a. Ls Agricultural Department Feeding Whole Grain to Cattle. WEDNESDAY MORNING, Apr, 28, 69. - Y of grain are prov kin, which the 3 ( } Cultivation for Indian Corn Corn is a deep soil to pr The ploughing deep and well done found two yoke of ex vest team two yoke of ture to ¢ ] : without thre furrow ba ate of drameh of sionally on pearance is 1 ne pot of col them boil not saft, pan with a the centre, dis two or three tab! pe seg, then fill the pan » and place them in the or four hours until | when they are ready The oven should not be he Ir is anid the best | come from the third 13% of i burn them, and water should | ed when occasion require : the baking. Beans cooked way are not fit to be pls w coated hile , HAVE Bang, yf MISC! LLANEOUS, MERICAN BUTTON-HOLE A GVER SEAMING CHINE MEDAL AWARDED AT | gens o | enlered inte § PLASTE] { Al jobs entre 0 shortest time and ir manger. From business weigol AND BEWING MA COMBINED 'HE PARIS EX se in the ywwkmanlike yee in the that 6 oan give 4 gut avery WILEON'S TIN & SHEET TRON WARE 4d Ma AND SHEET IRON STORE, | THE BELLEFONTE | Tie mgt attention {iscount made te DRY GOODE, &e. HARDWARE | BOOTS & SHOES i [)0 Nor FORGET SAMUEL ADAMS ’ PF. HN. RAEFT, i M ILESBURG PLANING MILL MA pe ANVIL HARDWARE BTORE MW. MACKEY WM. OC. WILKRY. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. i | i 1 ’ AN \HAM GRAHAM GRAHAM BOOT & TORE BOOT & | BTORE, | BOOT & FORE OFFERED ETON oF grass tr Mower Ary persen g money, wil LEATHER WARE ROOM FTRENENDO 8S AMOUNT OF | LY ! ATHER GENTS FURNISHING GOOD livered with plensure ” able ’ , #8 an l : : g Of every styie snd desoription Lining ia Give him a oall before pur ] ¥ sha qe plior : . 4 y flee ~ 3 N : of avery discription, all of which will be | thaxing elsewhere { te ie alse agent for the oele { s0'd eheaper than ean be bought at any oth hment in Central Pennsylvania id RINGER SEWING MACHINE ARRAMAM BURSMAN QAPDLERY, t Bellefonte, P J IRWIN & WIL jaf’ €0.1y JOHN MONTGOMERY.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers