Ye ———— X —. 3 X WAR As we ey sy ; ‘. : © . * Wh yo ; Fr RIO 19) say BELLEFONT Bh CENTRE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, PRINTED BY H. PETRIKIN. or a 7 Fa . VE WEDNESDAY, June 4, 1823. No. 1 rey 1 CoNDIT] (ONS, ~ ry T {this naper 18 LV nm—=hnt af padi vad AND 3 +N ra PY EVE CEN ES only wall ZL i Advarisements, maxing no more ery, (ates, St. Clare, De La Fayette. ' S it hy wit} » (D- toneeth than breudihy avail he. ip crt three ames wr one doiani and) 0 ' 1 TF ARSE . FIN every subse juent’ contin } Choce of oreater — ASE = Ale or heure Welhruo Cont , 1 4 » rid AT) r— ' 5 Yio 3 53 Fh 4*L Vd DONO 4 Ee ba siad Lage 1" ICs vork dou OBL RRND: SL roy Ripa erintion wi he precetyea Joy nor any NADEY! rcs als i loss than. ane "YORE; ¥ disconLing 3d untii ait ayreRral yaa © Ht the suhsanher dags not request ais ominnance of ing panar, as thed N TV rasa igorect end of the ygary it Will DE CONSIGCTE : ° I, o> ~ A as a now engagements and the pape i : | celine ’ {omy yeeled acreyYal3gny ! . oi . $apin are | Sabserihers who Bye their pan G the postage. Lottars addressed “to t i 27 ran ratio d { Ap ied by Lhe tall, must De tabie dor 5 i he caiton must ha postpaid. Ee, IEPA Ir il O x bl § RB (0 IRON WOR A ¥ X's rt ® e Washington - ~~ 8 > 1 ia) a i | 3 : - vo Sitnated in Nittane Valley, Ce tre} : 11.105 A beacon wherewith tagainst. county, about fifteen Miles helow [ic gone, six miles from Bald ar} creo. and nine miles trom the river 3 the works are well situated. the Thrhace is watered hv a lee spring and’ on never filing strenms an the Forge by Fshing: creck, either +4 (hese streams seldom cven freeze There is about two thousand acres ol wn e eycellent land ar'jining ithe two excelient Banks, ane weil, the! b ire 1" a Nn ans, ahont two and mies, an he other thre@fourihs of a mile fron Tha Cre 1s } 14 the - sh, } sha Furnace. pot superior, to avy In rates. The Forges in good repal 1 tng . aD 3 ‘ and has begn work spr “er x on PE Un hy en blast fy ‘yreace has, not been in ay ue tine, and will yequire some re : nin wats oOWnAr! 13 ‘® Iron Wo them, therefore any The nnacqy er . i, ~ el conduct Sy ant rent ’ “on Wav nt Iron Works > 1 jt to their advantage to come Ir nlie Aj the Vy ONES OS inc subsari- (Gen. George lelerant portrait accompanying Or ime. Alss, a btography of Pre sidents Yor. bE of the Whiskey Insurrection, with the {ry ary of America now extant 3 and or [account of nublishiae it in fhumbers Suegnehannal A TARR AN QB £] RD, Coad ee we es Poot nN Oy ot (OY Miss CROdB, $ Lad : “ Resrectfully informs the public shat she intends opening a school for YOUNG LADIES, in the Beilefonte Academy, on Mon. day the 12th instant 3 where strict | ention will be given to the morai con-! Washington, with an the Adame, Jefferson; Madison and Non: with a staking likeness of each of Generals Wayne A biography m, Morgan, Montgom Mercer, Put na ’ ated x ~ oa yakinsko, and others. An. accoun! names of the most nrominent actor in that scepe. Bure's - Conspiracy. fTistory of the Barbary wars. Histo of the late war. Biography o (Generals Jackson, Brown, Ripley Vinder, Boyd, DMlier, Wilkinson scot, (Gaines, Harrison, &¢ as weil as Comodores Decatur, Perry, Porter, $a) sbridpe, Chauncey, Hull, Law rence, and Blddie, Beg well aware that this pape: iJ] contain the most interesting His ments of those committed to her care io receive instruclion, in the fo ing branches, to wit : , Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Ln- lish Grammar, Ancient & Modern Qtr Dil 1 5 & (yeogrranhv, Ancient & Modern His. ory, Composition, Drawing. Phin & Orpam:ntal Needlework. —F or terms and further particulars enquire at the Academy. Ww The Establishment of THE on TRING era a REEQETEL i will enable every mdividual to take | 4 COPY-——$ wall as the cheapness of the work, mustinduCe every man td pation z= such a laudable and praiee worthy undertaking. Letevery Sub: i of his paper for o year, and then get them bound, and they must become a public benefit to topnit rad 2 ite un application to tbe editor. many adveniurecs—many battles.—and many anecdotes which have never heen H. PETRI published to the worid—0lany a hotwdip -g, »—= Tiditars with whom we ex- ale of Indian barbaiiy and British| cruelty, wiil be recorded in this paper” to guard a he anid LS WA dre EO 2A IR | ek) ia RR 8 ry wa. Sk ew, Sendvad amd Nak IS OFFERED FOR SALE. The terms may be ascertained 1 A gscriber take care by } Iino reneration tHe rising Zen ation. Z TN] alate hange will do us a kinduess by in- serting the above in their respective papers. WANSED, A Journeyman WAGGUNMA- KER. Apply to the subscriber hv. ing in Bellefonte, © CHARLE March 25 1823. 833 Leoruary 28, CONDITION The YWASHINGTONTANA will be published every Tuesday morning on a new type and beautiful paper. arid stall contain four jarge quario pages cach week, Tue price to Subscribers will be two dollars a year—one dollar a! the time of receiving the first num- bier, and the other at the commence- ment of the half year. 3.4T his paper will be commenced on the filth dav of May, when the fis. number will appear, and “shall be carefully packed ap and forwarded to Subscribers, “in any part of the United States, with all possible speed ; and incase of any pumbe: being josty the publisher will send it fice ol expense. : . Avy person procuring nme good subscribers, shall receive one vol: ume or their trouble, FOR SALW, A "ARM late the property of RCE S. / MACKEY. TERRE B Wi WILLIAM WILSON (OF WILLIAMSPORT.) HAS REMOVED 00 TY. HOUSE LATELY OCCUPILD BY J. BULEINGTION, IN [IARRIS- .. "BURG And solitiis a continuavce of pub- IC patrone ro, April, 12th 1823, 1 ! 5 Bellefonte & Philips- burg Turnpike Compa- ny. The Stockholders of the Bellefonte Thomas Willing Esq. deceased, sitn ate on Baldeagle and Marsh creeks and view said lives on the premises and will Lier sg and 1thyer make the terrns easy and liberal, FIDAYTIYIN > Qo NT Ata NAIL ANI) Ne Jan. 20h 1823, HH { tle Penngylvania In- The INhiorso te ancer, iAaAncasi cl Har-isbur pr ; % £ 3; - + n Th. 1, velligencer, Lancaster 3 iridlli- and and Pbilipsburg Tarnpike Company ten miles hove the mouth of the for i will please to tzke Notice, that an election will be hel® on Monday the second day of June next at the house mer, and fifteen distant from Belle fonte'; containing about of Evan Miles in Bellefonte between the hours of 1 and 5 o'clock ofthe afternoon of that day ve Paria, ape rene sie to insert } respective “ yyw e an the none rs > ! l papers { ¢ thig roelr bilis (to the subscriber for pay J. BH weekly lar de onths and firward Jab re Sn Tan RIPPOSALS, \V. mn PAaxrrn, / natpss ££ PP Lancaster, | F a.) weekly paper to be entitled the ineioniana. VEY | the do t+ 2 5 » Po nT cave to say, that this mast Important ha the NAS ever val annear- ihe Editor . » entireliv tn ie paper, thRL k vy. ) vhs x 3 the Ubnited States. ot Te ad 5 tn devote it those at impartant events which have oc. in ~~ hAS this LL ain the facto? ced ail} ¢iica, and i" a, . ~~ * ar! mos m ana United res, iro its. discovery, up to the WN vig of America, - ans. ic’ C <r Ristary of the cil pois Ave How Settling of as purchased he wsacres of the whites Nena Tore our the and dis- that 1 [ar hy of the most aces dRfing re The coanses and 4 Rich ted HE Aw hich et dence. hat tlea and skis \glutionary war. A » to . ~ruratée oan a $< oa nighes dnringithe +e y “by water to Baltimore. correspon. Those to American Inde- him pi accourt of liquidation. biography : CE 3 wo eicct - by ballot, one President, twelve glavagers, a Secretary and ~ ‘ 0 of which are improved. the remainder well timbered with Treasurer, to Manage the concerns of =aid Company for the epsnine vear, By order of the Board THOS. BURNSIDE, Pres’: {onte, April 28, 1823. White cak. Hickory &ee The lan ‘is fertile, and adapted for eitiier a gral; grazing farm. The Iron work: in the vicini'y afford a copstant an. Delle ‘pocd market for any article the far- TR Should he prefer transporting his produce t« mer may wish to dispose of. WAITES OFFICE. re — ZL CT —— In the Second Class, "the Seca board, he can with ease and y ata trifling expense convey ¥ The build ings consist of a good log house and barn ; a log cabbin and stable. The ract will admit of being divided int tery, For terms ap J. M. FOX. Bellefonte, April 8th 1823, Tol § § P10 IKEEA NL 0 OR JOHN M’- KLE must call immediate’y and pay three or four farms. which was recently completed in Phil- acelphia, all the following prizes, com- prising nearly the whole scheme, have been paid— All the Capitals, viz, 15,000 Doliars, 8,000 Dol'ars, 5000 Dollar 00 Doilars 2,000 Dollars 5 of $1200, 10 of $500, 14 of R100 and nearly all the Prizes of $6, a- mounting to nly to 1 v Or S, <3 > | All persons indebted to * Te 75000 Dollars. CAPITAL PRIZES inthe THIRD CLASS PENNSYLVANIA STATE LOTTERY, G. W. WAITE, Maxac zr, for which he a ill b® immediately a All who neglect this notice will be sued without respect to have accounis against present them also fo perseng— Who Cas 1. 3M. PETRIR Diih 1822 oe a IN. i “CC ber Rr. 5 ed when drawn. Juet zs well 2g the mental acquire- the wheel, Now- Pumbers, and those who purchase two Orthoovaphy, tCkets of the same number, may draw wD % * — ON [HOTEL the Borough of Pennsyivania State Lot- isuits will be indiscriminately institut. of Indiana on the great road leadinf from said borough to Kittanning I'he improvements are | Two good cabin houses, and cabin barn, about fifly acres clear ed, five of which are meadow, and more may be made, with a small Apple Orchard, thereon—ALSO—A containing 142 Acres any two of the ahove capitals, and the situate about five miles west of ai holder of ten tickets, which will costborough, on Crooked creek, with 2 only $60, may draw the handsome ¢2bbin house and bain thereon, with sum ot thant SIXty or seventy acres cleared 2 28 © ENT twelve acres of which are meadow 528 { 00 a quantity more may be made, witl The drawing will be annou five sugar camps and a small orchare Yew days. thereon.—A further description is Whole Tickets only deemed unnecessary, as it may be Halves best obtained by applying to the sub es 1 50 (scribers on the premises, v Lirhtbs 75 DAVID CUMMINGS, For the above Rich Prizes apply JOHN TRIMBLE, immed:aely at Indiana, March 29th 1823 WAITESS — OLD ESTABLISHED NOTICE, C3 AND FORTUNATE OFFICE. IS hereby given to all Stockholder | h-West Corner of Chesnut and 'n the Lewistown and Kishac ville : Third street's, Pailadelphia, ‘Turnpike Road wh 2 9 ws | Who sold and paid all the prizes in 1. Who, eTe In arreaf tthe former classes of the Penusylvania for Stock, that unless the same be ful. ‘State Lottery, and who sold and paid ly paid up, to William P. Macla prizes amounting to upwards of . | Treasurer of said company on or be iS , TEN A J L y L-g EVEN Lg OF DOL- fore the first day of July next, t Being thie Jargest sriotut of prizes Payments already made will be declar ever sold or paid by any other Broker ed forfeited. in America. Almostall kinds of Bank! By order of the board of Manager {Notes bought on the lowest terms, 3 3. gc Orders inciosing the Cash will] SAMUEL MACLAY, Prea't, April 23, 1823. be promptly attended to, and all Lot- . NOTICE. tery information given gratis. All persons are hereby warned no FOR SALE, to take an assignment of a note whici A HOUSE & FOUR ACRES OF, certain John Eld i LAND, situate in Howard township| fy of Nittany yal} . Centre county, holds of mine, as I am determined not to pay the same unless compelled ; he having obtained itit ina fraudulent and unlawful man ner. 2 of 2 &6.000 2,000 1,500 1,000 10 200 12 100 Resides numerons Prizes of $50, and smaller Prizes. Every Number will be Drawn from 4 tract of land ‘This Lottery contains only 5972! a ”r ne ed in a - 86%00 3 00 Sout Centre Co. on the road leading from Jellefonte to the Big Island, 8 miles below Milesburg ; adjoining lands of The a- bove premises are well calculated for Michael Meese and others, 57 JOHN CHARLES, Mifllinborg, Union oumrid May 9th. 1822. TI— © IRNS—— —— BANK NOTE EXCHANGE. IN PHILADELPHIA. United States Branches, Boston, * any person who is disposed to keep a Tavern and Store ; Now in the occu pation of John Ligget. For terms ap ply to the subscriber living in Howard township: ; : 1 ct. diss April 26, 1823. I do 2 do 1 do par Ito & TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF °c" Hampshire, THE CENTRE, & KISHACOQUIL- LAS TURNPIKE ROAD COMPA- NY. NOTICE IS hereby given, that in pursuance | of a resolution of the Board of Mana- Connecticut, New-York City banks New-York country notes New-Jergey, Trenton, Mount Holly, Cumberland, Newark, Brunswick Bank, Sussex Bank, State Bank at Trenton, At Elizabethtown At Morristown Mt Patterson At Brunswick Pennsylvania, Philadelphia notes, Germantown Easton Bank, Camden : Chester county Bank, West Chester Montgomery county, Bank, Northampton Bank, Lancaster Bank, Harrisburg Bank do Farmers bk. of Reading, do. I. BANK NOTES AT A DISCOUNT. Far. Bank Bucks co. 1 Carlisle ky New Hoff Bridge, road will be completed on or before Bank at Milton, Chambersburg, | York Bank, that the sum now required will be Gettysburg, 'Swatara Bank, (Pittsburg Notes, Centre Bank Columbia bridge com, Greensburg Brownsville % par do do do do do do do do do dis o gers of the Centre & Kishacoquillas Turnpike road Company, the stock- holders are requested and required, to pay the sum of thirty dollars on each and every share of stock, on the sev enteenth day of May 1823, to Forster Milliken, Treasurer of the said com- do do do do do do do do pany, at his house in Armaugh town- ship Mifflin county. This sum em- braces the various calls previously made by the said company. It is re. quested, that the stockholders will be punctual in making the payment, as ed against defaulters. The Managers are pleased to have it in their power, to assure the stockholders that the - the first of June, and are of opinion a Sxenn een hl adequate to its completion. By order of the Board «JACOB VALENTINE, Pres’t. PRIVATE SALE: A valuable plantation, or tract of — 11 Justices and Constables Ar ID land containing ; 225 Acres, _ BLANKS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers