| 1g. y ps k RN TQ No BELLEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY, PEN YLVANIA, PRINTED BY H. PETRIKIN. — 7 Vol. \ —— WEDNESDAY, May 7, 1823. a ——— nD —— i — —~ —— CONDITIONS. /The price of this paper is TWO PILLARS per annum—but if paid inl advance, ONE DOLILLAR AND SEVENTY VIVE CENTS only will be charged. Adverigements, making no more In length than breadth, will be in- serted thrge times for one dollar; and for every subsejuent continuance twenty-five cents.—Those of greate: length in proportion.— Rule or figure [double those rates. Br a ER RTE A DAT ttre Arrant Spe rea eer work No subscription will be received fo! fess than one year; nor any paper discontion2d until all arrearages are paid. I{ tie subscriber does not request WF ontinuanee of his paper, at the eid of the year, it will be considered af a new engagomentiy and the paper forwarded accordingly. Subscribers whe hitve their papers vied by the mail, must be liable for © postage. oF ay gene! " . $v - Letters addressed to the editor Gen. George Washington, with an clegant portrait accompanying the same, Also, a biography of President Adams, Jefferson, Madison and Mon roe, with a striking likeness of each A biography of Generals Wayne Mercer, Putnam, Morgan, Montgom ery, Gates, St. Clair, De La Fayette, Koskiusko, and others. An accoun! B iefonte & Philips- burg turnpike Road. - il i By a resolution of the Board, the stockholders are required to pay tod . | the Treasurer a farther payment of tay, and place of drilling their respec-fhorn on Monday the 12th day | Fhe Baualion commanded by Raymond on Tuesday the 15th ; ; Che Battalion comminded be ob The Ist Battalion 127th regiment; Siewart on Wedn:sday the [4h an Monday the 12th of May, May. The Batalion commanded by The Bittalion commanded by Ma- i el on Thursday the 15th The Battalion commanded by Major ilve companies in company order. In Battalions in the following order. } - jor WALKER on Tuesday the 13th. of the Whiskey Insurrection, with the names of the most prominent actor: in that scene. Burr's Conspiracy. History of the Barbary wars. Histo ry of the late war. Biography o! Generals Jackson, Brown, Ripley] Winder, Boyd, Miller, Wilkinson, Scott, Gaines, Harrison, &c as well as Comodores Decatury Perry, Porter, Bainbridge, Chauncey, Huil, Law rence, and Biddle. Being well aware that this pape: will contain the most interesting Fis tory of Amevica pow extant ; and op account of publishiag it in numbers, it will enable every individual to {ake a copy-—as well as the cheapness ol the work, mustinduce every man fo patronize such a laudable and praise wo dollars on each share, on or before the 1st-day of May next. JOS. MILES, Treas | March 10th. 1823, | | oe nn aria ods un WAP AATF IE TRE A Journeyman WAGGOUNMA.' KER. Applyto the subscriber wv) ing 1 Bellefonte, CHARLES MACKLY. March 25 1823. the Establishment of] ~The Batialioo commanded by Ma- Hayslett on I'riday the 16th of M vy jor SHARON on Wednesday the 14th.'1e Battalion commanded by M i? 2¥, The Battalion commanded by Ma. Irvine on Saturday the 17th of. jor Dickson on Thursday the 15th. aud the Battalion commanded by M jor Luther on Monday the 19th of 3 May. Officers who do not make 1heie : returns agrecably to law, may egpect | The Battalion commanded by Maa to be dealt with accordingly. jor Bowers en Saturday the 17th, JAMES T. SCOTT. ; : . Inspector 2nd. Brig. IC j M The 1st Battalion of the 12th regi- erro An 7 De £4 2 y April 7, The 2d Battalion 127th regiment ob Friday the 16th. Bellefonte & Phili ps Ee burg Turnpike Compa= ny. } ment on Monday the 19th ‘t he 2d Battalion of said regiment on Tuesday the 20th. The 1st Battalion of the 111th re- giment on Wednesday the 21st The 2d Battalion of said regiment The Stockliolders of the Bellefonte 3 rs Y and Philipsburg Turnpike Company will please to take Notice, that an on Thursday the 22d. #7 The Brush Valley Volnnteer| worthy undertaking. Lét every Sub- scriber take care’ of his paper for o . THE | " A { Aton yon [YY wi" ~ bh BELLE OTIS ry tee: TY’ T 10 RENT The Washington IRON WORKS it > k ’ efituated in Nittahyy Valley, Centre scunty, about fifteen Miles below Belie® funte, six miles from Baldeagle creek and nine miles from the Susquehanna river; the works are well situated, and on never failing streams ; the Furnace is watered by a large spring and the Forge by Wshing creck, either of these streams seldom ever freeze There is about two thousand acres of excellent wood | land adjoining the wo:ks, there ara two excellent Ore Banks, ene, about two atid a halt miles, and the other three fourths of a mile from the Furpace. ‘Ebe Ore is equal, if not superior, §to any in the United States. The Forge is in good repait and has been working until jast spring. The Furnace has not been in blast for some time, 2nd ‘will require some re: pairs. with The owner is unacquainted conducting wishes to rent them, therefore any person waating fio rent Iron Works will find it to their advantage to come and view said VWorks, as the subscri- ber lives on the premises and will make the terms easy and liberal, JOH(N HEXDERSON. Jan. 27h 183 3. The Editors oof the Pennsylvania In- geligencer, Hur:isburg ; Lancaster 1ncelligencer, L.ancaster ; and Balti. “more Patrioty are requested to insert the above In their respective papers, weekly for three months and forward their bills to the subscriber for pay- mente J. H, PROPOSALS, By W. BAXTER, Zor Publishing in Lancaster, ( Pa.) a weekly papier to be entitled the Washingtoniana. IN presenting this Prospectus to the Citizens of the United States, the publisher begs icave to say, that this \ journal will be the most important \ state paper, that has ever yet appear- &d in the United States. The Liditor ihends to devote it entirely to those great important events w hich have oc curidd in this happy America, will contain the most complete and satisfactory history of the United Grates, from its discovery, up to the present period, viz : Discovery of America, pled by the Indiansy Settling of our forelathers Lands purchased by the whites. Massacres ofthe whites and Indians. Biography of the most dis- tinguished petsonag time. . The causes dence which led to te ly a, ana » and pendence. the battles an Revoluiionary war. Iron Works, and 1 How peco- cs daring that All who neglect this notice will be _Correspon- sued without American Inde- Those who have accounts against An accurate accourt of him please d skirmishes durivg the liquidation, A biography “of 5 ii i ib year, an‘ then’ get them bound, and they must become a public bevefit to the rising generation. It will contain many adventures—many battles—and many anecdotes which have never been published to the world—Many a hoiid tale of Indian barbariiy and Briush cruelty, will be recorded in this paper, as a beacon wherewith to guard agaiust. Lebruary 28, 1823, ro CONDITIONS. I.‘The Wasmincronrana will be published every Tuesday morning |. on 4 new type and beautiful paper and shall contain four large quarto pages each week. Tue price to Subscribers will be two dollars a year—one dollar at the time of receiving the first num- ber, and the other at the commence- ment of the half year. Thig paper will be commenced on the filth day of May, when the firs: number will appear, and shall be carefully packed up and forwarded to Subscribers, in any part of the United States, with all possible speed ; and in case of any numbe being lost, the publisher will send it free of expense. Any person procuring nine good subscribers, shail receive one vol ume or their trouble. FOR SALE. A FARM late the property of -— PATRIOP 1S OFFERED FOR SALE. The terms may be ascertained by application to the editor. : H. PETRIKIN. P. 8. p= Editors with whom we ex- change will do us a Kinduess by in- | { | { seriing the above in their respective papers, NOTICE. of Thomas Hastings Jr. late of Boggs township Centre County, dec’d. are | cequested to come forward and make | payment ; and those having demands | 10 present tier fur setiemunt legally | authenticated, on or before the 1st. day of May next, WILLIAM FISHER. Ex’», Boggs township, March 10 1823. FEY YAY iO RENT. A bouse situate in Boggs town- ship, about five and a half miles from 3, the Borough of Bellefont, on the Belle tonte and Philipsburg Turnpike road together with a comnmedious stable, « Thomas Willing Esq. deceased, situ es 20d bok lor atest nond Jud ere is also on said premisesa well The house and premises is well adaped fora TAVERN STAND and will be rented as such—possession will be For living in ate on Baldeagle and Marsh creeks ten miles above the mouth of the for. mer, and fifteen distant from Belle- fonte ; containing about «00 ‘Acres ; 170 of which are improved, the remainder well timbered with : White oak, Hickory &c. The land [is fertile, and adapted for either a grain f never-failing waters above given on the Ist of April next. terms apply to the subsciber Boggs township. JOHN HOOVER. March 8th. 1823. Dissolution of Partner- | B | ALL persons indebted to the estate 21 fle ill me i . ; : Rifle Company will meet with the election will be held on Monday the second day of June next at the house of Evan Miles in the Borough of Bellefonte between the hours of 1 and 5 o’clock ofthe afternoon of that day to elect by ballot, one President, twelve Managers, a Secretary and Treasurer, to Manage the concerns of attalion, 12th regiment. It is the wish of the Inspector that no difficulty may arise as respects company rolls. T. HQRRELL, Brig. Ins. Ist Brig. 10th Div. P. M Brigade Inspector’s Office, } Allensville, 8th Afiril 1823. UNION HOTEL WILLIAM WILSON (OF WILLIAMSPORT.) HAS REMOVED TO THE HOUSE LATELY OCCUPIZD BY J. BUFPFINGTON, IN HARRIS BURG And solicits a continuance of pub- lic patrenare, April, 12th 1 Nix cents “ said Company for the ensuing year. By order of the Board THOS. BURNSIDE, Press's, Bellefonte, April 28, 1823. REMOVAL, Abraham Webber, Informs his friends that he has res moved his shop to Allegheny street, Rellefonie, immediately Yeiow James Kelogps’s store. lle keeps constants : iy ou band an assortment of : Tinware, which he will dispose of on the mos reasonable terms for cash. Bellefonte March 11, 1823, ; N B. An apprentice to the above | weiness wanted. One between the aces of fifteen and sixicen would be preferred, on 823. —— A —, tt —————— a —————— ————— Keward, cash --- or the amount in Carpet Rags, AW, —————— SRE © ASST BANK NOTE EXCHANGE; . IN PHILADELPHIA. United States Branches, 1 ct. dis. 1 do 2 do do par 1to 5 Moston, New-Hampshire, Fer a, Yes : Ranaway from the Subscriber on Lo A Connecticut, New-York City banks New-York country notes New-Jersey, the night of the 17th inst. an appren. tice to the Tayloring business, named, Noah Kimple, Trenton, Mount Holly, Cumberland, Newark, Brunswick Bank, Sussex Bank, State Bank at Trenton, At Elizabethtown At Morristown At Patterson par de de do do do do do do aged about 23 years, about five feet ight inches high, of dark complex yn 3; he has lost one of his front teeth —he may be easily known, for he is His lways grinning and laughing, ‘or grazing farm. The Iron works in the vicinity afford a constant and gotd market for apv article the fur- mer may wish to dispose of. Should ship- THE Partnership existing unde: the firm of COOK & LEBO Store- keepers, was dissolved on Saturday the 22d The Store will be conducted in fu- | . o he prefer transporting his produce to inst. the Sea board, he can with ease and by mutual consent, an fat + 113 ; ‘ne 3 safety ata trifling expense convey it ture under the firm of Robert &° James clothes were of the following descrip-{ Brunswick do Pennsylvania, Plriladelphia notes, rermantown [Zaston Bank, {Camden “hiester county Bank, West Chester Montgomery county, Bank, ion : one gray dress coat, black vest, pat’ do do do do do do srey pantalooos, and a ball worn ro- am hat. All persons are cautioned o be on their guard against him, as ve has had several masters, snd has some tricks not quite honest : he was | and to pay all debts contracted by the | - | jate firm. 3. by water to Baltimore. The build i Cook, who are to receive all debts due, ngs consist of a good log house and The ract will admit of being divided into bree or four farms. For terms ap ply to J. M. FOX. 19) < barn ; a log cabbin and stable. | ROBERT COOK, JACOBG. LLEBO Potter Township, March 22 182 DTF)S AN SPER BRICADE ORDERS. THE enrolied Militia of the Is Brig. 10th Dive P. M. will be drilled lin companies and trained in Battalions Bellefonte, April 8th 18 ao De NOTICE. All persons indebted to JOHN M’- » KEL must call immediately and pay respect to persons— by their proper officers, In the month of May next, as foliows 2 present them also for In companies, on the first Monday of May next. Captains or command- mg officers shall appoint the time of al J. M. PETRIKIN. scember 37th 1833, | 5 rying the strength of some dweiling [Northampton Bank, Lancaster Bauk, Harrisburg Bank do i"armers bk. of Reading, do. : BANK NOTES AT A DISCOUNT. Far. Bunk Bucks co. 1 - Carlisle Bank, 1 New Hope Bridge, 1 Bank at Milton, 15 Chambersburg, 1 York Bank, 1I Gettysburg, , {Swatara Bank, Pittsburg Notes, ‘Centre Bank {Columbia bridge com. do houses the evening he absconded. All do persons are forbid harboring him, as the subscriber is determined to prose- cute, to the extent of the law, any person employing bim. The above reward will se given for bringing him \home, but no charges. JACOB K. HETTINGER. {Mitlheim, Haines town- ¢ ship, April 18, 1823 Brigade Orders. The. Militia and Volunteers shel parade in Companies and Battalicaos 8 follows, viz. ln Companies on the frst Monday in May pext, and the Battalion ‘commanded by Major Goos- { \Greensburg Brownsville FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers