RT Te ye, a Ed = a — BELLEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY, PENNSYL? IA, PRIN TED BY H. PETRIKIN. Vol. VI. WEDNESDAY, June 11, 1623. CCNDITIONS. The price of this. paper is TWO I PULLARS per annum-—but if paid in advance, ONE DOLL AR AND SEVENTY FIVE CENTS only will be charged. Adver: isements, making no more in length than breadth, will be in- serted three times tor oue dollar; and for every subsejucnt continuance twenty-five cents.—Those of greates Jength in proportion.— Rule or higure work double those rates. ; : No subscription will be received for fess than one year; Dor any paper discontinuzd until all arrearages are paid, if the subscriber does not request a dis ontinuance of his paver, at the end of the year, it will be considered as a new engagement ; and the pape forwarded accordingly. Subscribers who have their papers © carded by the mail, must be liable for the postage. ; Letters addressed to the editor * Gen. George Washington, with an elegant portrait accompanying the same. Also, a biography of Presidents Adams, Jefferson, Madison and Mon- roc, with a striking likeness of each. A biography of Generals Wayne. Mercer, Putnam, Morgan, Montgom- ery, Gates, St. Clair, De La Fayette, Koskiusko,and others. An account of the Whiskey Insurrection, with the names of the most prominent actor: in that scene. DBurt’s Conspiracy. tlistory of the Barbary wars. Histo ry of the late war. Biography o! (Generals Jackson, Brown, Ripley Winder, Boyd, Miller, Waiikinson Scotty Gaines, Harrison, &c as wel! as Comodores Decatur, Perry, Porter, Bainbridge, Chauncey, Hull, Law rence, and Biddle. Being well aware that this pape: will contain the most interesting His tory of America now extant ; and on account of publishing it in numbers, it will enable every dividual to take a copy—as well as the cheapness of the work, mustinduce every man to patronize such a laudable and praise must be post paid. » TO RENT The Washington IRON WORKS, Situated in Nittany Valley, Centre county, about fifteen Miles below Belle- gonte, six miles from Baldeagle creek, and pine miles trom the Susquehanna river; the works are well situated, and on never falling streams ; the Furnace is watered bya large spring and the Forge by Fsbhing-creek, either of these streams seldom ever [reeze There is about two thousand acres of excellent wood wo. ks, there arg two excellent 28 w ww) Ure Banks, one, about two and a hall miles, anc land ad joining the the other three fourths of a mile from the Furnace. The Ore is cqual, if not superior, to any in the United States. The Forge is in good repal and has been worl ing until Jast spring The Furnace has not been in blast for some tune, and will require some re The owner is unacquainted with Iron Works, and wishes to rent them, therefore any pairs. conducting’ person wanting to rent Iron Works will find it to their advantage to come and view said Works, as the subscri- ber lives op the premises and will make the terms easy and liberal. JOHN HENDERS Jan. 27th 1823: The Ii inors of the Pennsylvania In- teligencer, Hariisburg ; Lancaster Intelligencer, Lancaster ; and Balu more Patriot, are requested to insert the above in their respective papers, weekly for thiee months and forward their bills to the subscriber for pay J. H. ( \ N. ments PROPOSALS, By W. BAXTER, For Publishing in Lancastery { Pa.) a weekly paner to be entitled [the Washingtoniana. i { { { White oak, Hickory &c. for grazing farm. in the vicinity afford a constant and worthy urderiaking, SHEL EYE, Sub scriber take care of his paper for : year, and then get them bound, and they must become a public bevoefit to the rising generation. It will contain many adventures—many battles—and many anecdotes which have never been published to the world—Maoy a horid cruelty, will be recorded in this paper, as a beacon wherewith to guard agamnst. February 28, 1823, * CONDITIONS. 1. The Wasuincroniana will be published every Tuesday morning on a new type and beautiful paper and si:all contain four large quarto pages each week. The price to Subscribers will be two dollars a year—one dollar at the time of receiving the first num- ber, and the other at the commence- ment of the half year, . This paper will be commenced on - the fifth day of May, when the firs: number will appear, and shall be carefully packed up and forwarded to Subscribers, in any part of the United States, with all possible speed ; and incase of apy number being lost, the publisher will send it free of expense. wy .. Any person procuring nine good subscribers, shall receive one vol- ume or their trouble. tale of Indian barbarity and British) ye $14 Respectfully informs the that she intends encning a school fo YOUNG 1.A on ‘Mon- day the 12th instant ; where strict at- tention will be given to the moral con- duct as well as the mental acquire- to receive instruction, in (he fHlinow- ing branches, to wit : Orthography, Reading, Writin®, Arithmetic, En- olish Grammar, Ancient & Mudern Geography, Ancient & Modern His. tory, Composition, Drawing. Plain & Ornamental Needlework —T or terms and further particulars enquire at the Academy. THE BRLLEPONTR PATRIOT IS OFFERED I'OR SALE. application to the editor. H. PETRIKIN. P. S. 7 Editors with whom we ex- ichange will do us a kindness by in. papers. WANIE A Journeyman KER. Applyto the subscriber hv ing in Belléfonte. CHARLES MACKEY. March 25 1823. ION HO WILLIAM WILSON (OF WILLIAMSPORT ) HAS REMOVED TO THE HOUSE LATELY OCCUPIED BY Jo. BUFPINGTON, IN HARRIS. BURG And solicits a continuance of pub lic patronage. April, 12th 1823, Aaa Raye all nod FaNT Sq : : FOR SALE, A FARM late the property of Thomas Willing Esq. deceased, situ ate on Baldeagle and Marsh crecks. ten miles above the mouth of the for mer, and fifteen distant from Belle fonte ; containing about Acres; 170 of which are improved, timbered The land is fertile, and adapted for either a grain the remainder well with The Iron works goed market for any article the far. Should he prefer transporting his produce tc mer may wish to dispose of. the Sea board, he can with ease and IN presenting this Prospectus to! the Ciuzens of the United States, the’ publisher begs leave to say, that this’ journal will be the most important! state paper, that has ever yet appears ed in the United States. The Editor intends to devote it entirely to those’ great important events which have oc curved in this happy America, and will contain the most complete and] satisfactory history of the United States, from ils discovery, up to the: present period, viz 3 Discovery of America. How peo- pled by the Indians. Settling of our forefathers. Lands purchased by the whites. DM assacres of the whites and indians. Biography of the mast dis. tinguished personages during that time. The causes and correspon- pence which led to American Inde- dendence. An accurale accoact of the battles and skirmishes during the gyalutioqary war. A biography of safety ata trifling expense convey it The build ngs consist of a good log house and The ract will admit of being divided into ap: J. M. FOX. Bellefonte, April 8th 1823, NOTICE Ja 49 All persons indebted to JOHN M™- KEE must call immediately and pay by water to Baltimore. | barn ; a log cabbin and stable. three or four farms. For terms ply to All who neglect this notice will be sued without respect to persons— Those who bave accounts against him please present them also for liquidation, WAITE S OFFICE In the Second Class, Pennsylvania State Lot. tery, which was recently completed in Phil. adelphi., all the following prizes, com- prising nearly the who'e scheme, have been paid— All the Capitals, viz. 15,000 Dotiars, 8,000 Dol'ars. 5000 Dollars, 2,000 Dollars 2.000 Dollars 5 of $1700, 10 of 500, 14 of $100 and nearly all the Prizes of $6, a- mounting to 75000 Dollars. CAPITAL PRIZES inthe THIRD CLASS PENNSYLVANIA STATE LOTTERY, G. W. WAITE, Max4cer, for which the Cash will be immediately advanc ed when drawn, 2 of 2 2 4 10 12 7” i 6,001 2,000 1.500 1,000 200 100 Besides numerous Prizes of $50, and smaller Prizes. Every Number will be Drawn from the wheel, This Lottery contains only 5972 numbers, and those who purchase two tickets of the same number, may draw holder of ten tickets, which will cost only $60, may draw the handsome sum of £28 000 The drawing will be announced in a few days. Whole Tickets only Halves Quarters Eighths 86 00 3 00 1 50 J. M. PETRIKIN. December 37th 1822, 75 The Establishment of The terms may be ascertained by serting the above in their respective any two of the above capitals, and the| . mmediately at © Ns yr EN WY 4 J OLD ESTABLISHED AND FORTUNATE OFFICE. South-West Corner of Chesnut and Chird streets, Pniladelphia, Who sold and paid all the prizes in the former classes of the Penvsylvania State Lottery, and who sod end paid ‘prizes amounting to upwards of NB RE9 Noa . ments of those committed to her care SEVEN MILLIONS OF DOL | LARS, Being the largest amount of prizes | ith America. Notes bought on the lowest terms. gr5= Orders inclosing the Cash will | i be promptly attended to, and all Lot= tery information given gratis. A HOUSE & FOUR ACRES OF LAND, situate in Howard township Centre Co. on the road leading from Jellefonte to the Big Isl below Milesburg Michael Meese and others. The a- bove premises are well calculated for any person whois disposed to keep a Tavern and Store ; Now in the occu. pation of John Ligget. For terms ap- ply tobe subscriber living ‘on Howard township: ABSALOM LIGGET. April 26, 1823. PRIVATE SALE- A valuable plantation, or tract of land containing 225 Actes, situate four miles west of the borough of Indiana on tbe great road leading from said borough to Kittanning. The improvements ure Two good cabin houses, ard cabin barn, about fifty acres clear. .d, five of which are meadow, and more may be made, with a small Apple Orchard, thereon—ALSO—A containing 142 Acres sitpate about five miles west of sail horough, on Crooked creek, with a cabbin house and barn thereon, with about sixty or seventy acres cleared. twelve acres of which are meadow &| v quantity more may be made, wiih] five sugar camps and a small orchard tract of land! ever sold or paid by any other Broker! Almost all kinds of Bank and, 8 miles Huston Esq ; adjoining lands of | HOUSE & LOT 'n Earlysburg, now occupied by Wa ter Longwell as a tavern. The |g ‘ontlains one acre and a fourth, an the house is a commodious one, an the stabling good. It is an excelles stand for gither Tavern or Stor Possession will be pi¥en on the firs of April next. Aay person wishing: purchase can know the terms by ap plication to the subscriber Farmer’ Mills, Penusvaliey. ; LEWIS LONGWELL. .1823% June 34 GEO. HENNING, HATTER. Respectiolly informs his friend, and costomers, that hie has again com menced the IATTING BUSINESS, in Bellefonte, in a shop adjoining th house formerly occupied by Charlet ; where he intends ‘ep a general assortment of Wate Proof and Common Stiffened Hats which may be bad on moderate term by whole sale or retail. He flatten bimseif that he can give general satis faction, as he has been lately to thy city, and has procured good stuffs Country lamb wool will be taken in a ‘his shop for trade. | } | iL FOR SALE. An elegant tract of land, situate Baldeagle township, Centre county containing 24 acres more or less, adjoining lands o Henry James, and others. The 1a is well improved, and is one of th lately owned by J. P. De Flags, pu chased by Mrs. Craig, and sold by he to Thomas Goodwin, Philadelphiz A Rr NY &. orto Wm June 3d. 1823. | | { { © THI, BANK NOTE EXCHANGE, IN PHILADELPHIA. United States Branches, 1 ct. dis) Bo 1 oil New-Hampshire, 2 da ston, ‘hereon —A further description is| deemed unnecessary, as it may be! sctibers on the premises. DAVID CUMMINGS, JOHN TRIMBLE, Indiana, March 29th 1823. NOTICE, IS bereby given to all Stockholders in the Lewistown and Kishacoquillas Tarppike Road, who are in arrears for Stock, that unless the same be ful ly paid up, to William P. Maclay. Treasurer of said company on or be- fore the first day of July next, the payments already made will be declar- ad forfeited. By order of the board of Managers SAMUEL MACLAY, Pres’t. April 23, 1823. best obtained by apolying to the oub-! Connecticut, New-York City hanks New-York country notes New-Jersey, T 1 dd par. lto 5 (Trenton, dis. Mount Holly, 4 Camberland, Newark, Brunswick Bank, Sussex Bank, State Bank at Trenton, At Elizabethiown At Morristown At Patterson At Brunswick Pennsylvania, Philadelphia notes, Germantown Easton Bank, Camden Chester county Bank, West Chester Montgomery county Bank, Northampton Bank, J.ancaster Bank, Harrisburg Bank do par do do do do do do do do do pap da do do do do do do do NOTICE. All persons are hereby warned not to take an assignment of Prote which a certain John Elder, of Nittany valley Centre county, holds of mine, as [ lam determined not to pay the same unless compelled ; he having obtained itit in a fraudulent and unlawful man- : ner. JOHN CHARLES. Mifflinborg, Union Soar] May 9th. 1822, FOR SALE. Farmers bk. of Reading, do. | BANK NOTES AT A DISCOUNT. Far. Bank Bucks co. 1 Carlicle Bank, New Hope Bridge, Bank at Milton, Chambersburg, York Bank, Gettysburg, Swatara Bank, Pittsburg Notes, Centre Bank {Columbia bridge com. Greensburg Brownsville i 1 x 1 1 2 1 5 3 1 1 ir 11 Justices and Constable Yor the above Rich Prizes apply’ The subscriber offers for sale a ' FOR SALE AT THIS OFYIg
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers