4 aremui: 11, Moom:, kihtoh. m)OM9inrrto, batchday, may si, 100. PRESIDENT JOHNSON'S INAU QURAL ADDRESS AS VICE PRESIDENT, MARCH 4, 1805. Tins ndilress, as published In the Con ffrcssionak Globe shortly titter Its deliv ery, Is now valuable evidence in vindi cation of President Johnson against the attacks of his Radical opponent ; for It pnive-s that at the time of Its delivery, nnd before ho became President, ho held tho satno viows which 11 now holds and advocates regarding tho status of the Southern States and their relations to the Union. Two prominent Ideas appear In this inaugural address, characteristic of the man nnd consistent with his wiioic course In public life. The first 0110 which hochoso then to announce In entering upon tho duties of a high station was thnt ho was ono of the people, having sympathies with tho mass of mankind, desiring their welfare, nnd determined to contribute to It, wherever placed, to tho utmost of his power. Ho remem bered "the rock from which he was hewn, and tho pit from which ho was digged." In tho august presence of great public functionaries, and of tho representatives of foreign powers, ho remained tho man of the people, owing nllcglaneo to them, and to no other poW' cr under Heaven. He thought of him self as of a son of American free insti tutions, to whoso elevution to high ofllco neither birth, nor rank, nor wealth wero necessary ; to whom garters, and stars, and decorations, tho imposition of n monarch's hands, and heraldic titles, wero nothing, nnd less than nothing "Bcholdlherc,howfreelnstitutlonsopen up tho road of distinction nnd tho seats of power to nil men, however obscure of blrtli or unblessed by fortune I" And tills was said, or indicated, in no spirit of vain-glorying, or of selfish and indo lent pride, but in behalf of and in honor of tho people and institutions of ids na tive land. But tins was not all. Not only was ho there, clovatcd to that placo by the votes of tho people, and true to them in nil his sympathies and convictions, but his State .was there also in ids person as the second oillcial in tho Republic. Ten nessee was there as a State in the Union, faithful to her duties, and with nil her rights as a member of the Union tiiiim paired by secession and war. Had men, wicked men, had attempted to carry her out of tho Union and to place her in a Southern and hostile confederacy. Rut her loyal sons had resisted tho iniqul tous scheme, and had upheld, tlirougl terrific trials, the cause of tho Union within her borders. Through Are and Wood, and trials and suffering almost unexampled, they "fought tho good fight," and kept faith with their breth ren of tho adhering States. And now they rejoiced that their efforts, and labors, and sufferings had not been in vain. They had scouted secession ordi nances and stood by the ancient laws, and held as null and void, and abomina ble, all pretended authority and all law and regulation founded on rebellion, or Intended to provoke its objects. Ten nessee claimed her placo in tho Union as of right nnd not of favor j siio was enti tled to that placo in virtue of constitu tional law and in just reason. Her sons wero not outlaws, nor enemies, but citi zens of tho United States, and entitled as such to all the benefits of tho Union established by our fathers. How all this sounds in contradiction to the impudent assertion of Thaddeus Ste vens in the Baltimore Convention, that Andrew Johnson was nn alien enemy, and ineligible to the Vice-Presidency ! Tho then Vice-President then gave tho same answer to Thaddeus Stevens which now, as President, he gives ; and thnt nn swer was : "Tho ordluances of secession wero unlawful and void ; Tennessee re mains In tho Union, nnd holds her proud placo among the States which compose It ; nnd her bravo and patriotic sons, in stead of being aliens, arc citizens of tho United States, nnd in full communion with their brethren North and West, with whom they mado common causo, and underwent moro than common sac rifice during tho war." This was tho Inaugural nddrcs3 which tho patriot of Tennessee delivered upon tho occasion of assum'tig his duties as Vice-President. It had pith nnd sub stance; it was appropriate to tho time: nnd itenmo witli significance and forco from ono who had Just been elevated, against tho impudent protest of Stovens, to thfl second ofllco in tho gift of tho American people. Wo will add that tho address, as published In tho Globe, was written out and published by tho reporter without any rovislon or change by tho Vice-President or any other per son. Wo mention this upon tho direct authority of tho reporter himself, a man of character and veracity, only because tho contrary has'been sometimes assert ed without tho slightest foundation In truth. Turning now, with this address in hand, to tho recent message and dis courses of tho President, wo can seo what perfect consistency ho maintains In I1I3 public conduct. His present policy appears in strict conformity witli tho sentiments of tho Inaugural address, nnd neither friend nor foe ennimputoto him any departure from thoso princi ples which ho proclaimed as tho chosen man of tho pcoplo, in March, 1805. A FEW QUESTIONS. KKADKit, when you hear somo cnthti slustlolndlvidunl declaiming ngalnst the President, try the experiment of asking him to point out tho particular doclrino or measure of tho Union party of lbOl, as announced in tno liaittmore pan- form or elsewhere by pnity authority, which President Johnson has abandoned or betrayed. Ask him to put his finger on tho specific point of complaint In re spect to any such doctrine or measure. AVus a huge and costly rreednuin's Bu reau system n proclaimed measure of the Union party? Was disunionism, in any of Its protean forms, a feature of their plntform of principles- was 1110 ilnetrlno of Head States n dogma of Union men, or countenanced, in any way whatever, by their chosen candi date, Mr. Lincoln ? Was negro sulTrage, Indiscriminate and Immediate, and to bo enforced upon tho pcoplo by Federal power, tv doctrlno of that great party upon which It achieved success and a renewal of its hold on public power? No ; not ono of these things can bo as sorted or pretended. By whnt obllgu- Hon. then, Is tho President bound to sac rlllce his deliberate convictions upon any one or all of these points when they are presented to him for his official action? Sworn to support tho Constitution, can lie disregard it upon demand of partisan leadcrsandngltators? Ishe, inhtshigh office, to submit himself to tho dictation of unscrupulous nnd desperate men, who would sacrifice their country, if needs bo, to gratify their passions and their will? Men who lovo fair dealing, and regard Justice, and respect Independence, nnd ndmlro honesty In public station, will have no dlfllculty In choosing be- twecn the President and those who re- vile him ; between tho man chosen by the people, nnd In all respects laltlilui to his high trust, and ills disunion ene mies, North or South, who would defeat his policy and blast his fame. On this, as on former notnblo occasions, a great and virtuous patriot, a leader of tho pcoplo and 11 man of tho pcoplo, will triumph over his enemies nnd tho cue mies of ids country, and will send down an honored and illustrious name to fu ture tlmo. known their view and hopet upon tho vital question of reconstruction. Noth ing could lie more kindly, more digni fied, or moro truly Christian than the words and bearing of tho President or tho United States upon that occasion, in a speech, couched In noble nnd ex prcsslve language, he expressed tho pleasure it gave him to hear the depu tation acknowledge tho errors of the past. Ho us-uired those present of his sincere desire to give hack to the South all its rights. 1 ie would adhere strictly to tho Constitution, maintain it In nil its Integrity, nnd maku It tho means of re storing tho Southern States to their for- ... ,M. I I- . .... mer position, i ne noum icuiiugB im pressed by tho President j his reiterated assurances of good-will ; his treatment of the Southerners as brothers, as sons of n common country, who had erred indued, but Who wereanti ever mm oeen brothers, touched nil present, and pro duced a deep impression. More than nnw flm Milnf Magistrate was Inter rupted bv tho approbation nnu tno emo tion of lils audience. The menijers of tliiwliMiiiliitlnn expressed tlieir linn re solve to do nil in their power toward the reconstruction or the Union. At iengin they retired, full or hope nnd confidence, renewing ngnin ineir pruimsu iu jum heartily in the work of restoring har mony nnd peace throughout the length and breadth or their common country. nv' tfi-iMit Is the contrast offered by this brotherly reconciliation between tho cldef of a frco nation nnd some or its amw fur n Hmn led astrnv. nnd those scenes of bloody repression which have marked tho triumph of many n Euro- penn despot over ills own subjects, wnom long years of oppression and misrulo ilnd into rebellion t The policy of Mr. Johnson may bo sumified un In these words: "Tho Con- Htltiitlnn In all its inteirrltv." Ho had been faithful to ft in tno nouroi danger; ho mado it tho supremo rule 01 111s con limit, in tlin lionr nf vlctorv. But ho de termined to apply It, even in tno case 01 those who had tnuen up arms against 11, with nil the leniency consistent with its due maintenance. Such conduct was worthy the constitutional cliiei 01 a lree Government, when dealing with those who had ever been considered as erring brothers, and who wero now completely otats mercy. THE LOCAL PEESS. Tin: Coi.u mhi ax is to bo a newsjntper, and not a hand organ of sect, party, clique, or interest. Wc propose to pub lish tho proceedings of nil party conven tions and meetings, with moro or lets of fulness, unci with fairness, nssuiinii that our readers will bo able to Judge for themselves between what is good and what is objectionable in tho sentiments or actions of public bodies nnd popular meetings, and do not expect to find it necessary to caution them against ac cepting all that we print as conveying our individual sentimentsorconvictions These will be conveyed, from time to time, in our editorial columns. From our first number. Thirteenth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers,or the purpose of repelling the. invasion mado into our State by the Jtebel arm', and a few weeks after our return nomo wo were conxcripica ami nrved our time in tho One Hundred and Seventy-eighth Pennsylvania Mili tia. Wo slinnlv mnko mention of these facts to show that Captain Monro Is not Hip only editor In this place that soldier ed hi the late war; nnd In doing this wo don't wish to be understood as el dining any credit to out-self, or attempting to estnblHt our loyalty, as we hold it is to no persons' credit who toou uny.part 111 tho Into war. For nut-self we would have none of it. Oivo It all to such men as Butler nnd Banks; privates desire none, since tho war has been nrostltuted to the mimeses of disunion nnd aboli tionism. s to our partner, ho remained nt homo like all good citizens, pursuing a legitimate business, doing more for the 1'iHiil of tho rnuntrv than ItintlV who claimed and seemed to bo Intensely loy al, and desirous of mobbing nil Demo crats who did not think, believe, nnd act with them. AN ENGLISH OPINION. Ik tho midst of the numerous un friendly notices we received from the Kngllsh press during the Rebellion, none wero more outspoken in our de fence than the London ll'rohii tn.itcr J!c- vie.ic. Throughout tno war it ticmnucu the cause of tho Union with a consisten cy which is entitled to all praise. In view of tills fact tho annexed extract from its pages will be read with increased Interest : Mnnv and bitter were the attacks which had been made on Abraham Lin coln. Tho like were now directed against his successor. Neither ids ori gin nor ins cnaracter was spared. 111s future policy was donounceu oeiorenanu as cruel and sanguinary. Andrew John son has given them the most complete or nil replies no 11ns lived tnem down 110 is now Known to tno worm as onu of tho ablest men of Hie day. Ills views ot public policy assimilated themselves more nnd more, ns timo went on,tothoseol Mr. President Lincoln, mm una iv came into uericci agreement wiui them. When tho latter was elected President a second time Mr. Johnson was elected witli him as Vice-President It was a most wise choice, for ho had shown a rare mixture of courage ond ability. Ho had remained faithful to tno union, aim being, ns no was, n Southern Senator, tho Northerners by sucn a selection clearly snowed Hint, it was nut against tno south, as suet. tnat tuey wero ngntmg, out against me vio lators 01 tne law and tne constitution. Since his accession to the Presidency lie has discharged the duties of bis high of- nee mid directed tno policy oi tne coun try with a lirmncss, moderation, and tact which pvovo him to bo a man of no ordinary capacity. Tho work which Mr. Johnepn and Ills Government have hud to do has been of tho most dilllcult and dclleato kind. Dangers of the most opposlto character besot tho object to which all their efforts have been direct edthat or reconstruct htg tho Union If too great leniency wero shown, there was danger of losing in point of fact ono 01 1110 pest, irutts 01 tno crisis tiirou which tho nation had passed; for to abolish slavery, and yet leavo tho future of tho former slaves entirety In tho hands of their old masters, would have been to uboiisii it only in name, uuur untees wero necessary thnt this should bo n bona flite abolition, carried into practical ciiect. it was also Hist to usu of tlio South tangible proofs, in ono form or another, of Its sincerity nnd loyalty In returning to tho Union. On the other Inini I. it was most desirable, both as a matter of policy and principle, not to no too severe, or even too exacting. Such 11 courso would have been wrong, nnd would beside have hindered tho work of reconstruction, which tho Uni ted States Government and pcoplo ear nestly wished to further; it would, more over, hnvo irritated tho South, and In disposed it toward that party among its own citl.'iis which desired to return to their old allcgiunco In ail good faith. Mexican correspondence states that tho French war steamer JMjnror was wrecked while going to Guadalajara. It Is likewise stated that Mcthuela was us Rtiulted on tlto morning of tho 1st in stant by twelve hundred Junrlsts under Eseobedo. Tho Liberals wero permitted to rctlro, losing thirty ofllcers and sov enteen men. Tho guerillas of Perez were defeated by Colonel Trevens nt So Jado on tho 22d ultimo, losing twenty eight killed nud nlno wounded. Prison discipline fs 11 ... . 1 iMumi lit. 11 nni-n num. mm 11 limim- i ni ulmiuiuuv, imvo been thought of practical. u;t, and deserve. careful study. lui...uw..M v. j. - - , l l,., I , ,1nn Colorado I nm not nwure that any 11a- m'ru " " " " lroiu iNorineni ncwspuiiris. ii 11 of except with Honnl exigency, either Of n, political or commercial noturo, requires n departure from the law of equality which has been so generally mfherod to In our history, Jf Information submitted in connec tion with this bill is reliable, Colorado, instead of increasing, lias declined In population. At nn election for mem bers of iv Territorial Legislature, held in 1801, 10,080 votes were cast. At tho election before mentioned, in 18G1, tho number or votes cast was 0,102, while tit the irregular election, held in lea"), which Is assumed as 11 basis for legislative ne never heard It spokc condemnation. Most of us are wiso enough to know that It Is tootir interest to sustain tho Government under which we expect to live. .Fourth. It Is believed at tho North Hint th(j Southern people, if Invested Tho quc-etlmi Is not how can wo best keep a certain number of men locked up, chained surrounded by bars nnd walls and prevented from escaping. That Is merely a vulgm' problem In mathemiw tics, and may bo solVcM by reproducing the old hast lie. Can wo Hot so treat theso criminals that they Will furioke forever tho path of crime? Can we lfot ttluente- with polltlcril power, would endeavor to pnbllo opinion-tip to tlto vccognlt n o5 force upon tho Oovernntent thonssunip- Hon of tho debt of tho Into confederacy We do not believe that this Idea ever entered Into tho wildest dream of the most visionary mail In these Southern Tho clement policy of tho Washington Government lit tho hour of victory was further munlfe.-ted by tho fact that no lire was forfeited, excepting that of thoso who wero proved to po accomplices in Mr. Lincoln's murder, and thnt of a cer tain Wirz, convicted of heinous cruelty toward Northern prisoners incarcerated at Andet-sonville. Such lenient conduct was but right, yet rarely, if ever, has It marked tho close of thoio civil strifes which have desolated in turn every country of tho Old World. Tho reception of a numerous and Im portant Southern deputation by Mr, Johnson, nt tho Wlilto House, brought out in nil their foreo theso noblo senti ments of mercy and reconciliation. Tho deputation waited on him to mako We suppose no ono who has given the matter intelligent Investigation will do nv tho advantage of a Poor House to a county us a measure of practical ccono my. In this connection Ave publish tho following from tho Democrat and Slur: The editor of tho Berwick Gazette is willing to come down n little, and con fine his remarks 111 opposition to tno Co lumbia County Poor Houe to the Bor oiiL'h of Berwick : a nice way of ac knowledging that he publishes a paper for tho guidance and edification of tho citizens of that place alone. But in his first article one would not suppose this tho case, as his strictures upon tho Poor House uuestlon were too general nnd not made applicable alone to any borough or township in tiie county. Wo do not feel disposed, if we had the now er. to force any district into this meas ure, but desire each and every one to think and act in the matter for them selves; and if that is the po-itlon of the liuzeite we sunn better uiuterstaiKi 11 11 the future. And so lar ns calling upon the borougn to pay taxes to Keep any poor or "other townships," wo can say that, from what in formation wu have In tno matter, tnt-so county J'oor nouses areself-suslalniug institutions. At least this is the case in the Counties of Chester, Loliii? 1. Berks. Bucks. Schuylkill. Mon tour, Clarion, and others that wo might mention. In several of these counties the Poor Houe farm creates, instead of a burden upon the tax-payers, quite a revenue to tno county, and we iau to see why the same tiling can't bo done in Columbia County. It must be a poor farm indeed, if properly managed, that would not produce suiucieiit to main tain the paupers of this county without taxing tho people, when a largo amount or tne labor can uo uono oy tne paupers themselves. In conversation with a gentleman e 11.111 r.. ,i,f IniK, otn.m lllllll OUIllI 1IVIH v..iuint , iivi iwif, rmi-v, we were informed that for twelve years while he lived in that county ho paid no poor taxes upon his property. At pre sent lie could not state whether or not the people of that county wero subjected to any poor taxes, but rather thought they were, on account of there being so many children made orphans nnd mo thers made widows during tno tate war: besides, tho population of that county is mado up of a different class of people lrom thoso 01 our county. 11 fccnuyiKiu can maintain ner poor twelve years without levying and collecting taxes for that purpose, wiry snouiit not Columbia bo able, with iter rich nnd well-produc ing farm land, to maintain her poor without burdening thu people by taxa tion ? Sho can do it, is our honest con vict on. Tho experience has been in Montour County that tlio.-o townships not in the Poor Houso have Had Heavier taxes to pay in support of the poor than they hud before tho erection of tho County Poor House, while tho other townships had very light II any taxes to pay Thoso not accepting have since seen their mistake, and tho result has been thu townships remaining out petitioned to tho Legislature last w inter, and pro cured an act for tho erection of another Poor House In that county. They have been convinced that it is cheaper and better to keep their paupers in a County Poor House than have them proiiiiscu lously nil over tho county in filth and Idleness. Those aro facts, and can't bo disputed. Tho people of this county should consider tho matter well in all its particulars, and act in thu premises 111 such a manner as not to uc regretted iu the future, Tito subjoined nrtlclo from tho same paper speaks for itself: In an nrtlclo written by us (tho sen ior) some time 111 1'eimmry last, respect lug the starting of a new paper in tills place, wu stated that it would iu con ducted by ono Captain Moore, lato of tho Chronicle, ofllce. Wa-Oiiiigton. D. C. This announcement was mado upon what wo deemed gooa authority. 1 Jut 111 tho llr issue of tho new paper wo were correct cd iu words us follows : " Captain Monro is not Into of tho Washington Chronicle ofllce, never having hud any connection whatever with that establishment.' Not having" enlightened" his readers o his "whereabouts" previous to ills com ing to this county, we, iu noticing the new paper 011 its first appearance, spoke of tlto editor as of "sotuo other placo Ides tills." Tills was thu best we lies could do. Hut since, iu his last. states Hiat "at the outbreak of the war w were editing a paper lu New York, but abandoned that occupation, and enlisted us a private in tho Thirty-sixth Regi ment of New York Volunteers, in tho moutu 01 April, ibui," 110 served 111 full termof enlistment in said regiment during which time, no says, 110 receive promotions. As lio would llko to know of his con temporaries' " whereabouts" during that time, for ono wo will stato that, nt tno briiiKing out 01 tno war, wo were engaged publishing tho Star of the An'i.iu Blooitisburg, Pn.. and continu ed that business until wo ciilblcil iu the VETO OP TIIE COLERADO BILL. To the Senate of the United States: 1 nrrunx to tho Senate, in which House it originated, tho bill which has pasted both Houses of Congress, enti tled "An Act for the admission of tlto Stato of Colorado into tho Union," with my objections to its becoming ti law at this time. First. From tho best Information which I hnvo been able to obtain, I do not consider Hie establishment of a State government nt present necessary for Hie welfare of the pcoplo in Colorado. Un der the existing Territorial government nil tho rights, privileges, ond interests or the citizens arc protected and secur ed. Tho qualified voters choose their own legislators ond their own local ofll cers, and nrc represented In Congress by a delegate or their own selection. They make and execute their own municipal laws, subject only to revision by Con- Kress tin authority not likely to bo ex ercised unless in extreme or extraordi nary cases. The population is small, some estimating it so low as twenty-five thousand, while advocates or the hill reckon the number nt from thirty-five thousand to forty thousand souls. The pcoplo are principally recent settlers, many of whom ore understood to be ready for removal to other mining dis tricts, beyond tho limits of tho Territory, IT circumstances shall render them moro Inviting. Such n population cannot but find relief from excessive taxation desi rable. If the Territorial system, which devolves the expenses of the executive, legislative, and judicial departments up on tho United Stntcs, is for the present continued, tliey cannot but find thu se curity of person and property increased bv their relianco upon tho national Kxecutivo power for the maintenance of law and order, against the disturban ces necessarily incident to all newly-organized communities. Second. It is not satisfactorily estab lished Hint a majority of tho citizens of Colorado desire or are prepared for an xchango of a Territorial for a State gov ernment. In Septemiyr, lSbl, under the authority of Congress, an election was lawfully appointed nnd held for the purpose of ascertaining the views of the people upon this particular question; 6,102 votes were cast, andof this number i majority of a,lo2 was given against tho proposed change. In September, iboo, without any legal authority, tho ques tion was again presented to the people of the Territory, witli tho view of ob tniningn reconsideration or tho result or tho election held In compliance with the actor Congress approved March 21, 1801. At this second election fi.OO.i votes were polled, and a majority or 155 was given In favor of a Stato organization. It does not seem to 111c entirely safe to re ceive this last-mentioned result, so ir regularly obtained, us sufficient to over- weigh the one which had been legally obtained in tho first election. Regu larity and conformity to law are essen tial to tho preservation of order and a stahlo government, and should, as far as practicable, always be observed In the formation or new States. Third. The admission or Colorado at this time as a State into the Federal Un ion appears to me to bo incompatible with tho public interests of tnecountry and while it Is desirable Hint Territories when sufllclcntly matured, should be organized as States, yet tho spirit oi tho Constitution seems to require that there should bo an approximation toward equality among tho several States com prising tho Union. No Stato can Have less or more than two Senators In Con gross. TI10 largest Htato lias a popula tion or four millions; several ol the States have n population exceeding two millions; and many others liiivoa popu lation exceeding one million. H this bill should become a law, the pcoplo of Colorado, thirty thousand in number, would have in tho House or Representatives 0110 member, while New York, with a population or four millions, has hut thirty-one. Colorado would hnvo iu tho Mectorul (.'olle-; threo votes, whllo New York has only thirty-three. Colorado would have In tho Senate two votes, whllo New York has no more. Inequalities of this character have al ready occurred, hut it is believed Hint nono lmvo happened where tho inequali ty was so great. When such inequality has been allow ed, Congress is supposed to have penult ted It 011 the ground of sumo high pub lie necessity, and under circumstances which promised that it would rapidly disappear through thu growth and de velopment of tho newly-admitted State. Tints, in regard to the several States in what was formerly called tlto " North went Territory," lying west of the Mis sissippi, their rapid advancement In population rendered it certain that States admitted with only ono or two repre sentatives Iu Congress would iu a very short period ho entitled to a great iiicrcuso of representation. So, when California was admitted on tho ground of commercial and political exigencies, it was well foreseen that that State was de.;tiued rapidly to become u great, Hon nt this time, tho aggregate of votes Stntcs, We have never heard tho sub- cast was 5,005. Sincerely anxious for the welfare nnd ... r rtl ! 1 .... .1 t-1 .. I .. prosperity 01 every ix'rriiury win omn.-, os well as for the prosperity and welfare of the whole Union, 1 regret thlsnppar cut decline of population in Colorado, but itls manifest that it Is duo to emigra tion, which is going on from that Terri tory into other regions within tho Uni ted States, which eltherarolnfact,oraro believed by the Inhabitants of Colorado to be, richer in mineral wealth nnd agri cultural resources. If, however, Color ado lias not really declined In popula tion, nnother census, or nnother election under tho authority or Congress, would lace the question beyond a doubt, anil cause but little delay In theultlmatond- lect mentioned except with ridicule, and, ns in tho preceding case, we believe it never would have been mentioned ntnll ir it had not been thrust upon our atten tion by tlto Northern press. If tho pcoplo nt tho North could only know tho truth In regard to tho four points nbove spoken of, wo believe that there would bo un immense chnngo In public opinion nnd In the state of public feeling there, nnd Hint Hie result would be a restoration of friendly relations and of material prosperity. Few of them, tho manhood of man so that when it poor sufferer falls by tho wayside lie Is not to bo thrown Into a ditch like hi much carrion? What can wo expect of men who rtsk of thdr keepers "who U Jesus Christ, of whom wo hcarso' lritfcltV' Why'snkl tvpTlscM visitor tew pro" fnno convict, " why (Iff yotf fiot have" better thoughts?" " Better thoughts, was the forlorn response, "where snail I get them ?" This question coming in us from tho dungeon, from tho heart of" nn outcast and felon, embraced Hlottliolo" philosophy. The society In Us linrrw way is doing all it can to answer It. Let us do more. Aw i orc Tribune. mission of the Territory as a Stato if that wo wilfully falsify; and others will cett if tho company boas flourishing desired by the people. The tenor of these objections furnishes the reply which may bo expected to nn nrgtiment in favor of tho measure de rived from Hie ennbllng net, which was passed by Congress on the 21st day of of the ease admits of, wo think wc can March, 1801, although Congress then pledge ourselves, in advance, to produce supposed that the condition of tho Ter ritory was such as to warrant its admis- ion ns a State. Tho result o! the two years' experience shows that every rea son which existed for tho institution or obtain more full information from the a Territorial instead of a Stato govern ment in Colorado at its first organiza tion still continues in force. Tho condi tion of the Union nt tho present mo ment is calculated to inspire caution in regard to tho admission of now State? Eleven of tho old States have been for some time and still remain unrepresent ed in Congress. It is a common interest of nil the States, as well as those represented ns those unrepresented, that the integrity and harmony of the Union should bo re stored as completely as possible, so that all thoso who arc expected to bear the burdens of tho Federal Government shall be consulted concerning tho ad mission of new States; that in the mean timo 110 Stato shall bo prematurely and unncces-arily admitted to participation n tlto political power which the Feder al Government wields, not for the bene- lit of any Individual, Stato or section, but for tho common safety, welfare, and happiness of the whole country. Axnitr.w Jonxsox. Washington, I). C, Jtay 15, lfCO. TnE PROOF OF THE PUDDING. Thk period of declaring semi-annual perhaps, will seo theso lines; or thoso dividends havlngarrlved, wohavclook- who seo them some, wo have no doubt, wm, soluo curiosity to seo whnt sort will believe all wo have said, for some 0f dividend tiie Pennsylvania Railroad of them know that our testimony can mnnttircrs would announce. Tills wo seo bo relied on ; some, wo fear, will say i,,. ti10 lllclal advertisement is five per probably say that wo are mistaken as to aJ H generally supposed, how is It that tlto facts. WTo earnestly entreat those it cannot divide better prollts than this? who doubt our evidenco to tell us what q nc rensnnrwe think, is obvious enough, evidence would bo satisfactory; and If The profits of tho rond arc either squan- they demand evidence, which tho nature ,icrc(i jn corrupting the Legislature nnd it. This article may bo copied by North ern newspapers, and it is just possible Hint some of their readers would Hko to same source; it so, let tnem nuurcss a letter to the editor of tho Christian Tiv de.r. Atlnnta. Go., and they shall bo promptly responded to, publicly or pri vately, os they may desire, PRISONS AND PRISON DISCI PLINE. Oxr. or society's adjourned but per petually recurring questions is that re ferring to crime and criminals. Good men live in the hope of making all men good at some time or other or discov ering a system by which virtue will bc- ofllccrs or the Stato government who belong to tho notorious " ring" combin ation, or else the managers nrc obliged to hold back tho money in order to ena ble them to grasp more lines of road. They have just leased or bought a lino in New York, nnother in Wisconsin, nro building ono in Illinois, and nro kite flying in the Pacific Railroad matter. Perhaps our readers may think that ultimately the finances of tho corpora tion may bo improved by these invest ments. But even IT they should, tho managers must, Trout tlto mere necessity or lighting down competition, go on wasting money In new schemes. Just what we see now wo may set down as tho permanent policy or tho company, and if tho stockholders ever get any bet ter dividends than they now receive, it will he only nn occasional distribution come the rule of human conduct. Half or scrip. This expedient or " watering FOUR MISTAKES. Tnr. great obstacle to reconstruction in Church and State, in fiict nnd in feeling, lies in mutual misunderstanding of the facts in regard to each other by tho Northern and Southern people. H the truth were known nt tho North as to what is said, and done, nnd thought, and felt in these Southern States, we believe that a controlling number of tho people there would be inclined to extend to us such treatment ns wo desire and ns wo think wo deserve. There are four lead lug particulars in which we think their udgments of us nro entirely wrong, and if they could bo correctly informed on these points, we believe that u vast stride would bo made toward real peace, With a sincere desire to do good to our fellow-men, nnd to glorify our Father in Heaven, wo proceed to mention theso four tilings, nnd to put on record our sol emit testimony in regard to tlieni. First. It is believed at tho North that the pcoplo here consider tho late dispute still unsettled; that they are anxious for another opportunity to resort to nrms; and that they are ready and ripo to uvall themselves of the first occasion to mako another effort for independence, In nil this our Northern friends nro entirely mistaken. There is not a word of truth in it. There may bo individuals of whom it is true; or courso we cannot say there aro nono ; but we can and do say that wo know or nono and have heard or none. Tho people here nro not thinking about arms nor nbout inde pendence ; tho ideas for which tho war was fought aro considered obsolete, nnd are seldom spoken of. Tho grand Idea with almost every ono is to take euro of himself, and improve Ills own condition Revolution is, of all things, tho furthest from their wishes or thoughts Second. It is believed at tho Nortli that there Is hero a general disposition to oppress and persecute tlto negro race, and, if possible, to rc-enslavo them Nothing could bo further from tlto truth. During tho wnr tho slaves for tho most part stood by tlieir masters, la bored for them without overseers in thousands of instances, and sympathized witli them and sustained them in every possible way to tho last. Since tho war they have conducted themselves with a degree of propriety which, under tho circumstances, isn wonder to tho world These things lmvo Increased the kind ness of feelings which were kind before, and tho negro race is held in higher esli iiiatlou at thuSouth this day than It over lias been. Tho rights of suffrage, of proved. holding ofllce, and of sitting on juries are denied Hieui by our laws, but In nil other respects tliey aro (in Georgia) pw visety an footing with the, uiiile jicoplc, and so wo think It is In most or tho other Stated. Tho people o! tho North huvo or our social problems depend upon this. ir people only knew how good it was to bo good tho work would be done. The pleasure or frankness; of saying yes or no ; being nble to look every man in the eye ; of respecting tho personal relations of labor, is far sweeter than the mo-st at tractive vice. This is coninionplnci philosophy, perhaps, but so Is the con stunt repetition of every truth. Wc consider these social questions over and over again until all argument seems dead, mid every illustration becomes as trito as tlto warnings ngalnst lying, and tho incentives to industry, that we o'nee found in our spelling-books, Here is the twenty-first annual report of the Executive Committee of tho Pri son Association of New York, 232 pp part first only, and full of strange Inter est. It is tlto annual record of tho efforts or a company of good men to see Hint if there Is not some wheat among the tares of society, some hidden residuo of gold in the alloy which "law" throws from its crucible. That Justice shall be dono to tho destitute; that discharged prison ers shall receive n helping hand in tlieir struggles toward an honest life; that evil associations shall bo withhold from tho-punlshcd criminal, is tho purpose of theso gentlemen. During thu twenty ono years of tho society's existence 72,501 persons have been visited in pris on; 21,020 complaints lmvo been exam ined; 5,0.10 complaints havo been aban doned at tho instance of tho society; 0,002 prisoners havo been discharged from custody through tho interposition of .tho society ; 11,281 discharged prison ers have been aided in various ways; !1,3()2 discharged convicts provided witli situations. Twenty-one years well spent, and honest useful work well done ! Certain suggestlvo facts crop out of this report which should he well consid ered in our philosophy. Wo find that war greatly influences crime that dur ing the war tlto social bonds seem to loosen, and tho vice of poor human na ture predominates.. Foreign immigra tion fosters crime, partly from tho fact that somo European nations make America, in a sly way, a placo for crim iuul transportation, partly becauso our foreign born residents aro very ignorant and irresponsible. Crime nestles in ci ties, and generally avoids tho rural dis tricts. Two-thirds of our criminals are under thirty years of age. Reformatory Influences nro used with gootl result Twenty years ngo threo out of ten dis charged convicts wero recommitted ; now scarcely moro than ono out of ten. Tho principle or labor Is Introduced Into prison lifo with good results. Convict labor now exceeds by sixty thousand dollars a year tho cost of convict living tho surplus going to pay tho salaries of prison olllcors. It teems to us that when tho convicts earn their living Hioy havo dono their duty to tho Stato, and should bo allowed tho residuo uf their titno for education and solf-lmprove- ment. Tho lash no longer exists in tho prison. Tho food of the prisoner is lin- Iu other times punishment was tho controlling element of prison disci pllno; now tho poor wretclies are stintu luted by reward and hope. In other times (Iiorrlblu thought, and not pleas out to think of in connection witli our ancestors) every child born in prison their stock" is a favorite one with tho managers of the monopoly, and lias been repeatedly resorted to by them. Tliey never pay a largo cash dividend, not withstanding all that is said about tho enormous business dono by their line. Now, either tlto road docs not mnko an adequate profit in Hie trade, because it is donoelieaply onNew Yorkaccount, to prevent it going on other lines, or else the money is wasted In unprofitable Investments inWestern roads, legislative corruption, etc. If this is not so, let U8 ask tho company what becomes of tho money ? Tills is a question which thous ands of stockholders iu tho company would like to have nnswered. We point our readers to this comparatively small dividend as affording the best posslblo evidenco of all that wo have lreen say ing heretofore respecting tho incapacity and nbsoluto stupidity of tho present managers of the road. They do not know how to mnko adequate profits on tho working capital of their various lines ; or if they mako tho money and do not pay proper dividends, they nro wasting it, as wo havo said before, and therefore in either caso their incapacity is established. Our own belief is, then, that if a dif ferent management were in power in tho company, such as would abandon tho ruinous policy of attempting to mo nopolize tho wholo railroad business of Pennsylvania, ifhd would give up rail road building to tho projectors nnd ad vocates of new lines, nnd conduct its roads in tho interest of its stockhold ers, tlto scmi-nnnuni dividends, instead of being five per cent., might easily reacii fifteen per cent. It is therefore a question which appeals directly to tho pocket or every stockholder of the com pany, and moro especially to tho city corporation, which is tho greatest stock holder. Such a dividend ns might bo legitimately declared would naturally lessen the taxation of every citizen of Philadelphia. In this light it is a mat ter worthy or tlto attention of tho City Councils, as well as' of tho tax-payers, and if wo had Councils enpablo of lifting themselves nbovo tho reach of bribery or Intimidation, wo might with somo degree of confidence depend upon their action. Slnco the commencement of tho pres ent controversy tho Pennsylvania Rail road Company has spent not less than mlf a million of dollars in all sorts uf discreditable ways In fighting down tho computing line. Every dollar of this is. taken from tho fund nvoilablo for dlvU dends, ami tho stockholders now get flvo per cant, on this excuse. Wo nllttdo to this now in order to show to our readers, and the public that wo nro not hostile to, tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company, but only to tho men who aro mismanage ing It. AS'o go further und say tho facts, provo that tho stockholders havo really no better frlonds than ourselves, anil that if tliey would only follow our ndvico and turn out tlto incapoblps from their man-, aging body, tliey would get far better dividends, and their shares would com maud much higher rates than tliey da now, Germantoim Telegraph, been so often told that tho opposlto of died from bad air and unwholesome all this Is true, that tliey may find it food; now tho little creatures nro taken hard to beilovo what wo tell them; but and raised under pure Influence. The w facts aro as wo state. convict prison Is no longer a school of Third, It Is believed at tho North vice, a moral lazur-hou.se, absorbing, in that tiio moment tlto Southern people crcasliignnddNributlitgcimtagion. All aro clothed with political power they this tho society bus dono, and yet its w ill use their influence lor tho ropudlu- field Has scarcely been touched. Hon of tlto national debt. . In uddltion to these labors, tho society Wo huvo never heard this scheme pro-1 does much toward advancing the science Tin: SenllneUa llmotana publishes news from Venice to tho 18th of April. stating that tho Austrian fleet had gono into tho port of Poln. Tho building of Iron-clads mid tho construction of gun- curriages anil ambtilanco wagons was. being actively carried on in the Venetian tut-eiials. Orders had been glyon to. pro-, pare quarters for thirty thoasai.ul men,. 1 ..- A iitxKVoiijixr physician considers tho poor li,Ls best patients, (or- God. Js tlu paymaster.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers