BELIEF ONTE, CENTRE COUNTY PEN NN NSYLVANIA, PRINTED BY H. PETRIKIN. WEDNESDAY, August 6, 1823. a a a me ie i met ee i CG ND] E10 NS. The price of this paper is TWO BOLL ARS per annam—bntif paid in Jadvaicc, ONT DO, { AR AND SEVENTY FIVE be cud, Advert ements, making no more length than breadth, will be n- ted thee times for one dollar; and every subse juent continuance twenty -live cents.—— Lose of greatel lengih ia proportion. ~—Rule or figure work ate those rates. No subscription will be received for One your; por avy pape d uatil all arrcaragces ait Thomas Goodwin, Philadelphia For teyms apply to sim, or to Wm Smith, Hur iingdon. June 34, 1823 R. 11.1st of duetters remain- ing in the Post Office at Te lefonte, July 1, 1823 Join Adams 3, William Ad ams, Antis Barthus, James M. Brad) Joseph Bartles, David Ch all's irs - tar A B fess than Bischitz ais ONL s did, : it the subscriber dogs not reques’ ER tinuance of his paper, at the 01 , itwill be considerer new ecagace nent; and the pape: forwarded accordingly. Subscribers who have their papers carried by the mail; must be liable | : PASIALE: Letters addressed must be pase paid. FORE! ‘he Wasl {x RO N WOR] “hituated 1 Nitany Vaile Va Jacob Bergstresser, Hetty Bryson, Juno. Brown, Michael Buttorf; John Bendel, Benjamia Ross Baker. Margaret Carson, John Carson, Venus Coaly Joseph Cox, Rachel Coleman, Ann Cross, Robert Clark Clark James Dickson, Jonathan De- lovg. a st ead as a rer Veal Brown, ! te ey Ow to the edito & Hdls, Richaid Carey. 'D | le - t Ter Wl 4 N i. NOT Gratz Efting. Jucob Fel, Graybill, John Grub, Mary Goodfellow, Niclolas Glazur, James Hall, John Heffelfinger, Jobn F. Hanson, David Hall, Bar- nard Huzel, Mary Hastey, Wm Chailes 1 pu Pecier re 9 enue H Tr a ¢ unty; about fifteen Mics below Belle onte, sik miles from Buldeagle creek, aud vine miles from the Susquehaobal Hogter, Jahn Haonah, Sitviated ; siwatedy Hsin, Juseph Haire, river ; the works axe well and ‘ed never falling streams; tbe { K Johan Itvin jr. John Levin, Peier A. Karthaus 3, John Kern, John Knox. Yavnace is watered by a large spring and the Forge by Ishing creck, cithe! of these streams seldom ever Irecze L David Lamb, Nicholas Lucas, William Lillyett, Thomas Lambert Hugh M’Nawis, Peter M’ Clain, Join M'Neely, John D M’Mullen, John LEd- ward M'Intire, Samuel JM Kesson. Isaac M’Kioney, lobn M’Kinley. Andrew M’Mican, William M’Con- nely James Mitchel, Edward Med- calf 2, Jeremiah Menin, Margaret Mose, Joseph Mason. thousand acres of the ‘There 1s about two excellent wood land adpining wouks, there are two excellent Ure Banks, ene, about two and a halt miles, ang M a ; M’I'wain, -. other three fourths of 4 mile fron. The Ore is equal, i the Unites the lurbace. rot stperior, to auy Atatcs. The F orge is in good repai and has been working untii last t spring The Furnace bas not been in blast fo in some tite, and will require some re The Sports is N Nessel- Ivon to rent them, therefore Py ys de owes ~ Thos. Nor, Christian rode, John Neils John Patterson, Michael DS, unacquainted Works, and any his th P ~ cs Poor. man, Rachel Patton, George Pee wis 7 ri: Qe person wanting to rent Iron Works Sad it to their advantage to come| ters, James Powell, Thomas C. Parsons, James M. Petrikin. wit and view said Works, as the subscri- ber rake the terns easy and liberal. JOHN HENDERSON. Jan, 27th 1823. The Editors of the Pennsylvania In. lives on the premises and willlR Eljah Reeves 5, Frederick Reedy, John Reid, Jane Ramsey, Mary Ross, John Ross, Frederick Reiter, John Solloda, Jno. Stump, Joh: Shack, Michael Sweney 2, Jacob Singer, Jaceb Stigers, Abrahan Smithy Janes D. Siark, Wentl Smith, Marx: Steeley James Smith, Micle Sncare, elt 1 Ye rs Lancaste: B Jad msert pencer, Harrisburg ; tielligencer, Lancaster; and more Patriot, are requested to the above in their respective papers, George Sclsey, 2 ‘ weekly for thivee months and forward thei bills (0 the subscriber for pay. J. 11. LT ete eg. | "EY EB 14 i | Trcziyuloy, OB NY Ro i warned not ssignment of a note which. George Shinabergar, James Tumbleson, Charle: Mury Whiteman, Jerrymial, ing Nersons are od ) . : ; Wilders, Noah LE, Thomas Waddle. kl. Humes, P. 21] pay INE INN ~ unless compelled ; he baving Shsined G LU. HE NN 1 NG, il iL in [+ f. audulent aod unlan f al man- A i A’ i BE oR 2 0 ner. 1% Breit Wat py friends JOHN CITAR ial i and customers, that he has again com- {Jinn county, oth. 1822. ‘menced the HATTING BUSINESS, Wathams to tke an o a certzin Jolin I%ider, of Nittany valley Centre county, holds of mise, as I J i am determined not to the same, AMifllinhare, May TOR AN SALE Lavid Love, Joshua Ludleyy his shop lor trade. EY ~ v FOR SALE. The subscnber 0 el, at private ale, the HOUSE & LOY he now accuples, situate in the Borough of Beliefonte, The lot contai 0s two and « half acres, and has also erected on nd commodious TAN-HOUSE, with a good TANYARD, onsisting of seventeen tan vats, with wo line vats, baites, &e. The terms nay be koown by application to the subscriber, BENJAMIN WILLIAMS, Mav 27th 1823. en I — In the Second C! ass, Pennsylvania State Lot. tery, which was recently completed in Phil- adelphia, all the following prizes, com- been paid— All the Capitals, viz 15,008 Dollars, 8,000 Dol'ars, 5000 Dollars, 2.000 Doiars 2,000 Dollars 5 of $1900, 10 ot $500, 14 of 8100 and ncarly all the Prizes of $6, a- (mounting to 75000 Dollars. CAPITAL PRIZES in the THIRD CLASS PENNSYLVANIA STATE LOTTERY, G. W. WALTE, ihe Cash will be immediately advance: ed when drawn. 2 of 2 2 4 Mawacer, for which $6,000 2,000 1,500 1,000 10 200 12 100 Besides numerous Prizes of 350, and smaller Prizes. Every Number will be Drawn from the wheel, ‘This Lottery contains only 5972 numbers, and those who purchase two tickets of the sume number, may draw any two of the above capitals. and the boider of ten tickets, which will cost only $60, may draw the handsome sini u 2 OOD till be announced in REE 1) The drawing few days, Whote Tickets only H ves Quarters 1 50 Kighths 75 For theabove Rich Prizes ipply immed. ately at WANPES OLD LSTABLISHED AND FORTUNATE OFFICE. a K6 20 3 00 South-West Corner of Chesnut and Third streets, Puiladelphia, Who sold and paid all the priz:s in the former classes of the Pennsylvania State lottery, and who sod and paic prizes amounting to upwaids of SEVEN MILLIONS OF DOL LARS, Being the largest amount of prizes ever sold or paid by any other Broker Wn America. Almost all kinds of Bank — Notes bought on the lowest terms. p= Ouders inclosing the Cash will be promptly atiended to, and all Lot- tery information given gratis. FOR SARK A HOUSL & FOUR ACRE 5 oF LAND, situate in Howard township Centre Co. on the road leading from i : : om o Beliefonte, in a shop adjoining the An elegant tract cf land, sitoate Baldeagle Senainiog. in house formerly occupied by Charles owaship, Centre county, . . Huoston Esq. ; where he intends | . : i. keep a general assortment of to , yvater Stiffened Hats, which may be bad on moderate terms {Proof and Common He flatters wcres more or less, adjoining lands of pimseif that he can give general satis Henry- dam: gs, and others, The Jand 3 : = 7 » th » is well interoved. and is one of those faction, as he has been lately to the bitely owned by J.P. De lass, pur- city, and has procured good stuffs. ®hascd by Mis. Cr iby whole sale or retail. n oan alo. an fig) “is d sold by ber Saunt, Lamb wool will be taken in at Bellefonte to the Big Island, 8 miles below Milesturg ; Michael Meese and others. The a-la any person who is disposed to keep a ‘Tavern and Store ; Now in the occu. pation of John Ligget. For terms 2p- township: ABSALOM LIGGET. Apri] 23) 1823. ta goed dwelling house; and a large! WAITES OFFICE. prising ncarly the whole scheme, have, Clock and Watch-Ma- adjoining lands of} bove premises are well calculated for! ito be “dons 3 : ; i ply to the subscriber living in Howard —— NOTLOE,, All persons indebted to JOHN Mb. [KEE must call immediately and pay | NOTICE. . The subscr CA their Hinds and the public, that i, now in complete operation the CARDING MACHINE formerly owned by Rankin & Steel. I'be rolis shuil be made in the best manor and on the shortest notices All who neglect this notice will be ijsued without respect to persons— Those who have accounts against him please liquidation. present them also for ton a J. M. PETRIKIN. Cotton Machinery ; December 27th 182 @ TREY 4 where yarn of any qualiy Wd 35 AR procured, sultable to {he yy is stolen on the night ef 1h Di of every person wishing 1Q o> 22bd of June instant, from the purchase, They also bave a numer rs of Themas Hastings, Inpkecp- of looms for the purpose of weaving, ery in the Borough of Belicfonte, a suitable to wll kinds of county worke DRAB GREAT COAT, I'Fhey respectfully iuvite those who 22. 1D aceompio= a drawed back and strap, and a pock- [continue to do so ; and ail those he et; buttoned with a small mole, on thelare favorable to domestic manufac outside oftiie left breast; the coliaritures are most respectfully solicited was covered with drab tabby velvet to extend taecir patronage, Work The above reward will be given to'shall be done with dispatch and on any person who will return the coat,|the most reasonable terms. ; or give information, so that the sub- LAMBERT 5 BROTHE ALS. scriber, whose property it was, can Bt Hetonte, May 20; 1823. getit again. PRIVATE MATLOCK BENNER. Bellefonte, July 1st 1823 : A valuable plantation, or tract of land coniaining | ELIJAH REEVES, ion situate four miles west of the pig ‘of ludiana on the great road wb ker, If I £. Cent from said boroonn wo Kittanning, Lior e er r ciorms the citizens o entre The improvements are county, that he cairics on the above : . 'Y'wo good cabin fi] business in all its various branches, an the Borough of Bellefonte, next got: a : and cabin barn, about fifty acres clear ed, five of which are mcadow, apd: door to the office of the « PATRIOT,” more may be made, with a small where he wiil thankfuliy receive ail © orders in his line of business. Ie will ikl on the most reasonable | Apple Orchard, terms for cash or country produce heregnem A LSO—A An rho o the above business containing will be taken, it appli wade! , pplication be mad 142 acres SCO0N. June 17¢h, 1823 situate about five miles west of said ee borou Joha M’Kinley, Jr. TAILOR, Informs his fiends and the puble,! that he bas commenced the above by- |! siness in the Borough of 2 + tract of land cabbin house and barn thereon, with about sixty or scventy acres cleared, twelve acres of which are meadow $¢ a quantity morc may be made, with five sugar camps and a small orchard ‘hereon. —A further descriptions deemed unnecessary, as it inay be est obtained by applyiu ir to the subs scribers on the premises. DAVID CUMMING JOLIN TRIMBLE. {ndiana, March 29th 1823. Bellefonte. His shep is on the north cast end of the lot north of the Bank, and directly He will work cheap for cash or country produce, all across the street. ere a ef a EE BANK NO1E EXCHANGL, IN PHILADELUVHIA. 1 4 kind of which will be taken in payment. Belletonte, June 3d 1823. FOR SALE, The subscriber offers for sale a HOUSE & LOT in Barlyshury, formesly occupied by! Walter Longwell asa tavern. The Jot | contains onc acre and a fourth, and Tey ton, the house is a commodious one, and! Mount Holly, the stabiing goud. Itis an excellent Cymber land, sand for either Tavern or Store. (Newark, Possession will be given on the first IBrunswic of Aprilnext. Aay person wishing to purchase can know the terms by ap- lication to the subscriber, Farmer’s Mills, LEWIS LONGWELL. 1823 Js United St tateg Branches, Boston, New-tHampshire, Connecticut, (New-York City banks New-York country notes New-Jevsey. k Bank, Sussex Bank, State Bank at Trenton, At Elizabethtown At Morristown At Patterson June 3d At Brunswick Pennsylvania, Philadelphia notes, Germantown {aston Bank, Camden Chester county Bank, West Chester Montgomery county, Bank, PROCLAMATION, a YT . . . Notice is Hereby Given FHAT a court of Common Pleas Xionural Quarter Sessions of the Northampton Bank, Peace and the Orphan’s court, in and Yoncaster B pr ster ank, or the county of Centre, will he held | k Lip ; B % ‘Harris burg Bank 1 0 5 it the court house in Jorough Farmers bk. of Reading, of Bellefonte, on Mo: ley the 25th day BANK NOTES AT A DISCOUNT, f August next, at 3 o'clock Far. Bunk Bucks co. 1 A. M. of said aay, of which the Cor- Carlisle Bagk, 1} ner, Justices of thePeace and Con- New Hope Bridge, 1 stables within said county will take Bank at Milton, 15 notice, that they be then and there in Chambers! burg, 11 heir proper persons, with their roils, York Baok, records, inquisitions, examinations, Gettysburg, ud other remembrances to do those Swatara Ba ky things which to their offices appertain Pitts urg Notes, and all suitors, jurorsiCentre Bank ®land - witnesses are also requested 10,Columbia bridge com, ibe and attend at sid court, and n i0t|Greenst mrg cave, do do do. the bs 1GaY — Qos oo ot ldepart w if th out 1 Given under my hand at Bellefonte this seventh day of July. A. D. one thousand eight hun dred and twenty-three, JOSEPH BUTLER, s#° 11 Brows Sv lie | Serica in AOE B Just and Constubliz BLANKS - 3 3 CS have They also have in complete “posta A nay be 3 with three seperate capes seach bound, |buve heretofore patronised them to = Se ¥ ' x : 4 gh on Crocked creeks with a |
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers