SEE TRFONTE PATRIOT, BELLEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, PRINTED BY H. PETRIKIN. —— WEDNESDAY, August 7, 1822. ——————— ma ———— Ao. ONDLTIONS. The price of this paper is TWO DOLLARS per annum—but if paid in advance, ONE DOLLAR AND SEVENTY FIVE CENTS only wil be charged, Advertisements, making no more in length than breadth, will be in erted three ‘= mes for one dollar ; anc or every subsejuent continuance twenty-five cents.— hose of greates length in proportion.— Rule or figure work double those rates. No subscription will be received for less than one year; hor any pape discontinuad until all arrearages ais paid. if the subscriber does not request a dis -ontinuance of his paper, at the end of the year, it will be considered 45 a new engagement; and the pape! y. forwarded accordingly Subscribers who have their papers car sicd by the mail, must be liable for the postage. Letters . addressed to the editos be post paid. | | ust e—Y BT Ee wn Sr? SA TRL BLAIR) INFORMS his friends, and the pub- 1ick in general, that he has commune- Potter NYS [3D Ed Lk cmd ed business in Pennsvalley, township, Centre County, on the main road leading from Earleystown to Kel lers Mills, two mailes from the forme: and one halt mile trom the latter place glirectly at the intersection of the Loop road with the above mentioned mai yoad, where he intends carrying on the Bpianing Wheel, Fancy Windsor, & Rush Bot- tom, ov CTAIR MAKING, In all its various branches, together toa and gilding. — ‘he has'had io with house painting, Yrom the experience this line of business, and by keeping the best of workmen, he will be ena- bled to keep on hand the best and mcs! i 1 1 appli fashionable work, which he will sel at a redwced price for cash or coun. try produce, Pennsvalley, March 18th 1822. PARTNERSHIP The subscribers having entered Into partnership, make known, that they will do all kind of Carpenter Work, on the shortest noticeyand in the best manner, and as cheap as possibly cai be done. JOHN BARR, DAVID PRUNER. Jan. 22d 1822. MILL STONES. The subscriber, having discovered , will make Mill an excellent quarry Stones of the first quality, as reasona. bly as can be procured elsewhere. WM. TURNER. Patton township, 1822. © LAWS, fw quota for Centre and Clear- eld counties of the acts of the last Session of the legislature of Pennsyl- vania, is received in the Prothopotarics lable Dry A Cassimeres, Hinghams, {Chacolate, please to apply personally, to ge receipts required to be taken. J. G. LOWREY, Proth’y. Bellefonte, June 11th 1822. NIB | SPRING GOODI JUST RECEIVED BY APPLBNON & 8 WERBRY - JERSEY SHORE, A complete § choice season, Goods, &c best BIRO f EN assortment of the VIZ Broad Cloths, qualities, Canton & N Crapes, Italian black and green do, Senshaws, black & colored, Cambric muslins, Florence, . Jackenett do. Leveniine do. Striped & fie’d do. Satins do. | Mull & Book do. do figured & plain Meno do. Back silk hand’fs | Bombazeens, Gilt Reticle clasp black & color ed, ard Bags, Bambazetts, Steel Purses, do fig’d & plain, Silk Umbrellas, Coiton shawls & Silk & Kid Gloves, Handkerchicts, Imhag sewing silk, India & Steam Blu i and Ycliow loom Shirun gSy Nankeens, Domestic muslin, Rib ons plain&fig’ d do. Factarics, do. in Setts, do Plaids, Stripes Blond Nett, & Chambrays Robbinett and cot- Bed Tickings, ton Lace, Apron checks, Beggars do. Cotton & Worsted Super Russia dril. Hesiety, ling, Dimities, Straw Bounets, Mordceo Shoes; Russia Ducks and do Childrens, Sheetings, Kid do. do. Diaper, Cotton & Cotton Striped Jeans, Yarn, . Shell and Horn Merino shawls, Combs, &c- ALSO, Groceries of every des- cription, amongst which are Philadel. candles, Flaxseed Oil, Whiting, Tar and Rosin, Window glass, Glue, Copperas and Dye Stuffs. ALSO good assortment of Hardware, Ironmongery and Cutlery, and Nails of all sizes, Trace chains, Scythes & Sickles, Sheep & cow bells [ron wire, Straw knives, Hoop Iron, Steet Tin, Centre do. do Brass, Crowleys steel, Pewter & Spelter, English blister do Spectacles, American do. do. ALSO, a full assortment of the following articles : Wines § Liquors, Liverpool ware, (Glass ware, Tin ware, Paints, Brushes, viens and Boys Hats Vankeen Velvets & Cords, Satinelte, Calicoes, Salid Oily Raisins, Cheese, Tea, Rice, Bottled mustard, Molasses, ad 1 e | | | office; to be delivered to the | several pificers, entitled to copies sre of, Fur, wool & chip do. Books and Stationary, nol be expected. scriber Owago do. d: 0D. ios ground iW hite Pine boards Plank and Seantling. They pledge themselves to charge every article full as low as any in the place .== nd allow the bighest prices for all kinds of country produce. Jersey Shore, May 17th 1822, N B: A Mackarel and Heraing, will be re- large supply of Shad, cetved in two or three weeks, LAST NOTICE. Brigade Orders. All persons holding military arm jand other military property belonging to this commonwealth, the Bounds of the 2¢ Brigade, 10th Div P.M. not entitled by law to hold the] same, are hereby ordered to delivet them immediately to the following named persons at their residence, viz. within Those ofthe 1st battalion, 62d regi-| ment, (o Alexander King, Huntingdon 5 the 2d batiahon of said regiment, lo, Capain John Cooper, Shirleysbuig? the lst battalion, 29th reeiment to Heory Latimer, (Iunkeeper;) the 20d. | : acres and allowance. Tains township, in said county, dea ceasgd ; to wit + One tract of land dfuate in the township of Hains and county aforesaid, Peter Nies, Peter. Heck man an ers. Containing thirty acres a lowance. ALSO, One ather tract of lary, situate cons’ {tiguous to and adjoining the Jas: men- hioned tract,and land of Pater Nies ‘and others. containing one hundred Terms of sale, one half of the purchase money to ba paid when the sale is confirmed &* All persons indebted to the estate battalion of said regiment, to the sub. jhe deed or deeds executed, and the that was of WILLIAM PETRIKIN are requested to make payment, & save COsls. H PETRIKIN Exec’ ves giment to Philip Dale, (Innkeeper ) istrators, April 16th, 182: The subscriber requests those ine debted payment to JAMES © immediate il to bim to make IT IN } vial = , 10] order that themselves. W. BRINDLE. May 21, 18.22 PATroxs or THE « Pennsylvanig Intell gencer.” I have taken into copartnership, in this cstablishment, Mr. Simovy Cam RON. ind a came Into my This paper completes one year half, since the establishment hands. subscriber, The amount from my first It will be io each Number is hve dollars. particulat ly necessary that all the ac counts connected with the establish- ment, should be closed up to this ume ; and whatever balances are due, I shally speedily as possible, make out bills and forward them to the places of de- [ have much need of. as livery. The paper will henceforward be is- | sued under the firm of « Mowry i Cameron.” All letters ielative to the business of the establishment, shouid hereafter de directed to the frm. — Letters of private concern, to the in- dividuals interested. CHARLES MOWRY. - ply with thi they may save cosis 10] scriber, Alexandria; the 1st battalion! of the 32d regiment, to Jacob A. . ; the 2ad battalion of said! Phlipsborg arder, may expect to be dealt with according to law. JAMES T. SCOTT, od. 8B. 10th. P. Ins... M. xandria, June 19. L.istof letters in the Post office Bellefonte, July 1822. David Askey, William Alexander, Joshua R. Awl, Joseph Adams, Wil. liam Adams, Philip Benner, Thomas William Brindle, Mr. Brason, Joseph Brownlee, Eliz Beck, John W. Beck, David Boal, Law- rence Batty, John Barr, Mary Calray, Ale remaining at 1 3 Boyle, beth Deafenback; Ioha P. De Haas, than Dalonge, John W. Durbam; Jobn| Deaher, George Disl, Eleazer livans’| John Elder, Bvard Earnest, John Ei der, William Eiliot 2 3 Williarg Fish- er, Joseph M. Fox, James Forster Alexander Fuitoa 2; Charles James Green, Margreta Gousel, James | ! x Fisher’ | Gardner, James Gaibieath, William Graham, Wesley Gunsallus, Corns ius Garner, Thomas Hastings, Mary Ano farsey, Abraham Hartsock, Henr? Hackett, James Henry, Henry Holia Johnston 2; Frederick) baugh, John Kellogg, Caleb Lewis, Joserh Lelleys Harrisburg, May 31, 1822. LAST NOL All persons indebted (A? =» the sub OF to scribers, will please to come forward. settle off their accounts and save costs—any further incduigence peed HAMMOND & PAGE. i Bellefonte, June 4th, 1822. For Sale. TWO NEGRO SLAVES, about forty years of age, a Slave for onc life ; the other about three years old, a For terms apply to Joseph Richards, living at the Baldeagle Bridge, or to the sub- in Dunns Slave for twenty-eight years. at his residence burgh Lycoming county. ISAIAH HOLLINGSWORTH. May 28, 1822. FOR SALE. Abraham Lee, Jacob Richel, James | | M’Cormick, Mary 'M’I'hany, Lewis M’Kain, Andrcw M’- Kee, David M’Donnald, Robert Min Michael Mays, Lucy Min. hall, Jeremiah Mening Samuel Mains | Solomon Mars, Michael M’Cormick. | John M’Bride, John M’Ginley, iam M’Clure 2; James M’Cafferty Alexander Osborn 2 ; Daniel O’Brien, Wil- | Anthony Peters John Mitchell, shall 2 ; ’ s John Poorman, Yorves Parsons, Pettit, John Penwell, George Peters, Jacob Po onrmarn, Jehu | Packer, Alexander B. Reed, Ross, Evan Russle 2 ; James Rothrock David Richards, John Seidman, Josep! Swisher, James Ship, Henry Simbers]] Benjamin J. Snyder, Peter Vardisons Joseph White, William Watson, Da- vid Weaver, William Watson, Philip Wal Wat- Son, Samvue! Young. H. Humes, P. M RA. SO ri Hr HENS Fo WH 4 ker, John Werwick James A lot at Jerseyshore, in Lycoming Sount: contginiag sixty Jet in front | ad-| joing lot Notlie poets of Dr. Asher Davidson. premises a good FRAME HOUS together with a sufficient quantity of, staff for erecting anothe For terms apply to the suscriber, or to Robert] Maffet, living at Jersey-shore. yd ees, Justices, Constables Nova Scotia plaster. ANDREW STEWART Bellefonte, May 14th, 1822. Valuable Real Estate” FOR SALE. Greensburg There are on the BY ORDER OF THE ORPHANS Brownsville cou RT OF CENTRE COUNTY | Will be sold, at public vendue the premises, on | on Saturday the 10th] day of August, next, the following de- scribed property, being the real estate that was of Daniel Figberger, late of Those that neglect or refuse to com-| Job Crandle, Henry Cross, Daniel P : Jona-| J —. — it |New-Hampshire, {Connec tic 7 John Ww « Gettysburg, [residue in tiree annual payments, ¢ (Due attendance will given by Jacob Li Herring E .3q. and Peter Nies, admin, . By the Court, i Certifiad by F. B. SMITH, Ci Belle fonte, ire 6 17th 1822, re WOOL CRDING: The subscriber intends putting his Carding Machine and Cards in com= plete order, which will enable him to D Gard wool at the reduced price of six cents per pound, unui the Hist day of Sepiembery next, and all therealter at the rate of seven cents per pound. Te expects to bave his work done in Superior manner, as hie has employ- 9 an expuricnced hend, who has here- tofure been constantiy employed in a factory. To those who hase heretos tore lavoured him with custom he Leaders is (hanks, and expects a continuance of the sae. HENRY C. HACKETT. Walker towusalp, April 25d, 1822, NT fe fh, fe bs cid a the cgsiate of PETER DENNY, dec’ d, are res quested to make payment, and those naving demands to produce their ace Counts properly authenticated for set= tiement. k. OQ. C- } thelr a NOT All pers 1 EDWARD PURDUE, JAMES STEEL Lrecutors, April §th 1922 wo Bank ole | Line lange, IN PHILADELPHIA. United Sates Branches, 1 Boston, 1 2 1 par 1 tu 5 ig ct. dis. do do do {New-York City banks Ne w-York cou niry notes New- Jersey, 1 par do do do do do do do Frenton, Mount Holly, Sambar ind, ewark, horns, k Bank, Sussex Bank, State Bank at Trenton, {At Elizabethtown At Morristown dis Wil. {At Patterson At Brunswick Pennsylvania. Philadelphia notes; ‘Germantown aston Bank, Camden ‘hesier county Bank, st Chester county Bank, ton Ba do Vio NOT nig ne 1'y 1k, Lancaster, [81 1. 2 Lung Jan 1p oy : farmers Ban ey Harrah i Ji 19) : Balt ducks 5 CO. BANK NOTLS AT A DISCOUNT. Read Ig Oid Bank of Carlisle, New Hope Bridge, Bank at Miitou, Chambersburg, Liitle York, Far. * et ¥ Swatara Bank, Pittsburg Ni tes re Ba fu: nt yi7 & + bri idge com. SOMO ~~ 0 Ny All the rest of Pennsylvania : notes of Incorported banks no sales, Justice “QS and U ‘onstables i'ee Bills, neatly execu a for saicat this office, hounded by fands of 2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers