RATES OF ADVERTISING ! AU advertisements for lees tkan 3 months 1„ cents per line for each insertion. Speeia 1 notices one-half additional. AU resolutions of Associa tions, communications of a limited or indiridal interest and notices of marriages and deaths, ex ceeding five lines, 10 cts. per line. All legal noti ces of every kind, and all Orphans' Court and other Judicial sales, are required by law to be pub lished in both papers. Editorial Notices 1J cents per line. All Advertising due afterfirst insertion. A liberal discount made to yearly advertisers. 3 raonts. 6 months, 1 year One square $ 4.50 $ 6.00 SIO.OO Twe squares 6.00 9.00 16.00 Three squares 8.00 12.00 20.00 One-fourth column 14.00 20,00 35.00 Half column 18.00 23.00 45.00 One column 30.00 45.00 80.00 j Newspaper Laws. —We would call the specia attention of Post Masters and subscribers to th< Inquirer to the following synopsis of the News paper laws: 1. A Postmaster is required to give notice b 3 truer, (returning a paper does not answer the law when a subscriber does not take his paper out oi the office, and state the reasons tor its not beinr taken; and a neglect to do so makes the Postma. tcr rcpeoneible to the publishers for the payment 2. Any person who takes a paper from the Posl office, whether directed to his name or another, 01 whether he has subscribed or not is responsible for the pay. 3. If a person orders his paper discontinued, h< must pay ail arrearages, or the publisher maj continue to send it until payment is made, and ollect the whole amount, whether it be taken from the office or at. There can be no legal discontin uance until the payment is made. 4. If the subscriber orders his paper to be Stopped at a certain time, and the publisher con tinues to send, the subscriber is bound to pay for it, if he takee it out of the J'oet Office. The law proceeds upon the ground that a man must pay for what, he uses. 5. The courts have decidod that refusing to take newspapers and periodicals from the Post office, or removing and having them uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of intentional fraud. groiTSSional & ATTORNEYS AT LAW. JXIMMELL AND LDJGENFELTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDronn, pa. Have formed a partnership in the practice of the Law, in new brick building near the Lutheran Church- [April 1, 1869-tf jy£. A. POINTS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDF-ORD, PA. Respectfully tenders his professional services ! the public. Office with J. W. Lingenfe'.ter, Esq., on Public Square near Lutheran Church. jar-Collections promptly made. [April, 1'69-tf. I.i SPY M. ALBIP, 14 ATTORNEY AT LAW, EEDEOBD, PA., Will faithfully and promptly attend to all busi ness entrusted to bis care in Bedford and adjoin ng counties. Military claims, Pensions, back pay. Bounty, Ac. speedily collected. Office with Mann A Spang, on Juliana street, 2 doors south of the Mengel House. apl 1, 1869.—tf. JR. DURBORROW, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEBPORD, PA., ; Will attend promptly to all business intrusted to his care. Collections made on the shortest no tice. He If, also, a regularly licensed Claim Agent and U. give special attention to the prosecution . '.air s against the Government for Pensions, Back I ay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac. Office on Juliana street, one door South of the Inquirer office, and nearly opposite the 'Mengel Houso" April 1, 1869:tf S. L. RUSSELL J. H. LONGENECKER RUSSELL A LONGENECKER, Attorneys A Counsellors at Law, Bedford, Pa., Will attend promptly and faithfully to all busi ness entrusted to their care. Special attention given to collections and the prosecution of claims for Back Pay, Bounty, Pensions, Ac. Office on Juliana street, south of the Court House. Apri 1:69:1yr. 4- M'n. SBABtrl E. E. KERR SIIARPE A KERR, A TTOKNE YS-A T-LA W. Will practice in the Courts of Bedford and ad joining counties. All business entrusted to their care will receivo careful and prompt attention. ! Pensions, Bounty, Back Pay, Ac.,.speedily col- 1 lcctcii from the Government. Office on Juliana street, opposite the banking house of Reed A Schell. Bedford, Pa. Apr l;69:tf j YYR c. SCHAEFFER ATTORNEY AT LAW, Banroan, PA., Office with J. W. Dickerson Esq.. 23aprly PHYSICIANS. Qlt. B. V. HARRY, Respectfully tenders hi 3 ser vices to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. Office an! residence on Pitt Street, in the building formerly occupied by Dr. J. 11. Hofius. [Ap'l 1,60. MISCELLANEOUS. OE. SHANNON, BANKER, . BEDFORD, PA. BANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. Collections made for the East, West, North and South, and the general business of Exchange transacted. Notes and Accounts Collected and Remittances promptlymadc. REAL ESTATE bought and sold. April 1:69 OANIEL BORDER, PITT STREET, TWO ROORS WEST OF THE BEB FORD HOTEL, BESFORD, PA. WATCHMAKER AND DEALER IN JEWEL RY. SPECTACLES. AC. He keeps on hand a stock of fine Gold and Sil ver Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Refin ed Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold Watch Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, best quality of Gold Pens. He will supply to order any thing in his line not on hand. [apr.2B,'6s. [ A W. C ROUSE, * "♦ DEALER IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, &C. On Pitt street one door east of Geo. R. Oster V Cc.'s Store, Bedford, Pa., is now prepared to sell by wholesale all kinds of CIGARS. All orders promptly filled. Persons desiring anything in bis line will do well to give him a call. Bedford April 1.'69., n N. IIIC KO K , , DENTIST. Office at the old stand in Bate Bru.Di.vo, Juliana St., BEDFORD. All operations pertaining to Surgical and Mechanical Dentistry performed with care and WARRANTED. Amrtlkelici adminittercd, tchen detired. Ar tificial teeth imerted at, per tet, 98.00 and up. :~ard. At I am deteimined to do a CASH BUSINESS or none, I have reduced the prices for Artificial Teeth of the various kinds, 20 per cent., and of '•old Fillings 33 per cent. This redaction will be made only to strictly Cash Patients, and all such will receive prompt attention. 7feb6S WASHINGTON HOTEL. This Urge and commodious house, having been re taken by the subscriber, is now open for the re ception of visitors and boarders. The rooms are large, well ventilated, and comfortably furnished. The table wiU always be supplied with the best the market can afford. The Bar is stocked with the choicest liquors. In short, it is my purpose to keep a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. Thanking the public for past favors, I respectfully solicit a renewal of their patronage. N. B. Hacks will run constantly between the Hotel and the Springs. iuayl7,'69:ly WM. DIBERT, Prop'r. FT XCHA. NG E HOTEL, !i HUNTINGDON, PA. This old establishment having been leased by J. MORRISON, formerly proprietor of the Mor rison House, has been entirely renovated and re furnished and supplied with all the modern im provements and conveniences necessary to a first class Hotel. The dining room has been removed to the first floor and is now spacious and airy, and the cham bers are all well ventilated, and the proprietor will endeavor to make his guests perfectly at home. Address, J. MORRISON, EXCHASOE HOTEL, •iljulytf Huntingdon, Pa. \ I AGAZINES.—The following Magazines for •CTT" W tbe Inquirer Book Store: ATLAN PUTNAM'B MONTHLY (" GALAXY, PETERSON, GO- R?vincH£,:. I,KMORKSTS > P r ANK LESLIE RIV ERSIDE, etc. etc. ft JOHN L.UTZ. Editor and Proprietor. fnqwm Column. RPO ADVERTISERS: THE BEDFORD INQUIRER. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, BY JOHN LUTZ, OFFICE ON JULIANA STREET, BEDFORD, PA. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN SOUTH WESTERNFENNSYL VANIA. CIRCULATION OVER 1500. HOME AND FOREIGN ADVERTISE MENTS INSERTED ON REA SONABLE TERMS. A FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: $2.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. JOB PRINTING: ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK DONE WITH | NEATNESS AND DISPATCH, AND IN THE | LATEST & MOST APPROVED STYLE, SUCH AS i POSTERS OF ANY SIZE, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, WEDDING AND VISITING CARDS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, CONCERT TICKETS, ORDER BOOKS, SEGAR LABELS, RECEIPTS, LEGAL BLANKS, PHOTOGRAPHER'S CARDS, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, PAMPHLETS, PAPER BOOKS, ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC Our facilities for doing nil kinds of Job Printing are equalled by very few establishments in the country. Orders by mail promptly filled. All letters should be addressed to JOHN LUTZ. : . a "-oral art ffirnrtal Rrtospaprr, Srbotrb to Uolitire, ©Duration, literature art jflorals. ITEMS. SOMEBODY figures up Commodore Van derbilt's wealth at $100,000,000. THE corner stone of the new State Lunatic Hospital will be iaia at Danville, on Thursday. August 26th, by Governor Geary. THE finest cottage erected at Newport during the past year is that of Mrs. George Francis Train, who herself superintended its construction and plans. IDLEWILD— once the abode of Willis —is now sadly neglected. The property has passed into the hands of Mr. George, of Newburg, who purchased it for thirty thou sand dollars. IT is rumored among railway men that the war between trunk lines on freight trans ! portation, will end this week. Many canal ! boats have hauled off, as the railways are carrying grain between Buffalo and New : York cheaper than the canals. TILE manner in which the railway kings contrive to use the courts of New York in furtherance of their respective ends, goes far to sustain the imputation that Judges are becoming at least quite as purchasable as legislators. BULWER is now seldom seen in the House of Lords. He is an old man, looks gone, as if his day was done. He has quit wri ting, come down from the clouds of ro mance, and walks the piaiu old earth "gloomy and unhappy." DEMOCRATIC newspapers in lowa are in a ludicrous position. They have a candidate, and arc disputing about the spelling of his name. The gentleman's own testimony is rejected, on the ground that "he doesn't know." IT WILL gratify all good citizens to learn that "the Administration is substantially a unit upon all political questions, foreign and domestic, and that all statements and insinuations that the President and a por tion of his advisers are seriously at variance, has no foundation in fact." THE gentlemen of society at Saratoga are epitomized as follows : Greatest lion, Gen eral Sheridan : luckiest man, John G. Saxe; ladies' favorite, Ensign Mason; most dk tinque, W. R. Travers; dances the most, Sheridan; best dressed, Charles Leland ; politest, Joe, of the Clarendon. "FIRST-CLASS tickets from New York to San Francisco, $150; second class, S7O. A palace car will leave to night to go to Sac ramento without change. Extra charge for double berth and double seat, $22." This standing announcement is now placarded in front of the Broadway ticket offices. THE railway-freight quarrel at New York is ended by agreement among the lines. Its profit to the general public forbade the idea of its continuance. Another quarrel, from which the public derives no special benefit, is going on more vigorously than ever. This is for the control of the far Western connec tions of the Missouri River, to which end all tho trunk-lino corporations are active buyers of the leading stocks from Toledo westward. FOUR Buffalo editors, not at all satisfied with the troubles incident to newspaper life, recently determined to enjoy a balloon ex cursion. In a short time they landed in the top of the tallest pine tree on Rock Robbie, the highest spur of the Alleghenies, near Kinznn, Warren county, Pa. They stayed all night in the tree, no doubt highly relishing being rocked to sleep by the wind. Event ually they reached terra Jirma, resolved never more to stir beyond their editorial sanctum. A WOMAN named 31rs. Gifford, living in the northern part of Marion county, lowa, died on Saturday, from the effects of fright at the eclipse. She had no knowledge of its approach, and was alone at the timeitcame on, with the exception of a child four weeks old. Terrified at the sight, she seized her child and fled to a neighbor's, a mile dis tant. When she reached there her reason was gone. A doctor near by was called, who pronounced her incurable. She linger ed along till Saturday, when she died, with out her reason having returned. SOME time ago the North was startled with the livid account of a "negro riot" in Mobile, the reporter kindly intimating, al though not in plain words, that it would have been far better had a few more ne groes been shot. This riot turns out to have been a deliberate massacre of unoffending colored men by white rowdies. The colored people were peaceably celebrating the elec tion of their Congressional candidate, when the signal shot was fired by a white ruffian, and the bloody work began, the whites firing indiscriminately upon the blacks, with the result already stated. SOMETHING TO REMEMBER.—Eighteen years ago (August 13th, 1851,) forty Amer icans, members of the ill-fated Lopez expe dition, were publicly executed by shooting iu the city of Havana. After they were shot, they were dragged by the feet by ne groes, and then left to the mob, who strip ped them of their clothes, mutilated their bodies, and indulged in the most frantic demonstrations of delight. Their crime was seeking to achieve the independence of Cuba; and there is no doubt that the Spaniards long to glut their revenge in the same way on Cespedes and his followers. Fortunately however, they will never have this opportu nity. GOOD EXAMPLES.— A paragraph is going the rounds of the papers to the effect that j Commodore Vanderbilt' daughter has actu | ally condescended to teach her daughter to mend stockings. There is no doubt that the lady in question is a woman of good sense, who is aware that riches are particu lary liable to take wings and fly away from American holders, but where the wonderfnl ; condescension comes in, remarks the Cin. cinnati Gazette, we cannot see. Every male , member of the royal house of Prussia is ; obliged to learn a trade, that he may be able to support himself should want overtake 1 him ; Queen Victoria's daughters are said to be proficient in all departments of house keeping. In the eyes of those silly females whose idea of happiness is concentrated in the possession and profuse expenditure of money, all knowledge of the kitchen and the needle may seem vulgar, but every sensible person must know that it is jnst as becom ing in a man to boast of his entire unac quaintance with business and manly pur suits as for a woman to affect contempt for and ignorance of the duties of her peculiar sphere. It would be well if those who are astouished at the homely industry of the \ anaerbilts would learn a practical lesson from their example. BEDFORD, PA.. FRIDAY", AFC.I ST 27 IKG9. fadnj. THUS YOUNGER SISTEB. BY JOHN O. WHITTIER. As one who held herself a part Of all she saw, and let her heart Against the household bosom lean, Upon the motley braided mat Our youngest and our dearest sat, Lifting her large, swe ;t, asking eyes, Now bathed within the fadeless green And holy peace of Paradise. Or, looking from some heavenly hill, Or from the shade of saintly palms, Or silver reach of river calms, Do those large eyes behold me still? With me one little year ago; The chill weight of the winter snow For months upon her grave has lain; And now, when summer south winds blow And brier and harebell bloom again, I tread the pleasant paths we trod, I see the violet-sprinkled sod Whereon she leaned, too frail and weak The hillside flowers she loved to seek. Yet following me where'er I went, With dark eyes full of love's content. The birds are glad; the brier-rose tills j The air with sweetness; all the hills j Stretch green to June's unclouded sky: But still I wait with ear and eye For something gone which should be nigb, A loss in all familiar things. In flower that blooms and bird that sings. And yet, dear heart! remembering thee, Am i not richer than of old? Safe in thy immortality, What change can reach the wealth I hold? What chance can mar the pearl and gold i Thy love hath left in trust with me? And while in life's late afternoon, Where cool and long the shadows grow. I walk to meet the night that soon Shall shape and shadow overflow, I cannot feel that thou art far, Since near at hand the angels are; And when the sunset gates unbar, Shall 1 not see thee wuiting stand, And, white against the evening star, The welcoming of thy beckoning hand? —Snow-Bound. pteataam*. THE NEW SCHOLAR. 'What a piece of vulgarity she is !' said Mary Williamson, with an expression of ex treme disgust, as she glanced at the new pupil. 'A calico dress on, and not even French—nothing but an American print! And made in such a dowdy style, too !' 'And I believe that is a cotton net on her hair," said Julia Moore. 'Yes, and that is not the worst of it. Her mother is a seamstress, and lives over a store!' added Helen I'riee. 'I think it a shame for Miss Thomas to admit such girls j to her -chool. My mother sent me here be cause she heard it was a very select school. I shouldn't wonder if she should take me. away immediately.' Well, one thin)? is certain, I shall never take any notice of the low creature,' said Mary. 'Nor I, you may be sure. I shall feel contaminated by her presence,' said Julia. 'I think poor people ought to go to free schools.' At this moment the bell rang, and the girls went to their places. Julia, having to pass tUo desk of tho new pupil, whose nam* was Annie Duncan, haughtily turned her head and drew her silk skirt around her, that it might not touch the 'American Print.' Annie naturally felt a little embarrassed among so many strangers, and had not left her seat during recess. She had been look ing around, however, and had observed the girls whispering. By their frequent glances toward herself she knew she was the object of their remarks; and the expression of their faces told her that she had not made an agreeable impression upon them. She noticed their fine dresses and stylish appear ance, and a blush covered her face for a moment as she glanced at her own plain attire and contrasted it with theirs." 'Oh ! why does mother insist upon my coming to this school?' she asked herself. 'These girls will despise me for my poverty. I cannot endure their scorn. Why are we so poor and they so rich?' Tears came to her eyes; but she quickly brushed them away as she remembered the lessons of in dependence and true d'gnity that her mother had endeavored to instill into the minds of her children. 'l'm ashamed of myself' for indulging such thoughts for a moment,' she said mentally. 'I would not have anybody know they ever entered my mind. 1 really did not know that I could be go foolish. I know that dress doe 3 not make a lady; and that, even if we are poor, we can he refined, good and intelligent— and I mean to he all. I knew before I came that I should have this trial, and I determined to bear it bravely; and 1 will. So Annie Duncan, all you have to do, in future, is to attend to your lessons, improve every advantage you possibly can obtain, and prepare for the work you have marked out for yourself. You are not here to make the acquaintance of or to please thoso young ladies. It matters not what their opinion of you is, if you do nothing to merit their scorn; so now, once for all, good-bje to such folly.' Annie had lomied a plan which, as she did not tell, we will. But, in order that her motives for making it may be under stood, it will be necessary to know some thing of the past and present circumstances of the family. Her mother was (he daughter of a merchant, one of the richest men in New York at the time of her marriage. She had made what her father and her friends generally, called a brilliant match. Mr. Duncan was wealthy, talented and very much in love with her. She loved him for what she supposed him to be. For some years all went prosperously with them; but the husband's dissipated habits, of which the wife knew nothing before marriage, gradually increased. It is not necessary to follow him closely in his career. It is enough for our purpose to know that, when Annie was nearly ready to graduate, her father was a ruined man; broken in health, and bankrupt in business. The fortune left Mrs. D. by her father had gone with that of her husbaod. Suddenly, at last, Mrs. Duncan found herself a widow, with four children to support, without money or friends to aid her. Those whom she had regarded as friends in her prosperous days had not followed her in her misfortunes. Until her father's death, Annie had been sent to the best schools, and bad faithfully improved every opportunity, in order to realize her strong desire to be a thoroughly educated woman. She had tuleDt, energy and industry, and the tenderest love for her mother and little brothers and sisters, to stimulate her to the necessary labor. Her 'plan' was to qualify herself for teaching, that she might support her mother and educate the younger ones. After paying the funeral expenses, and ' moving into 'apartments,' a very few dollars remained in Mrs. Duncan's purse. She thought at first of taking Annie from school, and placing ber in a store. But, after due deliberation, she decided that a good education would enable her daughter to earn a living hereafter in away more con genial to her tastes; and she resolved to make every effort possible to continue her at school. In order to do so, it wits necessary to find situations for her two boys, and to earn money herself by her needle. With the aid of her sewing machine and the boy's wages, she managed with the strictest economy to eke out a meagre living for them all. It was hard for Annie to see her mother toiling as she did, early and late. Nothing j but the hope of being able to repay to her by her own labors, as soon as her school education should be completed, made her patiently endure the trial. Miss Thomas had been poor when Mrs. Duncan was rich. It was a return for many favors that she had insisted upon Annie sharing the superior advantages her school afforded. Helen Price's indignation increased the more as she thought of her insulted gentility. . >She gave expression to it that evening, j when telling her mother of the 'poor new j pupil.' Is it possible,' asked Mrs. Pries, 'that ; Miss Thomas has done such an improper thing? Well, if she is going to teach the : plebian classes, I shall certainly send you i where your associations will be of a more I aristocratic kind. We may be sorry for the ; poor; bu it is not proper That we should j show our sympathy by associating with j them We must not endanger our social position by doing go. What would the i Mortimores and Ashburtons say if they knew of this!' Nonsense was Mr. Price's exclamation, that night, after hearing the news which •his wife had intended should shock him as it had herself. 'What harm is that going to do to Helen.' The child has too many absurd notions. She must be told cf her origin, to bring a little commou sense into her head. Tbis young lady may have been the daughter of a rich man. You surely have lived in New York long enough to know that fortunes are often made and lost in a day; and that some of the handsomest houses of the city are occupied by the most vulgar people—snobs and upstarts. Per haps this pldnan, as you call her, is as worthy as we considered ourselves when we belonged to the same class. '.Mr. P rice ! bow horrible you are,' ex-1 claimed his wife. 'How con you ever alhuh to such an unpleasant subject ? I would not for the world have you destroy Helen's happiness by telling her anything of our early life. 1 have always carelully kept it from her.' 'Well, now, I have been of the opinion for a long time that it would do Miss Helen good to know that I was a poor mechanic and you a tailoress in our young days. I see no reason why I should be ashamed of the fact; and, if you arc, the sooner you get rid of such ridiculous folly the better. For I can assure you that one more venture like that I have lately made will speedily reduce us to our former condition.' Mrs. Price began to weep. 'llow can you be so cruel ? 'Tis very hard, after all my struggles for gentility, cutting old frienls, and just getting settled up town, and firmly established in the most refined and elegant circles, to be twitted about for mer poverty, and threatened with coming disgrace.' An account of Miss Thomas' shocking dis regard for the patrician sensibilities of her pupils was also given that evening by Julia Monroe to her mother, with a liberal use of such adjectives as 'vulgar,' 'dowdy,' and 'low born.' 'I am mortified, my daughter, to hear such expressions from your lips,' replied Mrs. Monroe, after listening patiently to Jalia's excited account. 'When will yon learn that true gentility is not in the purse, but in the mind and heart? If these are the notions you are getting from your present companions, I shall regret that I ever sent you to Miss Thomas' school. I have told you many times that nothing in this country is more uncertain than wealth. A family may he in one generation rich ; in the next, poor. I recall at this moment the misfor tunes of a very dear friend of your father's and mine. If it had not been for the kind ness of her father, your parents would have lost all the wealth they inherited, and would now be among the class you so wickedly despise. Annie Duncan was—' 'Why, that is the name of this girl,' in terrupted Julia. 'May it not be possible,'asked Mrs. Mon roe, turning to her husband, who had put down his paper at the mention of the name, 'that is our old friend, whom we lost sight of when we were in Europe ?'' 'I hope it may be,' he replied. 'We must look into the matter immediately, Ju lia ; and, if it should be the daughter of my old friend and benefactor, she must not be poor any longer. Money will never repay the debt I owe Mr. Rallston ; and I shall be most happy to be able to make some return to bis daughter. Poor Annie! Reared in luxury, beautiful, graceful, truly sciom plishcd and gcod as she was, she must not want for means while we have abuud uce. Annie Duncan a seamstress ! Can it be pos sible ? Her uianiage was very unfurluuatc. I heard of her miserable husband's death; and, when I went to see her in her former elegant home, I found that the house and furniture had passed into the hands of cred itors, and that she had disappeared, no one could tell me whore.' 'I will get her address in the morning from Miss Thomas,' said Mrs. Monroe, 'and drive around with some sewing. It it proves to be a stranger, that will afford an excuse for calling. lam really very impa tient to know all about it.' Julia listened to this conversation with unutterable dismay. She hoped the 'poor creature,' whose presence she had declared contamination, would prove to be a total stranger to her family. What would her fashionable acquaintances say! And the girls who had beard her speak as she had done that morning! The next morning Mrs. Monroe's carriage 1 drew up at a store on the Oth avenue. Mrs. M. alighted, rang the bell for the 4th floor, and was soon seated in the neat little parlor with her old friend. It is unnecessary to describe the inter, view. It was long; for there was much to be told and much to be heard, and traces of tears might have been seen on the faces of bota ladies when they separated. The work | left in the carriage was not alluded to. Mrs. ; M. went home full of joy at her success, to help her husband devise souie plan by which I Mrs. Duncan could be assisted, without seeming to placo her under any obligation. Mr. Rallston had paid a large amount for Mr. Monroe, when the latter had been, as it seemed to himself, hopelessly involved: for which he refused to reoeive, afterward, more than the principal. The interest was now estimated and found to be a large sum —more than sufficient for the support of Mrs. Duncan's family until Annie's educa tion should be finished. A check for the amount was made cut and sent to Mrs. D., as 'a debt due her father, and to which she the only heir was entitled to.' She never knew how the debt was contracted, but re ceived it gratefully, without the least wound to her pride or delicacy. In a short time Annie Duncan's worth be came known to her fellow pupils, while her superior scholarship and ladylike deport ment made them admire and love her. Helen Price was taken from school by her shoddy mother, and placed where no plebi an—that is, according to her definition of the term—would be received. Away from her influence, Julia felt the deepest mortifi cation for her unkind judgment and silly prejudices, and never after allowed herself to estimate persons by any outside or merely adventitious circumstances. Annie graduated with the highest honors. The 'apartments' wore exchanged for a good house in a desirable part of the city ; and through the recommendations of Miss Thomas and the Monroes, a profitable school was commenced. The brothers were educated according to Annie's 'plan,' and made good and useful men. Annie and Julia became devoted friends. After teaching a few years, Annie Duncan became the wife of a most estimable and talented lawyer. She left the care of the school to her mother and sister. After traveling abroad for a time with her hus band, they returned to an elegant home, presented them by his father. Mr. Price made one more unsuccessful venture, that wrecked his fortune audmade him a discouraged and broken down mer chant. -.Mrs. Price kept boarders for a while ; but, failing in that, she and Helen were obliged to resort to tailoring. Mr. Price succeeded in getting a clerkship in a wholesale establishment. By means of his salary, and the wife's and daughter's earn ings, they made a comfortable living down town. NASBY. Mr. Nasliy Dreams—The Democracy Adopt the Suggestion ot their Leading l'apers, and Attempt to Bury Dead Issues—\\ hat was left of the Organi zation after the Completion of the Work. POST Orris, L'OSFEDPIT X ROADS, 1 WicU is in the State uv Kentucky, ;■ May S, 1569. j I notise in an evenin paper wich I got hold uv last nitc (it come wrapped around a new honnit wich Mirandy Pogram, received from Lousiville), that Yallandygum's organ, and in fact most uv the Democratic papers uv the North, had decided that the only hope for the Democracy is to bury the dead past, throw overboard the lumber, clear the decks for ackshen, and go in to win. Before I had finisht reading the extracks, I fell into a profound sleep, the wo.-ds uv the text. "Let us bury the dead past," being forcibly fixed in my mind. Sleepin I dreamed ez I alluz do. In my vission I found myself standin in front uv an" immense buildin wich hed been erected for the purpose of holdin a Demo cratic Nashnel Convenshin into. Over the arch way which served as an entrance wuz this inscripshen, "Nothin succeed like suc cess—anything for success." Ez I felt that I hev a rite to participate in enything Demo cratic, I entered the buildin, and interdoo sin myself to the Kentucky delegashen, ob served'the proceedias. A committee had been appintcd on "the condishen and pros per uv tlio Democratic party," and that committee wuz jest reportin. They inform ed the convenshen that Democracy wuz in decidedly a bad way, and that they saw but one way out of the politikle wildernis in wich they hed bin wanderin for eight long yeers like second Isrealites, without the manna to live UDto wich the first hed, and that way wuz to bury the dead past, and throw overboard the dead weights that hed fettered the Democrasy and prevented em from winnin the heats which they so much desired. "Amen?" shouted Vallaudygum aloud, addiu in an undertone, "That'll kill Pendle ton. ''' "Amen !" shouted Pendleton, addin in a whisper to one uv his guard which accompa nied him to Noo l'ork. "That kills off Val landygum." And each uv the leaders hollered "Amen!" feelin that the ackshen killed off everybody else. "It is well!" sed the chairman. "Now lets get at this work uv burying the dead past ez soon ez possible, for the Lord knows thcr's enough of it to do. And when its all done the Democracy, relecved and strengthened, will go on cockciin and to conker." A hearse wuz drawd up afore the chair man's desk, who called out in a stentorian voice, "What shall we commence on ?" "Free trade may be counted as a heft part of the dead past," remarkt a delegate from I'cnnsylvany. "Hustle it inyelled the Convenshen, and it was accordinly hustled. "We may cz well be buried with it," scd the Noo York importin Dinioerats, and they composed theirselvcs beside it, and the hearse pulled out. "The Yirginna resolooshens!" sung out the chairman, and forthwith, Garrett Davis and his followers remarkt that cf them reso looshens wuz a part uv the dead past, they must be countid in ez dead pasters also, and sendin their regrets to their constitooents, they composed their limbs for burial, and the hearse loaded with the fearful weight rolled out. "States rites !" sung out the chairman, and forthwith all uv the party knowd more pcrtikclcry as Conservative Copperheads laid down without murmur to be liftid in with it. It took a large number uv hearses to carry this load, and the takin uv em out thinned the convenshen terribly. "Secession !" wuz the next call made by the chairman, and immejitly all the Knites uv the Golden Circle, and the .Sons uv Lib erty uv the North, and nine tenths uv the Southern delegates, fell prostrate with their hands up to be tied, and their eyes closed to hev pennies put onto cm. "Slavery !" sung out the chairman, and ' to wunst there wuz a sound like the rusbin VOL.. 42: .\0 31 av many waters. Down went full half uv wat wuz left uv the Convenshun, and a long | time consoomcd in pickin uv em up and ; loadin em in. ' Repoodeashen !" wuz the next cail, and without a sigh the delegates from Southern Illinoy, Injeany and Ohio went down, and wuz loaded. "Class Suffrage !" rcmarkt the chairmau nervously, for the Convcnshun wuz gettin fearfully thin, and with a groan two thirds : of wat wuz left wuz huddled ioto the hearses 1 wich went out slowly. j "Now I ' sed the chairman, "let the lum ber, the dead weights, them whose presence in our parly makes it a stench in the nostrils uv the Amcrikin people, let them be buried that we may bev nothin in our ranks objec tionable. And immejitly the drivers uv the hearses precipitated themselves upon Yallandygum, Voorhees, Fernandy Wood, Pendleton Hoff man, I rank I'eerce, and all uv that class, which by the way wuz all that remained. The chairman looked at mc wolfishly, and I glowered at him. "Sir! ' sed he : "I mu.-t carry voo out and bury yoo, and then "And then wat?" sed I. "And then I spose I must commit sooi side, ez I voted for all them which we bev hurried, and for all the principles we bev this day condemned. I spose I too am a dead weight." And he went for ine, but durin tlie strug gle, wich ensood I awoke. The dream wuz only a dream, and I wuz glad lhat it wuz so. It's all very well to talk av burying dead ishoos, and so cn, but sposin we undertake that Ilerculian task, wat follows ? Troo, we fcev bin reglerly bustid on distinctive Democratic ishoos, but when wc throw em overboard wat is left uv us In what respeek do we differ from the Ablishnists? Ef we knockout uv the Demo cratic creed the assertion that the nigger is a babboon, wat is to prevent us from gciu over to \\ endell Phillips and embrac-in Fred. Douglass ? Ef we count States rights and seeestion and sich, dead ishoos, and hist em out uv our platform, wherein do we differ from the blood thirsty wretches who drenched the country with gore? Ef we deny the divine rite uv repoodiashen, do we not to wunst bow our necks to the bond holders and become the grinders of the faces uv the Dimocrisy wieh pay taxes? And if we bury them wieh hev made theirselves obnoxyous to Ablishnists by advoeatin all their doctrines, in what pertikeler do we differ from Ablishnists theirselves who hev bin trying to bury them for the past twelve years? And ez when we cut out uv our creed all that is trooly and distinctly Demo cratic wc hev no creed left, so when we bury all uv them wieh hev held to these creeds do we bury the Democratic party? The idea, however it may look theoreti cally, won't do to practis. We must still hold together, trustin to the folly uv our adversaries rather than to our own strength. Sutbin will turn up sometime to let us out, ev we hev faith and kin endoor long enuff. So mote it be. PETROLEUM V. NASB Y, P. M., (Wieh is Postmaster.) HOW IT LOOKS TO A CHINAMAN. The mandarin in Burlingamc's troup who writes tip the manners and customs of the various countries for the Chinese archives, has given the Paris correspondent of the London Post a translation of his last letter. In it he speaks of the table habits of the Paris barbarians. "We have dined," he says, "at their tables, where the stomach is expected to receive with pleasure some thir ty different objects of food, and perhaps ten different liquids. The French and other foreigners eat until they feel very uncom fortable, and require much medicine drugs, as may be seen by the many chemists' shops of the city. They have the same capacity as our pigs. Had you been here the other night, and ilWrufld how thoeo people rudoiy scrambled for food at the supper tible when we gave our fete. They put their hands violently on the dishes and disputed with each other most roughly." In telling about Buriingamc's ball ho writes : "Oh !if you had seen the women at our ball! They came half undressed ; that is to say, the upper part of the body was wholly exposed, but they are jealous of showing their feet, and seem to desire to hide the floor also, as each woman drags about with her a long robe, on which it is not etiquette to place your shoe. Their eyes are painted round, (not all of them) and they use coloring for the lips, and pearl powder for various exposed sections of the frame. They purchase the hair of the dead, and artists work it into various designs; then the women put it on their heads with flowers ; and yet they are not a dirty people. The high ta :e women are allowed every license. At our fete they were clasped round the waist by men they knew not, and danced with painful vigor, for it was hot." THE LAW OF TRIE M.WiIIiAOE. Wherever man pays reverence to woman —wherever any man feels the influence of any woman, puiifying, chastening, abashing, strengthening him against temptation, lead ing him from evil, administering to his self respect, mcdicining his weariness, peopling his solitude, winning him from his sordid prizes; enlivening his monotonous days with mirth, or fancy, or writ, flashing Heaven u,>- on his earth, and mellowing it all for spirit ual fertility—there is the clement of mar riage. Wherever woman pays reverence to man —wherever any woman rejoices in the strength of any man, feel's it to be God's agent, upholding her weakness, confirming her purpose, and crowning her power; when ever he reveals himself to her, just, upright, inflexible, yet tolerating, merciful, benign ant, not unruffled, perhaps, but not over come by the world's turbulence, and res ponding to all her gentleness, his feet on the earth, his head among the stars, helping her to hold her soul steadfast in right, to stand firm against the encroachments of frivolity, vanity, impatience, fatigue and discourage ment, helping to preserve her energy, to consolidate her thought, to utilize her benev olence, and illume her life—there is the essence of marriage. Its love is founded on respect, and increases self-respect, at the very moment of merging self into another. Its love is mutual, equally giving and re ceiving at every instant of its action. There is neither dependence nor independence, but inter dependence. Years cannot weak en the bonds, distance cannot sunder them. It is a love which vanquishes the grave, and transfigures death itself into life. —Gail JJamtHoa. BUBSOKIPTIUN 7KIIMS, AC The InyriKKa i* ptiWi*lie4vrjr Khiba* mefe ing be following O.'B 'Yean, (In Miration,) ... •2.0 , i " " (U not paid wctitn tix tun*.).., tJW " " (if not r.a'J wltboi the year,;,.. fZ.Oli All jn[ier ouUi'U of Ihe eowwt* diaeosliaosd without notice, at the expiration of tbe time for which the Kubicription hu been pai'J. Singlccopieeof the paper furnish ed,j tappet*, at five eent each. Communication! on (abject* of local or general ntercst, are reepcctfwlly aoiicitad. To tenure at tention favor* of til* kind inaat intartably I accompanic L bj the name of the aothor, not PIT publication, bat il& guaranty againet imposition. All letter* pertaining to bueinesa of the oSoe should be addressed to JOHN TAJTZ, BEtiOßi>. PA. TRIALS OF A COUNTKV CLbßtil - MAN. A young parson thus feelingly describes his bachelor experience in the first village in which he settled after enlering the min istry. Old ladies gave me tracts and tor mented me in every possible way. One gave mc cough lozenges because a fly got down rav throat in church; another sent roe her late husband s goloshes to wear when 1 went out on wot evenings, (the late hus band's feet were about five inches long.) A third sent a wonderful kind of ludia rnb bcr bag. which she said could be applied wherever a chiil was felt. Not till my sis ter came to stay with me did I know that Lot water ought to be put iuto tb<i creature before using; T had thought it a sort of mat to lay over my feet, and very useless of its kind. A Miss Thompson was the most dis agreeable of the old maids. She actually one day run her fingers under my collar to see if 1 wore flannel. During the year I was at Littleback. I bad thirteen pairs of slippers, twenty-five sermon eases and three smoking caps worked for me. One young lady embroidered my initials on a handker chief in shiny looking black thread. My sister says-it was done in hair; and perhaps that accounts for Miss Iludge being so of fended whet) I said I thought Lester's red marking cotton ssgood as any other. Three, your g ladies declared that I had trifled with their affections; two, •on the contrary affirmed that they had rejected nit: while the village school mistress a-surcd the rector that I had tried to press her hand. I certainly never had such hard work as while at Littleback. 1 played at least three hundred games of croquet, went to an ar chery meeting every wetk, and at any spare moment I was liable to be sent for by Miss Anna Phelps to practice an Italian duet. 1 bore iny trials with christian fortitude, till one morning the rector sent for me and said thai my conduct disgraced my profession. I took the bint, and at the end of one year and three months my career at LitUebaek was over. The young ladies cried when I went; they said I was "such a darling." Now, I ask my impartial reader whether it was not hard that I should be blamed for the ladies of Littleback? My life is blighted, and all that is left of me is thirteen pairs of slippers, twenty-five sermon cases, three smoking caps, one handkerchief marked "T. G-," and a bad character from my late employer. DAUGHTERS. What shall they do? inquires a good mat ron. "What shall daughters do?" Our answer is prompt, pithy and pcrtinct, aud perhaps, the matron may say, laconic. It i this : Learn the art of housekeeping, the art of arts, too often one of the lost atts with all who have the most remote idea of the no tion of marrying, which it is fair to presume most daughters have, judging from obser vation, not leas than the topics of conversa tion most common, with girls, whether by the fireside, on the street, at school, in the shop, sewingroom or factory; in fact, with many it seems to be the all-in all—looking out, by the way, too many of them, alas! for somebody green enough to marry them for the luxury of supporting them in idle nessf a luxury that too mauy young men, alas! and some who are older, have seen and felt the folly of, while others are learn ing wisdom from noting many sad experi ences. Of all the sad misfortunes that can befall a man, about the greatest, it would seem, is that of being married to a silly, know-nothing and do-nothing woman. We, therefore, say to all matrons, in reply to the above query, if you will allow us ; teach in struct and train your daughters diligently, faithfully and persistently in a!" they shall need to know when they becot.~ wives, to wit: to be good housekeepers. These arc plain words, to be sure, yet wc are sure that no mother will, nor daughter can. success fully controvert them. DON'T WORRY ABOUT YOURSELF. —To retain or recover health, persons should be relieved from anxiety concerning diseases. The mind has power over the body. For a person to think he has a disease will often produce that di-ease. This we see effected when the mind is intensely concentrated upon the disease of another. It is found in the hospitals that surgeons and physicians who make a speciality of certain diseases arc liable to die of themselves; aud the mental power is so great that sometimes people die of diseases wjych they have ODlyin imagina tion. We have seen a person sea sick in anticipation of a voyage, before reaching the vessel. M e have known a person to die of cancer in the stomach, when they had no cancer or any other mortal disease. A blind fold man, slightly picked in the arm, has fainted and died fiom believing that he was idccdiDg to death. Therefore, well persons, to remain well, should be cheerful and bap py; and sick persons should have their at tention directed as much as possible from themselves. It is by their tbat men are saved; and it is by their faith they die. As a man thinketh so is be. If ho wills not to die he can often live iu spite of disease; and if he has little or no attachment to life, he will slip away as easily as a child will fall asleep. Men live by their soul and not by their bodies. Their bodies have no lilc of themselves; they are no receptacles of life—tenements for their souls, and tbe will has much to do in continuing the phyjieial occupancy or giving it up. TLIE acquisition of riches seems, from the beginning of time, to have bcenone of man's universal passions. Many causes havo tended to inspire it. In the hands of the good, riches have been a blessing ; but who will say that, in the hands of the majority, riches have not been a corrupter and a curse? The maddest and the saddest lives have been spent in the accumulation of riches. Yet there is no "evil in wealth. It is not money but the love of money that is the root of evil. When the pursuit of fortune does not curtail humanities, and its posses sion enlarges rather than diminishes man's aspirations to do good and be useful among men, riches are fair and lovely as the wiDgs of ministering angels. It is a noble feeling, and worthy of his exalted character, that man should desire to surround himself with comfort and independence. Thiß feeling t \y be cherished without undue selfishness o> hardening of the heart, and the more ol this world s goods the true man possesses, the more suffering and want he can rolietc. Sought rightly as a means, riches are a no ble pursuit; sought and honored as an end, they are base and contemptible.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers