THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMS13U11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ULOOMS13UUO, PA. rniDAY Motixixu, ur.c. 10, 1SQT. F53BF Mr-TUB tlie I..rB..l UlmuUlluu In C.lnmliU anil dJolnlnt uull.. of any Pr pnbllihtil hcrr, nrt la al.a mnch Lrg.r .litel limn any ' HicoUMiiararttM ami U therefore the iimi .dlnmrrilTtrll.lnln lliU elloii th. Slate. REPUBLICANISM. Whllo wo Imvo our own Idem ih to tho tnetttiiiiK of tlu luvo term ns np- plUil to u t'urty, whenever wo put mem forth wo aro nut by lit) objection that our utntwnentH ur tinctured by our pn-Judlcci, nml tiro tliort'foro not enti tled to welijlit. Wo feel assured that II the. truo principles of the Haulcal party wero submittal to a popular vcnuei linv would meet with nit Inglorious tlo- font". In fact, wherever they Imvo made issue on thelrdl-tlnctlveprlncl- nit, tlmv hnvo been overwhelmed. In order that our renders may know more fully the views and nlmior the llopulv llron nnrtv. wo Insert below an editor!' nl nn tho cublcct. taken from tho Morning rott, a leadlntf Philadelphia dally. Thoso who do not nt;rce to the Mtitliucntti thoroln expriv!, hflvo no business In tho Itepubllcan party, ana should without delay unite themselves with ui, nnd endeavor to make th& a " white man's government." " It Li a end, but Indisputable truth thnt tho ltepubllcan tiarty, dmplte lf apparent strength, does not really occu py the position It should that tho shad ow of Its power Is greater than tho sub stance. Wo have rejoiced In triumphs which have had little or no result; we havo colobrated victories which have proved barren ; we havo possessed gold en opportunities, and single moments of power thnt slipped unimproved from our grasp. There havo been moments when we hold the heart of tho nation In our hands, to mould for nood or for evil, and we have not made nee of thorn It would bo vain to deny that for the present those times have passed nwny. It would be equally useless to seek the muse of our weakness In any outward circumstances. It Is not liecnuso our party Is so young that, beforo the election of '50, It can scarcely bo said to havo had an existence; for the younger wo are the stronger nnd healthier wo thould be. It Is not becauso tho war enthusiasm, which for an Instant drew tho hearts of tho wholo people to our banners, has subsided, and men see things with colder eyes than before. 1 1 Is not because there Is not ability enough in our ranks, for the best brain nnd soul of tho country are with us. Hut It Is because tho majority of our adherents have never been as earnest as tho Dem cratlc masse;.. What they willed they havo willed and executed thoroughly and radically. There havo been no hall measures, and but few compromises with them. It would havo been well had wo learned of our enemies. We should not then be wrestling for a pow er wc might long to pos3ess,but,wIl I never gain unless Republicans become willing to practice what they preach. For we fear Indeed that there aro many who, although of tho equality and tho Immutable rights of tho black man, would still bo unwilling to liuve him bit besldo him In tho Jury box, or In the House of Representatives. Wo our selves know of men professing Uiem-Be-lves Republicans, who sa that they would no more bat with a negro at the wuno tablo, than they would sell their souls to Satan. There aro doubtlebu nwny who wouldbewllllDgthefreolmcn should havo tho rightofsuu"rago,and yet dbllkc to rtxle In a street car with them. Wo fear" that there aro but few of our Senators and Representatives, who, af ter making very radical speeches lu the morning, would ynt bo ready to welcorao negroes to their splendid receptions in tho evening. They bay, like Shylock, "I will buy with you, sell with you, talk with you, walk with you ; but I will not eat with you, drink with you, nor pray with you." They aro willing to accord them all tho rights of human beings in principle, so long as they do not claim them In practice. Here lies tho secret of our weakness. Wo are Radicals In mouth, n. t In heart. The arm wo raise to strike falls powerless by our sldo when wo remember that those wc do battle for aro not to bo received into our own tents. Thus shall we nev cr conquer, but bo forever beaten by thoso who, though they areour eiiemles, teach us a most valuable lesson." 11 Rkal Estati: Aciency." Tl Is term has been tauntingly applied to tho Btato liepartment on account of the nu merous treaties made, or about to be made for tho acquisition of more territo ry. Wo have recently purchased Ilua Inu America and tho Ilaml of Bt. Thomas ; nnd tho Bay of Bamnnn Is now offered to us for ono million of dollars, and tho rich Islands of Cuba and Porto Rico for ono hundred and fifty millions. Certainly tho acquisition of Florida, Texas, California, Louisiana and the rich valley of the Mississippi has been of Immense value to us as a nation, and wo havo no doubt thnt all tho West In dia Islands should belong to this coun try. They will soon pay for themselves, and buying them Is much cheaper and plcasanterthaH fighting for them. True, tho price must be paid In gold, but as In nil probability tho American people will uever cce that currency again, we don't know but what it might a well be tent out of tho country, and u few more National Banks erected Instead. It will also stop speculation In gold. Tire Democrats of Ohio, Indiana and Wiut Virginia are to hold Stato Con ventions on the 6th of January, 18W, to nomlnatecandldates for State offices and delt galea to the National Democratic Convention. Tho day upon which theoo Convections are to meet, It being the anniversary of the battlo of Now Or lean, la most auspicious, whllo the glo rious results of the elections of 1807 af ford cheering pro-pecU for tho result of tho national campaign of 160?. As tho Btato Commltteo of Ohio, In Its call, coys: "Fellow Democrats, you havo "this year achieved great victories. Dut "tho work Is not complete. Tho coun "try la yet unredeemed from tyranny "and misrule. Let us then pretw for- 'Ufird 111 tht. owvil tvnrlr rf wxtf.miitfjMi -J -'Lot us I una not ono moment. Let as "sparo no oxortlon and this tlmo next "ytar will find us rejoicing over our "country and Conttltutlou usuul from "totocMoo." COURT PROCEF.DIN08. O. W. Campbell et id v.i 11. W. Mc Reynolds et id KJietniciit fur n tract of land In tho warrantee name of "An drew Clark," situate- now lu Denver Township. Freeze and Comly for the Plaintiffs, nnd Clarl; and U.ildv for the Defendants. Verdict In favor of Hit! Plaintiffs for tho land described In the wrlt.oxcept nbout SO acres thereof.shad ed with irreen lu tho draft, which Is made part of tho verdict, nnd which "0 acres was not In this trial claimed by the Plaintiffs. .Sylvester J. Faux vs John Hnhlson Action for putting tip a lino fence Clark for tho Plaintiff Freeze for tho Defendant. Verdict of thu Jury lu f.v vor of tho Pliitnllfffor J.13.42. Wm. Schuyler vs Samuel Yettcr Debt for plow sold. Little for PUT., Clark for Deft. Verdict for PUT. James Htraii'ser vs (lenrgo Strieker- Action slander for words spoken. Clark for PUT., Froozo and Abbott for Deft, Verdict or tho Jury, for the Deft. Bamuel Waters vs C. 13. Margerum Aetlon of ejectment for lot In Cntuwlssa, Jackson, Knorr nnd Whltmoyer for PUT.. Clark and D.tldy for Deft. The nucstlon was ono puiely of law, nnd under tho chargn of the Court, tho Jury found n verdict for tho Deft. Deborah Dean vs Owen L. Dean Ac tion of ejectment for lot of ground In Cntawlssa. Clark and Freezo for the PUT., "Knorr and Whltmoyer for Deft Verdict Of tho Jury In favor of the PUT. Jesso Robblns nnd wife vs Wm. Kves and wlfo Action of slander. Freezo and Little for PUT., Whltmoyer nnd Knorr for Deft. Tho PUT., suffered n non-suit. An adjourned argument Court will be held on Thursday, January 2d, at 10 o'clock A.M. A very largo amount of business was disposed of during tho term. A two weeks Court was ordered for February. The first week for criminal buMnc-s, and the second week criminal, If any remain over, and civil. Court adjourned on Saturday after noon about I o'clock. THE miSONEHS OF STATE. To the lilitor of The Dan-nook: Sin Thesinrirostlons tolhe "Prison ers of State." which I permitted to submit thiotigh tho columns of Tho Day-Dook, aro received with favor. I did not give my name to the communi cation, bvcauiu I dislike notoriety ; yet some ono must work. And I propose to bo a medium of communication from thoso who are concerned one with the other in rcjiard to the matter Inquired after, also touching tho pla i and purpose of the organization con templated, and also of the proposed convention on tho 2Jd day of IVliriinty next. I shall bo pleased to receive .and 10 miniver all communications Irum vic tims of the Into dtspotisni. Permit me to my hero to our loved 'confraterni ty," that my plan, amongst other mat ters, proposes to perpetuate t lit; evi dence, uml to transmit to tlmo who may desir,' to cherish us in grateful memory, a faithful record of our wrongs and of tho infamy of those who inflicted them. Communications may bo ad dressed to tho undersigned, at No. 12 wnii eirvci, .u i otk. r. u. wniaiiT. Oct. 28, 1807. Ma. EDiToit. I am not a "prisoner of state," having providentially escaped tho grasp of thoso "blood hounds" who made the arbitrary arrests during Abra ham Lincoln's reign of terror. Hut I am interested In the objects of tho nbovo letter from P. C. Wright Ksq. nnd de sire to veo a full representation of all concerned at tho Convention of "pris oners of State" to bo hohlcn in the city ofNew Yorkontho 22d of Feb. 1SG3, and beg leave to suggest t ho 8th of Jan uary as a suitable time fur nil thoso In terested to hold County Conventions throughout the United Stntes and elect Delegates to represent them fully In tho N. Y. National Convention above named. Ah this Is a very important matter I hope tho "prisoners of state" In Columbia, Luzorue, Clearfield nnd all other counties will at once appoint Jhelr meetings nnd take such steps as may secure the results proposed by Mr. Wright. As a patriot and a friend of law and order, nnd tho Constitutional rights of all, I do hereby respectfully request all Demociatic Editor to copy Mr. Wright's letter nnd speaU out iully on thissubject. Jusrici:. Tin: resolution offered In the Loui-1- ana Convention that "no legislative body hereafter, in General As-embly, shall havo power to amend or annul any article of this Constitution; nor shall they havo the right locall another Convention In this Statu before a period of seventy year?," touches the apex of absurdity. As well might an engineer rlvot down his safety-vnlvo and "re solve" that his boiler should not ex plodu. Nothing is more silly (silliest of ull in America) than for tiny legisla tive body to attempt to bind tho hands of Its successors. It Is very well fui the present generation in Louisiuna or else whore to mako rules for Ileclf ; but do they supposo they can discount and dis pose of tho wills of generations to come? Tho suiest way to invltoan explosion which will rend their worke.aunder.Isto attempt to niakelt Irrevocable. Thelong er ahead thetlme set for "amendment," thespeedler will that explosion come. In America, wo have no laws of Medes and Persians. A, y, 'Jtmtt. iNSTItUMcKTH KXQUIItl.NO STAMPS,.- Tho followlngaro tho Instruments to bo stamped, nnd the stamps to bo used In ordinary business trnnnictlnns: All notes and evidences nfdebt, flvo cents on crab UMJ; If under $100, flvo cents ; I f over 100, five cents on im-li ad ditional $100 or part thereof. All receipts for nny'nmount without limit for over $20, two cents; If 820 or under, nothing. All deeds nnd deeds of trust,flfty cents on each COO dollars in vnluo of the prop erty conveyed or tho nmount Accural ; when a deed of trust Is duly stamiied tho notes secured must not be, but they should bo Indorsed to show tho reason why. All appraisements of estates or of os trays, Uvo cents on each sheet or piece of paper. Affidavits of every dtscrlptlonnro ex empt from stamp duty. Acknowledgments to deeds etc., aro also exempt. Contracts and agreements, tlvo cents except for rents ; when for rent, tlftv cents for 300 dollnra, fifty cents for each 200 dollars or lees over 800 dollars. Any person Interested can nfllx and cancel thestamjxs. "Two klntUor money for two kinds of men" rags for tho aud gold for tho boiidluildcrs, Is, iays the New York Unald, tl CuuLcUU plunk ol lite Rad ical party, HOW THEY MANAGE. Tut: Tribune of Saturday denies that Mr. Greeley has declared that tho eourso pursued by tho Radical partisans In the Southern States, ifs exemplified In the action of the Alabama Convention, is calculated "to bring odium upon the Kcpuhllcnn party." So much thu worse for the gentleman In question. Wo ask his attention nnd that of his party friends to certain facts which nro trans, mlttcd to ns by n highly respectable citizen of Marlon Court Houe, South Carolina. At tho late election in thnt Statu fordclegatostouStato Convention, tho Radicals issued n number of ballots, of which ono lies before us. Very ap propriately, In view of tho events ol tho last six and a half years, It Is prin ted lu ret., and Is ill-figured by a picture (In tho Mime color) of tho Into lamented Lincoln. Under tho plcturo nrc the names of four candidates for delegates to the Convention which, out of respect to our readers, we refrain from printing. Tuo of ihnin aro thoso of negroes una ble to read; a third Is that of n negro who wo trust can read as our friend I slleuton the subject. Tho fourth name Is thntofa whlto man who Is now under In dictment for cow stealing, and Is to be tried therelor next March. If these nrc fair representatives of tho ltadlcal candidates for delegates to the Southern Stnto Conventions, (and from tho letters of ourcorrespondentsln Vir ginia, Alabama, nnd Louisiana, wt Judge that they are) It becomes a ser ious question forlhe people oftho whole country whether such conduct on tin part of the party lu power Is to be toler ated. In respect to South Carolina, particularly, n grave suspicion arise w bother In that Stato there has not been foul dealing. All tho early reports oi the late election there concurred In tin statement that the majority of votes cum were against holding a Convention, bin a few days later It was given out from Washington that it was thought thai alter all, the Convention project him not been dfeated, and next de.-patclnt from South Carolina began to re-eclu this opinion Like the dl-appcnruuci of cntsand dogs lu the vicinity of a sau sage lactory, mis may not prove any' thing, but It Is very su-qiidous, to sa the least. A". 1'. World. O.v tho 21st of September last, Gen. W. 1), Franklin wrote n letter to Gen. Grunt (Just now submitted totheltumi agreeably to n resolution of inquiry) in wiileh lio said: "During tho trial oi Gen. Fitz John Porter, I thought li proper to Inform Porter that Gens. J. F. Reynolds, Georgo 11. Thomas nnd myself, would, if requested, go befurt the Court nnd swear that we xcoulil not beticre I'unc or Roberts under outh." 1'orter would not allow them to do bu for fear of "Irritating the Court." Thio ls the samo Pope Gen. John Pope, "headquarters in tho saddle" who plays Satrap in the Third Military Dis trict, wlio holds tho negro unconstitu tioind conventions of Georgia, Alabami. and Florida In the hollow of his hand, nnd who is Idolized ly tho Radical lead ers with a fervor uiu-qualled only b.s that bestowed upon Sheridan, Sickle.- and Stanton, Pope Is tho beau ideal o. a hero, according to tho Radical idea. but as his military acts weru all failurer (like thoso of Uatler, another Radical hero,) thu inference Is self-evl dent that he is iircat patriot and lien Just because throo distinguished Gener alsof the army will not believe him upon oath. Tub Isii'CACitMKN-r Question. In tho House on Frldiy, Judge Woodward made a remarkable speech on tho sub Jectof Impeachment, during which hi indorsed Mr. Routwell's position thai the President wasamenabletolinpeach incut, oven if ho Is gailtle-s of crimes which would ronder him liablo to In dictment under tho statute. His main point was an argument that, Ina-much as tho laws of tho United States do not take eognlzmco of criminal m itters ex cept In cases of counterfeiting Govern uient monoy, and that Idiocy, imbf' cillty and other causes for removal which cannot bo clashed s high crime and misdemeanors, are not mentioned, thofrmnersof theConstltiitii'iididnot ii tend that it should bo necessary to fine an v civil officers irulllY of crimes knowi I In t Ik. .t.ifiiff l'ii h'tf.m lni'i.. ii'Iitn I. him. Tho speech was carefully prepar ed, and was road In Committed of tin Wholo whllo many of tho niembei. wero ub-ent, but the few who wero pros ent crowded thu nl-les lu tho vicinity o. Judgo Woodward and listened to bin eagerly. Oim Ui.riti:si:sTATivK i.v Cosoni Many persons have sneeringly re marked that Mercur, although a Judgt and magnate at home, on reaching Washing! nnr-nnk ton suitable level.and had no higher aspiration than to vote as Thail. Slevens dictates. We nro hap py to Miy thnt this is an erroneous opin ion. Day by day wohavu waded through the reports of Congressional proceed ings, nnd nt Inst have been rewarded b actually finding his name in print out sldo ot too yeui nnd nayi, it was a proud moment nml i-hows that his nc tlvo mind has found suitable employ mcnt. Wo annex the J'ress report : "Ciiuncit lN.oiti'oiiATi:i).-Mr. Mcr cur, from tlieCommlttee on tho District of Co uinbla. reported u bill to income rate tho Flist Presbyterian Church, oi . 1. 1 ,1 It MSJIIKglUU, Radical organ editors who wero so fiercely opposed to Judgo Shars wood be causo of his legal tender decision In the BorloTrottcase, should rend tho follow ing opinion from Judge Greeley, of the Tribune good Radical authority: "Le gal tenders are a 'forced loan' a sort ol legal robbery. They have no self-regu lating, expnnslvo aud contracting pow er, udaptcd to tho business wants of the community. Any paper currency, to deserve tho name, must be 1. Secured ; 2. Rcdccmublo. Greenbacks aro neither. They aro a standing advertlsment that the United States aro Insolvent. Thoy are depreciated Government lies." Ir anybody has doubts as to thu truth of the old adago that "a man who Is good at excuses Is genorally good at nothing else," tho adroitness with which Chief Justice Chase always presents n plausi ble reason for not presiding at tho trial of Mr. Jefferson Dava Is admirably calculated to dispel them. A dim. beforo thoTcnnrssco Legisla ture, to "Kncouragound protect Loyal ty," provides that it shall hereafter bo uu ofleuco for any person or family to nine it picture out tr. Du Is or General it, li. L in thUr podHMriou, CONGRESSIONAL SUMMARY. Dm 13. Too President sent to tho Senate yesterday a nies-ngo giving ids rea-oiis for tho suspension of tho Hon. E. M.'Stuilton, ns Secretary of War, nrtl inciziit or August last, a copy oi me mi'ssngo cannot bu procured for jiuljllcn ilon, nor was It rend lu open Senate, but the lollowlng, it Is believed, are the I'ssentlal points of the document. It will bo recollected that tho President irum considerations of a high charai'ter, requested Secretary Stanton to resign his office, and that Mr. Stanton, in re ply, quoting tho phrase of thu Presi dent, said that considerations of a high character nlono hail Introduced lilm to contlnuu nt thu head oftho Department mid constrained him not to resign the olllceof Secretary of War before the next meeting if Congress. This, (ho President says, was not merely a decli nation ofcoiiipllnuce with tho request I'nr his resignation, but was a defiance. Whatever propriety there might bu In the expressions of opinions to others, onu thing was certain, It was official misciiuduct, to say thu least of il, to parade them before his superior officer, and showed a want of proper dignity and respect for tho President. In nddl don to tho above recited ground of the Secretary why huilldnotreslgnhudenled thu President's right to remove 1 it in , hut thu President mys that under Mr. Stanton's senso of duty, ho could not refer to thu law creating tho War De part iient, for that confers on tho Presi dent thu right to remove tho heads of die departments. The only other law under which Mr. Stanton could plead extenuation of hs conduct, was that lu relation to the teiiure-of-olllce. Nothing in that law compelled him to remain lu office. Ho was free at any tlmo to re sign it. Tho teiiure-of.omee hill did not pas without notice. Uvery member of Cabinet was consulted upon the subject, mil particularly thu Attorney-General mil Mr. Stanton, the latter having for nierly held tho office. Mr. Stanton's ..oiidciniiation of thu law, the President -ays, was most elaborate and emphatic. Some reference Is made to the circum stances under which thu President re .allied his predecessor's Cabinet otfireis, ml di g.M''. Slautin,aiid he rcmarksas totl.eproposediuo tool reconstructing the jouuiern .-siiilcs, all thu members were n perfect accord with hlm-elf. Thu President after setting forth at length lis view of thu ca-e, assigns a special ;roiiud for tliesU-pcnslon ol Mr.Stantoii. a will bu recollected that during the .iiiiimerof lyJtlUeiicrnl Hair 1 telegraph d Irom New Orleans to the Secretary d War, that a convention was about to is-emlile,aud that the Ooveriiorand the ity autnrilies, thinking It was an un lawful iisseuilily, would break it up. t'he General a-ked lliuSccrctary of War iiir instructions, and to telegraph him it once. Mr. Stanton did not, however, ivo General lialrd tho desired orders, ,ior did ho communicate the fact or the .vecption of thu dispatch to tho Pies! lent, wlio knew nothing of its existence until ten days after it camo Into Mr. otnuton's hands, and not until niter the riot had occurred. Tho President, theic ,'ure, takes the ground that Mr. Stanton mis responsible for delinquency, nnd that if he, tho President, had known .hat General ii.iliil hud sought advice, .ho riot might have been prevented, t'he President holds that, so far as the public intere-ts aro concerned, tliero Is ao cause to regret the removal of Mr. Stanton, for the present Secretary ol Var nil interim has, by his measures ol coiiomy, saved a million of dollars to .ho government. In the house .Mr. Mayn ird offered a csolutiou instructlngthcCuuimittcu on Foreign Affairs to Inquire into thu ex iiedioucy ol selecting diplomatic and consular representatives to llayti, Lib eria and other parts of Alriea, from colored American citizens. .Mr. Chaulei moved to lay the resolution on the able, but the House refused yens 03, nays 77. Thu resolution was then with drawn. Dm 11. In thu Sonnto yesterday, dioCoinmlttceon Territories reported u olll relativeto affairs in Ulah. Among other things it provides that marriages dial! only hu solemnize. 1 by regularly elected and qualified law officers or reg uliirly ordained ministers of the Gospel, Polyga'ny is positively prohibited, and marriages within certain degrees of coii'.anguluity aro declared Incestuous and void, and persons entering into such marriages to be liablo to severe penalties. The bill exempting cotton from taxes was called up, and after n nrief debatu Its further consideration posponed until Monday. Tho House nil! giving to tho families of deceased soldiers the bounties to which such sol diers weru entitled nt tho time of their death was passed. Tho HoiisO resolu tion providing for tin adjournment of uoin itoususirom ino jin insi. to Jan. U. was passed after some debate. In the House, yesterday, n petition from tho Society of Friends was presen icd praying for pciicu witli thu Indians and lor tho pas-nguof lust laws for their protection. Several bills and renolu .ions weru presented and referred, after which thu House went into Committee ol the Whole on theStutuof the Union. Debatu upon thu Into impeachment pro icct occupied the time until 1 o'clock, when thu Hqu-u adjourned. Dm 17th A hill was Introduced lu iho Senatu yesterday to reorganiz.i the Department ot Statu. A bill providing mr tho Reorganization of the Foreign Servlie was Introduced and referred. 1'hu Semite took up thu bill to repeal the nix on cotton grown after 1MJ7. A lengthy debate followed, but without inking deliiiito action the Senate ad journed. lu the House a resolution reciting that thu Piesidctit had, In ids recent mes-age, recommended thu repeal oi the Itecoiistruction nets, unit declining that thu lioiisu would uuver taku n letrogado oteii trom Its position in regard to equal i lglns, was passed by a strictly puny vole yeas 111, nays 32. Mr. Duller asked to Imvo thu rules suspended lu enable him to introduce n hill providing that nil Governmei.t in debtedness shall bu paid where pay ment in gold was distinctly specified, ihu payment to bo made uicorillugly ; but in all cases where gold is not men tioned thu debt to bu paid In lawful money. Thu ilouso relu-ed by a vote yeas 65, nays bJ, to suspend tho rules. A proposition was ugrted to lucreas li g by ui per cent, tno salaries ol all employees in thu service of tho Gov ernment wlio aru now receiving less than J,oou pur year, thu Increase to lakutliect Irom the iXlth ol last June, and to continue lur ono year. Tho 'illl was then on motion laid on thu table, hut subsequently it was taken up, ihu amendment Increasing silarlesstrlcken out, aud u bill passed. Thu House, ut ter having refusid to consider a rieuiu tlun looking to tho reduction o'l the (uy ot lis members, adjourned. Dec. 18 In thu Suuutu yesterday, Mr. tohermun reported from tho Finance Commltteo a bill lor thu funding of tho national debt nnd thu conversion oi United States notes. A resolution cull ing lor iulormuilou as to tho aggregate cost to the United Stales, since June !, lbOS, ol tho frecdmeu, with thu cost oi thu Nreeduieu's liureuu unci of th.t measures tor reconstruction was laid over. A discussion then occurred upon tho pending bill for the repeal of the cotton tax. In the House, Mr. Steven, of Penti HylvunlH, asked uiiammuus consent to report irom tho Recunstruetloii Com mittee u bill relating to tho reconstruc tion uftioutherii territory. The bill was read lor liiionnatlon. Tho first section muddles thu Reconstruction net. mi that u blmpie majority of votes cast lor or ugidiist thu constitution may idUrui or reject buch constitution. A debate ensued upon n resolution of Mr. Thomas, Irom thu Judiciary Coiumltlev, author izing the Committee lo contlnuu tho lu. qulry concerning public alUlrs in Mury- muu, wiiu an uiu powers mm authority given lu the Committee on that sub- jeet by tho orders and resolutions adopt ed by tho House. 1'UIS Yl I Mr loll illvorn, rnwi uniwu- w vlfcb uutly a ton. Imi'oiitant to SKATi:its.--The Rend ing Dhpatch says, In view of tho up prnacli of thoslcatlug season, the follow Jug may save our friends who Indulge lu the recreation of skating, no small amount of discomfort. "Dcforo start ing on thu Ice, batho your feet In cold water, dry them perfectly and glvo them a good rubbing with u crush towel, put on n pair of woolen or heavy cotton stockings mid your feet will remain coiiifortubly warm for threoor four hours lu tho coldest weather. Pitorosr.o KUMOVAt. ok Gknmiuai. I'ol'i:. it Is currently reported that tho President will shortly relievo General Pope of thu command of thu Third Military District, and assign General George G. Meadu lo that position. Gene ral Meade Is now In tlieclty,aiid has re cently hud several interviews with tho President- Pope's administration mt allalrs has given great dissatisfaction, and his removal seems to undetermined upon by tho Executive. Tin: Democracy of Ohio aro to meet In State Convention on the 8th of Janu ary, to select candidates forStnto officers and appoint delegates to tho National Convention, to mako n Presidential nominee. Market Iliport. Wlient prr linilicl Ityo c.irn " KlounH.T lnrri'l Clovcrsml.... l-'lilXHcrd llilIRT 'ten' I allow , l'ultll(KH f Itrleil AppU'H h I'irk Ilum , , SMen ana HhnuMi-r !.aril per kuih! Ituy per ton , I.U.MllKlt. Hemlock llnrmw j, r tlinutmna fert I'llia " " " om- Inch)- .loWi.rantlliiK, I'lank, (lli-inl(K'k) Hlunntci, No, I per UioiisaiuU siiiinB " n. r.7.77.7..'r.'. , it a. . i -i . i in . II a) . tt oi . : oa !2S ii , l in o Ol ii ii . IS Ul , Sin on ., 1-nJ" II ll . K (HP ,.. 7 lJ ,. IS (XI I'lillniUI,hla Market. Tiii'ksuay, Irtceobsr 19 1M7. Ki.ocn .N'orllinrstcm tURrflueiU ST.OQ 8.09 Snrtltwt'tti-rn i'llia .6V0 d.iaj North wi'sti'i ii ritmlly I'J.'XKqai.oo I't'tm-i Ivalila ami Wi-nturn HupcrUiia... 7,ri0.i IVim-ylvauU atil Wimiltii exlm S.ftJ4glo,uj I't-uiisylMiiuti ana Wi-fctern rumlly .U.uuu41&i IVimsylvauLiaml Wcstim fancy !.1.0O('dll.(fi It) ii Hour 7 -WW187-, wheat IViins) Ivatila red, ? law S'2 lm!2..; HiMllllull i.WW-'.To CallloiuM " " f.'I.Jl ' white " S.UVtS!.lu ItVE l'i iiMylvanl.i ryo, Vous fl(il.74 lou.N Yellow, 1..1l.itl.M 'Chile, " il.3nitl.2l Oats- f ais "JcrttT.V I'uoVls.oNS Mffcs Pork, 1 libl SJJ..10 Ml'SH llM't, " Kl.'I lirpsscd Iton, V ts I't-i-yL Uniokca II.uu, "'s? HIloulilcM-ftU) ir.'c(o)llc l4iril,ylt iiV'41.o,'c Sr.iais rloverseea 'riltus 7.W-.t .) TlmulliyM-t-a V lais $.(1 ri.ixsii-a " !il"iiii OATTIE liter CatlloVB' H4Vf Cowm, rf. hcail H-iv't SIIKKI' V ft I1TJ.V Mods v imi r.s JS..V)(v'jlo.i:i MARRIED. WITCHY-llUTI-H-Af lli iculilcncoof tin bruin on tho lot Ii tiiHt.. by Allen Mann. IU11., Jwlin Wltchy, or Itoarin'i Creek, to Mrx. t'hrl .tlitiift UuUtj.or IK aver Vuiley. lli:UMAN--l'0-rs-Oiithr9lhuUBtlli-I.iidii-ran I'alhonili-c, 111 Peru Irk, hv Kev. W. II. l-'o.x, Mr. MIiin lleiinan itua Mis, .Mury i'otts hotii uf Celltlu low lathlp. Oil. C'u. la. AltNKIl WUI.SII.-Onthf Sihlnst. Bt the knmu plaie, hy the same, Mr. Hiram Arntr,oi Ne-eo-peck, atal MIhs isalla tU Welsh, of tsugurluat lowu.lilp, I.uzeruu Couniy, I'a. DIXO.S'O-rtOOD On tllff c.r November, liy Itev. M. l, Cr.Jit.v ill'-, J.flin H. peLoiiK to itlsa Iivina UoikI, all or Luzerne county. MOs.S-I)AVi:NTonTOii the 1'ith of Ureemlicr. Iiv Ue. M. T. Crofthwilltu. Dver l Moi-, of Mrs, Martha Davenport, of l'lyinoutll. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J OST. in 'lupsny, ppcrmbpr 10th, IVj7, on tho roml l)fturen IHoornhutK mul I -rnmit'Vlllr, a Titin Hook about nix or vinht liichfx limn, boutiil In hlack, cotilnlninu Ktmw iirvonnli,iiJ two iioIoh HniminllnK to Sivi. ! i Vk IMH.LAUH Itt-wnnl is i.nVrnl fur the hiTo rtturn of tlit iiook mut lu A spIjKNdid ciianci:, Tlio nnderslcn-fil.ik'Mlrlnc to rctlrn from tinsl- HP-.M, wimit' unh unco to ih public thnt they will (lhMe, at prlvitto walo of their entire Hlock nf ifomU. (CfpnHUtlni; miihili of hurtlwnrf.1 mid nlso tliH lnmtier nl itttnti heil to thelrHtore. The stock lms been well wlertptl, ami with special ri'fercnro to the wiintu uf the coinmunltv, uml IliHRtnnd In nn oi tml well estntilUhed nnr. Tho property In which the Ktore l, can be nun triu or ipdipu. Appiv in or utitirrKs, KNITTM5. A (lAHLi:. cr3.67-Ct CcntrnllaColuinbl Cotint, Ta. A UDITOU'S NOTCK. rotmnhlarountv, m.: In the Orphans' Court of mU Umnlyj In liie nmtterofthe iRtnteof Prt vl I llpftthllne, ilppt-ftHi-fl.on motion of Mr. Clark, 1!. II, (Jttle Is nppolntcu Auditor to make illhtrl but tun. Ily the Court; from the rfcrd. Decern berd, WIT. JIHK ( OM:MAN, Cletk. Thu utnicrHljiiicd will nttpud to theilutlcn of hU nnpoinitupiit nt nw oiuce in inoonntmru, on tho Till iUvoi January. A.I. l6-, ut JoVlo k p. in., nt which time imd place fill pnrth"t IntereultHl II'M IK1, ,. JI, Ijli llll,, IhpJV. AtuMtor, M KUIDEX cuti.i:hy company lunufaclurcrn of Tublo Cutlerv. of i van, i ory, 11 trn, lioue, l .bouy and ( neon Hun iVe, Also, excluKlve Munufacturetwof tho iati:nt HAitu nritmiit iiakulk, whlc'i Ir tlm most rfurnhle humlh' ever known, It it much let expensive tlmn Ivory, it huh x letulns Us poll nil wlipn In lib. Ills win ranted not to U-vomo loohe In the him ill.'. It Is Hot nflt'Ptpd bv hnt WAtpr. I'nr wile by nil the principal dtnlcrs In Cutler iiiniiiiiuiu Hit i iiiit ii iHii't. linn nv me mi;iudi:n LiJiLiatY co.. Pccf.OT-lm .New York, WITH Till: CAT OUT CURIUO.V tratciiied iWceinbi-r nth, ISwJ.j And acknoHleiljifd by pintnenl pl.iyer to bt the hi'hl in uhu, hend lor 0 Kcrlptlvu rlreular. KAVA.NAtiH A. IUXKKlt. Corner Cunal una t entre hih., $, Y. I):20,7-.'lm priJLIC SALE OF VALUABLE IIL'AL ITATC In purhunnce of uu order of the Orphan's Court of Columbia County, Va on hA I llhl V Y, the 11th day of JANU 11Y next, nf 1U o'rhuk in the. toreuoon. Levi VrlKht, Kunrdiun of tho iterMiin aud rbtatt'tt of Ut-nville K. IV. Ik ltd Harnh i:ilm bpth 1'Vtlk, minor t hlltln u of lU-nvlllo Folk, lute of Hemlock Tiwnclp, lu mild county, UiTpntcl, will expoHt) to Mule, by pubilo endue, on the treuil-et, u certain meHNUuue, Iioum uud lot, uundel mill deMeilhed hh iUuwh, to will on the nortii by inutu roud nhleh luuli throuuh Ihu-k-horn, on the i l by n lot of William 'Leldv, in ltuckhoin, on the Houth by land or John Aple man, nnd on too north bv lot of John Merrill coirniniug about one half acre, more or 1pm, whereon u ciottod t& tvio-fctory iiumu ilweJUng 1 1 ute. Late tho rutato nf tald tleoeaaotl. iitUKt In Iho tuwukhlp ot llt'iulock. nnd county Hfireald. JI.HHF LOM.MAN, Clerk. IHooniitturtt, Pee, 1W, lvi7. Ternmof bale will be publUhed en day of taU LllVI WUlOUTH, (luardla. p U IJ L I C S A h K OF VALUAI1LK HK A U HHTATi:. In purfciiance of an order of the Orphan' Court of Columbia County. I'a., on MA I UHl'AY, the lsth day of JANUAHV next, nt 10 oVlm-k lu the forenoon, John Michael, admlnlHtrator of Jacob nrnri, ihiu in iirver luwnnmp, in itniu i'tiiuy, decened, will expose to bale, by publio vendue, on the premUetj, a certain farm or meKHuage, bounded and derrlbed wit; nn the north uml cant by land lately of Henry Ilobh r, on the Nottth by land of I hnrlra Mlrhael, on thu v, put by lnndn of Dantrl HttiBlev and Daulel Iter inner, eoutaliiliiu about HIXTV AOKLH, mure, or lei, with theuppurtcnuncen. iJiteiheeniutHof tatd dcpah(Ml, Hltunte In the toHtntlilpof I leaver, and count v tif.irpnald. JI:nhi; COLKMAN, Cloik, llloonmhuric, Dec. 'Jt), iMff, TKHMH OF HAI,i;.-An amount uClcltnt to riajr the eoiu at the Htrlklnie dowu nf the projter y. An amount nutUcleut to pay all moritnge or Judgctm at llcuaou fcald proM-rty at etiiitlrinutloii ubHolute; twu.iblrtbj of the balance lu one yrr and tho ri iuaiuJng oup third Of bald baiam-eal the death of tlie widow. The lat two payment with tiielr lutereut payubU antiuoJIyfrom (Mntlnu tiou nf if lo btt HiXHtred by bond and murtKaae on thuprtmUt. JUIIN MKHAM.. AduiiuUtrator. G JITTKLlS LIVING AUK. nan nnd execution commended by Justice Htory, Chancellor Kent, President Adnmut Histn rlnm Hp rkn. l'respott, llancrort, mil TUknorj itev, llrury v, Ileecher, and many other". ' Jt had been publlRhtil for tnore than twenty yetvrt mul it now entaiKed. It U Ixtued KVKUY HATUHDAY. gtvthtf firtytwo iitimbeMand over Three Thrum nnd double octavo piiyea of rciJlng inaltpr, early, . . Uli a work which commendi ItieH to every one who ham tuale for the bet llteraiure of the MnKiirhicftud lU-vlewa, or who tare to keep up wltn the event of the lime. It contain. lhelent Itpvlewii,CrltlclMn,HtnrlcM t'optry, Llterary,HPieii(ltlc, lliovtraphlcal, Histor ical. ami Political lsayn irotn the whole btnly or ItnifllMi Periodical Lltci'atiire-maklnu! four volumes a year, of tmtnedlatu lutuetit, tind fcolld lnuaiicnt value, IJXTHACTH rilOM NOTICIW. Prom tho late Prcnldent or the Untteil Htates, John Uujuey Adams. "Of all tho pel todlcalH de Votml tnllteralure and science, uhlrh abound lu Kurope and thU country, ho Living Atfu'1 has aipearetl to me tho most upful." Vinm HeV. Henry Ward ltcciher. May Wi;. "Were 1, in view of alt tlie compptltors now in tin Held, to choose. I should undoubtedly ehoow "1 he MvinK Ako." Tiieie In nut, In any library 1 know much Instructive and i ntcrtalnlui; read lux in the name number uf ohimpa." Prom the New York Times. "Ihe taMe,JudK mcnt, and wlso tact displayed In the Kclpctioii d article nro above all praUo, lKcnusc they hae never been equalled." I'rom tho rSprliiKlleld (Mass) Itepubllean. ' v e ran do those nmoiiic our readers who love Round ntd pure literature uo better hervlce limn by referring them to this KterlliiK weekly Itli de eldpdlythe best mitgii7lue oi Us tas luibllshed lu the United .states, If not lu the world." From the llostou post. "We vtiituie to mu that lu no olhcrpirm can a work of hlmllar char neter Im found ol crjual merit, or nt o mudcr ate a price," Prom the Church tnlon, .Vor ork, Ann. 10, li7. "Its editorial dlscrimliiatloti Is Mich as ever tontrord ltn readers an entertaining icsumu oi the bcHt current i;uioinati niKKazlue literature, and no complete ns to wallsfy them of their hav ItiKnoueedto resort to its nrhtlnal won net. In this regard we deem it the beat issue or Us kind extant," From tho Jsow orlt Independflit, "No one can read, from wick to wtek, the nclectloiis brought before him lu the " Mvnm Ae," without iK'comlnK conscious of n qulikcnlnn uf his own faculties, and an enlargement ot his menial hor l.on. FewpiUale libraries, or eoitrte, can now iseciirn the back volum, M'lsof which are limit edaud costly. Put public libraries in towns and II lores otiuht. if tKisfiblu. to iu fuiiilsheil with Mich a In asur of good read i tot; nnd lullldu.tls mav ocKiuns Minscriners i.r me new kcih-h, uiim thim keep pace lu fultiru with IheaKulu which the live." I-rout tho Richmond Wide, June I. 1m7. 1 1 u man were to lead l.lttelt'a m n izilie reulllarh and rea 1 nothliiK else, he would no well Informed on all prominent umijccis in ine general nem in liillimn klmwlede,' From tho Illinois Htute Journal, Ati'X. Il has iroro real solid wm Hi, mure Useful informa tion, than any Hlmllar publication wu know m, The ablest (ssa. h, tho most eutirhiliiliu stories, the llnest pctiry of the i:nnllsli lauguaye, an liero ti it lu red together," Piom the New York Home Journal. June II 1W7. '"LUt I I'm LlvlUH Ae, loll distlliKUlsIhil n n pmnet r in ine icpuunciiion oi uipen.on's foreUn h rhHlical literature, still holils Hm loie most rank nmoiuf works uf Its ila-s. Its utand nrd of selections U a hiKh uui i on I lis eouteti i nre not only nf litter st ut the present moment Imi luwii'iuiw mi iidnrlmr vnhie. ILm ii nit-it'Mlii Honor thefoieiKU Held ut perlodlatl liieraluie Is umpiP nuu compreiieuive, uuu ii uoniuitii'i 1 1 it tuntwtul and erudite, the romantic and piactlcai, tbosocUU aud Hcholarly, the gruve aud hv, with nhkdl wnleU la nowhere aurpuMxl, aim witl-h Is admirably suited to plmse Hie cultivated leader," From too Pruteslant i.hurchman, Juuo Tit iSu,, "Am and life iviu adke ltscnaraclerw lea, It lt llnketl with our memory of the old library ai home, and It kpcuis to ur iw ireihii and ln'Ui r ii' it g ows o e In ye rs O i e tntn d i o 1 do the fumtly ciivu', li ( wm bo ill p.-i.ivd wlio, nnd tho bound olum'son tl.u hhrary shite will HUpply a tons taut feast lu j ems to come. From u LlciKMuun lu Massachusetts, uf much llteiary ceiebiit, "In the loimutlcu of m mind nml diameter, I owe us much lo "tin Llri a Ago" ail to all otlur iiieasn ul edueatlut. put toKi-Ihev." Published WKI.KLY, nt $Sn year, fieo ot post ure. An exlm number scut i;rat s lo tiny um ueitlint uini elubwi kcven new Mibseribers. AdUlvu Liri'l'.LLA HAY 30 Itromtield mu el, ltotoii. 1)11. WItTAH'rt HALS AM OF W1LH LlUailt . Where this article is kuown it is u word ol Mip enroKiitlou to i.ay ono woul Inltsf.wor, sow el Is it ehtabllhhed ns nn unialtinu remedy lor Coughs, Colds, llronchltls, Cr up, Whooplny Cough, Asthma, dhcustu uf the tin oat, chest, ami lull);, as well as that must dreaded or all dlseast s, Consumtdlou, which ' high medical nuthorlt) has pro.iouuccdtobu nn lucurnbleiltKcase, Thosi who hae used thisiemedy know its value; those whohaonot have but tuinaUea muIo trial to be hatlslled that this Is THK iit.MhliV. Thu llev. Jacob jsechler. well known nnd much lchpeitcd amona the Ucrmau popiualloii ol iiiif couairy, wrucs us ijiiowh; Haovkr, Pa., Ptb. 10, ISjD. B. W. Fowlk A Hon, noston : Dcau ftiits llaviiiK realised in my family im-p-iiunt benellu irum the tuo ut uui' auiabie preparation WiarAit's Uausamuk Wildluku uv it iilluldsnie pleasure lo l iiumiucnd It to tlu jut bile. Honieeiahl y eais aj(ouno ot ni dauli Krs f.ciincd to bu iua decline, did Utile lionet lot her recovery were entertauu-d. I then prucuied u bottle ui jour excelknt llalsam, and beioit she, had tnktu the wlioluit itiiuio was a meal improvement lu h-r health, 1, lu my nidi- muai cae, m.tuo iriqueui uic oi jmu amaoiv medicine, aud iiavo ui ..u been neueilii-d ny It. I would, howt er. caution thu nubile auaiust im ixtsillon, because tlieio is a nood deal oi cpuriutu wisiars jut lea ni oi im ciieny nuoai uiroui uut the country. JAi Oil rsKCIII.I.u. Nunc Keuuiuo uiiIchs Nlmd "I, liUll" u thu wiamnrr. Prepareil by Him I W. POWLII A SdN, is Tremotil Htrcet, Huston, aud lor bale h) druyisU generally . OiiACfc's cf.lkiiihteii halm:. Fro Mr, Jas. Curlln.uf Auietibury, Mtibh. "I was ullluted withn huvere felon on ono o my tlutjeiN, ami tried inuv it modus wllbout reilei. llv lileints induced me lo annlv .oui Salve. lu two ihijh it extracted the Inll.iiumation fiom my tinker mi us to enable me lo n Mime in) work. I tun ulmont miv that the Salu worhio Ilka magic, for it ellVcted a mm without lea in. a scar, i uunesiiatingiy pronounce uiace s riui nn excellent reiutd iitnldoiiut doubt It will be appreciated inrouguoui ine iiinu, ONLY i- ci:ntw a nox. HLTII W I OWMJ & HON, ItoMon, Propiletorn, hold by apothecaries nnd KioeeiH generally. MOTIC'K Ix"lLVUvlfu"l,fcY, This Is toglve notice: That on the 211 day ol .oemoer, a. D. i, a iuiiiaiupic tit Itloomsburg. lu tho i ounty ot Columbl.i, amf tstaie oi reiiut ivunia, m no uas oeeu aujiuien n llankrupt on his own petition ; that thep,i mcnt M ma ot i'h it im. ni no ry oi any pio)(ii,v ne hiiitflnn to Mich llaukiupi, to him, or lor his use mul ili 1 1 ntis er ol anv monei tv tiv blm are fin blildfii bv law : that n nicetlm: of the Cit dilorsid the Hald Hanki upt, to piovt Ihtlr debit, and to enooHP one or more uskikui enoi nis imiiii- wm be held at il unit of Itaukrilplcy. to be hidden nl tho Kxchanxe HoIpI lu Itloomshuii;, i o uuihhi ( ounty, Pciius)lnnlj, befoie IMwanl ovirluii, jr., uemsiei, on uie 10 oaj ui January, a. n, istA at v'o'i loch' p. m. THOMAS A. ltoWl.l'.Y, U.H. Mar-hrJ. Ily K. II, Cuoi.iArun, Deputy. Pee, G'GMt, N1 OTK'l-: IN HANKUUPTCY. 1 tils is loirUe notlee : tliat on the '.'1st dav of oemoer( a. ii. im. , u warraui in ii.inKrupie was Isiiiiil aaalnM the estate of Joslah It. liof miii, ol the llorotuh of llerwkk in the county il Coliitnbia, and Mate of 1 enm. I vitntit, who has iH'i'ii iifijiiKun ii it.muiupi on uit own peiiiiou ; thnt 1 lie iiavmciit of unv delils iiiid deliviiv il any property betonffiu'i; lo Midi It.iukrupt, tu mm, ur nr um uu-. mm i in- liiiiim r "i liny pi op rrty by him niefoihlddeu by law; th ita meu -iniz of the Crfilitors of the mi Id II inkruht.toi.rovu thelrdcbts, nnd to chouse one or moio asslnneis oi ms en ate, win no noui ai u uuut id iianuiupi evdobe holiien at tho l'.t Iihiil-p Uuu I. In lllnoms. Iiiit i. Cfdiimtila eountx. l't nii Ivmila. belore I M ward Overton, J r KeuUter, on thu Hit day uf January, a. i. iu ui z o cum k p. in, TllttMAM A. HOU ,YV , IJ, H. Marshal. D.x ti'OT.u, liy if, ii.tooiJiArun, Deputy. IX TIIK OHIMIANS' COUItT OK .J. nil; OOUNTY OF CiiLUMHIA, IMate uf .juhi pit I'axton, late oft atawlssa township, tie reait"d, 'ihe uu lerslgned, Amlllor appolnied hy the Oii'lmns' Ct.uit ot Columbia Count), lu re port distribution of iho nuiance in the hands oi Geurtie IIuIiph. John Mmrpleis mid Lloyd Pax ton. Administrator of Jom j Ii Paxton, dectaseil, will meet the parties InleieM'id, lor the puipose, of his appfilntiiieiit, nt his ullhe, In Itlttoiukiaiig, In Mild (ounty,, on 1 hurkdaj , Hie 'Sid day ol Jan unry. a, n ,lift, nt M o'clock a, m., of that day, All the initios InteiCM'td are itauested to at tendon ilmt day or be forecr debaired from coming In for a pnit fir hluue of mid fund, C. II. HltOtUWAY, Auditor, Kloonisburn, Dec. tJ, inti.-lt, TX TIIK OI11MIANS' COURT OF X t OLUMHIA COtl.NTY, In Iho matter of the inquisition uml vnluallou ot tho real estate ol Oeurice Mcl.wtn, hue ot (Ireuiwnod lowiuhlp, Columbia county, dee'd. And now to wlti Ikv t ember -Ith, 1MJ7, on motion of W, (J, Hutley, the Court grant a rule on Daniel McKw en, O urueMe Kweii, William F. McKwtu, Henry I, .Mcl.wcii, Matilda Irvlu late Matlhla IxLuen, Amanda Ilnman late Amanda Mclweu, children and hens of (It oice Md.weii, dmOHtsl to npptarat an Oiphans t ouit to Ik held nt ItloomMmig. lu and for said county, on Ihe tlr.t Monday or 1 eb ruary, a. v, 1ms, nml uciept or itfiifo the Mild en. tate nt (he aluatiou orshow cause why !., h. the Mime tdiould not b Mdd. Certllhsl s yw i from theieeords I ipi ember -I, lwi7. JLhHi; tOLLMAN, Clk.O. C, Deeimherfl. IW. QOX V K Ci T 1 O X K It Y . 'Ihe imdendencd would reMicitfuily nuuotincti to the public that ho taut ojh ind a FIUHT-CLAKS CONFlXTIONLUY HTOUU, in thebulIdinK lately occtipiisl by lleinard Htoh. ncr, whe e he lu prtpartsl to furnlkh nil kinds of PLAIN A FANCY CANPILH, niKNCH CAN PI KM, Foiti:uiN it iK)MrHTicrminH, NUl'H, UAIHINH, 4C4C,, AC. D Y wjiolkmai.k on jiktaii., In Hhort, a full nsurtinent of ull Rood In ul lino of butdiuHif. A great vurlety ut HO I X.N, TOYH, ttc, suitable for the llolldayd, Purllcular attention given lu IIUHA I) AND 0 A K K B, of all kinds, frenh every day, C HH I H T M A H C A N D I P, H, CIIIHTM AH TOYH. A call Is hollcltml. and K&tLifiuitlon ulll Im Suuruutced, Nov.U lsff7, IX'UIIAUT JAOOHSI. lAt (JnrminU nnulo In tlioUtwet And L lllOut iinnnivtal ulvln nl II1VUI11 ul luij Cl&tUilil MtOrV. MfBl, SciKXTine ami:ui('an POII l8 I no if cm e.i per in i lie worm, ruin nueti ior Bciir It it (juiinrof iiCiuiury, I his M'dfiidid liewo.(nei . utealle i o hi rued uini lmiio(d, Is one id thu most it Ha de, neiul, ntid Inteiesiiim jiturn.ils cu-r puollsheil. Kcrv number U beaiiulully printed and eleuautlyll lUitr tied with hp vend orUdial UtfitiVliiKs.repre M'lilliitf .New IUtentloiis,.of Uleit lu Meihanlcx, AKrhuiiiiie, L'hfin.htiv, I hotoginphy, MniiUluc luief, i liltu t-rliin. Hi leiH'i an t Ail. ha liner , Meihuiilcs, Inveiitois, PtuitHrrs, Cheiulsl", Maunf icttirers. people liiewry piofe Mou of lite, will 11 IM the Hi leutillc American In be of Krent Millie 111 their lepcile cuIHukn. Its tonuses and MiKKeMlloits will ae hundreds of dollars iiunuali), besides nirurdltitf them a continual kounu of knowledge, the value of which Is beyond peuinlary iMimnte. All pat ents granted, with tho claiius.publlshed weekly. L,ery pumie or private iiorar) mioumi nine ine wotk boiin I and prtserveil tor rcfeirm e. The yearly nuiiibersor the Mclrnlllle American make a stile tnl Id olntnn of near I v one ihous md iUiilo pnes, efpilvaient lo nearly four thousand iriinitir.v ikhik paKes. a iivw viiiniiin comiiienc isJailliarv lKt.lssi. Publliibeil Weekiv. TerniH! One Ici.r.f t; llatMeai, 91iUi Clubs of Ten Cop- ips tor tine i ear, Hpecimen eopics sent grat is. Addreis, MI'.N.N CO., U7 Park How, New urk, Tho liuhllnhcrs of Ihe Heleutltle American. In eonueilloii wllh the ptibllcall li of thu paper, niiM' ticii'it ns "MOdioi Km p.ucins mr i weuiy l w o Tlilrlf I litiiitmnd 11 ti.l .fiit Imi u i.xw i,IiiIm have Ins n made tiirouuh their agency. Mote iuhii one nuiiureii iiiuu.iii'i inveiliots nau soimht Ihe counsel of the Proprietors of ihe Hcl entitle American loiicrrnhitt (hnir Inventions, ronsiiltalloiis and advice to inventor, bv mall, tree. Pamphlets concerning Patent Laws or nil countries, tree. A huiidMiiucIlound Volume, containing l.i l me chanical engravings, and Die united Muie tvn us by Counties, with hints and ittclpts tor Me thinlcs, mailed on reiclpt of Twenty-Five Cents. II KAIJIXG UA1LHOAD. 'INTi:il AltltANOLMnVT. NOV. 23 167. (Ire.U iiunk Lino ln.m Ihe Norih nnd soilh West lor Pliiladclphla,.Nuw York, Iteuolnu.I'utlM vihe. Tani iniia, shluiid, Lebanon, AlniiPiwn, Kustun, i.phiuin, l.itlz, Lancaster, Columbia, Ae. trains leave Hariisimig lorNew oik, ns ud .owsi At I'Vt'io.J.jiind M-tn. in,, and 2, A and i.iii.,euumciiug wltn ttiinilar trains on i j I Vim .iyiv.iiiia itallioad.iiu i iiriivnig nt New YoiK n ,itj, and II, kj a. m., and .1.10 nml iifti p.m l.ep.llg tuts iiieompmiying thu 3,tiu u.m. an. j, ti p.m. trains without etiau e. laave HaiTisburgior Heading, pottsv lite, Ta .tiaipia, MluerKVllle.Ashtund, PinoOrove. Allt n own and l'niladclphl.i ut V) u.m., ami 'J.n-"i am i.iu p.m., flopping at lahan-dt and principal wa hilious; ihu I, lu p.m. milclug eontieclioiM lot t Int. me 1'liiu and . ohoiiiiini.nif. r.Lr iv.n-viii. seuuytKiu Haven uml Auburn, via chuyikdl ..... .-,.-..,.., .,,, milium, iene iiarrioiirg in ,. p.m. Iteiuinlngi l-ave New Vorlt ut VM a im. nnd Ll.nnu ,liUdu,(Muud liil iMii Phil.tdel th.a nte.iv ii.iii.. nnd A:v) p.m. nv p,iHsemri iiuin caves i i iiiNii iin ihvliki,, .-..,,.... ;... rum Hieadiugtii i,-lop,m Ktouplng'utVtll dutl-ii- ..iiiiiiul l.,lJno..n,aiid 'J,Wip.iii., Tuniaqtiu at .Mt ti. ii), and l.iuand s.t p, m. Iamvo Poitsville lor iliiisiriairg, via -chin iklu " ""s 'lueuunna uauioud nt T.l'lu.iii. and I'D lOHIIl. Ue.vdhig Aceoiumslatlon Train leives Itendliij. at7,.ila.m.,ietiirning from Phlladelphln ut 4,is ,.m. Pottslown Aeeommodallon Train leaves Potts town ut ii, Li a.m.,, n turning, leaves Phll.nlelphh itU.INIp.lll. Columbia Killroad Trains have ltftidlng nl "i t p.m. ior i.putuia, mi, l .il In. as .er, i oluinola, Ac.. UllMUlldais. leave New Vmli nl ft ail i. m IMitl delphltty'J u.m, nnd t, I') p.m., thewnua.m. train i milling unlv to Uciitliug: Pidtsvllle son u.m., ilurrisuurg u.m. and i.l.i and v,Vt ).m., aim Iteudltnt at l.uu uml 7,ln.m. for Ilnrrlsburu.nmi u m., uuu ii.w p.m. lur vv Vorli, nnd ),- ii, in. Ior Plilladelplihi. Commula.lon, MllenKe,Hpnson,ftohoolnnd tlx lurhtou tickets loiiud lioin alt points, nt reduct i. i'a lc.s, litiL'Knge checla d through; li)N)undsnl lowed It inch p:vheiiger. f.. A. Nimi L4, (h ncral Huperlntetidi. nt. HeadhiR, Pa., Nov. il, I M7. jj n i i:Ttsi lirms" viuw i mXi II-s Just rcci ived n Winter's Mo k ol pure dupos, ciikmicai.s, pai i:nt mi;uicini Paints, Oil-, Colors, Varnishes, !cMuirt WINDOW-OLA, LAMPS, CllANIHiLIIMtN, I.ANTLIiNS, SOAP, PLltFUMLUY, TOILUr AND PAN'CY AUTICLP.-whi.-h nre being t-old al aitnttlshliigly low prlreh l'LAHTLIl PAltlH AND SILVKU HAM i mi.mtltles to suit purchasers. UKNDP.ItHHOl-r'H ItAIA.M of IIOlinilOUNL lur Citi)is nnd Colds. IIAIH TONIC, Por promoting the growth of the lUlr, c a m v ho it ion, Por Chapped Hands and Horo Lips, WANTP.D-Ul.ickllye.for which a good prle. price wilt be paid; tiovu-.yiT-tf TX TIIK MATTKU OF TIIK MKTIl XODIHl' I PlHCllPAL CHPKlII At' APlON, m i ui" .srMiii, iiiI'.iiii. iiiu.Mi, To ai. t. Whom it Mav t'locKiis: 'lake iiolUe, Aurou limine, Jnliit Tiemblv J. It. PaiH.C.H. Fowler, I, White, T. W. Ltlrai William Millies. C. A, Loom, and Aim I in An il reus, In lng eillens of the Matt ot Peuus)ln nla, being itesii oii of acquiring nnd eujov ln tin imiilUllilles nnd lilivilii'i-s ol a llv i-iirniinde nave exhibited mid ple-tiited lo Ihe Court ol tiiiiiimu rims m itiiiiiiuu:i uoumy, an limiru mcnt lu wriling, Piiiporilug to he tho piopoe -iiuiteroi the ".Vlcllioillsi ihuith n Uoti," township ol foil,lit the County nl t't uinbla, pecil.vtug the objei ts, nrticles, eondl Hons, n iiiic, Myle ir title under vvliuh they havi iiHHot lateil and n tu itsKociate, And the Mil 'mm having perused nnd examined ibp Mild in 'iiumi ut, and found Ihe oijeets and cnnilitlui. (herein m-1 It nth ami cunt lined, to bu law ml am ma Injurhais to the i omuiuniiy, have diiecti 4.inl v riling to be tiled in the Prothuiiotary a oi It e of nnld Co, lit)', ulld notifo to be nl ell (icon -ling In law, thai applltatlon has bun made t. 0 ild i. ottrt s dd ( hnrtt r, and that il n Milllcli nt rtiiMtu be fhowu to tho eontiurv, to tiiutlrst d.i of the next tcr ioi sail (oiui to wll. on the PL hi Monday nf February next they w ill de reeaml declare iho perMins ho usso 1 la ted tobctoiuoiind be u eoipoiation or ImhIv politic, ae urdlngtu the said ai Ikies ami cundf lions, an I to luvo continuance by th mime. mj ie uuu inn, in mho iiisiiuiiieui iiienuon -n. lllonmhburg, l)ee.M,'t"-(t, JlciH tOLI- MAN, Pioth) TOTICK IX IIAXKUUI'TCV, 1 bis Is to civ e notice: tint on the 3d duv nf It.' cembi-r, a. P. 1j7, n w arrant lu llaiikruiiK v wa issiieu ug.iinsi i ue isiaicoi i.uaaiu l. jmme of tliH II r. of Itei w h-k, lu tlioeouulv of Colum Id. i, nnd Mule of Peittiv) Ivania, who has bt 1 1 adl'idgttl a HaiiKruid on his own retlllon: thu ho payment id uii.x ih his nnd dellveiy nf inn proptttv belonging to Midi llankrupt, lo hint, or for bis u so nnd llie Miiiisfi-r nt unv nrnttHil b him ale toiblddtn by law ; that n luei ting nl the Cridltors of Ihe siiU Hatihiupt, to prove tht li dchtx, and lo thoosu uuu or nitn- iiH.iuttces ol his eMail, w in ne m m ni a rouri id itaiiktui le , to be holdt u nt the I .xt'hanm Hotel. In IliooiusbuiL Columbia couniy, Pt hum Ivatila. bt lore IMwaid in pi ion, jr., itigisier nu ine jaiu day day or Jan imry, -v. n.( pii7, nl UnVin k, a, m, IHoMAs . ltOWLl.V, U.K. Mni-xhal. Doc, ttMl. Hy i . 11. Cooluapuii, Deputy. 0 mxiiu:s iaxi:. The underfclgned would n peel fully announce tu thocitlztns of Iltuoinsbnrg nnd the public gene, rally th'it ho is running nn OMNI11UH LINK between this place nml the d!h"ereht ullroadeh po'i dally 'sund.ija excepted), to coiimcl with tin hovcral tiahis going Houth nnd West on thu Cuta wtpsunnd Willi.ims;-ort Ilnllrond. and with Iho. going North nnd houth on the Ijukawauuu an liloomsbiirg Itnllioad. Ills Omnllnuses ure in gfwnl condition, cotnnm dloiis ami eomlorluhle, nnd ehnrges leaxonabte. Persons wishing In iuppI or m e llielr li lends d. purt,eaii bpiuTomodaled upon leasou-iblet lung by leaving t Intel v i ml li e at anv of the hoteN. JACOII L tllltroN, l'roprleior. E STHAY. i ame to thn tin mlspM of tho iubserlbpr. In Hi mr. liitfcreck lownthlp, about Ihu ilrtt of June, ltE7, FIVU Hlli:i.p, three old nml twit .voung. 'i lo hit i rriniesirii loinimi lorwnni, pro e proper l v, pay eharet, nnd take them uvvav, othernlie i uiy ih oe oitpoacu m h me lawnirecis, CHAHLUS II. (1AULU. lipeeiuhcrO, ltC7-,1l, MMIK ItOAI) TO FOHTUXK. .vfio Male nnd Female ngents wanted to Ml the mosi saieauienriicieoi umtigi, Aeenia enu easily clear 8Ji lcr tin v. Can he dona at home or iraveb Inu. i'wnHamnieM and Clrcttlnis nuiil fre for til et uis posi lDini. i nriuiiucr puiiuuiais niidrchs i"'i nuiin i-r iirninuvnj , i N.H. litis is no humhugor Oitt l.'nterpilse, Dcpi:U7-lm 1 A X K H U I' T O Y. Thn lindfl-HhmPil lirndlmi In tlm IT U I'nnrl nml gives spppliit uiientlnu to the prat (lee under Ihe lute llankrupt tut. iK-btors m t kim- the hen- ni i in i inn immune m i in i nngrehH i nn apply per kouully or by letttrlor Inloi mnllon In iArti a Allot in y ni ijiw, Nov, 111, lMi7,U Danville Pa, SPECIAL NOTICES. Til rnVLim ivri I'vu i i.n ...... . M'liltmi Will hl'.lll in.f ll.l.llirltli nil ut.n .li.ulr.'. II. till lirt'Nclllilloll Willi llipillri'i Hiiiim fin mill. iiur uml iikIhk kiiiipli' rinuily l.y ulildi innw (iiri'il nl u luunulli-tlluii uliilllinfilri'iiili'itill.eiiiii I'mimilllplh li. Ilia only i.l.jul In K.U liclll the i. ti, ni m- . iuiri r iii irv iiiih InrMTli'llHi, ii il win ion Hi, iu imiliiiii;, mul IIIU3 I'iii. v ll .'li nillu, I It llhl' Him f ('Ml III.V. I IIWAIItl A, WIIMIN. .,, Nu. 1M Koulh (-cciinil Mlurl, myirT-ly, Wllllniu.biiu, KlnwHro., ,, , INTOIISIATION, In l.irnuilloii Kimnilltinl ' nroilui'i'ii lumirliini ciuuiii m Imli uiim ... ... ... .....i.n. ii...-, in. ii ,,,(.ii(i iur ill. ,r. iniivnl ul I'llill li. Ill. l.hf.. nii.lloli., Hi-., on Hit. bklii. Iruliiu ll.i. .nun-.oll.i luir, ii i.l U i.ull. Inl. . mi 1, tii.i nii..ui .. in . ... . i :. i : ...i.i- i , 'IIIOM. V. I IIAI'tlAN.) lirinUI. .'IJ'7. Kill m..iii)-,h, i.. A M Klniln of IliHily Mmle ClotliliiK ..' . "."V? 141 . .1. Ill. Ul.ln I llilllllitf hioro. tlurlmuu u btoiHi, Ulouiuolniiv. I'll. 10 Jm. I Ii K1M.H or J()l PIllNTl.Nfl t..llll. ..M..I..II.I 11 ..... ........ kl.-.l.. Fiiiiiivaot)K VrOTlcn IX tiAXtClMMriv n v . in. sis togive ttoticet thit on tho :M d,iv t U'leuiher. A. 1. I'O .ii warruiil In U lukrm.t . U-ilH 11111. -it liu.llliut II aliil. ..I H 7 nl Ihe Twi.,, ur i mince, In Hie eoiinly of tvnln,1' bin, and Htate id Peinisylxnnl who h-V V adjudtfeil u II tiittrupt on Ids own Niliioii! i tnupawumt rfa dtbtsnud ilelliry or i ,, prop, rty bel tutilug tosiich ll.i-i!trtiiit, PjIiIih , lor It Is me, mul l he Iiali'lir t,l i.nv prii. iVi-'i him nre furhldden bv law that u luceilnu rn , Cie.lltors or Iho Mild llanlmipt, tu i , estate, wilt be held nl n Court of It utlcrmiie'v "i' lie holdt n nt ihu V.xi hane Untol lu llloiliuiim !I i M., im mi.- i4iiiiii m ei ton, .ir.. lieu Mer. on n. . loth day of January, a. n, Mu, at loo't 1 kj, . 1 ' '1 llOMAH A. Ito Wld.Y, U. H. Mars ai, '" X TIIK ORPHAN'S' l-milti' .LtMt.U.MIltA CiilINlY, l-jitntu nf Wllllm, i uiiliprln, linn ut tumlil!!, CiiinVii', iiiimly., umlitur iii.iiiiliii.' i ! ihoDrplmTiVCtiiirtnr roiiiiiihiiiroiiniy, i, . nml mljiisi iIiitiiIih nml i.iiiimill.mH i!r , M'Uiif ih ilii viupiI, in itm lunula ,,i Alinilii,,, ViuiiiK.iiilinlliWlrnliirnf Wlllhim i:. 1 1 ,V .i iTiim-il.tMiinil iiiniinu Hip rri-illtori, In (,f. ,,'rii " rtiliililllii-M Itv luw. i. Ill ini'i 1 1 Im frpililnis ,, (i,. i.lllwiir Uu. llmmlrr til lliiil, In i,,'r,i"i !i.' In uml fur milil ruiinly, fur II... nri t In, ,, ' i.i.liuiii. iil, mi Kiiliinlii),llii.iMliiliij i,r.l.ii,,i, ' Imw, ill liniVlMck n. in , iif Niiil , ,, , ' liiii ii'Mii'il nri' mini sti'd in inn in) ,, , '. . ' .in, I .i oilii lr cluli. is ur In. r.n I'M ni.. i,uri,.,t('" (iilti.tilj In in ii iurl nr hliuri. i.r th.. um Xi:cutous Nona:. , ifluriBii -mini'iiini.i I'll till" 1" Ull' l) liifi ilergeu.l.ttoo Oreenvv.i h. ..htHi.u enu iu , nave hit ii niiietl b ihe IhglMer oiMiulet.iin n Abraham Iterg u llr we. of .Mntnnhint Oceil count. New .!er-e. All peiN. iw hi. 'iinmiigainMne eMuieate ten niid to pu . uini iii (i.- i.Ai nnnr i r Mill llli'li I , i 1 1 t Knowing tin iii tp indeliP-d t muke ifi AIIK.V1IAM lICitCHIV intmvi o, W.Ul UW. l.Vl'lli It p o it 9 a 1. 1: tVftl be Hold at private fttJe.-v verv iin -etldeiu e lu taitli llloolnshuig, ( oat tub. 1 1 , . v, Pt., thu ptopeity eohH sldu td ' '" TWO TOWN I.HTS .Ituiite nn 1 friinllii-c Third street oi in. p,vi , oiinniiiiiiiiu, mivii-uii uu; eiceit.ii lory Pit A M P. I) V i: hjsa not hi. -villi kitchen nttnehed, a targe tnhle ninl ( tat-e hmiM'.gootl pig Me,eo;il houe, ete n ., i ell of never lulling water at the luck iIih.p "p etsloti will beglvell (ill the IlrNtof April vl 11 mt Mild hi tvei n this and ihe '.Ni, m iM. tltl text the Mime will be t si omi lu public Milf -aid tlate nt I oVlock P. . Por lu. lln-r V r , uri. Inmiio of .Michael p, p.y rlv, nt the utlln it. 1 .('laik, Pm., liitioniHburg I'ultm biam p S(pt.'.7, N7. LfuLic saLh op vai.paiii.i-: ui:ai, intatp. Will bo wild by the unh rtlgnei, execut .r the lat will nnd Irstameut ol .lamb Diehi 'eilMMl.oii Pitinw, III fhMltllfJTtll, l.17. ut' i cloel; u, in., tlrsciibcd real .) o wit : A LOT O. OltuPND, duate In Ihe town t Hloomtburg, Coituiii Hinniy, Pu.'Mild lot fronts on PlrM Mnet iv io ii, Mini tot, talus lu Iron! kImv-s e( t, m,,! , U pih two huudietl uml iourli en tu t and mt u hen; and botlluletl as lollows: Plrt Mltd nn t torth, nu ulley otiiheMmili.uuulhvuu the t -md uu alley on the west, vUtireuu niu-r ii. ootl tvvnxtory fuami: nwpu.iN'o iiophi:, vltli Kitchen uttnthetl, nlso at pilar kltch. ler the kltcln n; a uninlUtable, it aril.iL'e hriUHe r nm livery tduhle.uu, ool water At the batk dtmi of the llverv Mtili , cistern ul Ihe buck door untie eelhir klhhtn' villMithermithulldllms. 'IhepiopiriV in tutu.-" ately lu iho rear ol tin- taut IIoiimMuI (i , very tietiiiibie land l.r a liver Midile ibl'Hi given ou the Ul day id A (tilt. m.i title known i n day of Mile, when num. dl be givtli bv ( 1MVID UOWIIIIilUJ, 1 miUI lllimni.hurg, net. H, iirr. Some Polks Can't Sloop Nighu. Vi uy in. my Miller Iromgeiieral tlehlhtv.oit, , .lorn vinkm ol the ttnmni.h and luaiillu itireht their mo 1 ; some have creeping eiiviii'iri. iloug the nerve libit-, or pain lu Iho huik, w.i uhlugnnd weary thrubbliuorihe limbs. Hi , -atiiKnr l.ulltK Mtil-r through long ears li i(1 areiuhed Pi. mam; loMi-ui.Mt.u.iN'l , lie rel.ixuiiuii of must lc and ligament tliat f (i ltd tleUelcney ot vllal lorce. '1 housaitds ol t. IncsH men, overworked in mind and hotly, usi ) be nervous lltiltl and become unlit lor did t Iheenjoj incuts of Hie. Kxeessiu i lerrlblp ellecls of fever and tune, Involve Mi eretl conttUutlons anil Ihe failure ol tin ictn i n lunctiuus of health. To sullen M liolil jiil intse pauses, dodivs Ni;nviNn and invigoiiatou otlcrn uu luvnluablo lioon a natural audi ill . i eei i very ot lost Miwerd. No peiMin, man u w man. hulleringliom anv cause, can nttoid (o n . ill this it uietly. The Ni tv ine will Im foiiiin iHissess tin e'unll7lug ami nutritive print inle I has nihility lor tho Nervous Pibres, and mui . 1st onstaullvtakuit p hike vholisouio fotH) taKi li Into the Moin.ti i undergoeH rapid dltjeMion, invigorating m pioiehs the digest Ive oigaiis, mid pindurttu a CAIMNIS AND TUANiiPiida unknown tnnwy other prepatatloti. itentii no opium or hasbfftdi, mid ho bom prohi nstlf uesH it will betuund ah i Die tent uii oiiMiuiptltm, and has obtained a wide on lor this pei ullurlly, WHAT PDlPhi; HAV 'lit ttr Doelol : 1'ht! lat luctlltiue piesctn .-tat 1 obtained, and will miv Dodd N. i i nd luvlgoiator iv nil it 1 1.. inn to be i i die a new-mati; I sleep will; havegond .ih did leel rdroiigcr than I have Im- mam tast." IColililbuled by Di. II. A, liulm ilntou si,, Ihotdilj ti, N. V. "I hav e used the Nei v lne,iiiid mv -i " n reunited by It, patticiiiaiiy lu ihe im n aiinglh uml u i those --;i d.V ( oslivi lit s ulsu m i Ills In bu t lit lit i tn Li-tit r inlu. 'liukt r. I he iiicdkine mdiitd DmihI's n ve have luktn time hi.tibs o. It i ulng. .M wtte ki.h she lathi i Ii.. oil I- ol 11 Ihait lolly tloi-tois. Mic I-.- i a-ltei. ! llt-oirhteaiuii-d ; ilnn'i li-ll i In -i iigilowu so miith buwi-N m.Ae unit m . la iter net v ous mnditiou every waj O.ll. M.illilt. fitslii. l(i.eullouse,l,oir Iii . .1., staichilmt DimhU Nirviite bus it en dthloiuc weakness ot ihe sloiiiaeh, d . . did sick lieatiache, and gt cully Miingtla in n w hole NKiiui. David llailshorn,.('Jiihtate-M., llrookh n l eiironit! lutisriiiar and net v ous dc biiit John llui but, htooklyn, N. V. savi j ""lo r. .ate tlie bowi-lh wlll.out ptoduelug inlh.ii l pi I, tjulel Ihe net ves, nnd lone uti tin- s stei nave never iHeilaiij thing that eiiualled 1" Nervine." W. Deans, Km)., I.'nvtlotd, Conn, ; "M ll.iKMthVrpd lor seveliliell Jtills With evn u neivoiis debility and iiientini pro.sliat -was indueeii by u irb ml in liy In, J. W H .Nervluoaud Inventigiitor and bvlts use i u lestoied to pi-riect health.1' Dr. C, C, ioik, i hath-siown, Mass.: "In ot gnat iieivoiiH debility, mn coniliicil i- menus to Hie telltale nignni7atlotl litoieiolin v iliiin uiiiotu; iiifii, I employ DoinI'n N( l v uu luv igoinlor wllh llu happli st i ih i It i di toitie power aiiMlilng tlial I know, wlm act Itm upon Iho how eis in ail that call bedevil. DtHl's Nvrvlmt uml Invi utig dor Is empin tu the MasKiuhuselU HoMiiul tor the Invtli ' rauutuu. POlt PPItNONAIi ti:mtimoniai,s Toeuies of (It neral Dehl.ty, liidlgen tlimt i iipss, Kitluer i ompialiil, Wind Colie.aud 1 tum-1 1 nuiplalnts in tin ir own l.imillPN, we uh-i.w permlsseii, tu tho lyllowliu gentlemen in vicinity: P. W. Hall, esq., Plfih Avenue Hotel, W II. Iloilge, 'una House, N. V. Jnliii Williams, Policeman, N. V. d. W. Pt elicit, iM Clintoifst., Urook Dr. 11. A. 'I iicker, t'liuloitK Hruulilj. u J. H. Wiiuht,iM.,.eisey Cily, Hon. Waiieu Lbase.Aliltioatlvvny, N Por sale by ull DiuKKUd-., pi ito el.ui pet i tU II, II htoiei A. Lu., PlopriPtOI. N V August I!ut 1-.07, J.J l II O V Kit, ,i . peUfd a IltHt-o uss IIior, HJloK, HAT t AP, AND l-'l H Hj i t at Ihe oltl htnndon MalnHtu-t I, Itloonisianit,' t tlouiKiilHive iheColitt lloiiM. Jln stuck ln posed ol the Veiy htli st nnd hthtMyles t-Ver ill' ed to the. citli mt oi Col mu bin County, lleutii aecolilliludate (he public with the lollovi iltgp" ,! allhulowesl in Its. Mtll'bhiitVV ih uhle lnyi I outK, lot lis double td.d slDg.e tap klpbooltt, im it's luuv.v tdoEahhttfc of nil K'U ' im ti'm lino btxds ei.tUhtts u ull eiMits, I 1 diiuiiio soleil buoiH and sin t hid all kinds, uu gtove kid Jlalmoial shot Hfim n'x, wtdutn b bt aiitl tnlssea' Inhtitig aitets, woiuiu'm glove K Polish vcty Itiie.woiueirnmoroceo itnlutuiaU mi call shoe, women's ver flue kid buttumtl tfil eis. In shuit boouol ull diht;ildlou udh 1' geil atidsewcd, lie w.itld uUn cull attention to hU unci (is-'Ofi hlt ut of HATH, CAIW, PPItS AND NOTIONS which emnprUcs nil tho new nnd popular vnn i tlh ut prices w hlih n. idiot fad to suit all. 1 M gtiods uie (dieted ut Ihu IovukI ensit i.des tin will be guitlitnttetl to give Mtlisluttloii, A "'' U hollelted beloiti pun hsMitg l Isewliete as d behevtsl that hetler bat Kama nio tu be f.iUU ' than at a ni ollu-r place lu the county, Dee, b'liT poSITIVKI.Y ONK DAV O.NIA ! puidav dpckmhih, :oin iw, AT KNVDKlt'H HAM-.iJI.rA'P.IIs AT3A'S unTuitN puoii unit op p., after nn itbM nee nfthno .venrH where tlu y luv unpeartd hcioie lu-ail all the KlUM". tuoi H J.utpcruis.iiud Nobilily tdtluudd Wot Id, TIIK CIUIIAHT WONDKU IH-' T1JI3 AOI I Pour beautiful and symmetrically fonurd LADIIANDUUN'lIXMi; IN JlINIAll uu; oukjinai. ami rknohm.i (IK.V.TOMTHUMIl AND WIFK, I OMMODOUi: N TT AND 1IHH JlINNIi; WAUltLN Their unlrjuonnd exquUUely enchautini; PlUlPoltMANCl AND l-XIIinUIUNd never fnlltncliuituitud ilcllQht every UholJtr "i i" taONOH, Dl LTTH. DANC1B, COMIO UP.hi-' ATIONH, ASIUHU TUICI, ItUltLW liUUH, AND CAJMlUUUi IN U1IAII ACTUJIHT1U COa'IUJUU llie HICII and PI.KOANT Dltl-WPU nnd tio hrillhiut uditctli it ol DlAliUMti wutli U-leie the vit lit uu 1 HintnUu i I.uil.o, fill vt which are luiioiu(id lu lluno Hpular wt'ot i-W 'iweiity 'Jtouwuid Dnllur in Uold. , 1 .tulips nnd t hlldrcu uiotua tltmtely udvihtu to utteitd Ihe Iy J.xhlblllou uiiU lhu h old tuo ciowd d id comuMou ot the lAiuiiig Pi-rior luiiliCtH, To ihe Pay 1 1 veee Atlrnhklon V6 cent a i CMI' l'li li iiiiih-r U n. 15 1 enu, lU.oi ved Hctd,kKVt ( Idldii it limn r tt ii,Uiiiiiih, . 1 vt nil g 1 um'tt rti m!Mcn lo fill I urtlM Iii. Hi Lie, -CiU; VhllultU dUUtr ItU, l4ul)H. Lvo,vtfkl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers