gfhc otatumbuw. lll.OO.MSIiriKI, I'lltllAV, AI'IUI. 11, 'OH, Tin: contract for carrying tho mnlls from Hlooimliurg to (.'umbra hits hccn awarded to Henry . I. Ynplo. Mosim ltr.iw has sold his lot on Rock: Street, recently purchased of Wllllnm Lewis, to .T0I111 1 Ictst of this place. Do not dc-troy thli paper. When you Imvo rend It, pass It to your neljjlf hor, nnd 111k him If ho doesn't think ho hud better suli'crllie. 1'AtNTllln und llulldera find tit llcndcr.sholt'rvicomplctostocU of leads, paint?, color, boiled and raw ollla, enlclned plaster, pewler-nnd,ctc. Ij. T, Hiiaiu'IiKwh has replenished his .storo with (joods of tho latest pat terns, and best nunlltlerf. Dried fruit, Clrocerics, etc., always on hand. MlNslts. Kooxs & CtiAltic nru ro-ltt-tliiK, ri'-fiiriiMilnjr, In fact entirely "re constructing" tho K.xchaiiRO Hotel, and apparently nro deterinlned to mako It second to nono lit Northern l'cnnsylvii tda. Wo admire, their enterprise. Oim thanks nro duo our Heaver Valley correspondent for additional subscriptions. It is a scnslblo nnd practical way to help tho Democracy In their approaching contest, nnd a way In which overy man can assist. Who of our readers will now go out and do likewise. I'khhixm. Tho lato snow brought to our neighborhood ImmeiiHO numbers of pigeons, many of which were shot.or netted. All the .shot guns and minket.s in the Comity were In requisition while our merchants did a good business In the powder and shot line. Tho pigeons wero readily sold for it dollar a dozen. Tin: Commissions of Messrs. Win. Michael, Allen Mann, lllchard Thorn ton, John O. Quick, Clms. (.1. Murphy, Iliratn .1. Heeder, Samuel Creasy anil James Kealey, newly elected Justices of tho I'eace, are In tho hands of tho Recorder. It is desired that tho parties will come In with their ball, nnd tako up tho Coiunilssolns beforo (lie May Court. A Swixdm: ltr.sLsciTA'ri:i.--'lthln a few days a number of our citizens have received tickets in tho celebrated ltiversldo Institute humbug, with tho request that In consideration thereof they should purchase, or procuro somo friend to purche,soino of their engra vings. Wo would warn our friends against having anything to do with that or any other lottery. Tin: Tribune to tho Men nil ren of Connecticut i fillet. Their responses fitucf: It Is nearly two years since son delivered tho olrenslvo which contain tho basis of tlul preferred against him In two tides of Impeachment. Wantiid. In order to coil files, wo want Xos.,1,;:?,! .11 and of tho Coi.Umiiiani In lgfili bv (leo. II. Moore. A sending tho missing tiumheil suitably rewarded. Nona:. A meeting of il eratlc Standing Committee ol County will bo held at tliol Olllcu In Hlnomsburg on Salil 2nd, at one o'clock I'. M. Al dance Is earnestly requested. JOHN 0. FK1XZK, ' ViMt spawn, It appears, call ported without Injury by il cetitly a packago of ino trout (I cd In inos and enclosed In 1 1 til fiom Mtimford, Nw York, I Full", Vermont, and on bcU but one dead egg was. found ': Who nevrt wii:i.v muysI To do this it Is only neccssnrl tho old established storoifJ liowenberg, whero goodnlirel durable nnd cheap. Ho 1 satNfactlon In overy respect, I gards workmanship and stulfs. (live him 11 mII ail truth of this statement. Dr.r.AY.s aui: Danot1 when and where you can buy! If yon havn "nothing to' 1 to gel something durable, nl stylish, you 11111-I go to ('liefl the (ilnco of all others to get! worth of your money. Ills sprl are open to Inspection, and 1 surpassed. Underclothes, sc. and furiilshlng goods of all reasonable rates. Nati'Hai, Clmiiositv. Jl Meucli, of Salem, I.uzerne form's us that a cow, belonglnl gave birth a few days ago, to .1 two well-formed heads, four ears, and four legs. The e:l grown, though dead. Mr. 31 saved tho skin nnd designs I for exhibition. Ho thinks I chance for somebody to mall out of it. I'o-sibly. Ouzelki Ciianoi: or Ton: Tho travelling public will thank us for informing them that the morning train north on the Lackawanna A- ISIoomsburg II. It,, pas ses this plnco at 7. '15, or forty minutes earlier than heretofore. Wo presume the object is to mako connection with tho Now York train at Serantoti, The only other change In the time table N, that the evening train north is ten min utes later than heretofore. Torciiixn tui:i:s. There is nothing that our citizens should feel greater pride in, than having our streets adorn ed with sbado and ornamental treos, nnd their lotsand yards with choice fruit trees, which In a year or two will com mence to yield and repay them ten fold for tho outlay. Tho old assertion that In business streets, shade trees aro an Impediment, is fallacious. A beautiful trco Is certainly much cooler nnd more convenient than 1111 unsightly awning. Tho-o who Imvo not their property thus adorned, should take Immediate "-tcps to plant. 1. John has not yet got over thu re Milt of tho Connecticut election. Unablu to explain the result to his renders, ho has u-ed downright falsehood. For ex ample, he says "Connecticut has always been 11 Democratic State." Our answer to that Is that from 18(i(l to 1H.7 It went uniformly Republican, sometimes by 11,000 majority. I'alemon nNo adds that wo "hold tho Governor, hut loo tiio Legislature." This another false hood. Wo haw not had tho Legislature for eight years, and how can we lo,i what wo have not'.' Don't attempt thus to lmpo-e on your readers. On Tuesday night hist, tho Merchant Tailor shop of Ca-par Hahn Kq., of Calawis-a, was entered by means of falokeysj ami I fie ml Ire conruts, con sliting of ready made coats, pantaloons and vests of various styles, sizes and prices ; and all the stock of cloths, cai simere", vestlngs, linings, etc., etc. carried oil'. Tho robbers also took tho foot boat of K-q. Margerum, the toll gato keeper, nnd It is suppo-ed, laden willi plunder, they paddled It either uj orilomi thobcautlfulSU'ipiehauun. Tho trail of tho villains has not yet ee:: struck, and as water leaves no maik, il N nfo to say, they will c-cape, with their valuable booty. Ox Monday night last the Ticket Agent at INpy, Mr. James Lake, per mltted two boys, about 12 or 1 1 years of ago to remain all night In thoollleo,nud on tho following morning It was found that a number of tickets had been stol- en. One of tho boys, named Cfco, Hen ucr, wits captured ut Danville, and on examination by Conductor Hughes about 100 tickets wero found In Ids pos session. Ho was examined by lSquiro Cliemberllu and lodged In Jail to nwalt trial at tho ensuing Court. Tho other nny whoso name Is unknown, escaped and has thus far avoided arrest. Tho valuo and number of tho tickets taken Is not known, as Mr. Lake's 1M was carried away at thu f.imo time. Tin: Ri.(ii.sritv H11.1,. We print this Important measure In full, and trust our friends will not only rcail It, but preserve tbo paper containing It for fu luro reference, nnd for tho settlement of disputed points arising under It. It will bo seen that tho Intent Is to glvo tho working man as much trouble as possible, knowing that tho Democratic strength is ninong tho laboring class, and in tho belief that they would stay away from tho polls rather than loo so much time, and sullerso much luconvo' nlence, Wo hopo tho working men will mutiny tneimeives under this law, in famous ns It Is, and as in New York tin dor similar clrciimituuees,hurl thoparty ironi power wno add tills additional o. ponso and eunibcisomo mnchlnory to tlio excrclso of the elective franchise, I.Mi'oiii'AX'r Sam:. On til the present month Mr. A. will oiler for sale nt Ills M Madison Township, it hi household goods, it splendid! of furniture, almost new audi make. Also a farm of sixty with dwellinghoubc, outbil nil in tho best order and furnished. This is tho best I ty over presented to tho cltll unibia County, to purchase Hit. K. W. Wrai.s, succel 1''. C. Harrison, has remol house formerly occupied hyl lamer, on Centre St., beloivj door below I'eter Illllmyil llender.-lioll's Drugstore, c opposite tho American Ilii hours at IIou-c, from 1 tol!ll Store, from 7 to 8 p.m. All at either place will rccehi tentlou. N.H. Special nltcnlloil study and treatment of tlul Blood, Skin, nnd to Scroll Li:iisi,atioX. The bll trustees of the Itlooni-bmJ stituto to levy and collect I amount of tewenty tliol upon the tax payers of Hid for tho purpose of purcliiJ and erecting buildings II School has pas-ed both Hq to thefioveruor for his ajl A bill repealing-'the Art whiter so far as it rolal Montour, Hemlock1, H I'leastnt and Orange' M pa-ed thu Hou-o ofBopi A bill to authorise til the dead from St. -Pal grave yard in Hloomsbnil hlbit future interments II I Iou-o of Representative- ltm'ltr.'-llNTATlVI'.s (I M'llenry have obliged u-l the Report on Railroads 1 eonipanled by a Hue innpJ that the total killed la- roaiN was :o;l and the toil Comparative statcnionU carried during same till l'ho miles of main lino 11 1 lsi;i7j,aildthoco-,tof nl ineut Is !?;!00,;KS,.110 ,2'J. tho real entato held by tin road companies is $.j,S(il,il Tlio Wyoming Vullo.l Wilkes-Harro to Noithul miles long, firn-s tonnage 1 131,007 tons. Iteeeipts fro ill VU,m-,n-2. Lxpeuditures BLOOMSBUIIG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. - NOTICES, COURT ADVPRTIRPMPWTR l'ROULAMATlON. lUATOU'S NOTICF. ICIIAIIt.M II. tltxt nncElsH). i.Miiiiiii luiririiMp, lolutll nvti Imtn Rnintod by tlio IIprH. 101' UT Wiii.iihjs, tli(.on.Wllllaiii ll, rnnKtcnt -..w' l urn nmii in njfr linn Toriioncr mill Ol'IK'l-ll .III 1 t)i Urrv. I'mirl i.f lin..rt..p m. . -.. ..o j .ii 1 11 1 1 1. 1 ..r .1... . ... "j. . , .. : . .'.'. ' '"'i. filivilllf fi m i,f .l..t.,n..,u " '" 1 i-ii'-t' nun 1 nun HI I (III I lull 1' en 1111, . ,r. tt tlioili'idlcnt nrn rnniNtnl l,"",l ",.lrt 111 "'" M, J'U'lnl lUnlrlit. nni. iowii, nml lliinn liuUllicil to i?.1?."' 11,0 '," "' ("lllllll'l. Kulllvim nn.l I f;',""'"'. ""'" i'.' "' iiiiiu I'l-rrniiii 1 cior K. HAMIMUi CUtlAMl. Ilirliclii, AmiicIiiIo .IiiiIkci of I'dlillnliln roiinly AilLilnlMrnlnr. , . prt't'i'in, iuhniik mile, tlm r,il, lay nri I'lniinry, In llm yrar nl nur 1inl, nmi tATOIl'S Vm'If'P llii.iijnii.l.c-lKlit Iiiiinti-i'il nml xlxly-i-ilit. nml lo WMUIIH AUI 111,, in('illrlpi',lii,rliol,llMi!iiL'i.iiii.,iili.iii:riili)ii,iriir loof llcrwlck hotouifli. c'liiiiiii. I lit f'liiitViiii,. ..'i.n . . ..i. "" "" "'. i , Jn p ppti irrnnlnl t-tlio Hr I . Nnlloi! ii lu ri liy kI'i.i. In tlif (Vironi r In tlm 'i-J'J il.r.'''.".l?.',",r"ll.u J"-tl-. .rtl.o Ii.".i.iiV tlio f.m,t"l,l..i of mi; Im; lint clnhmnr .loninnu, nnkl C-fnuty ' f iV. , l I ml h" - T, ,a .y.. ,,i Mini nny, wan inoir rci'nnm. iiinuiMi. iimii anil nilmr M'liii'tniirmii'cK, luilnllinn.iiiliiiii U II Irll In 1 1 i.l r rlltf...I. ... .... .. ' . i, nml thaw lliilclitcif in iiinko II. Jl. Mll.l.AIUI, AiltiilnUtiiitor, ItATOH'S NOTICK. Mll.l.rn lit ctlAst II. l ration mi thiTKtnlonr IVIrr I u iuwiuiiiit uiiitiiiiiii.i ciilinty I W. .Ml nr. nn.l U'... MMIp ll I'itkoih linMnu clnl'ni or In ininiuui nip iifceui'iit nro ihom known, nml IIuko in. .mux w. xnii, w.m. .Mii.i,i:ii, vilinltililrntor. lALKS. I wrltnf Veiulttlntili:xiiotiiii. lilt of Common I'll tin of I '... liMllrcctril, will ho t'XpOMil Iij.ii. .ut. ..inn iiinisp in ifny, tho llh ilny of Jlny, nt IioiiowinRrcni fsinlotowll: ct or ploto of Innil Bltniitn l, woiniiiin.i conniy, con- iiirres mom or Icni, nhom .i-iciiifii. iiouniii'ii mm He wit: On tho north unil rust r--.-. mi iiiu NOllIII ny imuLi In thu i wtst by Imuliof lion- ii von i .titii'u n ono iory L lOtf Klllllll.. U llh it, ... Iipinmito, hi, ,.--..ij.,,, ,' tin. nlnul.. ." ""'I Of f..'.' f III. . ; li. nini rr...... '"n- rxwiltlr.,, -,. . '. mill iii i... .... . f ..i .'innn vii. I ".'.ii-miii n i . ".nun linen . i:., .. I. " I l'lllrniM...""T:ii.loit I.IUIII rll'o: . riin,7,.;;" " i'iir'r- v),i..Mt.llrM- ronri ' 'II Olu,r '" J"nil. Mil iv.h '!. ."' 'mill hiim.i.. I ..."rioiiu-,,;,., .. In-i'nh NViirr .V. iiiMIl I'm...... ' I U In M ..'."' ITJIlJ,IIOII. 1PHW. . .'"'IJ. COM. I .." HO l i l".' n. II. i-...,.!..""".ii'ii'il ,,t. I niiiiliu i, ," ... . ' "111 II Nil 11.... ." I HI? I I.. 1 I,. . .'" "I'lirun k-. ,,'"". I, ii. ..s'.y In, ,i. fiiirnonii of Milil llolll lllnl ollmr , iiicn in iioir oinii niipiu'riiiln In ho ilono. Ami tliiino Unit urn Imiiml hy roonuntAim i', li, iinw. nitonnlmtlho.rlviiHmlhntnroor nmv Vi In lhojiillorthcii.ililroiintyori'oliiiiililn,tn ho thon nml Ihcro tnprinorlltolhrlii iiiiiliiill In, hut. .In. mm nlnti'iiii lci inh,. ,untunl In tliilr nltpiiil. linc'O.liijri inhly lillln-lr IHHIri .. I minlnt III.iiiiik. (' i I'lnv.lhi' lllli ilny of IVIi., In Ihoyonr '" f nf "iir Ixiril, ono lli..unml lti,t him. v llrill lltlil MlVl.'.i-lnhl n.,.1 I..II.....I . Bt'conilyi'iiroflho InilrtK'mloiicn of tho I'nlli'il Ktnli's of Alnorlmi. Molllll.l'AI .Mll.l.AHl). jiimiiiiHimrB, pr. y. iw, Hlicrltl, Q.RAN1) JUROR.S, roii mav Tim.M, iii ninoin Win, IMKnr. Iloiiwr Inlin Mli hni l. lirlnr I'rifU-Hnmuel Oinnor. Wi ih y UJ "-, i,, .viniiiim, lli'iiton-Nnmni'l Applcmnn. I'l'iilnWm.shnlh'r. L'nlnwhmn .lolio I. I'm., IVntriitln Iloro. Thoi. o'l'onnnr. 1 rnnltlln II. .1. Ili nlor. , llrri'iiwoiHl-don. llrrr, Ulllinril K , niini, nninill'l 1 li'HH, IK'lillooli Snlnni l Ohl, Win. Try ...ii-iim iiooori Mimuni'i, Wl'Il Jnmh l lshi-r, MlIIllii Vlr,it.ut hi... . Wi'lllvoiv 'Ii' 'ino-liifohrhiiminn, l'rnni iiniiriim i-ri'iKi-nnii, it.r. li ,t " '-"ini'r. '"." I.lio . V i.K-iii I Jo,.,,' .V ItliiKl-i F'lnilso ni ' crp,.i. "iimi'li , lr,.. : I, J Win. 'hut. I I mi. I i I i iW ADVUinMEiVTS. fOODKN WATI ''"'I-. '. AH 1 ' 1 AM) l;,vl'Il 0111 ADVUirriSBMBNTS. AV,:h1:u' ''" ni: noi.i, DRY GOODS) ETC. (i, u. . . ... . . Mlllf nV.-J ..7'.".'.r "mi'lii'., , ..'. " Alt, s- lug Aim III.),.. 'I Mil. The liest ami t forra p-mffi " !W.!l'!f!f: aWTCfilj?!' ) te-ii. a n..ri..rt.. .''.". "..'"r I'l.ACK ' JiMirimini'j I ninufc,,, "'""Is nl Ion ,,r,, , , ,, i. t. H,iAiii'i.,:Hs..rll0 .' r'l ' IT . . '"m. mp. ,,,11,,,,, ,.,,!,,.-, ' "ii TI.AIIS) mi .vt , tnll-M....Iu .. . O-M-. l(I,,,,,i ,!At.,(i iu"ir , uicrli'n it ii ii, i ." . i Ji'r."i- t tt. . I "i mm,.. ' jv I., tho;,, , , '..p knt """'HI, 10. I I'oIjIih s, l (., CO.. !K .,., l, i, 7- "I" .1 ) loll III. ' " 'i n iiiioh, Jiliy'uhifelwiilVV"' 'iisiiulng, ii '', lii'miiinrul .Mm irti.t... ""'"unoniithoi "Amiii.r iim.-citi'i, 'a'.' w n is tho h... i '. IV IIOI1K t,,0y 0,,,r IOI lllCIHll,.,;,,,, f ' TK AHKsrru. maicixo IIIAUI.I II ii'sr mx'uiviiii llnrlforii, I'om!, Wo.k, "l'i:iil'I.), I s,t,., r,,r nur Npw H II'I'IK OP IIIUOISAWly. r,,!,,,,!,.,... "'ns nr ihi hk,., ,, f, M-Svit "r' "Uii'nl ll'-iii lind-io , ,n ', 1 ."".. "ino,, , lllUMlntoil wllll linn ,.l , r t "VM UU P.IUI ;"Ulon hvJnino, Vm,'.l.f".1,..M.'t' ciiKriu'lim, ' "' "i"'. M'11,1 for ,:. ' ' full' lor II u ir rtir.i ti rm-i. a . h i , I'i ' S i 1 '' " lul "o - ""'iroiil.ionn roo:!''vwnicIK-- !m', or W"nilii,!'i 'nl. I J, !?, !"u :'""'"o :.::' mm n il .. t- t. . . ,v imn iv Aitu, Jiarili.irl. t'r i,n ' . JlltAI """I. Conn. '.'".-Jn-n , JllOllll I A.I inr I i,i or. , t.l,y l, ,' ' ':V.."'"I ..-...inn,,,,,, ,., ,,V,,:;," 'V'rson, llonrV- l'"J ".'"nr,.-"',,,,,,,. , llfiM.".! V. .nn (lrnit.,?'.,.If,."'tl1 Henri- i.-.k . K'crliiK-r, , ' U"'Ao!;!nl"''.,t. .!mm!i! . -ro,);'',,,',l'. '" "'..ns, ,. win,,. ,'"''I.Ur in n...'!"w-ii. In - "'Illir -'''llnX,s'o,''7'V,l''"ii V'oiilloii, I ( ,11,,,,... rniiiiii.'i niioii', ,1 ' so,,, iillir rrii.if"'. nit t ,A1 -"H.iAIII,, Miorm; I J,,, , A,1 s. Join rs .Jw.iiikNli,liu.iil.i "i W 'Wili ri i t'K-l WlltCN "171. II ,. ,, . Jll, 1 L'ltKtlll nl l ... . in. 'in I'n I n. i" in no. I.tlllah A Mill,., I Wnli r.(j,.. W Wiitcri . (,.. wi ,'.,1 JI'V'ln-Tlr. - - .r f.t 0l iv...... "."I mid v,, I".. , , V III Mm ,, J Ii lninni ,,.,',, . " "lo W,-st ru. ni ii. i ,'n. .11 in i , i i . i:...: " 'nii'. r.ii.' "!''!...!.. John's'woVn -. .." .,n, , ln-i il. i ""' inn,,,,.. nidi's ' Alnri, !!! Jlnli Tim 1,r;,iy?e ';"-t, nl. ' - HIV. ll'l . "". "-M Mrr . 17 .II, II, V I l, '.. IH'lliy 1'. IT.-,,U Ainu r .Vcilioi, . H ,'" t: yANTi:iAUKNTsrro,l " " 'ati:i 'K.M.I.n.,1,.,.,,.,. I;wl.,0l:iur,li ' nn.l-,l,.l,y ?..-,(, e'liii lnn.iil. in,!., t fll.'viv, - "mini. IIi,t..i.vo, I,,,-. WMt "i "nn.Ai.ijxA.Niirit ii. Hri:vi:-n onlnnilf liimSo nVho",''1.," '!!' rpiihlUh,.,!.- 11 ""'""'rlpllon l, (lllo .W,.t,f i..-1- ori Inlhri'i. ilnys. ' l" t T-J hnl,,,.in, ."lul for oliiMihir,'iii ,1... "'"''"''riilii I,,,,,, I IIUIil t Ill I L,vw.n,p::;,:::u:;:.. : u,m, ;.-"" in - ii in i im.ii,ii. iii, .1110 Uflliiiinllftt.i i.. ."" 1 A n.,... . ... WHIO, VHInwunit-tc, ' JirsiT iti:ci:ivi:ii n. 1 "'"'"'if'il lii.'rcinn or,,,,, i o , ;""rT."" " l'"'nlnn,t i, , ""X. :. !!!" I o I n iw, "r. r V' n onnvlnol a ,w . ".' .vlorn ni.. '"ircst nml nioit i,,,...., .. K'U I,,' h 1 1 1 n 11 ii i in ,! m 1 1 '.u .':'"'." to r. u 11, u..-,nn .'".'S.. no I'llllllO to hpiu. .. pilocs thu, nviiiVi,p, .'i',',,!'' .'"."hnriiclnri rV ,o niniio in piivBhiit Urn mil, ii . ""into nrof. -i niinl,on Sli i,.!,!!,,! Ih .'Sv ''h1'!!. ',""u? ." .'Ja' will rr-i '""lor, nn, ,,. ;.i..;. .i,.ii.i " r. ucr i, or v 'srv. I" ninnhor K, ,,! " " "rl11 I" t, n.VMmli !S a i. . ' " " ' inn I. in. ,n;ury;i--vm.ih,, just iti:ci:ivi:n Jrsir i!i:ci:ivi:i) . "-'"ii.m i m ii i. ...... j- '".'"'.r (IoihI, ,i i,' i .", ;'!, "'' i'!itonior. .'i 'J'Uio mmn torni. ,.. "' '!'nH nt nn o,7,,; , '. :? ""in ho t'oiiiiiiini'. iii.iu v. : wm 'nniinluTn,,.. ""."' lite iW,.'K!'0' I. It's iiIiT.,.,, y vi KC'inil oliilri'ii 'oniL'iit K-.i".'..." ' ''i-iii-ni if iiini ii . Jomn o'i. "S in ii,V, '"'wix'l JW. "o none jo Jtninh Tlioirms i l" John ('.,! .-'! John Kt;fMThv'v::v.JI',s-,i''tH!fo r- '. ii. uttz cfdi. u ii' .: i i- i wiiii .-s.ii ... . lt.i.-: itl H'ni. it WhO .I(.M'l IV 'itvMin ii..;v. wo.-o,hVr;;y- 7 : inooonii,,,.,,,, , ' Ino nwjm.te,, iu Vttt.,,'! , J "III)l.e.I.Mi,,A. -hoi nr. K0ci:s'i (,-I'.W..Monlii.ry,,;u.i. . .A.M.(lr. 7 I '.h,.'l" I'inlilKII.lHl- a Jill!' ft!ifW'i!'' .WI.IIInl,lll,i,,o,,.i,V'J',H...'S.,,','k"J-. "-'iii i o., riiiimii i.;,. f 'Aiti''j.:iS .Vw!,!,",!f".r('""""io l I'hllhi . , iV V-. ."l:"'. il'."ri1'' I'l'lli. w'lii.ininwi.,,,;!;;-.,,;;;;;;.'1"'1 '"'"m.U,ru.Ap,i!,u,.::;:,',:)'A; I'lolhy. niiOW.S' AI'l'UArsKMi:XT.S. liinihl,! (ounu' , ,i , ," V.f 'll0 1!l Kl'li'r nt o,. "in I..' " " V.ii," r, i , ", l'"""i ""'i nml l.irwi lit mi III Mil. ions nro i,,,,. ouslo HI., i ... ..' ',-.'"" 1 lllli pj-Nl, ,( ,, ,.;, .'"' ,"('" ." "II I'l rsons I. IHilllU'i, U', 1 1,,.,. . . . ... r-hi p. itrmi i,i ii,. n ii ... dlllp IIMK , ". " HI i.t nf ,ii,l, i, II, Itlil,,.ll. I Ihln rounly, doomsoil. to iinowofiloio, i. w,, I nun v moiovi.i.i . ' !.'!' "'"'JIMii'iu of kSmM!o,VllVi,0lV''1"''- tlm liolrsi,fs.imh i'oi,it.' nro iiiiknnu-M ... i'!i ';'- ''""KiitVr. j.;,;!,,,, .mi.l .MnllliU conitr L fur tlioir ( n,,f, I.,,, i'n,',? nml tn Lotlll., IIUkottH iiicosiuoiinknowii.-niul iloMoil.llri'otliiKi i&'Vi'r, ViSi Ji?1.!'ncio.-x ll or vnlin ii ., 7 V.' ""l olhor i,,:,s,;:V", '. ' "". '"-".I' i" . ut nmi " r"" moii;..i : . " mo ins ni'irw I nr tho toUnufiiK ,c,. ni Atj hltoi-tino nii.l rw,,r 11,.!.'"'"'' U'-kH .... a v u., I'lihlNhor,,.,-,','-',,,-.,,',. "U K M TO UTA . T A NnTTcnc i:.M K'7"j iMfesVniln.,o';:n:! IIOMAS R. A(!X,-v. -W'""lilli:ii.NWiiKr-i .N y i'J tuaiprrci'iit, ., '"STJ1IM.N l'i: .!.,, pDiHi-KXHAHi.i: nuTTTiHra Is TMK snwixu (irini:, lii'iiullriil n if,.,. r.,r n , . . (...'. mo .not ii io in lion, ,., ,.,i i .. .'. ;.i 's I" ""."'s oi I'lllliro It rrliii.,,,,,1 ..,.",'.'".'.'"" uiuiio. " iK,i,n,o,,,i,.o,p,n,,l:,1 . .1,' mi ll' I.. . . -.-.;.' - -nA.xi r'u en., i'-i'iis ii is invnl r-U.-itt'il, nml u ill .., ... iinyiuiuross nr i.oll, slWT, rt J U.ST Rl'X'KIVKI) Jrsi' iti:ci:ivi;i Tin. i,.'i.tU.noH,rin,ii, th00,u,. JUST UKCKIVKO JLvr inx'i:ivi:n 7"ANTHD irffiofVM'iia,.'"""-""- i Wilt. Hi Uiinlu I'l I'os, nml .Vint,? w I, tlrrlhull nny US Of lllnnni loutl- f Montour town. ship ' " ii "I'H'i. r 1 1 niMlii town ship"''' f" s-o M,,s,., , .,, ,Hn. i. lllllu ,.r r...... ,i .. .. Inwnshlp, ' ""inn or liKonnni.i Wliliiivo,,,,,!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (iiw(i .. m.lim ,,l n.ui.i , own i.iooiusi.iirit, A,ill:i, imis. '.' . i. f iii'S ',V,"o i'''- ilsoil liiovory fiiiiii,' . , ' win llio Plop, ii!. ,.','. ,'"'' "l'l"h 'Us ni n slmo i'"rism, i V, ',' 'uit m,,V ': .;;: in,.,Von; , .,,1',' ::V',,'.!,": nniiso in Ihooliv. ' ' "i nn li r.-1-ll m," lh,., iIllllnTl,t,(.,V',',',',';, ""C'lfo, to. iisis, nroiiks, nidi... , :.' Oiislly ; ii,... . Ill 1 U KK, Hl .; '"! I s 1,,'W. S,,1U -.'.-oi . iiiinil, iphi , no i lies Pllulo In I ho T,, ..l i I'yofMilllviin, ns toiliVii", nor of .it mot , n, u,lr. .1, lllos ,, ,,ui c.lho C'niniiionn,,,., r.,... Imrmiloo i,,,,. .,, u-,,. .. iiinct(s. 1 111 IVV,',',!.'',V,'l!'t'.,1!'l,,','f -N''li- rt M',.iti 1 "Hlllll ll' tlclvi-tls, nn Ihot-oitih l.y a I li.o w nmiiiloo nn mo of.i,,i ,V; I,., r ii...... "V.', i ."'"is in I i 1 1 n ,,n Iii.., i n iinisnii nlnl IXhiJKr1"'!'"."'""''-: ranti o ii.iino oi i'ni.,i,i in.,.. ii. join ,!,... ti., ' ."" E ia , , ,:?'' V."1. " In tlm u .,7. 7.1 L'oV'VlJ'V 'i.i ' in "IIS 01 no (,,,,, i. .1 '.'. " i '."."' "i" uioMini i ,v ....iioioo nniilo of w Isnn Whll I tU' kl lis, I 111 11 11 in; ill. ,,,, DTK'i: IS oroilltors nn.l spoOllloilocisUnlsnn 1 1 . .. ""V "f lhe ""'I Mill I hi I ,,1. ' "L'''"" Hllcl. .-1,11 ho oil lolliiliiMintl, n n i,',,' ',' -ll"Ulliof"ll'mln, out t, , ' , , 1 """" 'w i'iiHo'1 np.ii l wit illi'il In Hi, i ii ,S ', ' '"1,"!',',,",,nlsl'""l'''''n I'm in ill, , ,,',i " l'".v -ui'iiis iioni s-.lii. "s At t i b .. " nt inn lui'fi (m loiiilrnmtfdii IIII I 'nut t l.. I... .. . in hhi it rt mi inn ,,t ri-;'q:u a(!i:xts," mna;,';. i jj i" ii n it. I',,,,, , v" T m...i sup,.,,,,; Hi' jonre. Wo w in'.,,,. ',' ,' " wnrinnloil ,,r 1 "-ii'':"i"Tno;uv,,mm,:!!!li';: l.'1'I.KIIlol I. ' pi '.'!":' " !I.s M,o'"ri.illc hi I 1 tho .1.11. "'-"il.l MIIoli .-1,11 ho out 1 1 "in, i i, 1 v-1..1 : !""."''' i nil. IIICIl MERCHANDISE. TI':w STOCK' OP CI.OTmxc. I'rosh iirplini , I'am. am, wi.."ii:i. i I' Win I.(ii'i:vm-i.. Invitos nt, ...ii,,,, . . ' tlll.-Al'ANIi I'Asutov ..,,.,., in his storo on ' ' Mllltis.'!,,.,,, . . -'.'v.w 111110,11, Hon,, Illimlllshliri;, 1'.,., lie Ims Just i...,-..i ''"'"lolphl,. full nssorin,,:, ., " "W 1 "rk ""' mi:.v A.viuunv,.,.,, .nisii,m , "i":-iiii"is. I U0VK.1V!,.S1U,1 I'lUlsA.Vni'A.N'lN nl ll . , . ' ..... -...S.MJ..,, utlil oolor.. ,, Mioil lii'.iill.a.lylr( i Al.l.A.ND WI.Vn.;usitAWI.M sTim-i:u, 1-ifjruni.ANin'i.AiK vini i i i i i 1 .-, I I t.WA 1'jS. KTi ir u .i'i.i;iciiii:iv,oj.viM v"-"'"nN.AM,rA.voVAl!TI.'M.y Cr.dl'llSA.N'I) VIM'I.MIK Wliii'li 1,0 Is nr,..,,,,.. . wn.i nf . I.., ni,, , , . v '.""'""' j- w AXTKi) IIiinissHioui,iorBI1, Uiio, (KlllllH l.'Ollll, (IODIIS Clltlll-. sul.l) Mll.ll Mll.ll MIA I.I. MIAI.I. MIAI.I. V J'V.VNt li. AllVAM I.. AIIVANlr" MIVANl I roit CASIf oil ltt!Miv I., SiSiisiNll'fg: i'f '" r i,ll'J!;,,.,!'!-''''ii. i- I. lIIAr,4,.r, MfllltK! Illooni.hiim, .Miin h .hi, t.. WK AUK COM IN (l", , ! 'l'"'''.''',,,ANv,.1,,..tlN..s v or '.M ixil.l I'ISV AX I) Alt .tl.l; I I (i'l n l.ns niMo roploo. . ' Dl.I. IU KAXCV I. '(in no a win,.),, i'n','t.(,r.siH,.,llj,i sl. J I'.lttlTII.S. v l'-lio.i.isl,v ,.,,. wi:.m,- imi'iii,!:,,,.,, uatihi, nirirn mi, will mniiiv noti,.,. nn I ii t-luiw nll. ,,. iii oiiihsofMi nml 1... Holy of other linn. S"i' IMtl.'Mll j '"url'iiMUlfi,ri nioro thmi Bl,u, , 'mt k .'I i.l, ISiis Mli'l 'l.l. "n.:nm,,s':,'i,Su'!n,iV li r I'm ,,i. . , ,i . " lo-uipiloo 1 1 oi w. w. 111 tin 111. lilt! II ' 11(1,'. fQp, TTsI JIM'V (' (V 111' .Mill 'I.t . tl ..,l-rl,,.l ,l.,.l.. ,1.1..'.. I I s...ii. llll-ll ULl.l'lS til ('l II 1 ill, 1-1,11 Oltll. ' ,,.l tvcly on. Cnltcd States MtflI(lovIcfl , . . . . . . .. 4.. ..... . ru uyj. I,, l'l'icra, .uu iirami it., . i . :v, . . """' 4 UIK, IS IH'HMU US, llllll lIlUrilHliMf I mm (ii nn lovers or music iiiiiiiiinotli monthly niii";tizlno niti-If size, contidiiiii"; over sovontoci? pfiL'i'S of iiniuii'iil news, icviowf". and cliok'u itrt ltfiii!!, ovury lino of which Is '; , .V V''"'""' und pniycr In tlm rctdnbk', nnd woshouldsftv. invnluahlo ' V vo rifomntL-ndid Itsob . . iiftiiincii in nri i . . . . to nil iniisli'litns. This nlonu Is well, iicmncrsiiip. it is no worth it ycrir's suliswliillon. which Is'.?. '.. ! "I'ncntl Confcrc co only-'. The iilillshcrs, however di' UK w"wi In Clika-n not stop here, for, in addition to tl ,io it,.., ; ;. ' iM'nlNk.holiisIlniuy.oillli . 'K.o'!"" "f '"'"' "'llll"'t .kins , , z:rz ' 'v lot o'i"''"1' '""''"". 'OlOM'll lis t ho llUllli St Oil 11,., ..,1.1 oniii 11,1 iijon thini, .u'llA 11. I AWI11..M ,:, shoiur. llllll In .Millill. KliVuVliViI.'.VV'l.'.'.'.'i'1 l,t Wllll ,1,1 -111,1 .r nl'r iiiiii will I; iii ..Vi'.'i'.r "!'.' n!.nJ,'l,lr','s lloo'll. ' n nn "ll islljil.-r I. II "i.i iinn.v ( ii.. I'ni.r;,,,.,,, ,. "I.""'. .iitiiivM i'Ai'i'iij..i, ,,"'' ;'":,"' """"' is. IMlllos p.,, ,,'. , "ll' J, ,' V, ' "I""1 1'ynthi.l ' Iiini ", ini'lor i,."s,f. " n '''-linin m.i. i 'in s Is "lino r ollionii.,. ohin.. ,., :.: x:.:!: ." "'" '"in pr, u,.i , Aiooiuiliif N.ino Hi lio'p iiiii. I".'1' IllOlltl, tn in i:, ,,..".".'., .'' ""on. to inr , I ! nr,:, , ,:" 7. . '" o , 'otiu, i,,,, ... ... nn x win,' c. i i , I I llonoli Ilillu'r., 1 Aiohl- I. sll'lpiloo'li. Ml'"''" 'U' -f Ill'OOIIWOO, "'MMji'jiiii;!!'"""" ''''ii'ViiimiiVri'Sfii: .... ."".: "" or M I', aiiii, in - Slli'lmVi rf ' ""' Vo'.')ii:ii(Vo.i,ii: nlli- (llllll, Hun l-r.'.V.f K'l'HVKNs l,lj,,ii ,:.'..'.. rVli.-i'-n-ilillnii nt MiiiEiut , iims. WoVoiii ," ; ,,,i , '';'"! 'r','.',"11.'. "!' i '" li' ' iooijii' li. Kllno, Kiiiiiniiol ul ( I., lllnl hy I iloo'.l. I". I 'lnnl .loonimt ol .Inonl i,.inius mid ll .,, ti i.'i, Kllno I 1 1 1 1 ii li i Jl'hTr""! ','"'"" Kllno,' I.V"" !:Mri?i.!r..v,Wi$;-:,,rtl n::!::i;;:a,,is.'';r--''' . ciiidim livi: in ;'"" '- I'A.MII.V -mo,., nmi ,,. , ,,,;-,,,,;,:;, ;;:,,,;a' "'II'M-Iill U.M.'itl.'M.,.,imf,u tit I'.lNAMAnii M( ,.,, l NAII.INdl'li,,,, M.w " 'Mr-oot.,., llh '..,' wi, ' uiwiii ill lh nn,, ,,,1S. in .Nt iiriii:u I,, vi 1'ost,,,.,. vn i,,' . , ,, , "inioo, nn aim mo,, or it is ,,f I,,,,,,;, n.. T' '" ii"i.n WATfinv Axn ,ii:w"i.'u v. nt t Vol! ili..,..,H l., . .. l, I ., . I'Otip. HISO.IH-O '"inluo 1,1, tri'iiornl . j;""" ' CM) I'l UN, WA ,', iVi J1:WEIJ;Vi t OA VII) I.OWn.M!l'Ilt). i.: i! c ii . .....!.. ..... ii .i a ui(ii;, ni'tk i: is iinijiuiv uivkn .JI M.niU,,,,,, ,, ,.,.,,.. ..,,.mllv. I'HY OOOD,-;, j nilOCHUIKS, (juj:hn,s'aui.;, NOTIONS, At'., tay-1 1. 1; a ,s j-; iix.ijuvs, Mi IsTsnu .-' rliiKoilheroitdo l liiln,on. Ilnuoil ,,-', inn h.ivotholr iI -oniiin, r,it..,i . " l'ri'i'i 1 Int.. "I'i'ii'ilil'; in tlio. lr, ,f n rm:i: SK ,.,, u. . I'lll" ni'luh nl .In ynrils'sh,,',!, i" V,' 1 ,!" mutt nn i,o,.7.;. . !. ," .V lilnrnr,.,, ,.n Pultun, l,o,.7.:. . !. ," "". nnoro ilolmiio ilu Sll.lW I ! 11 M.11,1 I .... ?. . . ! '." ov inxin,,. ... ,.;,..r. . . '.'"s.'iii M,...i . r.'iiih ii ii, i Nllllls ! nil ... ...I r . fnmil chain ,;o, lummlVJ-LiiV '' ",l rnillt'rillshi'HU, "li'" """, '' ' lor, on f,., t .' t ..iiiirior mJ?i.') ,'' !'' V'ik ''" "'111 l,.,li;,,lnrst, i ':.!'.'.'' '" l'llll! it'll. KOII II .ill llllll KOIUs'hinw .!....l7..i'i.. , : KOIilllouh! n ,111ml Mull: l,o, ,,r ui ii ,, , i.,; " ; ''I'n ahovc, each iiiiiiilic'rcoiitaliisfour piw of fholco now iiiiislc hy tho host wrlla In America, thus rlvliur it select llhry of uuw iniisle at such it low late mt even tho poorest may Induljro In '1!lt has hitherto heeu eon,iiereda lujry. Thu music iu the Review Is ' the licst, us tho followini,' select 1, will testify, all of which hasnmieariVfitli' lu Us pages during the I.tst six ipnlhs: "Nora O'Neal." "Katv M'ffntn," "You've heen it friend to 1" '" "Kiss mo nood-hy, darliuc' "ll ''J' Will. H. Ilnys; "(Jood.hye, put eoiuo nKitiu," mid "Do you think tho irooii could Imvo seen u.s'.'" hy J It. TUumw "Ally Ray, "iind"I,ltlliilJi'wut.7urcii" hy tVllllani H. 1'lttn; ".Hnrllii" "' ij.iiiks; -tiei too uenii nnu iii' wi-mm' fill rest,'' "Hrcak. brink. O rVa," etc Also Kiiikel'H"II(ftvenll'l")i'l.,ld" nnd "Mitideu'H lllush A'liottlH'he," Mnclc'd "Damask Rosinnd "White, Roso March," nnd savrf'd other choice pieces", iiiiiountlntf IijAU " nt letnll prices. Tho U. S. Musical ItevIowN publl ed nt $- per year i oliiKleeou'eu, ' vuta 'iur ciiizcns on A rr.w niBits a served a lirllUnt IIkIiJi,, (i,n ,ii,,,i,. of Danville. Yo havis.m,0 lenni,, tluttltwas cuved hy tin i,,,,.,,!,,,, r nancocK iv ui-i, nini'iuno i.n 'h,, . ... A -,'1 I0SS IS IlllOUt sSHWlll. UlIKUIKl'-'.S HA lil!, lli. . . .iii.. or out , i v 0 1 ,v: ;'"'.".':'. j"'1''"' o:l,!,:!,,V,l''wl'''l-""",,,V,Vmn m of tho,,.,ii,t . 1..!:' 'ilin 7-' ,h:m!"!"l";!;.i"''V'!'"'"i'"'r l-nvo named K.Id.ty, April A !! li'iiiiiiontnnil linn 0 1 . 1 1 .1 ,,'Vi, ,1 tn V !'K""' iu i.wi i iniiiiiiii.ioiiihosoiiiiii y , j,t, ,:5 , X'":!'w ii X.i.hotv". Jiiool, lliiiils. Si 1.7 v , ."'!' ?' ' ''!.'' '"'"I nf 11 XIm''"- .f.-lllllll i.f I ... I 11 ,,,VVVrl',"IM,''';i''i' '"'' 1 iiiIiii'.. . r.... V"" ,".'""lill M .mil ni,M,,M, .,, .1. ill. .m it ... 1 . .1 ii-i'."".i,:o,,;in riXiii.'i """ I.'. Mooon.l nml n, nnoiinl '.,r ll iii ".' iT I John l'u.x 1 ,1,, luliii W. Ilolshlln,. 11 n lin'i ot 11, ,, 1 1'is.s.m.i: Miwin ,.,.. fnlll Ml W, ittrriiiije.'i. LtiiMi I'U'Mr ! VII ,1.. ti... -11. I.,. . Mitminu rnrnoimnn, v r i t. hy l W, ll. KuvMr. Thiis, Muiu, i.f liutlt "1 iiuti iiiini'1,1 r.VmtKTT-M'MICIl.UV-i.ii Ilu- K'lli ult., i,v ci i'n, .Hi '.giinuini M'Mlclmol of van Cumj fjun-: co.mmi.s.sioxi:r.s oi- an,. lllllhl.l will hi. fnllinr iimnoil Uu O'i n. I.- V t ..i I l"',n'r. , iV ,;" ' ,V liittlishlpilo,.',! '"""' "' ' "i"" 1 17 liihii, .. . W"'i inmer n.liu'i. 1....1 f...... .. . . il ";-tV.TMnl'lToJjte" ' ., ., " -N' I'AIMll.MndN, A,., 1 1 ', W.'.""' '!. ' 1 'ii.t s. 1 1 n a. v.., 1 ", , - ,1 i.m nmm,, pi,,,, .N.(.lv' y,,,,;. ' Jl:i' lA'KI'T AXK. ""'I UN - I i't'.N, ,,,. '""' i'l"' hi' I. I (V I.... . .,,.. . "'." I'M, 11,11111,1 .1.,,. r:'."".1 iinninooniiiii ,,1 m. ,;. 1 A'hllil i.lil. Im,. ... . I rst oii , Musi's llowor miio',,' of (n 'il. .If,. I'lrst ,7,t ," " " . '.". "I' ''' ". .nt L'Oilllt nf 11, , .'I I'-illli I Ilnu.-i ,,, i;r;.nitiit. i;.,.:iViV. ".r.-v ; , j-s Aoouiint 01 J..I111 1 , i,',,,i , 1 .., Iihti,illnloo,'lli. n,', ..,7h.,., " 1 nf .1... ..1. I . .... ' . . h.r,,m;w.v.'.''."-'i t'i '" Miiiiin ,o!!avi,;; ,f '.W Hon nf l lu. t "' V".'" ,1 -..I '"" it iiti"iMT. lidf nf ( ili'c'.l fi. I Jrt mi'. . tie ol'UHl.l.i 1 1 it.... I '".ii" rui Ah,-.,,;;; ,1" , .', ' "' , ,'"' -tilin'r nr .In ill US' Illn,p illHHMMil. rilllln it. I .7.1 . J.".'.". ."WTKO 11. llllil into of vinti l',; ,k , " "" -l-..'l''(ono,, ?J Aioiilint 1,1 Mir.ilimn w. l!i,i, , "" " "l" "I I'lshlhiri'i,.,.!. YllSt IlltOOt f rf. ,-s. l-lrst nn. I II1111I noo Thoiiiii, 1 11,'i'l'lisoil. 1 mh';ivssmk , i . .I...., , I "' ....,, i,';';""V 1 1 linn urn .11 . lllp, lloo'll. lllo.iinslnnir April ii,'lsus,' si's :--l lm, iu.11 1 "ml 11 ,.. olii'li tusti r ll, nml lnuos t, ,,;, ., , , ,;,'', '"."I ' HI h.iw. on,t. I i,o I,,,1, v nn , , !. . uiio lur in,, "111 I'" llll. Ill, I, ti li h on. Mi K i. I i.v. I'i, sir. ..1 p.n. in n,.,i III! ll.l- ,1 I, .. ,n o nnu 11. 1 l"l urn innn -hiu tt M M I 'v, nro raiutttitu, 011 1111,1,1 n.l lor nnu. I AT I1AIITO.NV iimi KI-AXii, Umnmmt'na, uv i-i'vc iu .,.M,mj ,,. jyiJW CAUINKT WAUI-; iiousk NI:W rni.M'n ii,.; W.Mli: tti,i.u,. XV""' '-I1'l"UI'"IMI.,1I,o11.Ml, Hi,',,.,, ..t. rrv and in Di k JUNupAimniK, ll' (TiitfitiMja, (lr K U M A T I! !; , ,,; s iS"l''.Vs, Uil'.VdiiH ' MAIIIII I: i. I'lIS'dlK TMII.m AMI Wi'un llorioMKIi in:.Nm.i.N taiii.ih ,.,., M U,AHH IAUI.OU, CJIAMIIKR AND Dl . INO UOOJi .'CJ!XITtriiU. In in. 1 u lull iiAuitmeni f t I'V-Al t t, ,.-,.IjH - HI.'! n 1 III.V.I I.N TI11- I.I.NI'.IM,IRUI,l; All nl H lllch will ),.. ..,1.1 tl' IU II II1MI "HI nlmolnl ,",'.!" " '" I'"'" bB 1 li'.Ui'l.' I.lkt ol.l's7Vi';i,in:':;J:'.,:1,)'','f,'l,o fulluwlK . i".i.!iii .Hoi!; ",!, i1, '' ,u','; j; )"c!n;l,ls' i""" I. I'rmuiHlioiiin'K,. 01 ir.ii .1 r',",1,1"1 r Hi' lot "ll Inir n, ,.1,'r V ' , f.'V 'I'1'""!. hut Tnu .'In ,. !"f. " ','r ' '. '"'' f.llhion.1 u , ';' .. iimii. mi-u, :rrv.'., l;! i,,,,r ' S 'I', ifniih!,, 1,1,7. " 'V . ',u, f.V "V1 'l'81'lillifs : :i i.vliiiii.ii,. I;,'! . ; ,'Vii, ' J, ',','',,','''k'''i!: sit :. hor luik, , o'JVi '.J"!:t'''"i'l '''Iks I t I-'UI'.s ,'lnl. ... i... .".'" ' miiiillH. 11' lis, 1 1t I . V, ; "" "."' ':-l.i Ilia 1 L'liiiu,.' ii.... '"ionl.lliL'oroi " j lul in-, lino, ...ill 1 HIM, 1,1K,. ; III. IK'll, .1 II. ..... nionty-,ii-o',;,T,i:7;, ; .'.r;' "'.'j1''? ", wti tlllllu I Mlu iiui.,,in. i.i... ,. . '"ni' 'nn Liuml (Mm , .... n. '. ." ." '." .iiiuii.lili, llllS ! Ii'flis; :V'!Tiolnnn!n "iiiin.-K; s;ws),r.; m,?;:il,v,;s'';;''' inn,,, i.t,,. m ,,: , J ' "i '.' ,''i',''. '; iiti' i uw Blnvisl loo ,,,1,1, .", J ',, ; .J. "I,V'''-1'I"I0. in. '"'Uyni'iliii'ill I,,,,'.. ,',,i!h,! iu;" "!' ' '" u.ois'i; i ii '"u . " ion,.. ,,..,, . "r'-l,1" '.' 'I i"il; : oomi,,,,,, i.. "'ii i ii nro . i.i .'..:,. "" Inr l.irior lln'l ., I"' "KIO Hi on . m'iiio isitln, iiinio uioionfoh i- Hn. 'i' lit t.iniiri.,1 j r.nllor..l Mt.f II l: I'liiiiu'iii,. A K II I i i. '. 'nil. nur, i,.i,: .,. .: ..' "" -""'" uu " ni'n. It I V A T !: (niititi kliiltu, .. .... . . . win I,., i.i .iv.Vii . v,"T" '"'"'i "i iwu tiiii..,..! ' 'lllliv III! Mill lnn, III III i H'liinu'iii'inij ut is va a,"! a,- ;--'""" y Ainilliilir nn.l It.,, .i.i. ... . limit llou.o. in,. , 1I.. V.7 """""""' -Mlu- l.lli (jis..',rly .Myj ,,, ,,,,,. U'lllL'l.l. IMllI, . ItllMJlll I'l 1,1.11. Mv U,l. Ill tilyls!.lzio u"rl-'. " "'""o, lllnoiuK. ;Y,7 "k. ".".r""'"''i. ly fill Moiiok i WATZ-lllTTI'.U-IriCJmiliJ''"? I0 Hlli In.-JII l! i in, 7,'. ,.. .. . ''' Minllsun. -Slnliihio M,.v in... io... r. ,.....ii. .in,, i: .-v;:.""i!V. uoioi. ' Minim, I.elitaliiniiniy, mi,",.. ' "H,l'i"''nj .Muy nth liuif.w.iy . fnk. 1'H hul, ,. lioVi Iri'. ' '"'"'r Muy llll, ednt S- per year i oiiiKieco ueu, sini'"i r .i No musical family hhouiu ho without 'iJ'liuirafnisWMy "iiwmr'i'nViovrra j'avj u'-ite.::! f..fcVM,r:;ijrM,"",;"- s,"- n,', Anllil Hll. '"" J l'r.-Weillloh,lnyi;y rr'. l ,, I Kr,:,uoiui,h,l..n,!o,, WXhl! IS$ "link- I '..i-il. I U iVi'w'.I'V V:.M! i if ' '" K' C'H"''" I'onri.HmonU,. " ; H' in. KrUl.lmu.u. ,, A"t"' Alln.0.,w KI'.I.l'llNnU-'ii tlio lowluliil'.iiBoil II V ami ll ilny. u.i D. .in" III" 7th io lis April lo.Ms, ,1" iii:t i:ivi:ii--Tho elii'iineB( n,,,,,, "j, lIlTHIIlllwooluitynt '"I1"" ")l' 'i'i'.kiiAiii.j,i:fi. JJUNliKHSHOTT'S I'lIARMAOY. K"kS lll l uslll, AMI nil At, llni'NK, m I"' .-?JJ. .WKTKBN . Ml.' I". niMITS. .M.COIIfil. i.,v.,.. Hvmi'is, l Ulj. OIUS I'l.-iiiT'Mniv, Ton.irr A VII P 1 V'r.,- . .. i.ioi, ,,ro urotoii ,,,, .iiu'r,;, ,.; 'V',.; f,,: llonmuviiriitilv nioiinis,! uicrlp. Jllll 3'lJS.y, j I' H 1 (' II O X j K, 1'mvlllLf fmni i.i... t., . LIU'S' UI-0 lUfllKUIlt iminn,,,,!,.... - . trmU. fur llio iiit HJi .V, " ' lul l'ro,."'l' .vKr,iWiW:;im',ui:v;;;;,v l 'ATI lux '- ti,. ... .77777.. . . .n.i;w;,"s;:';!,'''''"' m 'R HH "V Au , v i.i I'tAi ti iii i: isuco rsin ,.:::niui;' I'.ilom, 1'irihlii r i"''"1'' "n,ri,r ONE DOLUH ' rui;i;xT or UfXOII... I i'-.M '.. ! '"'i' nr Viii;,,'.:.'''',,i'.,fi',r,"ri-."-?ij .? .".'.'!' o, l.y ml, i.suiiu. .i V " " AM llll , i. ii'iun,M JllllUlli'll I'llllll,,. iiiiil mo iitt imrtil i lln'l- au. fnrnr. .''.. nr tin. 'pi Till: I.ADiKs. n,niin'n!;;"!:)':'v " In inrillsl, 11,,. i ',V i ',',!."', 'i',1,1:1 ," I' Hue Plnnoil. nil W '"tor unio.n iinlfuitii prloouf xi: 1'oU.auh.u i A, .uu,,,,,. r... ..... 10.. ii,ft;i.V,,V-.:,,;,,4',,.v,';'J:; r; " UU' I 1. UN mint , , , nAi, i:. Che iiiuli I'jiin. i .... 1.1'l.m- nn.l .T.I , l',o '," V. '-'i',,,",'," ,,'! Illmi n lowiikhli. i. . ..... '. '.'".'" "' lul ,li. iiii'iiliKm SiS vffr- inlilnlii uk III I S ii'iii-i ,.V "f .Inhii i.i!,,r wnmlluml. Al "N ln""' nr lo.., I,,' i,, V''sv"v'm!M u-M-rtu,! ,iM r..u.i "i.Vw it ii,. V,'"""",u' ."i oiirii.r nl I',,,,, nm, , .".,..' 'f ' 'Hiu n ,,.,, olio.' iihuu I'ino ai i, i v;j ,'J,1,.?1"' "i.iinn.B ".".'.""('.I -'UU ll I I 1., ,i ,,"., .1 'nil' 111 ' "t.ilottiio of DimmK nml iMin, " u.i iiiiinoy I. Aihlioiilliinlrn, to VI.I.KN. IfAWI.s. A Id, I'. l. link O, ''' '"' ' ' r'" "'' "l"n. .tUs, Wlll'loMllo 111 ull'IK ill l,r. ... .. finis h yi, iu, ' ' (jumuxny machini-uy. II.' nnui'iKiu,,,.,, v.,,..,,, '""oniihlU. Vu,u, l1.""1 I ut mat: n , .."7"-'' ''. "". nn,iu.u,u .rli,,.l.TwliU,l. ImiiiiK.lhl. inh. ,1,i,,.Li ,..',..w,lH'1' '"nloi li no .. ..I.... f,,.,hu:T, ' v:r:- I I II-I. ""no i. Min.Nli. I'uiiiii. a;ll,"('1'I,.y"""t-kur"- ."o... .., ,.,. roi'imi. ::":'.,h"''" ".;"...r. ""wtiiir, ll ill 1 1 , , t ' l,nn? ''7" 01 w""ftli. IX'SU'UANCK A U B NOV VHIITHKf., 1'll.iMll i'ur.u. "lllnwln . 4 iui..iini.'iiiuii( iiliut. i ...J" " "f Wiiiiliniiii ,n. ' '"""" '"'I'll.;:.;! tho iin.lor.lonu,, '''.'ii.'Umi nml Alt,,,,,.! ' ' ',,:".?' i f'-Mljs. . iiiuikoy, .',,..,, of.,,,,,,, IIIOUIll.blllK.M,,,,.,, II, 'H,l, gAllHU: 1IAUN1XS MAKKH. .v.iVi;,iiuT;,t!ro'!,kr';v,:;r,,r"'!.v i... r.,,,,,,,,,!!,!, ,'iuA hru'iVir!;;?,.'.'"''"''- "" '"ilf'Alll'H. In, '''V"'.' '')""' Wyomlni: .Ulnii f'tniiniciTu .." I'Hlloti N'otili Ainorlin...., fly ; Inlorinitloiiiil NlitlPirn .Kimi MtMwb." I'm u. in Mcii'iium. " HprliiKiic-ui . IIW.uil l,0"J,IK m,t 9D0,U' SM,d 50,0i. l.i.Xi.Pu) l.tXU.l.o (00,000 uo,oou ai.ou WU.IVI lo.tlW.Oll . A" ,l; "'. HI.'.' I '.illipillyur MaUl twir.i. i!'iis,V.s:ii,V 10 tHiri n" , j,,,, t'oiiu'u., mm i .M i I. in ii i 'Uiu,,'oiiTia.,,,, i. i v -iiM,H HUTU '.rmnv. t ''I AW 1 If 'W N, Agtil MM uiumiivaa, pA
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