BELLEFONTE REPUBLIC “Let us See to it. that a Government or tne People, for the People, and by the People, shall not Perish from the Earth.” BELLEFONTE, PA, MAY 5, 1869. OUR TE i i & RMS PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Select Poetry. Odds and Inds rom ie fri 2 ; eq ft 4 | ; The Great English Dragon, LOVE, At THE TWO WORKERS. . t. Jolin Brewart, Co. I. resig HAT R1'4 your eye, . the need! it { and the en; MEAT r fice ™m ne. wed Wmeneng t and Asst Bargeon, : pe 3 : - nye a: : M may be mont : A H ha as promoted to Surge NFA MARKET " 4 : | truth 18st P a nine months regis and Gorn In Octeber, after the battle of Antietam | brag nor run n that neither A erying oui for i { X , all the agonies the difficulties about our regimental head | flineh Men who can have courage with Re. JEXKINS," little red<hair jo following 8 ’ juarters culminated in the resignations | : ALS AT ALL HOURS Spans oh of our Lt. Col. William Brisbane, an ef- L.A. MILLER & CO reneh and German ree ignant and att an : ATT ' HAL which for the lime an ati rad girl it ) 1 bare et out shouting te it Men in whom the 1 bare fee ; is > 11 a or § end . " . yibilates reas , and leaves sur h courage of everlasting life runs still oog er saye you will ige her by lend od while it bles Englas £4 1) our wi TEERE MORGAN, ficer of bravery, ability and culture; and and eire ng he attention th inity, to the GRAIN & PLASTER i } ck of | { filling thi ‘ rganization \ acerated n 1 Men too large for sectarian ng her a st re wood, ng this s warld wit) AR ’ : £ erated mangled ' 3 y it in { 1 little 1 . x § ear is the oconvintion 1 3 of our Chaplain, Rev Wm Ernshaw, who | bonds. Men who do not ory BOF CRBS eruit with vioegar, putting a little sofl but when the French . . At : } nvisti that we have i n thi - 1 3 . . > been deceived where we plac $ their voices to be heard on the streets, | "°°P in thie pan, and please don't let | man artisans, who can live on the pi placed ali the " trust of love fogs of what an Fn shman esis, oan A is Chapl i i A. at this time, other go Pi " A " a | OU bev G08 N un { & and in charge of the Soldier's Asylam | but who will not fail nor he dissouraged your turkey roost on our fence : fait) do . Lio haplain Ernshaw | till judgment be seat in the earth Me Enea ME . > i J 4 ‘ : rth eh FRESH asl | JF. MOLAHAN. Physician and | 04 been lar in the regiment; | whe kn ; aut . d a ont hand al geon, ha Rohde | i i 3 H i on hand, ays . g am, Cameron county, has located in Miles. | Fad always been with us, in action ae them Joi “How far did you carry it? JOR. P. BLYMYER'S WARE | burg, Centre county, Pa. Men who mind their own business, Men faith fall os all busines . 6 ‘ A \ in thiully attend to all} ibd bd entrusted t upon snd asnisting the wick and wound wl MILROY, PFNN'A., Wim in hie Profession. Office in his residence , \ > . i 2 § slish A Frriow stole a saw, and on his rial | undersell the English in Euglish mar Skepticism hasnever founded empires, ; w their message and tellit Men i the indge that he only took kets then Free Trade in not so good established priveiples ' who know their places and near The changed the Alsondy many of ih where he will | well as out: had been notive in attending nu his judge “iwo miler.” anewered | England are elosed the prisoner “Ah have bepen men y will not lie Men oh ed: was our postin TTR TP al i " sar 106 © y t., where he can always be seen f ster by voluntary sei; ey to work, v 06 prog . nd ? joke tae far!” remarked the judge. and equ eno and 1 hi 4 { : Men who are willisg¢ "o A ked Juag ofessionally engaged Tn his ab fies. BY long rides, securing our mais we, orders may be Teft at the Halahan "marl 0°80. 1y in advance, aad ofteh writing letters that's earrying the | a1 reduce | wages hirty 8 Pa ¢ to a lover i “a . PS ©“ fu : en { out ¥ h 3 d and t : . " a ‘ have earned. and wosr what they have | 1® Privoner got three months unrequit taweeihenr { paid for wu Sotrthern Home - ol i #4 1a} : wii | mingle in the same Mosqui
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers