hy on sont 3 oh ha pn TN tate X= PAL J ge * LLEFONTE BELLEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, PRINTED BY H. PETRIKIN. io WEDNESDAY, March 12, 1823. Sr ————— — , Tt et ti et 7 a —_ "RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF CLEARFI1ELD COUNTY FOR THE YEAR 1823. Alexander B. Reed, Treasures, in account with said county, from the 8th. day of January 1822, until the 21st. of January 1823, both days inclusive. Dr. | 3 unseated lands J %35556 29 1.2|By cash paid Supervisors $2525 08 Gash received hn A Esq. collector of Covington township 24 61 Wolf and panther orders , 760 43 Job England, collector of Pike township 334 90 Courthouse contract to R. Collins : 997 I1 _ Amasa Smith, collector oi Becaria township 170 64 Robert Ross and Dayid Ferguson commissioners of the A Thomas Lewis, collector of Gibson township 78 09 Mushannon and Clearficld road | #33 09 Valentine Flegle, collector of Bradford township 50 00 Educating poor children 4 54 <saac Horton, collector of Fox township 121 16 Martin Hoover witness in case Com. vs. Keaggy 5 | Ballance due Treasurer 14 00 Sheriff’s fees, Com. vs. Clayton —— Sheriff’s fees summoning jurors $6249 69 1-2 Ebenezer Magee paper case for commissioners John G. Lowrey Clerk of the Sessions Election expenses Road viewers . Inquests of Ann Albert, John Hoover, and Erlicks : Com. vs. Wm. Tate : Commissioners wages, D. Ferguson Money due the county on notes on the sale Be Oe : . do do Robert Ross of unseated lands in the year 1818 do do M. Ogden ve do do Alex. Reed pias teks 3 J. M. Fox counsel fees Abrabam Allen for 1830 Avnditors wages Henry Irwin Ass 580T8 wages Philip Bawins Jurors wages Jacob Jackson S. Fulton, late treasurer, fees on unseated lands Jsanc Goone Exonera ions to collectors { Richard Rowles Alexander Reed office rent Jolin Bareficld Henry Petrikin for printing Levi Hicks Alexander Reed, Post Master, for pestage Witness & Coroner’s fees com. vs Munks Treasurer's per centage on $6335 69 at 4 per cent. 5 NOTES OF SALES OF 1524. " illiam Leonard James Mix / Greenwood Bell, Esq, Money overpaid to the several supervisors of the different townships from the year 1818 / John Biss to the year 1821 inclusive, they having drawn the whole amoont of the road sax not Jsael Steere deducting the treasurers per centage, viz. \ ] John §. Brockway : | ~ Lawrence township 195 37. 0 do As Pike do 5945 34 Dravid Robwsod & ; v Bradford do 382 18 Rudolph Litch po tans 0 2} * Beca do 312 78 John Miller ; os Covington do 125 20 Samuel Moore eh : Gibson do 95 26] Samuel Fulton ph aR y : ol TFex de : oF dd John Biss “ "3 i ya Ebenezer Magee 3 : a Morris Fryby lh Fe x A Ball. Jsael Steere 3% A John Watson i 8 John Biss : > Having examined the accounts of A. B. Reed, Tre tc 11 3 George B. Engles mm CONS of A. 5. HBR RT ol learfie!d connty, we find a bala . vs. Joseph Boone, debt & interes olance due said treasurer of fourteen dollars, likewise the following sums due the county: Nine Judgrach. vs, P ? hundred thirty-five dollars forty three cents on notes and judg uents; thre hundeed) fortw nine dollars fifty six cents by colleciors ; fifteen hundred twenty four dollars fify ight, cents by different townships on money overpaid on account of Treusu cr’s percentoge, ‘Givels ander our hands the 21st of January 1823. “ Valentine Elegel do Bradford township for do GEORGE WELCH ELISHA SCOFIELD. Archibald Shaw, callector of T.awrence township for 1822 : ALEXANDER READ ] Y Com’rs, ATTEST, JAMmEs REep Clik. Dp— EY rm ONE m— CUT AND DRY, N O T ICE There is about two thousand acres of NOI {GE AND SNUFF. and adjoini tl excellent wood, land sgjoining ihe All persons indebted to the estate of The price of this paper is TWO Ay of which he will di 7 : DOLLARS er annum—bu i pid 2 0 i Cc — yd 4) On IS hereby given to all persons in- works, there are two excellent JOHN MOORE, late of Potter tow in ad : DUI AND the most reasonable terms for Lash or 4 in advance, GLI AR debted te the estate of Isaac Fisher Ore Banks, ship, dec’d are requested to come fora ward on or before the first day o SEVENTY FIVE CENTS only will country produce. Country merchants sq (ooo goward on or before be charged. 3 ’ ; Advertisements, making no more will be allowed a reasonable credit. he frst day of March next, and settle 0n€ about two and a ball miles, and in length than breadth, will be in- —— off their accounts; as after that date he other three fourths of a mile from RRR RIEL a PUBLIC SALE. their accounts will be lodged in the he Furpace. The Ore is cqual, a : : Lg Nn twenty-five cents.—Those of greater hands of James Crawford, Esq. for DO! superior, {to any in the United Th States. The Forge is in good repair setticment. ose persons nut coma length in proportion.—Rule or figure ; work double those rates. last will and testament of Jobn Glen, and has been working until Jast spring. No subscription will be received for late of Ferguson township, ‘deceased less than one year; nor any paper o i to produce them properly attested for 3 } ; discontinued until all arrearages are bi BS W We i: the a root some time, and will require some re- pENSON M’ELIEANY, aid. day of March next, the loliowing de- * pairs. The owner is unacquainted NANCY MOORE. $ tim If the subscriber does not request scribed tracts of land situate in the JOHN M’CALMONT, Ad'mr: oop conducting Tron Works, and Jan. 28, 1823 y diszontinuance of his paper, at the _. Rm ' 24: pes hw DD sidered said township, viz. A tract of land January 13; 1823. wishes to rent them, thercfore any - March next, and make payment, and those having demand will please press heir accounts legally attested for By virtue and in pursuance of the . ” : collection, All persons having de- : . i plying with this request will bave their accounts lodged in the bands of proper officers for cellection. 3 mands against said estate, wili please The Furnace has not been in blast for Be 3 5 3 9 ‘as a new engagement; and. the paper containing one hundred and fourteen person wanting to rent Tron Works Gillespie and Smith, i forwarded accordingly. acres, of which between 80 and 90 will findit to their advantage to come 4 Subscribers who have their papers jo 0 . : 3 : . vr. Tuform their friends that they have carved by the mail; must be Liable for : re cleared, with a dwelling : and view said Works, as the subscri Cp dhe Lr ; the postage, house thereon erected. A tract of The Washington ber lives on the premises and will ©© Letters addressed to the editor land containing one hundred and fift ~ make the terms easy and liberal. a must be post paid. acres, of which one hundred i IRON WORKS, JOHN S EMDLASON. Boot and Shoemaking “TW, WARD are cleared, having thereon erected a Situated in Nittany. Valiey, Centre Jan, 25:8 1823. business in the borough of Bellefonte pf Sei dwelling house and barn. The land county, about fifteen Miles below Belle The Editorsof the Pennsylvania In. in thc shop next to Messrs, Hams 'obacconist, is of an excellent quality. Terms fonte, six miles from Baldeagle creek, teligencer, Harrisburg ; Lancastr- mond and Page’s store, where the y Informs his friends and the public, made known on the day of sale, onthe and nine miles from the Susquehanna Intelligencer, Lancaster ; and Baltic intend keeping on hand a quantity o tat he has on hand a large quantity premises. Due attendance will be river; the works are well situated, more Patriot, are requested to insert first rate faskionable Boots and Shoes of given by and on never filing streams ; the the above in their respective papers, which they will dispose of on the CHEWING TOBACCO, JAMES GLEN, Furnace is watered by a large spring weekly for three months and forward 10+ reasonable terms for cash on $PANISH & AMERICAN © JOHN BAILEY, zara. and the Forge by Fshing-creck, either their bills to the subscriber for” pay. country produce. SEGARS, January 1st 1833. of these streams seldom ever [recze. ment; 3. He Dec, 3d 1822,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers