to wm' at iuU cmiv! tWBV7l r from the iVivo Toms, very n rrfrri'(r 1 11. i kji Trom Uov. E, D. Feadall, Juttlant Editor Chrittfan t"rmulf, thiltdtl- J haTol''ihc'l dcol'lcj l-cn r- fton tlio um or Tiuonnnd'tt Ucnnmi lllttt-rf, 1T11 1 del it my nrM toull wboiiM tmm'rlnfrom gonmni dttWi.ty or from dtKw Ail.lng from dvnuigcraeiit ot the JfBSIl.M.L. OAUTIOW. floollAnd'i Ocrmrni llcnMnlleian tmintrMu wli. All 'E mi OII.M4 itTioun. I'rltu-lnal Olllco un.l Um ufMtjtwSt iu ff,.r. J ITiVl'ii ""yf""1'"1" mrctvt'Ui. GHAUU23 H.E VANO. l.tBi Urunfil. ftopmtor, tipS''4lpii'Ikvu).uw4 ItoakulnUwli; nJad'i Omun BlttoHiDerUttlo ft do r'eoicVoraljf'flnVia 7 w dT I0 aol forijot to oxmuliiu well tbo artlcl. ttu.lW,ui.nlwiii,-iU luiuIuo. HOOFLAND'S TtERrVlAN TONIC, January SI, UM. DRY GOODS. jiiiiii:ns HToitE. fltlMIt AnillVAL OK rAM, AND WINinit (100DB. ThetutnrrllKThMjmtrclurnml from Ihorltlw another lAro nna aolwt norlmcril, nr 8MUNO AND HUMMint U001W. imrelunixl In Nciv Vsrknna 1'hlla.lolphln at ll.o lovrwt figure, and whlrli lio ladotoniilnf.,1 to oll on ni miKleralo trnna oa ran bo prnvnrmt oI """"uui. uiitiitociioomprlna IWIM' DUES) oooia into. iht clmlcMt styles nna lntMt Huhlon, together '""'""wni 01 nry uoaiH ninl'Qro. s m.r.,n,n,irai,,oi me ronowiiifnttloleai Carpel, Oil Cloth, Ololhs, OlMlniaiM, Hlka, Mi1 of Wlilto awda, Unena, Umpaklru, Htulliw, ffolloittnr OevlnrwnA on tin -the nrt. ini-Arc, Hardware Kin nn.) Khnca. naiiniulCnna, , Jiaop-oH, utiibrcllaa, IMklnf.aila, (Jnirio, Httfitri, Turn, lllce, Allaplco, tllnmr, Ulutvanion. AV . . ... .. . - In short, cv,ur"ul,:s .,,, to ,vl, W ' ,n J for-ountry i-rniiw r vxeluinto rar Arc,ul.II.MlMiBUBO lngH, tliwnww'ti'" iu:at IlKDV AT PK'I'KIl Vfl stohp. I.V 1.1 a I FA LIi AND AVI, G0()l)S . .". ".. . '. . ' V. i.i mhI haa nn Bclrct v.t.ftUirftomul imrclinsed ut tho lowesL ngire, tloLennlncdtohellnn ns luodcrati cratXllc 1tSlr'' Ich he be nrocurnl olscwheio lu IJalit ran cahii on covxrnr Phc His stork cfmRtetH of ciiatoest eiyies ana Mien minion: CiiUcoo", Mulln, N Glnghnms, l'Uumeli, 1 Hofitery. Carpets, SlUn. Bhnwlfl, UI3ADY MA1K OLOTIIIXO, Bnttnotts, Owslmcrs, PnlfotimlM. trptildnlrv .Twimi. AC, A(l At nnOCKIHES, JIACKlSliaij, Quocnswarc, Cedatirnvr, Jranlware, Modicinfs Drills, OUt I'nlnts, &.c. HOOTS & SllOnfl, IIATB A CAPS, In short everything usually Kept In u count o store. The patronage ot his old friends mid th public Ecnurnlly, Js rcHpectfully solloitod. Tho hltfhost market price paid for cotpntry pm- tiueo. nrrfta knt. l.lsht Htrwt, "Soy, 8 IfiBT. qTiikat ixkduotioTn pnra! AT 1). K. BI.OAK'8 BTOlXE, IS OKAXdEVn.I-E, PA., o v KALL AND AVIXTEIl GOODS. rnio subscriber JiasJiiBlrecehfd iuidhaon luui'i at Ids htury lu Ornngovlllc, a lnrgu and select ASSORTMENT OP MEUOHANmHIi puvclmsed ut tho figure, nml which he 1 drtcnnlnod to kcII on us modaata term nn cm be procured tlsehcre in Ornugevtlh, von (;ahh 011 coV-vtuy viionucv IllftOtU CHlHlJtH Of LADIES' DUESS GOODS, ritOICim f)Tyi,1M AND IjATLST fasiuonh, Clllcot", Muslim, (Jlnglmm, rinnnolc, Uosln,, CAUPtn'S, SUAWLH, IlEADV 3rADE C'LOTJIIXCJ, HnUnclh, C(mhner, Cotton .id iw, Kontticlcy Jcnn, GKOCEIUICS MACJvEItAL, Qaceiisviirp, Cednr7nic, llnvdwure, Sledleiii. PUUOS, Qtlifl, I' MN'ffi, JiC, HOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPS. In fehoit orery thins usually Urpt Inneountr.v store. Tlie patrouago of his old friends nud tin Iittbllc cencmlly, U respectfully solloitod. The highest m.irjtet prleo paid for (0111110 pro duce. 1 K. urangcMiie, Jiny 1, 1W7. J J. 11 it O Vr' K H, Is now oll'erlns to Iho inibllo hln Wool: of iv v it i x a a o o v a onnalstlng In lrl r.f n full llnr of INOIIA1X, WOOL AND K AO o .ut r r. t s, rino clotln and cnaalmci-o for Iirtles cnalft, ltAKnfsojti; muss ooods, of nil jmUfrus nml rninlltleH, Inlnkln and I'rlnti of nrlona unllllea and iirloca, nLiiAuJinn anii iirowm iiusiiNiit, LAME'S FltKNOII COHSIJTS, DAlirOltAL SICIItTS. Hood assort nient of luinuxr cnir.DKjurs a.urvrt&.i hootx.. rrcali Orooarlea and Hplei'a, New oaanrlmenl Or,A8S AKI1 fiUl!KN8-7Ani!, FX XO. 1 MAOKKIIKL Inoue-hnJf ami oue-fourth hnrrela. Now 1. the time lo luatso your weiectlonw. na I am offering gooda at cry low jirlccp, nnd our motto U f.Ur ilcallug to ull, cud not lo lie under snlil hy nny. J. J. BltOWEIt, BloomnburK, April 12, 1867. TTUnitAII FOR OATAAVISSA! TIU8 WAY I'OIl IIAKfJAINS, UooJn to coninare with stringency of the inonoy maikct. Iiol; nud ooiuiiaie trlcos before rnn ( hailns elacwhere. Jmt enll at the favorlt. busl- liuw atand of JICNIN'Cll iPHlTMAN. jud you will beinctby laeobllulugpraprleUiiagr their clerliu, and shown tlu ougliiliuli'KreiUnrltity tore free or rliarge, of counie. They will give j m n fair ohanae to upond your loosr1 cliuugo, thu- trust muoli inoro iii'iiltiibly th ui k i-mi lu apent tilaowlieio. Tholr BTOCK OP DRY OOOi S tlda Rprlng la much larger In all Ita variolliis tlnu usual. Their RADIUS' HIlKSri OOODH aro of tho nicest nyk in iniuki't. Tuey Iiut. tine nsaoriiuuut of hats, curjipoTs .ujb wotg; avmsiMnitBS, AND VDBTINaS, and nuniuruui artlclos common to audi eaUibllsh acutaTi.sldua a general imortmout of HAIIDWAIIE, TINWAllU, QUEK.NSWAKH, and ano('i:niE, till at greatly reduced prices. They wh.h lo eon. duct their business on thu hi stem of TAY AS YOU oy," andtliey tlilnU they can nfTord loKU very cLoap. Jhey return tjiolr tluniks for,muyrittst favors, niiil nslclho'futuro ptttrouaie'ef thejr former cuh tomera nnd tho public geneiolly, JItNINUll 4 Ml UMAX. JCHVK, HUSTON & CO., Manufacturers and Wliolosiile penlers lu COTTON YAHNB, CAIU'CT CHAINS, 11ATTR, WICKH, TI K YAIW18, COHIUGE, imooxm. woon anii willow waiie, LOOK'O 0LABHL8, CLOCKH, FANCY HASKI.TB TAIlI.i:, TLOOIl, ANII CAItRlAOB 01LCWni,40 Nn, OU Marltet titiect, south aufc,' rWladriphla. - JOSKl'II S. DELL, Mnnufaetmcr of and Wholesale Iienlcr lu cnOTHINO, CLOTHH, CAKMJir.ltEH, AND VlTINC-i, No. 13 North Third Pi r ot, riilhulclphta. V MILLINERY Gb jpss L1ZZIK H.VllKI I laM llllt IMlAlVi..) nl I.. lllooimtiurg, her ' I'AU, AND AVi. of millinery goodn i , cnttHillngof I. VTI' Hf 1 nl lite vrry 1., st m ' lirst nsvoruiiL'iit ... 1 LI PI I N which nrr nil i . iJ ill a 1 1 .ill Mil liliHilnsbtirir, n ' Tim 1111. if i- 1 ,,. 1 lids nn t 11 opi'iir-i in Ut.i. i' -1 pood - in tii- nn r M1LLIM l.v u In cnnntttN n v ' h i, pnrcd in nil mi, n, to 1'il c (11 1 lhl . l,i Till, li A ' 1 ' Till UK - . si mm IHH I ,Wl '" ill. A. .1. 1 .1. 1 rpni; in Aril il. it f-i i -' Any .. HK V.'.Il rim ;,r.oi it. t 1 i . t. Tho fulli st It i' plm'.p.nin i.t. vnu fur lui- i . . Ho. c if t i H.-ro you m ni i n li lUI AIT 1 t E S T li i I V I A O t 1 1- Munu.. i ir. . Tor l ur . v to tlu ir i nlii !! ii ci . i lu. i mi . I ol.Lreilloili. i til 1. l.,ii. i I I'm. li il list ol . M... . ni IIUH l'l'll I li i tin . I. . . qu:ii li r f 1 n . 1 1 ul HUny to i. i hiinllliswli '. nil pulls V I .. bj pjuiniii i . i rpilK A?li I JL AVll UT! ol C'lliiinliia t m forks, nn tin- I . i Township, on .Mi. Ami rleill lliu 1 i SLiriat, wai.i nurg, i n., nun i The Ainerlenn drniiRht thnn lb IU!ll 11 M 111 l.lU. f:ood liorscs eni my, and think i nud oueerfutly n mid htilfe we hn i'. Urn'ENnrM W, II. Kooua, .TOfIN llKTEItK If, flIOI.EMII.1. Mil If AKf, UKl They also mam Heaper unit Mom loeuta. yjf ' . JKunltuctrireni end Jobber, of MEN'S AND JPOY'8 CLOHUSO, Ko. Wi Mklkct, and SB Ooramercliel, MiUnaelidila. Q W. UliAIION A CO., UKBUbcUiror. of OIL CLOTTW AND WINDOW BMADKS. WnrehoBM, Mo, 134 Jfortu Third Street riUUulelphla. J II. WATiTEIl, Ijitc Wullir i Kfiub, importer and Dealer In CHINA, OIuUH, AMD QVBUK8WAH1I No. 11 Norlh Third Htreet, between Ilaeri ami fuUatlelphla c, 11, Uuu:;t. v, a.KIKd. J. 11. K A NDIIUWM, AVIIilCINfJ & CVd Ileal era In lOHBtGN -viii Do.Mnarif: rmv nJH No. an Market Htrcet, l'lilllHllilllCl. toiin HTnoue & co., KlV ir to I tr.nip & Lroli' J ll, wnoi 1 ' SlfJortb .VI. M-ALITW IN Kilir v 1 and'-jNci Philadelphia. (, O L 1 -1 BALTl'E'nt, m , No 9i0 No. f 111. ' ,1, 1 , J V. flliAiu), , '"'i S ' vWti LIPTmCOTT, BOND 4 COH ' ' ui"f'v . I , Mannfaetuiwaan Whole alo Uculem In ,lr - '&njs,wf jl HATa, L'AIM, t-ITM, ANllyjfraOla, . j A' 1 M liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH; I U.NV.KBI I linilillE, N ylUN AND bKCUl; Jlllll'Vr',, NEA 1 CO.'H Mi;ll) MKAI, A C(.'S MrllKlX- NKAL (Tl.'R 1 K'Aithiiin.1 ir.iiM. . wilAI, .li lux sorllivrat cnero.5 a 11 ami Maikei.Slretls Noilhwi ktcrner of Iain and Mniitet M recta NoitliHOkt i u r of M; "nil Market Hliteti' Nouuwwr o mi r 01 afaaoi' lancet hlnt. t ond&liikcthtiutJ. .ooiiijiim O i lll.00.Mt) ll'KU PA lILOOJlSj 1 f ' j,AV. B ' mm hi ' it udutfil rales,al, Ifllpf1 0 liund, WARE & CUTLERY. 'J4 v.hNYDi;n, DI M.1H IN I A K D W A Jl K. ltH, HT11M; AC1,, AC,( AO. 1-1 T, ItLOOMSilUltO. 1KNN'A l A nf I.Jioriuinix tho citizen of Co- : in iilic li.ii opened rrn cxloivdve .1 .Hi treM, In Ttlooimmtrg, l i hf tins on hnnd n w ni;iri:it ahaoiitj:i) i, iu else lu tho county, plt nt prices which defy am s sTi:i-:ii, inox. o li Ins, nil ', nxes, nil make nnd I'mii, nil ftlmpcs, nnd all ! i IIAIIDWAIIK, u . Vails, nxle pulleys, sftnh 1; nnd html., butt Rcrcws,snh ,intt , lnco khobn, strap hliigc, i,lm I. - and staples, nnd In f.ict u I j a lino. cverv thins in Ihntllne. Also 1 51 K -IsS HAIimVAHE, hut 1 Its, silver plnlcdj hilts I, ita l , ir- n ; pad trees I I IAMB1, all t i.r1 "trTt, Rirth web, worsted .d, .,L, itnNiind noodles, tools t k i it rtivMti;, to l'e ffmoutf' t i ' nt i 1 I have plnnM n Wfrj-VUKdj pnniii 1, t Ip, nnd comprint. t'Kbinrhiid tr t ttorliiit mnvhliies. ('"l-MWifl'1" lh 1.1, Itlui't'S (IIUKW, fblt. (vuUfu' ct.t iVnir fur car- ItJKSSWfc c -d c ml o m,j-.( . I'tllt. Ifi'il outlcrv,, ucltet .iUd pooim, i unlidiuf ,1 .i..-",mllUaws t M'm-hLfi.ilvflH.lmm- , pit It, fmhs gltib li -,si mIIiik ft ii I; hftctt. uu, ptnuroffln trim ili die, white thiulc, who, ,i ti ih, RCttlon, wnh hoard), un Im i alls, Llolhcn u ' i, por-h mut, par ii popper, pnlnt bru'dicB, Hh Igh .UitB.uiumcl hriiss kettlM, ltettlei, lcfl,muco ,hrod nitila, m uud boxes tumpn, lend pipe, He., I ll i otto ot nvtlclc'4 not ,entv iond ut nln Street, nioonitbnr. oisiirtTs, md Denier In n.triY, oi'ns, 4o I sueet, above Vine, ilellillla. J. It. Mnt.TXPII it rt K Ii T 7. K It, is 111 1 uit-iKU and llonustle i - .. .ti. f !;, ;(,ii 1 -ftEJajS-." vv a li i:, . 1. 1 : it i, Ai' I , ll.! UWH1I.L, ri i rivuiA. li, TINWARE, &C. f.'Ali lOUNDIlY, n, c .m.ilji i County, l'n. ,1- 1 1 ' or tho nliove-i aned Hhluill' K no,! puroied to ro all' 11' 1 I'll i, KLAkT I iNllY L':ol.M, i,T' IV X. .1! UHI.ST.S, fif .1 1 1 ii. i t .. r nil niw .3v ir -. .rr 'hlnsmnally If.' - in' pi 1 1 ti v. orlimen 1 ! 1 c itrnets on In Mi t in. ni . v Ii. -a in e . lumge ror ' l nc .r i . Leki - 1 Dei Jt. llf ft 1111 , LSI YUlt. Sy-. 1 ii t i.t WW t Mi. I i . .U and c.. t ii . j that tflti ui lipoid plnce on H&rrr rLoom nrnci, ijjl'o.nod.'iti.d V Ml ,M V TuVi i nuar , mid . u-y va- l Tinu.ue li . 1 1 n the mi t reason- ' -it', hn-ti st noilee. , l I i MIJ.LEIl' I'lin, l'LNN'A. llti I i p nnd oremd ! AM) 'UN H1IOI', ill he ' i ii-neil to inako np I. !lul 111 tiw lilli', nud do i ill i'h. ul on the i Ic He nUo hi i-iii nnlinud MKl V .'lll.rNS AHTYLUK. . to ','lt lurihiiaeis. posil me. liulile, unit " ' j.'uop. iri7. rilCwO & SB GARS. im,i l'li.M i; ' ' y A,i.iJ.UAllH. 1.I AIX AND ItETAII, IIKKiIKR'H, - in low tho American House, lil'iiiiiiHliiirg, l'a. t uud must aolect of aulv lAO AKiJ C1IEWINO TU.VCsl' overnrteied to the ottlMhg, uMjOHI.burg. Mil uiiiutiii. nruiiuaut r. , hliOAfUl, uiul Uu hi ,t rine-cnl and 1'lug CllEWlNO TOBACCO, cun bo hud at hi. qounteri. TOUACCO I'IPES u ereitt varluty uru aniouif hUt largo htock, DON'T FOIiaET TO CALL. ii. ii. nuNriiii:itai:ii, AY. BANK'S W I IDMSBALIi TOBACCO, HNUIT, AND CIQAIl WAIIU1I0U81!, Miu North Third Btret, between Cherry and Buat, nwl aide, I'hlladel puis. QVi. woodiiukp, AVholouule Doidt-ra in nAt'cofl, ciciAiy, vivm, uj., ac, North Third Hlreot, above Mm Hot, riUltululphla. U UUllBl'HlLml unul.l viidiiu! Tull ir nimnn urn I ""Jitaoua oflllooin.bnisand the puhllo Bene. ""Jyimt lie la runulng an 4 iiuA oMNimmLiNi: oil(lilii place and (hoillfTcient lutlruaddo I"ll'uViinilaA oxocplod),oconucct willitho Ho1" South nnd West on tho Cuta- . "";"' Jllnmifort Itallroad.nnd wllli thoae wng orlhja houUioii the lackawauianiid t'looaiHburgllajf.m,!, IllOiiiiibu,,,ulo lu Boodc.indltlon.coinino. coiniortatie. nnd chnrgea reanonublo. iir"U".w1"1''"1' ,ftccl x Uwlf frleuda do. P"".eaMioaonlodaledpouriiu,oiiublotliaria " ' IllfcUniely nmlee .,t my or the hotel. JACOIi I, CIII110N, Proprietor, DRUGS &, MEDICINES. qavi: YOUll MONK V I O It K AT 1 N 1) U V V. M 1". N T Ml (1 It IJ AT II It I N 11 V V H M E N T HI I l; a T i: h r in li u c l: .t i: N t m 1 1 AT TII10 OLD WlUll STOllK op L. N. MOYKlt, Where enn bo found the l,Anotr and iiw As. sOiitmrht, cvor oflVml lo tho elllaem of llili 'outily, of Drugi, Cbemlcola, r.ilnta, OIK, lllaw, VamUhrs, l'ully, Itruhen, llyoltuffh, MUed rnlnU, of thoae nro of th. beat known make nnd nro warranted na puro nnd unaduHernted, The finest and largfftt stock of l'ASCT A It T I tl L 1! bo found In Hits or mljolnliift count hn rfutnery, Half llyea, I ancy Hoar, llru.bca, Ciuuba, Coametlci, HnlrOlta, Toilet Article, Mtnttnuery, Totkct Hoolti, TO 11 A C C OKU. Hmolilng Biul ihewlnj, Clgnraol nlliioatirlptloiiH, Plpw. Ulnar lloldora, IIOUSUIIOLI) AUTICLES. I.nini, uaaortnl alaca nnd lylu, LAMIH, ClII.MNEVa, SI I A DM, lll'UXKlU), 11I8CELL.VNC0UB GOODS. .'H'Oiigea, Chnmnla flkln, CVilheten, Bpoculnmn, 'Hyrltigea, trrcful ruiuiii, Itubber Clouds, Truaseb of nil nppiovcd pattcma Ac,, ilc. I, I 11 U O U B . A ilnentsorlnient of nro llquora'.ro'r medlciil imriioaea conatanlly on hand nnd tho besl Unovrn klndaof STOMACH fllTTEM. I'atkkt JlBlitriNKfl of every ileacilpllon, In (luillng Ihc bentvarlutlca of iUM and toiilen. iiivirr.WH i'nfisciuirtoi!8 v hkfclly i-jtn-rAiiKii. No aueh Hloel: haa ever been presented to the liooplo of tlila kcetlon of countiy. The prleo. arc oanuiall ua tho htoilc U lnig,-. Tho Ila.liafe ivfeej aro moro favorablo lo the purehaaer than over, an Artangenicntn liave been eUticled Willi Uio wholesnle ilealera In tho larger eltte, o Hint ifooda can bo pi oeurcd In IIIooiuh burnnauliniilyaliln Now York or l'lilludelpliln. 4.'-Country iliatera ale cnrnctdly Invited to atlldy llielr own lutcrn.pi, by esnniluliiK llil dtncl:. Uineinbei thoplueo KxciiAMih Hiii'K aboe Ktekangn Hotel, Muln alitil, ll'ooiiit.burg. .Inn. ill, Ivix. (Im O-'G VEGETABLE AMBROSIA 13 THE HiflAOLE CF THE AGE! Oruy-lIcuUuil T?c-oiil" iheir laiiku lestoreil by it lo the i?.;,., . i.u, BiVuJi issues of joulh, aiul aiv h ! Yotititfl'0ple,witli(!i7lif..V ' ' riviMInlr, li.ivc llieso unfuahloniihle coloi - changed to a beautiful auburi", uiul rejoice ! 1'ooplo whose head me (ovueil with Dandruff anil Iluwors, uc it . 111 1 coats 11111I ilcu- and I.1.1IU7 n.ili.-! Hnltl-IlVntloil rol'i'niiw have their remaining lock, lifthtcnid, rnd the Lara fpoU oovorod n f run ill of Hair, and dance for joy ! Young Ucnllcrucn ti-o ll beeauso It Is richly perfumed ! Younjr Lailic? ue it bce:incc it kcips their ll.iir in placo I r.vcryboily muit nml ict'K mo It, because it li tho cleanest mill bet mticlo in the market! Tor Galo by Binjgists Generally. ANMOHHALKllV L. N. J10Y1M1 and T. V. T.I'TZ. nrnowlsl lllnoinsbuitt, anil Jl. M, llllolli-T, Catuulshii, .Iimmti-i- el. lKi.:e !. JIOYIll, WIIOLIiSALU A ltUTAIL J) H U fl (1 I S T, milalKK ") MAIN ANll MAIIKKT HlCElim, BLOO.MSIlUlia, PA., whero will bo found u hiriru and icleilalotU ul Drugs, JinDIOlNIM AND CllIOUOAIiS. Alio nil tho l'ATBK T aiKIUClMKU OF TUll HAT, I am also preiU'ello furnish Country Ktoreawlil. Castor Oil, (Jodfrey'a Ooidlal, TURLIKOSTON'S liALMAM, and nil other modlelnea kept lu llielr Hue nt I 1.1 prleea, lOft.rieerlptlouaciii'cntlly loiuponndcl ut nil hourc. In medlalnoa, Quality la or tho tlrnt luiporliuiei . lllooiiisburfr, Juno 7, !Htl7 T) AUG 11 'S C O Jl M 1 : 11 0 1 A L 11 A N r II 1: H, W-AVo uiinouuGo In f.irmcia uud deulir. In I'el tlllrerK, Uio fntlmvltut prleea hiielniii adopted for Hie presi nt Hpi-inx m uaon UAUUll'H HAW IIONi: l'lIOSl'HATII I'llee, 'iil per U,mio IU, HAITOH'H CHICAriO IIONn IWIlTlLIZi: l'rlcc, tin pur Aocolba, lurairHfiiKJAiin dlood jiANrnr. Price, MO pel 2.UU0 ll's. This well'leuown popular liude-inmk will lie f llllld lljinll nil) pin KhKC nflllt tlhiive 111:1111111 lll ll lull ( til Ml.llli pAK.U'h IluN ill AM UilKB I1USC He, 11 l.s-lil, l III 11. H .11111 n , n . ... paat, we khull lull) him.iIii ii 1)11 lulure. lla lutf no U.ouilliuii niii.l 1 1 the 1 uut iimiuih of Ilio city of fhiaico, 1. 1 iiiiui-lilnu Alniuonlii nml I'hefphalo jTcT.ilnj.- iimtnliil, li-lioi;is. DrlaU l'leli,llliH.d,4iv un hme, In connection with fiurwnrkk In rhllaiielplila, thelarKCht fuell Itlis for luinlihlnii thtno niiiiiuiii., nt ihcuboie lOU IlllCCN. HailKh & nna, Philadelphia, Korlh-Wihteiu 1 iitlllitlnitlo., Chlenijo. John llalhonA in, Ueneiul Audi,, Isowoil.. fleomo W. KI1I.0 .t Co., " lloiiton. Ileorgc Huudale, WI10I1 sale Airt., Hall Unol Tor liifonnutlon rcapt-cl lug lhuiibooManui' adiliuw cliher of the uboic limi . 'J.m.l iui. A JlMHHUtjTIill st UHOTlIiCU, Imporlera nnd Jobbera 01 IIOBlHUY, OLOVIX, blUHTH -VND DllAVrliUH. iiuttons,supi:nih n HOOP SKIltTS, IIANDKKUCHIKFH, TIlllllADH. HEWING SILKS, TIIIMM IN04, POUTK MuNN'A 1 L-i. rIOAl'Sil'Eltl'UrjILHY, l'ANCY GOUI'l', IM' NOTIONS ClLNIHtALLY, AUo Munufaeturera nf UrtUHllKB AND LOOKINO. OLAWHIX. nud Dealara lu WOOD AND WILLOW WAHU, IlIinUMtf, UOPLH, TWIN1- , .'. No, M North Third Slicet.nlioio Vim Philadelphia, M TlliUCIt t HOST, l. UuoecMirira to I'raukllu P, HclUcr A Co., JuiIHrtoiM and WhoUaule peulera lu . LUlUOltS, WINKS, Ac, Koa, 110 and 118 Noilh Third Hticet, Phllndelphla. M Jl. JIAlll'IiK, NOTIONS, HOinitY, OLOVIX. AND FANfTOOOIH, No. 61 N01 1 h Third Ht rcot, Plilladilphla. V ril J M V ir
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers