vin, CON DITION i oc to Wm ‘The price of this paper is ; TWO! gy BOLL ARS per annum—but if padi gg, Jin advance, ONE DOLLAR ANI SHSEVENTY FIVE CENTS only wi Ww be charged. | Adver'isements, making no more in length than breadth, will be in- serted three times for one dollar ; and for every subse juent continuance twanty-live cents.— Chose of greater length in proportion.—~—Rule of figure work double those rates. No subscription will be received for less than one vear; nor any paper discontinued until all arrearages aie paid. Jf the subscriber does not reques! a dis :ontinuance of his paper, at the end of the year, it will be considere as a new engagement; and the paper forwarded accordingly. Subscribers who have their papers caried by the mail, must be liable for the postage, Letters addressed to the editor must he post paid, § hi rE AE ing in the Post Office at Bellefonte, July I. 1823. Jobn Adams 8, William Ad ams, Antis Barthus, James M. Brady Joseph DBartles, David Bischitz Jacob Bergstresser, Hetty Bryson. Jno. Brown, Michael Buttorf, John Bendel; Benjamin Baker. A B Brown, C Venus Coal, Joseph Cox, Rachel Clark & Hills, Richard Carey. D TO RENT: ‘The Washington : TRON WORKS, Stuvated in Nittany Valley, € ol long. Gratz Etting, “Jacob Felty. Peter Graybilll John Grub, Mary Goodfellow, Nicholas Glazur I county, about hiteen Miles below Belle- onte, six miles from Baldeagle creek, nard Hazel, Mary Hastey, Wm Hunter, John Hannah, Huston, Joseph Haire, and nine miles from the Susquehanna river ; the works are well situated, and on never filling streams; the I K ! : : John Irvin jr. John Irvin. Furnace is watered by a large spring and the Forge by Fshing-creck, cithe: ¥ ; he Dy 5 ! Kern, Joh Knox. of these streams seldom ever freeze 0 ‘There is about two thousand acres of excellent David Lamb, Nicholas wood land adjoining the works; there are two excelient Ore Banks, - one, about two and a hall miles; and M Hopgh M'Namis, Peter M’ Clain, M'Neely, John D M’Mullen, John M’llwain, Ed- John _ “the other thre fourths of a mile fron The Ore is equal, if not superior, to any in the United States. the Furnace. Andrew M’Mican, William M’Con- nel, James Mitchel, Eduard Med-{, calf 2, Jeremiah Meuin;' Margaret Moss, Joseph Mason. Tho’s. Nor, Christian Nessel- rode, John Neils John Patterson, Michael Poor- man, Rachel Patton, George Pee. Thomas C Parsong, James M. Petrikin. The Forge is in good repait and has been workiog until Jast spring The Furnace has not beet in blast for some time, and will require some re pairs. | with vnacquainted| N Works, and wishes to rent them, therefore any The owner is conducting Iron a person wanting to rent Iron Works will find it to their advantage to comef ters, James Powell, and view said Works, as the subscri- R ber lives on the premises and will Frederick Reedy, John Reid, Jane Ramsey Elijah Reeves 3, make the terms easy and liberal, JOHN HENDERSON. Jan. 97th 1823. The Editors of the Pennsylvania In- Mary Ross, John Ross, Frederick Reiter. S Lancaster Balti. more Patriot; are requested - insert the respective papers; weekly for three months and forward their bills to the subscriber for pay- ment: J. H. NOTIOK, All persons are hereby warned mot teligencer, Harrisburg ; Shrack, Michael Sweeney 2, Jacob Singer; Jacob: Stigers, Abraham Smithy James D. Stark, Wentle¢ Smith, Martio Steele, James Smith; Micle Sneare. % Intelligencer; Lancaster ; and, bove in their George | Selsey, George Shinabergar, T James Tumbleson, Charles } Treziyulny, W Maury Whiteman, Jerrvmiah Wilders, Noah E, Thomas Waddle. H. Humes, PM 3 : : Wathams, to tke an assignment of a note which e certain John Elder, of Nittany valley Centre county, holds of mine, as I Philadelphia {may "be known by application Ros Margaret Carson; John Carson, Coleman, Ann<Cross, Robert Clark, James Dickson, Jonathan De- James Hall, Jobn Heffelfinger, John F, Hanson, David Hall, Bar- Charles Peter A. Karthaus 3, John David Love, Joshua Ludley, Lucas, William Lillyett, Thomas Lambert. ward M’Intire; Santuel M'Kesson, Isaac M’Kinney, John M’Kinley, “tHalves John Solloda, Jho. Stomp, Joh} ale, ha ang HCCUPless situate in ihe Borough of |A : Bellefonte, The lot contains twosand sued without + half acres, and has also erected on! | Those ita good dwelling house, and a large and commodicus TAN-HOUSE, with a good TANYARD, ~onsisting of seventeen tan vats, with! wo lime vars, vaites, &c. The terms] to i who have accounts agains: * him please present them also for liquidation. : J. M. PETRIKIN. December 27th 1822. In Trl 23 US BWAR ; BD, ‘Was stolen on the mgtt of the 2 Ist 02 22nd of June instant, house of Thomas Hastings, lonkeep- er; in the Boroogh of Bellefonte; a’ DRAB GREAT COAT, subscriber. BENJAMIN WILLIAMS, May 27th 1823. a drawed back and strap, and a pock- let, buttoned with a small mole, on the joutside of the left breast; the coliar| rs covered with drab tabby velvet The above reward will be given to Pennsylvania State Lot. an lor give information, so that the sub- tery, lscriber, whose propeity it was, can get it again, which was recently comple ted in Phil. Bo } adelphia, all the following prizes, com- Bellefonte, July 1st 182: prising nearly the whole scheme, have - ELIJaH REEVES 3 | a0, ers EHD | CR esa nan In the Second Class, » been paid— All the Capitals, viz. j.: 15,000 Dollars. 8,000 Dol ars, 5000, Dollars, 2,000 Dollars 2,000 Dollars 5 of $1200, 10 of $500, 14 of $100 tand nearly ali the Prizes of $6, a- mounting to 75000 Dollars. CAPITAL PRIZES in the THIRD CLASS PENNSYLVANIA STATE LOTTERY, G. W. WAITE, MavscEr, for which the Cash will be immediately advanc- ed when drawn. 2 of 2 2 4 ker, Informs the citizens of Centre county, that he carries on the above business in all its various branches, in the Borough of Beilefonte, next! door to the office of the « PATRIOT,” where he will thankfully receive all orders in his line of business. He will work on the most reasonable erms for cash or countiy produce An apprenticeto the above business will be taken, if application be made SOON. June 17th, $6,000 2,000 1,500 1,000 10 200 12 100 Besides nunterous Prizes of $50, and smaller Frizes. Every Number will be Drawn from] the wheel, 1823. John M’Kinley, Jr. TAILOR, Informs his friends and the publ'c, that he has commenced the above bu- This Lottery contains only 5972!siness in the Borough of Bellefonte. numbers, and these who purchase twolHis shop is on the north east end of tickets of the same number, inay draw) any two of the above capitals, and the holder of ten tickets, which will cost only $60, may draw the handsome sum of $298 000 The drawing will be announced _in few days. Whoie Tickets only the lot north of the Bank, and directly the work cheap for cash or country produce, all across street. Iie will kind of which will be taken in payment. Belietontey June 3d 1823. FOR SALE, The subscriber offers for sale a HOUSE & LOT in Earlysburg, formerly occupied by Walter Longwell asa tavern. The lot contains one acre and a fourth; and! the house is a commodious one, and! the stabling good. Itis an excellent! stand for either Tavern or Store. Possession will be given on the first of April next. Any person wishing to purchase can know the terms by ap- plication to the subscriber, Farmer’s Mills, Pennsvalley. LEWIS LONGWELL. June 3d. 1823. a $6 00 3 00 Quarters 1 50 Eichths 75 For theabove Rich Prizes apply immediately at WALTZ OLD ESTABLISHED AND FORTUNATE OFFICE. South-West Corner of Chesnut and Third streets, Philadelphia, Who sold and paid all the prizes in the former classes of the Pennsylvania State Lottery, and who sold and paid prizes amounting to upwards of SEVEN MILLIONS OF DOL LARS, Being the largest amount of prizes ever sold or paid by avy other Broker in America. Almost all kinds of Bank Notes bought on the lowest terms. ———— PROCLAMATION, Notice is Hereby Given . i am determined not to pay the same 5 , A f "EY Ny unless compelled ; he having hisingd GEO. HENN N ING, itit in a fraudulent and unlawful me EA TEER, er Respectiuily informs his friends JOHN Sastre J | bre. Uninn county; and customers, that he has again com- May 9th, 1822. 'menced the AEN 13 HATTING BUSINESS FOR S ALE. An elegant tract of land, situate in Baldeagle township, Centre county, n Bellefonte, in a shop adjoining the containing 24.0 acres more or less, adjoining lands o! Henry James, and others. The land is well improved, and is one of those lately owned by J.P. De Hass, pur. city, and has procured good stuffs AMif i | Proof and os wholz sale or retail. Re x chased by Mrs. Craig, and sold ime ET Coury lamb woal will be taken in at ino house formerly occupied by. Charles (Huston Esq. ; where he intends to [keep a general assortment of Water Common Stiffened Hats, | which may be had on moderate terms He flatters himseif that he can give general satis. faction, as he has been lately to the THAT a court of Common Pleas p= Orders inclosing the Cash will be promptly attended to, and all Lot- tery informafion given gratis. HOR SALE . rE \ A AE A HOUSE & FOUR ACRES OF LAND, situate in Howard township General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and the Orphan’s court, in and ‘or the coumy of Centre, will be hel at the court house in the Borough! of Bellefonte, on Monday the 25th day | of August next, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, of which the Cor- ner, Justices of thePeace and Con- stables within said. county will take notice, that they be then and there in their proper persons, with their rolls, records, Ingul sitions, examinations, and other remembrances to do those hings which to their offices appertain’ J \ to be done ; and all suitors any person who is disposed to keep a} 2a y jurors; land witn: ses are also requested to! Centre Co. on the road leading from Bellefonte to the Big Island, 8 miles|’ below Milesburg ; adjoining lands of] The a- bove premises are well calculated for! Michael Meese and others. Tavern and Store ; Now in the occu- depart without leave. Given uader my hand at Bellefonte this. seventh day of July, A. D. one thousand eight hun dred and twenty-three, JOSEPH LOTR, SW pation of John Ligget. For terms ap- ply to the subscriber living in Howard township ABSALOM LIGGET. April 26, 1823. from the! WAITE DE 2 8 OFFICE. with three seperate capes, each fo Ke BI INNER. | Clock and Watch- Ma] respect to persons — sre formerly owned by Rankin & Sieel. The rolls suall be made in the best manngk snd on the shortest notices | Fhey also have in complete opperas tion. a Cotton Machinery 3 where yarn of any quality may be procured, suitable to the accommon [dation of every: pe rson wishing 0 purchase. They also have a number iof looms for. the purpose of weaving, | 'suitaiy'e to all kinds of country work. They respectfully invite those who bave heretofore patronived thet to continue to do so ; and all those who are favorable to domestic manufac- {tures are mos! respectinily solicited ito extend their patronage. Work ‘shall be done with dispatch and on y person who will return the coat,lthe ost I'asonable terns. AMBERT & BROTHERS. : Became, May 20, 1823. 4 PRIVATE SALE i : A valuable plantation, or “track , land containing 220 Acres, isitdate four miles west of the batough ‘of Indiana on thie great road leading from said borough to . The improvements ure Two good cabin ibuses, and cabin barn, about fifty acres clear- ed, five of whith are meadow, and more may be made, with a small Apple Orchard, thereon—ALSO—A of land containing re Yul Af el tract % 142 acres sitiate about five miles west of said borough, on Crooked creck, with cabbin bouse and bari thereon, with about sixty or seventy acres cleared, twelve acres of which are meadow a quantity more may be made, with five sugar camps and a small orchard thereon.—A further description is deemed unnecessary, as it may ba best obtained by applying to the sub scribers on the premises, DAVID CUMMINGS, JOHN TRIMBLE, Indiana, March 20th 1323, (A BANK NOTE EXCHANGE. IN PHILADELPHIA. United States Branches, Boston, New-Hampshire; Connecticut, New-York City banks New-York country notes New-Jersey, | Trenton, ‘Mount Holly, Cc umberland, ‘Newark, Brunswick Bank, Sussex Bank, State Bank at Trenton, At Elizabethtown At Morristown At Patterson At Brunswick Pennsylvania, Philadelphia notes, (zermantown “aston Bank; Camden Chester county Bank, West Chester Montgomery county, Bunk, Northampton Bank, Lancaster Bank, do Ido [do par do do do do do do do do 'be and attend at said court, and no! Greensburg Harrisburg Bank do ‘Farmers bk. of Reading, do. BANK NOTES AT A DISCOUNT. Far. Bank Bucks co. Carlisle Bank, New Hope Bridge, Bank at Milton, Chambersburg, York Bank, Gettysburg, Swatara Bank, Pittsburg Notes, {Centre Bank ‘Columbia bridge com. , — — . 0 = ROBINS ee nt Brownsville 11 CORED @ @Ipreee Justices and Constable BLANKS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers