RATES OF ADVERTISING. All advertisements for leas than 3 months 10 cents per line for each insertion. Special notices one-half additional. All resolutions of Associa tions, communications of a limited or individa! interest and notices of marriages and deaths, ex ceeding five lines. 10 cts. per line. All legal noti ces of every kind, and all Orpheus' Court and other Judicial sales, are required by law to be pub lished in both papers. Editorial Notices 13 cents per line. All Advertising dne after first insertion. A liberal discount made to yearly advertisers. 3 monts. 6 months, 1 year One square $ 4.50 $ 6.00 SIO.OO Twe squares 6.00 0.00 16.00 Three squares 8.00 12.00 30.00 One-fourth column ~ 14.00 30.00 35.00 Hail" column 18.00 25.00 45.00 Oso column ... —.—.. 30.00 43.00 80.00 NKWUFAPEB LAWS. —We would call the special attention of Post Masters and subscribers to the IXQI'IKER to the following synopsis of the News paper laws: 1. A Postmaster is required to give notice '-y •< Iter, (returning a paper does not answer the iaw) nhen a subscriber dues not take bis paper out of the office, and state the reasons tor its nut being taken; and a neglect to do so makes the Portmas ter r.peoneibte to the publishers for the payment. 2. Any person who takes a paper from the Post office, whether directed to his name or another, or whether he has subscribed or not is responsible for the pay. 3. If a person orders his paper discontinued, he must pay all arrearages, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made, and oiloct the whole amount, i chetkcr ,'f be taken front the office or not. There can be no legal discontin uance until the payment is made. 4. If the subscriber orders bis paper to be stopped at a certain time, and the publisher con • tinues to send, the subscriber is bound to pay for it, if he taket it out of the Poet Office. The law proceeds upon the gronnd that a man must pay for what.he uses. 5. The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers and periodicals from the Post office, or removing and having them uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of intentional fraud. grDfwtfioßal & tixt&t. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. J£IMMELL AND LINGENFELTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, axorono, PA. Have formed a partnership in the practice of the Law, in new brick building near the Lutheran Church. [April 1, 1869-tf YJ A. POINTS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Binvonn, PA. Respectfully tenders his professional services )•> the public. Office with J. W. Lingcnfetter, K.,q., on Public Square near Lntheran Chnrch. ,?-S~Collections promptly made. [April, 1'69-tf. ESPY M. ALSIP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Will faithfully and promptly attend to all busi ness entrusted to his care in Bedford andadjoin ng counties. Military claims, Pensions, back pay. Bounty, Ac. speedily collected. Office with Mann A Spang, on Juliana street, 2 doors south of the Mengel House. apl 1, IB6o.—tf. JR. BURBOKROW, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEBroRn, PA., Will attend promptly to all business intrusted to his care. Collections made oti the shortest no tice. He *s, also, a regularly licensed Claim Agent andwtl give special attention to the prosecution >. ' til g against the Government for Pensions, Back I y, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac. Office on Juliana street, one door South of the Inquirer office, and nearly opposite the'Mengel House" April 1, 186y:tf 6. L. RUSSELL t. H. LON6FXECKKR | RUSSELL A LONGENECKER, ATTORNEYS A COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Bedford, Pa., Will attend promptly and faithfully to all busi ness entrusted to their care. Special attention given to collections and the prosecution of claims for Baek Pay, Bounty, Pensions, Ac. ,2gt~office on Juliana street, south of the Court Uuuse. Apri 1:69: lyr. J- M'D. SHARPE E. T. KERR SHARPE A KERR, A TTORSE YS-A T-LA IP. Will practice in the Courts of Bedford and ad joining counties. All business entrusted to their care will receive careful and prompt attention. Pensions, Bounty, Back Pay, Ac., speedily col lected from the Government- Office on Juliana street, opposite the banking house of Reed A Schell. Bedford, Pa. Apr l;69:tf W C. 80HAEFFSR ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA, office with J. W. Dickerson Esq.. 23aprly PHYSICIANS. QR. I>. F. HARRY, Respectfully tenders his professional ser vices to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. Office an i residence on Pitt Street, in the building formerly occupied by Dr. J. 11. Hofius. [Ap'l 1,6 V. MISCELLANEOUS. OE. SHANNON, BANKER, BEDFORD, PA. BANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. Collections made for the East, Weft, North and South, and the general business of Exchange transacted. Notes and Accounts Collected and Remittances promptlymade. REAL ESTATE bought and sold. April 1:69 D mantel. BORDER, PITT STREET, TWO DOORS WEST OF TBE BED FORD DOTED, BEZFORD, PA. WATCHMAKER ANI) DEALER IN JEWEL RY. SPECTACLES. AC. He keeps on hand a stock of fine Gold and Sil ver Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Refin ed Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold Watch Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, best quality of Gold Pens. He will supply to order any thing in his line not on hand. [spr.2B,'6s. H W. CROtJSE, LJ • DEALER J2l CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, &C. On Pitt street one door east of Geo. R. Oster A Co.'s Store, Bedford. Pa., is now prepared to sell by wholesale all kinds of CIGARS. All orders promptly filled. Persons desiring anything in his line will do well to gire him a call. Bedford April 1. *69., c* N. ll ickoK , - V-'. ■ DENTIST. Office at the old stand in BASK Brn.DIXO, Juliana St., BEDFORD. All operations pertaining to Surgical and -?/ echa ntcal DaUittry performed with care and WARRANTED. Antithetic* adminiitered, when derived. Ar tiriciol teeth imerted at, per let, 98.00 and up ward. As I am detai mined to do a CASH BUSINESS or none, I have reduced the prices for Artificial Teeth of the various kinds, 20 per cent., and of Gold Fillings 33 per cent. This reduction will be made only to strictly Cash Patients, and all such will receive prompt attention. 7feb6B WASHINGTON HOTEL. This large and commodious house, having been re-taken by the subscriber, is now open for the re ception of visitors and boarders. The rooms are large, well ventilated, and oomfortably furnished. The table will always be supplied with tbe best the market can affotd. The Bar is stocked with the choicest liquors. In short, it is my purpose to keep a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. Thanking tbe publie for past favors, I respectfully solicit a renewal of their patronage. N. B. Hacks will run constasUy between the Hotel and the Springs. mayl7,'6:ly WM. DIBERT, Prop'r. EXCHANGE HOTEL, LI HUNTINGDON, PA. This old establishment having been leased by J. MORRISON, formerly proprietor of the Mor rison House, has been entirely renovated and re furnished and supplied with all the modern im provements and conveniences necessary to a first class Hotel. Tbe dining room has been removed to the first floor and is now spacious and airy, and the cham ber? are all well ventilated, and the proprietor will endeavor to make his guexts perfectly at home. Address, J. MORRISON, EXCHANGE HOTEL, Sljulytf Huntingdon, Pa. \F AGAZINKB.—The following Magazines fr JJJL sale at the Inquirer Book Store: ATLAN TIC MONTHLY. PUTNAM'S MONTHLY LIPPINCOTT'B. GALAXY, PETERSON, GO £FJ> DE.MOKESTS, FRANK LESLIE RIVERSIDE, etc. etc. ft JOHN IsITTZ. Editor and Proprietor. fnquim e TO ADVERTISERS: ¥ x ) f i t { r j 6 THE BEDFORD INQUIRER. C V 1 1 PUBLISHED ■ EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, ' BY I JOHN LUTZ, OFFICE ON JULIANA STREET, BEDFORD, PA f THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN SOUTH- WESTERNPENNSTL VANIA. CIRCULATION OVER 1500. " HOME AND FOREIGN ADVERTISE MENTS INSERTED ON REA SONABLE TERMS. A FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: *2.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. JOB PRINTING: ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK DONE : WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH, AND IN THE LATEST & MOST APPROVED STYLE, SUCH AS POSTERS OF ANY SIZE, | CIRCULARS, ' BUSINESS CARDS, WEDDING AND VISITINA CARDS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, CONCERT TICKETS, ORDER BOOKS, SEGAR LABELS, RECEIPTS, LEGAL BLANKS, PHOTOGRAPHER'S CARDS, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, PAMPHLETS, PAPER BOOKS, KTC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC ~~ i Oar facilities for doing ail kind# of Job Printing j are equalled by very few establishment* in the country. Order* by mail promptly filled. AJI ' letters should be addressed to . ' . f I Jims LUTE. | & ideal ant* CGrnrral jlrtospaprr, Drbotrfc to i>olittrs, (Education, iLitrvaturr and mnri ITEMS. A stuno man in Atlanta, Ga., has been fined fifty dollars, or six months' service in the chnio gang, for marrying a white woman. THE heat is so intense in Memphis that it is melting off the composition roofs. Per haps the roofs have not got the right pitch. TnE flirtation grounds at West Point are not to be lighted bv gas, but by the girls, and the rejoicing of the latter is considera ble. I A SINGLE leaf of the Victoria Regia in the botanical garden at Ghent floated two hundred and sixty-four pounds of bricks that were piled upon it. COMMODORE VANDERBILT'S marriage to a very young lady is the last item of New York gossip. He is about seventy years old, and worth, according to Wall street, at least as many millions. She is nineteen. THE Conservative Democrats of Tennes see are gradually taking ground against the ratification of the fifteenth amendment by the Legislature of that State, though both Brownlow and Senter promised their fol lowers that it should be done. EMERSON ETHERIDUE takes ground for the repudiation of the railroad debt of Ten nessee, and Andrew Johnson for the repu diation of the war debt of the United States. Pity the Democrats cannot elect both to the Senate! THE Democrats have always claimed to be the hard money party, and yet the Cincin nati Enquirer , their chief Ohio organ, com plains that Governor Boutwcli's policy is rapidly bringing the currency to the gold standard. IK MARVEL, editor of Hearth and Home, lately made some strictures upon the man agement of the New York and New Haven railroad, whereupon the Superintendent has forbidden the sale of the paper in the sta tions of the road, the prohibition acting splendidly as a gratuitous advertisement of the paper. As to tha Chinamen now and the China men after awhile, the Albany Journal says: "Hit the Chinaman, gentlemen, while you can. He can't strike back now. But re member, he is the 'coming man.' And when the time arrives you will crawl on your parallel after him as peaceably as the World does after the colored man." A TOUNG MAN in Muscatine, lowa, arose in his sleep, on the night of the 7th inst., and climbed to the roof of the Trinity church and proceeded to deliver an eloquent dis course. After speaking some time, he re tired in good ordet until he came to the edge of the roof, when one step brought him to the ground aod consciousness. CHATTING at Wiesbaden about the young fellow who was to become his son in-law, the old man praised him very highly. "I don't know that he has but one fault, lie does not know how to play." "Do you call that a fault? It seems to me a virtue." "Ah, well! he docs not know how to play, but he plays, just the same! " BEN PERLFY POORE has one of the finest residences in New England, the house be ing built of stone, aed in the style of an old English mansion house. One portion of it is in imitation of an old colonial house, every article of furniture being genuine rel ics of ihe old days before the Revolutionary war. How IT ORIGINATED.—The word dun (to ask for a debt) owes its origin to a fa mous English bailiff, named Joe Dunn, in the time of King Henry VIII., who plied his hard trade of collecting doubtful debts with remarkable success. When every re sort had failed, creditors would threaten to put Dunn on their debtors, and heDce the phrase of dunning, which is so common now a-days. Two peaceful events are recorded abroad. The first is the perfect reconciliation of the Sultan of Turkey and his Pasha of Egypt. The second the end of the civil war in Japan and the restoration of peace throughout the empire. The two most powerful Damios, Satsuma and Choison, are members of the new administration, in positions in which they could do the greatest harm if they should prove treacherous in their submis sion to the government of the MikaJo —one being placed at the head of the army, the other at the head of the navy. \ SARATOGA, the most popular and fashion ! able watering-place in the United States, if j not in the world, is at the same time the i most uncomfortable and unsatisfactory to ] all who visit it except for its gaiety and dis | sipation. To enjoy the water as well as the ! pleasant walks and drives, the first two ! weeks in September offer tho best period in ; the season. There is at that time more , room, less dust, less noise and confusion, > and the waters can be drank at leisure and | to their full fruition. | QUEEN VICTORIA is beginning to look ; with more favor upon John Bright. She > has discovered at last that he is somebody : and may be needed in an emergency to lend : more assistance to her government than she I supposed at one time ever could have been ! possible. He has been invited to visit Her Majesty, as a friend, at Balmoral, where Victoria has just taken up her residence for the latter part of summer and early part of j fall. This is certainly a mark of royal favor | not manifested every day. | A CHARLESTON paper says that in the j upper part of South Carolina there is a j young ex-Confederate soldier whose leg was amputated during the war, near the thigh. After amputation the wouDd rapidiy healed, and be was sent home. About a year after wards a fleshy protuberance was seen to grow out of the flesh, which, in the course of a few months, took the shaj e of a foot, and since that time it has been growing finely, until now the man has a perfectly new foot and leg growing from his thigh, which, in a l year or so, promises to supply the loss of his I leg in the first instance. A PROJECT is on foot for the erection of a i monument at Annapolis, Maryland, in com memoration of the officers and seamen of the navy who fell during the late war. It will be thirty-six feet high and very elabor- j ate. The sculptor ia F. Simmons. Esq., who proposes to complete it in Rome of Italian marble, aud deliver it iu this country for $20,000, gold. An association has been formed, of which Admiral Porter is the j President- He now holds *14,000, which j has been contributed to the funds entirely by the officers and sailors of the navy, and officers and men of the marine corps. The country should do no less than make up the h?n net* II ED FOR Do PA., Fit I DAY. SEPT. 3, IS6D. sodu!. THE REWARD. BV jonx O. WHITTIBR. Who, look icg backward from his manhood's prime, Bees not the spectre of his misspent time? And, through the shade Of funern! cypress planted thick behind, Hears no reproachful whisper of the wind Eroin bis loved dead ? Who bears no trace of passion's evil force? Who shttns thy sting, O terrible remorse ? Who does not cast On the thronged pages of bis memory's book, At times, a sad and half-reluctant look, Regretful of the past? Alas! the evil which we fain would shun We do, and leave the wisbed-for good undone. Our strength to-day LA but to-morrow's weakness, prone to fall: Poor, blind, unprofitable servants all Are we alwajr. Yet who, thus looking backward o'er bis JI cars, Feels not his eyelids wet with grateful tears, If he hath been Permitted, weak and sinful as he was, To ebcer and aid, in snmoeunobling cause. His fell w men? If he h itb hidden the outcast, or let in A ray of sunshine to the cell of sin If he hath lent Strength to the weak, and, in an hour of need, Over the suffering, mindless of bis creed Or home, hath bent— He has not lived in vain. And while he gives The praise to nitn,in whom he moves and lives, With thankful heart; He gazes backward, and with hope before, Knowing that from his works be nevermore. Can henceforth part. THE POLITICS or Tin: PERIOD. We make the annexed < xtracts from the J great speech delivered by Senator MORTON ! at Wilmington, Ohio, August 12th, 180 V: "What good thing has the Democratic | party achieved or proposed to achieve in the last twenty years ? Can one be named ? Since 1860 it has been a party of mere negations. It opposed every measure to put down the rebellion; it opposed every step in the way of progress and reform; it has opposed attempts to amend and perfect our National Constitution; it has opposed every attempt to extend the boundaries of human rights; it has opposed every attempt to improve the national credit or protect the national honor. For ten years before 1860 it was an affirmation party, but affirmed the worst possible things. It affirmed the right fulness and heniftcence of slavery; it affirmed the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, which was a great breach of the national faith, and was the beginning of the war; it affirmed the infamous doctrines of the Dred Scott decision, by which our National Con stitution was converted from a charter of liberty into an indenture of slavery; and, in general terms, it affirmed all manner of wickedness, corruption and extravagance in National and State administrations. The Democratic party can not be divorced from its historical and traditional character. We are told we should not put new wine into old bottles, nor attempt to patch a deeayec and tattered garment with new cloth, am you cannot take the decayed, effete anl corrupt Democratic organization and mak out of it a new, patriotic and honest party When the Democratic organization has bees destroyed or abandoned, and the member? composing it have entered into new or ganizations which accept the results of the war, and espouse the great doctrines of the Republican party, and the principles upon which the reconstruction of the South i? being brought about, it will be time enough to place them in power, and give to them the control of the Government. A party that was opposed to the Union, and favored the rebellion, can never he safely trusted with the preservation of the UnioD. A party that was opposed to the creation of the public debt to put down the rebellion \ can never be safely trusted with the pay ment of the debt and the protection of the national honor. A party that loved slavery, and desired to perpetuate and extend it over the country, cannot he safely trusted with the protection of human liberty. A party that hates the negro race, and be lieves they have no rights that white men are hound to respect, cannot he safely trusted with the protection of the rights and privelegcs of the colored people. "Praise the bridge that carries you safely over." Praise the party that carried the country safely through the war. Praise the party that preserved the Government and the Union for the benefit of our posterity and of all mankind The members of the Republican party have a right to be proud of its glorious record and its vast achieve ments, greater than those ever performed by any political organization in the history of the world. Think of it—that we have a common country, bound together by stronger ties than ever, growing more rapidly than ever, with brighter hopes and prospect ß than ever before; that more than ever ex cites the admiration, hopes and wishes of the oppressed millions of other lands, and that all this we owe to the Republican party; and but for that party the Union would have been broken into fragments, slavery would have triumphed, and the sun of liberty set in blood; and where now we have bright and glorious prospects, and beautiful vistas of the lulurc, would be darkness, despair and death. To triumph over the rebellion the Repub lican party had to triumph over the Demo cratic party aod over slavery; and it was a triple triumph. It makes the heart of the true Republican rejoice when he reflects that there is not now a slave in all our borders, and that the foul blot which so long dis graced our national escutcheon has been wiped out forever, and that this was the work of the Republican party, and that now there is not only no slavery, but there are equal civil rights for all—equal protection for all, and that soon there will be universal suffrage and equal political rights for all> aod that our Republic will then realize the grand vision of perfection and greatness which presented itself to the eyes of our fathers. Aod the work of the Republican party is not ended; its mission is not finished. The work of reconstruction is not com pleted; and, although it is progressing well, with every assurance of the most favorable results, yet it would be absurd to turn it over in its unfinished state into the handsof its CDenties, who would, at the last moment, if they bad the power, destroy all that has been done, and throw the country back into the bloody chaos from which it has just es caped There are reforms yet to be ac , complisbcd, imperfections to lie removed, and improvements to be made in our grand political system, and it is proper that the Republican party, which has so gloriously begun the work, should go on to its com pletion. The Republican party has done one thing at a time, and has done it well. It has advinced step by step, and will still progress in the same way. If it bad under taken to aceouipli.-h everything at once, as was desired by some, it would perhaps, have fallen in all, but, like the good mechanic who gives hfe undivided labor and attention to one thing till it is accomplished, and when that is ione, and well done, takes up another and so goes on until his whole task is finished such is the fashion and history ci the Republics party. And I here cail the attention of all reformers to the un questionable fact that their best chance for success is in the bosom of the Republican party, whiot will in due time take up one reform after another, and such as are found to be necessary and proper will be pushed forward to final success. The Republican party is emphatically the great reform party of the nation. V fiat, on the other hand, has the Democratic party to offer in contrast with ail this? It presents a beggarly dish of Virginia abstractions, blood-stained and spotted with the leprosy of treason and political death, a record of opposition to all the glorious thiDgs that I have mentioned --a record of negations, dissatisfaction—l had almost said of imbecility, in which you discover not one thing that gratifies the eye, warms the heart or meets the approval of the judgment. History is full of instances where nations have been stricken with poverty of intellect and resources, and have for generations failed to produce any great or good thing, but they have continued to to decline until they have gone down to the point where there must be dissolution to produce regeneration. And so it is with parties. The Demo o-atie party, for a score of years, has been striken with poverty of resources, feebleness of purpose, submission to bad principles, anil has been incapable of producing or pro posing any great or good thing. That the Republican party his made sone mistakes is not to be denied, fur "to erris human,' and neither men nor par ties are infallible; but they were mistakes and not crimes, and when discovered and comprehended were rectified. Aid is there any good reason why the Republican party, after having preserved the .lepublic. should be required to turn over the carc and cu-tody of it to the Demo eracj? When the flames of your burning house have bcqn extinguished would you empltiy the incendiary as a watchman to protest it from fire in the future, or when your child has been rescued from the waves, would you deliver it over for tender nur.-ing and resuscitation to the monster who threw it in? And yet you might do these tbincs with as much propriety as to now turn over the control of the Government to the Demo cratic party. When the Republican party shall have grown old, corrupt and infirm, like the Democracy, and become incapable of any vigorous policy or generous action, it will then be time enough to hunt up some new organization—certainly- not the Demo cratic—into whose hands the power of the Government >hou!d be committed. That sacb is not now its condition, and that it is as capable of great things in the future as in the past, we believe. Whether it has yet been stricken by the palsy of corruption and imbecility, we may judge by the pro gress which has been made in reform during the short period that General Grant's ad ministration has been in power. The last three years of Mr. Johnson's administration were under the influence and control of .the Democratic party, and were subject to all the evils and misfortunes incident to the domination of that party. The adminis tration of General Grant thus far has been a glorious success, and if in the futute it shall carry out the promise which it has already given, will realize all and more than its most sanguine friends have anti cipated. The success of Republican principles, and of the great reforms which have been in augurated by the Republican party, can best he consummated and confirmed by pre serving tho organization of that party. Should the Democratic party propose to surrender its organization, and to accept the general principles of the Republican party, as it has in Virginia, Tennessee, Mississip pi and Texas, it would furnish no good reason for the abandonment of the Repub lican organization or the relaxation of its radical standard or its discipline. They can uot form a better Republican party than we now have, and although they may take on Republican principles, yet they will take with theui so much of the spirit of the re bellion—so much of the leaven of the old Democracy—that their new organization will be at best but an improvement of the Democratic party, and likely to fall back in to all its old evils and abuses. "Conserva tive Republicanism," as it is, absolutely means reaction, at least means a positive halt in the march of progress and a compromise with the Democracy, in which they would be likely in the end to get the a Ivan' ge. Rut in Ohio anl the Northern States gen erally the Democratic partv exhibits no evidence of improvement wlia'cvcr. The Chicago Timer and the New Totk World, conducted by men of sagacity, long ago perceived that the party could make no pro gress and stood no chance of coming into power throughout the country unless it abandoned its old heresies, accepted the re sults ol the war and should take an entirely new departure, and therefore proposed to the party that they should begin the work oI reform by accepting the doctrine of uni versal suffrage, and consent to the enfran chisement of the colored men, both North and South. But the editors of the papers, overlooking the lesson of history, committed the blunder of supposing that an old political organization, whose features were cast snd hardened in the moulds of State sovereignty and the right of secession, could be reformed and made to put on a new and loyal face ; and their suggestions were laughed to scorn, and made no more impression on the Demo cracy than drops of rain falling upon an old moss-covered boulder. The Democratic party must go on now as it is, only getting worse and mote hardened, ti.l, by some great political ground swell, it shall be bro ken to pieces and the fragments dashed and ground together like the breaking up of a 23 of ice. It will not be unprofitable to notice the general prosperity and progress of the coun try. It is advancing in every kind of public aud private enterprise. In the State of Indiana there are more railroads under con struction to day than at any former period in her history, and what is true of Indiana may probably be said of most of the other \Y cstcrn and North-western States. It is true there are evil prophets, as there always will be but the condition of general prosperi ty must be admitted by all. Towns and cities are growing, farms are beiog im proved, fine farm-houses and barns are be ing erected, turnpike roads are penetrating through every township and county neigh borhood, and manufactures are everywhere springing up with wonderful rapidity. Tbt Western territories are being peopled, and are fast growing to the dimension of States; our mineral wealth and our resources of every kind are being developed with unex ampled success. The recent exhibition of textile fabrics in Cincinnati shows what wonderful nrngroeo Nutlliwcal is uaakiug in manufactures, and what may be expected in the future under an honest and wise ad ministration. It is true, all these interests were much depressed by three years of mis rule under the late Administration, but their condition may be referred to with pride and satisfaction, notwithstanding the Demo cratic party tells us that the country is be ing ruined, eaten up and devoured by heavy taxes and the national debt. Every depart ment of business is prosperous, and most arc flourishing, and although it is said that the merchants and traders are not making as much money as they have done at other j times, yet the prosperity and permanency of business is established by the fact that' there are comparatively few failures. It is said by a distinguished statistician in who.-e opinion I have confidence, that there have ; been fewer failures in business during the last six years than during any former six ! years in the history of the country, and if j this is true it shows that the country is do ing remarkably well in what the Democratic party calls its "dying condition." The taxes can be made lighter by the faithful collection of the revennes and by the intro duction of economy and retrenchment. It is estimated that as things are now going on in the faithful collection of the revenue, and thorough reform in every department of the Government, it will be in the power of Con gress, at its next session, while continuing | to pay large sums annually in the reduction i of the national debt, to reduce the general; rate of taxation for internal revenue at least fifteen per cent. In conclusion, I would advise the people of Ohio to stand fast by the men who stood fast by the country through the war, and by the true principles of reconstruction since the war; to stand fast to the Republican party, to which the country owes more than any other country ever owed to any political party, and not by irritation from real or fancied grievances, or by indifference or neg lect, permit the power of the Government; auain to return to ht noliueal ororanioir.n : which is so laigely responsible for all the J blood that has been shed and the treasure that has been expended for the preservation j of the Republic. HOW DEMOCRACY REMEMBERS THE SOLDIERS. In 1863, when Chambersburg was smok ing and the decisive lines were drawing around Gettysburg, the Democratic party of Pennsylvania were in council at Harrisburg. Many of the very men in session last month were there, and under the very bayonets of the Confederate army, they remembered the Union soldier by advising compromise— compromise when the colors of rebellion were profaniog the soil of the State. In 1864 the Democracy met in National Convention at Chicago. The fate of the nation was in the balance. Sherman was gone on his brilliant but desperate march to the sea. Thomas was battling in front of Nashville. Grant was struggling in the Wilderness amid the graves and defeats of successive campaigns. The Democracy met and remembered the soldiers—How ? They explicity declared the war, after three years of trial, to be "a failure," and demanded that immediate effort be made for a cessa tion of hostilities. Every plank, too, of this infamous platform, with one exception was a stab at the Administration which was keeping the soldiers in the field. Is it any wonder that this shameful assemblage has passed into infamy and history as the "Sur render Convention ?" In 1865, when the war was just over, and the soldiers of Pennsylvania were coming home, tired and wounded, with their dead behind them, their business and occupations gone, to commence, perhaps, a yet more desperate struggle for livehood, how were tbey welcomed by the Democracy of Penn sylvania ? In convention assembled, under the leadership of Jndge Black, still an hon ored name in his party, the Democracy of the State deliberately and officially declared the history of the war to have been "debt, slaughter and disgrace." That was only the Democratic remembrance of our strug gle and sacrifice! These platforms and resolutions, which make the blood of a soldies to leap and his cheek to tingle, are all yet in full force and vigor. They are part of the creed of a Democrat. They have never been rescind ed, repealed, or apologized for. A vote for Packer and Pershing is a specific endorse ment of their every word. This is what Democratic remembrance means. HON. JUDGE WILLIAMS. It must be gratifying to the friends of j Judge Williams and the party whose nomi nee he is, to find him so highly spoken ofin j all sections of the State, as well by the op position as by the Republican press. His ! great ability as a jurist and sterling worth as a man are admitted even by those who op pose him, and with such a strong feeling in his favor our friends may rest confident of his election. And our readers can- ; not attach too much weight to the impor tance of securing this result. As the liar-; risburg Telegraph remarks, in a country governed by law there is nothiog so necee sary to the security of justice and liberty a* j an independent, enlightened judiciary; and especially is it necessary that the highest tri bunal in the State should be composed of men possessing the best legal attainments, the most spotless integrity, and a lofty inde pendence of mind. If this be so, —and wo think it will not be disputed —the contest for Judge of the Supreme Court now pend ing is not second in importance to that of Governor; indeed, while both are of great consequence, we are inclined to give prece- VOL. 42: NO 32. deoce to tbe latter; for tbe laws of the Leg islature itself, which tbe Governor can only enforce, the Supreme Court can annul and set aside. Life, liberty, and property, each and all, at times depend upon tbe decision of this tribunal of last resort. Of what vast concern, is it then, that at this time, aright choice should be made by tbe people be tween the two candidates now before them as candidates for that exalted positiou. A great responsibility will rest upon them, and a great evil will be inflicted should they make an unwise selection. Although the respective candidates were nominated by party conventions, this is not openly a parly question—it rises above party—embracing the greatest and dearest interests of all, it is a question by itself, solitary in its grandeur, paramount to all others, in which nothing is to be considered but tbe merits of tbe res pective candidates. And now is the time for reflection. There is ample time to ar rive at a just conclusion, between this and tbe clrUiuu, .ufi if au unfuituuuuc uhulcc should then be made, it will be chargeable to the indifference of the people and not to a lack of time for thorough investigation. FIGHT VOI R WAY UP. The many who have to take the world rough and tumble are prone to envy the few who roll through it unjolted in cushioned vehicles on patent springs. The toiler, as he stumbles through its thorny thickets and cliiubs over its foot blistering gravel, is apt to curse the ill luck that placed him on such a hard road, and to sigh for a seat in one of the splendid equipages that glide so smooth ly over fortune's macadamized turnpike. Bo.n with a pewter spoon in his mouth, he covets the silver one which was the birth right of his well to do neighbor. Occupa tion is the "immediate jewel" of life. It is true that- riches are DO bar to exertion. Quite the reverse, when their use 3 are prop erly understood. But the discontented work er who pines for wealth, without being wil ling to labor for it, regards the idleness in which it would enable him to live as the acme of temporal happiness. lie has no ilea of money as a great motive power, to be applied in enterprises that give healthful employment to mind and body. All to loaf luxuriously. We have no sympathy with such sensuous longings. People who in dulge in them never acquire wealth. They lack the energy to break their way to the worldly independence for which they yearn and whine. They don't know how much more glorious it is to tear affluence from op posing fate by main strength of will and in flexibility of purpose, than to receive it as a windfall. There is infinitely more satisfac tion in conqueting a fortune than was ever experienced by a "lucky heir" in obtaining the golden store which some thrifty hand had accumulated. Your accidental Croesus knows nothing of the pride of success—of honest exultation with which the self made man looks back upon the impediments he has Qvereome, aud forward into the far fu- TNI-N 1.- J J .1 - 0 1 - COMPENSATION. One man complains of wants and defi ciencies from which his neighbor is exempt while the latter sighs for advantages which the other is supposed to possess. The poor man eats his corn bread and fat bacon with a relish caused by hunger, which the rich man sighs for at a table covered by dainties. A banker, one day, was approaching his door at dinner time, when he was accosted by a beggar, who cried out that he was hun gry. "What a happy rogue," replied the banker, "to have hunger!" A more famil iar anecdote is that of an English nobleman, who, in the midst of a violent attack of asthma, hearing a chimney sweep in the street, uttering bis usual cries to attract no tice, exclaimed, "What an extravagant- ras cal that is! —He wastes more breath in five minutes than would last me for the day." "When I was a young man," said an em inent English surgeon of the last century, "I had good teeth but wanted meat for them to chew; now I am old and have abundance to eat, but not the teeth to enable me to chew it." This is a somewhat figurative way of expressing the fact that in early life man has a keen sense of enjoyments, with out the desired meaos for their full gratifi cation; and that in old age this sense is blunted, while the incentives to pleasure abound. The helpless paralytic finds large compensation in the tender care and unceas ing at'entions of family or friends, whose kindlier feelings and affections have been brought out by the occasion, to an extent alike grateful and unexpected to him and to themselves. THE TRUE CHURCH. Says Henry Ward Beecher: Me are talking about what is going to save the World, and how religion is going to be ad vanced, and which is going to get ahead. You can never tell by looking at birds' tail feathers which is going to fly highest; and you cannot tell by looking at churches, and their ordinances, and their outside appa ratus, which is going to take the lead. I tell you that church which has, first, the most power with God, and then, next, the most sympathetic power with men, is the truest church. The spirit of the gospel is contained in the words, "Wc pray in Christ s stead, be ye reconciled with God.' This is the whole of it. We are to use every thing that we have, in the divine work of persuading men to become sons of God. That ought not to be a very operose thing. It ought not to be difficult to be understrod. It ought not to be so perplexed and con fused as it is. Religion is the simplest thing in the world. A child that knows how to love fathor arid mother, and to say "Dear Father" and "Dear Mother, knows how to worship God. A child that knows the economy of the house-hold knows the whole economy of true church government. Nothing can be simpler than that. BAD NEWS weakens the action of the heart, oppresses he lungs, destroys the ap petite, stops digestion, and partially BUS peuds all the functions of the system. An emotion of shame flushes the face; fear blanches it; and an instant thrill electrifies a million of nerves. Surprise spurs the pulse into a gallop. Delirium ioiVjges great en ergy. Volition commands, sad hundreds of muscles spripg to execute. Powerful emotion often kills the body at a stroke. Em inent public speakers have died in the midst of an impassioned burst of eloquence, or when the deep emotion that produced it suddenly subsided. Largrave the young Parisian, died when he heard that the mu sical prize for which he had competed was adjudged o another. SUBSCRIPTION TERMS, AC Tb InQirißßit if published erery FRIJ ur morn ing be following rates : Ose 'VE*K, (in advance,) #2.00 " " (if riot paid within six moa.) .. $2.50 " " (if not paid withothe year,)... $3.00 Ail papers outside of tbe county discontinued without notice, at the exp ration of the time for which the subscription has been paid. h'inglecopiosof the paper furnished, in wrappers, at fire cents each. Communications on subjects of local or general nterest, are respectfully solicited. To ensure at tention farors of ibis kind must invariably bo accompanied by the natne of the author, not for publication, but as a guaranty against imposition. AM letters pertaining to business of iba office should be addressed to JOHN LVTZ, Bcnroan, PA. ENGLISH VIEW or THE CHINESE.—The London Times devotes a leading editorial to Chinese emigration to America. It refers to the mobbing of tbe emigrants in California, and says it recalls the agitation ol the Aus tralian colonies some six years ago on the same subject. The inhabitants of Victoria manifested the same dislike of tbe China men. Legislation ultimately assumed the form of an import duty, but it was seriously proposed to make the importation of Chi nese ioto the colony a mimical offense, aud while there further immigration was to be prohibited undyr revere penalties, active measures were to be taken to send back to their native land those v. ho had crept in unawares to contaminate the Australian soil. The experience of Victoria seemed to prove that the reason of the aversion mani fested to them, that they would underbid the white laborers, bad some foundation in trotb. Tfiefr economy is said to be marvel lous. It is said that they would settle down in Victoria on a digging abandoned as hope lessly on-remunerative by the best miners from England, and, without discovering any new veins, contrive to live comfortably on the produce they extracted from it. A stream washing which had been washed over and over again until no glittering point remained would bo undertaken by them, and theit microscopic scntenrss would realize a wealth of metal. The Tintes says that "alone aurone the races of the world they confront the Englishman, and produce as much wi-ik wiili 1 •. pay." CLEANLINESS.— A nc-at, e'ean, fresh air ed, swee', cheerful, well arranged house ex erts a moral, as well a< a physical influence over its inmates, and makes the members of a family peaceable and considerate of each others feelings and happiness. The connet - tion is obvious between the state of mind thus produced, and habits of respect for each other and those high duties and obli gations which no laws can enforce. On ilie cnutraiy, a filthy, squalid uoxious dwelling in which none of the decencies of life can be observed, contributes to make its inhabi tants selfish, sensual and regardless of the feelings of others. And the constant indul gence of such passions renders them reckless and brutal; and the transition is natural to propensities and habits incompatible with a respect for the property of others or for the laws.—A r . Y. Independent LABOR.— There is much truth iu the statement that none so little enjoy life, and are such burdens to themselves, as those who have nothing to do. The active only have the true relish of life. He who knows not what it is to labor, knows not what it is to enjoy. Recreation is only enjoyable as it unbends us. The idle know nothing of it. It is exertion that renders rest delightful, and sleep sweet and undisturbed. That the happiness of life depends on the regular prosgcutiop of sppm liindahlo jnmmsA or lawful calling, winch engages, helps and en livens all our powers, let those bear witness who, after spending years inactive useful ness, retire to enjoy themselves; they then find leisure a burden rather than a pleasure. A SHARP BOY.—"Can you tell me the road to Greenville?" asked a traveller of a boy whom he met on the road. "\es, sir," said the boy. "Do you see our barn down there?" "Yes," said the traveler. "Go to that. About three hundred yards beyond the barn you will find a lane. Take that lane, and follow along about a mile and a half, and then you will come to a slippery elm log. You be mighty keerful, stranger, about going on that log—you may get into the branch—and then you go on until you get to the brow of the hill, and there the roads prevaricate; and you take the left band road, and keep that till you get to a big plum thicket and when you get there, why then —then—" "What then ?" "Then, stranger, I'll hanged if you ain't lost!" MODEL JOURNALISTS.—"It is surpris ing what a vast number of people there are lying around loose, who are (in their own estimation) so admirably adapted to the work of making model newspapers. Gen erally, newspaper editors see the imperfec tions of their work more plainly than any one else, and labor assiduously to correct them; and if those who are constantly find ing fault with their work, were for a short time given that work to do, it would make them a great deal more charitable. THE GRAVE OF HAWTHORNE.—He lies buried close to Thoreau, on the highest point of the Sleepy Hollow cemetery. Two small, oval stones bear the simple name "Hawthorne," without date or anything else. The grave is covered with thick growing myrtle, and in one comer of the evergreen hedge which snrronnds the lot is a hawthorn tree. It is a poet's grave, and nothing in the surroundings of his home can compare with it.— Concord Letter. You will never convince a man of ordina ry scn;c by overbearing his understanding. If you dispute with him in such a manner as to show a due deference for his judgment, your complaisance may win him, though your saucy argument could not. A FRIEND at one of the summer rcsorla writes that he occupies a "cottage" made of a French dry goods case with a sky-light at the top, and a front door on the side. Unless it rains he sleeps with his feet out side. EVERY man is hippy no matter what his circumstances, who is contented. Happi ness does not depend so much on the art of getting much, as the art of being content ed with what we have. THE following sentiment is attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte : "A handsome woman pleases thaeye, but a good woman pleases the heart. The one is a jewel—the other a treasure." A WISE man thinks no on-; his superior who has done him an injury, for he has it then in his power to make himself superior to the other by forgiving him. WHEN you have no observers, be aiiad jof yourself. Observe yourself as your great ' est enemy; so shall you become your great j est friend. I A GREAT genius will sincerely acknowl edge both his defects and perfections; for : it is a weakness not to owu the ill, as well ■ the good that is in us.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers