THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUItG, SATURDAY, MAY 2o 1866. LOOAti INTELLIGENCE. O.N Monday Inst we were favored with Ihiushowvro. Toward tho mountain eon ntdcrnble hall raid some snow foil. William L. Maddock & Co., ileal cm In fine groceries, No. 1 15 youth Thlril titrcct (ojipoHltu the Olninl Rank), l'hllndclithln. IlV thcsupplciticnt totlicCoLU.MiiiAN 'our riwlCM will bg luformuil Mint Mr. Henry Rosenatoek luw returned to this liluee, ami resumed his buslnaM of pho togra'ihy, etc., at the old Htand In the Exchange. Iltoclr. Tm: grout "show" of I)nn Itlce, our IX'iulersWill not forget, Is to bo here next Tuesday. Tho zoological portion eon tains many (UiliJectB of Interest and In struction, and the equestrian performan ces arc said to be of a superior order. Onf, day last week rt general row en Rued In Iron Street, In which Jacob Fox, of Mt. Pleasant, received a pevero wound ifi the head, from which tho brnlu pro 'triuleil, by a stone. John Clayton, who U wild to bo tho guilty party, lias de camped. Judge HAimiJrr, of Wayne County, has lately decided that deserters, if oth erwise qualified, can vote, and warns election boards against pleading Igno rance hereafter. Tho points made weru about thesamo as those of Judge Elwcll, In this county, in tho case of Common wealth vs. Fry. "Wo understand the question is also beforo the Supremo Court. At a meeting of tho Columbia County Agricultural Society, held in the Court House on Saturday, the 10th instant, Mr. Matltlaa llartman was chosen Pres ident pro tan. It was decided that in stead of a fixed 5alary to the President he be allowed tho same per day that is paid to the ExecutiveCommittec for each day's service in tho society. Tho salary of tho Secretary was increased to seventy-five dollars. The following officers wero elected for tho ensuing year: Jo heph P. Connor, President; Caleb Barton, JIathias llartman, James Masters, and Conrad IJIttenbender, Vice-Presidents ; A. Philip Young, Cyrus Crevcling, and "Vm. II. Shoemaker, Executive Com mittee; F. P. Drinker, Secretary ; E. Meiulcnliall, Treasurer ; and 15. F. Ilart juan, Librarian. Rase Rall. Tho following is the score of the match game played by the Continental Base Ball Club of Blooms burg on the Fair Ground, Mny 1!), 1800: FI1I.ST NINK. 'Tlnangst, c Mover, n o. II. .i 1 Fini.ii. Dlchl.o E. Furmau, p MeKlunoy. s. s Htirtinun, 1st b. Eycr, 2db , I la relay, .'Id I llcldlcmnn, 1. f.. '. Fiirmaii, 1st b G Abbi'tt, I. f t llarton, 3d li ,1 V.. Klwll, Sill ll B ltanisny, c, f. 2 Itrockwiiy, 8. s 2 Garrison, r. f. 1 .1 i' rceze, e. i it George Elwcll, r. f....l Total 27 40 I Total '.7 innings. Int. 2d. ."VI. 4th. .Ftli. 01 li. Till. 8th. dlli. 1st Nine...2 H H 4 ll ll 4 10 u 10 Field 1 2 2 7 4 It 0 4 1-21 Umpire ruptnln M. Whltinnyov. Scorers Mt'dirH. Hempstead and Waller, Jr. Home runt Ramsay, 1; Garrison, 1; Dlchl, 1; list relay, 1, struck out Hurton, 1 ; Hroekway, 1 ; K. Furninn, 1; liaiclay, 1; Hiiidlciiiau, 1. Left on buses llnnngst, 1; Mover, 1; C. Fur 1111111,1; Abbott,:!; Dillon, II: li Elwcll, I ; Dlclll, 1; llarlniaii, 1 ; ll.iretay, 1; George Elwcll, 1. I'ut out on foul balls Unnngst, 1 j Meyer, 2; C. Furninn, 1; Abbctt, 1; :. Elwcll, 1; Dlchl, lj McKinney, 1. Fly catches Unaiigst, 1; Moyer, 2; Dlehl, 0; V.. l'liriuaii, 2. Military. By a resolution of a sub eonimittco on the reception of State Hugs, tho into commanding officers of reg iments residing in the Ninth Militia Division of Pennsylvania, composed of tho Counties of Columbia, Luzerne, and "Wyoming, and color-bearers and guards, lire requested to report to tho subscrib ers tho names and post-offlco address of color-bearers and guards, to carry their regimental Hags in tho procession at In dependence Square, Philadelphia, on the Fourth of July next, tho bearer and guards to lie those who wero detailed in orders to those duties, or who bore their colors in action. They will assemble in 3Iarrisburgon tho 2d of July. Arrange ments aro being made by which trans portation will be furnished them free on the various railroads. Address General Henry M. Iloyt, Wilksbarre, Pa. ; Col onel Wellington II. Ent, Light Street, Columbia County. NEWS ITEMS. Tiierf. aro now one thousand six hundred and llfty National banks In op eration. Oxi: hundred young men aro prepar ing for tho Catholic priesthood in tho dlocof.0 of Philadelphia. It is reported that one hundred and fifty clerks will bo discharged from the Treasury Department at tho end of the month. Since the destruction of cows in Eng land they aro importing goats from Iro- land for milking purposes. Some of them sell as high as forty dollars each. Tim Chicago and Northwestern Hall way Company control and operato more tlmu ono thousand miles of road. In this respect that powerful corporation has no peer In the entire world. John Mitciif.l is writing upon Irish grievances through tho columns of tho sOpbuonc Rationale, of Paris, and prom ises to " explain clearly what Fcnlanism ,'s, and ubovo all, what it is not." Thk Directors of tho Manassas Gap Jtallroad aro endeavoring to effect aloiui of twenty-live thousand dollars for tho purpose of putting tho road into imme diate operation to Salem, lu Fauquier County. It is stated that a new insurrection, fomented by General Prim's adherents, 5s on tho point of breaking out iu Spain. Between tho Chilian war and disorders at home, thu Spanish Government must have its hands full. To get up tho new five-cent piece, which is soon to bo issued, will cost about six hundred thousand dollars. There will be, when tho coinage Is com pleted, three nnd a half million dollars in this moiioy in circulation. Tim message of Mayor Brown esti mates the present value of taxable prop erty in NashvUlo at eighteen million .dollars, or nearly four million dollars ;noro Mian llyo years ago, at the com jjieueemeut of .the Rebellion, A NF.w gas-burner has been introduc ed in Edlnburg. The nip Is composed of "patent odumos," siliceous sub stance not liable to corrosion or oxida tion ; and the result is that tho flame Is steadyand thogas thoroughly consumed. LiF.UTENANT-UKNKHAL UllANT has Instructed the military department com manders to abolish, as rapidly as possi ble, tho districts under their commands. In some cases he has recommended the conversion of two districts into a mili tary post. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial assures us that at Columbus, Miss., the ladles who decorated the graves of those slain In battle, or dying in wimp or hospital, made no difference between tho Confederate and the Fed eral dead. Governor Oitlt, of South Carolina, regarding the teaching of freed people, believes It good for them and good for tho State. Ho says the teachers shall be protected In their duties, and that the prejudice against them and their occu pation is disappearing. Thk Hartford Cburant announces that the contract for constructing tho Get tysburg monument has been awarded to Its designer, James G. Patterson, Esq., of that city. Tho monument is to cost fifty thousand dollars. Mr. Battcrson designed mitF built tho Worth monu ment. Tiik strike of tho eoalhcavcrs, at Port Richmond, which took placo some four or six weeks ago, in consequence of the reduction In tho price of labor from thirty cents per hour to twenty-live cents, is at an end. A few of the old employes have commenced work at tho reduced price, but the great majority now employed are new men. The bus iness along tho coal wharves is now pro gressing without any interruption. IIiou water in the Mississippi nt St. Louis lias had a very curious clfect. The city has been contcstlngsults with squat ters upon the river front for some time pat, and was unable to oust them from possession. Tho high water, however, did the work, and now the city has taken measures to prevent them from return ing to it when thu river recedes. Tm: great railroad suit of tho Ohio and Mississippi against tho Indianapo lis and Cincinnati road, for a million and a half of dollars, is beforo the Su perior Court in Cincinnati. Tho suit is brought on an alleged breach of contract, the Indianapolis road having secured an independent connection with Cincinnati, instead of usingtheOhionnd Mississippi track from Lawrenceburg, as was con tracted for. Tin: citizens of Nashville, Tcnn., have shown theirgood sense by returtiingslnce the close of the war to tho maintenance of good public schools. Before the Re hellion tlioe Institutions were, the pride of tho people. Tho teachers now em ployed (two of tho principals being grad uates of a Northern Colleirel are deter- mined that thoschools shall merit in tho future thONime support which tlicy had in the oast. Tho citv is said to linvo made an investment of two hundred thousand dollars in the schools, and it maintains them at a venrlv cxncnsn if sixty thousand dollars. The wholn mi inner of scholars is about two thous and. One of the graded schools num bers seven hundred pupils. MARRIED. On tho lfilb liivtaiif. bv n A Woit.rt i?,. r'ltmmiurit to Ki.k.vnoh Wf.i.i.ivki!, both of .iiauison Township, Columbia County. On the 2ltli ultimo. In M.vh,mlrnii. r -n.. ILcv. C I' Ktmver .1. IT Mni'vt-i. nrann.-tlu ofthoolllelatlnKelerwnmn, to PkasikH. Hhii k- itKAii, lormeriy oi iierwick, l'a. In WIlkCRhnrrn. nl. fli r..kMenn nt ti it f l-!t.rt.. on tho 17th llmtnnt. hv Uev .1 A CVw..l 1'..! OAlt I. MKIIltlMK.N toltUVII IlOSS Ll!WIS, both of wuKcsoarre. In tho M. I Chureh. Wllkealmrrn .... tlw. instant, by no v. Y. C. Smith, Hknuy II. Dunn to juahy u. fki.i., oom oi vt iiiieMiarro. DIED. In SUK.uioaf Township, on tho Mill ultimo. iiAiniiKT Ai.vr.itNA, infant dauiihtcr of Anion anil Mary A. Van-dcklc, aged j months, a wco!:s. nun .1 nays. In llrlarereelt, Columbia County, on the 0th instant, A. CHtaiii., In the 23d year of his age. On Thursday, tho 17th instant, I)n. I). It. Mix. I.U K, of I.lBhl Ktreet, nsjed about 2D years. On Friday the lltli Instant, nt the house of her son-in-law, John I'. Williams, in Hanover Town ship, CATIIkiunk WiuiTi-K, aged 77 years and 11 monins. Dr. J. S. I)nrrlll.-Thlii rmowiitil nliyil. Helan, whoso fame 1 as wlde-spreud an the conti nent, is now at the Montour House, Danville, l'a.. where he will remain until Jim. 9 u ..n l..... particular nttcntlon to his circular inclosed. We M im oi inaiiy uiuuh periormeu ny nun In WHUo banc, Heranton, and vicinity, and men whoo names we cannot doubt. Wo have no Interest In ins MiryrM wnaiever, oui wc cannot, In Justice H; the alllUtcd, permit thlsopisirtuiilty to pass with, out rcqucMltn; our reiuters to try him. ills treat, ment Is very pleasant, as lie Kivcs no medicine. K. II. I.llllc, A'lTOItNUV-AT-I.AW, Olllcu on Main Htreet, In white frame house, be low tho Uxchango Holel. llolicrt K. Clurk, ATr0Il.VEY-AT-I,AW, Olllco corner of .Main and Market Streets, over 1-lrht .National Haul;. John Ci lrrec, ATr01lNKV.AT.I,AW, onico li Itcglstcr and Itecorder's oflice, Jn tho basement of the Court House. Vclc- AVIil, ATTOHN'r.V.AT-I.AW, Ofllco on Main Sti eet, over H. II. .Miller's Store. C. 11 Ilrocktvny, ATTOIlN'EY-AT-I,AW, Olllco on Mailt Street, first door west of tho Court House. Chuilci. O, Ilarkley, ATTOIINKY.AT.I.AW, Ofllco on Main Street, over H. H. Miller's Kloro. VllIlam II. Aliboll, ATTOUXKY-.VM.AW, CatawlsKa, l'a, 11. K Jucknn, ATTOHXKY-AT-IiAW, riurwlek, Columbia County, I'.i. M. M. TlullKh, A'lTDIt.VnY.AT.UVW, llerwick, Columbia County, l'a, PI. M. l.'Vrllr, Arrt),Aw, Ccntruju, Vfifmsftua County, Tn, pUBLIC SALE OF valuahli; heal i23tatia In pursuance of nn onlcr of tho Orphans' Court of Columbia County, 1'u., on Hal unlay, the, 11 ilay ot Juno next, at ten oilock In tho forenoon, Philip l'nilst, administrator nt Daniel Krlitn, latci of Cooper Township, Montour County, deceased, will exposo to (.ale, by publlo vtmlu, nl tho homo of Emanuel lAznrux, In Montour Township, n cer tain traetof laiul, situate III Molitour Toumhlp, Columbia County, nilJntnliiRlniiilH of Kmanuel !ii- Minis on tho cant, tho Itlvcr Husquc linnua on tho roulh, nnil tho lino illvMInu tho Counties of Co lumbia and Montour on tho north, cniitnlullut clBhty-twoiu'rumnil Hlxt.v-slx perehesnent mem. lire, about twenty aeres of Mhleh Is Improved or cleared land, Ijito tho estate of said ileeenced, Mlluato ill tho Township of Montour mid eiumty aforesald. JKSHK COI.KMAN, Clellt, lILooMsncnn, May fti, im, CONHITIONH OI' MAIilX Twenty-flve ier cent, of the purchase money to bo paid by tho purehascr to the administrator on thu day of Bale; tho residue of tho purchaso mo ney to be paid In ono year from tho confirmation nl. it., with Interest from the. confirmation. The purchaser U) pay for deed and stamps. KOUHT, Administrator. May 23, lfidfl. I. BUHKHAItT, Iinisirterand Dealer in IKON AND BTGKU No. CO Front Street, Philadelphia. TOIIN STltOUP &, CO.. O . .. (successors 10 Mroup .v iiroincr, WIIOI.r.SAI.i: DKAI.K1W IN FISH, No. 21 North Wharves, and 2i North Water St., 1'hliadelphln. 17 J. LKSTElt, J-' .... . . . .. wnoicsaic aim iiciaii iieaier in l'OUKION AND IXJ.MKSTIC CAItl'ITl'S, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, Ac. No. 29 North Second Street, opp. Christ Church, Philadelphia. T0 ALL WHOM IT MAY COX- X CEHN. Please take notico that I, Ira Itond armcl, of Centrovllle, Columbia County, hnvlnu IwiiRht tho following list of property from Peter Hower, do declare that it it my Intention to lend tho satuo to tho said Hower, to wltt four beds; ono dozen chairs; ono lot of dishes; one cup board; ono burenu; twenty yards of carpet; ono cooking stove; ono liirlor stove; one two-horse wason; ono two-horse carriage; ono double set of harness; ono slnglo set of harness; two tables; two piss. IltA HOADAHMEU H UBU All FOB CATAWISSA! THIS WAY FOIt I1AUOAINS. Goods to compare with stringency of tho money market. I,ook and compare prices before pur chasing elsewhere. Just call at tho favorlto busi ness stand of MrNINCH & SHUMAN, nnd you will be met by the obliging proprietors or thelrcierks, and shown tin ough their great variety store free of charge, of course. They will give you a fair chance to spend your loose change, they trust much moro profitably than It can be spent elsewhere. Their HTOCIC OF DUY OOODS this Spring Is much larger in all Its varieties than usual. Their LADIES' DltliSS GOODS are of tho nicest styles In market. They have a lino assortment of ltATS.'CAPM, HOOTS AND SHOES, SUMMEIt, CLOTHS, CASSINETS, CASSIMEKES, AND VESTINOS, ami numerous nrtlclcs common to such establish ments, besides a general assortment of HAItDWAIti:, TINWAlli:, (lI'KENSWAItn, AND GltOCEItlES, nil at greatly I educed prices. They wish to con duct their business on the system of "PAY AS YOU GO," nnd they think they can alloul to sell very cheap. tncy leiuin ineir thanks for many past favors. and nsk tho luture patronage of their foinicr cus tomers uud the publlo generally. McNINCII & SHUMAN. rpiIE NEW GROCEHY STORE, -L on Main Street, nLoo.MsnuitG, pa. A LARGE ASSOHTMENT OK NEW GOODS Just received nt HENIIY (IIGEII'S NEW STOHE. Dry Goods, Hats nnd Caps, Iioots and Shoes, Molasses, Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Spices, Fish, Salt, lllce. Rilsliw, Tobacco, Segars, Candies, Notions, Toys, FLOUIt, FEED, AND PltOVISIONS, togetlicr with n great variety of notions gener. nlly kept In stores. miTTEH, EGGS, MEAT, AND PltODUCE taken In exchange forgoisls, for which tho high, est market price will be paid. HENIIY OIOEIt. rpiIE -NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. JL A (IUEAT NATIONAL JOUHNAL published dally and weekly. In the National Capi tal, devoted to the mipmirt of tho containing, tssldo edlloriuls on the leading topics LATEST OFFICIAL NEWS from tho several Departments of tho Govern ment; the linon tir-r r . nr rs . ,....n i'"i."ii. nr.l Tunis of the priM-eeillngsoI thotwo Houses of fViiiTess and tho Sunrenie Court or tho United States, ami tho Court of Claims; also 1 TELEGKAPHIC, (JEN Kit A L. AND MISCELLA- tho most ItEI.IAIlLr. AND LATEST IIEPOIITS from the Agricultural llureau, tho Freislmcn's V""' ....... .... ...i,,-, ,iiiH,nnni source whence news comes foreign and domestic. Tin;- Tll.-oiTliT 1 V- nine . will alwavs be mrnislied with an Au-i.i; suiTi.v til' I.ITCItAltY MATTEIl POETIIY AND PUOSi:. A niche will bo reserved for n word on tho AUTS AND SCIEN'Cli, ' HOOK llEVIEWH. WIT, HUMOIl, Ac. , THE HEPUIILICAN, under tho present maumreiiient erk,n,Min,..,.i in the midst of the Hebelllon. January, lwi.1, and If ,1 linu mil I mm. .Iint.lj( l l.n.. . ..... . . .. ... . .. ..... i, ,, ,ul., ui-eii us I'arnesi and shicern In Us supirl of Abniham Lhu-oln and his war isillcy, Eiuanclpallou I'locl.iniallon. nnd all, lis any louinal printed Insldn Ihe I'edciai lines. I itklng that ground, then, and llndlng An diew .loliiison stiiiidlng llimlv In ilefeneeof tho same principles, wnliave no other dutv to iH'iiorm oriieslictogrntirvthan to "Fight It out on this line" unlll tho Itcbelllon, uiuieil or illsaimed, Is wholly and permanently put dow n, Tin: ori'icr vi. Aiivi'itTisii'Mi-vr of nil Ihe Exccutlvo Departments of'the lluvern- iniut iiiu piiiiiisiii-ii 111 me NATIONA L nEPUIILICAN IIY AUTIIOHITY OF THE PKESIDENT. TEIIMS-WEEKLY. One copy ono car m Onocopy s- monihs ,, ; im Three copies one ear a no I hreo copies six months . 2 U) Ten copies one year. (o leil copies siv niouius 7 ,7) A pel son sending us a club of tvicnlv subs'crib els In tho eekly, uud 4 ID, will bo entitled Inuu i.v f 111 entiv iinillu Tho Dally National Itepuhllenn is furnished to 1111111 siiifsrriuers at m per unmuu; IH for six IU1.0IUH. 1 ivu copies one ear 11. AililresM w. j. Mi'itrAiiii .t m., Wf.shlnglon, V. C, N ACT iu I'Rovinn rnn thr Knr.cTinN op a tiniKi. rnu TM K Kul'IAJVjiKNT ANII HUTltUlT Or Tlill I-OOH IN TIIK OilINlV OK COMJMIHA. Huf-rtns 1, llnll rnnHnil Uv tlin Hptintn mid llntwn nf Ih'prt'HPiitnt.vcsnnhc (jcimmoTi wealth tiflVim yi vim m in i M-iicnii AMii'TiHJiy int itmni u in iktc by cniu tcil ly tin niitlmrliy tiff tlm Bainr, Tlmt .1. A. FiiMt(il(!uoli llnrrM, liCWlS Vt'llfr..!ctt'IloII man, Tlmum (.'rcvi'llnu, nr., Htumipl Ifnari, Wil limn Iriilnon, llllnm .f, Ikrlrr.niM. Jnhn K, Uioiz I in mid n I'M 1iiri'1iV niiiMihtlMilriilMlillistlnlicrH.wlinHfi ilnty It flmll to, nr ii intOtirliy of them, nn or hofurn hit) ni'Hi uny pi .liny, .iitm iuuiiiu vim iikmm:iihi i titit liiititlt i(1 niul Hlxlv.tx. to ilt'lt'i'tnliiti utioii mul iiurclms muIi n-nl I'ntato a4 II icy, or n m.gor ny m infill, niiiui niTni nri-i'wiii. uuuu'iuriiiiiii' iliiflnn nf tlii nnor nf Cnliimlthi County, mul to taluuM-nnvryaiK'ti ttifrcfor In tin mono mul for inn u.tinni i or hm rni o i inriunnicii n inn loiirin ftpotlnn nf this in t.iitnl rrrtlfy their taocpiillnifi iiprpin uiiopi" uu'ir Jianunnu wchih mi uiu i;utik i thn liunrter HpmKHiH or lniumnia vounty. in tm tlloil In hi olllo ami at tin1 next kpiipiiiI t in Hon llu' tinnllMPii i icfinr-s or uommma i ninny snail cloct thrwj rtHpt'ctubh' clllcni tf tin nti county tn hnillrpctorftiif Him tMHrami oftlioIIoUM'nfllm- ployntriit for Coluinlila County lor tho tnHuJiiK yi'Jir, a nn un jikik n in uiim'iiiuiii win i'iiiiiijr tilinli Itntiinilliitplv nn i-rrilvlnii thn ri'ttirtiN Irnm tlH'fnvpral i-U't'timi tlL-trkt.-i uml niNtlim up thn ouiniHT ni vfucn intTPin. nr imiin uirf iiiivh thercaftiTtccrtlly umler tm-lr iinrnMaml tfixu tlio fiiLiiii in tM'nmm Rrificr-ipii uirt'i'ifirN in i u ( itk ..t of ritlifn U.mslrttllt llf tlillil luilllili. won Kiinu nit- uio muu cerunriur m im umvv, aim forthwith kIvp notlrn In writing to the wild iIItpc Utrn of their twine elected, mm IhpnaM illrertnrit nlmtl meet nt the Court llmiso. intliM wiM counlr. onthutlr!t Mondny of Novt'inher iipM eiir.ulni ineir I'liciion. nnn oiviiim inciii'iivfs ny iw linn thi'tclusHi(( the placn of the IliKt to lo viicaltil attlif p.xolratlon nf tho tlrstycar, of tho Keeoudnt tlir (xnlnitltin (ifthn fupcfiiitl venr. of Mim thlril nt tho oNplratpin nf tho (hint year, no that thoM who snail iipcinwt'ii auer hip nrii. 'ii'i'iifii,miio in iiiu mnlonhove tlecilhp(l, timynercfnr threujenrs. ntKlnup-thlrd may hceltnspn nunually. rK(TioN iniu uip Riierin ni who enuniy Himu, witlilii ten (lay alter tlu pusmnji' of this act, uotlly tho cniuinlslnnrrs of thoJr nplolnItnent. nti'l when ttipv Hliall inept fur entering titnin 1 li iltit Iim UNiluupd ttiom by thW net which rmll place of niooiuiK Hnau uo m iiinumttnur, hi, inu court iiouso. Skctiok 3. Kvery director rleetoil In innnncr nforpnalii, or appointed as H provided In tho twelfth section of HiH net. idinlt. wltliln ten dnv nftcr he In notlnua of nucli eicetmn or npixtint ineui.niai ueinru no ti icrr uumi liH'iiiuiL'Hoi N iiti olllce, tnko nn oath or alllritiatlnn hefnro a Justice of tho pvitconf wild county torilschaico tlioitutleH ofdlrpcttu- of Hip ioor for nld county trulv, faith fully(nud liniartliillyttotlio tcst ttf hN Judgment nnd ability, and In easo of neglpct nr reftiMul to take ntd onth or utltrnmtlon wltliln tho tlmo nfori'salM. ho Hhall inrfrlt and pay the Mini of ten dollars for tho use of tho poor of said county, which UnnHhall bo recoverel by the directors for tho llnip ijeliiLjnsdehtsarnorpnnii ikj ny law re rnvprnlilo. niifl tho directors ntiatfflcd tm afitrpmitd uro hereby nuthorlml to ndmluNter nn oath nr nmrmatinn in any cji;m when n.siinii ikj necessary In rptutluti Ut tlin duties of their oit !(. Sftion I. Tho said directors shall forever here- nnor, in natiiouml in fact, bo ono ooiy pontic and enrnorntotn law. to nil Intents mul nurnoMs what soever relative tn tho puor of tho County of Co- 111111 ilia, ll I Hi s nit 1 1 lilt v jt;i uiti niHt-t'tiitnit ill 111 muv suo and be Rued, olead ami bo Imnleadeil. br the name, style, and title of Directors of the loor nnd of tho House of Kmployment for tho (Vanity oi voiunima, iniu ny 111:11 name rtnaii ami may re ceive, take.nml hold nnv InmN. tenements, nnd hertMlltainejils not exceeding tho yearly value of ten lluumnd dollars, and any goods nnd chattels whatsoever of the Kilt alienation, nr bequest of any person nr iM'ions whatsnevcr; to purchase, take, mid luild any lands ami tenements within their county In tec simple nr otherwise, mul elect suita ble buildings for the tee ptlnn, use, and accomo dation of tho poor of said county; to provide nil tliliupu iiiiiiMiuirv for! tut tiuliltnf imif titi-iiimrtn mul employment ot salil pKir; toapiioint a treason r annually, who shall lvo Isuul with toll nnd sut'l clent surety for the faithful dlvchanjoof thodutles oi ins oinee, aim ai me expuaiion increoi loriue payment nnd delivery over to his successor In of fice of all moneys, bond, of notes, lKk accounts, or other papers to tho said corporation belonglm?, which shall then be remain tin; In bis lutuds, cus tody, and posvfvslon, and said directors shall have power to employ and nt pleasure removouMew nrd or stewards matron or matrons, physician or physicians, surceou or suiueons, and all other at tendants that may lie necessary for Ihe said poor respectively; to bind out ns apprentices mj that sucli nppientlcehlp may expiie, tf males, nt or bcfoio the a tie of twenty-ono years, it females, nt or before tho age ofeiKhtccn years, such lmorchll dien as shall como utnler their notice, nrns may be bound apprentices, JrtW(cit That no child l.n li,.n.l nnlul.l.i r,t ftin rVllllll fifl .1 1 1 . V.I .. nor without tho bene lit of tlio public schools of the district. Section fl. That the said Directors, any two of wnomsnnn consuiuuMifiuoruiu ior ine transac tion of business, shall have power minunlly, us soon after the leturus tor the annual assess ments in said county ns Is practicable, to lay u rate or assessment not exceeding ono cent on tho dollar, nt nnv time, upon nil leal and per sonal estates within the county a foresaid, fordo fravlmr tho cvoirvs of nurchashur said farm. electing said buildings ""d maintaining the pentr in sain cnuiu y, aim snail ou luvieu upon me oasis of the last adjusted valuation made lor l emulating county rates nnd levies, and having caused fair duplicates of such rates or assessments by them laid to bo made, which shall bo signed by them. suau issiin ineir warrant 10 111c coiiecinrni siicn t.ix, therein uuthoil.ingaml leulrlng him to de mom I, reed ve, nnd collect fliuu avitv ierii tliMieln iiarnetl. In the niauner and by tlio same processus poor taes are now collectable; and the said directors Khali, irom tlio time of thepiovlrlhig by them nf suitable buildings lorthonccomcHlatlon of said poor, exercise and peilorm within tho said county, except so far ns such nets, duties, nnd power ure herein expiP'-sly pi escribed or limited, sn.runxt(. As soon us tho said buildings shnli have been erected or purchased, und nil necessary accomodations provided theielu, notices shall be sent, signed by uny two of tho dhectors. to the oerseers of the several townships of the said County ot Columbia, ieiuliing them forthwith to bring tho poor of their lespectHe townships tn said llonse of Employment, which order theover seeisme heieby enjoined uud itqulred to comply with, or otherwlso to forfeit the cost of all future maintenance, exct pt In eases when by sickness, or any other sulllcleut cnuhe, any poor person cannot bo remow'di in which ciiso the oveiseers shall repiesent the same to the nearest Justice of mo, pence, v no, nciugsaiisiieu oi uiu iruio ineieoi, sliail certify tho snmo to tho s,dd directors, nnd nt the same time issue nn order, under IiIk hand and seal, to the said overseers, directing them to main tain such poor until such time as ho or she may bo 11 situationtobo removed, audlheu convey the In said pauper and deliver him or her to tho ste wind or koeporof said House ot Employment, together with tho said order; and the charge and exense of such temiMtrnry relief and of such lemoval shall bo paid by the said directors ut u reusonablo allowance. Section 7. The steward or manager of said Poor House is hereby required yearIy,on the first Monday of January lu each year, to furnish said directors a statement of thu incomo of said real estate, ns nearly as the snmo cm bo done, also of excess of his expenditures over and above said Income; tho amount uud kind of personal pio perty then on bund, Including grain, ct vrttnt; the number of poor persons admitted mid dis charged during tho year, with tho number then therein; the lengtli of time each remained; and the name, ago, and fcx of each. Tho treasurer shall annually, on the first Monday nf each year, render to said directors njust and correct account of hts receipts nnd disbursement during the pre ceding year, and tho said directors shall annually, lu tho mouth of January In each year, publish, in tun papers published in ltlouimdmrg, a statement of tho receipts, disbursements, und expenditures of said corporation during the preceding yenr, with a statement of tho propel ty, real and per sonal then hotd by them. Hkutiov . That tlio compensation of tlio treas urer, collector, steward, matron, physician, nnd other oftlcers and assistants shall bo llxed by the directors, and the compensation of thu dhectors shall be fixed by tho Hoard nf Auditors, who shall bo npiolnted by the Court of Quarter Sessions of said county, at each jearly settlement, for the next succeeding year. i'rorWcf, That thu com pensation of said directors fmm the parage of this net until the first yearly settlement, shall be fixed by the Hoard of Audllms at the first yearly settlement, thu directors to tuinisli the said audi tors u cnriect account of the time and ex jh-uses lot nnd Incurred by them In attending to their duties, from which account the said eoinis'iisatiun shall bo llxed and adjusted. HkctionII. The said directors shall from time, to tlmo receive, provide tor, and employ, uccordlng to thu true Intent uud meaning of HiUuet.all such poor and imllgeiil persons as shall be entitled to relief from nnv of the several townships or bor oughs of Oriumhlu County, und shall bo sent thcie by un order or warrant for that purpose, under the , hands ami seals of any two Justices of tho peace of the said county, directed to tho Overseers of tho loor of tho piopertownshlporlMiiuugh.and tho said dlrettois uiu heieby authorized, when thev shall deem It pioper and convenient to do so, to penult uny iior pcisnu to Im maintained elscwheie. J'rottUit, Theexponse of their main ten.inco does not lu any ease exceed that for which they could bo maintained at tho l'uor House of tho s.iid County ot Columbia. Hht'iinN 10, That it shall be lawlul tor thn said dtnttors, or i majority of them, in thn case ot any person in their charge us n pauper ou nlng or pos sessing any real estnle or Interest In Hal estate, to apply to the Com t of Common Picas of Colum bia iVunty, or uny other counties in this Coin mon wealth w heio the said pioperty may bosltua tid, by petition, playing tho said Coutt to grant them un order to make sale of said real estate, or (merest therein, for the suppottmul maintenance i of said pauper, and that tho snld Court, If thev deem It advisable after considering tho applica tion, shall grunt an oi tier to said directors tmnulco sail of said leal estate or luteiest therein, or unv part thereof, on such terms ns tlio said Com t shall think It advisable, and the said directors shall, In piirsu.uu'o of said order, olt'er said real estate, or luteiest therein, on tho piemises, at public snlo, und sell the same nt public, out-cry, after giving at letust twenty davs' publin noilcoof the thneaud place nf sale, by three haud-bllls, put up In public places, and by advertisement in ono newspaper published In tho county heielu said property Is situated, which sale so made tho said d hectors slutll return to the s ild coutt, and utter confirma tion of the same shall execute and deliver to the purchaser u deed vt conveyance tor said estate, on the Siiid purchaser's lutl compliance with tho tcims uud conditions of Fall sale, which deed so made shall vest the property therein descril il to the grantee us fully and ellectimlly the said pauper held mul enjoyed tho snuio,aud that tho said iliiectors shall apply tho proceeds of said s.ile,orMtmnchiis may be necessary, to tho sup inn I und muiutennnco of sidd pauper, nnd if nnv balance shall temain alter his or her death, and after deducting funeral expenses, tho said direc tors shall pay oersuld balauco to tho legal rep resentatives nf said pauper, upon demand made uud security being given tnlndeinultv said di rectors tiom tho claims of nil nt her persons, Smtion 11, A quorum of said directors shall, ami they mo hereby enjoined and leiiulted, to meet at the sntd House of l.mplovment at least onco In every mouth, und visit the niar'iuonis nnd see that the poor mo eotutoitably suppoiltsl, und hear nil complaints, uud redress, nr cause to tm ledressed, nil grievances tliut may lutpis ii by thn neglect or misconduct nl uny ptrsnn or 1T fcont lu tiH'Jr aupJoyjULUt, or otUcj wm1 Wei TtMV ti t.i .r .., t... .tnnt. rpslgimllnn, or otln rwlo, ornliy of tio said dl rectors, the remaining directors shall fill such Va tnncy by tho iipnlimnent or a eltlfen nf their county, under I bo same pi tmlty ns Is prov lied by thelliHtsullniior this mt, to si rve until tho next general election, when another director shall be t ie.-.t o, loservnii i! no vacancy had happened. HhA'i ion l.j. All claims nnd demnnds exsling nt inn in ii n un m i ocnig cnrrieu into rllect shall liavo full f.ace and elt'ect, as if this act hud not liaised! and w hen the same nuiv imw. , adJiiHted nnd settled, nil motif -h reuuitnltig In tho taxes lev ted for thn kiii tool I of I Im tu. o. . ...... einl lownshliM, In the County of Columbia, tdiall in-imiu inn in uni niiii'r isum 01 ine lllUliwaVN of (heir respective townships, to bo by them em. ployed toward repairing the toads therein. Nt'crioN H. As soon ns tho p(ir ut tho (?nuntv of Columbia shall have Ih i n icmoveil to the jiouse oi j'.uiiiinymeni oi ine snut county, and thn out-stnhding taxes collected nnd juild over as 1 directed In section thirteenth or this net, tho otllce of Overseers of tho Poor within the accepting town ships shullf mm thenceloiih heulHillshcd, HKiTtoN l That thosaidillrectorsortreasurers, or any one or moro of the taxpayers nf tho no reptlng townships may, within tunny davs fmm tho yearly settlement by tho auditors us aforesaid, appeal from such settlement to tho Court of Com mon Pleas of CnlumhluOmuty.In thcsamuiuati tier and under the same provisions und legula tlnns that appeals Trum settlements by township auditors tire now n I lowed. Section Hi. That no money slmll bo paid by tho trensurer except upon orders drawn by the direc tors nml signed bynt least two of tho said direc tors, HwTfof 17. Tor the purnsp of ascertaining the sensn of thn citizens of Columbia County, as to tho expediency of erecting a Poor House, It shull Im tho duty of each of the inspectors nnd Judges for tho several townships mid Itomughs nt nn election, to Ikj held on tho first Tut sdny of Juno. Anno iMmlht one thousand eight hundred and slxty-slx, to receive tickets, either written or printed, rrom the mini tiled voters thereof, labelled on Ihe outside "Poor Ilouse.M and In the Inside ' Tor a Poor House'' or "Against a Pmjt House;" nnd If It shall appear, upon ousting up tho votes nt tho dlMcrcut districts, at tho Court House, on tho Friday following the snld election, that n ma jority of the quail tied electors of any township nr tsirough aro for a Poor House, then the forego ing net to takoeU'ect us to those townships or bor oughs; but if amnlorltyof tho votes tnnny town ship or Ik iron gh shall no against a Poor House, then thn foregoing net to bo null and void us to tho townships or boroughs voting against such Pisir House. Hkction is. Thonon-acceptlnRtownshlpsorbor nughs shall not Ihj entitled to vote for directors of tho said House of Employment! nor shall they bo entitled to receive or enjoy any benefits or advan tages by virtue of this act; nor shall the directors tc chosen from the said non-accepting townships nr boroughs; nor shall tho auditors mentioned in thu eighth section of this net ! unpointed from any such townships or boroughs, lrovhlrd, That tho directors of the said House of Kmployment may receive paupers from tho same non-accepting townships or iHjrouph at n rate of compensation per week to be agreed upon nnd settled bv the said Directors nnd Overseers of tlio Poor of tlio town ships or boroughs so applying. Skution I'.i, All acts and parts of nets lucnnsln tcnt with tho provisions of this net, or supplied hereby, are hereby repealed. JAMKS It. K1UJ.KY, Speaker of the House or Hepreseubitlves, D. FLKM1XO, Speaker of the Senate, Approved the eleventh day nf April, Anno Thmil- ul one thousand eight hundred nnd slxty-rdx. A. U. CUliTJN. ELECTION NOTICK. Pursuant to tho provisions of the foregoing Act nf Assembly, notice Is hereby given that an elec tion will be held at tho Usunl place nf holding tho general elections of the several townships mul borough of Columbia County, to be conducted by the respective election olhVers of tho snmo, on Tuesday, tho .Mil of June. A. D. lstKl. Is'tween the houis of eight o'clock a.m. nnd seven o'clock f.M., to vote upon thenuestion of "For a poor House' or uaiusi a i"oor nons-e, mihi io in.uit; reuirn oi said election ut tho Court House, on Friday, tho cli'hth day of June aforesaid, according to law. SAMPHh SNVDKlt, Sherltr. rpiIK AMKUICAX II AY KNIFE X - AND FOUIC Wo the undersigned cltirens nl Pjiliinililfi IVmntv vlttiissctl tlio f 1 tit t nf hnv forks on the farm of Mr. Pursel, in Hemlock Township, on Monday, May 7, IM, between tho American Hay Knife and Pork manufactured by k-l tt.'l.M 1 t T I u uTrnivi,'! . V. f t nn. Io. burg, I'.i,, nnd the nuudel's lntent liny Hook. Tho American Fork lifted more hay lu one il ran l-li t than tho Hundel In three. We uro satis fied It will take as much hay into tho mow ns two good horses out draw. We nlso snw It cutting hay. nnd think It annot be bent ns a hnv knife. nnd cheerfully recommend it ns tho best hny fork mm Jinuo we nave ever seen, 1 1 1 TTKN IlKN 1 ) Kit, Dll. V, C. IfAKUISON, W. It. Koons, John Doak. John Dkihuick, Danit-i. Novmt, H. Diot.KMii.i.i.i:. Svia'i.ti:u PL'itsrx, MieiiAKi, IIum.ku. John Wolf. They ulso nuuiufacturo the celebrated Buckeye Itenper nnd Mower, und other agricultural lmpb menu. B L00MSHU11O faxcy 'nxui MI.VU AND IKIOICSTOIti:, hccoml diMir liclow Hartiuau's, Main Slroot. Just n'colvi'il n now slwk of ZEWIYIW, AVOOI.II.V AND COTTfIN VAIt.VS, CdllSI'.TS, LACKS, KMIlItOIDr.Hir.S MUSI.IN KIKIINOM, Illtnss TUIJIMINGS, nnd every variety of nrllcli's usually kept in h FANCY KTOlti:. Alio sciiooi, hooks, hymn nooics, iiir,r,r.s, SlINDAY-SCHOUI. HOOKS, ami a largo lot of .misci:i.i,ani:ous hooks, account and mk.mouaniil'm hooks, I1I.ANK Ili:i:i)S, HON US AND MOItTOAOlCS, anil a rimuthI and wt'll-solcctcd asiortinont of iAi'i:i!, i:nvi:i.oi'is, &r. A. i. wniin. 1 7AGhU FOUNDRY. JUMLil'il ll.lll'I.IvS,s, lllooni.sburg, P.i. CToviisor i:veiiy VAitiirrY, I'LouoiisiiAniirLOUdiiroiNTS, and all kinds of Castings, on hand or hupiliod on thu shortest nutico nud at tliu cho.iiust inteB. CiiRllnii'' tor COAI. HHIIAKKllS AND COAI, SCHUTICS mado to ordfr. JTIFE IXSUllAXCE. If you wUhto live Ions and die hiirpy.Bowllliimt delay nnd INSUUK YOUU I.H'K In tho beit Comrany in tho world, TIIK MUTUAL INSUHANCi: COJII'ANY OKNl'.W YOltK. its cash ansets aui: and Itiunnual dividend for tlio Ilscal yonrnflMu ninouuU tui.ccnty-nvp !or rout, on all uurticl Kiting premium, liolnir tho lnrceHt dlvldi'iid uver leclarod hy any coiuimny for tlio hanio lengtli of time. For further Information apply to INS. UISIIF.L, Agent, HI'Miinslniri.', Fa. jVATIOXAIi FOUN1JHY, llloonisliuri;, Coluinlila Comity, Fn. Tlio nilivcrilior, proprietor of the nlHivo-nauifd extensive oMnblishnient, Is now prepareii to re ceive, orders for nil kinds of MACIIINEHY FOU COLLIKIUF.s, HI.AKT ri'UN'ACl-yi, STATIONAHY IINOINHS, MILI, TUHF-SUINO MACHINUs, Ac. Ho Is nlso prepared to make Stoves of all and patterns, Flour-Irons, and everylhlnu usually 111, ule lu llrtt-clnss KnundrieN. His exteiiblve f.iellltles and pnietleal woikmen warrant him In recolvliiK tliu largest eontracls on the most reasonable terms. drain of all kinds will bo taken lu exehaiiL'o for Casllnirs. This establishment Is located near tho Lackn wanna anil HloomsbnrK ll.illni.ul 1 k1 , FKTi:it lllLLMYF.U. 0 JIXIIIUS LINK. Tlio underslKned would respectfully nnnouneo In Ihocltliens of HloomsbnrK and the public iicne rally that ho is runuliiK nil OMNIlll'S LINK between this pines mul the dlil'eienl railroad ilv pols dally (Sundays exee)led), loeonneet Willi the seveinl trains coins South and West ou the Cain- w ssa and Vt'llllamsport Ualiroad, nud with those (join,! North and Snutliou Uiu Iukim anna and IlliKimsburit Ualiroad, Ills omnlliusses are In psst eoudillnu, cominn. dinus nud coinforlalile, und 1 halves, reasouabli. l'erwms wlshliiK lo meet or see their friends de. piilt,eniibeueeoinislated upon reasonable ehaivo by lcaJua lliuelj notico ut any of Ihe hotels. JACOB I CHITON, FropilUor, poillCS IIOTKIj, CJHOlian V MAUOKft, Pioprictor. Tho above well-known holel has recently under gone radical eh iliges In Its Internal arrangements, and Its proprietor announces to his former custom nnd thu travelling public Unit' his accomodations for the comfort of his guests are second to none In the country. His lublo will nlwnys be found sup plied, not only with substantial food, but wllh nil tho delicacies of tho season. His vvlms and li quors (except that popular beverage known as 11 McUcnry"), purchased direct from tho Importing houses, aro entirely pure, and free from all k1 notions drugs, lie Is thankful for illiberal patron ago In the past, and will contltino to deserve It in the future. atiOIlOK W. MAUUKK. J 11. l'UHSKL, IIAHNLHS, HADDLK, AND THUKK MANUI'ACTUItEK, nnd denier In CAIU'LT-IIAOS, VAI.IHIS, FLY-NI3T8 .&C, Main Street, lllooiusburir, Pn, poWDKll KKOH AND LUMUKK. W. JI. .WISIIUU l,U 1 '.u pert, Fa., Mnnufacturcrs of FOWDKIIKKOS, nnd denlers ill nil kinds of LUMHF.H, tdvo notice thnl they nro prepared to nccomodato their custom with dispatch, nnd on tho cheapest terms. N HW STOCK OF CLOTIUNO. Fresh arrival of HI'KINO AND HUMMKIl GOOIW. DAVID I.OWKNBEHO Invites nttcntlon to his slock of CHEAP AND FARIIIONAHLK CLOTHINO. nt his store on Mnln HI reel, two doors nbove tho American House, llloomsburc Pa., whero he has Just reeelv.-d from New York nnd 1'lilhuli'iphla a full assortment of MEN AND HOYS' CLOTHING, Includliu; tlio most fashionable, durable, nnd haiidsomo DUF.S8 GOODS, eonslstlnE of HON, SACK, FIIOCK, OUM, AND OIL-CLOTH. COATS AND PANTS, of all sorts, sizes, nnd colors. Ho lias also replen ished his already larc stinrk of FALL AND WINTEIt SHAWLS, HTIUFKI), FIOIIUED, AND PLAIN VESTS, SIIIItTS, CItAVATS, STOCKS, COLLAIt-S, HANDKKltCIIIEFS, OI.OVF.S, HUMFKNDKIIS, AND FANCY AUTICI.US, He has constantly on hand n large and well-selected assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINCS, which ho Is prepared to mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In the best manner. All his clothing is mado lo wear, and most of it is of home manufacture. GOLD WATCIIKS AND JKWKLKY, of every description, lino and cheap. Hlscaseof Jewelry Is not surpassed In this place. Cull and examine his general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCHES, JKWF.LKY, Ac. I1AVII) LOWENIiUUCI. QA1UUAGK MANUFACTORY, Hloonisburg, Pa. M. C. SLOAN A Hl.OTIIEIt, Ihe successors of WILLIAM SLOAN A SON, continue tho business of making UAHHIAGF-S, HUGGIES, and every style of FANCY WAGONS, which they have constantly 011 hum to suit cus. tomcrs. Never using any maleilal but tho best and employing the most experienced workmen I hey hope to continuous heretofore to give entire satisfaction to every customer. An inspection of iiimr work, niul of the reasonable price asked for tho same, Is sure to Insure a sale. 77HESH ARRIVAL OF NEW I' rmiiTihj. ti,. 1....,.., 1.... t..... wwn,--. ..ii.- until! sii;iivm mm just IUlleU from tho City with n large assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnlshes.and DyeSlulls, Heady-Made Clothing, rerfumery, Toy nnd Fancy Articles, Druggist's Glassware, Ilrushes, Trusses and Supporters, nnd a generalssortment of every tiling that belongs to a well-appointed Drug Store, Also Patent Medicines of all kinds, such as Jnyne's, Ayer's, Wlshnrt's, Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup, Ilrown's Troches, Swain's Panacea, linker's Coil Liver Oil, Hootland's Hitters constantly ou hand. Also MOItOCCO LEATIIKH, KID, FUENCII MOItOO CO, FUF-NCII CALFSKINS, PINK TRIMMINGS, IUNDINGS, by the dozen or naif-dozen. Also SHOE-FINDINGS, FISHINO-TACKLK, Ac. Having had n large experience In tho drug bus. ness, I would respectfully Invito those wishing anything In Hint line to call nnd seo my stock be fore purchnslngelsewhcre. "Iiimeillcluesquallty Is of tho first importance." JU1IA 11, .MUil.ll. OOD NEWS FOR EVERYRODY, Owing to the late fall In gold, F.PIIItAIM W. KLWELL has reduced his prices to suit nil buyers, either nt liolesaie or retail. If you want 8UGAHS, COFFEES, TEAS, HYUUre, SriCKS, CltACKEHH, CANNED FUUIT, DRIED FRUIT, WOODENWARK, FISH, DEANS, CHEESE, FLOUR, FEED, Ac, Ac. Ac, glva me n c.ill. ICPIIRAIM W. KLWHI.U M i.l.-i.'i rv vivii, .c. ft uriuwesi coiner 01 .naiuanii .iiaruei sts., HLtiOJISIiritfl, PA. Ourold customers and the publlo generally can bo accomislateil with gisslsofevi ly styloiind quality sillied for tho Spilug trade, und at tho lowest cost rates. The stock, consisting of Dry Gixsls, Hats nud Caps, Iioots and Shoes, Rcaily-Mado Clollilng, looking Glasses, Wrapping Paper, Paints and Oils, Gi'is'erles, Qucenswnre, Haidware, Tlnuaie, Hall, Plaster, Uliltli and Seeds, At., Ac, Ac, 1 replenlshcsl weekly or dally, ns necessity re quires, from New York nnd 1'hllndolphla. IRON AND NAILS, In largo quantities; and at reduced lutes, always ou hum!. IXCIIANOK UOTKIj, Jli llLOU.MSIltJIKI, UlLt'MIIIA l.'Ol'NTV, FA, Jim iliiilerslKlied ImvlnK purdiasnl (his well know 11 and eenlrnlly-liHaled houe, the KxchniiKU Hotel, slluato on MAlNHTIll'.LT.In lllisansburit, Immediately opionilo Iho Columbia County Oonrt House, rcspeelflllly lliFnrtnn his friends nnd tho pulillo In Ri nernl Hint lil liouso Is now In ordtr for the rcccpt Ion nnd ctitettalumelit of tra oilers whoinaylHidlsiioseil lo favor It with their ens. toiu. Ho has spared 110 expense III pirparliiK thn KxchniiKii for tho tntrrtnlnincut of h Is" Riiesls, neither shnll tlieru bo nnyllilnn wnnllns (on Ills pnrl) tn lnlnlsler lo their personal comfolt, Ills lmuso Is spacious, uud enjojs un excellent bust, tiess location. Omnlbiisscji run nt nil limes between thn Hx change Holel nnd tlio various railroad depots, by which tiavellers will Imj pleasantly conveyed to and from tlio respective stations lu duo tlmo lo meet tlio cars, JOHN F. OAHIJW. MoomsbutT!, Man li 22, 181. CtJSQUKUANNA HOTEL, kj Cnlnwlssn, Fn. The nlsivo Holel has lately lieon plirehnsed by IIKNItY J. CLAltK, nnd has Is'eli thoroughly re modelled, repaired, nnd. refurnished. 11 will K3 found now, III llanrrntigcmcnt nnd nppolDtincntA, n Hotel, nud second to 110110 lu tho country. Persons lu cllles wishing loss;iid tho hot months In the country, will do well to gtvo tho proprietor ncalt. TJAKEK AND CONI-'ECTIONEK. n. 11. stoiineh has always on linnd nlnl for snlo i nnsit diiead, cakkn, and pies, FUKNClt AND DOMKSTIC CON FKCTI ONS, in every style nnd variety, NUTS, FIlUlTf?, nnd everything usually round In a FIIWT.CI.A8S CONFKCTIONL'tlY STOHli Having recently fitted up n new and elegant ICE-CUKAM AND K.VTING SAIJON, ho l prepared In nceomeslato Indies nnd gentle" men In tho best style. JllUO AND CHEMICAL STOllE, nioomsbiirg. Pa. HRUaS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, PKUFUMEKY, AND TOILET AHTICLES. T.YKF. A MOYKU respectfully Invito n continuance of pntronnge. Their Drugs und Medicines nro nil selected with the greatest care, nvoldlng ns much ns possible the Introduction of delirious nostrums, and nro purchased from tlio best Importing houses In tho country. PATKNT MEDICINES of nil kinds, including Ayer's, Jnyne's, Hollo- way's, Hosteller s, iahart's, Hootlaud s, Ac. constantly ou lumd. COAL OIL AND ALCOHOL. 1IAIH, TOOTH, NAIL, AND CLOTHE nnUHIIES FAINTS AND CHEMICALS of every variety, ami of tlio lest quality FANCY T01LVTT AimcI.ES. Tiie public may rely at nil times on procuring tho alsive nrtlclcs, with all the new useful preparu tlons kept In tho best conducted establishments. PHYSICIAN'S FltF-SCIUPTIONS nnd Family ltecelpts compounded with the great est accuracy and dispatch. QTOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT announces to his friends and customers that ho continues the above business nt ills old place on MAIN STREET, HLOOMSHURG. Customers can bo accomodated tvltli FANCY STOVIM of all kinds, Stnvcplpos.Tlnwnro, nnd every va riety of article- found In n Stove nnd Tlnwnre F.s tabllshmeut in the cities, nnd on the most reason" able terms. Repairing done at the shortest notico S3 DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand for sale. 7 ATAWIKSA RAILROAD. J From nnd niter October a, ISM, tho tralhs will pass Unpen as follows: GoiNd Nouth. Elmlra Mall nt 1 p.m.: Krld Express nt SIS a.m. Uoinu south. Philadelphia Mail nt 11 A.M.t New York Express nt i p.m. OEOHOK M'EHH. Pupt. T ACKAAVANNA AND BLOOMS- Jj III'HO RAILROAD. on nnd after March 11, lsofl, Passenger Trains will run as follows: SouTHWAiin. Leave Seranton nt 4:10 l'.M. nnd ":,ja a.m. ; Kingston nt 0 i.M. and U:55 a.m.: lliooms Ijiinjiit s.ail'.ji. ami ltd) a.m. Arrivuat Northum herland nt If:u0 r.M. and 10:3 a.m. NouriiWAiii), Leave Norlhuniberlanil nt7 a.v, and .1 im.: Illmunsburg nt 8:'2 a.m. nnd 6:S3 p.m.j Scrnntun at 11:0-3 a.m. nud II r.M, Arrive nt Scrim- Ion nl lilUA.M. ami mir, p.m. II. A. FONDA, Supt. Kingston, March 15. IPftl. GJ. H EAT PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE 1 to tho NORTH AND WEST. FOUR DAILY TIIAN1NS. ON AND ArfEIt MARCH 15, 180, trains will leave as follows: I,cavc Wnsh'n. Ix-ave Ralto. Express Mall IWO a.m. ShOU a.m. Fast Line T:.'ia.m. 1210 p.m. Pittsburg nnd ErleKx I:,10p.m. 7:31p.m. Pittsburg nnd Elmlia Ex. ...7:1') p.m. tU5 p.m. TWO TRAINS ON SUNDAY, (Connecting at llaltlnlore,) I .cave Washlugloii ut 4o nud 7: (0 l'.M. SLEEPING O.MIS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. IX)W FARE AND QUICK TIME. Cars run through from Hnltlmorn to PlllKbnm. Erie, or Elmlra without change. J. -S. J1UU.1(IV1. Superintendent PHILADELl'HIA AND ERIE RAILROAD. Tills great lino traverses tlio northern and northwest counties of Pennsylvania, to the city of Eric, of Lnku Erie. It has ticca leaseii ami is operated nv the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Time of Passenger Trains at Northumlierlnnd: I.kave KAsrwAitn. Krlo Mnll Train, 11:25 r.M.; Erin Expiess Train, 3:23 A.M.; Eluilra Mall T111I11, ltfe'ii A.M. I.kavk WKSTWAnn. Erlo Mall Train, 5 a.m.; F.rle Express Train, 7:1 1 P.M.; Elmlra Mail Train, iM P.M. Passenger ears run through on tho Erie Mail nnd Express Trains without cliaugo iwtli ways be tweeu I'hllailelphla and Erie. Nkw Yoiik Connection. Invo New York nt 9 A.M., aril vent Erie nt U:15 a.m.: Leave Erlo at 1:33 p.m., arrive at New Yoik at a: Id P.M. Elegant sleeping cars on all night trains. For Information respecting passenger business apply ut tho corner of Thirtieth and Market Streets, Philadelphia; und lor freight business of the Company's agents. S, II. Kingston, Jr., eornerof Twelflhnnd Mnrket Streets, Philadelphia: J.W. Reynolds, Erlo; Wil liam Hrown, Agent N.C.R.1I., llalllmore. II. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Philadelphia. H. W. i WINNER, General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia, A. L. TYLER, General Superintendent, Wllllumsport. March a, Isoti. READING RAILROAD. hUMMEU ARRANGEMENT. April 'il, IMW. Great Trunk Line from the North nnd Northwest fur Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsvilie, Tnmmjiin, Ashland, Lcbnuou, Allenlowu, Eastou, At, Ae, Trains leavn Ifnrrisbure for New York ns fol luws: At .1. 7:10. uud U:U5 a.m.. and i and le.'jj p.m.. connecting wllh similar trains on the pcnnsyi. vanla lUllnsid, ami arriving at Now York ut A: 10 and IU a.m., mid. i: 10 and 10:15p.m. Sleeping Cart aceompiiuy the 1 a.m. and 'J:'- P.M. trains, without change. . ... Leave uarrisnurgior ueauing, I'oiisvine.Tnmn qua, Mlnersvllle, Ashland, PluuGioNe.Alleutowii, and Flillailelilil.iul 7:W a.m., and i and IWJ p.m., slopping at I'baiiou and principal Wny Slntlons, the li J" p.m. train making uoclo-a? (sinneellous for loilsvilluor Phlladclplita, For Potlsvllle, Schnyl. kilt Haell. and Aubtii-n. via Si'liiivllclll uml Sus- piehaniia Railroad, leave Ilarrlsluirgat 1 15 r.M. Returning, leave New Yoikat I am., U Ji.,and WH'.M.i plillailelphl.i at s a.m. and:): hi p.m. ; Potts- viiio in s:.iii a.m. mul p.m.) Asiiiami nt 11 uud 1 1 . 1 j am., nun 1:111 p.m. ; iamaqua ut v.ti a.m. mul 1 and s;Vi p.m. Leave l'olis Hie for Ilnrrlshurs. via SchuvlkiU and Susquehanna Hallioad, ut 7 a.m. Reading Accomodation Train leaves Heiidlng nt 0 A.M., nl urn liu fioni Philadelphia at 5 p.m. 1 hi mil 1 h.i jiiiiinsui iruius usiu iieauiug ai t:jii nnd li: 1". p.m. lor Ephrala, l.ltiz, Coluinlila, ,Ve.,.Ve. On Sundays leave New York at s.llii p.m.; Phila delphia ul is a.m. nnd .'kin p.m., the 8 a.m. tialu run- t.lii,. .ml. l. tl,,.lti,n. Il.,ll..,lll s 1 xt . 'IN. 1, 1.1. qua at 7::Sl a.m.; I Ian .'sburg ntlWi a.m. ;' uud lUiui- uvi 111 i:si 101 tiarrisniirg. aim a.m, ior New Y01 k, nnd 1:25 p.m. lor Philadelphia. Coiiitiiiiliitlou. I.III1111;,.. Nessuii. Incursion, niul rs hisil Tickets nt lulucisl intes to and In, in nil poiuu. Ilaggage cheekis through. Eighty pounds nl baggage ulloweit each pnssi nger, II A. NRoLLS, OvU.fjupt, Itcadln?, Tn., April UW,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers