tly CI It lit JI $ it tl '(in;'! -" MUCK FIVE CF'Tfe., BLOOMSBIJRG, PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 18G7. VOL. l.--NO.fiO. 3)looinnburjj Susiiif.Bn gimlor) STOVES AND TINWARE. lACOIt MIST, dealer In Move A tinware, Mnln ,) nt above court home. vMiii i M, ItUrr.UT. sloven ami tlnwnrp, Uupert j, bloeic, iMuliiM., west of Market, vi-n ft CLOTHING, i'ic7 OLOWCNIlintO, bic.clmnttnllor, Mnln si., S.i , ilooi-nhmn Aillerlcnn house. vl-tlll V. cm'MIU'.IU.IN. whiitisnlenliilritnlldenl. ,1 , i-r In clollilnir,etc,; lliirttnah'a hulldlnii, Mnln Sll'CCt. Vl-llll DRUGS, CHEMICALS, &c. IS,, drutrtiNt nnd apothecary, I l ctmnne bloeit MMti Mt. vl'till l.i I. 1.1 rz, dtngalt and apothecary, Uupert I j, hlcifk, Main kt., west of Market, vl-ull LOSVATCHES&c. OATHCAKT, walch aiitt clot 1c maker, Mm kit IV M., belowMllln. vloill I oris lir.UNUAltt, watch im1 cluck maker. I J near xou I hriiM corner Main and Iron nti. vl-nll f II. HAVAOl', deu'er In elock. walehei niul Kit jywidry, Mntu hi., nearly opp-dlo Ameilepu House. Vlnli BOOTS AND SHOES. 1 M. HIIOWN, I mot niul fdiocmaUer.Maln street V oppositu American house, v J n t'l l HOM.I'IHIU.inanuraclurcr mid dealer in bontu i uml fchoeH.Milhist., opposite lplflcopul ehurelt VMlll nliNUY KI.HIM, munufnelurer ami dealer In lMit anl shoe, KU'Ccrlrn etc., Kat Moorns burn Main ht, vlntB AVIli HUTZ, boot nml Nhnemriker, Main st., ) below llaitm.m's ktore, west of Market Mreet. Yl-ltll PROFESSIONAL. 1 It. II. V. Kinney MirireonthntM.tcelhextract l.pltopul Churih. 1 ta wiumui pain. muiu si., ncariy oppodlu VW1KJ I 11, M'KKIjVY, M. 1). Kurnonn mul physician I hnulh Hide Main gt., In low Market, vlnll I It 11VANH, M. I). Mnrmon mul phyt-leiim boulli I ldo Main nt., bulow Maiket. 1-nl t i i. HUTTim, M. 1. nurj;eoii niul Physician. I Market bU, ulmvc Main. vliu I Dlt. H, O. ItOWr.It, KurReon dentist, Main id., above court house, vlnl 1 MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. Miss i.iz.ii: ii.MtKi.r.Y. building. Main hi. nilllluer. ltatnscv v I -1 1 1 1 X A. I. V.'IMIII, fancy goods, notions, Issiks, M htnlloiipry, nonli i.Iaiiu!n:!r't below Mnr kit. V!-:;'! I'llTKHM N, inlllenery nnd fnnry Roods op i posito lOplseopnl eliureli, Mnln st. 1-n l.t 11 US. .Ittl.IA. A HADll 11AIIKLUY. Indies t...ilru iiii.I ,lrM nnllt.rii sniit hixiut .urn, r id llll nnd Wll t. ii:"!? ,11 el II Its. M. II. HUM milliner. Mnln Ht., below M Hurtinnn'n store, iest of Mnrket ht in 1 1 Ml I IK MLSHIIS IIAUMAN, iilllb liery nml fiiney I itoods, Mnln Hlret tJUHl below Alililli nil liouse. 1-nl I Miss M. l)i:illtlt;KW)N, inlllenery mid fnticy uoods MnluHt.,opposllo t'ourt llouie, il-ull HOTELS AND SALOONS. II.i;AC(1t'K,ovRlrran.l rallnn miIooii, Ainirl crtit IIouhc, Main hi., lialtRcr Leaeock hiipnin- t'1lilC1lt. Vt-lll") rlliMYi:it A JACOI1Y, umr.-ttlonry, b.iUiry, ami o(.p r s'lloou, wlioli'nalo niul retail, II eltai.KO bloi'k, Main it. vl-nlt IiOX A WlIUt, coiifi'ftlonery, bak.ry. nn-l ot 1 ter saloon, hob sale nnl n tail, Main tt., Jul below Jion. vl-n 1 1 nxcHANCin iinn:ii. by j, r. I j ht., opposite court house. Cam low. Main i MKIUCAN ilOU.Sli, by John I.i.mock, Main A hi . wi-st of lion Kin 1 1. vl-nl ( by tl.W. MAVfiKit, ast 1'iul of V Main st. vi n i . II HTOIINint, refri'sbmenl uiIom,MaIn st.Just I), aboi rourt bouse. but.) l RCASt.nw. rrfievbrncnt n.iloon. llxi-hnnu ) hotel, U-iwHon ('.ilniati.hiipeilntcnileut vliilt r 11. (IH.IiMolti:, nTM Kbtiitiit saloon, MiUp'm ) bliH-lc M.utb Htb Malust. vl nil MERCHANTS, GROCERS, &e, i.lAfoltH, Coi-rcrlloiHrj . ftitieirliH i st above Couitlliaise, le. Mntti vl-nlO u, n nue(U'waie, i:rbange block, ileab-r In ilry kooiIh, uroeerlfi, Hour, salt, ibo'f, notion", cie, MaliiKlieet, l-nll I'KKI.VY MIAI. A Co limit-1. h In dry itoikN, j pro(erle, Hour, noitbtn'st mm. r Malnanil siaiket st,'lntJ i .1. nr.()AN'. (lenli-rln ihotc ilrv trnniln. House- A kei'plnu'ooiN. lii'h jiiorerit s, M opjio-ilte court house. wlnll i ic. '. hum vrU s anil wncml laeith.inillhe l Main Rl.. ii1k)o West, l-nli Main st., nhmo i ourt liouse, l-ul ( I T. SIlAltl'I.l'K-, dry wi, trroecrlin, booU, I J, Hioes, cte., unpen nioei;, jim M.llket. west oi vMi 11 l C MAIilt. drv uftodn and imll-.n'. ROilthwcst j. corner Main nml Iron t-. vl-nli r .1. llIKJWIMt. drv irnodi. errwerlcH. et..noitl J. west coiner Main and Iron KtH. vl nil li:v. A. II A HTM AN, dry t;ooU, notion'., nnd l tntu-i rlen.. Main sl..innislii KniKcnfal ehuicb. ... vi-jin ll II. lll'N'sili:it(lKH. 'airrnl.i muci-rb-H. tobac 1 1, to, ami confectlomiiy, Mnln bt., below Amer ican hoiue, l-nl I DA. Ill :ciiM;Y, Keystone RhoeKlore.bookH and -stationery, suulhuest corner Mm Ice t and MalnsU, vl- urir.r.T am ti? akmi'si pmifctlimcrleB. Mil In n st.. Just aboe eomt bouse. vl-nll ii Ml'Vlil VI! A I 1. ft in rnl utiwtr nf nieicbnil I'j. itlKn nml Inmlicr. emtii-r nf Main Bticet and Herwkkroad, hW r .1. ItrntniKH. ilr-ulrr In ilrv cttodK urccrlcK ete. I Hliie'KbloiU,MalnHt., bilowlron vl-nll r IC fllirrnV. flnvrrrlin A Prn IsloilH. ttoulll least coiner Main and Iron HtreclH, vl-nll MISCELLANEOUS, nLOOMSliiriM! I.l' CO.. inanufnelurers 1 1 u. i.l iliur In I.uiiiber. of nil klndi.. lil.llllllnr mill mnr the inlbliud. l.nlil J, llIlll.l'.MAN', middle nnd harness maker, . kntl,u-r.ul rornur Mnln nnd Market Ht. l.nll ft W. KNVDini, hurdiinre J, Main t below Iron. lllllll, . I'"'-. " ., Mltl I WITMAN, marblo work , l A , eunu r Main and Market u. ft v.iimi:i.i Vl, brick cm Ma furniture rooms, tlneo storv brick tin Main St., Mestof Murkel Hi. v 1 -11 1.1 ll II. lllMH.nil. denier 111 plan os, ors ins nnd It mloleolls,ut (I, W.L'oreU's furniture rooms vl-1117 1 J. TlUMtNTON, Mull pnper. window Hhades. I'i, nail llxtures, llupert bleak, Jluln Hi. vl-nU tirTl.TiASTKUM, nl-iul for (Jrover A nnker's I . Hcwlnit inuehlne, Mnln St., llhrlmiin ' build; IhK, up Btalrs, l!iL HIKISIINHTOCK, pholourupher, llxrhniiKP , bliK'k, Main si., npisiHlte u.url house. vl-nU fl'. illlllAliTTTiI'l''.UV1 '."."il'i'i ,1 tiK norllienst curncr.Miilnnnd Marl.el st. 1-n 1 1 11 u llnlllltVS. llnnor deale k. cond d.orfrom jj, iiurthwcst corner Main nnd lunists. VI. ill 1 T W. ll.MlTOS,tobaceoult,nnd dculerln tve 4.1. , eieil, Main Bt,,(ipposUu(4iurt house. vl-nll J l'HACUCK. Notary I'ublle, northeast eorner "i'HAClK'K. Notary I'i Main an 1 Mntket st. ?nriier vt-ma II IOHN A. nlNWTUN, inuluul Ulld insll riites lire .1 ii. tir.i-ih.'iu.t comer Malnnnd vl.lll'l ft i.'imiii ii.uui-HT itiniiiifncliirer undreisill ll er of fnri Hhluif'iiinchliiiH, I'lunibi rllu's ""'Yl nenr HhnriileHH'fouiidiy. v una u l.'IMIXI .1 1.. I.. InllnuT r, l . 1'll.lUI I lierlltt's ulky. InicA of Aluerlenll house, vl-llU .) maker, Main 'l below' court, liou?e,-'J It TUTllal, ,. .n.l.llu Irloilr ,.11,1 IllllllCSS UAMUIM. JAI'flllY, Murbln and llrnutl htone O Works, 1'jistlll.oniNhurKillerwli'k road. vlnl7 UTTriir.N" KNOIIII, llhickmnltli, Nutth-wesl O eorner ol Main uutl West Htaet, vl-nll 0 KOSTEIt, aiuoTlaker, Hud Whit uud fancy , T-usirr.iiMtt.wu, irJ-7 (Draiujeitillc Sirrclorii. Dlt. (I. A. MI'.dAltOKL, plivslclnti nhd -iimcon. Mnln hl not iloor IuiIoikI h llolcl, vl-n 17 IlUK'lC IKU'DI. ,nnil rerrt"liniriil mIihii. li.v Id ) mcl Muiiinin.fornrr orMnlnntKl l'lnowt.vlnl7 SWAN UOTI'.I., Hid houi" l.y John Knv iler, Mnln lnlHiM' I'liio. VMU7 1 K.HI.OAN, ilontcr In ilry, RimU, mnrcrlo, J. liitnbcr iiii.i btmcml Mt-rcln'mMso -Mnln ht. t in i mllOMAH ItrcKI.t:, Mtilillo nml IIhtiii-m t.inhrr J Jlnln hi., iiliolc llirNunn llolil. vMii; I It. HMIl'lt, mnnuf.icliirjr or tin ware nml .J.ileilcr In hluvc tto Mnln t.. ntjnvu Hit- MW1UI lllllll. VMllJ tiAMiiiir. I'.viiiiirrr.DiuiKUt OMnlnMtivtl. t Alotliecnry, vl-nf I .1 11. W. I'OM'.MAN, Mnclinnt Inllor unit A. (ifnl'H lurnlihiuR f;o(.iU, Mnln ht., next lmn' In die brick hotel. V1-UI7 MS. IlAYlll'HMT.l.'looUt, Vnlch" unci duns , icpnlreit. (luni nnd Wulctica lor will', Mnln M., below I'lne, IA.MIS4 II. llAUMAN.fnblnol Mnker.nml Uli- uertnkcr. Mnln Kt., fielow Tine. 1-U17 V- l nuit'i l J ii n-1 . i', Ae.( on riiieKl., belwieii Maluaml Kr.WHNr.Il.lHiukHinPjis.oii Milt Ktrcut.iuarriiic. Vl-nIT ) lur'erof lirk'k.'Mlil Bt., wtst of l'lnu liT.IAH HNVIH'.lt, Hour mi.l CItW Mill, nml 'i Hiiilcrln i!iln,Mlllslrnl. vl-u:i I HA5I M'llUYM:it, Iron foumler, MnolilnW, iV nml Mnnurnrluier of plow, Mill rl. l-nl7 MH.l'.SA. WILLIAMS A Co.,'rnnncrmmil Man. lluicluuisof linlher, .Mill Mlirt. vl-nl" ioTTn Ki:t.Li:it limit nivl MiomviUi r, 1'ino tl Mrrrl, opi-Dslfe the Aemlelny M-nl" I II. llCltlllMUV lllUfl lil'.It, fill . A. liullik'ix, Slum Htnet, In low 1'lne. nir ntnl vJ-1117 SAMtll'.ti M. rill'.NTlSH, Velrrluniy Ruoieon.nt the llrlclt llolel, eornev of Mnln nml l'lne Bti. V1-IU7 street gircctoi'). il'.Tln l-'N'T. itrnli-r In ilrv cooil. croectleK. I Hour, finl, Mill, (lull, Iron, mill', cte., Llht UVVlfiTMFfiK, InnnufiVtuVer "nnil ilenlerlu Loots niul ".hoes. I'll 11 I, IMMnellnnltei, I nuit.ClinlllnnUev. Undertaker vl-nlC p 1'. KlILLliY, lllackttilltll.opiKVillniKist offlce, vl.nw II 1'. OMAN A Co Wlieetwrlithln, lit Ht iloor H lib nbovo Hetiool house. vl-ntn M I!. Kl.lN'l., inlllenery nnd fnney uoods. TW.SANKKY, denier 111 Lenthir, III.lis, lliirk, J ete. I'nsll plllit for Hides , i.'."e htnvi. nnd tin wnre In Villi's I'lViin'elies. ' VMHO Jitou Emm Director!. NimilW MAIM-sON, dutter In diy koikSs, i,io , eerici.Kruln, lumber etc., -lerse.Mown. vl-nili ACOll A. SWISHUU, dealer In Hides, Leather Hark etc. Madison township Columbia eountv x. IU Hi H OTEI.S AND SALOONS. L O N V, V O N 1) II O T i; 1.. I HR uudcrsluned ba ln based mid n -nunc b dlui;od stylo tin nbovo welbKuowii Uuum, Ittute A M OXU T II I; M U L N T AIMH in lliu boideiHof ColumblaHiid sulIUnn rramdeii, In one of the. nnt beuutlAil nnd henlthiul nt'loiis intbuMato; N tully to aeeomnuHUito vlsllois aul bojouineiH WITH TIIKIU rAMII.IKS. IhoPon.l and strenmn aro well wtocl.ed with delicious tUh ft many klndx liu-luUln T U O V T A N I) V I K II, nnd bo.iU in koimI itrder will b.t kept lor the nc- tul ilsidnn nrpIeasuittcAciuslonsupun iblo beau (iiul sheet of water whleli is 'idiliiKKM inn alia amilMemeni oi Kiiisis, eiuiii siA'iutAii mim:s in i::m:NT. siiriounded bj anixli nsio 1 oicsl, theielsallor dt d lo lliu huutsm.m u iIi.ndld Meld for hi" own hviih.u sp rlM, ami exeielso with bin 1 o a A N u u . UN Tjiiib-r u-111 hi. iihv.ivi ni'i.l(!i'd with lh leJlcaclesoi tliestuson: mid bis Pal stocktd with Pi jcf. I.KU'oits. Ibe Iuhim it laijjomid comino- llolil : ihn MauiniK e.l(.nsie too san-. I'lie IluilM-is reailud lloin fcevi'iul polnls ini die JilooiiishuiK A I.:tc):nwann.i llaltioad; nno jr il splendid pl.ue to pass Ibj Iiul niolillis oi SUttl- iner, n. u. u.iiiMJuni, .May 17, jMjj-iiri, 1i lil.lKlM.-slIUIWi. OH.UMItlA i (.HI NTY, PA. lnt uiiJcridiMied Ii.l im: miuhased tbw mil- known mid ci-ntially-loeuted house, die i;eli.uiKe Itilinedi.itt ly oj. pusll e the Coluuibl.i County Coin t iiiisi ii'siieetmllv luloriiiM IiIk IrteilitH Ulld the ii i iiaie on ."iai.i mui.i.i.mi jiiouniAiiui it, tiiihllo hi IhuL hit Ik.iivh Im llnw til order tor the ueejidon ami cnteitalinm-nt of ti.aellerN v. id miiv iti t isimseil til Iiiviii- It Ulh their ill luin. He 1ms cd no expense In preparing tbo Uxehanau lor tho enlerhUni'itnt of IiU i;eKin, licit hu- shall I hero be uuytldnn Mintlni; (on bin ml) iiMiiimsicr iu iiieu peiHun.u tomiori, uii inlisp U slMieiulls, mul ctiloyH UH exillilll busl hi ss location. nintilbiissoN run at nil dints between the I k- t-luinao Hotel and Ihovnilo" sinlho id depots by ulilch llnvelleis will be iile.isalll V eolivei lo .....1 fro,. i thn ri'H.... Ill-,, klulliilis Indue til lite to meet me ears. .inn.-1, r. i .vm.w UIofiinsiiiirK, .naveii ii-i. T o I. ii Ti ii i a II O V S K II V n i: UN A 11 II STi H X I'll. II'il lately purehnsed nnd titled up. llie well-known llobNon llolil l'ropirly, lonitedii i i.w noiiiw aiiiivi: Tin: (aci'.T norsi:, OUWll'MlUlO Mil" III llll' Mini, in " lllooniHbuiKi and hftllnn i.btudied u lleense for llie Mime a.H 11 K S T A lT Jl A N T , the. I'lopiletor hnsileternilned to Rive to the pen. phi visiting the lown on bin.lnei.8 or pit aniru, A I.ITT'I.i; MUU13 UOI1M. 11luLn1itli,.fnliiAtii ntlnllklVR llllll is llll dtl Uli to put buwK'BandrarrlnKesludiiMiiy. Ho piom Kulttbat e erMhlnsaboulblsedabllHlitiient shall i.,,.t,i I., mt n-,i..rli" it ml liiwliil milliner! mid he respectfully isollelln n share td Ihepiiblle pmioiuiKc .. s,. - TpoUK'H liOTKl., (Ji:oitir. W. -MAU(Ji:it, Proprietor. 'i in, ..r.c.i .. nit-1? ii.iu'i. hotel has reeently under- ..n.u,-ul ,liiiiir.-M in lis liiteruulnrillliltt-uulitH, and lis proprietor annoiiiiees lo his former eu "i and lliu Iravelllni! public thiil his lieeoliiodatloii. fortheeol.ifortof hlsuueslsaleH ml hi Hum? in in ...ia.. ...Ill Hlu'tii. be tounil .llll. lillul, not only w Ull substantia! food, but lth .11 (ho ilelleuelesiif llie Hensnii. Ills Mines nd II rpiors (except that poi.ulnr bevernie known in '.li'feiirj"), purehnsed illrei't Irom llie lliipoillle, . . ..,,ni.. ... .l fi-. .. fii.ui u I lull. Ho'lions'ilruai. lie Isllinliltfllllornllbeiill pitron. no In Iho pust, and Mill isinllliim in iiesei ve 11 ,11 llieiuiure. m.wn.... rpiIK SWAN HOTKI., Tiir. trrnt iioi'me,! (UlANOr.VII.L!:, tOLl'MllIA CO., I'A. Th subscriber riMHctfullv Infornis his friends and Ihe public, that ho has taken llie 111 nve well kllOM'li lloui-o oi i im i in 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 j, , ,uiii iKnseillo ieciie llie llinmm oi mi ii" . avor llllll M'llli a enii, Hi; WILL KKIII' A (1(1011 tatii.i: nIlnrucllkliK-l.eilMltli Ihe liest of l.lonors, nnd every euort uiu on maiie in n ii'ii-i 'io" """i- fnctlon, JtillN MM I'l.iir Oriilieevlllc, Match II, si.7-llu. E 7XC'HAN(ir. SALOON, I in: 1'roprli lor of the i:xihniiKeHuI.ulin now on hand 11 lurae Rtoclt of Hl'MMI.It IlLl'ltlMIMLNTS, euiislsllng of HI'Il'UU 0HHMts. HAKIIIM. Tlin'r-, IIUIIHIVAH Hiir.i I1 Tusm'K, iioii.kii i.tins, swKiixt i: ciiKwif I.AOKH DHKU, AIiK, AO. i2- i tiMi: os'ii. roMi: all anii khk. I.AWM1N r.M.MAN. Kiipirluleiiihnt Illooinsbuiii, May , 17 rpiIK UKI'V ifo'rKE, I.PV. COI.UMIIIA COUNTY, I'A. I-. i . l,.i.u.pi,.i r r.Bi,-. I rnl I v liifnriiiuhl. friend i ii'... ... i.i -. ii. ni I... i.m i.,L. u llie ul oe Mell knoBli llouse of 1'nUilnliiiuinl, and will lie pleaseil In reielle the wusIliu ufttll ll'.u win laior him with iiinll. nr. will j: 1:1:1 A uiioi" taiii.i:, n liar will stiK'Utd ullli the best of l.kiiiors, end evi ry ellort will be made in U edef 'Miff, f."'.u' f.irllon. lll.Ml.1.1, I.Hpy, l'n.. Arril ia,lM7. nvwHV Ciiklfiinii uv bo Miru of lit UooU Kit or uosale ntt'utwiiitiii-iCMIi tnvlilli.. - 1 TMKCJOIjriMliIxVX, A lomocraLio XoAVHprApev is im iiLi.sni'n cvluv ruipAY Mor.Nly av lll.OOMStlVUC, rUAA'Ai TI 1 13 principles of lueoitl'ejefl -rro.i- icm School of polltlw. Those pi'lmlplcs will nevo bweomprom!:eil, yel I'ouitesy nnd li Indent bhal not bo lorj-uUen In dl-cu")lnthcliit whether with IndtvMualx, or with contPiuitrtrr-rlc of the Pre The unity, lifipplhe-w, and. pvonpei Ity of llio eouii try Hour aim and oljcctjnndns the miani to RiMiurutlmt.u nlmll laliurlimie-tlynmlcnrnestly for the harmony, ucee mul Rrowlh of our 01 gun UMitlcn. TutSM or SL'Usckiitto.m:: Two dollaid n cm If ptddln ndvamo) If not paid in tuHnnco Uo dnll.iin nnd filly cculs will Imiar.rI."bly(1iorRed. TnitM Aiivu:Tti?fa Onfrfnir-rodenllnoii or b Hi) one or three liui. 1 1 Ions 1,7 each Mdwo- fluent Ineitlon W wnU, wr a 1 1:. ltt. 2i. An. m, 1y. 2.00 -!(ft.f M,nO ,W ,1 1)0 (V n.'w t,w 11,00 OnChitiare Two siimre Tli I co titpintetf.... 3,00 0,0(1 , Is),!-"' 7,06 I2,f 10,00 i.ym IJ.tiO Il,l"l 20,)6 18,00 'JOlO ro,w l our Rqunrer Half coin nm. . One column. rrpcnlor'n nml Admlnlstmtoi'H Police fS,-0 ; An dltov's rsotlro $2,5.1. Olln r luHeilli-einentfl luser led f.ccoullng toKpucIal continet. Ilu-lncss nollcec, without nd erli"(empnt, t enly cents i er line. Transient nuAcrtlscmcnta pnynblo inndvniu-o-nll others due nflcr th' first Insertion. zt- It I, in nlltasff, more. likely lo bo tory, both lo suliscrlbcrK nnd to (lie publHlierw, that u-inltlnncosnnil all com mmilfftt loin rosiKet Inij the buMne-Mof the paper, be sent direct to t lie nnUeofpublleatlnn. All Icttci. wlirtlu r relatlnft to tho udttorlalot builness concerns of the paper, and all pnymenW for hul-fcerlptton-i, nriuntMny, or Jobbing, me to be made to nnd nddrcst d llllOi 'i:VAY A I'ilKKZi:, "(VtMW(ia ORir," lli.oojrsnriMi, Pa. Printed nt ttoblsrmlMilldlnui, near the Court Home, by Cham, M, VAM)ij;--i.irr, Pi: xk 11. Hnyiti. BUSINESS CARDS. on Neattj eMeuled nt Ihls Olllce. u. M. 1,'VEIJiK, TTd UN I'. Y-A T-L A W, Ashland, Schuylkill County, I'enn'u. M. K. JACKSON. A T T O 11 v; V. Y - T- L A W, '.eawu-k, Columbia County, IVnn.i M.3 M. TltAl'dll. A TTD 11 N in - V T-L A W. I'i llll'll. ItcrMlek, Columbia ('iiuut "rilAJAM TI. AUllOTT, A i rui'..i i . t '. T'l. a cKicnt'ATriTA, i'A. W, -M Ild.KK, A l i n I! X I'. V A 1' I. V W, ullli ewlth 1. it. I.lltto. hi bill-!: biilldlie. nd- .IouiSuk I'o I 'inhi-. iJTliiUil'.le'-, ll-ek-l'ilviuu' ren-loiiH enlleeu o. -I'll-"! in. JOHN O. l''ltlJKZl-, ATTOII.VllV-AT-l.A W. Oillei In lleitUter anil tleeoutfr'a on' is, In the bust meiil of the Cca'.rt Ilnus,., HIiM-iiiisburK, I'a. om:itT fTLxaiun. A I i u II Ii e. i - X - li w 11 Olihe loi'lie:' ot Mrtln ulld M.nltet Htreets, ner 1'ltHt I.'alloual Tlr.nlt, lltoouivbinic, 1'a. It. 1, ITTLK, A T Toll N I. Y-A T-l. A W, (Ifdeu on Mi. In Mil!, in till k bllUdln'.' helov.' the Court House, itlnoinsl.urtcl'n. c. 15. JlIiOC'KNVAY, ATTOHN. Y AT LAW. ULOISfBlJClUS, I'A. it- Oi. rtei-:-Court llriusi Ally, below the oj. himlutn Olllcc, fJniU j Ti.'noBr.soN, UTllllXBl -A l-LA W, IIMIOMSIII'KO, vpss' 1. (llllee In I'nnnast's Tlulldlui.'. Mnln lriet. Wesi f the American llouse, iiiij-l'i.7. A r C! T I O N K K V.. Jl(IHi:S COI'I'MAN, Ilav I112 followed Ihe profession 01 I'ublle ei dui frhr lor many. vi ni's, would Inliuni his ii-lcnd'. Hint ho Is Btlll In the Held, lendy and mIHIiii! to attrnd In nil ll'o duties of his ralllnir, ivisun. ileslrlni; his stivleos should cull or wille l" bhn utllloouisbuii;, Ta. Imaisui. jyU. W. If. HUADXiKY, l.aie XrlHIMUlOL .MI"lll"iH lUHt'llll t , , .tiilij ,1 I'll Y rt I CI A K A Z I HU lit! HON', fa- iniku at the hoiiMi opponlto Hlih c' lllocl. ilmiinsburK, Pa. 'alls piomptly nttendtd lo bidli nlyht nnd i1a . IIIootuRbn-j, Jan. IS, Jmi", g C. S II I V K, rt II 1 .? I I Jl . I? 1 iv, AMI MANl'I'.St lUIIKlt ill SILAS! OK SASH, Hl.lNDa, DOOItS, H II U T T I'. U H, M (1 I.- I. 11 I N (' N. WINDOW VltAJIlCS, ..(.'. MAIN SIIU.I.T, IILIIOMHIIUIKI, I'A. lune Ise?. : ('. COIJ-INir, r ash itN a jii.J'J S II A V 1 NO, 1IAIK CUTTJNO -NI SIIA.Ml'OOISd HA WON, Out Wldll'liyer A .ll. In, Clium ri'.Ion iiuuurs u im, i'A. jlntr Dielnu end VI hi. Ki i-h coloieil Uuil. or 1'ioMti. Iluir'li ill. im". io dum'iiilt nuilbeiul Mill liM"ie nan 10 11s 111 iri'n llllll' tl I III. (.hi II bill . ei iislnnll luprlSeT. Ol M Ill'OUt on liniid. M. AlllitlK. f. II. till.ldSoF.ll. It. l A1 UT.MAN, 1)1 liLINCJ l;lt A CO., KIl.iailNOItTIt T1IIKU BTIifcCT, (.Vr.irf i'fMt Jnmtt. Kt'tit, lUuttc .1 (ti.) Wholesale Hiideis III YAUl.'K. HAVIIMI. WAI'lUN'l, CAItl'LTS. cm. tioTim, hiaiii-s n.v Kins, f.UAI.N ltAO, CdllllAf.i:, AC AI.PO, Wll.roW ASK Wt'OllKN WAHK, tiitt'sitna, ThUKiw, inukiMJ olassfj,, tie. Mr I'I. W'7-ly. fAItTMAN A KNOir.l.MAN, 'l'(IUA('Cl, HNl'l l' A hLllAlt MAVl'I'ACTOHY, so.'iH KoiiTji 11111aiHl1a.i l', Leeoitd loor below Wissl, I' 11 I LA ll 11 1. 1' II I A. .1. W. Wakhun. r.Mtitr.51-1 jr. A 1,1. Kinds of Iteiuly Mndo C!olhliitr J iiIIom- t'"Ules t I HKHIiI'lil.lK Clothing m b ... u. I'looinsi.uiir, luju-Jm, U A hh KINDS OI' .1011 1'IUNTIJNU 1. A. ncitlyexeculisliit Tub Ooiawumaw meia lPititliivffle.. VIII! Tilt: CQl.t'MllfAK. A 1AIIIC DAY. n't MAino. ro -s, Ada; m llie chltl Noemlier, The IlleS'.tte leideil KU'I or' I 1 sit by Ihe ilvlnn ember, And wnteh the slinduws nL ptuY. Thnwtlil M'lmlstireSii'lly ratlin":, The flow era nro wltheieil nnd deadi Tue lenves hevo Ions ecased their rnlLn, And .uslteld j nsslngticsd. The 'iiendows nre hi own nnil barren, VmrslH Imbeilded In plnoni; The hllli have nusuiilliht thereon, The Summur huth maile her t'jmb. Tho. wallows nre nolilhwnid ll ln, Thn tilr Is ehllly and drear i TlieJ f ar It Is slowly dytust, is dylnnnolher year. My soul It Is nnd and wenry. My lliou-;hls nrn Rlooniy nnd ilnrkj This Urn fi Boeold nnddunry, lis hope bill a feeble spark. lis Irlendshlpsnio fnlsonnd llectlns lis liivesbittu tiloeUlujjdreilin ; 1'jieh plensuro Is vain nnd ehealhij, And toys nre not what they seem. is fame Is fair and deceiving, Audhurll hut Wfllts forlorn ; Whlln foitutioelieats the helloln, Adieislly iitnnls the thorn. Ambition Is flushed nnd eager, 1 ho covctist prize lo gain j Sue-'ess Is Khoslly nnd meaitu', The best eiulenvoi' nre vnln. A Nuleefroiii the toiuhornes, Now irhl-pers n luunototie: 'Mllll nmn In i-iirth's strifes eit'4!ie,.'s, To world ty treasures yet pione, Thousll struetiireH, fo flue, lilnt eitllnbte, And enstles fall to decay Tho uoilc of a IWellme, tumble, 'lo fintijiltl, in n linyh day, Afurln tho futtite veiled, A elarlon volte, and dear " I'lesHoiiunid.for tiuth preiulleth ! Vress onwerd! the Konl Is near. In IlleV hattk Me u, falleruovi r Who -trlclh, nt lant must win. A prize for eneh Kn"d tudenvor, A i-nldon for every hIii." vinhtal CMovit. A NIGHT OF HORROR. Till! i li.ter of 18 was an exceeding ly severe one: nothing like It had been known wlihln the memory of that re- llableauthority "thenldet inhabitant." Heavy falls of snow had whitened the ground early in tho season, and the l.rcn mid piercing North winds, allied by frequent nm fwt ll"a hall had prevented the sun's rays from af fecting materially tho earth's white and dazzling mantle. r was a hard oason for the poor, tied reudeied doubly so from lliu fact that tlicalmostutlcrpros tratlon of biisiiic'.s had thrown luin- died- of workln t men out of employ, ment, mul drlvin maoy lo ncls of ills'. honesty and even greater crimes. I was spending weird weeks in p. snia'.l town In the western putt of thn State, and It was lu Hi!-, place, on one of the bitterest nights of this miht bitter win ter, that the adveiiturn bofel mo which I proposo to relate one which hag fixed iNelf so llrmlyin my momory tliat the ihpso of tlmo lias done nothing to efface It, or render its iiii-idon ts less fresh and vivid. A few words by way of intro duction will first bo necessary. Tint town of , although not a large one, was on the line of a railroad and thus received a fair amount of trav eling custom. I was stopping at the bent hotel In tho plnco kept by a mo-t portly host and one wc l 1 acquainted with the desirable art of "keeping a hotel." Tho gnosis were a, Jovial fun-loving set, much given to story telling, singing and mild conviviality during tho long winter evening. Witli them 1 had be come, very well acquainted before the period ill which my .-.tory begins. A hurt lime before this however, our number had been inerc.icd by thn arrb al oi" a young man from the West, a rough looking fellow, whose exact po- Won in the social world it was hard to llx. tr, 1 ....I.,,.... 1.. ,,,1.1, ..v ii.iii v, 111 v: 1111 1 -nil iii.iii. i. I he, south and West, ami was familiar with the haMts, manner-, and custom? of steam boatmen on the largo rivers. Iloociiipktl a room in common with three other men and i'o a time "all went merry as a marriage bell." Soon however, rumors were vh!-pered about oiiceriilng the loss of various mall ar- llelei from this room, culminating An ally In tho breaking open of a carpet bag and tlio forcible abstraction there from of sundry articles of wearing ap parel. S(UH of the occupants of the room spoke strongly against tho new 'tinier, and, if my memory serves mo rightly, even went so far as to accuso I1I111 of Ihe thefts. I had carefully refrained from 'giving any opinion regarding tho mutter, part ly from a dl-iiielltintlon tomeililloln nil a'tViiir whlcli was 110 business of mine, and partly from the fact that I could co no proof whatever ol his eompilci- tv, I had, however, on the invasion or llie l ist dl-covery, mentioned that If he were utility ho sh uild be arrested and punished, a It was not only rather ex pensive to the pi;rnoiis plundered, but vi ry damaging to the reputation 01 the well-kent and orderly hotol. This oh. nervation of mine, probably somewhat di-torU'd, in is aluost invariably the ea-f with remarks p.t-lng through sec ond hand-, or rather through set mid mouths, had miehod ihe oars of the bus pt ctoil party, greatly to the do-tl notion of hlspeaco ul' mind, and 1 In turn was iufoiiiK ii, that vi'iigeaiiec dire had boon threatened me, and personal ch.isllsc inent of an unlimited character. This of cotue w.w unpleasant news, as 1 am of small stature and in no manner ptigl llatlcally Inclined, mow especially In a case llko this, whore my adyoivs.iry was of much greater proportions ami some thing of an athleto its well. I deemed It however bolter to say nothing, but to let tho inaltor die out, keeping a eloso watch over my unruly tongue, lest I should again cumuill myseir and bring down punishment un my devoted head. Matters were In this eondlllim on tho memorable night to which I nllmlo. I had retired tally, fatigued with walk ing over thu yielding snow in tho faeo of 11 sharp Northeastor and had fallen Into a deep druaiuloss sleep which lasted until after midnight I supposo, for tho hotiso was intensely quiet j the last rois terer had left thu bar-roum, ami 110 bound gave evidence of wakeful or wit- 1 king humanity. Tho moon siiono lirlRht ami dear tliroiiK'i tliu opened lillnils of my window, nnd lliu wliolu room wnn llliiiiilneil by UiokoR mellow llglit, rciitlerlng distinctly visible ob jects In tho tlrirkest corner!, nnd oven bringing Inlo view tho very flirure of tbo wnll jinper. Xuvor had I before, nor hnvp I iei'n.sliice,tiiiytlilti); enitnl to the extrnordlnnry clefrnciniid lirlRht ness of thoso moon beam". There seemed to bo somutlilnt; HiiioriiiiturnI In It nil, nnd f lay In my bed Razlni; with wide open eyes, now nt the ikiz zlliiK brlhliieos of tho mootidlghtcd Know, nml then nt the fruiilllnr objects in my room, nllHeeiiilnRslruiiire, iiniint nrnl nnd weird. Hiiddenly n murmuring llkon hiimnn volee sounded in the i,!ll Just outsldo of my door, and then my ear detected soft footfall'? iw If ni ado by Btoekliigcd feet. With every (acult.- intetisiried u hundred fold, I watched and listened. I had flxed'niy eyw on the door, which I could liavu sworn wiw both locked and bolted, when It noiselessly opened, ineetlnp; with no resl-jtanco from bolt or bar, and two men entered tho room. Tho llrst I recoftulzed Immedlati'ly as the suspected thief of room No. , the other waS n .stranger. No attempt was iinule at concealment by eltherof them. Both woro fur cap? but these were rath er pushed back from the furehead, than pulled forward and evinced no desire on their parts to prevent recognition. The door was sliut as noiselessly us It had been opened and the men blood by the bedside whispering softly, mi softly Indeed that, although my hearing was doubly acute, I could not dWtiiigul'h what was said, After what seemed to bo minutes, but was probably second", tho mint whom 1 knew, and whom 1 may as well call C! , for dUtilictlon, seized me by tho left arm and with a strong quick Jerli landed me In the mlddlo of tho room. I 1 Us companion nuldenlyspratig forward and grasped his arm, and as iny eyes instinctively followed the motion I saw to my horror that Ids hand held a large heavy handled bowlo knife. A slight struggle took place but was conducted without noise, liven ut the time, I was struck with the fact that their footsteps seemed toc.aiiseiiosounil, whll-t I could distinctly hour the patter of my naked feet as 1 moved my position to avoid them in their struggle. This nimeared all liir lyoio At range, because 1 had de tected their foot steps before they en tered the 100111. At length G desis ted Irom his efforts to wrench his arm Irom his companion's grasp atul asked in a sharp quick voice, which did not si'f'tn to convey any sound heyonil the cais of Ids companion and myself,"why 'ho'.ild not I V" "Don't make a fool of yoiir-elf " .-aid tho other gruflly, "hav en't you trouble enough on your hands now, or do you want to swing for it V If vou niuat do it, wait till wo get through at any 1 ate." To this G made no response but walking up to me, pushed me forcibly lown on a chair which stood by the whitlow, sayr.ig.uslio pa-od hi dangerous looking knife beforu my eyes "Sit there twlth an oath) till we get through and thi n I'll cut your throat as sure as my name is (1 The night as I havo (.aid before was Intensely cold, so cold that the water froze solid to the very bottom of my water pitcher, and I was sitting lu till: bitter air In mv night-shirt, and with my bare feet on the Iloor. I remember to have read, that men placed In posl tlous of peril, In Iho face of death a- ll weie, often have to pass in review tho actions of their lives In 11 moment of I time, from the earliest bourn of child hood until that which seems to them the last of their existence. Such 11 pano rama of life passed before Mi'. Incident's of my boyhood long since forgotten and which at tills day I cannot even recall, vviuo vUtblv nre-uiiteil bv mi' memiil' t hull,' it ol a llie mijileti s anil s tori- - p. -- ; comings 01 my li'e, and siuguiaiiy ihioiil'Ii of all mv iileir-iiriv. .sharp twinge of regret 1 hail as well, and bltterlv I thought of ih' Ignominious death awaiting me. I thought of all my lookdl for plea-tiros, my anticipa tions of worldly -access, my good it'- solves, my separation from loving friends and family, and then I pictured tho consternation and dismay of mine portly host ami his jovial guests, whom I had loft lu snob line spirit-, but a fw hours since, when in tho morning they would lliul a gha-tly corpse with "that across his throat that they would hard ly euro to see." I dared not call for help, knowing Unit bufoie any one could reach me the tb itl would becim-iiinium-letl, and I had 110 desire to hasten iny fate even though It seemed Inevitable. Strange to say, during nil this tlmo no fooling of fear crossed 1110, a teiiso of wonder and of regret for leaving earth by the dastardly hand of a cut-throat aiid thief, was all I felt. In fact so Ut ile was iter-onal ioar present with mo when It approached me 01100 and. ns if to try my nervo, drew the luck of his knife across my throat I did not even shrink, although the touch of the cold stool was like that of the baud of Death. It must not bo understood that whilst 1 was rovhiwing my life, I h.ul let my attention wander. On the contrary, my 1'nzti was Axed uiiou tho men in If fas- cliiftted.and followed their every action. They lull opened my trunk ami ta ken therefrom nuii tilings as thoy do sired, ami had even opened u butidlo of private papers and sionied to bo look ing unions them for something of Im- purtuiice. -My clothes which ntiiig over the back of a chair were not molested, although my watch and pocket book wore lu them. At length they closed tho trunk, lolled tho articles they had taken Into a liiindliyind lurnod towards me. Thou I perceived for the llrst time that they both had knives In. their hands, the knives were exactly nllke, both had horn handles anil were broad bliided and heavy, as bowlo knives al whys are. As thoy approached mo I looked them fnlily in the face, never flinching or moving, except that just beforu they got near enough to touch me. uiy feet suddenly fell cold nnd 1 drew them up on tho round of thechalr. Btrmigu that a man should fui personal Inconvenience, with death staring him In tho face. This apathy continued even when O spoke to mo ami cald, " I swore I would kill you nnd you see Iruiii going to kivp my word." 1 made 110 reily but thought how perfectly I could understand the p.ctlon of -oiik men who had perished on the scaffold, men who gave up their lives as if they did not care to keep them, who looked nt tho wnlllngmultltude with unmoved face, mid stepped on the fatal drop with a smile. Dying gamo they Call it 1 J understood it all then. Dentil, more merciful than man who punishes, blunts all the sensibilities and makes his nwful approach seem unreal uutl far oir. Hut I would never live to tell all this, and again ihe. foellngof regret rose strong within me: to know all this and yet to be debarred from communicating it, seemed hard to hear. At this mo ment G stepped forward, grasped 1110 by tho hair and bending my head back so that I perforce caught one lat glimpse of the peaceful scene without, tho Whlto snow and tho silvery moon light, raised his knife, when a sudden noise as or tho swinging to of a door, caused him to , iiuse and half re lease his grasp of my hair, then theio came the heavy footsteps of a man and the half ntidlblo humming of n tune. (i 's companion for tho second lime grasped Ihe would-be murderer's arm, and hlsi-vd rather than spoke, "(illicit, for 1 ioil's sake pome, you'ie too late." Without waiting for reply, he draggtd the reluctant a towards the door. I have been a novel reader fur years, and have read of rulllaiis dire of all de set Iptioiw, but never have I seen the human lace de.-cribed as s frightful, a tlils mail's was turned towards me from the now half opened door. It not human, It was ilovilMi. The door opened, the men p:i" ouf, the door cin-ed with the -atue tib-uiee of noie, and they were gone. Tit mi with a gas rtmj JOb of relief my life eaine back to 1110 and I Milk exhatt-ti d. A load noUuln the loom below, and a flush of light in my eyes broke the spoil, and I awoke that Is the fact awoke with the sun's IIM rays streaming in my face. The whole thing was a dream. My first impul-e,was lo -piing from my bod ami examine the fa-leiilngs of the door: they woro untouched. My next,l I do not mind telling it nowi was to look lu the irlas-i to see whether my i 1...11 1 timed i'rav from tho night's 1 iom agony, and it wn with 11 senft of the most agreeable disappointment that I found it to lie of Its pristine hue. The unromanticcauco of all this mis ery, was, undoubtedly, a hearty supper oaten lust b, fore retiring, when my brain, acted upon by ndloi'deredstom- Mh, created and nearly carried to a tragical conclusion, this Imaginary and exaggeiated tuinilmeiit'ifd 's threats. Days elapsed before I quite recovered from tho nervous effects of this hideous nightmare, and Its recollection will bo fresh In mv memory for years. . VlAiTil; HINTS TO I'EDVJrfTHIANS. I'i:iiisti'.iaxs should nlw ays carry n good sized foot-b.itli, filled with Ice water, in which to soak thcl.- foi t whr 11 they swell. Also, a bottle of whisl.ey, to pour lino their shoes occa-lo'ially. It keeps them hi fpirlh. Should the labor of siooplng be micron-, the whiskey may lie applied one Inch below I ho nose. I'or a full walking ooifiiino, a frilled shir, is lndl.-pen-.ible. Al-'o, a pair of tignt brooches!. It Is not ab-oluloly noo ennrv that the twaier of the breeches be tight. Walking .shoes should be made of leather or some other The font are more necOrsary than the shoes, .especially If thoie is much ofa.'f to lie performed. The best .-v.-tom of riiiiilii'i .-o as to lu-nre speed, is to .-oe'ir.' a p is.age on tho "Lightning Kxp.e s." The weather '-""(. " i according to the .lit ... .1 , (.iinniieiiii-. , in .w iv -i-i on the stibjeci, a-, sl.ift uhen yo.i will, I they invariably proclaim ll to bo aon day If 1111 v one .hoo.ed to "luck" you, lot I1I111 do it. It will nut you without Im pending your progro.-s. While thus mounted, do not injure him ivilli your spiked shoe-, as It would bo ihe height of ingratliuili' to -eiMicli him back, for his kindness. The hair. should la parted evenly nut porinnied highly. Tliis-eeure-. a-sceut to yuti" proceedings. An "i.i'.v. rob I ii"" 'Mil, 'Mich a- We-:ou uid when In-dnln'i make hi hiiiidri d miles,! i- the must desirable. To acquire one in the shortest time, the pedestrian i-hould go to Iho ulgo of a steep hill, llodown broadside to It, and turn half over. The remainder of the task will naturally follow. Wh'Mi "stilkllign gait" earn should bo taken not to hit the g.tie too hard. It I apt to Interfere with locomotion. If the pedestrian has any out sivonls, , nui-ut is or pi-aoi-?, m- -innm. mm-.... m Willi nun, ami ikhihsh uinu nunc walking, as to walk rapidly, ho 11111-t swing ms ituos. If the amateur follows theio rules closely, he will boHiirotosm-cood.-lfhe will"1. Tin: I'owifK or a 1. i.owjsn Tr.r.i:. Walton Hull had nt one tlmo its own com mill, anil when that iucoiiM iiIcnt nciis-lly no longer existed, the mill stone was laid In mi orchard and for gotten. The diameter of thi- circular stono niea-ured five feel and a half, while Its depth aviragtd seven Indies through; its central hole had 11 diame ter of eleven Inche-. Hy mere acci dent, omo lilrtl or squirrel hud drop ped the fruit of tin) filbert live ihtoiigh this hole 011 tho earth, and in 11:! the Bocdl lug was seen rising up thiough that unwonted eh. iiiiii I, As Its trunk gradually grew through this aperture ntnl Increased, Its power to raise this ponderous muss of stone was speculated on by many. Would tho (Illicit tree iliu In thu attempt'.' Would It burst the mill stone, or would it lift it'.' in the end the little filbert tioo lifted thu mill stoiie.aiidln 18(1:1 wore It like acrinolliio about Its trunk, and -Mr. Walerlon used toslt upon It under the biniuiilug-ihaile, JiiglM l'n)iir. Tin: lowest desceut"A lonatablu'bile sccnt on a liquor-store. TO M A. llY. Till! I.AMKNTI.Vfl 01' A t'I'.TIT .tUllOlt. Iiiiii sitting 011 the Jury, Mary) Would f were by thy side, On this Tall morning, chill and bright, As when you were my bride. The sheriff grabbed me on tho street, The clerk cried out my name I told them you were sick, Mary, Hut they bored mo all the same. The placo is somewhat changed, Mary, Since I sat here before They've lost thu drapery o'er the bench And the carpet 011 tho floor j Iiul the lawyers bore ino Jut as much, And they howl and whine and screech, I still keep llstenln' for tlielr words, Which clo-e the well-worn speech. 'TIs but a step ileum tho street To where they set a lunch The place where they are famed, Mary, I'or making whisky punch ; Hut tliesherifl' stands between, Mary, And my steps lie would arrest So I'll lay me, darling, down to sleep, With my head upon my breast. I'm very lonely now. Mary, I'or they've sent us to our room j We've talked the matter o'er and o'er, Hut to no verdict come. I know what I would do, Mary, If they'd a-k me to find I'liurp's nothliiglofi lomlk for mnv, .since each has made his mind. Yours was tho good, brave heart, Mary. That still kept hoping on, VIou they had me on thojury list, And my last excuse was gone. There was comfort over 011 your lip, Though the judge pulled down Id brow ; I bles you, Mary for that .same, Though you cannot hear me now. thank you for that patient care That gave this piece of cake, Now hunger's pains and gnawing hero, I'll eat It for your sake. I bless you for that sack That quelled the rising -storm ; Hut, oh! I'll thank you more, .Mary. If you'll keep my dinner warm. I'm bidding you a long farewell. My Mury, kind and true; I'm afraid that we will hang, darling 1 Know we're going to. oor a stubborn juror's got a view 'IfllH lie ait mc, , ., Hut he'll not give up, tho' we should be llerellftytlmesas long. "Holii ox"-- In the early day. of the State of Indiana tho capital was Corydau, and the annual session of the f ieneral Assembly usually brought together as wild a set of mad wags s could be found in llie State, who had to rely upon their own resources foramu-e- ment, for theio wore thou no theatres, concerts, or shows. The levels of mischief had establish ed it moi7; Munmir. Lodir, Into which they would entice such iw were 0 little green, and lake them through a variety of ridiculous ceremonies, to the iiitlnltu amusonient of the crowd. On one ol these occasion-, it being understood that a good-iiatuicd, ath letic yo nig man.about half a simpleton, was to be inlMatod.the room was crowd ed. Judge (Irass 1 it being a charactei In which he was peculiarly happy 1 con sented torn t the role of the devil; ami to make the services innve impre-slvo, had (iiit 011 a false fate and a large paper cap, suriiioiiutcsl with horns, and with some chains lu his hand- placid him self behind a scieou. After taking the candidate through a variety of ceremonies, ho was brought to a stand before tlte screen, and told that he hud then toconfessall tliecrlmes he had coni'iiltted dining his life. The candidate confessed houti trivial oflen-es turd declared that ho ooiihl recollect tin mole, t this the .Iud.-re oame out from Ills hiding place, grouiiul and shook hi-chain-, The frightened o.widiilatc re land some other small matters and do tiared ho had ill.-elo-ed all tin crimen he had ever C'ltiuultioil, At this tliegroans of tlm pretended devil became furious, the elinliis rattled, and ho shook his arms In the face of tho ten lbio candi date, wiio, starting back in alarm, cried out : "li-liold 011, M-m-iiilster D-d-devll, If i m-miist t-telj, I did k-kis J-J-Judge (i-gr.tss's w-w-wlfe 11 c-e-cou-pie of I-liiues!" I'lie griH'iiinv; leased, and the devil di-uppeartd, WllliN Aaron Hurr returned to New Yolk city to pni 'tlce law, after Ids vol untary exile in Uuiopo, ho found the late Hev. .ledodlah Hurchard, then a celebrated lovlvullst, holding n series of protract! il meetings in his family church. lie attended from hnhit, al ways went lale, and disturbed the service- by attraeUng'to himself tho atten tion of 1. c nudloiii'o on account of ids liifniiKiiis iiutiirtiit v n tlm man ii-lin.ln.t 1 AU,s,mU.,. iimum,,,,, IW wi1() i,,ui , 1 bioii trhd for irea-on. Mr. Iluivliard , 1.l.ln,,.l. (lt.IlIv. T,, m,xl AMlMb whm iWMUW Im !U1,i ,;t nboul lialf-wav un Iheul-lo. IheiiorL'V- man pau-ed lu Id- di-cuur-o, and point ing to Colonel Hurr, -aid in Iho most seaming manner : "nu nuary-iicaiioti old hlnncr, I'll appear ngalnft you nt , the day of Jinlgnn nt !" Thu proud, di , llant old inue, -lauding ns erect as ever, 1 With Unit pel led composure which nev er deserted lilni.aud fixing id-line giey eyes on tho occupant of the pulpit, 10- pllod ; "Mr. Hurchard, I have observed through 11 long coitise of piofoselonnl experience, that the very meanest class of criminals are tho-'o who turn Mtute is evhloncu I" Jin'iaitjje. ('ALiroiisi . storytells of a man who resolved to quit drinking, and went to a notary to get him to tliaw up an nllldavlt to that oll'ect. The docu ment wm drawn, and read mid proved; the party held up his baud and mur mured tho usual "s'elp me." It was properly sealed and doll vorod. ' What's lo pay'.'" inked the pledgor. "To pay to pay V" exclaimed the party; 'Miotic lug of course this Is it labor of love," "Nothing to pay!" retiiruud tlte grate fill, but very linuelfid tillhiut, "You're a brick. Let's take a drink I" A CONSCIENTIOUS LAWYER. Tin; Danville (N. Y.) lUprift tells a capltnl story connected with a promi nent lawyer of that village, who has distinguished himself In the defence of criminals, ns well a in connection with other trials, having frequently through Ids skill, aided the most Hardened crim inals to cfcnpe from Justice. Sometime ago, while ho was attending court In an adjoining county, he was applied to, by a singular specimen of humanity charg ed With grand larceny, to defend him. The lawyer verj naturally Inquired what crlmo he wiw accused of. Tho par ty nceused replied that iomcbo(ly hud been mean enough to charge him with sten'lng SlTiO lu bank notes, nnd had got him indicted. "Arc yon guilty ?" asked the lawyer. "That's none of your IiUsIiicm," re plied the nccused,"They say that makes no difforoncu witli you i whether a mini Is guilty or will contrive to dig him out some way. So don't talk nliy more about the guilt till you hear what th(-Jury says," "Well, what about the pay?"' said the lawyer. "You Just hold on till thotrin isover; give tj nhotomphilnant) hlpiithc eros-exam hint ion, nml that other fellow he has got to back Jilm tip(j and you'll have no trouble about the pay." The trial oouiuienced anil proved to lie a ox. iting o.'d pn illicit d one. The l)isti'iot,(i'.toi lief piiivulthnt the money In qiKHlloii was oempoisul of tw SoO bills on 11 pertain bmk, and the remainder all in iU) bills, all of which were wrapped up in a piece of oil sill:. Thojury after listening to the counsel in the esse, nnd rativlng the charge of the Judge, ic tired, and soon returned Willi a verdict of not guilty. .Tho nc- , cased, who was greatly elated with the re-ult of his trial and the efrort of his coun-cl, Invited the latter Into oneof the vacant Jury rooms. As soon ns they were alone ho slapped lil-ooup-iion the shoulder, anil exclaimed : "l-'roe im water, ain't I V What's the 1 11-0 of trying a man for -dealing when you are arouniiv .now 1 suppose you want your pay'.'" "Yes; have you got pay with'."' said the lawyer. "Lend me your knlf.nind we'll sou about that." The lawyer, slightly .startled at such a propo-itlou, rather reluctantly com J 'i'ltM M.-etised tomiediatelv com- l'"0"- - .! . monced ripping and cutting in,.... tho waistband of ids pantaloons, and soon produced the roll of bills for the stealing of which ho hud Just been trlui wrapped up in tho Identical plice of oil ilk described by the witnesses tor the prosecution, anil throwing It down 011 the table before the ustonished lawyer, exclaimed: "Thsr.-, take your-pay out of that ; I guess there i fiiough to pay tolerably well." "Why, you villain! you stole that money after all," ald the lawyer. "Do you expect I can take any of that money V" "Stole that money! Didn't II11111 twelve men up stair- there ju-t uy I dld'nt steal ll V What's the 11-r of try ing to ial-e a question ofeoiiseiemn af ter twelve respectable men have given thrirr.plnloiion tho subject '.' Takeyour p.t out of that and ask no questions. Don't be modest In hiking; I got it easy enough, and you've worked haul enough for it," Our Informant dots nut slate now lunch iho lawyer took, but wo presume the chap didn't h wo nm ii change loll after our friend laid -atlsfleil tils "eon M'ionoe" in the promises. A C'liANcK roit ltri.ic 'IlPtf'fKiH. TheHf-loii I'uit. In vii W of tbcexum- pie set by Mis. Lincoln, makes tin fui. lowing announcement : Mr-. Mulligan, at the North end, wid ow m' the late himeutid Dennis M., is inn mi w II oil", p. Ciiui irity, its was .sup posed. lin'.'l.v slip tuts, au thorized u pawn iiroki r in rsilete st'. 't ii.soil filiowing siritck- : A 1 '". -h.iwi, Vaii.ed .1; Si.Sf, ; u pin Lot 'idle ker. h.ef, '.''"10011 s; ivmoi's hair .all r -Upper-, the gift of Mr. Flaherty, who -01 a chance to draw a tlr-t class hand ctut through tliu Influence of Mr. .Mulligan, valued at To cents, n gla-s decanter or iginally filled with wlii-key), worth si, but .ihloh Mrs. Mulligan will be glad to sell for fifty cents ; a red flannel -liirt worn by Mr. M. when lie run witli the famous No. -lo machine, n little tho worsj forage mid mot tail the bcttoi for Its antiquity, iu cents j a pairof tllk stotklngs.ptirchi.M si In Hrattlestitetgiv on by 11 w ard oilUer for favors 1 evolved, Hie purtleuhus of which aienot stated, $1 ; a lif-ckluco made of elum bholls, ve ry unique, and symbolical, 70 coins sundry small unities of funiile wind robe which may be imagined, but not described, ami which will bu suhl what ever lb" consequences, pecuniary or po litic il. A 1111 original expression of ho vy grief we doubt If anything more touch ing has been road than the following, of a crushed heart In star City, Nevudo. Mr.'. of that place, tinoocenliie old lady, recently ntjhed into the room of 11 relative, and without walling for tho u-ual salutations, -aid : "Well John's dead !" 1 Iler tm-l and. "Dead ! Is It possible."1 "Yes, dead! died let night I Want you all to come to the funeral. The Ma- -nn and Odd Follow are going to turn otll mid we shall huvea lirmltlllil time." Death being of rare occurrence In the settlement, of course every body wept to thu funeral. Next day somebody re marked to the old lady that there was u large turnout. "Yes, Indeed, there was," slie replied, "but I didn't epjoy myself 111 well un I have at come lin.eials, the hordes cut up so," Dlt. W -,0110110 occasion level veil no lee lor marrying u parsimonious couple, ami meeting them several months nttor at a social gathering, toot up the baby nno exclaimed r " I bellee 1 have a mortgage, on tho child!" linby'ri papa, rather than havo un ex planation before tho company, quietly hands over n V.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers